What they REALLY mean by “living with Covid”
Why are media dialling back on the Covid hysteria? Is it because the "pandemic" is really over? Or is it an important part of the gaslighting process?
Kit Knightly

The past few days, even weeks, have seen a definite alteration in the media’s attitude to the Covid “pandemic”.
There have been numerous examples of what, if the media were not so tightly controlled, might be referred to as “dissent”. But, since the media is tightly controlled, we must call it an apparent change in the message.
Famously, Dr Steve James, a consultant anaesthetist, confronted UK Health Secretary Sajid Javid over the weakness of the science supporting vaccine mandates. Note this was actually aired on Sky News:
"The science isn't strong enough".
Watch the moment an unvaccinated hospital consultant challenges Health Secretary Sajid Javid over the government's policy of compulsory COVID jabs for NHS staff.https://t.co/IvbdwQbF0N
📺 Sky 501, Virgin 602, Freeview 233 and YouTube pic.twitter.com/tDkRYgWgDh
— Sky News (@SkyNews) January 7, 2022
A few days ago Dr Rochelle Walensky, the director of the CDC, went on Good Morning America to discuss the “Omicron” wave, and ended up pointing out that most “omicron deaths” have multiple co-morbidities.
In another interview, with Fox News, Dr Walenksy said the CDC was going to publish data on how many people had died of Covid, and how many died with it.
This begs a series of important questions.
- Why is the director of the CDC (seemingly) engaging with these Covid skeptic arguments after two years of pretending they don’t exist?
- Why would Sky News air, and then tweet out, the video clip of a doctor challenging the health secretary?
- Why is the Guardian running headlines like “End mass jabs and live with Covid, says ex-head of vaccine taskforce” and quoting medical personnel who say we need to “treat Covid like the flu”?
- Why are new studies being promoted that claim T cells from ordinary colds can “protect you from Covid”?
There’s no denying the messaging, the deceleration of the narrative. There’s a new thread being woven into the story: “living with Covid”.
For over a month that has been a popular buzz phrase all over the Western press.
On December 1st, Forbes headlined:
Why Endemic Covid-19 Will Be Cause For Celebration
An article which argued, among other things, that “Endemic Covid-19 will be no worse than seasonal flu”. This sentiment has been repeated ad nauseum across multiple outlets.
We already mentioned the Guardian article from January 8th, there’s also an earlier one from Dec 5th titled “From pandemic to endemic: this is how we might get back to normal”.
CNBC ran three almost identical stories on this topic in the space of two weeks:
- “The Covid pandemic could end next year, experts say — here’s what that looks like, and how the U.S. could get there” – December 9th
- “The pandemic could end in 2022 — here’s what ‘normal’ life might look like soon, according to medical experts“ – December 15th
- “Omicron could burn through the U.S. — and potentially hasten the Covid pandemic’s end, says expert” – December 22nd
On New Year’s Day, Vox had a piece titled:
Despite omicron, Covid-19 will become endemic. Here’s how.
Bloomberg is reporting that Omicron signals the end “of the acute phase of the pandemic”.
Just yesterday the New York Post headlined: “COVID will become endemic by later this year, ex-Biden task-force head predicts”, and USA Today asked “The pandemic is changing. Will omicron bring a ‘new normal’ for COVID-19?“
And earlier today Channel 4 opined that “Covid in 2022” means “learning to live with the virus”.
The messaging isn’t just media-based, either. Reports are coming out that “living with Covid” is going to be the UK government’s strategy moving into 2022, with an official publication on this topic expected “within weeks”.
So, “living with the virus” is going to be added to the Covid phrasebook alongside “flatten the curve” and “the new normal”. But what does it actually entail?
When they say “living with Covid”, what do they really mean?
Well, firstly, let’s not make the mistake of trusting any government, media, or “expert”, just because they start telling 20% of the truth.
They are liars, they have an agenda, this is always true, you should always be aware of it, even when – or especially when – they are suddenly telling you what you want to hear.
They have not seen the light, they are not correcting their mistakes, they not finally seeing sense, and they are not switching sides.
There have been no Damascene conversions. There is no wave of guilty consciences sweeping through the elite.
They have an agenda. They always have an agenda.
You should also dispel all notions of “getting back to normal” from your mind. That isn’t happening.
How do we know? Because they said so.
Half the articles talking about “living with Covid” go into detail about how things won’t really change. Take this one, from the Guardian yesterday:
‘Living with Covid’ does not have to mean ditching all protective measures
It outlines that Covid could become endemic soon, that the mass testing of asymptomatic people may be counter-productive and possibly should stop, but it doesn’t reverse course on masks or vaccines and leaves the door wide open for a new “variant” to jump-start more lockdowns in the future:
“Living with Covid” does not have to mean reversing every protective measure. If better ventilation and face masks reduce the impact of winter respiratory illnesses, that is a positive, even if the NHS is no longer under imminent threat of being overwhelmed. We will also need to remain vigilant about the threat from new variants, which could still cause big setbacks. There is no guarantee that another variant, more infectious and more virulent than Omicron, could emerge in the future. Scientists say that supporting global vaccination efforts will be crucial to securing the path to normality.
Masks, working from home, and social distancing in crowded settings could all be “sticking around”, according to one of the above CNBC articles. And “Covid Boosters could become like annual flu shots”.
