DISCUSS: Johnson ends “plan B” Covid restrictions in England

- All mask mandates lifted
- Vaccines certificates no longer required
- work from home orders rescinded
UK Prime Minister has announced the end of all restrictions allegedly brought in to combat the spread of the “Omicron variant”.
This is just the latest in the series of back-pedalling moves on the pandemic narrative, which will be subject to an article of their own in the near future.
The plan B measures coming to an end include mask mandates in shops and on public transport, the need to show vaccine certificates to enter certain public spaces, and the requirement on working from home.
The announcement comes in a busy week in UK political theatre, as pressure mounts on Boris to resign from his post over “partygate”, with one Troy MP switching allegiance to Labour, and others allegedly preparing to submit letters of no confidence in his leadership.
This order applies to England only, as the devolved governments of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland have final say on their own restrictions. However, it is still a remarkable turnaround, that sparks some very interesting questions moving forward:
- Why are the measures being dropped?
- Will the rest of the UK follow suit?
- Is Boris Johnson on the way out? If so, who’s up next?
- Is the end of Covid, or is it a set-up for another push later in the year?
- What will the public response be?
- Will people demand the restrictions be put back in place?
- Will some people still wear masks and social distance, even if they don’t have to?
- …is that part of the experiment?
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I’ll tell you about Boris he’s watching his own ass.Somebody stitched him up because I’m sure almost every mp partied,He’s being the fall guy,I’m not saying he’s a good guy but something doesn’t add up here.My partners mother is dying in a hospital they wanted him to prove he’s had vaccines and lateral flow test,He hasn’t had the injections he did do lateral flow which was negative and we all know they aren’t worth the paper they are written on.He got to see her because of lovely nurses but can you imagine all these people being denied saying goodbye to their loved ones???I can’t even fathom the pain they must feel.Come Thursday he won’t have to bother with that and she could be gone.Just shite the lot of it.
Will some people still wear masks and social distance, even if they don’t have to?
You bet, especially in some of the churches, “to protect others”. These form some of the deepest “true believers”. However, my sense is that most people will go along with the change in guidance with some relief. We shall see.
New studies of effectiveness of Ivermectin emerging every day. Peer-reviewed, large PSM study from Brazil finds, regular use of ivermectin as a prophylactic agent was associated with significantly reduced COVID-19 infection, hospitalization, and mortality rates. The study was published in the Cureus Journal of Medical Science. This medicine is proven over and over again to be effective for covid and flu like symptoms. You can get your ivermectin by visiting ivmpharmacy.com
Is the Coronavirus Act still in effect? Will it be repealed or allowed to lapse? Are unvaccinated people “allowed” different “privileges” (not rights!) than vaccinated ones? Is there still pressure on people to accept vaccination? Until the whole sorry mess is removed, there is no end to it.
go fuck yourselves and eat my shit, censorious cunts.
There is always going to be a scare tactic that’s how they keep the masses in constant fear?!! I have seen through their lies I am no longer afraid (never was).
My thoughts are something else is coming,Watch closely to the Ukraine.
Next Phase: https://silview.media/2022/01/20/collapse-of-covidiocracy-not-quite-and-only-for-the-worse/
As long as the Uk lifts restrictions and the EU retains them hopefully leading to the speedier break up of the Union then all is good.
of course this will leave the more despotic euro-peon regimes blindsided (well at least middle management), what with their unlawful “you must take the vaccine or else” ‘mandates’ and draconian persecutions of the eminently sensible…
unfortunately for those who have sided with evil in these most revealing of times, usually for selfish reasons (of course).. they are about to learn that the diabolic has no friends nor loyalty and hates those that practice evil and those that seek Truth with equivalence…
in fact if I remember my dr faustus ( a fitting and apt analogy for our current middle management ideologues) he loathes the fallen a tad more..
We started to open up:
Jan 14 (- Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte on Friday announced the reopening of stores, hairdressers and gyms, partially lifting a lockdown despite record numbers of new COVIC-19…
Canadian trucker’s message sent to me:
Thank you for sharing the trucker’s message and to hear the reality and truth from someone who is ‘there’. I am sure this will eventually have a knock-on effect on much of the world.
The sacking of 1000’s of doctors, nurses and other staff from hospitals in the UK will presumably start to show an effect soon. However, I am sure the effects of hospitals being closed or deliberately denying access by not running outpatients departments will be felt for many years. I managed to visit a large teaching hospital four times in 2020 to 2021. A dept. I have visited for over 40 years perhaps two to three times a year. I realised I was getting my visits because my appointments were with optometrists, not doctors. These members of staff work on a self employed basis. No work, no money. The three floors of the outpatient building were empty. I wandered down corridors – waiting rooms empty, consulting room doors open and the rooms empty.
