17 Covid-Skeptic Memes to Get You Through CHRISTMAS 2021!
Kim Usbourne

Merry Christmas everyone! Congratulations on reaching your second Christmas under the directorship of the NWO. Yes, the WHO are still listing symptoms of the common cold and claiming it’s a plague, and yes, some people are still very keen to believe them… but things aren’t all bad.
As more and more people cease to participate in the ever-increasing ludicrousness of it all, so the timeframe for this global agenda/brain fart shortens. Somedays you get the feeling it’s really struggling to keep up momentum, and that any day now… any day…
Ahh, who knows what tomorrow brings? For now, pour yourself another glass of your favourite tipple, give that head scratching a rest and have a few giggles.
Merry Christmas once again, and hold the line!
“God bless us, every one”

Omicron is the new black.

Yes, all too soon it’s here.

Well, quite!

It’s the latest cute Christmas fad!

It had to be done! (meaning this meme, not a globalist depopulation agenda)

I also fit a size 42.

True for me, and more than a few of us!

As inflation bites, even fictional characters have to make ends meet.

Amidst all this Covid stuff, we mustn’t forget old seasonal traditions

Basically, the more injections the merrier!

Apparently you need a vaccine pass to go see a traditional English pantomime nowadays, but that won’t stop us. (Oh yes it will. Oh no it won’t!)

Christmas is the time for a good ol’ adventure movie.

Although some of the classics can seem a little disturbing when you rewatch them…

“Oompa, Loompa, doom-pa-dee-do
I have a perfect puzzle for you…”

Who’s going to break it to the kids?

Now this is really an Easter meme, however Jesus is pretty relevant at this time of year, so…

From everyone here at OffGuardian, we hope you have an extremely Merry Christmas! I’ll be back to wish you a Happy New Year with some more memes soon. Take care!
Oh and don’t forget to watch those case numbers…
Bonus Meme

Bonus Bonus Meme!
A little something extra we stumbled upon today and just had to add! Season’s greetings!

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Thank you and merry Christmas, happy new year and very merry orthodox Christmas.
Take care everyone.
Bonus meme very funny.
Seen plenty of these pilliocks,

Yeah why?

Hard up,

Who woulda thunk it?

Poland dominating Germany at Rock Paper Scissors.
Say what?

So true,

Good channel on BitChute – Russ understands theology as well which puts him at a considerable advantage to most analysts
Plus 10.
Holy Fhaaaak! That is downright ghoulish.
This is how you shutdown a pseudo pandemic debate, just ask the fascists where are the dead Africans? First they’ll look very confused and if you’re white they might even try to accused you of racism, stay focus and explain as calmly as you may these simple facts.
According to WHO less than 6% of Africans are vaccinated, yet they’ve fared better in hospitalisations and deaths than Europe, the US, China combined despite not having implemented social distancing rules and mask mandates.
The clever fascists will attempt to explain the disparity by arguing that the majority of Africans are under the age of 35 therefore Covid-19 doesn’t really affect them, and that it’s likely they’ve acquired immunity through past infections anyways. Great, then ask the fascists why the big drive to vaccinate them now? They’ll try to wiggle their way out by arguing it’s to protect the old. Then just tell them the old aren’t dying of Covid-19 in Africa we’ve got the statistics from WHO.
You finish them off with these simple facts, malaria is still the number one killer in Africa not Covid-19, and malaria has been killing Africans for decades, where are the vaccines against malaria? Isn’t that strange how Covid-19 variants always seems to jump from South Africa to Europe and the US whilst completely avoiding health stricken and financially challenged nations of southern and central Africa. Now watch the meltdown, priceless.
Ivermectin is an OTC drug in most African countries. So, where ever you land (virus/no virus), you still have plenty of intellectual ammo.
Plus 10.
They shamelessly tried to connect fake Moronic with fake AIDS. Fake AIDS also failed to decimate the Africans. I nearly succumbed to falciparum malaria contracted in Uganda.
I’ll just be enjoying Christmas by thinking about Christmas. Don’t see the need for memes about anything else.
↑Great stuff , and “Festivus for the rest of us !”
This one is for folks living in the Netherlands:
Merry Christmas
why our ‘free’ controlled media doesn’t tell us the reasons the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture is so busy?
⇧ Well remembered!
On the train to Montreal and they make you wear a yellow sticker to show you’re vaccinated. Ya vol capitan.
Guadeloupe, French overseas territory.
After invading the hemicycle, the demonstrators decided to occupy the premises of the Regional Council, and to spend the night there. They demanded an end to all sanctions and salary suspensions, the opening of negotiations and called for the movement to be strengthened. @AnonymeCitoyen
Good one!
A simple meme like that would normally destroy “Cultists of the Mad Covid Disease” utterly.
But they have a weapon that makes them invincible:
The inability to recognize logic.
Like alcoholics, they want everybody to be in the same addicted state as they are.
+ 1
Love the memes
There’s a whole bunch of good memes at this twitter site. If I knew how to embed I would put up a few.
Well, I’ve shown these here before, but new eyes are always appearing and they are pretty good memes, so here it goes:


