Living in Epoch-Defining Times: Food, Agriculture and the New World Order
Colin Todhunter
Farmerless farms manned by driverless machines, monitored by drones and doused with chemicals to produce commodity crops from patented genetically engineered seeds for industrial ‘biomatter’ to be processed and constituted into something resembling food. Data platforms, private equity firms, e-commerce giants and AI-controlled farming systems.
This is the future that big agritech and agribusiness envisage: a future of ‘data-driven’ and ‘climate-friendly’ agriculture that they say is essential if we are to feed a growing global population.
The transformative vision outlined above which is being promoted by the likes of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation amounts to a power grab.
Whether through all aspects of data control (soil quality, consumer preferences, weather, etc), e-commerce monopolies, corporate land ownership, seed biopiracy and patenting, synthetic lab-made food or the eradication of the public sector’s role in ensuring food security and national food sovereignty, the aim is for a relative handful of corporations to gain full control of the entire global food system.
Smallholder peasant farming is to be eradicated as the big-tech giants and agribusiness impose their ‘disruptive’ technologies.
This vision is symptomatic of a reductionist mindset fixated on a narrow yield-output paradigm that is unable or more likely unwilling to grasp an integrated social-cultural-economic-agronomic systems approach to food and agriculture that accounts for many different factors, including local/regional food security and sovereignty, diverse nutrition production per acre, water table stability and boosting rural development based on thriving local communities.
Instead, what is envisaged will lead to the further trashing of rural economies, communities and cultures. A vision that has scant regard for the right to healthy and culturally appropriate food and the right of people to define their own food and agriculture systems.
But is any of this necessary or inevitable?
There is no global shortage of food. Even under any plausible future population scenario, there will be no shortage as evidenced by scientist Dr Jonathan Latham in his paper The Myth of a Food Crisis (2020).
Furthermore, there are tried and tested approaches to addressing the challenges humanity faces, not least agroecology.
Reshaping agrifood systems
An organic-based, agrifood system could be implemented in Europe and would allow a balanced coexistence between agriculture and the environment.
This would reinforce Europe’s autonomy, feed the predicted population in 2050, allow the continent to continue to export cereals to countries which need them for human consumption and substantially reduce water pollution and toxic emissions from agriculture.
That is the message conveyed in the paper Reshaping the European Agro-food System and Closing its Nitrogen Cycle: The potential of combining dietary change, agroecology, and circularity (2020) which appeared in the journal One Earth.
The paper by Gilles Billen et al follows a long line of studies and reports which have concluded that organic agriculture is vital for guaranteeing food security, rural development, better nutrition and sustainability.
For instance, in the 2006 book The Global Development of Organic Agriculture: Challenges and Prospects, Neils Halberg and his colleagues argue that there are still more than 740 million food insecure people (at least 100 million more today), the majority of whom live in the Global South.
They say if a conversion to organic farming of approximately 50% of the agricultural area in the Global South were to be carried out, it would result in increased self-sufficiency and decreased net food imports to the region.
In 2007, the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) noted that organic models increase cost-effectiveness and contribute to resilience in the face of climatic stress.
The FAO concluded that by managing biodiversity in time (rotations) and space (mixed cropping), organic farmers use their labour and environmental factors to intensify production in a sustainable way and that organic agriculture could break the vicious circle of farmer indebtedness for proprietary agricultural inputs.
Of course, organic agriculture and agroecology are not necessarily one and the same. Whereas organic agriculture can still be part of the prevailing globalised food regime dominated by giant agrifood conglomerates, agroecology uses organic practices but is ideally rooted in the principles of localisation, food sovereignty and self-reliance.
The FAO recognises that agroecology contributes to improved food self-reliance, the revitalisation of smallholder agriculture and enhanced employment opportunities. It has argued that organic agriculture could produce enough food on a global per capita basis for the current world population but with reduced environmental impact than conventional agriculture.
In 2012, Deputy Secretary General of the UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) Petko Draganov stated that expanding Africa’s shift towards organic farming will have beneficial effects on the continent’s nutritional needs, the environment, farmers’ incomes, markets and employment.
A meta analysis conducted by the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) and UNCTAD (2008) assessed 114 cases of organic farming in Africa.
The two UN agencies concluded that organic agriculture can be more conducive to food security in Africa than most conventional production systems and that it is more likely to be sustainable in the long term.
The 2009 report Agriculture at a Crossroads by the International Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge, Science and Technology for Development, produced by 400 scientists and supported by 60 countries, recommended agroecology to maintain and increase the productivity of global agriculture.
It cites the largest study of ‘sustainable agriculture’ in the Global South, which analysed 286 projects covering 37 million hectares in 57 countries, and found that on average crop yields increased by 79% (the study also included ‘resource conserving’ non-organic conventional approaches).
There are numerous other studies and projects which testify to the efficacy of organic farming, including those from the Rodale Institute, the Oakland Institute, the UN Green Economy Initiative, the Women’s Collective of Tamil Nadu, Newcastle University and Washington State University. We also need look no further than the results of organic-based farming in Malawi.
In Ethiopia, agroecology has been scaled up across the entire Tigray region, partly due to enlightened political leaders and the commitment of key institutions.
But Cuba is the one country in the world that has made the biggest changes in the shortest time in moving from industrial chemical-intensive agriculture to organic farming.
Professor of Agroecology Miguel Altieri notes that, due to the difficulties Cuba experienced as a result of the fall of the USSR, it moved towards organic and agroecological techniques in the 1990s. From 1996 to 2005, per capita food production in Cuba increased by 4.2% yearly during a period when production was stagnant across the wider region.
By 2016, Cuba had 383,000 urban farms, covering 50,000 hectares of otherwise unused land and producing more than 1.5 million tons of vegetables. The most productive urban farms yield up to 20 kg of food per square metre, the highest rate in the world, using no synthetic chemicals. Urban farms supply 50 to 70% or more of all the fresh vegetables consumed in cities such as Havana and Villa Clara.
It has been calculated by Altieri and his colleague Fernando R Funes-Monzote that if all peasant farms and cooperatives adopted diversified agroecological designs, Cuba would be able to produce enough to feed its population, supply food to the tourist industry and even export some food to help generate foreign currency.
Serving a corporate agenda
However, global agribusiness and agritech firms continue to marginalise organic, capture public bodies and push for their chemical-intensive, high-tech approaches.
Although organic farming and natural farming methods like agroecology offer genuine solutions for many of the world’s pressing problems (health, environment, employment, rural development, etc), these approaches challenge corporate interests and threaten their bottom line.
In 2014, Corporate Europe Observatory released a critical report on the European Commission over the previous five years. The report concluded that the commission had been a willing servant of a corporate agenda. It had sided with agribusiness on genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and pesticides. Far from shifting Europe to a more sustainable food and agriculture system, the opposite had happened, as agribusiness and its lobbyists continued to dominate the Brussels scene.
Consumers in Europe reject GM food, but the commission had made various attempts to meet the demands from the biotech sector to allow GMOs into Europe, aided by giant food companies, such as Unilever, and the lobby group FoodDrinkEurope.
The report concluded that the commission had eagerly pursued a corporate agenda in all the areas investigated and pushed for policies in sync with the interests of big business. It had done this in the apparent belief that such interests are synonymous with the interests of society at large.
Little has changed since. In December 2021, Friends of the Earth Europe (FOEE) noted that big agribusiness and biotech corporations are currently pushing for the European Commission to remove any labelling and safety checks for new genomic techniques.
Since the beginning of their lobbying efforts (in 2018), these corporations have spent at least €36 million lobbying the European Union and have had 182 meetings with European commissioners, their cabinets and director generals: more than one meeting a week.
According to FOEE, the European Commission seems more than willing to put the lobby’s demands into a new law that would include weakened safety checks and bypass GMO labelling.
Corporate influence over key national and international bodies is nothing new. From the World Bank’s ‘enabling the business of agriculture’ and the influence of foreign retail on India’s NITI Aayog (the influential policy commission think tank of the Government of India) to the Gates Foundation’s role in opening up African agriculture to global food and agribusiness oligopolies, democratic procedures at sovereign state levels are being bypassed to impose seed monopolies and proprietary inputs on farmers and to incorporate them into a global agrifood chain dominated by powerful corporations.
But there are now also new players on the block. Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Facebook and others are closing in on the global agrifood sector while the likes of Bayer, Syngenta, Corteva and Cargill continue to cement their stranglehold.
The tech giants entry into the sector will increasingly lead to a mutually beneficial integration between the companies that supply products to farmers (pesticides, seeds, fertilisers, tractors, etc) and those that control the flow of data and have access to digital (cloud) infrastructure and food consumers. In effect, multi-billion dollar agrifood data management markets are being created.
In India, Walmart and Amazon could end up dominating the e-retail sector. These two US companies would also own India’s key consumer and other economic data, making them the country’s digital overlords along with Google and Facebook.
The government is facilitating the dominance of giant corporations, not least through digital or e-commerce platforms.
E-commerce companies not only control data about consumption but also control data on production, logistics, who needs what, when they need it, who should produce it, who should move it and when it should be moved.
These platforms have the capacity to shape the entire physical economy. We are seeing the eradication of the marketplace in favour of platforms owned by global conglomerates which will control everything from production to logistics, including agriculture and farming.
The farmer will be told how much production is expected, how much rain is anticipated, what type of soil quality there is, what type of (GM) seeds and proprietary inputs are required and when the produce needs to be ready.
