Absent Friends
Animal Lover

I’m early. I spot one of the larger tables at the back, sit down and order the mezze platter and a bottle of Merlot. I pour myself a glass and by the time I’ve eaten a single olive, I hear my friends coming out of the cold and through the double doors.
It’s the winter of 2012; I can’t exactly recall the month, but it’s bitterly cold. I wave at them; they see me, and they head over.
Sarah looks fabulous. I haven’t seen her in a while and before she’s even taken off her animal print faux fur coat, she dips her index finger into the houmous and pops it into her mouth. She pulls it back out again, all wet and salivary and says, ‘Yummy – I’m starving,’ and plunges the same finger back in for another dip. ‘Oh, soz,’ she tells me, remembering that I’m not a fan of double-dipping.
Her older sister Helen, my oldest friend, is with her. She can’t resist and does exactly the same, but only with more vigour: ‘mmm!’ she goes with accompanying facial expression, ‘that’s good houmous.’ I know her; she likes a wind-up, but luckily, I’m in a relaxed mood, regardless of the fact they’ve come straight off the tube and touched God knows what.
‘Never liked the stuff anyway,’ I tell them.
‘Oh, come on!’ they say, ‘don’t be like that! It’s only germs. They won’t kill you. We have immune systems. It’s only a bit of spit. It’s no different to kissing,’ and they both remind me of the time when I was a student and snogged two Anthropology students in the same night. ‘I know!’ I tell them, blushing at the memory; ‘I just don’t like the idea of it, that’s all.’
Helen pours herself a glass of wine and holds it out – chalice like and I can tell she’s about to get on her soapbox – I’m right.
‘Microbes are important,’ she says. ‘Do you know there’s up to an extra 80 million bacteria in that pot of houmous now…no wait… 160 million in that pot of houmous from both our saliva.’ Helen always was a big head; top of the year throughout school.
‘If anything, you should be thanking us,’ she says; ‘those microbes we’ve just introduced you will probably help strengthen your immune system.’ I close my eyes slowly, pretending to fall asleep; ‘meaning,’ she continues, ‘that you’ll be less likely to catch colds.’
‘Finished now?’ I say, jokingly.
‘Okay, be a germ-phobe,’ she says.
‘Boff!’ I call her – we all laugh.
Fast forward to July 2020. I live in the country – Helen, the city. It’s been a while. Helen’s settled down. She’s got a little girl. She’s four now; and a husband.
They all come to visit me and my partner, and I am shocked to see her come through the garden gate. She’s wearing a mask. I laugh out loud, she doesn’t react the way I expect her to; her eyes look serious, and she asks me where the sink is, so I take her and her daughter through to the kitchen.
I pop a bottle of Prosecco while she lifts her little girl up to the sink.
‘I must say – I am surprised to see you in that mask,’ I tell her; ‘who’s the germ-phobe now, eh?’ I jostle, trying to get a laugh.
‘Happy Birthday to you – Happy Birthday to you…’ they sing at the sink – twice. Maybe she didn’t hear me.
After she puts her daughter to bed, on the little mattress my partner kindly took down from the loft, we all move on to the red wine. It’s like the old days; all talking at once. She asks me if I’m still doing my art, so I go upstairs to show her my latest drawing. It’s a kind of collage with a portrait of Bill Gates in the centre. He’s surrounded by corporate logos and acronyms: WHO; GAVI; BBC, The Guardian.
‘I’ve called it, All Roads Lead to Gates,’ I explain.
‘Is that supposed to be Bill Gates?’ she asks while her husband stares on blankly.
‘Oh, is it that bad?’ I say, ‘I thought the likeness was pretty good myself – but it’s just a doodle really.’ I put it away.
We haven’t mentioned COVID, or the lockdown yet, but after another glass, I broach the subject; tell her I think it’s a load of nonsense; a hoax; a scam – she doesn’t agree; tells me I sound mad.
I tell her I think we are heading towards global fascism unless we stand up to this now. She tells me I’ve been brainwashed; fallen too far down the rabbit hole – tells me she’s worried about me.
I remind her of what she said that night, when she double-dipped her finger in the houmous and that she’s the one who’s been brainwashed, but she says she doesn’t remember. I do – I remember it being a really good night.
It gets heated, and then she explodes: ‘So, you’re telling me I’ve brought my daughter into a terrible world!’ she yells. I don’t know how to answer. She downs her wine, puts her glass on the table and walks out the room – a few seconds after, her husband follows her.
‘I don’t get it,’ I say to my partner. ‘The Helen I know, and love doesn’t walk away from heated debate, if anything, she thrives on it. What have I done wrong?’
She doesn’t come back down; got a headache, her husband says, and we call it a night.
The next morning, we all get ready for a trip to the playground.
‘Have you got the hand sanitiser?’ Helen asks her husband. ‘Under the buggy,’ he replies.
It’s a sunny day, so I go get their daughter a pair of pink, heart-shaped sunglasses I found in one of the drawers some time ago; not sure who they belong to, but they’re child-sized, so I guess they must have belonged to my partner’s daughter a few years back – she’s grown up now.
‘I can’t wear the sunglasses because of all the nasty germs,’ their daughter tells me. I look shocked. Helen sees my reaction.
I can’t type anymore. I close my laptop and go to get a tissue. I’m upset; no – I’m angry. Whitty! Vallance! Gates! Van-Tam! – where’s my friend? What have you done with her?
They leave that afternoon rather than stay another night and when they’ve gone, I pour myself a Merlot from the bottle we never got a chance to open.
I make a toast – to absent friends and wonder if the next time I see her, she’ll be cheering on, from outside the double-perimeter fence as I’m marched into the internment camp. I finish the bottle.
Just a week ago, she emailed me; invited my partner and I over to London, to see their new house; but only as long as we drive down, rather than come by train; to lessen the chances of either of us passing anything on when we reach the other end – I doubt we’ll go.
Funnily enough, I’ve got over my hang-up about double-dipping now.
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Its not your fault or problem that she decided to go crazy. And that’s what she did, it was a choice. Someone that intelligent doesn’t want to see the data? Trusts what others tell her as irrefutable facts now?
We’l all lose most people close to us by the end one way or another.
Just shows you how eating too much humus damages the cerebral cortex.
Oh and by the way, in these covidian times, your grape should really be the malbec variety, which carries the most resveratrol.
In response to me stating “covidian ONS number facts”, my sister literally shouted “I don’t want to hear this Mark”. Twice. Which just shows you the power of double jab investment on the cerebral cortex …
very sad, but this happening to people, its almost impossible to make them understand the gravity of where their compliance is leading, the problem is for me is they can’t see that their compliance will remove our entry to society and perhaps end us up in camps. But i guess their reasoning is that our refusal to have the clot shots puts their lives at risk – is there a compromise? Well if they are using vax passports which is the key to the new fascism, then i would not compromise myself in any way for them, so it would be the car – however if they draw the line at the actual passport use (that incs giving covid tests to enter venues) then I would perhaps accomodate their fear to the point of maybe washing my hands more than usual, not visitiing them post a meeting with 5 thousand others in a cramped environmnt etc. …. great article though , really kept me gripped from start to finish ….
i dont believe its fear anymore…Their brains are mush. Likely trapped forever in that millisecond after the truth sunk in.
