The Free and the Brave
Todd Hayen

Whatever happened to that (the free and the brave)? Whatever happened to the attitude that had Patrick Henry at the Virginia convention in 1775 say “give me liberty, or give me death”?
Whatever happened to the patriotic fervour and the uncanny commitment to face suffering and death that resulted in over two million young men volunteering for service in World War I, and five times that number volunteering to serve in World War II?
Whatever happened to the ability to conquer fear and ride on the excitement for adventure and potential for immeasurable success that drove hundreds of thousands of men and women into the wild, and dangerous, frontiers of the American West?
Whatever happened to the spirit that filled the souls of those that faced stark adversity, danger to life and limb, that lead over 50,000 hapless men and women (mostly men) into the jungles of Central America to build the Panama Canal? — ultimately killing over 5,000 of them as a result of accidents, all manner of diseases including malaria and dysentery?
What happened?
Yeah, this is about us, guys (me included!) Sure, women can be brave — any biological sexual orientation can activate the warrior archetype — but more commonly it is the gendered male that falls into this archetypal constellation.
Bravery — a compulsion to protect those he loves, have a critical and logical assessment of a difficult situation, and the force and power, at the very least a potential force and power, ready to inflict whatever necessary to protect partner and family, community and nation.
We, us men, have seemed to have lost much of that. Have we become a bunch of puss-balls?
Dr Mark McDonald, a prominent medical doctor with a speciality in psychiatry, doesn’t mince words when he says while describing the psychological state of men and women during this crises:
we essentially have men with no balls, and then we have histrionics, women who have no emotional containment, because there are no men to contain them anymore.”
Sexist? Maybe some will think so, but McDonald is not putting all the blame on one sex, or exclusively on the masculine or feminine archetypes, the responsibility here is rather well balanced.
What does this mean?
Very basically it means we have created a culture that has done a pretty good job of emasculating men — the radical feminist movement, as well as a general lack of situations where men can express their “man-ness” in a healthy way, has been a big part of the problem.
“Toxic Masculinity” is a phrase and concept that has taken the world by storm, and contributes quite a bit to the confusion that men are experiencing while trying to ascertain what a “real man” is in today’s “anti male” culture.
“Oh boo hoo” some of you may be saying. “Men, through their powerful patriarchal history of abusing women and treating them as inferior partners in relationships deserve a little pull back!”
There certainly is truth to that, but two wrongs don’t make a right. You can’t carve out an essential part of being a “man” without some collateral damage, all the way around.
So what does being a “real man” have to do with bravery? A lot, actually. Facing adversity and danger, primarily in order to protect the physically weaker, is a very important attribute of the masculine archetype of warrior, or even king if you want to get more detailed about it.
Historically and traditionally the man has been the protector, the physical, and sometimes intellectual (intelligence that is present in logic reasoning and critical thinking) found in masculine archetypes (again, archetypes both men and women have access to).
These attributes are primarily directed toward protection and outwardly projected as strength and resolve. This often stabilizes the more emotional feminine archetypal factors that again, typically, are activated by the female, or woman, in a relationship.
As a psychotherapist, and an archetypal psychologist at that, I see these archetypal powers and influences playing out in my clients every day. Most of the problems I find in a couple’s therapy stems from an imbalance, or a dysfunction, in these energies of masculine and feminine.
Again, the “man” in a couple can be activating both masculine and feminine archetypes, as well as the “woman.” The problem comes in if the archetypes activated are inappropriate, out of balance, and create a result that is unexpected, undesired, or not beneficial. Most of these influences run in the unconscious, so very seldom are they consciously manipulated.
It wasn’t until I met Dr McDonald that I connected some very important dots. McDonald recently wrote and released a book titled United States of Fear. The subtitle of the book, “How America Fell Victim to a Mass Delusional Psychosis” is the primary focus.
McDonald holds nothing back when he addresses what he believes to be a fundamental cause of this mass psychosis. He believes that women (feminine archetypes driving the woman’s behaviour) need a strong, and masculine man, to contain her emotionality (due to the unfettered expression of her feminine archetypes.) McDonald, in an interview given on Jerm Warfare, said:
Do you think men with masks on make women feel safe? It only shows they have no balls. I’ve spoken with female police officers who see men in camouflage, tattooed, driving around in trucks with gun racks — wearing masks. They tell me, ‘this does not make me feel safe. This makes me afraid. If they are this scared of a virus, how will they react to a real threat — what’s going to happen when the bear comes out of the woods? What’s going to happen when a rapist tries to attack me? What’s going to happen when my children are going to be kidnapped by the man in the park, what are they going to do? With their mask on are they going to say, “please stop. Please. Please.” They’re not going to put their lives on the line. They won’t even put their mouth on the line.’”
Harsh words, my brothers. Harsh words, but I think quite on the money.
Is this the only thing that is driving the collapse we are seeing in those that cannot stand up to this current tyranny, and say “enough is enough, step back!” No, of course not, but, in my opinion, it is a large part of the problem.
Our culture, at least in the West, has been set up for this to happen. We have become more and more dependent on government taking care of us, thus losing our own personal drive to develop character and strength. We depend on government and authority to think for us, and tell us what is best for us, to, in a word, parent us. We comply, we stay children, and we ultimately suffer.
The brave hold onto what makes them free and are willing to fight for it. Freedom is a God given right, not one bestowed upon us by any other authority. The healthy masculine archetypes of warrior and king have at their side the symbolic sword representing their power over adversity and danger.
There is a time for the warrior to pull the sword from its scabbard just a few inches to allow the sun to glint off of its polished surface, flashing in the eyes of a potential enemy, letting them know who they are dealing with.
And then there is the time to pull the sword completely free from its confines and slash what is seriously threatening the warrior and those he loves.
Now is the time to fight.
Todd Hayen is a registered psychotherapist practicing in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He holds a PhD in depth psychotherapy and an MA in Consciousness Studies. He specializes in Jungian, archetypal, psychology.
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“what’s going to happen when the bear comes out of the woods? What’s going to happen when a rapist tries to attack me? What’s going to happen when my children are going to be kidnapped by the man in the park,”
Where does this paranoia come from? This is the mindset that sees every man as a rapist and paedophile, every bear as a killer
The Free and the BraveYES !!
if it takes balls to not wear a mask in a supermarket then we really are in trouble
If my masculinity is toxic, deal with it!
