Harmless Untruths
Our incurious faith in infallible science
Julien Charles

In Kurt Vonnegut’s classic novel Cat’s Cradle, the deadpan realist from the Midwest–the 20th century’s Mark Twain–delivers an instructive review of the way in which Americans hold scientists in exceedingly high esteem—and the perils therein.
One of his characters is scientist Felix Hoenikker. Hoenikker is a partial reflection of Robert Oppenheimer, who led the team that invented the atomic bomb, but was later distraught by the use of his invention to exterminate whole urban populations in Japan.
At the successful detonation of the bomb Little Boy in New Mexico, he recalled a verse from the Bhagavad Gita, when Krishna tells Arjuna, “I am become death, the destroyer of worlds.”
After Oppenheimer witnessed the fruit of his labor in Nagasaki, he became an advocate for the banning of nuclear weapons, but was, to put it mildly, a day late and a dollar short.
After materializing in Washington to air his views on nukes, Undersecretary of State Dean Acheson, the fanatical anti-communist and inspiration behind the Cold War, said of the man who might have done more to enable American military hegemony than anyone, “I don’t want to see that son of a bitch in my office ever again.”
Vonnegut’s Hoenikker is comparable. Consumed by his task, he is somewhat near-sighted and does not at first perceive the larger interest of humanity that might be imperiled by his work and invents a solution that freezes anything it touches: Ice Nine.
Once he contemplates the staggering potential of his brainchild, he attempts to hide Ice Nine, and is increasingly troubled by the implications of his invention. His children discover his creation later and cannot resist the power it offers. The world is destroyed.
Vonnegut seems to suggest some scientists are perhaps morally naive regarding the possible uses of their work—as in most any innovative profession—and that their moral faculty emerges too late to mitigate their achievements, particularly after their inventions have fallen into the corrupt clutches of bought politicians or pharmaceutical executives beholden to an ever-needful bottom line.
A disturbing enough question in its own time, it now seems the world has evolved in a darker direction. Our scientists are no longer mere bystanders in the use of their work, no more are they unwitting accomplices to inscrutable ends.
Rather they are more likely the purveyors of those ends, having infiltrated political power and gained extraordinary influence within a caudillo of private drug monopolies and global health institutions.
Who are the power players in the modern world?
Bill Gates commands a multibillion-dollar foundation (BMGF) the express purpose of which is ‘a decade of vaccines’ and population control, among other global “health” initiatives. The foundation has its tentacles in every major media empire, in numerous global health institutions, leading pharmaceutical firms, and in novel NGOs designed to advance its agenda.
Gates has conceded that although he runs an ostensible foundation committed to the global good, he has never seen an industry with such stupendous return on investment. At the beginning of 2019, he enthused on Twitter about the prospects for vaccines, “…one of the best buys in global health.”
According to author and independent researcher Jacob Levich, GAVI is a Gates-created, Gates-funded, and Gates-controlled organization explicitly designed to connect major independent global institutions such as the WHO, UNICEF, and the World Bank with Big Pharma (Pfizer, Merck, Janssen).
Ostensibly launched to save the world’s children through vaccination, it seems more likely the organization is committed to the traditional goals of the white man’s burden, namely profit and power, with a kicker of population control.
Anthony Fauci, a beneficiary of Gates’ largesse, controls a $6B annual budget at the sprawling National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID). His bequeaths to colleges and universities, labs and research centers, gives him immense influence over the aim and direction of those entities.
In 2017, Fauci warned on Twitter that the Trump administration would have to deal with an infectious disease outbreak before its term was finished.
For its part, dependent on the BMGF and US aid, the WHO delivers edicts adopted by dozens of nations worldwide. Public health is big business, and it is now the conduit through which Big Pharma ‘markets’ its latest innovations under the guise of rescuing humanity from a fell pathogen.
These WHO-stamped recommendations, seconded by nations and sometimes mandated, achieve what Obamacare sought to deliver—a government-mandated medical product largely paid for by the government. In other words, a risk-free, federally backed slush fund for health monopolies. Is it any surprise that Big Pharma is Washington’s largest lobby and that its front man and facilitator, the BMGF, is global health’s largest patron?
What has precipitated this shift? We can reasonably assume a shift has occurred. In 1976, distribution of the vaccine for the bogus swine flu epidemic was halted after just 53 deaths. Lawsuits concerning vaccine injury abounded after the 2009 swine flu pandemic.
In 2010, the Indian government halted an HPV vaccine program to investigate the death of seven girls who had received the vaccine. And yet earlier this summer the same government waived the need for clinical trials and batch testing for Covid19 vaccines if they had been tested in the country of origin.
Today there are said to be more than 30,000 deaths and five million adverse reactions that followed vaccination across the West, yet the hectoring campaign to immunize the planet goes rollicking along. Fauci has now suggested the definition of full vaccination may now include booster shots, meaning a never-ending regime of shots as they are tweaked to address new variants (identified genetic sequences).
Or, as is evidently the case with current boosters, they are just pushing overstock to drain inventory and reach sales targets. The apocalyptic predictions are the same, the dodgy data the same, vaccine injury problematic.
The difference? One likely candidate is the influence of profiteering on the institutions of public health. There is much evidence these institutions have fallen prey to the same fate as other critical public agencies: agency capture, or the process by which special interests pervert the true purpose of institutions until they serve the interests of private financial patrons rather than public constituencies.
We’ve seen the deleterious influence of elite capital on Wall Street’s regulatory agencies, the Bretton Woods institutions, and of course both houses of Congress.
In some sense politicians have been latter-day sophists, creating novel rationalizations for the abdication of their ethical duty to serve the public. Yet they serve corporate interests with fewer and fewer efforts to disguise the obvious.
The truth of their subservience to corporate capital is an open secret. Their mandate is now to free capital, even if it shackles labor. In fact, the former is rarely possible without the latter.
The larger public these institutions ostensibly represent are troubling afterthoughts that require a frightful media narrative to manufacture their consent for policies that thwart their interests. The narratives follow a threadbare but effective plotline: we must be protected from a dangerous enemy.
The enemies are numberless: a demented collectivist ideology bent on world domination, a rogue nation ruled by a tinpot dictator, a cabal of terrorists building jerry-rigged IEDs, a traitorous president taking orders from abroad, or a lethal virus using us to kill our loved ones.
It makes little difference. The plotline is always the same: the government, staffed by earnest public servants, desperately strives to protect a vulnerable public against an aggressive enemy. Behind closed doors, the opposite takes place: the enemy is often manufactured for purposes of avarice and power, not to mention paranoia (regrettably many in power believe their own propaganda).
The monies to protect national security usually come from the public till. This rhetorical sleight of hand is rationalized by a compromised Congress and Oval Office, and by many other institutions of similar ilk.
As the pandemic emerged, we as a people were woefully unprepared to assess the pronouncements of our deeply troubled health officials, bent gravely over their mics like a scene from Contagion. Despite 1976 and 2009 and excellent reportage by independent journalists about the growing capture of public health by foundation and pharmaceutical money.
Nor were we ready for the subsequent mandates, delivered from the pulpit of the unsmiling state, this more like a scene from 1984. We had little awareness that money had corrupted science as much as it had foreign policy and war, as much as it had domestic economic and social policy.
And so, we swallowed the bitter pill of ‘sheltering in place’ and soon rolled up our sleeves for the public good.
Would we have acted differently had we known that this ‘fatal virus’ script has been used before, step for deceitful step?
This is an enlightening thread on the 2009 swine flu in Ireland. It shows that the unfolding of the vaccine narrative was identical with that of Covid19 and just as flawed.
It begins with the hyping of an uncontrollable and terrifyingly lethal virus. Then it hypes the efficacy, safety, and tolerability of the wonder vaccines. Then we see an outbreak of adverse reactions unexpected by the population because they had been reassured of the vaccine’s “safety profile,” which turns out to be a sequence of half-truths as suspect as the computer-generated sequence of Covid19. “Safety profile” being one of the emerging terms in our new Orwellian medical lexicon.
Then come more alarming signals, in that case a “narcolepsy epidemic,” the signs of which were subsequently shown to have existed during the trial period but were covered up by public health officials and the vaccine manufacturers.
Note that the separation between “church and state,” in this case between corporation and state, is illusory. The virus mortality claims, the clinical studies, all fall apart on investigation, which comes woefully late. The trials, of course, are run by the companies desperately dependent on their success.
Finally, lawsuits are filed as the narrative of protecting the people unravels. More than 80 suits emerged in Ireland related to the vaccine. But the corporations and the state continued to push the vaccine on the population, using the standard tool kit of manufactured fear to shape behavior.
Have a look at the ease with which scientific journals are paid by the pharmaceutical industry, compromising their impartiality. In fact, “The average ‘in hand’ payment in 2014 alone was US$27,564, plus research funds.”
The interesting part of this article is that it begins with the line, “It’s no secret that scientists can be corrupted.” But this isn’t a popularly known reality. A significant percentage of the population seem to place their faith in doctors with the most unscrupulous ease.
In some sense, doctors are the modern priests. Priests were society’s original father figures. Scientists in white lab coats have replaced prelates in black vestments. It seems that humans cannot escape the childhood desire to trust an authority figure absolutely. To their own detriment.
We soon learn our parents are fallible. We finally learned the church was an imperfect vehicle of spiritual wisdom. We have yet to understand that the scientific community is corrupt and serves interests larger than the pristine pursuit of truth, a comical conceit that rarely exists in an intensely capitalist society, or anywhere for that matter.
This article takes on Evidence-Based Medicine (EBM), another Orwellian concept of the modern age. Consider:
Research is almost always paid for by pharmaceutical companies. But studies done by industry are well known to have positive results far more frequently. Trials run by industry are 70% more likely than government funded trials to show a positive result.”
Stanford’s John Ioannidis famously penned a well-documented article arguing that most published research findings were simply false. Inbuilt biases and external influence threaten to undermine the perceived sanctity of scientific research, the modern paradigm of impartiality.
Yet it may be that that research capture and trial capture should become as common as the notion of ‘regulatory capture.’ Documentarian of antiquity James Burke once suggested, every generation thinks it knows the truth, and so the next generation comes along and overturns all the established “truths” and creates new ones, which are eventually dispensed with in their turn. Our truth is evidence-based medicine. We await our comeuppance.
Part of the reluctance to vaccinate in the black community has not only to do with cynicism over the official narrative but cultural memory of their historical treatment by the government.
Notable here is the Tuskegee Experiment, which baited black men into a study with the promise of free health care and pretended to treat their venereal diseases.
In fact, they were handing out placebos to track the progression of diseases like syphilis. For most of this 40-year study penicillin was available to treat STDs, but the involved government health ministry declined to offer it to suffering participants. This was at a time when:
Major medical journals argued that blacks were inclined to have certain defects, especially sexually transmitted diseases like syphilis, because of their prodigal behavior and lack of hygiene.”
Here is a perfectly clear example of how the medical field is debased by a pernicious ideology, be it racist eugenics or an uncompromising profit motive. Do we really think we are beyond such gross abuses?
In case we protest, “But that was before civil rights,” it might be worth watching the following video:
It describes the inclusion of anti-fertility drugs in a tetanus vaccine being distributed in Kenya in this century. Of course, this video is on the Odysee platform because YouTube regularly censors videos that challenge the official vaccine narrative.
There can be no dissent when faced with life-threatening enemies; it is the same with the virus as when the public rallies around the president in the face of a military threat. The amplification of the threat is the crucial element in attaining a degree of consensus, or at least the appearance of it.
We’ve also seen the perversion of science in other fields, and its application to this pandemic. Consider the playbook of Big Pharma’s forerunner in the practice of regulatory capture, Big Tobacco. The strategy to combat the cancer-cigarette connection was a clever one: pretend to embrace the science but fund your own studies and control the results.
In other words, obfuscate and contradict existing science that undermines your business goals. We’ve seen this same blueprint employed by Big Ag as it muddied the waters of research on glyphosate and other GMO products.