Couldnt face it. Not the choice they made to vax a kid, that 9/11 was likely these same co**suckers and by the way take the BLM sign off your yard bc thats all bullshit too – (you thought the fires didnt look peaceful), your country isnt not just what you were convinced of, its the exact opposite.
Not good, evil
That was the hardest thing prob of my life for me and i never served nor have kids that do. Its all too much for most
What a “tour de force” from this author. The greatest exchange in words is this one:
“I’ve called it, All Roads Lead to Gates,’ I explain.‘Is that supposed to be Bill Gates?’ she asks while her husband stares on blankly.”
So, the inteloquteur understands what is at stake: She wants to protect Bill Gates and all his crew.
No words suffice to tell what folks are like who flock to defend Bill Gates, qute unnecessarily: But in my native language (Norwegian) we call those of her like “quislings”. QED!
I hope the authpr changes their mind and goes to see their friend in the city. She invited you – after all. She can’t see you as the mortal threat she’s been told to see you as. Demanding one takes the car and not the train is a little wacky, but as far as I can tell things could have gone a lot worse. The author may very well be the only person in her life to offer an alternative to the madness, and i’d say keeping that door open for her would be the moral thing to do.
It’s what i’m trying to do. Some old friends may have written me off for my dissent, but I am trying not to do the same for them. Even if I find their obedience on this particular matter immoral. Splitting us up is precisely what the powers that shouldn’t be want.
I share your sadness. So many friends lost to this nightmare. The monsters that created this dystopia don’t even realise the losses we suffer – they don’t know love or friendship. They know power and control.
What a perfect allegory for what happened with all my former friends, to one degree or another. My ex-partner even told me I sounded like I’m in a cult, and that I need psychiatric help — all for questioning Sandy Hook and the Boston Marathon psy-ops. Wow, guilty as charged I guess. Not sure how that makes me qualify as a patient at the local psych office. And what’s with the bizarre accusation of me being a cult member? Grab a mirror, former friend.
What gets me most about the order followers, the good Germans, the sheep, my former friends — is their assertion that both of our positions are valid, so we’ll just have to agree to disagree. Nope, sorry, can’t do it. Their position is literally embracing and promoting evil; my position is fighting evil. This is right vs. wrong, good vs. evil, not “I like oranges, you like apples.” The fact that these people don’t even know how to spot evil is what concerns me. They’ve tuned out of reality, with the help of a gargantuan propaganda operation, and now, they find themselves completely on the wrong side of history. “Just following orders” didn’t cut it then, and it doesn’t cut it now.
Pardon the repetition if you’ve already seen my recurring comments about my old friend M., but it resonates with your situation.
M. is good-hearted, and although she’s no intellectual she is, or was, a contrarian “thinker” willing to question authority. She’s a 66-year old US progressive-liberal who’s still stuck in the progressive electoral-politics myth: Republicans, e.g. Trump, evil, Democrats inept but well-meaning.
M. very reluctantly (she says) got the Megadeath Virus of Doom (MVD) pseudo-vaccine after sustained pressure from her spouse and family, especially in-laws; her husband is in a care facility with advanced MS, and M. claimed that she had to give in and get jabbed in order to visit him after over a year of quarantine-mandated separation.
M. originally claimed to be “on the fence” about the legitimacy of the scamdemic, and likewise expressed distrust for the “COVID vaccines”, but was willing to discuss it with me. After she got the “vaccination”, she informed me with studied casualness that she didn’t want to, or couldn’t, discuss the scamdemic any more; she’d “heard so much on both sides” that she’d concluded that everyone has an opinion, but “no one” really knows the truth of the matter.
Poor M. was already beleaguered by her scamdemic-thrall family– her “very smart” older sister, a retired nurse, adult children, and the abovementioned in-laws. Since her spouse moved (or was moved) to the care facility months before the scamdemic was launched, and has been saturated with the bogus official narrative despite having Internet access, it’s understandable that he takes it all at face value, and is an enthusiastic fan of the pseudo-vaccinations.
It’s obvious enough that M.’s retreat to the “safe zone” of false equivalence is evidence of cognitive dissonance. It’s been a slippery slope, and once one gets the MVD injection, there’s a powerful psychological inclination to obscure or deny inconvenient truths and consequences. I remain sympathetic in consideration of her difficult situation, so I suppress the urge or wish to point out that, like many others, she’s adopted a false perspective in order to get along.
Thank you Ort for sharing that — I hadn’t seen your comments so it was new to me. It’s such a sad situation with so many going along to get along, putting themselves at extreme risk, mostly out of willful ignorance. It’s hard to have sympathy, but I try, especially with people in my own sphere who are brainwashed from so many years of conditioning and indoctrination. They love their servitude though, and as you pointed out, once they’re invested in the jab, it’s extremely difficult for them to escape the clutches of the tyrants, who they now view as benefactors. Staggering. The same investment happens when people vote — they stand by their choice no matter the lies and betrayals. I have a former friend who refused to look at the Sandy Hook evidence that questioned the official narrative, proclaiming “I only need to hear what Obama has to say.” He chose to stay on that path and throw away our 25-year friendship, rather than consider, even slightly, that he may have been duped. Foolish pride. It’s gonna bring us all down. I’m finding it extremely difficult to be optimistic in this fight against pure evil, given the levels of mind control saturating the masses. But….. we press on. The alternative is capitulation, which is NEVER going to happen, even if it means death.
Joe Biden wrote Bill Clinton’s 1994 Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act which incorporated the 1994 Federal Assault Weapon ban, which expired after a 10 year sunset clause which Sandy Hook was designed to resurrect.
Biden’s kabbalistic fingerprints were clearly imprinted on the fake Sandy hook funerals …
Thanks — I wasn’t aware of that, but no big surprise. I wonder how they plan to really crack down with gun control in the U.S. — ammo shortages perhaps. Their psy-ops seem to backfire — more gun sales after Sandy Hook, etc. Many people contend that the 2nd Amendment has to be shot to hell before they can truly take over here. Australia had its own fake school shooting that ushered in the destruction of firearms, and look at the state of that country now. Seems a clear correlation. I’m sure there are plans for dealing with U.S. gun owners. Civil war perhaps, or just full fledged collapse of everything. *sigh*
They will keep trying, whatever it takes.
Martin Bryant did the honours in 1994 at Port Arthur, Tasmania.
Ditto for Thomas Hamilton at Dunblane, Scotland in 1996.
The Clinton / Biden Federal Assault Weapons Ban Came Into Force CIF on 13 September 1994 – the same day as the Timothy McVeigh OKC narrative claims he started his alleged “plot”.
The Sandy Hook theatrics, produced on 14 December 2012 occurred after an interval of 6666 days from the Federal Assault Weapons Ban CIF on 13 September 1994 ….