I have a high regard and respect for a confident feminist, because they know their capabilities and how to use them.
There are right and wrong ways for men and women to interact, with bullying and coercion destroying the natural order. There have always been bullies, and there have always been shrews, but now the shrews have gone full feminazi harridan, creating a generation of nervous soy boys that the gals would not want to be with!
this is really pretty reactionary and .ridiculous– blaming the feminist movement.? what is a man? women need a man? i thought off guardian was more well researched and progressive than this.
ah…. the psych-babblers and mind rapists having killed of ‘real’ men with their theories and therapies and SSRI’s ( that must negate masculinity).. and in pursuit of new credentials and social opportunity.. creating whole rafts of novel and confusing ‘genders’ on the way and dousing them all in estrogen..(that must negate masculinity)..
breaking what was left of western woman hood on the way…. burning her at the stake of social science.. where she suffered advanced degrees.. and unrestricted new restrictions.. (that must negate masculinity)..
now…. they have come to realize that there is no one left to protect them from the bureaucrats and tech gurus with their mercenary armies of white coated pigs with pink hair and legions of unhinged jabbers from the WEF and World Bank that want them all dead and replaced with AI… or in a dress with four pronouns..
as was always the ‘plan’… and thus…..such people have earned their dresses and genital scars…
and must bear such imposition like the ‘real’ men they never were…
I don’t know what going to war to fight the Ultra-Richs’ battles has to do with bravery. More like stupidity. Real bravery would be to stand up to them and tell them to fight their own damn wars.
There are a few casualties from the feminist movement:
1. An appreciation of the normal male psyche and his normal emotions. We have somewhat replaced this with the idea that the emotions of a woman are the very STANDARD of normality, and that to the extent that men differ from it there’s something WRONG with them.
2. The deep understanding that existed between many women and their children. Many women did truly mentor their children’s development. Careers even while the kids are small cannot help but dilute this. sometimes it seems as if the children are raised by the TV.
Formal education has always rewarded feminine behavioural traits. Sit down, shut up, don’t move. From the word go ut casts males as troublemakers who must be corrected.
Yes…. it seems what is left of western woman-hood is in for a very bumpy ride….
having forced the fellas to commit seppuku… it seems they will be next to fall on the sword.. though a little less willingly I suspect..
my view is a man can only blame himself… but of course the women blame all men..
valid points
Not all of us. Some of us have remained real, brave, truthful, moral, and up for it. The price was being outcast of social circles, jobs and relationships. And generally being considered an asshole. But now into my late 30s I am finding more people who appreciate that.
One person’s arsehole, is another person’s hero.
you’ve hit the nail on the head there Zen
The Post-Nazi Reinvention of Carl Jung
I’m a little doubtful about the source, but at the very least, it makes for an interesting polemic.
The New International, October 1945
P. Koster
Carl Jung and the Nazi Superman
From The New International, Vol. XI No. 7, October 1945, pp. 204–207.
Transcribed & marked up by Einde O’Callaghan for ETOL.
Day by day the myth of the German monster grows. To give it credence, well known scientists along with big names in the field of art and literature are gratefully welcomed into the crowd of accusers. The doctrine they expound is difficult to distinguish from the Nazi racial theories they supposedly condemn, and it is just about as scientific. Articles are written describing the infamous German character. All Germans are arrogant, sadistic, cowardly, etc. The word “German” rather than the word “Nazi” has become a symbol for all that is to be despised.
The latest addition to these preachers of hatred is Carl Jung, one-time associate of Sigmund Freud. Like Thomas Mann, Jung’s zeal in attacking the German nation is of recent vintage. Jung’s past championship of the Nazi system has been conveniently overlooked or forgotten by the American daily press. . . .
The dishonesty of the campaign is illustrated in the use made of the interview with Carl Jung. The lay public, which knows little of Jung except that he is important in the field of psychotherapy, is inclined to accept his statements without hesitation. A knowledge of his record would certainly cause these same readers to be far more critical in their attitude. In January, 1934, the following notice appeared in the Psychoanalytic Quarterly:
It will be of interest to the American reader to know that after a suspension of publication for six months, following the resignation of Prof. Kretschmer last spring, the Zentralblatt für Psychotherapie resumes publication under the editorship of the former psychoanalyst, Dr. C.G. Jung of Zurich. In his foreword to the December 1933 issue, with which the new state-regulated editorial regime assumes control, Dr. Jung lays down the new policy of the magazine, which will differentiate between the “Germanic” and “Jewish” psychologies – “die tatsächlich bestehenden und einsichtigen Leuten schon längst bekannten Verschiedenheiten der germanischen und der jüdischen Psychologie sollen nicht mehr verwischt sein.” (“The definite distinctions between Germanic and Jewish psychology long apparent to sensible people shall no longer be obliterated.”)
This introduction is followed by a communication from the leader (“Reichsführer”) of the reorganized German Medical Association for Psychotherapy, Prof. Dr. jura Dr. med. M.H. Göring, declaring that the society “expects all its members who are actively engaged in writing or lecturing to have made a serious scientific study of Adolf Hitler’s fundamental book, My Battle, and to recognize it as a basic work. The society will cooperate with the Chancellor’s work in educating the German nation to a heroic, self-sacrificing state of mind.” [2]
2. The Psychoanalytic Quarterly, Vol. III No. 1, Jan. 1934, p. 150.
Matthias Heinrich Göring (April 5, 1879 – July 24 or 25, 1945) was a German physician, psychotherapist and Nazi functionary. He was chairman of the German General Medical Society for Psychotherapy and head of the German Institute for Psychological Research and Psychotherapy, founded in 1936. Hermann Göring was his cousin.
So, “antifa” (you?) doesn’t like Carl Jung. What a big surprise… Care to comment about the article here? No, a true marxist care only about guilty by association.
It’s about learning archetypal lessons from history.
BTW: I’m not a Marxist; hence the doubt regarding the source.
As they say “Follow The Money.” I would speculate that the real reason the US especially is dumping on the German people as if to be German is to be Nazi can be summed up in two words and one number: Nord Stream 2.
There is a fierce diplomatic battle on-going by the US to try and halt the Nord Stream 2 project. And – guess what? – Germany is central to the entire project.
First they tried diplomacy: didn’t work. Now they’re trying shaming. If that too doesn’t work, bigger guns will be drawn.
