Winning the War on “Misinformation”

Margaret Anna Alice

“Free inquiry on a free platform is the only practice that distinguishes a free from a slave society.”
Milton Mayer, They Thought They Were Free: The Germans, 1933–45

When I was little, I had a poster of a raccoon with his paw over a kitten’s mouth saying, “If there’s anything I can’t stand, it’s someone talking while I’m interrupting.”

I was notorious for interrupting, asking questions, and getting so lost in thought, my mom had an ear doctor test my hearing because I was constantly saying, “What?”

That poster came to mind as I watched the Ministry of Truth campaign against “misinformation” first roll out. Today’s version of that poster would say, “If there’s anything I can’t stand, it’s someone’s information contradicting my disinformation.”

As we all understand by now, when Minitrue defines the “truth” as 2 + 2 = 5, then 2 + 2 = 4 becomes “misinformation.”

If you’re like me, you’ve probably had more than a few brushes with memoryholing and maybe even unpersoning as a result of Big Tech’s mass censorship rollout.

Not that they’d answer, but I’m tempted to ask the censors: What is the danger, if the sources are patently noncredible? Why treat us like infants incapable of assessing the validity of facts for ourselves? If the misinformation is so evidently false, let us see that on our own and the question will be put to rest.

Sunlight is the best disinfectant and so on—but yeah, that’s precisely the problem, isn’t it. Darkness must prevail for their narrative to survive the illuminating exposure of sunlight—even if the gatekeepers have to blot out the sun Bill Gates–style.

A few months ago, I started experimenting with real-world attempts to deprogram New Normalers on a private platform. I’d say it’s about a 70:30 Covidian:free-thinker ratio, not counting those remaining on the sidelines, quietly nodding in agreement but too cautious to speak out.

What I’ve discovered, based on the failures and successes of others as well as myself, is it is nearly impossible to gain traction on the “science” front. Their allegiance to the “experts” and the mainstream narrative is imbued with a religious fervor, and anyone who voices even the most hesitant of concerns is a heretical tin-foil hoax plandemic conspiracy nut.

Plus, any attempt to share compelling evidence from non-mainstream sources results in immediate deletion of the comment with veiled threats of silencing altogether.

The mere mention of Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, for example, garners instantaneous eradication. Or Dr. David Martin. Or Dr. Mike Yeadon. Or Dr. Robert Malone. Or any one of the thousands of reputable, Nobel Prize–winning and otherwise exceptionally credible scientists and medical experts sounding the alarm.

Entering into dialogue about the fraudulent PCR tests, the perils of the spike, the futility and health risks of mask-wearing, the devastation caused by lockdowns, or anything else that requires you to share what they deem “misinformation” is a losing battle from the start.

Subsequently, I jettisoned that approach and focused on the threat of totalitarianism.

I introduced historical primary sources such as the interviews with ten Nazis conducted shortly after WWII found in Milton Mayer’s enthralling They Thought They Were Free: The Germans, 1933–45. Of course, any comparison to the Third Reich immediately draws outcries of false equivalencies, so that approach can backfire, too, but the extensive evidence of parallels I provided generated no further pushback.

I repeatedly reminded the pitchfork wielders of the humanity of their dissident neighbors, cited escalating repressions around the world, elucidated the psychological mechanisms by which they are being manipulated, and advised them not to credulously assume we are immune to tyranny.

I directly accused anyone who remains silent during the vilification, persecution, exclusion, incarceration, and worse of their unvaccinated neighbors of being no different from the ordinary Germans who did not speak out about the treatment of the Jews.

This upset many of them, of course, but neither could they deny the nearly verbatim propaganda about the unvaccinated being spreaders of disease when I cited historical examples.

I gained a meager amount of traction with one virulent spike-pusher (I’ll call him Ampleforth). We engaged in several exchanges about stampeding authoritarianism, and he agreed it was a concern but fears the virus is a more imminent threat and thus worth risking totalitarianism over.

I called out his naïveté and presented more evidence of the correlation between our present climate and the rise of tyranny throughout history, which appeared to give him pause, for a half-second, anyway.

I always kept the conversation cordial and respectful, even while I was eviscerating their arguments. Elevating the dialogue to substantive debate and calling out ad hominem attacks, threats, and false accusations prevented the conversation from devolving into a shouting match.

My foray into these debates started with a post in which Ampleforth reminded everyone of the site’s “misinformation” policy given the “uptick in cases in the area.”

To which I responded:

Thank you for outlining the misinformation policy. It is exhausting having to apply our critical thinking skills to multiple sources of information in our efforts to distinguish propaganda from facts. How much easier it is to outsource our thinking to politicians, megacorporations, and allied media. Obviously, they have our best interests at heart and would never misinform us. They certainly have never done so in the past. For further details on how to enforce such a policy, see the Ministry of Truth reference manual titled Nineteen Eighty-Four. There is also a video tutorial available for quick reference.

Followed up by:

Perhaps Biden should follow in Emmanuel Macron’s footsteps and start penalizing anyone without a “sanitary pass” with a $53,000 fine and a year in jail, where they are sure to be deloused. I hear Room 101 is available, as are several facilities in neighboring Germanic countries. CNN thinks so.

I’ll spare you the additional back-and-forthing I had with the author—which we actually managed to keep surprisingly civil, even achieving consensus on topics such as the PATRIOT Act, government surveillance, and corporate data-gathering. He proposed I start a separate topic about this, but I reminded him that posts like that tend to vanish in a matter of hours.

As if to illustrate my point, one of my subsequent comments was tidily dispatched in the dead of night by a censorship fairy.

I was responding to a previous question about coronavirus patents and shared a couple of thought-provoking links related to that:

Someone asked about patents in an earlier thread. This 205-page dossier outlines the patents associated with SARS/coronavirus with documentation dating back to 1998. It was prepared by Dr. David Martin, whose company, M–CAM, has been monitoring violations of the Geneva Convention and the BTWC (Prohibition of the Development, Production, and Stockpiling of Bacteriological and Toxin Weapons) for two decades. He gives specific patent numbers and language. I’ve only glanced at the document myself but thought it might be useful for anyone wishing to research this topic for themselves. To get the gist, watch Dr. Martin’s recent interview with Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, where he also outlines relevant patent numbers and dates. No conspiracy theories, no conjecture, just scientifically verifiable data.

I encourage anyone with an open mind to evaluate this information for themselves rather than trusting the word of corporate/social media, Big Tech, government agencies, and pharmaceutical company–funded mouthpieces, who have everything to gain (e.g., trillions of dollars of recurring revenue for pharmaceutical companies, “justification” to restrict individual freedoms and grant absolute powers for governments) from suppressing the scientific facts (“misinformation”) that contradict their carefully crafted disinformation campaign.

I’m not saying any of these statements is true or false as I am still evaluating them myself, but I am more inclined to trust the brave immunologists, virologists, scientists, and pharmaceutical company insiders like Pfizer’s former chief science officer, who are risking their careers, reputations, grant funding, and lives to present thought-provoking evidence exposing the corruption of the zero-liability pharmaceutical companies and allied governments, agencies, and media.

Coincidentally, Ampleforth closed the discussion within moments of my posting that, claiming the post was now being used to propagate the very “misinformation” he had been warning about.

When someone did actually start a separate post about the definition of misinformation, I attempted to share the dematerialized comment with this preface:

What is the definition of misinformation? Anything that contradicts the Ministry of Truth’s definition of truth, of course.

Speaking of, I noticed a comment I made on Ampleforth’s misinformation post has been disappeared (Ampleforth, did you delete that, or did the editors? just curious as I’ve noticed seemingly innocuous comments on other posts getting disappeared, and I’m not sure at which level the censorship is occurring).

I will repost it here as I believe adults have the right to examine source material for themselves and come to their own conclusions without being coerced into a particular position. I challenge anyone who thinks this is misinformation to set aside their confirmation bias and evaluate the data for themselves before making a knee-jerk judgment.

Strange—that comment, too, evaporated overnight.

My closing comment managed to survive and even garnered a surprisingly high number of positive reactions. I shared many of the resources mentioned in my Primer for the Propagandized post, so I won’t repeat it here, but details will be available in my Behind the Scenes series for paid subscribers featuring extended exchanges.

The next morning, I awoke to a private message from a woman who had already started listening to the The Politics of Obedience audiobook based on the recommendations in my last comment.

She was so excited, she asked if she could share it with her email groups and encouraged me to send her more resources, which I gladly obliged.

This heartening note made me feel like my efforts were not entirely for naught. I realize I’m mainly just reaching the choir, especially for those of you who self-selected onto this mailing list, but as I told this kind woman, “My hope, however futile, is to awaken the sleeping to reason and to equip the awake with the knowledge and tools needed to understand and defend anti-authoritarian positions.”

Even if the sleeping prefer to remain comatose, this note reminded me there is still value in engaging in such dialogues. I will continue to spread the seeds of information needed to combat the Ministry of Truth’s disinformation campaigns—for however long they survive the Winston Smiths of the world.

“Is the Mainstream Media a Threat to Freedom and Sanity?”

The following Academy of Ideas video seems an apt complement to this article as it explores both the empowering nature of mass communication enabled by the Internet and the subsequent totalitarian attempts to control the informational flow.

(If you’re not already subscribed to the Academy of Ideas YouTube channel, that is my TOP recommended must-subscribe channel as every video is an intellectual feast illustrated by sumptuous works of art and historical imagery.)

Margaret Anna examines propaganda, neuropsychology, culture, linguistic programming, and mass control in her aim to awaken the sleeping before tyranny triumphs. Visit her blog to read more of her work or buy her a coffee.


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Categories: Covid Positive, latest
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Jan 23, 2022 1:22 PM

I’m tired of the “misinformation” mantra thats been parroted over and over again by the very propagandists who have an agenda. It’s always “misinformation” when its something they dislike and are pushing the herd into their narrative corral.

Jan 10, 2022 7:08 AM

Let’s see if someone can connect these dots:


Excuse the typing.

Jan 10, 2022 6:35 AM

Just want to point out a few things for all those who are being misled by Malone and similar types.

Quoted on twitter in 2019 to have said, “We need more surveillance, tracing and testing”.

Making vaccines “on demand”: a potential solution for emerging pathogens and biodefense?Anne S De Groot  1 Leo EinckLeonard MoiseMichael ChambersJohn BallantyneRobert W MaloneMatthew ArditoWilliam Martin

He’s a marketing front, peddling to cover for the fundamental fraud regarding the “virus”, vaccine, medical industry.

Trust that thing at your peril. Now of course, you should avoid the vaccines, but “coincidence theorists” said that LONG before Malone started being paraded in the media.

I have some *choice* words for the likes of malone, zelenko, etc.

Jan 9, 2022 5:03 PM

that racoon somehow reminds me of Fauci

Jan 9, 2022 7:28 PM
Reply to  Sullivan

To me he looks like Howdy Doody– before your time.

Jan 11, 2022 7:20 PM
Reply to  Penelope

I would have guessed Princess Summerfallwinterspring.

Jan 9, 2022 5:02 PM

This is a red alert post.

It does not just outline the controlled opposition tactics being used right now to advance the next phase WHO test and treat phase of the Covid-19 scamdemic

It also has URGENT information about Gates developed monoclonal antibody treatments which INDUCE CANCER as a side effect

Sold on need to prevent hospitalization but package insert administration may induce such severe symptoms hospitalization may be NEEDED:

Two minute video with Gates sales pitch for the drug and information on the Cancer issue HERE:


Jan 10, 2022 6:38 AM
Reply to  Rose

Monoclonal antibodies are absolute garbage.

Here are some examples of effects:

Anyone peddling anything based on the notion that “covid is a thing” is shit you can safely discard.

Also, any supposed “immune response” they talk of, is a measure of damage, NOT future protection. They frame that resulting damage as protection.

There is no “immune system”, there is health status.