( Note : Interval type date arithmetic counts only the Y, M, W, D between the start and end dates and does not include either. )
On 11 September 1994, two days before Bill Clinton was to sign the Federal Assault Weapons Ban, Frank Eugen Corder reportedly stole a Cessna light aircraft. The next day, 12 September 1994 on the eve of Bill signing the Bill, reportedly, Frank Corder crashed the Cessna on the White House lawn …
Joe Biden and the fake Sandy Hook funerals …
All I do is argue with people all day long on both sides of the conspiracy fence including with my identical twin and what I learnt quite awhile ago but still cannot really accept – I’m a very slow learner in this regard – is that people can be perfectly evidence-based when their inclinations to believe align with the evidence but when their inclinations to believe do not align with the evidence it doesn’t matter how much you wave the evidence in front of their noses or point out the illogicality of their argument it simply does not make a scrap of difference: people will believe according to their inclination to believe, not according to the evidence in the vast majority of cases.
What I think is interesting is the fact that people have such strong inclinations, in the first place, to believe one thing or another. Why that strong inclination? Why not an attitude of open-mindedness? We all know that power lies to us, why are we so resistant to recognising that they don’t just tell small and medium-sized lies, they tell absolute whoppers. What’s the big deal really? … and then, of course, for those of us prepared to recognise the whoppers, they have propaganda all prepared just for us and when some of the recognisers-of-the-whoppers figure out that the whopper isn’t quite what we thought and try to tell the other recognisers, “Not quite what we thought, it’s actually something different,” we end up with the same problem as the recognisers have trying to tell the non-recognisers of the whopper, a phenomenon the power elite rely on very much to their advantage.
In my own case there are a couple of events where while I tend to believe one way, the evidence seems to show something else but I’m slow to “jump the fence” and that is the assassinations of JFK and RFK. There is evidence that shows that these two assassinations were actually completely staged and that’s very difficult to get my head around. A number of other hoaxes I was literally prepared to jump the fence – or at least to very much allow the possibility of – within minutes of consulting the evidence but these two assassinations being complete hoaxes? Really?
Here’s some evidence supporting JFK’s being a hoax if anyone’s interested in going down that rabbit hole. I do think Jackie’s turning around and stretching out to the back of the car is a very strange thing for her to do in the circumstances and there’s definitely something clunky about the whole thing. I really wouldn’t have thought that the perps would take such a risk with a sharpshooter to get it right and not misshoot … and, of course, we’re told a rather cockamamie-sounding story about John Connally being the recipient of one of the bullets.
We absolutely know that Lee Harvey Oswald’s shooting was staged in the fact that no still from the alleged “shot live on TV” footage matches the famous photo.
Thank you very much for those links. I had read a long piece by Miles Mathis a few years ago that was fairly convincing too. The fact that JFK was in a convertible with no protection (e.g. bullet-proof glass) riding through a city where he was known to have political enemies is something that just seems really stupid, unless…..
Mathis suggests that JFK went into hiding perhaps at Martha’s Vineyard and ruled from the shadows. People have a lot of trouble grasping that JFK wasn’t a saint — especially given his speeches where he deplored secrecy etc., and spoke against the Federal Reserve. Well, all I can say is that talk is cheap, and why couldn’t those speeches have been designed for the very purpose of making JFK look like an outsider, or a man of principles, for the people, yada yada? All presidents play this game anyway, to a certain degree. Think Trump — what a performance. As if.
I’ll be digging into those links — thanks again!
Oh, here’s the Miles Mathis link if you’re unfamiliar and interested:
The Hidden King(s)
Thanks for the MM link. Actually, I read it too awhile ago but couldn’t be bothered trying to find the link again for a reread so thanks!
Here are a couple of other links:
I simply don’t understand why he would rule from the shadows, that doesn’t seem to make any sense to me. In John Connally’s Wikipedia entry it says he felt he was the rightful candidate pre-JFK’s election because of his Addison’s disease which would mean he wouldn’t be able to serve his term … but who knows if that’s some kind of propaganda or what … and yes his speeches could have been designed to make him look like a man of principle … but I have to say I struggle with that.
I guess my main stumbling block in recognising the assassination was fake is lack of understanding of the reason and wondering where the hell he would hide out (but then doesn’t the latter apply to so many?) but I know you need to judge by the evidence not a lack of understanding of motive because, of course, just because you can’t conceive of a motive doesn’t mean there isn’t one.
The most disconcerting bit is the kid’s reaction. They’re targeting the new generations with ruthless efficiency, and we’ll soon enough find ourselves disparaged outcasts in a world peopled with monsters.
I Try to sound as nice as possible.
To us you people sound exactly like the mask wearers and people who believe in the mainstream narrative.
Yet you have been sold a alt media narrative. i.e
Gates Dr. Fauci WEF or WHO etc equates to’ i cant do real research or study’!
‘I only repeated what oligarchy alt media sells me’.
Your exactly like the same. Yet you cant see it.
Yes, show your virtue and be nice to the Bolsheviks, keep those eyes shut real tight, and goodness will reign in your imagination.
helen is ‘gone’, she’s never coming back, in fact she was never ‘there’….. so move on.. , you will have to learn and practice more ‘discriminating’ social skills ‘going forward’… and practice them wisely..
in fact, in the very near future such people as ‘helen’ will be hell-on-earth and a most dangerous enemy…
the worst kind….
you should have noticed when she decided to stick her dirty saliva soaked fingers in your ‘dip’.. that she really didn’t give a shit about you..
she was obviously a socio-path…
Reading this three years on just for the comments – LOL.
That’s so sad but it’s happening.
It appears impossible to change people’s opinions, a traumatic experience might shake them awake, but logic won’t. The constant fear based messaging has short circuited their brains. Play the long game, plant seeds.
That’s just not true and a gross generalization. People can be persuaded just as they’ve been persuaded by the propaganda. Personally, I’ve had a number of successes and hav not met a person who can outwit me. We need to be very informed and assertive, they don’t have a chance.
I found Mattias Desmet’s testimony to Reiner Füllmich’s committee helpful. He says, even if you won’t pursuade the hypnotized with rational arguments, it is still worth articulating them as it may still reduce the heights to which the hysteria goes if enough people do this. So I do raise rational objections to the narrative without going overboard, and with no expectation that I will convince anybody.
Most of the times there never was a brain to begin with. The abysmal stupidity of the general populace was bound to become a problem at some point. Today that time has arrived.
Wish I’d said this Jacques. Sublime. MG.
Well told! We’re all there with you, each with a story that changed a seemingly unchangeable and indestructible relationship, and then our lives.
What impertinence.
We still, kind of scream at each other, via words and texts on the internet, but I always try and be supportive, cos my Ex is very bright girl (also a sexagenarian
[ sek-suh-juh-nair-ee-uhn ] )
She gave up meat almost like me, when I had given up smoking (I know what these anti-smokers are like) – cos I was one of them.
She doesn’t mind about that. She has devoted her life, since we split up for animal rights, being a total vegan.
She ain’t Gay. She is still an Absolutely Beautiful Girl…..and Turns Up To PROTEST in Central London…for Both Animal Rights, and Her Pension – Denied to her when she was expecting it at the age of 60, working most of her life, and being a mother to her too kids.
My Ex has got balls. She has got courage, to fight for what she believes is right.
I always liked Craig Murray, from when I read his book Murder in Samakand, in The Maldives with all my Family in 2009..well it wasn’t 1999, when our family first went,when I unexpectedly suddenly had £10,000. O.K. I had been playing a bit with computer games…So, I asked her where are we going??? We didn’t know, but she does read all the magazines…
So we go,
We are on our way back, from The Maldives, and being “posh”, the Flight Crew, pass us the Sunday Times at Easter 1999. My wife and kids were on the plane…
I know it was a few years before, when I fell in love, with my Ex (and we fell out – like you do), but we never fell out of love with each other, even now 42 years later.