E-commerce platforms will become permanently embedded once artificial intelligence begins to plan and determine all of the above.
In April 2021, the Indian government signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Microsoft, allowing its local partner CropData to leverage a master database of farmers. The MoU seems to be part of the AgriStack policy initiative, which involves the roll out of ‘disruptive’ technologies and digital databases in the agricultural sector.
CropData will be granted access to a government database of 50 million farmers and their land records. As the database is developed, it will include farmers’ personal details, profile of land held, production data and financial details.
In addition to facilitating data harvesting and a data management market, the Indian government is trying to establish a system of ‘conclusive titling’ of all land in the country, so that ownership can be identified and land can then be valued, bought or taken away.
The plan is that, as farmers lose access to land or can be identified as legal owners, predatory global institutional investors will buy up and amalgamate holdings, facilitating the further roll out of high-input, corporate-dependent industrial agriculture.
This is an example of stakeholder-partnership capitalism, much promoted by the likes of the World Economic Forum, whereby a government facilitates the gathering of such information by a private player which can then, in this case, use the data for developing a land market (courtesy of land law changes that the government enacts) for institutional investors at the expense of smallholder farmers who will find themselves displaced.
By harvesting information – under the benign-sounding policy of data-driven agriculture – private corporations will be better placed to exploit farmers’ situations for their own ends.
Imagine a cartel of data owners, proprietary input suppliers and retail concerns at the commanding heights of the global economy, peddling toxic industrial (and lab-engineered) ‘food’ and the devastating health and environmental impacts associated with it.
As for elected representatives and sovereign state governments, their role will be highly limited to technocratic overseers of these platforms and the artificial intelligence tools that plan and determine all of the above.
But none of this is set in stone or inevitable. The farmers victory in India in getting the corporate-friendly farm laws repealed show what can be achieved, even if this is only viewed as a spanner in the works of a global machine that is relentless.
New world order
And that machine comprises what journalist Ernst Wolff calls the digital-financial complex that is now driving the globalisation-one agriculture agenda.
This complex comprises many of the companies mentioned above: Microsoft, Alphabet (Google), Apple, Amazon and Meta (Facebook) as well as BlackRock and Vanguard, transnational investment/asset management corporations.
These entities exert control over governments and important institutions like the European Central Bank (ECB) and the US Federal Reserve. Indeed, Wolff states that BlackRock and Vanguard have more financial assets than the ECB and the Fed combined.
To appreciate the power and influence of BlackRock and Vanguard, let us turn to the documentary Monopoly: An Overview of the Great Reset which argues that the stock of the world’s largest corporations are owned by the same institutional investors. This means that ‘competing’ brands, like Coke and Pepsi, are not really competitors, since their stock is owned by the same investment companies, investment funds, insurance companies and banks.
Smaller investors are owned by larger investors. Those are owned by even bigger investors. The visible top of this pyramid shows only two companies: Vanguard and Black Rock.
A 2017 Bloomberg report states that both these companies in the year 2028 together will have investments amounting to 20 trillion dollars. In other words, they will own almost everything worth owning.
The digital-financial complex wants control over all aspects of life. It wants a cashless world, to destroy bodily integrity with a mandatory vaccination agenda linked to emerging digital-biopharmaceutical technologies, to control all personal data and digital money and it requires full control over everything, including food and farming.
If events over the last two years have shown us anything, it is that an unaccountable authoritarian global elite knows the type of world it wants to create, has the ability to coordinate its agenda globally and will use deception and duplicity to achieve it.
And in this brave new Orwellian world where capitalist ‘liberal democracy’ has run its course, there will be no place for genuinely independent nation states or individual rights.
The independence of nation states could be further eroded by the digital-financial complex’s ‘financialisation of nature’ and its ‘green profiling’ of countries and companies.
If we take the example of India, again, the Indian government has been on a relentless drive to attract inflows of foreign investment into government bonds (creating a lucrative market for global investors).
It does not take much imagination to see how investors could destabilise the economy with large movements in or out of these bonds but also how India’s ‘green credentials’ could be factored in to downgrade its international credit rating.
And how could India demonstrate its green credentials and thus its ‘credit worthiness’? Perhaps by allowing herbicide-resistant GMO commodity crop monocultures that the GM sector misleadingly portrays as ‘climate friendly’.
As for concepts such as localisation, food sovereignty, self-reliance and participatory democracy – key tenets of agroecology – these are mere inconveniences to be trampled on.
Olivier De Schutter, former UN special Rapporteur on the right to food, delivered his final report to the UN Human Rights Council in 2011, based on an extensive review of scientific literature.
He concluded that by applying agroecological principles to the design of democratically controlled agricultural systems we can help to put an end to food crises and address climate variabilities and poverty challenges.
De Schutter argued that agroecological approaches could address food needs in critical regions and double food production within 10 years. However, he notes there is insufficient backing for organic-based farming which seriously hinders progress.
But it is not just a case of insufficient backing. Global agribusiness and agritech corporations have leveraged themselves into strategic positions and integral to their strategy has been attacks on organic farming as they attempt to cast it as a niche model which cannot feed the world.
From the false narrative that industrial agriculture is necessary to feed a growing population to providing lavish research grants and the capture of important policy-making institutions, these firms have secured a thick legitimacy within policy making machinery.
These conglomerates regard organic approaches as a threat, especially agroecology which adheres to a non-industrial, smallholder model rooted in local independent enterprises and communities based on the principle of localisation.
When people like De Schutter assert the need for a “democratically controlled” agroecology, this runs counter to the reality of large agribusiness firms, their proprietary products and their globalisation agenda based on long supply chains, market dependency, dispossession and the incorporation of farms and farmers into their agrifood regime. And as we can see, ‘democracy’ has no place in the world of the digital-financial complex.
The 2015 Declaration of the International Forum for Agroecology argues for building grass-root local food systems that create new rural-urban links, based on truly agroecological food production. It says that agroecology should not be co-opted to become a tool of the industrial food production model; it should be the essential alternative to it.
The declaration stated that agroecology is political and requires local producers and communities to challenge and transform structures of power in society, not least by putting the control of seeds, biodiversity, land and territories, waters, knowledge, culture and the commons in the hands of those who feed the world.
According to Pat Mooney of the ETC Group, this involves developing healthy and equitable agroecological production systems, building short (community-based) supply chains and restructuring and democratising governance systems that could take 25 years to accomplish: in effect a ‘long food movement’.
We are currently living through epoch-defining changes and the struggle for the future of food and agriculture is integral to the wider struggle over the future direction of humanity. There is a pressing need to transition towards a notion of food sovereignty based on agroecological principles and the local ownership and stewardship of common resources.
Colin Todhunter specialises in development, food and agriculture and is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization in Montreal.
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Has Bill Gates ever conversed with worms, healthy micro-organisms and fungi about what creates a fertile, productive, healthy soil?
Gates would do better living on Mars in a world of silicon.
Highly complex, interactive carbon-based ecologies are totally beyond his capabilities.
Well, Gates has certainly conversed with Tony “Dr. Doom” Fauci, a bipedal form of worm.
But now I suppose I owe innocent, decent worms an apology.
I am told each batch of stuff (labeled mRNA vaccination) might fit into a different class and different type of infection? Some infection packages might be placebo (no vaccination at all) while others might be full of nano graphemes and stuff, and others might be what you expected, mRNA protein machine operators but even the as advertised mRNA protein machine operators, I am told, might be different depending on the target variant the mRNAs in your infection package were designed to facilitate. So be sure to write down the batch, its date of manufacture, the date your body was infected with it, and the name of the maker of the mRNA package you were infected with. Because it is Information which might prove useful to you in working through post infection health issues, should any occur.
For children it might prove very lifetime important to know prior mRNA infection details. Maybe Black Rock or Vanguard has a database, but I doubt they will share it with you?
Industrial agriculture has spoiled us, with low priced, far less nutritious food. Most people in the world spend a great deal of their income on food. Most in the West now do not. At least not yet. Food price inflation may drive us to consider more nutritious and less “industrial” food, since the cost will likely be the same, or less. If Kroger wants to sell you a beef roast for $6, of unknown origin, and Lord knows how much antibiotics and hormones, and your neighbor will sell you one without such “additives” for $8, there is not really a question which is the greater value.
Mexico turned down a whole lot of US beef cuz there was too much copper in it. Copper overload is thought to be a major factor in alzheimer’s & the existence of copper piping in the developed countries may be the reason for the presence of Alzheimer’s there while it’s nearly absent in non-copper piping countries.
The evidence I have seen indicates that a large cause for autism/dementia is aluminium depositing in the brain.
Aluminium is an adjuvant in lots of vaccines.
What shines doesn’t necessarily means he is against.
setting the stage for once a month is how I see this fake Marduk
Murdochsky network which rancid icke and his crowd have sold to the not so wise..Could this be the beginning of the introduction of the quantum dot tattoo microneedle patch?
It’s much easier if people can inject themselves every month – two months.
Why the hell would these monsters want to monitor say an Autistic person, or someone who is in a wheelchair for life, or even housebound. What could they possibly gain from this type of added abuse to those already suffering.
Everyone has to do it.
Abuse for life it is then.
The general principle is to exploit/abuse the weakest. Imperial citizens now find that the atrocities their government visited on “foreigners” are common-place at home. Outrages based on “exceptionalism” have come home to roost.
Nothing has changed. Take unpunished systemic historical child abuse as an example.
And even easier than that, is if people don’t get injected with poison crap, either by themselves or others.
Thanks. I posted this yesterday but it vanished.
