Forty Years On: Lessons from Poland’s Lockdown
On December 13th 1981, Poland entered a state of Martial Law that would last for two years. Two years into our own “new normal”, an eyewitness to both sees repeating patterns.
Joanna Sharp

Early evening, on the Saturday of 12 December 1981, I walked across my local park in Warsaw to meet up with a new friend Iza to see the film ‘Hair’ which had been screened in Poland since 1980.
It was cold and it was starting to snow. We were both eighteen, both in the last year of secondary school. Over two hours later, after an exhilarating experience of unforgettable music, themes of resistance to the Vietnam war, issues of racial justice, peace, love and youth and the spirit of freedom we left the cinema to a still night, by now covered by over a foot of snow.
We walked slowly through the park, talking excitingly about the film, relishing the spirit of freedom, fresh snow was creaking under our winter boots, the trees and bushes now bore heavy glittery load. Iza and I planned to meet up soon again. A magical quiet Saturday night in a country gripped by an economic disaster and political turmoil.
Like many of my friends I woke up on that fateful Sunday morning disappointed that my favourite satirical radio programme (60 Minutes per Hour) was not on. In fact, nothing, as I remember was on the radio except sombre classical music.
The same was pumped from one of only two TV channels, followed by an even more sombre prime minister General Jaruzelski in his military uniform reading out his announcement of the imposition of martial law. In Polish, the phrase is ‘stan wojenny’, which translates as state of war. That sounded serious. A war. Against whom?
Fifteen months of Solidarity
The previous fifteen months in Poland had been extraordinary and, as it later turned out, highly significant for the process of the disintegration of the Soviet empire.
In early August 1980 a series of occupational strikes were triggered by a combination of rising costs of living, deteriorating economic situation, harsh working conditions, local political issues, and a general frustration of workers in the whole of the shipyard industry and in other industrial centres in Poland.
On 31st August 1980 after days of protracted negotiations, an agreement had been reached between the strike committee representing 700 workplaces and the Polish government in which significant economic and political concessions were granted.
Among them the right for employees to belong to a free (independent of the ruling party) trade union.
The Solidarity trade union was born. Within a few months the new Solidarity trade union had 10 million members in the country of 35 million citizens.
The period following the legalisation of the first independent trade union in the communist block was an unprecedented experience of democratisation behind the ‘Iron Curtain’.
Liberalisation in all spheres of social and cultural life was radical. Whilst censorship did not disappear altogether it now became visible, and editors had to indicate places in articles which had been censored.
In all areas of culture and art, openness was visible. Underground publishing was thriving with more samizdat titles on the clandestine market than before. International travel was liberalised, and thousands of passports were issued to people who applied to go abroad.
Tens of thousands of Poles travelled to western Europe, USA, Australia, Israel, many intending to emigrate, others for temporary work.
Meanwhile Poland continued to be affected badly by a deep economic crisis of the command economy crippled by decades of inefficiency, and, since the 1970s, additionally by a massive foreign debt, the interest alone, impossible to service.
There were shortages of practically everything and rationing for many everyday foodstuffs, such as meat, flour, rice, butter, chocolate, sugar, cigarettes, alcohol and petrol. Even so, shops were empty and as soon as deliveries brought any goods, long queues would form stretching outside.
Life for families, particularly for those with young children was tough.
Solidarity was a focal point for frequent eruptions of local strikes over working conditions as well as the ongoing attempts by the government to limit and thwart the activities of the emerging unions and civil society.
Even though the period was peppered by strikes, conflicts with the authorities, at times quite brutal, and ongoing repressions directed at union activists, it was also a time of intense mobilisation of working-class and other political activism. It resulted in a well-organised union becoming a legitimate political actor recognised, albeit reluctantly, by the state socialist authorities.
In a system based on the principle of the leading role of communist party representing the whole society, the idea that there are interests outside of the party undermines the one-party system.
The concession to having a large organisation outside of the communist party rule, representing the interests of the working people, was a challenge to the state socialist system as a whole.
Unknown to anyone except the small inner circle near the top of the Party, the communist authorities began preparations for the introduction of martial law as early as October 1980, barely weeks after the signing of the Gdansk accords.
Whilst on 10 November 1980 the newly formed Solidarity Trade Union had its constitution registered with the High Court, on 12 November, Prime Minister Jaruzelski revealed legal instruments for martial law to the communist Party Committee.
Soon after that, the Soviet Union presented its plans for a military ‘exercise’ named ‘Soyuz 81’ inside the Polish borders to begin on 8 December 1980.
Just before this, General Jaruzelski presented the Soviet side with his own plans for the quashing of Solidarity and other growing political opposition. The Polish government told Brezhnev, the then First Secretary of the Soviet Communist Party that an open Soviet military intervention would trigger a violent national uprising.
Zbigniew Brzezinski, security advisor to President Carter added his warning to Brezhnev, that such a military intervention would meet with a strong US response.
The later official narrative from the Polish communist authorities claimed that General Jaruzelski saved Poland from a Soviet intervention.
All the planning to dismantle the fledgling structures of civil liberties and democracy was conducted behind the scenes and invisible to anyone in Solidarity, to other political dissidents, or to society as a whole. The fifteen months of relative freedoms were, years later, described controversially as a carnival; it was undoubtedly, a period of optimism for millions of ordinary citizens, and formative for the future pollical class.

‘The war’, proclaimed by General Jaruzelski on 13 December 1981, was intended to dismantle the emerging structures of civil society and the growing political opposition. It was a war against democratisation, the loosening of the grip of the iron structures of authoritarian communism over the biggest (in population terms) communist country in Europe after the Soviet Union.
From the point of view of the system, it was necessary to prevent the disintegration of the rest of the entire communist system.
So, on that memorable cold December Sunday morning millions of Poles woke up to find out that the telephone network was dead, and TV and Radio only broadcasting the General’s speech followed by the music of Chopin, considered by the communist authorities as suitably patriotic.
All but a handful of newspapers stopped publishing. Schools and universities were temporarily closed. Travel – both international and national beyond one’s local area was forbidden without special passes. Theatres were closed. Curfew was introduced. The only social institutions that remained open were churches.
In other words, Lockdown ‘81.
Soon everyone learnt that the previous night, around midnight, thousands of Solidarity and opposition activists had been arrested and taken from home and interned in unknown locations.
Four weeks later, when the phone lines were restored, a recorded voice warned each caller that their conversation was being monitored. Mail, when allowed again, was also censored and some letters arrived open in plastic bags.
Outside, young, conscripted soldiers were patrolling the streets, many standing around iron bins with burning coals trying to keep themselves warm, tanks and other military vehicles were deployed to cities. Special militarised militia (ZOMO) were visible everywhere.
The official narrative maintained that the Military Committee of National Salvation (acronym WRON – renamed by Poles as wrona – a crow) was formed to save the People’s Poland from sliding into dangerous anarchy, and from the deepening social and economic chaos, and that martial law was introduced to put an end to months of such ongoing irresponsible chaos. Now, the kind, grown up, strict but fatherly Military Committee led by General Jaruzelski would save the nation from itself.
The extent to which martial law did in fact save Poland from the Soviet invasion is today’s disputed by historians. Jaruzelski could have been mistaken about the reality of the threat or he could have used the threat to take power back from the unions.
Within two days of the start of martial law Solidarity led strikes began in several major industrial centres met with violent clashes with armed militia. In several places the militia opened fire at the striking workers.
Nine miners were shot dead in the ‘Wujek’ coal mine in the Silesia region. All but two strikes were crushed in days, with remaining two mines lasting till after Christmas.
Additionally, there were mass street protests on 16th and 17th December in Gdansk and Krakow during which militia used force and opened live fire to attack the protestors. Many were injured and one person died.
None of those protests were reported by the then operating TV news or the newspapers. People could only learn about the events through word of mouth, clandestine publications and principally, the two main foreign radio stations broadcasting in Polish on short wave: BBC World Service and Radio Free Europe.
The two latter were both jammed vigorously with relentless and highly irritating rhythmic intrusion by the Polish authorities and listening to them, especially during martial law, required much determination and focus.
My mother, an avid listener to Radio Free Europe wound a wire around the telescopic ariel of the radio set and attached it to the radiator. No one was allowed to move the radio from its specific position or come near it when she was listening as the fragile signal could easily be affected.
With millions of Poles living abroad yet suddenly unable to telephone or send letters to their families back in Poland, Radio Free Europe ran a kind of Christmas messaging service in December 1981. Christmas and New Year wishes and other messages were sent by the Poles abroad to the RFE offices and were then read out on the radio.
As a result of martial law, and the closing down of the new periodical ‘Mazowsze Weekly’ where she worked, my mother lost her job and much hope for the future. In fact, the very first edition of the ‘Mazowsze Weekly’ (a precursor to today’s ‘Gazeta Wyborcza’) was closed on the evening of 12 December but it was never printed. On 13 December the first editor of the publication committed suicide.
For my mother, as someone from the generation touched by the horrors of WW2, the terrors of Stalinism in her youth, and who invested her own personal dreams in the potential democratisation of the system, the assertion of totalitarian control was a painful personal blow.
She threw herself into making homemade copies of the ‘bibula’, the underground news bulletins and sending them on for distribution. She kept a stock of samizdat literature and newspapers in her bed storage drawer, between a duvet and a stash of sugar.
Around 10 thousand people in total were interned and later arrested. Many actors boycotted TV in protest against martial law, and many journalists resigned or lost their jobs.

Back to school
In the new year, when back at school a small group of us started to organise silent protests in our school.
As I remember we might have copied idea from another secondary school in Warsaw. The plan was for as many students as possible to come to school wearing black, the colour of mourning, on the 16th of the month to commemorate the death of the miners killed in December.
Then, during the long, 20-minute recess, to sit down in the main school corridor and stay silent. A simple organised protest that could not be challenged by the school.
To get students to take part we needed to produce leaflets and distribute them. Not only was that pre-computer age, but under state socialism no one had free access to photocopiers and none of us had access to an underground printing shop.
I cannot remember how we made leaflets now. We had a (manual of course) typewriter at home but even with carbon paper copies that would have been an impossible undertaking. Perhaps we made them by hand or perhaps one of our friends used a parent’s access to a work photocopier.
Still, we did make leaflets and somehow, we did get about 200 plus students to sit down in silence. I remember in the middle of that silence two teachers stood towering over the youngsters saying, ‘get up, get up!’.
But no one moved.
Seeing our teachers powerless was a profound experience.
Later that spring, my friend Luke, from a year below, held a batch of leaflets calling for another silent protest and threw them up in the air on the steps at the end of the school day. Small pieces of paper floated down around our heads and were picked up by students.
The school janitor pounced on my friend and led him to the office of the school head. Why Luke did not refuse to go and just disappear out of the school gate seems strange today but, in those days, we still lived in a culture of deference to adults. Or perhaps he just froze…
The headteacher rang the militia, and our friend was arrested at school, handcuffed, and taken away. He was held overnight in a cell and was charged with anti-state activities but allowed to go home.
Meanwhile another friend and I were recruited by a resistance network. It was run by people in their twenties, university students and the network had strict organisational system whereby we, the youngest members, only knew one person above us in the structure, giving us tasks.
The jobs we were given involved transporting either leaflets from printing shops to a distribution place or, more challenging, moving sections of dismantled printing press from one part of the city to another. Large rucksacks were quite fashionable in Polish cities then, so the sight of two young people with heavy backpacks on public transport was not that unusual, yet we had some difficulties with the sound of clunky metal produced when we accidentally brushed against the bus railings.
Transporting the printing press was particularly risky. Getting caught with illegal printing machinery would be a certain prison sentence. But we were young and we were not afraid.
It did not occur to us to ask about the origin of the machine. The equipment was important for our side and that was all that mattered. It’s only years later I learnt that our side, was indeed supported financially by the US, and not just by other Western trade unions.
