Citizens and Experts Call for a Halt to COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout in India
“The Truth of COVID-19 – The India Statement”
Colin Todhunter

The mass rollout of COVID-19 vaccines should be halted immediately. These experimental vaccines pose serious dangers. That is the message contained in a statement from concerned citizens soon to be forwarded to India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
The statement’s signatories include medical scientists, doctors, epidemiologists, civil servants, civil society organisations and “deeply concerned mothers, fathers, husbands and wives”.
Concerned citizens of India can sign on to the ‘The Truth of COVID-19 — The India Statement’ prior to its dispatch to the PM in the link provided at the end of this article.
Internationally renowned professionals in the field of medical science have also joined this effort by offering their expertise, including Dr Mike Yeadon, Dr Peter McCullough, Dr Pierre Kory, Dr Roger Hodkinson, Professor Sucharit Bhakdi and Dr Tess Lawrie.
The statement comprises two parts. Part one is a five-page summary of the main points and recommendations. This is supported by part two, a 62-page document which quotes the relevant literature and has dozens of references to back up the assertions made about the vaccines, COVID-19 and the vaccination programme.
Some of the key points and recommendations contained in part one are summarised below.
The statement begins by saying that a coronavirus vaccine has never before been used successfully. One problem has been the development of antibody disease enhancement (ADE). The vaccine produces antibodies, but sometimes this does not prevent disease – it instead makes the disease more serious and ADE can extend into the future (this has been seen before, for example regarding the rollout of a Dengue vaccine in Manila).
All the vaccines use the spike protein and this was thought to be a good idea at first because the virus uses its spike protein to attach to the host cells. But the statement notes this is a blunder and a major catastrophe. The spike protein is the toxic part of the virus that causes major (vascular) disease.
It is now confirmed that the synthetic spike protein of the vaccines is also toxic and is similarly causing the likes of clotting and bleeding disorders.
Many thousands of people taking the vaccine have died. The vaccine leaves the injection site in the arm and, contrary to what was assumed, and unexpectedly, travels into the bloodstream, spreading all over the body including with concentrations in the ovaries, bone marrow and lymph nodes.
Moreover, the mass rollout of the vaccines is putting selection pressure on the virus to evolve into strains that are resistant to the vaccine, like Delta and Omicron. This is well-known science that follows the same pattern as, for example, in anti-biotic resistance.
Dr Luc Montagnier, the Nobel Prize winner who discovered the AIDs virus, has raised an urgent warning about this phenomenon. The statement notes that this process of new variants will not stop as more and more people get vaccinated.
Data from Israel (where the vast majority are vaccinated) show an increase in hospitalisations and deaths among the vaccinated. This is a repeated pattern occurring in other countries and was predicted by Dr Montagnier and other leading virologists.
The protective effect of the vaccines is also waning and is now below the required regulatory efficacy of at least 50%. The US health agencies are already advising a booster third dose. However, leading vaccine experts and immunologists and the vaccine manufacturers knew this all along. It was hidden though from the public.
It is clear that people who recover from Covid-19 develop natural immunity, which is long-lasting with antibodies that are effective against several viruses or variants. A large percentage of the Indian population, around 70% or more, already have this natural immunity. The statement concludes that vaccines are therefore not required.
As the vaccines can produce antibodies to a protein, syncytin, which, in the future, may cause abortions in women, the assertion is that women of child-bearing age (50 and below) should not be given the vaccines.
The statement notes that children have not had much problem with Covid, but some doctors are suggesting that a third wave will affect them. This is based on speculation, not science. Moreover, the long-term impacts of these vaccines and in particular the toxic spike protein are unknown. It would thus be quite unconscionable to risk the future of children. Given the data, it is clear that the risks of Covid-19 vaccines far outweigh the benefits for children.
India has a major disease burden in terms of communicable diseases, (TB, diarrhoeal, etc) and children are seriously impacted (more than 2,000 children die every day). On the other hand, the incidence and deaths due to COVID-19 are negligible. Children are not impacted by this disease.
In India, levels of serious malnutrition are worrying (and the COVID-related lockdown of the country can only have exacerbated this).
According to the statement, stopping unneeded vaccinations would release the huge sum of Rs 35,000 crores (almost 4.1 billion euros) for a public health system in dire need of resources to deal with killer childhood diseases and for improving the health of the population.
The statement notes that at the very heart of the problem of unsafe vaccines is the endemic conflict of interest that engulfs the institutions of health worldwide, not least in the US (NIA/FDA/CDC) the UK (MHRA) and the WHO.
It is for all the reasons mentioned above that vaccine manufacturers demand to be indemnified from any harm their vaccines may cause. Pfizer and Israel have made an agreement to hide Covid-19 vaccine adverse reactions for 10 years. Yet, these adverse effects are key to understanding vaccine science.
The statement also says that routine RT-PCR testing as presently conducted, including on asymptomatic cases, should be discontinued. PCR-driven ‘cases’ mislead the public on Covid infections. Furthermore, it is clear that the vaccines have failed to provide immunity and also fail to stop transmission from those vaccinated. India has acquired ‘herd immunity’ and does not need these vaccines. Medical science therefore does not support their continued rollout.
The statement concludes:
India must stop the vaccines with immediate effect… Preventive measures, early treatment and treatment protocols through all the stages of the diseases with Ivermectin and other off-label drugs are proven… very early on, India took exemplary action with regard to the ICMR [Indian Council of Medical Research] guideline on HDQ (hydroxychloroquine) and UP state with its public health measure of dispensing Ivermectin, which was an acknowledged success. We need to widen these measures across India. Both are ‘repurposed’ drugs, are medically proven and safe solutions, and there are others in our toolkit of medical products, along with vitamins (D, C and zinc).”
The PM will be urged to implement the recommendations set out in the statement and these will be at a fraction of the cost of vaccines. The funds released will allow the government to invest in overall health infrastructure (children’s health in particular), the economy, farmers and agriculture and the environment.
Concerned citizens of India can sign on to the statement here, where links to both parts of the statement are provided.
Colin Todhunter specialises in development, food and agriculture and is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization in Montreal.
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I love the WHO head saying “rather than as we see using boosters to kill children.”
Both Snopes and the WHO claim he never said that. They claim that he stumbled on his words (no he didn’t btw) and had said “rather than as we see using boosters to children.”
Because that incoherent sentence makes sense?
He said “kill children” flawlessly without correcting himself. You can explain that perhaps. Maybe he meant something else. However claiming otherwise is a flat out lie.
Another narrative serving lie from Snopes.
The audio is there.
Yes, I heard “kill children” and when you mispronounce something and then correct yourself there is some hesitation but he just move on confidently. Also, if he mispronounced the first syllable of “children” and then went on to pronounce it correctly, the sentence would read “… using boosters to children” which is ungrammatical and he was surely reading a preprepared statement which the WHO would manage to get right.
And if it was a slip, it was a Freudian one.
Why is this statement in Chinese and Japanese??? Should be Hindi and other Indian languages??
Okay I shouldn’t find this funny but I do. Should I be concerned? Naw.
I think it is too sick and twisted for most people but here on Off-G? Meh. Enjoy.
Same here about finding it funny. It is subversively funny, but what does that say about the times we’re living in. Anyway, it uses humor brilliantly to draw attention to the problem.
I think it is brilliant.
I’m wearing out the cliché “It’s funny because it’s true!”
From a mainstream source:
*Barry Lutz, Ph.D., co-founder and chief scientific adviser of Anavasi Diagnostics, a molecular detector for COVID-19
Just a moment. Assuming for the sake of argument that the mainstream narrative is true, how come they are telling us what the percentages of infections attributable to different “variants” are when the tests cannot make this distinction?
I know people here will hate me for mentioning his name, but I have just listened to a bit of a recent John Campbell video about the “Omicron variant”, link below, and his message seems to be that it is nothing to panic about. I stopped listening just after he commented, “It really is a so far so good situation.” Let’s not forget that this man is widely respected in the Covid cult community so if he is suggesting, even in a veiled manner, that the latest panic is overdone, this may help to deflate the narrative.
The cult think he is a medical doctor, he’s a former nurse with a doctorate in philosophy
I thought his phd was in nursing education?
