The Alibi of Tyrants
At bottom, psychological warfare aimed at ushering in global autocracy
Julien Charles

“The welfare of the people in particular has always been the alibi of tyrants, and it provides the further advantage of giving the servants of tyranny a good conscience.”
Albert Camus
On John Steppling’s Aesthetic Resistance podcast, guest Varun Mathur posited that we are witnessing – on a global scale – an event called “projective identification”.
Something like the reverse of Stockholm Syndrome — when victims identify with their abuser — projective identification in psychoanalysis is the abuser who projects his lesser qualities onto the abused, and then sets about trying to eradicate them in the false version of the much put-upon victim.
Worse, the victim internalizes the projection, taking the projected qualities as his own, and then sets about fixing his illusory self. So you then have two entities foolishly trying to solve the afflictions of an illusory third entity. Interpreters of nonexistent maladies.
Capital and Its Discontents
Could it be that our relationship with the capitalist ruling class has perverted itself into such a state? In which the abusive state, removing rights to satisfy the requirements of corporate profit taking, projects its own profiteering monomania onto the servile population.
The freedom to profit, the libertine excess of avarice, being the sole objective of the system. In the feverish mind of the capital class, labor is forever scheming to take away its wealth and privilege. It sees in the underclass a dangerously unhinged desire to upend meritocracy and reward apathy.
It would feed those who don’t work, employ those without skills, laden lean corporations with higher taxes and needless overhead. So too would the scurvy working class deliver the rulers up to the altar of socialism, that chronic obsession of the downtrodden.
(And in some cases, Park Avenue elites might be delivered up to the guillotine. Or, as some would surely relish, Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci swinging from the Brooklyn Bridge, a grisly reproof of elitism by the populism baying below.)
And so — in this construct — the ruling class projects its own scheming and faithless character onto the very class it exploits. Only the underclass would reward sloth rather than merit, i.e., replace capitalism with socialism.
Same monomania, different ideology.
The ruling class projects its own monomania onto the working class, and then oppresses it in order to curtail what it sees as a dreadful radicalism.
Of course, in so doing the mandarins are vainly trying to salve a conscience made restive in part from the long-lived practice of profiting from the supposed delivery of public health. But health is diminished as profits rise.
The ruling class knows this, and must do all it can to stem the boiling rebellions that surface far beneath it. Cognitive dissonance has a nasty half-life.
Flattering to Deceive
Hence a domestic war on terror to “keep the rabble in line.” A new spotlight cast on loosely defined “extremism” and a reinvigorated effort to censor dissident voices through the vast tentacles of Big Tech. After all, the people that own the country ought to govern it (at least according to Founder Father John Jay).
In place of dissent, we have consensus, a “mile wide and an inch deep,” as a journalist once said referring to the mainstream. A consensus that the government is doing its damndest to keep us safe. All it does is done for the welfare of the people—protecting them from fatal pathogens, mendacious memes, and seditious knaves in viking attire.
But achieving this kind of mass consensus is no easy feat. It requires a massive media campaign, one that:
- a) develops a common, consistent message platform;
- b) assembles the awesome power of institutional and expert authority to confirm and sanction the messaging;
- c) saturates every media channel with the message, in a million iterations.
The goal of this kind of propaganda – or disinformation – campaign is to simply overwhelm the reader, the listener, the viewer, until he or she surrenders to the message, concedes its validity and, crucially, follows its mandates. Masking, social distancing, isolating and quarantining, vaccinating, boosting, and evangelizing the same to others.
As one after another individual falls into compliance, groupthink forms, and resisters are soon conquered by peer pressure. As anyone knows, standing against a crowd is not only frightening but requires a kind of fortitude that few possess.
As Robert Kennedy Jr. notes in his book The Real Anthony Fauci, the protocols introduced to stem a so-called pandemic (reinterpreted by the CDC to enable use of the term without a huge death count, only cases, themselves reinterpreted to include spurious positive tests from a not-fit-for-purpose PCR test) are straight out of CIA handbooks for psychological warfare. They include techniques to:
shatter indigenous societies, obliterating…social bonds, for using imposed isolation and the demolition of traditional economies to crush resistance, to foster chaos, demoralization, dependence and fear, and for imposing centralized and autocratic governance.”
All of this has taken place, through masking and quarantine, the destruction of social life, the foreclosure of the small business economy, the creation of a mental health epidemic via mass isolation, and the authoritarian cast of public health dictates.
As people fall in line, psychologically bludgeoned into compliance, they come to resemble what Hannah Arendt called “schreibtischtäter,” or “desk killers,” usefully noted in a fine meditation by Edward Curtin. In a sense, all who are even nominally compliant are broadly complicit.
Compliance enables, even when we do it to save a job and feed a family. It is the almost the necessary indictment of everyone harnessed by a exploitive system (a reality that, by the way, gives the lie to so much cancel culture, and Twitter warriors who think they are somehow immune to hypocrisy).
But unlike disinformation campaigns about overt and covert wars like the Iraq War, Syrian War, Libyan War, and Vietnam, this kind of campaign must function at an incredibly high level of activity, churning out news and updates at an even greater pace than conventional war campaigns.
Namely because the changes implemented are happening in-country, not in some distant land where events can be easily falsified for the home audience. Unsurprisingly, there are few if any events better suited to a domestic disinformation campaign than a pandemic.
Viruses are by nature unseen, invisible to the eye, a fact that makes it possible to keep citizens in a state of constant fear, permanently alive with trepidation. By contrast, the War on Terror was a clunky, poor absorbed campaign that had to rely on frequent FBI entrapment schemes as well as false flags and fabricated foreign events to keep the population in a state of anxiety and compliance.
After 9/11 we rarely if ever saw foreign terrorists, and today we cannot see the virus. What we can see are the endless reams of statistical fear-mongering rendered by establishment authorities, from death tolls with unreliable attributions, to study after study that escalate the speculation of further horrors.
That we cannot not see. We are bombarded with it daily.
And with it we see the compliant, more vigilant than ever, behaving like citizen corps out to enforce the lockstep of groupthink. The subtle genius of this campaign is that dissent is now considered life-threatening.
But to accomplish this, the campaign had to be so comprehensive, so ubiquitous, that it literally produced a form of mass brainwashing.
The Massive
Not unlike Mather, psychologist Mattias Desmet has argued that we may be experiencing exactly that, the phenomenon of mass formation, better known as mass hypnosis. Desmet suggests four criteria must obtain for mass formation to take hold:
- Many people feel social isolation
- Lack of meaning
- Free-floating anxiety
- Free-floating aggression
It’s not unreasonable to suggest these criteria exist in our society right now—both as a consequence of the pandemic but also as its precursor. The isolation of quarantine sim fin. The social anomie wrought by soulless cycles of endless consumption.
The anxiety of the gig economy, a breathless treadmill of diminishing returns. The social trauma produced by viewing a ceaseless slipstream of social media videos spotlighting police misconduct, often killings (or murder, depending on your interpretation of events). And the outright fury inevitably conjured by this confection of mishaps.
Together, these circumstances have, to Desmet and others, generated a society of sleepwalkers, placing their faith in authority as people often do in situations of crisis, or perceived crisis (see presidential approval ratings during a foreign war of aggression characterized as an urgent fight ‘to protect our freedoms’).