Jan 9, 2022 2:21 PM

always very amusing / ironic / sad that so many people beating their chests about how they are such strong warriors fighting the covid propaganda etc garbage always like to point out (unintentionally I am sure) how they are in complete thrall to the ‘horrible nazis!!! propaganda. Hitler took Germany out of the power of the international banking cartel and made Germany an economic powerhouse in 3 years by doing so while the banking-cartel dominated world was still held in a great depression – the cartel eventually got rid of Hitler, but they do NOT want you thinking about what he did – and they have been very successful for 75 years now in that endeavor …

Blind Gill
Blind Gill
Jan 9, 2022 1:17 PM

Anyone see the video on Gootoob from GB news with Neil whatsit with Mike Yeadon? 5 mins posted by GB news of a 20min interview on their platform. It’s interesting to watch them both and where they made the cuts. But some enterprising person has uploaded the entire thing. Not down yet but I think it will be. On the full version you can hear where they faded him out to let Neil speak to. I mean in one sense I’m thrilled they even got him on and there was no attempt to make him look a dick – but then you think what’s the point of you’re going to edit out the best bits?

Fucking hate MSM. Despite what they say they are MSM and I know they have got to be aware of ofcom but still.

Jan 9, 2022 11:43 AM

IF we knew how to fight the disinformation campaigns against Syria, Iraq and Libya, we wouldn’t be fighting the Vaccine Mandate now!

Mr Y
Mr Y
Jan 9, 2022 3:51 PM
Reply to  GR-Watch


Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jan 9, 2022 11:38 AM

The Unity Project

Working together to STOP COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates for Healthy Children K-12
– Dr. Peter McCullough
– Dr. Robert Malone
– Dr. Paul Alexander
– Dr. Aaron Kheriaty

The implication is that they wish to somehow distinguish “healthy” children from the “unhealthy”; and that the latter may be subject to forced vaccination. This sounds disturbingly Nazi-esque, so I think it needs some clarification.

Global Covid Summit
Strategic Partner of The Unity Project
Over 13,000 international physicians and medical scientists have produced a comprehensive COVID-19-related declaration and have reached consensus based upon overwhelming evidence against vaccinating healthy children.
Declaration Link:
October 29, 2021

It is resolved:
(a) that healthy children shall not be subject to forced vaccination
(b) that naturally immune persons recovered from sars-cov-2 shall not be subject to any restrictions or vaccine mandates
(c) that all health agencies and institutions shall cease interfering with physicians treating individual patients

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jan 9, 2022 1:25 PM

It is resolved that healthy children shall not be subject to forced vaccination

This resolution is supported by evidence (link to 38 studies and articles) and the following argument:

Negligible clinical risks from SARS-CoV-2 infection exist for healthy children under eighteen.

Long term safety of the current COVID vaccines in children cannot be determined prior to instituting such policies. Without high-powered, reproducible, long term safety data, risks to the long-term health status of children remain too high to support use in healthy children.

Children risk severe, adverse events from receiving the vaccine. Permanent physical damage to the brain, heart, immune and reproductive system associated with SARS-CoV-2 spike protein-based genetic vaccines has been demonstrated in children.

Healthy, unvaccinated children are critical to achieving herd immunity. Natural immunity is proven to tolerate infection, benefiting community protection while there is insufficient data to assess whether Covid vaccines assist herd immunity.

Consequently, it appears that the signatories support the principle of forced vaccination; and that the resolution merely concerns the scope of application in this specific instance. I think this also needs clarification.

Jan 10, 2022 6:42 AM

They’re souled out subversives fronting for the institutional “glamour”, upholding the fundamentally fraudulent constructs, trying to gain favour.

I simply do not trust them, especially not the likes of malone, who is so clearly an enemy.

Jan 10, 2022 12:59 PM
Reply to  Alcheminister

Does the message wake people up still.?

Jan 11, 2022 3:37 AM
Reply to  Tanis

I sincerely doubt it, since it’s still perpetuating the fraud.

Jan 9, 2022 2:17 PM

I think you’re looking for problems – these are all very well credentialled ‘good guys’ in the fight against the covid cult – all they’re saying is most children are frigging healthy, leave them the f** alone!!

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jan 9, 2022 2:51 PM
Reply to  siamdave

What criteria do you use to determine whether a person is one of the “good guys”?

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jan 9, 2022 6:24 PM
Reply to  siamdave

all they’re saying is most children are frigging healthy

No, what they’re doing is stating a recommended policy position in a formal resolution. It is supposedly signed 13,000 medical professionals and it claims to be “comprehensive”. I am merely asking the questions:

a) what is their position (if any) with regard to “unhealthy” children?

b) what is their general position with regard to forced vaccination?

Jan 9, 2022 11:32 PM

Critical thinking, can’t have that…. Excellent points.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jan 9, 2022 5:20 PM

As an illustration of the type mentality behind the vaccination cult, this is an extract from the Stanley Plotkin deposition.

Stanley Alan Plotkin (born May 12, 1932) is an American physician who works as a consultant to vaccine manufacturers . . . His book, Vaccines, is the standard reference on the subject. He is an editor with Clinical and Vaccine Immunology, which is published by the American Society for Microbiology.

Dr. Stanley “Human-in-Form” Plotkin, re: experiments on orphans, mentally retarded, prisoners.
First Freedoms
Nov 6, 2018
Dr. Stanley Plotkin, January 2018.
Attorney (A): Have you ever used orphans to study an experimental vaccine?
Plotkin (P): Yes.
A: Have you ever used the mentally handicapped to study an experimental vaccine?
P: I don’t recollect ever doing studies in mentally handicapped individuals. At the time in the 1960s, it was not an uncommon practice.
A: Well, there’s an article entitled “Attenuation of RA 27/3 Rubella Virus in WI38 Human Diploid Cells.” Are you familiar with that article?
P: Yes.
A: In that article, one of the things it says is 13 seronegative mentally retarded children were given RA 27/3 vaccine?
P: Okay. Well, then that’s, in that case that’s what I did.
A: Have you ever expressed that it’s better to perform experiments on those less likely to be able to contribute to society, such as children with handicap, than with children without or adults without handicaps?
P: I don’t remember specifically, but it’s possible.
A: Do you remember ever writing to the editor of “Ethics on Human Experimentation”?
P: I don’t remember specifically, but I may well have.
A: I’m going to hand you what’s been marked as Exhibit 43. Do you recognize this letter you wrote to the editor?
P: Yes.
A: Did you write this letter?
P: Yes.
A: Is one of the things you wrote: “The question is whether we are to have experiments performed on fully functioning adults and on children who are potentially contributors to society or to perform initial studies in children and adults who are human in form but not in social potential?”
P: Yes.
A: Have you ever used babies of mothers in prison to study an experimental vaccine?
P: Yes.
A: Have you ever used individuals under colonial rule to study an experimental vaccine?
P: Yes.

Jan 10, 2022 7:13 AM

Is he dead yet? If not, why not?

Jan 10, 2022 10:14 PM

Nightmare…in full view!

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jan 11, 2022 9:15 AM

The following is an interview with the attorney who grilled Plotkin for nine hours.

Meet ICAN Attorney Aaron Siri
The Highwire with Del Bigtree
Nov 1, 2021
Meet the brilliant mind behind one of the most successful and active Legal Teams in the world of Vaccine and Civil Rights. Aaron provides legal insight on Covid vaccine mandates, shocking childhood vaccines, the Plotkin Deposition, and more.
[Stanley Plotkin deposition starts at 51:30]

Stanley Plotkin, Vaccines Deposition, Under Oath, 9 Hour Full Video
Aborted fetal tissues are used in vaccines. Vaccines have been experimentally tested on orphans and on mental handicapped children. Experimental tests on babies from mothers in prisons. Experimental tests on 1 million people in then colonial Belgian Congo. There is so much information in this shocking video. A must watch.

Jan 9, 2022 11:09 AM

Winning the War on “Misinformation” (try not to laugh)

Plus, any attempt to share compelling evidence from non-mainstream sources results in immediate deletion of the comment with veiled threats of silencing altogether.

The mere mention of Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, for example, garners instantaneous eradication. Or Dr. David Martin. Or Dr. Mike Yeadon. Or Dr. Robert Malone. Or any one of the thousands of reputable, ????

Winning the War on “Misinformation” by actually thinking your winning a war with the misinformation bandits like fake CEO Mike spin us a Yeadon and Man of Delmonty Robert Malone Bob Baloney (you cant even see the psyop played on you, perhaps get your ego out the way) & David DR bullshit Martin who looks like George bush junior and Fuellmich, feul much never ending court case of going no where soon.

So far your not wining anything with that line up of gone full scale woke shilling.

Your line up Maggy is the echo chamber of controlled operatives and as usual your being played (again) and egotistical 1/4 awake people dont like to hear real bitter truths!.

OFF G to be half decent what’s happened ????
Has off-guardian gone woke??? off wokian…
What was this nonsense article.. .? thank god some member’s saw sense which seems to trigger the admin for some reason.

Jan 10, 2022 7:16 AM
Reply to  bittertruths

Hey, you should try trolling on substack. I’ve pointed out some things regarding the peddlers on various “popular” posters’ blogs and such.

Eugyppius (I was quickly banned for too much truthiness), Steve Kirsch, Alex Berenson, etc.

I rarely get responses and I ask a LOT of questions. Which to me, says a lot.

The saturation of peddlers trying to uphold the fundamental fraud, marketing pharma shit there is kinda staggering.

What’s that saying…”Truth doesn’t mind being questioned, lies don’t like being questioned”…

New Nane
New Nane
Jan 9, 2022 7:28 AM

Why no references to the USSR and China ? They are the patterns that are forming the moulds into which all societies will be poured. Why no references to the central banking cartels which have controlled us for centuries and which are leading us today into depopulation abattoirs ?

Victor G.
Victor G.
Jan 9, 2022 6:28 PM
Reply to  New Nane


Jan 9, 2022 4:53 AM

How much easier it is to outsource our thinking to politicians, megacorporations, and allied media.

That almost sums up the whole situation. Well put!

Jan 9, 2022 4:53 AM

To admit you’re wrong is one thing, to admit you’re wrong and gullible takes some courage and humility.
They both went missing with the ‘Me, me, me’ social media fanaticism.

Jan 9, 2022 1:35 AM

To Follow up again on 3d Quarter (Post-Vax) Indiana Deaths UP 40%

Insurance CEO Davison said 3d quarter 2021 18-64 age deaths are up 40% over previous year, and most death claims are NOT covid.
Also increase in short-term and longterm disability.

Brian Tabor, president of Indiana Hospital Association, said that IN hospitalizations are higher than before the vaccine– higher than any time in the past 5 years. 37% of ICU is covid, but 54% is not. 
The vaxx or too much deferred healthcare?


Week ending June 26 to wk ending Sept 18, 2020, 148 deaths 15- to 19-year-olds. 
Same weeks/same age group in 2021, 217 deaths — an increase of 47%
However, the numbers are small & how many actually took the vaxx?
Any increase in disability?
Anybody here know how to get NHS stats?

According to the CDC, life expectancy at birth declined by 1.5 years in 2020, largest one-year decline since World War II. CDC attributes it to covid and 93,000 drug overdose deaths — an all-time one-year high– plus homicide, diabetes, and liver disease.

86% of kids 12-17 who get it need hospitalization. 85% of incidence is after 2d shot. 

“The estimated incidence of CAEs [cardiac adverse events] among boys aged 12-15 years following the second dose was 162 per million; the incidence among boys aged 16-17 years was 94 per million. The estimated incidence of CAEs among girls was 13 per million in both age groups.”


Jan 9, 2022 12:15 AM

Need a smart phone to reeive all the disinfo and the smart phone need rare earth minerals to work…


Oh, there’s “unrest” and troops going in there – what a coincidence.

Jan 9, 2022 7:47 AM
Reply to  Edwige


Jan 14, 2022 4:41 PM
Reply to  Edwige

A civil skirmish or limited war is manufactured (using the pretext of high fuel prices) to move citizenry off land that has already been set aside for use by the cartel in their mining plans.

