They are making an example of Novak Djokovic. Here’s why.
Kit Knightly
Tennis star Novak Djokovic is being deported from Australia, after losing his final appeal the WTA’s top-ranked player will not be allowed to defend his Australian Open title.
It was reported this morning that an Australian court had refused Djokovic’s appeal against the cancellation of his visa, and as such he’s being put on a plane and flown out of the country.
To be clear: This is all because he’s not “vaccinated” against Covid19, and vocally speaks out against the practice. The government have clearly and publicly admitted as much…but we’ll get to that.
The rejection of Djokovic’s medical exemption and subsequent deportation has been accompanied by a wave of vitriol in the press the likes of which we have rarely seen.
One Australian sports presenter was “accidentally” recorded calling him a “lying, sneaky arsehole” in a video that was later “leaked” to the press.
The Spectator has one piece which is nothing more than a slew of ad hominem and mockery, against not just Djokovic but all “anti-vaxxers” and “conspiracy theorists”, calling the Serbian a “conspiracy super-spreader”. They have another blaming his “arrogance for his downfall”.
The Daily Mail ran a story headlined: “Welcome to the Wacky World of Novak Djokovic… and meet his equally wacky wife!”, and two more opinion pieces claiming his arrogance has “trashed his reputation” and calling him “a loser”.
The Guardian‘s Australian Political Correspondent Sarah Martin defends the decision and jokingly refers to it as a “no dickheads” immigration policy, attacking Djokovic’s “anti-science god complex” and calling him an “all-round jerk”.
The childish name-calling just doesn’t end. Even his fellow players are sticking the boot in.
Stefanos Tsitsipas attacked Djokovic for attempting to “play by his own rules”, adding “A very small minority chose to follow their own way. It makes the majority look like they are all fools”, which is at least true, but not in the way he means it.
Spanish star Rafael Nadal said Djokovic should just follow the rules like everyone else, perhaps flashing the kind of attitude which allowed a fascist dictator to stay in power in his country for 40 years.
Some players, at least, have come to Djokovic’s defense, including Australia’s own Nick Kyrgios, who has said he is “ashamed” of the way Australia has handled the situation and chastised other players for not showing solidarity with Djokovic.
But why is this happening? Why are they trying to punish such a public figure, and why now?
Well, firstly, I’m not sure it is about punishing Djokovic, and not just because getting to leave Australia is an odd thing to be considered any kind of punishment these days.
Rather, it’s about the performance of punishing him. It’s about making an example of him. Not so much preventing him from playing, as much as denying him a platform.
The Australian government basically admits that in their legal justification for cancelling the visa.
Prime Minister Scott Morrison said Djokovic had been barred from entry for “breaching the rules…it’s as simple as that.” But he is either mistaken or lying, as he directly contradicts the case presented to the appeal court by the government.
Yes, the visa was first cancelled on a technicality about incorrect information but, a judge overruled that decision, allowing Djokovic to enter the country.
That’s when Immigration Minister Alex Hawke stepped in to personally revoke the visa under section 133 of the Immigration Act 1958.
Under this (worryingly vague) legislation, the Immigration Minister is granted the power to cancel any visa at all, if:
the Minister is satisfied that it would be in the public interest to cancel the visa.
This was the argument put to the appeals court, that the minister can expel anyone, for anything, if he believes it to be in the best interests of the public.
That’s public interest, NOT public health.
Hawke admits in his written statement that Djokovic presents a “negligible risk of Covid19 infection” to those around him. So it’s nothing to do with protecting people from infection or stopping the spread of the virus.
Public statements from officials suggest that they consider any “anti-vaxxer” to be a threat to the public interest by undermining the vaccination programme. Thus they can justify barring entry to Djokovic (or, it should be said, any other “anti-vaxxer”) under the guise of “public interest”.
It’s about control, it almost always is.
In short, the government are scared that Djokovic’s very presence in the country is a threat to their neo-fascist lockdown.
If you look closely at the media messaging, there’s more than a little fear behind the wall of abuse and mockery.
Article after article is at pains to point out that “the majority of normal Australians want the Joker gone”, or some variation on that sentiment. Somewhat desperately selling the line that nobody agrees with, or supports, Djokovic’s position.
A statement which is given the lie by the regular huge protests taking place all across Australia’s major cities (like this one, just this weekend, in Sydney).
The Australian government are worried they’ve turned their country into a powder keg of public resentment, and that the slightest social spark could set it off. Increasing the size of the (already huge) protests against the lockdowns and vaccine mandates, maybe even tipping the country into full-blown chaos.
One of the Spectator articles mentions that Australians have been living in a “police state” for two years, and then vaguely references the subsequent public anger, even whilst attempting to downplay it, misrepresent its cause, and turn it against the unvaccinated.
Australia has fallen. Peace, prosperity and freedom have been sacrificed on the altar of “safety”, and Covid “vaccination” has become a quasi-religious rite in their country, even more so than the rest of the world.
As such, the unvaccinated are slandered, punished, threatened and othered at every turn. Locked down, locked up and locked out.
Can you only imagine what could happen if people found out it was all for nothing? Or that the heaven-sent vaccines aren’t the magical solution to all that ails us?
In this kind of political climate they simply can’t afford to have an “anti-vaxxer” on national television, healthy and athletic and winning championships against a field of vaccinated rivals.
Especially when three vaccinated players have already dropped out with “breathing difficulties”
Before anyone accuses me of a surfeit of cynicism, let’s review the actual words of Alex Hawke from the appeal procedure [our emphasis]:
I consider that Mr Djokovic’s ongoing presence in Australia may lead to an increase in anti-vaccination sentiment generated in the Australian community, potentially leading to an increase in civil unrest of the kind previously experienced in Australia
Elsewhere Djokovic is described as a “talisman of a community of anti-vaccine sentiment”.
This kind of brutal treatment of publicly unvaccinated famous faces will likely only intensify. It’s already spreading from country to country, with France announcing Djokovic will not be allowed to defend his French Open title unless he gets vaccinated.
It seems pretty clear that the public shaming of Djokovic is a power-play to secure what they perceive as their own tenuous grip on the narrative, one that could have far-reaching consequences moving forward.
Consider, Djokovic is not barred from entry just for being unvaccinated, but also because he has publicly spoken out against vaccination.
Australia is now not only requiring you be “fully vaccinated” to enter the country, but has barred someone for even expressing anti-vaccine sentiment.
It’s no longer enough to conform by action, you must now conform by speech.
Next is thought, but even they would never try to legislate against that…right?
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As an Aussie I think that Djokovic handled this badly, clumsily, maladroitly. IF he’s an “Anti-Vaxer”, the new “N” word, one I’ve adopted proudly to get up the buffoons, then he should have gone down in Glory, calling out the BS and corruption of our fouled Legal System. But when he lost on appeal and fiat, he sucked up to the I’nal Tennis body, saying tennis is more important. A stupid yellow ball isn’t as important as Liberty. Our P.M. is a deadly cuck, determined to be the Father of the Birth of Fascism in Australia. This is Berlin 1932 here, RIGHT NOW.
Sorry kit I disagree !! – this tennis star could have stood up to say – I don’t agree and thus I will not attend . I’m only guessing if I say he lied about being positive and if I’m wrong I would happily eat humble pie on this one . It’ appears to me and again I may be wrong that he hoped his status would get him through . I see him standing up for no one but himself and again I could be wrong . What remains terrible and criminal is the way the Australian government would treat someone who is unvaccinated as a criminal when it’s a question of personal choice . This is a superstar I’m betting the normal jack like myself would be treated twice as bad .it’s only my opinion and I wanted to highlight it however I admit I may be just expressing my working class mixed race “ chip “ which a carry on my shoulder and not embedded in my hand – food for thought only and let’s hope all these mandates start crumbling away .