I assume the article was first published in 1945 and is referring to the immediate post-war period. The true history is still hidden from the general public, but it seems likely the wars (I & II) included the agenda of destroying the German soul. Otherwise, Germany would always be a threat to the Anglo-American (NWO) empire.
Just like me
All correct … i have a ‘friend’ that went with me inside a fancy mall
there he puts his mask and i tell him not to worry and he keeps on … i no longer call or text him as for me i need men like me around, the only place i put the face diaper on is in the closest liquor store cause i want no mess with ma beer even thou my nose is always out breathing
but the writer above is right as i see no men without masks in this f…land of weaklings … i do see more women maskless and when happen i stop them saying you r wonderful and we speak and then most of times we hug each other …
I think the issue with this article is the rhetoric and the premise that ww1 and ww2 were events that people where honour bound to be a part of. Dangerous thought, getting young men to kill one another at the behest of power, sounds a lot like being a pawn on a chess board. I refuse, always have and always will never allow yourself to be put in a position to kill others I would sooner kill myself. The sooner we rid ourselves of violence in a true sense the sooner we stop allowing others to control us. When we are incapable of violence to another as if it was the same as hurting oneself then we know we have leveled up at least enough to begin having a conversation. It’s the noble lie that dying for ones county or indeed any ideological premise is noble as it oftern means killing others. How can this solve anything, thousand years of us silly cunts killing eachother for Kings and Queens, oligarchs and emperors. No more, just say no kids. A lifetime of violence has taught me this lesson so it comes through pain. Imagin, it the whole world no longer has militaries all that effort put somewhere else. You have to laugh otherwise you will cry. We still make bombs to drop on kids and then send them aid for the damage we caused in the first place. I always carry this thought when the world seems strange because it is.
The writer doesn’t use the word ‘gender’ but for the many commenters that do may I say that Gender is a useful word when used to mean ‘socially or self assigned sex’, but without biological sex it where would gender be? I suppose a vector of desire for other genders with a pool of No Desire at all thank you.
Sexism is to imply an inate natural biological instinct, an unconcious archetype I guess. Feels true to me but I also know that although only one sex has eggs and the other sperm everything else is up for grabs. You have to make the society and relationships you want to live in.
– 1000
Thanks probably deserves it! I just hate the word Gender. To me it is properly used only for grammar eg Latin verbs. I’m old. I have had same woman for nearly 40 yrs, she never had to work and we brought up 3 children together but she is not my ‘partner’,she is my wife. I would be lost without her.
This aritcle is a bummer.Very Iron John.Very Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus. Trite.
hi Todd, I am a woman. After many discussions with a male friend regarding your article, I think I have some idea of what you are trying to say. Unfortunately, by using divisive language, you have lost most of your female audience. I suspect that by rewriting the parts where you use the word ‘contain’ when referring to women’s emotions, you would bring more clarity to such a controversial subject; the concept of men containing women is a real fire-starter for those very emotions. Surely it is up to women to control their own emotions, if need be, just as it is up to men to control theirs. Personally, I’d like to hear more about how you think the shadow side for both genders is working in this.
I must respectfully but strongly disagree with you here, Redbull. It seems to me that your response actually does an excellent job of demonstrating the author’s thesis. In that sense, well done! We have been so well trained (myself included) to look at a thing that points to division as the divider itself, and in need of “healing.” But this is, in fact, the disease. As a woman, I’m sick of trying to live this fiction that I’m no different- constitutionally, psychologically, emotionally-than a man, and vice versa, which creates a really weird and destructive robe of feminine superiority. We’ve ended up enslaving ourselves and done a darn good job creating a masculine that has nowhere to turn. Too blind and volatile for my taste! What is “control” of emotion anyway? I think we’d better track and get to know that part of ourselves, make friends with that energy and use it, before we say who is supposed to be controlling what. I’ll take all the help I can get crafting a container, from a partner who is courageous enough to be a right hand when I’m best at using my left.
Thanks for replying. I suspect I have not made myself clear. Are you saying that the idea that things need to be healed is a disease in itself? I don’t think I addressed that in my comment, but as it seems to be what you intuited can you please elaborate? Nor am I saying there is no difference between men and women. How have we enslaved ourselves? By ‘we’ do you mean ‘people’ or ‘women’? I’m not saying emotion is bad, but that it has the potential to be bad, e.g. when anger turns to violence, or to persecution. Yes, I agree, we should use the energy but in positive ways. I like your right and left hand analogy, it is very apt. What I am saying about the article is that it doesn’t very well express the current feeling among men that they have lost their masculinity, as it relates to the feminine. I’d like to read about it from a more inclusive and positive perspective.
Hi there. Thank YOU for replying back! Firstly, I was reacting to your suggestion that if the author used less “incendiary” language he might not lose female members of the audience. This I had a very hard time with – it seems a symptom of an illness when there is a request that a scab be put over a wound as a first order of business. In this case, it seems to me the wounds need to see light and be exposed to air, not covered up, and a first response that says “talk to me in a way I feel comfortable with” is exacerbating the problem. I also take a diametrically opposed position to that of Howard, below, so that gives me a different entry point to the piece from the get-go. As for women’s self-imposed enslavement (the manipulation by the PTB generating this is probably something Howard and I might well see eye to eye on :), how is it that we aren’t fully expressed until we’re doing it all: Mothering children, balancing budgets, climbing the career ladder, making sure everybody’s fed and their birthday presents are thoughtfully procured; being single all the while and splitting the bill when we do have a “date.” Paying for the make-up, clothes (office wardrobe, “let’s go to the pumpkin patch” clothes, “I can fix my own damn car” attire, “You look so beautiful in this light” outfits….), gym membership, boob jobs, whatever to make sure we can be “young” and “sexy” until we’re 75 years old… oh, and domesticating bears :). Being old and wise is off the table totally, as far as I can tell. I’m super lucky because I can do lots of this and the rest I don’t care about, but that’s a helluva list, and for so may women it keeps them from having any space to ponder and create things. Seems awfully slavish to me. But I made a glaring error in my response to you: I was so inspired by my own response I missed your very fine ending! It is way past time to turn and look honestly at our shadow sides because other forces are well aware and using them very effectively to divide us. Thanks, Redbull, and very best wishes to you!