There’s also something to be said for the idea that, if we are comprehensively aimless as a society (aside from the siren call of money-making), Covid has delivered an urgent purpose to people which they have seized upon with a passion: flattening the curve, stopping the spread, masking up, getting vaxxed, and working together to beat covid.
And, of course, lustily participating in the vilification of the unvaccinated.
All of it — crucially — beyond question.
Consensus in a crisis resists debate. There simply isn’t time, as an extinction-level event forms on the horizon. (One can see the same impatience and contempt for questions about the severity of climate change.)
And this is exactly what mass formation predicts, according to Desmet. The free-floating anxiety is easily attracted to a comprehensive narrative launched in society, one that identifies a cause of anxiety and steps necessary to remove it.
As more people accept and follow the narrative, “a new kind of solidarity” emerges that begins to resolve the sense of isolation people feel and provides meaning for their lives (engaging in an heroic struggle). So the original conditions of mass formation are addressed by the official narrative, the mandates of which become a kind of ritual that the masses participate in together.
We have seen this kind of mass formation before, in disenfranchised communities rooting about for meaning and purpose—desperately trying to shed the comprehensive anomie of post-war Germany. They fell for the fascist uplift of National Socialism, and ended in ruin.
The Nazis alienated Jews on grounds of public health; made them carry health ID cards and promoted the lie that they were carriers of Typhus.
Now we are witnessing the demonization of unvaccinated individuals and the forcible removal of their kind from acceptable society: in Austria, the unvaccinated face prison sentences; in Germany, they are banned from shops; in Italy, wages are withheld; in Canada, they cannot fly; in California, unvaccinated children will be removed from school; in Greece, pensioners will face steep monthly fines for non-compliance; in Australia, the unvaccinated are hustled into internment camps.
All of this as though such measures were absolutely and universally necessary to save humanity from a respiratory virus with an Infection Fatality Rate (IFR) of less than one percent. And for which there are numerous existing therapies available. The science does not appear to support this claim, even if the Science(™) does. But the latter brooks no dissent, while the former is rife with it.
The former is flagged for removal, the latter for promotion. But then algorithms were never impartial, were they?
Beyond Public Health
For many who sense the spectre of mass formation, something else is going on. Something beyond public health. Something, for some, even beyond profiteering.
Is an authoritarian revolution afoot, a not-so-subtle gambit for a global autocracy built on the bottom lines of Big Pharma and Biotech and ruthlessly enforced by a fascist bio-security state?
Can we hear a call in the distance, “Oligarchs of the world–unite!” Or are we instead witnessing the gross excesses of a capitalist system plagued by regulatory capture? Or, finally, as the mainstream would have it, are we simply seeing the scramble of flawed democratic governments to slow the spread, however ineffectually? Good people with good intentions, fatally flawed, as it were? (Sounds like Ken Burns whitewashing Vietnam.)
Ideologically, most people fall into one of these three camps. Yet mass formation, such as it exists, seems to prevent the population from seeing the first two options. The third option—a calamity of good intentions—is all that’s visible to the hypnotized.
Was it da Vinci that said there were three kinds of people: those that see, those that see when shown, and those that don’t see? The victims of mass formation fall where, do you think?
A large contingent of people are fortunately awake to the possibilities beneath the surface consensus—a placid lake of groupthink. This is not unusual. Marxist philosopher Louis Althusser wrote that we are all indoctrinated into the dominant ideology, following Marx’s idea that the dominant ideas of any culture are the ideas of its ruling class.
Prescient and pertinent (regardless of your opinion of Communism). Althusser argued further that a contingent of individuals, maybe a group, could be indoctrinated (his word was, unhelpfully, to interpellate) by a sub-ideology and would have a degree of—sorry—immunity from the mainstream doctrine which is of course only mainstream in its diffusion, not necessarily its acceptance.
This smaller group could then stage interventions in the dominant narrative—up from under, as it were—and begin to fracture its grip on popular consciousness.
This concept of Althusser’s is not unlike the scenario of The Matrix in which a rogue band of rebels upset the techno-tyranny of machines—all of it enforced by a particularly successful kind of mass formation. The red pill/blue pill dynamic exists today, but is fastidiously brushed aside by the official ruling class narrative.
Even twenty years ago, the inescapable relevance of the matrix construct was strong, and the film became a proverbial cult classic. So too did Fight Club, which sought to undermine the prevailing ethos of capitalist society and highlight the anomie of a life of perpetual consumption (of junk goods produced in the Shenzhen manufacturing zone while America turned into a giant rust belt).
In both films, the protagonists—Neo and Tyler Durden—function as portmanteaus for Althusserian interventions by sub-ideologues (rebels) into the system of mass oppression. There’s something of this in our current situation. If you don’t see it, you might have been blue pilled.
If you do see it, you probably came across a fortuitous article in an alternative magazine, listened to an off-the-beaten path podcast, followed a smart and informed social media influencer, or found another way to a more critical perspective. The mainstream would have us believe that these alternative sources are the real disinformation.
While that is partially true – there’s a ton of junk on social media – there is also a wealth of good information to be had in non-mainstream channels. And it is the mainstream that are the chief purveyors of both propaganda and groupthink.
It is not that these corporate outlets are daily fabricating events and stories from whole cloth. Sometimes, (Assange and Manafort in conclave?), but generally they are more clever than that. The best propaganda tells half the real story and shades it firmly in an ideological direction. Or, as the ever-quotable Benjamin Franklin once said, “A half truth is often a great lie.”
(The minority of elite capital owns the leading news outlets and disseminates its minority views to the masses, hoping to indoctrinate them in an alternative to the standard majority view, which tends toward meritocracy and a strong social safety net, as American polls typically bear out. Thus corporate media viewpoints are mainstream in name only.)
The Matrix: Resurrection opens at Christmas. There are many stories in entertainment—from films to graphic novels—that seem to revolve around a common theme: human bodies mediated by technology and eventually enslaved by it. Inevitably, the technology is employed to malign ends by mortal forces attempting to achieve immortality.
As days pass, these silver screen stories seem ever more relevant. After all, you can’t have “science fiction” without the “science.”
Julien Charles is a concerned citizen hoping to call attention to the authoritarian drift of states across the Western world, and the disingenuous narratives promoted to gain consensus for such measures.
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They have effectively won by FEAR. Thanks to your laziness, selfishness, and belief in man instead of GOD.
So go take your JAB, WOKE, and DIE. Before it use to be to get a JOB, WORK, and DIE.
blah blah blah
a few good points
but sheesh
Let’s prye open the unhinged minds of paranoid white nationalst extremist Trump loving insurrectionist anti abortion QAnon wacko nut job conspiracy theorists and rummage through their half baked incoherent slogans and irrational spittle flying rants about the cabals of pedo shape-shifting lizard aliens ruling the world, who they think desire nothing more than to depopulate the planet and to own everything, so that us rational, well grounded and serious intellectuals become further illuminated in our profound and sacred understanding of how these criminals are so incredibly dangerous as they lurk in our good and wholesome communities masquerading as ordinary people like nurses and construction workers.