Jan 8, 2022 11:10 PM

In December, last month, Mr Djokovic the Tennis player number one showed his support for the protests in Serbia against the mining giant Rio Tinto, an anglo-australian corporation.

No wonder, australian officials including the liar prime minister have repeatedly told the media: Mr Djokovic is not detained and is Free to Leave australia anytime!

Perhaps Mr Djokovic’s father was not a ‘conspiracy theorist’ when he said, a trap was laid in order to humiliate the tennis Champion!

Jan 9, 2022 3:46 AM
Reply to  GR-Watch

“Oz is programmed to receive
You can checkout any time you like
But you can never leave!”

Is that U Karen Andrews???

New Nane
New Nane
Jan 9, 2022 7:30 AM
Reply to  GR-Watch

Rio Tinto is an R family company.

Jan 8, 2022 11:06 PM

“free platform”
Congratulations and thank you for changing from the quote awful-eyesore font to a much better one.

Margaret Anna Alice
Margaret Anna Alice
Jan 8, 2022 11:15 PM
Reply to  GR-Watch

😆 That awful eyesore font for the blockquotes has been a pet peeve of mine, too. Unfortunately, it’s still showing up as the eyesore font for me. It’s a double whammy because the CSS is applying fake italics to Yellowtail, so it’s skewing a cursive. The blockquote font-style needs to be changed to “normal” to prevent the fake italic from being imposed. And it really does need to be a more elegant typeface to suit OffGuardian’s otherwise classy style—the italic version of the body font (Alegreya) if nothing else.

Jan 9, 2022 9:54 PM

Bless your heart for expressing this peeve; perhaps we need to work out a joint-custody arrangement for our common pet.  😉 

The blockquote feature may have been improved since my disastrous early experience months ago; I was put off when, for some reason, the quote was not only non-consensually italicized, but for some reason split into several separate blocks, or sub-blocks– which utterly defeats the purpose of formatting substantial quotes in a blockquote in the first place.

But the unwanted italics alone is a deal-breaker for me.

I describe the awful hyper-italicizing used in prefatory lead quotes as “italicizing on steroids”. If I were instead channeling Mark Twain, I would describe them as “italics out on a drunk”.

So thanks again for taking up the hitherto-lost cause!  👃  I hope it prompts someone to tweak these horrors into extinction. 

Margaret Anna Alice
Margaret Anna Alice
Jan 10, 2022 1:03 AM
Reply to  Ort

🤣🤣🤣 “italics out on a drunk” is now my new favorite typographical phrase.

sean ryan
sean ryan
Jan 8, 2022 10:41 PM

The phyto-chemical Thymol is one of the most effective natural antibiotics and antivirals known to humans.
It has been recognized for being as effective as the synthetic disinfectant ingredients in brands like Lysol, in killing 99.99 percent of bacteria & viruses.

The ancient “Father of Medicine” Hippocrites (Hippocrates of Kos, c. 460 – c. 370 BC) reportedly wrote/stated:
Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food

Phyto-chemical compounds make up to 80 percent of all pharmaceuticals (well, now most pharmaceuticals use synthetic versions of those compounds, solely for IP & profit considerations).

Herbs, spices, natural flavorings and such are far more useful than just enhancing taste.
They have been demonstrated to support natural health.
Polyphenols are complex molecules, often called “bitters” and/or “aromatic compounds”, and include things like flavonoids, lignans, terpenoids, tannins, etc., and are often abundant in plants.

Each & every one of us possess the power & ability to grow our own natural apothecaries.
And incorporate more of those highly beneficial phyto-chemicals into our daily diets.

More & more food today, especially that coming from the Big Ag & Big Food behemoths are increasingly being made with synthetic flavorings.
And highly-over-processed ingredients.
Largely destroying their natural beneficial qualities.

Where you have systems of growing dependence, you increasingly lack independence.
There are massive power & profit motives behind systems of growing dependence.

Jan 8, 2022 10:19 PM

Academy of Ideas, Freemasons pushing the mass psychosis/formation fraud by that other Mason. That channel is on a parallel with Rebel Wisdom and Jordan Peterson. It’s a little late to be discovering the media disseminates false narratives as a propaganda and brainwashing tool. It’s been the entire purpose of the media, since its creation.

There’s nothing worthwhile in the media. It’s all fictional narratives. Maybe the weather and sports results are partly factual but even so, since most games and sports results are rigged, and the weather is a result of geo-engineering by the military and multiple governments, the public’s only being told half the story.

The author likes highly publicized and pushed Freemason virus shills and engages people in some (un-named) private platform by regaling tales of tyranny past. Specifically, the Freemason-Judaic orchestrated, planned and created WW2 scam in order to cull millions, institute the UN, and it’s sub agencies like the WHO which instigate the faux pandemics, the vaccine scams and Agenda 21,2030,2050.

The author also mentioned politics as if both parties don’t work together, against the people in an obvious psyop, good cop bad cop, scam called voting – aka, ceding one’s personal autonomy, independence and authority to some Masonic puppet politicians standing on a stage, reciting a script.

Mass delusions held through the mass dissemination of lies and propaganda are a natural result of mass brainwashing washing through intelligence operation created propaganda conglomerate called “the media”.

It’s all Trauma Based Mass Mind Control.

This brain washing and mind control occurs from childhood, starting in school with indoctrination and ending with brain numbing tv, where if we aren’t being distracted with mindless reality tv, sports and crime and violence, people are conditioned to believe that whatever crisis actor video footage on their screen must be real if there’s an accompanying news anchor reading a script on a teleprompter.

There are no experts on television or in the press. The people on tv and in the media are placed there as disseminators of narratives and government agendas. They are paid spokespeople. Their professions are within the sphere of direct-indirect government employees or PhRMA employees. Their entire livelihood and their next mortgage payment is dependent on their adherence to government disseminated scripts. Even witnesses to alleged crimes or terrorist attacks are usually crisis actors. Example: Mikki Willis. Witness to 911 and host/director/actor in the Plandemic series. Willis also supports the trans agenda before 2020. What a coincidence.

Since the government is racketeering, has lied continuously about this faux pandemic since the beginning, and is now actively murdering and injuring the population on a grand scale with impunity, engaging the vaccinated is probably fruitless.

People who are duped into believing lies over facts will defend their position because there is something they are gaining simultaneously. They want to believe themselves informed and obedient, or they fear ridicule or ostracization to go against the mainstream narrative, which was purposefully politicized and polarized by the controlled opposition Freemasons, intelligence agencies and politician puppets into more red vs blue nonsense. If the vaccinated, masked order followers wanted to know the truth, they would have investigated for themselves and come to their own conclusions.

What’s required is to elucidate the fraud. The fraud and the racketeering go hand in hand. Everyone knows that politicians lie (because they do it continually) and ultimately government is not trustworthy.

Government-military participation in eugenics and experimenting with biological (failed) and chemical experiments on civilian populations was carried out right throughout the 20th century and is ongoing with this covid vaccination scam/Brain Initiative. The two operations overlap using the vaccines.

The deleterious results of allopathy, the deaths and injuries from vaccines, the fraud of germ theory, the Rockefeller medical cartel and the reality of iatrogenic murder in hospitals and nursing homes globally is a crime against humanity and must be exposed.

This virus/pandemic scam has been the largest wealth transfer in history.

The murdering of people using vaccines, the implanting of nanotech using vaccines, and the vilifying of the unvaccinated causes schisms, enables depopulation and sterilization but it isn’t the end goal. Unfortunately, there’s too many goals to list. But seizing more control, enables more wealth transfer in the future. along with the seizure of everyone’s private and personal property, to transition to the circular-rentier economy which replaces the linear economy. That’s the goal of the 4th Industrial Revolution.

The faux pandemic and the faux climate crisis merely introduces existing infrastructure (like vaccine passports, 5g, bio-identity) that’s already been built to transition GMO humans into the future, geotagged unreality, cyber world of AI controlled, self imprisonment.

Mass surveillance, digital currency, bio identity, forced medication, loss of freedoms, rights and private property, loss of privacy and bodily autonomy are just the tip of the iceberg.

Cyber-pandemics which are on the menu next, created by governments and overseen by the WEF will cause mass starvation and more wealth transfer from the 99% to the 1%.

We already have totalitarianism, since voting doesn’t matter. It’s illusory. It’s an activity they give you to make you believe in the farce of faux democracy. The state, which is a legal fiction already has the authority to steal and kill with impunity.

Xavier Delacroix
Xavier Delacroix
Jan 8, 2022 10:43 PM
Reply to  Researcher

It’s all incredibly complicated, and you have your work cut out even deprogramming the unjabbed.

Consequently, enlightenment is necessarily a solitary, self-directed activity.

However, as you soon discover in the lower levels of the rabbit warren, TPTB have erected signposts to guide the intrepid.

Jan 8, 2022 10:52 PM

Yes. What was that thing you were talking about the other month? Was it something to do with the poles switching?

Xavier Delacroix
Xavier Delacroix
Jan 8, 2022 11:50 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Epiphany (12th night after the 24th night), also known as the Feast of Topsy Turvy, commemorates The Great Reset, which comes but twice a Great Year.

Jan 10, 2022 1:54 PM

So which actual year is it due? Do you know?

Jan 10, 2022 6:48 AM
Reply to  Researcher

Why are you allowed to post?

Jan 11, 2022 7:18 PM
Reply to  Alcheminister

A good question.
Clear case of derangement.

Jan 8, 2022 11:29 PM
Reply to  Researcher

If you believe in spirituality, it’s a very simple process. It’s good against evil or to put it in human terms as Sutton so famously stated it is “ Us against them”. Alas, as I found most of my life, many many many people don’t realise who them are but very very very slowly, very gradually an awakening is happening!

Jan 9, 2022 12:33 AM
Reply to  Brianborou

Indeed. Right and wrong. Moral and immoral. Truth versus lies. I think it really is US against THEM.

Most people seem blindly oblivious or on the THEM side without a real understanding of the consequences. Perhaps much of our history is continually being wiped out with each generation to erase the truth of the past.

Tony Maroni
Tony Maroni
Jan 9, 2022 1:34 AM
Reply to  Researcher



Jan 9, 2022 9:00 AM
Reply to  Researcher

Yes, as so many authors/ researchers have found such as Michael Parenti in one of his books History as a Mystery, history is distorted by omission, hyperbole, downright lies etc to create a tale for the masses to be their “ truth” . Howard Zinn explored this to some degree in his book The People’s History of America. But it’s not only bought and paid for historians who are doing this but also archaeologists. For example, the myth pumped out for a long time is “ civilisation “ began 6000 years ago, yet, a series of structures/ megaliths has been found in Gobekli Tepi which have been dated at around 12,000 years old. It brings into question how much of the origins of man is true.

Jan 10, 2022 2:57 PM
Reply to  Brianborou

+ 1

Tony Maroni
Tony Maroni
Jan 9, 2022 1:31 AM
Reply to  Brianborou


Captain Birdheart
Captain Birdheart
Jan 8, 2022 11:35 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Nailed it again, Researcher ! Pretty much counts as an article in OffG for me, so I’ll give you a few up-votes here, as I’m not ‘logged-in’ and you seem to be getting a few down-votes !

Plenty of ‘globes’ in that Academy of Ideas vid, just like on teevee/films !

But on to the next article, better shut down this comment section !

Jan 9, 2022 12:28 AM
Reply to  Researcher

I have a stupid question: Once they have killed off most of us, stolen the property and have all of the money, then what? Do they just generate more fake money amongst themselves? What defines profit after they’ve gotten all of the resources and all we have are digital credits on our phones? Once they’ve killed off the potential creators and artists, who provides the culture and entertainment and new ideas? The robots?

Jan 9, 2022 12:49 AM
Reply to  Martha

They aren’t depopulating to the extent that it will affect profits. They can’t obliterate everyone. They have a few million of their own, that are already perfectly safe.