The mistake is to interpret this containment as oppressive, as force. It isn’t. I contain my girlfriend’s emotions by listening and being an unemotional rock when she needs it. She also contains my anger not with force but with kindness and perspective.
Men and women contain each other. If you’re viewing either as ‘wrong’ ie in need of healing then you don’t get it. And part of the problem, that is finding reality offensive and asking people to reframe it so a few snowflakes don’t get triggered.
Once you bring the strange concept of “reality” into such a discussion you have already lost the argument. The only “reality” pertaining to gender is that foisted on people by their social structure – a structure which serves the interests of those at the top.
It is useful to ruling elites to have men and women perceive themselves and each other in such a fashion that the maximum benefit can accrue to those at the top.
Who actually benefits from the role of men as strong protectors and the role of woman as “helpmeets” to their men folk? The men and woman themselves? Or those who sit up there and do nothing but dictate to ordinary men and women?
Now, it seems, the elites have decided it’s in their interest to re-define the genders. Well, it was they who defined them in the first place, so why not?
Simply to be comfortable in the role the elites defined does not in and of itself make that role Nature’s Way.
Yup. Liberals and conservatives just cling to different notions of elite conceptions, ruling class ideas that serve the interests of the ruling class. The ruling class doesn’t need gender or liberal democracy to further their interests anymore. Just one example: in the early 1970’s, the nuclear family (male bread winner, homemaker wife and children) had to be upended. To “liberate women”? Not so much, rather to put downward pressure on wages (which had become the highest in history) by sending women to work to compete with men. Here begins the battle of the sexes. The examples are endless.
“The ideas of the ruling class are in every epoch the ruling ideas.”
Hi Redbull, thanks for your comment. Sorry for what you interpret as “divisive” language. I don’t actually recall using the word “contain”…although I might have…I know it appears in the quotes from Dr. McDonald. If I did use it, you must remember (and maybe I wasn’t clear) that I am referring to the containment of archetypal forces, which may compel physical behaviour, but is not meant to say “men contain women”…if we are unconscious, very often the archetypal forces to appear to be “us” in their often silly, and destructive, compulsions. But human beings are much more complex than the influences of one or two archetypal energies. The archetypes constellated in men DO indeed have a positive function of regulating corresponding, or contradicting, forces in archetypes constellated in women…and the same goes the other way around! So it is complimentary. Anyway, a very deep topic that to fully understand (I am still trying to myself) through much study, reading, and research…and again, it is an IDEA…a theory…you may still totally disagree with it.
Regarding the shadow…since I do believe this imbalance in the archetypes that is causing this disfunction is being manipulated by external forces…mostly intentional…then I think a false process is being encouraged, and of course it is nearly all shadow. Without regulation, the archetypes activated in males (statistically more common) are playing a shadow role of “defusing” the typical masculine roles of protector, fearless confronter, etc. The same is happening in women (statistically more common). Their archetype’s “non containment” is flying into areas that simply do not serve them (the women, or whomever, is experiencing them). Again, if we were all psychologically conscious (within the context of archetypal psychology) we could use our own individuated “self” to regulate…thus not NEEDING “males” or “females” to do it for us. The key word here is NEED…we can clearly function fully individuated without a partner to “regulate us”…but we are (arguably I am sure) “born” to be in relationship (some sort, with other beings)…therefore being conscious, and thus controlling the archetypal forces as they activate within us, gives us the best of both worlds.
What’s with the Knights Templar imagery?
Looks good for effect, unlit they figure out what the effect is .
Brave heart they are not…
Archetypes are tools, tools to help us understand the nature of our fellow homo sapien (sic), however in reality archetypes do not exist outide of the mind – they are nothing more than Platonic shadows, ideas that give us generalisations. Aristotle said: “Dear is Plato but dearer still is truth.” As such I have always found that it’s best to abandon the world of ideas for the world of reality when dealing with my fellow “man” – they are (as individuals) what they are.
One should always know the difference between our Platonic minds and our Aristotelian minds – the difference between the idea and the reality – failure to understand the difference can lead to unfortunate consequences.
“Between the idea and the reality falls …. falls the shadow” ~ T S Eliot
Exactly and this also comes into play
How our obsession with writing hinders how we relate and judge reality
Thanks Rob, that was an excellent lecture.
Was watching Lord of the Rings with my 11 yo son yesterday and as we beheld the splendid vision of Viggo M slaying a coupla thou Orcs we both mused on how awful he’d look with a face nappy on and if he was a covidiot he’d have sent the wimmin and children to face the Orcs.
“…frontiers of the American West?”
plunder and theft? what?
apparently you forgot the millions of Russians that won WW2
In 1066, there was a job vacancy for king of this country. There were 3 applicants. A certain William got the job. The other 2 applicants were cut into pieces the size of oxo cubes, & Billy Boy nearly went the same way. In 1513, Scottish King James IV took on an English army at the frontier & lost. With a weapon in front of his men. 10k Scots & 4k English cut to pieces in one hour out of 50k present, James among the first of them.
Thats the way it was then. Of course, its far less barbaric now. So we get strutting little Caesars like Blair & Bush & Trumpo & Bojo puffing themselves up & telling us all how theyre going to sort out Johnny Russian & Johnny Chinaman & Johnny Iranian, with youngsters from some crappy council estate coming home with their legs blown off. Thats progress for you.
Be a real man: get some balls and forget your brains and go fight The Man’s wars.
No, you do it. Real men know that fighting wars is for gormless idiots, male or female.
I think you might have missed the sarcasm.
Radical feminists are the ones fighting the rollout of the transgender rights agenda. If you believe that biological sex is a meaningful attribute of an individual, and that the word woman can be defined as an adult human female, then you have common ground with radical feminists.
What goes around comes around. Wasn’t it the radical feminists who started this cancel culture? Now they are reaping what they have sown with transgender women fishing in the lesbian pool. Priceless!
Define “radical feminist” Tiger
This is my definition only, a radical feminist is a person who excludes the thoughts and opinions of those who are not in agreement with the accepted narrative (sound familiar?). To me this is what happened with feminism in the eighties when the views of certain people were rejected on the grounds that they had no experience of being a woman or in the case of dissenting women they just didn’t understand that they had been manipulated. Things have changed since then and many of the views from that time have become the accepted paradigm.
The new minority that wants to control the conversation consists of those from today’s blurry gender categories such as trans. It has become a one sided argument; if you agree with their agenda all good, otherwise you are persona non grata.