The effort to sell the Covid19 pandemic to the public involved even more, namely the coordinated campaign from Big Pharma (running the fast-track trials), corporate media (scaremongering the public and suppressing evidence of alternative treatments), and global health institutions and allied governments (launching the narrative of the global pandemic and providing an official stamp of approval for media hysteria).
The much-repeated phrase about not learning from history applies again, but perhaps more to the point is the fact that we need to know history before we can learn from its mistakes. Ignorance of history also promises its repetition, too.
Knowledge makes a difference. Had we known all this, we’d perhaps not have behaved so obsequiously before the injunctions of the all-knowing corporate medical community and its state shills. We’d have perhaps not spoken so arrogantly about, “following the science.” Although many would still have happily preferred to forego meaningful critique in favor of the false security of absolute faith.
There is probably some sort of evolutionary selection pressure that encourages this sort of behavior. Perhaps we can generally function more efficiently without the complications of uncertainty and distrust. But I haven’t got a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial to deliver unimpeachable certainty of that theory. So, it must be a conspiracy.
Is it any wonder, though, that Robert Malone, one of the inventors of mRNA technology, warns of Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE), or that the inventor of the PCR test, Nobel laureate Kerry Mullins, frustratedly pointed out that his invention was not a diagnostic tool? That it can be manipulated to find “almost anything.” Like Oppenheimer and the fictional Hoenikker, these men of some genius scramble to reign in the dangerous use of their inventions after the fact, to little or no avail.
As Cat’s Cradle illustrates, we treat science as our ancestors treated religion: with reverence, with faith, and with an almost joyful abandonment of our critical faculties to authority, which is a kind of backdoor plea for authoritarianism.
We listen eagerly for the latest proclamation, then scurry back to our debased lives reassured that the powers that be are handling things on our behalf, our debasement a necessary measure regretfully enacted by our betters. Like a child or puppy set loose on a playground, secure in the knowledge he can always clamber back to the safety of the parental embrace.
There’s something freeing in this sort of abdication. But also, something treacherous. The medical profession is the modern church, a population of hypochondriacs its laity.
Pills are the new sacrament. The vestments of the modern prelate are lab coats and scrubs. But no institution is infallible, whether its credo is an ancient testament or a clinical study.
Vonnegut uses religion as a lens through which to comment on human fallibility. He includes a rhyme-making religious prophet named Bokonon to smuggle in his wry view of our longing for the kind of certainty only omniscience could provide.
Bokonon encourages people to live by the “foma” that keeps them healthy and happy. Foma are “harmless untruths.”
Vonnegut’s tale slyly draws the distinction between harmless untruths and those untruths that cause grave harm.
It is no small irony, considering the corruption of science, that the Hippocratic Oath admonishes, “First, do no harm.” Almost the first act of corrupt medicine appears to be harming those to whom it ministers, all while delivering narcotic reassurances.
A limerick from Bokonon summarizes the abject state we find ourselves in, hustling to don our face nappies before entering a store and barking at the unmasked as they dare pass within six feet of us. This from the Book of Bokonon:
Tiger got to hunt,
Bird got to fly;
Man got to sit and wonder, “Why, why, why?”
Tiger got to sleep,
Bird got to land;
Man got to tell himself he understand.
If only we did understand, truly. It was the French philosopher Blaise Pascal who famously abandoned his scientific studies after a powerful conversion to Christianity, performing something not unlike the widespread abdication of criticism we see today.
But it was also Pascal who noted that:
There are only two kinds of men: the righteous who think they are sinners and the sinners who think they are righteous.”
The latter at times seem to be a community of stethoscope sophists hectoring their lessers to bare their arms for the good of the state. Or perhaps it is rather the shadow cast over the medical profession that we should unmask.
If it is true what Camus said, that the welfare of the people is the alibi of tyrants, then we must ask what looms behind these self-appointed saints in white coats.
Julien Charles is a concerned citizen hoping to call attention to the authoritarian drift of states across the Western world, and the disingenuous narratives promoted to gain consensus for such measures.
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Science is a religion, hospitals are their church, doctors are their priests and nurses are their nuns, taxpayer’s stolen money is their tithes, pharmaceutical drugs are their offerings to their god who is Death. Never ever trust a soul who has a god-complex, they’ll just get you killed.
Remember, all the deaths are occurring in hospitals, nursing homes and other scientism controlled sites where they are the authority. Everyone I know who got sick, stayed home and didn’t take the killshot is alive today, everyone else is dying or dead.
Sourced: Passive Euthanasia’ in Hospitals Is the Norm, Doctors Say https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11647213/
If science can’t be questioned it’s not science anymore..
“Truth doesn’t mind being questioned. Lies don’t like being questioned” or something like that.
everyone need to watch this series of videos
F@ll of c@bal
Murdered for speaking out: Last words of David Goldberg’s warning of mass murder of Americans
Fall of cabal
Murdered for speaking out: Last words of David Goldberg’s warning of mass murder of Americans
Anti-Fertility Vaccines & Population Control video was good..
I wish someone would put the Leunig tank cartoon on a T shirt. I’d buy one.
STATE OF DISASTER! A new documentary detailing how the Premier of Victoria Destroyed Melbourne
Be one of the first to view this powerful documentary showing how one man can destroy the lives of millions. And it is still going on.
30,000 deaths ?
Official (massively undercounted) figures from the EU alone are in the region of 36,000. At least 21,000 according to VAERS in the US. Add UK figures and you have close to 60,000 deaths in three regions that account for only 10% of the world’s population. What are the actual death numbers worldwide ? Surely in the millions by now.
As a more modest goal, why has no NGO or political party requested the public to send reports directly to itself, to enumerate the problem within a country?
Autistic savants rule the internet and increasingly the real world as well. It’s Revenge of the Nerds writ large.
Robert Malone (Jan 13, 2022):
I have never been an “anti-vax” person. I have spent my career working with vaccines. I also know that some vaccines are “hot,” and are less safe. Usually these types of vaccines are reserved for extremely dangerous viruses like Ebola or Yellow fever. Where the goal is to make the vaccine 100% effective. Other vaccines, that are distributed widely, like the flu vaccines need to be very safe. The trade-off being that they are less effective. There is a whole science and art to crafting vaccines to appropriately respond to the “threat.” So, I know to read the literature, do my own due-diligence, etc before taking an experimental product or any vaccine. That is what I thought I did. The government assured us that these vaccines were very safe. I could never imagine that clinical data would be corrupted and even falsified – as we now know it was.
I’d like to link an article which a commenter (I think it is “les online”) linked to yesterday. It’s an article by Jon Rappoport – and it pretty much gives the lie to Dr Malone’s take on Ebola.
Ebola: shattering the lies and the fakery « Jon Rappoport’s Blog (nomorefakenews.com)
Great link. Phew!
He’s lying. He could never imaging that clinical data would be corrupted and falsified? Show me even one scientist who believes that. They know.
Holy shit do I despise that guy.
Even in January 2020, when calling out covid fraud, I mentioned Zika in the same context (of also being fraud), then later I find out a guy named Robert Malone is being paraded in the media.
Then, I check, and it’s like “Hey wait a minute, Bobby has always been peddling malicious fraudulent shit, such as with Zika or whatever, go figure. Peculiarly, he seems to kinda focus on the melanin endowed, too. Just like some other obvious non-old not white male definitely not racist bastions of truth, goodness and charitably philanthropic non-commerce, such as gilly bates. No way he could be in the wrong, amirite?”.
There is a whole science and art to selling jabs for “coloured” or “Third World” peoples through the help of deposits in Swiss banks.
Robert Malone is a fraud presented as a ‘dissident’ against mandatory vaccination while perpetuating the narrative of deadly viruses.
The population as misled into always blaming some pathogen hellbent on destroying humanity instead of paying attention at the quality of food with additives in everything, overuse of and dependance on medication and environmental toxics. Those are the things we should be paying attention and not nature’s response to toxicity. Modern medicine should be highly distrustred.
Well then you must be aware or the fact that without isolation of said virus u have none.
Out of curiosity because i don’t get much opportunity to interact with experts in this field, which vaccines iyo are safe and effective?
The above is an extract of the linked article by Robert Malone. Given the ubiquity of corruption, I personally wouldn’t trust the published data on any vaccine.
Robert Malone is controlled op, before his twitter was canned he wrote that C19 caused more deaths than the vax and I literally said out loud, ‘This guy is in on it!’ Plus, if he really was a creator or even co-creator and wasn’t in on the scam he’d be dead, like all the other whistleblowers in his field. He’s the public face of the cabal and is a ghoul or a spook himself, either way, he’s a traitor. Now that he’s been kicked off the twit zone, he’s getting long-winded interviews that are pure bull manure and is trying to say he’s now on our side. Don’t believe it, he’s not. Liars must mingle enough Truth in their lies in order to deceive.
Dr. E. Martin has an eye of horus tattoo (https://imgur.com/a/uPJERSv), and AlexJones just minted his own ‘patriot’ coin lol! Do you know any patriots who are connected enough with the Rothchilds to mint their own coin? JoeRogan, TuckerCarlson? All of them are in on it, Tucker said that if we, ‘the proletariat’ found out he was a Swanson family trust fund baby, we’d never buy his shite again, and Joe pushes DMT on his listeners as a gateway drug into demonology.
You must discern spiritually what people say and do – let God be true and every man a liar. Anyone in the ‘truther’ movement is either the deceived or the deceiver. People who tell the Truth live by it and don’t require an entourage of merry men to confirm our stance. Notice how these ‘truthers’ move in packs, 1 doctor produces 1 virologist, 1 chemist, 1 of everything, and then bang, all in tandem. Jesus WARNED against following the crowd indeed, but He also WARNED that if a BLIND man lead another BLIND man, they both fall in the pit.
The true testament of a man loving the Truth and living without fear in his heart is, “If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed. And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”
Think of it this way, every single high profile soul who has exposed the system and lived, did one of 2 things, sold their soul in order to survive or is being protected by Almighty God… the latter is much easier to identify as they’re typically not on Twitter, have lost all their freedoms, money and livelihoods and are likely hiding in a sewer system somewhere unable to post a word online.
The video and its references to the Rockefellers pushing the eugenics agenda is historically accurate. However, something might have changed recently and taken the cards out of the hands of this disgusting eugenicist family.
us much vilified ”anti” vaxxers have called it tobacco science for years/decades. and we’ve seen all this before. re ourselves, our injured children and so on.
hardly anybody listened.
now a few more have realised what’s going on. to little, to late, most likely.
Hey, humans are the only species I can see that actively devolves, degenerates its offspring, future. Guaranteed extinction.
I’m just glad I don’t have children.
Motherfuckers can go get their vaccines and shit. But if you try to inject children with toxic shit I fucking start killing shit. And the best is, I don’t even have to be there to manifest that.
I’ll sit here and drink some beer, idiots can go try and figure that out with their “science”, coz I bring the quantum magics.
As a sort of, global warning, I have mimicked the death of people. How lucky do you feel?
hi, CIA!
your random verbiage generator is in need of recalibration.
also, check your meds.
I don’t use pharma.
And also, it’s not just CIA, it’s KGB too.
they ARE injecting children + brain washing the big time. even just ”advertising”.
They tell us the Universe (and order) came from chaos and now it looks like the ‘Great Plague’ will be brought undone by chaos.
Only fitting, ain’t it?
Hey I can troll too.
Hey fuckwit, kindly explain why posting this cartoon is trolling.
Didn’t they teach you in your 77th Brigade introductory course that just providing a link hardly even qualifies as trolling?
I just got to this site and thought you might be on our side but then you go and say shite like you’ve said in this thread… you “mimick the death of people”? Accuse people for trolling when they post links? What the actual? Not sure why you’re attacking people here but if you’ve got death rays in your eye sockets or whatever, how about aiming them at Klaus or BillyGoat instead of us. Slave versus slave is futile. And just to let you know, if you are or ever were an mkultra mindcontrolled slave, your only way out is Jesus, cuz the devil’s a liar and so are his children.