Meanwhile, “experts” are warning that even once Covid is endemic we should prepare for “surges” every three or four months.
It seems “living with the virus” means maintaining the status quo, loosening a few restrictions, but leaving the path clear for new waves of fear porn should the need arise.
But why? Why are they doing this now?
It could be that there are splits and factions, fractures along the floors of the corridors of power. Perhaps some members of the great big club want to halt the Pandemic where it is, afraid that any more progress along the “Great Reset” path may imperil their own position or their own wealth.
What I see as more likely is that they sense they have over-extended themselves already, and that stretching further could break their entire story to pieces.
To use an apt metaphor, imagine the “Great Reset” agenda as an invading army, marching through town after town, winning battle after battle and burning as they go.
There comes a point where you have to stop. Your supply lines are pulled taut, your men are tired and numbers dwindling, and the occupied citizens are putting up more and more resistance. Push on now, and your entire campaign could crumble.
What you do in that situation is withdraw to a defensible position and fortify it. You don’t give back the land you’ve taken, or not much of it at least, but you stop pushing forward.
The people whose land you have invaded will be so glad the war is over, so tired of fighting, they’ll be so relieved by the respite before realising how much of their land you’ve taken away. They may even say “let them keep it, as long as they stop attacking us”.
That’s how conquest works, from the days of ancient Rome and beyond. A cycle of aggression followed by fortification.
When we switch from “pandemic” to “endemic”, we won’t be getting our rights back, the vaccine passes and surveillance and the culture of paranoia and fear will remain, but people will be so relieved at the pause in the campaign of fear and propaganda they will stop resisting.
They won’t push back, and the “New Normal” will literally become just that, normal.
Hell, they’ll probably greenlight funding for anything Bill Gates wants to do make sure “Covid is the last pandemic”.
And then, one day when people are nice and docile again, a new variant will come back, or we’ll need a “climate lockdown”, and the push for control of every aspect of our lives will start up again in earnest.
The best thing we can do is not fall into the trap.
The press politicians and Big Pharma didn’t all just realise the truth, they’re just using some small parts of truth they’ve been ignoring for two years to fortify their position.
But that doesn’t make it a bad thing.
The very fact they feel the need to do so shows that the resistance is building, and that they’re are trying to lull us into relaxing.
Now would be the worst time to stop fighting.
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I don’t want to live with Covid, I hope it’s over now. <a href=’https://slopeunblocked.club’>slope</a>
Great article and thought provoking…!
Of course we’re all speculating, because the large scale dynamic have their plans and would rather not inform us.
Here’s my 5 cents:
I think it’s a case of Easy on the Sheep, before we create more Goats:
We can always work on the sheep again, we know now how malleable they are.
And look. Many of the Goats will relax and feel a little stupid even.
They won’t know what hit them.
The FACT is this: These bastards showed their hand now, as well as how willing they are to act in the most atrocious immoral ways to get where they aim to be, absolute control and removal of Civil Liberties.
They will stop, why…?
You’re certainly right we have to keep up the fight. However, I would suggest the reason for the sudden backing off has more to do with the fact that British lawyers have filed charges of crimes against humanity with the International Criminal Court, naming Boris Johnson, his current and former Health minister, the CEOs of the vaccine manufacturers, and others. This is just one of several high level cases being filed right now. I wrote about this here: https://seanarthurjoyce.substack.com/p/the-end-of-the-endgame-is-in-sight?justPublished=true
Great article. Way too many of us are onto them for their comfort.
Be on the lookout for new narratives to keep us angry, frightened, and fighting each other.
Grow a garden. Meet with neighbors.
Read the classics–in print–for timeless truths. I’m reading Solzhenitsyn and Tennyson.
Could it be that the authorities have discovered the ultimate cure for the covid scamdemic?
Could it be, that the a bigger fear, that of losing power, is replacing fear of a cold?
Could it be that an election year in many jurisdictions is the real cure for covid?
It is nothing but a common cold, people scare so easily
CDC – “Specifically, deaths from circulatory diseases, Alzheimer disease and dementia, and respiratory diseases have increased in 2020 relative to past years (7), and it is unclear to what extent these represent misclassified COVID-19 deaths or deaths indirectly related to the pandemic (e.g., because of disruptions in health care access or utilization)”
Very interesting article and something I have been wondering about for a few weeks also.
Last week Clive Dix who was part of the vaccine group in the UK said that boosters are a waste of time, etc, as you reported…..
However today the answer appeared in the Guardian:
Dr Clive Dix told radio station LBC that “to just keep vaccinating people” to protect the population is a “waste of time”. He said: “We need a focused approach for the vulnerable people. So, I think we’ve got something like 2% of the over-60s still not vaccinated. We should have a highly-focused approach to get those people vaccinated and anybody else who’s vulnerable.”
The answer is mandated vaccination for the ‘vulnerable and at risk’. This is where it started in Italy and look where they are now….they kept adding to the list of mandatory vaccination….
Pharma has won a massive victory.
The concept of the vaccine passport (at least for international travel) means that they have created a guaranteed market for themselves.
All they need to do is line the pockets of the relevant politicans to extend the number of shots that need to be on the vaccine passport and they can boost their profits whenever they like.
The war is won.