Good public policy comes from good open public debate.
“Good open public debate.” Can there be such a thing in a world where the vast majority of people allow a tiny minority to dictate the terms of their existence?
When, for example, Net Neutrality was the big thing, there was beaucoup public debate. And clearly, the side wishing to preserve Net Neutrality won out. But guess what? Net Neutrality was scrapped anyway – and the public which debated it just kind of quietly crept to the corner to suck their thumbs.
As to “radical feminists,” it is interesting how, in a society (like the US) where the infamous middle ground is always touted as the best way, somehow the “radical” view usually wins out. That – as so many others in this forum have pointed out – can only mean one thing: TPTB wished a certain outcome.
Up Vote.
I always have to laugh when simple minds turn to one single factor when attempting to explain state of affairs.
This goes way beyond “masculinity”.
America has become way over-privileged.
Americans have become soft, lazy, fat, complacent, spoiled.
Even most of those complaining of entitlement-mindedness have themselves become expectant of entitlements.
In fact, much of U.S. “partisan” politics have devolved into fights over mere entitlements.
Partially explained by the De Tocqueville effect.
And that privilege transcends mere racial, ethnic, sexual, national identities & such.
“Necessity is the mother of invention“.Creative solutions are often produced in response to difficulties or hardships that need to be overcome.Urgent need prompts one to devise a new solution.Words to this effect date from the times of the ancient Greeks, but the precise phrase first occurs in William Wycherley’s play Love in a Wood (1672,3.3):“Necessity,mother of invention!”This proverb reportedly first appeared in English in 1519 in slightly different form,”Need taught him wit,”
Far too many people in this country have simply been handed what they have, including their “freedoms”, “liberties”, “justice”, etc.
Worse, they don’t even realize nor understand that fact, because they don’t know the true meaning of doing for oneself, nor of truly being without.
Even the modern concept of “self-made” is most often based on extreme privilege.
“Necessity is the mother of invention“That phrase goes way beyond invention, innovation, creative solutions & such.
It also goes to the very drive of the human spirit.
Founders & Patriots of the U.S. found ways to effectively disseminate ideas, collectively organize factions, fight more powerful forces, etc.
Slaves in the U.S. found ways to communicate covertly, to form networks to gain freedoms, etc.
There was desperate need, and the desire to overcome.
Now, there is no more real need, thus the desire to overcome has faded towards nothingness.
Several thousand years of Revolutions have only sought to teach the Powers that Be to better manage & manipulate the mindless masses, to prevent uprisings in the first place.
Give them stuff!
Then, give them more stuff!
Far too many people that have had everything handed to them.
Which has become the new definition of “success”.
True hard work has increasingly been deemed a weakness.
Americans don’t serve their country, nor serve their fellow humans, they can’t even serve themselves anymore.
They expect to be served by others.
The d.i.y. ethic is all but dead.
Few Americans can do anything for themselves.
It’s become far to easy to have someone else do for us.
Even most “grass roots”, “populist”and other movements have become mere cliches.
Feel good narratives & convenient anecdotes, used to promote the mere herding of just more mindless followers.
There is no true will in the U.S. because those mindless masses have way to much stuff.
Distractions of privilege
And few to none are using that stuff for useful nor productive purposes.
Why? They don’t need to, they’ll just be given more stuff.
“give me more stuff, or give me death”!
A nation loses bravery when they have more protectionism.
And the U.S. is a full-fledged protectionist state (despite constant criticisms of China and other nations for the same offense).
Agree in principle with what you say. However, today’s reality is such that it is impossible to survive without government largesse. This, because the people have fallen for The Law – a FAR bigger ruse than COVID – and thereby have allowed the powers that be to almost literally take over everything: the land, the resources, the means of production (sorry, that just slipped), even the means of producing food.
The people stood by while Bill Gates scarfed up most of the farmland in the US – because, you see, it was Legal: he bought it and that makes it A-OK.
The writer must be hanging out at the very French parts of London?
Don’t let the 5-10% of fe-males make you think they are the majority. There’s always been a small amount of fe-males through history. It’s just these fe-males have found a voice since SSM and LGBTQRSETQIIAHGGGTTREWQQAA pfffft became trendy.
There are plenty of men out there.
We are the majority.
There’s pleny of us real manly men out here.
The thing is, the risk of revealing our power level outweighs the reward in doing so in today’s current environment. Many of us are just quietly living our own lives. Putting our lives, reputations and careers on the line for strangers just is not worth it anymore. What is a “masculine” endeavor has changed because of this.
Trump said he “grabs ’em by the pussy” in a private conversation with what he thought was another man. Trump said what most real men have said, in substance, on many occasions. The effect of Trump saying something masculine – bragging about sexual exploits – almost cost him getting elected.
Now scale that down to many of us who can’t afford to lose our job, reputation or career, and the massive outcry when men are discovered being men (there were three coffee shop owners in NC who got “caught” on reddit bragging about seducing customers. They were literally run out of town), and it’s just not worth it anymore.
It’s just not worth it.
That is just about the saddest thing I’ve ever read, that it’s no longer worth bragging about sexual exploits. I can only hope it was presented tongue in cheek.
Thanks Howard.
Trump actually said,if you’re powerful (rich) they’ll let you grab em by the pussy. Didn’t say he did, just that they’ll let you.
Danger, danger Will Robinson: OFF TOPIC.
Has anyone else noticed the increasing frequency of pop-up ads reminding parents to take their young children for a check-up?
I bet dollars to donuts pediatricians have been politely asked (i.e., coerced) to always remind parents responding to the ads to get their young children vaccinated.
you might try a better browser with an ad blocker
But then I would fail to notice trends in the offing.
“what’s going to happen when the bear comes out of the woods? ”
Not only no more dangerous bears near residential areas, but some drastic social engineering took place:
Some decades ago, keeping animals as pets in the house was promoted as a sign of compassion (as well as humanism?!). Thought Innovators declared love from animals, chiefly dogs, is constant and unconditional; therefore, superior to that of men.
While instinctively, the blokes were programmed to protect their partner and fight off the bear, they found their partner offering love and compassion towards the bear; effectively, cherishing and living with the animal in the same bed/room.
Hence the new wave of suicides of blokes who found their purpose has become IRRELEVANT!!!
