The Right to Healthy Food: Comorbidities & COVID-19
Colin Todhunter

In early 2020, we saw the beginning of the COVID-19 ‘pandemic’. The world went into lockdown and even after lockdowns in various countries had been lifted, restrictions continued.
Data now shows that lockdowns seemingly had limited if any positive impacts on the trajectory of COVID-19 and in 2022 the world – especially the poor – is paying an immense price not least in terms of loss of income, loss of livelihoods, the deterioration of mental and physical health, the eradication of civil liberties, disrupted supply chains and shortages.
Before proceeding, the distinction should be made between dying from COVID and dying with COVID.
Those classified as dying with COVID include people entering hospital and testing positive while there, but they died due to other reasons, or they had chronic underlying conditions which possibly caused their death and COVID may or may not have been a complicating factor.
In the US, the Center for Disease Control provides a list of comorbid conditions in COVID-19 patients, which includes cancer, chronic kidney disease, heart disease, Down syndrome, obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus.
Research conducted in a German hospital shows that for those who died after SARS-CoV-2 infection the median number of chronic comorbidities was four and ranged from three to eight. Arterial hypertension was the most prevalent chronic condition (65.4%), followed by obesity (38.5%), chronic ischemic heart disease (34.6%), atrial fibrillation (26.9%) and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (23.1%). Of all patients, 15.4% had diabetes type II and chronic renal failure was noticed in 11.5%. The data suggests severe chronic comorbidities and health conditions in the majority of patients that had died after COVID-19.
The meta-analysis Prevalence of comorbidities in patients and mortality cases affected by SARS-CoV2: a systematic review and meta-analysis (2020) found that hypertension was the most prevalent comorbidity (affecting 32% of patients).
Other common comorbidities included diabetes (22%) and heart disease (13%). The odds ratio of death for a patient with a comorbidity compared to one with no comorbidity was 2.4. The higher the prevalence of comorbidities the higher the odds that a COVID-19 patient will need intensive care or will die, especially if the pre-existing disease is hypertension, heart disease or diabetes.
In 2020, just 1,557 people aged 1-64 with no underlying co-morbidities were listed as having died from COVID in England and Wales out of a population of about 59 million. For the tens of thousands who were categorised as dying with COVID, co-morbidities were prevalent.
UK data for 2020 shows that for ages 1-64 years, those who died with COVID had on average 1.71 co-morbidities. For those aged 65 and over, the figure is 2.02.
Patients with rare autoimmune rheumatic diseases have a 54% increased risk for COVID-19 infection and more than twice the risk for COVID-19 death, versus the general population, according to data published in the journal Rheumatology (2021).
In the paper ‘COVID-19 in patients with autoimmune diseases: characteristics and outcomes in a multinational network of cohorts across three countries’ (2021), which also appeared in Rheumatology, researchers compared influenza with COVID-19 and concluded that the latter is a more severe disease for people with these conditions, leading to added complications and higher mortality.
Of deaths in England and Wales where COVID-19 is listed, official government data shows the most common pre-existing condition recorded on the death certificate is diabetes (July to September 2021). This was identified in almost a quarter (22.5%) of ‘COVID deaths’.
Emerging data also suggests that obesity is a big risk factor for the progression of major complications such as acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), cytokine storm and coagulopathy in COVID-19.
A paper posted on the US Center for Disease Control website provides an overview of factors associated with COVID-19 deaths for a 12-month period. The study, Underlying Medical Conditions and Severe Illness Among 540,667 Adults Hospitalized with COVID-19, March 2020–March 2021, looked at records of hospitalised adults and found that 94.9% had at least one underlying medical condition.
The authors conclude that certain underlying conditions and the number of conditions were associated with severe COVID-19 illness. Hypertension and disorders of lipid metabolism were the most frequent, whereas obesity, diabetes with complication and anxiety disorders were the strongest risk factors for severe COVID-19.
Based on the findings, Dr Peregrino Brimahdata (a molecular biologist, medical doctor, college professor and a published researcher) notes that obesity by itself gave a 30% increased death risk, anxiety disorders gave a 29% increased risk of death and diabetes led to a 26% increased risk of death.
Brimahdata concludes that about two-thirds of ‘COVID deaths’ were patients who may be regarded as grossly unhealthy.
From the data presented above, it is clear that the vast majority of ‘COVID deaths’ (dying with COVID) are people who have serious, ongoing health conditions, the prevalence of which among the population has been rising year on year for decades and accelerating.
Food system
Although hereditary factors are involved, scientists at the Francis Crick Institute in London believe the growing popularity of Western-style diets is a major reason why autoimmune diseases are rising across the world by around 3% to 9% a year.
Professor James Lee from the institute recently told The Observer newspaper that human genetics has not altered over the past few decades, so something is changing in our environment that is increasing predisposition to autoimmune disease. His research team found that Western-style diets based on processed ingredients and with a lack of fresh vegetables can trigger autoimmune diseases.
Lee says that numbers of autoimmune cases began to increase about 40 years ago in the Western countries but are now also emerging in countries that never had such diseases before. These diseases include rheumatoid arthritis, type 1 diabetes, celiac disease, lupus, inflammatory bowel disease and multiple sclerosis.
It is estimated that approximately four million people in the UK have an autoimmune disease.
A Western-style diet is characterised by highly processed and refined foods with high contents of sugars, salt, and fat and protein from red meat. It is a major contributor to metabolic disturbances and the development of obesity-related diseases, including type 2 diabetes, hypertension and cardiovascular disease – the top comorbidities where ‘COVID deaths’ are concerned.
But it goes beyond that because a lot of the health-related problems we see can also be traced back to modern farming methods and how food is cultivated, not least the toxic agrochemicals used. Michael McCarthy, writer and naturalist, says that three generations of industrialised farming with a vast tide of poisons pouring over the land year after year after year since the end of the Second World War is the true price of pesticide-based agriculture, which society has for so long blithely accepted.
Professor Carola Vinuesa, who heads another research team at the Francis Crick Institute, argues that fast-food diets can negatively affect a person’s microbiome – gut microorganisms which play a key role in controlling various bodily functions.
The gut microbiome can contain up to six pounds of bacteria and agrochemicals and poor diets are disturbing this ‘human soil’. Many important neurotransmitters are located in the gut. Aside from affecting the functioning of major organs, these transmitters affect our moods and thinking.
Findings published in the journal ‘Translational Psychiatry’ provide strong evidence that gut bacteria can have a direct physical impact on the brain. Alterations in the composition of the gut microbiome have been implicated in a wide range of neurological and psychiatric conditions, including autism, chronic pain, depression and Parkinson’s Disease. Gut bacteria are also important for cognitive development in adolescence.
Changes to the gut microbiome are also linked to obesity. Increasing levels of obesity are associated with low bacterial richness in the gut. Indeed, it has been noted that tribes not exposed to the modern food system have richer microbiomes. Environmental campaigner Rosemary Mason lays the blame squarely at the door of agrochemicals, not least the use of the world’s most widely used herbicide, glyphosate.
Mason has written to the two professors from the Francis Crick Institute mentioned above, making it clear to them that it would be remiss to ignore the role pesticides play when it comes to the worrying rates of disease we now see. She brings their attention to concerning levels of glyphosate in certain cereals in the UK.
Based on an analysis of these cereals, Dr John Fagan, director of Health Research Laboratories, has concluded:
“The levels consumed in a single daily helping of any one of these cereals… is sufficient to put the person’s glyphosate levels above the levels that cause fatty liver disease in rats (and likely in people).”
Mason also refers the two academics to the paper Genetically engineered crops, glyphosate and the deterioration of health in the United States of America in the Journal of Organic Systems (2014).