Tom Cowan pointed out something that someone pointed out about Omicron. It’s not bad. He noted that you can also look at it as zero micron. In other words, there’s nothing there. Did the hoaxsters think of that when they came up with the name? Tom think that they were playing with us. Well, they certainly were and are playing with us, the way a cat plays with the mouse it catches – until the mouse no longer tries to get away.
It’s the name that keeps on giving. But it was an original Greek letter, you know, unless that’s another bit of our history they thought about beforehand and switched around. Nothing would surprise me at this point!
Did the hoaxsters think of that when they came up with the name?
no, they thought of this:
I already know that one. But yes, there’s that as well.
I read an article somewhere about the use of the name Omicron in some kind of study and I can’t find it again….really annoying.
It’s also an anagram of oncomir, something with a connection to cancer. I could imagine this being chosen in order to stir up wild conspiracy theories.
Delta and Omicron combined and shuffled yield Media Control.
Right?! As Soros and “Good Information INC.” come riding in to save us all from the evil Disinfo-Demons! Here in the states dozens of TV stations all listed the number 33 as a case count when this whole operation kicked off. As I’ve said, they like to have fun….
Moronic. Zero micron. They really are laughing at us.
That’s how it looks to me. And why wouldn’t they laugh at their victims? They are perverted monsters.
It is time to roll up both sleeves and be prepared to take the shot
I especially love the cartoon no.17 about the ‘last supper’. The caption could read with the police saying “We don’t care who your father is. You must wear masks as well as social distancing”.
I saw the same cartoon with that caption. It might have been the original. Of course I have it among my collection.
Can’t see how that caption would make much sense given that in the lower picture they’re not wearing masks.
The following are not really “covid” skeptic memes, but more parodies, since:
Healthcare is continuing to make up a greater portion of U.S. GDP.
The more of GDP that healthcare spending comprises, the more reliant the economy becomes on that healthcare spending.
Meaning the U.S. continually needs more ill & sicker people to spend more on treatments to continue to support the economy.
When profits & earnings remain largely lackluster in many industries, new avenues of spending are created by those neo-feudal Lords that control the economy.
So, since “covid” has seemingly devolved into merely just another crass marketing campaign, I present the following (absolutely no apologies offered for the d.i.y. quality of these):
The doctors’ creed “A patient cured is a customer lost”.
Hey Australian disinfectant companies have been lying that their goods kill covid
In the US, one of the debilitating side-effects of the scamdemic is the surge of the “cleaning processes and products that effectively eliminate viruses/COVID” marketing variant.
I never subscribed to pay TV, so I make do with OTA (“over-the-air”, aka “free”) TV. OTA TV is the legacy broadcasting technology thrown like a sucked-out bone to the lower socioeconomic strata. I mention this because it abounds with cheesy ads.
Fairly soon after the scamdemic was launched in March 2020, I started seeing ads from tradespeople– electricians, home repair contractors, etc.– touting their new “safe” services: masked representatives practicing social distancing at customer’s homes, etc. There were also ads from local cleaning services touting New! Improved! “deep cleaning” procedures to remove bacteria and viruses from the home.
Along with this, cleaning product manufacturers also began touting the “antiviral” properties of their cleaners. Lysol, a major brand with an extensive line of internationally-distributed cleaning products, shamelessly festoons its products with “effective against COVID virus” labeling.
Back in the 1970s, thanks in part to young, energetic reformer Ralph Nader, “consumer rights” and “truth in advertising” actually made some gains. Nader is a doddering scamdemic thrall nowadays, and as far as I can see no one is formally objecting to the flagrantly mendacious and fraudulent marketing of “antiviral” cleaning products.
