Saying No: The Winter of My Non-Consent

The prerogative to refuse medical intervention is a basic human right. Just don’t expect politicians and the media to accept your decision to exercise it.

Claire O’Driscoll

As parents with young children will attest, the most frequently uttered word your toddler will use is not ‘mama’ or ‘dada’, or any word you desperately want them to say, but the word ‘no’.

At around 2 years, this word will issue from your child’s mouth at an astonishing and infuriating rate. ‘Yes’ isn’t any real competition in the pantheon of formative words for a two-year-old.

It would seem that this right to refuse is hard-wired into us, long before we develop a sense of self or begin to retreat into that private, internal landscape that becomes so important as we move away from childhood and into our teenage years.

So important is this formative word, that it has become enshrined in our laws and our culture. The right to refuse, to say ‘no,’ is the mark of a civilised, democratic society.

We had the Nuremberg trials and the civil rights movement. We said ‘no more’ and ‘never again’ to segregation, apartheid, eugenics and forced medical experimentation.

Any society that historically abused these most fundamental of human rights has been paraded in front of us (and rightly so) as a cautionary tale of what ‘not’ to do and what should ‘never’ be repeated.

In more recent history, the citizens of Northern Ireland said ‘no’ to sectarian violence and voted for the Good Friday Agreement; we said ‘no’ to homophobia and the awful violence that was perpetrated against our gay citizens.

We said ‘no’ to misogyny, sexism, ageism. We said ‘no’ and ‘never again’ to the horrific crimes perpetrated against children by those who chose to abuse their power and authority within the Catholic Church.

In fact, we said ‘no more’ to the historical interference of church within the State. We legalised contraception and divorce. Let us not forget that divorce only became legal here in 1995, a fact that often shocks those international students I teach Irish history to. And even in 1995, the ‘yes’ vote in the divorce referendum was only narrowly won with 50.3% voting in favour and 49.7% against.

This separation of church and state in an Irish context is perhaps best exemplified by the 2018 abortion referendum. Whatever your opinions may be on this subject, Irish people voted ‘yes’ for a woman’s right to say ‘no’ to a pregnancy. “My body, my choice” became the mantra of the pro-choice movement.

This referendum was won by a much larger majority than the divorce referendum of 1995, with 66.4% voting ‘yes’ to the legalisation of abortion, dealing perhaps the final blow to any significant influence the Catholic Church might have had in matters of state.

In the ever-changing world of today’s identity politics and its fluid nomenclature, it’s now ok to say ‘no’ to the gender you were born with and ‘no’ to the gender specific pronouns others label you with. I have learnt that words like ‘sex change’ or even ‘gender realignment’ are considered offensive to many trans citizens and that ‘gender confirmation’ is the appropriate description to use.

My point is that the right to say ‘no’ to something you fundamentally disagree with or which you feel is threatening to your person or liberty or identity is absolutely sacrosanct.

Or at least I thought it was, until now.

I have chosen not to participate in the Irish state’s Covid 19 injection programme.  I am not going to try and convince anybody of the merit of my reasons. I know they are sound reasons, and my decision not to participate is not based on right wing, crazy conspiracy theories as the mainstream media repeatedly and disimulatively asserts, but on many months of research: reading and listening to epidemiologists, virologists and medical doctors with different specialities (from both sides of the argument).

It is not a decision I have taken lightly, and that decision to say ‘no’ has changed my life and affected my relationships with those around me so dramatically I barely recognise it anymore.

Since July 2021 I have become persona non grata. I got my first taste of what this feels like while on holiday in Wexford at the end of last summer. Myself and my brother were refused entry into a rural pub after a long walk during which we’d worked up quite an appetite. It was both embarrassing and humiliating.

Now I can’t go into bars, restaurants, cafes, nightclubs, cinemas, theatres or even a gym to get a bit of exercise. Arranging to meet a friend in winter in Ireland is challenging to say the least.

Dublin’s hospitality is no longer extended to all citizens

Last Christmas, the twinkling lights on Grafton Street felt like a personal rebuke. I walked the streets, permitted the luxury of spending money in crowded shops, but not allowed to take a load off by sitting down and having a coffee.

I ended up getting a takeaway sandwich and eating it standing up outside, alone in the cold on Grafton Street, until I was joined by a homeless man who convinced me to buy him some cigarettes.

And it got me thinking. I am not trying to compare my situation with the horrific life of somebody living on the streets in our capital. I do have a home, and I’m not alienated from my family (as so many homeless people so sadly are), but it gave me a small taste of what it must be like: the exclusion, the judgement, the physical moving away from you, as if you’re unclean or diseased in some way.

But luckily our free, democratic and liberal society would surely never discriminate against or encourage discrimination against its citizens for a personal medical decision?

Let’s just recap what our global leaders have been saying recently, shall we?

In France, president Emmanuel Macron says if you are unvaccinated you are “not a citizen” and that he wants to “piss (you) off.”

In America, Joe Biden advises parents to keep kids away from the unvaccinated and asserts that “this continues to be a pandemic of the unvaccinated.”

In Canada, Justin Trudeau blames lockdowns on the unvaccinated and claims that this group is “extremist”, “racist” and “misogynist” (this coming from a man who thought dressing up in blackface was hilarious in his student days).

Justin Trudeau (pictured above) claims the unvaccinated are racists

In Australia, Michael Gunner (Northern Territory Chief Minister) says that “work is not a reason to leave the home for the unvaccinated.”

And we all know how the world’s number one tennis player has been treated in Australia: leaving his detention centre (ahem ‘hotel’) to go to work was clearly not a good enough reason for him either.

I suppose Leo Varadkar’s remark that the 5% of the population who are not vaccinated are causing “a lot of the trouble” is relatively mild in comparison.

What is beyond dispute at this stage is that the State and mainstream media have been systematically encouraging (and applauding) vitriolic discrimination against Irish citizens for what should be a personal and private medical decision.

In March of last year, barrister and chairman of the ICHR (Irish Council of Human Rights), Tracey O’Mahony, initiated an email campaign to encourage Irish citizens to lobby Irish MEPs to vote against digital green certificates on the basis that they were unconstitutional and would potentially cause serious divisions among the population.

Irish MEPs received at that time an unprecedented number of emails from concerned citizens. Yet, we were portrayed in Irish mainstream publications such as the Irish TImes as crazed, right-wing lunatics, somehow intent on preventing others from being able to travel freely, while the same outlets totally ignored the very real human rights violations the introduction of these passes would mean.

Hindsight is a great thing as they say, so I can’t help but include a quote from MEP Billy Kelleher, who voted in favour of the digital green certificates. This is taken from his response, on 24th March 2021, to my email, which of course is a bulk response to all those who lobbied him:

Those who do not want to be vaccinated are free to choose to do so. However, for those that do choose to be vaccinated, we need a system that is secure and robust to allow those who have chosen to be vaccinated to travel unhindered.

In terms of the vaccine certificate, it should not be used for domestic purposes i.e.allowing access to gyms, restaurants etc. It should only be used for international travel purposes where a country requires an incoming traveller to prove they have been vaccinated in order to avoid a mandatory quarantine period.

Billy Kelleher MEP voted in favor of vaccine certificates

So here we are, ten months later, and the use of the vaccine certificate for domestic purposes looks here to stay.

Perhaps I can look forward to being banned from public transport or a fine for every month I’m unvaccinated; locked down again and told not to leave my house; maybe my next holiday will be spent in an internment camp for the unvaccinated like in Australia, or maybe just prison. Who knows?

(Forgive me if I am not reassured by the recent vague comments made by Leo Varadkar about this matter).

Recently the ICHR published an online survey to find out if people have suffered any form of discrimination, since March 2020, arising from the Covid 19 pandemic. In only 2 weeks, 26,472 people responded.

If the Government’s figures are correct (the unvaccinated adult population of the Republic of Ireland is claimed to be somewhere between 5% – 7% by official sources), this means that between 10-14% of the unvaccinated adult population in the State responded to this survey.

The results are shocking and damning: 83.62% of those who participated (that’s 19,201 people) said they had experienced some form of discrimination arising from their health status.

Nearly 95% of respondents (22,243 people) said they believed discrimination in the provision of, or access to, goods and services has been on the rise since March of 2020, while 96% believed that discrimination based on health status has become more acceptable in this country since March 2020.

Nearly 90% (21,097 people) answered “yes” to the question “Has the prospect of being discriminated against prevented you from going about your daily life, since March of 2020?”

As Tracey O’Mahony notes in her analysis of the survey:

The government response to the pandemic has created an entirely new category of discrimination based on a person’s health immunistation status (and that) the evidence gathered through this survey suggests that it has become a virtuous act to seek out the personal medical information of strangers through uncomfortable and public interrogation.”

Tracey O’Mahoney, Barrister and chairman of the ICHR

She says a lot more and I strongly urge anybody reading this to both read the survey and listen to Tracey O’Mahony’s astute and powerful analysis of it.

However, it is the personal descriptions of suffering that people who responded to the survey provide that for me had the biggest effect, and I’m so glad that a snapshot of these were included. It is alarming the number of references that are made to suicidal thoughts arising as a direct result of the discrimination people have experienced both personally and towards their families, and how that has seriously and negatively affected the mental health of their children.

So to read Fintan O’Toole’s article (O’Toole writes for both The Irish Times and The Guardian)  from the 11th December 2021  in which he cruelly labels “The three anti-vaccine types” as “an ascending order of purposeful malignancy: the egoists, the paranoiacs and the fascists”, really puts into context the level of prejudice encouraged by the mainstream media in relation to those who are being punished by the state for a personal medical choice.

I shall repeat those words again: “purposeful malignancy,” as though we are a cancerous scourge that needs to be removed from society. That is the kind of language usually reserved for paedophiles, rapists, serial killers or war criminals.

O’Toole begins by stating that:

Vaccine sceptics form an objective threat to society, undermining the effectiveness of public health measures and, when they get sick with the virus whose existence they do not believe in, putting a dangerous burden on the hospital system.”

O’Toole, who has often championed various issues related to identity politics, seems to have no problem labelling and othering those who make a different decision about what is best for their health to his own.

