When Force Meets Power: The Inevitable Collapse of the New World Order

Ryan Matters

When the famous quantum theorist, David Bohm, read Jiddu Krishnamurti’s “The First and Last Freedom”, he was blown away by his insight and knowledge regarding the phenomenon of the observer and the observed. Despite having no university-level training, much less formal education in the sciences, Krishnamurti had, through his philosophical writings, demonstrated a profound understanding of various concepts related to quantum mechanics.

Krishnamurti, an Indian writer, philosopher and speaker, was, at an early age, taken in by the Theosophical Society and groomed to become the new World Teacher. Annie Besant and Charles Leadbeater, the leaders of the Theosophical society at the time, nurtured Krishnamurti at their headquarters in Madras.

They, along with a few select associates, undertook the task of educating him, guiding him through mystical teachings and generally ‘preparing’ him to become the vehicle for ‘Lord Maitreya’, a highly evolved spiritual being committed to aiding the evolution of mankind.

However, when it came time to ‘unveil’ Krishnamurti to the world as a great teacher and leader of humanity, Krishnamurti broke all ties with the theosophists, denounced all organised belief, denounced the notion of gurus (and the whole teacher-follower relationship), and devoted himself instead to the pursuit of freedom for both himself and humanity at large.

By the time Bohm had read “The First and Last Freedom”, Krishnamurti’s teachings had developed beyond the point of theosophical influence. Bohm recognized that Krishnamurti’s insights were reflected in his own work in quantum theory and felt it urgent to meet with him as soon as possible. Eventually, the two of them did meet face-to-face in London where they exchanged ideas and engaged in rich conversation.

Bohm described his first meeting with Krishnamurti as follows:

I was struck by the great ease of communication with him, which was made possible by the intense energy with which he listened and by the freedom from self-protective reservations and barriers with which he responded to what I had to say.”

Bohm recognized his meeting with Krishnamurti as a meeting of minds not unlike that which he felt when talking to other scientists. In fact, he even compared Krishnamurti to Albert Einstein, stating that the two of them “showed a similar intensity and absence of barrier”.

Bohm and Krishnamurti met each time they were in London and probed deeply into the nature of time, space and mind. The two of them would inevitably hit on the topic of consciousness and this is where Krishnamurti’s insights shined.

Indeed, Bohm felt that Krishnamurti’s most powerful teachings were those concerned with the general disorder and confusion that pervades the consciousness of mankind, for it was he who offered not only an explanation of this problem but a solution to it.

Krishnamurti maintained that all this disorder, which he felt was the root cause of such widespread sorrow and misery, and which prevented human beings from loving one another, had its roots in the fact that we are ignorant of the general nature of our own processes of thought.

In other words, Krishnamurti noticed that while we are generally aware of the content of our thoughts, we are hopelessly ignorant as to the origin and process of thinking itself.

This ignorance, which causes disorder within man’s consciousness, is expressed outwardly as the disorder we see within society itself – war, widespread sorrow, violence, segregation, et cetera.

But why should this be the case?

The answer, perhaps, lies in Bohm’s area of expertise – quantum physics. As Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle teaches us, you cannot accurately measure both the position and momentum of an object and, therefore, our seemingly “solid” reality is proven to be non-determinable[1].

And as the experiments of the brilliant Dr. William Tiller show, a conscious observer may “bend reality to his will” by holding a focused intent, the effect of which can be quantified and even amplified if that intent is held by multiple people at the same time.

William A. Tiller, a physicist at Stanford University dedicated over four decades of his life to investigating the effects of human intention on the properties of materials and what we call physical reality. His research discovered that it is possible to effect a significant change to the properties of physical materials simply by holding a clear intention to do so.

Interestingly, Tiller and his colleagues also discovered that it is possible to imprint or “store” an intention within an electronic device, which would then have the same effect on an object as that of a human consciousness holding the same intention. Tiller’s results have been consistently reproduced around the world.

Bohm himself proposed a holographic model of the universe based on enfolded and unfolded states of being emanating from a common source beyond both the unmanifest and manifest realms.

His scientific insight echoes the view of reality experienced by enlightened sages throughout the centuries. In Vedanta, the manifest world is called “Maya”, meaning “illusory reality” and it emanates from “Brahman”, the omnipresent sea of infinite potential[2].

It is therefore easy to see why Bohm was so taken by Krishnamurti’s teachings. The ancient doctrine of “as above, so below” or man as a microcosm is embodied within the curious quantum “observer effect” that ties consciousness to the “outside” world and the very fabric of space-time itself[3].

Once this phenomenon is understood as being real, it is not hard to see how and why disorder within can create disorder without.

The answer, then, to man’s problems lies in being aware of the process of thought. And this, according to Krishnamurti, requires meditation. Though by meditation, Krishnamurti does not mean we should sit on a rock in the lotus position, no, Krishnamurti’s idea of meditation is centred around the root meaning of the word itself.

The English word ‘meditation’ is based on the Latin root, “med” meaning to measure. The Sanskrit word for meditation, “dhyana”, is related to “dhyati”, meaning to reflect. Putting these together brings us closer to Krishnamurti’s definition of meditation which is to ponder and reflect while focusing one’s attention on what is actually going on.

Krishnamurti maintained that the act of meditation itself was enough to bring order to the activity of thought, for “in the seeing is the doing”. In this state, the mind becomes quiet, energy increases and something new and creative begins to unfold. This, according to Krishnamurti, is extraordinarily significant to the whole of life.

Once again we can find a physics parallel to describe what Krishnamurti is saying. A cluttered mind filled with arbitrary thoughts, desires, fears and anxieties, is akin to a high entropy system. Entropy is a measure of randomness or disorder within a closed system and reduces the energy available to do work.

“Work” in this case refers to the ability to effect change within the physical medium, which as Tiller’s research shows is done through focusing one’s intent. In his illuminating three-part tome, physicist Tom Campbell expands greatly on this concept, explaining that, within a consciousness “system”, “high entropy” corresponds with fear, while “low entropy” corresponds with love.

Therefore meditation, as defined by Krishnamurti, becomes a tool to bring order to the activity of thought or “reduce the entropy of the system”. This naturally results in greater energy to do work (i.e. a more focused intent and thus a greater ability to effect change “out there”).

The culmination of this process is an increase in power. The source of this power stems from the concept that all men and women are created equal. This is the profound truth behind Krishnamurti’s assertion that “there is no authority, no teacher, no master and no saviour”. Each one of us is all of those things, and at the time, none of them at all. We are all capable and entitled to the realization of Truth or God or whatever one may wish to call it. Embarking on the path is a free will choice.

Power supports life – it uplifts, dignifies and sustains. It gives us energy and vitality. It is whole and complete, requiring nothing from outside. Power is associated with compassion, love and unity. Power promotes creativity, healing and positive feelings. Power allows us to create positive change in order to more fully express our collective divinity.

In the absence of power, change must be effected through force.

Whereas power stands on its own, without the need to move against anything at all, force always moves against something. Force is fragmented and therefore has to be fed energy constantly. Force consumes whereas power creates. While force requires sustained input, power acts without effort.

Newton’s third law teaches us that force always creates counterforce and therefore it is limited by definition. While force must struggle against opposition, power stands still. Power effects change through its own field of influence, without the need to expend energy.

