COVID and the Law of Karma

It’s a spiritual battle. Most spiritual leaders have failed us.

Guy Crittenden

Let’s face it: many spiritual practitioners don’t have much of a ground game, at least when it comes to fighting totalitarian takeovers.

I’ve seen this writ small and large since the COVID operation started in early 2020. Many spiritual friends have been missing in action, unable to handle “the energy” of protest rallies. I appreciate that raising their frequency in private could shift things, but a lot of people (including children) may perish before the good vibes make a difference.

On the writ large level, I won’t soon forget seeing photos of Sadhguru hanging out with World Economic Forum founder Klaus Schwab.

The situation wasn’t innocent before.

The human family was not in right relationship with nature, God, source, our higher selves — whatever you want to call it. A karmic debt built up over decades of US imperialism (and other insults to human decency), which sprouted dreadful vines from the bloody soil of centuries of unimaginable exploitation and genocide.

We lazily pretend the colonial era somehow ended with the British Empire.

The central-bank-perpetual-war-story arc (that Catherine Austin Fitts talks about) connects the founding of the British and Dutch East India companies four centuries ago with the moment the first crisis actor keeled over for the cameras in Wuhan, China.

In the 20th century we endured the dual scourges of communism and fascism, and Apartheid regimes in South Africa and Palestine, over 70 CIA coup d’états, and sickening unfairness and injustice everywhere. Almost every armed conflict has been a bankers’ war based on a false flag attack, and most civil wars have been stoked by foreign mercenaries.

Case in point: Libya. Or Syria.

I wonder if the Rwanda conflict wasn’t a test for some Voice of God technology (that we know exists) in preparation for the worldwide zombie apocalypse that the CDC pretends to make light of.

If we peek behind the curtain of peoples declared religious affiliations, we’re likely to find their true allegiance is to the cult of scientism for which the true cathedral is the corporate head office. People might pray, but the shopping mall receives their most convincing genuflections, whether we’re in Dallas, Rome or Dubai.

And now the vast karmic debt must be paid. And it is being paid, quite literally, with our coagulated blood and, most recently, the blood of our children. Lord Baphomet must be pleased by the installation of defibrillators in elementary schools and the release of new blood thinners for children.

Many will soon learn the full meaning of the Indian term “Kali Yuga” and Goddess Kali’s necklace of skulls, her goblet of blood, and her shimmering sword.

Make no mistake: the New World Order (NWO) is being imposed in about 200 countries right now by a corporate oligarchy whose accomplishments include that they convinced most people the NWO was only a conspiracy theory. (Like anti-vaxxer, these are spell words.)

“Two weeks to flatten the curve” has yielded to a full press assault on the laws and constitutions of every country, and especially the Commonwealth nations whose property rights and common law traditions are intolerable to both the communitarian values and the eugenicist (transhuman) goals of the predator class.

Commentators have (correctly) described what’s happening as a contest between good and evil, and even as the Apocalypse. Adherents of the Abrahamic religions see this as a fight between God (or Christ) and Satan and they’re finding evidence in the many satanic symbols (such as 666) in the logos and publications of various globalist institutions, from Google to CERN to Microsoft’s patent to mine crypto from human energy.

Satanic symbolism was all over the human sacrifice event otherwise known as Travis Scott’s Astroworld concert, just as it was present at the creepy London Olympics opening ceremony, and that ribbon-cutting ceremony for a European tunnel.

The Pope himself convened a conference of transhumanists at the Vatican. (He promotes the injections despite their containing aborted fetus cells.) The leaders of most Western faiths have kissed the ring of globalist institutions, ergo we see uninjected parishioners excluded from attending service.

There are exceptions, of course, which in my experience was marching through the streets of Toronto with Bible Christians (like Mennonites) with whom I felt sudden affinity.

Shifting east, karma is a big topic.

Its lean Zen Buddhist conception will serve us here, as opposed to the complicated ideas of, say, Tibetan Buddhism, which focuses on cycles of death and rebirth, and incorporates deities from earlier shamanic practices.

For Zen practitioners, karma is a forthright law that corresponds with the notion in physics that every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Even if I escape punishment in human institutions for some misdeed, any harm I do to another being puts me out of harmony with the way of things; I disrupt a cosmic homeostasis.

If, for instance, I steal without getting caught, I’m punished nonetheless living in a world where stealing happens — a world in which “I have stolen.” And this is more corrosive than judicial punishments, from a spiritual perspective.

With sufficient conscious evolution, we humans wouldn’t need laws to govern behaviour, much less police to enforce them. (This is what serious anarchists think.) Instead, our spiritual poverty, our conscious stuntedness, has led to a Pied Piper hell realm where kids contract myocarditis and Australia’s First People are trucked to internal displacement camps.

Unless people rise up (and soon!), we will all live in an AI-controlled dystopia, surveilled by millions of facial recognition cameras networked with satellites and social credit score algorithms. To date our concerns have fallen on the dead ears of human leaders; there will be no appealing to the better nature of robot dogs or swarms of flying drones.

Let’s be clear: There will be no human beings in the ultimate New World Order. We’re slated for elimination either from the jabs, starvation, or radical augmentation.

I was reminded recently of the “weighing of the heart” scene in the Egyptian Book of the Dead. The king cannot access the celestial realms unless his heart is lighter than a feather. The past 20 months have revealed much about the “heart weight” of many spiritual teachers. Most have been revealed as frauds, as quick to engage in bypassing as any proponent of mRNA technology.

This first came to my attention when I stumbled upon social media posts from a yoga teacher with whom I’d taken a workshop, who exposed himself as a mask-wearing Karen of the highest order, and an ersatz American liberal to boot, trapped in the dead-end false dichotomy of left versus right politics. (A Biden fan, unsurprisingly.) He excommunicated me on Facebook after I disavowed the orthodoxy.

My greatest disappointment has been with a Sanskrit scholar who has translated some important sutras and published what I consider the definitive book on Tantra traditions. This author is an accomplished practitioner as well as a translator, and his teaching included interesting mudras.

I still haven’t finished his landmark Tantra book, since every time I read a few pages I spend the next day contemplating their profound implications, which align squarely with insights gleaned from my own journey in Zen Buddhism and other modalities, and especially with my work with shamanic visionary plants, about which I wrote a book that won an award in 2018.

This serious scholar-practitioner has heavily promoted the official COVID and “vaccination” narrative on social media, and has encouraged his students to get the jab. He even recorded a video to warn people away from dangerous anti-vaxx conspiracy theories, in which he extolled his followers to trust The Science.

Witnessing this was simply unbearable for me. How, I wondered, could someone who so clearly “gets it” in regard to the nondual perspective of eastern mysticism fall so hard for a cliché of scientism that is harming and killing millions, while a digital prison is erected around the human family?

To my mind, the universe is nudging us to turn away from shallow teachers, false gurus and plastic shamans, and to turn instead inward for guidance. When we “build back better” let’s not construct the metaverse or anti-health paradigm promoted by deep state apparatchiks like Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates. It’s time also to break with spiritual bypassers who can recite the Diamond Sutra while ignoring the jewel inside their own heart.

Let’s build something new and different, based on the principle of compassion and mutual assistance. Perhaps it’s nothing new, but instead deeply ancient. Terence McKenna called it the Archaic Revival and I consider this an intriguing latter-day prophecy.

A radical shift in this direction could interrupt the globalist plan and reduce our karmic burden such that we could assuage our shortcomings by, perhaps. lighting some incense, and not (for example) tossing our children on a pyre.

Love and truth will win in the end. Our willingness to rise in defense of what is right and true will determine the length of our journey, which could end tomorrow if enough of us stopped complying.