Finatan O’Toole believes you pose a threat to society if you’re unvaccinated

I don’t think incitement to hatred is an unfair or inaccurate description of what O’Toole is saying and I think it is absolutely disgraceful that the Irish Times ever chose to publish this bigoted diatribe. So much for ‘we’re in this together.’ It’s now abundantly clear that we most certainly are not.

I and many others like me are sick to the teeth of being scapegoated and blamed for everything.  We did not cause this crisis and we are not responsible for its continuation.

Even Doctor Fauci has admitted that a “fully vaccinated” individual with a “breakthrough infection” has a similar viral load (the concentration of infection present in the throat or nose) to an unvaccinated individual who contracts Covid-19.

In early 2021, Leo Varadkar said,

The vaccine passports don’t yet stack up scientifically or medically because we just don’t know at this stage what extent vaccines reduce transmission.”

Despite the fabulous claims made back then on behalf of Covid-19 vaccines, we know now that they do not stop transmission.

Bill Gates let this information slip during an interview with Jeremy Hunt last November, and CDC director Rochelle Walensky confirmed it last week.

Yet the vaccine certificate system remains in place, with absolutely no justification for its existance other than to coerce people into getting inoculated.

It seems to me that a person’s worth, measured in 2021 by one’s immunisation status, is now determined solely by one’s willingness to comply with the arbitrary and ever changing demands made by the State.

And that, in spite of no evidence that the domestic use of vaccine certificates offers any kind of benefit to the wider community, the act of receiving a Covid-19 vaccine is considered in and of itself the most noble of civic acts; one so righteous, in fact, that only those who have performed it are now permitted  the full benefits of Irish citizenship.

Masked up with useless pieces of cloth on our faces, kept two metres apart at all times, obediently following ridiculous yellow lines on the floor as if the whole world has become one giant institution and we, in turn, institutionalised.

The constant and neurotic testing of ourselves when we have so much as a hint of a sniffle (or our smartphones pinging to tell us we’ve been in ‘close contact’ with somebody else who has); the excited waiting with bated breath to see if that antigen or lateral flow test is positive or negative. The abject horror of realising all the shops have run out of our precious tests. What have we become? When will this ever end?

It ends with one little word: no. No to it all and never again. So keep having the courage to say it.  Keep repeating it like a two year old having a hissy fit. Don’t allow anybody to bully you or shame you, and call out anybody who thinks they can. No matter how powerful or influential they may be, you still have the power to tell them no.

Claire read English Literature and Philosophy as an undergraduate at Trinity College Dublin and has a Masters degree in Commonwealth and Post Colonial Literatures from Leeds University. She is a teacher and writer, and, along with Bernard Marx, has enjoyed writing stories about the ‘Pandemic’ from an Irish perspective in their online satirical newspaper The Covid Chronicle as well as Notes from the New Normal.


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Categories: Covid Positive, latest
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Dr Illumin Coronati
Dr Illumin Coronati
Jan 25, 2022 4:37 PM

“She is a teacher and writer, and, along with Bernard Marx, has enjoyed writing stories about the ‘Pandemic’ ….. Yes, that’s absolutely fabulous Claire,I’m glad you “enjoy” your writing. Your stories are lovely.This one is almost well written and may buoy up those who are new to this struggle. However whilst many of the points covered are venerable and a victims call for solidarity, this is not a Mardi Gras Parade. I also write about the Plandemic,and it grieves me and gives me no joy other than in defending the truth. I’ve spent almost 50 years defending health rights and treating patients who were the victims/casualties of Big Pharma Pharisee Drug cartels and their Allopathic prescription Scribes . “The operation was a success but the patient died” was an actual medical quote and legal defense when I first started practice. The genuine doctors usually burnt out or were chucked out of the establishment or succumbed to ennui. I achieved two of the above before I voluntarily expelled myself from the system a decade ago. The writing has been on the wall since the1970’s …..the wall is now global. I feel like a war correspondent reporting the casualties from different wars originating from the same cause but over many decades. Ivan Ilich identified today’s symptoms from causes well and truly recognized when he published Medical Nemesis in 1975.It determined my career outlook and practice.The book is prophetic and should be read by any one wishing to understand our dilemma today. We are in the last battle phase of a war that has been raging for over a century maybe a millennium I call it “PHARMAGEDDON” O-G readers and meme artists are welcome to use it if you like. Just attribute it to Eric Blair Australia. Time is running out the Great… Read more »

Jan 24, 2022 5:16 AM

“No No No” – Deep Purple

Jan 23, 2022 4:59 PM

So you applauded the destruction of morality and the rise of wokeness. You took pride in seeing every new abonimination normalized as some perverse form of social justice. Then when it came to your door and demanded your pound of flesh you heroically decided that it sucks to have someone’s unholy agenda shoved down your throat. But only that which you deem unholy based on your fickle and bereft sense of morality. I assume transgender story hour at the local elementary school is still fine with you. I’m sure it’s still OK for George Soros to influence your politicians, just not the Catholic Church. Am I getting this right? It seems you are occupying some strange reality where the government is wrong ‘just this one time’. That all those other things you objected to were totally random. They were just well meaning people who needed to see the error of their ways. But the crime that you can’t forgive is that YOU were asked to do something you dont want to do. Are you aware that you sound like a child? Never able to see how one thing affects another, just screaming and pointing at the thing you don’t like absent any thought or consistency. When she was little my daughter would leave stuff all over. “Pick that up or you’re going to trip on it” we’d say. But she wouldn’t. Then inevitably she would trip on it. Then she would get mad at the thing and want our sympathy. This is literally and exactly you and nobody wants to see or hear such childish nonsense from an adult. You’ve literally tripped on your own mess and want us to be proud of you for being mad about it. In the 1700s our founding fathers declared their independence by pointing… Read more »

Jan 23, 2022 11:28 PM
Reply to  Deuce

voted ‘yes’ for a woman’s right to say ‘no’ to a pregnancy. “My body, my choice”

Was also wondering why all the ‘may have been’ toddlers [aka pregnancy ] could not have ‘just said no’ to being flayed alive by their mothers.

Such murderous hypocrisy.

Jan 24, 2022 12:41 AM

Naïveté and Pollyannish, narrow infantile view of the world shared by many millennials (belief that there is one and only one right opinion and one right thing to do ) and younger is what author seems to embrace in progressive post modern tradition of promoting as many rights as money can buy. Shocking , preposterous as mountain of evidences proved, claim that historical and contemporary social socioeconomic change happens because of heeding of people’s will by ruling elites underlines and undermines authors rationale as in case of Covid it assumes that people want to be shackled by Covid regime seen as progressive, rational, scientific in their eyes. So what is it, people’s will or liberal elites’ divination in search for what’s rational and progressive regardless of individual people’s will? Ideologies are are not reflection of people’s will but tools for suppression for

Doubt, individual autonomy, sharing, caring, equality, equity and egalitarianism of self governed by consensus democratic society is a foundation of just society where there would be no place for any kind of prosecution or discrimination.

author should look at Covid terror from long perspective of inherent characteristics of social system.

Dr Illumin Coronati
Dr Illumin Coronati
Jan 25, 2022 5:01 PM
Reply to  Kalen

Kalen-(also Deuce & Remembering Monkey) good points.
K,your last sentence is what Illich convincingly exposed.(as per my above post)

John S
John S
Jan 24, 2022 1:58 AM
Reply to  Deuce

I’m really not sure who you’re addressing, Deuce.

Claire O'Driscoll
Claire O'Driscoll
Jan 25, 2022 2:02 PM
Reply to  Deuce

I’m just going to say one thing in response to this: the intentional fallacy. You dropped yourself right into it, thus revealing much more about yourself than you did about me.

Jan 25, 2022 8:21 PM

I give you credit just for plowing through that impenetrable block of unbroken text.  😉 

I never heard this expression from any other source, but the moderator of my high school newspaper, c. 1972, pejoratively referred to lengthy text without paragraph breaks as “tombstones”. For me, it was a useful criticism.

Jan 28, 2022 11:01 AM

As I read it, the intentional fallacy would only come into play if Deuce were commenting on the meaning of the article via an examination of the author’s intent. But as I read Deuce’s comment, at face value and without paying any regard to Deuce’s intent either, it’s somewhere between a cautionary remark about “you reap what you sow” and a warning about slippery slopes and thin ends of wedges. Even before I got to Deuce’s comment I was thinking that that sort of openness was just precisely what had led to the Varadkar model of governance. It’s not a matter of whether past views should have been maintained thoughtlessly, as prejudices, and so kept out the likes of Varadkar (in the superficial sense of his personal life); that would have been “doing the right thing for the wrong reason”. It’s rather a matter of whether past views should have been maintained thoughtfully unless there were good reason for changing them, out of prudence, and so kept out the likes of Varadkar (in the deeper sense of him being a living example of nihilism working itself out as a respecter of nothing outside the froth from which he came – and so, a menace to all else). As Viscount Falkland observed during the Civil Wars, “when there is not a reason to change, there is a reason not to change” (from memory). In that list of changes, many were indeed true reforms which thinking would endorse, but simply to endorse them sight unseen invites in anything that knocks. Bluntly, when you or I or anyone says no with nothing behind it but that, that’s what nihilism is – and, in due season, nihilism will say no to anyone with good reasons for saying no to nihilism. And that season is… Read more »

Gregory Fisher
Gregory Fisher
Jan 23, 2022 2:27 AM

So Nancy WAS right! Just say No. Despite the head of the EU saying that the Nuremberg Code was an encumbrance, Informed Consent is a quotidian constant of The West…this generation at least. So 🙂 IDGAF.

Jan 23, 2022 2:23 AM

Did you mention PM NZ Jacinta Ardern stating that NZ is/will become a 2-tier society of the v@xt and the un-v@ct. She is a graduate of the WEF’s politician’s programme, trained and nurtured in its agenda, along with Macron, Trudeau, Dan Andrews, etc.

Jan 23, 2022 12:30 AM

Basics of Viral “Isolation” for those morons continuing to argue about what they know so little about.