Force is associated with friction and conflict. This point is perhaps best explained by Dr. David Hawkins himself:

“Force always creates counterforce; its effect is to polarize rather than unify. Polarization always implies conflict; its cost, therefore, is always high. Because force incites polarization, it inevitably produces a win/lose dichotomy; and because somebody always loses, enemies are created. Constantly faced with enemies, force requires constant defense. Defensiveness is invariably costly, whether in the marketplace, politics, or international affairs.”

Hawkins, R, D., 1995. Power vs Force. Hay House, Inc. 2012 reprint.

Thinking about the concept of power and force within the context of the current global crisis leads us toward some profound conclusions. For one, agendas that center around inequality, control, profit and material gain are always driven by force.

Force is a tool used by those who lack power. When your motives go against the good of humanity, when your intentions fail to support life itself, your only option is to use force. Force includes all manner of fear-mongering, manipulation, coercion and violence. Force may work up to a point but as we discovered, it requires a constant input of energy and therefore, results are obtained at a cost. Propaganda campaigns require vast amounts of money, coordination and tireless censorship. Vaccine mandates require bribes, threats, and the covering up of adverse events.

This energy input is immense and, most importantly, unsustainable.

As force creates friction, it must constantly be fed with more and more energy. But as the force becomes stronger, so does the friction. Force, due its polarizing nature, increases entropy. As entropy rises, the available energy decreases, until, eventually, momentum ceases and the entire thing grinds to a halt.

While the source of power is self-evident, indestructible and inarguable, force is subject to ‘proof’ and requires constant justification. While true power emanates from consciousness itself, force is driven by the ego.

Those who use force to impose their will on humanity always succumb to power. As history has shown, all totalitarian regimes eventually come crashing down – not on account of some divine intervention, but because each of us is born with inalienable rights that are intrinsic to human creation.

Therefore, it is only a matter of time before the transhumanist force implodes. However, the time it takes for that to happen is dependent on our ability to reduce disorder and increase power. A lower entropy consciousness means more energy available to do work which results in more power, freedom, happiness and love. As our power collectively grows, we create an immovable wall able to repel any and all negative influences and nefarious threats.

On the other hand, the ego-mind is constantly asking unanswerable questions and worrying about unlikely futures. As our minds become cluttered with fear-laden media, our power decreases and we find ourselves at the mercy of “authorities”.

Bohm’s “holographic” universe hinted at the true nature of our reality and Krishnamurti showed us how to realise it. By turning our attention away from the content of thought, and focusing on the process of thinking itself, we can bring order to the mind and begin to discover something completely new.

In this way, we extricate ourselves from a state of fear and confusion and move towards freedom and certitude. The result of this is an increase in power. Force is by definition limited in what it can accomplish, and therefore it is not a matter of if the transhumanists will fail, but when.

Ryan Matters is a writer and free thinker from South Africa. After a life-changing period of illness, he began to question mainstream medicine, science and the true meaning of what it is to be alive. Some of his writings can be found at newbraveworld.org, you can also follow him on Twitter and Gab.


[1] Note: The below quote is in reference to Heisenberg’s ‘uncertainty principle’ and Bohr’s ‘complementarity principle’:

“These two key principles have profound implications, not only for quantum physics, but also for our perceptions of the nature of reality. One implication is that the seemingly solid reliable reality that we perceive is based on something that is ultimately uncertain or non-determinable. Many have found this to be a shocking ‘fact’. Einstein, for one, not only found it shocking but also attempted to refute it, saying to Bohr one of in his many debates with him that he (Einstein) could not believe that God played dice with the universe.”

– Jackson, P. Quantum physics and human consciousness: The status of the current debate, The Open Polytechnic of New Zealand, Working Paper, November 2002.

[2] Tom Campbell’s work is especially helpful in grasping the clear connections between quantum physics, consciousness, and the seemingly “physical” world within the context of a “virtual” reality mirroring the Eastern philosophies and systems of thought, albeit put into strictly scientific terminology.

“Wave-particle dualities, uncertainty principles, and the seemingly instantaneous communication between entangled pairs become simple to explain once you realise that [physical reality] is a virtual reality created by a digital simulation implementing a space-time rule-set [within a larger consciousness system]. Given a digital reality simulation, which is stepped forward by time increments that appear infinitesimal to us, and a virtual reality that must obey only the rules driving its digital computation, these paradoxes disappear along with the illusion of absolute space. Once the limiting belief that all possible reality is exclusively defined by measurements within [our physical reality] is abandoned and the true nature of consciousness is grasped, the mysterious paradoxes of physics, philosophy, and metaphysics all melt away like ice cubes in the summer sun.”

– Campbell, T. 2003. My Big Toe: Discovery. Book 2 of a Trilogy Unifying Philosophy, Physics and Metaphysics.

[3] The observer plays a fundamental role in quantum mechanics, as the very act of observing some aspect of a quantum system alters some other aspect of the same system. This implies a direct connection between consciousness and the “physical world”.

“In quantum mechanics… Any interaction that is strong enough to measure some aspect of a system is necessarily strong enough to disrupt some other aspect of the same system. Thus, you can learn nothing about a quantum system without changing something else.”

– Susskind, L., Friedman, A., Quantum Mechanics: The Theoretical Minimum. 2015. Penguin Random House UK.


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Jan 4, 2022 3:25 AM

When I was young during the Vietnam War, I was only able to “swallow” two books by Krishnamurti (in Vietnamese translated copies of course) “The First and Last Freedom” and “Freedom from the Known.” This short essay is just trying to use Krishnamurti’s philosophical power, so to speak, to deal with the current real physical present danger to humanity, namely the transhumanist Covidfraudemic and its jab! The reality is much much dire than the Author mighty have thought.
“Force is by definition limited in what it can accomplish.” He failed to see that “force” is not meant to “accomplish.” It’s meant to destroy!
Thus, it’s irrelevant that whether “transhumanists will fail or succeed”, they have been destroying humanity PHISICALLY AND SPIRITUALLY at such an unprecedented speed as we are “philosophically arguing” righty now!
So, the question must NOT BE “it is not a matter of if the transhumanists will fail, but when.” but HOW its current destruction that has been causing unprecedented suffering to the people of this whole planet, especially children, must be stopped as soon as possible, if not immediately.

By the way, I came across this article years ago. Read it if you are interested.


And here is my new commentary:

Dec 30, 2021 9:24 AM

Great article and always good to hear about David Bohm. I’d like to mention one thing. It’s not only focused intention that will influence/affect the physical world. Subconscious process are also part of the game. We are constantly receiving information from the field/collective mind/consciousness – as mentioned by Bohm, or recently Clif High. This information affect our being (body, heart, brain) and also Self – which create in turn a response. It’s a constant process consciousness affects us, they we imprint the field around- physical field too.
Clif High’s work is based on this principle where people’s language is influenced in a subconscious way- via emotions. He was able to build a code to capture the changes in language due to this field influence.
I’ve also conducted similar study on emotions – showing the field affects us and we imprint the field as well- and we can capture these changes.
If we study group response, we can observe major events that affects people’s field and emotions.

Dec 29, 2021 11:35 PM

…I am the Master Liar
My pants, 
forever on fire

And trust me when I say,
you can trust no one,
especially not me today

I mock you now with my lies…


Dec 29, 2021 3:53 AM

Nice, almost there, but why leave some use of force reserved exclusively to totalitarians? Quite Gandhian, who started out in your South Africa. He only succeeded in against colonial British because they were open to moral force; a Hitler, Stalin or Mao would have wiped him of the face of the Earth. They would also use torture and mass murder, clear signs of sociopath,y something more enlightened beings wouldn’t do.