Fighting words from a shrink? And evidently one that doesn’t know much about human nature. As it has always been, thus it will always be. The very idea of a hero exists because cowardice has always been rife and heroes very few. If every man were a man of courage then the history of the world would be entirely different. We desire heroes and always have because the majority of men won’t stand up to bullies. Why fight when you can just hire Yul Brynner and his six magnificent friends?
If every man were a man of courage – a hero – in the traditional sense, we wouldn’t be here discussing it because humans would have long ago rendered themselves extinct.
Before attacking a bully, one must first study him to learn his weakness – because actual physical strength is usually NOT his weakness.
I realize that strategy is hackneyed beyond belief, but it’s still valid.
“He who fights and runs away lives to fight another day.”
Hand to hand combat between a David and a Goliath – without the aid of a slingshot – is apt to follow Thomas Hobbs’ “nasty, brutish and short” paradigm.
I feel the same level of unsafety whether it’s men or women wearing masks. To me this is not a gender thing, it’s a human problem of mind control and I see no difference between men, women and other genders in this situation. It’s all about independent thinking as opposed to succumbing to mass delusion which to me is reasonably gender neutral – it’s got nothing to do with physical strength or emotions, it’s the willingness to think independently, to resist the tyranny of the mainstream view and I see no difference between genders.
Just saw this on LinkedIn from Joseph Rochford in Perth.
“I went to go see the Matrix on Boxing Day at Ace Cinemas and was kicked out by the manager for refusing to wear a mask. She said she was “scared for the safety of her staff” because I could be infected
. I told her I was in perfect health and she actually asked me if I was a medical professional. Apparently I need a degree in medicine to work out if I’m in good health or not. That’s a new one.
On top of that, I pointed out that she and the other staff members were obviously all jabbed (since they were still employed) AND since were all wearing masks, what threat could I actually pose? All I got was that fluoridated stare. You know the one.
The clincher was when I questioned the logic behind requiring me to wear a mask, only to be allowed to take it off once my food and drinks came out (I was at the gold lounge). The manager then became furious and said I was being aggressive and she didn’t have to serve me. I promptly asked for a refund and left.
I refuse to give my money to organisations that succumb to tyranny. They won’t be getting my business ever again. I’d suggest all those who stand for truth boycott Ace Cinemas as well. They clearly support discrimination and segregation.”

Regarding the subject of this article if you were part of a very small club intent on ruling the world with an iron fist would you not 1) conduct operations designed to get rid of the guns (Port Arthur, Dunblane, etc.) and 2) emasculate/drug/imprison young men to eliminate the danger of revolt?
The first thing I would do if I wished to rule the world would be to invent a smart phone. As reality has shown, everything else falls into place.
I believe that the TV is stage 1 in the brain numbing process … phones and computers are second stage
Obama’s New Model Army
What does “biological sexual orientation can activate the warrior archetype — but more commonly it is the gendered male” mean?
“biological sexual orientation”?
“gendered male”?
What is this woke nonsense?
Something interesting is happening within the official narrative. The only pretext I can think of for the invention of “Omicron” is either as a rebranding of the cold/flu during the Northern Hemisphere winter or as cover for deaths from the injections, or both, and the reason must be to encourage/force the uninjected to submit to the injection. Perhaps their own research reveals that they have “cried wolf” once too much and the masses are not buying into it any more, so they are backtracking.
From a mainstream source:
Omicron is “not the same disease we were seeing a year ago”
Hang on a minute – there was not some clearly-defined ailment a year ago that caused mass deaths outside of care homes. They’re trying to establish one of their past ridiculous narratives by treating it as “accepted” and endlessly repeating it.
Yeah I know but they have to keep pretending they didn’t murder tens of thousands of old vulnerable people
It’s called rampdown.
A ‘leaked’ government document:
Climate change is about to take over the baton.
Same restrictions. Different reason.
Interesting article. I still think the intention was to whip up fear and panic with “Omicron” and this was very much the narrative the mainstream media was pushing out at first.
You are 100% correct. Climate change will never generate the level of fear that a pathogen will. They cannot easily switch-o/change-o from COVID to climate and expect people to go along.
People fear little things far more than they do big things.
Point taken, but there are a lot of articles appearing like this:
It’s the old “you can fool some of the people” thing.
The longer they keep up the lies, the more people will wake up resist.
My bet is a transitioin period from 1st Jan to beginning April.
Read between the lines in this:
Given Operation Rampdown appears to predate Omicron, perhaps the latter was designed to fizzle out as part of the plan. I still get the feeling from various mainstream sources that the narrative is breaking down. Let’s not become so pessimistic as to totally rule out positive developments for a change.
That was my point.
The narrative has not changed yet but the seeds have been sowed for that change.
That’s how they do it. The slow game.
The thing I don’t yet understand is if they move to climate how will the passports work?
For most of the world it will be a morph from ID cards to CBDC linked cards/ Apps. and then to social credits, maybe linked to carbon footprint.
How will that work in UK with no ID cards?
I’m sure they have a plan!
As to the reasons for the injections, I am convinced that it is about getting some kind of nano-operating system into all of us, and this requires multiple injections. As ex-industry-insider Mike Yeadon has said, it can’t be about the money, because they could just double the price and inject half as many people. If it’s a cull, surely they could introduce things that will kill people slowly in two injections. So, if it’s about an operating system that is being injected bit by bit into people, they need to make people keep on getting the injections. They can only do this through scaring them with the threat of ever-new “variants”. So, if Omicron is not having the desired effect, I think the project is in trouble.
Sth Africa have declared the moronic variant done and dusted with nothing happening, meanwhile in Victoria Dan the Dictator ordered secret courts to allow for cops and others to get access to QR and tracing data and wanted it hidden from the public
Delta omicron anagram is media control
Excellent article Todd. For a long time after the scamdemic began, I referred to such emasculated men as “simpering eunuchs”.
Perhaps unkind, but jesus bloody wept, the vast vast majority of men I’ve seen here in Melbourne bending over backwards, complying with everything, especially the mask wearing, and behaving like meek passive lambs has been deeply frustrating for me, and I’m sure others in the resistance. In fact, as a male, I’ve found it quite shameful.
I’ve also seen videos of men in shops calling the police on others who weren’t wearing facemasks. They actually wanted these people arrested because they felt that threatened.