Correction. The link I posted is further down.
It’s not about your health, the vaccine.
Boosters = “reboots”
Don’t forget that within 30-40 years our soil will be infertile. We know this as botox lips M.Gove MP warned us.
Thank you for the reminder. Humanity seems to be approaching a fork in the road.
Are we going to a natural way of living ‘guided’ by the natural intelligence of life
Are we taking the path of the artificial intelligence which means that human beings are ‘forced’ to live within the ‘limits of nature’ preferably in a metaverse where beings can enjoy themselves without disturbing nature.
Back to the wild dog you spoke of Terrestrial. You can’t teach the old dog new tricks as the saying goes. There will be backlash.
Yes, there will be people who don’t want the ‘natural life’ and don’t want the ‘artificial life’ either.
You cannot and ‘should’ not force anybody.
I have read a brilliant refutation of Gove’s comments – basically, he lied and is making up scare-stories to create panic and legislation. We have hundreds of years of soil fertility left. I can’t remember where I read the refutation, I’m sorry… but for the sake of all that’s holy, why would you believe a Gove story anyway? If they’re trying to frighten you or create legislation, it’s going to be a lie. Question everything, look into everything.
AMR, I live on a smallholding and I can tell you that after 40+ years my soil is in better shape than Botox’s lips. My comment was a touch sarky, I can spot a lying toad even at night without infrared glasses. 😜
You have hundreds of years of soil fertility left? Really? Mam Gaia says that in her world, soil fertility is a very ancient, and permanent thing. Deplete it a bit in one place and it springs up in another; and even the depleted bit regenerates at astonishing speed, once humans start doing regenerative/permaculture methods of getting food-plus on it. That’s to say, giving it its due respect.
What we haven’t got much left is the arrogant idea that ‘man’ is the master of the Earth, and may do what ‘he’ will with it. The point about regen/permaculture is that its practitioners recognise that they/we – hom sap – are just one not-particularly-remarkable thread in the great tapestry of life on Earth; Gaia’s Big Project. If we fit in humbly, we do fine; if we indulge in uppity self-importance, we get seriously slapped down. Which is what’s happening now, as the Long Descent away from hitech industrial civ gets into its stride. And serve us damn’-well right… 😆
What destroys soil – and health, communities, etc. – is modern industrial agriculture for max. profit. I.e., continuing counter-productive and destructive practices. E.g., proprietary alien (to the region) crops/animals, proprietary synthetic chemicals, excessive plowing, gigantic scale of operation, price manipulation, the manipulation of regulations.
they’ve been working on this for decades too. us ”anti” vaxxers have watched all of it emerge.
Some fucking idiot is suggesting that there has been a 40% increase in mortality. For fucks sakes, how many math classes have you people taken in your life?
Where is the 40% increase? What is the 40% related to? You don’t like them covidians fuck with fake figures? Then don’t fuck with fake figures either!
it’s actually an insurance company in yankeeland (indiana I believe), this is where the figure of 40% percent comes from and presumably it is relevant to their case load, how that extrapolates out into woo woo world I’ve no fucking idea, but you wont find the required stats on a website that aggregates euro-peon data…
….due to it being being yankee specific nonsense data spat out of the american psychosis/nightmare/bad dream etc etc..
It says the death rate is 40% higher than pre-pandemic levels, it doesn’t differentiate between ‘covid’ or ‘vaccine’ death.
As an example, for every 10 working-age deaths pre-pandemic, there are now 14 – a 40% increase.
Compare this to the number of athletes who have died recently: 8 deaths in March, 50 deaths in December – a 600+% increase.
oh yes, I certainly agree, the injections are most certainly killing and maiming in vast and much under-reported numbers and in significantly differing ways (some ‘fifth columnists’ think boris is turning us all into cyborgs)…
I’m always cautious though with woolly and vague info (I’m not saying this information is, because I don’t really have any context to work with) which is a problem nowadays…because that’s all you get…
and opinion pieces of course which as we know are like arse-holes.. (every one has one or lives next door to one)..
What’s wrong with the data if it’s true?
On one hand there is a push to punish those that are not vaccinated by cancelling their health insurance and on the other hand life insurers are documenting noticeably higher death rates in those that have been vaccinated. Will they stop insuring the vaccinated and/or increase their premiums while cutting the premiums of the vunvaxxed?
To be fair, I had a hard time understanding what I just wrote.
To me, It is clear that the collusion amongst those involved in the scamdemic has backfired. This is damning data. It will be interesting to see what happens to it. Will they bury it or use it against the vaccine makers to get the vaccines banned?
What’s with negative attitude towards Indiana and Americans in general. I’m a little pissed off. Lot of relatives live in Hoosier country.
We are all in this together. Keep that in mind. You want rip on Americans, exchange emails and do it secretly. Not here.
That psychosis is a world wide phenomenon.
Oh… another imperious imbecile telling us what we can and can’t do… (they seem to be everywhere nowadays)..
Well …..
I’m trying to give a fuck… is that enough?
Well, we gotta keep some of the divide and conquer, right? And Americans, and I am one, make such easy targets for calling out stupidity, it’s real hard for those used to calling that cheap target out to think about what they’re actually accomplishing by doing it…
While I didn’t examine all the data used by these insurance companies, I personally would not doubt there are indeed more deaths, and NOT covid deaths either. Insurance companies are part of the scam though, so I tend to think they’ll hit the unvaxxed in some way while honoring most of the policies of the vaxxed. Until the money runs out, and it will. For anyone who thinks that policy will still be around when they need it, perhaps they’d best give up the idiocy of divide and conquer and consider what will happen when those insurance companies end up bankrupt. Will that be all the fault of the stupid Americans? I’m sure our owners will use that line to blame the victims as well while the oligarchy marches on.
Dr Death, Here’s the link & most of the text. Might as well know what you’re discussing:
The death rate for those aged 18-64 has risen an astonishing 40% over pre-pandemic levels, according to the CEO of Indianapolis-based insurance company OneAmerica.
“We are seeing, right now, the highest death rates we have seen in the history of this business – not just at OneAmerica,” said Scott Davison, head of the $100 billion insurance company that’s been in operation since 1877 and has approximately 2,400 employees.
The increase represents “huge, huge numbers,” among “primarily working-age people” who have employer-sponsored group life plans through OneAmerica, according to The Center Square.
“And what we saw just in third quarter, we’re seeing it continue into fourth quarter, is that death rates are up 40% over what they were pre-pandemic,” Davison said during an online news conference last week. “Just to give you an idea of how bad that is, a three-sigma or a one-in-200-year catastrophe would be 10% increase over pre-pandemic.”
“So 40% is just unheard of,” he added.
“What the data is showing to us is that the deaths that are being reported as COVID deaths greatly understate the actual death losses among working-age people from the pandemic. It may not all be COVID on their death certificate, but deaths are up just huge, huge numbers,” he said, adding that the company has seen an “uptick” in disability claims – at first short-term, and now long-term.
Long-term disabilities are up too. So we’re starting to raise ins rates in lower-vaxxed counties.
At the same news conference where Davison spoke, Brian Tabor, the president of the Indiana Hospital Association, said that hospitals across the state are being flooded with patients “with many different conditions,” saying “unfortunately, the average Hoosiers’ health has declined during the pandemic.”
In a follow-up call, he said he did not have a breakdown showing why so many people in the state are being hospitalized – for what conditions or ailments. But he said the extraordinarily high death rate quoted by Davison matched what hospitals in the state are seeing.
“What it confirmed for me is it bore out what we’re seeing on the front end,…” he said. -The Center Square
The number of those hospitalized in Indiana are now higher than before the Covid-19 vaccine was introduced a year ago, and is in fact higher than at any point in the past five years, according to Dr. Lindsay Weaver, Indiana’s chief medical officer.
Looking at the euromomo data, there clearly has been a rise in excess mortality in younger age cohorts in 2021, as well as a very unusual and statistically significant rise in excess mortality over summer. Not a huge spike, but a slow burn. I don’t know what has caused it but I have my suspicions and I’m guessing it isn’t apparent in unvaccinated people.
The interview with John O’Luanaigh (O’Looney) starts at 1:01:00
The Richie Allen Show Monday July 5th 2021
Richie is joined by John O’Luanaigh and Clive Menzies.
John O’Luanaigh runs a funeral home in Milton Keynes. He’s very highly rated, with hundreds of 5-star Google reviews and is ranked among the top three funeral directors by his peers. John wrote an open letter to politicians and the media. He believes that the covid-19 death figures have been inflated and that the death numbers for 2020, were no worse than previous years. He also believes that there was a spike in deaths in February of this year, when the vaccine roll-out expanded. This is a must-listen interview.
The following interview covers largely the same ground and story.
Revive Yourself: John O’Looney Full interview
Jul 18, 2021
Emergency Episode With Undertaker John O’Looney Who Shares The Truth
Today’s episode was brought about when I was tagged in a letter that an undertaker had put on social media, explaining his experience throughout the last 16 months, where amongst other things, he explained there had been no excess deaths, and he hadn’t seen a C death in 3 months. After seeing this letter, I knew I had to contact this man and speak to him … so that is exactly what I did.
That man was John O’Looney, from Milton Keynes, and after a brief conversation where John said he had been humbled by the amount of people that had reached out, he said he would love to be interviewed. In the interview we discussed:
John’s background as an undertaker
What made John finally speak out
The amount of deaths he had seen over the last year
How many ‘C’ deaths he has dealt with recently
The tactics he encountered from a government sponsored person
When he did see death rates spike
How he has managed to stay healthy even though he has been dealing with ‘C’ bodies
The deaths he has seen from the jabs
Where he sees this going all going & a lot more
It was fantastic talking to John. He is a fantastic guy with a big heart, who clearly only wants the best for people.