Exactly how do you lie about being Covid positive. It’s a test with a certificate provided from the testing lab. This documentation would have b`been provided on entry to Australia
Kit, this I will save as one of your best!
At face value it reminds me of Jessie Owens, but then somewhere from the darker recesses I catch my late fathers mock-British accent asserting; “It’s all entertainment, you know!”.
And the lock down left laughed and cheered.
Rio Tinto was a real reason as Novak opposed its Li mine in Serbia
4~5 days before his flight to australia, the Tennis Champion received the travel advice from the australian government that his medical exemption was accepted and he is free to enter the country.
Prior to this advice, all correspondence with the health departments at Tennis Australia and the Victorian government gave him the assurance that he is welcome to participate in the tennis tournament.
But the australian immigration police was waiting for him when his plane landed in melbourne australia. they entered the plane before the passengers disembarked and removed Djokovic from the plane and detained him in a hotel set for locking up refugees.
His family correctly describe the act as ‘a deliberate trap to humiliate Djokovic’.
As the article rightly explains this was designed to make a lesson for those who deviate from the government’s narrative; this was also a deliberate trap choreographed by the imbecile cultists in canberra/australia!!
As if a fit athlete with no viral load (as in he hasn’t got covid) was ever any danger to anyone. Australia is a joke and will hopefully soon be found out to be a pathetic bunch of brainwashed twats
Also he stood up for ordinary Serbians against the Australian corp Rio Grande that was going to destroy their homes for Lithium mining.
Surely the miracle vaccine and boosters should be considered performance-enhancing drugs
Australia:cowardly ignorant hypocritical penal colony of NWO
That’s right, with one exception: Francisco Franco was no fascist.
My cousin in Melbourne despairs of his country. People aren’t annoyed with Djokovic because they think he’s a law-breaker; they are annoyed because he has shown the world how stupid the laws are and how stupid the people are who follow them. For them, equality is everyone being miserable.
Whenever the people need a hero, we shall supply him.” -33 degree Mason, Albert Pike
Djokovic is not the WTA’s (women tennis association) top ranked player but the ATP’s (association of tennis professionals, i.e the men’s tour).
They kicked out Dr. Sherry Tenpenny for the same reason in 2014. They have a history of this.
Australia seems to be self reverting to a prison colony. How tuff they are!
And how easily fooled by the Fausti’s & co.
The boy done good. What do you want, would a crucifixion suit you? How badly do you need a hero? Or do you want a scapegoat even more? He made a stand and probably lost his career. Kudos Novak. Well said Kit.
the book that rosemary read
when baby was in her belly
polanski roman knew
the book that old friend gave rosemary
and her baby
was printed in hastings long ago
hastings home of many a dead fellow
gone to earth in battle and ritual
hastings home of the beast alistair crow lee
the book was called all of them witches
novax ball playing spirit cooker
tis all
The intended message is that ‘nobody is above the law’. Being wealthy or a great sportsman or a UK Prime Minister doesn’t gain you special Covid privileges.
Surely that’ll please everyone?
But no, it doesn’t. Why? Mainly because it simply isn’t true.
People *are* above the law, when those ‘laws’ are patently corrupt. History is littered with evil-minded laws. Caligula and Nero had a few. So did the Pharisees. Extra draconian measures designed to make people’s lives more difficult, if not impossible.
Similarly for the Covid ‘laws’. There are to be broken. Treated with complete contempt. Flouted in favour of higher Laws.
And since it’s only a question of time before they are gone and the culprits brought to Justice, it’s important to make sure that you’re on the right side of history 🙂
From Cato’s Letters, #42 (1721), describing the corporate corruption of the British government:
“Law is therefore a sign of the corruption of man; and many laws are signs of the corruption of a state.”
“And it is as much against the law of nature to execute laws, when the first cause of them ceases, as it is to make laws, for which there is no cause, or a bad cause. This would be to subject reason to force, and to apply a penalty where there is no crime.”
“The violation therefore of law does not constitute a crime where the law is bad; but the violation of what ought to be law, is a crime even where there is no law. The essence of right and wrong does not depend upon words and clauses inserted in a code or a statute-book, much less upon the conclusions and explications of lawyers; but upon reason and the nature of things, antecedent to all laws.”
The only law we are under is God’s law. All others are pen written by man and decided by the group in power, they are subject to annulments and changes, God’s laws prevail forever.
Man made’s law does not prevent us from doing wrong, only God laws can because we all know right from wrong.
So Novak, the Freemason psyop tool, in bed with the globalists, the WEF and the WORLD BANK is not reliable, nor can any part of this story be verified as it appears orchestrated and fabricated.
Why did Novak remove this page from his foundation website? To hide his involvement with the usual suspects.
The hoaxes and psyops are NOT real. They’re as fake as the virus.
Don’t believe anything in the media, without questioning its veracity. The intent is obvious. Make public examples of people who claim not to be vaccinated.
Guess what? You’re not real either.
Yes, I am troubled by that link between Novak Djokovic’s foundation and the WEF. In the past WEF had a low profile and Klaus “Anal” Schwab was relatively unknown. It is quite possible that, at the time that link was forged, Novak was ignorant of the evil he was partnering with. One would hope he has now seen the true face of the satanic “Anal” Schwab and is trying to delink his foundation from the WEF. These so-called foundations are simply tax avoidance schemes, which may have been the primary attraction for Novak for joining forces with Anal Swab. Time will tell. Novak’s actions and words in the foreseeable future will reveal the true character of the man.
No, he is a Freemason, therefore a liar.
A MILLIONAIRE, sponsored and promoted, Masonic sports figure, in bed with the entities orchestrating the fraud and genocide is claiming to be part of the resistance? It’s absurd theater.
notice how the comments that mention this all got down voted.
100% agree with Researcher.
Novak Djokovic is probably a billionaire by now.
The covid scam is a terrify, divide, conquer and digitally enslave most of the population operation.
The perpetrators are elite interests.
Forced vaccination is the prime mover.
The trick of keeping control of large masses of people is to keep them ignorant of their own power – one way is by having elite “heroes” do for them what they’ve been convinced they can’t do for themselves. Then those heroes are in control of the flow of information.
In this way opposition is kept hoodwinked and unable to grass-roots organize.
Novak who was silent until now steps up onto the world stage to play the ceremonial role of push back.
It distracts and stirs up another firestorm of hope and outrage and this emotional trauma primes the mass subconscious again for further messaging.
Ultimately when nothing comes of his antics, the people experience demoralization and so on and so on.
Djokovic is privileged at the pleasure of individuals and entities currently trying to shift and enslave the world. If he was a threat to their agenda he’d be a distant memory.
No-vax is the JOKE(for)covic(d)
I am inclined to give Djokovic the benefit of the doubt. To give up the near certainty of 10th Australian title – and the French one too, judging from the ravings of Anal Swab’s pupil Macron – and establish himself as the greatest ever tennis player is too great a sacrifice, Let us wait and see what transpires.
Some people can’t distinguish a rabbit hole from their own butt hole.
What a surprise: “Tennis player Novak is Illuminati lackey” –

the eye of horus is it
spirit cookin with abramovich
a sign
sin bull with those with the eyes to see
saturnalia world of trans sports
I am sure this experience will have made him aware and cured him of any tendency to wanting to support the WEF. Probably why he (in shame or anger) removed those pages, I would have done the same.
Tsitsipas’ stance is strange considering he himself came under fire for expressing freedom of choice regarding the genetic engineering platforms.
Its like they dont hear what they are saying
Grand Slammer events for 2022 (revised list):
Plus 10.
“it’s about the performance of punishing him”
100% spot on with this.