I would just like to add if I may that you don’t NEED a phd to be scientifically literate. I think we have gotten ourselves into a situation where it’s been forgotten that you can be an expert on something without a piece of paper proving a narrow field of expertise.
Yeah but phd stands for doctor of philosophy, innit?
I’m an engineer, and sometimes I think I have read and understood better than many doctors. It’s not that they can’t, but many are told they must not read outside the Matrix.
This is big! Although, i seriously doubt the governament will budge as Modi administration is in Israel’s pocket.
Like most governments.
This is the best and most succinct case against the Con-19 gene therapy $cam yet I shall not be forwarding it to my friends and relations because none of my F&R “want any more of your OffG stuff”.
Yaddah Yaddah can’t hear you.
As I said to my sister (two recent COVID-like illnesses) who is horrified about my skepticism, “We’ll see who rots first!”
(For those who remember Hitchhikers’ Guide, Arthur Dent said, when blocking the path of a demolition bulldozer: “We’ll see who rusts first!”
Safety Report #38 – 4 December 2021 ( Look what the NZ government is doing now, using naturally occurring problems to justify the smaller number of people with one jab, except look at the shocking rate of myocarditis.
Covid scepticism?
Meanwhile, here in Brasil most of the left, human rights lawyers, physicians are enthusiasts of lockdowns, mass vaccination, even vaxx-passports and mandates, and are pursuing the conviction of the fascistoid president by the ICC for not buying pfizer vaxx sooner (no word on the terms imposed by them, or their legal immunity) and support early treatment (a principle turned sacrilege by associating with him and Trump).
The thing is, if you say ‘no virus’ the conversation is over with most folks and you accomplished nothing. Other than boosting your ego with how smart you are.
Even the unvaccinated and sceptical tend to disengage when they hear something they’re not ready for.
Maybe that’s why Mr. Fleming of GCHQ above believes it to be such a potent infoweapon that must be deployed here all day, every day?
Oh, so it was a sarcastic post. My bad.
It is the truth that matters. I am a proud no planer and a proud no viruser.
Good for you.
Yes, we absolutely must all scream and shout “NO VIRUS.” Man, that’ll send the psychos packing, won’t it? They’ll see we mean business – all few hundred of us – and they’ll tuck tail and head for the hills.
Great strategy!
It’s a great strategy because by now the official narratives of Covid have been so completely collapsed and debunked that there is nowhere else to start. You are compelled to start with a whopper yourself, precisely to rattle your listener. And they’ve got to know you will not go down the rabbit hole with them. You will not debunk each and every lie, as the rebuttals are extant online.
What you can tell them is (a) there is no test for covid (so all the numbers are bullshit based upon a test the gov’t/cdc long ago admitted will not be used come 2022 (lol, yeah right, I believe them), (b) the vax ain’t really a vax and besides being deadly dangerous it don’t work as represented or not at all. (c) there is deadly pandemic (covid has a very, very, very high survivability rate, ‘irregardless’ of vax or no vax, ergo, ipso facto, (d) no killer virus.
49.9% of me agrees with Mr Psyops here. However, I’m inclined to believe that it is an immediate ‘turn-off’ because Jon Rappaport, David Martin, Judy Mikovitz, et al have been pointing to the CDC and WHO information which actually states that the virus hasn’t been isolated (in accordance with Koch’s Postulates) This information has been heavily censored and even ridiculed in the MSM – so as to render it to virtual meaninglessness. Bare in mind that the media and Big Pharma are spending billions to ensure that the debate is one-sided. Billions … to ensure that the people are misinformed and cowed to the point of mind-numbing stupidity.
Chicken Little says Dr Pottymouth is full of it. It won’t work.
Speaking of reproductive issues– I know of three cases via neighborhood scuttlebut of men’s testicles becoming massively swollen following the vax.
An entertainer first spoke about it. There were at the time about 80 cases according to VAERS.
Too Much Information, perhaps– but I’ve never been prouder of my diminutive, but unvaxxed gonads! 😉
Most every natural antibiotic known to humans comes from microorganisms, like soil microorganisms.
Since the discovery of a few of those natural antibiotics, humans have thought they possessed the knowledge and power to synthesize these antibiotics, in place of Nature.
But Nature is an interesting, highly-complex, and still widely misunderstood force.
Natural antibiotics are Nature’s version of chemical warfare.
As certain species of microorganisms seek to destroy other species.
But evolution, in the context of natural mutations and genetic changes, constantly produces differing varieties of microorganisms, as they seek to overcome dangers.
As natural antibiotics are produced by certain species of microorganisms, and remain effective for a time, the microorganisms they target eventually mutate and develop resistance to those natural antibiotics.
Responding in kind, the producing microorganisms then also engage in mutation of their natural antibiotics, to again attack those other microorganisms with slightly different variations of antibiotics, to renew effectiveness.
And the process goes on, and on.
Microorganisms are amongst the fastest mutating organisms known to humans, and those mutations can be witnessed in real-time.
But humans have not been able to replicate this natural and highly-complex system of natural mutations, and counter-mutations.
Human-made antibiotics generally follow the same production methods, and thus identical compositions.
Therefore the increased instances of antibiotic resistance stemming from those synthetic antibiotics.
Note: The common misconception that antibiotics are not effective against viruses is wholly false.
As evidenced by the synthetic active ingredients in products like Lysol.
Also as evidenced by natural phytochemicals like Thymol, a monoterpenoid found in herbs & spices like Thyme, Basil, Oregano, and other plants, which is shown to kill up to 99.99 percent of all bacteria and viruses.
Prior to the “covid” event, one of the main areas of concern for the CDC and other agencies was the growing prevalence of antibiotic resistance.
And not just from pharmaceuticals, but from antibiotic soaps, and cremes, and lotions, and disinfectants, and other such.
And yet use of those antibiotics has only increased substantially since the rise of the “covid” event.
There is growing research data indicating that viral outbreaks may, at least in some cases, be caused by antibiotic resistance.
Hence, the more synthetic antibiotics we use, and the more those “germs” eventually develop natural resistance to those synthetic antibiotics, with no natural response to that resistance, the more we may be creating more dangerous viruses.
Even if that isn’t the case, this story tells the tale of humans whom think they know far more than they truly know, whom think they can replicate Nature, but fail, and whom may be doing far more damage in their supposed “cures”.
This failure may be unintended, or it may be intended.
Starting in about the 1990’s many software companies, like Microsoft, realized they could increase profits more quickly if they created more “upgrades” faster.
Perhaps the Big Healthcare and Big Pharma industries have followed suit.
Each of those industries is now most totally controlled by the same Cartel of Big Asset Management firms & Big Banks, whom seek profit first.
In 2018, the Big Bank Goldman Sachs (NYSE: GS, which in turn is largely owned by the largest Big Asset Management firms) published a report entitled The Genome Revolution.
In that report it highlights the need to “sustain attractive profits” in medicine.
“The potential to deliver “one shot cures” is one of the most attractive aspects of gene
therapy, genetically-engineered cell therapy and gene editing. However, such treatments
offer a very different outlook with regard to recurring revenue versus chronic therapies,
particularly in certain diseases where it is possible to cure a large proportion of the
prevalent patient pool (or at least prevent an additional dose from being required for an
extended period). While this proposition carries tremendous value for patients and
society, it could represent a challenge for genome medicine developers looking for
sustained cash flow.”
Like engaging in constant upgrades (i.e. innovation) to therapies, in order to continue selling, and profiting, off more “cures”.
“Solution 3: Constant innovation and portfolio expansion: There are hundreds of
inherited retinal diseases (genetics forms of blindness). Once a gene therapy is
approved for a genetic eye disease, the validated platform could be used to quickly
develop many more eye-based gene therapies. Pace of innovation will also play a role as
future programs can offset the declining revenue trajectory of prior assets.”
In the scenario of “covid”, the original form was a “prior asset” as Delta “emerged”.
Profits from the gene therapy of the first variant had run it’s profitable course.
Then the Delta variant became another “prior asset”, as Omicron “emerged”.
As profits from the gene therapy of the second variant had run it’s profitable course.
And so on, and so on……..
As Big Med & Big Pharma continue making up larger portions of U.S. & world GDP, more of the economies of each become increasingly reliant on more “healthcare” spending.
Thus more illnesses and sick people are continually needed.