Uh, if you believe that. And if you believe that, and support that, you’re on the actual more important “no-fly” list, if you know what I mean. Idiots might want to consider that.
the one thing they didn’t account for are all the people dropping dead from the vax. This cannot be hidden much longer nor explained away. People waking up to all the sudden death; this is their last/biggest dilemma.
I believe they DID know people would drop like flies. Their game plan is to continue gaslighting and convince the gullible that their deaths are from anything other than the vaccines. Didn’t Gates even once say something like 700 million in the world might die from the vaccine, but like Madeline Albright with Iraqi children, the price is worth it.
They did a similar thing with HIV/AIDS. Like COVID, AIDS (and all other viruses) never existed. They have tested this scenario many times, this is all part of their battle plan.
AIDs doesn’t exist. Ok sure. I’m sick and tired of reading such ill informed bullshit.
Read the comment. I say AIDS and all other viruses don’t exist.
Is it over yet?
From CJ Hopkins:
Jan 12, 2022
We’re a little baffled by all the folks tweeting “it’s over.” Here in New Normal Germany, the fascists in charge of the government are pushing forward with their plans to order forced “vaccination” of the entire population.
It’s been “over” in MAGA country for some time and this indicates that “capitalism” per se is not the root cause of the problem. For instance, the return to normal of Southeastern Conference (SEC) college football was a real world experiment; and it demonstrated that “covid” simply goes away. The following is written such that it stands a chance of being published in a corporate outlet, but I suspect that the authors are aware that covid is BS.
What SEC football just taught us about COVID-19
Dec 9, 2021
By Elizabeth Plummer, Marty Makary And Ge Bai, Opinion Contributors
Southeastern Conference (SEC) college football ushered in the return of maskless, full‑capacity crowds. It was the ultimate stress test of COVID-19. As crowds returned to packed stadiums, there was much angst that they would be super spreader events. On Sept. 7, MSNBC’s Joy Reid asked Dr. Anthony Fauci, “As soon as I saw it [pictures of packed stadiums], I thought COVID-19 is about to have a feast. What did you think?” Fauci replied: “I thought the same thing. I think it’s really unfortunate.”
SEC football games are primarily located in states with relatively few state‑imposed COVID-19 restrictions (Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, South Carolina, Tennessee and Texas), and nine of the states have vaccination rates consistently lower than the national average.
Pfizer’s Bourla’s evil and gall are breath taking. The puppet politicians across the globe use extreme cruel coercion to force their subjects to submit to the lethal clot shot. Pfizer makes $28 billion. The swine then coolly says the shots were useless but we need more. Execution by the cruellest available method is not enough for the monster.
A good summary. Deliberate aspect of the psy-op, it would seem, the creation of overt and harsh cognitive dissonance.
Omnicron was planned. It’s clear the jabs don’t work and this is the way out of jail. Obviously now it’s endemic your big brother needs to have a digital protection system for every citizen in place to ensure this never happens again. We need to learn from this experience. Doctors and the NHS want an early warning proactive detection system. Yawn. Insert medical lie of choice. Restrictions go, green passports stay which is what they wanted all along until the next faux pandemic- my money is on smallpox and climate scare.
Hello from sunny Tenerife where the madness continues to escalate. No teachers in school, no nurses , no doctors…..all because they are self testing.i will provide more of my experience here later. Thanks offg for keeping me sane the last two years.
Let me tell a secret: democratic people do not really exist.
Democratic people only exist because of the industry of press and publicity. They only exist as herds, not as private persons. These days it can even be that on their death certificate the listed cause of death is a public chimera created by their press, and that hardly anyone is allowed to visit a funeral because of the precedence of the public chimera. So they die as a public publicity chimera listed in the herd statistics which their herd state and institutions keep, not as persons who are capable of love and hate, not as a soul departing.
They cannot exist as real persons, because they are ever envious, and being equal, ever hungry for some power and attention, always locked up in a vicious circle of trying to exist through noisy democratic herd existence. Some of them, deep in their hearts, might feel at times that they do not exist, but they are all too easily drawn into the stormy attractive chimera of attention grabbing, publicity, and envious malice. They cannot isolate themselves or are to weak and dependent to isolate themselves from the democratic herd and its ubiquitous noise making.
Hence, Corona/Delta/Omnicron, whatever (initiated initially by the Plutocracy) is the means for the democratic herds to exist, to grab attention, to feel alive, to impose their herd morality, to act out all what belongs to their herd complex. And it is the means for the democratic controller vampires, the state, to enforce itself by sucking the remaining life and prospects of freedom out of them.
any Canadians about who can confirm what is happening in your part of hell. !?
Covid: Quebec to impose health tax on unvaccinated Canadians
Extortion (more of it)
Good article. I had begun to suspect that the wheels of their bus were coming off but of course they have new wheels and another bus. This is all part of the Great Reset and that is all part of Agenda 2030 and the systematic destruction and pillaging of every resource on this planet. These people can’t think of anything else except money and power. Their Global Public-Private Partnerships masquerading as a path towards sustainable development are the most alarming aspect. They are setting up unelected bodies involved with stewardship of the Earth but not stewardship of preserving but stewardship of extraction and destroying. They are a blight on the face of the Earth. If anything, it is this movement that is the real virus.
i try to avoid dem big shops, except Aldi where i get no grief at all, even smiles from staff and the odd customer.
went into Asda today for about 4th time since plandemic began. It’s got worse metinks, 100% masked, everyone, all staff too.
saw a “safety” staff person move toward me until he saw me got to checkout, got stared out hahaha by grim faced securobot; worst of all, the check out was a selfie too.
