Boris’s garden party – a more pressing issue than Yemeni genocide
Gavin O’Reilly

Over the past several days, the news story that has dominated British news headlines, and consequently, the news headlines of the rest of the Western world, is controversy over a leaked email confirming Boris Johnson’s attendance at a Downing Street garden party in May 2020 – a time when the Summer weather is usually at its peak in Britain, and incidentally, the same time when the entire country was under stringent lockdown measures.
In spite of offering an almost immediate apology in the House of Commons on Wednesday, Johnson has faced intense calls to resign from his position.
Not only from the opposition of Keir Starmer’s Labour, Ed Davey’s Liberal Democrats and Nicola Sturgeon’s SNP, but also from prominent members of his own Conservative Party such as Scottish Tory leader Douglas Ross. With the main point of contention being that members of the British public were prohibited from seeing gravely ill loved ones at the same time as Johnson’s attendance of said garden party due to the restrictions put in place.
The ongoing controversy over ‘partygate’ however is in stark contrast to the minuscule Western media coverage of Boris Johnson’s key role in what is currently the world’s worst humanitarian crisis, the now seven-year long Saudi Arabia-led war on Yemen.
A conflict that has resulted in the worst Cholera outbreak of all time, the deaths of 10,000 children directly through the ensuing violence, and the further deaths of more than 85,000 children through the mass-starvation the conflict has triggered.
In July 2016, following his appointment as Foreign Secretary under the then-government of Theresa May, Johnson approved the sale of more than £1.2bn worth of British made-weaponry to Downing Street-ally Saudi Arabia – the Gulf Kingdom immediately putting it to use on Yemen’s agricultural, health and sanitation infrastructure.
This lead directly to the aforementioned Cholera outbreak and famine in what is already the most impoverished nation on the Arabian Peninsula, a situation exacerbated even further by a Saudi blockade preventing food and medical supplies from entering the country.
British support for the Saudi-led conflict goes far beyond lucrative arms sales to Riyadh however, with British military advisors on hand alongside their US counterparts in the Saudi command room to assist in the selection of targets for the Royal Saudi Air Force – more than 100 Saudi pilots have also been trained at RAF airbases in Britain over the past decade alone.
With both policies remaining in place since Johnson became Prime Minister in July 2019, alongside the aforementioned arms sales which have resulted in significant profit for British defence contractors such as BAE Systems.
Perhaps the most crucial role in Britain’s decision to support the Yemen war however, is a geopolitical ambition that Downing Street shares with the United States and Israel – the containment of Iran within the region.
The Islamic Republic, a long-time Western foe since the 1979 Islamic Revolution saw the US-UK aligned Shah deposed and replaced with the anti-Western and anti-Zionist Ayatollah Khomeini, is widely accused of backing the Ansar Allah rebel movement, more commonly known as the Houthis. Whose seizure of the Yemeni capital Sana’a and overthrow of the then pro-Saudi President Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi in early 2015 would result in Riyadh launching its US-UK backed air campaign in March of that year in a bid to restore the government of its favoured candidate.
It is also the reason why, in addition to multi-billion pound arms deals between London and Riyadh, that what has now amounted to a seven-year long US and UK backed genocide of the Yemeni people, has received scarce media coverage in the West – in stark contrast to a Summer garden party held by a British Prime Minister who has himself played a key role in the slaughter.
Gavin O’Reilly is an Irish Republican activist from Dublin, Ireland, with a strong interest in the effects of British and US Imperialism; he was a writer for the American Herald Tribune from January 2018 up until their seizure by the FBI in 2021, with his work also appearing on The Duran, Al-Masdar, MintPress News, Global Research and SouthFront. He can be reached through Twitter and Facebook.
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Looks like it is time for a new PM.
Naughty Doris
Interesting watching the media play this one out.
In breaking the law…..