I think you’re confusing antiseptics w antibiotics.
I live in constant fear of antisceptics.
But where in that dissertation do you see the confusion?
I tell you Orthus, I’m as brave as a lion, two lions infact, but I too share your fear, It’s nothing to be ashamed of.
Planned obsolescence (through incompatibility and failure of parts) may have begun with appliances, long before software.
For many years, while health authorities were wringing their hands over antibiotic resistance, both they as well as the drug business were disinterested in new research. Perhaps, it was all headed towards covid.
Hello sean ryan: Your analysis is regarding antibiotic resistance is correct. Antibiotic residues are prevalent in rivers, lakes, streams, and public water supplies. “Agricultural” farm animals are exposed to massive amounts of antibiotics, hormones, and chemical toxins. None of this is addressed by the civilian public. They eat, drink, and wallow in the poison’s created by capitalism, stupidity, and greed…
Death is the only Natural remedy…
The administration’s nationwide vaccine-or-testing mandate for large businesses would cover 80 million workers. Further, the administration is asking the Supreme Court to overturn lower-court decisions that have blocked a vaccine mandate for healthcare workers in facilities that receive Medicare and Medicaid funds, affecting another 17 million workers.
If the Supreme Court should rule against medical freedom, it is possible to remove specific subject matter from the Court’s jurisdiction: This requires Congressional action.
A judge struck down San Diego Unified School District’s COVID-19 student vaccination mandate Monday, saying that the mandate conflicts with state law.
The ruling effectively saves thousands of unvaccinated students from being kicked out of in-person school. San Diego Unified’s mandate would have forced students 16 and older to learn remotely via independent study starting Jan. 24 if they did not get both doses of the COVID vaccine by Monday.
Do you understand how negatively this development, if implemented, would impact the bottom lines of TPTB (NOT just Big Pharma, clearly) given India, with its enormous population? This will not be allowed to happen. TPTB will stop at nothing, literally, to ensure that India continues with forced vaccinations. This is not a development that should engender optimism, especially if you’re an Indian government official in charge of making vaccination decisions. They are not done with us, yet; they are not done with India, yet, not by a long shot. Facts do not matter; efficacy (or the lack of it) does not matter. What matters are 2 things: vaxx, vaxx, vaxx, and passports/digital ID. That’s it, period.
Unfortunately, I think you are right…
Old but may be of interest to those from the northern hemisphere.
Some interesting Holidays reading material…
(14 December) ‘After the Royal Court of Justice UK allowed the extradition of Julian Assange Wikileaks dumped ALL of their files on line. Everything from Hilary Clinton’s emails ,Vegas shooting done by an FBI sniper, Steve Jobs HIV letter, Pedo Podesta, Afghanistan, Syria, Iran, Bilderberg, CIA agents arrested for rape, WHO pandemic. Happy digging !’
Thank you
Wow — excellent!
Is it safe to open them from my phone? I don’t have access to a desktop right now.
Thank Colin Todhunter, I am a fan. But although I have concerns about what I am about to post, and I am neither doctor or scientist, but I unfortunatley know about spike proteins.
My husband died at 60 years of age of multiple myeloma. Somehow thats how I became acquainted with the deadly results of too much protein in the blood. MM is a disease of the bone marrow. This may be way off the wall, but I thought it might contribute to the conversation.
Hi Fritzi. Very sad but very pertinent to the discussion on these jabs. Who know what health issues lie in store longer term for the jabbed population (good to know I have one – a fan).
This corrupt individual on the payroll of Gates & Co now recommending that all holidays should be cancelled. How much more of this shit are we going to take ??
Covid Christmas: WHO says ‘A cancelled event is better than a cancelled life’ – YouTube
When he said that “18 months ago none of us could have predicted …”, I just switched off.
Let us not talk falsely now, the hour is getting late.
It’s a shame you ‘switched off’. Later – he said ‘It is better to kill the children……’
Negativity is a Disease, unless I’am mistaken the medical details in the above article are already published.
It’s like War is a bad thing but we are going anyway.
The mobilisation of Covid-19 once issued could not be halted, its impossible. Recommendations are to be expected, and what will happen is Indian will get more funding from IMF, and with the World Bank, more influence with India’s governmental policies across the board.
Tricky Nikki chooses the winter solstice to announce Hohmanay is cancelled. Nice.
Next year, breathing will be cancelled.
With the imposition of the muzzle, it already has.
Everyone except my wife and I wore one to our club Christmas party last night.
For her hopefully and the Welsh wanker and something extra special for our cretinous tosspots, sorry, despots!.
It’s got the word ‘man’ in it.
Meanwhile commercial sport is allowed, amateur sport, the keeping fit and healthy thingy is verboten.
“A message to the war racketeer corporate fascist eugenicist oligarch mobster psycho Nazis.”

“The psychos can take their toxic cull juice viral cocktail brew and choke on it.”

“We will not be culled, lab ratted, mutated, Jim Crowed, enslaved or owned. The Nuremberg Code, Human Rights, Civil Liberties shall be respected. My body, my choice.”
“Long overdue for Nuremberg 2”

Crimes against WE THE PEOPLE (Humanity) is no laughing matter.”
I have been against capital punishment for many years .I changed my mind recently and am willing to make exceptions .
yep, and after trial, executed by the people’s choice.
Primarily, Class.
That all sounds very noble, but it’s worth acknowledging that the bastards orchestrating the scamdemic couldn’t give a rat’s arse about legality or noble ideals. They have made it quite clear that they’re playing for keeps. Time for ‘pitch-forks’ at dawn.
Yo Team, can anyone put up a direct link to the two documents Todd Quotes. No links on the page he refers to. Cheers
You can find the documents on the link in last paragraph. And in the second paragraph on that link there is a link to the documents, the direct link, in pdf form.
The Drug Monopolies are the biggest bunch of cowboys since John Wayne was riding the range. They routinely lie about their research data, bribe regulators, and knowingly market dangerous medical products. The Sackler family in America are typical of the bunch – they peddled oxycontin and fentanyl for years and caused half a million US deaths. They are now plying their same foul trade in the third world. Official statistics for the UK/ US/ EU combined now show 50,000 vaccination deaths and 7.5 million serious adverse reactions, though mentioning this results in an immediate ban on Twitter and our free media. Some of these side effects are beyond gruesome and horrific. A healthy 49 year old woman in the Midlands developed a huge blood clot in the brain after being vaccinated and a large part of her skull had to be cut away to remove it. Superfit athletes and sports stars like Sergio Aguero are keeling over from heart attacks by the dozen – but of course this is all extremely rare and pure coincidence. Pure Coincidence is becoming an extremely common cause of death. Now these shysters want to poison our kids and youngsters. India should know better by now. Epstein’s chum Gates has been testing vaccines on poor Indian villagers for years now, leaving a trail of dead and paralysed poor Indian people in his wake.
I’m always cautious with my optimism, but this does look like good news.
Just a couple of issues for me here, both involving Dr. Kary Mullis – also a Nobel Prize winner – who invented the PCR technique:
1.) “Moreover, the mass rollout of the vaccines is putting selection pressure on the virus to evolve into strains that are resistant to the vaccine, like Delta and Omicron. This is well-known science that follows the same pattern as, for example, in anti-biotic resistance.
Dr Luc Montagnier, the Nobel Prize winner who discovered the AIDs virus, has raised an urgent warning about this phenomenon.”
That would be the same Luc Montagnier mentioned by Mullis in this interview:
(I couldn’t find the original English version, so we have, once again, some ignorant, destructive fathead adding pointless repetitive music the clip, just to make sure that nothing could possibly distract our attention from the important matter at hand. But at least the soundtrack gives us Mullis in English…)
The mainstream medical media, predictably, just say that Mullis’s conclusion is wrong, but they also seriously misquote him. He did not say that HIV does not cause AIDS, but that when he followed his academic obligation as a writer of papers to find and notate a source for the general acceptance in the scientific world that HIV does cause AIDS, he was astonished to find that, all the way up the chain, nobody could give him a valid source.
At the top of the chain was Luc Montagnier, but when Mullis finally got to meet him at a conference, saying how pleased he was to meet at last the one man who would surely be able to provide him with a simple source for such a simple statement, Montagnier basically fled…
2.) “The statement also says that routine RT-PCR testing as presently conducted, including on asymptomatic cases, should be discontinued.”