It notes:
“The herbicide glyphosate was introduced in 1974 and its use is accelerating with the advent of herbicide-tolerant genetically engineered (GE) crops. Evidence is mounting that glyphosate interferes with many metabolic processes in plants and animals and glyphosate residues have been detected in both. Glyphosate disrupts the endocrine system and the balance of gut bacteria, it damages DNA and is a driver of mutations that lead to cancer.”
The researchers searched US government databases for GE crop data, glyphosate application data and disease epidemiological data. Correlation analyses were then performed on a total of 22 diseases in these time-series data sets. The Pearson correlation coefficients were highly significant between glyphosate applications and a wide range of diseases, including hypertension, stroke, diabetes prevalence, diabetes incidence, obesity, Alzheimer’s, senile dementia, Parkinson’s, multiple sclerosis, inflammatory bowel disease, intestinal infections, end stage renal disease, acute kidney failure and various cancers. The Pearson correlation coefficients were also highly significant between the percentage of GE corn and soy planted in the US and most of the conditions listed above.
In 2017, the UN Special Rapporteur on human rights and hazardous substances and wastes, Baskut Tuncak, said:
“Paediatricians have referred to childhood exposure to pesticides as creating a ‘silent pandemic’ of disease and disability. Exposure in pregnancy and childhood is linked to birth defects, diabetes and cancer. Because a child’s developing body is more sensitive to exposure than adults and takes in more of everything – relative to their size, children eat, breathe and drink much more than adults – they are particularly vulnerable to these toxic chemicals.”
Consider that little is being done to address the food-related public health crisis. Then consider that governments are going all out to vaccinate children for a virus that seems to pose minimal risk to them. There is no logic to this approach.
While there is currently much talk of the coronavirus placing immense strain on the NHS, the health service was already creaking due to spiralling rates of disease linked to the food we eat. But do we see a clampdown on the activities or products of the global agrochemical or food conglomerates? Instead, we see that successive governments in the UK have worked hand in glove with them to ensure ‘business as usual’.
The UK government is going out of its way under the guise of a health crisis to undermine the public’s rights in order to supposedly manage risk and to ‘protect’ the NHS but has been all too willing to oversee a massive, ongoing health crisis caused by the chemical pollution of our bodies.
Meanwhile, the unvaccinated are being cast as irresponsible or much worse if we listen to the recent reprehensible outbursts from leaders like Macron or Trudeau for having genuine concerns about, for instance, vaccine safety and the logic behind mass vaccination across all ages and risk groups.
Given the prevalence of the underlying health conditions linked to ‘COVID deaths’, it is clear where the real irresponsibility lies – with government inaction for decades in terms of failing to tackle the corporations behind the health-damaging food they produce.
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Thank you for shedding light on such a crucial topic. The connection between access to healthy food, comorbidities, and the impacts of COVID-19 is both urgent and thought-provoking. The pandemic has starkly exposed the inequalities in food access, with many vulnerable populations facing barriers to nutritious diets, exacerbating their health risks.
If the Govt. goes after the people that have created an item as the cause of the harm produced. We should have these corporation that remove all the nutrition out of a food like product. They lie to us about how its made and the chemicals (preservatives) put into it the are causing so many of these problem. They need to be paying for our health system, or at least the sicknesses, pain and suffering they are causing to individuals and families. It is despicable what the do in the name of greed and success to their company. At the expanse of peoples lives, suffering, ability to function in society. The people of this world are not cattle, we may not all have corporate jobs but we are human and have rights according to the Constitution and Geneva etc. I mean just look at Monsanto. They created “roundup” from the agent orange formula. They almost completely killed off all the Bees. and have given million deals cancer. So they just sell of they division to Bayer corp. now Bayer pays a pittance to the huge debit of pain and suffering and death that has been created. It’s like the govt. and corps. get a free pass while “literally” destroying the earth.
Absolutely agree with this. Governments around the world are focused on only one thing – vaccinate everyone, with an untested vaccine that does not have a proven safety record. Nothing about maintaining good metabolic health, eating healthy organic foods, staying fit. If people did those things, this virus would not have been nearly as bad as it has been. Very sad that we have come to this.
Food as medicine. Keep life simple. If you cannot pronounce an ingredient and you don’t know what it is why are you eating it? Eat as close to natural as possible, stay away from packaged products. Even our “fresh” produce is sprayed with chemicals so it last longer in shipment and shelf life. Organic blueberries from PERU! Exercise, SUNLIGHT (Helps with D3,) spirituality, friends, hobbies, and most important LOVE.
I do not believe anything the CDC says. I do not take any worth in what they say. That goes for the W.H.O., W.E.F., FAUCI, GATES, F.D.A., #NIH, #DemonicRATS, NWO MEDIA, Pharma Fascist, Big Tech Censors, Mockingbird Media. These are evil 😈 people who want to reduce the population. 😡
Check out your local grocery store, and if you are old enough, compare it to one from the 1950s or 1960s. Today 50 percent is taken up with junk food and carbs. In 1973 the McGovern Report on dietary recommendations pushed for more carbs, less meat. That’s when Americans started getting obese, and the other diseases followed. Vegetarians are often obese, and all they eat is vegetables and carbs. The Atkins, keto, paleo diets keep people slim. Our national obesity has much more to do with carbohydrates than anything else. Eating carbs as a source of energy is damaging to the system and stresses the pancreas, liver and other organs. There is a huge amount of serious and peer reviewed literature on this. Meat is NOT the problem.
Those low mortality figures, for people without a co-morbidity, is down to a a successful vaccine roll out then?
Down’s Syndrome is NOT a fucking co-morbidity. Nobody EVER died of it. People with Down’s can be as healthy or as sick as anybody else. However, Down’s Syndrome is and has been a reason in 2020-2021 to withhold medical treatment.
If a higher proportion of people with Down’s Syndrome died, it was because they have now been deemed ‘unworthy’ of precious ‘community’ medical resources or life-saving measures.
Much as the elderly have.
People talk about Nazi experiments on twins a lot. Does anybody know what they did to people – especially children – with Down’s Syndrome? I do.
Does anybody know that people with Down’s Syndrome were put first in line for the injection, and that it was ‘offered’ to children with Down’s months before the public debate about 12-17 year olds being injected even began?
This is all true criminal psychopathy.
And the fact that Down’s Syndrome has been officially classified as a co-morbidity is a cover for murder. Only nobody knows and nobody cares.
A lot of truth in your words. I had a profoundly disabled daughter (Beth) she was infantile when she passed at 20 years young. But she went 5 years and never missed a day from school. Very healthy very happy an Angel on Earth but she would have been one of the first to jab, another “useless” mouth to feed, along with the elderly, the imprisoned, institutionalized, and disabled. Shame on Gates, Schwab, WHO, CDC, FNA, NIH etc…
Educate yourselves and your family/friends. Help spread the word!
I am so sick of this covid aka great reset nonsense. But I undertake as a duty to inform people about facts about cheaply, effectively and qucikly curing this so called virus symptoms. Search for c19ivermectin on your search engine. On that website you will find as of right now there are 142 studies. 93 of them are peer reviewed about curing covid19 with ivermectin. These are undeniable evidences. Get your ivermectin before it is too late
There is a “logic to this approach.” A very dark logic. Add to it climate engineering, and you get a triumvirate straight from hell.
And when you add a fourth – the deliberate proliferation and rapid increase of emf in the environment – you get the perfect recipe for depopulation.
There is no escape. If by “survival” is meant survival, then the flowering of living organisms over the last epoch is coming to a rather abrupt end.