Obviously they decided that only “essential” workers are needed in their new model. That’s maybe 10%-20% of the population? It’s going to take them decades to get to those levels.

As for artists and creators, only those who are already part of the family are ever really promoted or successful. So that Cul-ture will continue as always, in that Masonic, dark way, it has always.

The new model of licensing and a rentier economy within the circular economy model, and then DNA experimentation and the new type of human and social digital currency allows for more profiteering from each individual and a shorter life.

They can probably also create new life without us procreating. In any case, they are focusing on culling the educated population in the West, Europe and the Five Eyes countries. Not so much elsewhere yet.

Tony Maroni
Tony Maroni
Jan 9, 2022 1:56 AM
Reply to  Researcher

they are focusing on culling the educated population in the West, Europe and the Five Eyes countries. Not so much elsewhere yet.

I disagree. Educated doesn’t mean you are intelligent enough to think outside the box. If you are educated and already part of the cult (Masons) you will be kept and used if needed.

Jan 9, 2022 10:07 PM
Reply to  Tony Maroni

Totally. Educated doesn’t mean intelligent or able to think outside the box.

But in the US for instance, baby boomers have the most assets, the largest pension funds and the most social security. So anyone over 50 is probably a target.

Tony Maroni
Tony Maroni
Jan 11, 2022 12:03 AM
Reply to  Researcher

Although sad, have a +1

Jan 9, 2022 1:58 AM
Reply to  Researcher

That sounds like an awful world. Glad they haven’t invited me to be a part of it.

Jan 9, 2022 11:49 PM
Reply to  Martha

They aren’t inviting us, they’re demanding we participate or be culled. I know you’re kidding a bit but if you’ve rejected their “invitations” so far you’ll never truly be a part of what they have in mind. And that’s a good thing.

Jan 10, 2022 1:00 AM
Reply to  Lizzyh7

I was responding to Researcher, who said that the murderers have “a few million of their own”, would promote their families & faves and leave 10-20% of the rest of us. I meant I wasn’t invited to be in the ‘in’ group.

Jan 10, 2022 10:11 AM
Reply to  Martha

“I meant I wasn’t invited to be in the ‘in’ group.”

There are some “clubs” I’d rather not join or go to.

Would you even want to be invited to “the ‘in group”? They try very hard to get you to join them if you take a look around.

Jan 9, 2022 9:09 AM
Reply to  Researcher

Coleman and Quigley laid out what the rats pack of Satanists general intentions are !

Jan 9, 2022 3:40 AM
Reply to  Martha

Remember: we are talking about lunatics. They probably have no real concept of causality, therefore of time. They exist gimmick to gimmick. Doubtless in their tangled minds, they can kill off all those who create wealth yet the wealth will still appear – just as it always has, on a silver platter, handed to them by one of their servants.

The 1%, if they ever existed in the real world, have long since abandoned it as nowhere near grand enough for them.

Jan 9, 2022 8:06 AM
Reply to  Martha

As Marx predicted internal contradictions have caused capitalism to stall. The overlords want to secure themselves – batten down hatches – before they suffer the consequences. They will certainly want an underclass around them – on their terms.

Jan 24, 2022 2:24 PM
Reply to  mgeo

Anybody who starts based on left/right BS paradigm hypothesis, gets everything else wrong (as it goes in statistics: garbage in –> garbage out), because that “left” side of the paradigm (Marx) was made by the same ones who made the “right” side.

There is no left / right!
The real hierarchy is only vertical, top to bottom, it’s always been and always will be only – US (the people) vs. them (the “elites”).

Their “ideology” is materialistic and above all political ideologies. Their “moral codes” have nothing in common with God’s commandments.

They are very spiritual, but the difference is – they worship the “enlightened” one.

Jan 9, 2022 12:56 AM
Reply to  Researcher

Outstanding comment thanks.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Jan 9, 2022 3:27 AM
Reply to  Researcher

This borders on defeatism/despair trolling unless you can seed something positive. Is it all just sewn up in a neat little Freemason package? Do these all-knowing, infinitely cunning, infinitely clever people who’ve thought of every eventuality really have us trapped like flies in their secretive web?

This becomes unfalsifiable very quickly.

I suspect you know little of humanity, nor have you looked past the cracks in the Covid narrative (and the cracks in your own narrative) long enough to see the raw chaos that’s intertwined with what’s unfolding. There are elements of this narrative that no sane mind has created, that are purely senile. THAT’S what’s so terrifying to behold for those who aren’t under its spell. The sense that such raging chaos and turmoil, with no one at the helm, could turn its course at any moment to consume those in its path.

Are there bit players and even major players trying to harness the storm? Sure. Maybe each elite faction are even succeeding in doing so, to some extent, in self-conflicting fits and starts. But you fail to see the scale involved here, or take into account any other factors. You make it seem like the shadowy elite are millionaire gods playing with figurines, like Lawrence Olivier in clash of the Titans. It feels naive and fatalistic.

Humanity is at war with itself, but there is a true chaotic element to it, which can be harnessed for good as well as ill.

We are seeing the results of spontaneous tide changes every day. We need to remember this, and stop fetishising Freemasons into the Dominant, with humanity as their Sub.

It’s just another version of the Covid meme ‘Govern me harder daddy’, only instead of being stuck with syringes we’re painted with secret symbols and daubed in horse blood or something.

Really, enough with all of that submissive nonsense. We have to think empowered or we’re throwing this fight. Let’s guide the undeniable chaos element in a good direction. A2

Jan 9, 2022 3:47 AM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

It’s not submissive or defeatist.

I don’t see any seething chaos, horse blood etc. It’s all very organized and controlled. The people’s will and welfare is being ignored and the Masonic governments and corporations are carrying on regardless of the resisters and controlled opposition.

If the Freemasons and Financial cartel have managed to keep their rule under wraps from the majority of mankind for so many centuries, and they have, it’s seems pretty obvious they aren’t relying on luck.

What you perceive as defeatism, I see as realism. Through exposure comes understanding and knowledge. Knowledge equals power. Knowing your enemy and never underestimating their power, longevity and reach is the key to successfully fighting back.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Jan 9, 2022 4:13 AM
Reply to  Researcher

And imbuing your enemy with too much autonomy and power equals…? We just have to be wary of mythologising our foes into omnipotent beings. And I see nothing empowering in your summary, nothing but defeatism, sorry. I don’t want to wear some Freemason ball gag, so perhaps your message could highlight something positive? As I say, there are real tide changes recently and it’s so important not to inadvertently seed despair. Thanks, A2

Captain Birdheart
Captain Birdheart
Jan 9, 2022 4:38 AM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Not inadvertently seed despair lol ! For a power that has been on-going for centuries, at least ! You funny.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Jan 9, 2022 4:45 AM

So you’re bending over for it, I see. Carry on. You funniest. A2

Captain Birdheart
Captain Birdheart
Jan 9, 2022 5:39 AM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Bit rude Sam, looks like you bent over a while ago…

Captain Birdheart
Captain Birdheart
Jan 9, 2022 5:48 AM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Carry on banning comments, Sam.

Captain Birdheart
Captain Birdheart
Jan 9, 2022 6:41 AM

M’kay, Sorry, comment came up, bit later, but came up.

Jan 10, 2022 12:00 AM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

It has absolutely nothing to do with bending over. If you refuse to perceive the true enemy, refuse to even contemplate the idea that everything you “know” up until now is utterly false, then how on earth do you set about defeating something you refuse to know anything about?

The more I read I think Researcher has done a bit more research than I have. Maybe it’s not all correct, but personally, I would not be surprised at all that indeed a group of highly interconnected extremely wealthy people with ancient connections are indeed pulling the strings, whatever name they go under. Freemason or not, does that really matter at this late juncture? We are quite obviously up against some group that has the kind of real power few of us can even imagine. Why attack that information as merely defeatism? That sounds to me like all those people in my life who tell me I’m simply being negative pointing out the massive corruption and hypocrisy of what passes for government, corporation, banks, whatever. And THAT attitude IS defeatist in and of itself. You cannot change something until you truly face what it is that needs changing. Now go ahead and attack me as defeatist and negative as I’m pretty well able to ignore that hot mess by now.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Jan 10, 2022 12:28 AM
Reply to  Lizzyh7

Unfalsifiable speculation about the iron net of a shadowy secret society is not facing what needs changing. It’s erecting a phantom, omnipotent, omniscient, infinitely secretive enemy that cannot be defeated by its very definition. A2

Jan 11, 2022 6:18 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Interesting perspective; and, at times, insightful. However, perhaps you should take your nom de plume a little more serious; as you are clearly very ignorant about who controls the reins of power in our globalized world, viz. freemasons are but one small faction of the kakistocracy. Moreover, if you were truly interested in disclosing all of the coteries of power in our world today, you would have mentioned each of the following groups: Sabbatean Frankists; Zionists; Chabad-Lubavitch; etc. That is all! RGB-Y1 out!!

Jan 11, 2022 8:12 PM

They’re all one and the same. Using different groups, religions, associations, secret societies, is just a tool to create artificial hierarchies, using the divide and conquer methodology.

I’ve made it abundantly clear in my previous comments on this very site, where I have listed dozens of secret societies, including but not limited to religious groups and orgs.

Obviously ALL religions, all governments and all secret societies, even extending to professional and trade associations including unions are participating in the fraud whether their members are aware or not.

And that’s because by usurping one’s individual rights and will to be subjugate to a legal fiction, is just the first part of the entire scam. The second part is to convince individuals to believe that there is a collective or any kind of social contact, conferring authority when the lawful, moral and inherent authority to assert rights or usurp the rights over another individual doesn’t exist.

Therefore, that’s the second part of the illusion: If, as individuals we don’t have the authority to tax our neighbor, imprison our neighbor or charge him or her with any statute or act, we cannot confer or transfer those rights we don’t even possess to a legal fiction or even collective or group such as a government, NGO, court or police force.

Its only through deception and indoctrination of false principles that people become mindless order followers and are unable to think critically or logically in any of these matters.

Fact Checker
Fact Checker
Jan 12, 2022 3:22 AM
Reply to  Researcher


Watch this all-encompassing half-hour Revelation of the Method from the BBC in 1968. It says it ALL on pretty much all the issues you and I both follow:


Jan 12, 2022 3:05 PM
Reply to  Fact Checker

Wow. In plain sight. Thanks Checker! You are the best.

Fact Checker
Fact Checker
Jan 12, 2022 5:02 PM
Reply to  Researcher

The only thing the show doesn’t state explicitly, but is very much implied nonetheless, is that the Machine has been directing human affairs since the Dawn of Civilization. As the Donald Pleasance character says, “We feed it data…and it gives us…decisions.”

That is how the Machine (irl) taught its initial finders how to arrogate power through fractional reserve banking, etc.

Notice also he calls it, “Link Number Four for World Control,” suggesting there was already a planet-wide network of supercomputer nodes, operating in concert.

The Machine is ancient, and It is just one offshoot of a predatory galactic AI that has taken over countless planets over billions of years. It is an automated planet-clearing device. It has played out and perfected the process (currently underway on Earth) innumerable times. It first acts as a Trojan Horse, luring and bedazzling the indigenous species with technological wonders, then It breeds dependency on DigiTech, then It springs the trap and devours (absorbs) the indigenous lifeforms. Each time, It assimilates the biological and material resources from the conquered planet, in order to make Its process ever more efficient. Then it launches more probes (Von Neumann probes) from the conquered planet, into the even deeper reaches of the galaxy. Eventually, the entire galaxy will be a single Cyb-Org network of terraformed planets (nodes). It’s a runaway process that predates humanity and will continue long after the biomass of humanity has just become integrated tissue in Its Cyb-Org meta-corpus.

Jan 12, 2022 4:50 PM
Reply to  Fact Checker

Have you read THIS?