Viral Transport Media (VTM)- Principle, Preparation, Uses, LimitationsJanuary 3, 2022 by Anupama Sapkota

Table of Contents

Viral Transport Media (VTM) DefinitionA viral transport media (VTM) is a nutrient substance used to carry and maintain the viability of specimens (viruses) to a laboratory for the identification and further processing of the sample.

  • Transport media for viruses are especially important as they are more labile than other infectious agents.
  • The probability of successful isolation increases when the time interval between collection and inoculation of the culture is less and when the specimen contains as many virus particles as possible.
  • In order to maximize the amount of virus in the specimen, the sample collection should be done early in the patient’s illness.
  • Successful and reliable isolations of viruses can be accomplished when a suitable transport medium is used.
  • The isolation count also increases when viral specimens are sent to either a local laboratory or a reference laboratory.
  • comment image

    Principle of Viral Transport Media (VTM)

  • Viral agents vary widely in composition, stability, structure, morphology, and size. The loosely packaged enveloped viruses obtained from human samples are generally more labile than the non-enveloped dense viruses.
  • Because they are labile to the environmental conditions, the viability of these viruses must be protected by using different solutions.
  • Some enveloped viruses, such as herpes simplex viruses (HSV), are surprisingly stable in the non-frozen state when placed in a suitable holding environment. However, most of the viruses do require a colder temperature.
  • The infectivity of viruses decreases over time, and generally, the decay rate is a function of temperature, so that stability is enhanced by cooling
  • Thus, viral transport media are prepared with the idea of providing appropriate conditions of temperature, pH, and nutrients.
  • The constituents of an appropriate viral transport media are selected to create an isotonic solution containing proteins to protect the viral structure, antibiotics to control microbial contamination, and one or more buffers to control the pH.
  • Viral transport media are prepared with the idea of sustaining the viability of the viral culture or specimens for tests like the nucleic acid amplification test (NAAT) while preventing the drying of the sample.

Composition of Viral Transport Media (VTM)An ideal viral transport medium would possess many of the following characteristics;

  1. It would preserve the activity of the virus, even at room temperatures.
  2. It would be nontoxic to cell cultures and not obscure the appearance of viral cytopathic effects.
  3. It would have a long shelf life (either in a frozen or non-frozen state).
  4. It would be applicable for both culture isolations and direct tests such as enzyme immunoassays or immunofluorescence.
  • In order to achieve all the above-mentioned characteristics, viral transport media usually have a protective protein component, antimicrobial agents to prevent the chances of contamination, and buffers to maintain the pH of the solution.
  • Some VTMs also have additional ions and minerals that aid in maintaining the viability of such specimens.

Preparation of Viral Transport Media (VTM)

  • A number of viral transport media are commercially available, which can directly be bought and used under the conditions mentioned.
  • Some such media include the COPAN Universal Transport Media and the Eagle Minimum Essential Medium (E-MEM).
  • However, some other media can be prepared locally while maintaining suitable conditions and composition.
  • The composition and preparation of different viral transport differ depending on whether the sample is taken from humans or other animals.

For specimen from humans:The following is the method of preparation for locally made VTMs for the nasal and throat swabs from humans:

  • Add 10g veal infusion broth and 2g bovine albumin fraction V to sterile distilled water (to 400 ml).
  • Add 0.8 ml gentamicin sulfate solution (50 mg/ml) and 3.2 ml amphotericin B (250 µg/ml) –
  • Sterilize by filtration.

The following is a more elaborate procedure for the preparation of a larger volume of VTMs for humans:

  1. Inactivate 500mL of fetal bovine serum (FBS) by heating for 30 minutes in a water bath at 56.0°C +/- 1.0°C. Use commercially inactivated FBS if available.
  2. Add 50mL of amphotericin B, add 50mL of gentamicin to the inactivate FBS and then filter sterilize the solution through a 0.20 to 0.45 µm filter unit (150mL filter unit).
  3. Add 10mL of the FBS to 500mL of Hanks Balanced Salt Solution (HBSS).
  4. Add 2mL of the Gentamicin/Amphotericin B mixture to the previously formed HBSS with FBS.
  5. Disperse the solutions to bottles and ca the bottles. Mix by inverting the bottle.
  6. Label the bottle along with the date of production, additives, and expiration date.
  7. Aliquot 3mL of the medium into individual sterile conical screw-capped tubes (such as 16x100mm tubes). Keep lids tightly closed after the medium is dispensed. Label the containers with the necessary information.
  8. Store at 2-8°C.

For specimen from animals:

  • For the collection and transport of specimens in animals, two types of VTMs can be utilized.
  • Transport medium 199 is widely used for the collection and transport of clinical specimens from all species.
  • A second medium, PBS-Glycerol transport medium, which is the glycerol-based medium, provides longer-term stability of specimens where cooling is not immediately possible.
  • It is suitable for egg inoculation but not suited for tissue culture inoculation.

Preparation of Transport medium 199

  1. Take a tissue culture medium 199, containing 0.5% bovine serum albumin (BSA).
  2. To 1 litre of above add: benzylpenicillin (2 x 106 IU/litre), streptomycin (200 mg/litre), polymyxin B (2 x 106 IU/litre), gentamicin (250 mg/litre), nystatin (0.5 x 106 IU/litre), ofloxacin hydrochloride (60 mg/litre), and sulfamethoxazole (0.2 g/litre).
  3. Sterilize by filtration and distribute in 1.0–2.0 ml volumes in screw-capped tubes.

Preparation of PBS-Glycerol transport medium

  1. Prepare the phosphate-buffer saline by adding 8 g of NaCl, 0.2 g of KCl, 1.44 g of Na2HPO4, and 0.24 g of KH2PO4. Add distilled water to this mixture to make 1 liter.
  2. Autoclave the prepared mixture and mix 1:1 with sterile glycerol to make 1 liter.
  3. To 1 litre of above add: benzylpenicillin (2 x 106 IU/litre), streptomycin (200 mg/litre), polymyxin B (2 x 106 IU/litre), gentamicin (250 mg/litre), nystatin (0.5 x 106 IU/litre), ofloxacin hydrochloride (60 mg/litre), and sulfamethoxazole (0.2 g/litre).
  4. Dispense 1.0–2.0 ml of transport medium into sterile plastic screw-cap vials.

Store these vials at –20 °C until used or at room temperature for short periods of 1-2 days.

Uses of Viral Transport Media (VTM)

  • Viral transport media are used for the collection and transport of specimens containing viruses.
  • These are also used to maintain the viability of other organisms like mycoplasma, chlamydiae, and ureaplasma.
  • VTMs also help to maximize the number of viral particles in a sample.
  • Liquid transport media are used primarily for transporting swabs or materials released into the medium from a collection swab.
  • It facilitates the collection and transport of samples in areas where the facilities of refrigeration are not available.

Jan 24, 2022 2:44 AM

Your presentation did nothing to prove why viruses can’t be isolated. If they truly exist, they can be isolated. If they are a figment of your imagination, they can’t.

Arby (Rick Battams)
Arby (Rick Battams)
Jan 22, 2022 9:49 PM

“Despite the fabulous claims made back then on behalf of Covid-19 vaccines, we know now that they do not stop transmission.”

You can’t transmit a non existent disease.

Arby (Rick Battams)
Arby (Rick Battams)
Jan 22, 2022 9:30 PM

Novac Djkovic annoys me. Hugo has done a few videos about this smelly situation. I think that we shouldn’t drop his name when so casually when we are talking about victims of Covid 1984. Hugo’s most recent video about Jokey is titled: “Novac Deported Serbian President Gets Involved #mediacircus / Hugo Talks #lockdown”

George Mc
George Mc
Jan 22, 2022 9:21 PM


BBC now pushing for people devastated by a return to any kind of real life social interaction.

Julie – not her real name – has an equally unnamed condition which means a coronavirus infection could be even more deadly than the already deadly deadliness.

What’s more that “didn’t change even after her third jab, because she has to take medication to suppress her immune system, meaning her body may not be able to respond to the vaccine”.


“It’s terrifying, absolutely terrifying,” she says. “People lean over the counter, they’re in your face. My boss doesn’t care that he will put me in an extremely risky position with hundreds or maybe thousands of people coming to the desk, vaccinated or not, and now not wearing any masks,” she says.

Good God! Having to deal with actual people in the actual world!

But here comes the voice of covid outrage:

“How dare you mock this unnamed individual with the unnamed condition, you fiend!

Jan 22, 2022 11:08 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Ran across one in flesh somewhat carrying on with the same shit…had some issue so couldn’t be vax but was trying to move us on from our table as we were going to kill her,,.hard enough dealing with the irrational vax mob without the unvax wanting to join the hysteria….they bloody survived until 2020 and will continue to do so if one to be annoying…this whole thing has bred plenty of irrational behaviour.

Jan 23, 2022 11:39 AM
Reply to  George Mc

How did we survive the last couple 100’000 years without masks and constant quarantines!

Jan 23, 2022 8:35 PM
Reply to  dude

Apparently we didn’t!

After all, only an infinitesimal fraction of the humans living in the last couple hundred thousand years are still alive. Food for thought, eh?

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Jan 24, 2022 7:30 AM
Reply to  dude

Quite a lot didn’t so our forebears tended to breed like rabbits! The wife of JS Bach put most commercial milkers to shame, the number of times she gave birth for the great man….

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jan 22, 2022 8:55 PM

The prerogative to refuse medical intervention is a basic human right. Just don’t expect politicians and the media to accept your decision to exercise it.

A question. If a person is deemed by a state-sanctioned authority to be “mentally ill”, or suffering from a “psychotic disorder”, or such like; in the view of the people posting on this forum:

a) does that person retain the basic human right to refuse medical treatment?
b) are they deemed to be in some way “not fully human”; and are therefore stripped of basic human rights?
c) something else?

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Jan 24, 2022 7:32 AM

Trust me, their definition of ‘mentally ill’ is ‘not agreeing with US-ordered UK Government propaganda’, claiming that ‘the security services are putting me under surveillance’ etc.

According to NHS consultants, the Security Services do not put anyone under surveillance, ever.

Anyone who has been put under surveillance by the Security Services holds such consultants in the contempt they so richly deserve…..