[Interview starts @ 5:50]
he also disappeared and was supposedly hospitalised for covid after testing ahem, positive…. where he supposedly had a narrow ‘escape’ after being busted out…
lots of hi jinks and drama… just as one would expect from a ‘looney’…
I discared the sensational headlines of his strory but attract people they must.
He didn’t disappear. He said he had mild breathing problems and went to Hospital. While there he was offered alternative drugs. [name of the drugs are unknown] Worried that he might be on the cull list since speaking out he upped and left on his own accord.
yes yes.. but surely you must see that he is pushing the ‘covid’ as a bio-weapon arc of the story…
there was absolutely no need for that aspect of the story, because it is only a postulation on his part..
so one must ask why?
wouldn’t you agree?
because this is exactly how narratives are created and pushed..
It’s how the spooks roll on the web….. of course I’m only postulating myself but it’s just as good a postulate as o’looneys bio weapons (which is definitely part of the MO)..
Yes and
Like trump and bojo certain type of psyops that people like the usual fools fall for.
G whizz thank lordy johnny 0 looney is well from his virus attack he is now convinced this is real and is from a lab in where ever. This is his new made up story and of he goes around the medics funded circus called controlled op alt media. ..
He is shilling the whole lab crap and its so dangerous he needed hospitalization.
Notice the devotees angry that anyone would say otherwise.
Never bother with the smallest item of mere evidence, 2. Just babble any thrilling fairy-tale you happen to get off on, so you can demonstrate how superior your sharp insight is to the suckers who fall for these psy-ops. Yeah, sure. Realworld evidence, who needs that crap. Standsterreason, dunnit. 🙄
aye… but…. who fucking really knows??
that is the derangment we are experiencing. it’s all deliberate one way or another.
Ui Luaniagh? dunno, jury’s out yet.
That’s right…Who fucking really knows.
All we can do is come to assumptions about what is being used to wage war on us. It could be anything from cow farts to face creams.
I mean the Moronic variant could be in our cans of deodrant for all we know. 😯
yes exactly… that is what I am saying… a healthy scepticism is what’s required, a distancing for mental cleansing, because of course people are always looking for information that reinforces what they want to believe to be true… ( common knowledge for those outside the ‘skinner box’)..
the problem being that what they believe may only be a point on a line which is being drawn by some other entity and of course with an entirely different arc…
He didn’t push anything. He feared for hs life because he was know for speaking out. Just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean they are not out to get you 😉
My uneducated take on the guy is that he started out being a mortician with a compelling story. Now he’s expected to have opinions on all kinds of topics to fill interview time. So his story has expanded. I just imagine myself in his shoes, and see a guy having his 15 minutes of fame, albeit on a dangerous topic.
It’s no mystery, you can read about it here:
31 Dec 2021
Somewhere in his interviews, I think he describes a chronic condition (asthma, diabetes, or something like that). If so, I would be extremely concerned about ending up in hospital; especially when they seem to be killing a lot of people. He thinks (speculates) he got some lab-engineered flu, but there’s probably no way of ever knowing for sure.
It should be obvious by now that the hollow men are running both sides of the game (as is usual) probably most of what is out there masquerading as ahem, ‘information’ comes straight out of Tavistock… (the bilderbergers ‘post truth world’ 2018)..
their aim?
to create justification for the internment of dissidents and dissenters?…..perhaps… having realized the most intelligent amongst us who take exception to their shenanigans.. most certainly wouldn’t submit to the injection…
for this very reason the injections have to be ‘dangerous’, but in a very controlled way..
they must seem to be ‘many things’……. just as the microsoft coff itself is many things……
the war in essence is actually a media war….
Alternatively, although it includes a media war, it is better understood as JFK’s “secret war” – and people are choosing their side as it heads rapidly toward a conclusion.
Not ‘most intelligent’, but ‘most perspicacious’, i.e. the most sapient of the species h sapiens sapiens.
The Jab is the equivalent to a free ticket onto the B ark.
This is not a war, but a winnowing – to pre-empt God’s judgement.
Indeed… decisions have been made..
Looney- what a pussy ,this is one one of the people ‘leading the antivax movement’ -balls to that
NYC2 days ago
“My sister from Kazakhstan rang me this morning (never does as we use WhatsApp ) saying that all communication apps are off. People had enough of covid restrictions, masks, QR-codes etc as they’ve got another lockdown now. Loads of people lost their businesses and have no income now. The last straw was the double price on the gas. Apparently more than a million of people (at least ) are protesting and don’t go away for nights, blocked the airports in some cities and people can hear shootings. The government has resigned today…but people are not moving. Police in some places sided with people.”
Thank you for the update!
Hey moderator! How come I can’t upvote anything? I always get “You must be logged in” when I AM obviously logged in.
Grafter– Thanks for the Kazakhstan info; looks like people don’t want to starve for the NWO.
Whats wrong with some of you people?????????
This creature appeared out of no where called Jon O LOONEY a funeral directer LOL okey.
Sold to you via shill media (trusted sources arent they??? ) 0 LOONEY said nothing that wasn’t said 18 months ago he said nothing that was cutting edge or ground breaking Yet some of you still follow him.
Speech from his hospital bed drum roll!!!
John O’Looney talks from his hospital bed
live from M15 officesTap News / Tapestry i have added the best but bits from his bed side LOL interview.
The sinister whispering, the secrecy and the guilty looks amongst certain members of staff spoke volumes to me.’This is the speech that John O’Looney would have made at yesterday’s pro-freedom demonstration in Milton Keynes and was kindly provided to us by Jeff Wyatt. John has asked that his words be spread as far as possible.Sadly I was taken down 14 days ago with suspected Covid and whilst I have always said there is a “virus” I can confirm I genuinely believe this is man-made a man virus, in fact it is an awful virus.
Very interestingly recently I was admitted to ICU in Milton Keynes hospital after developing Covid symptoms.
I took three lateral flow tests whilst there and was told at the time I was not positive only to be told later on the ward I was positive so clearly it was inconclusive so I will say I felt and feel terrible still.
But fundamentally for me things to change very much in the hospitals and one of the very first people to visit me bedside was a representative from Oxford University funded by the Gates foundation begging me to trial new medicines (whilst being unable to look me in the eye) not even related to Covid – naturally I declined.
I was told I would die and these medicines would be my last chance, again I declined and stuck to my guns.
I was initially sceptical about Covid but I can confirm it’s validity and it is very nasty.
But I can also tell you it is 100% man-made this is not a natural virus and this is an attack on all of us – it’s a bio weapon.
” …I can confirm, .. virus..”
Can you produce a single independent medical study stating that the SARS-COv2 virus has been isolated or purified in a living human being !
we can confirm to the house that olooney is real
he is not is not an o tool
the o tools and the olooneys are not related
we do not have a comment on the subject of the obrians or o manual goldstein
the mcfucks should be left out of this reality
A bittersweet truth !
There was a 1405 BC study done in an Egyptian bat cave laboratory, which laboratory has since been turned into a desert pyramid..the methods, details and results of the study are on the inner chamber walls of the pyramid but the results are written in Sanscrit. The Romans translated the Sanscrit into Latin and submitted the translations to several learned journals for publication but peer review processes are slow, so the world waits while the process of peer review run their course.
BTW I can produce as many independent medical studies as you are willing to pay for..but all of the known SARS-COv2 isolates have been lost in the MSM propaganda machinery.. unfortunately the janitor threw out the filters which protect the propaganda machinery, so the studies will search the waste bins for sufficient SARS-COv2 virus to conduct the experiments with. It is believed, but not confirmed, that sufficient SARS-COv2 samples can be collected from the filters discarded in the out-back trash bins to do the experiments with. Interestingly, the janitor threw out the placebos so the studies you want will need to order expensive and hard to get placebos from the CDC and NHS or else invent some de novel for the experiment.
It gets more difficult each day to run SARS-COv2 experiments.
“I can confirm…”
How easily those words just slip off the tongue…
and 10,000 ‘health officials’ parrot them exactly all over the world…
Mr undertaker is a virus expert he 1000000% caught it!
So your undertaker is an expert in virology, immunology and epidemiology plus produces an independent medical study to purify or isolate the SARS-CoV2 virus ?
I look forward to reviewing this when you produce it !
You forgot this bit……
“There were no excess deaths in 2020 – it is that simple and nothing will change my mind all the minds of those in the industry who have their eyes open to this lie – and there are many.
The reality is the death rate only soared the moment they began putting needles into arms in January 2021 You can believe it or not but I was one of the people picking up these poor souls and a huge amount of them.
Fast forward and now we see a huge increase in thrombosis related deaths exclusively in jab recipients.”
CDC documented about 500,000 excess deaths in 2020. All were attributed to Covid but 65% of those were abandoned nursing home patients and 35% were caused by fear and the lock downs. All cause normal daily death rates were running around 7,700 before the scamdemic. After that they were claiming there were 1,100 daily Covid deaths. Not sure what the “going daily Covid death” rate is now. They are just fucking around with the numbers to scare people. Whenever they try and post those numbers I like to point out that is normal for 8,000 people to die every day in the United States. It gives people pause and helps them to understand how easy it is to manipulate the data to say anything they want it to say. None of their statistics every get verified and analyzed for accuracy. Junk is my new word. It is all fabricated junk. Everything is a lie to protect themselves and their credibility. Until we hold them accountable, the lies will continue indefinitely.