Why is My Country ENGLAND Bombing SERBIA to shit???
Her Family were from Serbia. They came to England to escape WWII
Then no contact in 40 years, we just expected to see each other at gigs, and eventually did
We hugged.,,in a thunderstorm. Her husband dropped her off at 11:00 am, before anything had started.
She still looked almost exactly the same, except she was very wet. My wife was still in bed, in our tent. I said she will be fine…so I go back to our tent on a very rainy and stormy Sunday Morning, and introduce my Ex to My Wife
They had both put up with me.
They get on like a house on fire.
I do not sit in the middle at gigs..
I am not surprised that Julian Assange has had a mini-stroke. I hope he hasn’t been jabbed.
I try not to get too stressed, and when I do, I get up and dance.
I naturally assumed well since 9/11, almost all websites, blogs etc (I could never be bothered to do my own), were going to have people commenting there, paid by Government, Military, Spies, and The MI5 and The MI6, and Mossad, and The CIA etc..
but so wtf.
I am not frightened of them.
It’s just my point of view. You don’t have to like it. If you really dislike what I write, well just delete me
Still Here
“Craig Murray – Torture 1 of 7”
Is Doune The Rabbit Hole 2022 on?
We did get Married in Scotland..
We didn’t tell anyone.
We ran away to Gretna Green.
Our Marriage Certificate is Real, and So are We.
She’s Cute
Why Tony, thank you kindly for another thoughtful heart to heart; a worthy supplement for my ongoing mental health programme/ssss. I absolutely love reading your life’s struggles as it makes me feel, by comparison …. dare it say it? A little bit normal.
It is very stressful toiling down here in the Lav, unappreciated, especially when so many of the Og mutants clearly don’t share the dreams and ambitions of yours truly, the Team, our illustrious sponsors and all those alphabet soup NGOs that force feed us their academic nourishment: heartburn is just another way of saying we love you.
Yes she’s cute indeed, but which one of the imperial Pikachus is she – not one of them had balls, or am I missing something?
I lived in Scotland overlooking the unHoly Loch and the USS Canopus, aka the Cannabis, it mothered hungry submarines that came to suckle from her teat.
Scottish Rod got it in London from Ty Hardin who got it in Morocco – it was a crazy ship.
Bronco is dead now.
They put me in gaol, threatened me – but I refused to talk.
The judge got pissed off at me – he obviously didn’t like my contribution in The Observer challenging his illogical logic.
The locals loved it, even old Morag stopped me in the street and said: “What you wrote is true…” – nobody liked old whisky nose anyway.
She’s dead now.
He couldn’t keep me locked up – I paid a fine under threat of a free holiday at Barlinnie if I did it again.
I did it again, and again, and again – but the bastards never caught me.
But I digress …
Our Team member Aisin-Gioro has no first name, her granduncle was Puyi’s best friend, she identifies as a sound, an e-major, but she is really cute, she’s a tall beautiful Manchu – she takes selfies dressed in nothing but an imperial red silk g-string…
and she looks majestic … in spite of her undisciplined testicles.
I love her …
… but not her testicles.
Dr Justin PhuXXXD (day in the life – must end)
You posted the same video three times. It wasn’t ‘swapping out’ it was simply your browser cache showing you the last video you watched. Next time clear the cache and you’ll see the vid you posted
Why thank you A1 – it was all very weird because the correct video would show when I up loaded but when the page was refreshed another video I had watched previously appeared. Never happened before. It must have been my Apple Mac – it’s a mad Scot and hasn’t been sober since I bought it.
Unfortunately we surrounded by the Helens of this world ,,easier to run a marathon than get them to even question the given narrative .
How many of us have intelligent friends who have their common sense & intelligence deeply buried in sand ,,and for some unknown reason prefer keep there than dare even question the common narrative ?
Story is spot on .Unfortunately we all seem surrounded by the Helens of this world ,,and seems no what common sense &factual data is presented to them ,,nothing &I mean Nothing is going make them question the narrative ..
All this talk of “tin foil.hat wearing conspiracy theorists ” about time term was invented term for the folk who obstinately want keep head in sand and Bury their own intelligence .
Clearly Animal Lover struggles to accept reality; after a quick scan of the comments below it becomes obvious that you Og mutants blindly support her. I can’t understand how you could do such a thing, maybe you have overdosed on common sense, real science, rationality and critical thought but in this day an age those things are soooo yesterday and very destructive indeed. I truly despair sometimes and feel like giving it all up – the free prawn dumplings and sausage rolls are poor compensation for what you all put me through.
On the other hand this Helen lady gets it, she gives me hope. Helen is the perfect homo sapien (sic) variant. Helen obsessively wears masks; washes her hands red raw, rejects all those aforementioned things you Og boys and girls overdose on – and no doubt refuses to have sex with her husband unless they are both covered in disinfected glad wrap. She is an obsessive and obedient nut case who is totally willing to turn her beautiful innocent child into same. Now, that’s my type of women!
So please, show a bit of respect for the true believers – they are what makes this planet grate !!!
Dr Justin PhuXXXD (animal lover but yet to be caught)
PS Karen our highly strung Kiwi Team member is also an animal lover. “Zie” loves the smell of lanolin in the morning. “Zie” can’t wait to return home this xmas and get reacquainted with “the harem”. The Team is expecting “Zie” will return in the new year and be stress free for (hopefully) at least a day or two.
Brilliant and bloody funny… You’re actually giving CJ Hopkins a good run for his money here. Covered in disinfected glad wrap!? Were they still wearing facemasks for added protection?😆 Oh dear, I just had visions there! And as a Kiwi, I also had a fleeting vision in my head of large flocks of sheep, all dosed up, meandering through the shopping malls…. oops, I meant paddocks of my homeland. Not to mention all the paddocks here in Australia. Thanks for the laugh Justin.
“Yeh. Well.” (sigh). “That’s what free-floating anxiety does. You never know when it will strike, or over what.” Germ-friendly today. Terrified tomorrow. Dr Sigmund Freud wrote about it. Dr Wilhelm Reich called it ‘Stasis Anxiety’. No one reads them anymore.
We’re all sophisticated, and clever. Just like those educated Germans in 1920-30s.
We Know “It wont happen here !”
Hitler was a germophobe.
“Focused on cultivating the health and strength of a so-called ‘German racial community’ (Volksgemeinschaft), the Nazi regime organized mass X-ray screenings for tuberculosis, cancer, heart disease, and other ailments.1 For example, the University of Munich began requiring X-ray screenings of its students in summer 1933 as mobile X-ray units began to test German factories’ entire workforces.
In 1939, an ‘SS X-ray battalion’ screened virtually the entire population of Mecklenburg and Pomerania for tuberculosis–roughly 650,000 people.”
Germophobia is often closely related to xenophobia – i.e. the fear of danger from “foreign” bodies.
Often, during times of large and/or growing insecurities, scarcities, and other psychological dissonance/annoyances, many people tend to project their fears & anxieties outwards, towards other, external objects/factors/etc.