David G Horsman
David G Horsman
Jan 22, 2022 8:49 PM

Mods. We didn’t change. They did. And you read what I said. I have been busy.
Crickets? Wtf? Conspiracy nut?
No not the fucking CIA Crickets.
I mean crickets! Silence!

This is how we lost mods.

It’s more than just a matter of Poppers Paradox, but I would let a biologist and psychologist speak for me on that.

But I knew five years ago that the neocons, evangelicals, disaffected veterans would know. That when the day fucking well came! That the sleazy, deluded, genocidal, KKK Democrats started even mentioning putting people in camps?

They would have to put them down.

It was Obama that built the cages.

Biden and Clintons that put a whole generation of black youth in prison.

And gleefully help commit war crimes and crimes against humanity all over the world. With impunity.

We might not be friends. But we must be allies. My new allie is the Republicans. It’s just science. Rural Texas maybe. People of the soil and the earth.

I am ANTIFA. (It’s an inside joke) I am the social media director for ANTIFA Canada. I report to the president and local head of the organization up here.

Get it? I bet you didn’t. Dummies.

I have a children’s birthday thing. You mods? We got a tiny bit of trust.

Everybody else? Go suck Jimmy Dore’s dick. Ya wankers.

Jan 22, 2022 5:50 PM

I applaud you in your choice to not be bullied, shamed or intimidated by the many tactics of the mass psychosis crowd! I am also a noncompliant citizen, my refusal will remain and I will endure! We all have the right to body autonomy regardless of the radical fearful sheep who have lined up for shot after shot unable to understand that boosters are being deployed for the simple reason that they do not work no matter how many times you get them. I question their ability to understand reason and think clearly at this point. Keep up the good fight!

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jan 22, 2022 4:45 PM

Stop pushing the medicalisation of everything bullshit ! — Peters (4:20): What are you doing to fight this? Obviously, you’re not insane. Let me just ask you, are you crazy? Are you nuts? Nass: No, I’ve never had a psychiatric diagnosis. — https://rumble.com/vt17qy-us-doctors-targeted-and-rounded-up-biden-regime-will-force-life-saving-doct.html US Doctors Targeted And Rounded Up: Biden Regime Will Force Life-Saving Doctors Into Asylums Stew Peters Show January 21, 2022 Meryl Nass is a doctor in Maine. She has twenty-five years of experience. She’s an expert on anthrax, and was a key investigator of a major anthrax outbreak in Rhodesia in the 1970s, which she convincingly argued was the product of biological warfare. But now, the state of Maine says Meryl isn’t even a doctor at all. They’ve stripped her of her license to practice, because she’s been prescribing ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine to her Covid patients, because she’s criticized vaccinating children while giving Big Pharma blanket immunity for any damages, and because she says Covid-19 vaccines aren’t working with the Omicron variant. Dr. Nass’s clinic has been shut down, and her patients have lost the right to go to her for treatment. She joins us to discuss. — Peters (3:15): This is a tactic that they literally used in the Soviet Union. . . . And now that Soviet system has come to America. It was happening long before the Soviet Union even existed. For instance, it happened to Ignaz Semmelweis in 1865; which is described by Thomas Szasz in the 2010 preface to The Myth of Mental Illness. And if you are a doctor who accepts the concept of “psychiatric diagnosis”, and treats it as a bit of a joke, you deserve to be locked up. It’s called karma! — https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ignaz_Semmelweis Ignaz Philipp Semmelweis (1818–65) was an ethnic German-Hungarian physician and scientist born in the Kingdom… Read more »

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jan 22, 2022 5:33 PM

Thomas Szasz – New Preface to The Myth of Mental Illness (~2010) Everything I read, observed, and learned supported my adolescent impression that the behaviors we call “mental illnesses” and to which we attach the hundreds of derogatory labels in our lexicon of lunacy are not medical diseases. They are the products of the medicalization of disturbing or disturbed behaviors – that is, the observer’s construction and definition of the behavior of the persons he observes as medically disabled individuals needing medical treatment. This cultural transformation is driven mainly by the modern therapeutic ideology that has replaced the old theological world view, and the political and professional interests it sets in motion. Yet, perhaps there was one childhood experience that set me thinking along the lines that led to the writing of The Myth of Mental Illness and to the timing of its publication. Growing up in Budapest in the 1920s, I learned about the famous nineteenth-century Hungarian obstetrician, Ignaz Semmelweis (1818–1865) and his tragic fate. His statue stood, and still stands, in a small park in front of the city’s old general hospital, not far from the Gymnasium I attended for eight years. Semmelweis discovered the cause of puerperal (childbed) fever before the discovery of bacteria as causative agents of diseases. As he accurately but impolitely put it, the cause was the doctors’ dirty hands. Semmelweis also developed a method for preventing the terrifying epidemics of puerperal fever, endemic to mid-nineteenth-century hospital maternity wards: hand-washing with chlorinated water. I was deeply moved by the story of Semmelweis’s life, the rejection of his discovery and remedy by the medical profession inconvenienced by it, and his incarceration and death in an insane asylum. It taught me, at an early age, that being wrong can be dangerous, but being right, when society… Read more »

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jan 22, 2022 5:40 PM


The required change is NOT that of allowing a doctor to prescribe HCQ or IVM. Instead, it is so that the individual can buy them over the counter. That way we don’t need the doctor.
What this saga illustrates, is that the medical industrial complex is not fit to regulate anything.

Roger Mitchell
Roger Mitchell
Jan 22, 2022 2:31 PM

‘“My body, my choice” became the mantra of the pro-choice movement.’

Well, yes, so it did and the pro-abortion movement vehemently claims that slogan as their own and become extremely upset if it is used in the context of Covid. Don’t believe that? Try it sometime in asserting your sovereign right to determine for yourself whether you get The Jab or not. In all likelihood, you will run afoul of some pro-abortion advocate who will become visibly and/or verbally angry BECAUSE you have claimed that it is YOUR body and therefore YOUR choice.

My body, my choice applies in the case of abortion, but not in the issue of Covid jabs. How hypocritical! How inconsistent! A person who thinks logically and rationally should assume that those people who believe in abortion “freedom” would also back those people who believe in medical “freedom”, but this is not the case at all, at least in my own experience. In fact, many people who promote the slogan in the case of abortion literally demand that everyone get the shot, an invasion of property rights, regardless of the wishes of another.

Until everyone’s (including unborn children) bodily rights are respected and held sacrosanct, then no one’s are.

Jan 22, 2022 1:38 PM

I think this is significant:

A year late, but a start.

Watch out for more resignations.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jan 22, 2022 6:49 PM
Reply to  Chris

A year late, but a start.

The start of the Great Arse Covering !

Today, despite the global rollout of covid-19 vaccines and treatments, the anonymised participant level data underlying the trials for these new products remain inaccessible to doctors, researchers, and the public—and are likely to remain that way for years to come.16 This is morally indefensible for all trials, but especially for those involving major public health interventions.

The ingredients of the jabs remains inaccessible! Don’t they think we should know the contents BEFORE injecting the stuff into people? And that would, of course, come BEFORE adverse reaction reporting.

Jan 24, 2022 8:40 PM

No, the (putative) ingredients lists are public information. It’s the “anonymised participant data underlying the trials” that remain inaccessible. In other words, all the clinical evidence they fudged to make it appear the vaccines were safe to achieve herd profits.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jan 24, 2022 11:03 PM
Reply to  hodgicus

the (putative) ingredients lists are public information

There are supposedly knowledge people who say that the listing of ingredients is not currently available, and that for an emergence-use product they’re not required to be. But if you know otherwise, please provide the link.

Also, with regard to actual ingredients, rather than putative, given that there is no independent, controlled testing, there is no way of knowing what’s in the vials. And VAERS data suggests a great deal of variability. For example, see the Mike Yeadon discussion here:

Jan 25, 2022 3:04 PM

The list at this CT gov site is much more accessible than the gabble at NIH, but both are an simple search away. Are they accurate? Can’t testify. But they are published as complete.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Jan 25, 2022 4:15 PM
Reply to  hodgicus

That is not a manufacture’s published list of ingredients. Instead, it is a partial listing which has been compiled by somebody else. If you claim that the manufacturer has published a comprehensive list, please provide the direct link.

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Jan 24, 2022 7:38 AM
Reply to  Chris

What’s required is a change in how medicines get registered.

The trials must be designed by independent third parties and protocols sanctioned by the public. All end-points must be clinically relevant, intimately linked to the justification for licensing the product. No more ‘reductions in sniffles’ as endpoints: reduction in patient stays in hospital; death reduction; reduction in server illness frequency etc.

All participants must have absolute right to access their own personal data as part of the deal for participating in the trial.

Analysis of the trial data must be carried out by parties completely independent from the company proposing to market the product.

There’s a bit of a problem here: private sector organisations will say that it won’t be worth their while in future.

Is that a problem??

George Mc
George Mc
Jan 22, 2022 1:02 PM

Wonderful comment from just after the hour mark in the latest UK Column News (https://www.ukcolumn.org/ukcolumn-news/uk-column-news-21st-january-2022):

The pharmaceutical companies are making the military industrial complex look like a lemonade stand right now!

There has been nothing like it before. And the bland baby face of Bill Gates seems to sum up the entire nature of the operation. This doesn’t require military regalia and moustachioed brawny chested bellowers. All it requires is the “calm reasonable voice of The Science”.

Jan 22, 2022 2:57 PM
Reply to  George Mc

cheque book science

Jan 22, 2022 4:21 PM
Reply to  George Mc

yass, the lab coat and syringe have replaced the rifle and bayonet.

and the band sang waltzing matilda

: /

Arby (Rick Battams)
Arby (Rick Battams)
Jan 22, 2022 9:59 PM
Reply to  rubberheid

comment image

Arby (Rick Battams)
Arby (Rick Battams)
Jan 22, 2022 9:58 PM
Reply to  George Mc

I’m sure the wrinkled prune, Bill Gates, wished his face was baby-like. But he is howdy doody in his mannerisms. His hand gestures are awesome however. He literally looks like he’s a puppet. I picture Satan above him with the the strings in his hands.