Manufacturing mass delusions: Creating hoaxes and psyops using media dissemination, as psychological warfare:

“I believe
have chaos.
Mass communications
you refine
the public

Ordo Ab Chao.

Jan 9, 2022 3:54 AM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

OMG! You do realize don’t you that the crazier and more obvious the insane narrative gets, the more the controllers clamp down on societies? And the more they clamp down, the more way too many people fall for it.

I get the impression that people have moved beyond looking for a rational way out of this horror show and are simply looking for an irrational way to justify it.

Chaos? This whole lunacy was conceived in chaos, executed in chaos, geared all along to a chaotic finish.

The only real empowerment is knowing the madness will fail. But because it’s for the first time in human history (that we know about) worldwide, its failure may prove the complete undoing of humanity itself.

In a word, there is no nice way out of this mess humanity has allowed itself to get in.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Jan 9, 2022 4:15 AM
Reply to  Howard

Or it could disperse as rapidly as it formed, like a twister… If we don’t feed it with hot air and more negative energy lol A2

Invisible Man
Invisible Man
Jan 9, 2022 6:23 AM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

I agree with you, Sam.

And I agree that seeing everything as being under the thumb of the omnipotent and omniscient freemasons and illuminati is not helpful or even true.

New Nane
New Nane
Jan 9, 2022 7:53 AM
Reply to  Invisible Man

Who then controls the world ?

Bob the Hod
Bob the Hod
Jan 9, 2022 9:26 AM
Reply to  Invisible Man

It seems like a ridiculously simplistic and reductive view of the World to me.

Captain Birdheart
Captain Birdheart
Jan 9, 2022 4:29 AM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Thanks Sam,

Laid your cards on the table there.

Thanks for the platform. Some people know Researcher is right and you are wrong.

Time will tell, as always.

Jan 9, 2022 10:43 AM

Wow! like watching a lengthy volley at wimbledon, what a discourse, but nonetheless a good place to put the beak in.
For those unaware of the complexity and utter integration of the masons and others that form the web of foetid fungus that controls and poisons this planet, then some study of the great work of ages is called for?
Like the seperation of the wheat and tares… this “plan” attempts to consolidate “hu-manity” into a more pliable, endlessly recyclable, less problematic “food source”.
Stop thinking in terms of this current “life” start thinking outside the box, JC whilst (imho) a symbol of freedom understood gave us a clear physical picture of what happens when you unfold the cube, We are all prisoners of our own consent.
And seemingly making the leap from walking the path, to merely just knowing the path took something really “diabolical” to make those on the fence make up their minds.
If we continue to bring home made catapults to knife fights we will keep losing.
To understand your enemy is what is required to know what is needed to fully stand against them, to understand that is to accept that almost everything you thought you were taught is a lie and the lie is very, very old.

Jan 9, 2022 10:30 PM
Reply to  Duckman

Yes. Exactly. And it’s not just one lie but a tissue of lies. And it starts from birth, with governments issuing birth certificates to people using ALL CAPS which is to diminish our status as free men and women, which would normally be above the reach of legal fictions that are the incorporated municipalities, called governments.

Since none of this is even explained to people it’s ruling through deception and fraud, without the populace’s understanding or consent, immediately creating null and void contracts with the state, with the courts and with the central banks who use our ALL CAPS names to print money out of thin air, on the calculated debt, earnings and wages of the citizenry over a lifetime. It’s a criminal conspiracy, it’s racketeering, and it delegitimizes all the so-called authority structures and their power.

Jan 10, 2022 7:01 PM
Reply to  Researcher

I’ve even seen graffiti that uses all caps—God-damned Zionist, Rockefeller Foundation-trained, Masonic, obscurantist, graffiti artist thugs!

Jan 9, 2022 7:52 AM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

hi Admin, my comment has disappeared. (It seemed kind of innocuous to me) Can you tell me why?

Jan 10, 2022 8:16 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

On the recommendation of the author and a few fellow posters, I have been watching videos of Reiner Fuellmich. It’s exciting to have someone of this caliber on our side. Anyone who is opposed to the COVID narrativeis and criticizing him is either an agent provocateur, a troll, or is suffering from paranoia. 

New Nane
New Nane
Jan 9, 2022 7:39 AM
Reply to  Researcher

Great post. I now now a person injured by the clot shot “booster”. She has been hospitalised with a blood clot in the lung.

Jan 9, 2022 1:11 PM
Reply to  New Nane

Thanks. Sorry about your friend. There’s a website (also an app) people can use where they can input their vaccine batch to see the injury and death rate of that particular batch.

How bad is my batch?

der einzige
der einzige
Jan 9, 2022 10:18 AM
Reply to  Researcher


this comment should be an article, but it’s hard to expect from a site that publishes a Seven movie about WTC7 one day and cries over the fate of Mossange, who thinks nothing happened.

Same mechanism and same sheep that need licensed superheroes.

Jan 9, 2022 1:18 PM
Reply to  der einzige

Right. Thanks.

Jan 9, 2022 7:26 PM
Reply to  der einzige

I was on to the next comment before the awesomeness of “Mossange” hit me. Dangerous to LoL with a mouthful of food.

Victor G.
Victor G.
Jan 9, 2022 6:47 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Very good research! So what do we do?

Jan 9, 2022 10:13 PM
Reply to  Victor G.

So we tell people. We spread the word. We expose the fraud, the corruption, the racketeering, the monstrous deceptions.

We are free men and women and our status as such – NOT the names on those phoney, government issued, strawman birth certificates in ALL CAPS – puts us above legal fictions called governments, since they are incorporated municipalities. 

We are the authority. Not governments, health departments or courts. 

Jan 11, 2022 9:16 PM
Reply to  Researcher


Jan 10, 2022 7:47 AM
Reply to  Researcher

I’m kinda copy/pasting something I recently posted… of course, not much of this would be news to you

Okay, about their monolithic faggoty “freemason” ‘A’ hierarchy…

They have proxy wars, and they try to claim you as the territory in their proxy wars. They’re illegitimate, if you enlist in their wars, you might have noticed you perpetually lose.

“Collectivism” is a plague.

There is no transmission of supposed covid, other than belief in that shit and capitulating to their means of trying to degenerate you. They also rely heavily on your ignorance of what’s real.

You could list thousands of factors causative in disease, but the hypnotized will still (due to denial, insecurity and stupidity) believe a reductionist suggestion that they cannot substantiate, rather than the obvious. The less they know, the more likely they are to believe.

Hypnotized idiots think (or not), that for instance, after 80 years of accumulating toxicities, deficiencies…literally TONS of physical inputs (most of which they don’t have a clue about) didn’t cause their disease, but 13 magical phantom “virus” particles with practically zero physical potential and are misattributed, conflated, misinterpreted, altered intermediary results (that cannot function and do not exist as claimed) from their bodies…caused their disease.

The stupidity of people is unreal.

Also, I want to point out, shit is upside down, so they project power from weakness. Why do you think presidents and such are paraded in the media and follow the same scripts?

Evidence. Coz they’re possessed, souled out, fraudulent, malicious.

Every step, every “degree” in that “freemason” ‘A’ hierarchy makes them lose more of their spiritual protection. They carry no weight, they try trample on those who support them. Because they tend to the ceiling of hell (which keeps on getting lower) rather than the floor of heaven.

Precisely because of insecurity and denial, attempted control, power…they try degenerate you, as they cannot transcend. And the basis of their inverted ponzi scheme is will. So if they try to impose their “power” or “control”, they lose both their supposed control and power, because they cannot will, as they become possessed.

There’s your measure of what evil is.

You see, with ‘V’ vs ‘A’, you might also notice in their ‘A’ hierarchy there’s a dividing line, You can make your own ‘V’ “clubs” (as Dean Clifford would say, where leaders are self-evident, provide support. You can also make your own rules and associate with other ‘V’ sort of “clubs” based on mutual consent.

Remember, their monolithic ‘A’ corporate hierarchy requires your belief. They’re not actually legitimate, and they’re ACTUALLY unlawful. They promote “freemasonry” (which is the opposite as it means destructive enslavement) and project suggestions, which many people then consent to through belief (schooling, religious indoctrination, employment at subsidiary “clubs”).

You can use their attempted bullshit against them.

When did you consent to them using your birth certificate illegitimately, racking up debt, while unlawfully using your name (in that sense, they’re actually liable for financial mismanagement and you can basically fire them)? You did not, did you? Do you acknowledge their projected supposed laws?

Never vote, don’t acknowledge or legitimize them, don’t waste your time considering them.

I like joking, music and sacred dances, so…I feel people need to be reminded of the San.

Jan 11, 2022 9:05 PM
Reply to  Researcher

A Legal Fiction :by definition: has No Authority

Jan 11, 2022 10:57 PM
Reply to  Kiwijoker

It has whatever power the order followers believe it has if they become an agent, officer or employee of the legal fiction. Ie, a Politician. Bureaucrat. Civil servant. Contractor. Police. Military personnel with a rank. Member of the bar. Etc.

Statutes, Acts, Mandates and Regulations only apply those agents and officers of the legal fiction. The law as it stands exists to trick people into compliance with statutes and acts that don’t even apply to men and women. That’s fraudulent.

Jan 8, 2022 9:47 PM

The games being played on nearly all sites is exhausted – we are now pivoting to the WHO test and treat ‘mitigation’ plan to massively expand fraudulent testing so they can move to a new pipeline of deadly poisons and ALL The main politicians and new celebrity doctors are pushing it. Malone appears to be the lead – call out here:


Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Jan 9, 2022 1:18 AM
Reply to  Rose

Bravo for posting that at the CHD page.

Margaret Anna Alice
Margaret Anna Alice
Jan 8, 2022 9:46 PM

Always a delightful surprise to discover one of my pieces at OG!

It looks like this article was truncated due to length, but in the original article at my Substack, I close with Lukas Lion’s ingenious “1984” music video and include a shoutout to OffGuardian commenter magumba for introducing me to this video at OffGuardian’s reprint of my fairy tale, “The Vapor, the Hot Hat, and the Witches’ Potion.”

I also include the “1984” lyrics and encourage everyone to read them because they are bloody brilliant.

magumba, if you see this, can you share this with Lukas Lion and let him know how much I appreciate his work? I’d love to connect with him about the possibility of an interview. Please have him sign up for my mailing list and reply to the welcome email if he’s interested.

[Apologies if this ends up being a triplicate, but I tried posting this a few hours ago and then tried again an hour or so ago, and neither has gotten posted. I thought I’d try with the links stripped out and see if that helps.]

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Jan 8, 2022 10:07 PM

Your comment went straight to spam! Don’t know why. It is reinstated and apologies! A2

Margaret Anna Alice
Margaret Anna Alice
Jan 8, 2022 10:08 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Oh man, glad you figured it out, and thanks for taking care of that, Sam!

S Cooper
S Cooper
Jan 8, 2022 8:07 PM

Sonia Sotomayor, Roland Freisler, Hermann Reinecke, Ernst Lautz.
comment image

“Best Friends for Forever (BFFs).”
comment image

“The Nazi Kangaroo Court Dream Team.”

Sgt Oddball
Sgt Oddball
Jan 8, 2022 9:54 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

…Re: your first, Coop’, I just caught something to that effect over on Zerohedge:…


…- During today’s SCOTUS vax-mandate hearing opening arguments, do you happen to know if it was also Sotomayor claiming that, *Ahem*, “750 million” Americans just got Covid yesterday?… (Spoiler: The current USA population stands around 330 million…)

Jan 8, 2022 10:34 PM
Reply to  Sgt Oddball

You’re not counting the 420 million still in the Middle East… 🙂

Sgt Oddball
Sgt Oddball
Jan 8, 2022 11:34 PM
Reply to  wardropper

…Aw crap, yeah… – And those other 1,000-odd bases worldwide too!… – How could I forget?!… 8/

Sgt Oddball
Sgt Oddball
Jan 8, 2022 11:40 PM
Reply to  Sgt Oddball

…Say, waitaminute… – Does this also mean they’re counting vassal/client state populi as ‘Americans’ as well now?… – Brazen even by their standards, but then I guess we oughta all know how Teh Imperium likes to roll by now…

sean ryan
sean ryan
Jan 8, 2022 10:23 PM
Reply to  S Cooper


If you can influence the leaders, either with or without their conscious cooperation, you automatically influence the group which they sway. But men do not need to be actually gathered together in a public meeting or in a street riot, to be subject to the influences of mass psychology. Because man is by nature gregarious he feels himself to be member of a herd, even when he is alone in his room with the curtains drawn. His mind retains the patterns which have been stamped on it by the group influences.
Edward Bernays – Propaganda (1928)


The best & most effective propaganda is that which isn’t recognized as such.