The good people, the wise and educated must know how to spot these disgruntled anti-vaxxer terrorists in order for you to be able to protect yourself, your loved ones and especially your vulnerable children from diseases of the body and mind. It is important never to approach these vermin and be sure to shut down any attempts by them to express their ridiculous thoughts and stupid opinions as you will be at risk of becoming covered in their disgusting saliva.
The government urges the vigilant citizens to report any signs of these diseased violators, that so threaten our children and elderly, so that our dedicated Health Security Enforcement Officers can capture and apprehend this terrible threat before it can gather with other radical anti-vaxxer crazies and metastasise into a cancerous mob rampaging in an uncontrolled orgy of destruction, a firestorm, a tsunami pandemic of purifying pestilence reeking chaos, confusion, death, misery and a worldwide calamity, a Black Death the likes of which the world has never seen before. We can’t let the anti-vaxxer fulfil its evil dream.
The righteous person who cares about freedom and liberty must do everything in their power to maintain a just and healthy community, free from disease and malignancy. Our friends in the pharmaceutical vaccine manufacturing industry, who are doing their utmost to save the world, urge members of the public to spit on anti-vaxxers, to beat them to a pulp with iron pipes, to gang rape them, and then kill them in the name of what is right, in the name of humanity, justice and freedom. It is time to express your fear and anger knowing it is the anti-vaxxer gangs who are prolonging and making worse this pandemic crises. It is the anti-vaxxer who has destroyed the economy and stolen your freedoms. We will never get back the things we love and cherish while there are anti-vaxxers hiding amongst our children, in our places of worship and our communities and even in our own homes. On the pain of death shall we save lives!
9/11 must be a convience of the New Normal, as it was in1965 over 1945 death camps. But who needs it when you can shape media opinion at your own choosing., and by extension that of the Public (?).
We are witnessing the total corruption of government. The government is no longer managing the country for the people, it has been gradually taken over by legalized corruption, until now it is legally forcing people to take a vaccine that the government knows is killing and maining the people, all in the name of making money and stealing whatever is left for themselves.
Who would have thought that corruption would so completely take over that the government would end up actively try to murder its citizens? Of course, the USA will always pretend it is superior to the rest of the world when it comes to corruption, and it is: it has legalized corruption everywhere!
Corporations are allowed to bribe politicians, foreign countries can bribe politicians, the medical system is allowed to price gouge their clients, working in cahoots with the insurance companies, politicians – by design – depend on billionaires to fund their campaigns, big pharma is legally allowed to dispense opiods to the people, getting them hooked on pain killers, private companies are allowed to have armies of mercenaries that they rent out to the government, the judicial system does nothing as it recognises that it is ultimately a servant of the government … and the list goes on and on until you get to …. Covid and the imposition of gene therapy on the public, a therapy disguised and marketed as a “vaccine” in order to encourage the dumb people to “trust” it. What the fallout will be from manipulating the genes of millions of people is anybody’s guess: probably the gene therapy victims will have to pay for the “fix” to get their genes back to normal or they will die: that’s government for you, which is why the idea of global government is terrifying.
There is a point at which COVID meets geoengineering.
For decades world governments – led of course by the US military – have been poisoning the atmosphere and everything that relies on the atmosphere for existence.
That cat is almost out of the bag. So what happens when a criminal is about to be exposed? He tries to destroy the evidence.
The people are the evidence, their bodies full of aluminum and other toxic particles raining down. Enter COVID; enter the COVID “vaccine.”
Destroy the evidence.
“What the fallout will be from manipulating the genes of millions of people is anybody’s guess?”
The results will not show for ten years or more, when they or their children become infertile, and develop diseases that they haven’t a clue where they came from? And the children are born with physical abnormalities… like with Thalidomide, which took ten years to register that it was that causing the malformations:
“In the late 1950s and early 1960s, the use of thalidomide in 46 countries by women who were pregnant or who subsequently became pregnant, resulted in the “biggest man‐made medical disaster ever,” resulting in more than 10,000 children born with a range of severe deformities, such as phocomelia, as well as thousands of miscarriages.” It was officially banned in 1961…….
More than 60 years after the drug thalidomide caused birth defects in thousands of children, Scientists at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute have solved a mystery that has lingered ever since the dangers of the drug first became apparent: how did the drug produce such severe foetal harm?
The answer, published online August 2018 by the journal Elife, not only helps resolve an issue that has been the subject of scientific curiosity for two generations, but will be critical as pharmaceutical companies develop a promising new generation of anticancer drugs that share a basic chemical architecture with thalidomide, the study authors say.
Building on years of previous research, the researchers found that thalidomide acts by promoting the degradation of an unexpectedly wide range of transcription factors – cell proteins that help switch genes on or off – including one called SALL4. The result is the complete removal of SALL4 from cells. “As new derivatives are ‘tested’, we’ll be able to ‘explore’ whether they have the same potentially damaging effects as thalidomide….
We know that the therapeutic effect of these drugs is based on their ability to degrade specific proteins. Our findings will help drug developers distinguish between proteins whose degradation is likely to be beneficial and whose may be harmful.”
So.. who will be their guinea pigs this time?
I know it seems absurd,
but in WORD war three,
shepherds attack their herds
Wake now my friend,
we are in the House of Lies,
where only the Wise will survive
Mass formation has been an ongoing project, with prior deceptions fundamental but not always so dangerous or terrorizing. Mass formation is essential to our capitalist society.
The elite capitalists’ tool for compelling the mass to feed their mania has metastasized to solve their heinous guilt.
Gates, the tyrant, exploited the era of personal computerization to amass his capital, monopoly, and vile prominence under the pretense of profit. He has advanced to an even grander transfiguration of society, with intensified fraud and compulsion, because, once again, capitalist society desperately yields opportunities to tyrants for the maintenance of its psychoses.
When you see a turd like George Galloway floating in your direction, it probably means that the tide has changed.
If there really is but 65 hospitalisations from Omicron, and one death, then the current paroxysm from state and media constitutes a crime again the economy and thus against the people.
12:28 PM · Dec 18, 2021
CJ Hopkins states in reply:
And @georgegalloway has just moved into the lead in today’s “Gaslighting New Normal Fascist of the Day” competition!
4:20 PM · Dec 18, 2021
Apologies, George, we should have explained. We are running a daily competition (see attached tweet). Oh, and congratulations and best of luck in today’s round!
Submissions are now being accepted for the Consent Factory’s Gaslighting New Normal Fascist of the Day competition, sponsored by GloboCap, Inc.! Previous winners include @AsaWinstanley and @AliAbunimah. Members of the corporate and state media ineligible.
9:09 AM · Dec 18, 2021
I don’t understand why you would call gorgeous George a Turd? I love his tenacity and assertiveness. Although I would like to disagree with him in person. His grasp of the English language and delivery in a manner that can be understood by the MANY not the few, is second to none. I even liked him when he played the cat in Big Brother, such is his confidence. But I can see how someone with an inferiority complex would have seen this as gross… Although there was no mention of Rula Lenska’s acting? And I loved how he spoke the brutal truth to Barrymore, which caused all the sycophants to feel sorry for him.. and allegedly.. voted for him to win.. my eye? A man who was part of a gang that raped and murdered a young man, and got away with it? I love how he never fails to stand up to the brutality of the is ray lees against the Palestinians. And his Full Address to the Oxford Union 29 Oct 2012 was flawless…The vacant expression on the face of the lad behind George, chewing his fingers says a lot about the small minority for whom George’s words fall on deaf ears, who will continue to be THE PROBLEM… I also recommend the Cambridge University dialogue.. 2015 When George makes his position very clear about Assange, his refusal to debate an Israeli apartheid supporter, Hezbollah, Punch and Judy Politics and Jeremy Corbyn..