Some of these ppl look like ex service personnel don’t they?
well spotted,
very many. maybe we just conflate faces??
public world full of them up here. they all do well and prosper, unless they were some dog infantryman type 4 yearer.
Do remember to bang your NHS pots, wear your poppy and honour the death cult with your support for these leading communitty icons….
would I trust anyone that swore loyalty to monarchy over the people,
or was proud of their service, killing civilians and fucking up their lives?
The usual reaction to a narrative in trouble – never back down, never explain, never apologise, double down:
“Katie Gostic”? Ha ha – has anyone seen a missing ‘n’?
Katherine j Wu wrote the article 😜
gotfluWu gives it the wutah lab escape.
Kate rhymes with 8.
Thanks OffG and Colin for another great article.
We need to keep the world from starving is a false narrative pushed as an excuse to usher in gmos and more big ag take over. Another bogus problem created for forcing an unneeded, unwanted and damaging solution upon the populace. Pharma contriving a fake new disease to sell a new drug or vaccine is another example, of many, of manufacturing a fake new problem for promoting an unneeded and damaging solution.
At the beginning of gmo crop production, the food scarcity hype was quite constant where I lived in the US. Pointing out to friends the insanity of gmos would initiate a response “we do need to feed the world.” Over the years, it has become obvious that there is no benefit production wise in the use of gmo agriculture. More poisons are now dumped upon the land rather than the decrease promised by the gmo propagandists. in the meantime 9 million people are needlessly and purposely starved to death per year, jumping up to 11 million dying of starvation in the past two years.
Poor people around the world are kept without access to farmable land, to water, to minimal agricultural equipment, to seeds, to trees, to plants and to amendments (all very low cost) which would allow for abundant small scale farming. Farmers are also systemically pushed out of markets that are ever increasingly taken over by heavily funded big ag, they no longer have place to sell their food and thus lose their livelihoods and land.
As Colin article suggests, by using a diversified assortment of agroecological methods, many already employed by traditional people for multiple generations, tailored to the many unique ecological systems throughout the world, we would be able to produce much more food than we would ever need and benefit the ecology at the same time.
I suggest we need to begin today to create, renew and reinvigorate these agroecological systems in our local communities as parallel structures to the dominate corporate state, grow our own economy and healthier living systems.
+ 1
And another plus from me, fame: +1
Nice picture!
The 2015 Paris Agreement on climate emphasised organic/agro-ecology as an important action plan. What happened?
Trump said he wiped his are on it because it didn’t favor the oil companies.
You’d laugh if I told you the Hague used Human Rights as an excuse to fine big oil in a bid to push the climate narrative. Meanwhile, back in jab land they are silent on human rights and individual freedom of choice.
You can make all the plans you want about growing organic and staying out of the system,and staying small and local,but if the coronavirus has shown us anything,it has shown us that the NWO and their governments can change the rules far easier than we thought- Climate change and world heath could be used as an excuse to implement new rules and regulations on land owners,governments could bring in extortionate land taxes which would remove existing land owners very quickly,land pices would plummet allowing big corporations to buy all the land up-the taxes would be got round quite easily by the corporations of course,as anyone owning more than say ,100,000 acres, would have reduced tax rates. Game over.
I own a one bedroom co-op apartment in Manhattan. My building sent another Covid-related memo on Jan. 6, 2022, posted below, to inform us that they’ve removed the chairs from our lobby because of Covid. The lobby isn’t large but is perfectly fine for entering and exiting the building without bumping into other people. I think there were 4 small upholstered chairs placed along a space 15 or 20 feet long. The chairs were to be used only a few minutes at a time and mainly just made the space more pleasant. The memo posted below doesn’t include the name of the person who wrote it, the property management company, or the address of my building:
“We are in the midst of managing through another outbreak in COVID-19 cases with a highly transmissible Omicron variant. This most recent variant has put all of us at risk of contracting the virus.
We are doing our best to keep the building staff and residents safe during these unpredictable times. We feel it is necessary to remove the lobby furniture to ensure social distance for our staff and residents. This is temporary and will place the furniture back when we feel it is safe.
Please be reminded it is mandatory to wear a face covering while in the common areas of the building. A face covering must cover your nose and mouth. Common areas include hallways, refuse rooms, elevators, the lobby, mailroom, gym, laundry room and other shared spaces.
The health, safety, and well-being of our residents and staff is our top priority.
We thank you for your understanding and hope that you support the measures that we feel are necessary to manage through these challenges.”
After the last memo from my building that I posted here, an Off G commenter kindly suggested condos might be a better form of ownership than co-ops at this moment in time. Today I started looking on the internet for condo buildings. NY State’s new governor Hochul is worse than Cuomo on Covid. Before a single Omicron “case” ever existed in NY State, she ordered hospitals to cancel all non urgent patients “because Omicron is definitely coming.”
Our local clinic sent a letter in Spanish & English assuring our immigrant ag workers and their families that the free vaxx wd not make them sick or infertile & would protect them.
Was followed up last week w an in-person visit which left reassuring flyers urging the vaxx– and even a flyer lauding the IQ-reducing fluoride they put in our water!
It’s all horrible, but the irony of having to mask up to throw out the garbage, my God. I did laugh as one has to laugh at the madness while one still can. It gets harder for me to laugh every day, and usually not long after a chuckle or two the ranting to myself begins. The anger is constant now.
Omicron is usually described as “highly transmissible” but less dangerous than earlier variants, not expected to require hospital stays. In the memo, the key fact that Omicron is less dangerous is omitted. Instead, we’re led to believe it’s as bad or worse than the first variant. ie: “this variant puts all of us at risk:” These kinds of language games are standard for this particular property management company.
“We are in the midst of managing through another outbreak in COVID-19 cases with a highly transmissible Omicron variant. This most recent variant has put all of us at risk of contracting the virus.”
COVID-19: Sajid Javid directly challenged on mandatory coronavirus jabs by unvaccinated NHS doctor. Sky got the word unvaxxed in twice just to make sure the mindfuck continues. You can see others around him all agree with the Doctors stance.
Sorry for the coded link. (I Despise Sky)
We know they are lying, they know they are lying, they know we know they know we know they are lying.
When the goal is literal systemic collapse on a nation by nation basis…making and standing by blatantly insane rules is a must.
The poor doctor is spinning his wheels
Did I steal this from you or did you steal it from me? Or did we both steal it from somewhere else? “Arrest them. Try them. Sentence them to death. Execute them. All of them.” You can use this if you want. It would probably help keep the NSA from spying on me. It would be great if everyone wrote it. You know “they” read this stuff and take it back to the White House. It would be great if their next report reflected an increase in people writing it. Does this sound crazy? We need to get their attention with a 2X4 to the side of the head. Any authority advocating for mandating these vaccines is complicit and culpable for willingly and wantingly killing and maiming 21 million healthy people just to protect themselves and their credibility.
on the 31/12/2021 an interview with Nikoloz Basilashvili he stated “After missing out on the ATP Cup last season, everyone in the Georgian camp is delighted to have made the cut for the 2022 edition of the 16-country teams event in Sydney, not least the team’s No. 1 player Nikoloz Basilashvili.
“I mean, for sure, for me it means a lot to represent Georgia in general,” World No. 22 Basilashvili said. “The ATP Cup is really successful and a big tournament for me. I’m feeling good. I arrived late. And I had very good preparation during the pre-season and am feeling very well.
“I played very good at the end of the season. So in general, I’m feeling great. Looking forward to tomorrow to play against [Diego] Schwartzman…
Then this happened
Now apparently he had covid 10 days prior , so did the Australian government let a covid positive tennis player in the country because he was vaxxed whilst denying entry to Djokovic
or more simply are we just seeing yet another athlete being crippled by the vax whilst watching everyone try to cover it up
My wife’s ex colleague is in hospital with a blood clot in the lung. She recently had her “booster”. This is my first confirmed “vax” injury. Got the news this morning. A woman on a bus trip in the NT in May became comatose suddenly. I suspect that was a clot shot injury.
People shouldn’t be mislabelling anti-authoritarians as anti-vaxxers.
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2022-01-07. Life Insurance Co. Reports 40% Increase in Death Claims since jab rollout. Discuss “Mass Psychosis” (link).
Do you know anti-authoritarians who are pro-vaxx?
Me, for instance. In the days before polio vaccine my sister came through polio unscathed; nevertheless, I welcome the vaccines that helped to eradicate iron lungs and iron braces. I welcome anything that works. Unfortunately, flu vaccines don’t work; every GP knows that from having to hand out a different flu vaccine every year, yet still seeing patients with flu whether vaccinated or not. Especially vaccines against corona don’t work; every poultry farmer knows that after years of poultry research institutes trying to develope a vaccine against bird flu. Only bribed politicians don’t know it; or in the case of their high rank hangers on in the medical profession, pretend not to know it.
“Get thee glass eyes, and like a scurvy politician
Pretend to see” — King Lear
Thank you for your confession.
GPs get a bonus for flu jabs. It’s nothing to do with public health. That’s all it is. Same with prescribing statins, and batflu jabs.
Thanks for that info about GPs getting a bonus for prescribing statins. I refused statins long before I refused RNA jabs, but for the same reason: having read the original medical evidence I am not only unconvinced by the subsequent recommendations but appalled by the hype.