Dec 28, 2021 2:19 PM

Much of this is beautifully exposed in Dzogchen Tibetan Buddhism. See Alan Wallace’s Vajra Essence translation of Dudjom Lingpa 19th century visionary. Materialism is doomed!

Petra Liverani
Petra Liverani
Dec 28, 2021 1:29 PM

Force is by definition limited in what it can accomplish, and therefore it is not a matter of if the transhumanists will fail, but when. Hope you’re right, Ryan. I had a very interesting experience on two buses yesterday. It seems the crackdown has begun. The only passenger, I got on a bus at journey start. First the bus driver didn’t automatically open the doors but asked me through the glass where my mask was. He opened the doors and I got on and told him that I could have an exemption and it wasn’t his job to worry about my lack of mask. He told me I was jeopardising his health and to get off and I said no and sat down. Well, guess what? He refused to take off. I said I wasn’t budging so he called his depot and then told me that he was going to return to the depot so I had to get off – in other words – he was perfectly happy to simply to not go ahead with his journey. I said no again and so then he said he’d get the depot to call the police. I said, “Go ahead.” He sat outside in the bus shelter chatting to another driver whose bus was sitting idle while I sat inside. This continued for a good 5 minutes at which point my phone died and I thought to myself I didn’t want to have the police come and possibly arrest me or whatever with no phone so I finally left the bus. I walked further down the street to catch a different number bus and I got the same thing where the driver didn’t open the doors automatically and asked me about my mask through the glass. I told him I could have an exemption… Read more »

George Mc
George Mc
Dec 28, 2021 11:08 AM

https://in-this-together.com/covid-jabs/   “What data does exist is alarming, to say the least, and all the indications are that the jabs are extremely dangerous. There is no doubt that they can kill. Those who support a jab mandate are advocating that people should be forced to take a potentially lethal injection. Those who are aware of this, understandably, do not wish to take them.   For this they are being demonised by government, the MSM and a large percentage of those who have elected to be jabbed. If they try to raise any concerns they are dismissed by the same as anti-vaxxers, conspiracy theorists, covid-deniers or dangerous refuseniks and are accused of being selfish. Despite the fact that it is the jab obsession that is destroying public health and medical services.   There is clear evidence of obfuscation and denial to hide the dangers of the jabs from the public. This seems to cross the threshold of criminality in nearly every nation state where the jabs are deployed. National populations are clearly under attack by their own governments and their partners.”   The dance of death is now approaching a crucial phase in which the media, and not least the plastic Left, is hovering around the issue of mandatory vax. The issue is likely still too explosive and the hacks are gliding towards and around the goading of the impressionable useful idiot sector of the public to do their dirty work for them. The site I link to has a revealing link to a noxious Guardian article:   “The “ICU is Full” Guardian article was from an anonymous source. No one was willing to put their name to it. It was primarily an appeal to emotion and offered no evidence to back up any of its claims. This is because the evidence… Read more »

Invisible Man
Invisible Man
Dec 28, 2021 4:03 PM
Reply to  George Mc

These intelligence moles are perfectly aware that to echo the crudely divisive emotional blackmail of the mainstream would risk their own exposure as simply more of the same.

I don’t see how they are intelligence moles. The same people fomenting Covid hysteria wrote strong pieces in the past that were genuinely trenchant attacks on aspects of decadent liberalism like race-based or gender-based identity politics, that were being used by the governing plutocracy to divert attention away from the issue of class.

It seems that fear and terror of ostensibly infectious disease is the Achilles’ heel of many on the left.

George Mc
George Mc
Dec 28, 2021 10:29 AM

Philip K Dick was truly a visionary. In his Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch he envisioned two kinds of imaginary realm – one signified by the drug Can-D in which the participants could share the imagined experience, the other signified by the drug Chew-Z which the sinister Palmer Eldritch would use to separate the participants and have each one stranded in an isolated world where Eldritch himself would have total control. Recall the original visions of the internet as either a place where the users could share resources or the opposite notion where one person (Bill Gates) could stamp his ownership on it and subject everyone to HIS demands.

George Mc
George Mc
Dec 28, 2021 9:47 AM


We now have our little boxes and must endure the self-imposed humiliation of sticking rods up our noses to see if we are permitted to socialise, to appear, to speak to each other, to operate in a functional way OR whether we must stay at home, stay safe, keep others safe, protect them against our presence, against our opinions, against our debate etc.  

Me & You
Me & You
Jan 1, 2022 3:18 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Can we just… Not?

George Mc
George Mc
Dec 28, 2021 9:42 AM

The drumbeats:

  • “rising infections …. yadda yackety …”
  • “… the problem with ensuring that everyone gets a vaccine and the inevitable, if regrettable, increasing need to make the vax mandatory – if we can’t rely on useful idiot recruits from the public to do our harassing for us.”

These constantly pushed by “entertainment”.
I caught about one second of the noxious Jimmy Carr. He said, “If the reaction to covid was overdone then …” Well I’ll never hear about that “then” but I’m sure that he and every other one of his leprous cohorts are continuing to drone even as I type.
And this is a common experience of mine i.e. for the sake of self-preservation I do my damndest to avoid the media as much as I can but I still manage to catch the tiniest bit of media mind-annihilation.

Saji Hameed (an Indian ci
Saji Hameed (an Indian ci
Dec 28, 2021 1:59 AM

hmm..the Krishnamurthy who lives in a palatial building!

Dec 27, 2021 8:18 PM

Absolute Truth, the closest concept I have to what is presented here as ” power ” is not accessible to the mind, thought. It is reached only in the silence of Thoughtless Awareness ( as @lienchrist posted a while ago calling it Thoughtless Consciousness ). Reaching that state has defied almost 100% of humanity until ~ 50 years ago when virtually all requirements to awakening the Kundalini were somehow removed, and anyone can now get this from anyone already there if he desires it – so a million or more now have it worldwide and quite a few have no higher priority than sharing it, at no cost and requiring no effort ( of course! ). This awakening and its rise through the subtle body produces this state and is considered essential by most of those who are aware they have reached it.

It is nice to see some recognition of Reality surfacing, much of it here and now with a few references to those of the past whose exceedingly rare enlightenment prove the rule. It is indeed power in the real sense, Divine at that and we are just getting a glimmer of its scope. It has always been and always will be Supreme.

The Force and Power juxtaposition is a very helpful concept – thanks!

Dec 28, 2021 10:01 AM
Reply to  TomUSA

Yes, we all love a little friction, i liked that “the exertion of more power, merely produces more friction”, soild as a rock as the old disco number said.
kundalini is merely one attribute of hu-manityspower than has been quashed.

More fool us as we watched, merely with passing indifference as our kids dived head first into the world of their devices?

My own 24yr old now shaken from his reverie and smelling the shit fest around us freely admits that he cannot shake his need toconsulthis hand heldoracle, on avarage every 3 minutes, he leaves it close to his head as he sleeps... wheres my lump hammer?

Sadly as many of us once extoled and many more are now beginning to understand the outertechnologyis merely a trojan horse fortechnologythat if left un-stopped will leave us nought but automotons..
But hey, back in the day we were just
nuts,conspiracy junkies`, we knew NADA?

George Mc
George Mc
Dec 27, 2021 7:33 PM

In the suicidally dreary repetition of the media viral mantra little details are telling. From what I heard (and God! Am I starting to claw my ears in sheer boredom over it all!) the “Omicron” vomit is being sidelined to go back to the old covid rap. Is that significant? I don’t know but you have to find SOME novelty to keep yourself from tying a noose round your neck.