I have a feeling that this is just the end of the Phase I Psy-op Clinical trial. Phase II is on the way.
So no changes then… Unless you are one of the weak c*#ts who have submit to the offers.
Just in: France to start progressively lifting restrictions begining February 2nd.
Not really if you read the official text. Besides, they are about to introduce the passport, officially mandating france as an apartheid state
You may be right on second thought. To lift the restrictions and replace them with the pass.
Damn it!!
Nope they’re not letting up in the EU, even Sweden is now mandating vaccine passes.
So many very good questions, yet if you are able to find the answer to the first question, the others become less relevant. Why are the measures being dropped? Because the controllers are moving to the next phase. One primary aim for them over the last century-and-a-bit is to have total control over our money supply. That will be introduced with Central Bank Digital Currency, eventually with ‘One bank to rule them all’. In order to achieve that they need a 911 style controlled demolition of our current flawed fiat money system. Producer Price Indexes are blowing up right now. You heard about inflation? You ain’t seen nothin yet! PPI in Germany is touching 25%. Denmark is touching 70%. SEVENTY! Inflation is baked into the cake and will wreak havoc. Some banks (BoA, Deutsche, others) will be sacrificed in the process to create as much pain as possibe so the gullible will beg to be saved by the new CBDC. It was never about health and always about control and in order to control the word all you need is control over the world’s money supply.
Spot on. Also, Lebanese pound lost more than 90% of its value since 2019: in Beirut today, you can’t fill up your car with a month worth of a minimum wage, ditto some restaurant bills.
True enough. As the first phase of the engineered counter-revolution – i.e. covid – the phase slows down: engineered economic collapse will follow. All along the SMEs (small and medium sized) firms and business have been subsisting on bank debts. A lot have now been cut-loose and are now adrift. This leaves the big beasts in the economic jungle (oligopolies) to pick up viable firms for pennies in the pound. Thus Warren Buffet, Jeff Bazoz, Elon Musk, Warren Buffet, and not forgetting Bill Gates have become billionaires if not actually trillionaires.
Moreover, central banks around the world have been have been keeping the show on the road by ever increasing levels of debt. Curing debt with more debt of course never works in the long run, and sooner or later the central banks will have two choices.
Happy Days
IMHO it is all part of the PsyOP agenda – Dr Malone knows his stuff:
Be alert and watch as the narrative unfolds – the predatory Globalists are far from beaten.
Yes, Robert Malone knows his stuff. Here he is in India with Mukesh Ambani preparing his vaccines for the poor countries.. https://youtu.be/_OygHCE9F2A
I don’t think it is as clear as you imply – here is the background and the products don’t appear to be untested mRNA which is what I object to and why they can never be declared safe.. Traditional vaccines are fully tested over a long period. The current crop of experimental, genetically engineered therapies can never be described as vaccines.
I have had many innoculations in my time, no question. IMHO the mad scientsts have gone too far this time.
Remember Pavlov’s dog? The dog has been conditioned for two years to salivate in response to stimuli that were artificially associated with food, but that have nothing to do with food.
I think the next phase is, among other things, to withdraw all past stimuli and see whether the dog will continue salivating.
Nice isn’t it?
Those Branch Covidian MPs sitting behind Boris – they would not remove their masks after the announcement.
Know all their names; OUT THEM.
aye, what a sinister picture.
The alien agenda is still ticking over in the background. Here’s one of those “debunkings” by the ever-helpful fact-checkers which when one looks closely isn’t much a debunking at all:
So, the central allegation is true although some fringe issues like precise timing and the exact backgrounds of everyone involved have had some errors in the re-telling. They focus on the details to obfuscate the strangeness of the central point – what is a space agency doing hiring theologians?
Austrian parliament approves vaccine mandate for adults
30 minutes ago
VIENNA (AP) — Austria’s parliament voted Thursday to introduce a COVID-19 vaccine mandate for adults from Feb. 1, the first of its kind in Europe, with maximum potential fines of up to 3,600 euros ($4,000) for people who don’t comply after a series of reminders.
Lawmakers voted 137 to 33 in favor of the measure, which will apply to all residents of Austria aged 18 and over. Exemptions are made for pregnant women, people who for medical reasons can’t be vaccinated, or who have recovered from the coronavirus in the previous six months. . . .