1. He and his accomplises need to be fined or those fined under the same law have their fines reimbursed.
It’s sad that the media had lent so heavily on this law being broken. and at this time. It was known obvioulsy at the time that this was the case, so I can only conclude that there is a ‘coup’ attempt. To suggest everyone in parliament/media didn’t know of the transgression is beyond credulity. Thus it’s being used to get rid of him, by those seeeking to overturn Brexit, those seeking to have him as the fall guy for the Uk’s digusting response to Covid over the past two years, or those seeking to futher control the narrative and maybe take us down a route Boris in unwilling to travel.
What is even more disgusting than the breaking of the law, is that Boris run a pyschological campaign of fear against the general public with the help of the ‘nudge unit’ whilst he and others showed NO FEAR. WTF!
TFS – You have hit the nail right on the head – exactly my view too and you have put it succinctly. I should like to re-post this word-for-word at my blog in the coming weeks – with your permission:
This article explains to us clearly why the MSM now has zero moral authority to be driving any public narrative. Zero.
They don’t care two hoots when 1 million people get murdered, as long as they aren’t ‘western’.
But moral outrage over a hypocritical piss-up?
That’s a world exclusive!!
You don’t even have to worry about the Yemenis. The £400bn spaffing due to corruption and incompetence will do.
That’s why the entire Parliament should be thrown out, because Starmer et al were salivating to do even more than Johnson et al did.
They also don’t care about people being murdered by vaccine whether white brown or inbetween? I am still waiting to see Faucis AIDS and AZT scandal hit the papers, that killed quite a few people.
Greece, Athens, march against the measures, 15/1:
Some of the slogans/chants:
“We won’t pay to work” (referring to the weekly or even daily tests to be allowed to go to workplaces)
“The suspension of doctors and healthcare employees is opening the way to the abolishment of public health”
“We Stay Home-and let the super market employees melt from exhaustion”
“Resist self-disciplining”
Tests are a tax on the unvaccinated, a tax that goes to the medical equipment companies … otherwise known as the Mafia.
I was in Athens much of last year and the suspension of doctors and health workers was widely complained about.
To tie it all in, contrast as well the Hillary campaign (from This Week In the New Normal) , who used sexism as a point of contention between her and other nominees and of course non-supporters (i.e. “you don’t support her simply because she’s a woman”, as if we still live in the suffragette era, in the 1900s), with the recent article about the Libyan sex slaves, in a violent change of affairs and everyday life in that country that she vehemently supported. There is only one thing differentiating humans throughout history: poor and rich. And that’s it.
I don’t believe it. No PM would be so stupid to risk his career for something like that! There is always someone who could talk or have photos. He just had to go. I’m afraid what will follow won’t be better… au contraire!
I think it’s even simpler than that.
He became Prime Minister knowing full well that he was expendable when the right moment came along.
I doubt he would even like to ‘serve’ another term in the wretched job – he can hardly hide his smirk at the thought of retiring in luxury at the first opportunity.
This is precisely that opportunity.
Like most of Westminster/Washington/Washminster, he is bored, and very likely seeking new thrills as we type.
It’s been a very long time since a politician actually cared about doing his job of running a country well.
Who expects anything different today?
Only the same people who think the covids will end in the foreseeable future…
Before retiring he will have a problem with the International Criminal Court on behalf of UK citizens…
Later he can integrate himself with AI if he wishes.
So MP’s or Pm / congressmen visiting whore houses or hiring rent boys doesn’t qualify.?
Trying thinking twice.
He’s Boris. I preferred him as maverick backbencher, MP for Henley on Thames and Daily Telegraph columnist.
As PM he’s doing a good job of underscoring “one law for us, another for the plebs”. Its always been like that, of course, but the people of quality have usually kept in on the QT as its got awful optics. His cabinet seems to be a right bunch of useless twats as well.
(Fortunately I don’t have to put up with them. I’ve got my own problems, being a naturalized American and all….)
Quote: “Perhaps the most crucial role in Britain’s decision to support the Yemen war however, is a geopolitical ambition that Downing Street shares with the United States and Israel”
Let’s not forget the Bank for International Settlements >
Bank for International Settlements (
“The BIS’s mission is to support central banks’ pursuit of monetary and financial stability through international cooperation, and to act as a bank for central banks.”