The human species alone has the power to end life. (And we think we were created by “God.” More likely we were created by Satan.)
The very “organizations” that are attempting to depopulate our world are the ones who have destroyed it. Big Pharma, Big Agriculture (AKA Big Tobacco,) Big Government, commercial fisheries, Big Chemical, Big Medicine and Big Tech. Technology IS filthy energy. We need to eradicate these “EVIL” doers and go back to a healthier way to live. Eat local, indigenous foods, get to know your farmer, your butcher. Spend your money on healthier foods and stop spending it on useless destructive things like fast food, packaged/processed foods, bottles plastic water. Stop being lazy and looking for the “easy” way out and take PERSONAL accountability.
The World’s Most Evil Company” May Lose a Few Court Fights—But Will Keep On Poisoning and Killing Millions of People with Its Carcinogenic Pesticide ‘Roundup’
From 2008
Baffled how people fool for this appeared our of no -where fake psychologist.?
because he is heavily funded by..the oligarchy that is why he has been pro medication and GM food.RE Dr Jordan B Peterson
Drain the swamp mr about american fake 1st loves GMD as GMOs in Many Foods Will Go Undisclosed Under Trump’s Final GMO Rule.
Trump Administration Opens National Wildlife Refuges to Pollinator Poisons and Harmful GMOs (Monsanto funde
Why Is Monsanto Inviting This Alt-Right Hero Dr Jordan B Peterson( to a Fireside Chat on Farming? (spoiler alert-because he’s a charlatan and a money hungry corporate shill.
His research team found that Western-style diets based on processed ingredients and with a lack of fresh vegetables can trigger autoimmune diseases.
I’m sorry, but if I read that BS as a proposed solution one more time I’ll explode.
Professor James Lee, may I remind you and your gullible team, human beings are not *!#**! rabbits!!
We are designed to eat large quantities of fresh, natural, fatty meat, supported by a small amount of organic vegetables and a very small amount of carbs. I’ve been eating that diet for 10 years now and in that time I not only lost 3 stone in weight (thank you grass fed butter, which I eat in large quantities!) I have also not had a single day’s sickness. Not one.
Other than the array of other environment pollutants too many to mention (that of course end up in all those juicy sweet vegetables they go on about), the REAL monster in the room is GLYPHOSATE!
It’s utterly ubiquitous – its in the rain, in the rivers, in the soil, on your skin, in your body – it’s literally everywhere and in everything.
And it is an absolute killer of humankind.
It destroys the cell function and is directly behind the obesity, diabetes and multiple other catastrophic and crippling conditions.
Just map the introduction of this evil toxin by Monsanto back in the 1980s and you will see it correlate to just about everything including all the childhood problems that are now running rampant such as ADHD, autism spectrum, allergies, etc.
I suggest everyone read Dr Stephanie Seneff’s groundbreaking take down‘Toxic Legacy: How the Weedkiller Glyphosate Is Destroying Our Health and the Environment’
and this from Dr. Zach Bush:
Chemical Farming & The Loss of Human Health
Between the two you wont sleep at night!
Fair comment, but unnecessary to use the vegan/veggie battering as a prelude to your glyphosate argument
As you very correctly say this shite is finding its way into every pore and orifice.
That glyphosate and food are even used in the same sentence is itself a crime against humanity.
Perspective: My dear dead father was a seed trials agronomist, working from the late 50
s onwards, as all "minstry" type folks the agenda was feed the masses with the best cleanest grains possible.
s.As the years went on the seed breeders were pushing for shorter straw, higher yield and other desirable atributes.
It is hard to ascertain at precisely what point human health/nutrition was sacrificed for profit and perfectionism, because it is a direct lateral transition that the new cereals, bountious as they were, became themselves dependent on new and more forceful types of chemicals.
The rub being that the chemical companies had bought out the seed breeders, a process starting to the best of my knowledge early 70
As an empassioned youth i remember discussing the crime of GM with my Da in the 80`s, he laughed and said the reps had been visiting grain storage facilties for years and depositing samples…. so that when the backlash came they could already claim it was there endemicaly at a trace level.
And … so here we are.
Being sold food not fit for purpose, nor fit for the animals whose diet it is added to.
And still we ponder that these “men” of science act merely for profit as they poison the world that feeds them, their children and their progeny as yet unborn.. and still we feel this is a human problem.
There is a darker agenda playing here and while i accept we must deal with its minnions, we must also ask ourselves who or what is truly behind this
The use of glyphosate in the production of animal feed by far exceeds the use of glyphosate in the production of non animal food crops.
Dr Seneff, in a video (perhaps also in the book you cite) noted that Glycine was the best supplement to take to help combat glyphosate in the food we eat.
All our primate cousins are vegetarian. No adult animal drinks milk.
Rob Knight from UCSD (UCal San Diego) has been researching our microbiomes for years with his American Gut Project. As microbial DNA in our bodies outnumbers our’s by 10 or 20fold he claims to predict disease more accurately by studying their DNA than ours.
In one study they planted gut bacteria from healthy persons into the sick. The results were so clear they stopped the study and gave the placebo group the bacteria too.
“Fecal transplant” was demonstrated some time ago – maybe a decade ago. It comes from traditional medicine. It has not become a common treatment. I suppose they are working on the proprietary (IP) angle.
What’s that? Eating poo from healthy people?
Sorry, the effects of the gut bacteria DNA is more important than our own because there’s more of our little friends’ DNA in terms of mass or variance?
The video I watched a decade, and coincides with all the trendy saukraut, kimchee, kombucha etc. I am happy I can now buy pickles made with water, salt, and dill. If a jar of commercial salsa does not mold in 2 months what do those preservatives do to your stomach?
Enough rambling, a lonely week in quarantine, my unjabbed achy co worker “tested positive”. Another fully jabbed co worker was positive and sick for 2 days last week! The bosses wife used to work in health department so we’re on full protocol, antigen tests too.
My antigen test was negative 2 days after my super scary 99.8 fever. The iHealth test wanted me to scan a barcode and register online which of course I did not do.
I’ll shut up now.
Shit I used a less than symbol and screwed up my text above.
I was saying Knight claims they can more accurately diagnose disease by checking for good or bad bacteria by the presence of bacterial DNA, than by testing our blood or DNA.
Excellent article. What is not mentioned, is that Glyphosate is not a stand-alone product. Glyphosate is almost always applied utilizing known toxic surfactants such as POEA.
One article of hundreds: >
Excerpt from “Death by Multiple Poisoning, Glyphosate and Roundup”
“Three human cell lines were tested: primary cell line HUVEC from umbilical cord vein epithelium, embryonic cell line 293 derived from kidney, and placenta cell line JEG3. All cells died within 24 hours of exposure to the Roundup formulations.”
“The Roundup formulations (Rs) contain different amounts of the active ingredient glyphosate: Roundup Express, 7.2 g/L (R7.2) ; Roundup Bioforce, 360 g/L (R360) ; Roundup Grand Travaux, 400 g/L (R400); and Roundup Grand Travaux Plus, 450 g/L (R450). They were compared with glyphosate (G), AMPA, and POEA .
All Roundup formulations in the study, along with individual chemical ingredients, were tested at concentrations from10 ppm (parts per million) to 2 percent (the recommended agricultural usage level), which means that the Roundup formulations were diluted up to 100 000 times or more.”
“The researchers found that the presence of the other chemical ingredients in Roundup formulations, such as POEA, actually amplified glyphosate’s toxic effects. The toxicities of the Roundup formulations were not proportional to the amount of glyphosate they contained and are most likely due to POEA and other as yet undisclosed ingredient(s) present in all the formulations. POEA by itself is much more toxic than the Roundup formulations, while AMPA is more toxic than glyphosate.”