The Austrian government first announced the plan for a universal vaccine mandate at the same time it imposed a since-lifted lockdown in November, and amid concern that Austria’s vaccination rate was comparatively low for Western Europe. As of Thursday, about 72% of the population of 8.9 million was considered fully vaccinated.
The measure passed easily in parliament after a fierce debate. Chancellor Karl Nehammer’s governing coalition, made up of his conservative Austrian People’s Party and the Greens, worked with two of the three opposition parties in parliament on the plan. The far-right Freedom Party vehemently opposed it.
“I’m appalled, I’m stunned, I’m shaken and I’m shocked,” said Freedom Party leader Herbert Kickl, calling the law “nothing more than a huge blow to the freedoms of Austrians.”
let’s see what happens, they really are drawing things to a rapid head with this, but do they know when the outright carnage commences?
many things coming together it seems…
Not the dreaded 33 again!
Yes; I also noticed that. The Freedom Party has 30 seats, so maybe the psyops people thought they’d have a bit of fun by bumping the vote up to 33.
In theory there should be a right-wing majority with the Austrian People’s Party (OVP) having 71 seats; which would give 101 out of 183. But the OVP are in a coalition with the Greens!
argh : /
what about all these repeated names through decades and scions of the massmultimedia, are these dynasties or codes?
edwige gang rsvp
i mean the pop-media not all the CIC.
They are moving onto Plan B and rolling out the next wave of Dr Fauci’s (Malone, McCoullough, Kirsch) to sell us on the World Health Organization/World Economic Forum test and treat plan – ‘mitigation strategy’
It is pathetic. We are in the midst of a crime against humanity with biological weapons in both the vaccines and the drugs, and they are getting ready to hold a rally to appoint themselves our new leadership on the premise of fake choice around mandates
They are just pivoting to new tactics
Right now the nursing homes are AGAIN under a mass cull, children and teens are dying and collapsing in classrooms and ‘dying unexpectedly’ and they are going to hold a RALLY without mentioning any of it and continuing to ADVOCATE for the injections in elderly and vulnerable
Military AGAIN going into nursing homes:
Monoclonal antibodies induce cancer PER DESIGN and the latest drug adheres a mutation onto cells which govern fetal/newborn humoral immunity and cause leukemia – these self appointed heroes are SELLING these poisons. Bill Gates developed drug announced for pandemic use in the same speech he announced mRNA vaccines for next pandemic.
IMPORTANT warning for pregnant women/nursing mothers: IMPORTANT
https://youtu.be/_OygHCE9F2A Here is another side of Malone, the hero.
Simon Ruda:
Ruda appears to think that using fear to obtain compliance is a reasonable objective and method; but that it somehow got out of hand. I would describe the policy as one of “terrorism” if it is applied to the general public. When it is targeted at children, it also constitutes child abuse. The tactic long predates the formation of the Nudge Unit, but perhaps it needed global systemisation and coordination in advance of the Lockstep roll-out.
‘Nudge’ has no place in our democracy. Nudge has no place anywhere.
By penny2 – Jan 19, 2022
This article focuses on the UK government’s manipulation of the masses, make no mistake this nudging occurred here in Canada, the US as well. Likely all of Europe. This mass manipulation was done repeatedly. In a heavy handed way. Outright abusively. Undertaken by the leadership classes. Political, medical and the media.
We were all targeted by this ‘nudging’ with the intent to terrorize us into compliance. Some of us saw through it. Too many didn’t. Those that didn’t need to understand this abuse was visited upon all of us. With malice aforethought. It was intended. It was planned. It was premeditated. You and I were the target.
January 13, 2022
Will nudge theory survive the pandemic?
State propaganda can flourish in times of crisis
By Simon Ruda
Simon Ruda is an expert in applied behavioural science and was a co-founder, Senior Director and Board Member of the Behavioural Insights Team.
A big part of my role was to introduce behavioural science thinking to public policy challenges in other countries. In doing so, we won new contracts and opened new markets, but also helped to spread the application of behavioural science. In 2010, the Nudge Unit was the first and only government unit dedicated to behavioural science in public policy. By 2021, there were over 400 globally. Post spin-out, we grew organically to 250+ people, with offices in nine major cities across the globe, working on projects in more than 35 countries.
I think he’s on his way out and they are trying to measure public reaction to the lifting of the restrictions. Maybe have some sold-out unions, like the teachers, object again to these liftings, so when Labour comes into power, the reestablishment of restrictions and further mandates will seal the “reasonable choice of the people” in the Spectacular level.