Any questions?
Distressingly brilliant.
Even when they put it in your faces – You wouldn’t believe it.
Ha ha – announced for just after the moment they’ll no longer be in power so it will never happen but they can maintain some illusion that they’re upholding their end of the dialectic.
It’s so transparent that anyone still falling for this must have fried their last few remaining brain cells.
it is a rape system a slave one
all bonded in civil soceity
cull the flock
like clock work
takeover add a central bank
use the man woman and child for organ harvest
nothing new for satans little helpers
They all out and out satanists, your not allowed to play the game unless you are.
If I found out tomorrow that everyone in any position of power had been conceived in some sex magik ritual it wouldn’t be surprising.
Even without the ‘mysterious’ element, these people aren’t normal.
But I suspect weird grooming is closer to the truth than weird begetting…
Perhaps it’s both.
Yes, it’s likely both…
You forgot to put masks on them
Could OP be a ‘masker’, implying that we non-maskers are captives of misinformation?
Now that the cognitive dissonance phase has been completed, the new normal is the inverse of the old normal/reality.
Maybe reality is just consensus … oops, there I go again. I have been avoiding the humans for some time now; having to ask them if they were serious or joking was becoming tedious.
I see the BBC do the occasional news piece on “the humanitarian disaster unfolding in Yemen” knowing this disaster is powered by British military hardware & expertise. Later, in another UK TV channel, there’s an appeal for charitable donations, from the British public, to help the victims of their own Military/Industrial complex. Clown World.
@Brian Sides
Jan 16, 2022 8:52 AM
I highly recommend William Engdals excellent Myths Lies and Oil Wars.
A very bloody OPEC oil war
No sooner had David Rockefeller recouped his exposed financial assets in Iran than a major Middle East war broke out in September 1980. The war was between the new Iranian Shi’ite theocracy under Ayatollah Khomeini, and neighboring Iraq, fellow OPEC member headed by secular Baathist Saddam Hussein. The war’s rationale was far different from what mainstream Western media portrayed. The Iran-Iraq War would mark the onset of an almost continuous series of US-directed proxy wars — and ultimately US-led wars — for control of the oil-rich Middle East well into the new Century.
At the present inflexion point to financial collapse I think the peerless work of Shimshon Bichler and Jonathan Nitzan Is worth considering in the context of Yemen ( The Nubian Shield) and Resource development and industrial development in Sub Saharan Africa along with Chinese soft power diplomacy in the region.
The purpose of the 4th Industrial revolution is to stymie the development of energy resources and to control Population and growth and instigate rapid population decline.
“Apr 11, 2018 5:08 PM
Reply to rogerglewis
You accuse me of using an “ad hominem” argument when I was simply making an observation.
In any case, do you seriously expect me to try to correct the gigantic failure of the educational system that you represent in a comments section?
I would the real idiot if I tried to do that and if I expected it to work.
For people like you euthanasia is the only cure. Sad but true.
And they represent 98% of the population
Which is why the planet is doomed.”
Syria and the pipeline wars all point to severe rationing of energy and shortly food to frustrate prosperity. These policies replete with plausible deniability will grow and increasingly eliminate the precariat.
Yes but slaughtered brown babies has never bothered the west
STATE OF DISASTER! A new documentary detailing how the Premier of Victoria Destroyed Melbourne
Be one of the first to view this powerful documentary showing how one man can destroy the lives of millions. And it is still going on.
Bloody horrific
These days I’m only interested in how other men can stop him.
Insanity isn’t supposed to be a requirement for high office, is it…?
But I’m showing my age…
If you pay close attention your see a coordinated effect from Richie control op Allen, David Icke, his dippy son, New idiot Neil Oliver and so on and so forth.
Poor Boris is being set up………………
Richie Alan control op ? I can’t see that, is that why paypal blocked his site from support?