I’ve noticed a disturbing trend of recent where more people are dividing more, forming ever-smaller & more exclusive groups.
There seems to be much less trust, lesser cohesiveness, less consideration and much more fear & intolerance of opposition.
Interestingly, despite the seeming human instinct for mere Dichotomous Thinking (i.e. “either/or”, “this or that”, “black or white”, etc.), in reality things are rarely so easily grouped & labeled into merely simplistic terms.
Even “bad” germs, like E. coli, Aspergillus Niger (aka “black mold”) and such possess & perform vital functions in the natural world.
E. coli (which by itself is a relatively vague term as E. Coli offer amongst the largest diversity of species), is one of the greatest natural producers of asparaginase, an enzyme that is recognized as one of the greatest killers of certain Cancer cells.
Aspergillus Niger (aka “black mold”), despite being one of the worst fungi a human can inhale, is recognized for producing numerous beneficial natural antibiotics.
Many other “bad” germs serve as beneficial foodstuff for earthworms, and other decomposing heterotrophic living beings.
Thus things, like even “germs”, can be both “good” and “bad” at the same time.
Microorganisms, both “good” and “bad” form a bases for all life.
The contemporary “war on microorganisms” is likely to produce massive negative consequences for decades to come.
I am admittedly somewhat of a “germophobe”, but even I recognize much of the irrationality of that fear of germs.
Volumes of research demonstrates how much of the human body is outnumbered up to 10:1 “foreign” cells to “human” cells. With those “foreign” cells producing a possible infinite number of benefits to those “human” cells, and the whole of the human body.
The “covid” event has given us the chance for more logical & intellectual reflection.
Rather than irrational germophobia, we should be learning better hygiene and other lifestyle habits (like better diets, less pollution, etc.).
Prior to the “covid” event, the CDC and other entities were warning of the growing dangers of (synthetic) antibiotic resistance. Yet uses of (synthetic) antibiotics has only grown.
But sadly, much of that opportunity for more logical & intellectual reflection has gone largely ignored.
The Science has progressed from the days of the NAZI mobile mass X-ray tests. Today we have mobile simple PCR tests… Same function – to have society believe it is SICK, needs a medical treatment.
In a roundabout way, you are approaching terrain theory. The situation, person, health, etc. determine the effect of a microbe.
Of the 3 million different genes identifiable in a person, only 30,000 are human; the rest come from thousands of species of microbes. We need them even for stable mood and essential neuro-transmitters.
Hitler again? Come on, dig up some nice chaps from another empire of love that crumbled (hint: Islands in Western Europe)!
Thank you for this!!
Aldous Huxley:
Medical science has made such tremendous progress that there is hardly a healthy human left.
George Orwell:
If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a (masked) human face, forever.
COVID-19 = CON JOB-1984
Aldous Huxley worked for intelligence and was part of the sinister LSD experiments. Orwell was in British Intelligence, a hardcore anti-communist fascist. Be careful who you quote
And what does that have to do with the quotes being true or not? Lighten up. It’s the nutter vaxxers we gotta worry about…
“When you have to shoot, shoot. Don’t talk.” — Tuco
George Orwell fought on the Republican side in the Spanish civil war, i.e. against fascists.
COVID stands for Certificate of Vaccination I.D. Can’t say we weren’t told.
The sheep 🐑 knew. They always know. But they simply explain it away to themselves as usual.
Doublethink means the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one’s mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them.
— George Orwell, 1984
See standing up to the bad guys takes a lot of courage, and those who benefit from the spoils of empire, are too cowardly to defend themselves when the empire begins to devour them as it eventually falls…
You think you’re better than I am? Where we came from, if one did not want to die of poverty, one became a priest or a bandit! You chose your way, I chose mine. Mine was harder. You talk of our mother and father. You remember when you left to become a priest? I stayed behind! I must have been ten, twelve. I don’t remember which, but I stayed. I tried, but it was no good. Now I am going to tell you something. You became a priest because you were… too much of a coward to do what I do!
I thought maybe COVert ID
The CMO of Moderna ( RNA Mode ) was in the papers the other day proclaiming his fears of a new variant with Delta and Omicron combined …
Daily Mail : Omicron and Delta may strike people at the same time and COMBINE to create an even worse Covid variant in the coming weeks, Moderna boss warns
An anagram of “Delta Omicron” is “Media Control” …
Two for the price of one = double the profits.
Covid is a marketing and control program, as we all know.
Here are some cartoon images meant to terrify us of the new threat from the combining mutants, delta and omicron. Will this be called something like ‘delicron’, ‘omilta’ or ‘tomicron’?
What’s left of Liberal-Leftyism (aka Wokism) is fragmenting over boosters and lockstep fascism; and they’re already eating their own.
Dec 11, 2021
Glenn Greenwald
Just keep sticking out your arm and don’t question. And definitely don’t express any skepticism online about any of these decrees because you’re likely to end up banned.
Links to:
https :// thehill .com/policy/healthcare/585065-pfizer-ceo-says-fourth-vaccine-shot-may-eventually-be-needed
Pfizer CEO says fourth vaccine shot may eventually be needed
By Peter Sullivan – 12/09/21
Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla on Wednesday said that a fourth dose of the COVID-19 vaccine may eventually be needed amid concerns about the omicron variant. Bourla told CNBC that he previously thought a fourth shot may be needed 12 months after the third dose, but with omicron, that timeline may need to be moved up.
Trevor Noah Called “Anti-Vaxxer” For Questioning Big Pharma
The Jimmy Dore Show
Dec 7, 2021
It is not a secret – or a “”conspiracy theory” – at all that the real goal of this Covid-plandemic and the lock downs and masks and so on is “The Great Rest”. This Klaus Schwab of the WEF himself propagandised it several times.
Look at the title of his book: “COVID19: THE GREAT RESET” –
“The Great Rest.”
More like the Great Rest in Peace.
Shock horror and totally unexpected news: the covid certain death level has now risen from sourly boring to soul crushingly tedious!
Hospitals will have to be closed indefinitely as the numbers of terminally numb patients has risen to an all time high of four per county!
The experts and their chums The Scientists announce the new You Must Be Fucking Joking Variant!
Sadly in aust I hear the one clogging the hospital are suffering from post traumatic fear syndrome…not enough hospital beds etc etc…and it is real. Mostly older folk
This is a test: I am officially logged-in to see if this technique will keep my comment out of Pending Purgatory (going on an 55 minutes now).
Is this a cookies thing? How can I avoid being tagged each and every time? How do some commenters get past, while others don’t?
I am sorry you’re having difficulties. I’ll look into it. A2
I never become concerned when any of my comments are put on “hold” – and i’m not even a Zen Buddhist. I know they’ll be released after everyone else has gone to bed. Chin up Old Fella.
Yeah, it got to me…again. I’ll try to lighten up. Thanks Les.
You fixed it! It’s my first comment to make it through in months! Awesome! Thanks!
My friends and relatives seem to be just going through the motions. In fact, most people seem to be where I am in the UK. Christmas events going ahead as usual and the government so weak and discredited they won’t be able to do anything to stop it. Have a great one, everyone!