With the amount free information out there related to Covid-19 vaccines injuries anyone who takes these vaccines and find themselves in a little pickle or god forbids dies after taking the shots have only themselves to blame.
for me it is the children my earth bleeds for, as a parent I cannot comprehend how another parent would allow these chemicals to come near their children arms is beyond me. They’ve completely reversed the roles, it to used to be adults would do whatever was necessary to protect children, but today parents are happily taking their children to be sacrificed on the altar of Belzebut to protect the adults like in the occult, this is madness.
The principle is that perspicacity is inherited/genetic, thus the perspicacious will remove their children from school, and from the clutches of those who would jab them.
In any case, the perspicacious should have long ceased entertaining any idea of starting a family, i.e. at least prior to 2019. qv Matthew 24:19, Mark 13:17
Still celibate, hundreds of thousands of years since I got here.
why not leave, then?
return to your CIA overlords, and tell them that you have failed.
I don’t have overlords, I am the overlords and the wack blizzards.
Jesus Christ already conquered you Satan, now get thee hence, for the Blood of Christ speaks against thee. Selah.
Trump supporters manage to be both “buffoonish” and about to plunge the country into civil war:
Never mind how it could be both – they’re just guilty of every form of evil. Of course what the article is pointing towards is an outside “peace-keeping” force – as I think it was Kissinger said would happen some years ago.
It seems like deepening divisions is the top priority at the moment, especially in the USA, ahead even of vaccinations or lockdowns.
As usual, Leunig get to the truth ….

Today in Australia close to 100% of ”deaths” were jabbed.
Were they reported as Covid deaths or vaccine deaths?
Covid of course, they report 100 year old double jabbed as covid deaths
Maybe they were rightly attributed after all, the Covid jab killed ’em.
They’re trying to spin this as covid induced myocarditis.
Canadian soccer star and Bayern defender Alphonso Davies has ‘mild’ myocarditis – inflammation in his heart – after COVID-19 infection and could miss January 30 World Cup qualifier
UPDATED: 21:56, 14 January 2022
Bayern Munich left back Alphonso Davies has been sidelined with signs of heart inflammation, known as myocarditis, after being infected with COVID-19
Davies will be out of action for at least the coming weeks after the inflammation was detected in a follow-up examination after his return to training this week
Experts say myocarditis is a mild, temporary condition in the majority of cases
Bayern said last week that Davies had tested positive and he was back in training on Wednesday. His coach said Davies would stop training until further notice
That could keep Davies out of Canada’s next three World Cup qualifying games, including a game against the United States on January 30
Canada is in strong position to reach its first men’s World Cup since 1986
Davies got his COVID-19 booster shot in December and reportedly feels fine
Alphonso Boyle Davies (born November 2, 2000) is a Canadian professional soccer player who plays as a winger, left-back, or forward for Bundesliga club Bayern Munich and the Canada national team.
Davies was the first player born in the 2000s to play in a Major League Soccer match. Davies joined Bayern in January 2019 from MLS side Vancouver Whitecaps FC on a contract lasting until 2023 for a then-MLS record transfer fee. Davies was named the Bundesliga Rookie of the Season for 2019–20. In that season he also was part of the team winning the continental treble after Bayern won the Bundesliga, the UEFA Champions League and the DFB-Pokal. He is considered by some to be the best left-back of his generation.
Davies finished in third place for the [Europe-wide] 2020 Golden Boy award . . .
These specimens will always stoop to the bottom of the barrel.
We’ll need to research it thoroughly ourselves if we want to avoid ending up there along with them.
We really have to stop being surprised at how low they will stoop.
Even the bottom isn’t low enough for them.
Think of the worst which Macchiavelli might have advised, then multiply that by 100.
no such thing as mild myocarditis-another lie.
Another one (perhaps three); and they’re now calling it “cardiac lesions” !
Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang misses Gabon’s AFCON clash with Ghana after medical staff noticed ‘cardiac lesions’ following recovery from Covid – as Arsenal team doctors play down concern by insisting star is feeling well
UPDATED: 21:37, 14 January 2022
Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang was missing from Gabon’s squad on Friday night
The Panthers are due to take on Ghana in their second Africa Cup of Nations tie
But Aubameyang was not named in the team despite recovering from Covid
The Arsenal striker missed Gabon’s win over Comoros but was training this week
According to reports, Arsenal believe all is well with the striker after Gabon talks
Experts call for a less taxing schedule to ease the pressure off players.
They keep floating ideas, but they’re going to have to find some other pseudo explanation. There are endurance sports (e.g. cycling, triathlon) which are much tougher than football on the cardio system. And the dramatic 2021 increase in heart issues has occurred in a wide range of sports and at all levels. See:
Caption: Athlete collapses and deaths chart for 2021 to 14th January 2022
Someone PLEASE take this journalist parasite (and the Daily Mail parasite) to court for this.
the sick irony…
“us” “scientists” in an academically qualiied sense, if we are not perceived as “engineers” through our challenging of theories, will be dismissed as cooks or amateur enthusiasts..
in so many matters, not just “science”. corporatism in its societal form…
e.g. said it before, springwatch 2005..vulpe vulpes. blahblahtv, *blah blah (me)*.. blargh “shut up you, i don’t care what you know, i want to hear it from Bill Oddie!” real story.
there it is. across the board, endemic fukt society.
let the morons boil.
Lol on CHomsky who (remember) wanted to exclude the ‘un-vaxxed’ from society
Way things are going unvaxxed will be the only ones left. People keep dropping like flies. All races, genders and ages.
Here in Africa we’re doing okay hey. Far less indoctrination.
Btw, my name, if you pronounce it in Afrikaans (some people think Afrikaans is an African language, but it’s like a bastardization of various languages, mostly based on Dutch)…it means “Every minister”.
I’m accidentally clever like that.
Got a few tickets on yourself, haven’t you?
The self confessed coward and keyboard warrior snipes again.
You also have a few too many tickets on yourself for a fat old prick. Do you live in Melbourne? If so, I’d be happy to say that to your face any time you want.
I’m accidentally clever like that.
— either that, or it’s in the script your CIA handlers gave you.
You certainly have some particularly insightful comments, considering every comment is meaningless and projection (which you know is also wrong, so) and some sort of attempted ad-hominem bullshit.
Maybe YOU need to reconsider your employment?
Welcome back after the break.
I just keep on noticing higher dimensions.
Yes, “evidence based medicine” is another fallacy that is coming undone.
Here’s Dr Leemon McHenry on the subject:
The Illusion of Evidence Based Medicine
The good news is; these people are going down.
Trial of the Century – Coming soon
Bur Carl Henneghan directs the department of evidence-based medicine and he was one of the first to notice and publicly call out the inaccuracies in death reporting. But I agree that the name sounds Orwellian.
With Operation Dethrone Johnson current top priority, they’re admitting things that normally they wouldn’t:
it was hilarious seeing sky news post a video on youtube with the actual title ” how to replace a tory prime minister.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m7wSs1kmwGY
talk about transparent to get rid of johnson
Blaise Pascale abdicated criticism by having a conversion to Christianity? Maybe, but we don’t know what he saw and what he judged to be so worthy in Christ. However, the author’s choice of words is revealing, of course. People like this believe that criticism is king of all. They live their lives judging and criticising and by doing so, they end up being equally foolish as those who do not criticise, thus proving the inadequacy of their judgement. Quoting authors ” In avoiding one vice fools rush into the opposite extreme.”
I’m not a druggy but the drugs that make you question the government are the illegal ones?!!!Just saying I’ll show myself out.👍
What’s “illegal” any more is what I keep asking myself particularly taking into account the way these psychos at national and international level have been acting.
Scientists are not a race apart, they’re just people like us. The perception of them being different is only because we don’t make the effort to teach science at anything more than a superficial level to most school students and the popular writers who could do so much to make science accessible tend to like focusing on mystery and wonder.
This shortcoming is a reflection of the priorities of our larger social and political environment. Our market driven science — itself a political construct — dictates research priorities so naturally work gets slewed towards what makes the most money (or the biggest bang) rather than what’s socially necessary. Don’t blame the scientists; as individuals the vast majority have no influence over policy; its a job (albeit an interesting one) and like everyone else they have to eat.
Although Covid is uppermost in everyone’s minds at the moment I’d suggest that those who get the opportunity visit Los Alamos, New Mexico if they can. Its a charming little town set in the mountains, very picturesque, and it exists for one reason and one reason only. Large scale Death. Except that its not presented that way in the museums and other exhibits scattered around the area.
I was sitting on a park bench; nearby a young boy squatted preoccupied by the goings-on of the occupants of a small ant-mound. They were busy little buggers, i think they sensed rain. The boy, twig in hand, every few minutes ‘poked’ the mound. His prod didnt appear malicious, tormenting, only curious.
I wondered which of us was doing science. Would the boy’s curiosity survive the obedience training aka schooling ? Would he ever learn what it is that everyone calls science ?
The boy was definitely not doing “Science” or he would have ripped the mound to shreds to better understand it.
Which is what Donald R Currey of the University of North Carolina did to the Prometheus Tree – at the time the oldest bristlecone pine in the world.
Ah! the wonders of “Science”!
And it is so cool when you break a large ant hill open.
We had huge mounds in the fields near where we grew up everywhere that were a foot tall and 3 feet across. Flat topped. We’d shove a garden spade in the middle of one and pry it open and quickly step back. Thousands and thousands of eggs and newly hatched larvae would be exposed. Tiny eggs, medium sized eggs, large eggs. Eggs that were hatching. Within a few minutes they were gone. Adult ants poured from everywhere rescuing the eggs and the larvae and tucking them away and out of site. Watching the event was hypnotizing. Standing there transfixed on all the action going at once you don’t notice the soldier ants crawling up your pant legs as the workers do the rescue. Payback.
As an adult, the coolest thing I learned about these ant hills is their importance to snakes. Several species of snakes hibernate inside them. Green snakes in particular. If you like snakes, leave the anthills alone.
Often there will be more than one kind ant in the hill. That’s because one species of ant enslaves another. Very cool.
Many plants depend on ants for pollination and distribution. Sedges and Trilliums come to mind. Ants collect the seeds for the sugar packets attached to them. They take the seeds for the sugar packets and discard the seeds later, planting them in the process. Just like a squirrel and an acorn.
The things we do as dumb kids. Been in the fields all my life because of these little experiences. Made me a field biologist.
Counting stems and recording coverage while on your hands and knees in damp soil. In the rain. On cold days in the shade. Inputting the data. Running the statistics and writing up the summaries and trends. Drawing conclusions based on the data. Standardized and randomized samples. Etc. Etc.
Real science is not easy. Real data takes real work.
Then there is this anecdotal crap being spewed by Fauci and his minions. I cringe every time he uses those anecdotal indicator terms like “I think” or “maybe”. Instead of “the data shows”. There is no study with actual data that backs up his decisions. Or if there are, they are lies furnished by pharmaceutical manufacturers.
It’s like….What….The……Fuck…..you dumb ass.
And most of our congresspeople have no clue. Their focused on what their handlers (oligarchs that funded their campaigns) are telling them to do. AOC is a classic example. They don’t know and they don’t care.
They all have blinders on to keep their eyes on the prize: More money and reelection. One never ending election campaign.
E.O.Wilson, “The Ant Man”, died recently. Things he learned about ant behaviour he applied to human behaviour. Instrumental in the birth of Sociobiology, and its notion that intelligence is inherited via genes…Very Controversial at the time. But the claims live on as Susan McKinnon in Neo-liberal Genetics points out “evolutionary psychologists…grant active intellectual agency to ..genes and natural selection at the same time that they render humans as passive enactors of an agency and of a logic of which they may not be aware……”
When we describe a persons breathing difficulties as an attack of asthma the military metaphor influences, shapes our understanding
Does one species of ant really enslave another ? Is that what is really happening, or what we think is happening ?