IMO George is a man of principal, and is staunchly against apartheid, something foreign to us.. And yes sometimes he does change his mind, as do we all as more facts become available. And I am not in agreement with his opinion about OBL/911 or 7/7.
He is totally fearless, despite being physically attacked by thugs, and verbally abused by ‘lord’ Sugar who showed himself up as the slow witted barrow boy.
I never fail to be impressed by him, but doubt that the Board of Deputies and Friends of Israel will ever allow him to access parliament, ever again regardless of how popular he becomes.. they will do exactly as they did to Jeremy Corbyn…. They are so powerful, they even got George fired from his Talk Radio.. or was that Sugar?
We are not a democracy, we are a hypocrisy, is one of the best lines he’s ever said….
Maybe explain how the ‘man of principle’ refused to take a stand on 9/11, endorsed the removal of Gaddafi and – as of now – happily signs off on lockdowns, mask mandates and apartheid?
Is this some new usage of the word ‘principle’ we haven’t previously come across?
A very good article from Marx to Transhumanism an accurate historical and current description .
A more accurate definition:
Folie à deux, also known as shared psychosis or shared delusional disorder, is a psychiatric syndrome in which symptoms of a delusional belief, and sometimes hallucinations, are transmitted from one individual to another.
Also see: (MPI) Mass psychogenic illness
yes… it is a noted idiosyncracy of the credentialed psycho babbler, that whilst looking to promote his own novel re-evaluations of prior papered and journaled ‘theories’ propounded by the credentialed babblers of yore…
that he must first take what has been established and create a new lexicon with which to promote his ‘concepts’…
thereby redefining what has previously been settled… and reclassifying the obvious… (mass hypnosis, propaganda, punishment, the washing of brains)..
NB. I concur Folie à deux is a far more fitting description for the current drama…
I think I’ll miss the froggies…
As someone who believes that the French languge is more imprecise and full of elitist bullshit than English, you appear to be lost in a blizzard of minutiae of your own creation .
One of the most insightful and well argued dissections of the current collective crazy that I’ve read in some time. Thank you.
Throughout my post-WWII lifetime Western nations led by the United States have subjected the peoples of “our” former colonial possessions to endless mass psychological propaganda operations combined with officially “hidden” death squad violence or overt military intervention. It would appear that we citizens of the West are now reaping the fruits of what oligarchy has learned from decades of such “lab work” in the Third World.
The phrase “new normal” is simply a euphemism for totalitarian rule and “Marshall law.” Watching the police of Western nations daily brutalizing peaceful citizens for simply claiming their right to “protest” against the unscientific illegal lockdown and vaccine mandates should be enough to awaken people from their trance – yet so many continue to appear deeply asleep.
‘they’ (trans-national elitists) have always treated ‘their’ (captured minion) citizens with such contempt and generally enjoy having them slaughtered whenever circumstance permits…. it is merely that the current crop of citizen imbeciles have been quite lucky (and useful)…
that luck has now run out… and what numbers remain after the coming impositions.. are soon to be de-domiciled urchins and paupers as they were throughout recorded history (such as it is)…
It’s claimed there’s evidence that different batches of ‘covid’ protection doses vary in their potency – from saline through to lethal… It should not come as a surprise. After all, it’s an experiment. Logically we expect experiments to be scientific, methodical. Hanging was worked out scientifically, So was the right dosage for lethal injection. Then there’s the Electric Chair – the science of lethal Zaps. Not forgetting the scientifically worked out amount of gas to drop into a chamber full of people…
Scientists will be keeping track of the effectiveness of the different dose potencies. That’s what science is about. So if you want to delete, say, obese people, or asthmatics, by giving them The Special jabs during mass vax campaign – it’ll be easier to blame their poor health… Logical !!!
The story of lethal batches may be more of the varied gas-lighting to cause stupefaction. However, Japan did report visibly contaminated batches. That may have been the beginning of its present revolt against some covid rules.
Sorry this is a double post
Les Online: somewhere in this or the adjacent thread you referred to the “quarantine” camps being constructed in the various Australian states.
This scamdemic is unfolding against a geopolitical backdrop which sends shivers down my spine. Ukraine Taiwan Iran and many more.
These “quarantine” camps are termed “national resilience” camps.
They are not being built for “quarantine” but for the incarceration of “troublesome” elements in the event of a major war. I leave it to your imagination to work out who will end up the occupants of these prisons; Mostly people of Chinese ethnicity, muslims and domestic opposition, various ratbags of all sorts etc. A la World Wars 1 and 2.
It’s all so incredibly awful its difficult to wrap one’s mind around it.
The Camps in Australia, built over the past year or so were never, to me, for quarantine purposes.
Authorities often use the term “facilities”, an ominous, scientific sounding term, for places used to incinerate slaughtered ‘diseased’ animals, a term also used in place of abattoirs… Facilities = to facilitate. Sometimes officials use the term meat processing centers for ‘abattoirs’, and jails & Courts are sometimes referred to as processing centres…
Also during the past year or so, Australian state governments have legalised.’medically assisted’ euthanasia. I dont regard the seeming sudden enthusiasm for bestowing such powers on medical doctors as innocent.
Bringing the NHS into line with the WEF’s digitalisation of everything:
they don’t seem to say how they “saved” £300 million with their deal with Microsoft or exactly how much it COST
(for essentially software licences and massively scaled hardware which it costs Microsoft very close to zero to provide)
and 11,000 ipads, no mention of the profit made by apple in that fabulous deal, either
Retail could be £4.4 million, apples profit on that AT LEAST £2.2 milliion??????
If everyone owning a Microsoft device or software , I-Phone or tablet , and television to flatten the Covid curve of course for 2 weeks the fake plague would quickly be over .
Well I know it took 11 months for the NHS private partners to post me some crappy vit D3 tablets. The covering letter said it was my fault for not supplying an email address. They have my NHS no and location ffs, but they really need my data…
You need the app, email or a valid phone number. Next they’ll demand photo ID and all the rest. If you don’t play along they’ll disrupt your life or lock you out indefinitely.
Dear Brits: Won’t give us your medical data by consent?, that’s OK, we’ll just acces the net and take it anyway. Yours, the evil one’s.
Well stated comrade, but please don’t make it so fucking obvious, wise you may not get your free coffee and cookies anymore.
That’s neat coming from a shill who posts junk science articles he doesn’t believe. I mean talk about looking like a complete ass when having to backtrack 😂
Don’t give up your day job, kiddo.
haha… they have been doing this for years, hundreds of millions for windows NT and a few servers and some buggy VB applications …. cisco switches and oracle databases…
none of them fit for purpose… the septic isles ran its so called ‘nuclear deterrent’ on some crappy flavour of xp …
remember the ransomware scare, every shitty windows box in the NHS locked and loaded…
well…. bill gates did that.. he does vaccines too…
excellent article… thank you for writing it. What we are facing is worse than Nazi Germany or even Maoist China because it is totally global in scale. There are very few of any safe havens at all. Only an uprising of the populace willing to sacrifice life and limb will be able to muster enough force to stop this mass extermination campaign and the erasure of civilized culture.