Would knowing that have made any difference to us then?
Of course not. Knowing that the US supporting the Solidarity resistance was part of the two Empires’ own battleground would not have made the Soviet Empire and its grip on Poland any more palatable.
Luke’s court case was in May. A small group of us went to support him. Just outside the courtroom I bumped into my school headteacher. I was afraid she might recognise me when, the following week she would be in my matriculation oral exam panel. We were not allowed in the courtroom. Luckily, the charges against Luke were dropped. The next day, I had a radical hairstyle change to avoid being recognised by the school head during the exams.

Accepting the new normal
During martial law, life returned to a kind of normal. People got used, rather quickly, to new restrictions and the loss of freedoms they had previously enjoyed. Government anti-Solidarity propaganda blaming the economic problems on the strikes and the union’s demands for power-sharing before December 1981 and afterwards helped to ensure a growing support for the official narrative of ending ‘the anarchy’ of the Solidarity period.
Whilst a group of underground opposition activists continued to resist, the majority of the population complied and adjusted to the new conditions. Life was hard, getting daily food, everyday stuff, getting petrol and just getting by was hard enough. Active engagement in fighting the system when the risks were so high was only possible by some.
But how was it possible that most of the population did not in fact resist?
Did not the same majority – 10 million working adults in the 35 million population, join the new union, thus voting with their feet for the changes in Poland?
How was it possible to just accept, so quickly, this new regime with invigorated propaganda and more restrictions?
This question has become relevant today, in 2021, again, as we observe the silence of medical professional groups who by virtue of working in healthcare settings must know the extent of the wrongdoing happening around them.
Why are they not speaking out?
Why are the police around the world complying with the orders to repress populations in the name of their wellbeing?
Why are scientific communities going along with what they must see as bad science?
Of most of the politicians’ conscience, I am not asking anymore. They appear to have lost theirs before they entered their positions of power.
The current fascinating insights from Mattias Desmet into the mass formation drawn on Gustave Le Bon’s ideas of how the crowd impacts an individual personality, show the process of, what I call recruitment into the totalitarian system, and Desmet calls ‘hallucination’ – in which a population of previously isolated individuals finds a resolution to their free-floating anxiety in a sense of belonging in a new community of mass formation.
Desmet suggests that the true believers in the narrative are less than 30% of the population, the majority are ‘bystanders’ and a small minority become the resistance.
His analysis shows how the mass formation occurs within the 20-30%, but it is important to acknowledge that the process of recruitment involves mobilisation through shock and fear, in this case, of Covid 19.
Those who have succumbed to the propaganda are those who are fearful for their own and their loved one’s health and who do not or cannot question the official narrative. The fear element is crucial and dominant in the process.
But the passive, indifferent acceptance of an authoritarian reality does not need active engagement with the dogma. It just needs people going along with what seems ‘inevitable’, no matter how inconvenient, or despite having to overcome personal doubts.
Writing in 1975, the Czech dissident playwright who after the fall of communism became the country’s President, asked:
Why are people in fact behaving in the way they do? Why do they do all do these things that, taken together, form the impressive image of a totally united society giving total support to its government? For any unprejudiced observer, the answer is, self-evident: they are driven to it by fear.
For fear of losing his job, the schoolteacher teaches things he does not believe; fearing for this future, the pupil repeats them after him; for fear of not being allowed to continue his studies, the young man joins the Youth League and participates in whatever of its activities are necessary; fear that, under the monstrous system of political credits, his son or daughter will not acquire the necessary total of points for enrolment at a school leads the father to take on all manner of responsibilities and ‘voluntarily’ to do everything required. […]
Fear of being prevented from continuing their work leads many scientists and artists to give allegiance to ideas they do not in fact accept, to write things they do not agree with or know to be false, to join official organisation or to take part in work of whose value they have the lowest opinion, or to distort and mutilate their own works – Vaclav Havel, 1975 in ‘Letter to Dr Gustav Husak’
The active and indeed banal participation in a post-totalitarian society rests on the system of ‘existential pressure, embracing totally the whole of society and every individual’. The post-totalitarian system of power is like:
the hideous spider whose invisible web runs right through the whole of society; this is the point at infinity where all the lines of fear ultimately intersect; this is the final and irrefutable proof that no citizen can hope to challenge the power of the state. […] There is no need at all for a man actually to be interrogated, charged, brought to trial or sentenced. For his superiors are also ensnared in the same web; and at every level where his fate is decided, there are people collaborating of forced to collaborate with the state police. Thus, the very fact that the state police are in a position to intervene at any time in a man’s life, without his having any chance of resisting, suffices to rob his life of some of its naturalness and authenticity and to turn it into a kind of endless dissimulation. – Vaclav Havel
In the above citations, Havel shows how the self-disciplining citizen, employee and a parent keeps him/herself in check in the anonymous system of power of the post-totalitarian society.
The fear is mainly of a loss of one’s position: material and social. ‘Everyone has something to lose and so everyone has reasons to be afraid’, he writes in 1975.
Back in 1982 in Poland, the introduction of martial law after fifteen months of liberalisation and a clawing back some of those freedoms by the authoritarian system seemed like a return to totalitarianism. Indeed, as David Ost observed of the state socialist system in Poland in 1990, ‘The Party continually swings between a totalitarian tendency and a reform tendency’ (David Ost, 1990 in Solidarity and the Politics of Anti-Politics).
For Poles, reconciling themselves to the new bleak normal, it seemed like the regime would last forever and that Eastern Europe would remain behind the Iron Curtain for the rest of their lives.

Parallel society
Thus whilst most of the population seemed to adjust to the new political conditions without protesting, their focus turned to navigating deteriorating living conditions. There were energy shortages due to Soviet Union cutting its gas and oil deliveries and the Polish economy continued to struggle.
In such dire conditions people turned to alternatives and parallel society structures.
Managing such conditions required not just money but also social capital in the form of networks of reciprocity. In effect, getting things done, having decent food on the table, being able to buy a washing machine, spare parts for the car or a get a visit to a doctor all required having ‘znajomosci’, having contacts.
Buying fresh foods such as eggs, meat and other farm produce involved knowing farmers or people who knew farmers. This phenomenon known as the ‘black market’ which also functioned in Poland during WW2 amid strict rules imposed by the Nazi occupier, is an organic response to unsustainable (that word but in its true sense) life limiting conditions. When there are shortages, people develop their own systems of exchange, a parallel society.
But the ‘parallel society’ was not just an informal system of economic exchange. What came to be of particular use under the conditions of extreme economic crisis, had also been developed by then in other fields of life.
During the 1970s, the democratic opposition which emerged among a number of activist intellectuals and workers developed legal and practical self-defence structures to support striking workers facing job losses, repressions and financial hardship. KOR, the Workers Defence Committee began its work in 1976 and was a foundation of later structures of support available in August 1980.
That form of activism focused not on pushing for political confrontation with the authorities but on developing civil society structures parallel and independent of the official and party-controlled organisations, unable to respond to real and rich needs of citizenry.
One of the best-known democratic activists of that time, Jacek Kuron wrote in a 1977 underground publication:
Every independent social initiative challenges the monopoly of the state and thereby challenges the basis on which it exercises power.
Then in 1979 he wrote:
The programme of the self-organisation of Polish society into independent social movements and institutions… is today the only road to the realisation of the goals of the opposition and the aspirations of society.
Thus, for that vision of the opposition the aim was not to enter the structures of power and attempt to reform it – that was seen impossible. The aim was to abandon politics understood as the official exercise of power, and instead, to create parallel islands of independent and autonomous public sphere whilst living within the official system.
The US political scientist David Ost, named this oppositional strategy as anti-politics. Today, amid the encroaching domination of the Covid 19 rules, that same idea of the parallel society functioning outside of the increasingly exclusionary and hostile environment to the dissidents of the official narrative has been called for as the solution by many.
In Poland, the result of that oppositional strategy was a growth, still before the strikes of 1980, of independent publishing with uncensored newsletters, journals, pamphlets, books, as well as independent organisations, meeting places which were completely outside of the government control.
Publishing and possession of independent literature could be punished but the reality was that people were rarely caught so the appetite for access to independent source of literature grew despite the risks.
Another example of the parallel society were educational initiatives, notably the ‘Flying University’ offering lectures in secret locations by prominent academics and professors.
Clandestine education as a form of resistance to external physical and cultural oppression has a long history in Poland. During martial law, this parallel society, again, acquired significance. Before my matriculation exams, together with a couple of friends, we went to an old professor’s home to hear an uncensored history lecture.

Whilst the population was busy trying to survive the harsh economic conditions of martial law, opposition activism continued. Underground press was published, leaflets circulated and oppositional graffiti appeared on walls. A frequently seen image was the ‘TV Lies’ slogan.
In one city in the south, a regular protest against government lies began: citizens would go for a walk to a local park just as the main 7.30pm TV news started. A precursor to the 2021 Stand in the Park in UK during lockdown.
The authorities responded by introducing a local curfew at 7.30pm. There were large street protest in the Spring of 1982 and more strikes in the Summer.
Throughout the entire period, several independent underground radio stations broadcast short Solidarity programmes boosting morale of the citizens. One of the radio stations interrupted the official TV channel by broadcasting over its sound waves.
Whilst Solidarity supporters in the West could wear T-shirt with the Solidarity logo, in Poland that would be met with an arrest. Similarly, wearing a Solidarity badge could also be punished, an alternative badge became popular among those identifying with resistance: a small electrical resistor attached to a lapel or pinned to a jumper.
These were tiny, barely noticeable, and only recognised by those who knew what they were.

Spiritual resistance
The one social institution which was not under control of the communist authorities and where anti-regime sentiments could be expressed if not directly then through religious and patriotic symbols was the Church.
The period during martial law intensified a link between the opposition and the Church even among non-believers. Thus, the Church offered a safe space for oppositional activities as well as provided a distribution centre for much of the aid coming from abroad.
It is unclear whether that close relationship between opposition and the Church resulted in a more deeply religious Polish population but it certainly produced high rates of church-going.
On national holidays or dates of historical significance when patriotic themes, symbols and songs were evoked, it was clear that resistance to the authoritarian rule of the Polish government, seen as a puppet of the Soviet empire, was also carried out in a spiritual realm. It was about protecting collective identity, a sense of belonging to a nation and a culture which had been under existential threat for two hundred years (with a short interlude between WW1 and WW2).
Importantly however, there was a powerful spiritual message coming form the Church: ‘do not be afraid’.
There was also a spiritual dimension to resistance to the regime which involved a focus on the ethical issues endemic to the system: its reliance of lies, on the manipulation of history, its denial of truth about events which people knew first hand. Just like today, the system was gaslighting the people and it forced the population to self-censor itself, to deny its truths.
Writing about the plight of writers and artists at the totalitarian Stalinist phase when an active adoption of the new ideology of socialist realism was required, Czeslaw Milosz said:
‘So long as they act in accordance with ‘socialist realism’ they are automatically and inescapably enrolled among the followers of Stalin.
‘Socialist realism’ is much more than a matter of taste, of preference for one style of painting or music rather than another. It is concerned with the beliefs which lie at the foundation of human existence. In the field of literature, it forbids what has in every age been the writer’s essential task – to look at the world from his own independent viewpoint, to tell the truth as he sees it, and so to keep watch and ward in the interest of society as a whole. It preaches a proper attitude of doubt in regard to a merely formal system of ethics but itself makes all judgement of values dependent upon the interest of the dictatorship.’
Czeslaw Milosz in The Captive Mind, 1952
Unable to participate as a writer and a poet in the construction of a lie, Milosz chose exile, and paid the ultimate price: a loss of his home, country and his language. ‘What is a poet who has no longer a language of his own? All these things were mine if I would pay the price: obedience’.
The theme of living a ‘lie’ was also developed by Vaclav Havel. His 1970s writings deal with the post-totalitarian phase in which, as he argued the system no longer relies on the use of terror but on the fear of loss of security.