They make references to peers or predecessors in a chain of rising confidence and obfiuscation. -Ron Unz 2020
About sums up the decision making process for handling the scamdemic.
Doctors don’t just have to eat – they have to make a (literal) killing…
I think the notion of “agency capture” was born from “neoliberal” mindset of public private partnerships. This grew out of a means to grow capitalism throughout the planet. In a way it “forgives” the notion of Fauci taking billions and distributing it back into pharma research. But pharma is simply part of the larger game which says, government funding is necessary but the means to capital ends must be in the hands of the private/corporate behemoths and investment capital. That’s the ruling game.
Is that a woman, and why can’t I see her breasts? Shit message.
It’s super hard to find good images of breasts these days, things are truly fukt
“Our scientists are no longer mere bystanders in the use of their work, no more are they unwitting accomplices to inscrutable ends.
Rather they are more likely the purveyors of those ends, having infiltrated political power and gained extraordinary influence within a caudillo of private drug monopolies and global health institutions.“
I’m curious how many people here have ever done grant searches, grant applications, and/or have actively worked for funding for any venture?
Money has always been used as an instrument of power.
And when wealth experiences massive concentration, such as it is today (see here and here), those with the most wealth wield the most power.
And they can, and do largely control where that money goes and how that money is used.
If you look at the actual sources of funding for many grants today, including local and federal government grants, you will see billionaires behind those sources (especially Gates controlled sources).
Here’s honestly how the scam works:
Billionaires front money for grants, with very specific rules, including scopes and outlines.
Those rules most often outline very specific spending rules and activities.
That spending and those activities most often go towards and benefits corporations that are held in these billionaires portfolios.
Thus grants become corporate profit.
Hence profit is most often guised as”philanthropy”.
Leading to even more concentration of wealth.
Truly effective propaganda works best when it isn’t recognized as such.
And that holds especially true coming from the top down.
I.e., you first covertly sell “leaders” and “influencers” (including “Educators”, “Scientists”, etc.) on the ideas in that propaganda, they then go onto to unwittingly sell the ideas in that propaganda to their followers.
You end up with a movement that is most entirely selfish, but with outward appearances of benevolence, or advancement, or progress, or other such “feel-good” tone.
Jean-Jacques Rousseau wrote:
“Man is born free; and everywhere he is in chains. One thinks himself the master of others, and still remains a greater slave than they.“
And that is largely true, especially during times of excessive wealth, hence power concentration.
Researchers, Scientists, Teachers, etc. have come under most complete control of that hierarchy of wealth.
They have become wholly dependent on those above them, providing the funding, for their own livelihood. Divergence and/or non-conformity is often met with termination and/or retaliation.
Few Researchers & Scientists can simply engage in the work they want to work on.
They are given very specific frames & guidelines.
Small business is coming under the same schema of control.
Most small businesses these days have come under most complete control of those providing funding for those businesses.
Especially in funding rounds. Where Private Equity firms are providing much funding for many “new” ventures today, that funding, i.e. Equity Financing, gives them right over operational governance.
They gain equity over business assets, and hence control over that business.
I had worked in investments for decades, and witnessed more & more business Founders whom lost control over their business and were eventually forced out, after engaging in Equity Financing and/or public offerings.
Those that survive are those that fully capitulate to the demands of their largest Investors.
This is honestly how the world is working today.
But most people don’t realize it because they are not privy to the behind-the-scenes activities, and those activities are not publicized.
Debt-based economy seems set up to benefit the elites, why am I not surprised!
Seems to me that those that really survive are those who never borrowed in the first place but started up with their own capital.
Many of them of course go on to sell out to the bigger fish..
Yup, yup, yup… All the buzzwords are used (“bought politicians, pharmaceutical executives, private drug monopolies, global health institutions, pharmaceutical industry, Big Tobacco”) on and on. No reference to the financial control model that enslaves the world. The model is corporatism. Ya know? Corporatism.
As long as corporations are allowed to exist, the control model will remain active and effective. Revocation of corporate charters is the only reliable modality. >
Chartering a New Course
Revoking Corporations’ Right to Exist
The Multinational Monitor
Oct./Nov. 2002 – VOLUME 23 – NUMBghoulER 10 & 11
The Future of Corporate Reform (multinationalmonitor.org)
The above link introduces the general concept. There are more concise explanations available on the internet. You are enslaved. Get over it…
Right Paul. All the usual suspects were accused and their guilt established but the ringleader escaped notice. The pawns were taken, the powerful pieces up to the king and queen- taken but the player walked away as the spectators cheered the defeat of the vanquished. It’s the same as the illicit drug trade- the mules, the pushers, the punters, the big dealers and sometimes the cartel godfathers end up behind bars but the Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank created to finance the trade smiles benevolently as it gets richer and richer, immune from scrutiny.
+ 100.
Though i’m still wondering about something read years ago about a campaign / petition to ask the US Supreme court to overturn it’s earlier decision acknowledging corporations have human or civil rights…
It stretches credibility beyond the breaking point to imagine the Oppenheimer’s of the world haven’t a clue what their work will be used for.
Mr Oppenheimer was making a bomb for Christ sake. Bombs are military devices used to inflict destruction and death.
Their apparent ability to ignore the obvious doesn’t alter the inescapable fact that, as “scientists” (i.e., demons), they become so obsessed with bringing their idea to fruition they don’t care who gets hurt down the line.
Science is merely the ultimate expression of human hubris, nothing more.
It’s not that easy, nor fair to lodge undue criticism, without gaining better understanding of the larger process.
Few people these days fully understand the true nature & goals of their work, as others are controlling the direction & flows of that work.
We are living in times of increasing specialization, where more & more people are merely small cogs in huge machines.
Most people now are relegated to merely working on certain small segments of much larger projects.
Rarely given the insight as to the larger goals, and or systematic processes.
And we are most all falling victim to the abuses of those highly-controlled, complex & convoluted systematic processes.
That is a function of truly effective, and hence covert propaganda.
In the late parts of the 19th century to early parts of the 20th century Scientific Management was the trend of the day.
It was a corporate system of extreme specialization, extreme divisions of labor.
And we are again experiencing that in growing amounts today.
I used to be a Corporate Trainer, and one of the main functions of that job was to boost Employee morale, to hype the job and get Employees excited about their jobs and the company they work for.
In doing so, you don’t highlight nor make known the negative consequences of that work. Your one main goal is to continue to sell the jobs to the Employees so that they remain positive and willing to continue doing those jobs.
You can look at the world today, take a deep and thorough view, and see how most people, especially those that gripe about the M-I-C or globalism or war or Elitism or inequality or whatever, and see they are actually working to support those same corrupted systems.
But sold on the idea that their work is actually “good”.
In this age of such vast concentrations of wealth, most everything we buy, or eat, or read, or watch, or consume, or do in general is supporting the same systematic problems that most are griping about.
Most all of us are therefore as guilty as those “Scientists” we’re blaming & griping about.
But few want to take good hard looks at their complacency, complicity, and involvement.
It’s become far too easy to simply blame others, remaining ignorant of our own enabling.
It all depends on whether or not you want to be a man (male or female) on the earth or a person in the world.
Agreed. But we are human beings prone to making errors such as blaming others out of ignorance and that’s part of our learning process.
As you said, we are all cogs of a machine and the problem with that machine is that it has no on/off button, isn’t plugged anywhere and is running by its own inertia; the only way to stop the machine is IMO that the smaller cogs (most of us) withdraw from serving the machine. Only in that case, the larger cogs (Gates, Soros et Al) won’t find it useful or possible to make it function and shall withdraw as well.
What will make the smaller cogs abandon ship – because, let’s face it, that won’t happen on its own, the whole apparatus moving by inertia? A shift in consciousness, the realisation by many that this system is over and that we’d be better without it; also, the visualisation of an alternative way of living for humanity would only arise at that extreme moment. What shall make that shift occur? Crises like the one we’re going through can do the trick.
as it has become, i agree.
there was never anything wrong with trying to comprehend your environment though : )
“science” has been ruined a while back, curiosity and observation shall prevail hopefully.
Bring back the inquisition! But like, not bastardized to mean something else.
“Yet more crimes against WE THE PEOPLE (Humanity) by the war racketeer corporate fascist eugenicist oligarch, mobster psychopath Nazis. The Scamdemic is just another example of ‘THE BIG LIE’. The psychos need to be brought to account.”
Why Nazis? They saved their starving nation from the grip of the banksters, had a roaring economy going after that, fed, housed and clothed their own people generously, and gave them fun and games galore. The word you did not manage to find (I wonder why) is ‘Ccmmunists’.
“Heinrich… Killary is that you?”

“Die already”
Plus 100.
Just as many cannot mention the word capitalism, or chime in with the trope on “wrong kind of capitalism”.
Repeating vaccinations after short intervals may undermine immune response. There is no data supporting the current promotion of a 2nd. booster by some governments. The adequate level of antibodies is unknown. -European Medicines Agency 2022-01-11
There are no anti bodies because there has never been a virus to be jabbed for.
Antibodies aren’t what you think they are and they don’t provide future protection.
I know what they claim anti bodies are, I stated there are none for ”sars2” because SARS2 does not exist.
Well okay, I’m just mentioning that coz a lot of people are like “oh antibodies now I immune, vaccine give me antibody, the anti to my body, derp”
I am not one of the morons
Thanks for northerntracy, Al. All year R.A.T.S have been making headlines on online Australian news sites. The impression is the government is obsessed by RATS…RATS is gonna save us…
The headlines make up a story, fictional, high-drama. The story of the RATS roll-out has all the hiccups, fuckups, government failures, etc, etc, etc that the The Vax roll-out had. Gripping, it kept the masses attentions riveted to their TV sets – like great soap-opera. (I looked up the RATS page. the same headlines-based telly drama is being told to the New Zealanders !)…
“Rapid Antigen Tests kits (RATS)… Either unsupplied, undersupplied, supermarket shelves being rapidly emptied…..”
Propaganda in narrative form is a winner. The masses never figure the actual events are fictional, never figure it’s sugar coated poison…
And if you accept The Story, how can you refuse being tested , of your day being organised around the need for tests, tests, tests ?
Your northerntracy post came at the right time.
“Your northerntracy post came at the right time.”
1893, 1982…get it?
I’d joke about my age, but then I’d be called a “privileged old white man”.
R.A.Ts = rapid antigen tests, the latest weapon in the fight against ‘covid’ in Australia. 2022 – the year of tests, tests, tests.
Rappaport recently did a post on the dangers of stuff in the antigen tests. It was time i learned something about ‘antibodies’ your northerntracy post was timely..
Yeah I saw that just after I asked, which is why I changed the comment.
Amazing how I don’t give a shit about their “diagnostic” methods that happen to be damaging, malicious, flawed, limited and fraudulent. I guess I’m psychotic like that.
Hey I got some ace “diagnostic” methods. It involves that quantum observation changing things notion. And gamma rays. I look at things with like, gamma rays. So it’s even more real.
Like, there was a delusional organic shitbag thinking it could walk around and shit.
Nah, I had to prove why I destroy things with my eyes. So I summarily used my tons of pro to correct that misunderstanding, and no longer does that organic shitbag question my authority.
Btw, Rappaport’s been commenting on pharma garbage since 1982 or so.
Sunday in Sydney. I still havent figured ‘IKR?’
I see that Health Impact News has re-posted the Rappaport Ebola post today, an indicator it’ll be re-posted by other sites over the next few days…
Rappaports 30 December post was about the dangers of (a USA) RATs… Have you come across any other posts on the topic ?…
Oh I’ve not specifically looked at those things, it was a generalized comment regarding “diagnostics” in medicine.