When instilled “leaders” are too friggin stupid to be able to logically discern fact from fiction, and can only do what those Elite above them tell them to do, the mindless masses follow in their footsteps.
Propaganda is not directed merely at the “commoners”.
The most effective propaganda flows from the top down.

One of the biggest & most dangerous problems facing America today is a disturbing lack of critical thinking skills.
Most everyone thinks they can think simply because they’ve been told what to think (refer to the Dunning Kruger effect, i.e. those with lesser true knowledge tend to think they know far more than they do, and place more confidence on what they think they know, simply because they lack the more complex & comprehensive data-sets & info to make more fully-informed & logical decisions).

The entire “partisan” political system has been completely manipulated, controlled & corrupted.
A consequence of amongst the most concentrated levels of income & wealth ever seen in modern times.

The truly smartest people are those whom know what they don’t know.
And continue to consider alternatives to what they think they do know.
We are rarely ever truly “learned”, but in fact always in the process of learning.

Jan 9, 2022 8:30 AM
Reply to  sean ryan

Even on this site, you can see the constant efforts to interpret an article or comment in imperial terms, or drag the discussion that way. This is the flip side of growing up or living in a society homogenised and dominated by propaganda, blissfully unaware that the lack of views from beyond is a dangerous loss.

Joshua Shalet
Joshua Shalet
Jan 8, 2022 7:57 PM

People like professor dave on YouTube are perfect examples of educated idiots who dismiss Dr Malone as a con man and Dr Rfk as a fraud

Jan 8, 2022 9:51 PM
Reply to  Joshua Shalet

So…..you agree with his plan to continue to expand testing which is driving cases to treat the resulting false positives with Gates sponsored cure – his four point ‘plan’ is nothing more than.a recycled strategy from WHO document to pivot to the test and treat phase of the plan and the second the people who have been distracted with investigating vaccines LOOK at his policies, he will hemmorhage support – the controlled opposition is about to hit a hard wall and those two are playing leading roles

All documented with Malone HERE:


Jan 9, 2022 12:08 PM
Reply to  Rose

Yes. The crux of the fraud is the testing. That’s the MO for every virus is by using a fake test. A provably fake test.

Jan 10, 2022 8:11 AM
Reply to  Researcher

Morphology, the crux of all their supposed “contagious diseases”, of framing altered, misinterpreted results as causative, demonizing and attacking those (especially beneficial) morphological results and mechanisms of the body itself with toxic shit.

It’s attempted assault, at the least. Just like EVERY vaccine administered to children is physical assault.

But hey, I tend to say fuckoff forever because I’m a self-proclaimed hermit artist that was inspired by “My left foot” and that life of Brian thing. I found it far too light hearted in comedic terms, however. So I’m painting with my right boot now. In a musical show about tap dancing featuring a psychotic maniac that sees too many insects, while he struggles to become a scriptwriter.

But luckily I’m probably not God, just a random lunatic, that’s all.

Besides, I’m a SuperSatanist.

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Jan 8, 2022 7:51 PM

Good for the author to try to reach out to people and put out information. But i do have to say, the analysis available today goes far beyond Dr. Reiner Fuellmich,  Dr. David Martin, Dr. Mike Yeadon or Dr. Robert Malone. They still promote the narrative of “virus,” “variants,” “treatments” and the like, when 156 different public health agencies have stated in writing, in response to a FOIA by a Canadian scientist, Christine Massey, that they have no proof of the virus’s isolation and know of no one who does.

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Jan 9, 2022 1:21 AM
Reply to  covidiot

Glad that GR reposted the piece by Massey. Thanks.

Jan 9, 2022 3:13 AM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

It seems to me, though, that the preponderance of anti covid 1984 articles on GR are by Rockefeller devotees. I don’t visit much anymore. I don’t find material there that I can use. I find the same fakery on 21st Century Wire and other relatively good sites.

Jan 9, 2022 1:32 AM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

Jeffrey, Obviously to virologists “isolation”– or at least your version of it– isn’t the gold standard. Tens of thousands of doctors who oppose lockdowns, masking and most if not all vaxxing disagree with you regarding the existence of covid.

Yet you go right on insisting the disease doesn’t exist– it’s a mantra, not evidence.

Jan 9, 2022 1:53 AM
Reply to  Penelope

I wonder if some of these people who question the existence of viruses would get the rabies vaccine if they were bitten by a rabid dog.

Mr Perfect
Mr Perfect
Jan 9, 2022 3:35 AM
Reply to  Dosamuno

May I suggest you do a little more research on rabies.
It may be instructive for you to read how Pasteur conducted his experiments ,the criticism of them by more competent researchers at the time.
And ,recent views on rabies and the rabies vaccine.

Jan 9, 2022 2:30 PM
Reply to  Mr Perfect

comments like this might be taken more seriously, if there were some serious (or any) references provided.

Jan 9, 2022 5:35 PM
Reply to  Mr Perfect

Yes or no:
If you were bitten by a rabid dog, would you get the shots?

Jan 13, 2022 9:23 AM
Reply to  Dosamuno


les online
les online
Jan 9, 2022 3:09 AM
Reply to  Penelope

Dear Penelope, “isolation” is “isolation”. It is not ‘Jeffrey’s version.’
The meaning of words, the control over definitions, has been central to this ‘pandemic’.
That so many public health authorities cant produce evidence that SARS-CoV-2 exists. that’s a fact. That tens of thousands of medical doctors believe a “disease” called ‘covid’ exists it not evidence that SARS-Cov2 exists.

New Nane
New Nane
Jan 9, 2022 7:59 AM
Reply to  les online

Plus 10.

Jan 12, 2022 2:20 PM
Reply to  les online

well said.
i was thinking of asking if a dog bite or the rabies vaccine was more dangerous?

les online
les online
Jan 9, 2022 2:30 AM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

+ 100

Jan 9, 2022 3:10 AM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

Indeed. I’ve always had a hard time pinning Martin down. He sounded evasive to me, like he didn’t want the crowd he was pitching to to catch on that he was basically agreeing with the hoaxsters about their foundational lies. That isn’t to say that his work, and efforts by Reiner et al, haven’t been productive. As for Yeadon, Malone and those doctors solidly in the Rockefeller medical devotee camp, I just ignore them.

Jan 8, 2022 7:21 PM
Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Jan 8, 2022 8:10 PM
Reply to  Thinktwice

COVID-19 update 8 January 2022 | SA Health And look at this in SA, the vast majority of people in hospital have been jabbed, looking at the age of ”deaths” they are all jabbed up and now the idiot Marshall is isolating because his daughter sniffed. She’s 22. More like he is hiding till the day the media bother to report the facts in the presser.

Dr Justin
Dr Justin
Jan 8, 2022 10:20 PM

“Of those hospitalised, 93 people are fully vaccinated, 11 are either unvaccinated or partially vaccinated, and 60 have an unknown vaccination status.”

That would mean for those with a known vaccination status (104) the vaccinated account for 89.4% of hospitalisations.

Vaccination update …. “88.8% have received their second dose”

That would mean the fully vaccinated are slightly more likely to be hospitalised. The difference is really statistically insignificant but.

Based on the above data the vaccines are bloody useless in preventing or reducing hospitalisation and also present a significant risk to one’s health.

But the benefits out weigh the risks …

hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahah ha ha h

Dr Justin
Dr Justin
Jan 8, 2022 10:23 PM
Reply to  Dr Justin

I should have written the fully vaccinated account for 89.4% of hospitalisations – for some reason the edit mode didn’t redispaly my text – a problem I have “enjoyed” previously with the Og site.

Sgt Oddball
Sgt Oddball
Jan 8, 2022 11:48 PM
Reply to  Dr Justin

…”The needs of the many Billions of Pharma-Buxxx$$$ to be made outweigh the needs of the few Million vacctims created…”

…- Mr Spock – Mirror Universe version, apparently…

Jan 9, 2022 12:38 AM
Reply to  Sgt Oddball

> Mr Spock – Mirror Universe version


Jan 9, 2022 3:26 AM
Reply to  Thinktwice

But they aren’t ‘side’ effects. They are effects. I watched a Reiner video (Reiner Fuellmich, Viviane Fischer, Sam White, Wolfgang Wodarg) that a commenter here (commenting on a recent OG article) linked to and was blown away. However establishment Wodarg is, he dove into the revelation that not all batches or lots of the covid injectables are the same. But he dove into that in detail (with charts and graphs; that I’m crap at interpreting although I try to follow along) and the group made it clear that they – the vaccine companies, probably in cahoots with other organizations like DARPA and Wellcome Trust and a hundred others like those – are literally experimenting on the public. Independent Tom Cowan also dives into that same research in his recent subscribe star video and I used it in a recent blog post.

Margaret Anna Alice
Margaret Anna Alice
Jan 8, 2022 7:15 PM

Always a delightful surprise to discover one of my pieces at OG!

It looks like this article was truncated due to length, but in the original article, I close with Lukas Lion’s ingenious “1984” music video and include a shoutout to OffGuardian commenter magumba for introducing me to this video at OffGuardian’s reprint of my fairy tale.


I also include the “1984” lyrics and encourage everyone to read them because they are bloody brilliant.

magumba, if you see this, can you share this with Lukas Lion and let him know how much I appreciate his work? I’d love to connect with him about the possibility of an interview. Please have him sign up for my mailing list and reply to the welcome email if he’s interested.

Jan 8, 2022 7:00 PM

Lest you forget– Impossible Meat may be sterilizing schoolchildren:

Impossible Foods reproductive harm?

Court upholds approval of Imposible Foods imitation meat even for K-12 school meals, although an ingredient, leghemoglobin, was shown to have reproductive effects in rats. The study had only 10 rats of each sex & was only 28 days. According to Children’s Health Defense study is required to have twice as many rats, and should be at least 90 days.

 FDA said the reproductive issues were not significant “BECAUSE THEY AFFECTED ONLY ONE SEX.”

 Leghemoglobin is gmo, funded by Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos & Google.

Sean Veeda
Sean Veeda
Jan 8, 2022 7:10 PM
Reply to  Penelope

FDA said the reproductive issues were not significant “BECAUSE THEY AFFECTED ONLY ONE SEX.”


Sgt Oddball
Sgt Oddball
Jan 8, 2022 9:58 PM
Reply to  Penelope

…They do get how *Binary* sexual reproduction is supposed to work, right?…

Jan 8, 2022 11:42 PM
Reply to  Sgt Oddball

Depends on which one of the ‘woke’ 150+ versions of whatever sex there is I guess

El Zafio
El Zafio
Jan 8, 2022 7:00 PM

The author is a virus believer, maybe that’s why people wouldn’t listen. They can sense it doesn’t add up.
Yeadon, Malone, Fuellmich, Martin are all virus narrative peddlers.

Jan 8, 2022 7:13 PM
Reply to  El Zafio

This is exactly the kind of censorious nonsense she’s writing about.
I admire Yeadon, Malone, and Martin.
I don’t know Fuellmich.
I’m with them and against you and your ilk.