“.. securing the path to normality …”: ‘Normalisation’ is a standard communist term indicating the subjugation of a population after demoralisation and if necessary, even violent measures to obtain submission. After the invasion of Czekoslovakia in 1968, with everything quiet again and tanks and troops in the street, Brezhnev commented: ‘Now the situation is normalised’.
Similarly, any disruptive situation temporarily paused, will be resumed until total submission is obtained. As the article points out, simultaneous worldwide pausing or even slight reversal of the measures implemented will result in the resumption of further measures later, now that the largely docile acceptance of the present absurd conditions of existence constitute normalisation.
Or: You ain’t seen nothin’ yet. Now that a large percentage of the population have bought into this absurdity, the final phase and complete demonisation of resistors will be effected.
It may be selfish, but I’m glad I’m the age I am.
But hopefully (there’s that word again), as Francis Bacon noted: after forceful repression, Nature is more forceful in the return. As always, the question is: How long will it take? In the USSR, 75 years.
Plus 10.
’68 wasn’t that The year of Central Banking throw in digital computerisation and bingo, the inevitable quick quick slow slow to everything freezes up, fractures and collapses.
Congratulations Robots, you win. Well no you haven’t because you dumb twats took away our Industries chimney stacks cooling salt & pepper towers and lads & lasses who are NOT Vogue disciples and enjoy a fag a pint sooooo tough!
Take the Knee and elbow tap you pathetic morons, what’s In tomorrow’s Weather?
Hang on, I’ll ask a Digital Computer……..
See, it says owl right there.
This is so spot on, had been wondering for a year what this “living with the virus” concretely meant
Yesterday, I had cause to visit my local surgery. The entrance has double doors (for stopping loss, hahahahah) excuse me, but you’ll laugh too, when I tell you what’s next. Both these double glass doors were wide open, as were all the windows in the waiting room. The temperature outside around 6C, and high humidity, this is Edinburgh in January 2022. After checking attendance with the receptionist and the rest of the coven, she requested I wear a muzzle, at which I ripped her a new one, and asked her “has the local genocide begun then ? You going to freeze to death all the old people ? At least the Nazis started off with hot showers ” After much shouting and references to the Dissabilities Act and Equalities Act the nurse seen immediately. The people in the waiting room and those seeing the Doctors could here everything. Make no mistake I’m no hero, I’m just an old guy 77 with cancer, and bucket loads of attitude, and still have a full set of what appear when I was around 13. But the silence from everyone was deafening, I feel really lonely today.
Please, don’t feel lonely my dearest,courageous, ” SPARTICUS” ,we have never met in person,but we are soul mates, and you are far from being alone, there are more with us than against us, though the media will never allow that TRUTH to be known, at this point in time, but TRUTH always comes out,in the end, and the massive cracks are beginning to show !!!! Stay strong my precious and much loved friend. This WILL be over one day soon, and things will be better than before it all began due to people such as you,that have shown such moral courage and AGAPE LOVE to all.
Sincere and warmest love 💕😘
A kind message of solidarity and empathy, and a nice thought, but there are not more with us than against. It may be that there are enough of us, however.
I had to wear gloves on the bus to work today, cos the driver (female) insisted on having every single window open – and this was a double decker. Happily, though, she’s an aberration. No other driver (of either sex) on the route even makes you wear a mask. This is on a cross-border bus from Cheshire to North Wales. Drakeford doesn’t seem to have many friends in the unruly North!
100% plus good, God Bless.
Learn how to heal yourself and cut down dependancy on the killing machine that is the new medical paradigm. There’s nothing good they can offer now, even emergency interventions are dangerous as things stand.
And they’re not going to sympatise or agree with you ever, they’re in a made up ‘reality’.
Let the dead bury their dead said the Lord.
Most seem to be focussing on the “virus” and the “vaccine”. That phase is over. It was only ever a phase. It was all laid out many years ago and is going to plan. Yes, some phases my take longer than the original plan and the “anti-vaxxers” may be more numerous than they thought but it’s just an inconvenience, they will press on with the next phases in their psychopathic unrelenting way.
Digital ID, Personal Credit ID, Climate Change, Food Control.
We’re not pushing back enough.
Fauci, Gates may well be moved aside, they have others awaiting their turn.
No doubt there’s an army of busybodies and ‘do gooders’ waiting in the wings. In fact old mummy ‘sir’ david attenborough is back spewing the narrative of the ‘dying planet’, I wonder when he’ll kindly become compost to contribute with the ‘rewilding’ agenda.
Some tactical considerations.
The Living-Withs are trying to get us all to unify against the Zero-Covids; and in doing so, they are presenting the latter as being “psychotic” (not unreasonably). However, it’s probably better for the Refuseniks (which includes myself) to focus our energies on exposing the Living-Withs; for several reasons:
a) as others have noted, there appears to be some attempt at a calculated narrative shift.
b) by appearing to be more reasonable, the Living-With position is actually more insidious.
c) from the Refusenik perspective, it is tactically better to have the covidian cult represented by the Zero-Covid “psychos”.
d) ideally, the Living-Withs and Zero-Covids will wage war against each other.