A small, but crucial point: Mullis has always stressed that the PCR is NOT a test. It cannot tell you whether you have something in your blood that will make you sick, and if used incorrectly, as it apparently usually is, “it can basically find anything in anybody”.
This point is overlooked so frequently, that I am thinking of using it as a comprehension test for anybody I talk to about PCR and covid.
I keep telling people that the ”tests” are as useful as using water for a blood test or a man’s urine for a pregnancy test but they are too stupid to comprehend that simple fact.
What gets me is that I don’t recall during the whole of my childhood such a high percentage of kids who absolutely refused to learn.
So what happened to them when they grew up?
Did they suddenly wake up one morning and think, “I know enough now”, then vow never to read another book…?
They began to make money and worship Mammon. They over emphasize the human qualities of narcissism, egotism and materialism and cannot understand the only global hierarchy that works:
Ecology> human society>>> economics.
The obvious – without ecology there cannot be ANY economy.
What’s your thoughts on this letter to India? Is it all part of the scam?
It’s undoubtedly all part of the scam. Certainly, anything said by any scientist or doctor who does not forcefully and consistently deny germ theory is to be doubted absolutely. How can they be trusted???
Those who are not with Lanka, Cowan et al. are against them and TRUTH (the eternal truth of NO VIRUS).
This remark was made, in these very words, by
John Gribbin, physics editor of New Scientist
magazine, in a BBC-TV debate with Malcolm
Muggeridge, and it provoked incredulity on the
part of most viewers. It seems to be a hangover
of the medieval Catholic era that causes most
people, even the educated, to think that everybody
must “believe” something or other, that if one is
not a theist, one must be a dogmatic atheist, and
if one does not think Capitalism is perfect, one
must believe fervently in Socialism, and if one does
not have blind faith in X, one must alternatively
have blind faith in not-X or the reverse of X.
My own opinion is that belief is the death of
intelligence. As soon as one believes a doctrine of
any sort, or assumes certitude, one stops thinking
about that aspect of existence. The more certitude
one assumes, the less there is left to think about,
and a person sure of everything would never have
any need to think about anything and might be
considered clinically dead under current medical
standards, where the absence of brain activity is
taken to mean that life has ended.
My attitude is identical to that of Dr. Gribbin and
the majority of physicists today, and is known in
physics as “the Copenhagen Interpretation,”
because it was formulated in Copenhagen by Dr.
Niels Bohr and his co-workers c. 1926-28. The
Copenhagen Interpretation is sometimes called
“model agnosticism” and holds that any grid we
use to organize our experience of the world is a
model of the world and should not be confused
with the world itself. Alfred Korzybski, the
semanticist, tried to popularize this outside physics
with the slogan, “The map is not the territory.”
Alan Watts, a talented exegete of Oriental
philosophy, restated it more vividly as “The menu
is not the meal.
Belief in the traditional sense, or certitude, or
dogma, amounts to the grandiose delusion, “My
current model” — or grid, or map, or
reality-tunnel — “contains the whole universe and
will never need to be revised.” In terms of the
history of science and of knowledge in general, this
appears absurd and arrogant to me, and I am
perpetually astonished that so many people still
manage to live with such a medieval attitude.
(Of course, none of the above applies to germ or terrain theory…)
My son’s friends are FINALLY red pilling one by one. He keeps asking them how many times they have had Covid and after they reply 3…4….7 etc .. he asks how many times they were ill. He then tells them you can only get it once and even then for ppl their age it’ll be a bad flu. He also tells them that when they talk about it being asymptomatic – it basically means immunity. You can see them all beginning to get it.
What some of their parents are having them do to go home at Christmas is crazy. I feel truly sorry for these kids.
True dat. And the same applies to any screening test, by which I mean any test administered to someone who doesn’t complain of being unwell.
You can point out any actual facts about all this to them and even though some will agree, they still continue to play the game!! It’s astounding.
Rosemary Frei shreds the notion of virus escape and of Omicron and other variants in her new piece, December 8. See her page.
Would be nice to have a link; there are several Rosemary Frei’s. By Omicron, you mean Moronic, right?
Re PCR. A few weeks ago I was watching a Japanese drama film, in which PCR was used to determine a paternity suit. It was referred to as PCR and not a PCR Test. Now, I have no idea whether PCR can be used to determine paternity or not, or if this was just a plot device in the story, but perhaps someone was trying to sneak out a little truth about PCR. I must track that film down again and look into its source.
It magnifies genetic material. So if you want to check someone’s DNA but you need more than you’ve got PCR it. Bit of a bugger if you should have been counting the stuff.
The “test” centre on my way home is overflowing again causing traffic jams. Unbelievably the morons have fallen for moronic. I expected more sophisticated trickery from the banksters this time.
Well hopefully the voices of the people will be heard in India.
Meanwhile in the well off parts of the world.

while the rest of the population resists on the streets.

“In NJ the Murphy-virus mandates SHOW US YOUR PAPERS for ALL attempting to enter the NJ State House. The Scamdemic Gestapo are there to enforce the ‘BIG LIE’, the Big Cull and the Great Ripoff-Enslavement. Any pretense and illusion of choice is over.”
“Next stop for all us untermenschen-useless eater plague rats is Auschwitz.“
“All aboard the box cars.”
“All aboard the box cars.”
So well said !
No wonder there are so many fleeing from NY and NJ down to FL. These people are literally digging their own grave.
It has been withdrawn and it was written years ago for ebola
Perfect, hits it 100%
I had seen the last pic before but never with such apropos words .Copied and will use it also to spread such truthful words .Thank you .
£1bn bailout announced in the UK – rather than allowing people to earn their own sustenance.
Making people happy with “free money” isn’t going to prepare them very well for “owning nothing” is it?
The money isn’t free. The Central banks will be charging profit on the loan, which be an irrevocable debt for the tax payer.
Not ‘bailout’ – just conditioning the caged dogs to get used to Universal Basic Income and salivating when the master rings the bell.
In this recent interview with Fischer and Fuellmich, Catherine Austin Fitts covers a lot of ground on the bs passports and the ongoing covert social credit system that is slated to go quickly overt with the acceptance of the passports. Fitts analysis ranges from deep state tactics, control files and blackmail, push to transhumanism slave state, central bank digital currencies, the massive amounts of money stolen from the American people by the bankers, taxation without representation, and a few stories of her own experience with magic and her use of common law (which seems to be gaining ground in parts of the US like rural non-coastal California).
Very few people understand the true goals of TPTB like Catherine Austin FItts. She has not yet been wrong about any of her predictions; there is little reason to ignore her warnings, save ignorance.
I hope they succeed, but so far worldwide, all logic and scientific and statistical evidence has been ignored.
That’s exactly it, “all logic and scientific and statistical evidence has been ignored.” People, like these well meaning doctors, think that if they can “just make the government see the truth” that they will suddenly change their minds and admit they were wrong.
It’s a nice thought, but those pushing the covid agenda know they are wrong, they know they are lying, and they will never, ever admit their collusion and culpability. They will only ever keep spewing endless lies. You can’t fix evil with the truth.
Indeed, you can’t fix evil with the truth.
A good slap in the face certainly clears the air a bit though.
Maybe they are ignoring it because they know it isn’t the truth, and letters like this just make them laugh.
The work of Dr Stefan Lanka, who is recreating the SARS CoV-2 isolation and sequencing ‘science’ cough cough with a control (which was never done until now), is putting the entire thing in a different light – while Dr Sam Bailey and others are clearly demonstrating how the virus only exists in silico.
Easy enough as the main research papers actually SAY the genome is in silico and that the tests were developed without a virus sample.
The best cure for illnesses and infections is hyperbaric and ozone therapies. This is finally becoming more apparent.
Lots of baseless assumptions. There is no virus, and can be no vaccine to treat one.
everything is a contract requiring consent
consensus makes the law
if someone touches you without consent that is assault
no matter who they be
kings defend themselves
slaves obey comply
pasteur germ theory is banker policy
as the old maxim goes
if you do not reserve your rights you do not have any
there is a bioweapon that is like a disease though, i had it for 2 weeks and ended it with 2 x12 mgs ivermectin,
Yes, there are a thousand reasons not to use these so called vaccines. But the main reason, which is forgotten all the time and rarely mentioned, is that it is all just WRONG. Anyone can feel it deep down inside and if you can’t you’re simply no longer human.