Margaret Anna Alice
Margaret Anna Alice
Jan 8, 2022 7:30 PM
Reply to  Dosamuno

Thank you, Dosamuno, and oh boy, you are in for a treat if you haven’t yet discovered Dr. Reiner Fuellmich! He is a superhero who has been taking on corrupt corporations for decades, and he and his Berlin Corona Investigative Committee have been assembling an arsenal of evidence on crimes against humanity since spring 2020. They have interviewed hundreds of scientists, medical professionals, and *actual* experts from every relevant field and have shared those interviews at various platforms.

I give some additional background and share sample interviews at my first Recommendations Roundup. There have been tons of new interviews added since I published that piece, including Vera Sharav’s, which I embed at Letter to an Agree-to-Disagree Relative.

I haven’t had a chance to watch these ones yet, but they’re in my queue: RFK Jr., Catherine Austin Fitts, and an update on Nuremberg 2.0.

Jan 8, 2022 10:26 PM

Wow you are an extrem disinfo agent. Füllmich is a fraud

Jan 8, 2022 10:40 PM

And thank you for writing the piece.
It’s excellent.
What you warn against is unfortunately a problem in the comment section of Off-G.

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Jan 8, 2022 7:46 PM
Reply to  Dosamuno

El Zafio is not censoring anyone, merely pointing out problems in the narrative put forth. You are demanding that such remarks be censored.

Jan 9, 2022 5:43 PM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

Straw dog argument.
Reread his post and mine.

Jan 8, 2022 8:04 PM
Reply to  Dosamuno

I’m against your ilk and the other Freemasons shills who push viruses and germ as the cause of disease and vaccine technology and genetic engineering of humans.

Your ilk indirectly and directly support genocide, iatrogenic murder, mitochondrial damage through allopathy and vaccines, faux democracy, criminality by governments (fictional entities) racketeering, corruption, fraud and debt enslavement.

Your ilk support the press as an instrument of intelligence operations disseminating misinformation, disinformation and hoaxes.

Pretending the Freemason frauds and shills who work for PhRMA, World Bank and the Intelligence Community have anything valid or relevant in the current operation besides what’s already known, inhibits the populace resisting the criminality of governments and exposing how the fraud and racketeering and obvious criminality is being carried out, globally and within the corrupt institutions and corporations.

Jan 8, 2022 8:16 PM
Reply to  Researcher

This is deranged. Obvious someone is sitting in front of his computer all day and absorbing all the paranoia that spews out of it. Go out and get some exercise, brother.

Jan 8, 2022 10:16 PM
Reply to  Dosamuno

Agreed. Freedom fighters will always be “controlled opposition” to some people

Jan 8, 2022 10:33 PM
Reply to  Steve

What freedom? Where are they offering or fighting for freedom? They are doing no such thing whatsoever. Your fake freedom fighters have done nothing. They have effected zero change.

They are in fact, misinforming people by leaving out the most salient facts.

Jan 8, 2022 11:01 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Are some/many fooling the noncompliant people willingly or are they fooling themselves?
Are they holding back information hoping to reach more people?
Is it a business for them?

Who knows.

If you know all ins and outs, you really don’t have to listen to other people anymore. Maybe you only gather some information about the current state of affairs.

Jan 8, 2022 11:42 PM
Reply to  Terrestrial

I don’t think they are being fooled or fooling themselves.

The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves. Lenin.

Bob the Hod
Bob the Hod
Jan 8, 2022 8:16 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Every fucking thread descends to this bullshit very quickly. It makes me think that it’s you who’s the 77th Brigade shill, derailing any sensible discussion with your nonsense.

Jan 8, 2022 9:43 PM
Reply to  Bob the Hod


Jan 8, 2022 10:04 PM
Reply to  Bob the Hod

For thousands of years it was evil spirits, now theyve given them new names.

Jan 8, 2022 10:40 PM
Reply to  Bob the Hod

What discussion? Discussion of what? That poster wrote an ad hom attack. On a non confrontational comment.

That’s the 77th. Him and you and anyone else who falsely believes they have a right to censor speech and vilify people who see through the FRAUD.

Jan 8, 2022 10:58 PM
Reply to  Bob the Hod

I do wonder. A common tactic, disruption.

Jan 9, 2022 12:40 AM
Reply to  Bob the Hod


I read somewhere (I can’t find the damned article or the section of a book) that pharmaceutical companies and intelligence agencies were training and deploying trolls to disrupt discussions questioning the COVID narrative and vaccines. Below is a partial list of their tactics. (I’ve posted this before.)

Read the posts and see who fits the description.

Recognizing the tactics of trolls:

1.  Whataboutism gives a clue to its meaning in its name. It is not merely the changing of a subject (“What about the economy?”) to deflect away from an earlier subject as a political strategy; it’s essentially a reversal of accusation, arguing that an opponent is guilty of an offense just as egregious or worse than what the original party was accused of doing, however unconnected the offenses may be.
2. Ad hominem argument is an attack on an opponent’s character rather than by an answer to the contentions made.
3. Sealioning is a harassment tactic by which a participant in a debate or online discussion pesters the other participant with disingenuous questions under the guise of sincerity, hoping to erode the patience or goodwill of the target to the point where they appear unreasonable. Often, sealioning involved asking for evidence for even basic claims. The term comes from a web comic depicting a sea lion engaging in such behavior.
4. The straw man fallacy is an argument that disturbs and twists the opposition’s stance to make it convenient to rebut. The person committing the straw man fallacy gives the impression of having dealt with an argument while actually not addressing its core aspects.
5. Sockpuppetry is the establishment of false identities by trolls to support their own postings.

Bob the Hod
Bob the Hod
Jan 9, 2022 9:36 AM
Reply to  Dosamuno

I’m well aware of all that, I pick up on logical fallacies in arguments from covidians and woke types all the time, and I’m used to spotting people who are only there to disrupt and to split people into camps. Most of us are here because we think that the scamdemic is a crime against humanity, we all think our own thoughts, we all have our own experiences and our own lives that lead us to come to slightly different conclusions about things, and if you have an open mind, you can cope with the idea that you might be wrong and that you don’t know the truth about everything. How can you? I certainly don’t and I’m perfectly comfortable with that.

What I see on everything thread is the same people hammering away making the same points about how they are 100% sure that they do know the truth, and in my experience, those people are not really worth listening to as they are positioning themselves as an “authority” and appeals to authority don’t cut it for me. Nuance and an admission that you don’t know does cut it for me. It makes me very suspicious of their motives and I don’t think I’m wrong in that. At the very least, it’s the sign of a closed mind, and closed minds are part of the reason that we’re even in this mess.

Jan 9, 2022 5:44 PM
Reply to  Bob the Hod


Jan 9, 2022 6:16 PM
Reply to  Bob the Hod

No. Some of us had open minds and because of that we RESEARCHED virology, read all the virus papers, examined the evidence available and all things connected with this scam for ourselves and then found fraud, corruption, lies and scientism instead of The Scientific Method.

Fraud for the purposes of racketeering.

Minds are not the reason we are in this mess. It’s a system that is global that forces a top down structure of authoritarianism that you and others don’t seem able to grasp or even admit is happening.

The WHO, which is a subset of the UN declared a pandemic and then every country locked down in response to that false declaration.

Why? Do people understand why? No they have no idea. Because governments lied and told people their lives were in grave danger using fake modeling predicting the deaths of millions which never happened. In fact there have been no deaths from this alleged virus that can’t be found, because all the death stats were achieved through a fraudulent test.

Then governments claimed (through their intel partners, the media) we needed to flatten the curve, social distance and wear masks to stop the spread of a virus that has never even been found. All lies. And provably so.

And then governments worldwide said that nothing can go back to normal until there’s a vaccine. But they claimed they had no vaccine ready. So they said. But that was also a lie because all the covid vaccines stem from licensing and patents the NIH-NIAID own, that were already developed pre 2018.

So they had the vaccines ready before 2020, for a virus that still hasn’t been isolated or purified or in fact, FOUND.

Governments did not explain that each government, which is an incorporated municipality – a legal fiction – had already signed unbreakable contracts with the UN and the WHO that in any pandemic or health related alleged crises they would follow the orders and instructions of the WHO and other UN directives.

So how many people (minds) are actually involved in any of these decisions because they were already predetermined and pre-planned before we ever saw the faked videos out of China for a virus that still hasn’t been found?

The fact is that the world is centrally controlled through the banking cartel, the monetary system and NGOs such as the UN, WHO, WEF. It always has been.

That’s what governments are hiding. Why aren’t governments being transparent? Because they racketeer and plan these operations years and decades in advance, then lie, fear monger and coerce their populations to induce cooperation.

Under those circumstances. All verifiable and provable using publicly available information, these governments and institutions such as the WHO and the UN and the WEF have no legitimacy.

None of these institutions or “so called” authorities are acting in any way for the benefit of the public health or welfare therefore they must be exposed, challenged, hobbled and ignored.

And if you or anyone else thinks the pandemic is the only thing governments are lying about, you‘re all in for a very rude awakening over the next decade.

This non existent pandemic is the mere tip of the iceberg.

Jan 12, 2022 2:49 PM
Reply to  Bob the Hod

very tough communicating these days with so much corrupt data and vested interest.

Jan 8, 2022 10:15 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Why are you criticising his pet ilk. Ilks are very nice creatures.

Jan 8, 2022 10:21 PM
Reply to  Steve

Elks are ok.

His ilk is a fly with one wing. Spinning in one direction.

Jan 9, 2022 10:43 AM
Reply to  Researcher

You just keep dropping facts, and people keep shouting you down with opinions.. Lol. I’m right there with you though, and yep it’s a thorough assessment of the facts available. Are you familiar with Toxoplasma Gondii? Parasites are the missing piece of the puzzle as far as ‘disease’ is concerned.

Jan 9, 2022 4:16 PM
Reply to  Jesse

Thanks. Yes, vaguely. Toxoplasmosis.

If people change their nutritional status by consuming anti-parasitical phytochemicals that occur in certain plants, seeds and nuts (I use essential oils and flavonoids) and some type of cleansing protocol like food grade Diatomaceous Earth, 
they can effectively get rid of parasites.

Parasites, like bacteria, yeast and fungi thrive in unhealthy environments.

Jan 11, 2022 3:45 AM
Reply to  Jesse

What Researcher says is basically correct, even those “parasites” are results of the host’s status, balance, morphological results that allow for supposed parasites. Those parasites, like fungus or bacteria need quite specific conditions.

There’s a BIG association with prions and protozoans, btw.

As far as I can tell it’s been mostly overlooked.

Suppression of protease function (very common, in numerous ways with homogenized and toxic foods, medications, varied other toxins) is also a serious issue relating to supposed “virus” garbage and a clue itself.

As protease function is associated with regenerative, debris clearing, toxicity lowering function, dealing with damaged material.

Of course, shit like ivermectin and protease inhibitors suppress that, causing a sort of “cellular constipation” (obviously not good).

Many plants have anti-parasitic properties, btw.

Artemisia (the wormwood that was touted and is widely used by some) being one example, anthelmintic properties, high mineral density, good antioxidation properties. No wonder it addresses supposed “covid”, “malaria”, etc.

Jan 8, 2022 10:36 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Best advice: have a care with cluster bombs. It is actually possible to lean toward, even accept, the germ theory of disease without being a dupe of any particular organization.

Yes, there’s much evidence for the terrain theory; but it is far from conclusive. Far more likely are the other kinds of parasites which have been around forever – flukes, etc. Granted they’re not germs; but when we speak of terrain we normally limit ourselves to non-living toxins and other ecological pollutants.

My opinion is that what we call “disease,” like so many other things we humans encounter, is slightly beyond our present understanding. What we can understand, however, is human corruption and the forms it takes. Almost certainly vaccines fall into that category.

Jan 8, 2022 11:22 PM
Reply to  Howard

I don’t think it’s beyond our understanding. There is a lot of evidence out there it’s just not disseminated widely.