Hilarious. They got you so twisted around you now want to save ‘civilization.’
Geez Louise, you don’t know the problem is civilization?
Mysterious Progressive Non-Covid Death Rate in Germany
Median death rates for Sept & Oct: 10% above the median for Sept & Oct in other years
First Week in Nov: 16% above
Second Week in Nov: 17% above
Third Week: 23% above
Fourth Week: 25% above!
Flu in Germany and globally is low incidence, and they aren’t trying to explain it as covid deaths.
Is this vax deaths?
How unusual is 25% above median? The actual line for any year will always fluctuate above or below the median. Is a 25% fluctuation noteworthy?
Could you please reply to my letter of 11/12/ 2021.
I’m not sure what you’re referring to?
Good question. The answer depends on the number of samples, N, and the Standard Deviation between samples, Sigma. There are tables for working out the “Percentage Probability” of your conclusion being correct. I used these tables as a research student, to bolster the “Significance” of my experimental results. The feeling of shame lingers to this day.
Three instructive fables on the Perils of “Probability”:
The Lottery is not a good example of probability in action simply because the odds are far different from the million to one which represents tickets sold. Most of the time, the winning numbers are outside the parameters of those tickets actually sold. And nobody can win on numbers not ticketed.
This is a myopic article, and the allusion that “the collective immune system has gone into some sort of fail mode” (sic) is outright stupid. As if death were caused by a failure of the immune system.
Analyzing mortality has to take into account a variety of data and phenomena, such as demographics. In that regard, there was a baby boom during WWII, which started in about 1937, as a result of which there are many people in the population at the end of their statistical lifespan, 80 years or so. They’re frail and they are or will be dying. The psychological covidian terror might play a big role. They might have made it through the first year, but seeing that the shit is going on and on might just make them say, fuck it. Better dead than covidian red. Denied healthcare. Suicide. The winter is here, the time of dying. Vax? Why not. It’s a shock to the body, as liable to make people kick the bucket as any of the above.
Thanks, Jacques. Good reasoning. Every few days now I come into contact w someone who’s taken the vax with bad results. Although I’ve only come into contact with 2 people who died from it I continue to expect a wave of deaths from it, instead of just the marginal increases reported by the British health services and others.
Here is an interesting interview with Andrew Kaufman. Among other things he says that if an injectee makes it through the six weeks after taking the shit-shot, they’re likely out of the woods regarding the short-term adverse effects. Medium- and long-term effects being, of course, unknown.
I live a somewhat secluded life and the vast majority of people I meet wouldn’t come anywhere near the shit-shot, but from what I can observe in my girlfriend’s bar, most injectees are fine. Conversely, my ex-wife, a teacher, herself a non-injectee, reports that she is the only one still standing, as everybody else is sick, some people quite a bit.
Can some conclusion be drawn from this? Who knows. It might just well be that people who allow themselves to be injected with the shite are fucked up in the head and getting sick is a self-fulfilling prophecy for them. Their mind is sick, hence so is their body.
As to mortality, shows nothing unusual. Perhaps a certain drop in mortality compared to the annual average, evidently caused by last year’s slight increase, which, in turn, was caused by a drop in 2019, as demonstrated by Ivor Cummins (
With the bouleversements the world is experiencing, mortality will likely go up, for numerous reasons. In fact, it’s quite amazing that more people aren’t dying.
Actually those euromomo statistics are quite unusual, in terms of excess deaths over the summer months in 2021, and in terms or a rising number of excess deaths in younger age groups. Not a sharps rise, but certainly significant.
Coming out of Israel is an anti-viral nose spray which is said to stop covid or any other viral pathogen. Now we do know that the govt of Israel is part of the global establishment, no? Do you REALLY think they are creating a product that will make the vax irrelevant?
Or is it the vaxx in another guise??? Guess what– they are calling it Enovid– which is PRECISELY the name of the very first birth control pill.
Coming to a street near you soon.
The ocean:
Are you persuaded by this Johnny? A series of evidence-free doom-mongering claims, lacking context. Poor.
The folks in Tuvalu can’t build houses on ‘context’ Mark.
that is very true ‘johnny’ but did you know the black sea was once a fertile agricultural civilization..
and mammoth was the best steak in arctic europe?
Re tyranny in freedom loving EU$A and The Wonderful Land of Oz, crucified Australian truther Julian Assange is Man of The Year 2021:
“I won’t have a baa of this”
Said one sheep to another:
Patient engagement … huh …
It wouldn’t take more than 5,000 of us to flatten the authorities’ curve for good.
I wonder if they realize that.
I’m all out of friends. I hope you have 5000 friends.
They do realize it could be war. With the military flights in and out of here I would assume the cops are being armed to the teeth as I type this.
‘In1910, Abraham Flexner, working on behalf of the American Medical Association (AMA), published his infamous Medical Education in the United States and Canada, calling for drastic changes in health care institutions and law. The Flexner Report disparaged herbalism, midwifery, women and black physicians, naturopathy, homeopathy, chiropractic and osteopathy, calling their practitioners “quacks” and advocating closure of their teaching institutions. Under guidance from the Flexner Report and financed by the Carnegie and Rockefeller Foundations, new laws were instituted over the next 30 years in various states to unscientifically elevate allopathic medicine and the MD degree, and criminalise all other healing methods’….In Defense of Wilhelm Reich – James DeMeo. (p49).
Neat example of fake dialectics:
The answer they’re looking for is of course that nice Chris Whitty, Mr. Science with all those initials after his name. Not that “Tory MP”, “Stalinist” and actress in a “bonk-fest” (and don’t ask what those three are doing together). Gosh, wouldn’t technocracy be great and we could just do away with these ghastly politicians!
However the answer must be one of them. The answer cannot be ‘neither’. Like one – and if you can’t do that, at least hate one and let that lead you into supporting the other.
Shitcan one have any hope for humanity…a man who obviously is in the throws of a nervous breakdown issues a decree that the people of qld have to wear a mask in certain situations which of course don’t make sense ….and given his mental state that is to be expected…
so 3/4 of people were observed by me wearing one today even where not required,..few question these things….
I am beginning to think if the ruling crazies told them to stick their heads down the toilet they would dutifully do so…do we really need these people I ask myself…maybe culling them could be a good idea. Perhaps the crazies should issue a directive take a bottle of pills.
It proves the success of schooling at breaking the spirit when you’re young.
Headmasters dont give a damn about why you have to salute The Flag each morning, only that you do it… Schooling = obedience training, Schooling – obedience to Authority training.. Schooling – learned helplessness. Schooling – where they’ll drug you if you cant sit still. (and where They assign medical names to your liveliness > ADD, ADHD and such…)
+1. ‘The greatest threat to education is the educational establishment’. Bertrand Russell?