Complete text:
Maybe we should alert our retarded farmers, that they’re killing and maiming everyone…
This is a good trick to get famers to sell their land. First get them or their employees sick.
A few days ago, someone here mentioned pushback on this from Mexico against such USA: not clear whether against GE strains to plant or imported produce.
I will try to keep my reply civil, tho the temptation to drag you across the coals is high.
Cereal growers are not farmers, they are agri business and no more get muck under their nails than they do ballet classes.
The average mixed farm (uk anyway) is now so dependent on their own home grown cereal inputs for feed stuff or re-sale and thus dependent on its “quality”, that they often defer to an “independent” agronomist to select the breed of seed and thus its “required” inputs, those self same independent agronomists being much like the current situation with our doctors, you will give this, at this dose.
And the root cause?
A public that when asked where does milk come from? say “from cartons”.
Its a sad fact that the current culture creates a new breed of psuedo farmer (or should that be pharma??) In that those tec savvy and with a swishy web site will convince you that they know best and have super yummies for your din dins..
Meanwhile ALL the old knowledge is lost.
Most organic is a con, short term profit and the bigger you are the the more derogations to spray, treat etc you get.
Maybe it was the spinning motif on the drum of the Massey Harris combines that had us all hypnotised?
Oh for a time machine to return to more innocent times?
Only possible if realise the error of our ways. I feel somehow in the future there will be less of us and these transitions may be easier than we think.
Thank you for this information. I wonder if POEA is the same surfactant climate engineers use in their chemical ice nucleation process?
Too many people, it seems, completely ignore the role geoengineering plays in the corruption of the food cycle.
They correctly note the use of aluminum and mercury as adjuvants in vaccines; but don’t seem to realize the ubiquitous use of aluminum in virtually every phase of geoengineering.
And then people debate the pros and cons of “Science” – the good Science vs the bad Science – not realizing that all Science is bad given the nature of humans and their propensity to turn every scientific advance into some kind of weapon.
‘scientists at the Francis Crick Institute in London believe the growing popularity of Western-style diets is a major reason why autoimmune diseases are rising across the world by around 3% to 9% a year.’
Yes it’s because you eat too many chips.
All this autoimmune disease has nothing to do with the massively increasing numbers of vaccines they squirt into people.
You know, the substances specifically designed to trigger a violent immune response using various toxic adjuvants like aluminium and mercury, it super definietly isn’t these shots that are causing autoimmune diseases to increase.
Safe and effective.
Here are 2 lists of additives in baked goods. The first one is generic.
Capitalism cares for you.
No doubt the poisoning of the planet plays a big role, which the “climate change” hysteria is promoted to conceal.
“autoimmune cases began to increase about 40 years ago in the Western countries”
How does that timeline relate to the vast increase in vaccination? Multiple doses of Aluminum and Mercury, each for the purpose of creating an immune response to an otherwise not dangerous substance. Compounded by each vaccine containing enough to do the job, while multiple vaccines are injected.
The precedent for invoking Emergency Use authorisation to tackle a virus has now been well and truly set.
A previously banned pesticide, which is devastating to bees has been given emergency use authorisation in the UK, despite experts advising against it.
In 2018 the EU and the UK announced an almost total ban on thiamethoxam because of the harm it causes bee colonies. According to the BBC:
Emergency use of a product containing the chemical thiamethoxam has been authorised in England because of a virus which affects sugar beets.
The decision came despite expert advisers finding pollution from the pesticide would damage river life, and requirements for use had not been met.
But Environment Secretary George Eustice said product use would be “limited and controlled”. Charities and campaign groups are angry at the chemical now being approved for use.
As part of the government’s decision, Mr Eustice said thiamethoxam could only be used once a virus threshold had been reached, to ensure use “only if necessary”.
British Sugar successfully applied for an exemption to allow the banned pesticide to be used in England this year because of the threat posed by yellow virus.
Scientific studies have linked the use of these chemicals to the falling numbers of honeybees, wild bees and other animals which pollinate plants.
Environmental groups are outraged. RSPB senior policy officer Stephanie Morren told the BBC:
“Across England the wildlife we love is in decline, even the buzzing of bees in our farmlands and countryside is becoming quieter every year. The farming system would collapse without bees.”
Joan Edwards, director of policy and public affairs at The Wildlife Trusts, said the move was “a clear betrayal of promises” made to protect the natural world.
The cola known as TAB, stood for Totally Artificial Beverage. Food manufacturers LOVE artificial ingredients because they are PATENTED! Remove patent profits from dangerous products, drugs/vax, etc., and most of our problems would disappear.
along/after vaccines, and the many environmental toxins
Sick, undernourished people = easier to control!
I thought in 2020 that the age of death with covid was over the average age of dying of any cause in most western countries which means they must have been killing the old people for this to happen and it had nothing to do with diet. But sure we need to get rid chemical agriculture and processed food that poisons everything and has been forced upon the world.
On a side note, I have been a vegan most of my adult life. In the early days of the internet, I remember looking up non-animal protein sources. All info would basically said the same thing: It is not possible to get complete protein without animal products. I didn’t think it true. I was off the internet for many years. The other day I was looking up nutrition on buckwheat, which is a staple here. It led me to info telling me all sorts of non-animal foods have in them complete proteins. More misinformation. Despite the information being completely different from yesteryear, the information is still disinfo or inadequate.
i was veg for 3 decades. went back to omnivory for environmental/animal welfare reasons and only then realised how malnourished i’d got .
Your body is not the same as other bodies. We are all different. For me most fad vegans, and especially vegetarians just eat poorly, have no idea how to prepare proper meals. Anytime you eat out or eat processed foods or non organic foods you are doing some kind of damage to your body.
My point is they are now pushing the vegan diet when in the past they were pushing against a vegan diet.
ah! they certainly are pushing the vegan diet.
And still lying about nutrition.
the true price of pesticide-based agriculture, which society has for so long blithely accepted
“Society” accepted it?
sure did
Good point. “We” never decided this, didn’t vote on it. “Our” “acceptance” was passive at best. “Pesticide-based agriculture” was chosen by Big Ag because it is more profitable than sustainable agriculture. Combine that with non-stop corporate propaganda (aka advertising) then people will believe things like Tony Fauci, Bill Gates or our leaders actually care about our health or even that (for all intents and purposes) Food Science has convinced us that “toxic sludge is good for you.” None of this has anything to do with the health of our bodies, of the environment, or even our “acceptance.”
it did, does.
people love their round-up products, so convenient and tidy. who gives a hoot about the “environment”.
kill the evil dandelion!!!
then there’s the bleach, the permasect, the slug pellets etc…bliss
Excellent survey of data and excellent advice:
Data show that most people who die with “Covid” written on their death certificate were already at risk from diabetes and cardiovascular incidents: both of which are related to a global pandemic of obesity.
Advice is to eat less and/or healthier food.
Corollary:don’t live on sugar and pills; ie, avoid widely advertised and globally marketed products of Agro-biz and Pharma-biz.
From Experience:
Almost always, a crime is being committed –and covered– when you hear someone speaks with authority describing good health as a personal responsibilty.
“Personal responsibility because here’s no such thing as society” — Saint Margaret Snatcher.
the power of propaganda meant that margaret thatcher was held in high esteem by the people she inflicted a lot of pain upon, be it in the uk or elsewhere.
“The smack of firm government”.
Snatcher and her police goons introduced the present tyranny. Reinforced by the advent of The Son. Prime Minister B.Liar remade the BBC in his image, and Police Commissioner Blair sent British bobbies to Israel to be trained in pumping bullets into the head of an innocent civilian.