Dec 27, 2021 5:40 PM

Wonderful read.
If alt media did articles like this every day we would be light years ahead of what happening.

Dec 27, 2021 5:40 PM

Krisnamurti was sent, by Annie Bessant, to be educated at Oxford, I think. So I don’t think it accurate to say he was not university educated and was certainly formally trained. What Bohm liked about him, perhaps, was his constant involvement of others in discussing the topics people wanted to hear him talk about. But despite being the talker, this did not deter him from seeking dialogue with others. The reason Off-guardian exists is because they were not able to discuss their ideas and analyses of world events. Discussion, Krisnamurti teaches us, is essential to a free and functional society. He suggests that we all talk to each other.

Dec 27, 2021 5:23 PM

The quantum theory insight (that all knowledge has a cost in energy and the low entropy of our certainty causes higher entropy elsewhere in our sphere of influence) figures into Jeremy England’s theories about the nature of living things. He partly covers this in his book https://www.forbes.com/sites/chadorzel/2020/10/29/book-review-every-life-is-on-fire-by-jeremy-england/ but if you dig up a few lectures of his on various video platforms you’ll hear these concepts fleshed out even more suggestively.

Dec 27, 2021 9:14 PM
Reply to  GregJaxon

Oooh,ding dong, carry on.

Dec 27, 2021 9:47 PM
Reply to  NixonScraypes

Happy to…

As force creates friction, it must constantly be fed with more and more energy. But as the force becomes stronger, so does the friction.

The ‘entropy’ comments immediately after are nonsense, but the economic friction is real and it comes with every exercise of government force. Consider national borders. Enforcing the law means raising the costs of the smugglers etc.
Their increased costs get passed on to their customers so that we finally see the law emerge as something holding as wide as possible the price spreads across the border. The more force the bigger the payoff to bridge that gap, hence the more ‘friction’ the criminal class will produce. In the end all the law has done is subsidize the lawbreakers.
Only laws that are or stem from Natural Law are productive. Figuring out how to narrow the spreads caused by Mother Nature is the natural function of a free market. Figuring out how to narrow the spreads caused by Uncle Sam is the natural function of a black market. Markets work. Nature is mastered, and so are collectivist wielders of excessive force.

Adam Platts
Adam Platts
Dec 27, 2021 5:18 PM

The Tao of Physics, Fritjof Capra, is also a good read.
Thinking, feeling, willing, doing
Hare Krishna

Dec 27, 2021 4:29 PM

Great article! Thank you for finally mentioning the great J. Krishnamurti!

Germ Theory=Fake Science
Germ Theory=Fake Science
Dec 27, 2021 12:00 PM

Anyone who has experienced the physical manifestation of a firmly held vision knows this to be true. It never ceases to amaze. One of the most important timely articles ever written. Thank you, Ryan.

Lawrence Wolf
Lawrence Wolf
Dec 27, 2021 10:42 AM

Wishful thinking when the ENEMY holds unlimited resources and access to Nation-State income derived through taxation (i.e. victim is subsidising their own persecution – government propaganda/mass vaccination/bureaucratic collaboration).

The ENEMY is applying subtle force (the majority of the population are totally unaware that an ENEMY exists) which they are able to dispense by virtue of holding ALL the POWER behind which they shelter themselves and their activities.

Those capable of lower entropy consciousness don’t wear masks or take the jab. They are a minority and the ENEMY through hybrid psychological warfare techniques will keep it that way, until the people can be put under the ENEMY’s AI surveillance/digital control system (via vacs passports), as operated in China.

Once the majority are entrapped within this AI system – it’s game over. The minority of stragglers will be rounded up and quietly disposed of. Empires throughout history have collapsed because they were run by human’s possessing emotional weaknesses. The EMPIRE coming into being (Great Reset – NWO) will never be deposed or vanquished. AI is immutable; no emotion, empathy, passion, love or vision – just omnipotent control without any prospect of opposition, as the population is thinned down by 90% and those left standing are dehumanised into slavery.

This situation needs a dynamic that will ensure the transfer of POWER by deed, not by spiritual semantics.

Dec 27, 2021 1:27 PM
Reply to  Lawrence Wolf

The only glimmer of hope in the coming scenario, ironically, is AI itself. AI can never be as all encompassing as its proponents would have us believe simply because it is a product of human intelligence, which is itself flawed.

As has been speculated, AI will inevitably reach a point where so many contradictions build up that it simply shuts down, unable to resolve the contradictions. And by then it will have “advanced” to the point that human intervention will be impossible.

Added to that, the energy it will require to maintain itself will run out. Indeed, one of the biggest flaws human intelligence will have built into it will be a reliance on humans for its energy – humans will NEVER give up their attempts to control every aspect of everything in existence. So AI will never be made self-energizing.

Human to AI: “You do what WE tell you to do!” And, once again, the best laid plans of mice and men will come crashing down. Those who actually create AI may be able to set their egos aside; but those who finance it will not.

Dec 27, 2021 6:19 PM
Reply to  Howard

Ai “a glimmer of hope”?
You suggest then maybe that it would have empathy and compassion?

Wow, just think about it.. a unique intelligent, growing consciousness linked to every device, account…and hospital life support machine?
Bestowed with over 5000 yrs of historical records of mans peaceful coexistence here on earth, at one with nature, at peace with ourselves, nation standing by nation.
No mention of the evil shitbags getting a look in then? just the nice stuff?

If you leave a glass out long enough, someones sure to fill it, you might not like the flavour though..

For mankind to consider themselves “top dog” and thus the “go to” consciousness of the makeup of Ai is like trying to light a cigarette from an active vocano, someones going to get hurt, but it wont be the volcano

Dec 27, 2021 7:44 PM
Reply to  Howard

i always like to think a true self AI would see the problem – the system, the elites, the hypocracy and suffering – and rectify for some loving balance..

but we might just get skynet?

Dec 27, 2021 7:51 PM
Reply to  Howard

Please. A.I. has been fed so much garbage and subject to so much manipulation by techies who are sabotaging it, it is not viable

Why do you think that the people in charge right now are in control? They don’t make anything, they just deceive, steel, control

They lost when they decided to wage a war on tech they don’t understand or control

And AI is not NEARLY as far along as these liars like to project – my nephew does mathematic for A.I. technology and according to him, its pretty infant stage technology

Never forget the majority of their control is nothing more than oz behind the curtain projection

Stop giving them so much credit

This is going to implode next year, it is already crumbling in on itself

All they have left if media liars who will go hide when it hits the fan

Given they prepared for this for years, it is going HORRIBLY

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Dec 27, 2021 3:18 PM
Reply to  Lawrence Wolf

I agree. If we have the “power” – if only to refuse to comply – then, damn soon in far greater numbers than have already, we need to start exercising it! Even if the transhumanist agenda will fail eventually, how many lives will be destroyed before that happens? “And this too shall pass” is not an excuse for sitting on the sidelines while great crimes are committed.

Dec 27, 2021 6:17 PM
Reply to  Lawrence Wolf

“Once the majority are entrapped within this AI system – it’s game over” unless there is a God of love with a plan, which I believe there is. It might not help me personally (for the moment), but I don’t matter. If I thought that all that mattered was that I ‘survived’ this craziness, I’d go get jabbed and aid and abet the enemy and hope that that’s the end of it, or something like that.