The BBC started a new drama series last weekend – Hidden Assets – it’s pretty crappy, but I gave it a couple of episodes. In episode 2 there’s a scene where a woman opens some post and white powder bursts all over her – completely out of context she goes to hubby something like “OMG is it anthrax? no my skin would be burning right?” WHAAAAAAT? Where the hell did that come from? Then I thought, well maybe this is some of that predictive programming all of those “nut-job conspiracy theorists” like to tell us about. Makes more sense than the plot did.
I wonder if this is more about the investigation opened by Metropolitan Police on C-19 vax related crimes implicating various members of the government, than Boris’s lame house party. There may be a lot of desperate hand washing and crawling back under a rock in the near future.
I think what they primarily want is repeated shots in arms of as many people as they can with whatever is in it before people say no. It may connect us to 5G, definitely destroy our immune systems, or make us AI. It’s all about control.
If you believe this, I’ve got a bridge for sale for ya too… moving the goal posts is the fake ‘new’ normal now, the ‘carrot’ is always that this will end ‘if’, yes, if you get to June 2022 and the owners of the system say it’s over. But remember what the dragon Klaus at the WEF said, “You will own nothing and you will be happy.” Always remember, this ends only if we end it because you can bet the farm and lose it, if you think they will.
I see France have MODIFIED the country’s coronavirus “health pass” into a “vaccine pass”. Meaning no jab no entry.
Chelsea FC and Real Madrid have upcoming Champions League games in France and the likelihood is their unjabbed players will be denied participation in the game. UEFA are in discussions over exemptions or relocating the game to a neutral country where their leaders are less unhinged.
Looks there will be more Novaks as it is clear you cannot comply your way out of this Cult.
This looks like a good place for this link. The article, in turn, links to another site which purportedly gives information on batch/lot number and associated adverse reactions. Might be worth a look.
The “How Bad Is My Batch” Website Provides Access to Data on Vaccine Deaths and Disabilities associated with Each Batch / Lot Number – Global ResearchGlobal Research – Centre for Research on Globalization
Michael Yeadon may be mad but may be not- he thinks what is going on with the different lots having vastly different levels of adverse reactions could be them essentially calibrating a bioweapon by testing it on the population…
Ignore some of the Infowars’ crud trappings and there’s some excellent analysis here of the transhumanism in this recent joint British-German document:
Alex janes and J using the 333 time code.
Originally posted by riddla
You like your patterns 2
Lets do facts JOE ROAGN CIA appeared as 1st ever guest on TFR (truth frequency radio) TFR was launched by ex employee of latex jones – Chris Geo and trannie Shero who worked for CIA m*ssad connected Alex Jones, Trannie sherrio was Alex janus moderator -. small world isnt it???? .
Freeman fly who worked for Alex jones (shared the same office space) (free man fly) ex wife’s a ( priestess) does not hide this fact and IS now Jay ‘Dyer ‘new wife (handler). Both very connected to alex janus.
They love shilling the fear porn.
Entitled, could you get someone who knows how to do it to translate your post into comprehensible English, please?
If you hadn’t seen it, would you have believed it possible?
Allison Pearson – 18 January 2022
I was pilloried for being a lockdown sceptic – now it’s clear I was right about quite a few things
How did we listen to that bonkers, ahem, advice with a straight face? I thought it was worth compiling a list of the 50 craziest measures
Michael Gove, the Cabinet’s most hawkish lockdown supporter, admitted last week to the 1922 Committee of Tory MPs that he was a “bedwetter” who got things badly wrong (unlike Boris) when he called for further restrictions over Christmas. Wes Streeting, the shadow Health Secretary, now says that we must never lock down again without explaining why the useless, No-opposition Opposition party not only failed to challenge any of the destructive rules, but continually called for them to be stricter.
Cracks are even opening up in the wonkish façade of the Behavioural Insights Team, the so-called Nudge Unit, which bears much of the responsibility for terrifying the British people into complying with measures so cruel that I predict future generations will refuse to believe we ever allowed them to happen. Simon Ruda, co-founder of the team, told Unherd: “In my mind, the most egregious and far-reaching mistake made in responding to the pandemic has been the level of fear willingly conveyed on the public.”
Activity equipment in the children’s playground area of a park in London is closed off during lockdown
Meanwhile, in guardianland, they’re still pushing the fear:
“‘Dangerous’ to lift self-isolation rules for care home staff in England”
“The best way to stay safe from Covid in England? Don’t ditch the mask”
Billionaires doubled their wealth – that wasn’t some “whoops, we accidentally overhyped it a bit” bs.