Good point Marilyn!
Don’t give them any ideas…
Colgate would sell billions if they advertized like that.
My siblings and I are virtually lifelong fans of the excellent 1951 film version of “A Christmas Carol”– for some reason entitled “Scrooge”– starring Alastair Sim in the title role. It’s been televised in the US since we were children in the early 1960s, except for a period when it vanished– probably because of complications related to ownership and broadcast rights.
Thus, I was thrilled to see Meme #1. However, it produced a bittersweet reaction. I immediately copied it and forwarded it to one sibling, my one and only fellow scamdemic resister.
But the other sibling is a full-blown scamdemic thrall. Last year, when I became aware that she found my scamdemic criticisms upsetting, we tacitly shifted to an “agree to disagree” mode. Even so, she’s retreated from keeping in touch.
So I just don’t know whether or not she would enjoy the meme, or disapprove of the implicit scamdemic-mockery. I’ll err on the side of caution and not share it.
However, it’s a perfect opportunity for me to repeat my characteristic holiday greeting, shamelessly swiped from Mrs. Dilber (Scrooge’s charwoman) in the film:
Merry Christmas, if it ain’t out o’ keepin’ with the situation! 🎄
Perth Forecast (bom.gov.au)
so with 5 ”new cases” in WA this moron premier wants face nappies and crap in a heat wave
We should all cover his house with face nappies and crap.
Absolutely, and standing out in the heat today is Wyette in Qld telling people to be jabbed and mask up.
I have my medical exempt badge and have no intention of getting jabbed…
The only exempt from all of this shit badge is FUCK RIGHT OFF
It’s good to keep a bandolier of fun tidbits handy
Informed Consent
Conflict of Interest
Regulatory Capture
NO Confidence in the medical treatment being offered.
Nuremberg Codes
My body my choice
Not Safe or Effective….
https://twitter.com/World0bserver/status/1472994756158533633. With luck I have done this right…this is a clip from the Gates organised workshop in Oct 2019 where they planned it all…as we always say they tell us what they are doing…and faucci tells us why…
australia rep came from Victoria…
Then nip on over to Event 201!
New 100% effective jab invented, instead of killing the virus, it kills the host.
Christmas Eve “news” and of course it’s the covid case figures which they can dress up in as many emotive adjectives as they want. But how many have realised the essence of the con i.e. that these figures tell us nothing whatsoever about the wellbeing of the ones included? This little sleight of hand is truly the core of the cobblers. “And tonight we have noted a record number of case figures now standing at 17 million” – or whatever. But that’s 17 million WHAT exactly? 17 million who feel nothing unusual whatsoever? Unless of course they are the ones who panic just because you tell them the “bad news”.
No matter. On and on it goes. Perhaps the TV too have wheeled out Saint Bill? I don’t know because I couldn’t stand it anymore and just slunk off into a corner.
1 in 35 Brits had covid last week did you know?
Damn, I was so sure it was ALL of them…
Which would add up over the course of almost two years to more than the entire population now having natural immunity. Unless the jab compromises that immunity….
The Hooters – All You Zombies – YouTube A tribute to the masked up and jabbed zombies
Totally irrelevant, I know, but I think musical composition in pop songs was much better in the 70s and 80s than it is today. And original. Good one. Thanks Marilyn.
The world’s best music was written in the slave fields, and the best pop songs were in the 60’s. But all you Zombies appeals to me
Moneycircus detected a “dialectic” of sorts i.e. that the media narrative is becoming both more blatantly feeble and hysterically emphatic. MC raised one possibility: that the hysteria may be a matter of laying the ground for new carnage caused not by the virus, which if a sober analysis were permitted, would have accounted for zero variation from the regular flu strains, but by the impending effects of the vaccines, lockdowns, and economic and psychological terror campaigns.