Namaste, everybody. And In La’kesh!

Guy Crittenden is a freelance writer and author of the book The Year of Drinking Magic: Twelve Ceremonies with the Vine of Souls (Apocryphile Press, San Francisco) that won the 2018 Silver Medal in its category at the Independent Book Publisher Awards. Follow Guy at HipGnosis.co


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Categories: coronavirus, latest
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Gravel Rash
Gravel Rash
Jan 2, 2022 2:54 AM

Religious ideas abound as do those of atheists. Theosophy, as the concept was mentioned indeed sees plagues as karmic related, being a response to the negative energy and emotions we as a race generate, however it also regards vaccines as medical quackery. And it also believes in cycles, presumably the author was taking a easy dig. However who would read a 10 page rebuttal, to attack without context is more concise than to counter with?

Karma and rebirth if actually studied theosophically offers a rational to our existence and why our lives differ in material quality, religion sees all as the unknowable will of God, atheism offers the notion that something as complex as we are is an accident. New Age including Sadgru are distortions of theosophy with a bit a spiritualism thrown in, they are generally just a con to make money. We are all adults and can choose to believe as we we wish.

Dec 29, 2021 11:54 PM

The whole covid story has its roots in the spiritual realm. There are 2 paths. A negative path and a positive path. The covid (upside down) people people choose to travel on the negative path. The path of service to the self. Everything negative is allowed on that path. Murder, destruction, deception, lies, Everything is allowed in order to serve the self. The more in general terms and the more greusome also,the better. It cannot be wicked enough. That is what we are dealing with here. With beings , on different levels, in such a state of mind. Within the flesh and not within the flesh. That is what we are facing now. And we helped to create this negative force by accepting things which where unacceptible really on all kind of levels and in so many aspects of life. We fed this beast to its adult stage . And now it is ready to harvest trough the ways of the negative path trough mass murder, destruction and total and absolute submission and slavery . The only wat out as i see it, is an absolute refusal to go along. No matter what. We are not the flesh but inhabit the flesh so death means nothing. But jou must remain the master over your own free will. Whatever happens. Because that is what this is al about. Will you be the master of your own free will or another being . The thing is, you must give it away. It cannot be taken away by force. By no one in the flesh or not within the flesh. That is the reason for the misleading, threaths, lies, sowing confusion and fear and so on. That is to bring you to the point to freely submit your own free will to that… Read more »

Dec 26, 2021 11:25 PM

It shows they are afraid, don’t know what is happening, or simply want to be known as a good guy which shows us the short-comings of their belief systems.

Michael G Eaglemeare
Michael G Eaglemeare
Dec 24, 2021 2:10 PM

Dalai Lama: ‘Be Brave and Get Vaccinated’

Dec 24, 2021 12:44 PM

Communism is not a scourge! Never was. Weird how everyone here almost doesn’t believe their TVs. Except when it comes to communism. An ideology most can’t identify correctly without google.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Dec 24, 2021 12:58 PM
Reply to  Koba

Has there ever been a non-statist, non-authoritarian communist government?

Dec 24, 2021 1:18 AM

I really wanted to point out this comment about the Gotthard Base Tunnel opening that I found by
Konstanze Faust:

“I find the satanic comments so funny because the “satanic” elements in the show are only related to Gotthard/swiss tradition like the goat – there’s an origin story of the first bridge in Gotthard that was build in the 13th century to get to the other side.
A man made a pact with the devil to build a bridge and the devil said he’d make sure the bridge would [hold], but in return he wanted the first soul crossing the bridge to be his. The man send out his goat and the devil was angry for the betrayal and wanted to destroy the bridge when just in that moment an old woman cut a cross into the stone of the bridge and the devil missed his mark.
The bridge is still called “Devil’s Bridge” because of the legend.

The hay creatures are a carnival (Fasnacht) tradition of many Alpine villages to scare winter away (not unlike Halloween – many European countries had these traditions that were later on brought to the US).”

I think, especially nowadays when it’s hard to know what to think, to not descend too much into superstition. My daughter and I recently read a historical book on the Salem witch trials – Christian religious dogma fueled so many deadly “New Normal” purges throughout history. Ignorance, indeed, is the enemy.

Vee DeMarche
Vee DeMarche
Dec 22, 2021 4:28 PM

Beautifully written, both in word and sentiment. Thank you. I’m on the same train as you; I hope we meet someday -either here or there.

Dec 22, 2021 2:11 PM

Christians in particular have been pathetic. I knew so many “devout” Christians who said they would never bow to Caesar. Guess what? They’re all triple jabbed and rolling over to a government that hates them. In the end, it was always just nice words and navel gazing.

Dec 21, 2021 6:14 AM

Sadhguru’s Isha foundation makes Big money from gullible donors: https://www.newslaundry.com/2021/05/19/trick-of-the-trade-how-sadhgurus-isha-foundation-evades-paying-taxes

With that kind of money in India you can even make your wife dissapear without serious inquest, as he did.

Nothing to do with spirituality this fellow, only charisma and mass hype.

Emmet John Sweeney
Emmet John Sweeney
Dec 21, 2021 11:27 PM
Reply to  Antonym

Sadhguru is such an obvious charlatan that I’m amazed anyone can trust him. And yes, he almost certainly murdered his wife, so he’s quite at home sitting with Klaus Schwab.

Dec 21, 2021 3:16 AM

I have certainly believed for a while now that Baphomet solve coagula is being used in more ways than one here – the accelaration of chaos in order to ‘build back better’ and then they appear to be breaking down the endothelium layer with their crap shots and buidling thhe blood into clots … Sabbatean stuff perhaps but certainly dark and deliberate, I have writeen an article myslef on symbolism of Reset.

Irresponsible and proud
Irresponsible and proud
Dec 21, 2021 12:45 AM

So does that mean no more Iron Maiden for me Uncle?

Dec 20, 2021 9:40 PM

I appreciate that raising their frequency in private could shift things

About as much as masturbating… most “spitirual” people are middle class wankers who have never felt the boot of authority crushing their sovereignty. Most spiritual paths on offer are corrupt and amount to ego/power trips.

“Spiritual leader” is an oxymoron, as Krishnamurti never tired of pointing out.

Ontological Anarchy is the only dignified stance in spiritual life.


Dec 21, 2021 3:11 AM
Reply to  Viridis

agreed, praise of one always means blame of another

Dec 22, 2021 2:12 PM
Reply to  Viridis

Yep. They just want to feel superior to the plebs and less guilty about consuming so much. Just like the greens and socialists.

Jan 5, 2022 1:52 PM
Reply to  Viridis

Well said here my friend. A lot of spiritual consumerism is fluffy compromised bourgeois toss, give me the gutsiness of D H Lawrence any day.

Captain Spock
Captain Spock
Dec 20, 2021 8:13 PM

What’s playing out on the world stage just now is the ultimate cosmic Koan.