An interesting comment about this foolery came from a centre-right talk show. Now that the political elite is so utterly discredited in the eyes of almost everyone this right-of-centre chap commented on what he termed ”The coalition from hell” a reference to the far-centre centrist blob of the Labour party and the Conservative party. I wonder what sort of political parties in the future might be, because now the present ones are finished, dead and buried.
“tells me she’s worried about me”
Ah, the compassion trolling…
“Her phobia is infection
She needs one to survive
It’s her built-in protection
Without fear she’d give up and die”
20% Level headed rational people .. versus .. 80% hysterical incoherent shriekboxes .
That’s how its panned out in my world.
The strong bond with the 20% far outweighs the loss of the 80%
Bozo the clown will address the nation at 8pm tonight…I will be certain…to not bother watching or listening to a word that he says…I will do something life affirming instead.
Has anyone seen any footage of yesterday’s London, England march against vaccination mandates/passports ?
she allowed her child to become attached to the image, an image not theirs, not hers, so become of another, become IT….Question is, in truth, was she always of that breed ?
Such a profound essay. Thank you, Animal Lover.
I found the friend’s explosive and defensive reaction (“‘So, you’re telling me I’ve brought my daughter into a terrible world!’) most insightful. Well, in a word, yes, Helen. But it’s not too late to open your eyes and ask yourself how you can help ensure that your innocent child doesn’t inherit a dystopian, totalitarian hell-hole.
The prospect of a “dystopian, totalitarian hell-hole” is the comforting suggestion provided for the uninformed to cleave to.
The forthcoming reality is not at all comforting…
True! I actually know someone who loved Brave New World, expressed with wistful sighs and all.
Though not one of those brainy Behavioural Psychologists, i do know that Cleverness, Wittiness, often mask defensiveness, fragility. We all can lose Our Wits when frightened. Made worse when you’ve a child to protect.
Right. A lot of first time parents become obnoxious germophopes, but as the exhaustion and reality set in, by the third child, when the pacifier drops – as one version of the joke goes – the dog licks it clean and back it goes to baby!
Unfortunately, those days are gone. Helen needs a serious wake-up call before her child is called up for that first injection. What will it take?
Years ago I had a classic doctor-dog: An Anatolian Shepherd Dog who was fanatical about keeping clean and sweet-smelling any wounds that he detected on my hands.
As I was working a lot with steel fabrication at that time, I got a fair few.
Since I knew the gypsy lore about dog’s antiseptic saliva, I let Mishca see to my wounds. Fantastic results! They always healed clean and pink and – invariably – sweet-smelling right from the first treatment. As well as frequently-repeated lickings, he would also nibble the edges of the wound, with extraordinary delicacy, keeping everything clean, and all decomposing material meticulously cleared away.
Unlike wounds acquired earlier in life, these ones treated by Doctor Mishca have left not the slightest sign that they were ever there. Not a trace!
Not all dogs are committed to this task. Try your dog – after he’s had time to get his mouth nice and clean of anything previously in there! – and see if he will undertake the task. It’s what they do for themselves, and it works for us too.
Fascinating! Intellectually, I believe you, considering symbiotic relationships all throughout nature and such, but just as I keep being told how good steamed broccoli is for me, I’m sorry, I just can’t!
MY lord,
your the marmite wierdo, people mentioned at school.
“We train young men to drop fire on people anf they are hero!”
– Colonel Kurtz,
they say i have gone insane
that my words and methods are unsound
and yet they say
the village had to be destroyed
to save the village
that the stick must be used for beating and measuring distance
from soul to soul
Let’s hope those friends return one fine day.
German Police armed with social distancing poles
No match for a Molotov Cocktail
I was watching a video on Bitchute with Mike Adams and some other dude who was making a good case about how this whole scam is going to fall, then he started talking about the cops and getting them on our side and how they’re just trying to do the right thing by society, etc. I had to say F.U to that and turn it off at that point. The pigs are going to be there, they’re always there, up to the end. There will always be pigs. Some might have enough of it and get out, but there will always be pig MF’ers to do the dirty deeds for the supposed masters. I give no quarter to the pigs.
‘Dirt Is Good’: Why Kids Need Exposure To Germs
July 16, 2017
Jack Gilbert, co-author of the book “Dirt Is Good,” says kids should be encouraged to get dirty, play with animals and eat colorful vegetables.
Strangely, that jurno who’s on the nose, George Monbiot, had a couple of articles about exposing kids to all the dirt and germs that would humanise them while they were enjoying visits to country farms, published in the Weekly Guardian (Aust) a few years ago. I think he even sung the merits of such in one of his books. I’d like to say “amazing what a scare tactic can do to change people”, but he’d surrendered to The Dark Side before covid (BC).
I prefer to think of it as true colors showing as opposed to what “they’ve done to them”. That’s the same as I’ve felt about former supposed hippies who turned out to be establishment capitalist sycophants. Sorry, but “these people” need to take ownership for their support of fascist totalitarianism and global tyranny. War is hell man, buck up.
Well I enjoyed the article, even if the odd humbug below (or above) didn’t (no names mentioned).
May have something to do with having just returned from a boozy Christmas lunch in the pub though (‘while we still can’ being the justification)
It’s all about habituation. And it’s a long term prospect. Generational programming. And perhaps the words and concepts aren’t that important? It’s the movements that matter!
Take Joan Baez – bold agitator bellowing songs of freedom in the 60s. Now painting devotional panels to Saint Anthony. It’s OK because he’s the Great Revolution embodied you see! He’s The Science! He’s the selfless benefactor of every place and all time. C’mon Joan! Take it away! Fauci roll the boat ashore!
But then again, the programming has been speeding up. I recall even only last spring when the great covid contagion hit. Oh I was so young then! I recall those old days of faces and casual strolls where you could go anywhere! Hell! I could visit any part of the building! I could talk to people! I could have gatherings!
And when the restrictions started, it wasn’t so bad. It was kinda fun even. There was an air of novelty!
Not now. Never again. Now all is down and low and silent and separate and everyone keeps their head down and slouches around with an intense sense of guilt.
We all feel we’ve done something wrong even if we can’t quite put our fingers on it. Watch out! Watch your fingers, your feet, your elbows. Watch nothing goes too far!
It’s almost as if we aren’t really here at all!
George Mc, i like Joan’s singing, i’ve all her CDs. I also like Bob’s stuff; i’ve got all his CDs too. I dont hold them up as exemplars. So they dont dis-appoint me.
I went to a catholic school. They were expert at making me feel i’d Done Something Wrong – because i put my fingers on it.
You asked for it!
Fauci talking truth to power? Oh I think that calls for a song, Joan! How about this one?
It’s a shame but inevitable that artists cannot remain artists 24/7. And when they become non-artists (i.e., ordinary people) they are just as prone to foolishness as anyone else who pays too much attention to what the “experts” say.
In fact, I would go so far as to say that attending to “experts” is the greatest danger humanity faces.
(As an aside, don’t forget it was Al Capp who called Miss Baez “Joanie phoney.”)
Yes, she was State sponsored agit-prop from the get-go. People need to take their hippy drippy glasses off.
I wish i could easily see through people, and carried around a bag full of labels to attach to them. Would save me from thinking, make my life so much easier…i feel so envious of those who have ready-made thoughts.