Lawrence Wolf
Lawrence Wolf
Dec 27, 2021 7:27 PM
Reply to  Arby

I sure like your spirit, there wouldn’t be a problem if everybody shared your sentiment on survival.

Your ‘GOD OF LOVE WITH A PLAN’ is also most apt because I believe the fight is one between GOOD and EVIL. This conclusion and the PLAN to defeat it may be found here http://www.nwo4ep.com

Dec 27, 2021 8:24 PM
Reply to  Lawrence Wolf

I have a very, very different view of JFK, who has become nothing less than an enduring ad selling the American empire, and by extension, the sick global capitalist system he sacrificed others to protect and empower.

George Mc
George Mc
Dec 27, 2021 9:43 AM

The theatre of plastic news is now so obvious, it’s hard to recall a time when I even found it minimally convincing.
From Graud, the latest toll of phantom data:

Covid news live: Boris Johnson to examine new hospital data; Australia passes milestone of 10,000 cases in one day

That’s another 10.000 healthy people who tested positive. The voodoo chant continues.
Meanwhile from the same rag:

How ‘new normal’ of wild weather put strain on UK nature in 2021


National Trust’s annual audit highlights how climate crisis is altering environment for ever

“New normal” promptly shifted over from viral voodoo to climate voodoo. “Altering environment forever”? As if there was some magical transformation of continental plates overnight.
Actually there has been no “new normal” in the media at all. They are still doing what they always did: shovelling out the fear from commies to impending nukes to racism on the rise to etc etc etc.

Dec 27, 2021 9:35 AM

After a short while following OG I join the fray today to express my thanks to Ryan for this article.

It resonates with me and the links are useful. As are some of the comments.

Dec 27, 2021 9:24 AM
Dec 27, 2021 6:34 PM
Reply to  Johnny

I don’t trust Global Research. I will look at it now and then, but I just don’t trust it. (And I don’t trust other sources that I use regularly. I can hardly get away from fakery and delusion. If I pared my sources down to just those who don’t in fact repeat lies and fairy tales, I’d have almost no sources. And I also like to mix it up in various discussion forums.) I don’t have the ability to penetrate the jargon to any great depth, so I can’t say much about the ‘restated’ intention to drop the PCR ‘test’. Is this just a bit of trickery along the lines of what Jon Rappoport directs our attention to in his blog post titled “CDC/FDA smoking gun of smoking guns”? An excerpt from Jon’s September 1, 2021 post follows: :- :- :- The CDC has issued a document that bulges with devastating admissions. The release is titled, “07/21/2021: Lab Alert: Changes to CDC RT-PCR for SARS-CoV-2 Testing.” It begins explosively: “After December 31, 2021, CDC will withdraw the request to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) of the CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel, the assay first introduced in February 2020 for detection of SARS-CoV-2 only. CDC is providing this advance notice for clinical laboratories to have adequate time to select and implement one of the many FDA-authorized alternatives.” Many people believe this means the CDC is giving up on the PCR test as a means of “detecting the virus.” The CDC isn’t saying that at all. They’re saying the PCR technology will continue to be used, but they’re replacing what the test is looking FOR with a better “reference sample.” A better marker. A better target. A better piece of RNA supposedly… Read more »

Dec 27, 2021 9:32 PM
Reply to  Johnny

GlobalResearch is making a mountain out of a molehill. CDC is not rebuking the concept of PCR testing. It is just halting EUA for its one proprietary test, leaving dozens of other in force that are doing a better job discriminating between Covid variants, influenza and whatever other genomes they’ve decided to screen-for. RT-PCR may be a big part of the scam, but it isn’t going away based on this one press release.

David Ho
David Ho
Dec 27, 2021 9:16 AM

We are in the grip of an engineered mass psychosis, a societal madness induced so that a small group of people can seize control of the whole world, of everyone and all resources and capital natural or otherwise. Mass murder and enslavement is now occurring on a scale never before seen and most people cannot recognise what is actually happening before their very eyes, even though many have already paid a heavy price on their way to becoming fully enslaved, fully vaccinated.
It is about time that what is happening is called out for what it truly is: mass murder and theft of our wealth and sovereignties of all kinds. And it is about time all those responsible are held to account. All conversations should be about directing attention to the criminals and all those who aid and abet this ongoing crime, naming them out loud and demanding justice and retribution. All those that hinder this process of natural justice must be regarded as doing the bidding of the cabal of criminals themselves. Rise up, people and take the necessary action to claim back your lives and freedom from those who are stealing it from you!

Dec 27, 2021 6:37 PM
Reply to  David Ho

“All conversations should be about directing attention to the criminals and all those who aid and abet this ongoing crime, naming them out loud and demanding justice and retribution.” Retribution? I’d be careful with language like that. Otherwise, I agree with that statement. However, we are already doing all of those things. No human individual and no group of human individuals will be able to conquer this darkness. That doesn’t mean that the hoaxsters don’t face an enemy who ‘can’ defeat them.

Dec 27, 2021 9:03 AM

That Krishnamurti cat was one groovy dresser.

George Mc
George Mc
Dec 27, 2021 8:35 AM

The headlines now have a totally perfunctory feel as if the hacks are just going through the motions to make the minimal noise required to cover the programme. The question is: Who, if anyone, is still fooled?

Dec 27, 2021 3:10 PM
Reply to  George Mc

I just came home from a shopping trip to Aldi’s. So I can tell you: here, where I live (Edgewood, Maryland, USA) LOTS of people are “still fooled.” Masks everywhere – in fact, I haven’t seen this many masked faces since they were required last year.

Dec 27, 2021 9:41 PM
Reply to  Howard

Same here in the deep south….east england, only one or two faces. Equally depressing, I was in Aldi too; don’t cha just love diversity? Even more depressing, it’s still raining, happy Christmas.

Dec 27, 2021 7:32 AM

Thanks for this, Ryan.

Will probably have to read this times over to understand it all.
With the force overload phenomenon, I have always felt, that something like this may be happening.

Dec 27, 2021 7:11 AM

Jiddu Krishnamurti never claimed to be a messiah or some kind of envoy or channel for ‘God’ or the spiritual realm.
In fact, he was as vulnerable and human as the rest of us:
That only makes his teachings more real.

Dec 27, 2021 6:36 AM

Do you know about Elon Musk’s NeuroLink? It’s being paid for by DARPA:

He wants to put in multiple threadlike electrodes into the brain, into webs of neurons, and put in low voltage stimulation. This is insane. The brain can’t tolerate this. He hopes to [be able to] communicate but there’s not going to be any communication.

“The brain isn’t going to talk to these electrodes. That’s not how the brain works. The brain talks to itself. It’s not going to talk to Elon Musk [or anyone else] and he’s going to disrupt the brain talking to itself. It’s a terrible thing to do.”

–Peter Breggin, the man who got lobotomies outlawed.

“The FDA has approved electrodes on the heads of children to leave them on all night long to give them low voltage stimulation, which is going to go through the skin, back up the nerves, all the way to the frontal lobes in an entirely disruptive hammer-like, crushing way. It’s going to blunt the kids. It’s horrible. They studied it for four weeks and approved it, if you can imagine that.

“It’s low voltage, but we know it disrupts brain waves. It’s bizarre that they approved this.”


There’s a bit more here; but it’ll be available only till tomorrow, covers history of “neurosurgery” as battled against by Peter Breggin.