However that may be, the latest phase of the new bathetic but belligerent bullshit would seem to be the reappearance of Saint Bill. And that fact that he is being wheeled out at this point shows both the desperation and the incomprehension of the Deep State propagandists.
Bill himself is the epitome of the pampered mediocrity whose arrogance knows no bounds because he was never given a good slap and sent to bed early at an age when it would have made a difference. But his utter social ineptitude would seem to be mirrored by the media administrators around him i.e. the very ones who think that reporting “The businessman also revealed that some of his close friends have tested positive for Omicron” would impress anyone other than that rapidly diminishing contingent of chronically impressionable hypochondriacs. Although you would think that even they might experience an uncontrollable urge to guffaw when they read this:
Quotes from The Economic Times (not that it matters).
Did mr Bill stated the same about “delta”?
““It will soon be in every country in the world”
But of course. When there is no actual viral particle to see, it’s enough to just label someone infected (via meaningless tests) to create an illusion of a virus, so all that remains to do for the virus to be in every country in the world is “test…test..and more tests“.
Do you get it now?
The clever part about the PCR test is having a common ‘particle’ (doesn’t matter what it is) that can be identified and classify you as a ‘case’. Whether the particle is on the ‘test’ stick that they put up your nose or down your throat, doesn’t really matter, as they will get the result they want. And if the ‘test’ stick is uncontaminated, just increase the c/t cycle to create more false positives. Maybe this is what they were doing in Wuhan – perfecting the system, not buggering about with non-existent viruses.
Big panic in Sydney I see…..hundreds or pcr tests declared negative have somehow now become positive,,.anything is possible isn’t it? Smile
“It will soon be in every country in the world” Gates warned, while rubbing his hands together and grinning.
“But the next on will get their attention….”
Whatcha got for ua Willy? Some custom smallpox?
Well, Bill, it is not only ‘coronavirus’ which is moving fast.
Most people over 60 are aware of how time itself speeds increasingly rapidly on its way.
So, in a mere ten years, you will be 76, then 86, then 96, then history.
Not long to go now…
Unless of course a miracle ‘vaccine’ makes you immortal.
But if it does that, you’re going to face some really stiff competition.
Even an atheist is forced to admit that after 2,000 years Christ’s teachings haven’t gone away.
You, on the other hand, immortal or not, will be forgotten in 20.
You’re just not bright enough.
But they have been well concealed behind the teachings of the churches.
A very shrewd observation!
Dissatisfaction is the response to the Maxwell and Lieber trials. After all the build up, what was the result: a yawn. Wondering why.
Lieber Case: Filling In The Blanks — Double agent or compromised? Chemist finds himself in no-man’s land
I want to refer to the Michael Ende’s BOOK of the Neverending Story that the film was made to kill.
Its themes are fables by which deeper spiritual insights are shared.
But even more recommendable, short and significant is Michael Ende’s Book Momo.
Again a depth of insight given a very simple vehicle of illumination – both works being enjoyable for older children and adults.
The genie sketch could apply to ‘getting rid’ of anything that we hate in ourself and project out away from a masking self-control to the ‘othered’.
Or to link back to the first paragraph above, be careful what you wish for.
Except of course wishes rise out of a sense of lack that has insinuated into our own thought, such that we only learn such wisdom retrospectively.
They know it better!
So they have illegally imposed covid pass in Andalusia. My mum was refused entry to her regular cafe. These people are scum who go along with this. She’s 87 and although she can sit outside she’s not allowed inside to use the loo. Totally disgusting.