There’s a surprising (probably completely coincidental and surely not intentional) tendency for practically ANY of their “diagnostics” (that so regularly happen to be invasive) to be causative in disease of some kind.
PET scans, MRIs, Mammograms, Ultrasound, X-ray scans, covid swab things, biopsies, etc.
Like with mammograms, women’s breasts are basically attacked by manipulating them in such a way as to maximize radiation damage.
And then they tell women “Go for regular “preventative” mammograms”, when it causes say, breast cancer (and not only).
I keep on having to tell women, “they” rather often try to use women’s maternal instincts against those women and play on insecurities.
Coz they’re faggot “freemasons”.
The last time I voted, it was for Jeremy Corbyn (or to be exact my local Labour Candidate)
Reality of the recent Destruction of the Labour Party
“Ken Loach absolutely DESTROYS Keir Starmer”
I’m not afraid to die.And I know the unvaccinated are going to be persecuted and sent to death (camps).As I will in the end,This is a full on war and we are the enemy’s?!!!I will not roll up my sleeves I will not comply 👍
No, Annie.
Stay in touch. You aren’t going to be sent anywhere.
On the other hand, Goebbels Mark II is going to the same place where the original specimen went.
Annie the fear was applied to us all. For those that couldn’t see – it was a virus…for those of us that could it was the fear of being ostracised, othered and inevitably (?) sent to gulags. They have no intention of doing this but they want you to be in fear that it’s under consideration. Don’t fall foul of this. Fuck em. Worry about what is in front of you in your life away from the internet and the TV. Your REAL life. We are legion.
Refusniks can look forward to an ordeal, but not extermination.
Nor will I !
You don’t get it. It is us who will persecute them.
We are not trapped here by them. They are trapped here with us.
The problem with “experts” is that they are so narrowly focused on their specified field of study, that they rarely look up, connect and see their part in big picture agendas.
The most disturbing aspect of this newest mass scale live experiment is that it has No Official Stopping Condition On Vaccine Safety Failures
“In 1976, distribution of the vaccine for the bogus swine flu epidemic was halted after just 53 deaths. Lawsuits concerning vaccine injury abounded after the 2009 swine flu pandemic.
In 2010, the Indian government halted an HPV vaccine program to investigate the death of seven girls who had received the vaccine. And yet earlier this summer the same government waived the need for clinical trials and batch testing for Covid19 vaccines if they had been tested in the country of origin.
Today there are said to be more than 30,000 deaths and five million adverse reactions that followed vaccination across the West, yet the hectoring campaign to immunize the planet goes rollicking along.”
Genetic therapy injections ARE NOT SAFE. How many more deaths and injuries must occur before WE put our foot down against this rampant disregard of safety failures and admit that there are no brakes because this was always the desired outcome?
“Dr. Reiner Fuellmich practices law in Germany and in CA and he has been exposing the crimes against humanity by the Globalists who have inflicted the false COVID-19 narrative on the public and mandated their dangerous bioweapons called “vaccines”…” https://principia-scientific.com/attorney-reiner-fuellmich-justice-will-come-when-the-people-rise-up/
Always mention the harm besides deaths:
:- short to medium term (via auto-immune response to the spike, and resulting micro-clots): organ damage anywhere in the body, including paralysis
:- longer-term (due to mRNA altering DNA): (a) diseases due to weakened immunity (b) new/relapsed cancer (c) birth defect (d) infertility including still-birth.
“The problem with “experts” is that they are so narrowly focused on their specified field of study, that they rarely look up, connect and see their part in big picture agendas.”
Scientific Management was largely the order of the day in the late 19th to early 20th centuries.
It was extreme specialization, extreme division of labor.
People were increasingly relegated merely as small cogs in extremely large machines.
Few to none knew the true scope of their functions in the larger process.
That once largely abandoned system of Scientific Management has seemingly made a huge comeback.
I’m noticing most everywhere that more people are being trained for just certain very specific jobs & functions.
Rarely aware or cross-trained of the functions of others in those machines.
And I see this mainly in the most “learned” and “professional” practices.
Breadth of knowledge is often more important than mere depth of knowledge.
I can’t remember the specific work, but Writer George Orwell wrote of this extreme division of labor in his time, and of the consequence it brought.
His was another time of extreme concentration of wealth.
It’s interesting how a relatively small group of wealthy people can maintain such vast control over society.
Electric cars were invented and being produced around the same time as internal combustion engines.
But relatively small groups of extremely wealthy people, like Henry Ford, JP Morgan, JD Rockefeller, et al. were able to effectively destroy that electric vehicle industry, in favor of transportation & selling more oil & gas, which is where the true profit of those internal combustion cars existed.
And most Workers in those factories were limited to very specific jobs & functions, rarely given the opportunity to advance & grow their breadth of skills, hindering true progress, and preventing true competition.
I am certified in, and have worked to implement and train in disciplines of efficiency and processes, such as Lean Six Sigma.
But I realize the human factor. I understand the consequences of stifling individual human development, knowledge, skills & such.
I have always worked to include cross-training, additional skill development, diversification and other factors in those efficiencies and processes.
But in this age, with more & more corporate mergers & acquisitions, where corporations are growing ever-larger, and fewer people are emerging as the largest owners (shareholders) of those mega-corporations, that approach of cross-training & skill development is increasingly frowned upon & abandoned.
Much conventional belief often holds that the Dark Ages of the Middle Ages was a consequence of the fall of Rome.
I challenge however that the growing symptoms of the Dark Ages (i.e. decrease of knowledge, decrease of larger skills, lack of true Enlightenment, etc.) was a primary cause of the fall of Rome.
More people became more ignorant, and incapable of self-governance and defense.
True thinking, innovation, progress, etc. was increasingly displaced by mere compliance & obedience.
As the Roman society became ever-dumber and less capable, they became increasingly vulnerable.
The ancient Roman statesman, lawyer, scholar, philosopher and Academic Skeptic, Cicero, often wrote about the de-evolution of more advanced critical thinking skills, and warned of the pending collapse of Rome.
There seems to exist a Circle of Knowledge.
History has shown a trend that as civilizations become more advanced & “knowledgeable”, they eventually develop systems that override that knowledge, and devolve to previous levels of ignorance, as they forget the knowledge & skills that allowed them to develop those systems.
Currently, we have “evolved” to levels of such “sophistication” of synthetics, artificial intelligence & such that we have increasingly lost the bases of the underlying knowledge of the natural world, that originally led to those “advancements”.
Like humans continually reach an Apex, then begin to veer far away from that Apex, “progressing” backwards rather than forwards.
Caling the injections ‘genetic therapy’ or such names in a way legitimises them as ‘scientific’ and sophisticated devices that are at an experimental stage but may in the future be effective. No. They are poison injections plain and simple, who knows what kind and who cares, some batches contain vials that have poison in them. It’s the most logical explanation.
A while back I posted a comment about TrineDay publishers after someone recommended Haslem’s ‘Dr Mary’s Monkey’. I expressed some scepticism about them given 1) Their owner admits his father was CIA 2) Haslem’s book pushed the AIDS’ narrative.
Since then I’ve read Richard Spence’s ‘Wall Street and the Russian Revolution 1906-25’. While Spence and TrineDay’s owner claim they are building on and expanding on Anthony C. Sutton’s earlier ‘Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution’, Spence says this on p1-2:
“Sutton seemed to think that the main thing impelling Wall Street capitalists to lend suport to the Bolsheviks was a shared ‘globalist’ mentality. I accept that, up to a point…. But the true believers, while often useful tools, weren’t the driving force either. That, in my humble opinion, was simple greed.”
In other words, while claiming to uphold and expand on Sutton, Spence and TrineDay are actually undermining his central thesis. The crucial insight that there has been a globalist agenda unfolding over at least the past century is replaced by the much less radical insight that Wall Street is just greedy. With ‘friends’ like those, did Sutton need enemies? I would suggest that post-Convid and ‘the Great Reset’, History is being rather kinder to Sutton’s interpretation than it is to Spence’s.
TBC, I’m not saying don’t read anything by TrineDay. Spence’s book has some valuable information as had Haslem’s. Details like the rifles used in the Red Terror being built by Westinghouse are fascinating and of course nobody would deny the Russian Revolution saw much plunder of Russian assets. However in my opinion there are sound reasons to be distrustful of TrineDay and they seem to attempt to steer the reader up the wrong alley which is the classic tactic of ‘controlled opposition’.
Does it cover Samuel Hoare? My hypothesis being that both the Bolsheviks and Fascists were MI6 creations with the intention of crushing genuine, working class organisation.
While acting as a recruiting officer, he learnt Russian. In 1916, he was recruited by Mansfield Cumming to be the future MI6’s liaison officer with the Russian Intelligence service in Petrograd (now Saint Petersburg). He soon became head of the British Intelligence Mission to the Russian General Staff with the temporary rank of lieutenant-colonel.[10][16] In that post, he reported to the British government the death of Rasputin and apologised, because of the sensational nature of the event, for having written it in the style of the Daily Mail.[17]
In March 1917 he was posted to Rome, where he remained until the end of the war. His duties included helping to dissuade Italy from dropping out of the war.[10] In Italy, he met and recruited the former socialist leader Benito Mussolini on behalf of the British overseas intelligence service, which was then known as MI1(c). Britain’s intelligence service helped Mussolini to finance his first forays into Italian politics as a pro-war spokesman. Hoping to keep Italy on its side in 1917, during the First World War, British intelligence gave Mussolini, a 34-year-old newspaper editor, £100 a week to keep his propaganda flowing.[18]
In Homage to Catalonia, George Orwell describes the following:
The Workers’ Party of Marxist Unification (Spanish: Partido Obrero de Unificación Marxista, POUM; Catalan: Partit Obrer d’Unificació Marxista) was a Spanish communist political party formed during the Second Republic and mainly active around the Spanish Civil War. It was formed by the fusion of the Trotskyist Communist Left of Spain (Spanish: Izquierda Comunista de España, ICE) and the Workers and Peasants’ Bloc (BOC, affiliated with the Right Opposition) against the will of Leon Trotsky, with whom the former broke. The writer George Orwell served with the party’s militia and witnessed the Stalinist repression of the movement, which would help form his anti-authoritarian ideas in later life,[2] and motivated him to cooperate with the British Foreign Office in anti-communist propaganda activities.
‘My hypothesis being that both the Bolsheviks and Fascists were MI6 creations with the intention of crushing genuine, working class organisation.’ I hear this hypothesis again and again. So it certainly is not yours. The funny thing is that none of you can clobber together the needed support for it. So why hypothesise?
a) do you understand the concept of “hypothesis” ?
b) did you read anything of the above beyond my opening statement ?
c) then why are you interested?
George Orwell fought alongside the anarchists in the Spanish Civil war, and denounced the communists for betraying the revolution. He wrote about it in his book A Tribute to Catalunya which all political commentators need to read.
I have Penguin’s “Orwell In Spain” which includes correspondence etc along with Homage to Catalonia. It also includes an introduction by Christopher Hitchens written in May 2000. Hitchens makes the point that thanks to the archives for both Franco and Stalin, we have a much better idea of what was going on behind the scenes. But the really critical files are held by the British. It took 90 years to find out that British intelligence created the Fascist Mussolini, so imagine what they’ve still got hidden away. Perhaps one day we will find out what Samuel Hoare was doing it Petrograd in the winter of 1916-17.
Recruited by MI5: the name’s Mussolini. Benito Mussolini
Documents reveal Italian dictator got start in politics in 1917 with help of £100 weekly wage from MI5
Tom Kington in Rome – 13 October 2009
History remembers Benito Mussolini as a founder member of the original Axis of Evil, the Italian dictator who ruled his country with fear and forged a disastrous alliance with Nazi Germany. But a previously unknown area of Il Duce’s CV has come to light: his brief career as a British agent. Archived documents have revealed that Mussolini got his start in politics in 1917 with the help of a £100 weekly wage from MI5.