Havel calls the power structure of post-totalitarianism as built of the foundations of (previous) dictatorship, or terror and a consumer society. Havel asks:
Is it not true that the far-reaching adaptability to living a lie and the effortless spread of social auto-totality have some connection with the general unwillingness of consumption oriented people to sacrifice some material certainties for the sake of their own spiritual and moral integrity? […] With their vulnerability to the attractions of mass indifference?
Today, that spiritual dimension involved in resistance is, again, relevant as we are witnessing a restructuring of society and its sliding towards a totalitarian state on the back of the Covid 19 pandemic crisis. Many who have spoken out and are active on the many resistance platforms do so because they simply cannot participate in or remain silent about, the global acts of malfeasance.
Many in resistance, aware of the complex and pre-planned attack on our way of life consider their response to this attack in spiritual and moral terms.
Post Scriptum
In May 1982 I passed all my exams despite sitting in front of the politically zealous head-teacher. She did not recognise me in my new hairstyle or perhaps she did not care.
Some of the restrictions of martial law ended in July 1982 yet martial law itself continued until July 1983. The system continued to struggle economically; the regime attempted to hang on to its power by continuing to repress the opposition. Several high-profile murders of priests by the militia shocked the country.
Forty people are known to have been killed as a result of martial law between 13 December 1981 and 22 July 1983 at the hands of the armed militia or the army. Many more were injured, lost their jobs, were evicted from their homes and were imprisoned. Many thousands, including myself, decided to emigrate as a result.
In the next few years, the country continued to struggle economically whilst the opposition reasserted itself again. With some relaxation of travel and other restrictions, an explosion of small-scale trade based on imports of goods into Poland began. The country turned into a massive car boot sale.
In 1988 a series of strikes which ended in December with formal talks between the opposition and the government about the future democratisation of the political and social systems and about economic reforms.
The following Spring 1989 saw the famous Round Table talks between the communist government and Solidarity opposition. This marked the beginning of the collapse of communism in Eastern Europe. The rest is history, with a disappointing betrayal of the Solidarity tradition by the arrival of a new form of injustice: neoliberalism.
As I reflect on the experiences of East European post/totalitarian systems I come to a cautiously optimistic conclusion.
Both the Nazi and the Stalinist regimes embodied the totalitarian terror-based forms of power. They caused untold amount of human suffering, and unprecedented numbers of deaths yet they were both doomed to fail precisely for their inability to sustain life.
All of the key actors involved were condemned by history. After Stalin’s death a post-totalitarian system evolved in most countries behind the Iron Curtain with what Havel observes as a reliance of the system on self-disciplining compliant citizen.
Today’s power greedy controllers of the agenda are trying to orchestrate a shift to the New Normal without the population noticing it, and that must mean, without mass terror, and directly into a form of post-totalitarianism.
What they are using instead, is sophisticated psychological operations deploying fear on all sections of society.
The fear of the virus in all its variants works on the mainstream population well to promote the jabs and the passports. But could it be, that we, in the resistance, are also subject to psy-ops?
What are we afraid of most of all?
The possibility of an introduction of vaccine mandates and jab passes with the threat of job losses is a powerful threat and it might work on some. Yet, in Germany, UK and other places there are significant minorities who will never succumb to this pressure.
What is the regime’s next move?
Camps for the unvaccinated? Forced vaccinations?
Somehow, I do not believe the regime can afford a move towards terror. That would end the support of the many who are already unhappy about having to get boosters at regular intervals. Those unwilling to vaccinate ad infinitum will only grow in numbers. Forced vaccinations and a reliance on concentration camps would also create martyrs of thousands or millions of people at which point, credibility and legitimacy of their agenda would end.
On the morning of 13 December 1981, and in the months that followed, the situation felt bleak and indeed, the black and white images of tanks in the streets and long queues for food do give a true representation of the hardship and the loss of hope at that time.
Yet, we know something today that we didn’t then. The one-party post/totalitarian centrally planned economies do not last forever.
Economically, they are inefficient and cannot respond to societal needs. But there is also something else that post/totalitarian systems fail at. The totalising system, based on the drive to control turns itself into a monolith. The more it tries to control, the more entropic IT becomes.
Havel calls it the ‘entropic’ regime which is doomed to fail. ‘Life, by contrast’ writes Havel:
with its irrepressible urge to oppose entropy, is able all the more successfully and inventively to resist being violated, the faster the violating authority succumbs to its own sclerosis. In trying to paralyse life, the authorities paralyse themselves and, in the long run, incapacitate themselves for paralysing life.”
With our knowledge of what kind of transhumanist future today’s crazy totalitarians dream of installing this much is clear: life, as long as there is life, will resist and, as Havel writes: ‘it always survives the power that ravished it’
Joanna Sharp is an academic living in London.
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“It was a war against democratisation, the loosening of the grip of the iron structures of authoritarian communism over the biggest (in population terms) communist country in Europe after the Soviet Union..”
That passage does not make sense. Sharp needs to change it. There is only one correct answer and it is not “the Soviet Union”.
By publishing such texts you fit exactly into the narrative of the mainstream media, both past and present, which treat the historical truth very selectively, hiding what is inconvenient and exposing half-truths or even lies… The truth about ‘that’ Poland and ‘Solidarity’ was – in the opinion of at least half of Poles – completely different than what the author describes! Even if in 1989 the majority of Poles (those who took part in elections, that is 63%) voted for so called civic committees connected to “Solidarity”, the sobering up came very quickly, because already in the next elections in 1993 the so called “left wing”, originating from the former ruling party, that is PZPR (interestingly only a little more than 50% of entitled Poles went to the elections then…).
A comparison of the People’s Republic of Poland (Polska Rzeczpospolita Ludowa) with “free” Poland “in the times of the covid19 plague” can be made, but in a completely different way than presented by the author of the above article. The western press presented (and still presents) the socialist Poland of those days, and then the period of the martial law, as a great series of crimes, lawlessness and tragedies… Meanwhile, it is estimated that in that “war between Poles and Poles” about 40 (sic!) people died (various sources give higher numbers, but never higher than 60). It is worth comparing these deaths with the deaths of tens of thousands of Poles in 2021, i.e. about 100-150 thousand more than the long-term average.
The sheepish drive that characterised Poles at the time of the formation of “Solidarity” was mainly the result of generous sponsors from the West and “Radio Free Europe” (dollars, marks, francs flowing in a wide river at that time, just like dollars and euros supporting the Ukrainian “Euromaidan” in 2013-14) did not idle, hence the 10 million members of this organisation, the vast majority of whom were passive and paid membership fees sporadically…
The scale of manipulation by governments and the “free and independent” media is such that what was shown on television and in the press during martial law in Poland is “a small pipsqueak” (a Polish phraseological expression meaning an unimportant “trifle”) in comparison with what governments and the MSM are doing during this quasi-pandemic! Not to mention the scale of the tragedy in the context of the whole world!
When Solidarity came into being, I was 26 years old, with my studies behind me and a child (so I was a bit older than the author of the above text, then a teenager). I remember very well the empty shelves in shops in 1981 (it is an incessantly repeated lie that shops were empty during all the years of post-war Poland!), the result of the fact that “Solidarity” supported by “Judas silver from the West” non-stop, for any reason, announced general strikes all over the country! The truth is that the majority of Poles (and especially Polish women) welcomed the introduction of martial law with relief!
And I will never cease to deny the hypocritical truth about that socialist Poland, which has been repeated for over 40 years. General Wojciech Jaruzelski will always be for me a tragic but heroic figure who protected Poles from a real war, also a fratricidal one! It is enough to see the smiling pictures of Adam Michnik and his Solidarity colleagues on the so-called prison wards to see how “terrible” the life of the internees was. And the pictures of a fat Lech Walesa, after leaving the Arlamow detention centre, show that he was not treated only with bread and water…
PS. Sorry about the English language. Automatic translation
I’m far from an expert on global politics but, correct me if I’m wrong, there is no mention of Lech Walesa at all. Seems odd.
Thank you, Joanna. Very enjoyable, for me, because it’s from your personal experience. It allows one to reflect on what one was doing during your experience in those days. Like Hirohito, Hitler, Mao’s revolution and Poland in the early 80’s and such, all being only the next practice or preparation for the Covid19 era of total control. They will sacrifice any country, leader, organization, corporation, Fauci, Gates, Schwab or anything else, for all is expendable, if it sets up the next move in their agenda for total control of the planet and AI. They use disclosure for cover, if need be, so that one may trust again that there is justice, for they serve the problem and the solution. We must organize fearlessly outside the lies, as you related in your story, and through the heart, where the source of life will guide with love and laughter, not in the head of fear, hate and violence where they live.
I’ve read the article 3 times now. I can’t have missed the name Lech Walesa. It is simply not there. Instead Havel, in extenso. Strange.
I noticed that too. But I think there is a good reason. Many Poles are not convinced that Lech Walesa was everything he purported to be. This article – especially towards the end – supplies some detail that may give a clue.
One way to reflect on the Solidarity legacy is to examine where many of the leaders’ offspring are today: Cushy jobs at Oxbridge, IMF, World Bank, the NGO industry, entertainment incl. Hollywood… That does say a lot, doesn’t it.
Quoting Havel the alcoholic layabout from a wealthy pro-Nazi family, and CIA puppet extraordinaire? Now, really. Ditto JPII, whose mother was a Katz of Vilnius.
I lived in next-door, fellow-Communist Czechoslovakia in the 1980s. So I understand about the ordinary citizens’ bravery as well as resignation. We had our hopes dashed in 1968, and the USSR did send troops. But Covid is another ballgame altogether. East or West, left or right, Catholic or communist, it no longer matters. The 80s narrative has been rendered meaningless.
As part of my own network growing exercise, I’ve purchased a wide range of heirloom seeds, which I’ve divided up and will give to a wide variety of friends. I’m an electrical hobbyist, so it’s too easy for me to tape a resistor to each card. Resistance, love it.
Comment, with link, detailing the truth, leading up to, Polands, (and the Wests), involvement in this current shit-show removed by OffG. Wonder why…
Link has been published since posting.See 16/12/2021
I think you took on a difficult task Joanna, trying to tell this Polish piece of history here.
There are people out there in Poland who still believe that the round table was indeed a deal between Solidarity and the outgoing socialists.
This belief will probably correlate well with one’s political preferences.
This is minor thing I think. For me the bigger issue with this article is this:
I read thru the article and indeed the only reference to John Paul II the pope is in the comments section. How come?
IMHO, JP2 was considered by many as the spiritual father of the nation back then.
Remember what he told the poor polish people during his first visit in the summer of 1979:
‘Let Your Spirit descend and renew the face of the earth, THIS EARTH !’
The first part is classic Bible but JP2 added ‘This Earth’ which he meant: Poland obvs.
The takeout message was kind of clear : changes are coming commies!
pawel, You are right about JP2; he was hugely important to millions in Poland. And I agree with you that one could examine this whole phenomenon in depth. Given I was interested in finding links with the contemporary situation, I was more interested in showing that any return to or rediscovery of spirituality (Christian or otherwise) gives people courage and a sense of empowerment in the face of what they perceive as evil. But again, I don’t disagree with you. It is just that you can’t cover every angle in an article which is intended for today’s (mostly Western) reader, especially bearing in mind those readers who (as you can see in the comments) are very suspicious of all the key actors of that drama!
A few thoughts.
Anything in the Soviet bloc that began as a popular movement, such as Solidarity, became a CIA tool or weapon in a remarkably short space of time. All the people in countries that try to exist outside the US empire are used and abused in exactly the same way, all for the greater bad. Count up the US coups and sick colour revolutions and all the civil wars they have sponsored and are still stirring.