OMG paypal banned him, that makes bullshit authentic to the deluded!
Remember POOR Boris is getting bullied !!!
One can only assume that the civil servants involved are not excessively unintelligent and nor are they especially ill-informed about the current medical emergency. So, ask yourselves, would they be willing to put their lives at risk for a glass of white wine and a slice of Trussdale Blue?
These parties are important because they demonstrate that Covid is of little risk and as long as Covid scams work on the populace we can always have a genocide when one is required.
Normalising heart attacks in children –
Most of the people who are involved in this are almost certainly good people who think they are doing a good thing and have no idea of the purpose for which they’ve been deployed.
Autism could be normalised and go from non-existent in the 1930s to widespread now without most people apparently thinking anything of it – so why not childhood heart attacks? In fact, it proves how brilliant modern science is that we can detect these things whereas in the past everyone was too thick or uncaring to notice!
It’s not just not thinking anything of autism, obesity, confused gender etc, we’re supposed to actively celebrate these modern childhood illnesses, and you’re a hate speaker if you don’t.
Not celebrate, but accept them as not unusual, and stoically pay more for insurance, med. treatment, etc.
Is there something equivalent for teachers . . .
. . . to restart the brain ?
The girl on the ASDA checkout was fuming about this. When I said it was probably a distraction, done to take our attention away from more important matters, she became even more livid. “WE’RE GOING TO HAVE TO AGREE TO DISAGREE ON THIS!😡😡
LOL this is called a deflection article and is a prime example of what alt media via its sponsors does.
You got to be a simpleton to buy this crap….
He was busted before Christmas and denied it! SO 3 weeks later isn’t immediate. Why should the fake one in charge and his mates be celebrating when people couldn’t even visit love ones ?
it is a party,It is not a party it was a work do,! they was in suits!!. the rules were confusing!
Dog ate my home work.! People where fined for less,
Only thing worse than what has happened is the sick fucks justifying his actions with bollocks like He stopped a lock down – The other party is worse -. Carrie is blackmailing him. Bojo wants old normal. Old Conservatives believe in democracy!!
You haven’t woken up yet..
The Australian Open has been renamed.
From now on it will be called THE AUSTRALIAN CLOSED.
Closed to democracy.
Closed to honesty.
Closed to Truth.
Closed to unvaxed Serbians, but not to unvaxxed billionaires of course.
Other players were let in under the same circumstances he claimed, yet only he has been subsequently expelled. Why?
He spoke out against Big Australian Mining interests trying to loot Serbia’s lithium.
This is pure spite, and nothing to do with covid.
Djokovic’s non-compliance was consider too strong an example that others would follow, so that is why he is considered dangerous and must be removed. The government criminals live in fear of the populace, especially a non-compliant populace. Their fear will do them in, the totalitarianism will implode, they will hang. Remember the last Open when the Aussie official was booed when they mentioned corona and the death shot. Do not comply! Resist! Dismantle!
“The Islamic Republic, a long-time Western foe since the 1979 Islamic Revolution saw the US-UK aligned Shah deposed and replaced with the anti-Western and anti-Zionist Ayatollah Khomeini”
But Ayatollah Khomeini was protected and put in place by the west.
The Shah had become to big for his boots was not following the wests orders.
They managed to pit Iran against Iraq as they controlled both Saddam Hussein and Ayatollah Khomein in a eight year war. The UK , USA and many countries sold weapons to both sides including chemical weapons. Millions were made and over a million died.
Iran with other countries is a useful excuse for the USA military expansion.
When I spoke to my younger brother about what is happening in Yemen.
His response was they are tribal they are always fighting.
The can make any story the most important story and ignore any they wish.
If Yemen was on the news 24/7 the way covid is then people might care about Yemen.
Khomeini was an absolute fraud. He obtained huge amounts of Israeli and Western military aid, squandering his nations oil revenue in the process.
The US and Israel armed both sides of the Iran / Iraq war in an attempt to get them to destroy each other.