It seems the elite are doubling down. There is too much ch at stake.
I get the sense that its victory or death for them…they simply cannot afford to have this operation fail….
I personally would would piss up their doorway but then im a bloke.
For serious intellectual endeavours, we turn to australian politicians and see what they are worrying about.
it starts with a tiny country asking China to provide them with certain gadgets. this request seems to be proceeding smoothly.
But australian elites are worried: australian diplomats and defence personnel are saying, they are concerned that that tiny country might, in the future, ask China for assistance again.
Here you have it, it is against international rule-based order to ask China for anything except to shut up, disarm and stop developing.
For australian politicians, any country asking China for aid is more Terrifying than any New Covid Variant!
free for someone handy with a pencil – something along the lines of a “doctor” with a badge or talking to someone – “I’m a doctor – and I’m
afraidterrified!!!! of germs!’ – or a little Gilbert and Sullivan takeoff of one of their songs, we’re all brave doctors and nurses, and we’re all afraid of germs!!’ – we’re living in a really stupid period of human history ..Sadly I know a couple of them personally….I think seeing them so terrified suggests the medical system has been exposed for what it is…a fraud like the vax.
I hate laughing at any of this but those are brilliant.
Experts said:
• We needed atomic weapons to win WW2 and scare the bad guys.
• We had to stop the Commies from world domination in Korea and Vietnam.
• We had to stop the terrorists from world domination in the Middle East.
• We had to bring ‘democracy’ to those poor Commies in South America and Cuba.
• We had to stop the terrorists from world domination In Afghanistan.
• We have to drill for oil anywhere and everywhere.
• We should all work hard and salute the flag.
• We should shop till we drop.
• We should all take our medicines and shut the fuck up.
Oh yeah mean shills? Yeah they never fail to impress..
Small cracks are beginning to appear in the ignoble dominant propaganda.
In France Olivier Arias, founder of Arias Patrimoine: “I favor hiring non-vaccinated people as early as 2022”
The first business leader to disavow the submissive Bernard Cohen-Hadad, president of the Confederation of Small and Medium Enterprises, Olivier Arias decided to go against the grain of health ideology. Tired of the lies about covid, the vaccine and these endless doses – “when it is the State that gives contraindications to doctors, it means that the issue is not your health. Stop the propaganda programs” – Olivier Arias has decided to hire non-vaccinated people as a priority.
“I’m prioritizing the hiring of non-vaccinees starting in 2022. I was dumb enough to believe the government’s nonsense, now I know and am looking for smart people for my business.”
His December 19, 2021 tweet suggests that he was fooled by all the government propaganda promptly disseminated by the mainstream media and now wants employees in his company who had the good sense not to fall for it, but unfortunately are stigmatized. “We will never stigmatize a human being! Passing on companies is complicated and the commitment of the non-vaccinated is an added value!” according to Olivier Arias on Twitter. https://twitter.com/Arias67576160/status/1472534078297710595
Let’s also note that the strategic choice to hire a non-vaccinated person is a sure value: he remains upright in his boots, goes to the end of his convictions and this, against all odds. Olivier Arias is not mistaken and will certainly give a big boost to his company.
Merry Christmas everyone!
⇧ +1
now all we need is a non-vaxx pass, to prove that we’re totally immune to police-state bullshit.
For the Holiday Season two classics
“The Plague Rat Josey Wales. Staring Hank Fonda, Tyrone Power, Brian Donlevy, Randolph Scott.”
“It was a Wonderful Life (while it lasted) or Little Zu Zu Bailey has her first and only Stroke.” Starring Jimmy Stewart, Donna Reed and Lionel Barrymore.