Poles have deeply racist attitudes towards Russians but not to Germans, oddly enough, despite the Nazi occupation. This is one reason why they are always hosting NATO exercises that practise invading and seizing Kaliningrad, a fact which deserves to be more widely known. When NATO stop practising and actually carry it out, it will probably be the end of all of us.
Yep, I’m not a tankie but I acknowledge that those movements are very suspicious
Jeez Israel and USA?!
Also the authoress talking about “democracy” “democratization” come on huh democracy is just another tiranny…
From the article:
“Meanwhile Poland continued to be affected badly by a deep economic crisis of the command economy crippled by decades of inefficiency, and, since the 1970s, additionally by a massive foreign debt, the interest alone, impossible to service.”
Yup. All constructed by the World Bank and Bank for International Settlements. Nothing will change until people recognize the deadly nature of the game.
They proclaimed martial law in Turkey on September 12, 1980. NATO had no problem with this and in fact encouraged it. Officially it lasted a few years but much Turkish legislation and I think even the constitution is the work of the coup regime. Disappearances of people under arrest were reported, although this happened far more in the 1990s, when officially Turkey was under civilian control. A lot of traces remain from that time. I vaguely remember a BBC programme that tried to “normalise” it – it homed in on a fascist youth appearing before a martial law court, passing over the fact that it was the left who were far more likely to be arrested.
Many believe that the 1980 coup in Turkey was CIA sponsored anyway.
It was.
Strange how having finally shaken off 40 years of Soviet domination, the Poles so happily adapted to their new role as a Washington/ Brussels satellite. Some people are never content unless they are on their knees licking the boots of the master of their choice, stumping up $2 billion in tribute to Trumpo to pay for bases of US occupation troops. A puzzle for the head shrinkers, I suppose. The Miss Whiplashes and Dommes of this world make a good living out of such people. The Poles seem to be the masochists of Europe, imagining that all their grovelling to Washington will allow them to puff themselves up with self importance. A more likely outcome is a 1939 Redux, with Bojo and Brandon filling the role of Chamberlain and Daladier. Still, there are plenty of Poles to provide cannon fodder for the Empire.
Before 1939 they were something of a French client, not that this worked out well.
Usually The System relies on consensus, but for the ‘covid’ medical experiment it has resorted to coercion, in various forms, to obtain ‘voluntary’ co-operation. Poland was a lesson of what happens when voluntary cooperation is withdrawn…
‘In one week, the Ursus factory produced only one tractor. At the FSO auto plant near Warsaw, the workers altered the tolerance levels of the machine-tooled components so that the parts no longer fit together on the assembly line. In Gdansk, some dockers loaded and unloaded the same cargo. In Silesia, under the auspices of the Solidarity local, the following ‘rank-and-file rules of passive resistance” were circulated:
1.. During a strike, stay with the workers; do not establish strike committees; there should be no leaders.
2.. In contacts with the police or the military you should be uninformed, you know nothing, you heard nothing.
3.. In every place of work, Solidarity members must be present physically. Do not resist arrest by foolhardy acts.
4.. Do not take revenge on your neighbour. Your enemies are the policemen, the over-eager employee, the informer.
5..Work slowly; complain about the mess and incompetence of your supervisors. Shove all decisions into the lap of commissars and informers. Flood them with questions and doubts. Dont do their thinking for them. Pretend you are a moron.
6.. Do not anticipate the decisions of commissars and informers with a servile attitude. They should do all the dirty work themselves. In this way you create a void around the bastards, and by flooding them with the most trivial matters you will cause the disintegration of the military-police apparatus.
7.. Eagerly carry out the most idiotic orders. Do not solve problems on your own. Leave that to the commissars and informers. Ridiculous rules are you allies. Always remember to help your friends and neighbours regardless of the rules.
8.. If some bastard instructs you to break a rule, demand written orders. Complain. Try to prolong such games as long as possible. Sooner or later the military commissars will want to be left in peace. This will mark the beginning of the end of the dictatorship.
9.. As often as possible take sick leave or days off to take care of your children.
10.. Openly shun the company of informers and bastards.
11.. Help the families of the arrested, wounded and all victims.
12.. Collect money for social self-help funds in your enterprise.
13.. Take an active part in the campaign to counter official propaganda, spread any information you have about the situation in the country and acts of resistance.
14.. Paint slogans, hang posters on walls and distribute leaflets. Pass on independent publications. But always be cautious !
15.. In any organizational activity, always keep in mind two principles: i only know what i need to know, and today there is nothing more important than the struggle for national liberation, the lifting of the State of War, respect for civil liberties and union rights.[Le Monde, December 31. 1981] Reprinted in “Poland 1980-82”. Henri Simon (p72-73)
When Russian tanks rolled into Budapest, Hungary 1956, their advance was delayed: all the streets name signs had be removed…
During recent protests in Hong Kong some thought uploading photos & address details of vicious riot-squad members might get them to think twice about their violence..
When it was thought 5G had a role in causing ‘covid’ symptoms, some damaged 5g ariels..
In a post-industrial society Solidarity’s advice is largely useless, but humans are known for their creativity. They’ll think of novel ways to resist… But be cautious ! Dont take risks !
Thank you for this awesome list!
I am employing a few of these already.
One person becoming a wrench in the cogs might not have much effect, but this grows exponentially (as in the tractor factory).
This is brilliant, thank you for that. I knew about working to contract but never seen such an instructive list.
I have asked the WSW how the working class would realise its destiny and seize power while the WSW counsels craven behaviour in relation to Covid and even complains that the state does not restrict people enough. I was told that the working class was creative and would find a solution to this conundrum.
Thank you guys for this – as always, OffGuardian made my day! What’s important here is to recognize that we’re not alone – there are plenty of awoken people who understand what is happening (only mainstream propaganda want to make you feel that you’re alone, like being the only “crazy” person not understanding what’s going on – bullshit!!) So yes, let’s stick together, spread the word, it’s not finished yet! Please resist wherever you are, this war is not finished yet!
Warm regards from Cusco, Peru
Strange how Thatcher and Reagan & Co. were so enthusiastic about trade unions in Poland when they were energetically destroying unions in their own countries, smashing the miners and putting air traffic controllers in chains. Strange, that. Cant quite understand it. Maybe someone like Joanna Sharp will explain it all to me one day.
Solidarnosc was indeed the only trade union Reagan and Thatcher liked. Odd, that.
If the message is out of reach for you, even Joanna won’t make a dent in your head.
I was an exchange student in West Germany in the summer of ’89, and we got the opportunity to go to East Germany for about 10 days. This was before everything started imploding there. At the time, it all seemed so permanent. They were gearing up for their “40 Jahre brüderlicher Freundschaft” celebrations with their Soviet ‘counterparts’, posters promoting the event were everywhere. To a young outsider, there was no evidence of change around the corner. Everything seemed to be exactly in place, as it were. So, when everything started crumbling, we were all shocked and excited at the same time. Being 22, this was a hugely formative experience for me, and I tend to see many of today’s events — such as the massive protests worldwide — through that lens.
Some things today are similar to that time. Though the protests behind the Iron Curtain were large, the majority of the population didn’t participate, at least not until things were well on their way to collapsing. But there were also many differences to today. Back then, there were outside pressures from ‘free’ governments, media and intelligence agencies that helped bring the collapse about. We don’t have that today in great measure. This time, most of the world seems to be acting in unison to bring about this great reset.
One thing I’ll never forget, though. I remember on TV seeing a poster in English saying “A Unified Europe Today!” At the time, I thought that sounded great. I thought it was metaphorical, in the sense of Europe being unified in freedom, the right to travel, etc. Now, only decades later, do I realize what that meant. The conditions Helmut Kohl was given for German reunification were (1) renounce all claims to German territories east of the Oder-Neisse, which he originally wanted, (2) adopt the Euro and (3) integrate Germany more fully into a Nato-allied European union. TPTB at the time allowed the Warsaw Pact to collapse because their ultimate intent was today’s European Union. And Gorbachev was as much a globalist as any of his Western counterparts.
What we have to worry about today is that if our side prevails (and it looks possibly to be the case, judging from recent happenings in the US), and if certain people are publicly made to pay the price a la Nuremberg, what is going to take the system’s place afterwards? Are the people behind the scenes ‘saving’ us from c0v1d tyrrany eventually going to try and impose something on us much worse? Let the transition from Warsaw Pact-to-EU Membership be a lesson to all of us as to what can happen.
I agree. If our side succeeds – which is a pretty big if at this time, all people in positions of power that facilitated if not led the Covid scam, will need to be held to account via a Nuremberg type process. But should that happen, and I hope it does, we still have a big problem on our hands. We have reevaluate everything.
I remember tracking events in Poland in Summer ’80 as things were building up, and seeing two interviews with people, one referring to “the red bourgeoisie,” another referring to “struggles of class.” I got the impression many in Poland were not fooled by the “communist” label the ruling party had slapped on itself back in the 1940s. This impression was reinforced by talking to two friends of mine who traveled in Poland at the time, being eyewitnesses to what was going on. Not many know that the problems the Polish economy was having were related to debt owed multinational finance and its austerity demands. Thanks for this piece.
Thank you Joanna!!! This is what we need. A historic view from inside, particularly in the US where most people are brainwashed that the US is a beneficent empire. In the 21st C, the instrument of brainwashing and liberation, the internet, are one and the same. As we can see with first time open censorship here against speech, the war on the human mind is on. One advantage over the past is being able to instantly see the destructive results of banal daily acts of compliance. All the more reason to dis-tolerate all censorship.We can also see the new world order they have for the 99% on the menu. A centrally managed totalitarian tracking, surveillance, remote control economy with as little human labor & decision making as possible. Possibly the worst of all is digital money, where central management has total control, creation and destruction of individual lives. This magnifies one’s fear of losing their job up a last notch, into fear of absolute instantaneous obliteration. If they get this, all is lost.
Hannah Arendt’s pointing out of the “banality of evil” is historically & today pertinent. But another perception of hers maybe even more pertinent in this virtualized screen civilization. Representational thinking, representational behavior, allows a complete schizophrenic break between expression and action. Saying, depicting humanist thoughts against evil and for liberation and relief from suffering FOR OTHERS has become a substitute for the thing itself. A false consciousness. I think this is the means by which Americans accept and even celebrate lies instead of actual results expressed. How else can we explain acceptance of 75 years of post WW2 military & spy imperialism lying, coup-ing, destroying, deconstructing and killing millions without halt? Human consciousness has to be split in two distinct sections, one a lockdown, the other a hopium daydream, for this to be in play. THE EVENT presents the opportunity for the 1% to slam us into their intended permanent prison-control, or for the 99% to begin a self-organizing, true direct-democracy form of self-rule with a neutralizing cage for excess wealth and power in the hands of a few. It’s up to us to stop participating with THEM in every way possible.
Good post, but I think the 99%-1% “us and them” ratio was valid for classical capitalism, but with the degree to which a small group of global oligarchs have now usurped power, the ratio is more like 99.9999%-0.0001%.
Free men ever manifest greater power and creativity than controlled ones and it requires but a minority of the former to prevail. We might well surmise that the 300,000,000 guns owned by US citizens belong to this cohort mainly and imagine what impediment this poses to The Controlled Ones who do the tyrants’ bidding ( this factor notably absent where the oppression ravages most grievously ) – glad to be where I am!
The tide will turn once the Controlled Ones sense the Righteous cohort will win, their ever present fear merely switching focus from the tyrants to us. Even if no shots are ever fired they know what awaits them if they don’t make this switch in time, i.e. Nuremburg II. All movement is in this direction; there are no converts the other way so it’s not a question of if but only when, and that is a function of the required collective pain threshold to effect the Awareness essential to sustain the New Age foretold, Truth evident to all alike.
Isnt this the Sharp person who wrote a propaganda hit piece on kill the bill whist proclaiming the other’ ask permission from the government ‘to demonstration movement was independent ! and didn’t have links to the establishment even though they said they did.