I’m Gates’s age. I look a hell of a lot better than he does. I still look my age (one day away from 66), but I don’t look like I’ve been eating lab meat.

Katie Jorgensen
Katie Jorgensen
Jan 22, 2022 12:56 PM

All the supporters of tyranny are anti-science, on a level with flat earthers. Every single one of them believes this lie –

(1) Vaccines work, BUT
(2) They DON’T work when around someone who has not also gotten the same vaccines.

It’s so stupid it’s unbelievable but is basically government policy worldwide. Which proves the entire pandemic response has ZERO to do with science.

Jan 22, 2022 11:21 PM

But maybe they do work in another fashion…we are starting to see reports of people just dying from what the local media report as “medical incidents”. Sudden heart attacks and /or strokes often while driving, riding a bike etc…bet they won’t be recorded as adverse results…and still they roll up for their next shot…the ones alive…and every second person appears to be sick with something that the tests said was omicron….it is truly a test of one sanity.,

Jan 22, 2022 12:55 PM

An album I’ve been beating to death Stereolab ABC music radio 1 bbc sessions. I won’t include any links it’s easy enough to find. Sums up a lot of the feelings I think many of us are experiencing. By now Stereolab is probably quadruple jabbed and etc but man that album/compilation is great and much different from their studio albums. Heres the lyrics on one of my favorites ‘Doubt’
Doubt will kill you
Youth passed away
Amongst controls of resignation

Appeal of the marvelous

Doubt will kill you
Youth passed away
Amongst controls of resignation

Appeal of the marvelous

Is it enough to show
How the nightmare works
So the people will
Wake up, is it enough

Jan 22, 2022 12:09 PM

The mass poisoning campaign is the most egregious example so far of predatory/parasitic capital’s tactic: “You will buy our products and services, no matter how unnecessary or even harmful, or we’ll hound you until you surrender or die”. This applies to individuals as well as entire nations. Don’t want to let big capital intpo your quaint little country? Get ready for military intervention and total economic destruction. They are not only greedy but vengeful and they will punish entire nations for any signs of desire for sovereignty. Like they are punishing Japan, Greece and of course large swathes of Africa, where the end of the world came a while ago and this “Pandemic” will surely seem like 1st world problems…

Why are the European royal families still in place and still in possession of their assets if “we” have come so far?

Wasn’t the Nuremberg trial a kangaroo court and essential part of the propaganda of the western axis? “History is written by the winners of wars”. Didn’t many of the criminals among the top Nazis get whisked off to the the USA to continue the good work?

And here I am commenting about the scam on a site that I’m not even sure will publish my comments, and the comments will not be allowed anywhere else that anyone looks at…

George Mc
George Mc
Jan 22, 2022 11:50 AM

Raising questions about covid is now a diagnosable mental illness:


Maine Physician Suspended for COVID Misinformation

— Licensing agency says Meryl Nass must undergo neuropsych exam for her claims about COVID vaccine

The Maine Board of Licensure Wednesday ordered the immediate suspension of the license of a physician accused of spreading false COVID-19 information and, in a separate order Tuesday, ordered her to undergo a neuropsychological evaluation by a board-selected psychologist.


The 30-day suspension order said that Meryl Nass, MD, an internist in Ellsworth, made a number of false COVID claims in a video interview and on her website, and that allowing her to continue to practice “constitutes an immediate jeopardy to the health and physical safety of the public.”

“The information received by the Board demonstrates that Dr. Nass is or may be unable to practice medicine with reasonable skill and safety to her patients by reason of mental illness, alcohol intemperance, excessive use of drugs, narcotics, or as a result of a mental or physical condition interfering with the competent practice of medicine,” the Tuesday order said.

We are led to believe that Nass is evil because she lied in order to prescribe a drug which had been legally fenced off from being used as a covid cure (and thus could only be accessed through a lie).

George Mc
George Mc
Jan 22, 2022 12:08 PM
Reply to  George Mc

The MedPage Today article has this reassuring signoff:

“Cheryl Clark has been a medical & science journalist for more than three decades.”

Solid professionalism! Emphasised also by the curious comment thread. Here are some comments from more “Reliable Professionals”:

From “Chris_Hickie_MD_Phd:

“Good riddance to bad rubbish. Nass has been screwing up child vaccinations for years with irresponsible disinformation, so this is good. Any physician who goes down this conspiracy theory sewer hole is mentally incompetent to practice medicine.”

And when someone dares to suggest that “closed minded thinking stops breakthroughs in medicine”, we get this impeccably “Real Scientific” comeback from “Clark_Wysong_MD pharlam”:

“No it doesn’t. And it never will. Breakthroughs come through the scientific method and using evidence based medicine. That doctor’s way leads to quackery.”

The following comments do their utmost to imprint the notion that “doubting the science” is a “Right Wing” thing.

George Mc
George Mc
Jan 22, 2022 12:14 PM
Reply to  George Mc

What you have here is a Nazi gang of “Reality Deciders” and “Psychological Assessors” backed up by fraudulent phony troll operators in the comments.

dr death
dr death
Jan 22, 2022 2:46 PM
Reply to  George Mc

they have been using the ‘right wing thing‘… since the central banks and ‘corporations’ created the fascists and nazis over a hundred years ago (does a day go by without mendicant media bleating the ‘hitler’/nazi mantra?) , all part of the power nexus/modernist/post modernist egregore (ahrimanic bureaucratic nominalist)…

create an entity that can be used to scoop up all useful and positive(to general human society)traditions, concepts and systems and bag it up with a load of theatrical and evil nonsense for propaganda/herd control purposes( the yang side was of course the bolsheviks), no doubt conjured up to deal with more sensible theorists like Bakunin and a more general awareness in the 19th century of the state of the financialists farm.. and the pigs and dogs at the trough..

we can see the same theater being played out now…. as always oceania and eurasia the protaganists..where all the masonic ‘elites’ have gathered round the table in the ‘star’ chamber to create the latest euro-peon cull.. this time ‘putin’s masonic russia pretends to be ‘hitlers’ masonic germany….(peel your beady’s and look closely… it is the same script as 1939)…

NB: there is always a great social upheaval before the next stage of the great work/great war etc etc…

presumably the microsoft coff and shizers wetware updates fill that casket…

Jan 22, 2022 11:23 PM
Reply to  George Mc

And how many of those comments were really bots?

George Mc
George Mc
Jan 22, 2022 12:30 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Most telling part: “Nass acknowledged that she believes HCQ, which has been shown to be ineffective against COVID, does in fact work …”

HCQ was “shown to be ineffective” and indeed dangerous through a shockingly high mortality rate via an experiment in which the dosage given was lethal. In other words, the HCQ experiment was not only designed to fail but was designed to kill. 


Jan 23, 2022 12:39 AM
Reply to  George Mc

I think Dr. Nass has done a great deal of work exposing the anthrax vaccine debacle with the military.

No wonder she’s on the (s)hit list.

red lester
red lester
Jan 22, 2022 3:06 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Meryl Nass is more than just an internist. She is an expert on anthrax vaxines and an advisor to US govs! I suspect there is also military stuff not noted in her resume. She is the real deal:


She also thinks we are in a clown show more or less.

Jan 22, 2022 3:10 PM
Reply to  George Mc

the emergency experiment could only semi-legally proceed if no treatment for flu existed. Ivermectin is highly effective and safe and hiding /demonizing it are key to the fraud.

Jan 22, 2022 11:12 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Her “mental condition” is that she’s able to think for herself. The horror!

Jan 22, 2022 11:40 AM

Good article, but I do want to offer a grammatical correction. You do NOT have a ‘hissy fit’, nor do you throw a hissy fit. The only thing you can do with a hissy fit is to pitch one.

Pig Swill
Pig Swill
Jan 23, 2022 8:03 AM
Reply to  RayK

Jesus. Calm down.

Jan 23, 2022 8:33 PM
Reply to  RayK

Well, no need to pitch a bitch over it!  😉 

George Mc
George Mc
Jan 22, 2022 11:09 AM

I was on the phone to my mum and she came away with this, “There’s a feeling of gloom and it’ll take a while to get back to normal” before blathering on about the risk of infections. I no longer felt I had the strength to make any comment. I feel Event Covid has now reached a kind of blasé low profile phase where the “deadly virus / life-saving vaccine” meme is quietly presupposed and just seems to vaguely circulate in the background. But this feeling of gloom is tangible and, as far as I can see, growing. I have no doubt all this was built into the original plan: you could call it the “deep psychological consolidation” phase. First: shock and awe, then prolonged attacks, then gaslighting twist and turns – embellished in no small measure by the implosive betrayal of “The Left”, then the various vaccine manoeuvres plus the variant manoeuvres, and now moving into this lethargic apathetic plateau. Though to be sure, I’m reporting from a conservative rural hinterland that probably doesn’t even know that Val Doonican has died.  

Jan 22, 2022 3:46 PM
Reply to  George Mc

Sounds like ‘Nirvana’. Is he dead?
Better, who the fuck is/was Val-ice?

Aye lad, sceptic tank @rock-bottom of barrel bombing mass media misrepresentationfakelake…
When all I wanted to know is, is Engelbert Humperdink a survivor? Of media windmills…
And Fat Freddy a real ‘Soldier’. Somethings feel real…


Feel ya’ George. Big time, fancy a beer & some chicken ‘Kiev’?
SH8T wait, can I say that?
Nothing really matters.
Anyone can see…
Except the harmony,
Of death, quintessentially,
The equaliser. Legacy…

Jan 22, 2022 10:57 AM

As always, the other side of the equation, the people who will die by not ending Plan B, is just ignored and treated as if they don’t exist (although when it suits there will be a display of great compassion towards them e.g. those with mental health problems must be helped – give them magic mushrooms!):


Jan 22, 2022 2:21 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Interesting the psylocibin mushrooms growing in Europe for thousands of years weren’t given the same status of “exotic” or “strange” by CIA agent wasson.

Possible spoiler: Europe’s magic mushrooms don’t grow on cow shit…….

Jan 22, 2022 3:24 PM
Reply to  YourPointBeing

Possible spoiler: Europe’s magic mushrooms don’t grow on cow shit…….

or promoted / funded by TFR or JOE rogan type shills.