Rose Birrell
Rose Birrell
Dec 20, 2021 7:27 PM
Dec 20, 2021 5:16 PM

I suppose stupidity comes with its own karma. Spiritual discernment? It is something that is supposed to grow with spiritual progress. If that isn’t happening? Mmmm. Maybe something’s wrong, right? Thirty years ago I began finding out about the massive corruption. When I would shine light on this among “spiritual” friends, they would shun the information, protesting no spiritual person would bring up such fear-based matters. It reminds me of a mountain hair-pin turn in Mexico called Adios. Holy Crap!, the person telling me about this exclaimed. There was no warning before the hairpin turn. But you survive, stay on the road, and there are hundreds of garlands and crosses in remembrance of those who didn’t make it just around the corner. Why not have a warning? The spiritual community has had a romance with togetherness; without an understanding of what that means. “Maybe a little Marxism is a good thing,” one lady shared with me. Tyranny has many forms. If you want to talk: fear, you can have it by the bucketfuls. The fundamental motive for the Colonies to split from Britain? Religious liberty. De Toqueville’s quote:”America is great because she is good. If America ceases to be good, America will cease to be great.” I hear plenty of hand-wringing about our many sins from the same crowd that could not endure the horrific vision of the systemic corruption. Now we stand at the brink of losing it all. Is it karma or stupidity? Is that stupidity evidence of lack of spiritual discernment? The newest phenomenon? Friends on the Left have now become inured to the facts. You can subject them to the most logical, evidence-based presentation; and it is often passionately ignored. Sometimes I find those who refuse to even open the link with the information, worried that… Read more »

Dec 21, 2021 11:39 AM
Reply to  johnnygenlock

America was never good. It is the Masonic great project, founded on genocide. Deal With It.

James Charles
James Charles
Dec 20, 2021 4:56 PM

“For a detailed technical description of this you can read through Seneff’s paper, but the take-home message is that COVID-19 shots are instruction sets for your body to make a toxic protein that will eventually wind up concentrated in your spleen, from where prion-like protein instructions will be sent out, radically increasing your risk of developing neurodegenerative diseases.”

Dec 20, 2021 3:04 PM

Freedom lies in the Spirit and us becoming it entirely. This is the manifestation of the pure desire within us, found in the sacrum bone dormant unless and until awakened. None of the established religious sects have succeeded delivering on this purpose; all have failed their faithful who now must reject these quagmires of hopelessness. Many have, and these are the meek that shall inherit the Earth. Note however that only the strong can be meek and are not to be confused with the weak.

Take heart in your strength and seek eternal life with all due love and humility – this is the last test we have to pass.

The solitaries will find their way to the Kingdom of God “. HH Jesus Christ, from the Book of the Essenes.

Dec 20, 2021 4:57 PM
Reply to  TomUSA

Interesting comment.

” The solitaries will find their way to the Kingdom of God “ is something I hadn’t seen before, and something about it didn’t seem quite right, if taken literally.

But I took heart in the thought that ‘the solitaries’ can of course constitute a group of their own. People who feel alone, but are not alone.
After all, nothing in Christian teaching encourages people to avoid all human contact – nor did Christ Himself do so.

Dec 20, 2021 9:16 PM
Reply to  wardropper

When loved ones leave me by myself and feel bad doing so I say ” I am always alone! and I am never alone! ” in complete sincerity i.e. we all have a direct relationship with our Maker; none can truly intervene

Dec 20, 2021 2:42 PM

Some Yoga studio’s local to me have jumped in with bed with agenda 21.
Awfully depressing seeing so called health conscience teachers being medicine mafia sellers.

Dec 21, 2021 1:38 AM
Reply to  entitled2

We know of a local reiki practitioner who went to be stabbed, in order that he could continue to heal people naturally…

Post-stabbing, he spent three days with blood pouring from his nose.

The parody continues…

Dec 21, 2021 11:41 AM
Reply to  Rev6

Bible studies…. brainwashing for slaves.

Dec 21, 2021 2:59 PM
Reply to  Viridis
Dec 20, 2021 1:09 PM

I was mind-blown when I saw Jon Kabat-Zin participating in the WEF video about the new transhuman future they’re trying to construct- in which one researcher said that “once we have access to your thoughts and emotions”, you will be free to be completely creative.

2020 was a revelation. I call it The Great Reveal. Finding our who everyone really is, including myself.

Dec 20, 2021 5:53 PM
Reply to  AMR

i call it hind-sight. that makes 2022 -the catch, domned if we take it, and punished by our peers if we dont!

Laurence Flynn
Laurence Flynn
Dec 20, 2021 9:09 AM

So, when has love and truth ever won out? Wars are won by the spilled blood of patriots.

Dec 20, 2021 5:54 PM
Reply to  Laurence Flynn

i think what you point to, is what has killed the true spiritual movements for eons. it is hard to resist hate when one is dead!

George Mc
George Mc
Dec 20, 2021 8:26 AM

From the studio that brought you “Wildcat Strikes Force Lockdowns”:


Brave scientists struggle (against death threats!)to bring the truth about evil covid and “save” little kids! The Science fights against the reactionary, Far Far Far Right cover up of Omicron tragedy! (“a million cases a day” by February, according to another forthcoming blockbuster!) The fight against covid is a struggle against profits!

The climax:

“In his complete downplaying of the danger of the coronavirus, his boycott of the most basic mitigation measures, such as mask wearing, and his systematic campaign against the COVID-19 vaccine, Bolsonaro aligns himself with the most barbaric anti-scientific traditions of global capitalism – from eugenics, to Social Darwinism to Nazism.”

Take the vax and save us from eugenics!

Dec 20, 2021 1:19 PM
Reply to  George Mc

That’s hilarious – the dingbat from that article has no clue. The person who wrote it has demonstrated they have no idea – not one clue – of what eugenics, social darwinism or nazism are… or even what ‘science’ is. I have to laugh to keep from screaming myself to death.

It sounds so bad, but it comforts in a schadenfreude way to know they’ll be virtuously taking their shot every three months, and probably waterboarding him/herself in the rain with the virtuous cloth mask, like I see so many do these days.

Dec 20, 2021 6:36 AM

For anyone who is curious about weather engineering, its connection to EMFs and the climate change agenda, and wants to know what practical difference they can make wherever they are in the world, the discussion linked to below is one of the most fascinating two hours you will ever spend.

Dec 20, 2021 8:51 AM
Reply to  maram
David Ho
David Ho
Dec 20, 2021 4:21 AM

Let’s pry open the unhinged minds of paranoid white nationalst extremist Trump loving insurrectionist anti abortion QAnon wacko nut job conspiracy theorists and rummage through their half baked incoherent slogans and irrational spittle flying rants about the cabals of pedo shape-shifting lizard aliens ruling the world, who, they think, desire nothing more than to depopulate the planet and to own everything, so that us rational, well grounded and serious intellectuals become further illuminated in our profound and sacred understanding of how these criminals are so incredibly dangerous as they lurk in our good and wholesome communities masquerading as ordinary people like nurses and construction workers. The good people, the wise and educated must know how to spot these disgruntled anti-vaxxer terrorists in order for you to be able to protect yourself, your loved ones and especially your vulnerable children from diseases of the body and mind. It is important never to approach these vermin and be sure to shut down any attempts by them to express their ridiculous thoughts and stupid opinions as you will be at risk of becoming covered in their disgusting saliva. The government urges the vigilant citizens to report any signs of these diseased violators, that so threaten our children and elderly, so that our dedicated Health Security Enforcement Officers can capture and apprehend this terrible threat before it can gather with other radical anti-vaxxer crazies and metastasise into a cancerous mob rampaging in an uncontrolled orgy of naked destruction, a firestorm, a tsunami pandemic of putrefying pestilence reeking chaos, confusion, death, misery and a worldwide calamity, a Black Death the likes of which the world has never seen before. We can’t let the anti-vaxxer fulfil its evil dream. The righteous person who cares about freedom and liberty must do everything in their power to maintain… Read more »

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Dec 20, 2021 4:27 AM
Reply to  David Ho


I have to confess I do live in fear – the fear of the extent of stupidity around us. Stupid is dangerous … nevertheless we should never live in fear.
comment image

Dec 21, 2021 11:45 AM
Reply to  David Ho

I can’t be arsed to log in to upvote. So here’s a verbal approval instead:


Dec 19, 2021 11:26 PM

I posted several months ago that holding protests where people chant “Freedom” or “Libertad” is much too polite and the elite just laugh at us.