No, not me.
Must be another Joanne sharp
THE REAL GRASSROOTS Despite the fact that the anti-lockdown Freedom march leaflets now bear over two dozen logos representing various resistance groups around the country, including A Stand in the Park, Stand Up, Stop New Normal, Save Our Rights, The Freedom Festival, Earth United, Footsoldiers4Freedom and World Freedom Alliance, I am not aware of any major sponsors of the march and there is no evidence of any significant funding behind the protests.????????????????????????
There is no single leadership beyond the organisational role taken by Save Our Rights UK (SORUK) led by Louise Creffield (who has links to the conservative party), a growing grassroots movement??????? run by volunteers, focused on defending human rights and civil liberties and on creating a foundation for a real democracy. They coordinate major events and liaise with many smaller grassroots groups, both local and those that function as digital communities.
Yes that’s me. Well, I don’t recognise myself as a propaganda hit piece writer.
The thing is now there will be nowhere to run nowhere to hide,Especially when they bring in digital currency and the surveillance state.Only thing I can recommend is go nomad.😬
Just go mad
on the radio yesterday a lady called in to say she had already had moderna phizer astro zeneca
she was complaining that at her local drop in pop up medi cull temple only had astro zeneca boosters left and the nurse was walking around saying that is all we have got no requests.
no matter what you have been given you will take whatever we have left
a booster is just another vaccine shot is it not
the lady may have been confused but she seemed to be saying she had already had 3 and this was vaccine number 4.
she said she would have like phizer but the nurse got upset and said it was a cost issue
mix and match goy cocktail
Don’t matter what injection to be honest they are all kill shots.The people are getting boosters for a variant they spread if it even exists in the first place because it’s never been isolated the daddy sars covid 19 so how can they say omicron exists?If there’s no test for it?Its all mumble jumble to be honest and I can’t believe people fell for it or still fall for.
As a Briton, I was an exchange student at Warsaw University in 1983-1984 so just caught the end of actual martial law and the continuation of the Jaruzelski period. What I remember from those days, and perhaps having been in an opposition stronghold like Warsaw influenced my perception, was the strong unity in opposition, even if mainly passive (like the solid boycott of the 1984 local elections), among the Polish people at large. If Poles had ever believed the official narrative, certainly nobody did at that time and I personally witnessed people collapsing into uncontrollable laughter while watching the news on state TV. Sadly, we are still a long way from being in that position with the Covid psyop in which a significant proportion of the population still buys into the official narrative.
Exactly. Growing up in Czechoslovakia, I remember that completely reversing the bullshit spewed by the media would render a somewhat accurate description of reality. Only a handful of old-timers, true communist believers – many having their allegiance to ‘communism’ reinforced by having suffered in WWII – from the old days trusted official stories. Everybody else knew it was a crock of shit. The vast majority of people, however, went along with the regime, having learned to squeeze through the cracks, to bribe, to corrupt. Conversely, the regime ignored most dissent unless somebody dissented openly.
How will things develop with the crap we have on our hands now? It’s anybody’s guess. First, they haven’t yet managed to fully install totalitarianism. A sizeable number of people still haven’t allowed themselves to realize what’s going on.
So, it’s still very much open.
It might cheer you up to know that I, too, frequently collapse into uncontrollable laughter while watching the news here on Icelandic State TV.
My wife doesn’t like it, or get the joke, but she just wasn’t brought up with a politically open mind. The psyop has succeeded in scaring and confusing her.
Yesterday’s news actually said the following – although I can’t remember which country they were talking about:
“50% of those asked were in favour of mandatory vaccination, and 50% of those asked were against mandatory vaccination”.
Notice how the totally unnecessary second half of that sentence affords the opportunity to use the phrase, ‘mandatory vaccination’ once more.
mandatory vaccination . . . mandatory vaccination . . . mandatory vaccination . . . .
It’s “Brainwashing-101” for Dummies.
I do the same listening to the BBC nowadays. But we’re the minority. In Poland in those days this was the normal reacttion.
Just like the Leunig cartoon…
Well spotted. The power of words…and.. ‘the way you tell ’em’
Also here in the US, the national news on the three corporate broadcasters NBC, CBS & ABC are identical, story for story, almost out of the same news bureau. And full of useless, fear-mongering gibberish promoting the agenda of US capitalist empire. Unfortunately it’s not funny here, it’s infuriating because so many lives are at stake across the world. Our Bankster empire with the World Bank and IMF indenturing debt slavery after our CIA/Military “disrupt”s every region on Earth for our “national security interests” (empire), is the essence of a Dark Lord of evil.
But the question no one has come forward to ask is why do all these nations need the largesse of the IMF and World Bank in the first place? Especially when all they need do is renounce their debts to the international cartels which steal their resources then turn around and sell them goods made with those very resources.
Now it’s true if only one or two nations did that, they’d simply be invaded so as to bring their people “freedom and democracy.” But imagine if all debtor nations stood up and said “No!” to the globalists. That would end the banksters’ iron grip on humanity.
John Coleman in ‘Conspirators’ Hierachy’ on Solidarity:
“The Committee of 300 ordered the Club of Rome to use Polish nationalism as a tool to destroy the Catholic Church and pave the way for Russian troops to reoccupy the country. The ‘Solidarity’ movement was a creation of the Committee of 300’s Zbigniew Brzezinski, who chose the name for the ‘trade union’ and selected its office holders and organizers. Solidarity is no ‘labour’ movement, although Gdansk shipyard workers were used to launch it, but rather, it was a high-profile POLITICAL organization, created to bring forced changes in preparation for the advent of the One World Government. Most of Solidarity’s leaders were descendants of Bolshevik Jews from Odessa and were not noted for hating Communism. This helps to understand the saturation coverage provided by the American news media”.
Is Coleman an intelligence disinfo agent, a nut or a fearless truth teller? I’m not claiming to know. Parts of what he wrote seem plausible (especially for 1992), parts more dubious.
The media certainly loved Solidarity in contrast to every other trade union. One example was a play written by Tom Stoppard called ‘Squaring the Circle’ broadcast on C4 (with Bernard Hill fresh from playing Yosser Hughes as Lech Walesa). Squaring the circle sounds suspiciously like Sacred Geometry to me.
Solidarity was not the only dubious thing to come out of Poland around that time. Pope John Paul II became Pope after his predecessor died… after a mere 33 days in office. See David Yallop’s book for an intro in that event.
Based on recent events, I hear you. I remember when Netflix ran a happy ‘Two Popes’ movie back in 2019, and I thought how weird is that? Of all platforms to find a big name actor, pro pope movie. Now, looking back to when it appeared, and Francis being entirely a part of selling this nightmare to us along with all the other big names, it all makes sense.
“The ‘Solidarity’ movement was a creation of the Committee of 300’s Zbigniew Brzezinski, who chose the name for the ‘trade union’ and selected its office holders and organizers. Solidarity is no ‘labour’ movement, although Gdansk shipyard workers were used to launch it ” This view of historical events treats people as having no agency, no understanding of their own lives. To deny the authenticity of this working class movement and the coming together of workers and the opposition ‘intelligentsia’ in the trade union and as a a social movement is a gross injustice.
You confuse the grand and devious manoeuvres of the conspirators with the events on the ground.
Total rubbish. Solidarity was no working class movement, in any sense of the term. They were receiving millions of dollars via CIA cut-out operations, which paid for their colour-revolutionary propaganda program. Poles have been sold down the river more times than I have fingers, and they can still be counted on to submit to an elite-derived propaganda line.
“AIFLD was a creature of the early sixties, a merger of talent and funds from the CIA, the AFL- CIO, and some sixty U. S. corporations…(p. 93).
…The September 1981 Solidarity Congress issued an invitation to Lane Kirkland, President of the AFL-CIO, and the AFL-CIO news release about the invitation added that Kirkland would be accompanied by “Irving Brown, AFL-CIO European representative.” Tom Braden, former head of the CIA’s International division, revealed in 1967 that Brown was a CIA agent. Brown, he wrote, rallied ex-Nazis and Corsican Mafiosi (many of them, heavily into heroin smuggling, still work with the CIA today) to infiltrate Communist-led unions and terrorize the workers in post-war Europe; the CIA funded these efforts, along with the ILGWU (Braden, “I’m Glad the CIA Is ‘Immoral’”, Saturday Evening Post, May 20. 1967).”
Thanks, Edwige, for spotting this big gap in the article, Pope John Paull II.
Thank you for recounting your experience of what it was like living in a totalitarian system Joanna. I actually met a Polish woman here in Melbourne who was living in Poland at the time of martial law.
To my surprise, she fully believed there was a pandemic and that all covid restrictions needed to be followed. I thought that she, of all people, could have seen through the lies.
Of course, there was never any “pandemic”, and the Sars Cov 2 virus has never been isolated and purified from an actual person. But instead, there was the mass, media driven illusion of a “pandemic”. Smoke and mirrors.
Covid is the vehicle to usher in a global totalitarian system which is the foundation for the Great Reset, Agenda 2030 and the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
And in 2 days time, Daniel Andrews draconian and punitive pandemic legislation becomes law in Victoria. Its quite obvious they will use this legislation to target known covid dissidents. They want those of us in the resistance crushed.
On a side note, like you, I was impressed with what Mattias Desmet had to say as well.
A fascinating article
During this period in the UK we were told little of this. The daily news or daily papers did not cover it in this detail. There were no mass appeals to help that I was made aware of.
But Poland is just one place in the world. There are many other places in the world , many of them during this period and today suffering there own problems.
During this period of 1980 to 1983 I was working as a storeman during the day. While teaching myself to be a computer programmer in the evening and on the weekend.
During the Miners Strike in 1984 The support for the miners from Poland was surprising.
In South Wales we were thankful for there solidarity . Even though it was in a loosing cause.
Rather than tanks and martial law. It is the tip toe authority. Never knowing what will be justified next. We see different countries trying the next steps or talking about them.
They have camps in Australia. Much talk of mandatory jabs and health pass. Talk of fine’s for the unvaccinated or those not fully vaccinated.
They say they wont , then they don’t want to , then they do what ever they think they can get away with.
One piece of good news today for anyone who used to read the daily mash in its early days when it was actually funny (unlike today) and misses it.
The BBC propaganda has now gone total Mash, and it is as funny as anything the mash ever wrote in their glory days.
Titled “Omicron: Why do boosters work if two doses struggle”, this piece has so many gems in it.
I had a genuine belly laugh at these quotes which are the perfect setting for the sheer idiocy of the rest of the article.
Surely truly desperate articles such as this are only going to raise the eyebrows of those who have, until now, swallowed the narrative
I see people awakening everywhere at the moment. Obviously the Covid ideologues won’t ever see the light. But the 20% awake is now having an effect on the 40% in that more middle space. They are making mistakes, they are arrogant, they are pulling our plonkers. It’s only a matter of time before one event tips the scales. People are trying to rationalise the itrrational and finding they’ve been conned. Soon I think, and Johnson, Starmer and Co will be no more.
And instead of Johnson, Starmer and Co, we will have Johnson Jr., Starmer Jr., and Co Jr . . .
Our owners do breed, you know – like rabbits.
Dad and Mom Rabbit get thrown under the bus, while Philip and Sally Rabbit take over.
“Dallas” was these specimens’ way of introducing themselves into our consciousness way back.
They think they are better than the rest of us.
But when it gets down to it, just look at what they do with their money . . . practically nothing of any human value.
This is not ‘better than us’. It is much worse.
But money buys weapons and ammunition, and money also likes to breed.
That’s really what all this is about.
Just a little reminder that Thatcher of all people enthusistically supported
Solidarnosc and Lech W, while at the same time decimating UK unions and industry!!
Height of hypocrisy?
I recall, while the miners were being crushed, coal was being imported from the Soviet bloc countries.