‘Living with Covid’ does not have to mean ditching all protective measures’ – note the reverse of POV too – the POV assumption here is that we WANT to keep those lovely protective measures!!!! – but it’s ok, it’s ok, they’ll only take away a bit of it!! ..
And there is no such thing as covid to live with
Spot on. Attack is the best for of defense and we need to start making arrests while they’re reloading their guns. Maybe they’re also lagging behind with crypto – but they’re definitely taking their collective foot off the gas.
Watched the specialist on Good morning television today and he seems to have watered down his views. Maybe its the moment when an anti vaxxer sees the light.
While all this is going on Brendon O’Connell on Youtube might give a different slant on things. Not that I agree with everything he says but it does give you food for thought and question some of the alternative media narrative.
Sajid Javid is so arrogant. He starts arguing with a specialist.
I think after the expose on Fauci by Veritas, the covid hoax will unwind rapidly. There are going to be a lot of red faces.
we don’t want red faces, we want LOOOOOOONGG prison terms …. after a good long time in public stocks for public shaming and disgrace – the damage these people have done to what small traces of trust in various government services is going to be a long, long time rebuilding, if ever
red stumps and lapping feral dogs would do fine.
but i like the public disgrace/stocks/jougs thing….
Any trace of trust in government was obviously misplaced and should not be rebuilt. They should never be trusted again.
Yes, but now the specialist has caved in
We are in this mess thanks to ‘specialists and experts’, so the less attention we give them, the saner we will be.
It’s simple: The pandemic has almost outlived its usefulness and now threatens to be a liability and cause more resistance through over-exposure. They can “pause” it but keep the gains they made with regard to restrictions as they prepare the next crises while people are confused, anxious, disoriented, and largely still credulous and willing to comply in the hopes of alleviating fear and hardship: food/supply shortages and banking/financial collapse.
Prepare now, because the ride is about to get a whole lot bumpier.
if people feel like that – rather than very very angry at what has been done to them – well, they’ll deserve what they get. And tough for those of us who see through it all, but were less able than the enemy to get our message out
Even in stupid hysterical Australia with the obsessive fucking ”testing’ for nothing at all they are noticing they have been hoist on their own petard with food shortages, stock shortages, worker shortages and so on.
Exit Dr Fauci and Bill Gates stage left
Cue whole new wave of pharmaceutical insiders and sold out physicians to sell Bill Gates developed cures to treat false positive test results
Handy guide to recognize Covid-19 false narratives in real time
And, how Dr Robert Malone is selling a World Health Organization Covid-19 test and treat plan from March 2020 and push MORE testing to drive cases for MORE Gates financed cures
Its being coopted however I think people have been SO burnt, people are NOT going to abide them for long especially as they realize they are shilling Gates therapies which cause CANCER (monoclonal antibodies)
The second you see a doctor or ‘opposition’ leader featured on Fox news THAT should be enough to know its b.s.
‘Exit Dr Fauci and Bill Gates stage left’ – or maybe straight down to where the fire’s always burning …
‘https://www.unite4truth.com/post/it-might-be-controlled-opposition-if-how-to-spot-covid-19-misinformation-tactics-in-real-time’ – oh c’mon that’s never been a problem, if a covid cultist’s lips are moving, they’re lying
You found some genetic material inside of a person which you claim you were able to propagate in a test tube, so what? If you can’t demonstrate that that thing can cause the illness, which you claim is the causative agent of, when introduced into a healthy person then you have proved nothing.
In order to prove that you’ve got an exogenous infectious pathogenic particle it’s absolutely necessary (but not sufficient) to isolate it, that is, separate it from everything else. This has never been done to date. Anywhere.
Makes sense to me. So I’m not the one who’s going to bumptiously insist that the public is overwhelmingly unwilling or unable to process this truth, and will contemptuously dismiss it as crazy talk.
In other words, “nobody” is buying it, so everyone would be better served if people stopped undermining the scamdemic-resistance cause by trying to sell it.
Just read the “Forever Virus” article from the Council on Foreign Relations. This is planed to be the forever pandemic. Like the forever war on terror or drugs now we are also “fighting” the forever war on virus.
This brave girl made my day. She stands up to an evades the Gestapo.
Increasingly, people are realizing that virology itself is pseudoscience. https://drsambailey.com/2022/01/05/why-nobody-can-find-a-virus/
The longer that the Sars-CoV-2 narrative plays out, the more people wake up to the fact that not only do they not have to fear one specific virus—they don’t have to fear any viruses, period. That changes everything for billions of people. It destroys faith in the governments, faith in doctors, faith in “the science” and its peer review system. If there is one story worth preserving above all else, it’s that a virus can be found and that it is pathogenic and contagious. So many layers of society have been directly or indirectly built upon this foundation for over a century that it’s of paramount importance. Letting “Covid” become “endemic” is essentially a plea bargain.
Very well put. I had a ten year struggle with the ‘no planes’ theory. This is beginning to resolve much faster.
Yeah the no planes and the flat earth both didn’t fit Occam’s razor for me. They require too much assumptions
Occam’s razor is a good rule for stupid people to follow.
The simplest explanation is not always the explanation. In fact, an explanation (i.e. the cause or causes) for something is often very complicated and consists of multiple factors, but for stupid people, yes, by all means, you should stop with the simplest explanation.
Then again, it’s my very own hypothesis that the Truth is always simple and obvious once grasped.