It was “duck and cover” 2 – here’s a fake threat of global destruction and here are the laughable measures you must take to save yourself.
It’s all from the same RAND Corporation playbook. Asteroids next….
Actually, the asteroids thing – well fragments of a broken up comet to be exact – are a real possible danger. Graham Hancock is lucidly revealing about this. Nor is he on is own. The idea is growing amongst astronomically-competent people that the Younger Dryas interlude of serious, sudden climate shift was brought on by a piece of this comet hitting the Earth, then – fortuitously – ended just over a millennium later by another piece doing likewise. I don’t think we understand exactly how this is supposed to have worked, but the evidence grows persuasive that it did.
Graham points out that the Earth intersects with the comet-debris’s solar orbit twice a year…
What the criminal mass manipulators might do with this reality is another matter, but – baby/bathwater: Graham makes a persuasive argument that the danger is real in any case.
OK, cue the super-insightful, wholly-unfoolable denizens of this btl to explain that Graham is really a deep-cover psyop shill for the PTshouldn’tB. Doubtless there’ll be an unquestionable numerological ‘proof’ that that’s it. 😁
In my mind, the most egregious and far-reaching mistake made in responding to the pandemic has been the level of fear willingly conveyed on the public.”
In my mind the mistake was the strong and important advance made by mankind as a result of the frauds revealed by the Covid Project. Everyone now understand the quackery in believing there is such as thing as honest intentioned corporate form of government. The citizens governed by USA, UK, France and most NATO counties have learned that the people in charge of the government are not in charge of what the government does and often not in charge of how the government does what it does..
In fact it is the private sector at the Wall Street, City of London, and Bank of Hong Kong and private Oligarch and public funded global corporation level that are in charge depending on the sector in need of being managed at what I call “game time”. Those hidden in-charge people: 6 major global corporations, corporate advertising $s spent are not about advertising their products as much as it is about supporting the privately owned media and controlling by those dollars the narrative allowed to be in the public view, as well as the fact that oligarchs support the privately owned MSM, social media is the data gathering bandit and search engines deny all anti oligarch access to the any public expression.
The Covid Project teaches humanity that the entire nation state system is interwoven and coordinated and rigged against the welfare of the masses. Without the nation states the Oligarch would fail and their global empires would cease to exist. Many are talking about how to change that unfortunate “the nation state is owned by the Oligarch” circumstance..I think long-term the Covid Project is going to be straw that breaks the camels back. Long live the governed for they shall rule the world..
The Covid Project, very succinct. I’ve always said that Covid19 is the name of their operation, the virus is their bioweaponized killshotz and the payload delivery system is the vaxxxed populace. The similarities of Operation Covid19 aka The Covid Project and every other nefarious covert govtt operation are always the same, deception is the key which unlocks the door to the destruction of the target – us.
I’m afraid that wasn’t a ‘mistake’.
That was the intended response to the ‘pandemic’.
It’s a worthwhile comment apart from that wobbly first sentence.
I started to post an almost identical point, expressed with the idiom “That’s not a bug, it’s a feature.”
I also quibble over “responding to the pandemic”. I think it’s more accurate to say “promoting” or “manufacturing” the pandemic– hence, my long-settled use of the snarkonym “scamdemic”.
Been looking at the twitter feed of a lady who is a virologist, and whose studies are funded by the Wellcome Trust. It’s entirely another planet.
She has rushed to get her 6 and 10 yo progeny jabbed as soon as she could.
These people are sincere. We’re not out of the woods, since there is a sizeable number of such individuals, brainwashed by their “education” and money interests. How did it get to this?
The Wellcome Trust is implicated in the scamdemic through various fraudulent studies they published. Their HQ is in London and the front doors of the building are adorned with various Egyptian symbols. They are freemasons and don’t need to hide it and I can guess they will be pushing the transhumanist agenda in the immediate future.
I like to think the jabs are nature/the universe/God coming up with a potential Final Solution and that is the parasites removing themselves from the gene pool through self-inflicted transhumanist interventions on their own body, which they believe is OK but in fact will slowly kill them and/or make them sterile.
There is no distinction from this perspective between the person who gets vaxxed because they “have to” and those who do because they want to. There is no judgment, just simple consequences. If you meddle with your genes, if you put toxic shit in your body, then you may die and you are not useful in an evolutionary sense. In fact, you are a threat to the species, from a biological/ genetic point of view.
Funny how the parasites tried to reverse every single truth they are aware of. They’ve been at it for over 1000 years.
How did it get to this you ask? The Fear of death is how they got the people to become suicidal.