Thatcher proclaimed ‘there’s no such thing as society,’ and They’re still trying to destroy it with Their Keep-yer-distance. dont-trust-no one, stranger danger urgings. You’d think they were Moslem Extremists the way They’re trying to destroy Christmas.
Walesa has been accused in Poland of being an informer for the Bezpieka, the security police before 1989. This may simply reflect squabbles in the politics of today, not the past.
Do any of you ‘Far Right’ readers out there recognise yourselves in this piece, by a legend in his own mind?
The sleepwalkers drone as One.
Daniel Lopez apparently is a member of the grotesque, identity politics riddled Socialist Alternative here in Melbourne, and is a contributing editor at Jacobin magazine. Perhaps that is illuminating enough in itself?
He also studied philosophy at La Trobe University here. Yet another proud member of the wokeist, identity politics addled so called “Left”. Unfortunately for us awake people, Melbourne is crawling with these deluded useful idiots, who, in reality, have real contempt and disdain for actual working class people.
They have submerged themselves in academia and the crud of identity politics.
I noted the suburbs he listed in his vile hit piece. All solid working class areas.
Funny how the protests I attended, I saw a huge diversity of people from all backgrounds and ages and walks of life.
But our real concerns about what is happening in Victoria, including with the horrendous pandemic legislation are summarily dismissed and we are all just “far right extremists”. I have nothing but disgust for pricks like Lopez.
Spot on Geezah.
It’s easy to see that he lives through his high opinion of himself.
Pathetic, and sad for those around him.
Good to hear your words Gezzah – hope you’re OK down there.
I’ll send you an email shortly brother…
What was this in the article about them knowing where the protesters live because they have had microchips put on them?
No, they tracked them using heat sensor devices measuring the amount of people heading into the city from the suburbs. And of course they use phone GPS and Facebook to track people as well Tim. That’s how the cops knew exactly where I lived when they paid me a nighttime visit during lockdown last year after I ranted about Daniel Andrews. And they’ve visited other resistance people at their homes using the exact same method.
Danial Lopez poses the questions. “What is the political content of the anti-vax movement*, what is its social base, and what are its dynamics ?…..”
Over at police headquarters They’re thinking “We Profile groups, civil libertarians criticise us. This lefty is good at Profiling. Let’s hire him. That should stop the criticism !” …
Arena, an Australian left progressive magazine, recently posted an article online that concerned itself with the anti-vax movement*. Like Lopez, it presupposes there is such a thing as an anti-vax movement. The article would have found a comfortable home in an internal Police Intelligence journal – along with Lopez’
article – about The Science of Profiling…
What really gets me is that useful idiots like Lopez, and groups like CARF completely ignore the immense suffering and severe hardships caused by the covid restrictions, they completely ignore things like Daniel Andrews draconian legislation, they are fully supportive of medical apartheid, and they will not even acknowledge the genuine concerns so many people have about the direction this is heading in, especially here in Melbourne.
Check out the homepage of CARF just to see how demented they are. They actually remind me of the Red Guards in the Cultural Revolution for some reason.
Many have embraced being considered ‘anti-vaxxers’ not realising how the appellation, as a construct, as an umbrella term, was intended to be applied to any form of vax questioning, even by pro-vax scientists…
Had they insisted ‘Anti-vaxxers are concerned* about safety” they may not have been as easily side-lined. (*’concerned about’, not ‘question’. It may appear a subtle difference, but it’s not.)
In “Tunnel Vision” an article about the Israeli Defence Forces in the 16 Dec 2021 edition of London Review of Books: ‘In Israel, however, the proximity between the military and the academic domain has allowed tactics inspired by the radical theoretical left to make their way into the arsenal of a colonialist project of the extreme right.’
The IDF’s Operational Theory Research Institute’s…’curriculum included canonical works…’ by Deleuze and Guattari…
This is not to say that Critical Theory thinkers are in bed with the military (or the state)… but that Knowledge can always be weaponised. Where once The Missionaries led the way, these days Anthropologists go before, or with, the invading US army…
The article linked to masquerades as a ‘progressive’ sociological analysis of the people who attend the rallies in Melbourne to protest the Victoria state goverment’s vaccine and lockdown mandates. It manages to be both chilling in its smugness and its failure to acknowledge the political installation, based on lies, of an authoritarian police state, and laughable in its sneering, blinkered, illogical, pseudo-scientific gobbledygook about the protestors. It does not understand or even bother to deal with their actual arguments, contenting itself with smearing their social and political background, mainly by cherry-picking data.
One phrase struck me in particular, however: ‘thanks to microchips embedded on the anti-vax protesters, we know a few things about who they are’. Can anyone provide any information about these embedded microchips? Who embedded them where, when, why and how?
Smugness, and cleverness, has been an obvious characteristic of some left-wing writers over the past couple of decades. I’n not convinced it’s indicative of immaturity, but it does seem to indicate the authors harbour the belief They know what’s best for others. (a belief all politicians harbour).
Over the years left groups that appointed themselves Leaders of The Working Class, made claims they were the only ones who knew what was good for The Workers, were attacked by others on the left. Maybe they no longer spout such claims, but their belief is betrayed through their attitudes ?
In the movie, “Big Labowsky”, a famous, oft repeated line,
“Shut the F**k up, (J)ohnny!”
Go get your booster, and don’t drool on the keyboard.
… Donny!
Groundhog day:
Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t this how the scamdemic started, by withdrawing medical support from sick people and sending them home or to their care homes to die?
Apparently PCR tests can distinguish between omicron and other variants. Here’s my hypothesis on how they do that:
Up to 25 cycles: ‘normal’ variant
25 cycles or over: omicron variant
Thus a scam is reborn. All the discharged patients will die ‘with omnicon’.
It is a lot cheaper (and more profitable in kickbacks for jabs) to simply lie.
Maybe they should just be like English MPs and have a 90 day holiday each xmas. It might save more lives. In GB they have gone into bullshit overdrive over pushing boosters because they have spent billions of our money on doses and they want them delivered, otherwise there will be tales of throwing them away – just like Tamiflu sold by the don, and AZT pushed by fraudi etc.
I had exactly the bug over the weekend as described by doc Campbell, after 4 nightshifts of heavy manual work. Guess what, after a good nights sleep I am fine. I didn’t have jab 1, 2 or 3, or change my life. I gave up flujabs many years back.
My wife has to use those home flow tests for her job, 2 x weekly. I have tried them sometimes. They have always recorded enough sample OK, and have NEVER shown any illness in either of us. I think the only +ve tests are the kids of sick-paid parents who drink coke or fruit juice, get a result, and then scan their dumbphone app for a week off work.
I agree I think too many workers are using the excuse of a runny nose to not work.They are escalating the problem because they don’t want to work hence getting a fake pcr test that’ll pick up anything.
This article reads like official propaganda and definitely OFFG readers deserve better than regurgitation of false Brzezinski (globalist) neocon narratives. Here is some important background mostly specific to Poland which was never a socialist country like USSR or even Cuba as state did not hold full monopoly of economy and society. In fact 70% opposed the system they just could not do anything as there were Soviet military bases in Poland with 2 millions Soviet soldiers at the peak of Cold War. Since 1956 borders were open for millions of Poles as they had families abroad (24% of Polish families had family members abroad ( East and west ) including to US and could travel.
General Jaruzelski (leader of coup in 1981) wanted to stop mass independent movements ( including solidarity movement as well as other independent trade unions student unions, professional unions etc.,) in Poland as they wanted to fair and just socialist/social democratic policies by removing corrupted ruling clique Jaruzelski was running and instead continued preparation to return of anti union capitalism in Poland. He did not defend socialism but his sold out to western powers ruling clique from power of independently organized mass movements. Such preparations in Poland started long before at least in 1956 as grip Stalin cult was officially broken by Khrushchev and former KPP (Polish Communist Party whose leadership was largely executed in Moscow in 1930s) were returned to power.
In Poland in 1956-7 censorship briefly (for two years) was lifted And never returned to Stalinist level as Polish artists could create freely and be paid by government salaries even could sell their art for hard currency and travel abroad abroad to the west.
If their art creations were openly anti socialist they still could create while banned domestically from distribution they were exported via SB security controlled mafia for hard currency, Polish music, art and films winning prizes, even Polish scientists and artists had permanent jobs in Paris, Vienna and Milan theaters and opera houses or winning in prizes in Cannes (Polish School of Cinema) even distributed Polish films in studio-type cinema networks in the west. People with families in the west (25% of population) were allowed to travel there or be visited by relatives.
At home in Poland 70% of agriculture land was in private hands as 30% of entire economy, up to 50% of consumer economy was private with huge private commodity import sector.
Parallel hard currencies based commercial stores system was introduced in late 1960s (PEWEX and BALTONA) via selling scarce domestic products like extremely scarce housing materials Poland fabricated western cars or Polish made agri machines tractors and all imported products from the west for … dollars including newest Mercedes S class cars seen in front of party headquarters and richer churches in country while Polish workers were paid in currency called Zloty and by that slowly destroying its value.
Hard currency bank (Bank PKO SA) were opened so rich could keep western currency in them being paid interest, Catholic universities thrived and expanded, churches were built left and right with … workers and peasant money to name few elements of dismantling socialism before it ever settled. Was that “building Of socialism” ?
In 1970s Polish government clique took outrageous usurious loans from London banking mafia and defrauded $billions of national debt incurred from predatory western bankers acting upon governments guarantees , Eastern block opened borders to Poles while western travel passport was made available for everyone with … sufficient hard currency required not by Polish government but by west to get entrance visa .
Direct western investment in Poland was allowed first by.. so-called Polonia Investment groups coming from western Polish diaspora and later from purely western investment coming from neutral countries like Sweden, Austria, Switzerland or Finland. IBM was selling their IBM 360 to Polish institutions in 1970s despite embargo for e port to USSR.
On orders of the ruling party PZPR (unified workers party) in 1988 Parliament (SEJM) enacted law written by JPM bankers allowing unrestricted foreign investment with capital guarantees from the Polish state, repealed and modified only in 2003 before EU ascension. It was not “socialist” government in 1988 anymore that did that.
The fact is that Polish working class struggles 1956, 1970, 1976, 1980 were not as much against Stalinism but against what Stalinist clique deteriorated to, a bunch of thieves who workers wanted out and real socialist government elected, policies of equity and egalitarianism enacted. No workers wanted capitalism in Poland in 1980s. They saw how it works with their own lives every day, extreme inequality.
And it was that very working class political thrust back to true people’s socialism and economic equality that was attacked with tanks APCs, attack helicopters by 100k militia and army on December 13, 1981 by Jaruzelski’s illegal coup d’etat as Polish president of national council officially head of Polish State (Jablonski) , was told about coup only after the fact and it took a week of bickering to retroactively approve it with no Sejm (parliament) input for months.
Mass arrests of Walesa and Solidarnosc National and local leadership was a ruse to confuse working people as this leadership constituted mostly of SB, CIA and Vatican agents working in concert with Jaruzelski to return Poland to capitalism. That is why US refused to make public proof of preparations to coup at least two months before it happened. It fir their objectives.
Was that Jaruzelski defense of socialism regime by immediate after coup attacking constitutional right to work , criminally violating labor law, and collapsing social welfare state as well as allowing mass layoffs and bankruptcies in state owned enterprises as soon as Spring 1982. Of course not.
All that while introducing and expanding consumer apartheid of cheap fixed price stores for poor (most, as average salary was about $50 a month) with coupons required and limits of purchase quantity according to government rules while floating high price stories for rich (commercial stores) and hard currency store system for ultra-rich (PEWEX, BALTONA etc.,) thrived fully stocked.
That was overall situation six years before so called supposed liberation from communism that supposedly was overthrown in Poland in 1989.
Ground was very well prepared and huge emigration wave, as western lies posit, was not political escape from communism but escape from reborn capitalism that from 1983 on already collapsed economy and destroyed hundreds of thousands of jobs leaving people jobless and homeless, phenomenon not existent in Poland for decades.