Some people just get old and fuzzy brained – I don’t know any old people who haven’t fallen for this thing hook line and sinker- disappointing but true – I mean I know barely any people in their 50s who haven’t fallen for it. Why do we put artists on a pedestal? It’s inevitable because of stardust, and the fantasy of that life or talent that so many lust after. But they’re just fallible people, who had some talent and a lot of luck and did they even find the end of the rainbow? Not if they’re living through this shitshow.
For 9 months my mother didnt know if i was a boy or a girl, but she was full of imaginings.
I’d be great, famous, i’d grant her riches. But on production night i was a flop, and soon proved disappointing. i let her down….
I never had the heart to tell her that her expectations chained me, imprisoned me. I never revealed that i’d developed expectations of her during those 9 months, she let me down. My list was short. it included love, comfort, being told a joke when down, or just as an occasional pick-me-up, not being sent to school. She disappointed me – I never told her that…
We never got to choose. SOMEONE forgot to tell us that !
But i learned: thinking we had a right to choose didnt make us happy…
And ‘Making Do’ was the best thing i liked about my mum…
Correction. That should be, “We never get to choose…”
A few weeks ago my sister sent me a text saying she had Covid – 19 and it was like being to hell and back ( she hadn’t been hospitalised) . I then reminded her of what she said to me last January “ the vaccines are our way out”.
This touched a nerve so she went off on a text rant about how these “ vaccines “ had prevented her being hospitalised and how a unvaccinated member at the yoga club had died from Covid-19 ( without explaining if she had any underlying illnesses which even the NHS plus CDC admits causes 95% of deaths from the headline fatalities figures) plus my nephew is working 18 hours a day as a hospital doctor etc
So I made a statement to the effect that these “ vaccines “ don’t work. Naturally, being one of the true believers she refused to address the question directly. She is not alone of course I have posed this question to a number of people and they usually regurgitate the MSM rote learnt answer.
It is amazing how previous rational people can be mesmerised by bollocks as if they are in a cult. However, I have noticed previously devout disciples of the cult have now become either an atheist or agnostic. The fairy tale is crumbling!
My sister called me a holocaust denier last April when I said it was a con. That is the last communication I will ever have with her
Alas, if I took it personally, there would be many people who I would fall out with. However, they are devoid of awareness. My wrath is not against them but the perpetrators of this Scamdemic the rats pack of Satanists!
There are times I struggle to remind myself of just this. It isn’t the fault of the indoctrinated, no matter how damned hard it is not to blame them for their complicity. That is the struggle. I do remind my vaccinated friend of just that as well – do not blame those of us who refuse, the fact that we even have to refuse should be the point. Damn it’s hard to remember that sometimes. I do find if I allow myself to even glance at the MSM garbage that makes it much, much harder for me. But that is meant to outrage, and it sure as hell gets the anger boiling.
Agreed.But,by now it;s getting old and by 4 jabs-they should be starting to twig
I don’t give them the courtesy you do mate. They are willfully ignorant by choice.
A choice that can never garner respect or understanding from right thinking decent people.
My brother and his evil witch of a wife have destroyed their 14 year old son’s future and now are bragging to all they will do the same to their athsmatic 11 year old daughter in January.
They won’t allow our elderly mother to have contact withn the young girl until she is “protected”.
The two are dead to us now and we grieve for the trauma their children will face some time in the future.
These people are the enemy, they are scum, and they are the reason this horror show is not just continuing, but worsening.
I have two older sisters. Both jabbed cult members. We rarely communicate now. Same story in many families.
Back in 2018, I was told by my old accountant who I strongly suspect is a freemason that anybody who questions JFK, September 2001 or thinks conspiracies exist is being antisemitic…which amazed me at the time – but not any more.
I’m curious. What is the MSM rote learnt answer?
The pat response I have had on a number of occasions is they ” make the symptoms milder ” which is ironic in a way because in a British Medical Journal article from November 2020 Dr Peter Doshi wrote that is precisely seemingly what Pfizer BioNtech’s ” vaccine ” could do.
Unfortunately, the rats pack Satanists puppets in SAGE, governments, propaganda outlets pushed the notion they ” were the way out”.
Many People for what ever reasons seem unable to break free of the spell that the men in white coats are fountains of all knowledge and are walking saints. I lost that illusion long long ago !
Covid is both a con and a cult. The covid cult of immaculate infection.
I could see reading this article in May of last year, but now I would hope to see something a little more enlightening than touching upon an issue that is not so new to most of us. When I saw the title “ Absent Friends”, I assumed the story was of a friend lost to the franken death shots either dead or heavily injured to where they are no longer their old selves as described by many testimonies.
How about a story where someone didn’t lose a friend maintained that friendship or relationship despite one being aware of the bs narrative and the other a branch covidian. Don’t we all need that kind of story, one we could possibly learn from. How about a story where so much effort was put in to get along with the other, that eventually the friend was pulled back out of the cult. There are some remarkable commenters on these pages who apparently get along with their vaccinated spouse. I would rather read their stories than the same thing I’ve heard already too much for a year and a half.
We all know the self-proclaimed rulers strategy has been to conquer and divide, so why promote a defeatist story of being conquered and divided. The despair at the end seems as fake and empty as the bottle of cheap wine sitting on my table, perhaps, the style of writing too similar to that of make-believer op mock whose comments here I have failed too skip more than one-too-many times. The last thing I would ever think about if I was being taken away, is my friends watching and cheering me; despite everything, I think it is essential for me to have more faith in them than that.
Yes, I have lost a few close friends (thankfully not all of them), but I have let them know my arm reaches out to them, they are always welcome, though I may not always be kind and gentle putting up with their bullshit.
My sister thinks I should be force vaccinated. I still talk to her, she still talks to me, despite me yelling too many times. I know she is still human. I have much faith in her humanity.
Forgive me if I seem overly critical, but optimism seems to have infected you as badly as COVID propaganda your sister.
If your sister thinks you “should be force vaccinated,” given the demonstrable dangers of the “vaccine” concoction, is that really so very different from the author of this article supposing her friend would cheer her being sent to a camp?
For some people, a jab is a death sentence. Period.
No forgiveness needed Howard. I don’t mind a little criticism.
I think she just said that in discussion the way people say stuff when they are arguing. I don’t think she would cheer me being taken away or forced shot. But yes she is so far gone she believes in mandatory vaccination and of course, being a good girl, she believes you should have religious and medical exemptions according to US law. My intuition—I am certainly not an optimist but neither am I a pessimist—I tend to rely on and it tells me that somehow, I certainly don’t know how, but somehow she will come around, sometimes you just know these things. She on the other hand is very optimistic, thats why she keeps calling, that I will join the covid cult. That isn’t going to happen. But I think she knows too that sooner or later, we can work out what is between us, we have been very close. I think about this all the time: There is something I need to learn, someway of relating that I haven’t necessarily done, not that it will be the cause of her change but just away of letting her know that she can always count on me.
And there is a big difference about someone cheering you on. My sister would never do that, she would be crying, maybe at that point she would change.
Not only is the death shot a death sentence for many, it has also caused many debilitating adverse events that have been devastating to peoples lives. Really horrific being told by everyone around you that your injuries are just in your imagination.
Don’t know your nationality. I’m in the US and to me it’s intriguing that here in the US – the ultimate “one size fits all” nation – there seem to be far more “vaccine” hold outs than any other English speaking nation.