“Scientific societies are as yet in their infancy. . . . It is to be expected that advances in physiology and psychology will give governments much more control over individual mentality than they now have even in totalitarian countries. Fitche laid it down that education should aim at destroying free will, so that, after pupils have left school, they shall be incapable, throughout the rest of their lives, of thinking or acting otherwise than as their schoolmasters would have wished. . . . Diet, injections, and injunctions will combine, from a very early age, to produce the sort of character and the sort of beliefs that the authorities consider desirable, and any serious criticism of the powers that be will become psychologically impossible. . . .”—-Bertrand Russell,1953
The Origins of the American Public Education System: Horace Mann & the Prussian Model of Obedience
There seems to be a Marie Antionette current running through an insouciant and utterly corrupt ruling class – ”let them” the downtrodden masses, ”eat cake”. This has also been true of the US politician Nancy Pelosi, showing her selection of ice-cream during the lockdown to her compliant and arse-licking ‘journalists’.
As the economic crisis begins to bite the massacre of the SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises) is becoming manifest and an army of unemployed is now being created with no hope and no future. Mass unemployment will push literally millions into destitution and the virus won’t be any cure for that.
Those who are left with some type of income will be the lucky ones, but the massed ranks of the unemployed will be looking for political solutions. In Germany in the 1930s, street battles between the Nazi SA (Storm Troopers) and the Red Hundreds (Communist Militants) were a regular feature. Even the Social Democrats managed to put together the ‘Reichs Banner’ to protect their meetings.
Moreover, the Nazi’s never got an outright majority in the parliamentary elections, it was only the Reichstag fire and the subsequent Enabling Acts which brought them into power.
So the economic shutdown will be, already is in fact, the next phase of the Great Reset. Thus after the mass jabbing and the covid stampede which is delivering diminishing returns the already emerging mass unemployment will take centre stage.
The masses want jobs not jabs.
I think poor Marie was a lot nicer than this lot, naive yes, but obviously quite a sweetheart, and cake sounds pretty good to me. This lot think rather differently – ‘Let them eat vaccines every three months and show me their papers’.
There is a local butchers to me. A family run business, two sons work there. I was passing yesterday and saw one of them outside with his mask down. This guy is in his thirties. It is the first time I have seen him in a while. He’s a lovely friendly guy. He looked like death warmed up. Pale, sick, eyes like pissholes in the snow….just bloody awful. This poor guy has been wearing a mask at work for at around a year and a half. Six days a week. Is more than likely jabbed. He looked so ill I did a double take. He waved at me, and he smiled but it looked like an effort. I just don’t know what to think anymore.
I was seeing workers looking stressed today with only a few hours of breathing through them…I cannot imagine what months and months does to a human system…this has never been about health…just control and breaking people…disguesting
Mass unemployment will push literally millions into destitution and the virus won’t be any cure for that.
When the destitute drop dead, the authorities only have to claim that they died of covid.
Unemployment, social isolation, and other disruptions globally are a result of the Covid scamdemic.
So, yes, those deaths are real, avoidable, deaths from Covid.
No jabs exist to nullify the machinations of evil people.
The masses don’t want job or jabs . A lie foisted on the modern world by deliberately misunderstanding Marx. The masses want what their rulers tell them they should want ?
The usual reminder: if you are at all sensitive to colour, click on the image to view the undegraded original.
Marx had blood ties to the ruling class. Which explains why his followers today solidly back the scamdemic.
Is that why he was ‘a person of interest’ to the Prussian police, and had to do a bunk from Trier in the Rhineland to London and Manchester. He then lived in poverty in Kentish town (a borough in North London) and scratched a living doing journalism and a stipend from his associate F.Engels whose father had business interests in Wuppertal and Manchester. Like Marx, Engels was also a ‘person of interest’ to the Prussian police since both men were involved in Rhineland Separatist movements.
It is always the case that the disparagers of Marx and Marxism see fit to come up with the ridiculous ‘theories’ about issues of which they have little and zero knowledge. I suppose that this is one of the shortcomings of democracy.
DD, always enjoy your comments but have to disagree…poor impoverished Marx ended up buried in the poshest cemetery in England…Highgate which is Hampstead basically. I’d wager a large bet that is also where he hung out too – ‘scratching a living’ – not grotty Kentish Town. These days also so many socialist heroes live in eyewateringly expensive Hampstead it is really amazing.
His friend Engels helped him financially. Hanging out in Hamstead then going back to your hovel doesn’t mean your wealthy, but I do know Champagne Socialism when I see it. Engles commented about the poor state Marx and his family were living in with broken furniture and layers of dust covering everything. I’ve often wondered if Engles offered Marx a way out of his seemingly impoverished life and into better surrounding only for Marx to refuse. I haven’t read that in any books so I guess we’ll never know.
I visited his resting place in 85. It was free back then and easy to wander around especially on a Sunday morning. They now want $6 for see karl’s large head.
Apologies for the typo’s. Gets a bit hot in her at tmes, i keep speed typing, grey matter can’t keep up with the fingers :/
Was Highgate posh when Marx was buried there? What you are doing is trying establish guilt by association – a form of ad hominem. It is the most common attack directed Marx. Why? Because to engage Marx on merit of his ideas, of his writings, is very difficult. What is important about Marx, was the work that he produced, not whether is rests in some high-dollar dirt.
he was from a long line of rebbi
and had blood ties to the red shields
RE: I suppose that this is one of the shortcomings of democracy.
That’s a cynical ending (for an otherwise great post). Is “democracy” really the problem or the genuine lack of it?
I think that the real reason is that Marx has been disparaged since his own time by both Liberal and Conservative capitalists. When a distorted version Marxism entered the academy in the 1960’s, it was really an anti-marxism masked as Marxism. For example, I have always thought “Cultural Marxism” was an oxymoron. The Right have had a continuous field day (rightly) criticizing it but it is – at best – a distortion of Marxism. How many of these people that think that all of our current problems derive from Marx have actually read any Marx? 50 years ago, when capitalist apologists criticized Marx, they actually took his arguments seriously. The only way to fully understand the NWO bio-security state Great Reset, is from a position that is at least highly critical of the capitalist system. From my understanding, Marx didn’t spend a lot of time discussing socialism, communism or some future ideal society, he spent the overwhelming amount of his efforts to understand capitalism. As we are at some sort of inflection point in the continuous revolutionary evolution in capitalist history, designed and driven by capitalist elites, Marx just might be more relevant than ever.
Karl Marx was the son of an ultra wealthy family. He was married to a Rothschild.
His sole purpose in his writings was to derail the Republican fervor spreading across Europe, which threatened the elite families.
He pitted the lower class against the middle class to divide them, and divert them away from the Aristocracy, the less than one percent, who ruled over all.
“Karl Marx was the son of an ultra wealthy family. He was married to a Rothschild.”
Both of these sentences are lies. The Marx family was not “ultra-wealthy”, Marx came from a middle class family. Marx’s wife Jenny von Westphalen was not a Rothschild.
“His sole purpose in his writings was to derail the Republican fervor spreading across Europe, which threatened the elite families.”
His “sole purpose”? Marx wrote on many subjects: economics, politics, philosophy, political strategy, history, natural science, sociology, mathematics, current events, literature etc. All of this was ultimately tied into a desire to “derail the Republican fervor spreading across Europe”? In reality, none of this was dedicated to derailing any “Republican fervor” but the exact opposite. Marx was an enthusiastic supporter of every revolutionary movement that occurred during his lifetime.