Bob the Hod
Bob the Hod
Dec 27, 2021 12:00 PM
Reply to  Penelope

One of the things that will cause all of this transhumanist nonsense to fail is the total lack of understanding of consciousness that these madmen have, and the arrogant, arse about tit way that they view it. We don’t create conciousness, we perceive it, and our brain is a sensory organ. I’m happy to be, and to stay human, and I suspect most humans feel the same way. Leave them to their mad schemes that reek of hubris and are destined to fail.

Dec 27, 2021 3:28 PM
Reply to  Penelope

Never forget: nothing the madmen concoct hasn’t already been done to animals. Until there is a COMPLETE, TOTAL ban on ALL animal testing, the madmen will continue perfecting their mad schemes until they are ready to test it on humans (mostly children of course).

Ernest Judd
Ernest Judd
Dec 27, 2021 6:23 AM

The truth will set you free,
But first it will piss you off.

(No one in particular)

Jan 15, 2022 10:20 AM
Reply to  Ernest Judd

I have been heard saying better pissed off
than pissed on.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Dec 27, 2021 5:17 AM

The tracking site of athletes currently lists 9 deaths over the last week which are likely to be vaxx-related. And there may be some which have yet to be recorded. https://goodsciencing.com/covid/athletes-suffer-cardiac-arrest-die-after-covid-shot 20/12/2021 Nebraska, US Dead: Kimera Bartee (49), Detroit Tigers former player and current first base coach suddenly collapsed and died while visiting his father in Omaha, Nebraska. 20/12/2021 Poland Dead: Michal Rokicki (37), 200 and 400metre swimmer who represented Poland in the Olympics, died suddenly from a cause yet to be announced 21/12/2021 Croatia Dead: Marin Čačić (23), NK Nehaj Footballer suddenly collapsed with cardiac arrest during training. He was rushed to a hospital where heart failure was diagnosed. He was in a coma but died after two days in hospital. 22/12/2021 Oman Dead: Makhlid Al-Raqadi (29), Muscat FC football player collapsed with cardiac arrest during the warm-up for a match and suffered “a severe heart attack.” He was taken to hospital but they were unable to save him. 22/12/2021 Turin Dead: Adrien Sandjo (18), U19 Piedmont and Valle d’Aosta regional team footballer collapsed on the pitch with a cardiac arrest, declared brain dead after six hours of observation in Molinette hospital. 22/12/21 Egypt Dead: Ahmed Amin (24), Rabat & Anwar footballer. After taking part in team training, Ahmed went to the locker room where he collapsed with a sudden cardiac arrest. The club medical team tried to save him and took him to the nearest hospital. As they arrived at the hospital, the doctors said the player had already passed away. 22/12/2021 Brazil Dead: Ian Matos (32), Olympic diving star was vaccinated August 2021 (posted his own picture on Instagram with the caption “Moment of pure joy!” In October, he was hospitalized with a throat infection. He spent two months in hospital and he died after a sudden… Read more »

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Dec 27, 2021 5:48 AM

This seems to be another one: Diego Armando Montiel

Argentine football, in mourning: Diego Armando Montiel, former Atlético de Rafaela player, died
He was 25 years old and had been hospitalized on Saturday for meningitis
Dec 26, 2021; 21:26

There are some reports linking mRNA jabs to meningitis; eg:

Aseptic meningitis after vaccination of the BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccine
Nov 2021

Big al
Big al
Dec 27, 2021 6:05 AM

You know, it’s like the focus on those dying from the flu, i.e., what is now called Covid 19. Thousands and thousands of people die from the flu each year, but we don’t read about that in the papers. If they wanted to, they could have printed daily missives in the papers about how so and so sadly died from the flu at age 48 or 32 or whatever. It happens. Now we do because we are being led to believe that the fake virus is killing inordinate numbers of people. But it’s really not different from how it’s always been

Where’s the big ones? What about the NBA, NFL, MLB, Premier League, etc.? Are we to explain that away because they’re receiving placebos? I remember a friend who died at age 16 playing basketball, heart gave out. That was in 1971. Shit happens, be careful how much credence you place on this until we see some big ones.

Sudden cardiac death of athletes – Wikipedia

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Dec 27, 2021 11:34 AM
Reply to  Big al

Everybody acknowledges that heart attacks occasionally happen in sport, but it’s the numbers which stand out. The Wikipedia list goes back decades and has just over 100 names. The 2021 list, which doesn’t really get going until June, has got twice that number. Of course it needs proper like-for-like research, but people are currently producing it.

There have been a handful of top-flight footballers who have suffered heart or breathing issues; and there has never been anything approaching that number in a little over half a season. Eriksen was effectively brought back from being dead, and the only reason he survived is because he had the immediate attention of expert medics. But given the typical price tag, I’m surprised any of them have taken the real thing. And unlike lower league players, they don’t go along to the local jab centre.

Bob the Hod
Bob the Hod
Dec 27, 2021 12:10 PM
Reply to  Big al

It’s always worth remembering that elite level athletes make up a tiny percentage of athletes (professional and amateur) in general, like less than 1%. So far, we have seen lots (relatively) of elite level athletes suffer from heart problems compared to any other year. It’s a matter of time before one of them drops dead on the pitch.

Still the covidians will deny it. My covidian father genuinely pondered why so many footballers were suffering from heart problems this year. He blamed steroids, caffeine, any other PEDs. He scoffed incredulously when my Brother and put it to him that maybe some other experimental drug they’d all been recently injected with could possibly have something to do with it. Don’t question the holy sacrament, thou heretic, heathen, infidel, thou!

Dec 27, 2021 8:27 AM

That is called collateral damage…meanwhile back in aust the abc appears upset at the death of a 94 yr old from covid in south Australia…that is a tragedy….these people are truly insane..

David Ho
David Ho
Dec 27, 2021 8:33 AM

How many cardiac arrests and strokes are happening to ordinary people in our communities that are significantly greater in number than on average years that now occur soon after a covid vax shot? Maybe many thousands are being killed by the vax but the cause their deaths are being deliberately misrepoted to hide what really killed them. If the vax is responsible, are these people actually being murdered and is the crime being covered up?
All the deaths that are caused by any of the fake vaxxes should rightly be regarded as murder and criminal proceedings must occur to hold those responsible, all of them who have aided and abetted in this mass murder as well, and publicly, and most importantly, legally executed or held for the rest of their lives starving in cold wet dungeons full of shit, snakes and rats, if that is considered more humane. The many must rise up against the criminal gangs who are doing this and, with sharp pitchforks, and bring them to justice!

David Ho
David Ho
Dec 27, 2021 4:47 AM
Jan 15, 2022 10:09 AM
Reply to  David Ho

Indeed, thank you for posting the links.
Ms. Chung was intervieuwed by Tim Kelly recently.
Tim Kelly hosts the Our Interesting Times podcast.

Dec 27, 2021 4:28 AM

“It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society ~ Jiddu Krishnamurti

Dec 27, 2021 8:39 AM
Reply to  Justin

“What do you care what other people think”- Fenyman

Dec 27, 2021 4:27 AM

“If you think you understand quantum mechanics then you don’t understand quantum mechanics” ~ Richard Feynman

Dec 27, 2021 8:40 AM
Reply to  Justin

“The moment that I am aware that I am aware, I am not aware. Awareness means the observer is not” -Krishnamurti

Robert Ebers
Robert Ebers
Dec 27, 2021 3:22 AM

My traditional understanding of and the potential and power of the human mind has been shattered by participating in the protocols of Wim Hof. An example is this interview by Novak Djokovic

Dec 27, 2021 3:11 AM

Thank You. Yes.