For the British intelligence agency, it must have seemed like a good investment. Mussolini, then a 34-year-old journalist, was not just willing to ensure Italy continued to fight alongside the allies in the first world war by publishing propaganda in his paper. He was also willing to send in the boys to “persuade” peace protesters to stay at home. . . . As well as keeping the presses rolling at Il Popolo d’Italia, the newspaper he edited, Mussolini also told Hoare he would send Italian army veterans to beat up peace protesters in Milan, a dry run for his fascist blackshirt units.
“The last thing Britain wanted were pro-peace strikes bringing the factories in Milan to a halt. It was a lot of money to pay a man who was a journalist at the time, but compared to the £4m Britain was spending on the war every day, it was petty cash,” said Martland. . . .
After the armistice, Mussolini began his rise to power, assisted by electoral fraud and blackshirt violence, establishing a fascist dictorship by the mid-1920s.
If he examined his other books, Spence would see that it was the same players who helped Hitler’s rise to power and of course in his book National Suicide Sutton explores how the USSR required massive amounts of technology transfer in order to function as industrial society in a similar manner to the People’s Republic of China’s Wirtschaft Wunder by the descendants of the same group of players.
Naturally, Sutton the question was asked why ?
Well, the Rothschilds had a hand either directly or indirectly in theses shenanigans and they always favoured the strategy of financing both sides so they could control the outcome which follows from The Hegelian dialectic Agenda > Thesis > Anti -Thesis > Synthesis !
Damage control, they do it every time. Rearrange the numbers and all you had is mine.
A nice summary of what we have learned about Con-19 by using our own God-given intelligence and by reading Truther sites (notably OffG). However, as the author says, it comes “A day late and a dollar short”.
Better late than never?
“The truth rarely if ever convinces its opponents; it simply outlives them” — Max Planck, physicist.
If you really think about it science has nothing to do with medicine.Leave that to the doctors and medics.
If you really think about it, what is a doctor or a medic?
I’ve seen many “doctors” or “medics” who I absolutely do not trust to address health. Like, I wouldn’t take advice from Zelenko, van den Bossche, Malone or Fauci, etc. They’re useless.
Often they memorize drug and symptom association catalogues, knowing nothing of those drugs (or the processes involved in those symptomatic results which are attacked as if they’re causative, with toxins), which they then push, like drug dealers…from their brainwashing, which they tell themselves is “education” and makes them “authoritative” because of institutional paper validation.
Often they’re incentivized and quite corrupt too, and all those drugs happen to be toxic.
Often they’re even malicious.
Psychosis follows power?
Mind you, I’ve long suspected the presence of wise women hereabouts.
Probably not too long before Andy Burnham-Woods goes on manoeuvres.
Most physicians i have encountered refuse to look at scientific advancements; they refuse to look at advancements, even in their respective fields. Unless ivory tower CCD recommends the advance available for them to prescribe or use.
Many physicians could not find their way to the NLM or to any other important database..
A physician is technician. and it is good that they are.. We don’t need scientists treating the common cold even if it is covid class.
But science is a community process, to which all, not one, scientist is a part. Each scientist presents a hypothesis and all other scientist try to prove the hypothesis wrong. If the original hypothesis is proven wrong, the hypothesis is amended to accommodate the part that was proven wrong. So the new hypothesis is science, until it too is proven wrong by one member or a few members within the entire community of scientist.
So the community process we call science, does not allow for an authoritative scientists. It is the propaganda that one or a few scientists speak for science that is wrong. That wrong prevails because false and misleading propaganda teaches that one scientist or even a few scientist have the authority to speak for the hypothesis and for all science. Persons expressing that idea do not understand science. Science changes as experiments produce observation. There are ten gods, no there are 5 gods, no there is only one god, no there are no gods .. and so on.. Each of these are hypothesis.
Example of science.. Scientist A, an expert in water, proposes a hypothesis based on an experiment. All water is composed of molecules: two atoms of hydrogen and 1 atom of water. For a time no one challenges the hypothesis so the hypothesis stands as the known science known about water. After a while another dumb cluck scientist in the Amazon jungles runs a “what is water composed of experiment” with new more accurate equipment, and finds that while most water is 2 atoms Hydrogen and 1 atom oxygen molecules, there are some water molecules that are three atoms hydrogen and 1 atom oxygen, and some that are two atoms hydrogen and two atoms oxygen.. So the original hypothesis is proven to be not complete, it needs to be amended.. Maybe the amendment might be .water is composed of molecules which are composed of hydrogen and oxygen.
So some dumb cluck unheard of scientist in a far away place proved wrong the hypothesis a head knocker scientist working in an ivory tower somewhere proposed.. Nothing wrong with that! The results we scientist call science is never the same over time (it is always a work in process<=the world is not square but science use to teach that it was).
We scientist continue to look for ways to prove the hypothesis proposed by our contemporaries are wrong. Our job is to prove wrong that which everyone else believes to be correct. A good scientist is one who can prove wrong the hypothesis other scientist proposed to be true. The worst scientist I have ever known were employed and working from ivory towers; they had big names, great reputations, made lots of money, degrees from big time Us, but they were just not competent at the game of proving wrong what someone else proposed to be correct.
“All water is composed of molecules: two atoms of hydrogen and 1 atom of water. For a time no one challenges the hypothesis so the hypothesis stands as the known science known about water.”
Hydrogenguy says you seem to be missing some oxygen there.
I learned everything I needed to know about Covid from a March 17, 2020 NY Times article, ie, Covid was the same formula as the global warming scam. First, as if the US was still a colony of the UK monarchy, we were told that UK’s Imperial College and Neil Ferguson were the gold standard and that they were advising the White House which was in awe of what they were told. Like global warming, it would be nothing but computer models and endless numbers that can’t be checked. Like global warming, it would involve “scientists” who were in business with government. The main difference with the Covid racket is that it couldn’t have proceeded immediately without the approval of the US, in this case Donald Trump. Donald Trump was a dream come true for Davos. The only people in the US who’d question our immediately accepting non peer reviewed computer modeled “science” from a foreign country, ie the UK, telling us to lockdown and close schools were people who had voted for Trump in 2016. But Trump voters were silenced because he bought the whole thing.
“Nobel laureate Kerry Mullins”
Who??”! That should be Nobel Laureate *Dr Kary Mullis*: https://www.karymullis.com
Yes, and when he was asked if his technique was being mis-used he replied that the results were being mis-interpreted (no doubt on purpose).
Also he did not invent a dangerous or lethal thing and then have cause to regret it, any more than the inventor of a knife should regret the misuse of that knife by a robber or sumfin.
Err… that comment could be mis-interpreted or at least mis-understood – (being badly written).
All I meant was that Kary Mullis had no reason to regret his invention but obviously would have regretted the wilful mis-interpretation of it’s results.
Spot on, Richard. The uncompromisingly upright Kary Mullis was very loud in his in his fight to prevent his invention being hijacked by the coronavirus pandemic pushers. So this extraordinarily youthful looking, pre-eminently healthy 72-year old died of pneumonia — and no questions asked. His ingenious investigative/research tool, of which he was justly very proud, it having won the Nobel Prize, gained a new identiy as the PCR test that gave our putrid governments the ability to find, any time, any place, exactly the number of ‘cases’ of coronavirus they wanted. Without the PCR test, no pandemic.
‘Dr’ Christian Drosten rose up sky high from obscurity to modify Mullis’s research tool to make it able to detect the presence of the COV in the human body (and, as it turned out later, in pineapples too). His doctoral dissertation, all three copies of it that his German university was supposed to keep forever, happened to be flood damaged and illegible, so no-one can prove that Drosten never did write the doctoral dissertation that contained the nous he had found to modify Mullis’s benevolent research tool. (This information came from the great German-American barrister Dr Reiner Fullmich. Did you read about this in the MSM? Neither did I.) And no-one among the pandemic believers was bothered by the fact that nobody had ever identified a coronavirus, They seemed happy that the ‘Dr’ Drosten’s PCR test can do that.
So here we so wonderfully are: Dr Kary Mullis, eminent scientist, dies; ‘Dr’ Christian Drosten, shyster and tool of the mega-shysters, rides high. Did Oppenheimer ride high? Hardly: he was broken man. Did he mean to kill hideously, or did he think he was contributing a deterrent bomb to his nation, for its safety? I have never read a satisfying account of Oppenheimer, the scientist and the man. Is there not a possibility that Oppenheimer was badly sinned against by liars with agenda, as was Mullis?
The article and others like it, so often miss the point that the various mandates and rules about travel, going here and there etc made any belief in the vax redundant….the various govt ruled no jab no job, or no you cannot travel to see your kith and kin or with the younger no going to your weekend spots without a needle or 3…..many people I know simply gave up the fight and had the needles so they could get on with their lives as they saw fit…that many didn’t get to travel is now a sore point…
this is a far different issue to people actually believing that the thing was going to actually help them in any fashion health wise…..this at least half of what has happened was straight extreme bullying behaviour by govts…nothing to do with health considerations..and leaving one to ask how big the bribes were..
Many I know from work where it is mandated did so, only some reluctantly, not knowing anything at all about the vax and the risks. Did not even know there was a controversy. Most people do not read or research anything at all. Nothing. Life is work, family, and weekends and the occasional holiday. News on tv is in the background, newspapers barely looked at if at all and then there is facebook. And what news that does catch attention are the horror stories, volcanos and shark attacks. The vax manufactures knows their market well and understands how to manipulate them to flog their product. How can they go wrong when they can get the governments around the world to mandate their product, pay for its development and carry all liability. It is just too easy.
“Most people do not read or research anything at all. Nothing.”
Great fundament for a wonderful world!
they don’t unfortunately – a lifelong observation: its fukn terrible… what a loss, what a wealth they choose to ignore.
I bet it follows that 20/60/20 %ile again, readers, willful non readers and folk who can’t read. 1 in 5 are technically illiterate in UK?
The overlords worked for a long time to make the masses illiterate – with education budgets growing steadily. With so much info available at one’s fingetips, the actual reading going on is a parody. Most cannot function without pictures or video.
I was in a small town Australia chemist today, they were giving away free RATS to old people but had run out. I pointed out to the assistant they don’t diagnose anything and contain a deadly poison, she was shocked to the core. The fucking big pharma pricks keep lying and the lazy media keep peddling junk
No, no, no… The people took the shot cos they wanted the free french fries and a hamburger. 🙁
Sadly in aust they didn’t even have to offer such puerile bribes…it hasn’t been pleasant to watch…though Bunnings did offer sausage sizzles….
.taking one for the team seemed very successful..that enabled the hurt to ignore the side effects if gross, such as blood clots, but boast about getting flu like symptoms…proved they belonged to the team…but you hurt the team effort if you associated clots etal with it….and then they can usher in thoughts about those nasty others who refuse to take it for the team….
suspect they picked a stupid trait in Aussie make up…sort of mentality of belonging to the tribe,…somewhat the same as initiation to boarding school, uni shit that we are still trying to grow out of….
It’s a hard wired tribal instinct. The problem is that we don’t grow up and see the parasitic entity masquerading as the tribe and go along with the pretence
In addition to Pascal, there have been a number of other voices crying in the wilderness. Thomas Szasz starts with the doctor’s scene in Macbeth; “therein the patient must minister to himself”. Jonathan Swift is probably the most comprehensive in describing behaviours and outcomes (e.g. Voyage to Laputa), and G.K. Chesterton gives the clearest warning (Eugenics and Other Evils, 1922). But it’s William Blake (crediting Milton) who gets to the core of the Rationalist sickness.
Lo, a shadow of horror is risen
In Eternity! Unknown, unprolific!
Self-closd, all-repelling: what Demon
Hath form’d this abominable void
This soul-shudd’ring vacuum? — Some said
“It is Urizen”, But unknown, abstracted
Brooding secret, the dark power hid.
And it’s the ancients who describe the ultimate fate of those who worship false gods.