A fearful man is a dangerous man, to himself and those around him. Fear causes torment and a fearful man will do anything to escape suffering and pain, including suicide and murder.
There are, however, many wonderful things which have come out of this cataclysm, among my top five:
1) We now know who truly serves life and who worships death.
2) We now know that the govtts of the world are the most prolific serial killers in history
3) We now know our neighbors are not necessarily our allies
4) We now know our family and friends are not necessarily our loved ones
5) We now know this war is is for the very souls of the sons of men and Lucifer is real, which in essence means, so is God.
It is a massive sick joke to the Luciferians that the useful idiots and useless slaves are so filled with the fear of dying, that they are now committing suicide en masse.
fundamentally meaningless lives. anomic peer cravers. etc etc
false lives, yet lived fully.
too removed from LIFE.
It doesn’t matter. Boris Johnson only paved the way for some other future goon to pass arbitrary control “laws” when conditions dictate. Agenda 2030 is still in effect…
Nothing within governmental systems will change until civilians have the will to decide their own policies and enlightened self-interest. Elections through Sortition and Direct Democracy are the only way out of the matrix.
I must admit. This move was exciting to read about. A move in the right direction.
With that in mind, a good friend from college called me yesterday.
I have not seen him since my wedding day in 1978. The last time we had actually talked was shortly after my wife had passed about 4 years ago and before the scamdemic started. The plan was for me to go down to visit and play golf. It never materialized. And probably won’t anymore.
We had been exchanging hand written letters every year for a couple decades. I always pulled the old letters out and reread them for context before writing back.
I have a summary of the first twenty years of his adult life piled up in barely legible hand printed letters that were written on yellow legal pad. (I probably should send them to him, in retrospect). I threw one away once and my wife grabbed it out of the trash and made me save it. She recognized that value.
He was a judge for 15 years. Before that, he was a small town attorney in a sparsely populated county surrounded by sparsely populated counties that were only known by name because of the local white tailed deer and Canada goose populations that drew people from all around the state for a few weekends where they got drunk and shot guns while celebrating the absence of their wives. Otherwise, the townspeople only knew each other and that’s how they liked it. And still like it, as I bluntly learned yesterday.
When we were teenage college kids we were bad. We did not think so, at the time. But we were. Just laying low and having fun. Sex, drugs and rock n roll. All while breaking laws and defying the government we did not trust.
He would have been the judge you wanted to get if you were in trouble. He knew all the tricks that got people into trouble because had done the same things when he was young.
He confided that he did like sentencing people but he followed the law. He did not share whether he was more lenient because of his experience and I did not ask if was. I suspect he was.
His last year as judge they discontinued in-court proceedings. Everything was remote. Elected judges are salaried and get paid the same no matter how many cases they see. There were days when had none. He and several other judges were on a circuit and moved around while covering several counties. Not sure why they did it that way. I would guess it would make the courts more impartial by randomly assigning judges to court rooms. Each of the counties on the circuit only has one court room. Period. During the first year of the scamdemic they discarded normal procedure and kept them in their home counties.
And he is sold the pandemic. He reads the same newspaper everyday that he has been reading every day for decades. That small town newspaper only tells the same stories found in the larger newspapers. To him, that news is the gospel. It always has been. The story about Boris lifting the lock down and mandates was not in the paper. He was not interested in learning about it.
You would think that a judge would be impartial and willing to hear all of facts before making a judgement. He was blunt and impatient. Not the guy I smoked pot with in college while playing cards and drinking beer on a Saturday morning at 10:00AM after having done the same until 2:00 AM the night before. (to be young again)
So I took him down into the rabbit hole. “What makes you an expert?”, he said. I gave him my stock answer, “an expert is someone who knows everything there is to know in a narrow field of study and there is no such thing as a narrow field of study”. He paused a little. Took me aback a little. For a minute I thought I was talking with the reincarnation of Samuel Clemens. The judge grew up on the Ohio River and not that far from Hannibal, Missouri. I need to be vague to protect him. With effort you could probably figure it out. The statute of limitations has run out on all the laws that we broke but still……. You never know.
“You are one of those”, and then he cut himself short as he realized how offensive he was about to be. He is a deeply embedded Democrat. Deeply. Most of downstate is Republican. He is an anomaly.
Unless he was hearing it directly from the source expert, It did not matter what I said. I talked about Malone and Mullis, censored doctors and retired vaccine specialists. He was polite and listened but his mind had been made up. And he would not entertain the word lies let alone try to understand who might be lying and why. He started again by saying, “there is guy in town” who keeps saying it’s all lies and began to compare me to him but cut himself off.