I remember a newspaper report in 1980 or 1981 in which the journalist mentioned being in an Iraqi (or Iranian) school on the border, dilapidated and abandoned as it was now a war zone. There was a map of the world in a classroom with Israel marked in black as “the Zionist entity”. But neither of the countries now at war were actually fighting it.
Plus 10.
The Soviets armed Iraq. There were 200 Israeli technicians based in Teheran keeping the Iranian Air Force in the air.
The virus is just a virus. Fear is the disease.
The sheer efficiency and speed with which this plandemic has rolled out makes it plain to me this operation has been in the works for quite some time.
What is clear to me now is that we never had a chance to win this fight and that the lion’s share of our morality, decency, bravery, shrewdness, and civility have only ever been skin deep… We were never more than one obvious-lying-media-scaremongering-blitz away from throwing all of those window dressing virtues right through the nearest window.
Here is the truth about the flim-flam-demic:
“The virus is just a virus.”
There is no proof anywhere in the literate that there are exogenous infectious pathogenic particles called “viruses”.
There are these things called extracellular vesicles and exosomes (aka endogenous “viruses”) but these come from within cells AS THE RESULT of the disease and they actually help cell repair process and are non-infectious, they are NOT THE CAUSE. In other words, cause and effect are reversed. That’s all there is to it. It’s called pleomorphism.
The fear comes because people are mislead and misinformed, so the true cause of this disease is the knowledge gap between an average individual and a virologist is very wide, so it’s exploited for profit by those who control the situation.
Not sure what point you are trying to make. Everyone here is well aware of both theories, so bringing it up as some sort of retort is being pedantic at best.
The fear comes because
:- people are indundated with medical and other commecial propaganda
:- capitalism has corrupted science (especially medicine) and governments thoroughly.
At least with the Conservatives in power there has to be some sort of pretending to care about liberty. Of course it’s a pretending and they’ve introduced highly repressive measures but it has put some limits on how far they can go.
With Labour, those gloves come off. For some indication of how nasty it could get, see – if you can bear it – today’s Fraud equating anti-vaxxers with US militias. Vaccine mandates are more likely under Labour and on lockdowns all Labour has ever argued is that they should go on longer and be more stringent.
Labour under Starmer has nothing to do with socialism – it’s total technocracy with a thin facade of hand-wringing unctiousness. And as for woke-ism and climate insanity – you ain’t seen nothing yet…
Neo Liberal Starker will be the next tony Blair- he was working with British Intelligence to incarcerate Julian Assange -he is frightening.Boris is preferable
I would seriously have to consider voting Tory next time — any party other than Starmer’s Labour.
May as well of been Q writing this or some deluded drain the swamp verses the deep state believer!!
I like to think that wouldn’t have happened under Corbyn, BUT………..
Maybe if Corbyn’s brother was his advisor as PM, he’d try the (initial) Swedish model?!
Politicians in all countries are under the sway of the medical advisors regarding medical issues. Too many of these, even in Russia apparently, are part of the BG/WHO system. There are too many vaxxinators in positions of high influence. When all you have got is vaxxinators, the answer will be vaxx-i-nation.
Never mind the parties, what about the covid contract corruption?
UK a 3rd world country.
I think the line to push here is the substandard nature of the goods supplied.
Calling the diabolic and (for many) mandatory jabs substandard is an understatement.
No wonder the UK is drifting. It’s like a who’s who of incompetence and corruption.
And there is also Drakeford ruining Wales.
With people like these in place, any enemy just has to sit back and laugh while the country is destroyed from within.
Has the author actual been to Britain?
May is statistically the driest, sunniest month, at least where I am. Not the warmest though.
Mid summer’s day is 21 Jume and we all know that the best of the summer is after mid summer’s day – here are the temperatures and here is the rainfall if you can make head or tail of that!
I work outdoors doing a weather dependent job and the best month weather wise is usually May, followed by June. July and August are often a massive letdown, at least in North West England where I am.
Is he saying that the weather peaked in May 2020 and that’s it, forever?