Please don’t conflate the two or say that I’m validating Occam’s razor, which I’m not.
not to mention missing stuff – there’s no way 4 big jets completely disintegrated into confetti in one 4-hour period, not a wing, not an engine, no tails, no big pieces of fuselage etc – only in the cartoons
Plus 10.
There is no evidence for planes on 9/11. Prove me wrong.
Flat Earth is bankster introduced disruption of the truther movements.
The earth may not be flat but the sphere idea where up is down and down is up thanks to ‘gravity, is even more far fetched. And let’s not get started with the universe is 95% ‘dark matter’. The truth is we don’t know, and probably we’re not meant to know.
Dr. Mike Yeadon says 90% of the COVID vaccine “side effects”/deaths came from less than 10% of the batches (lots), which means it is a “live” experiment!
Watch the original discussion with Dr Reiner Fuellmich (lawyer for the corona committee)
in the “Corona Ausschuss Session #86”: The Fog is Lifting of 07/01/2022:
https://corona-ausschuss.de =>
English video: https://odysee.com/@Corona-Investigative-Committee:5/s86:9
German version: https://odysee.com/@Corona-Ausschuss:3/ss86:3
The important part starts at about 5:06:30.
Possibilities (not necessarily mutually exclusive):
100% mortality is not intended, but the jab must be seen to be Russian roulette, i.e. to have a low, but significant % mortality.
The composition of the jab is still being explored, hence different lots have different effects.
The jab has a constituent that (mostly) remains inert, but one that can be activated by some means, e.g. resonant frequency.
The Covid psyop & the jab are not directed at the credulous.
The pseudo-Leftist adoration of covid:
The kernel of the logic:
“If Covid is real, free-market capitalism of the kind the elite sold to British people for 40 years cannot work.”
Therefore Covid MUST be real!
“Just as with the climate, they wish it could all go back to normal. They wish so hard that some end up denying reality. Denial – or what psychologists now call “wrongness” – is a natural dysfunction. We all do it during grief. But to go on doing it is dangerous.”
It is the same call that “There is No Alterative”, “We must change”, “Staying still is not an option” – that we have previously heard from the neoliberals and indeed from capitalists all down the line. Only this time it wears a Left mask.
“I was glad to see YouTube temporarily pull the plug on TalkRadio. I would be even gladder to see Ofcom review the station’s licence to broadcast and Twitter and Facebook label the claims of columnists as questionable or false where appropriate.”
I’ll bet you were, Paul.
“This is the new face of the anti-vaxxer movement: people radicalised on social media, completely inured to science and objective reporting on the mainstream media, and increasingly prepared to threaten violence.”
“objective reporting on the mainstream media”?! The ultimate oxymoron!
The anti-vaxxers “are, in short, what the psychiatrist Wilhelm Reich described in the 1930s as “people in trouble” – the raw material of early fascism.”
So “people in trouble” are the problem?
We hear about the “free rider” problem. And we are asked,
“How do you nudge, persuade or ultimately coerce those who are vaccine-hesitant, or are prepared to rely on the herd immunity supplied by others?”
A neat little summary of escalating pressure there. And it’s clear that our Paul will not tolerate anyone not getting the vax.
The case against the vax is relayed via the White Rose, “a group of Catholic fundamentalists” so that “we can see how easily the anti-vax ideology maps on to the thought architecture of the extreme right”. Well it certainly does when groups are the only ones you quote.
This naturally leads on to “the allegation that “genocide” is being perpetrated against white Christians” and ensures that we are in the company of “dedicated far right extremists”.
We then hear about a “far right” in Britain and “a large and dangerous online world of science scepticism, men’s rights activism and what the Germans call “querdenken” – the refusal to believe any accepted wisdom” and “its potential audience is everybody who doesn’t want the jab”.
A new face for the old witch hunting. But none of this is surprising. The first article spoke of how “lockdowns and vaccines, not libertarianism, will have proved the route to herd immunity”. And I first heard the word “libertarian” used to characterise those opposing the covid narrative almost two years ago from Philip Roddis. And the entire bogus associative network of the new Fascism was already there. Mason is just following its logic.
Genocide is easy.
The point of this exercise is to find those who know they shouldn’t take the jab.
Via the globally coordinated roll-out of the Covid psyop, TPTB have already demonstrated total control.
The unjabbed have only three options:
0) Capitulation.
1) Flee to wilderness.
2) Remain to await rendition.
what about die fighting?
hardly ideal an outcome, but better than 0) & 2) !
1) is a pipe dream in western europe, ecology too defunct, too many urban clusterfucks….. and a clueless population that would rather steal yours, than forage/hunt their own….
…. valid option maybe in larger landmasses with actual wilderness… but i see the white-tail is an evil covid spreader too (we know where all that is going – culls and exclusions) and the land management sector was always Queens Infantry-esque.
so, ?
Fighting is futile, and effectively capitulation.
As for ‘wilderness’ (or evasion), it is at least an option, albeit, admittedly not necessarily that accessible.
It’s not about fighting but resisting.
We are not fighting vaccination. If there were a vaccine, and if it worked, and if the evidence were revealed to everyone and presented in full light of day, and all the evidence could be assembled and made available, so our experts as well as their experts, could each and all evaluate each and every concern and arrive together at the same conclusions<= maybe even for different reasons: then nearly everyone would submit or refuse to submit [depending on the conclusions] to the Covid 19 vaccination process. But Pharma and government have not revealed the data.