The town is run down, as he alluded to later. It’s now just a broken down old town inhabited by people on welfare who no longer take care of their homes. The local quarry where the town got most of its revenue is all but closed.
He began to compare me with one those residents he has lost respect for. In his mind, the ultimate insult. I let it go.
We both gladly diverted our attentions to things we should have been talking about all along. Much more pleasant that way. We were finishing on a good note.
Then I said still wanted to go down and take him up on his offer to stay at his home and hang out to catch up to play golf and whatever.
His response: Not unless you are vaccinated.
We are never really listened to, are made into generalizations , shut out. It’s still painful and after two years I’m finding it more hostile.
The depths of this game is much more than we think. Since you mentioned Malone, here he is in India https://youtu.be/_OygHCE9F2A
The real question will be whether the Government just lets big corporations impose their own mandates, or whether they actually lay down the law that they have no right to.
Removing Government mandates is one thing.
Preventing private sector mandates is what is required for freedom to return, if only within UK borders…..
Big bribes. Deadly threats. Or they just get lucky and find a true believer wannabe tyrant, like Dan Andrews one of the world’s most convenient useful idiot.
This video discusses the secret contract the rich owners of vax manufacturers use to subvert the world. This topic needs a whole lot more attention.
Who would have thought!
Was this video shared here previously?
Hey Doc WTF is in this jab
nice video shame they did not talk 2 years ago
they all knew tc fry was telling the truth
the virus was always bankster money scam
and government cull
Thanks Penny. I am sending this one to “the judge” via text.
The link went to my family with my favorite line incorporated into the text:
Arrest them. Try them. Sentence them to death. Execute them. All of them
Any authority mandating these vaccines is complicit and culpable for crimes against humanity.
We need hit them in the side of the head with a 2X4.
Just like a mule.
Definitely going to political reps. (with my favorite line, of course)
Arrest them. Try them. Sentence them to death. Execute them. All of them.
A full blown conspiracy theorist wold be thinking all these back-pedalling governments and media outlets are about to throw in the towel so a global government and media can be installed to save us all. Perhaps we can have a new global currency to go with it along with some shiny new carbon taxes? 🤔
I hope people don’t find my frequent comments from Iceland irritating, but it’s interesting to me to consider how such a small country reacts to the wider world, upon which it is more dependent than it would like to admit.
Today’s news was devastating to the national handball team, which has just beaten Holland, Portugal, and even Hungary – on Hungarian soil and in front of a full house of extremely hostile booing and hissing Hungarians.
The shattering news was that five of our key players have been ‘diagnosed’ with ‘covid’, which means that our coming match with Denmark’s excellent team looks hopeless from the start.
Nobody is mentioning that those five players are perfectly fine and healthy, and could play without any problems at all.
The only hitch is that they took a bloody ‘test’, that isn’t a test at all, which tells them, because they didn’t know, that they are sick, even though they are not sick.
The reaction of enthusiastic Icelandic handball fans to this ridiculous scenario…?
… silence.
In other news…
Only two of twelve Government Ministers showed up for Question Time this morning, leading one of our MPs to ask, “Has our Finance Minister moved abroad…?”
The reaction of the educated Icelandic public to this ridiculous scenario…?
… again … silence.
If anybody needs a perfect demonstration of the best way to let a country go to hell, this is it.
P.S. The news reader actually asked a sports spokesman whether all the Icelandic handball players were triple-jabbed.
If only I had been that spokesman: … “You should learn to mind your own damned business! Are you triple-jabbed?”
The fact that Iceland is one of the most jabbed nations in the world, and that Covid infections have gone up rather than down post mass vaccinations, tells you that your mass media/state propaganda indoctrination machine is working just fine.
I’m afraid that is exactly right.
“You should learn to mind your own damned business! What were the results of your latest herpes test?”
I enjoy peoples updates from around the world as much as the articles/comments on here, carry on all.
shame about Iceland, always considered moving there (or Sweden) permanently : (
Always appreciate first hand news from around the world. Here in Estonia there is talk about abandoning the passports in favor of tests to gain entrance. Test. Test. Test. But, of course, the main propaganda is about Russia being an emanate threat and most people buy into the Ukraine bs narrative. However, people are rising up and protesting, why? Their heating costs are too high while there has been little change in Finland, same source. The crooked government is already responding with a couple withered and moldy carrots to appease the accepting masses.
FAKE Good news always followed by
Boris’ six-week-old daughter Romy ‘suffered quite badly after catching Covid’
I thought babies didn’t get covid. Certainly not badly.