What we need to do at these protests is hold “mock” executions of dummies that look like the tyrants. Guillotining a Macron dummy or Boris dummy and then holding his severed head by the hair up to the cheering crowd is much more likely to put some fear into the elites than chanting “Freedom!” And we can later reattach the heads to use the dummies again at the next demonstration.

Another idea is to make stickers or signs that say “This lamp post reserved for Boris Johnson,” “This lamp post reserved for Tony Fauci,” etc., and attach them to lamp posts.

Or putting severed dummy heads of the perpetrators on spikes and planting them in highly visible places.

This is not violence, but it sends a message.

PS to moderators: We need a sticky thread for ideas and strategies to fight the tyranny

David Ho
David Ho
Dec 20, 2021 4:24 AM
Reply to  Reggie

comment image

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Dec 20, 2021 4:35 AM
Reply to  Reggie

The freedom message in its various guises is the message THEY have curated and yes they laugh at us protesting that message because it’s not the correct message which makes it weak. It’s not fundamentally about freedom, it’s about the truth of no virus. When that truth is recognised freedom is automatic. Arguing for freedom is fighting at the 2nd-level propaganda level they have engineered.

If only every single banner proclaimed THERE IS NO NOVEL VIRUS or words to that effect I believe everything would be over in an instant. But everyone’s arguing for all different things thereby diluting the most important truth.

There is no novel virus, there is no novel virus, there is no novel virus, there is no …

Mark EL
Mark EL
Dec 20, 2021 9:41 AM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

I agree. Freedom’s a nebulous concept. Once people see that there is no such thing as a virus in the claimed sense, the rest of their narrative is redundant.

Geo Martin
Geo Martin
Dec 20, 2021 1:22 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

If people are willing to give away basic rights this easily, why do you think they would care to know whether the virus is real or not?
At this point I think you should accept that anyone who is still acting like they are in a pandemic and getting injected is because they want to. It’s a choice and they’ve made their choice. You can’t wake up someone who chooses to be spiritually dead.

Dec 20, 2021 8:50 PM
Reply to  Geo Martin

Totally disagree, George. Many or most people taking the shot are doing it reluctantly or because they have been coerced or ordered to take it. In some Asian countries people don’t really have a choice.

In Asia, people are not politically correct Karens. They’re still sheep, they obey, but they don’t do all that Woke nonsense you have in the west. And they are coerced by the vax passports too, same as in the west. Their leaders have been paid off and/or blackmailed and so are completely in on the program.

And you are making no allowance for the media brainwashing that is total everywhere. These people don’t know English so their perceptions are limited to what they read in their native language, which is exactly the same lies we read in western media. They never heard of Off-Guardian or the other similar sites.

Their media do occasionally report on deaths from the vaccine, though there are hundreds of times more deaths that don’t get reported. But people hear of the deaths through word of mouth. So I think most people do not “want” to get it except as a means to be able to have a vax passport and travel.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Dec 20, 2021 11:22 PM
Reply to  Geo Martin

I have to say, George, I find it a little frustrating that people don’t see the absolute chasm between half-truth and truth. As Benjamin Franklin said: “Half a truth is often a great lie.” The truth simply works better because everyone is on the same page with it. Moreover, if it didn’t the perps wouldn’t spend millions on their 2nd-level half-truth propaganda. While people themselves might tend to genuinely believe what is half-truth (or actually simply a lie), eg, that there is a “novel” virus and it was manufactured in a lab, the perps curate that propaganda in their pushing out of agents such as Judy Mikovits. Loads of people will genuinely believe in the virus and that Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine are effective treatments (not saying they aren’t for respiratory illnesses in general – I wouldn’t know) but you can be sure there will be agents curating that message too. I don’t disagree that perhaps it’s the case that people who are so willing to give away basic rights might not really care whether the virus is real or not but my point is if everyone’s arguing slightly different things it weakens the argument and some of the arguments are plain wrong. For example, “Freedom to choose” is absolutely contrary to the truth. There should be absolutely no freedom to choose to have the jab, it shouldn’t be administered at all as it serves no medical function and is dangerous in the extreme. Last night I was chatting to someone who told me a friend had developed a serious allergic reaction to one of the ingredients of the jab, Polyethylene glycol (PEG), after her booster shot. Ironically, before it was realised what she was allergic to she was treated with substances that also contained PEG which is an inconvenient substance… Read more »

Dec 20, 2021 8:56 PM
Reply to  Reggie

I would expect that Macron in particular (while knowledge of it isn’t as widespread as might be expected and there’s a lot of issues with myths even in France) knows something of what the history actually is, which makes the issue with any symbolism obvious. I would just note, for instance, that (while I disagree with it for this reason of gravity) the symbol of the White Rose has already been appropriated by anti-lockdown campaigners: and that members of the resistance group were still executed by guillotine.

I think the first strategy is to learn, from what works and what doesn’t. Our tyrants are replaceable, puppets of a system, we risk granting them their impression of importance in focusing on them. Obsessing over opposition/perceived opposition often lets them set the tone. Personally, I intend to try, insofar as possible, ignoring them. I don’t know whether or not I’m ‘breaking’ their silly little rules, I don’t recognise their authority to set any (or anyone’s), and I’m not listening to them. I’ll continue to try to share history, art and culture, as I think I’m best suited to: it might be regarded as spiritual in a way.

Dec 21, 2021 11:51 AM
Reply to  Reggie

I think the last time this has actually happened (execution of a tyrant by the people) was Bolivia in the 1940s.

In 1946 mobs of students, teachers, and workers seized arms from the arsenal and moved to the presidential palace. They captured and shot Villarroel and suspended his body from a lamppost in the main square, while the army remained aloof in the barracks.

They have improved their tech considerably since then, and removed most potential weapons from our hands, so such, ahem, direct action is no longer possible. In fact most of the elite’s activities can be seen as attempts to prevent this from ever happening again.

Dec 19, 2021 10:09 PM

Should I be concerned that newsgroups I read are posting stuff like this? Naaaaaa LOL. Ruff Ruff Woof Woof
comment image

Dec 20, 2021 8:57 AM
Reply to  TRM

Most of the stories of fertilizer explosions have been debunked. They are a modern cover for missile attacks. What hit Beirut was a nuclear missile.

Dec 20, 2021 4:50 PM
Reply to  mgeo

That’s what it looked like to me.
It’s not as if there isn’t endless footage of nuclear blasts since the 1940s to compare it with.

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Dec 21, 2021 12:54 AM
Reply to  wardropper

I don’t think so, wardropper. How do these blasts differ from normal blasts made by conventional explosives or how do you know they’re not achieved by fakery?

Miles Mathis – Nuclear hoax

Also, there are links on this page to various pieces of evidence showing hoax.

George Mc
George Mc
Dec 19, 2021 9:54 PM

On visiting the ever informative UK Column, the presenters predicted that next year the totalitarian agenda would accelerate in scale and brutality. But in the meantime we still have the chortling friendly friendly approach as in this vaccine advert from Elton and Alfie:  

But note the message at the bottom:

Comments are turned off.

Now that’s an icy blast from the actual world outside!

Dec 19, 2021 10:01 PM
Reply to  George Mc

How revealing. Sirs must be heard not jeered.

Geo Martin
Geo Martin
Dec 20, 2021 1:27 PM
Reply to  George Mc

The intake of vaccination is near absolute among homosexuals. They are a weak target for obvious reasons.