Stop being afraid.
Only “deep” for the ones in denial.
For the rest of us it’s a piss take of highest order. Like someone walking into your house right in front of you and stealing your stuff. When confronted, the thief denies everything and calls you out as a lunatic for saying so.
True. I was being a bit inclusive. It’s that time of year you know.
Thank you for your intelligent concise comment.
“Wrong” maybe needs some elaboration.
1) As we all know these fake
kill, maim and ruin lives, i doubt there is a single one of us who does not know at 1st hand several (being kind here) that have not suffered, stroke, heart attack, myocarditis etc, espec UK with theclot shot
“astra z”.2) I
m also sure many of us still include as friends/family/loved ones folk who have taken the
shot? Can any amonst us say that those we know/knew are exactly as they were before? I
m talking heart, emotion, emapthy here.In my H O the majority who i know who have taken the
are more distant, disconnected, less…. well “human”.3) For decades they have “dazzled” us with leaked snippets of what they are capable of tec/bio/physics/chem ? Who among us still thinks the death, mutilation and ending of quality of life that is rife among us, is merely… rushed manufacture/distribution/injection?
Many in the industry and with past links to the industry swear blind that the roll out, manufacturing time frame declared by the PTB is bullshit.
Thus and to the point Mr Duck, They are many steps ahead of us, we are still contemplating the bubbles and foam of the last (now receded) wave that washed over us. Whilst a fkn great Tsunami gathers itself ou to sea..
AND still we bicker re “virus or no virus”? Voodoo, i have noticed within my circle those who have claimed to have had “it” (vaxxed or no) are the ones who never really grapsed that there is/was no f%^&*(ing virus, its just rebrand.
I dont make the claim “you bring that syringe, pcr, pill near me at your fkn peril” becuase i am merely concerned about bells fkn palsy :0/ grr
Regardless of your background, “religion”, “beliefs” or simple gut feelings, this “dna changing gloop” is a ONE WAY TICKET,
Whether you believe in creation or big bangs none are so niaive that they dont get there is something bigger than politics/control going on? Yep i
m talking Soul.
offgIve asked as have others why the
doesnt expand upon this, we are going over the same old, same old endlessly.
fairy land` doesnt sit quite so comfy as new info re JFK murder, for example..I get that abberations into
So what would i add? honestly and assuming what im experiencing IS not an individual halucination, i believe we are here, now, with our stance to resist to the last fkn breath.
Why does the proposal refer so respectfully to “vaccines” when there is no published and reviewed evidence from the trials? Are the experts involved too fearful for their careers?
the synthetic spike protein of the vaccines
All the authorities queried have acknowledged that they do not have a sample of the natural spike, or the virus.
unexpectedly, travels into the bloodstream.. spreading all over the body
Not unexpected. This was just the purpose of (a) wrapping the mRNA in PEG (b) WHO dismissing the advice that the syringe plunger be withdrawn a little to check whether the tip of the needle is in a blood vessel.
syncytin, which.. may cause abortions
It has already caused many abortions in the cases where the pregnancy was less than 20 weeks old.
This link is to a presentation from Canadian Covid Care Alliance who did pull apart the Pfizer trial data, it makes for interesting listening/reading. There is also a PDF download of the presentation with lots of useful links and resources to back up their findings.
Slightly off-topic but it is interesting to know about what else is happening in the current health crisis. The following is from The Independent.
”Thousands of extra deaths from bowel, stomach and other gastro-intestinal cancers are expected in the UK as a backlog of about 500,000 endoscopy procedures has built up …
”It is estimated that by 2021 that by January 2021, the backlog had reached 476,000 cases – with significant increases that will probably keep rising for months…Covid is having a disastrous impact on cancer services and ultimately cancer patients. The precipitous drop in endoscopic services nationally is extremely worrying, said professor Mark Lawler of Queens University Belfast.”
Puts rather a different perspective on the Covid pandemic. Mass immunisation of people who haven’t got anything wrong with them, but for with the but people with serious and deadly health conditions, well they will just have to wait.
So what is the problem – the shot – or cancer treatment?
“Backlog” cancer is similar to “breakthrough” covid, spin meant to deflect attention from the jabs.
All part of the plan. The latest British Reality TV show: The Great British Die Off.
Most cancer deaths are really caused by chemotherapy so it isn’t delays to treatment that are the problem per se. It is the high-dose chemo given when treatment resumes that is the killer.
Mr Todhunter’s article is a good summary of the doubts and potential problems which have been eliminated from all MSM discussion on Covid vaccines, but which have been consistently raised on the OffG website.
Here in France, Covid hysteria is now all-pervasive, with the Macron regime scheming to turn the current ‘health pass’ (needed for entering any cultural, sports or hospitality venue since August 9) into a straight ‘vaccine pass’ as from January 2022. If they have their way, the vaccine pass will also be needed just to be able to go to work. The gloves are off and France is fast catching up with New Zealand and Australia in the demented stakes: the non-vaccinated, all five million of us, are being publicly vilified with increasing spite and hostility (including by the doctors and medical researchers invited onto talk shows to spread the official vaccine gospel) and turned into scapegoats for the failure of the lockdowns, curfews, masks, distancing, hand-washing, pass segregation – and, yes, mass vaccination – to end the pandemic. This week, to no one’s surprise, vaccination was authorised and encouraged for children aged 5 to 11, though a majority of French parents, according to opinion polls, remain wary of this.
There is some resistance, with weekly demonstrations (far too small, however) and 182,000 fake health passes in circulation (according to the regime’s own figures). Unfortunately, I am pessimistic about 2022 – either Macron or Valérie Pecresse, the mainstream-right candidate, seems likely to win the presidential elections in April, and things will only get worse.
happening the world over
Even if you should suffer for what is right, you are blessed. “Do not fear their threats; do not be frightened.”
1 Peter 3:14
We just got the email yesterday that Boston, MA USA is going full tilt vaxx proof for restaurants, gyms, entertainment.
God knows we have to keep up with NYC and LA, don’t ya know.
I did send a rather ascerbic reply to our new mayor. First female mayor of the city. Sad. Still carrying the water that all the male mayor’s did.
Apparently there were protests. Since I don’t read or watch msm I did not see but was told by a friend.
GOOD NEWS – Finally – there is going to be a March on Washington for Medical Freedom on January 23.
I got the news from The Defender online magazine at Children’s Health Defense.
Lincoln Memorial to the Capital.
Robert Kennedy Jr among others speaking.
Three major hotels in the area are offering discounts for the weekend. Sponsored, I believe, by someone supporting the March.
I hope it gains traction. There has not been a sizeable outpouring in the States like there has been in other countries.
I dread the 10 hour drive but I won’t take the train if I have to wear a mask.
Appreciate the heads-up
Next time writing such articles please show us the evidence that the corona virus actually exists.
The cult leaders will do anything to protect their project. I think (it would be nice to be wrong) that they need more deaths next year to convince everyone that there is a deadly variant present.
The ceo of Moderna is talking about a cross (hybrid) between the delta variant and the omicron variant.
PS There is no virus. There are poisons. There is no virus.
How about you provide evidence that it doesn’t exist? You don’t say you have doubts, or simply that it hasn’t been proven. You positively assert “there is no virus”.
it exists only on the computer of the patents office in the CDC
True. In Silico World is an actual thing. They want to use the study of computer models instead of actual living tissue and call that science.
First of all, the burden of proof is on the person who makes the claim.
Can you provide evidence that there are no pink elephants living on the moon?
Please tell me how the ‘virologists’ came to the conclusion that the corona virus does exist (and that it is contagious and causes disease). What exactly did they do?
Please tell me how you came to the conclusion that the corona virus does exist (and that it is contagious and causes disease).
That’s a good way to start the discussion.
I think you’re missing the point. In the same way that it is wrong for to say that the virus definitely does exist without cast iron, empirical evidence, it is also wrong to say that it definitely doesn’t exist for the same reason. Nobody actually knows for certain and if you have total certainty in your position without solid evidence, then I’m afraid you’ve taken a faith position, and this whole charade relies on faith positions rather than reason. I think that whatever they are telling us is horseshit but as usual, there may be a grain of truth involved in it too. I think that, but I can’t know that.