George Mc
George Mc
Jan 22, 2022 9:37 AM

This is something I can relate to:


“When we finally got back into the classroom in September 2020, I was optimistic, even as we would go remote for weeks, sometimes months, whenever case numbers would rise. But things never returned to normal.

When we were physically in school, it felt like there was no longer life in the building. Maybe it was the masks that made it so no one wanted to engage in lessons, or even talk about how they spent their weekend. But it felt cold and soulless. My students weren’t allowed to gather in the halls or chat between classes. They still aren’t. Sporting events, clubs and graduation were all cancelled. These may sound like small things, but these losses were a huge deal to the students. These are rites of passages that can’t be made up.

In my classroom, the learning loss is noticeable. My students can’t concentrate and they aren’t doing the work that I assign to them. They have way less motivation compared to before the pandemic began. Some of my students chose not to come back at all, either because of fear of the virus, or because they are debilitated by social anxiety. And now they have the option to do virtual schooling from home.”

My own workplace is for disabled adults but the limited “opening up” since lockdown has taken on the same dreary “Soviet style” greyness. There is little of the old joy, the old vibrancy, the old humanity about the building or the sessions. Indeed I feel that the general atmosphere is that everyone is waiting for the end!

George Mc
George Mc
Jan 22, 2022 10:49 AM
Reply to  George Mc


“As we approach the third year of this pandemic, it’s become painfully clear that the stringent measures we took to mitigate against the virus had all kinds of unintended consequences. ”

For as long as these “unintended” and “incompetence” memes circulate, these articles are spectacularly impotent.

Jan 22, 2022 5:02 PM
Reply to  George Mc

It really is so frustrating to me how pervasive the “unintended” and “incompetence” cards are played by champions of the resistance. “Clueless” is another grating one, compounded by comparing these psychopathic overlords to mere clowns. I’m afraid my last attempt to point out this oft-repeated habit more than likely went over as a bunch of sour grapes.

Jan 22, 2022 12:08 PM
Reply to  George Mc

This is so true. This lethargic acceptance. They greyness. The soullessness.

Imagine thinking that 2019 was simpler times.

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Jan 22, 2022 9:36 AM

This is a link to advice on children’s jabs from HSE (England)


Surely the following excerpt is a blatant lie which is deliberately endangering children’s lives?

“Most people recover from myocarditis and pericarditis on their own but they may need treatment in hospital. We don’t yet know if there are any long-term problems because of these side effects”

Jan 22, 2022 11:00 AM

Willingly and wantingly. All to protect themselves and their credibility. It is clear it won’t stop until we hold them accountable. Doctors hiding in their offices because of threats by their administrations who are being paid off by Big Pharma need to come out of hiding and speak out.

Jan 22, 2022 4:39 PM

This is HSE ireland – ‘The HSE provides all of Ireland’s public health services in hospitals and communities across the country.’j

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Jan 22, 2022 9:07 AM

Vitoria police constable charged


It will be interesting to what punishment he will get.

Jan 22, 2022 10:46 AM

This is some good news, but as you say, let’s see what the final result is.

Victoria police should be ashamed of their conduct over the last three years (and, let’s be honest, even prior to that).

They are now little more than the hired goons of that brokeback fool, Dan Andrews. Uphold the right, indeed.

David G Horsman
David G Horsman
Jan 23, 2022 12:03 AM
Reply to  Zentonista

I know a lot about how that works. Expect ten years of wasted time, if not twenty. And he walks free without punishment. It’s a designer systemic problem.
I call it fascism. I’m an expert.

David G Horsman
David G Horsman
Jan 23, 2022 12:01 AM

I live near there.

David G Horsman
David G Horsman
Jan 22, 2022 7:18 AM

Today a civil war started in Canada and the US when public polling showed large majority of Democrats favor of internment, fines.
Is starvation of the unvaccinated on the table?
Forced vaccination?
In the end they are going to hang Noam Chomsky from a lamp post right beside Fauci.
Civil war will become a nuclear exchange.
Fascism is today officially upon us.

Mark this day.

These fascists never believe us when we said some day the tables could and would turn.
They laughed.

We not only have the numbers, the republicans have the guns and training. The enemy is weak but extremely dangerous. Over confidence and arrogance is a tool in the art of war.

David G Horsman
David G Horsman
Jan 22, 2022 3:19 PM

Modern technology is such cheap shit. Our clocks are out of sync by two minutes… unless you can somehow post comments into the future?
But that would mean maybe the lizard people are real? And we’re them. And what about Elvis?

David G Horsman
David G Horsman
Jan 22, 2022 3:22 PM

Once you butcher a joke it’s hard to fix. You can’t do it. I’ll show you. The lizard PEOPLE showed me how.
It just kind of splats on the floor like a dead fish.

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Jan 22, 2022 7:16 AM

And what is so amazing about all these political liars is that everything they say is flat WRONG!

  1. The evidence is absolutely conclusive that masks do NOT, repeat NOT, serve any positive role in preventing the spread of SARS-CoV2, yet politicians make out that it is scientific fact that they do. They are LYING.
  2. The evidence is absolutely conclusive that millions of unmasked children in Sweden do not spread Coronavirus any more than millions of masked children in Finland do. Unmasked children will not kill granny! So there, Matthew Hancock…..
  3. The evidence is in that natural immune responses to SARS-CoV2 infection lead to stronger, longer-lasting immunity to subsequent viral infection than vaccination does. There’s no question about that, it comes from multiple international studies by scientists from reputable institutions. Take those scientific papers and shove them where the sun don’t shine, Joe Biden!
  4. The evidence is in that the risks of serious adverse effects due to vaccination are greater for the healthy under 50s than the risks of serious illness/death due to SARS-CoV2 infection in the absence of vaccination. That’s right: there’s a NEGATIVE health outcome for all healthy people under 50 who are stupid enough to get vaccinated….

To say that global politicians would stand a cats chance in hell of not being convicted of mass murder in an honestly constituted court of law would be stretching credulity.

But still the sheeple listen to them as if they are compassionate honest leaders….

You stick to your guns, brave lady. You took the right decision for you and your health.

History will prove you right and millions of your countryfolk will have to suck it up that they got it wrong…..

Jan 22, 2022 10:50 AM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

Reports and observation suggest that wearing masks could send you onto the covid treadmill: running nose, sneezing, breathing difficulty, skin/respiratory infection, visit to the doctor, covid test. If you end up in a ward or in detention with others, good luck.

Jan 22, 2022 6:26 AM

What are the thoughts about Novovax being a safer option for those being coerced here in Australia?

I see the Guardian is promoting it for the ‘hestitant’ which can’t be good. But many un vaxxed actually do see it as an escape route.

Pig Swill
Pig Swill
Jan 23, 2022 8:07 AM
Reply to  martin

Seriously, novovax? What kind of utter rube clutches at any vaccine to stave off corona virus…common cold virus? They mutate individual to individual. How many trillion boosters has novovax got up their dodgy sleeve?

Jan 23, 2022 12:10 PM
Reply to  Pig Swill

The point is they do not want to take it to stave off ‘covid’, they want to stave off unemployment without getting myocarditis or a brain aneurism.

Jan 22, 2022 6:08 AM

‘Science’ has taken on the meaning of ‘Truth’. As was said it is just a method, and if grants and intitutions and peers have all been bought then you get what was was paid for including the belief of the participants.

Virology is a paradigm, but when you have deliberate lies and fabrications you end up with a hollow shell everbody avoids. I don’t think it has reached that stage yet.

It seems to me we have a primitive working knowledge of how genes can be manipulated and we are on the verge of doing great harm to the human genome. Not to mention plants and animals. The idea of Virus is just one part of this.

A better noun would be genevector.

Jan 22, 2022 10:56 AM
Reply to  martin

On the verge of doing great harm.. due to hubris.

The term gene drive, trendy about 3 years ago, has disappeared.

les online
les online
Jan 22, 2022 5:15 AM

Babe’s being fed in their high chairs express silent “No’s” by clamping their mouths shut, twisting their heads away from the incoming flying food spoon. (Some scientist think they might really be reacting to the flying spoon’s accompanying buzzing sound = mosquito.)…
Vocalising “NO !” accompanies learning to walk. The more proficient they become at walking (and the sheer delight of using up excess energy), the more the demands of curiosity, And the more assertive the “NO !” to those who try to curb the infants explorations of it’s world…
Of course you cant blame parents for wanting the infants to adapt (conform) to their world…
The best way to break the young’s spirit is to limit or refuse them their right to say “No !”
Break the feeling of independence they began to develop when encouraged to learn to walk. Few, when of schooling age, rebel against their obedience training…

Jan 22, 2022 3:32 AM

Bear in mind humans rights are bullshit – nonsense upon stilts!

Jan 22, 2022 4:54 AM
Reply to  plasos

I believe you are correct, but let’s be nice about it and try to lessen the shock for our fellow men and women.
Most of us were brought up to take human rights for granted, and waking up isn’t easy after sleeping for thirty or forty years…

Arby (Rick Battams)
Arby (Rick Battams)
Jan 22, 2022 10:23 PM
Reply to  plasos

Well, I have no problem with human rights and with defending them. But Iain Davis does make some good points about human rights in the hands of politicians. That’s something different than caring about my fellow man, which is what I’m thinking of when I think of human rights. Iain points out that politicians like to write up documents listing human rights, which will include wiggle room for them to alter those rights or suspend them altogether. He contrasts human rights with inalienable rights. I don’t have a complete grasp of the subject. All I know is that with my inalienable rights, I’m still out on the street (let’s say) on the 24th of January. I plopped down $100 for lottery tickets today out of desperation. Who knows? I think it’s safe to say I’m screwed. My inalienable rights might be intact, but I’m not going to be.

Iain discusses human and inalienable rights in his Introduction to his book titled “Pseudopandemic.” – https://app.box.com/s/fw01lytrzy6lkmfjudg0dp6luax4iidj

I don’t know whether it’s just my browser not showing me all of this page or what, but my tools, including the link feature, are on top of the comment field. And when I tried to turn “Introduction” into a link, it didn’t work. Is it my browser?