Pieter Gerlach
Pieter Gerlach
Dec 20, 2021 2:40 PM
Reply to  George Mc

After that we need some Van Morrison to give some balance to the presentation:

Dec 20, 2021 2:48 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Let’s go with Eric Clapton’s take instead

Dec 19, 2021 9:26 PM

threes threes everywhere!

meanwhile, there have been 12,133 cases of omicron….
total number of Omicron cases in the UK 37,101. (that goes to 10101 which is 21 in binary -> 3)


Dec 19, 2021 9:31 PM
Reply to  NameWithheld


the number of recorded cases of Omicron jumped 21 (=3) per cent between Saturday and Sunday, with 10,059 (=6) cases on Saturday afternoon compared to 12,133 on Sunday

12133 reduces to 10 and finally to 1.

get the picture?

Dec 20, 2021 5:10 AM
Reply to  NameWithheld

Omicron? You mean Moronic, right?

Billy Sole
Billy Sole
Dec 19, 2021 8:50 PM


Don’t be a Dick’ warns Lancashire County Council as controversial new poster targets unmasked shoppers

A new poster campaign launched by Lancashire County Council has caused a stir after it told those refusing to mask up in shops, “Don’t be a Dick

Angry backlash – what some people think about the new Council poster

“What a cheap school yard bully campaign. You can make this point without being vile about someone’s name,” said one critic.

“Great message to send out, let’s start calling people names if they don’t do what you want. Very professional,” added Samantha McIntyre.

“Most pathetic and divisive post I’ve seen in a while and it comes from our very own County Council,” said Lancs musician Andrew Gilmour.

“Wow. Calling people a dick? Aren’t you meant to be professional as your a council?,” asked another. “Obviously Dick is short for Richard. But its the context it was written in.”

Offending tweet https://twitter.com/LancashireCC/status/1471405150770241539

Lancashires public health director is one of these fake gurus. Loves his jabs. https://twitter.com/dr_sakthi

Cynicon Implant
Cynicon Implant
Dec 20, 2021 1:19 AM
Reply to  Billy Sole

Karma is coming to all the Dicks who took the jab and lecture non-jabbers. They will die prematurely.

Dec 19, 2021 7:29 PM

Personally, think of karma as a set of weighing scales which are subject to universal laws. The process of weighing and balancing can take a long time to work it’s way through for each individual but the end results are always accurate.
Prefer to keep things simple avoiding ideology. Believe each individual grows and tends their own garden. through kind and thoughtful deeds and by keeping our ego in check. Ultimately, we are all here to learn lessons to prepare us for the next stage in our lives as we journey onward  . . . . .

Ernest Judd
Ernest Judd
Dec 19, 2021 7:17 PM

From a spiritual point of view, it is time to do the perpetrators HARM.

I “Harmed” a GP that came to my shop (maskless) for service.

As I have about 8-10 quotes and memes pasted on my front window. Before he came into the shop he was reading the memes rather intently. I became interested in how long, if at all, till the good doc said something. Only when he was leaving, did he quip, “after reading this shit, it gives me pause to think that these complaints are even allowed!” He looked directly at me when he said that.

I answered with a question, with a smile, “How much have you invested in big Pharma?”

He sneered! “More than your pittance you make here!”

Me: “thank you for your honest answer!”
“You have just demonstrated to me that you are all about Mammon. You have nothing contrary to say about the windows contents, other than they should be censored, and further this with your hubris regarding making money! What ever happened to “Do NO Harm? By the way, where is your mask?!””

He literally screams, “F**k you!”

Me: “How do you feel being complicit in the deaths of so many?”

Says nothing. He finally leaves beyond agitated.

Dec 20, 2021 4:46 PM
Reply to  Ernest Judd

He came into a shop unmasked…?

Sounds like a very confused doctor to me. You should get another one as quickly as possible.

I’m gradually coming to the view that the right thing to do is to live your life as you see fit – without actually breaking the law, then die as an unmasked, unvaxxed man when your time comes.

Your doctor got the unmasked bit right, but that’s only because of the inside information he has that masks do f**k all to keep anybody healthy.
Mammon has most certainly got to him, more than any virus ever will . . .

dr death
dr death
Dec 19, 2021 6:36 PM

I think most ‘gurus’ work for the CIA as part of Langleys ‘social science’ productions…. and a fair few are avaricious sexual perverts…. which of course oils the wheels of MK Ultra research..
presumably that’s the tantric bit …or am I confusing my ‘cults’?… (most people mix and match these days)..

I’m sure on balance… most would be heavy of heart….

Dec 19, 2021 6:01 PM

New supposed UK case number = 82,886.Remenber Satanists like to read backwards…

6+8=14 and 1+4=5.
5+8 =13.

Therefore the number reduces to 113 which read backwards as well is three elevens and that makes….

Dec 19, 2021 8:19 PM
Reply to  Edwige

You lost me on 2+8=1.
I’m not a full-time numerologist, but 8+2+8+8+6=32.
And most of us have 5 fingers on each hand, and 5 toes on each foot.

Dec 19, 2021 9:10 PM
Reply to  robt

32 can also be “three two” or “two three”
and whats two threes?


but thats the profane or exoteric way of working it out.
the other solutions are esoteric (i.e. hidden)

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Dec 20, 2021 4:45 AM
Reply to  robt

2+8=10 but zeroes don’t count.

Dec 19, 2021 9:06 PM
Reply to  Edwige

I had:
8+8+8=24=6 (the number 3 is a key, indicated because there are 3 eights)
leaves 266
66/2 = 33

Dec 19, 2021 11:14 PM
Reply to  Edwige

6uild 6ack 6etter

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Dec 20, 2021 4:44 AM
Reply to  jas

Love it!

Dec 20, 2021 9:17 PM
Reply to  jas

Dec 19, 2021 4:43 PM

The absurd abnormal is already here, according to the Economist:


…once a system has crossed some threshold, every nudge tends to shift it further from the old equilibrium. Many of the institutions and attitudes that brought stability in the old world look ill-suited to the new. The pandemic is like a doorway. Once you pass through, there is no going back.

Exiting via the same doorway doesn’t seem to be an option. So perhaps it’s a trapdoor

Dec 19, 2021 1:03 PM

My offering at this moment is that support for our masking persona is in a sense being withdrawn – hence the survival drive to shut down the light and reset control as a defining and containing structure to which life is locked down, distanced, masked and defended against healing. (Perceived as fear of pain of loss of face, & loss of self) The forms this takes in any of us are shifting and various, with multiple domains of resonant or reinforcing identities at different levels. Narrative identity can only perceive what it believes it must see to survive. That is the function it was invoked to fulfil as protection WITHIN self conflicted illusion. As I write this I have the image of the breaking of the condition of the womb, or veil – of boundary as a separating identity, to the restoration of boundary as the medium of an always already Communioned Communication. Truth is resonant and congruent alignment in our self and Self. That this gives tangible and visible forms of reflection, sharing and exchange is not to be defined by those forms. But such is the sleep of habit that takes symbol or ideas as the Thing Itself, to which we adapted or normalised as ‘reality’. Justice – Just Is – might be seen as the nature of an equals sign, because no matter what you take from or push onto one side will become the balancing of the other. The capacity of complex systems to operate ‘out of balance’ is always part of a greater balancing act. But if intent to contain or mask conflict in structures of compartmentalisation becomes ‘top heavy’ it will in its moment – flip. Reset was also used for a spring mechanism, such as way of storing kinetic energy – like a… Read more »

Dec 19, 2021 12:52 PM

Blairite outrider backs major measure of globalisation shocker:


“Mass atrocity” will mean whatever the hell they want it to mean.