They don’t get covid. They “test positive” for it.
Every day, with a stick, until they reform.
Desperate threats by media parasites on Boris’s daughter because he dared to end the vax passes and masks.
Remember how he tried to go for “herd immunity” instead of lockdown and he was swiftly put away for a couple of weeks with “covid”, after which lockdown commenced?
Cut the crap they can bring in plan 3.3 vax pass for everywhere any day now.
fake cold or unknowns unknowns any excuse to lock down vax pass vax mandate for every human.
You cant go out until you taken your DAILY medication.
Dr Robert Malone Inventor of mRNA gene therapy for which he holds 9 global patents
Some background on the Wuhan WuFlu lab and who actually owns it.
Meanwhile call me a Satanist conspiracy theorist, but hell this globo pedovore predictive programming is obvious.
Hidden in plain sight.
1992 Barcelona Olympics Opening Ceremony | (It’s Mythical..) (You gotta love the 19992 “elbow bumping” schtick in the Barca “Olympics” programming session.
London Olympics CV19 Opening Ceremony w/ Alternate Commentary
Gotthard Tunnel-CERN Decode/Satanic Hospital Dance Rituals
I would call you a Satanist conspiracy realist, and I’m proud to join your ranks sir. I know about the pedovores, and no one will ever be able to unteach me what the Holy Spirit has revealed to me about our world – it needs to burn down to the cold black earth, for the whole head is sin sick. The word ‘Abomination’ swirls in my spirit and reminds me that there will be a reckoning, it’s just not going to be until That Time.
bet the shop staff / business’s response like this now their pandemic trained
Johnson using blackmail to survive, shrieks the Fraud.
Funny how they – like the entire corporate-state media – have been unable to detect that there might be a blackmail angle in the Epstein/Maxwell saga – oh no, that’s just about one man and his perversions….
They know very well. But they are not allowed to say anything.
That’s why we don’t read the Fraud.
do you remember when old gizzy used to address the fake UN about her oceanic money laundering operations?… that gals got some reach.
amongst other things..
it’s quite obvious to anyone not impaired by terminal imbecility that she was bringing in the ahem, late night entertainment for the great and good that selflessly govern…
jetted in via paramour herman munster epshteens lolita express….piloted of course by a gaggle of mind controlled estonian underwear models… that moonlight as contract killers…
What if all of this was always part of the plan, one big psy-op experiment to dumb down critical thinking and health sovereignty. What if all this time over the past 2 years all of our reactions have been recorded and analyzed. All of our compliance, all of our shouts and protests, all of our fear, all of our sacrifices, all of our refusals to sacrifice, all of our compliant arm giving for a jab that allows us to look down on those of us that still grasps hold of our critical thinking skills and our common sense, all of our reactions to the fake vaccine. What if all of this has been analyzed by a very sick, evil, twisted group of so called expert psychologists and scientists to look at how their “war” is progressing, and to find out what the best move is next to further their campaign of complete control.
Yep. All data has a value today. Don’t throw any unused masks. 5G marburg anyone??
well, if the graphene hydroxide shoals of blades are true, ebola or marburg would conveniently explain the rivers of blood?
NB: i am very skeptical about many off the “vex content” vids out there –
(that german guy with the razor blade vid looked a total stage? like many of the airline vids, low budget student grade guff – sincere apologies to the dudes wife if i’m wrong).
nonetheless, my imagination gets carried away. what are they doing to us (beyond a cull)?
that 4 docs one was refreshingly new to me, the guy on the far right spoke the blandest truth, whilst dude on the far left was talking the cyborg shtuff…..
how do we know, us viewers? really.
just saying.
I do believe the vex kills, maims and sickens . . . (all propagating more coviparanoia in the moron/zealot)…… that’s observing it locally (shire of a few hundred thousand people), never-mind all the multimedia.
Then there’s the reality of stress and unattended other ailments.
? ? ?
Discussing Boris and possible successors
“Boris Johnson rejects calls for resignation, no good options to replace Prime Minister”
“No good options to replace P.M” … ???
My cat could replace him with the greatest aplomb.
Well, I’ve got no objection to your cat having a go, but which one the fuckers in parliament would be any good?
None, of course.
Whereas my cat would be to everyone’s benefit.
on those accursed RSS feeds that never go away –
“walking slowly is a sure sign you are destined for heart failure.”
Well, at least we’re getting lots of practice in recognizing all the signs of advanced lunacy…
look at the wording tho’ “sure…destined”, more normalising the carnage ahead.
Operation Rampdown – just as planned last year 😉