It is not a matter of faith, it is a matter of facts.
Please tell me how the ‘virologists’ came to the conclusion that the corona virus does exist (and that it is contagious and causes disease). What exactly did they do?
Please tell me how you came to the conclusion that the corona virus does exist (and that it is contagious and causes disease).
Give me the facts!
If you don’t have them, you could study the discussion between Pasteur and Béchamps (germ theory versus terrain theory).
You might come to the conclusion that nature works in a different way than ‘science’ is telling us.
The bottom line is: the artificial intelligence of the dead cult is no match to the natural intelligence of life.
virology and epidemiology are both voodoo.
For me, there’s a fine line – not between the existence and non-existence of a virus but between the germ and terrain theories of illness.
It’s easy to see how badly and consistently we’ve all been poisoned by our scientific-industrial-military-agricultural complex. Which begs the question: why are we not all dead?
And why was the longevity of humans essentially no greater prior to the advent of all these poisons? Granted, our view of pre-industrial life expectancy has been totally skewed by statistics – most died in infancy but those who survived lived about as long as we currently do.
If there were far fewer poisons back then, what did people get sick and die of? (Inquiring minds want to know.)
blunt trauma was a popular mode of dispatch….
I don’t know, and neither do you, and neither does anybody else for that matter. That’s the only thing we can be certain about. I think that in all probability, the virus is a work of fiction, but it would be wrong of me to say that I know that for a fact.
I wholeheartedly agree with your bottom line.
I know that there is no virus. I suggest that you find it out for yourself.
Wait and see.
In a few months time there will be a dangerous deadly virus that is killing many people.
Will you believe this? Will you be in doubt or will you know that their deaths have nothing to do with a virus?
True Science has protocols in place to determine this. Kochs and Rivers Postulates. True this may or may not be perfect. However, it’s what we currently use to measure.
These procedures have not been applied to these so called viruses. Hence no proof at the fundamental level.
Quite so. You make a claim that there is no virus. You are not merely expressing doubt. If you want anyone who disagrees with you to provide proof for their claims, you should be willing to do the same.
And to be clear, I make no claims that there is definitively a sars-cov-2 virus doing the rounds, although I believe it’s likely there is. However, what I am truly sick of, is the people derailing the real problem of the authoritarian takeover that’s happening by banging on about there being ‘no virus’ which frankly is a ludicrously irrelevant side issue, spltting hairs over whether the virus is a pure fiction or merely ficitionalised in the danger that it poses. All this does is give ammunition to anyone who wants to label anyone against the covid narrative as crazy.
To that end, I truly wonder what the agenda is behind constantly banging on, on every thread, that ‘there is no virus’
I repeat, please tell me how the ‘virologists’ came to the conclusion that the corona virus does exist (and that it is contagious and causes disease). What exactly did they do?
Please tell me how you came to the conclusion that the corona virus does exist (and that it is contagious and causes disease).
Give me the facts!
If you don’t have them, you could study the discussion between Pasteur and Béchamps (germ theory versus terrain theory).
You might come to the conclusion that nature works in a different way than ‘science’ is telling us.
It is important to realize that there is no virus, especially when (next year) many people are dying and their death is blamed on a deadly variant.
The scam will only stop when people have no doubt and no fear, because they realize that there is no virus.
The bottom line is: the artificial intelligence of the dead cult is no match to the natural intelligence of life.
this is odd…you’re clearly not reading what i wrote, instead replying to what you assume I wrote – almost as if you’re skim reading very superficially. And you’re also copy/pasting chunks of prepared script.
Sort of like you’re in a hurry to meet your quota.
Who are you again?
The scam will only stop when people have no doubt and no fear, because they realize that there is no virus.
Could you kindly tell us exactly what you are doing to convince the brainwashed masses that viruses don’t exist, or do you think preaching to a few converted here on Off-G is sufficient?
He should have said that the burden of proof is on the person who claims a thing exists or has happened. You can’t prove a negative, i.e. that a thing doesn’t exist or hasn’t/can’t happen. The best that you can do when taking a negative position is show that when a thing has been looked for it hasn’t been found.
That is the case for viruses as pathogens. Properly controlled experiments show they are not the cause of disease (as Stefan Lanka will attest), so virologists generally avoid doing experiments with proper controls. They do cytopathic studies with a toxic soup, usually obtained from a 3rd party (makes it easier to turn a blind eye to the toxins used in the culturing of the virus samples) and then illogically conclude that an alleged component of that soup is the cause of any ill effects.
It is just as reasonable to proclaim viruses to be nonexistent as it is to proclaim there is no teapot orbiting the sun between Earth and Mars.
Well put. Thankyou.
“To that end, I truly wonder what the agenda is behind constantly banging on, on every thread, that ‘there is no virus’ “
The agenda is obvious, because it has worked.
We’re all off-topic.
The only reason that obedience exists is because of the false beliefs that viruses and contagions exist. These beliefs justify the tyranny. Speaking out against them couldn’t be more on topic.
I think you’re confusing being on this topic with being on that topic.
I’m with you all the way in speaking out against false beliefs, but this ‘does it exist?’ issue is one which now regularly takes over the subject matter of whatever article might happen to be under discussion.
It has been mentioned here countless times, so nobody could be accused of suppressing it, but people clearly can’t agree on the matter until something new, which both sides can accept as ‘proof’, is produced.
Failing that, we are simply down to “No it doesn’t”, “Yes it does”,
“No it doesn’t”, “Yes it does”, “No it doesn’t”, “Yes it does”, “No it doesn’t”, “Yes it does”…
It looks to me as if some people are sowing discord on these pages by assuming that people who don’t know, or particularly care, about the technical, scientific existence or non-existence of viruses are somehow ‘collaborating’ with ‘the authorities’.
To my mind that is an unwarranted assumption, although I can’t ‘prove’ it…
But just look at the aggressive comment which initially led to half this page being commandeered:
“Next time writing such articles please show us the evidence that the corona virus actually exists.”
No article writer is under any obligation whatever to satisfy the personal needs and desires of any commenter here.
That would be like asking Beethoven to add a fifth movement to the usual four in his symphonies. If one of his listeners felt strongly enough about it, then he should damn well write the fifth movement himself and pay Beethoven for the intrusion on his work.
After all, not every aspect of every matter can be covered in a single article, and trying to make people feel they are doing something wrong by not attempting to do just that is a destructive attitude.
Personally, I find the subject very interesting, but, like practically everybody else here, I have no horse in the race. I’m happy with the outcome of genuine research into it, whether the answer is yes or no.
Also interesting is that Rudolf Steiner mentioned viruses 100 years ago without implying that there was anything dangerous about them at all. He stated that viruses were actually excreted from bacteria as part of their natural life-cycle.
Needless to say, he never saw a virus, but their existence was presumed because of the effect they appeared to have on other organisms in the environment.
As I said, it’s all highly interesting stuff, but what we are primarily trying to confront and put an end to here is the appalling agenda behind the current push to make us all fear for our lives 24/7 on account of a virus – whether or not it exists.
The question of its existence is not a priority – not for us – not right now.
Our enemy is the use of a scary story to lure us into accepting fascism – true Goering style:
“Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.”
Well said brother. I’m sick of seeing people assert with certainty that which they cannot know, and arguing with people essentially on the same side as them. That’s not why I’m here. I’m here because I am watching in horror as the World slides into totalitarianism and this place seems fairly sane, Faith positions are not sane and yet the same one crops up again and again and again. Ditch the faith, ditch the bickering and concentrate on the real fucking enemy!
I am tired of people who believe that there is a virus, but think that it is not a dangerous one.
Wait and see.
In a few months time there will be a dangerous deadly virus that is killing many people.
Will you believe this? Will you be in doubt and take the mandatory jab just to be sure?
Or will you know that their deaths have nothing to do with a (non-existing) virus and resist the pressure to take the poison injection?
The agenda is still going, because of an imaginary virus. You have to go to the root of the problem of the agenda.
I am tired of people who believe that there is a virus, but think that it is not a dangerous one. Wait and see. In a few months time there will be a dangerous deadly virus that is killing many people.