The personal responsibility angle
:- increases intrusion into private life and personal data
:- clouds the responsibility of the employer, medical industry and government
:- obscures the privatisation of and exploitation by the medical industry.
they hire public relations advisers to write and display the virtues of Privatisation policies. these are acts that are nothing short of criminality that have negative effects on people’s health/lifespan.
Djokovic’s Diet… ‘ In 2010, an “unwell” Djokovic was collapsing at tournaments, unable to complete strenuous matches. A doctor witnessing his condition on TV got in touch with the athlete, recommending that he eliminate gluten, dairy and processed sugars from his diet. Novak thought it sounded strange but agreed to try, and it’s hard to argue with his results. His 2011 season was one of the best in men’s tennis history. On his new fuel, he was unstoppable. He ended the season with an unbelievable 10-1 record against Nadal and Federer, and compiled a 41- match winning streak.’
People have been talking about healthy diets for 40 years without residing in an institute like the Francis Crick institute.
But miraculously, someone who never grows fresh vegetables commercially is now a global expert on everything from nutrition to gut health to immune health.
It’s about time that people realised what these people mostly do for a living. They read papers, go to conferences and do research that brings in grant money.
Organic horticulturalists have been saying this for 40 years and getting grief for their troubles.
But when a ‘scientist’ says the same thing, oh miraculously, it’s God’s Gospel.
The lesson?
It’s not what you say but who you are that matters.
That’s why disease ravages the earth: because power is more important than insight.
hell yeah.
what does that say about the average person?
The food industry cares little about health, and the medical industry cares little about nutrition.
And vice versa: Agribiz cares little about nutrition, and Pharmabiz cares little about health.
Follow the money.
Baffling to me why so much truth should appear on the controlled media. It’s a 5-min video by a beau blonde:
Are they trying to get us to move past anger and shock to acceptance? Or what? Serious question.
I think the answer lies in the name of your link: Conservative; people who remember the past and learn from it.
Nick, I understand why it’s liked and linked on a Conservative site. I’m asking why the controlled media on which it was broadcast allowed so much truth.
Any thoughts?
No thoughts, but a big thank you for a link to Conservative Tree House. Till now I knew only American Conservative.
Is public opinion in the U$ coming to its senses? Is this Medical McCarthyism about to collapse?.
PS. A thought. I noticed that the Tucker Carson interview bears the logo “Fox”. Faux News is a propaganda arm for the financial interests behind Trump; and Trump’s election platform is an appeal to Conservatives.
Trump betrayed his Conservative election promises to restore the fortunes of the U$ by withdrawing from luxury wars abroad and by reversing the ruinous practice of “outsourcing” U$ industry.
He may now be setting up a new campaign promise: to restore Liberty, so dear to U$ Conservatives.
The Vaccine passports came out a year ago in some E.U countries and CIA puppet tucker said fuck all back then!!!
This crap you posted is pretending to be big news 1 year later when it is obvious and all over the net and in most European county’s newspapers.
Bit late to the party (again) by 12 months!
What’s this “covid” Colin Todhunter talks about? Are we moving back to “covid is real” again.
Colin, please refer back to the last two years of discussions on this forum. With exception of the spooks and yourself, nobody here believes.
Covid is a real disease caused by strains of Corona virus which account for about 1/5th of the cases of annual flu.
Covid-19 is a special case of Covid, caused by a virus which has seen the inside of a testube in a U$ Bioweapons Lab funded by Dr.Fauci Frankenstein. No more dangerous than ordinary flu so far. Has probably died out by now, except for some samples of the orginal strain inside a testube in some U$ Bioweapons Lab in Central Asia.
“Con-19” is Covid-19 with huge PR. A $cam from Horror Colossal, the studio that brought you Con-911.
Them’s some pretty wild claims right there. Sounds like it must have taken a fair bit of study. Any links to the sources that convinced you of this theory?
WorkingClassHero, thanks for the compliment; yes, it did take much study. However, the “wild” part does not come from me but from wild men behind each Con.
Con-911: The Bush regime deliberately blew up WTC with 3000 U$ citizens inside in order to start a Global War of Terror and take over oil-rich little countries in the Middle East.
Con-19: The Trump regime tried to cover up the release of a “gain of function” virus into the civilian and military population around U$ Bioweapons Lab Fort Detrick, U$A, by moving the research to Wuhan and trying to blame Covid-19 on China. Con-19 is a far bigger global conspiracy than Con-911; however, Con-19 was encouraged by the runaway spread of belief in Con-911 among the gullible public. For years WHO and other medical institutions funded by Big Pharma have been hyping up fear of Viral Diseases and the need for Vaccines; in particular, against “novel flu Covid-19”.
Most links are archived in OffG, the world’s foremost Con-19 exposee. OffG exposes the global conspiracy by Bill Gates and other Techno-peddling billionaires, to impose the “Microsoft” model of a high priced “Anti-virus” treatment needing repeated renewal, on the entire global population.
When you have studied the OffG archives, we can discuss links to specific accusations; the “wildest” claim being that the World Health Organisation is funded by commercial Pharma companies, is pushing insufficiently tested experimental medicines on the human population contrary to Nuremberg convention, and these agents are already causing death and disability.
Unvaxxed Canadian & US Truckers to be Bankrupt by Quarantine
Canadian bureaucracy decided its unvaxxed truckers have no right of return unless they quarantine for 2 weeks. Not to be outdone, beginning Jan 22 US will quarantine unvaxxed truckers returning from Canada or Mexico.
Do you doubt TPTB are TRYING to create supply-chain disruptions– not to mention bankruptcies??
That has been the purpose of mandates all along… cause total chaos
After two years of working in the public.I just realized that those who are not jabbed are never allowed to speak.Whenever a discussion starts- I notice the Big Shutdown and the Defences go up- once a counter point is made.The Conformists rule.So fucked.
Alcohol isn’t mother’s milk. Neither is dairy. Meat increases the risk of colon cancer.
Seems every article about food or health that i read these days includes some variant of “increases the risk of”. (and to think i gave up wanking in my youth because it was impressed on me it increased the risk of going blind.)
Oh, for a Risk Free Life; add to that, and a Stress Free one…
75 years on the very brink of catastrophe:
Yet another one that came from the RAND Corporation in their long-running “world on the edge of the abyss” psy-op. It’s essentially a stright line from “duck and cover” to lockdown.
UK woman appears to be told that she shouldn’t get a booster because vaccines are about to be “pulled”:
Considerable scepticism about this footage seems warranted but the phone number on display does match her city hospital.
And who knew that Sajid Javed has a brother who happens to be a Deputy Assistant Commissioner in the Metropolitan Police?…
Thanks Colin.
‘The China Study’ is the most comprehensive dietary/nutrition study ever undertaken.
It’s conclusions were simple:
• Minimal, or zero animal protein equates with better health and greater longevity.
• The Chinese living in affluent areas with diets high in animal protein had far more health problems than those living in poor areas with diets consisting mainly of vegetables and rice.
Just observe the older Folks (30s-50s) going in and out of your local fast food outlets and then compare them with similar age groups at vegetarian or vegan eateries.
The proof is in the ‘puddings’.
Thanks for the China study document; an excellent and eye opening read. Downloaded and stored for future reference, and to pass onto others.
The rural folk also tend to have to work physically without fail, get more sunshine and breathe less pollution. In small towns with older low-rise flats, residents also have to climb the steps, and may also walk about for their needs, unlike in a large city.
Beer is vegan!
If you overlook the fungi (such as yeast) and bacteria.