So, yes, where have all the Alpha Males gone? Those who would protect the weak with a strong resolve? I would contend that 38 or so years of cancerous Neoliberalism has played a big part in this as well. Especially its attendant identity politics and woke fascism that has come with that ideology. Most here know my situation, but I will not and cannot comply with such an evil agenda, because as Mahatma Gandhi said “you assist an evil system most effectively by obeying its orders and decrees”… I practice civil disobedience every time I walk out my front door. I say No.
Simpering eunuchs, I call them teeny weenie wagging screeching fucking cowards and dickless wonders.
Wow! …don’t hold back …
And that is just the so called human rights lawyers who screech and cower and snivel and wet their fucking pants as their nuts shrivel
Alpha men are going to protect themselves and those they care about, but to all the people who admonished them for simply being masculine, they can do one.
I personally find the term “Alpha” in the context of males to be disgusting beyond belief. My reason is this: while the term certainly does apply to certain animals – like the wolf – what it actually does is underscore the incredible hypocrisy of humans.
In general we look down our noses at every other creature on the planet. But if we happen upon some trait we can use to make ourselves look superior – we’ll tout that in a heartbeat. Too disgusting for words.
Alpha Male needs to be returned to where we stole it from.
Hi all, I hope everyone had a restful and restorative Christmas 💓
Early Christmas morning, Dr Mike Yeadon issued a dire warning from Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, about newly identified danger from the experimental jabs.
URGENT: Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi | Organs Of Dead Vaccinated Proves Auto Immune Attack
Actually, if you compare photos of our grandfathers with today’s young men you will probably see physical signs of feminization. I know of perhaps 15 gross insults to health and fertility foisted upon us in the past 100 years.
The last time I wrote about this the moderator was offended and it didn’t appear. So, in just general terms– neither musculature nor bone nor sperm count is as high as it was.
A few of the insults that have caused this: the cholesterol myth which caused so many to abandon saturated animal fats and protein for bottles of vegetable oil. The hormones and excessive copper in the meat supply. Ubiquitous plastics– most people seem to be drinking their water from plastic bottles. Fluoride, yes it’s still present in bottled water. Copper pipes as a major factor in early cognitive decline. High carb/low fat diet. High fructose corn syrup. Artificial sweeteners. Processed nonfood. Cell phones used w/o caution (Look it up on Glyphosate. Too many vaccinations; getting the childhood diseases strengthens the immune system. Avoiding the sun & not replacing it with Vit D. Grain-fed poultry and pork, which makes their fat resemble vegetable oil. Wireless everything.
Life expectancy has actually dropped. No wonder people can’t seem to fight back or think for themselves.
Gotta theory Penelope.
People born since the early 1950s are human guinea pigs for the Chemical Industrial Complex.
As more and more toxins appear in our food, water and atmosphere, our chances of reaching our eighth, ninth, or tenth decade drop dramatically.
Our children and their children are even more vulnerable.
Evolution is reversing, via hubris.
That isn’t really a theory, auto immune diseases were very rare in the world till we were jabbed and radiated and fed poison in the food.
Their fat doesn’t resemble vegetable oil (actually vegetable seed oil), it is vegetable oil (actual vegetable seed oil).
Investigations into the past misdemeanours of the drugs cartel would be worth doing. The covid machinations are know surprise to those who know about cholesterol, statins, cancer drugs and the misrepresentations made.
I firmly believe you’re looking in all the wrong places for why today’s males do not seem as “masculine” (whatever the hell that means) as yesterday’s.
Chemicals, plastics, drugs, food – sure they play a small part. But the real culprit is that demon sitting in the middle of the living room – the same demon causing the COVID madness: the ubiquitous TV, with its smaller sibling the smart phone.
People in general don’t get the exercise they once did: they’re too busy sitting down in front of the TV. Nor do they get much exercise in their work, what with white collar having taken the top spot.
Plus, the clothes make the man. Yesterday’s males wore loose-fitting clothes that did nothing to emphasize the body. What looks “feminine” to many is merely the tighter fitting clothes emphasizing the natural contours of the male body.
Men aren’t stick figures. They just looked like it yesterday.
I think you’re all on to something here but what ultimately makes human beings less man or woman is fear. Fear of death, life, the unknown etc.
I have a book with photos of early pioneers (settlers) in Australia from late 1800s to maybe the early 1900s.
A pommie mate was flicking through it years ago and remarked how fit and strong everyone looked. As he noted the current “Aussie” is not the athletic, fit and strong person as commonly depicted.
Lack of physical activity (I remember PE in the sixties where we would run until exhaustion and many vomited), bad diet, non-food consumption (mush disguised as “snacks”), chemicals and estrogen leaking in to the food chain, vaccines and other big pharma poisons too.
Testosterone levels are decreasing and penises are shrinking. Who remebers the ads a decade or so ago aimed at males stating we aren’t half the men our grandfathers were? It was an ad campaign to make us aware of shrinking dicks and lowered testosterone.
But whatever the reasons the current male is a whiny,compliant symp. The younger they are the worse they are.
penises are shrinking
Can’t say I’m aware of that. Personally verified this, have you?
Lookout. Here comes the freedom variant:

Gotta laugh:

First thing I noticed was her phone… But that’s just it – everytime I get on the bus without a mask on, no one says a word. Not a peep.
I do get the very occasional hard stare, usually from hipster males with their dyed hair, but they’re too gutless to actually say anything.
I just stare straight back at them, direct eye contact and they always look away. Went to Coles today and it was busy, but was surprised to see 3 other men in there without facemasks on. Usually if I see anyone else in the supermarket without a mask they’re almost always females.
I am alone in my town not wearing a face nappy apart from a couple of new age hippy men
Once upon a time Kings (Presidents or Prime Ministers of the day) rode into battle with their knights (Generals and Majors of the day).
“HOLY SHIT! the enemy is trying to kill or maim me !!”
“Those bastards killed my cousin!” “This hurts!”
“Fuck that! From now on only the underlings and their families will be sent into battle”
Bravery got tossed down the shitchute. At least by the important people.
Good point. Enslavement of serfs and the delegation of violence.
George I was the last British King to lead troops in battle as king. However the British monarchy had been corrupted long before that so I’m not sure it means very much. The rot goes back to at least the first Elizabeth and probably longer.
It may be worth pointing out that if Covid were as deadly as it is made out be, as deadly as many believe it to be, then being shit scared is probably the most sensible response. In such a scenario the biggest testicles in the world are not going to save any man, nor his swooning female dependants.