However, is it also a performance by Djokovic – man who is linked to Klaus Schwab and the WEF, a man whose wife is a fan of Mariana Abramovic?
Seems like a Dynology, Clearforce type operation.
You know why you always end up with a sore ass? Ignorance is not strength!
Greet the few who see it, the rest are afraid to call things a spade and are still playing the game of them.
To me it seems implausible that the top athletes, the ones with huge ad contracts, are not offered a placebo if they agree to saying they got vaxxed. In a sense play by the rules, Except perhaps in world football(soccer) which I know nothing about. Only a few other top athletes are known to have refused the death shot deal, Aaron Rodgers and Kyrie Irving being the most notable that I am aware of. The NBA and MLB players have so much power they could have just easily said FU. I think money and extortion is heavily involved. More than a few don’t just go along with the plan, but are themselves complicit in the orchestration of it.
it would be easy for top sports people to get their doctors to sign off on the shot,even though they have not had it-as many sports people have probably done.Novak has chosen to take a public stand on the issue for whatever reason-good for him i say and the few others that have done it-it shows how honest and courageous they are.
And taking their children to get injected I have no words stop this world I want to get off.!!!!!!!!!!!
I’m on a rant tonight because I’m absolutely dumbfounded to the stupidity.I can’t believe I’ve lived 50 years to see this insanity????The government say say’s it’s the people that are policing the people??I feel like I’m bouncing on marshmallows 😂😂👍👍
You act dumb you’ll be treated as dumb,All these people getting the injection are dumb and deserve what’s coming to them but they are dragging honest people down with them the bloody ideots do they not see what they are doing????
I listen to amazing grace it helps me 😬😬😬x
Why do I have to keep sighning in????No wonder Governments can control people so easily want us dead I would with majority dumb as rocks 🪨 x
Heres why not. Dont ya mean ?
Some Gone from anagrams moronic back to being moronic that fast.
Lets educate the non believers again another coordinated effect to make what is simple larger than life.
The beginning of this ritual started ^ January 6th which some may remember is called Lord of Misrule’ at the ‘Feast of Fools’, why would a ancient ritual be called that.??
ALT media do explain as your so on point with nothing.
Every year it ends and finished on a full moon what is yesterday ow yer a full moon what is it called ow yer (Black/Death-Crone Cold Moon) which part of the body does it rule.
Tenniselbow shoulder!Pro vax No vax Djokovic was a slave from SLOVENIA Serbia faced Slavic migrations not long ago
His name and date of birth everything about this story ritual even his wife love of witch Marina Abramov and Provax Djokovic foundation which spoke at Davos. (why leave that part out?)
They gain energy from people who have no idea what is happening no Pattern Recognition skills just basic admin skills like Gizz Gwilym types in today world of alt media Is enough to fool the easily fooled. Lord of Misrule’ at the ‘Feast of Fools’ JANUARY 6TH every year will be something ) what happened last year> or the year before .? Can you even remember!>?
Tennis is a rich man game I aint hear of anyone poor playing it. So seeing the story psycho drama of slave Provax Djokovic the word slave in its etymology breakdown comes from Slavic =Slovenia.
Him getting on a plane wearing a mask at the airport (hypocrite yet hero to some)
Ow the camera drama the opposition screaming the opposite of the opposition Hooray game set and match COLD MOON tennis elbow Cold shoulder.
Its a psycho drama. Watch the ritual if you may but dont become apart of it especially children (you) if you have no fucking idea what is happening or you will be used as a vessel.
97% of you Under Dominion. Easy to wake up..Whats stopped you.?
This is easy to learn & see even me sees the story The Play repeated before foretold every day some bigger than others,
Learn the language they speak dont be another idiot fool being fooled by slave tennis player called novax covid.
You is better than this. Fuck alt media peddlers who spill idiotic fairy tales about slave sports hero who wouldn’t take life changing meds
He is not your friend he is vessal for your energy.
Strawberrys and cream and Champers & ticket at Wimbledon cost more than weekly wage for some. 777 ritual performed each year 7 date July 7 month.
Learn the language they speak some guides to guides you in.
Chris knowles secret sun blog YT -higher side chats – crow777 – innerstanding – Christian folks Michael Hoffman The Alchemical Processing of Humanity through Public Psychodrama –book series by James George Frazer The Golden Bough
author René Girardi The scape goat-killing of the kings- Lord of Misrule’ at the ‘Feast of Fools’ the last day of Saturnalia at Epiphany
Books on Freemason rituals.
DONT GET PLAYED. Game set and match!
Dont be daft .he .is . totally anti vax.!! no vax.

very good photo, says quite a lot.
This was Federer and Nadal playing a curtain raiser for their exhibition match in Cape Town, South Africa, just before “The Pandemic”. I watched it before turning off in disgust. I have spent enough time with tennis racket in hand to see that Gates and Noah are not even reasonable amateur players. They are worth nothing on the court, yet Federer and Nadal saw fit to play with them for the sake of publicity. This told me a lot about the game and I have no other desire than to see all these people burn in hell!
I recognise chubby on the right, but who are the others, both photos ?
Slave from Slovenia Serbia?! What are you talking about? Those are two separate countries, different cultures and they even speak different languages. And Novak is not slave, he is a slav as in slavic people.
slav using linguists and etymology comes from the word slave!
Much, if not most, of the COVID playbook comes directly from the Geoengineering playbook.
Geoengineering remains second only to the “need” for Authority as the most successful propaganda effort in human history. For some 75 years – since the end of WW II – the psychos have been engineering the climate; and the blackout has remained almost total.
Worse still, the people by and large continue buying into the ruse that it’s not happening – even though all they have to do is look up.
When people ignore the evidence of their senses, when what they see with their own eyes takes a back seat to what they’re told – or not told – is it any wonder they fell for the utterly absurd notion that a deadly virus is stalking them and only an untested concoction forced into their bodies will save them?
Is it any surprise they think a tennis player who refuses the concoction puts all of them at risk of imminent death?
Howard, a question. Say geoengineering has been going on for 75 years / since WW2…
Why have they been doing it ? Is it to test weather weapons. Is its to create droughts with intent to kill off, reduce population ? Given how the worlds human population has exploded since WW2 could it be that the chemtrails are actually spreading sperm, because if they’re meant to reduce human population numbers its backfired…
The following link gives a lengthy narrative on what is going on, but does not make sense as USA has been among the the worst hit.
Comedy hour at the Fraud:
OMG what crappola! Nocebo sounds so scienc-y, doesn’t it? pericarditis? just a nocebo. all in your head.
As they become more authoritarian they are merely highlighting to those “almost” awake that there is something seriously wrong. Boom more wake up and then down the rabbit hole of 2 years of lies and ignored facts they go getting angrier and angrier. The narrative is crumbling, there will be more harsher penalties as the elites lose control. It’s gonna be an “active” summer.
Maybe Mr. Djokovic was skeptical of which “vaccine” lot would be his lot… >
January 3rd, 2022
Non-GMP-Compliant Batches associated with deaths and disabilities (
Apparently around 400 professional sports players have been injured by vaccine, some died, many with heart problems.
Yes. It is interesting to follow the links related to nerve damage. >
The Connection between Covid Vaccines and Adverse Effects
Complete page: Causality (
IMO, this is an attempt to snuff some of the dissent. Remember, all the jabs including non-mRNA contain or produce the infernal spike. The latter is proven to travel all over the body and cause all sorts of damage, depending on the site.
Yes. This is an older analysis, but germane. >
Lethal Injection – An investigation of Cases of Death Following COVID Vaccination
By Craig Paardekooper
H.Cert Life Sciences
University of London
13th February 2021
lethalinjection.pdf (
Luc Montagnier: “The non vaccinated will save humanity”.