One of my sisters is fat, very fat. Crossing the road on her way home from school one day when she was nine, a car slammed into her. She was”51%” dead, but the doctors saved her. She was in hospital for a Long Time. Sunday afternoons were organised around the entire family visiting her in hospital.. Us siblings resented that, and we resented how she hogged our parents, especially mum’s attention. So when home, we gave her hell – mostly nasty name-calling, and refusing to let her play in our games… The accident totally disrupted her endocrine and other systems. .. After reading Suzie Orbach’s Fat Is A Feminist Issue (1970s) i felt certain my sister’ wasnt really Fat, she’d developed a thick skin to protect herself from our emotional blows… She’s never been a Big Eater… Her continuing annoyance is that Doctors are Gods to her. I can talk to her about, say, risks of vaccination. I can tell behind her nodding agreement, my words are like water running off a duck’s back. Yeh, she nod’s understanding, but still goes to Her Doctor, holds out her arm for every jab on offer…
Thanks Les.
On a different note.
I am in the fashion industry and now Fat! is “in.” Brands are “inclusive” and have 20XXX sizing and whole clothing lines are devoted to the Fatso.Models,Actors,Influencers embrace their girth. God-forbid mentioning obesity as a health issue! That respiratory illnesses are exacerbated by being over weight.I resent shutting down for Tubby.
Just go on a Keto regime. Its not a ‘diet’ its easy to keep to. Its just low or no carbs. Watch the pounds roll off with no effort, and its not difficult!
Also reduce the hours of eating to 10 or less. This and Keto will reduce the fat inside the pancreas and liver. Fibre is not carbs, and you cannot do without it.
Nothing wrong with red meat: high quality red meat (obviously without any nasty additives) is one of the most stunning superfoods. Vegans are much more prone to high toxicity levels granted their immense exposure to pesky herbicides and low saturated fat levels (that counteracts high levels of insulin).
The core problem of western died are SEED OILs and ADDED SUGAR, including “healthy smoothes” and “wholegrain bread” and “healthy alternatives” like fructose. The author shouldn’t’ t lump deli meats with high-quality organic meat that is the most nutritious food out there.
Thank you Anetta, pure bliss to hear an informed person contradict the Rockefeller-created US Nutritional Guidelines. Amazing how people awake as to Covid can still be asleep re diet.
There is nothing wrong with cold pressed hemp seed oil, in fact there are two essential amino acids in hemp seed that are hard to find elsewhere and are detrimental to our health when withheld. We have been eating hemp for millennia and now do not since a good century or so, this also correlates with the rise of cancer etc.
Hence we have an endocannbinoid system in our bodies not a endoparsleybinoid or corianderbinoid system, hemp is profound natural medicine.
Also of course, dont burn it. Blackened steaks and burnt barbecue are like smoking for your stomach.
I agree with comments condemning the American diet and obligatory vaccinations.
By the age of 18, American children will receive 69 shots!
Everyone should see the movie Supersize Me which shows the effects of eating at McDonald’s.
In 2012, an oncological dietician recommended that I eliminate alcohol from my regimen, embrace an all plant diet, and exercise daily. I’ve followed her recommendations.
I have a very good juicer and drink two or three glasses of vegetable and fruit juice daily. I work out between 45 minutes and three hours daily. (Bike rides last over three hours.)
A few months ago, I read an article about time-restricted eating. It works for me. I have two or three meals between 10 a.m. and 5 p.m.. I had been told by doctors and nutrition specialists that the most important factor in prolonging one’s life is caloric reduction. This is one way to assure it.
I try to buy organic vegetables, but one can never be sure what’s he’s getting.
I know I will not live forever, but for now, I am 76 years old and in excellent health. Can ride 45 miles, walk three, do 100 pushups, 75 squats. Also chin-ups, dips, and pull-ups. An hour of yoga two or three times a week helps with strength, flexibility, and a positive attitude. I’m never sick.
I do not allow myself to be bored or depressed. Soon I’ll be dead forever, so while I’m alive I try to enjoy every minute.
I do, however, keep two loaded revolvers within reach at all times. Anyone who tries to force a vaccination on me will be shot several times.
Even more important than organic vegetables is searching out organic grains and beans. Conventionally grown grains and beans are doused with Roundup as an herbicide to kill weeds in the fields and then as a dessicant before harvest.
I agree.
Thank you.
It really is that simple – eat primarily whole single ingredient foods (lots of veggies!), get regular exercise and good sleep and you’re 99% there. You are lucky to have a doctor who seems to know a thing or two about health and wellness. Most would just try to prescribe something! I’m a bit younger than you and strive to maintain my healthy habits as you have – keep it up and cheers!
Easier said than done. We had a pig helicopter circling overhead for 40 minutes last night, 11pm onwards.
I live near EWR (Newark International Airport).
In the spring and summer, when I often leave windows open, the noise from the planes can be oppressive. Even in winter, I need them sometimes as the planes will fly very low.
I use #33 earplugs to keep out the noise.
These or something similar:
Before using (and while using them),wash out ears with earwax solvent to keep wax from being packed in.
A blindfold is also useful if your shades let light in.
You should move. 20+ years ago cancer rings were identified around Chicago O’Hare airport from the diesel / sulfur emissions falling from the sky. Closest to the airport were the highest cancer rates in Chicago. Might have been Earth Island Institute or some 90s eco magazine.
You need to be doubly shot and muzzled to dine at McDonalds. They really care for your health.
Yea, and sometimes the kids get 33 shots in some country’s and 66 shots in others. But only for the over 18’s. And only if you were born after 6 June 1966.
Fuck me… How much do you nitwits get paid per post. Perhaps it’s time to search for a new career. Preferably one that preserves ones dignity.
How much do you get paid for being a troll?
Been coming here ripping into you spooks for a few years now, you should look back at some of the earlier posts. You must be one of the new kids on the block.
Hang on, you can’t be a spook, because you have gone to the trouble of uploading an image next to your name. Makes you look more authentic, right.
Can we put a graceful end to this charming back and forth? A2
enjoyed that ; )
saw it myself earlier, ole marvel super dosamu is
Can’t disagree with the criticality of healthy food, rooted in the soil, and food sovereignty as a means to decommoditize the entire food process.
But the belief in this pathogenic virus seems more fitted for the Counterpunch crowd.
Art Costa ” Can’t disagree with the criticality of healthy food, rooted in the soil, and food sovereignty as a means to decommoditize the entire food process.”
In order to circumvent the food production system we are all going to have to start growing some of our own food.
I like that you mentioned the “rooted in soil” because I’m a big believer in the idea that our food HAS to grow in soil. Which makes me not favour the production of food in the greenhouse system, rooted in a nutrient solution.(factory farming for plants)
It misses the entire point of our food. Food is from the earth and we are too. We have a microbiome in our gut, on our skin, the soil has a microbiome- we are a part of this entire system- we are of the earthly system, the earthly system is us. The sooner we understand this- the better off we will be.
I’m curious, Penny. Recently Mike Adams raved about the veggies he was growing hydroponically. They looked delicious, but… Recalling what a Japanese no-dig farmer said about the glass in glasshouse blocking some solar wavelengths necessary for the full nutritional development of, say, tomatoes, i wondered… Soil-grown has all the soil microbes breaking down elements, feeding the plants… Will the nutritional. development of the hydroponically grown be the same…
Hydroponically grown marijuana was implicated in why smokers of such developed psychotic seizures, ie, went mental. Seems the plants were absorbing high concentrations of some minerals, which affected smokers badly….
Plus 100.
Consider This:
The largest shareholders of the largest “competing” Big Food companies, like Kraft Heinz, CocaCola, PepsiCo, Kellogg’s, Mondelez, General Mills, etc.:
Vanguard, BlackRock, State Street, Fidelity, the Capital Group, JP Morgan, Invesco, et al.