Pharma and Government have killed or removed from the information stream all that has opposed their narratives? Pharma and Government have put puppet spokesman at the government agencies, whose jobs it seems is to deny adverse reports found to be in opposition to the narrative and to suppress reports of discoveries that dispute the Pharma claim "we have a vaccination that works" narratives. Pharma and government have not allowed political processes world over, to hold reasonable hearings, courts to ring out the truth and scientist to debate the pros and cons.
Damning evidence continues to surface which is in need of source data and factual-controlled experimental work to produce adequate confirm-able data needed to answer the questions what is in the s**t pharma provides?
Instead Big Pharma has hired government to fight & resist questions and objections to mRNA bioengineering (vaccination). Government fight the demands of the people in the streets with their guns, their military and armed solders, their civil threats of fines and with just about every kind of weapon governments have at their disposal? Why. All of this seems designed to refuse the public real access to the history, facts, and source data that might, if revealed, support government driven claims that the s**t Pharma provides works. What it looks to me like is that Pharma is more powerful than government itself. and what makes power is the patent laws which government write.
Obvious to me, the Covid 19 programs are not about a virus Pharma has yet, to my knowledge, to prove it has actually isolated from nature. Experimental bioengineering on living life people seems more likely a reason for the Covid 19 project? But what is it that is being engineered<=this time and what will it be next time? The viral structure of Covid they say, can be used to induce ABs to the natural virus. Yet accumulating data suggest the in practice effect results fall far short of those claims. Imagine inside of human body <=vaccinated with a big pharma secret<=what is it that is happening? Government, with all of its awesome powers, and MSM with all of its mind control propaganda power both seek to force, over the protesting for more information demands, injection of the Big Pharma secret?
What is known about the secret is that all claims that it works and is safe are still questionable?
No one presented sufficient data to make a different statement no matter their political authority. The secret seems to be expressing virus like behavior from the host genes of the vaccinated. Are you kidding me, I am going to accept a big Pharma secret to be injected into my body to see if the secret works?
Scientists are reporting they are discovering stuff in side of the pharma concoctions? Pharma and gun wielding governmental partners refuse to explain these reports of Grapheme materials in discovered in certain batches of Pharma produced mRNA vectors (vaccination materials). instead of source data and independent experimental data, we hear from pharma and governments; if you don't allow the secret to be injected into your body we will break your leg? What are these big secrets? Explain the intense pressure, globally applied? Why is accepting secret bio engineering junk into every so important to government and pharma? then ask should patent law be used to make Big Pharma Rich, Wealthy and More Powerful than the government you grew up with?
If you want to get at the truth, simply reverse the patent and copyright laws. and watch the little guy in his back yard invent a true vaccination.
Don't get me wrong, I am all for vaccinations when they are well understood and proven to work.
Nah, vaccines are bullshit
This ‘vaccine’ is bad, therefore all vaccines are bad?
Better: some vaccines are vaccines, some are not.
All vaccines are based on fraud and incorporate unessential, toxic ingredients specifically for the purpose of degeneration.
Even the supposed diseases they’re meant to address, are fraudulent conflated misattributions of results as causative.
None of those “causative germs” are contagious or causative, they do not function or exist as claimed.
The very idea of “protocol” is also, inherently failure, due to varying health status.
Everything you’ve been told about the “immune system” is lies. An “immune response” is a measure of damage, they frame damage as protection for the PRS cycle, exploitation.
There is only health status, vaccines worsen health status (easily verifiable). The imaginary “immune system” is a product, a derivative abstraction, a flawed quantification of very complex health status.
Vaccines are always toxic, worthless, fraudulent products.
This is the very uncomfortable truth. Most of us have been poisoned in early childhood.
There is nobody and nothing that can prove that these injections during such a critical stage of development of human beings (early childhood) are not responsible for the cancer pandemic, the autism pandemic, the auto-immune disease pandemic, “chronic fatigue syndrome” pandemic, etc etc… It is on the injectors to show proof that the prevalence of these diseases since mass vaccination began is not related.
Since they cannot prove this, there is no sanity in any kind of mandatory/ coercive vaccination or even the matter of refusing vaccination having some kind of moral dimension- especially now that they have admitted these new injections that they absolutely must push into everyone don’t even “stop the spread”..
The situation is very dangerous not only for the vaxxed but for anyone trying to remain sane while keeping their eyes open.
When I was a child in the 70s I never knew a single case of autism. Also the prevalence of child cancer and allergies we see today were unseen.
There is certainly a correlation between the increase in vaccination and the increase in those conditions. It may not directly imply causation but there’s enough reasons to investigate the issue, the whole denial of this and moreover the coverup and supression of it indicates we don’t have an honest medical system.
Several commenters have noted the supply-chain breakdown (per the simulated scenario last summer) as being the next big crisis foisted on populations.
If you can’t get food, you ain’t going to trouble yourself with boosters, that’s for sure. So what do they do? Of course: they put COVID on hold.
This, BTW, is where the “Climate Is Next Card They’ll Play” crowd has it all wrong. The climate is not immediate enough to round people up and corral them. Sickness is; but NOTHING will do it like hunger.
What is it they say: every society is three meals away from revolt?