We don’t need men with bigger balls but men (and women) with bigger brains. The Covidians understand this which is why they have been aiming for maximum stupidity.
PS. I understand that some of the vaccines can actually promote testicular growth.
i think ‘big balls’ and ‘big brains’ are something like an oxymoron, rarely found in the same place – what’s the old joke? You got enough blood for a big dick or a big brain, but not both together? – but then the rulers have managed to create a largish number of, like, gelded males with small balls and small brains together – funny ol world as they say
Proof that Pfizer’s aware of its own crimes against humanity– from results of a foia:
Get this: In the first 2 1/2 months of vaccine rollout, Pfizer knew of 1200 deaths from its vaxx. Its own data.
I’m a 63 year-old woman. I was a 70s feminist (Germaine Greer) but have stopped calling myself one for the last 10 years or so. Because things have gone too far the other way. It’s men who have all my sympathy now. Shocking as it may seem to posters like Kevin, I feel Todd is on the money here…
actually I wouldn’t have a lot of sympathy for ‘men’ who have let themselves be deballed, just call it Darwinism in action – those who survive will be making for a better world
I’m 65 (male) and was a late 70’s Trotskyist which meant, among other things, being a staunch supporter of feminism and gay rights, and it seemed perfectly reasonable at the time that nobody should suffer discrimination because of their sex or sexual orientation, but like you I feel we were like the sorcerer’s apprentice and were instrumental in ushering in abominations that were beyond our imaginations at the time.
Wow. Im really stunned. You can say whatever you please, that’s your right but wow, do people actually pay to hear this shit? Even the most conservative, traditional man I can think of would say this goes too far. This may be the most misogynistic thing Ive read that’s not on a fundamentalist “christian” site. I think people are far more complicated than this. Oh, by the way, I don’t know what women police officers you know but I seriously doubt buff women with pistol and shotgun, bullet proof vest, taser, mace and a slew of combat techniques are the damsel in distress ‘type’. I know several, I wouldn’t want to fight any of them. Plus, women are the more “masculine” of the 2 in terms of pain tolerance because they give birth. Like I said, I think people are way more complicated.
I’m sure all those he-men who equate female with softness will demonstrate this by removing a tiger cub from a tigress.
Oh get over yourself. I’m a strong warrior mom, a woman who has traveled the world and speaks many languages…and sorry but this article is RIGHT ON THE MARK. There is nothing mysogynistic at all about it either; it’s harder by far on men than on women. It’s just that it’s a truth I think a lot of people can’t handle,
on you being a “strong warrior mom” – you don’t feel the need for men to protect you, correct? if you are a strong warrior and female, the entire point of this article would logically be exactly the opposite of the reality of your own life – being female and a warrior.
not at all…I’m a strong warrior mom who appreciates a strong man by my side. My strong side actually can’t be properly balanced out by weak men who imitate women. The larger point of the article is right on the mark on that point; the feminisation of men has not done any favors to any of us
No, access to this site is free.
Thanks Kevin. It’s a really weird article. here we go, the facts about brainwashing and propaganda, the person doing the peddling of this crap and called a ”specialist” is a psychologist on the Gates foundation
Jung was the only psychologist. There was no other.
Yet he said nothing about the universal nature of luck throughout all human history.
um, jung may have identified the apparition but the science of survival is the real work to be done -even if the rest of his work is from outer space…
This is someone who knows a lot of big words but doesn’t have matching depth of thought. Falls apart various places, i.e. ‘we have created a culture’ that emasculates men – actually, a bit more correctly, we ‘lesser creatures’ have allowed ‘stronger creatures’ to create a culture they have enclosed us within which keeps most of the population in a state of more or less permanent childhood – which leads to the maintaining of the childhood traits of apparent male ’emasculation’ as cubs deferring to the alphas and the general girlish trait of ‘permanent hysteria’ in the people so entrapped. Any analysis that does not get off on the correct basis is not going to be very reliable.
2 – ‘Freedom is a God given right’ – anyone who believes that has no business pretending to be any kind of academic. From first principles – it’s a jungle out there, and nobody has any ‘rights’ to anything. Kill or be killed is the only ‘rule’, do what you need to to survive, or die – and you wouldn’t want to confuse that with ‘rights’ in any way. We can gather together in societies or communities and make community rules about ‘rights’ or any other thing which will be valid within that community until Big Bad Bob comes along and kills a few important people and declares himself king and replace our rules with any rules he wants. As the omnipotent ruler, he then has the ‘right’ to do that, until ‘we’ get organized enough to take our community back. And on and on it goes.
3. And the rest is just childish fantasy, Me big strong man with shiny sword don’t fuck with me haha!! – and back to the jungle we go. There’s ALWAYS somebody with a bigger, shinier sword.
Here’s a woman with big balls. Every single act . . .
Pharmacist SHOCKED to Find That Moderna Vaccine Information Inserts Are Blank : The COVID World
Mixed Up
A very mixed up article. Columbus’ voyages lead to genocide and the destruction of the natural gender roles of the Cherokee and the Navaho and the other native Americans. The “discovery” and plunder of the Americas were a huge step in making the bankers omnipotent. WW1 and WW2 were by and for the bankers. The very people that re engineered men and women into a genderless mass. The very people that are now driving us to the abattoirs.
To begin with, the Celts and Danes were on this continent before the ‘indians’ ever moved up or over; this is easily proven by archaeology and some profane histories. In their own oral traditions, indians admit, for instance, that the ‘cliff dwellings’ in the Southwest were there when they got there. And relics exist from that area, from teh time of Christ about the ‘European’ settlements and their destruction.
The only genocide was that of the White explorers BY the invading ‘indians’. This is actually well documented, but also well hidden due to it being contrary to the ‘narrative’. Read, if you dare, books like Christians before Columbus, In Plan Sight. America BC etc etc. They aint PC and your little brain might hurt, but its the Truth.
And yes, ww1 and 2 were engineered by certain well financed forces, but you forgot the parentheses around (((bankers)))…
Yay, Truth (kapital “T”)!
Bollocks. Columbus was financed by the banksters of his time.
What a load of romanticised crap!
“spirit that filled the souls”? More likely poverty that killed the souls.
Oh dear, fat old grr has downvoted me! I shall cry myself to sleep tonight!