This is the celebrated scholar who could not provide Kary Mullis with any reference to research showing the existence of the HIV virus. And failed to give credit to others when mentioning the artifical origin of the spike protein.
I don’t follow Montagnier closely enough to have a definite opinion, but FWIW venture the “some say” observation that, er, some say that Montagnier’s recent public statements arise from remorse for his earlier widely-publicized “sins”
That is, (some say) that like Ebenezer Scrooge, Montagnier’s dormant or suppressed conscience finally kicked in and he’s trying to make up for his misdeeds.
Except they won’t make an example of Djokovic will they? They’ll just make themselves look more stupid.
The same way as the Biden administration threatening to cut off Russia from SWIFT to defend their Nazi inspired 2014 putsch in Ukraine.
How will Europe [mainly Germany] pay their gas bill? Doh! When the lights go out.. welcome to the new normal.
Well good luck with the joined up thinking we can expect more from our technocratic overlords as we leap into the future.. tisk, tisk!
TPTB were never going to give Novaxx the platform to destroy their agenda thus:
” I cannot accept this trophy because I had an unfair advantage “.
It’s hard to imagine a more powerful PR blow than this would make.
Precisely, whomever wins should do that.
Weasly Icelandic State News today said that hospital admissions were only 30, when last week’s estimates were that worst-case would be 90, and best-case 60.
It wouldn’t have occurred to a single reporter to ask whether this might not have been simply due to doctors (on cue) ceasing to recommend unnecessary hospital admissions – temporarily, of course. The unwashed hordes are getting restless…
No change in the daily reporting of hundreds of ‘cases’ which have been ‘diagnosed’ with ‘covid19’ (you may fill in your preferred ‘virus’ name here).
Maybe one day these millions of inverted commas will no longer be necessary, and we can all get back to writing English without needing to take out indemnity against it not meaning what it says it means…
Our two muppets flanking BoJo were predicting 6000 deaths a day round about now. Not even close!
Babbitt Tried to Stop Attack on Capitol Speaker’s Lobby, Video Shows ( And Asshli Babbitt, I said at the time it was cold blooded murder, this shows I was right.
That’s if she was killed – which is questionable, to put it mildly. The video making the rounds shortly after the “insurrection” showed a woman standing around, followed by a shot, followed by the woman falling, followed by….
No, it isn’t that the video cut off after she fell. It’s that absolutely NOTHING happened. Nobody panicked, nobody ran, nobody tried to hide, nobody went to her. We know life and death has become commonplace; but really: nobody did anything? They just continued milling about.
What’s wrong with that picture?
The other video showed her being murdered in cold blood, don’t be a fuck nut
Shepherd the flock marilyn.
Yes. 100% staged faux drama. Like the staged storming of the Capitol.
Their MO (Government/intelligence/military) is to fabricate an event or crisis, to introduce legislation already written that in some way curbs the rights of the people. This was the whole reason for 9-11 and all the other psyops and government controlled operations. Each event introduces the next batch of legislation. 9-11 introduced the Patriot Act, which is 100% about spying on citizens. Each subsequent hoax, or staged and orchestrated event introduces more legislation towards the abolition of citizen rights.
They can only take power through fraud and deception.
It’s not real Marilyn. It’s always faked.
QAnon is a government psyop. So too, BLM. Antifa. Proud Boys etc.
None of these actor/operatives are ever killed or imprisoned.
Governments orchestrate false flags, psyops and hoaxes to push their pre-written legislation through and to confuse and divide the public into opposing groups or factions which are all government controlled. The orchestrated Capitol breach was initiated to introduce legislation that nullifies 1st amendment rights.
A Digital Breakdown of what is at play and the ultimate endgame. Is there any way of avoiding or sidestepping this future when it is already bashing its way through your front door.
He smashed it correctly. thanks David
Oh, I don’t know. The central planners love two things: distraction, and mockery.
This is a BIG distraction.
Everyone’s talking about it. Not injection deaths. Not the lies and the fraud. Not the weird look in the eyes of all the Australian premiers (who I can no longer distinguish between in terms of looks).
It sends the message to Ozzies and the world that, no matter who you are, you WILL be injected. Or rejected. Useful message. Almost as if it were planned. And right on time, as the rumblings and disobedience grow.
And the player wasn’t ‘Andy Murray’, for example. Can’t mock the profane human cattle with a name like that, so he didn’t have to play a staring role. Much better would be…
Novax Jokecovid.
thunder dome
wind an ill one
a fart a belch
taking the pee
novax acts struts
a william wallace for the anti vax brigade
you can trust him
who covers his eye in foto shoot
for the hopefull
and the dazed and confused
the world is stage craft on dung hill
Murray just happened to go to school in Dunblane… which just happened to be the location of a school shooting… what are the odds?
and is the nephew of a “famous” athlete well entrenched in the “system”.
omicron arrived.
Loudspeaker on the drone saying” This community is in lockdown now!
I know this is an eagle but time to start training the falcons.

This picture is very symbolic: I see us, that is Life, prevailing over technocracy and digitalisation or Thanatos.
I think the article from the link showing 3 players pulling out may be incorrect. The female tennis player with breathlessness was the year before I think
There were still the recent issues with Basilashvili, Kyrgios and Tomic. There were different public explanations given for their respective problems but they all involved respiratory distress.
the eyes have it
he covers the eye
in photo shoot
done the ok 666
the mouth and nose has it
masked up puppet road show.
the rio tinto demo was a good thing
serbia yugoslavia rape victims
he number 1
playing a covid part
Dead on gorden
On Novak from a while ago:
Need to compile the gorden collected werks for today’s children to climb out of this bog. Though I’ve always been the ‘the craziest guy in the room’ before the Circus, busting my chops and cutting my teeth on ‘the big stuff’ I could never ‘go there’, the masonic realm. But now I know who Saul became Paul really is, that angry desert sky god still operating on earth—it is Moloch as you say. I believe
I’ve posted this before, and will again here, as it is again relevant.
Jean-Jacques Rousseau, the Author of the book The Social Contract wrote:
“Man is born free; and everywhere he is in chains. One thinks himself the master of others, and still remains a greater slave than they.“.
The Social Contract argued against the idea that monarchs were divinely empowered to legislate. Rousseau asserts that only the people, who are sovereign, have that all-powerful right to govern themselves.
Numerous other Philosophers have noted the continued historical negative consequences & effects of highly-concentrated wealth & assets.
Where wealth is often used as an instrument of power, when a few hold a lot of wealth, they maintain undue influence & power over politics & governance.
So, let’s first place blame where blame belongs.
Yes, the government is enforcing the “rules”, but that government has become subject to the influence & controls of Big Money.
The supposed “Masters” are but slaves to the “Masters” above them.
World’s Largest Big Asset Management firms & Big Banks:
NAME: AUM (assets under management):
BlackRock $9,464B
Vanguard $8,400B
UBS $4,432B
Fidelity $4,230
State Street $3,860
Morgan Stanley $3,274
JP Morgan $2,996
Allianz $2,953
The Capital Group $2,600
Goldman Sachs $2,372
Bank of New York Mellon $2,310
PIMCO $2,200
These Largest Big Asset Management firms & Big Banks operate like a true CARTEL.
Largely existing as the largest shareholders/investors of each other, in a highly-complex & extremely convoluted schema of cross-ownership.
Take Allianz (FWB:alv), for example, which is largely owned by:
Vanguard, BlackRock and Fidelity.
And JP Morgan (NYSE:jpm) which is largely owned by:
Vanguard, BlackRock, State Street, the Capital Group, Fidelity, Morgan Stanley, et al.
And Morgan Stanley (NYSE:ms) which is largely owned by:
BlackRock, Vanguard, State Street, JP Morgan, Fidelity, et al.