The coup was not about stopping freedom. Poles were freer than Americans ever been. They knew from their history not to trust any government they have no control over. They cherished their ultimate autonomy, self determination and independence on personal level. All 1970-1990 movements were about more social justice, equality and egalitarianism, stopping corruption of a greedy clique exploiting country.
Did you experience living in Poland during communism? Are you suggestion the author did not?
Are you maintaining the oppressive measures described in the article didn’t happen?
It would be good if Joanna could respond to Kalen’s comment Sophie.
They both sound genuine from their different perspectives.
I agree with Johnny. Joanna focuses on her personal experience of the state of emergency and the resistance to it, while Kalen takes a wider view.
I don’t think that what happened in Poland is really comparable to what is now happening with Covid, but Joanna’s thoughts about why most people tamely cooperate with political measures they disagree with is a discussion that needs to be had.
Sounds like Kalen did, but I don’t know. I certainly haven’t lived in Poland, never been there, don’t know its history. But if you would ask me (considering on what is written above) which of the two lived in Poland: the author or Kalen, I consider it more likely that Kalen did.
The thing I didn’t like or found suspicious in the story from the author was that it was too polished. You do know what type of weather it was the day before the coup, but you don’t know how you printed leaflets?
As in ‘ In fact, nothing, as I remember was on the radio except sombre classical music.’ Well that is clearly different from what we are experiencing now. Information everywhere. But not in tune…
Joanna is an ex-Pat Polish woman with family still in Poland. There is no question about that.
Interesting. I thought exactly the opposite. Everything Kalen says is documented a thousand times all over the internet. A personal experience is much more convincing.
The only good thing about your decision to include this propaganda piece is Kalen’s informative post in the comments section. Your website seems a little bourgeois Sophie! Funny that you reacted to the only intelligent contribution in the comments section! Get Kalen to write the article next time, his understanding of the era and analytical faculties are far superior!
The article was written by a person who lived through the events described. I asked Kalen if he also lived through them in order to establish a baseline of how and where he acquired his interpretation. He also seemed to imply he doubted the authenticity of the author’s POV so I asked to clarify that.
Did you also live through these events? Do you have fact-based refutations of the version told by the author? If so please feel welcome to post them.
Your first question to drooze is the funnniest thing I have read in weeks. Best non sequitur of the day. Congrats. Let’s hear more from Grandpa Simpson about his first-hand experience of WW2!
Weeks before December 13, 1981 I was assigned as student reporter for NZS (independent Association of Students ) specifically covering ongoing (before coup) countrywide strike of university students including Warsaw higher education institutions (Universities, colleges).
The countrywide occupation Strike (in solidarity) was a result of about week earlier military commando (using helicopters as I eyewitnessed) assault on students’ occupation strike at Firefighters College in Northern district of Warsaw (Marymont). Everybody knew for weeks that coup was coming as security forces (SB) and state police (called citizen militia (MO) including ZOMO mechanized units) became more aggressive in handing ongoing protests while media language regarding ongoing workers strike became extremely threatening.
Specifically at about 1am on Dec 13, I was returning from a celebration of a “Name Day” of one of my friends and saw no troops on the street traversing Warsaw from far north to south. Military was deployed at about 2 am. At 9am when I woke up there were military vehicle in front of the friend’s flat I spent night in. little further I saw tanks in front of Polish TV station. One of my best friends was arrested/interned (few years later exiled) that night as he woke up at night saw military columns and ran on foot to Headquarters of Solidarity Trade Union for Mazovia region to defend it.
Please do not interpret my comment as questioning authenticity of author’s personal experiences but I was there too during the coup and even at that time my judgment of political situation and interpretation of events were not much different than they are today in fact confirmed by later developments including full top down transformation into unfettered (artificial crisis) capitalism so called 1989 “changing uniforms” street revolt and supposed liberation from socialism in Poland that never really was.
Thank you for the clarification. And for being courteous. A great exemplar.
My comment was not published either. I think I was neither vulgar nor unfounded.
Radio Free Europe? BBC? Oh dear it’s structural!!
Off-guardian is painstakingly non Marxist!!!!
Try to be more nuanced. We have critiqued RFE as a CIA-creation many times.
I invite drooze to explain which sections of my piece are propaganda and what is meant by this claim,
Hi Sophie, I replied to Kalen but my reply seems to have disappeared. Is it still pending or should I repost it?
I found the article really positive and informative on first reading, but can also see the truth and validity in your response. Thank you.
Keep up the good work people… much love.
If Solidarity was genuine (which I very much doubt), it was successful because it fused socialism with nationalism.
This is the big no-no for the globalists. Socialists must be engineered to perceive nationalism as jingoism, chauvinism, xenophobia, imperialism, in short anything and everything they are against.
The globalists’ other big no-no is libertarianism. This seems at first unconnected or even contradictory but it isn’t. What nationalistic forms of socialism and libertarianism both stand for is self-determination. If there is any determining to be done – and boy is there! – it’s the globalists who are going to do it thank you very much and not any groups or individuals. .
I agree, this is exactly why the fake left-right paradigm works so well for them. One should wonder why countries that construct socialism, no matter how small they are (Nicaragua, Cuba) are always vehemently assaulted by the empire.
Libertarians sadly think that socialism is about 65 genders, being anti-white, feminism and globalism. Now thats more in line with trotskyism. Unfourtunately that’s how they sabotaged socialism, at least in the west.
They made it unappealing to the working class, while they sell neo-liberalism as libertarianism to them.
The socialism, if such it was, soon disappeared. After 1989 the Gdansk shipyard was privatised. A worker there complained to Walesa about losing his job. Walesa was unsympathetic. “What did you expect?” The shipyard had received state subsidies before 1989. Under “freedom” it experienced the icy blast of neo-liberal economics.
I am from Poland and I can confirm what Kalen writes. Solidarity is the CIA. Jaruzelski served Rockefeler. Havel too

President Havel talking to Rockefeller…. This is evidence of … President Havel talking to Rockefeller.
I think many of us, who grew up in Eastern Europe after the war were shaped by idealism and genuine beliefs in the values of the Enlightenment. I think the biggest mistake that any of our generation and those preceding us was to believe that the West shared this idealism and that its political structures had any integrity. I am sure many people were very realistic but I would be very careful in spreading this kind of cynical stuff.
I didn’t share a belief like you about the West. It is difficult for me to trust the colonizers and imperialists who have plundered the land for 600 years.
and this is just a conversation
“You chose me for the conclave,” the pope joked. “And now you’ve come to me to thank you,” Brzeziński replied jokingly.
One can never be too careful with disseminating the truth. It makes a terrible mess.
Havel’s family was a prosperous middle class one, but under the Protectorate it collaborated with the Germans, and Havel’s family lost social status, especially after 1948, and he resented this. He had trouble getting into higher education as places were reserved for working class youth.
Thank you, to Kalen, for such a thorough response to my article.
I find it difficult to respond to this because Kalen does not attempt to explain HOW my article reads like ‘official propaganda’ or that it is ‘regurgitation of false neocon narratives’. I cannot see how anyone who read this piece could claim this. I actually don’t think he (?) has read this article beyond a quick scan.
First, what official propaganda? And whose? The 1981 regime? Or are you suggesting that I am taking my interpretation of my own experiences from the US or UK propaganda? That is a bit of an accusation but where in the text can you see it? And if you mean references to hardship, economic problems, and the demands for greater freedoms and justice as official propaganda then my response to you is, tell this to the 10 million who did join Solidarity within weeks of it being set up.
Are you challenging the authenticity of the protests against the authorities, the demands for better working conditions for workers, for better living standards, for more dignity in life and for having a semblance of democracy? You know that East Europeans did not choose the system of ‘people’s democracies’; it was imposed on them by USSR with US and UK agreement. In EE many considered the West to have betrayed them by giving these concessions to USSR (Yalta and Potsdam). History for me is about people’s lives and whilst we can always create happiness a sense meaning and purpose irrespective of the regime we live in, that does not mean that East Europeans should not have fought for a better world for themselves.
Second, if Kalen read the article carefully (not that I expect this of anyone, only those who accuse me of ‘propaganda’) he would have noticed I refer to the fact that as young people we did not know that some of the resistance during martial law was financially supported by US. Even if we did know, we (please take this as a symbolic ‘we’, I was only very young myself) would still accept any help. The fight was against the injustice that the majority of the population was subjected to. You accept any help when you need it. But the opposition had been completely authentic, there is enough literature documenting the development of specifically EE political thought. Most dissidents aimed for a better kind of socialism, a kind of third way. If Kalen read the article carefully, he would also see that towards the end I refer to the betrayal of Solidarity by the neo-liberal shock ‘therapy’ that came after 1989, imposed by Balcerowicz supported by the IMF. Solidarity did not fight to get the working class enslaved by the exploitative cut-throat capitalism that followed. I think what most Poles would have happily accepted a kind of Scandinavian social democratic model. But in 1989 that was simply not on the table. But that is another story, another article.
So in conclusion, I cannot respond properly to Kalen because he (?) accused me of propaganda but did not provide any evidence or arguments to demonstrate the validity of his claim; in other words, which point I made were ‘propaganda’. Instead, he gave his version of history which, although much of it I agree with, I find a little unfocused so not quite sure how to interpret it. I think that Kalen might be less harsh in his response if he reads my piece again. I hope. PS. I recommend you read an excellent book by David Ost: Solidarity. The Politics of Anti-Politics. Opposition and Reform in Poland since 1968
Thank you, to Kalen, for such a thorough response to my article.
I find it difficult to respond to this because Kalen does not attempt to explain HOW my article reads like ‘official propaganda’ or that it is ‘regurgitation of false neocon narratives’. I cannot see how anyone who read this piece could claim this. I actually don’t think he (?) has read this article beyond a quick scan.
First, what official propaganda? And whose? The 1981 regime? Or are you suggesting that I am taking my interpretation of my own experiences from the US or UK propaganda? That is a bit of an accusation but where in the text can you see it? And if you mean references to hardship, economic problems, and the demands for greater freedoms and justice as official propaganda then my response to you is, tell this to the 10 million who did join Solidarity within weeks of it being set up.
Are you challenging the authenticity of the protests against the authorities, the demands for better working conditions for workers, for better living standards, for more dignity in life and for having a semblance of democracy? You know that East Europeans did not choose the system of ‘people’s democracies’; it was imposed on them by USSR with US and UK agreement. In EE many considered the West to have betrayed them by giving these concessions to USSR (Yalta and Potsdam).
History for me is about people’s lives and whilst we can always create happiness a sense meaning and purpose irrespective of the regime we live in, that does not mean that East Europeans should not have fought for a better world for themselves.
Second, if Kalen read the article carefully (not that I expect this of anyone, only those who accuse me of ‘propaganda’) he would have noticed I refer to the fact that as young people we did not know that some of the resistance during martial law was financially supported by US. Even if we did know, we (please take this as a symbolic ‘we’, I was only very young myself) would still accept any help. The fight was against the injustice that the majority of the population was subjected to. You accept any help when you need it. But the opposition had been completely authentic, there is enough literature documenting the development of specifically EE political thought. Most dissidents aimed for a better kind of socialism, a kind of third way. If Kalen read the article carefully, he would also see that towards the end I refer to the betrayal of Solidarity by the neo-liberal shock ‘therapy’ that came after 1989, imposed by Balcerowicz supported by the IMF. Solidarity did not fight to get the working class enslaved by the exploitative cut-throat capitalism that followed. I think what most Poles would have happily accepted a kind of Scandinavian social democratic model. But in 1989 that was simply not on the table. But that is another story, another article.
So in conclusion, I cannot respond properly to Kalen because he (?) accused me of propaganda but did not provide any evidence or arguments to demonstrate the validity of his claim; he does not challenge any specific point I make. Instead, he gave his version of history which, although much of it I agree with, I find a little unfocused so not quite sure how to interpret it. I think that Kalen might be less harsh in his response if he reads my piece again. I hope. PS.