Dec 19, 2021 1:21 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Ah yes, Hillary’s ickle protege…new and improved B-Liar – his vocal imitation of B-Liar in the leadership bid was excruciating to behold…my ears were bleeding

dr death
dr death
Dec 19, 2021 6:45 PM
Reply to  Edwige

we ‘know’ what it means…. surely by now, even to the most jaded imbecile the dots should at least be visible…

if not connected….

Dec 19, 2021 12:24 PM

Thank you so much, Guy, for this article. I have been struggling a lot in the last year with my spiritual practice, trying to separate the real Buddhist teachings from the discriminatory and divisive messages heard during Dharma talks and teachings. It’s not easy. The truth is beyond all this, but it is difficult to keep it pure when you hear great practitioners and scholars ‘drinking’ the mainstream story without doubts. I am coming from a tradition which uses logic and questioning as its basis, so I am still astonished to see bright, clever, awake and compassionate people, who I deeply trusted, just judging ‘anti-vaxxers’ (a spell word, like you said) as the ‘bad guys’, the anti-scientific guys, the stupids, the ignorant, and, why not?, even the far right wing supporters. Can they not use their analythical skills to see the inconsistency of what’s happening?
Apparently not.
Meanwhile, people are kept away from centers because without poison, creating division amongst the same sangha.

It’s a painful situation, but I am glad someone has been writing about it.
‘Love and truth will win in the end’

Dec 19, 2021 7:57 PM
Reply to  Raja

Can’t you see your own contradictions? How is it you come ‘from a tradition which uses logic and questioning as its basis’ and then ‘deeply trust’ those ‘bright, clever, awake and compassionate people’. No wonder you have been fooled.

Dec 19, 2021 10:02 PM
Reply to  rechenmacher

Not so easy, my friend. The teachings are valid. As I said, there is a distinction to make between the teacher and the teachings. It is not easy, but doable. It is a subtle topic that you seem not to get with your dismissal and shallow ‘can’t you see your contradictions’. No I can’t as you cannot see my point. And thank you for your compassion. It is very supportive.

Dec 20, 2021 9:51 AM
Reply to  Raja

My point is you do not need a teacher. Or guru, priest etc. They are the middlemen, the translators. And translations tend to be wrong, sometimes to the extent where they propagate the opposite of the original meaning.

Dec 21, 2021 1:33 PM
Reply to  rechenmacher

Many times translators are writers. They translate their own thoughts into writings and claim it as their translations of the original texts. It’s very obvious especially in the Tao Te Ching. Having it translated literally yourself, you’ll see it.

Ryan Matters
Ryan Matters
Dec 19, 2021 11:15 AM

Great article, Guy. I, too have been deeply disturbed by many of the spiritual leaders’ lack of action, or in some cases, blatant ignorance regarding the situation at hand. I still remember Deepak Chopra telling his social media followers to wear masks. False prophets? Sure. But this ignorance also speaks to the power of the satanic illusion we’re living under. Let us embrace Jiddu Krishnamurti’s philosophy of “no guru, no authority, no master”. Namaste.

Dec 19, 2021 10:18 AM

One would have to ask the question of why the almighty Holiness himself the Dalai Lama would need a vaccination when the whole essence of his teachings are embedded in organic nature.

Dec 19, 2021 12:33 PM
Reply to  AstrosaneO

I’ve seen interviews with him. He’s a regular BBC watcher. nuff said

Dec 19, 2021 12:55 PM
Reply to  Vagabard

Been a CIA asset forever, even the lying corporate-state media had to admit that one:

Dec 20, 2021 12:30 AM
Reply to  Vagabard

I saw the Dalai Lama LIVE as part of his whirlwind world speaking tour about 10 years ago (my ticket was free, the other thousand or so who attended far from it). He spent most of the time talking about airplane food, toothbruses, and all sorts of other nonsense through an interpreter, like the worst stand-up comedy gig you could imagine. Then at the end he imparted the deep wisdom that to achieve world peace… Wait for it… Requires complete global disarmament. Mic drop, then he fucked off back to the hotel. The best part was seeing the bewilderment in the attendees eyes as it slowly dawned on them that they had just been grifted.

Dec 19, 2021 1:34 PM
Reply to  AstrosaneO

When you say matters of the body don’t matter, you leave the door open to all manner of idiocy – no matter how high up in some religious hierarchy you happen to be.

Dalai Lama, the Pope and most other religious leaders just purely by chance all seem to have a keen sense of who butters their bread.

dr death
dr death
Dec 19, 2021 6:55 PM
Reply to  AstrosaneO

the dali lala is on the CIA payroll…. didn’t you know?
he’s pretty cheap too,, about 400 grand a year.. and that is about the cost of a half a third of one field operative..(in alphabet dollars)…

though I’m sure there other kickbacks… off the record..

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Dec 20, 2021 1:36 AM
Reply to  AstrosaneO

I tend to think that it is no coincidence that the Hindustan Times logo covers the actual alleged jabbing. I notice also in this video that we don’t see it and the sudden zooming out is quite jarring https://youtu.be/51ypzc5hqpc?t=43. I’m not going to check more but if anyone sees one where you see the actual jabbing I’d be interested to know.

For anyone who wants to go down the Dalai Lama rabbit-hole – too much for me.

Dalai Lama making Masonic signs – not to say that all his hand signs are not used in other ways, eg, Namaste but nevertheless there seem to be too many for them not to somehow be Masonic and I know I’ve seen images of him where he does the hidden hand sign. https://youtu.be/qM9IzoDMkEg

Dec 20, 2021 1:13 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

Thanking you all for the reply’s..

George Mc
George Mc
Dec 19, 2021 9:43 AM

They’re getting more and more pathetically desperate all the time: From the Atlantic:

“Don’t be Surprised When You Get Omicron”.

It’s no longer a matter of belligerent fearmongering. It’s like belligerent fearmongering from a six year old kid with plastic fangs and screaming “BOO!” into your face

Dec 19, 2021 1:48 PM
Reply to  George Mc

That’s good advice because by the Covidians’ own admission Omicron is Covid plus the common cold. And we all (most of us) catch colds in winter. So don’t be surprised by that runny nose.

George Mc
George Mc
Dec 19, 2021 9:30 AM

It’s odd how my attitude has changed. In American terms, I now have far more sympathy for the fabled “born again” southerners than the fabled affluent liberal left north. I reckon that silence can be taken as a (secretly guilt ridden) complicity – which means that the entire Left are fully on board with the covid operation one way or another. By which I mean they either still swallow the “evil capitalist caused virus” rap or are now looking forward to a world of some kind of socialistic redistribution of resources (by inexplicably reformed capitalists or by an inexplicably triumphant socialist sect). And surely there must be a movement from the viral doom watchers to the brave new world as the fraudulent nature of the covid move becomes increasingly obvious. The insectile/plankton world I described below must presumably be an attractive ideal for this Left.

Dec 19, 2021 11:57 AM
Reply to  George Mc

The globalists want a communist dictatorship for the people, (not for themselves).
The leaders of the two political factions both left and right have been corrupted.
I doubt that the ordinary people of either side want what’s in store for us.

Dec 19, 2021 3:45 PM
Reply to  George Mc

I agree in general with your assessment here; but I would add that the ‘”born again” southerners’ seem to have swallowed the China Done It meme hook line and sinker.

Dec 19, 2021 6:09 PM
Reply to  George Mc

I’ve come to the conclusion many ‘leftists’ must know full well about the Great Reset and global totalitarianism and have decided to embrace the new system. The new system will be run by the same oligarchy as the old system but this oligarchy will have even greater (absolute) power and possess even more extreme wealth.