Also, the power structure kind of has a “tiger by the tail” here in that they have touted the inestimable value of individualism for so long (aka “pulling yourself up by your bootstraps”) that there’s somewhat of a sense among a lot of the people that whether or not you get vaccinated should be up to the individual.
The propaganda industry is careful to play down the terrible major disabilities such as deafness, blindness, dementia and paralysis. Alternatively, it conflates them with minor “adverse effects”. Of course, most victims cannot afford special personal care subsequently.
that one will appeal to yer average workie up here, only that will get their attention. : /
will proliferate locally ; ) nice one Scoops
Good one ! So call them ‘profit boosters’ /’profit booster shots’ from now on.
its in the water supply of most cities.. transfer of microbes by kissing.. is nothing the cities return sewer and potable water, reprocess it, and puss it back out as potable water.. all for a privatized profit derived from water fees paid for by water and sewer customers. The privately owned water and sewer franchises are (like the land grants made by the Kings and Queens of European nations supporting the privately owned corporations<= actively engaged in colonization of foreign lands for a profit) are given to these private owned domestic entities by the law making and contract making parts of the public sector governments. These privatization acts, laws and contracts have made a few extremely wealthy at the expense of the many.
Can a mere kiss cannot transport or transfer as much of a viral charge as a drink of a single glass of Ubran water system produced water?
Very sad how none of the comments tell a story about being able to get through to the brainwashed.
In all these thousands of years of human existence, no one has ever found a way to get through to the brainwashed – barring an exorcism, of course. And maybe that’s it – they need a good exorcist, not a friend or relative or acquaintance.
I’m starting to think personal experience of vaccine injury is all that might work with the vast majority (and even then some will cling to “I was one of the unlucky minority… “).
Certainly it’s a waste of breath with anyone who won’t give up the corporate media and who works in the public sector.
It’s a massive hurdle to admit that you’ve been duped and that you’ve taken something that could have damaged you (and even more that you encouraged those you’re supposed to protect to do the same). Picking a fight like the writer rather did is seldom productive. Asking if they are willing to read certain things is a better way to go because then you’re confronting them with their refusal to even look at alternative evidence
I agree. I am buying copy’s of the “Real Anthony Fauci” and sending them out for Christmas, New Years, MLK day or whenever they arrive. Its easy to ignore links from emails.
That’s hard to do. The “brainwashing” occurs on more than one level. I think Mark Crispin Miller’s definition of conspiracy theory goes a long way to explain it:
“A conspiracy theory is something that – if true – you couldn’t handle it.”
I used to try to talk to my former anti-war activist friends about the CIA (who, not coincidentally, have all bought into the Covid Narrative). They’d just glaze over or dismiss out of hand what I was saying. I firmly believe that one cannot understand US history since WWII without studying the activities of the CIA. People are just unwilling to contemplate that such evil not only exists, but is in fact running the country.
I agree that one of the main reasons most people can’t hear what we have to say is that, as you say, “people are just unwilling to contemplate that such evil… exists” Accepting that would require a complete upending of their worldview — and they are not willing to go there.
Were it not for the “boomers” I might be puzzled how someone, like this Helen, could turn 180 degrees, and so quickly.
But any of us old enough to remember the ’60s knows only too well how yesterday’s hippies evolve so easily into today’s yuppies.
As Cyndi Lauper so succinctly put it: “Money changes everything!”
+ 1
NB Marilyn ; ) hoho leave us X-nuts alone lol haha
Maybe it’s just me, but I would gladly share some “humous” with two young women and their glistening fingers. Schwing! To be young again. Good story but the beginning could to be expounded upon into something that would very likely sell in the adult section of the book store. Wow!
I am back on Match.com. A dating program.
Had to get off after a bad exchange with a brainwashed woman.
In my profile narrative I intentionally wrote that I would die before getting vaccinated to weed the vaxxers out and avoid that conflict.
This person snuck in, gained my trust and then went for the jugular by attacking me. Then she blocked me so I could not respond.
She was probably too young for me anyway…………..
Good piece. I suggest swapping booze for dope in future. I’ve never heard of stoners getting aggressive, fighting, or having arguments. Every word spoken while out of your head is taken in jest. I hear some even have moments of enlightenment. Bake a cake for those who don’t smoke. Good luck 😄
I know two stoners one of whom is anti-narrative and one who is pro and they’ve argued bitterly. The anti- one disappointed me though because while she’s gone on endlessly about the evils of the jab she finally got it herself because “they’ve got her cornered”, that is, there are things she feels she must do … which I don’t really buy. They’re still friends though and I don’t think the friendship depends on the anti- one getting the jab as she still doesn’t support the narrative at all and they still argue about it – they’ll just continue to argue till it’s over I guess. I simply tend to avoid my friends and family that are onboard because I find their brainwashed state difficult to tolerate.
So she knows if she doesn’t luck out and get saline this jab might kill her. And she knows she has to keep getting new jabs, each one of which might kill her, just to stay ‘vaccinated’. But she’s doing it anyway just so she can – do stuff?
What stuff is that? What is wrong with this woman’s mind?
The main reason is to visit her mother in NSW, however, I think she could have managed it without the jab even if more difficult to organise but also to cross the border from Qld as she lives just over the border and likes to visit NSW on a regular basis but there’s nothing she really needs to do over the border so no legitimacy for that reason whatsoever. And the thing is her partner told me privately that she was advising him to get the jab too which really disturbed me.
Got her cornered, things she must do? They aint smoking the right stuff, either that or it’s taken it’s toll and they should stop smoking it. What you described seems more like a soap opera than a friendship.
I dumped the indecisive and the easily influenced even though I’d known many of them for decades.
To me they are dangerous, their babble makes me want to retreat to a wooded area and live their indefinitely, with or without shelter. I can only recommend getting away from fuckwittery to save your own sanity.
I know how you feel but I think we just have to accept it as a phenomenon that just happens. Perhaps it’s like blaming someone who stays with an abusive partner – they’ve simply been psychologically drawn into the relationship and see no way out – can you blame them? I say that but I think I actually feel the same as you.
Those people who don’t accept the narrative but still get the jab because they want to see family or whatever annoy me though. You cannot comply your way out of tyranny so you simply have to hold out. Admittedly, I’m not in a situation where I feel any need to see family but I’m sure even if I did I’d hold out certainly at this point.
It’s only a matter of time until the unjabbed are fully blamed for newer restrictions. Watch the mild mannered vaxxed then, lets see them turn into the devil and start chasing you out of town with pitchforks. This is the type of mentality the MSM want, and people go along with it because it’s convenient to lash out at those near you instead of acknowledging your Goverment have had one over on you, again.
My also unjabbed neighbor laughed and agreed when I said people would believe you if you said a hit squad were coming to kill them, but would think you’re mad if you suggested their Government were trying to kill them.
We are being split up, atomised. Why? I can’t say.
Are you taking the piss, Mike?
Mike took the piss, stuck it in a syringe, and shot it into his biceps.
Question everything Mike.
Trust no one.
Follow the money.
Haven’t you learned anything from Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, South America, Cuba, Big Pharma’s history of lawsuits, DDT, Glyphosate, asbestos, depleted uranium etc etc etc ?
+ 1