These mega Big Asset Management firms & Big Banks exist as the largest owners of the largest “competing” corporations, in most every single industry.
From Big Oil to Big Chem to Big Pharma to Big Med to Big Insurance to Big Ag to Big Auto to Big Energy (both “green” & “brown”) to Big Food (both “conventional” and “organic”) to Big Tech to Big Media to Big Entertainment to Big News to Big Everything.
And the economy, politics & governance of Australia is no different.
Do some research and you’ll find the largest “competing” corporations in most every single industry in Australia fall under similar ownership of this CARTEL.
Even the supposed “Masters”, aka political leaders, have become completely bound to the wills of this CARTEL of PROFITEERS.
People need to start attacking the problem at it’s source.
Any mere change in political leadership will still bring the same problems.
Time to cut the new Hydra down, at the heads.
It’s high-time to cut down this CARTEL of PROFITEERS
Rousseau was a bit of a nutcase in some ways though. And his ideas about the state raising kids to be ‘good citizens’ would delight the Great Reset crowd. He was in some ways the first “Left fascist”.
No need to invent new terms, he was a Liberal.
I’m a “Liberal”, derived from the Latin Liber, often meaning free.
You should be more aware of the reality of the political tradition you ascribe to.
Below are excerpts of a review of Domenico Losurdo’s book Liberalism – A Counter History:
“…the history of liberalism has, in the main, been written by liberals and, consequently, liberalism tends to get a rather better press than it would probably otherwise enjoy…”
The birth and early consolidation of the liberal political order – supposedly an order devoted to liberty – was accompanied by concurrent expansion and intensification of colonial slavery. Indeed the three countries that Losurdo identifies as the key pioneers of liberalism – Holland, England/Britain and America – were all deeply involved in the slave trade and in the direct employment of slave labour. It is not just that slavery and the slave trade persisted despite the success of liberal revolutions in these countries, Losurdo stresses, it is that slavery ‘experienced its maximum development following that success’ (p. 35).[1] For example, liberalism was decisively consolidated in England, according to Losurdo, with the Glorious Revolution of 1688 – by the mid-18th Century Britain owned more slaves than any other country. The institution of slavery reached its fullest development in America only after the victory of the revolutionary war of independence that established a new liberal political order in that country. Furthermore, the institution of slavery took on its most historically oppressive form in this period.
A similar paradox emerges in relation to liberalism and colonialism. The core liberal states were deeply involved in territorial and colonial conquest (whether overseas in the case of Holland and England/Britain or in terms of continental expansion in the case of the United States). Indeed, colonialism reached its apogee with the diffusion and consolidation of liberalism across Europe in the late 19th Century. The spread of a doctrine supposedly committed to ideals of freedom and self-government, then, seems to have been very closely bound up with practices of invasion, conquest, violent subjection and domination of foreign peoples.
The forms of intensified oppression and domination bound up with the rise of liberalism were not confined, however, to the colonies. Losurdo shows how the lives of what he calls ‘white servants’ and the poor in the metropolis underwent, in many ways, a marked deterioration in at least the early period of liberalism’s ascendancy. The late 17th Century and 18th Century, Losurdo points out (quoting R. H. Tawney), saw ‘“an attitude of unprecedented harshness spread in England towards wage labourers and the unemployed”’
How do we make sense of this paradox at the heart of liberalism – the simultaneous invocation of liberty on the one hand and the justification and promulgation of severe forms of oppression on the other? The key to all of this, Losurdo argues, is to grasp that liberalism is founded on an implicit logic of exclusion. Only once we have understood this can we start to resolve the seeming inconsistencies. Liberalism has always pivoted, Losurdo argues, on drawing a dividing line between ‘us’ and ‘them’ – those who are worthy or capable (morally, intellectually, biologically/racially) of the gamut of rights and liberties we associate with liberalism and those who are not.
With this exclusionary logic in mind we can make sense of the paradoxes of liberal slavery, liberal empire and liberal authoritarianism towards wage labourers and the poor. In each of these three apparent paradoxes we are, in fact, confronting particular instances of the opposition between the justly free and the justly unfree.
He lost no time in dumping his own kids in the nearest convenient orphanage.
However, if people control the government, then the idea should be discussed.
Beware of logical fallacies:
Ad hominem – Typically this term refers to a rhetorical strategy where the speaker attacks the character, motive, or some other attribute of the person making an argument rather than attacking the substance of the argument itself.
I take everything & everyone bit by bit.
If we only trust in infallable humans then either we trust no one, or we create & rely on mere myths.
I refuse to relegate & constrain myself to merely “either/or” dichotomous thinking, and mere groupthink.
I can most always find the good & bad, and everything in-between, in most things.
It’s often a fatal mistake to reject the whole based solely on mere parts of that whole.
And eccentricity is often not bad.
All things that eventually come to be accepted were once rejected as “eccentric”.
This site should beware calling others “nutcases”, as I can find far more people claiming the exact same of this site, it’s contributors & most readers.
But the very reason I read it.
Beyond that, I saw no valid criticism of the contents of my post.
And I would suggest you learn to engage in more thoughtful, intelligent & productive debate, rather than merely throw out vague generalities and/or assumptions.
Try using evidence to support your claims.
That is how great dialog & dialect is built.
It seems the world has gotten so angry that most everyone just wants to find criticism & division in most everything.
Rather than try to find common ground, and build upon that
Rousseau turned against the entire Enlightenment project. He branded the daring intellectual, scientific, and artistic culture of eighteenth-century France a lie, a vast devolution, a symptom of alarming moral decline. Nothing more than a fake veneer, the century’s worldly accomplishments were all the more perfidious because they masked so effectively the deep corruption of a decadent, unequal society.
The quest for knowledge and intellectual advancement was a superficial luxury that, instead of serving society, reinforced its self-indulgence and decay. ‘‘We have physicists, geometers, chemists, astronomers, poets, musicians, painters,’’
he remarked, adding tellingly that ‘‘we no longer have citizens.’’
People, Rousseau was convinced, had been deceived, seduced, and
corrupted by the radiance of the pseudo Enlightenment. And what was worse, they cherished their corruption, for it seemed to mark the summit of progress and
Everywhere Rousseau saw educated individuals who resembled ‘‘happy slaves,’’ preferring the glitter of high culture to true freedom and happiness (hmmm, sound just like the “educated” medical establishment?).
The search for knowledge had merely taken on a life of its
own, divorced from the real needs of society and citizens.
Skepticism and vain inquiry attracted people more than a search for a
meaningful life. People believed that they knew everything, Rousseau re-
marked, but they did not know the meaning of the words magnanimity,
equity, temperance, humanity, courage, fatherland, and God. Overwhelmed
by pretension, affectation, and deceit, the values that create robust
citizens and a healthy society—self-sacrifice, sincere friendships, love of
country—had disappeared.
There is a fine line between being a perfect citizen and being a lifeless drone. Being a citizen involves having a purpose and freedom to have and express one’s thoughts.
In a perfect empire, citizens have responsibilities they must do, but sometimes they can get too consumed by that task and duty as a member of civilization. This can lead to losing a humane aspect or at least coming out of touch with one’s humanity from not socializing with others or actively building relationships with others.
Rousseau makes a bold and fairly unpopular statement saying that “we have physicists, geometers…; we do not have citizens” because those people are so consumed with doing their part to contribute to society that they lose their own sense of self in the process. No time spent to do a hobby or spend time with friends and family; just working nonstop. This makes the advancement of an empire excellent but does not “cultivate citizens” as Rousseau would say.