However, there will be an economic and social levelling among the 99+% in the West and worldwide, and this will give the appearance of ‘socialism’ to fools on the ‘left.’ It will also be wrapped in a ‘green’ package. This helps to explain why the established left has always shied away from discussion of the global oligarchy, refusing to name the names of the ruling powers (both individuals and organizations). The ‘left’ has always seemed to accept the permanent rule of this ruling class and will settle for ‘socialism’ among the masses, robotic existence and all.

Dec 19, 2021 8:50 AM

Sad stories of CoVax shots that went awry.

Covid Vaccine Injuries


Bob the bum
Bob the bum
Dec 19, 2021 8:49 AM

Is it really a surprise to find that religious/spiritual leaders and their hapless followers were easily conned? Could it be that they have no real connection to god, posess no real wisdom and are not even close to achieving enlightenment?

Dec 19, 2021 11:00 AM
Reply to  Bob the bum

It’s no surprise for people who knew already that all those belief /illusion systems are false.

Dec 19, 2021 8:48 AM

Everywhere you look, Omicron! The variant has been with us much longer than the MSM is telling us.

Run this search:

Dec 19, 2021 1:50 PM
Reply to  Jojo

Oh excellent. Drive more to traffic to Google, probably the worst of the Covid pushers.

Dec 19, 2021 7:50 PM
Reply to  Orthus

Use another search provider then, d’oh.

I tried DDG in the past. Google has the best results and UI, which is what I am interested in.

Dec 19, 2021 8:37 AM

Speaking of totalitarian takeovers, sounds like NY has been talking to Australia!
New York Legislation Provides for Indefinite Detention of Unvaccinated at Governor’s Whim.
December 18, 2021

On January 5th, 2022, the New York Senate and Assembly will vote on a bill that would, if passed into law, grant permissions to remove and detain cases, contacts, carriers, or anyone suspected of presenting a “significant threat to public health” and remove them from public life on an indefinite basis.

Bill A416 presents a serious risk to the basic liberties of all Americans in the state of New York, including their right to choose whether or not to receive medical treatment and vaccinations related to thus far undetermined contagious diseases.

The bill gives the Governor of New York, his or her delegates – including but not limited to the commissioner and heads of local health departments – the right to remove and detain any individuals or groups of people through issuing a single order. The orders only have to include the individual’s name(s) or “reasonably specific descriptions of the individuals or groups.”

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Dec 19, 2021 9:08 PM
Reply to  Jojo

What the fuck is this obsessive belief that the unjabbed are sick

Dec 20, 2021 4:34 PM

Simple labelling, so they know which ones to exterminate.

George Mc
George Mc
Dec 19, 2021 8:14 AM

The Sunday Times:

“Who are Britain’s six million vaccine refuseniks?”

An interesting number. Where have I heard that before?

George Mc
George Mc
Dec 19, 2021 9:14 AM
Reply to  George Mc

The “six million” tag is now being strategically deployed throughout the media with customary noises about a “deradicalisation” programme “like those given to former terrorists or cult members” (this appears to be the cut and paste line everywhere).

The straw man demonization is summed up in sledge hammer fashion by the Times: 

““I just don’t see the point in being vaccinated – the virus is mainly fatal to the middle aged,” says one man in his twenties.”

Thus the “callous young” meme is still being shoved out. And then there is this:

““I still feel sceptical and quite scared,” adds a young woman. The speed at which Covid jabs were developed makes her uneasy. “Until I’m actually forced to do it, I don’t think I want to,” she tells a focus group run by Dr Simon Williams of Swansea University.”

The propagandists are clearly nervous about the topic of mandatory vaxxes and are trying their best to make it look as if those “refuseniks” are forcing the mandatory path on the government.

But what of the clearly Pavlovian aura of that “six million”? I first thought it unwise since the endlessly repeated six million of the Holocaust were, after all, victims. Do the powers wish to equate the anti-vaxxers with those old victims and thus imply that the government is Nazi? Are they so brazenly arrogant now that they think they can get away with such a candid move?

But I think they’re far smarter than that. They want to dangle the tantalising “six million” in front of the anti-vaxxers, wait for the anti-vaxxers to make the connection themselves (or plant operatives amongst the anti-vaxxers to make the connection) and then feign outrage at the “disgusting opportunism” of these “refuseniks”.

Dec 19, 2021 11:31 AM
Reply to  George Mc

I’ve noticed that that 6 million number tends to oscillate (sometimes 5 million, sometimes 6). Perhaps they are playing games with it, as you suggest, or maybe a reluctance/second thoughts at times about making such an obvious historical connection

Dec 19, 2021 1:46 PM
Reply to  George Mc

I believe there’s a much simpler explanation. When they’ve spent two years making up one set of numbers after another, they maybe get a little bored with the whole thing and just start grabbing any old number that pops into their heads. And since 6 million is already in the collective memory, just waiting to be hauled out again, that’s the number they reach for.

Don’t know what Britain’s Holy Number is; but here in the US, pretty soon you’ll hear that “1776 people died within seconds of one another from COVID.” Watch for it.

Dec 19, 2021 9:17 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Desperate times for the Tories, the media and their CIA controllers. Look at the fear in their eyes!
Great times ahead for the British public as we break free from these scum.

Dec 19, 2021 11:23 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Saw that article. Interesting that one of the ‘refuseniks’ was ‘a lecturer in reproductive immunology at Imperial College’.

Michael Yeadon comes under heavy attack within it, being held more-or-less solely responsible for all ‘the worries of pregnant women’

But Male says that the worries of pregnant women can almost all be traced to a single piece of misinformation… …The lie was started by Michael Yeadon, a former Pfizer executive who has become one of the most influential figures in the British antivax movement.

Dec 19, 2021 11:58 AM
Reply to  Vagabard

Ok, I got that wrong. Just reread it. The lecturer wasn’t a refusenik after all. It would have been very surprising if she had been

Dec 19, 2021 2:27 PM
Reply to  George Mc

All our lives we’ve been subjected to comics and watched endless movies where evil German Nazis are checking papers and rounding people up. We the goodies fight them and win. There are endless documentaries being aired on Netflix about one particular mass murder. We have clear evidence that something similar is starting in the so called free world. Our leaders are revealed to be totalitarians, or worse, and everybody thinks there is nothing to worry about, I’ll do what I’m told and it will all be fine. What the fuck? Can you explain any of this to me? So I’d guess the number is no coincidence whatsoever. Are we being trolled? Is it a subliminal message. It is too much of a coincidence to be random, and I’m not a coincidence theorist

Dec 19, 2021 6:06 PM
Reply to  George Mc

6 million anti semites
6 million terrorists
6 million lunatics
6 million evil doers
6 million new hitlers

6 million covidian deniers
6 million germ theory non believers
6 million flat earthers terrain theory lunatics

6 million headlines


Victor G.
Victor G.
Dec 20, 2021 7:13 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Same number in Italia … just sayin’

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Dec 19, 2021 7:32 AM

I find no one can argue with this.