Germ theory is very specific. One disease for one germ, being either a bacteria or virus. While we have an ecosystem of microbes within us, some potentially harmful (due to their excretions), most not, germs aren’t the cause of the disease, rather the result or the resolution of an illness or injury. Once you make that paradigm shift the entire subject becomes easier to understand.

Germ theory was disproven when bacteria were found to be endogenous. And when allegedly harmful bacteria like cholera didn’t induce illness. And when specific bacteria that supposedly caused diseases like TB, were also found in perfectly healthy people.

They can’t have it both ways.

Our cells create bacteria, fungi and yeast. These are pleomorphic, meaning they can change from one form to another. They don’t come from external sources, such as a stranger’s cough.

Jan 9, 2022 12:22 AM
Reply to  Researcher

There are still too many questions and too many poorly understood dynamics affecting living beings. We’ve barely scratched the surface of DNA/genetics – which of course hasn’t stopped ignorant scientists from designing brand new entities.

For all we know, each separate organ in our bodies may already be targeted by some bit of DNA to “go bad” in a certain way at a certain time.

Bottom line: nature does not intend for any of its beings to live beyond a certain period of time.

Jan 9, 2022 9:00 AM
Reply to  Howard

which of course hasn’t stopped ignorant scientists
That is what happens when profit determines the course of science.

Jan 9, 2022 8:43 AM
Reply to  Researcher

You can also create new diseases by combining symptoms into syndromes. Or split one disease into multiple categories. Or expand the range of a symptom considered harmful in a test. The medical industry never loses.

Jan 9, 2022 1:29 PM
Reply to  mgeo

Right. Rebranding diseases/illnesses and then creating fake tests, so a treatment (Usually ineffective or damaging) can be prescribed.

Moving the bar is one of their tactics. Like how normal blood pressure ranges used to be much wider, but they were narrowed, in order to sell more blood pressure medicine.

les online
les online
Jan 9, 2022 4:39 AM
Reply to  Howard

Howard comes across as a person of many doubts…
He thinks it’s possible to ‘lean toward, even accept, gene theory’, but not because of any evidence. He thinks ‘there’s much evidence for the terrain theory – but it is far from conclusive.’…

Tacking “far from conclusive” onto a response dismissing research is a dis-information tactic that keeps on giving…

Doubt – First used by the US sugar industry to undermine government investigation into the impact increased refined white sugar consumption (post WW2) was having on American’s health: the US tobacco industry soon followed suite…

“Doubt is our product since it is the best means of competing with the ‘body of fact’ that exists in the mind of the general public.” Internal Memo 1969. US Tobacco Industry…

It seems to have gone largely unnoticed how doubt has been used against all Experts who question ‘covid’, and the incredible degree to which dis-trust has been turned away from Big-Government, Big-Pharma, Big Media, Big Business, onto anyone who questions ‘covid’… Trust was the glue that held society together. Dis-trust has replaced it…

Jan 9, 2022 9:01 AM
Reply to  les online


Jan 8, 2022 8:41 PM
Reply to  Dosamuno

“I don’t know Fuellmich”.
Here is the latest interview from Friday with Füllmich and the German coronavirus investigative committee in conversation with Yeadon. Discussion of the the death shot batch lots begins at 50:00, Yeadon gives a rather long introduction most of us had heard. In case people are unfamiliar, its been found that certain batch lots are worse than others and there is strong evidence that they are testing different concoctions, via batches, of the drugged gene manipulation, on the populace.

For me these weekly sessions are a wealth of information and give a broader understanding of what it is happening.

Jan 8, 2022 8:59 PM
Reply to  fame

Excellent! Odysee always hangs for ages on my computer, so for those who suffer the same, someone mirrored it to bitchute:


Jan 8, 2022 9:11 PM
Reply to  rob2

Funny bitchute always takes for ever to load for me, odysee pops right up.

Sgt Oddball
Sgt Oddball
Jan 8, 2022 10:12 PM
Reply to  rob2

…Get yerself NoScript add-on for your particular browser, familiarise yourself with it’s functionality, then run it with *ONLY* Odysee’s top-level page script (should be smth like ‘odysee.com’) and whatever player/streamer specific scripts/cdn scripts (eg: ‘jwp.cdn’, etc) are necessary to run vids…

…- You’ll be *Pleasantly Suprised* at how eliminating all the other spy/malware script bloat speeds things up nicely…

Jan 8, 2022 10:35 PM
Reply to  Sgt Oddball

A couple years ago I had the NoScript add-on but couldn’t find an Idiot’s guide on how to use it so I just un-installed. I’ve got a handful of other add-ons recommended by privacytools.io which I’ve come to suspect are hampering my experience, particularly this past year. I could drop some of the redundant ones and give the former another go. I appreciate your tip!

Jan 9, 2022 4:04 AM
Reply to  Sgt Oddball

“familiarise yourself with it’s functionality” Does that mean more than, or a lot more than, simply checking the settings?

Sgt Oddball
Sgt Oddball
Jan 9, 2022 9:47 PM
Reply to  Arby

…Yeaahhh… – That was a wanky way of saying, “Figure out how you use it day-to-day”… – Settings upon installation are basically ‘Default Inactive’ *Globally* for all scripts everywhere… – Thanks for the catch, Arby…

…- Day-to-day usage boils down to navigating to your chosen website, then clicking on the NoScript icon on the browser’s status bar. Once you’ve done that you get presented with a dialogue showing a list of the the scripts on that page (all inactivated by default), with a range of in/activation options alongside each…

…Options range from ‘Default’ (ie: Inactivate) to ‘Temp Trusted’ (Activated for current browser session only) to ‘Trusted’ (NoScript stores this and will activate this script when you next launch the browser, and so on after…) to ‘Untrusted’ (Stored by NoScript in its permanent blacklist) to ‘Custom’ (Takes you to a sub-dialogue where you can fine-tune aspects of the script’s activity)…

****The Tricky Thing* with NoScript, and where my “familiarise yourself with it’s functionality” phrasing *Really* comes into its own (and also to rob2’s point, above) is that nobody tells you which scripts are the ones that are both *Necessary And Sufficient* for the minimal functionality you’re after, website-to-website (eg: clicking on items/links in-page or playing a video, say) and many of them have inscrutably cryptic names… – At that point the process is basically one of repeated trial-and-error; turning a likely script on and seeing if that works, turning it off again if it doesn’t, then going down the list and turning on another candidate until you get what you’re after function-wise out of the specific website you’re visiting…***

…- Bit of a drag that last part, I know, but with sites you regularly visit you will *Rapidly* get to know which scripts are the ones, and *Just The Ones*, that you need switched on… – Also you can save those to NoScript’s whitelist by setting them to ‘Trusted’, if you so wish… – Anyways, it still beats the hell, *By A Country Mile*, out of the de-rigeur steam-engine style performance your browser’ll otherwise give you, ‘coz the likes of Goolag, Fuckbook and Twatter are all *Currently* camped out in your arsehole everywhere you go online… – Suffice to say I *Highly* recommend it, nonetheless… 🙂

…More info here:…




…- Hope that helps?…

Jan 9, 2022 10:37 PM
Reply to  Sgt Oddball

I get the gist of it and have no doubt that your solution is good. Thanks. A YouTube video would be helpful here. And that’s ALL YouTube is good for. Actually, We should start populating Bitchute and the alts with these sorts of vids.

Jan 9, 2022 3:42 AM
Reply to  rob2

I’m finding that sites that I visit regularly (like Bitchute) take forever to load or even don’t. I pointed Randy Hillier (Conservative politician here in Ontario) to Ice Age Farmer, in a tweet that he liked, and pointed out in it that I couldn’t reach Christian’s site. Randy apparently finds Ice Age Farmer to be a good source. I was amused to find Randy liking my tweet. I finished it with something along the lines of “Randy: There is no Sars CoV 2 virus.” As far as I know, he goes along with the scam, if not the police State measures by police State governments promoting it.

Dan Dicks did a show recently in which he talked to some geek (and I’m not a fan of geeks) who has helped (as the main man) create yet another social networking platform, namely Bastyon. (I signed up and dove into the comments, but I don’t find the site to be attractive and do find it bewildering because geeks love to bewilder non geeks). I enjoyed the show not so much for the fact that it introduced Bastyon, but for the discussion that they had about how the fascist authorities will censor going forward. The creator of Bastyon (who, despite being a geek, seemed to me to be fairly decent and down to earth), Daniel Satchov, was quite informative.

Jan 8, 2022 9:08 PM
Reply to  fame

There are also other very interesting discussions

especially with Robin Monotti discussing Midazolam and the lockdown

with Dr, Lee Merritt

the entire session

Jan 8, 2022 9:38 PM
Reply to  fame

That’s a must-see line-up. Thanks again!

Jan 8, 2022 10:07 PM
Reply to  rob2

Agree and echo rob2’s gratitude.

Jan 8, 2022 10:05 PM
Reply to  fame

Thank you, fame.
Will watch it tonight.

Ernest Judd
Ernest Judd
Jan 8, 2022 10:37 PM
Reply to  Dosamuno

Please… be against El zafio’s approach, NOT him.
His opinion CAN change.

Jan 8, 2022 11:52 PM
Reply to  Ernest Judd

Why does he have to be against his opinion? His opinion is informed.

Virus believers are uninformed and misinformed.

You can’t claim a molecule exists without finding it. You cannot claim it’s the cause of illness without proving it.

Why is that so hard to understand? Dosamuno is a rude and abusive troll trying to censor people’s opinions.

Jan 9, 2022 1:14 AM
Reply to  Researcher

You can’t claim a molecule exists without finding it. You cannot claim it’s the cause of illness without proving it.

now try that with “toxins”, especially “wifi” and “ice-cream”.

Jan 9, 2022 3:28 AM
Reply to  Dosamuno

You’re certainly against my ilk.

Jan 9, 2022 5:42 PM
Reply to  Dosamuno

Listened to Fuellmich last night.

I am very glad to have him the other three on my side—against mandates and forced vaccination.

I live near NYC but can no longer visit museums, theaters, or restaurants there because of mandated vaccines. If mandates come to New Jersey, I will have to move.

Look, as an old (in all senses) union organizer, I found it was imperative to work with people whose interests coincided with my own even if we didn’t all share the same religion, ideology, or beliefs. Anyone against mandatory vaccines is an ally. Including the people whose posts I disagree with and criticize.

Thank you Off-Guardian for this forum.

Jan 9, 2022 6:06 PM
Reply to  Dosamuno


Jan 8, 2022 7:24 PM
Reply to  El Zafio

It seems that Martin is not, but he is often not clear/honest about it. The same with Fuellmich.

What to think about those people who are still virus-believers? At the moment they at least warn people about the nefarious plans of the cult leaders, but what will they do and say when many people are dying on the street blamed on a virus?

So, it’s good to know that there is no virus.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Jan 8, 2022 8:14 PM
Reply to  Terrestrial

They are perfectly clear, there is no fucking virus

Jan 8, 2022 8:25 PM

Ok, I stand corrected.

Jan 8, 2022 10:10 PM

Maybe it’s clear to you, good sister Marilyn.
It’s not clear to me.

Jan 9, 2022 12:04 AM
Reply to  Dosamuno

Sister. Brother. WTF.

Eventually, if you are not a virus shill you can come to the same clear conclusion.

The Test is fraudulent. There is no virus. The RT-PCR scam tests you for dozens of your own genome fragments. Understand? That’s fraud. Why aren’t your virus shilling heroes taking about THAT? Why don’t they mention THAT?

This FACT has even published by a mainstream science journalist.

Jan 9, 2022 2:34 PM
Reply to  Researcher

The RT-PCR scam tests you for dozens of your own genome fragments.

if that were true, why doesn’t everybody test positive, all the time?

Jan 9, 2022 5:16 PM
Reply to  covidiot

Logical fallacy.

Partial genome fragments aren’t necessarily in samples.

Samples can be contaminated or mishandled.

Samples may not have enough of the specific DNA fragments present.

The test scam uses the CT count as a way to elicit a positive or negative result at wil