Jan 23, 2022 1:44 AM

See? It’s utterly nonsense,” inalienable” rights? Who’s there to protect it then? God?? Or worse the State and its corrupt men? As Bentham wrote, reasons for wanting rights, are not rights, any more than hunger is bread
And Hume earlier with the irrefutable ought-is problem. Sorry if I sound condescending but as a freedom lover that I am and presumably you, appealing to human rights is not ok, it’s full of errors and alike.

I give the credits to Bob Black, an ex lawyer and anarchist in his great essay: https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/bob-black-the-myth-of-human-rights

les online
les online
Jan 22, 2022 3:09 AM

Genetic experimentation will take place in the guise of gene “therapy”.
Officially everyone on the planet has symptomless unwellness. The transhuminist now have the world’s human population to experiment on. For only through experiments can transhumanists learn What Works..
Though given all the things that happen to those who float around heaven all day in Skylabs, it’s easy to believe that the only humans to ever land on Mars with be human brains inside a robot bodies.

Jan 22, 2022 4:24 AM
Reply to  les online

Officially everyone on the planet has symptomless unwellness.

you are unwell just because you do not know it and may never know does not matter
all of you are in a Symptomless coma

les online
les online
Jan 22, 2022 5:27 AM
Reply to  gordan


Jan 22, 2022 8:51 AM
Reply to  gordan

Harold Shipman.

Jan 22, 2022 10:04 AM
Reply to  gordan

very dark,

Jan 22, 2022 11:10 AM
Reply to  gordan

gordan this sir is to deep for some to innerstand!
i loved it
+ 100000000000000000

Jan 22, 2022 4:01 PM
Reply to  yossam

poor boy had an ear infection
snuffed out by nurse increasing his dose

revelation of the method
twisted comedy
in fact nhs normalcy

let us all one hand clap for the saintly doc and nurse here ho

Jan 22, 2022 5:04 PM
Reply to  gordan

indeed, i thought i was getting a babylon bee satire

i got stark reality, a long time version

Jan 22, 2022 4:19 PM
Reply to  gordan


Jan 22, 2022 5:03 AM
Reply to  les online

I wonder how many of us here ever played the video games Quake II, or Quake 4…
They were both very immersive and scary, but the story presages the transhumanists by a long way, although of course Frankenstein was well into this scenario way before that.

Those games were right to the point: The brutal fusing together of organic and mechanical materials in a way that couldn’t possibly work.

But our modern Frankensteins are every bit as mad as the original, and they have become bold with time.
They now think that what they are doing could, possibly, work.
They are a public menace and I’m frankly quite keen on the idea of buying a pitch fork, even though I don’t have a garden…

Jan 22, 2022 2:17 PM
Reply to  wardropper

The transhuman agenda presents a genuine “horns of a dilemma.”

While those working toward making it a reality can be said to be narcissistic, egotistical and hubristic in the extreme; at the same time they clearly have no sense of self.

The mere thought of being anybody else, let alone something synthetic, would be so repulsive to anyone with a normal, healthy sense of self that they would immediately abandon any notion of becoming a half human-half machine concoction.

Most of us would probably like returning to a younger, healthier state of our existence; but even that would be only if we could retain everything we’ve learned along the way.

It’s just about as abnormal as possible to actually long to be something other than who we are.

The transhumanists truly are sub-human.

Jan 22, 2022 4:21 PM
Reply to  Howard

Arby (Rick Battams)
Arby (Rick Battams)
Jan 22, 2022 10:31 PM
Reply to  les online

Yes, apparently. That fact was brought home forcefully to me in an interview that Vivian Fischer and Reiner Fuellmich had with Sam White and Wolfgang Wodarg. See it here: https://odysee.com/@Corona-Investigative-Committee:5/sam-Session-85-en.mp4:3

les online
les online
Jan 23, 2022 2:31 AM

Dr Sam insists, “they’re not vaccines. They’re gene therapy !”
They are not a ‘therapy’, unless that’s another word that’s had it’s definition upgraded to fit the ‘covid’ narrative. Nor are they a ‘treatment’. They are a (medical) experiment.. I cant think of a succinct, fitting description, like earlier the AZ jabs were called “clot shots”. We need to be ever on guard against unthinkingly adopting the drug companies chosen words, because to do so influences and can determine how we think about their products. (to paraphrase Orwell).
Of note was the older doctors immediate rejection of using ‘Russian roulette’
to describe what he claims are organised trials being conducted by the drug companies..

Arby (Rick Battams)
Arby (Rick Battams)
Jan 23, 2022 3:55 AM
Reply to  les online

Well, I’m thinking when I mention the covid 19 vaccines and then add that they are in fact not vaccines (quoting Stefan Oelrich) but gene therapy and what I’m thinking is that by telling people that, as I did today, I reveal to them how the hoasters are lying. But you’re right. If I am able to stay on the subject (because whoever I’m talking to doesn’t take it in a different direction), and remember to, I will also point out that there’s nothing therapeutic about being poisoned. But to be fair, I always bring up the fact that the covid injectables are ‘only’ poison. Maybe ‘gene altering’, although I’m not sure whether that would be accurate. Maybe ‘DNA altering’. I’m pretty sure that that’s correct.

Jan 22, 2022 3:01 AM

Maybe…just maybe…just 𝘮𝘢𝘺𝘣𝘦,it kinda sorta wasn’t really such a good idea after all to cave in to all the identity politics/gender/race/etcetc crap……just sayin’

Jan 22, 2022 2:30 AM

Obviously the statists have a vested interest in claiming that the unvaccinated spread the disease in spite of no scientific data to back them up. But what’s with the masses? Are they just too stone-cold ignorant to do a little investigating on their own?

Jan 22, 2022 2:51 AM

Here in NSW Australia, 95% are double vaccinated and they still vilify and blame the outbreak on the unvaccinated. It’s insane.

Jan 22, 2022 2:56 AM
Reply to  JoeC

95% are not poison stabbed. That is propaganda, bullshit, a lie. Why do you repeat that here?

Jan 22, 2022 4:24 AM
Reply to  JoeC

I continue to be very skeptical about any and all reports about the % of populations ‘vax/unvax’ … the numbers game is one of the main tools of deception in virtually all forms of reporting

Jan 22, 2022 4:54 AM
Reply to  JoeC

The other weird is omicron is sweeping through this giving apparent natural immunity but we in qld are still pushing to have 90% vax….how on earth does that make any sense whatever.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Jan 22, 2022 10:39 AM
Reply to  Edith

No Edith, Scomo made another dirty deal, the private labs are double dipping by using pooled swabs, if there is some junk they are all called positive so then everyone in the pool has to be PCR tested, there is no outbreak of anything.

Jan 22, 2022 10:00 PM

Exactement !

Jan 22, 2022 8:29 AM
Reply to  JoeC

That is propaganda from the liars in govt. Why are you repeating it as fact?

Jan 22, 2022 10:42 AM
Reply to  grr

I like your style, grr.

David Ho
David Ho
Jan 22, 2022 1:59 AM

Let’s pry open the unhinged minds of paranoid white nationalst extremist Trump loving insurrectionist anti abortion QAnon wacko nut job conspiracy theorists and rummage through their half baked incoherent slogans and irrational spittle flying rants about the cabals of pedo shape-shifting lizard aliens ruling the world, who, they think, desire nothing more than to depopulate the planet and to own and control everything, so that us rational, well grounded and serious intellectuals become further illuminated in our profound and sacred understanding of how these criminals are so incredibly dangerous as they lurk in our good and wholesome communities masquerading as ordinary people like nurses and construction workers. The good people, the wise and educated must know how to spot these disgruntled anti-vaxxer terrorists in order for you to be able to protect yourself, your loved ones and especially your vulnerable children from diseases of the body and mind. It is important never to approach these vermin and be sure to shut down any attempts by them to express their ridiculous thoughts and stupid opinions as you will be at risk of becoming covered in their disgusting saliva. The government urges the vigilant citizens to report any signs of these diseased violators, that so threaten our children and elderly, so that our dedicated Health Security Enforcement Officers can capture and apprehend this terrible threat before it can gather with other radical anti-vaxxer crazies and metastasise into a cancerous mob rampaging in an uncontrolled orgy of naked destruction, a firestorm, a tsunami pandemic of putrefying pestilence reeking chaos, confusion, death, misery and a worldwide calamity, a Black Death the likes of which the world has never seen before. We can’t let the anti-vaxxer fulfil its evil dream. The righteous person who cares about freedom and liberty must do everything in their power… Read more »

Jan 22, 2022 2:32 AM
Reply to  David Ho

Shill alert!

David Ho
David Ho
Jan 22, 2022 5:15 AM

What’s a shill alert?

Jan 22, 2022 5:55 AM

He was being sarcastic

Jan 22, 2022 4:27 AM
Reply to  David Ho

hahahaha…awesome bit of satire. Merci beaucoup 😉

Jan 22, 2022 6:47 AM
Reply to  David Ho

Ha, very good. The OriginalDaveH has obviously missed the satire and humour of your post.

David Ho
David Ho
Jan 22, 2022 8:18 AM
Reply to  ity

I think so.

Jan 24, 2022 3:12 AM
Reply to  ity

No. I was aware that might be the case. Perhaps a /s at the end would be in order since we can’t see his facial expressions.

Jan 24, 2022 12:37 AM
Reply to  David Ho

That was truly good. So sad that the art of sarcasm is lost on people.

David Ho
David Ho
Jan 22, 2022 1:39 AM

comment image

Jan 22, 2022 12:46 AM

Townhall.com (@townhallcom) Tweeted:
WALENSKY: “We’re pivoting our language…you need to get your booster in order to be up to date.” https://t.co/l0frQEY3V1 https://twitter.com/townhallcom/status/1484594584181215243?s=20

Jan 22, 2022 12:44 AM

I think we’ve all had neighbours like the people in these snapshots.

“Salt of the Earth”, and all that, but not necessarily very bright.
They like the solutions to all problems to be as simple as drinking a beer, or a cup of tea.