Rousseau’s opinions are often quite controversial for many reasons, ranging from having odd views on the advancement of empires to being judged sexist, but in studying Philosophy & the Humanities, it is important to try to be unbiased (yet have an informed opinion) and try to understand where Rousseau (and all others) is coming from.
RE: last paragraph. Yes, we can’t just qualify someone as being this or that without having an idea of the historical context they lived in, and the ideas they inherited. Or, as Hegel summed it up: “The result is nothing without its becoming”.
“It’s high-time to cut down this CARTEL of PROFITEERS”
Hear, hear! Like they do in China, cut them down to size; sometimes literally. Unfortunately in the West “nobody hangs bankers” (according to Hitler’s banker at Nuremberg).
Hello sean ryan: Isn’t it interesting that no one chooses to recognize the obvious? Critique of the corporate financial model is off-limits to the unwashed brain washed. The sheeple absolutely love the taste of that corporate dick. Yum, yum, yum…
I worked in politics, banking, finance & media for a good long time (until noticing the evils of each), and by god YOU NAILED IT!
Most Politicians, prior to entering office, don’t even understand the true power structure.
But show me a Politician that maintains longevity, and I’ll show you a corporate shill.
Rousseau was just one of them. Another Masonic tool. The state was manufactured as a cover for the maintenance of monarchical, trade and religious power using the cloak of faux democracy and meaningless voting.
Once people vote, they accede their personal power and autonomy. Therefore they become part of the group, and the group is more easily controlled and managed, than billions of individuals with individual dreams, and individual power and autonomy.
The state controls the group like a cattle dog or sheepdog controls a herd. But acceding individual rights to any group, real or imagined, corrupt or not, is not viable.
One cannot transfer rights one does not possess individually to any group such as a government or state.
A social contract can only be valid if there is an opt out, and if there is no deception, if all parties are informed and there is a right of redress and dissolution ability. None of that exists in governments and never has.
Therefore they rule by deception, unlawfully and through threat of violence.
Correct. Your discussion is about government not working for the best interest of people.
However, wether Rousseau is member of the leading tribe or not is different topic and can confuse the conclusion.
If he wasn’t we wouldn’t have heard of him. They only promote their own. The frauds are promoted and the non masons are long forgotten. Bechamp vs Pasteur is a prime example.
Aside from the first sentence, I can’t argue.
But I will say that very few people I know actually possess the ethics, intelligence, integrity, morals, decency & compassion to exist peacefully without Big Daddy Government trying to force them to.
Sadly, that government, being composed of those selfish, greedy, unethical dolts, succumbs to the same failures itself.
I do consider myself quite a bit an Anarchist, as I am able to engage in peaceful resolve & existence, but I fear general Anarchy.
Most people just couldn’t handle it.
Freedom doesn’t mean the freedom to do whatever the hell you want, regardless of others.
Freedom requires great responsibility, respect, compassion, restraint, & such.
Most of those crying the loudest for freedom are also it’s largest enemy.
I.e. – Freedom for me but not for thee.
That’s only because people don’t know anything about natural law. The concept of do no harm is quite simple and it’s something every child should be taught.
There are indigenous tribes and cultures that manage their own affairs very well and don’t need government taxing them, or controlling their every move. They can ostracize the ones who cause trouble. There are more ways to deal with criminality than to just imprison people for profit.
Most of the offenders in prison are addicts or drug offenders. That entire industry – the illegal drug trade – is run by the intelligence agencies and military’s of governments, under the control of the banking system.
The majority of crime is organized crime using gangs which is a direct result of the criminality of government, which in itself is a gang.
Government is organized crime. They manage the illegal drug trade, the mafias, the cyber crime in the dark web, the child pornography rackets, the human trafficking and the illegal arms sales. Illegal mining, illegal logging, illegal trawling, illegal laundering of money. White collar crime such as market rigging, indices rigging and fraudulent stocks and bonds. The list is endless.
The link between “governments“ and organized crime is indisputable. They have been caught red handed engaged in corruption and imposing meaningless fines that the public can’t check are ever even paid.
People need to know the level of criminality committed every day by their governments, that don’t rule legitimately, but through deception and they need to know that the narratives in the press aren’t real. They are fictional narratives that are disseminated through mass markets. They consist of statements made by government officials and agencies, courts, police and other untrustworthy sources. They are not fact checked nor investigated by any independent sources.
If children have the propensity to learn by rote and to model behaviors through mimicry, they can also model good behavior and understand the principals of natural law. Moreover, the idea that people can’t do the job that government does is absurd. Take the criminality out of it, take the seizing of taxes out of it, the money out of thin air, and the absolute power, corruption, and the Freemasonry (and other secret societies) and you will actually have almost no chaos. The chaos is artificial and created by the criminal governments.
These figures in history and their quotes and ideas are meaningless because they won’t address the issues of basic morality, or the secret societies that are ruling from the shadows and using facades of legitimacy such as corporations, agencies, infrastructure and courts to conduct unlawful, business proceedings such as racketeering.
In a world where resources are plentiful, the poverty (which leads to all the crime) is inflicted on people through the fractional reserve banking system and the debt based monetary system. There’s really no justification for anything that’s happening now or for any of the wars throughout the fake history fed to children in school. People are quite capable of getting along and looking after themselves if they didn’t have the scum at the top manipulating their every thought and belief system. They don’t need government feeding them lies 24-7 in the media to scare them into a state of hyper vigilance and trauma based mind control.
Again, I can’t argue much with much of what you state.
But in re: to “The chaos is artificial and created by the criminal governments.”
I wonder, how much time do you spend truly observing Nature?
Chaos is a universal phenomenon.
I work closely with Nature, every single day.
And as critical as I often am of the actions of corrupt & vicious humans, that same viciousness & chaos is present everywhere in Nature.
Animals, plants, insects, even microbes constantly attack & feed on one another.
In fact a very basis of sustained life is feeding on death.
All life feeds on death.
I love to watch & admire bees, but they too are vicious.
One tribe (hive) of bees actively seeks to kill another.
In the case where more than one queen bee emerges at once in one colony, there will be a fight to the death among the contestants.
Ant colonies bear similarities to human communities:
In war, they often do the horrific. They often loot food from enemy homes — maybe even killing the women and children. They often employ “suicide bombings”. They often launch toxic attacks. They often even engage in cannibalism.
The animal kingdom is rife with more than just interspecies struggles — many species regularly murder, or intentionally kill, their own kind.
Numerous shark embryos are known to cannibalize littermates while still in the womb.
Many arachnids, for instance, engage in sexual cannibalism — that is, a female eating a male before, during or after mating — occurs across a number of species.
In the garden, field, yard, etc. plants actively seek to destroy one another.
An activity not limited solely to weeds.
I have tomato plants that constantly try to take over everything, edging all other species out.
I love mustard plants, but ditto. Left alone they will invade upon & edge-out most all other plants.
It’s no fun to admit, but it’s absolutely true.
It turns out that nature can be both deterministic and unpredictable.
The deeper humans continue to delve into the world of Physics, the more we realize the more we truly don’t know.
And the more natural chaos we continue to uncover.
There are natural forces, like the Law of Scarcity (beyond mere economic considerations), that come into play.
Everything exists in limited quantities, and numerous Natural Scientists, Philosophers, and others have noted how most all species eventually grow to thrive to expand beyond sustainable levels.
I personally observe this every single day, in my close work with Nature.
Try to ignore it as much as you want, that doesn’t mean it’s not true.
Hannah Arndt perhaps summed up the human condition quite well when she wrote:
–The Life of the Mind (1978), “Thinking”-
-Eichmann in Jerusalem (1963)-
I thoroughly appreciate lively & productive debate, but that also requires constant consideration, and the serious self-realization that we don’t always know what we may think we know.
Before just firing off more hastily-formed rebuttal, stop for a moment & seriously consider other views & points.