Thanks for that lesson – it will teach
To after-warriors more
Than high Philosophy can preach,
And vainly preach’d before.
That spell upon the minds of men
Breaks never to unite again,
That led them to adore
Those Pagod things of sabre sway,
With fronts of brass, and feet of clay.
It’s going to be Biblical !
Most of the following are double-jabbed and fully boosted.
If they keep on getting boosters they can reach Mars before NASA or SpaceX (coz neither NASA or SpaceX can reach Mars)! They’re astronauts now!
Hey, have I told you I’ve had numerous ‘Q’ names for at least a few decades? And I used to play this physics game that’s a bit more complex than 4d chess.
Look, here’s Cernunnos:
“Lyrics for Carnival of Freedom and Betrayal adapted from the book “Q” by the collective Luther Blisset. Part of the spoken passage in “To The Throats” adapted from the poem “A war song to englishmen” by William Blake.”
The play’s the thing wherein I’ll catch the conscience of the king.
Never mind Bill Hicks, here’s . . .
“While it’s almost impossible to prove who started QAnon,”…
I’m not kidding, that beyond 4d chess physics game I played, I was basically a master at a discipline called QA (Quick Aikido). And my, should I say, most prominent name (though I had many) was Q12A.
I was once banned for “270039 homophobic slurs” or something like that. But you know what? Noone else improved the standard as much I did and they’re lamenting their loss.
Oh also, I noticed some serious problems with some teenagers, adolescents, young adults, endocrine disruption shit, the level of brainwashing while I played that game (which I played for like 13 years), I mean, I observed, spoke with them.
I haven’t personally been directly engaged in that kind of stuff. With regard to ideas and memes, a lot has been recycled and repurposed over the last few years, and the “autists” on 4chan and the like have been busy. With regard to “Q”, however, the intention is to keep people guessing about what’s really going on, and I suspect most of it is smokescreen.
Her name was McGill and she called herself Lil, but everyone knew her as Nancy….
Wow, I watched that a while back and thought it was a smart spoof. When I ran it past my wife, she accepted my opinion. Looking at the YouTube comments I was so wrong.
‘Alice: we’re gonna need a bigger sick bag’…
Have you seen this one yet?
A message from Mark McGowan – Premier of Western Australia
Bury me when I die of the vax Max…
There must be fifty ways to lose yout lover- just stand in the queue Lou, roll up your sleeve Steve, let ’em shoot up the vax Max and you will be free.
What about ‘Subcutaneous homesick blues’?
Avoid the vaccines, watch out for the smack scenes…
Western Australia takes the prize for locking up Indigenous people for the past 200 years. The interpreter was probably let out of jail for a few hours to do this video.
You know what, when I was really young (infant, toddler, young child), I had no racist tendencies. Like, none at all.
But then, I associated with racist institutions (schools, churches, etc). So I got brainwashed, and I became sort of racist, I mean I didn’t go out of my way to hurt anyone simply because they’re black or anything and I actually tended to notice bullshit regarding that constantly projected racism.
So now that I’m older, I fucking hate technocratic, collectivist industrialists and similar religions.
“Hoenikker is a partial reflection of Robert Oppenheimer, who led the team that invented the atomic bomb”.
It’s worth pausing to consider how unlikely a head of such a project Oppenheimer was – he had little experience of running large projects, he had connections into communism and his wife was a notorious blabbermouth.
It’s almost as if he had some other qualifications…. How curious that Wikipedia goes out of its way to mention that his Berkeley salary in 1936 was $3,300 and then there’s the Trinity (interesting name!) test being held on the 33rd parallel. The type of bomb dropped on Hiroshima had never been tested and there’s the question of where all that enriched uranium came from (the USA didn’t seem to be producing anywhere near enough). It’s also worth mentioning that a mainstream newspaper print ed that Japan had exploded their own device on a North Korean island (which just happens to have been inaccessible all this time).
I’m not claiming to know what really happened here and what’s disinfo – but there are credible reasons to have major doubts about the official story.
“The type of bomb dropped on Hiroshima had never been tested and there’s the question of where all that enriched uranium came from (the USA didn’t seem to be producing anywhere near enough).”
Gold mining, France, UK. But probably not only.
Gold, silver, lead, uranium and fluoride are quite closely associated.
Somewhat tangentially…
Lead demonized (binding fluoride), less toxic than fluoride…fluoride prevalent in everything (pharma loves fluoride), promoted a lot.
> there are credible reasons to have major doubts about the official story
Haha! Can we get that on t-shirts? Suitable for all occasions…
hearty like👍
✔️ Agreed!
HG Wells came up with the idea of the atomic chain reaction (and the atom bomb). A few years later, it was ‘discovered’. Winston Churchill (HG’s pal) firebombed Dresden’s 200,000 refugees as proof of concept, just before Hiroshima & Nagasaki.
Does one dare compare Covid?
He also invented invisibility and time travel.
really, only him…?
i reckon the ancients knew a lot, about a lot of stuff, we’ll never get to know.
victors written etc narratives
The general drift of this article is correct, but it’s sad to see the old myth about the Kenyan anti-fertility vaccine emerge again.
The allegation was made in 2014 by the ideologically-driven Kenyan Conference of Catholic Bishops, and eventually testing in 4 independent labs was arranged. Fifty-nine vials of vaccine were submitted for testing, and only three of them were found to contain HCG. All 3 had been submitted by the KCCB (the agency who made the original allegation) and each were in an “opened” state (i.e. showed evidence of tampering before submission). Read a 2015 summary here: https://www.thefreelibrary.com/Kenyan+bishops+keep+up+campaign+against+vaccine.-a0409421924
We should absolutely be highly sceptical of science (after all, “science” is supposed to be systematic scepticism, yet it’s been corrupted in so many ways), but we need to keep the message clean of easily discredited rumours.
Uh, look, there has clearly been rather systematic targeting and abuse of Africans.
Here’s a clue…
WHO endorses use of world’s first malaria vaccine in Africa
“World Health Organization’s director general hails ‘historic day’ in fight against parasitic disease”
There’s a reason GSK sends like 80% of their vaccines to Africa, for “free” (except those enabling and supporting pay for that).
I’m sure you can figure it out…
But in case you cannot, let me tell you a few things. When they say “…fight against parasitic disease” they are suggesting the Africans are the disease.
I’m not stupid and I live in Africa. I fucking know how pathetic “freemason” institution shit is. I know their attempts at degeneration. I know their language. Their attempts at “authority”, their sycophancy, pandering, obfuscation, conflation, misattribution, convolution.
““I started my career as a malaria researcher, and I longed for the day that we would have an effective vaccine against this ancient and terrible disease. And today is that day, an historic day. Today, the WHO is recommending the broad use of the world’s first malaria vaccine,” Tedros said at a press conference in Geneva.”
So basically, he souled out. He’s qlippoth now, not human anymore and possessed anti-life shell.
The demonization of Mosquitoes is a typical PRS play, the Mosquitoes are important, regulatory. So they say Mosquitoes cause disease, rather than being indicators, ignore damage from toxicity, deficiency, don’t address say, nutrition…and because you’re an anti-life industrial racist worthless cunt, try to kill Africans with pharmaceutical shit based on fraud.
Oh and I fucking despise say, Switzerland or Australia, as countries. You kinda forced me to be your enemy.
know your enemy. well, it was a good song once upon at time…
aye. most folks just don’t comprehend “natural ecosystem” unforunately.
so, is this cull to reduce the refusniks to such peasant status in a trendily rewilded ecosphere, and to borg the willing survivors into ghetto and hive as they destroy real life ??
or have i had too many views of lobsterville, chappie and elysium? ; )
i agree with you that the entire construct of “modern/developed/fucknows version of life” has to die, wither on the vine, otherwise we are going nowhere. a hard fall for the glutted consumers.
how many people???
tried to post on yer page ye maniac, but it asked me to register… traitor! ha
Oh yeah, substack asks you to subscribe, which is gonna annoy your inbox a bit. I can’t do shit about that.
Africa and malnutrition. I’m reminded of a recent post by Jon Rappaport about ‘ebola’. Years ago Rappaport was one of those who exposed how African AIDS epidemic was a cover story for widespread malnutrition, etc…and how Africa was being used by Big Pharma as a drug testing laboratory…
Cool, timely, as I haven’t checked Rappoport’s blog the past week or so.
If I’ve learned anything from the plandemic, it’s that ‘public health initiatives’ (i.e. dollars and departments) are not just a colossal waste of time and money but pernicious, destructive and diametrically opposed to the public’s health.
Shut it all down.
Granted I’m of the opinion there is not a single institution, gov’t body, organ or agency worth preserving in its current from. The best (if not only) remedy is to raze them all to the ground and (no pun intended) build back better (lol).
Indeed. That list of enemies also includes climate catastrophe and ‘unsustainable debt’ (i.e. the lie that the currency-issuing government can’t ‘afford’ to fund public spending and so we must ask private capital to take care of us instead and pay them for their efforts using the same government issued currency that we just told you we can’t afford).
“And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” (John, again).
Wise dude hey?
Free maybe, but it’s still hard work swimming against the tsunami of lies.
I know many truths but I don’t feel this freedom Mr John talk of …
Actual science is observation and understanding, not imposition, alteration or modification.
There is very little science in science these days, it’s propaganda, politics (like religion).
For instance, with the tobacco mosaic virus, the first virus. You *can* induce the morphological changes necessary to “spawn” the virus from the plant host. (But obviously that’s a shit idea. Kinda like, how you can induce cellular damage with vaccines)
How did I discover this? By growing some plants and kinda considering wtf happened. A plant, a typically anthocyanin rich plant (black/purple plant), and the most anthocyanin rich plant I grew at the time, was growing in winter and it was between various others (same type of plants, marijuana).
Now in cold, plants often struggle for cellular energy, sunlight, heat, ATP, so that could suggest phosphorus metabolism isn’t ideal, as roots tend to be small, fruiting/flowering (typically heavily reliant on phosphorus) is worse.
So, of all the plants, it was the only plant that DEVELOPED what would be called TMV. It didn’t catch the TMV, nor did it spread the TMV.
I did a search then (already knowing claims of viruses are fraudulent, of course) but I was intrigued by what was involved with the morphological change known as TMV from the metabolic dysfunction, host status.
So I found this, you tell me what it means:
Tobacco mosaic virus reproduction in plants with an increased anthocyanin content induced by phosphorus deficiency
That would be the “first virus”, btw.
If that wasn’t clear enough, every supposed virus, is a morphological RESULT OF the host from some kind of metabolic dysfunction, deficiency, toxicity, excessive stressors and is not causative.
In nature, the constant is change, though I’ve noticed there’s a remarkable tendency for history to constantly change, in politicized institution (NASA, NOAA, various accounts regarding other sources of “scripture”, etc?).
The body is constantly degenerating/regenerating. So what do people think happens with all of those broken cells (yes, your cells are constantly breaking, morphing, excreting things, neutralizing within capacity etc, as physics tends to equalization, and there’s an enormous amount of potential variety of those morphological results, but there will be consistencies with consistent factors, such as colds and flus, vitamin D deficiency in winter)?
Do they just ignore their 80 years of accumulated toxicity, deficiencies, literally tons of actual physical inputs and factors (which are clearly associated with and causative in disease)…and blame like 13 mythical phantom particles with no internal energy function, motility, reproduction (coz they’re resultant from the host or media) from a suggestive binary software construct?
Very interesting – thanks very much for this.
Somebody will be along to call you a nutter or CIA in a minute – but never mind.
Lol. I’ve been called KGB by someone, and CIA by someone else.
It’s good to have both sides covered.
reminds me of ‘sociopsychopathological’ (?) whom hasnt blessed us with a coment for quite some time;;;
Yeah that’d be me. Sociopsychopatriotism.
I learned to troll a bit less with music videos, otherwise, still a lunatic.