Prove to me it exists
More to the point where are the studies that prove any particular apparent virus causes a specific illness?. As I understand it pfyser papers state they never actually subjected their vax trial humans to any controlled virus challenge…this is the point missed by most…
my guess is the reason they didn’t is they knew the answer to that…one cannot actually get that to work..
Kary Mullis’s attempts to find normal, standard, academic verification for the ‘accepted’ view in the late 1980s that “HIV causes AIDS” led him nowhere. He simply needed the verification for the usual footnotes when submitting a scientific paper.
He says himself that he even met a fellow Nobel Prize winner, Luc Montagnier, who was the top man in exactly that field, at a conference, but Montagnier fled from his simple question. Just disappeared.
There are a lot of interesting holes in the stories we have been told for decades.
How can I prove it to you? Can you prove to me that you exist?
Watch out for shills like ‘Terrestrial’. They come bearing poisoned gifts. The nonsense that ‘viruses don’t exist’ and ‘corona does not exist’ is so stupid it’s not even wrong. These ideas are what in intelligence terms are called Black Propaganda.
Looks like an obvious example of falsely accusing your opponent of what you are guilty of.
Politics 101…
Not even poisoned gifts.
Just distracting side-shows.
I find the subject interesting, and I intend to learn more about ‘viruses’ and ‘non-viruses’, but there are much more crucial issues confronting the whole of our species right now, and that’s why we are here. To comment upon those.
Great scientific discoveries have not always fallen upon deaf ears, and stories of scientific fraud used to be very exciting material for the media to cover.
But right now we have a whole world full of politicians, scientists and journalists who are not listening to anything but the echoes of their own voices.
That’s why I don’t see this as the place to go into ‘proving’ that Pythagoras’s Theorem was on the right track, that the Plagues of Egypt were a hoax, or that viruses exist.
That can wait…
It may of course exist, but no virus so far has ever been proven to exist. If you make a claim it does, you have to prove it.
The current way to prove the existence of a virus (they all use the same method) was ruled inadequate in a 2016 German high court.
no geoff that is not how it works
you and the witches who made manifest the thing must provide proofs
of isolation as per koch
you cock
onus probandi
you twatter twot
Proof of claim is on the ones making it.
However, if you want to understand the augument of Germ vs Terrain theory Andrew Kaufman does a pretty good job of explaining it. Look him up or should we spoon feed you this as well.
The virus to date has NOT been isolated using Kochs or Rivers Postulates which is the standard to which it must. As usual they make shit up, lie and play with words to make it sound like they have.
This is effective on people such as yourself who are too lazy to read.
It’s virtually impossible to prove a negative. Just ask Saddam Hussein.
There are poisons (including pollution), stress (including exploitation) and deprivation (including malnutrition).
yes, nano particles in the air and radiation (military beams, wifi’s, 5g etc), fear and delusions and ‘medication’ including vaccins, etc.
5g, military ray guns?
disease or should we say illness is
negative mind energy neutrino
chemi culls
doctor medicines
heavy metals
fast foods
magnetic waves solar
electro frequency smog
smart phones smart meters
5g on off directional snuff slow cook frequency
filtered water
clean simple foods
and more clean water
I have nothing against your comment at all, but it really is a separate topic.
Did it matter in 1933 that Goebbels had Jewish blood in him?
No, it didn’t. He still became Propaganda Minister, and that was all there was to it.
What was important was stopping the whole 3rd Reich agenda, not finding logical flaws in it with which one could quibble.
The agenda behind covid has to be stopped, virus, or no virus.
The agenda won’t be stopped unless people understand that there is no virus. The agenda is not finished yet.
When there will be many deaths (next year) and these deaths are blamed on a deadly variant, the state (eu, us, australia, etc) will make the injection obligated.
Many people who don’t believe in a pandemic because they think the virus is mild, but believe that viruses exist will take it because of the many deaths and the mandate.
It really is important to realize that there is no virus.
The agenda won’t be stopped unless people understand that there is no virus.
Could you kindly tell us exactly what you’re doing to convince people that SARS-CoV-2 doesn’t exist? If not, is that because you think preaching to a few converted here on Off-G is sufficient?
It is up to you to find this out for yourself.
What, to find out what you’re doing? 😂
Your avoidance of my question is a pretty good indication that you’re doing SFA.
Never going to happen. If we’ve learnt anything this last 18 months, it’s that people are totally resistant to facts and truth. The only thing that (might) stop the madness is a massive die off. And even then, people will blame the unjabbed.
Actually it does matter. That fact is a clue to what really happened.
It’s interesting that you should bring up the idea of a Delta/Omicron hybrid, as an anagram for DELTA OMICRON is MEDIA CONTROL. Talk about rubbing our faces in it!
Yes, it is. The ceo of Moderna talked about it.
He knows a thing or two about playing the guitar but what a fool!
he’s been supporting this from day one. most rich and famous/ artists/writers ectr seem to be, or at least not speaking against it 🙁
Also where are all the so called religious leaders on this or have they engaged the get out clause that it must be their Gods will to destroy what their so called God has created? All bought and paid for just like the rock and roll rebels etc protecting their super rich lifestyles. What a bunch of cretins they all are.
Which is why if one is determined for some peculiar reason to have heroes, they should only be fictional heroes. Like Misery Chastain.
And just to back up my post along comes archbish of Cunterbury stating that all non jabbed are immoral FFS. Hows that from the good christian sheep?
The lateral flow test he’s holding has a line at both C & T which means it’s a void test !!!
Secondly, what doesn’t he get ? All lunch goers were triple-jabbed and had taken negative LF tests in the morning and he still got “Covid”. Thus the “vaccines” don’t work.
He got a cold. Lots of people do, it’s the season you know. I suspect his sniffle was made worse by the monkey-gunk screwing with his natural immunity.
he’s connected, Irving line his 1st band was named 1984, father Ministry of Aviation, went to ICL, masonic CBE too obvious.
The guy spent most of his life with a dead poodle strapped to his head. What do you expect?
“Corona patients aren’t filling up the ICUs, old people are.”
Via google translate:
The first commandment of politics:
• Thou shalt be expedient.
The second?
• Thou shalt never admit fault.
The third?
• Fuck the Proles.
I don’t know if it has already been posted, but here’s a link to a complaint to the International Criminal Court in Hague against violations of Nuremberg Code and various articles of the Rome statute:
Klaus Schwab’s name is misspelled (on the second page)
One of the “Applicants” is Piers Corbyn (apparently an “Astrophysicist” as well as an “activist” and, of course, deep state asset)
Personally, I would not hold out much hope for this
What makes you think Piers Corbyn is a deep state asset?
BORIS JOHNSON (capital letters) is the title of a corporation-which can be dissolved at any time. It’s been pointed out to me that whoever’s running this should know that to be effective the name of the man should be there. If this is the situation, the prosecution is bound to fail in a court of law, either through ignorance of the correct form or deliberately.
Anybody still have any doubts about him?…
There’s a ton to know about Bill O’Reilly too.
Wait ’til they start blaming Trump for the vaccine, before the mid-term elections.
Perhaps a miracle anti-vax will be rolled out that everyone must take.
Very disappointing article. It says:
Obviously agree with 2 and 3, though spending money for the benefit of the masses has always been an option that’s ignored.
Problem is 1. Accept the foundational lie and you’ve lost. All that follows is akin to theological disputation.
As I like to say (I know, I’m strange!): accept the bosses’ narrative, you get the bosses’ solutions.
I don’t agree with what you say about point number 1.. It’s clear that there was a modification in a gain of function lab where the S1 spike protein was added to a coronavirus and released into the world, so as to create the necessary fear and chaos, so the mass manipulation could take place… The spike protein was patented in 2002 in America.. Dr David Martin has documented evidence of that.
A lot of people have been dying and becoming very ill as a result of the spike protein and the damage it has done in the system (I know quite a few personally.) That’s agreed by plenty of Dr’s and scientists who are calling out the vaccine madness and also the entire covid hysteria..