He might be be a bit right. The weather doesn’t often coincide with Ye Olde Druid Ramblings, solstices and equinoxes and such.
Days are quite long in May but not the warmest month. I would say July.
Slightly off topic, but apparently 70% of Australians want Novax Djokovic deported.
They must be the same dumbed down dozers that believed the narratives about WMDs, and communist hordes, and the evil Russians and Chinese and _ _ _
Slightly off topic, but apparently 70% of Karenalians want Novax Djokovic deported.
Fixed it.
According to a poll commissioned by the Australian government? Oh yes, sure, I am happy to believe a poll, because they would never lie to you.
Sorry but I refuse to accept that a whole nation could have lost sufficient IQ to become retarded, without first hand evidence. As I am never going to enter Australia again – because last time I looked they had elected the Nazi party and were back worshipping Hitler – I will have to assume that an extinction event has happened and that they have been beaten in the evolutionary race by the neanderthals.
Did any one watch the Novak court trial today?In the last minute-when a judge- the most engaged throughout the appeal-in the far left bottom corner-was slipped a yellow piece of paper-and his behavoir immediately changed-and he was clearly rattled-folding and fondling the cuirios paper-reminicent of Captain Queeg in Caine Mutiny.
Totally weird.
Probably says something in the vein of “Remember those children you raped in 2014: Do the right thing”.
Yep-or we have the photos of you and your legal secretary …
Nobody cares about afairs any more: why do you think Mossad and Epstein industrialised the use of underage girls to blackmail politicians and billionaires? “Pedophile” is socially unforgivable: guilty until proven innocent. As anybody in the public eye, an accusation of pedophile is the end of your career: perfect for blackmail.
Which, incidentally, is why I think Andrew is totally innocent but suffers from excess arrogance.
Heve you got a link to the video? TVM.
It was done in Victoria, the state of the stupidest covidians in the world
I’m normally pretty skeptical about poll results, but be that as it may, these ones don’t exactly back up your stupid Victorian bashing, do they, Marilyn?
‘Send him home’: Poll reveals overwhelming support for decision to deport Novak Djokovic
‘Send him home’: Poll reveals overwhelming support for decision to deport Novak Djokovic
A few commenters have been accused of hyperbole when referring to $atan’s $uited $ervant$ as ‘psychopaths’.
Think again.
They ARE psychopaths by association. Accessories to mass murder.
Oh dear, when will the British learn that nobody in the Western world really gives a crap about Boris or what is happening in the UK unless they are providing entertainment, like the Skripal saga.
Prince Andrew brought the Brits plenty of attention: we all love to see a spolied brat get his comeuppance. Although I personally think he is totally innocent of everything apart from arrogance.
Why do you think so many politicians are accused of being “pedophiles”? Because it is the one social crime that will not be forgiven by the masses: get some politician to screw a 16 year old who loooks 20 and you have him under your control forever. An affair with a secretary does not do the same sort of damage.
Why do you think Mossad industrialised the blackmail of politicians and billionaires via Epstein’s crew of underage girls? Screwing a child is unforgiveable and the perpetrator is assumed guilty: perfect for blackmail.
And it’s not that long since in parts of the US the age of consent was about twelve, lower if you could show she was a close relation.
You wait, There are attempts underway in the States to normalise pedophilia. What will the wokesters do about that? Their brains will probably short circuit.
The logical conclusion to the woke mental disease is that everybody gets to choose every fact about themselves. So, for example, a woman can be 50 years old, get screwed by her husband, then accuse him of pedophilia because she claims she was expressing as a toddler at the time he stuck his dick into her. His defense will be that he was expressing as a mother so didn’t have a dick at the time he stuck his dick into her … etc etc. Lawyers will love this stuff.
They have a saying in China…
In the west you can change parties but not policy, in China you can change policy, but not the party.
In this respect its silly thinking Boris resigning will solve all problems, if anything of you have followed him closely, he has resisted, which is why he is being publcally ousted. What he will be replaced with will be a hologram of a person like Biden, pro US, pro Israeli, lap dog. Maybe even someone like the Aussies have.