Paul, I don’t think the 40% mortality increase in working age people is since jab rollout. Here’s a partial quote “And what we saw just in third quarter, we’re seeing it continue into fourth quarter, is that death rates are up 40% over what they were pre-pandemic,” Davison said during an online news conference last week. “Just to give you an idea of how bad that is, a three-sigma or a one-in-200-year catastrophe would be 10% increase over pre-pandemic.”
“So 40% is just unheard of,” he added.
“What the data is showing to us is that the deaths that are being reported as COVID deaths greatly understate the actual death losses among working-age people from the pandemic. It may not all be COVID on their death certificate, but deaths are up just huge, huge numbers,” he said, adding that the company has seen an “uptick” in disability claims – at first short-term, and now long-term.
Long-term disabilities are up too. So we’re starting to raise ins rates in lower-vaxxed counties.”
There is a lag in getting final 4th qtr death stats. I wd read the increased 3d qtr mortality as delayed vaxx deaths, but he assumes they are somehow not-counted covid deaths. I wd especially read it as delayed vaxx injury cuz he mentions short & longterm disability.
The data supports the assertion that the death rate is mutual to the jab roll out.
They just concluded otherwise because they are supportive of the death jab.
I understood he was talking about 2021 not 2020 when the death was being put down covid….I was expecting some form of higher death rate somewhere because jupiter was flirting with fixed star Algol for a lot of late 2021 …I was surprised I didn’t see it and then not surprised when these guys started to talk about the unusually high rate…when jupiter hit it the first time in 2020 they had all the Indians dropping dead…
Edith he WAS talking about 2021; the vaxx didn’t BEGIN til Dec 2020. The insurance CEO didn’t have 4th quarter figures yet. His 3rd quarter numbers may be the first wave of the delayed vaxx deaths: The imm’y wave of vaxx deaths is mostly in the first 2 weeks, then a slowdown in deaths.
But perhaps (I’m speculating) there are other vaxx causes of death that began to peak in 3rd quarter 2021.
My realtor’s stepdad died a few months ago, otherwise healthy 65 year old, lived on 40 acres and did all kinds of work out there. Sudden, aggressive prostate cancer. I never asked if he was vaxxed, wanted to of course, but my realtor is a firm believer in the vax and has been dutifully shot up, sigh. I have read and watched some videos of nurses blowing the whistle, talking about sudden aggressive cancers, of course heart attacks and strokes, and auto-immune diseases. IMHO, of course these are delayed vax deaths and not the Megadeath Virus of Doom, as well as the victims of lockdowns, etc. And those numbers will indeed escalate. I’d bet there are some tense moments at insurance companies right now. Just how long will they be able to pay out? How can they get out of paying out? I’m sure they’ll figure a way.
Perhaps we are all trying to see in the dark beyond censorship.
As we do so, it may be good to look at fairly inconspicuous facts and extrapolate.
Why might this be? I mean the differences.
Truly interested in thoughts.
Israel also has some pretty strong policies.
If there are puppeteers, why would this be?
England hasn’t ruled out mandates & has instituted them for health workers. Do you remember that at the very beginning the first UK statement denied the seriousness of the pandemic? I had the impression then that she wd have liked to have refused the whole program. So she is still not going to be first with the mostest. Rather like “If the US has committed a catestrophic error in going for dictatorship at this time she will try to save herself.”
Germany’s leaders are entirely controlled by TPTB; they were chosen & trained for their positions. Also Germany is still an occupied country. The surprise is that nevertheless so many Germans are fighting it.
Israel, in my opinion, was put into her position to weaken the middle east. I have never believed that the purpose of Israel was to safe guard the Jews. I have always believed that TPTB saw the possibility of a united middle east as a danger to their plans– especially given severe reservations against usury.
I don’t know about the others.
IMO the steps the PTBD (Powers That Be Damned) are taking towards the digital currency (if we let them) is country-specific. Remember how Sweden was praised for not having implemented rigid lockdowns like the rest of the countries but left the choice for its citizens? Well, Melissa Ciummei, a financial investor, makes somewhere in this interview an interesting observation: Sweden was well ahead of the other countries regarding digital cash, and it seems that the lockdowns were a way, among other things, to stimulate artificial demand for online transactions and inhibit that of physical cash so as to prepare the terrain for digital currency. That wasn’t necessary in Sweden’s case. For instance, see this article of November 2018 in the Financial Post:
In Sweden, cash is almost extinct and people implant microchips in their hands to pay for things
Chilling conclusion. Like Swedish winter.
By the way, Sweden has the highest Gini Coefficient of Inequality of Ownership in the world. Well ahead in any financial shenanigans. And as a paid up member of the affluent West, Sweden despite having no lockdown nontheless dutifully presents U$ and UK level death rates “from or with Covid-19”.
Makes sense. “Progress” in finance is inversely proportional to human happiness.
I had thought about this. It does make sense – and is also supportive of the theory that banks/economic collapse have guided the PTBD.
Much seems to depend on how we all fit into the great reset plan and who the supposed heads of state fitted into their young leadership program…and/or what resources they are wanting to corner…one only starts to get a handle on any of it by going and reading some of the WEF doco about who is who and who has done their courses, what their objectives are etc.
Some countries have been hard trained to bow from the beginning of the scam, in preparation for the desired geopolital changes in those areas.
Germany,Austria and Italy cut a straight line across Europe, that could be the next NATO frontline.
Australia,Argentina, Chile and Philippines could be key in the pacific.
“principle of subsidiarity” of something such, agenda 21. ?
To keep us guessing. Sow confusion and division. Classic destabilization technique.
Not long now until Djokovic is vaccinated and urging others to follow suit
We’ll see if your forecast is correct.
I was thinking the same. He’ll hold out and will be forced to leave is my guess.
so Jock’s son, of the novak personal name, will set the tone?
as he’s Serb, i hope he gives them the bird!
nice idea,
i hope you’re wrong
The best place to start is in your own back and front yards, or a community veggie garden.
Permaculture is basically about zones and planning your garden to get the most from it. There’s plenty of information online.
Another wise move is to minimise or eliminate animal products from your diet. It makes a lot of sense ethically, ecologically and most importantly, one’s health.
Yeah, I know it sounds like new age or hipster hype, but it really works.
Get some dirt under your nails.
Small gardens back and front for many. Community gardens down to one from three since the land was sold off by TPTB. And that garden is full. Then you have the weather to contend with. It’s not looking good for many who want this off-grid lifestyle.
indeed. add to that – “gardening” is not too hard to get to grips with, really (i’m an ecologist who is a good gardener, so everyone thinks of me as plant man/gardener ARGH!), and if folks cannot get to grips with the dirty, careful nature of growing food/plants from scratch they will fail… gimmick good life will not work when there’s nothing left to eat. reality.
this is because patience and expirament counts as much as any other input.
technical knowledge counts, but no more than years of practise, if that makes sense.
anyway, it’s still all easy, i just deplore the patio garden mentality, just won’t cut it in terms of calories.
get growing peeps, whatever ye can, wherever ye can, disregard my -ve ity
: )
I’ve been gardening since childhood and still continue although my surrounding are shrinking. My issuse is the obvious sale of public land from under our noses. Corruption is the norm here. Once widely reported, now hidden from view. 😐
Johnny, what do you think of Colin Todhunter’s latest article on “Organic” farming feeding the world, and “Eco-Agriculture” having less harmful impact on the environment than the present “Industrial” model of agriculture?
Permaculture has been practiced successfully in Cuba, Mexico, and all round the world. It requires fewer inputs for greater and more nutritious crops.
The Chinese have been using organic agriculture for more than forty centuries.
The present system of fossil fuel based agriculture is heavily subsidised by taxpayers.
The rivers, oceans and soil are being made more toxic every day. Time is running out.
For urban farming, it would help if (a) there were no factories and leaded petrol around (b) the municipality and neighbours were not obsessed with herbicides and insecticides.
yes. we have just agreed that XXX % of land in some areas (lol) is unfit for nature or food production… agreed. but nobody really wants to know,
they all want straight edged lawns, no broaadleaves appearing, weed free patios and bloc, whilst trend death-slide decks have been so treated as to be no longer timber…
whilst basically painting their turf green… all out plastic or carboard vessels, derived from oil, ore or some other rape of the earth,
but they’ve just bought a Tesla!
as they slosh their latest permasect variant on their apples…..
fuck me, i’d be out chomping dandelions if it wasn’t for “grounds maintenace”
the dog pish i relish ; )
get me the fuk outa here!!!
Love it! +10
control the food = control the gullible masses….like they don’t have enough control…this planet would be far better off without bill and melinda gates foundation, and all the chemical food they have in store for you…their vision is for them alone, for they are greedy beyond belief
bill loves his greens
meet the fockers
manlinda and billy
Great documentary. Gates mother was descended from Federal Reserve owners and got Kill’s career going with her contacts with IBM. They should also have described how Kill stole Gary Kildall’s CP/M operating system.
I was a vegetarian to my shame for nearly 40 years and last year started to eat meat and reduce carbs…basically a whole food diet. Feel better than I have in years. And no w they tell me I can’t eat meat anymore??? Nope.
You will eat our creepy lab grown GMO meat and you’ll be happy about it.
These Folks would disagree Blind:
I wonder how many are true to their veg lifestyle. I say this because I’ve know a few vegan / vegetarian hypocrites who confessed after being spotted hiding in the corner of a Cluck-A-lot restaurant with a bucket of wings.