”Every time Biden speaks, an angel throws up in their mouth a little” F****** Brilliant!
Looks like this one was written for ABC people. Angels throw up in their mouths or an angel throws up in his or her mouth. My wife, an English teacher would have nailed me on this one. Nancy Pelosi would approve, however. I don’t know. The misuse drives me crazy. Always reminds me of my late wife………..
Here’s another:

Very, very good.
Makes you wonder how anybody could NOT wake up…
Whatever they put in the water seems to leave everything in our brains alone, except for one small area…
fluoride. they put fluoride in the water.
don’t worry, the government says it’s good for you. but it won’t work, unless everybody drinks it.
I have to assume they are no longer human.
There is a chance that it will save your child from Covid. It is just too bad for the other 150 children that will have to die from the vaccine to save your child.
If one was brave, really brave, one could get some tee shirts printed with some of these brilliant memes.
Imagine the SHIT one would have to endure. And probably regular beatings as well.
No profanities, no sexual or racist filth. Just the simple Truth.
What a fucked up world we live in.
Psychopaths 1.
Humanity 0.
I don’t know where you are mate but where I am it seems like all the most ardent covidians are fucking pussies. I’d like to see them try to beat me up. I think I’d actually enjoy myself if they did try.
I agree we live on a planet of cowardice and dont worry about anyone speaking back they are all muzzled.
+ 1
and, a lot of folk still enjoy outlaw/humour for all their compliance.
a cheeky grin arisen from an astute slogan goes a long way… : )
it’s ashame my synapses ain’t so good or i’d go out rappin…
Macho man bullshit is the last thing we need.
Abject pussies that will not call these compliant fuckers out are not needed.
Every twat that wears a mask, uses QR codes etc is diluting the public non-compliance of myself and all other people resisting.
Fuck off Baitch!
It must be genuinely distressing to experience an identity crisis and to feel like your in the wrong body, but that display of behaviour, which some might call ‘male entitlement’ isnt good. The worker would of been justified to tell her to do one.
The Branch Covidians usually initiate first.
Almost always: disparagement and ad hominems.
There are many ripostes to use:
“Prostituting your health and body sovereignty, I see.”
“Why are you harming your children?”
“You have a wish to become Genetically engineered?”
“Are you enjoying the thought of your future as a Medical Commodity?”
Make sure there is some object near that can be used to defend!
Well it turn out we do not live a polite society. Law enforcement is not required to protect you (SCOTUS), and you are basically on your own. Branch Covidians may a minority, but they are a shill one. It is this segement of the populace that enables tyranny, and as such should be called out.
When it comes down to it, you either defend yourself or go belly up…it really IS that simple.
I dont think answering back to threatening rhetoric is macho. Frankly, I find the emasculation factor a bit more disturbing.
Agreed. Out of all of the abject cowards that I have ridiculed for QR code compliance, muppet mask wearing, or any other public signs of their psychosis there has been just one that bit back.
That was last week; I laughed and shook my head at a tradesman donning a mask in a carpark outside in sunshine. He approached me aggressively and asked why did I laugh at him.
I put my hand over my face and mumbled back at him which enraged him further.
Anyway it didn’t end in the way he had hoped. LOL
They are cowards and their mask wearing is the mark of their cowardice.
Exactly what do you think you achieved with that tradesman apart from some nasty little satisfaction for yourself? Do you think perhaps he’s stopped his compliance as a result, or is it possibly more likely he now thinks–if he didn’t already–that anti-maskers are a pack of smartarse pricks?
By the way, did he look bigger and tougher than you, or is that not your style?
nothing looks tougher than a grown adult wearing an obedience muzzle, like an S/M slave.
evidence and rational argument makes not the slightest impression on these people; mockery and ridicule could hardy be any less effective. they’re parading their social conformity in public; letting them know that it’s not always a win might be experienced as a glitch in the Matrix.
Why are some of you morons so worried about whether or not you or someone else looks “tough”?
you’re the one who raised the issue of “looking tough”, so why don’t you answer your own question?
The victims associate looking tough with their fragile ego. The fragile ego is the reason they are not immune to the nonsense narrative. Therefore, attacking their ego with ridicule and jest is a very clear and easy way to possibly save their souls.
I bet you would grovel and apologize!
Cliff you seem to be a pathetic little man. haven’t you ever stood up to a bully? Or are you the cowering type bleating that “violence has no place” while being beaten?