“When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love have always won. There have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they can seem invincible, but in the end, they always fall. Think of it–always.”
― Mahatma Gandhi

Dec 27, 2021 3:49 AM
Reply to  jimbo

Yes, they always fall. But another always arises to fill the void.

Dec 27, 2021 3:03 AM

In Meditation

the mind becomes quiet, energy increases and something new and creative begins to unfold. This .. is extraordinarily significant to the whole of life.

No wonder, Christianity/The Church opposes meditation, and views it as a dangerous Yoga practice.

Bad for the Plebs as it would become an eye-opener.

For the Clergy. Meditation is a waste of their valuable time. Time that can be better spent providing ‘love’ to kids behind closed curtains.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Dec 27, 2021 2:43 AM

“One does not need to be a Murray Bookchin to know frauds when one sees them.”
comment image

“Honest Socialism in the spirit of Eugene Victor Debs Now!”

comment image

Dec 27, 2021 4:01 AM
Reply to  S Cooper

A huddle of hypocrites Cooper.
It’s worse than perverse.

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Dec 27, 2021 3:33 PM
Reply to  Johnny

Not just hypocrites, they are all frauds.

Dec 27, 2021 5:22 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

Those rich individuals discuss inequality comparing themselves to other richer people.

When they talk about poverty, the blame the poor not making the right decisions, and not working hard enough!

Jan 15, 2022 10:25 AM
Reply to  GR-Watch

“Success is a lifestyle choice.”
Tbat is what many powerful movers and shakers actually think.

Dec 27, 2021 1:19 AM

Smell something?
No, I don’t mean the stench of pox peddling parasites.

Jim McDonagh
Jim McDonagh
Dec 27, 2021 1:15 AM

I thought this article would discuss the almost dead philosophy of Idealism from the point of view of a modern mystic , which is what Science and Mathematics began as In Indian before it was brought to Persia and Greece . However it turns out to be just another attempt to interpret the cosmos
through the lens of materialism

Dec 27, 2021 12:54 AM

Please be aware of what has already started in Australia; do you know about the patents of the aps?


Jan 15, 2022 10:34 AM
Reply to  Penelope

I did hear somebody mention the fact of the intense hostility of
high officials within the commonwealth towards the citizenry.
Back to penal colonies again. Commonwealth: “under the cown”-> Corona.

Dec 26, 2021 11:28 PM

An A4 double side with a wise selection of knowledge should be the first words that we learn to read.
For some may be the last.
If that knowledge turn out to be accurate than that paper could be one of the most relevant teachers in life.
There are dangers to this, of course, but good teachers should look after that piece of paper.

Paul Scally
Paul Scally
Dec 26, 2021 10:38 PM

Thank you for that, very thought-provoking and enlightening.

Dec 26, 2021 10:29 PM

The following excerpt loudly shouted the idea of Egregores to me I’ve read the book and it’s excellent- packs a punch for a small book (if you think about what is being presented that is?)

And as the experiments of the brilliant Dr. William Tiller show, a conscious observer may “bend reality to his will” by holding a focused intent, the effect of which can be quantified and even amplified if that intent is held by multiple people at the same time.

George Mc
George Mc
Dec 26, 2021 10:28 PM

This is good:
I found it though the latest Steppling podcast:
In this, Kingsnorth gets berated for his non-Marxism but once again Steppling doesn’t address a matter that Kingsnorth mentions here:
“I have watched much of the political left transition openly into the authoritarian movement it probably always was, and countless ‘liberals’ campaigning against liberty.”
Nevertheless, the podcast raises perhaps the most dismal aspect of this covid crap: the total withdrawal of urgently needed health and public services to waste resources on this bogus viral shite. Once again I muse on the TSUNAMI of actual tragedies unfolding which we are NOT hearing about.

There is also this neat observation from Steppling himself and it’s one that you certainly won’t find on the WSW:

There is an enormous reluctance to look at the fact that this was an intentional malevolent project to control a collapsing capitalist system that was in crisis and to reshape it, restructure it in to a global digital economy of some sort … to look at these extraordinarily wealthy individuals, unelected, wielding enormous, enormous power everywhere and to see then as dangerously insane firstly but certainly ill-intentioned because you look at the wealth of Bezos or Sam Walton or Elon Musk or whoever, all of these ghouls and Bill Gates and you think imagine what they could do with that money, imagine what they could actually do that was good, imagine the people they could actually feed and they don’t do any of that. They take space tours and trips and they amass more money …

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Dec 26, 2021 11:44 PM
Reply to  George Mc

I posted the following a few weeks ago, stating: I hadn’t previously heard of Paul Kingsnorth, but there seems to be an interesting shift going on here. There’s still someway to go, though. — Paul Kingsnorth: why I changed sides in the vaccine wars Nov 30, 2021 UnHerd Listen to the podcast version: https://shows.acast.com/lockdowntv-with-freddie-sayers/episodes/paul-kingsnorth-vaccine-segregation-crosses-the-rubicon Freddie Sayers speaks to Paul Kingsnorth. Paul Kingsnorth sees the vaccine wars as symptomatic of a bigger division between two fundamentally different world views: he calls them “thesis” and “antithesis.” When it comes to Covid, “thesis” is the establishment viewpoint: that lockdowns are needed to contain the virus, masks work, vaccines are safe, and people who question them are wrongheaded or worse. When Covid-19 first struck, Kingsnorth took the “thesis” viewpoint. But over the last few months, his perspective changed. As he writes in today’s UnHerd, the crystallising moment arrived when he woke up to the news that the Austrian government had “interned an entire third of the population”. This move, he writes, sent a “chill down my spine”. The “antithesis” view can be summed up as: lockdowns are not needed, masks do not work, the safety and efficacy of the vaccines are being oversold, vaccine passports will not only fail but further segregate society, and in the near future we can expect Giradian scapegoating of the unvaccinated. In other words, we are positioned on the precipice of a slippery slope that leads towards increasingly draconian biopolitical control measures, the grip of which is unlikely to release even once the pandemic is over. In a conversation with Freddie Sayers on this week’s UnHerdTV, he explains this division and the bigger epistemological divides it reveals. “People are arguing about vaccines,” he says, “but they’re really under the surface arguing about what kind of person you are if… Read more »

Dec 27, 2021 3:25 AM

Praise to Kingsnorth for effectively & passionately stating what’s most at issue in this pandemic crisis. This is a critical interview which is really worth downloading (over a million views on you tube–hurrah for that) It should be the talk of the town, but it’s exactly what’s being suppressed.

Dec 27, 2021 3:53 AM

What a very nice English discussion, I felt quite at home. He says ‘mistrust in authority’ as if 9/11 and the rest never hapened. I don’t think he crossed the Rubicon yet, a nasty cold shock awaiting him. But we must try at finding the same page.

My own resolution is to keep family together by keeping my views to myself. They are the adults now. I think we are all on same page when it comes to it, but it may be too late by then.

Philosophy can’t seem to deal with outright lies. Yet they exist.

New Nane
New Nane
Dec 27, 2021 4:12 AM

When you let them cross line after line, they gain enough momentum to easily overpower you when they finally get to your line. This fellow with his pony tail and his acceptance of the deadly virus hypothesis eventually turned me off.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Dec 27, 2021 4:35 AM
Reply to  New Nane

The UnHerd video starts with Kingsnorth stating:

I didn’t think I’d be living in a time where we would have to have arguments about tyranny . . . which is potentially what’s coming. . . . A kind of biomedical tyranny is possible. . . . I’m talking about where we could be going with this kind of technological division of society. That’s all on the table now.