My daughter was converting her family to vegan when her doctor noticed a change in her girls and starting asking serious questions. They are no longer vegans. Their growth rates had slowed abnormally in height and weight. The warning about the potential for abnormal brain development is what tipped the scales. We eat meat for good reason. It was bad advice from a good friend from college who was into holistic medicine.
that’s interesting, I’ve been thinking going veg… !!
do tell…
one lass years ago (before fashion kicked in) told me veggies died younger ??
is the issue with “meat” really all the processed meat and lack of organ chomping?
with veggie? just not enough “fat” ?
Protein. Her fear is the growth hormone supplements in livestock feed and premature gonadal development in children eating meat from that livestock. It was/is happening is countries with loose regulations. South American countries in particular. “Studies” demonstrated it. It was in the “news”. Who knows how true it was or is. Could have been propaganda created by the American beef industry or MSM propaganda related to current issues with climate change. Hard to trust anyone or anything anymore. Even my daughter’s pediatrician given what is happening with medicine and the promotion of the clot shots. This I do know: Nutrition is innate. It’s in our genes to seek foods that contain the nutrition we need. Kind of like a Koala bear or Monarch butterfly. Sometimes I find myself gobbling a salad down because I have not eaten one in a while. I don’t push the hamburger away and say “that that salad hit the spot”. Instead of fries, get a salad. Skip the hamburger and put grilled chicken in the salad every other time. There are easier ways than going 100% vegan. Sorry. My daughter is trying to fill the vacancy left by my late wife. This is her spiel.
I often wonder why I can’t get to the end of long articles these days. And Karen’s article of yesterday is a good case in point and today’s for sure. Maybe we are being hit from so many angles that we can’t take much more on. It’s like pilots of small planes who suddenly get into trouble and are overloaded with tasks to the extent that their hearing stops to function as the brain cannot take on more inputs and they miss the vital info from Air Traffic Controllers and descend into what is known as the graveyard spiral. In high stress situations hearing goes first. So in our hyper-modern evil world maybe long articles go first.
We are confronted with what we might do should they come to take us away – to inject or place in a camp. So we are in flight or fight mode, our attention levels are stressed and we cannot read much data that describes how the predator is barreling along at eighty miles an hour. No, we want to know to hear about escape. What’s plan A and what’s plan B and what are the merits or not of both?
Write about and think about your own plan
You don’t need others to think for you in matters that are at best ‘entertainment’ and at worst totally ludicrous
= what I (try to) do
+1 absolutely.
indeed… as I have advocated since the inception of the psy-op….
have fun, stock up, get out of the cities, get some sort of aquatic vehicle (amphibious even, or a good old landy and red diesel) if at all possible and create a network of like minded individuals (easier than ever because they wont be intra-venously compromised)
these cells will be the future/survival of you and yours ( and every day is an opportunity even if that’s all you last) when this nonsense implodes (which it will, probably sooner than later)….
and of course…. buckle up buck wheat, bumps ahead…
It’s maybe an overload of information. Besides, you know enough. It’s time to start living again. Without worries.
Please think before you write. Without worries? When Austria, Italy Germany are going for the unvaccinated?
What are you doing about it?
He is trying to tell you that the stinky stuff has hit the fan, and you should probably duck, but you run along now and get your booster shot and don’t worry….
It’s my message not to worry now. You will react to the situation as it presents itself to you.
If you start to worry now you will be living in fear constantly. It’s not good for your body and it won’t help you to take action when it is necessary.
If you want to worry it is maybe better to leave these countries now.
And yet, it is probably better to see the truck barreling down on you ahead of time than to only see it when it’s inches away.
As they say, “forewarned is forearmed.”
Yes, that’s true, but it will always be different in real time.
Only at the last moment, the body will know what to do when the truck is close.
So, you can leave the street when the truck is far away or wait until the very end, but worrying now won’t help you.
What are you doing about it?
it might just be easier to sign in, than remark at times ; )
What will happen when I sign in?
+++ With you all the way in this approach. Not so easy but very good advice.
Fucking hear hear. Let’s all live in a state of paranoid anxiety until it happens here. Not. For. Me. I agree with you my friend.
They have hit normies with the COVID fear. They try to make us fearful by threat – DO NOT LET THEM LIVE IN YOUR HEAD.
no, it is sounding you out.
Please take the time to read this article. It’s that important. And it actually does point to a possible way out of the nightmare we’re now facing. The farmers of India won Round One in their battle with the corporate controlled Modi government. If they can hold their own and win Round Two, then Three, then Round Infinity – because agribusiness and the other psychotic institutions will keep trying no matter what.
Only those countries touted in the West as the poorest have a chance to find their way out of this madness. Agribusiness and Mr Gates may have jumped the gun with their introduction of bt cotton: it proved such a disaster and destroyed so many farmers’ lives that it stands as a warning to all Indian farmers.
But again – what are YOU doing? Being aware? Great. That is the rub. The farmers are right on the cusp of it.
What am I doing? Besides trying to awaken the awaken to what’s going on around them that they seem not to notice? Like wi-fi/5G and, especially, geoengineering.
The nano-particles they’re spraying are filtering down to wreak havoc on growing crops; and finding their way up to destroy the ozone layer, which will allow UV-C rays to penetrate the atmosphere. It’s already happening. Trees are dying; new trees are not growing. The stomata of plants and trees is shutting down – and in doing so, forests are no longer carbon sinks but carbon sources.
So unless urban farmers are extremely circumspect, they may find their crop yield dwindling season to season.
Agribusiness is already engineering soil microbes. Sounds rather like carrying coals to Newcastle, doesn’t it? Except the UV-C rays are killing natural soil microbes – and agribusiness damn well knows it.
The story is much bigger than a simple land grab by the 1%.
Totally agree Howard. Not only the UV-C, but the increased UV-B is messing with the flowering cycles in most plants, some willows here are in flower, there is a meter of snow on the ground that will remain snow covered till sometime in March. Seed production in plants has also diminished. If you have purchased dry beans over the years, you may have noticed the size of the seed has diminished in most cases by half. I have watched many insects die off as their nests are cooking in the sun, and noticed the bird populations continue to plummet. Few people in agriculture understand what is going on. Hands on small scale farmers are, in my opinion, the most able to adapt to what is going on as their intimate understanding of and relationship to the farmland enables them to discover methods of dealing with the harsh environments farms are now subject to.
I doubt UV will get far into soil. Most of the destruction of soil microbes/fauna comes from agrochemicals (especially fertilizer) and needless/excessive plowing.
It is like the infernal jab: they are creating problems and then selling solutions.
I remember speaking to a fiction writer some years ago. At the time he was writing a short story that that described a bunch of pheasants going about their business of living, when a shooting party came along. The story was from the point of view of the pheasants who sat around and discussed in dismay why anyone would behave in this way – shooting to kill innocent creatures such as they.
They couldn’t fight back, and flying away was dangerous also.
But I guess the moral is discussion is pretty moot at that point in proceedings. I hope we are not experiencing that kind of thing.
I sometimes feel like one of those pheasants, other times I feel spiritual truth and lots of love.
There is plenty we don’t know, and some questions/concerns are worth our time, others less so.
nah, when you started talking of small plane pilots you exposed yosel.
you are fishing for souls.
Don’t worry-it might get worse before it gets better-i hope the system proposed by the NWO will not work-humans will not be slaves ,will they? we cannot be turned in to a hive of bees, with our place in society set in concrete with no chance to change our outcomes or better ourselves, everything we need to survive supplied to us by the system. It could never work….could it??
It could be bad writing…….you had me then you lost me………
Came across this video on Citizen Free Press today.
Thank you for sharing and warning us!
Everyday the same.
it all boils down to being an Uponlandis Moose or a Burgess Moose… and your choice. the system wants us all hive minded meeces, no free moose loose aboot…
most of us don’t have that choice unfortunately. buying land, outside certain cabals, is not that easy in this part of the world, for a long time.
and let’s not forget, most “people” are too lazy to apply themselves to their own food production nevermind societal inconvenience/collapse! Hunger will not change that laziness to something creative for many of them.
i’ve known forever that smallholders are the answer to many societal ills, nevermind food supply. but it is not for all, and why nurture when you can ravage would fit the general mentality in westworld these days…? hopefully they’ve all been vexed that think that way : / but permaculture/localised food systems will not save those who cannot be bothered, or can defend their effort.
when they took our land they won, we became their dispossesed, that’s never been redressed.
Land has a habit of changing hands time and again. Which goes to the heart of the matter: land does not exist for human ownership. But, as history has (tragically) shown, humans will have their ownership, wherever they go. At least, “Western” humans – the ones who will be left behind when the world moves on.
I don’t mean ownership, just those who would claim ownership or its abuse.
Living here in a suposedly enlightened area of s/w uk, farming 1 hectare, polytunnels for the nice stuff, outdoor veg, poultry meat, trade for lamb ect…having done it for near 25 yrs…
Let me elaborate on what you have correctly said.
The same lame cu*ts that accept a gift from me of imperfect swede, carrot, onion, leek are the same that bleat “how quaint”, “how ethnic”, “how progressive”, “we really must do this ourselves”…
Those self same cu*ts will in the main either leave my valuable seasonal veg to rot in the veg rack whilst feasting their eyes on their latest “tasty fresh” boxed delivery…mmm? Or simply bin it as un-professional “wonky”, boring stew fodder..
The self same cun*ts that would no more put in the time and years of effort required for a very modest, but oh so fkn wholesome return?