The largest shareholders of the largest “competing” Big Chem companies:
Vanguard, BlackRock, State Street, Fidelity, the Capital Group, JP Morgan, Invesco, et al.
The largest shareholders of the largest “competing” Big Pharma companies, like Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson, Merck & Co, Bristol Myers Squibb, etc:
Vanguard, BlackRock, State Street, Fidelity, the Capital Group, JP Morgan, Invesco, et al.
The largest shareholders of the largest “competing” Big Med companies, like GE Healthcare, CVS, UnitedHealthGroup, McKesson Corp, etc:
Vanguard, BlackRock, State Street, Fidelity, the Capital Group, JP Morgan, Invesco, et al.
The largest shareholders of the largest “competing” Big Tobacco companies, like Altria, Phillip Morris, British American Tobacco, Imperial Brands, etc.:
Vanguard, BlackRock, State Street, Fidelity, the Capital Group, JP Morgan, Invesco, et al.
The exact same CARTEL of Big Asset Management firms & Big Banks that are profiting off the products that are destroying our health are also profiting off the products they claim are designed to protect our health (and forcing public policy to force use of those products).
Big Tobacco
As per the CDC:
Smoking leads to disease and disability and harms nearly every organ of the body.
More than 16 million Americans are living with a disease caused by smoking.
For every person who dies because of smoking, at least 30 people live with a serious smoking-related illness.
Smoking causes cancer, heart disease, stroke, lung diseases, diabetes, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), which includes emphysema and chronic bronchitis.
Smoking also increases risk for tuberculosis, certain eye diseases, and problems of the immune system, including rheumatoid arthritis.
Smoking is a known cause of erectile dysfunction in males.
Smoking is the leading cause of preventable death.
Worldwide, tobacco use causes more than 7 million deaths per year.2 If the pattern of smoking all over the globe doesn’t change, more than 8 million people a year will die from diseases related to tobacco use by 2030.
Cigarette smoking is responsible for more than 480,000 deaths per year in the United States, including more than 41,000 deaths resulting from secondhand smoke exposure. This is about one in five deaths annually, or 1,300 deaths every day.
On average, smokers die 10 years earlier than nonsmokers.
If smoking continues at the current rate among U.S. youth, 5.6 million of today’s Americans younger than 18 years of age are expected to die prematurely from a smoking-related illness. This represents about one in every 13 Americans aged 17 years or younger who are alive today.
Big Food
As per the CDC:
The US obesity prevalence was 42.4% in 2017 – 2018.
From 1999 –2000 through 2017 –2018, US obesity prevalence increased from 30.5% to 42.4%. During the same time, the prevalence of severe obesity increased from 4.7% to 9.2%.
Obesity-related conditions include heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes and certain types of cancer. These are among the leading causes of preventable, premature death.
The estimated annual medical cost of obesity in the United States was $147 billion in 2008. Medical costs for people who had obesity was $1,429 higher than medical costs for people with healthy weight.
About 78% of people who have been hospitalized, needed a ventilator or died from Covid-19 have been overweight or obese, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said in a new study Monday.
Just over 42% of the U.S. population was considered obese in 2018, according to the agency’s most recent statistics. Overweight is defined as having a body mass index of 25 or more, while obesity is defined as having a BMI of 30 or more.
“As clinicians develop care plans for COVID-19 patients, they should consider the risk for severe outcomes in patients with higher BMIs, especially for those with severe obesity,” the CDC wrote.
But what do we get?
More Tobacco!
More Junk Food!
More “Vaccines”!
And of all of the non vax people I know only a few are morbidly obese…those are claiming some allergy issue to why they cannot have it, rather than it having the capacity to actually damage their already poorly managed bodies…
I must say I get a tad resentful about the crap that the unvax should pay extra for health care while the obese demand more and more expensive health care to keep their life styles going..I put considerable fort into managing my body and health and yet again there is no reward only punishment…wear idiot masks and suffer inconvenience.
the pattern is everywhere.. but have you considered the assets of these folks,, its not their products at all, instead its their IP (intangible properties) .. Noah asked God did he have a patent on the earth. God answered there is no such thing as a patent or a copyright or private property in his nature..
Noah asked why not/ After all God you can get rich if you own a patent or a copyright or a deed to property.. God answered there is no such thing as a patent, copyright or deed in my design for the earth..
Noah then asked well then where did the copyright, patent, and deed come from.. God says that is something only I don’t know? It came with the high roller invention of the nation state?
Noah: what do you mean the invention of the nation state..
God answered; In my design all men and women were created equal. It took the devil to make them unequal.. The copyright, patent and deeds are evidence of a monopoly power.. THese companies you mention make their money not from the products they produce but from the monopoly powers that keep everyone else from being able to compete with the owners of these monopoly powers.
Where did the monopoly powers come from.? The answer is the rule of law..
From hot think air the law created copyright, patent, and private property rights and gave those monopoly powers to those rich enough to count.
“…but have you considered the assets of these folks,, its not their products at all, instead its their IP (intangible properties)…”
Yes, it’s both.
I try to caution people to beware of limiting themselves to merely “either/or” scenarios.
But yeah, IP is huge these days.
But I think it’s funny how many pro-“Free Market” folks out there continue to defend protectionist laws (like IP’s, patents, private property , etc.).
And strangely enough, most I know are church goers.
There’s a chart from the Federal Reserve (the Devil itself) showing how the number of publicly-listed companies in the U.S. has decreased from 30 per million people population in 1996 to just 13.33 per million people population today.
So we have far fewer companies.
Much larger companies.
And most of the fewer remaining companies are largely owned by the same CARTEL of Big Asset Management firms & Big Banks, whom maintain operational control of those corporate assets.
So less true competition.
And thus effective monopolies, with control over the vast majority of patents, IP’s, copyrights, etc.
In feudal times of past Serfs and Peasants are often limited to working on & living on the lands owned by the Lords.
Sending more profit the way of those Lords just to barely eek out a meager existence.
Today we have Serfs and Peasants whom are limited to working on the digital & intangible “lands” (digital platforms, IP’s, patents, etc.) owned by the neo-feudal Lords, just to try to eek out a meager existence.
Appreciate the accompanying story.
Airlines Request Delay in 5G Rollout
FAA had requested delay til January 19, but AFAIK the 5G expansion took place yesterday.
airlines warned new C-Band 5G service could leave a significant number of aircraft unusable indefinitely, and “could potentially strand tens of thousands of Americans overseas” and cause “chaos” for U.S. flights.
“The ripple effects across both passenger and cargo operations, our workforce and the broader economy are simply incalculable,” the executives wrote. “To be blunt, the nation’s commerce will grind to a halt.”
“Unless our major hubs are cleared to fly, the vast majority of the traveling and shipping public will essentially be grounded,” wrote chief executives of American Airlines, Delta Air Lines, United Airlines, Southwest Airlines and others.
“This means that on a day like yesterday, more than 1,100 flights and 100,000 passengers would be subjected to cancellations, diversions or delays,”
My Verizon/AOL email has been down since yesterday. Like all of the sudden deaths following “COVID” jabs, I’m sure that the corporations involved would deny a cause-and-effect relationship.
There’s no way to get “help” or even reliable information about this circumstance, so the perpetrators don’t even have to come up with excuses.
It may not be much of a “ripple effect” in the scheme of things, but it’s aggravating as hell to me. 😡
Since, I believe, you’ve said you live in Pennsylvania and I live in Maryland – it’s worth mentioning that my Verizon/AOL email has been working fine. It seems like something affecting your email should also affect mine?