“He pitted the lower class against the middle class to divide them, and divert them away from the Aristocracy, the less than one percent, who ruled over all.”
He “pitted” the working class against the exploiters of the working class: the capitalist class and the landlords. The idea that Marx was running cover for the “Aristocracy” (meaning the feudal nobility) is simply false. If anything Marx supported the industrial capitalists in their struggle against the reactionary refuse of feudalism.
↑Good response if slightly in error Marx was a member of the business class and advocated for a kinder gentler form of Capitalism in the hands of businessmen and government , not the the military based aristocracy that was in control at the the time and whose ancestors still rule to some extent . A reworking of Adam Smiths Moral Capitalism is hardly revolutionary?
Prussia was run by a military Junta that believed capitalism should by managed by generals not financiers and factory owners . Marx was also run out of Paris and spent time in Belgium until they tired of him as well . The French and even a faction of the German socialists saw right through him .The English tended to ignore him until he had been rewritten in English and became useful.
Agreed ! Marx was a Victorian capitalist who sought to stabilize emerging industrialized capitalism by treating the workers slightly better and claiming it to be a revolutionary idea . Adam Smith had already suggested that scam with his moral capitalism decades earlier.
“Marx had blood ties to the ruling class.”
I’ve had more than enough of bullshit like that. Read what he wrote, god damn it!
It’s not true that unvaxxed Australians are being “hustled into internment camps”. Where did you pick up that bit of misinformation?
You are correct. They are actually called “Centre[s] of National Resilience”.
What a queer virus. Keeps on producing offsprings on demand, they do their damage – then disappear from “The News”. Early retirement ?
Omicron, a quieter, friendlier, rapid spreading ‘variant’ threatens to spread ‘Herd Immunity’ !! And ‘Germ Theory’, on life support, gets a shot in the arm, another lease on life…
Interview with Stanley Johnson (Boris’s father) who thinks the population should be reduced – to 10/15 million people for Britain.
However, Stanley had six children and his son Boris (current P.M) has just fathered a seventh, perhaps more. Not good examples of the eugenics policies they promote.
Obviously the culling should not happen along the privileged classes 😉 it’s us plebs that are the problem obviously. Typical ruling class thinking this.
I like to experiment so that I can gain my own insights, observations, personal experiences, etc., regardless of widely promulgated conventional narratives.
So why is it that I generally always feel good…
And generally have for the past two years….
But end up getting symptoms only after exposure to “vaxxed” individuals?
I can quickly quash those symptoms with steam inhalation of Tea Tree oil, Eucalyptus oil, and White Willow bark.
Each of which has demonstrated absolute effectiveness against a large number of viruses, including coronaviruses, in numerous research studies.
I never get any symptoms after exposure to unvaxxed persons.
Only after exposure to “vaxxed” persons.
I’ve experimented with this time & again, and continually get the same results.
The “pandemic of the unvaxxed” in my own experiments, observations & experiences seems rather a “pandemic of the ‘vaxxed'”.
What’s a person to do when observed reality doesn’t match conventional narratives?
History has shown that true Thinkers refuse to ignore their own observations & experiences in favor of mere superstition, or false-belief, or wtf.
I refuse to believe stuff just because some self-imposed “authority” figure tells me to believe it.
I prefer to continually seek-out real truths on my own.
Omicron – the confusion variant. And there’s more to come.
Australia, They didnt build all The Camps simply for propaganda purposes.
They were planned before the Plandemic…
This time we’re the cattle. 2001 mass slaughter of farm animals in UK because Neil Ferguson said there was no time to look for other ways.

Everyone needs to contract the OmniCon variant, it needs to spread through the whole world and each and every one of us needs to become a case so that we establish herd immunity and not ever need to take the poison fraudulently presented as a vaccine.
I think we have already contracted everything they claim they are trying to jab us against . . .
Roll up both sleeves and be prepared to take the shot
Art, movies, music, poetry, architecture even landscaping are humans feeble attempts to express the inexpressible.
Life is HERE and NOW.
In our bodies in this moment.
Living, on the other hand, is the shit we have to wade through until we die.
” A consensus that the government is doing its damndest to keep us safe.” <= NO SUCH CENSUS EXIST! The consensus inside of the USA governed America is that the government, at all levels international, federal, regional, state, county, state and neighborhood has joined the private commercial interest; the government has become the armed and dangerous strong leg-break guy in the room; the guy that does the dirty work for the private commercial mafias, the governments are partners with. The consensus is the government and commercial interest are one and the same; each operates in secret, each is controlled by the same people, none of those people who control can qualify as American because their behavior and mens res does not fit the definition.
Keeping Americans safe is the furthest thing from the minds of the bureaucrats, elected and appointed [whatevers] that run the governments. Keeping Americans broke, using laws and government contracts to transfer America’s industrial might out of the country and using mandates and requirements and licenses to force governed Americans to buy the stuff the government:public<=> private:corporate partnerships sell <==has been the end game<=since Abe Lincoln was murdered and the sovereign right of the USA to coin money was given by laws those in government passed, to the private ownership of global banking cartels (now doing business as the federal reserve system).
No sir there is no consensus the government is doing its damndest to keep us safe.
File under “Empirical Reality”
CJ Hopkins:
Glenn has not quite found his balls yet, but he’s found the pants his balls were in the last time he checked … Sadly, Glenn & Co. will eventually have to face the fact that there was never any scientific justification for the “restrictive policies” … they have our sympathies.
12:00 PM · Dec 17, 2021
Replying to:
Glenn Greenwald
There is no relationship any longer between restrictive policies imposed in the name of COVID in a post-vaccine world and science — none whatsoever. None of it makes rational sense and hasn’t for awhile. And, as usual, academia leads the way in incoherence, neurosis, and panic.
10:34 PM · Dec 16, 2021
Replying to:
Michael Tracey
Can anyone give a coherent explanation for why “boosters” are being mandated to curb “Omicron,” which is purportedly spreading at exponential rates because existing vaccines do not prevent infection/transmission? Hence the spread on >99% vaccinated college campuses?
10:01 PM · Dec 16, 2021
Replying to:
The Harvard Crimson
Breaking: Harvard will require affiliates to get Covid-19 booster shots with the Omicron variant ‘likely’ spreading on campus
9:07 PM · Dec 16, 2021
Linking to:
Grappling with its worst on-campus Covid-19 surge since the start of the pandemic, Harvard announced Thursday that it will require affiliates to receive Covid-19 booster shots during the spring semester. . . .
More than 270 Harvard affiliates — including 86 undergraduates — have tested positive for the virus in the last week, according to the University’s Covid-19 Testing Dashboard. Harvard’s positivity rate now stands at 0.68 percent, despite 97 percent of students and employees being fully vaccinated. . . .
Other peer institutions have also mandated booster shots amid the Covid surge, including Princeton, Brown, Boston University, and New York University.
About the people in the fotos above, people we never discuss. Like – is “It’s my job” an acceptable explanation ? Do they get satisfaction when the job’s well done ? Are their kids proud of them ?
When we comply are we really just like them ? To the family’s questions at dinner time, do they go into the details of shoving things up people’s noses, or spraying mace in their faces ?