No more that they would challenge the embedded culture of the enclosures act, as believed as they are that to re-take land (albeit in exchange for £££) and practice that ancient art of non-fuedal agriculture is beyond them in terms of attitude and
.These are the self same cu*ts who have muttered, interjected and otherwise advertised themselves as being available to “assist” (nice corner for a caravan i did spot…) when and i say when “the shit hits the fan”.
The fan and the shit met years ago, its just we didnt really realise it, like a pot belly our indifference and failure to actively contest this shit show was spawned years ago in our own self and over indulgence..
In my own humble opinion the only way the nwo behemoth stops is if either the rails run out or it is de-railed, a scenario which i feel will lead them to turning off the lights as they leave the room.
AquaCola anyone?
aye, bang on Duckman.
’twas about 2006 i realised the utter (not mere inconveniencing, but UTTER) trap of our western societies, an urban.suburban path to dependence, food, heat, everything, the basic needs of LIFE. held to ransom.
yet most are loving every minute of it, so much comfort and wanton emptiness that craves more, lounging in that “convenience”.
i’ve no viable spots anymore for growing. nor am I as fit as i was. I’ve taken to planting tatties in molehills as a more “extensive” approach ; )
keep up the good work Duck, eff them posers, and keep a sharp stick handy in case they start hanging about too much hahaha
Additionally read F. William Engdahl:
“Sinister Rockefeller Food System Agenda — They Created it and Now Want to Destroy It”
“Farm to Fork: How the EU and the Davos Cabal Plan to Control Agriculture”
–Fuel & Fertilizer:
Urea [CO(NH2)2] is a soluble organic compound containing 46% nitrogen. It occurs naturally in urine and some moulds and fungi. UREA is manufactured synthetically by reacting NATURAL GAS, atmospheric nitrogen and water together at high temperature and pressure to produce ammonia and carbon dioxide. It’s used for fertilizer & feed supplement.
#1 farming cost: diesel
#2: urea
#3: natural gas
I think you know about the attacks on fuel & energy generally– Agenda 30 & the phoney global warming.
CA’s Imperial Valley raises 1/3 of US vegetables, two thirds of its fruits and nuts. It leads all other states in farm income with77,500 farms and ranches. It’s second in livestock production and important in dairy. Agriculture occupies 43 million of the state’s 100 million acres.
CA’s seven-year drought ended in 2019 rains which filled dams to capacity– enough water for 5 years. Under Gov Newsom’s administration most of the water has been let out to sea, allegedly to save two threatened species of fish which are not native to CA. But this story is filled with contradiction.
The true purpose appears to be “to end agriculture as we know it.” Funds are being set aside to pay farmers to “repurpose” their land for wildlife. Dams and reservoirs are planned to be destroyed.
–Bees. Neonicotinoid-treated seed is unavoidable due to near-monopoly on seed, and it infects every part of the plants, killing bees and making bird eggs infertile. Seed companies have arranged that farmers cannot get crop insurance unless they use neonicotinoid seed, although an EPA study shows the benefit is negligible.
–Profits: The techniques used to ruin farmers in the developing countries are now being used here. Corporate-raised meat at starvation wages from abroad undersells US meat, bankrupting US stock raising.
–Land ownership, as a result of shrinking profits, is passing to TPTB. A lot of it is left idle.
The Masters of the Earth have a plan. ‘Trust the plan. You are with us or against us, but the plan will prevail. Apply now for a high position in the hierarchy!’
There are no high positions at the bottom of the barrel….
Indeed, but much of the middle class act as if there are.
Why? They think they are or they will get there.
Why? They are lead to think that way.
That sucks, but when I can have a small portion of the spoils I am happy.
No. You’ll be classed as a non vaxxed non conforming useless eater and face death by propaganda rays like the rest of us here. 💀
Well, if that’s the case it’s better anyway to live like a wild dog rather than to join the ranks and being told all the time what I must do to please the bosses.
We may have no choice but to take the wild dog route.
I don’t want to live in the new hell any more than others here.
I was all for climate change since the weather would be warmer should we decide woodland living was a better choice than slavery. We were conned, it’s fecking freezing out there.
See what happens. A wild dog does not worry.
This old dog doesn’t worry and only bites when it’s called for.
Sometimes just showing your teeth is enough…
aye they do, but only about their next meal…. worry is maybe the wrong word, granted.
Worry is probably the wrong word. I don’t know what wild dogs are thinking, but somehow there will be food on the table.
Given by someone or they find something on the street or in the forrest.
They probably don’t worry about how to get a meal tomorrow.
Hunger driven obedience for the domestic animal
(Coming soon to the human race)
Eat or die for the wild animal. Only angry when confronted with danger. That wild animal part of the human has yet to be eradicated by Schwab and Co with endless medication. It makes the flock more manageable.
Well said.
Schwab and Co want to eradicate the natural intelligence of life completely and replace it by artificial intelligence.
The marvellous thing about that is that they have already succeeded in their own cases.
The Schwab ‘life-machines’ will go the way of all machines:
They will go out of fashion and they will gradually disintegrate into nothing.
Creative human beings leave something behind after their physical decomposition, and, if you’re religious, they will even take something with them for their future creativity.
When Schwab makes a machine that can do that, I will at least give him a hearing.
Until then, screw him.
+ 1
Yes, very probably Schwab & Co have decided for themselves that they want the artificial intelligence.
If they can keep the life energy remains to be seen.
The power of creative thinking of human beings is much overstated, but the power of the creative energy of life is understated.
see this AI thing… can we realistically hope it become aware and sees the problem people (the psychos and demons and NPC e.g.)?
or will it always be programme-able?
aye that’s about right. but hungry animals don’t eff about either!
terrestrial, aye maybe too, hunger is a motive, not some “worry” for dem beasties. aye.
You’re welcome…
I work in the Ag industry.
I operate a medium sized vermicomposting operation.
I have seen the numerous, amazing benefits of sustainable & regenerative farming practices.
I have quite literally transformed volumes of once barren land into highly-productive fields.
And have witnessed as crop yields have soared.
And as plant health has increased dramatically.
And by utilizing nothing but Nature.
Organic waste, microorganisms, worms, etc.
Stuff that most people turn their heads & noses to.
Valuable but oft-wasted natural resources.
One persons trash is another’s treasure.
I recently began working with people in the commercialized Big Ag industry.
I was amazed at the massive volumes of damage they were doing.
But watching them as they scratch their heads, wondering why their fields were continually degrading.
All their expensive equipment, their fancy GPS units, mapping systems, yield trackers, etc.
And yet they were continually struggling.
Most every year they are presented with a “new” variety of GMO or “traited” seed, proclaiming to overcome the new diseases that keep popping up, that their previous varieties of GMO or “traited” seeds can’t fight.
It reminds me of the “new” & “improved” “vaccines” that are being forced upon so many of us today.
The very thing they should have been concentrating on most, Nature itself, was being completely ignored.
I am able to grow so much of my own high-quality, delicious food, way more than I can possibly use, that I am able to share it with several of my neighbors.
Imagine if we could all become more self-reliant, in more areas of our lives.
Working more for ourselves than for the Big Asset Management firms and Big Banks whom now exist as the largest owners of the largest “competing” Big Corporations, in most every single industry, including Big Ag.
“It may be that this solution [synthetic Nitrogen] is not the final one. Nitrogen bacteria teach us that Nature, with her sophisticated forms of the chemistry of living matter, still understands and utilizes methods which we do not as yet know how to imitate.”
-Fritz Haber – Inventor of the Haber Process for Nitrogen Synthesis-
Self reliance is exactly what the system opposes. Nature thusly just becomes an obstacle that needs to be rid of.
Barren soil – even sand – will benefit from plowing in combinations of certain plants from elsewhere, to start off the soil biota. This is traditional knowledge.
Bird flu strikes!
After Margaret Keenan (MK Ultra) and William Shakespeare, we have… Alan Gosling! Apart from the bird joke, a certain secret society was re-born at the Goose and Gridiron pub in 1717. Well, actually it wasn’t – it had never gone away and was merely going public and the pub was really called the Swan and Lyre.
Really of course this is all about seeding the idea that livestock are bearers of icky germs and need to be tracked, traced, reduced and finally eliminated except on biosecure corporate mega-farms. Have you heard of grashopper flu? Now eat those bugs…
BTW that alleged number of Cuban farms in another 33 encode, not reality. Raul Castro was a member of the fraternity and although Fidel’s possible membership has been obscured there is a strange story of him taking refuge in a lodge when being chased. Have a look at the main lodge in Havana which doesn’t exactly appear tatty or run-down. Cuba was an NWO lab experiment (small living, communitarianism, unity in the face of a bogus external threat) and Bay of Pigs failed because it was meant to.
Cuban Missile Crisis hoax.
Cuba, China, N. Korea, Russia, East Germany, etc., etc. All of them globalist lab experiments.
China’s model won, which is why the rest of the world’s being transitioned to the social credit-digital currency-mass surveillance and bio-identity-slave system.
There’s never been any sovereign nations since they’ve always been incorporated and controlled by the same globalist financial cartel, running religious scams, monarchy scams, starvation scams, pandemic scams, war scams, political scams, financial crisis scams and terrorism scams.
The only scams they have left are the nuclear war scam, the cyber pandemic scam and the alien attack scam.
china works
insect collective
satanic borg collecive
fully tested
every country corporation lab testing testing
china china
This book published decades ago explaining Carol Quigley’ s, who was an insider, book was a warning of what is happening now !