Thanks for the response. FYI, I finally “solved” the problem earlier today.
I won’t bore you with every vexing twist and turn in the maze I had to run to discover the fix, but the (relatively) short version is that out of the blue on Wednesday, my Thunderbird e-mail couldn’t access the server.
It gave various “error” messages– one said the server wasn’t responding, try again later. In the past, similar temporary outages self-corrected after a few hours. This is why I thought it might be related to the alleged 5G rollout.
But even after Thunderbird failed to connect, it would mysterously then ask me for another, or “new” password.
I only had one password, and I knew I was entering it correctly. So I tried to search for new Internet reports about this outage– neither AOL nor Verizon displayed current information.
Finally I noticed the blurb on a 2017 “help” comment that mentioned both Thunderbird and one of the “server inaccessible” messages I’d been getting. This took me to a link to an AOL page about the necessity of creating a “one-time” password for “third-party apps”.
It was an “old” post by Internet standards, and didn’t seem quite right, but since I had no real support options I generated the “one-time password”. When I opened Thunderbird, it ran through the same rigamarole.
This time, when it finished by asking me for “another” password, I entered the one I’d just created. Voilà! The login completed properly, and now it seems to be working OK.
So evidently AOL implemented a “two-step” login. It would’ve been nice if they notified users. If I hadn’t chanced onto that dubious 2017 post I’d still be thrashing around.
Yes, I know this is TL;DR territory. But I’m still reeling from the hassle, and as you can see I need to “vent”. Thanks for taking an interest! 😉
The banksters are clearly destroying civil aviation. They also need 5G to strengthen our digital prisons and destroy our health. Why haven’t the airlines protested earlier ? Even the media was allowed 10 years ago to point out the demise of the bees due to cell phone radiation.
covid is enough 5g depletes calcium ..
OMAD will keep the ghouls away.
Just as all those decadent Far Right oldies are relaxing the rules on covid and threatening to unleash the most lethal surging viral mega-ultra-tsunami of all time, some brave funky young students who are fed up of being ignored are protesting against the unbelievable recklessness of permitting any face to face activity at all and are demanding everyone gets permanently implanted in floating sensory deprivations chambers (which is where you would have to be ensconced to believe any of this!):
“Anything for a little hookie.”

“What those truants need is some Carlin. It will do them a world of good.”
Wired has from early on been a booster platform for the CIA.
Scientists develop new Covid diagnosis test using X rays
Isn’t that cute?
And how do they define the virus they are looking for?
“Lee says that numbers of autoimmune cases began to increase about 40 years ago in the Western countries but are now also emerging in countries that never had such diseases before. These diseases include rheumatoid arthritis, type 1 diabetes, celiac disease, lupus, inflammatory bowel disease and multiple sclerosis.”
We didn’t start eating fat and protein from red meat 40 years ago. We started eating more sweet fruit, cereal stuff, and factory made seed oils. People don’t eat leafy greens, liver and sardines anymore, they eat artificial fruit, low fat and endless cereal carbs
I reckon it has a lot more to do with the increasing vaccines that are administered to babies and very young children. This slew of toxic contaminants attack on a pristine child’s immune system is likely to eventually trigger autoimmune disorders, behaviour disorders, neurological disorders which show up sooner or a few years later during the child’s development. There are some studies showing that children who receive less or no childhood vaccines have much better mental, cognitive and physical health.
agree; the experiment continues
Enough… I see this cut and paste mish mash posted over and over.
Let’s get some things straight. The kid, (suggesting your kid) only becomes an experiment when you consent. So, if you are too fucking lazy, or shackled by debt, to take your kid out of school if need be, only then do they become part of the experiment.
Getting pretty tired of this “victim” shit. We all have two feet, when will you stand on them. If you depend on the State 100% then you have made your own bed to sleep in.
Here is a tip, stop looking for the meme of the hour to make ones life choices. Think for yourself.
Don’t think anyone really understands your point. The photo makes complete sense. Children are the victims who have no say in this. Whoever gave the child the poster obviously wanted to give the child some say in it and highlight the insanity that most people think is normal.
damer65, are you now talking for everyone when you say “Don’t think anyone really understands your point”.
Couple of things. The photo is doctored, there is no kid standing on the sidewalk with a banner. And even if there was, the parents would be irresponsible and mentally unstable for using their kid to make political statements online.
Further, parents do have a say and they speak for their kids. I agree, there is pressure to inject your kid, but it’s only an offer by your government/drug company. If you are reckless enough to take that offer, then perhaps your children would be better off in foster care.
As parents you have one job. Protect your family from harm. And yes, if that means loosing your job or taking them out of school that’s what one must do.
Every animal on the planet has this fundamental instinct. Try going over to a Mother Duck and grab one of her ducklings, see what happens. This is how you should be with your kids.
Yes well no mention that antibotics have been thrown around for some time…my autoimmune issues are from heavy duty antibotic requirement early in life…they are now flooding animals systems as well as humans ….and ending up in water used to irrigate crops…
I agree. the trouble with antibiotics in most cases is they have been massively over prescribed for humans and used in intensive farming which we are seeing the damage from.
exactly. rapeseed oil, glyphosate, high fructose corn syrup, unfermented soy anything…
industrial products.
Western diets are indeed toxic – although blaming them for the rise in autoimmune diseases smacks of covering for another certain cause of the rise of autoimmune diseases that might suggest itself.
The elite do seem to want us to do the harm to ourselves so it seems probably that healthy food is not completely impossible to obtain. It is however made difficult and expensive to find – and there’s an ocean of obfuscation to distract people from what it is. The emptiest place in the local supermarket is probably a good place to start…
Is there any TV cookery programme where nutrition is part of the judging? The few I’ve watched all seem to go by taste and looks – and even environmental impact.
On the subject of comorbidities, it’s amazing how many people think “age” is a comorbidity. It isn’t. Our association of age with sickness is a reflection of a lifetime’s acquired toxic load, not what old age is meant to be.
I’ve gone from someone who always “caught” colds to someone who never gets them after dramatically upping my consumption of green veg. I strongly lean to the idea that colds are caused by excessive acidity. Green veg is also a good source of magnesium. It’s not that hard to find a food or two that covers every vital nutrient – iodine is one of the less common ones but prawns are a good source.
Excellent food info, this gets a 5. But we also need to stop parroting the “virus” narrative, quit giving the “one distinct disease with one distinct viral cause” analysis legitimacy.
We await your published paper with bated breath.
That’s right, awaiting published papers, just like with AIDS being a single disease caused by a single microbe, something which even dissidents accepted, many of them still do. A lot has been written and videos done about the virus fallacy, but i’m sure you know that.
As i read the article i held in mind that ‘covid’ is a piece of cellular debris, genetic fragment. Of course it’ll be found in any organism with degraded health. That the fragments have been labeled “viruses”, well, those who name it such have their reasons…
I am sure they have their reasons. 😀
All of this is really great but… if the below is true, it won’t matter. Trust the Lord, for nothing else is trustworthy.
Application of Nanotechnology to Food Products… He provided a brief outline of his presentation, with a reminder that “we already have a lot of nanotech in our foods.”
I don’t trust the Lord–whether he’s a British nobleman, the owner of the building, or a resuscitated dead Jew.
God is Santa Claus for adults.
Let’s not equate the God of corporate religion with the God of creation.
With all due respect to you, NN, I can’t believe that any god exists.
History and nature seem to indicate the absence of gods.
In nature, everything seems to eat everything else whether we’re talking about micro-organisms or galaxies.
And as Stephen Daedalus observes in Ulysses,
—History is a nightmare from which I’m trying to awake.