Sickness got the people into the corral. Now if they can keep the people corralled when they get hungry, they’ve got it made. So they think.
Very pertinent and timely from Kit.
-Here is one bit of confirmation that the agenda is pushing forth just as envisioned. According to a WEF document: In the interests of protecting public health, the demand for trusted, interoperable, secure, privacy-preserving digital credentials for travel has significantly increased. Digital credentials will become the norm in a future of touchless and seamless borders. These capabilities will support the reopening of cross-border travel and set the example for a future of trusted digital documents as various use cases emerge in travel and beyond”. (The footnotes tell a revealing story in themselves, do pay attention).
Doc: https://www3.weforum.org/docs/WEF_Accelerating_the_Transition_to_Digital_Credentials_for_Travel_KTDI_Playbook_2021.pdf
-Here’s another: New Dutch Gov (actually the old gov. somewhat reshuffled) is set to decree face masks everywhere, including in public spaces! Based on absolutely nothing except their will and words.
This is never going to end unless it is stopped by the people. Now.
I was watching a mob of them yesterday in their masks …I was maskless…and thinking. You idiots all you have to do is take the bloody thing off. But like good little sheep they do as they are told. Much iof the time because they may get fined…
Yes, we now know how we’ve been deceived. But is this the main problem?
As in There’s no fool like an old fool we ought to consider that There’s no deception like self deception and this, the internal factor may be the bigger nut to crack than the external one.
The contempt underlying every lie told is the key to its own destruction, as this evil sentiment is universally rejected. Once seen, it can’t be unseen and this recognition is spreading steadily, to rage like wildfire when the Awakening unfolds completely, incinerating both external and internal deception as Truth is established in Human Consciousness. Those of us who are healthy today stand on the cusp, blessed to witness this epic turn.
Excellent article. Thank you, Kit Knightly.
This video was just like the scene in the movie “Hoosiers” when the basketball coach (played by Gene Hackman) tells the team what the final and potentially game winning play is going to be. The players, who have been brow beaten all season long for arguing and contradicting him (his stated position earlier in the movie was, “What I say is the law!”, just stand up and visually communicate how they feel about the play. Then, finally, the star of the team who has been set up as the decoy in the final play, speaks up. “I’ll make it”. For the sake of those who may actually find this movie and watch it for the first time, I won’t tell you what happened. One of the best movies you will ever watch.
More people need to stand up to the heretics and speak out.
I write this every day: (I swear to you, you should too. People are paying attention. The so called open platform, Citizen Free Press, won’t allow me to comment anymore because of it.)
Arrest them. Try them. Sentence them to death. Execute them. All of them.
It should be headlined everywhere.
We need to hold them accountable. If we don’t the insanity will only continue. Willingly and wantingly killing and maiming healthy people with vaccines that were never needed is a heinous crime against humanity. Anyone in a position of authority is complicit and culpable. They are all lying to protect themselves and their credibility.
They know it and we know they know it. The government, the media, the medical institution, higher education and big pharma. The lies are never going to stop. Period.
Arrest them. Try them. Sentence them to death. Execute them. All of them. Sounds harsh. Doesn’t it.
The latest “corrected” statistic for VAERS in the United States is 1 million killed and 70 million maimed by the vaccines. Vaccinated children are starting to drop like flies.
Makes your blood boil, doesn’t it.
As was talked about in comments earlier, execution is too good for them.
It’s like the mule and the 2×4. They need to be smacked on the side of the head.
Absolutely correct! The time for letter-writing and petitions is well past.
Rallies are beneficial only in showing resistance and encouraging more to swell the ranks of protestors, rather than resulting in reversal of govt. overreach.
Arrests really must take place, so, (as a few good souls have done already) informed and determined individuals en masse must report these crimes to law enforcement. There are mountains of evidence.
of course there is also the possibility that ‘they’ have accomplished the major aims of the first stage of the operation… the primary one being the ‘injection’..
billions have taken it…. my view is they are now moving onto stage B.. having thoroughly destabilized so called first world countries… there is much ‘profit’ in the ebbs and flows of chaos..
Good point
For the super-cynical, an interview with Dr Shankara Chetty of South Africa; for OG readers he’s preaching to the choir and pulls it all together clearly and concisely:
He’s highly impressive.
Not quite hey.
They switched state sponsored Gematria savvy m*slems terrorists to covid within seconds,
They switched killing black man by white copper within seconds and covid disappeared.
They can throw in a 2 yearly Christian being beheaded terrorists fake attack when its boring and the response exactly the same.
The immigrant crossing the border gets the exact same response.EVERY time and covid disappears or re appears with a new name and they can switch it just like beta / alpha whatever !!
Lets not forget the biggest bunch of brainwashed going also called the voters. Isn’t exactly hard to play that retard card.
To easy when Statistics and politics goes hand in hand.
Voting a comment up or down is a cheap way to take a shot at comments you don’t like (or to support comments that mirror one’s own opinions).
I confess that I’ve done it; I vow to not do it from now on.
It’s almost as easy to express one’s agreement in a word or two—”Agree” or “Disagree”.
By typing in a short comment, one identifies oneself.
Voting is anonymous and a mite cowardly.
Fully agreed. Down with voting!
Voting in comments threads was originally supposed to be for users to deal with disruptive, off-topic or rule-breaking comments, not for passively agreeing or disagreeing.