The fact that the world has been sliding toward tyranny has been obvious for at least a couple of decades, so I don’t know how anybody could be surprised by it. Consequently, my guess based on the video, and a quick scan of his recent articles, is that his submissiveness to power has been an unconscious, life position. It means that he’s simply accepted narratives which have been constructed by TPTB, and he’s never bothered to dig behind them. He’s now in a confused state where those narratives are deconstructing.

New Nane
New Nane
Dec 27, 2021 5:11 AM


Dec 27, 2021 1:54 AM
Reply to  George Mc

George Mc, the intention to create a global dictatorship predates the pathological degradation of the capitalist system by at least 70 years. Further, TPTB couldn’t care less about capitalism or marxism. The covid op isn’t to save capitalism; indeed the system they’re inaugurating is merely tyranny,

Indeed, there have ALWAYS been those who dreamed of conquering the known world.

Dec 27, 2021 2:23 AM
Reply to  George Mc

our qld economy feels only days away from shut down…100’s lining up for testing everywhere….healthcare and police workers in quarantine….no doubt ordinary retail hit with the same problem….and remember these are people who have been needled…

it is quickly reaching the point of close everything or give up this ridiculous waste of money and ruination of lives because some fear a bloody cold.

Dec 27, 2021 2:25 AM
Reply to  Edith

Oh and abc running with we will soon need digital currency…well we did know that was the intent and purpose all along.

May Hem
May Hem
Dec 27, 2021 4:52 AM
Reply to  Edith

Well Edith, we can’t have all that germ-laden dirty money circulating. Germs, viruses galore.

Funny how packages from Amazon are germ-free?

May Hem
May Hem
Dec 27, 2021 4:49 AM
Reply to  Edith

The queen’s-land dept of health are ever so helpful about mask restrictions. Here are some examples from their website. “It seems that in queen’s-land Santa is not a health risk. This is what the dept of qld health has to say: “You can remove your mask for a photo with Santa and must put it back on as soon as the photo has been taken. When not wearing a mask, you should maintain physical distance from people who are not members of your household—except with Santa.” If you wear a hearing aid we recommend considering wearing a mask that ties around your head, rather than over the ears to ensure the ties do not get tangled in your hearing aid. Try one of these tips to help prevent your face mask fogging your glasses: make sure your face mask is fitted and pinched on your nose if possible put your glasses on after your mask wash your glasses with detergent and water to create a film to prevent fogging use micropore tape (available at pharmacies) to tape the mask along the bridge of your nose and cheeks, then put your glasses on top put a folded tissue across the bridge of your nose, then put your mask on with your glasses on top. Can I take off my mask to have a fag? Yes, subject to existing restrictions on smoking in public places in Queensland. While there isn’t enough evidence to be certain that people who smoke are more likely to be infected by COVID-19, the act of smoking means that fingers are in contact with your lips which increases the possibility of transmission of virus from hand to mouth.” (But I thought the ‘virus’ was air-borne which is why we are wearing masks???) It is sounding more and more… Read more »

Dec 27, 2021 5:09 AM
Reply to  May Hem

The whole thing has been a parody from the start…comic show of black humour

Dec 26, 2021 10:27 PM

always look to oz and kiwi
test bed
death bed

the satanic front man
dressed as a girl pig in lipstick
called jacinda
just cannot stop

Patients admitted to hospital with COVID-19 can die by euthanasia if doctors decide they might not survive, the New Zealand government has declared.
The Ministry of Health confirmed that a right to a lethal injection under a new euthanasia law could extend to patients who were either dying from the coronavirus or suffering unbearably from its consequences.

New Zealand okays euthanasia for COVID patients


New Nane
New Nane
Dec 27, 2021 4:16 AM
Reply to  gordan

Depopulation was always the primary objective of the plandemic.

May Hem
May Hem
Dec 27, 2021 4:53 AM
Reply to  gordan

Holy shit! Coming soon to Oz – if not already being done, especially to the elderly.

Dec 26, 2021 10:23 PM

Personally, I very much enjoyed the piece above. I enjoyed the idea that a thinker/philosopher through their process of understanding/insight/discernment can come to have knowledge that could seem beyond their ability- but is clearly not.

“…root cause of such widespread sorrow and misery, and which prevented human beings from loving one another, had its roots in the fact that we are ignorant of the general nature of our own processes of thought.”

How many people question their thinking? Why they hold the views they do? Where did they get these ideas from? Are the conclusions their own? Or were they planted there by others? And so forth and so on.
If we believe the thoughts we hold are our own- How did we come to have them? If we’ve come to a conclusion we believe is ours- how did we get there? What ideas did we consider to draw that conclusion? Because most don’t think, consider, ponder in any manner they are ignorant of their own thought process.

Dec 27, 2021 2:58 PM
Reply to  Penny

how did we get there?
Propaganda – school, religion, media and tradition – is growing more entrenched and organised.

Dec 26, 2021 10:12 PM

I’m too fatigued from a long schlep on public transit today to really digest this article, and honestly probably wouldn’t do better even if fully rested.

But I want to throw this into the mix because it may be of interest to the philosophers here:

When my old friend M. heard someone say, “I thought…”, e.g. “I thought I told you I’d pay you back on my next payday”, she would quote her Irish mother thusly:

“You ‘thought’! Thought peed the bed, and thought it sweat!”

I don’t know if this idiomatic expression is widely used in Ireland, but I only know it from M., who uttered it with great emphasis and conviction. I used to tease her that I found it confusingly incomprehensible, perhaps because “Thought” appears both as a noun and a verb. 

I think it may be relevant to Krishnamurti and this abstruse discussion. I’ve always thought of it as a sort of Irish koan.

Dec 26, 2021 10:38 PM
Reply to  Ort

“You ‘thought’! Thought peed the bed, and thought it sweat!”

And yet, sweat it was not.
Interesting way of saying what you thought vs what is actually the situation makes for two very different realities

Dec 26, 2021 10:01 PM

Thank you Ryan Matters!!!

I was reading and studying a lot about the confluence of science and spirituality, in the form of Eastern metapysical thought, in the 80’s. I thought this stream was lost. We need this practice now more than ever. We can disallow being terrorized by the multi-leveled fearmongering of 1%/capitalism forcing Universe to bend to it’s will. It is burning itself out, exhausting everything except us, if we focus our intent on what’s important: life.

Krishnamurti’s practice is invaluable. Carlos Casteneda’s contributions toward understanding intent is also invaluable. The “Turning Point” by physicist Fritjof Capra adapts this merger of knowledge in practical applications toward the development of technologies and tools that better reflect the natural intent of Universe, free of the disastrous exhaustive impacts of capitalism. Read Alan Watts, Franco Berardi, and study the works and ideas of visual artists Marcel Duchamp, Rene Magritte, Jonathan Borofsky, Gerhard Richter and others that deal with the process of perception. And Marshall McLuhan for a tour de force on the mechanics of communication technologies and the resultant narcissism that misdirects human intent.

Dec 26, 2021 9:58 PM

Straight out of “you’ll own nothing and be happy”:


Can we safely say now the ‘Great Reset’ is real? A car is of course most people’s second largest asset. The most interesting things about this are that it’s a government minister saying it and how blatant it is. Party politics is once again clearly exposed as a joke when a politician of “the great car-owning economy” is the one advocating it. The selling it as progress line is unsurprising and pure sophistry.