Thought i recognised the style… remembered the ‘patriotism’ bit later.
I admit your stuff on viruses etc was challenging and i’m grateful ova anout.
Cheers. I try to address fundamentals.
Yes when one looks at many body’s called humans wandering about, one can wonder how any of the basic functions are actually happening….there is little that suggests many have maintained any semblance of good healthy internal body clearance of whatever toxins they either put down their throats or encounter on daily operations…
the real marvel is that they actually keep going for as long as they do without the manifestation of seriously debilitating breakdowns of the system of clearance etc..
“the real marvel is that they actually keep going for as long as they do without the manifestation of seriously debilitating breakdowns of the system of clearance etc..”
Well, when people with supposed HIV (also fraud of course), happen to then take pharmaceuticals to attack those morphological results (which are misattributed, misrepresented), they are of course attacking those mechanisms, systems of clearance, regeneration, the body itself. Then because of that toxicity/damage of those pharmaceuticals, they get “AIDS”, perhaps an incapacity to produce antibodies, neutralizing responses adequately. Then, you sell even more expensive toxic shit to them, like monoclonal antibodies (derived from say, toxified, abused GMO “humanized” mice, with the antibodies themselves being an intermediary product of toxicity from a foreign body, and toxic, btw).
Because those morphological results and processes that are attacked by pharma, is the body’s natural function itself.
That’s why I try to tell people to stay the fuck away from HCQ, ivermectin, azithromycin, protease inhibitors, etc. Other than just vaccines.
Like all of those things negatively affect the body, are non-essential synthetic toxins.
Ivermectin or protease inhibitors for instance suppress regenerative, toxicity clearing function relating to proteolytic enzymes, to avoid addressing underlying dietary, nutritional, gut microbiota issues…by adding toxicity.
Effect of the proteolytic enzyme serrapeptase in patients with chronic airway disease
“Results: After 4 weeks of SER treatment, sputum weight in the morning, percentage solid component, viscosity and elasticity of sputum, sputum neutrophil count, frequency of coughing and frequency of expectoration significantly decreased. The mean mucociliary transportability index increased from 13.3 +/- 1.8 to 24.4 +/- 2.5 (P = 0.0103).
Conclusions: SER may exert a beneficial effect on mucus clearance by reducing neutrophil numbers and altering the viscoelasticity of sputum in patients with chronic airway diseases.”
That’s roughly a doubling of that lung function in what is considered “chronic airway disease” (whatever that is), so obviously, instead of PROMOTING that protease function…pharma instead attacks that with shit like ivermectin and protease inhibitors.
If you are protoming or using ivermectin (or vaccines, or HCQ, remdesivir, azithromycin, protease inhibitors, etc), based on the idea of covid being a thing, I consider you an ignorant idiot. Like, you’re probably a zombiedronerobosheepclone, at best.
Pharma is a war against you.
Everyone needs to remember the bloody opioids, it was the fucking FDA who gave approval for them to be used based on the lie that OXY wasn’t as addictive as others because it was ”time released”.
Well yeah, I did specifically mention opioids when I ranted about covid being fraud in January 2020.
Seriously, there aren’t any pharmaceuticals or vaccines I’d use, coz it’s all toxic shit peddled from a basis of fraud.
I was used as a guinea pig for various drugs when diagnosed with Crohn’s disease, I have been nearly killed a number of times by doctors giving me the wrong things but me being so desparate I took them. The only one that worked has worked well for the 30 years since I was told I would be dead in 6 months, but four times I have been given contraindicated medications, one caused a minor stroke.
What medication is that? Like, I could maybe figure out some things if I know what you’re using.
I dunno much about crohns, and I dunno your history, diets.
But, for some reason I feel like telling you to consider supporting enzyme function (with plants, perhaps some fermented foods) and maybe try something like Kratom (if you’ve not tried it). I just did a quick search and I notice some people use Kratom to help alleviate IBS/Crohn’s sort of issues.
Afaik, Kratom is available in Australia and it’s likely not all that expensive there.
Pharma despises Kratom, demonize it…but it’s super safe and very effective (at least for my purposes). It even typically has antioxidation properties beyond green tea.
I simply do not use pharmaceuticals.
Thailand came to its senses and restored the normal legal status of kratom. For good measure, it legalised medical cannabis.
“Frank’s Apothecary” prescriptions and concoctions available, life advice
i do appreciate it madman, drop all the satanist shite tho’, doesn’t sit right with the rest.
Oh hell no, I can’t give life advice, I fucking failed horribly at supposed life.
But because I have a lot of experience with toxic shit (I mean, even as an infant/toddler I was toxified by shit like pesticides, herbicides, serious lung damage, allergies resulting…which is why I burned a house at around 2-3 years old), deceit, physics and even soil and some plants, I can perhaps tell you about things to consider or why you should avoid some things.
A few years ago i was told my persistent lung condition was COPD. No Cure. It was getting so bad early 2020 i figured i’d not see out the year. Then chanced upon an article “Serrapeptase. The Miracle Enzyme” (An advert/testimonial).The enzyme is said to dissolve fibrin & scarred lung tissue. The advert/ testimonial story was about a guy in wheelchair, on oxygen who had asthma/emphysema/COPD. He megadosed, underwent the healing crisis, then was able to throw away the oxygen and wheelchair. A miracle – if you believe the advert/testimonial… Anyway, to paraphrase Elton, “I’m still breathing !”, and ‘covid’ challenges me daily with, Was it worth staying around for ?”
Well look, serrapeptase isn’t the only proteolytic enzyme. It’s basically a gut product from silkworms. So it’s *probably* not ideal.
Who knows, maybe mulberry leaf is good medicine?
With the right sort of (varied) plants, fruits, vegetables, maybe some fermentation your proteolytic enzyme balance would be good.
Which is why foods are processed, GMO, homogenized, toxified, etc. That sort of shit being degenerate, minimizing enzyme function, sort of antibiotic properties, causing sickness. Bayer for instance, “food” and “medicine”, right? But they mainly specialize in toxins and are quite prominent in warfare.
Obviously, shit like ivermectin, protease inhibitors being the OPPOSITE of that protease function, proteolytic enzymes and suppressing that (while also causing other damage).
So yeah…
I think you’re right about viruses. I see you mention “Vitamin D deficiency in winter.” I’ve done some research and it supports a notion I have that Covid may be mass Vitamin D deficiency. Normally this is quite common, especially in high latitudes, in winter. I have material that shows a strong link between colds, flu and Vitamin D deficiency. Since 2019 we have been in an extreme solar minimum, one of the worst in recent history. This means less UV light to be used by the cholesterol in our skin to make Vitamin D. The symptoms of Vitamin D deficiency are many: mental illness, diabetes, respiratory illness, aches and pains, fatigue, fever, to name but some. 80%+ of people having Covid show Vitamin D deficiency and Vitamin D aids recovery, quickly in many cases, especially when given with Zinc, it seems. Looks like a vitamin deficiency to me. My guess is that these days if we had an outbreak of scurvy, for some reason, it would be attributed to a virus. I’d be interested to hear your thoughts.
“…notion I have that Covid may be mass Vitamin D deficiency…”
Not only, though vitamin D is a big factor, being a central genetic regulator. Antioxidant deficiencies in general (fresh fruit, vegetables availability typically being less in winter), mineral, electrical imbalances, toxicities interfering with related metabolic function.
Like melatonin, which is also related to sunlight, btw, is a rather important antioxidation factor when dealing with EM toxicity. And tryptophan metabolic function is also related to sunlight.
So it’s more accurate to say sunlight deficiency, rather than vitamin D deficiency, is a significant, obvious factor in disease.
It’s not like industrial vampire assholes have demonized the sun, lied about it, promoted toxic, carcinogenic sunblock, hormonal dysfunction factors (excessive fluoride, chlorine, BPA, PFOAs, xenoestrogens, phytoestrogens, low iodine, etc), is it?
I mean they make a “big deal” out of sunlight and skin cancer (which is bullshit, btw), coz it’s a typical attempt from anti-life shitfucks to frame the good as the bad, while they peddle degenerating toxic garbage based on fraud.
Australia, is a perfect example. Sunblock, fluoridation, vaccines, huge cancer rates (with skin cancer being negligible relative to other cancers, btw).
Go to the fucking beach, get some sunlight, electrical sort of neutralization, iodine, okay? You’ll be smarter, and better because of it.
Somewhere in his book “The One-Straw Revolution” Masanobu Fukuoka makes a passing claim about foods grown in glasshouses. Seems the glass blocks certain wavelengths needed for the full nutritional development of the foods…
Recently i read that though each year i get tanned – waist up- by the sun pouring into my room through the window, the glass pane actually blocks some health enhancing radiation. I wonder how we’ll fare when the grand solar minimum really bites. Can it be that Bill Gates de-pop program is to help us weather the effects of the GSM on food crop production ? Less food, less mouths to feed. He is said to be a philanthropist…
“Can it be that Bill Gates de-pop program is to help us weather the effects of the GSM on food crop production ? Less food, less mouths to feed. He is said to be a philanthropist…”
Obviously not.
Thanks for your comments. You mention sunblock and other stuff. I think a significant factor in this is “The War on Cholesterol”. It makes sense that, if cholesterol is used in the manufacture of Vitamin D, lowering cholesterol will result in low Vitamin D. I’ve seen reports saying that, in the US for example, 30% of people are on statins. Even more among the elderly.
Hey, random thing, Amaranth dude.
Fill common gaps. Industrialist genocidal idiot “conquistadors” tried to demonize, outlaw amaranth, calling it the “devil” (along with outlawing and demonizing hemp, marginalizing sunflower, etc).
That same Amaranth, is just about the best source of squalene (only olive, in terms of plants, is used as a source of squalene, coz it’s artificial scarciity).
Oxygenation properties.
You know, they kill sharks, for that squalene.
If you check amaranth, it’s got some interesting properties.
Also, for the elderly, I highly recommend mitochondrial support factors.
Ian, you are not alone. Mid/late 2020 a US medical doctor (Dr Cole ?) declared
‘we have a vitamin D deficiency pandemic.’ (He was referring to the pandemic of ‘flu-like symptoms’, not the high altitude sickness symptoms caused by 5g technology).
I’m strongly inclined towards global cooling happening, not warming, (as is Dr Sircus), and i’ve wondered if the grand solar minimum is involved in the vitamin D deficiency pandemic. .. Trying not to become ensnared by groupthink requires constant diligence…
There’s also an iodine deficiency pandemic, general antioxidant deficiency pandemic, various other elements, vitamins. Potassium and magnesium deficiency vs sodium and chlorine excess. Fluoride pandemic. ENDOCRINE disruption pandemic. Vaccine, medication pandemic. Pesticide and herbicide pandemic. Homogenized food pandemic. EM pandemic. Sunblock pandemic. And so on…
Thanks for your reply. Good to hear I’m not alone. I’ve tried to interest a lot of people in this idea, but without much success. Nice to get a bit of positive feedback! I’m also thinking we”re going into a period of cooling, not the other way round.Yeah, you’re absolutely right about group think bit. It requires not only diligence but also energy!
question: how many cycles of this degen/regen does a body have? like, the idea the average(!) heart only has so many beats in it….???
“question: how many cycles of this degen/regen does a body have?”
Eh, I figure it’s not so much cycles as constant equalization. It’s simply like, cell gets damaged from whatever imbalance, body tries to neutralize (within capacity).
I mean that’s a vague question, if you look at it like the heart only beating so many times as a “cycle” (which it probably is, like electrical charge and discharge)…it’ll be difficult to say, especially the various parts of the body functioning at different rates.
In terms of other function, you have for instance redox factors (like vitamin C, quercetin, etc). Now individually, you could kinda look at those factors as having “cycle” limitations, as they’re fuctionally kinda like capacitors. Vitamin C depleting very easily (which is why people can use it in high amounts and often need a lot of it to deal with toxicities), something like Quercetin a bit more robust.