Engage in more fact-finding.
And whilst it may be easy to criticize others, a better practice is perhaps for us to each judge ourselves first.
Worse than the overt criminal is perhaps the idealist that refuses to engage in self-reflection & self-criticism.
Most everyone seeks to justify & excuse their own bad acts, often especially those self-proclaimed “do-gooders”.
Let me ask you, would you willingly give up everything you have, your clothing, your shelter, all your food, all your money, etc., placing yourself in harms way, in order to help someone else that has nothing?
There is often a fine-line between self-preservation and greed.
Many people engaging in greed aren’t even aware of their doing so.
I don’t know whether it is valid to ascribe human qualities to other species, unless in doing so we abstain ourselves from moral judgement: humans are the only species that possesses a mind, an ability to imagine, to plan, to pre-visualize, to pre-meditate their future action (the idea of a future being also exclusive to humans), thus are able to choose among different courses of actions. When someone is said to act badly, it is because we implicitly assume that they may have choosen to do good, but decided nevertheless to do bad.
Animals, plant, insects, on the contrary, cannot choose, have no mind on their own; they just do; they live in the here and now, cannot plan ahead of time. The ideas of good and bad; justice, injustice, cruelty, kindness are inapplicable to them IMO.
When we observe the phenomena you describe, we must keep in mind that our judgement is that of humans projecting themselves onto the animal kingdom. The mind itself that allows us make those judgements is very recent compared to the phenomena themselves, which always existed in the same way (except some of them resulting in our own action on nature): e.g. lions, tigers, always chased and ate gazelles, cows, etc; there is nothing good or bad about that; some mammals kill their offspring, ditto. The only thing we (our mind) can do is to marvel in front of these spectacles and aspire to have a wider understanding of the universe’s designs which, evidently, our narrow mind, can’t grasp, because, apart of our irresistible projections, it can only operate by fragmenting the whole into parts, then study each part individually. The effort implying in having back an understanding of the whole from that of the parts is, IMO, beyond the ordinary operations of the intellectual and ordinary mind.
We, humans, with our mind that gave us the ability to choose, nevertheless act worse than animals. When a lion has just eaten a gazelle, the flock of gazelles around know perfectly that they have nothing to fear from the lion for long hours and can graze near the lion as if it didn’t exist. Humans kill and stock beyond their needs, because they can conceptualise and visualise scarcity and starvation. Rousseau said in the “Contract Social” that the day we’ve exited the state of nature and entered the civil state would’ve been the most precious day IF, by doing so, we didn’t bring ourselves to be worse than we were before.
I guess my point is that we human, contrary to animals, etc, have this mind that allows us to imagine, to visualise and pre-visualise different possible courses of action, and deliberate on which we adopt. The drawback is that we are capable of imagining things that don’t exist in reality, like pink elephants, or things that are not associated in reality; then acting on those imaginations as though they reflect reality can lead us to progress but also suffering. But I’m hopeful that the mind itself can learn to be modest and restrained and learn from past experiences how its excesses can threaten – is threatening – our survival.
Respectfully disagree on a couple of your points. Not about the harshness of nature, but that’s not what we are dealing with or discussing. Nobody needs to sacrifice all they have, in order to help another. That’s a straw man and a fallacy.
Cooperation, honesty, transparency and the common law principle of Do No Harm are easily attainable in any society or community.
The artificial chaos I referred to in that sentence is the artificial, orchestrated wars, the artificial financial crises, the artificial terrorism, the mass shooting hoaxes and the faux pandemics. Ordo Ab Chao – Order Out Of Chaos is social engineering through trauma based, mass mind control.
Evil is a consequence of order following within artificial hierarchies. Greed, along with evil, violence, hatred and bigotry has to be taught. None of these traits are inherent in humankind. They only flourish under corrupt conditions within an amoral world, controlled and owned by parasitic psychopaths, who act as an invasive species with no natural predators.
Sentient beings with language skills, and the ability to reason, evaluate, imagine, learn, modify, change, evolve, create and toil aren’t comparable to flora or fauna.
Arendt, I dismiss. History, as it’s been disseminated in textbooks, doesn’t appear valid or verifiable, particularly the events surrounding WWI and WWII with the bankers funding all sides. It seems apparent, WWII was an orchetstrated racketeering operation that facilitated the formation of the UN and a Zionist state, while simultaneously setting up conditions for the Cold War racketeering scam, and the US as the globalist’s economic and monetary base in the 20thC.
I don’t believe in the concept of dialectical materialism or random chance in economic, military or geopolitical events.
Stop with the ‘noble savage’ nonsense. Those tribal people practiced cannivalism, human sacrifice, poligamy, incest and used allucinogenic drugs to connect with the spirits.
‘Natural law’ moreover is the law of the jungle, the food chain system, the stronger eats the weaker, the principles of Darwin and the current elites
People who say the things you said scramble desperately to find examples and solutions for a system that is moral, orderly and freedom giving that doesn’t involve the law of God and christian principles. Guess what, it doesn’t exist, never has, never will.
Darwinism is a lie. There is nothing orderly about organized genocide, and exploitation of humanity to enrich the very few at the top who deceive everyone. Mason scum.
A social contract can only be valid if there is an opt out, and if there is no deception, if all parties are informed and there is a right of redress and dissolution ability.
Hello Researcher. I’ve always appreciated your contributions here; however where I disagree with you is when you refer everything to freemasons and other secret societies. Oh, I’ve been there too believing that a the evil has its source in a few individuals consciously doing this harm to us while they enrich themselves. I’ve come to believe now that they are just the instruments of an impersonal power that possesses like a demon. It possesses them and us alike: most of the bad things we accuse them of doing, we also do (not everyone of course 🙂) at our small individual scale, but which we easily forget and forgive because without much consequence – or so we want to believe.
It has to do with something that happened to humanity at the moment we stopped being hunters/gatherers hunting and gathering what we needed at the moment and carrying just a few things as personal property in our travels not needing anymore, to being settled down and accumulating more than what is needed at every moment.
This quote will better reflect my view:
“Since the advent of civilization, the outgrowth of property has been so immense, its forms so diversified, its uses so expanding and its management so intelligent in the interests of its owners, that it has become, on the part of the people, an unmanageable power. The human mind stands bewildered in the presence of its own creation. The time will come, nevertheless, when human intelligence will rise to the mastery over property, and define the relations of the state to the property it protects, as well as the obligations and the limits of the rights of its owners. The interests of society are paramount to individual interests, and the two must be brought into just and harmonious relations. A mere property career is not the final destiny of mankind, if progress is to be the law of the future as it has been of the past. The time which has passed away since civilization began is but a fragment of the past duration of man’s existence; and but a fragment of the ages yet to come. The dissolution of society bids fair to become the termination of a career of which property is the end and aim; because such a career contains the elements of self-destruction. Democracy in government, brotherhood in society, equality in rights and privileges, and universal education, foreshadow the next higher plane of society to which experience, intelligence and knowledge are steadily tending. It will be a revival, in a higher form, of the liberty, equality and fraternity of the ancient gentes.” [emphasis in original text]
Ancient Society (1877) – Lewis Henry Morgan
How absurd. You should realize that I am aware of what 77 means. And 18.
The reality of the wealth disparity between the 0.01% and everyone else proves that not only is the concept of government or the state abhorrent, it’s a vehicle to further organized crime and racketeer. The only people who deny these facts work for government themselves. The state or existence of any state is evil personified, as the order following allows the crimes to occur with no personal responsibility or accountability. The rights of the individual must come before the rights of any group. That is the law of nature. You don’t have the right to censor people, lie, steal, imprison, racketeer, or exploit. And you can’t transfer those rights you never possessed to a group of corrupt politicians through a meaningless vote. Ergo, all government is immoral and bereft of any type of legitimacy, morally or legally since they are all incorporated municipalities with private shareholders who are not listed.