It’s more accurate to state that the story about it being a ‘natural novel zoonotic virus’ is a false cover story and that the inflated reporting around ‘cases’ and ‘dying with’ covid has been the problem… Not the actual harm that’s been done on many levels, through the release of the bioweapon… If everybody’s full attention can focus on that, and direct the fearful masses towards that fact, it would bring so many people on board and public frustration and anger would be directed towards the people who released this into the world, instead of that anger, fear and confusion being projected onto the people trying to draw their attention to the crime that’s being perpetrated against them. That’s one way to bust the propaganda spell.
David Martin is a well-connected globalist an a Freemason. No virus has been proven to exist. The rest is theater.
I’m a little confused Captain; is ‘it’ a dodged-up ‘natural’ virus or a bioweapon or both? I would think the delivery systems different and problematic whichever.
For a long time a poster on here responded to everything with the simple one-liner: ‘the vaccine is the virus’. I liked that and it works for bioweapon delivery.
Looks to me like a story (C19) was made up to fit into a made up paradigm (virus theory, also a story), to get us to take the vax. The all-cause mortality stats and funeral director testimonies support this view.
This gain-of-function stuff is just as much a work of fiction as the zoonotic BS. Spike proteins are not added. They are a normal part of an exosome (the correct word for these particles). Btw, the term spike protein is itself a piece of propaganda designed to get you to think these things impale cells when they do no such thing. They are are more like docking ports, which these exosomes use to pass messages between cells. The virus, as an invading organism, is pure mythology — it is the equivalent of labelling planets as warring gods as the ancients used to do.
What a vaccine can do though is make your immune system attack proteins that are produced by your own cells. This is done by binding them to an adjuvant that will instigate an immune response. Your immune system is tricked into seeing the protein as hostile. This tactic was employed to sterilise girls in Kenya against their will. It is possible the same sort of thing is happening with covid vaccines. No engineering of viruses is required, just vaccines.
Jesus, you ‘no-such-thing-as-viruses’ repeating-grooves just don’t get it, do you!
Yes, the existence of viruses, and the whole discipline of virology is in dispute, and may end up in the same discard bin that contains phrenology, the geocentric universe and phlogiston. But at the moment, NO-ONE – and that includes you mindless repeating-grooves – knows the final answer about the existence – or not – of viruses.
Meanwhile – like those other now-discarded theories – the ‘virus’ narrative is widely accepted and used in discussion. It serves some useful purpose in that respect, until replaced by something nearer the truth. Stuck-groovers need to acknowledge this long-established pragmatic fact right under their noses: we have to be able to speak about the matter, using some widely-understood conventions – even if they’re due to be superseded soon.
FWIW, I doubt very much the whole ‘virus’ story myself, especially when you look into the routine ‘scientific’ procedures on which it rests. Not very scientific at all! Stefan Lanka, Tom Cowan and Andy Kaufman – amongst plenty of others – are quite right to call it into question. Dr. Zach Bush offers a much more persuasive hypothesis with his idea of actually-useful exosomes acting as messengers of vitally-necessary information, being carried from creature to creature in the flows of air/water/soil plankton, as part of a fundamentally-benign overall ecological homeostatic/adaptive system.
But to spout the utter nonsense that because viruses may not exist, therefore writings such as Colin’s here, which make use of the virus narrative because it’s a handy, widely-accepted way of grasping exosome function, even if that narrative views them mistakenly as hostile killers… To conclude therefore that such articles as this one of Colin’s is fundamentally devalued and useless, is a doctrinaire bigot’s piece of stupidity. FFS repeating-groovers, grow up!
The injection discussion is a dead end, for obvious reasons, which you state.
The important discussion is if – and if so, why and what – a new disease or more disease is present. Using the age old pathogenic particle lens in that perspective is not productive.
So Rhisiart, you think virus theory nonsense, but that we should pretend it makes sense, so that we can have a dialogue with the believers. Hmm.
I’ve tried that with ex-colleagues (uni academics) in the gentlest and least confrontational way possible. The result? No arguments beyond the repetition of MSM claims, and delivered in a hysterical, spittle-flecked and swivel-eyed manner. These were people who previously wouldn’t have believed a word the MSM said. To say I’ve been shocked and shaken is an understatement.
Pace Desmet and others, it would appear these people are lost to reasoned dialogue and we need to focus on those going-along-to-get-along types. What’s the best way to reach this group?
Do we decide they can’t handle our ‘truth’ and also deceive them? How far should we deceive them/about what? Wouldn’t it be better to do everyone the courtesy of being honest about our truth along with being open to opposing ideas that are evidenced. A friend made me think the other day when she said how liberating it is to realise virus theory is nonsense. Would we deny others that liberation?
We need to remove the fear engendered by virus theory; isn’t constantly pointing out that there is no evidence to support any part of it the best way to do that?
Yeah… Stuck in the groove they are.. A groove playing a different song to the one that’s repeating in the mind of the masses, but still.. A groove… So the same mind set, but polarised.
Zach Bush’s hypothesis around the exosome transmission resonates with me, but in the context of it being a deep biological alarm call from within the intelligence of the collective organism that it’s in danger of committing mass suicide, in conjunction with some sort of bioweapon release and accompanying propaganda, so as to initiate the mass fear and hypnosis… If there was absolutely no evidence of a new set of symptoms then no Dr’s or nurses anywhere would be buying into it… Yes, the overall mortality rate wasn’t much higher than usual, but there was a difference to what people dying with, compared to regular flu etc, based upon the condition of lungs which were full of blood clots… Something dodgy was cooked up and released to do the rounds.
Given that in the past you’ve claimed to have a mild case of covid, why are you now wanting to give the impression that you’re on the fence regarding the existence of viruses?
Rhisiart Gwilym – good points. The article above is conveying the information contained in ‘The India Statement’ document which readers will hopefully read – the whole point of having that article on OffG. At this point, those behind that statement believe the rationale, wording and info in that statement is the best way forward for gaining the attention of the PM/Indian media, halting the jab and not being dismissed out of hand. And it managed to get some heavy hitters on board in terms of international scientists. It carries weight. Lanka aside, the authors of the document obviously think this is the best strategy given the thinking of Indian officials and the Indian public at this point. I know that it took many months for them to put their statement together and they weighed up all the options and decided on this one – which ties in with (rather than undermines) the thinking and scientific rational underpinning coming court cases in India against the jab.
You are right.
Not only does the statement accept the existence of The Virus, it also plays into the variant narrative.
But I cannot imagine how the signing medical experts could retain their credibility rejecting accepted science at this point.
One could argue that stopping the vaccine rollout is the most urgent battle right now, at any cost, even if supporting the narrative will render humanity easy prey to the next scam.
I think your idea about stopping the ‘vaccine’ rollout being the most urgent battle right now is perfectly correct, and I don’t think the consequences of a temporary concession to ‘accepted good science’ would be so dire either.
That might even give us a little breathing space to prepare for the next inevitable battle.
Well done the Indians for trying….meanwhile here in aust despite all the evidence to the contrary the program rolls on…QLD govt had to to admit that 100 police who had been doubled jabbed are now stood down and in quarantine….it was to be for 14 days but as they are now fearful that there will soon be no police they have decided 7 days are enough….because they are double jabbed…the hypocrisy beggars belief….change the rules by the hour to suit themselves….
so if the double and triple needled are still getting ot why oh why are govts still desperate to get it into arms….even more so in places such as India….crazy nonsense….
It’s a pernicious blend of Deceived-Influencer suckers who’ve swallowed the whole plandemic cover story, and believe that they’re doing what needs to be done; people naively inducted into the deliberately-created mass-psychopathy bloom, in other words; those suckers, together with a bunch of shysters who already know that the ‘mass-killer global pandemic’ is simply a lie worked up in service of an unadmitted, sinister agenda, but who go along because they’re careersworths – and quite possible carrot-and-stick bribed-and-threatened too. People like the preposterous blustering crook Bozo Johnson, for example; or any selection of your comedy-store, staring-eyed-loony, bargain-basement pollies in Oz.
“….unadmitted, sinister agenda.…”
Hardly ! They wrote down their agenda quite a few years ago now, are brazen enough to tell us what’s coming and are in Lockstep to achieve the stated goals.
It all appears to be going quite well except that the wheels may now be loosening as more questions start to be asked.
Perhaps that’s why Davos has been postponed for a few months, to see how the effective the pushback might be. They don’t want to be seen to be gloating too early.
Population control.