The COVID-19 atrocity revealed in exposure of the obvious planning of this “pandemic” by the globalist elite and in meticulous analysis of the 4 fraudulent interlocking pillars of:
Virus isolation
Genomic sequencing
Outbreak modelling
Dr Mark Bailey MB ChB, PGDipMSM, MHealSc (Otago)
Is a microbiology, medical industry and health researcher who worked in medical practice, including clinical trials, for two decades.
Dr John Bevan-Smith BA (Hons) First Class, PhD (Auckland)
Is a business owner, author and researcher, who has undertaken research for the Waitangi Tribunal Te Rōpū Whakamana i te TiriP o Waitangi/The Ministry of JusPce Te Tāhū o te Ture.
Paper – The COVID-19 Fraud & War on Humanity
Videos of paper transcript
Part 1 – Globalist planning, virus isolation (27 min)
Part 2 – Genomic sequencing, PCR, outbreak modelling (23 min)

Part 3 – Summary, Crimes against humanity, Pathology conference, Germany (18 min)
Coming in next few days
Pathology conference – https://rivercitymalone.com/health/pathologists-investigate-deaths-after-covid-vaccination/

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Dec 19, 2021 7:23 AM

Fed! Fed! Fed! Fed! . . . https://www.revolver.news/2021/12/damning-new-details-massive-web-unindicted-operators-january-6 December 18, 2021 Meet Ray Epps, Part 2: Damning New Details Emerge Exposing Massive Web Of Unindicted Operators At The Heart Of January 6 Six weeks ago, Revolver News published a blockbuster investigative report on Ray Epps — a man who, more than any other individual, appears to be the key unlocking the question of active federal involvement in the so-called “Capitol Siege” of January 6th. Out of all of the thousands of January 6’s protesters, and the thousands of hours of publicly available footage from that fateful day, Ray Epps has turned out to be perhaps the only person nailed dead to rights confessing on camera to plotting a pre-planned attack on the Capitol. On both January 5 and January 6, Epps announced multiple times, at multiple locations, his upcoming plot to breach the US Capitol. He then spent hours attempting to recruit hundreds of others to join him. On top of it all, Epps was seen leading key people and managing key aspects of the initial breach of the Capitol grounds himself. Watch: [video clip] It would be one thing if Epps’s repeated calls on January 5 to “go into the Capitol” had simply amounted to bluster. But Epps followed through on his stated mission to shepherd others inside. In clips 4-6 of the above compilation, we see Epps actively orchestrate elements of the very first breach of the Capitol barricades at 12:50 p.m, while Trump still had 20 minutes left in his rally speech. It is noteworthy that this Ray Epps breach occurs just one minute after Capitol Police began responding to reports of two “pipe bombs” located at DNC and GOP headquarters, respectively. Rather conveniently, the already-handicapped Capitol Police thus had still-fewer resources with which to respond to… Read more »

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Dec 19, 2021 7:23 AM

Very interesting and disappointing about spiritual leaders … but ultimately perhaps not so surprising somehow.   Speaking of karma, I’d love to know if this is really true.   So we’re told that the powers that be always let us know clearly underneath the propaganda the truth of their psychological operations and that they believe by doing that they push the onus onto us to call them out and if we don’t it’s our fault and they are spared karmic repercussions.   It’s certainly true that they ALWAYS let us know. With this alleged pandemic we saw it in: the presaging alluded to in the article, eg, London Olympics, the Simpsons (2010); in the images of the people falling flat on their faces and laid out on hospital floors and on the ground; in the rehearsed dancing of ICU staff when ICUs are supposed to be overrun with covid patients; in obviously fake patients, etc. In the case of 9/11, for example, they gave us numerous gratuitous anomalies one on top of the other such as a passenger airliner managing to perform an impossible manoeuvre into Defence HQ, piloted by a little guy about whom his alleged flight instructor said he used to cry when asked to attempt steep turns and stalls. These people do not pull any punches in laying on the ridiculousness … and what totally gets me is that despite their absolute scrupulousness in laying it on as thickly as possible and making no attempt to make their stories stand up in any shape or form people defend them to the death. Drives me crazy!   So is the reason for this ridiculousness really “to be spared karmic repercussions” or is the reason as quoted below or is it a serendipitous combination of the two? What do… Read more »

Dec 19, 2021 9:05 AM
Reply to  Petra Liverani

Karma is another angle to promote acquiescence, resignation or apathy. Like the meek inheriting the Earth.

Dec 19, 2021 2:26 PM
Reply to  Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Dec 20, 2021 12:18 AM
Reply to  sparrow

Whatever karma is sparrow I don’t think the attitude of “telling” us with their “hidden-in-plain-sight” over-the-top ridiculousness and thus getting our agreement will spare them “karmic repercussions,” I don’t see how that could possibly be the case and I’m surprised they believe it if they do. I’ve randomly watched a couple of testimonies of Near Death Experiences (NDEs) recently and in two of the testimonies the people said how they saw all the pain they’d caused other people … imagine the pain those in the power elite might see they caused if that happened to them in an NDE. You’d think, wouldn’t you, that at least one of these people would have a sense of remorse, would have an epiphanous realisation that the way they dupe and terrorise the global population isn’t the right way but they never do. The only person I’ve come across who participated in their world (apart from victims such as Fiona Barnett) is Ronald Bernard, a Dutch ex-high finance operative, and in his case he wasn’t really a solid member so to speak, he was kind of conscripted without knowing the full extent of their evil.

Interview with Ronald Bernard

Donald Duck
Donald Duck
Dec 19, 2021 7:21 AM

Looks like the PTB are going mental. They have vaccinated the hoi-polloi to breaking point, but that’s only the first chapter in the Great Reset. The mass vaccinations have reached the point of diminishing returns, no more mileage in that approach. Now they/we have the great economic upheaval coming our way. Mass unemployment, inflation, tax-rises, lockdowns, destruction of the SMEs (small and medium sized enterprises) actual hunger and destitution on the cards. Vaccination ain’t going to cut it with these problems. This is a recipe for a social and political blow-out and it won’t be obscured by all the covid nonsense.

The great silent majority in particular do not really know what is going to hit them, although many suspect it. There will be no return to normal as these economic forces make their presence felt. No jabs for hunger I am afraid. The people on the Clapham omnibus must either wake up or die of hunger.

Donald Duck
Donald Duck
Dec 19, 2021 7:40 AM
Reply to  Donald Duck

I was just thinking of when the masses can’t pay their mortgages any more and are in dreaded fear of losing their jobs will be a rerun of the great depression in both the US and Europe. There were the hunger marches in the UK and bonus marches in the US. This resembles a return of a global downturn of the capitalist system in the West and the Global South. At the other pole of course are the oligarchs – Jeff Bezos, Warren Buffet, Elon Task, Bill Gates – whose wealth has increased exponentially. The global regime will be overseen by the Bank of International Settlements, BIS, the IMF, World Bank, World Trade Organization all working to keep the show on the road, for the elite that is.

I was thinking of the literature of the age. The Road to Wigan Pier by George Orwell, Love on the Dole by Arthur Greenwood, a book which became a film, and The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck. All of which were set in the 1930s depression. I really do think that we are in a re-run for this.

Dec 19, 2021 9:31 AM
Reply to  Donald Duck

Mass unemployment, inflation, tax-rises, lockdowns, destruction of the SMEs (small and medium sized enterprises) actual hunger and destitution on the cards.

Except for tax rises, they have all been happening for almost 2 years.

Dec 19, 2021 7:40 AM
Reply to  Donald Duck

Step 1: blame the unvaxxed, if only they’d taken the jab everything would have been fine. Say they got their info from social media and institute clampdown.
Step 2: blame the vaxxed for taking all the vaccines and not sharing them with the Third World. Step 2 contradicts Step 1? Don’t worry about logic, they’ll be so punch-drunk they can’t put 2 + 2 together, plus logic is probably racist and sexist. Launch full-on white guilt campaign and demand reparations.
Step 3: ready with the solutions, UBI and social credit. Attach those strings.
Step 4: with debtors outweighing asset-holders, offer a debt write-off in return for owning nothing and being happy. Dismiss all opposition as white privilege, selfish, right-wing, libertarian and anti-semitic (not sure yet how it’ll be anti-semitic but it will be somehow).

You have until 2030 to comply…

Tim Drayton
Tim Drayton
Dec 20, 2021 10:40 AM
Reply to  Donald Duck

Except it now appears that they need to inject the populace at regular intervals, so this chapter is also continuing.