I recommend you read an excellent book by David Ost: Solidarity. The Politics of Anti-Politics. Opposition and Reform in Poland since 1968.
Please help me. I’ve become something I can’t understand. Rand Paul, a U.S. Senator who has been against the mandates, has parried with the evil Fauci, and has otherwise been one of the few politicians strongly against this totalitarian nightmare, had this to say:
“The truth from the CDC is quite the opposite. Over age 75, 97% of people have voluntarily chosen to be vaccinated. Between ages 64 and 75, 99% of people have been vaccinated,” Paul further explained.”
Rand Paul: Vaccine Zealots “Won’t Be Happy Until They Get Your Newborn” | ZeroHedge
I’m 66. Can this be true? I certainly know the deal on statistics, but this is Rand Paul. Even if he’s off by a few percentage points, can this be true? Am I really of the one percent? I can’t fucking believe it. Is every old fucker I look at out there a fucking globalist traitor?
OK, I’ll talk myself down, that can’t be true. Why Paul is saying that is a question, maybe he thinks it’s a good part of his overall argument, but it can’t be true, that just doesn’t pass a smell test. But if that is really true, then, then, well, I really don’t know what to say.
I think no one actually knows. I think a lot of people are lying when they say that they are vaccinated, out of fear of becoming socially isolated. Then again, the digital prison is closing so quickly that I suppose it would be difficult to get away with that lie for very long. As for that 99% figure in the US, I’m betting it is NOT accurate, at least not in the South and not among minority communities. In the Northeast however, I would absolutely believe it.
I have seen a number of articles along this line
Simply stated. ‘ The system no longer relies on the use of Terror but on the fear of the loss of Security.’
We are largely unconscious of the fear and terror that permeates our everyday life in modern society, where practically everyone is a stranger. Insecurity stalks our every step. We dont have to keep such dreads out of our thoughts, they just dont enter. Every conflict in History has been over Security. (The Class Struggle is over Security)…
Name one politician who hasnt tried to bribe you with promises of “Security”, and asks you to “Trust Me !” (Dis-trust is learned. Trust has to be earned. What a species !!!)…
The Great Reset is about making The World a Securer Place. Insecurity has been weaponised. Generalised Insecurity enables the Great Reset’s implementation.
There will be Winners, and there will be a heck of a lot of The Dispossessed – of their property, of their security, of their Health
Of course. They can’t change the human spirit for freedom that evidently only infects some of us. But it does, infect some of us, many of us for that matter, and that infection is far more significant than a fake virus. Humans have been fighting for their freedom and liberty for how long? That isn’t stopping. But considering what we know about the past, it is surprising how many fell for this. Surprising and disappointing. And after nearly two years, the fervor of the covid maniacs is still downright scary. But they can’t take us down now. No way. We KNOW. It’s like seeing something that you can’t disremember. We know, and therefore Fauci and Gates must die (in orange jumpsuits in a shared prison cell – or whatever your imagination desires. There is no other way.
I think the reason people do not resist when they can is explainable.
The masses are used-to top down governance. Since birth mother, father older, older sibling, nurse are in home hierarchies.. School principal teacher, student. relationships.. going up is performance grading on stuff pushed down, is a directed verdict to a request. Challenges to the hierarchy is a violation of the rule, law, protocol.
The student brighter than the teach is never appointed to teach..? the students are not consulted to decide the lesson or to invent the examination.
Always it is, what the masses are allowed to do instead of what it is the masses have themselves decided they should not do..
The church is top down.. there is but one creator.. but maybe that too is a designed structure to acquire power from t he authority of the structure maybe creation is a consequence of something not a intention of a single creator..but no one could successfully advance that idea, because the structure and organization of history provides those with knowledge of history with authority sufficient to maintain their power to always be in authoritative control of the masses.?
the airport is top down, access to the airplane is protected by a gate and only those with the authority can open the gate. . The government is top down..protected by a gate and a military from masses. Always their is a higher authority to deny bottom up push and to implement gates, that top down can issue or deny tickets to.
Hope we can explore this idea some. to help explain why the masses find it extremely difficult to resist being drowned when the person pushing them under the water is superior to them.. by age, rank, or knowledge.
Simply stated, ‘The System no longer relies on the use of Terror but on the fear of the loss of Security.”
It is about time people got on board with saving humanity from the pandemic. Everyone must roll up both sleeves and take the shot.
Insofar as the changes are permanent, so will the parallel structures remain or even perish. In Greece, during the implementation phase of the IMF memoranda, indeed such structures sprang up: neighbourhood medical provision, square commitees, banquets and exchange shops. Most of them dissipated and history now is moving towards an unforeseen state of surveillance. Moreover, there is no “opposite awe”. No superpower left to challenge the global superpower, just as there was nobody really condeming nuclear weapons and nuclear energy from a power point of view. Just disagreements on who should “own then responsibly”. This is the base, the launching pad of capitalism’s new phase, the new production factors: databases and the hardware and software that supplies them. You will work to build them, you will live to provide them with information and if you challenge that notion you will be seen as danger not to the state, but the whole social body’s health. The new social contract, born of emergency.
We should not retract, it would be the same as quitting and surrendering to the developments. Let us shape those developments. We are fed up, so let us DECLARE THIS CONSCIOUSNESS. Civil disobedience as the practice of a conscious, common platform. And we must not only challenge the jab mandates, but the whole new coercion mechanism emerging: the emergency powers, the mandatory testings, the maskings, demand that people with authority go to jail, clash, first of all clash with the notion that these GANGSTERS will forever be ruling us and that they are unbeatable. Politicians, propagandists, scientists, business owners and people from agencies who all are in key positions to push the narrative and establish its material foundation. WE ARE THE MAJORITY.
All of this is heartening, but when complete surveillance arrives, resistance will be all but impossible. That is why resistance RIGHT NOW is so important. And JAPAN is doing that:
–Legalized Ivermectin
–Mandatory reporting of vax side effects
–Labeling of the vax: risks of adverse effects including myocarditis
–Labeling: This product contains an additive never used in a vaccine before
–Govt links to Human Rights Advice in case of discrimination against the unvaxxed.
Interesting that the links within Japanese site are 404- Site not found
Good summary. I wonder if the new PM will reverse these policies.
First came the Blitzkrieg of bombs and guns.
Then came the Blitzkrieg of Communism and guns.
Now it’s the Blitzkrieg of fear mongering, coercion and mind raping.
Can you weather the storm Joanna?
“Fascist Bureau of Inquisition (FBI)”

“Its founder.”

Yip, Poland, what’s the history, revisionist ?
Got 11 hours, ha !, what do you think ?
End game now.
(Hope MC is okay).
People shouldn’t be mislabelling anti-authoritarians as anti-vaxxers.
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2021-12-13. Will jabs cause massive self-to-self attack? Natural immunity still better. IVM success Brazilian city (link).
I can’t believe this is still holding. Two students from the same h.s. died this week in Ohio, four dead in less than three weeks since Thanksgiving, four teachers died in the same week…
I started following the athlete deaths stories and the numbers are exponentially increasing in just a few weeks time:
Article HERE:
This is an update by Hugo Talks regarding the two boys (~15yo) who went to the same Staffordshire school and who died within a week of each other.'t-ADD-UP-Hugo-Talks–lockdown2:9
Beautiful article. I like the Vaclav Havel quotes. I am reading some of Pareto’s sociological writings and his works help to explain how many people succumb to whatever ideology/diktats become accepted. It is very difficult when you move within institutions at these times that make demands to bolster the ‘propaganda’ or ideology or whatever it is. Eventually, people with conscience quit, becoming destitute. People without robust conscience (too fearful) or lacking in ability to see, stay. The evil then flowers.
As we are not permitted to flee, there will be more people around to be silenced or worse. Guess that’s a good thing and a bad thing.
People with money weather it all. Same as it ever was. But your article is one of the best I’ve read that alludes to the power of the ostensibly powerless to withstand the storm.
Thank you Joanna. I agree there will be an end, as such systems are ‘unsustainable.’
Thank you. And yes, there is nowhere to flee. We build where we are, if possible.
Anyone paying attention? will notice this recurring pattern….
notice how the communist socialist horror story’s appear when the opposite is just about to do something really dodgy.
DoublePlus Good
or, +1+1
An interesting and historical piece, of course it bears little resemblance to our current situation…. the commonality and cultural histories drawn on by the poles in their struggles…
no longer exist in western europe… a land of fragments and imbecility… the artists and soldiers and statesmen , perhaps even the journalists… long gone..
“Many in resistance, aware of the complex and pre-planned attack on our way of life consider their response to this attack in spiritual and moral terms.”
Indeed it often seems to me that we are compelled to see this attack in spiritual and moral terms.
Even people who have calmly shrugged off spirituality and morality all their lives are now realizing that they must consider such dimensions if they want to make sure that anything worthwhile is to remain of human life.
This article is certainly worthwhile – and in spades.
Very informative, as well as drawing highly relevant parallels which remind us that the current totalitarian experiment is nothing new.
There is only one area in which the parallels do not work: The fact that there is nowhere to flee to. This evil has spared no nation, because our modern Stalins know very well that many millions would emigrate if a covid-free nation actually existed.
But I, too, remain cautiously optimistic.
Such nightmares have been resisted in the past, and they will be resisted again.
..there is nowhere to flee to. This evil has spared [the people of] no nation, [but it has strengthened the structural strengths, intensified the corruption of authority and it has widen the gap between those who govern and those who are the governed].
No longer are those who rule selected from those who are governed, in order that their rule reflect the will of those who are the governed. . Those who rule are selected, segregated, coached, made black mail able, and approved by private interest intent on using the governments to advance their private interest.
As a final selection step, the groomed candidate is made known to those he or she is to govern. This is done by holding elections. in which the private commercial interest contribute to the candidates campaign in the form of advertising cost paid to the privately owned private media whose job it is to prove the candidate and the special interest important to the private commercial interests.
Here we have two different, simultaneously occuring attacks on democracy, right to self determination, life, liberty, pursuit of happiness, and right to privacy in one’s own thoughts and right to express in public, our thoughts to the people who collectively are the societies in which we live.
Before the dangers involved in fear-inducer (lab produced spike protein infecting, corona virus <=fear inducer) and the (lab made spike protein producing bacterial matter packaged, promoted and sold as an antidote), is the digital platform. This digital platform is a control structure. It affords a level of control at the nano level to those with authority, privilege, wealth, and technology. The digital platform allows the commercial interest to deny humanity a place to flee.
Humanity is fighting two wars at once, in both, the enemy is private commercial interest. In both the enemy has partnered without our governments for their purposes. against us because of our humanity.
A few differences in the situations. Poland is bigger than the UK and had half the population- more black market food available. The Polish church was open and a centre for resistance, the pestilence closed churchesin UK. Poland has an integrated population, we have a diverse population of easily divided factions. The enemy now is the whole world, there is no radio free Europe. The vax looks likely to slowly maim and kill most of its victims and it’s already happened to a good proportion of the population.
Why would you post such despair porn? “There is no radio free Europe”? If you mean there’s no sources of free information, then what in the world do you think this site is?
With all due respect, I don’t think many ordinary people have ever heard of OffG.
Nobody else in my entire family has ever mentioned it.
Radio Free Europe, on the other hand, was, and is, a big thing, like everything else funded by US interests.
But this is not despair porn. It’s simply an insistence on facts rather than wishful thinking.
I certainly know and recognize my own wishful thinking, and it doesn’t go away, but I keep it in its rightful place – underneath my determination to live in a real, normal world – preferably with real, normal human beings.
Contact with those is of course one respect in which OffG beats RFE hands down.
Thanks mate, I would have replied similarly but this particular admin has had the knife out for me for a while.