What do I think I achieved? I achieved exposing his stupidity and the lie he believes. He wasn’t worried about a deadly virus because as soon as his pride was wounded, he wans’t worried approaching a bare faced person.
He was just a moronic variant of a human, a cowardly fuckwit dragging us all down and diluting our non-compliance.
And we all know it’s not the size of the dog in a fight but the size of the fight in the dog that counts. And that particular dog was a decent size, but as I have never been a coward and know the truth of the above statement, size of the aggressor should never be an issue (within reason of course).
And no he wasn’t “bigger or tougher” than me, he was a similar size to me, (however about 20 years younger) but he was very aggressive and attempted to initimidate me by encroaching on my personal space.
When he realised he’d bitten off more than he could chew (see, another dog reference) he showed himself to be a little bitch and a coward hurling abuse from a safe distance he retreated to.
You should try and stand up for yourself one day, you will find it is empowering and women may find you more attractive too LOL.
Fact: these masked twats are cowards and are providing the theatre for the DAVIS/WEF criminals.
Just as I expected: lots of baseless assumptions and lots of look-at-me-I’m-so-tough bullshit.
By the way, being brainwashed, as the vast majority seem to have been, is not necessarily equivalent to being cowardly.
Get a fucking brain.
LOL grow some balls.
Wearing a muppet mask, and using QR codes because a random dictator tells you to is cowardly.
Not standing up and publicly and visibly refusing to bow down is cowardly.
Wearing a muppet mask, and using QR codes because a random dictator tells you to is cowardly.
Nah, not if a person’s been brainwashed into believing there’s a deadly virus going around. Oops, now you’re going to tell me that allowing oneself to be brainwashed is “cowardly”, right? 😂
Do your poor little delicate fingers hurt from typing so much bullshit?
The greatest hit over the weekend was the father pushing the stroller down the sidewalk….
it seems like all the most ardent covidians are fucking pussies.
hypothetically, all one would have to do is threaten to spit on them, and they would run away, screaming in terror and dousing themselves with sanitizer-goop.
Yeah but it’s the screeching that get’s ya!
I wear this to medical offices. Waiting for a mask printed with “BEFEHL IST BEFEHL” to arrive.
Haha pig brother is suffocating.
What? Did I miss something? Is that what “really brave” means in 2021? We’re really in trouble if that’s what it means. But not to worry, this definition of bravery will sure as hell change, not because we’d like to change it, no, but because we’ll have to change it, because we’ll have changed ourselves by then, pushed by the circumstances.
It shall come a time when we’ll consider it no too brave a feat to approach a cop aka thug, smash his head in then run for your life.
A few days ago, in Paraguay, a man in a supermarket was asked to put the mask he had around his neck on his face; he got it to his car, came back and started shooting. These things are already happening but you wouldn’t hear about them of course.
It shall come a time when we’ll have to be ready to die for principles and ideals bigger than our individual egos, and if the time comes, face death proudly.
I have told militant speaking Branch Covidians, I guess 6/7 times now that,
“I am prepared to take a bullet to stop this absurdity. That means I realize there will be a bullet with my name on it… but there will be one with your name on it!”
I’m not violent myself but we are certainly entitled to self-defense and to the right to stand up to our principles and to what we think is right, and the way the whole business is heading, I wonder if some sort of a clash can be avoided in the future.
A shift in consciousness in the majority of the population is needed so that a radical change is peacefully brought about by merely our outnumbering the partisans of the status quo, whom hopefully can be brought to see the lies they have been living in.
Yes I agree..its the fence sitters rather than the Covidians that will change the tide. In regard to self defense, it is the Natural Right of all animals and being an only slightly domesticated primate I shall enjoy that right. As far as the rhetoric, name calling and threats: Come Take It.
You are assuming people wearing the shirts will be passive.
one could get some tee shirts printed with some of these brilliant memes.
conversely, one could just walk around without an obedience muzzle. even the COVID cultists understand what that means.
Feel free to use this one….modify as needed….open source.
Check out the ForbiddenClothes website. Lots of awesome designs there based around this stupid world.
The Last Supper and social distancing – hilarious!
Desperation, it’s the name if the game!
“Is Omicron a New Wave or a Parallel Pandemic?”
Followed by a reference to “historic off-the-charts caseloads”. Obviously still quoting from the same cheesy disaster flick as “The pressure on the NHS is off the scale!” (ITN) back at the second part of the covid franchise.
Stupid Melbourne media are reporting that half the moronic colds are omricon.
silly media, ALL colds are Moronic.