Even ukip was a ploy, an unelected party achieving its aims against the wishes of an elected government? In only the third referendum of a so called democratic countries history? Don’t make laugh, it wouldn’t have happened if they didn’t want it to.
We need to hold every single person accountable for this mess worldwide, the whole thing didn’t even need a virus, just some faulty tests, so I’m dubious about there being one at all, certainly it hasn’t passed Kochs postulates.
What is clear that power is shifting from west to east. The covid thing was to avoid a depression. Keep the part of the country that produces the gdp going and shut down most of the parts that cost, restrict travel so money is spent in the economy. It was in other countries interests to buoy the dollar as it makes exports attractive. Life is pretty normal around the world apart from Europe and the Anglosphere.
Maybe we will have more climate nonsense, the reason they push electric cars is because you can make much more money from them. The batteries only last 10 years or 150k miles and then it’s £16k for a new one. The lucrative lithium mining, plus keeps the minerals and mining stocks high on wall street. Btw the Australian corp that wants Serbian lithium, well novak rallied against them and that might have had something to do with his deportation.
Anyway keep your spirits up, it’s long enough. Enjoy.
The party business is all about getting Johnson out in favour of a more hardcore lockdowner. Big Pharma is desperate to get everyone vaxxed before the end of the clinical trial.
We’ve known for some years now that media do not serve the interests of ordinary people, let alone champion oppressed peoples across the world. We’ve also known that the U.S. empire and its 5-eyes co-conspirators, are the most deadly terrorist organizations on the planet, causing untold destruction and human suffering, which facst are never touched by the media (could it be that the intelligence organizations write nearly all the copy for the media?). So this should come as no surprise; Scandal sells. Wanton death and genocide, especially of brown and black people, perpetrated by all Western governments, gets no coverage. Imagine that.
“Wanton death and genocide, especially of brown and black people, perpetrated by all Western governments”.
But the ‘woke’ care so much about brown and black people! It couldn’t be that they care when the media tell them to care, could it? Tell them these people are “terrorists” and no amount of bombing is too much for the same people – and stuff the environmental damage as well! Just don’t go building any statues after the event…
The “Magneto” Experiment [a few bits]
In 2016, two University of Virginia scientists demonstrated that neurons in the brain that have been supplemented with a synthetic gene can be remotely manipulated by a magnetic field. In their own words, they “may have discovered a major step toward developing a ‘dream tool’ for remotely controlling neural circuits.”
At the time, Güler, a biology professor at UVA, and UVA neuroscience Ph.D. candidate Michael Wheeler “engineered a gene that can make a cell sense the presence of a magnetic field. They coupled a gene that senses cellular stretch with another gene that functions as a nanomagnet. This synthetic combination turns on only when in the presence of a magnetic field, allowing them to control neuronal activity in the brain.”
“In a series of tests on mice that had the Magneto gene used to express comfort or pleasure, the mice voluntarily went to a chamber of their cage where the magnetic field was present, similar to going there as if food was present.”
There’s more, including a video. Incidentally the text mentions a “green fluorescent protein that’s inserted into a virus.” Do you remember the luciferase that gives the vaxx its subtle green color?
Story’s here, but it will be there only a day or two.
The excuse for developing the fluorescent protein was to conduct neurological mapping in the lab.
Time for the nihilists to cut off the UK government’s Johnson.
Get the main actors off the stage as the crime of the century draws to a close (at least in England).
Out of the limelight. Out of sight, out of mind. Who will think of them in 3 years time?
Hancock, Cummings, Van-Tam are gone. One main actor left on the stage for his final soliloquy. Boris
Then clear the stage and make ready for Act II and the new players
Yemen? Heard of it. A country somewhere on the map, I think
Van-Tam gone? I missed that. What happened? Is turtle neck Whitty still in play?
He’s as Whitty as ever (which isn’t saying much)