There is no possession of people or society by demonic entities. The facts are all I’m concerned with, not unprovable superstitions. The cartel signalling is real and it’s obvious to anyone who even studies the basic tenets of Freemasonry. The only people who deny secret society involvement in all the so-called organized religions (scams), economic systems (scams) and political sects (scams), and pretend that the organized crime of governments is an accidental anomaly are shills or dupes.
I don’t know what you’re talking about in the first sentence of your reply, but I can guess so I won’t ask you about it.
About the quote itself: Ok, I should’ve added that my view doesn’t include the parts about the State/Government to which of course I’m opposed. Really the part I agree absolutely with the author is in the first 6 lines: The owning of property that we don’t need; having the exclusive use of something we don’t use, that is, useless accumulation; the lucrative property. All of that, I agree with the author, bewilders and fascinates the mind, possesses it we might say, because we are not created to accumulate; to own beyond what we need in the moment goes against our human constitution. That’s what I think is the root of our problems.
The Freemasons you often mention are prey to that obsession just like the rest of us; however, the consequences of that in their case are just more visible, and global – a simple paper signed by Gates or Soros, etc. could mean the hijacking of millions of people’s future. But there is no conscious intent, an autonomous idea born in the mind. Soros doesn’t wake up one morning and says: “I want to screw the lives of Latin-americans”, or Schwab saying: “I want to know everything everybody does, consumes, spends – or doesn’t spend – their money on, etc. so I’m promoting CBDC.” Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m against these people as fiercely as anyone else; I just go a step further and say, these people are under a spell of something, described above and which we may call “commodity/property fetichization”.
At the end, we are really saying the same thing, I’m just taking the focus off people of flesh and blood and putting it on the system we base our life on (life based on owning property that is not needed,not used, and everything that derives from that: monetary system, wage system, pan-commodification, and so on.
Finally, about demons and possession: it’s just a figure of speech; see above.
Soros and Gates are part of an organized system that goes back at least hundreds of years through generations, and possibly even thousands of years. That system is the basis of Freemasonry and organized religious scams. The system ORDER OUT OF CHAOS through the monetary system and artificial hierarchies, such as governments, churches and monarchies creates slaves out of humanity. Physically, emotionally and intellectually. It is enabled only through generations, sworn secrecy, debt slavery and deception. What you refer to is one of their scams whereby they accumulate wealth and property through literally hundreds of lies to the entire world. Lies about human history, fake science and every subject taught at state indoctrination centers.
On this site you continually push several of the more obvious Masonic shills in your comments, who participate in the psychological warfare against humanity in the covid operation. You also appear to believe in imaginary, invisible monsters that can’t be found and endogenous parts of our cellular makeup causing illness when the body simply doesn’t function in the way that allopathy and immunologists describe. I don’t know whether you believe the things you type here out of ignorance or malice, but the fact is that almost nothing you have written I agree with, so I’m not buying what you’re selling.
Let’s agree to disagree.
You know Researcher, it just hit me and I’ve to tell you this. I reread your comments and all I see are descriptions; attempts to understand shine by their absence. You only describe the illness, you talk about how greedy, violent some people are; Nazis, Zionists, freemasons everywhere, planning our destruction, and so on.
Not that what you describe is not real but you make perfect descriptions of the status quo without ever having the curiosity to go beyond that and ask the question : “Why?” Your own line of reasoning bids you ask that question, since you say above “Greed, along with evil, violence, hatred and bigotry has to be taught. None of these traits are inherent in humankind.” So, if not everyone is greedy, aren’t you curious or in finding out why some are and others aren’t, and why it has to be taught? Isn’t that the logical next question to be asked? Or are you satisfied with mere descriptions?
If you believe men by themselves can penetrate, influence and dominate the minds of billions. And for example in a matter of a couple of weeks put the vast majority of people wearing a surgical mask in the streets and go on doing it for nearly 2 years.
Then billions of them queuing up to receive multiple injections of who knows what without question for a disease pandemic they need no proof of to believe in.
And to believe this is just done by propaganda and messaging is a little naive and blinded. There is no doubt there is something else beyond our capabilities to fully understand that it’s at play. I accept it to be the spiritual realm, you call it what you like but don’t be foolish trying to explain everything ’empirically’ just like the people you think you are opposing.
Let’s have a moment and celebrate our financial geniuses…like we reflexively do with our Vets..
Heroic messages and acts of kindness can be conveyed on their websites or even outside their offices..
It really doesn’t take much to acknowledge our human family..
Tulips to Lisa down the street…the asset manager..
Analyst Jim really enjoys grandma’s special cookies..
All are acts that promote social cohesion…
We are all in this together..That’s all I’m saying..
Life is for the living.
“Where ignorance is bliss, Tis folly to be wise.”
Life is a lot more fun when a few behemoths aren’t relegating the masses as mere Serfs & Peasants, to be milked for all they’re worth.
Periods of massive accumulations of wealth & assets have never ended well.
Regardless of the Gamers & Fair Goers whom try to romanticize the Dark Ages of the Middle Ages.
But of course some actually crave enslavement.
The more corrupt & vicious we are the more we crave Masters.
The Lernean Hydra
From the murky waters of the swamps near a place called Lerna, the hydra would rise up and terrorize the countryside. A monstrous serpent with numerous heads, the hydra attacked with poisonous venom. Nor was this beast easy prey, for each one of the numerous heads was extraordinarily powerful, and therefore nearly indestructible.
And for every head chopped off, the Hydra would regrow two new heads.
The weakness of the Hydra was that it was invulnerable only if it retained at least one head.
Now, fast forward to contemporary times:
The birth of Big Everything and the rise of the new monstrous Hydra.
This CARTEL has created a new beast, the new monstrous Hydra.
With numerous powerful heads, each represented by a different economic sector.
From Big Tech to Big Oil to Big Chem to Big Food to Big Med to Big Pharma to Big Media to Big Entertainment to Big Politics to Big Government to Big Money, etc.
Each of those powerful heads nearly indestructible in their own right, and perhaps impossible to destroy as a group.
Any vein attempt to destroy just one head, i.e. like the oft-discussed breakup of Big Tech, only results in the formation of two or more new powerful heads.
Only working to further strengthen that monstrous Hydra.
The only truly effective way to defeat this new monstrous Hydra is simultaneous decapitation of all the heads.
This new monstrous Hydra exists to protect it’s creators & masters, that CARTEL.
And continually consumes & destroys the masses of Serfs & Peasants, whom exist most solely to engage with, support & feed that monstrous Hydra.
Most every activity in our daily lives have now been thoroughly planned to support that new monstrous Hydra.
And yet most of us remain wholly ignorant of that fact.
We’re continually told that we possess “free will”, but all our supposed “choices” are carefully designed & constrained solely to continue supporting that new monstrous Hydra, as it works to protect it’s Masters, that CARTEL.
Intuitively, we can sense that the war we entered in March 2020 won’t end until 2026. Why? Because WWII lasted six years.
Come 2026, half the world’s population will exist entirely in terms augmented/virtual.
Anything with this tv coverage has to be a publicity stunt.
Many images of protesters wrapped in the Serbian Flag, focused into he double headed eagle logo, sigh…
I think it’s about time we stopped fueling the fire with our energy and time, including this channel.
A lot of people are circulating that “3 players have dropped out” story implying from the Australian Open, but it only mentions recent retirements like Basilashvili in the ATP Cup. He played the Aus Open, beaten by Murray
As in:
What did happen? Wiki look to be a little keen on coming up with an excuse. Kyrgios also ducked out of some tournament.