To Mechanistic Science We are machines, so, can the people in the fotos doing things to others simply be following their programming ?
“I’m just doing my job” To put the blame on your employer for your actions.
It’s similar to “He told me to do it” even though you know your actions are wrong, and it’s all part of the training.
“My Body My Choice!”

“Ho Ho Ho, X-Mas is now Reichsfuhrer Dan Concentration Camp Day Down Under”

“Where the Swastikas are now to be worn across the face instead of around the arm.”
“Resistance to the war racketeer corporate fascist eugenicist oligarch mobster psychopath Nazis is not only not futile it is essential for ones survival. We will not be culled, labratted, mutated, Jim Crowed, enslaved or owned. The Nuremberg Code, Human Rights and Civil Liberties shall be respected.”
Well, if ‘We The People’ hold the power, we’d damn well better find out where it’s hiding . . .
People aren’t willing to make the ultimate sacrifice. Too caught up in their soaps and social media. Would you really have people like that fight on your side?
viva revolution! But only after we’ve watched the entire Downton Abbey box set.
I was saying that last sunday, soap opera people predominate, all in their miserable wee roles ffs. or whatever equivalent, but soap-femino-land is the prevailing culture.
loong time now. roosting crows.
would you? that’s a big question in my mind, if this ever ends…. would i really want anything to do with these folks again? nevermind all the conditioning and fair excuses for sophisticated propaganda’s effects, we’re really talking about a lot of empty zoob-heids running on a treadmill.
good for them if they think it’s working, but these people are dragging the rest of us in/down. : / mmnaw
sorry for the negativity.
These people are trapped by what they see on TV. It’s an alternative universe to their daily slog and they want all that they see on the screen including the drone like celebrity haircut. It’s like a cult they can’t escape.
You don’t have to be sorry for the negativity. I’ve been told I’m negative on more than one occasion. Waking up has been a rollercoaster journey, can’t go back now.
Yes, definitely no going back now, is there? I too am a negative nelly to many of my friends. They just want to pretend all will go back to normal. I do understand, most of them have kids and to admit to themselves those kids will NEVER see the life we all had, no matter how imperfect that was, is a bridge too far. They won’t go there. They’ll listen to my “negativity” passively, tell me I sure am right, but then they too will go right back to the MSM and that belief that if only everyone would submit all will go back to the way it was.
Waking up is indeed a rollercoaster, but once one has decided to get on that coaster there is no exit. Every once in a while I ask myself if I really could go back, if I really could simply pretend this is all about health, if I really could believe voting is the answer, and if we just get the right “leadership” all would be OK. The answer is always a big fat no. It’s too late for that.
👌Well put.
No, no going back now.
What’s comes next is just something we’re going to have to deal with.
Until then I will firmly reject their protocols and mandates.
I’m far more narcissistic than that:
By ‘We The People’, I mean me and my friends 🙂
I knew it 😁
“Accept no cheap imitations. When the MACHINE orders one to comply: OBEY! Now show us your papers.”

“Corporate Fascism and Eugenics forever.”

“THE FLOOD will be upon us momentarily. Right after the Invasion from Mars. So put on your bucket helmet as well. There is nothing more dangerous than the brain waives from a wounded Martian.”
Rage against the Machine. A bunch of middle class boys who told the kids to rebel. I guess it kept the security crime racket happy for a while.
This is a real headline.
COVID-19: Most cases now ‘like severe cold’ – and Omicron appears to produce ‘fairly mild’ illness, expert says
Seen a few articles like that recently. There seems to be a systematic attempt to morph Covid symptoms into those of the common cold. And once you’ve achieved that, well, the Covid saga can go on ad infinitum.
And like cases of the flu during 2020/2021, cases of the actual common cold will likely mysteriously drop, as cases of a cold-like Covid rise.
Which, of course, is completely farcical. But then I suppose when you’re in a hypnotic trance, you believe whatever the hypnotist tells you, however ridiculous that might be. Until he or someone else clicks their fingers and you awaken.
It all makes Svengali look like a mere amateur.
The media assault is becoming more psychosis inducing all the time. Between TV and the feed on my smartphone, I thought I was going mad. The covid mantra is like the zombie wheezes on Walking Dead. It is soul destroyingly BORING and it continues without variation. Meanwhile I log on to my phone and up comes an advert for non-meat meat and I wonder what the fuck is happening. Where did the world go? What happened to reality? Then I logged on to the computer, visited OffG and Moneycircus, and snapped out of it as if awakening from an evil hypnosis. But the sinister mainstream media enchantment is intensifying.
Limit the time that you spend watching news on a screen, any screen.
We need some radio stations on AM/FM providing alternative news and debate.
Our eyes need a break.
+ 1
Desmet describes the initial situation, but cannot explain the reason for that.
But this would be the most important question, above all, because the “virus” is only the beginning of the destruction and the problem, how to get out of that mess ist still unsolved.
It’s “dog eat dog” and “every man for himself”. The System flatters itself. And scorns the “wus”….Capitalist social relations: control of land, of food, of everything = control.
Marxists notice profit is produced, ergo, profit must be the objective of the system (of control). That profit is an unintentional effect ? That would mess up their clever understandings.
In the factories, before they were relocated overseas, daily were the complaints about conditions, about lack of control over ones work/time/life. Whenever the kettle boiled over into a “Strike !” a wage rise was agreed, but never a lessening of control…
The enchainment of society by The Economy is an historically transient form of control. Industrialisation was imposed. The Economy’s grip over society ? Orwell’s ‘1984’ depicts a post-Economy society. Power is naked, direct. Society is morphing into ‘1984’.
Intelligent objective discussion from South Africa of their current outbreak status.
Oh, good grief. We’re almost two years going on with this nonsense, and while the author wants to pile on the covid cult, he seems to still not know what’s going on.
“Is an authoritarian revolution afoot, a not-so-subtle gambit for a global autocracy built on the bottom lines of Big Pharma and Biotech and ruthlessly enforced by a fascist bio-security state?”
Like, duh. We don’t need no stinking movies to figure that out, just some common sense. Like no, this is not just some kind of naturally occurring capitalist excess. Jesus, we aren’t getting anywhere like this.
Just call it journalism repeating itself. 😀
The Matrix was a good movie, but it’s one of those films that doesn’t need endless sequals. The message was clear the first time. Those who can’t link the movie to what’s happening now are lost anyway.
Best comment really funny. 😀
“There are many stories in entertainment—from films to graphic novels—that seem to revolve around a common theme: human bodies mediated by technology and eventually enslaved by it”.
The difference between ‘The Terminator’ and ‘Terminator 2’ is revealing. In the first film, the tech is evil and is the enemy; in the sequel the Terminator is explicitly said to be a better father than any human. Someone had obviously had a word…
Meanwhile… it’s not flawless and the event as a whole looks questionable but this talk on Agenda 21 is a mine of useful information:
You’re forgetting, the Terminator 2 droid had to be captured by humans and reprogrammed for it to become part human. If that had failed it would have still been the killing machine it was designed to be. To be told human input won’t be needed in future is the dream of nut jobs and could backfire.
Terminator 3 saw the machines turn on everyone, their masters included.