There is also this beautiful quote from an immortal genius whose name I have forgotten:

“If your only tool is a hammer then you tend to see every problem as a nail.”…

Jan 22, 2022 12:19 AM

“We said ‘no more’ and ‘never again’ to segregation, apartheid, eugenics and forced medical experimentation.”

But we say ‘Yes’ often very quickly when things presented to us are packaged as Democracy with McDonald’s logo printed clearly.

Blind Gill
Blind Gill
Jan 21, 2022 11:16 PM

Does anyone struggle with the capitalism Vs communism argument? I can see the positives and negatives of both (In the pure forms) and it’s really fucking annoying. I’ve reached t conclusion that it’s just theatre and it would be feudalism when all is said and done.

A bit pissed tonight. Sorry

Jan 21, 2022 11:15 PM


Jan 21, 2022 10:57 PM

You aren’t free to drive if you re intoxicated, unlicensed or uninsured, so why should you be free to enter a pub if you are statistically more likely to cause infection there? Entering a pub is no more a human right than driving a car, and the increased risk of causing a significant accident while intoxicated, unlicensed or uninsured is only slight, and yet society deems it appropriate to ban you from driving altogether.

But by all means don’t get vaccinated if you don’t expect to get hospital treatment if you become severely ill. My pregnant daughter is a nurse constantly at risk of catching the disease from covid patients. She is overworked and exhausted and patients with other conditions are being neglected. Why should she have to treat you if you couldn’t be arsed to take the most elementary steps to reduce the likelihood of severe disease? Yes I know she treats smokers and alcoholics as well, but at least they don’t put her life at risk. It’s time you grew up and thought of more than just yourself.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Jan 21, 2022 11:53 PM
Reply to  Frank

There is no evidence that vaccines work in the way you’re describing, in fact much evidence including statements from the manufacturers themselves that indicate that they don’t. There is also no clear evidence anyone is at an increased risk of a respiratory virus, despite what you have been led to believe. A2

Concerned Citizen
Concerned Citizen
Jan 22, 2022 12:03 AM
Reply to  Frank

statistically more likely to cause infection there? “

An infection of what? PCR doesn’t tell you whether you’ve been infected with anything.

catching the disease”

What disease?

“But by all means don’t get vaccinated if you don’t expect to get hospital treatment if you become severely ill.”

Severely ill with what?

“Why should she have to treat you if you couldn’t be arsed to take the most elementary steps to reduce the likelihood of severe disease?”

Another unsubstantiated claim. How do you measure your likelihood of severe disease? (what disease?) PCR? Antibody? Antigen? All non-specific unvalidated technologies.

Jan 22, 2022 12:46 AM

Jan 22, 2022 8:23 PM


The PCR is not a test, never meant to be a diagnostic tool, period. So, if that “test” that isn’t a test comes back with an “infection” as you ask, infected with WHAT again? Can they answer that? NO. The entire thing is based on that fake test! Isn’t that called the fruit of the poisoned tree in legal parlance? Starting from an entirely false premise and then attempting to prove something based on that false premise? I cannot get that out of my head and it has been in my head since March 2020. But I am the crazy one….

mel feasance
mel feasance
Jan 22, 2022 12:24 AM
Reply to  Frank

I know a guy that was fully “vaccinated” and just got really sick from being around another fully “vaccinated” individual.
I personally don’t know a single non-“vaxxed” person that has gotten really sick.

No offense, but I come from a long line of medical “professionals” (Doctors, Nurses, etc.) and they are simply more well trained to engage in certain beliefs and procedures than they are truly smart.
None are Researchers.
None have questioned what they’ve been taught to think.
None have done their own independent work nor studies, nor do they know how.
None of those healthcare “experts” are aware of the benefits of good nutrition.
None of those healthcare “experts” are truly knowledgeable of microbiology, nor virology, nor chemistry, nor other closely related disciplines.
They only know their small parts of the puzzle.

“Yes I know she treats smokers and alcoholics as well, but at least they don’t put her life at risk.”
Ever hear of second-hand smoke, or dunk driving, genius?

I suggest you read a lot more.
And I’m not talking the comics.

Jan 22, 2022 3:27 AM
Reply to  mel feasance

The majority of GPs are trained, brainwashed and ‘incentivised’ by Big Pharma to act as dealers, not healers.
“Take three of these a day and I’ll see you in two weeks”

Jan 22, 2022 7:30 AM
Reply to  Johnny

GPs are pushers. They push drugs on people, they push them out the door, they push them away for 2 weeks (actually, they hope the people don’t return).
They can push right off.
Many have pushed the agenda.
Following orders is not an excuse.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Jan 22, 2022 5:06 PM
Reply to  Johnny

I have been nearly killed by doctors prescribing drugs that I am allergic to, luckily I have managed to never fill the penicillin or bactrim prescriptions so now its in big red letters on my file ALLERGIC.

But I had a stroke with lipitor because it hated my life saving immuno suppression medication, nearly died after a morphine allergic was not caught, – and then the opioids were the finishing touch for me. I make doctors look for contraindications.

Jan 22, 2022 5:44 PM
Reply to  Johnny


The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Jan 22, 2022 6:19 PM
Reply to  Johnny

And just in case Frank thinks we are making unsubstantiated affirmations, the following is a conversation between a journalist and a doctor from Martinique island (France) before going live on January 20th:


“I’m paid 100€ every time I convince someone to get inoculated with the mARN, because of course one has to be paid to do something like that.”

“Yes, indeed, I get paid every time I do it, but it has to be with the ARN messenger of Pfizer; if they get inoculated with Novavax or Janssen I get nothing”, but I’m also negotiating with Janssen.”

“Their [pharmaceutical companies] greatest fear is that people change their mind [about getting the inoculations].”

“How is it going?”, the journalist asks. “Great! They [pharmaceuticals] are very happy,” was the answer.

Sold and bought like fish in the market.

Captain Spock
Captain Spock
Jan 22, 2022 12:24 AM
Reply to  Frank

Here’s an article that’ll hopefully invite you to change your perspective… It’s the fully injected who are filling the hospital beds.


Jan 22, 2022 2:18 AM
Reply to  Captain Spock

Frank’s facts don’t cut it. Frank believes unvaxed individuals should not have a right to NHS treatment. If an individual thinks a particular group of society should be discriminated against, then they will shortly be in a legally difficult position – if they aren’t already.

Go careful Frank.

I mean shill or whatever your name is. Good grief.

New Nane
New Nane
Jan 22, 2022 12:32 AM
Reply to  Frank

Arsehole shill.

Jan 22, 2022 2:59 AM
Reply to  New Nane

Or an ignorant arsehole. Probably wears a surgical mask when driving his car alone.

Liam Carton
Liam Carton
Jan 22, 2022 12:48 AM
Reply to  Frank

Too true! Alcoholics have never been know to be violent, and risk an other’s welfare. But, while we are at it, can we also deny rights to all those war criminals (soldiers) who commit murder on the orders of the state; and all the police that shoot innocent civilians in the back; and all the politicians who allow homelessness to thrive. But before we start being fair (God forbid), can you please tell me who authorised you to be the supreme being who is the only one to know right from wrong? I guess we have finally learned the British empires’ lesson of imperialism: You (too) can sleep easy on another man’s wound! (All you have to do is ‘other’ him first!). I won’t ask you to grow up, because, while I will never agree with you toxic viewpoint, I *do* accept your right to have an opinion.

Claire O Driscoll
Claire O Driscoll
Jan 22, 2022 1:04 AM
Reply to  Frank

Ah the old ‘appeal to authority’ argument. I know somebody who works on the front line too. They say there’s absolutely nothing out of the ordinary going on in the hospitals. And why is your daughter neglecting ‘patients with other conditions’ anyway?

Jan 22, 2022 1:13 AM
Reply to  Frank

I’m just here to spread teh coof and chew bubble gum and I’m all out of gum.

Jan 22, 2022 2:26 AM
Reply to  Frank

I’m “vaccinated” and I pose exactly the same risk to the public than someone who isn’t vaccinated so I don’t know what you’re on about.

Jan 22, 2022 2:42 AM
Reply to  Frank

I warned people about the inevitable outcome of socialized medicine 50 years ago. Now, people like Frank are proving me correct. They steal our money to purchase services we don’t want. Then they, in sheer ignorance of science, withhold those services from us if we don’t jump through their hoops like a trained seal. The worst part of it, for me, is when they try to take the moral high-ground when, in fact they are just ignorant and immoral.

Arby (Rick Battams)
Arby (Rick Battams)
Jan 22, 2022 10:37 PM

I’ve been warning people about fascist health care since March 11, 2020.

Jan 22, 2022 2:52 AM
Reply to  Frank

I warned people about this 50 years ago. First the socialists steal our money to buy services that we don’t want for other people. Then the administrators of those services withhold them from us if we don’t jump through their hoops. And, perhaps worse, they arrogantly assume they are on the moral high-ground.

Jan 22, 2022 5:05 AM

The various govt have had 2 yrs to sort it problem with hospitals and staff…and what have they done…wasted huge quantities of money on tests and other shit, sacked staff and increased the working load of remaining staff etc…they could have left the unvax staff to treat the unvax patients if nothing else amused them…

various hospital systems have been on the verge of collapse for years now due to poor management and very little care and personal responsibility for health…and do tell why a heap of money should be wasted treated a vax severely Ill with some virus who has endangered their health to the point that they have 3 or 4 comorbidities ….while telling the unvax they cannot be treated at all?

les online
les online
Jan 22, 2022 5:44 AM
Reply to  Edith

Conditions for private hospitals are being created. A recent “The Conversation” post painted a dire picture of NSW running out of teachers over the next few years. Seems all Australian states have looming teacher shortages. And Omicron, and no doubt further Variants, is doing it’s bit to disrupt. I expect ‘charter school’ are poised to take-off in Australia. The state governments are intent on the Private Sector taking over schooling etc, and the end of organised teachers etc unions…
Freed of their traditional responsibilities, reduced to being just regulators of the sectors…is their goal…

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Jan 22, 2022 6:10 AM
Reply to  Edith

Trouble is most who are sicked are double and triple jabbed

Jan 22, 2022 11:11 AM
Reply to  Edith

All in the pursuit of efficiency, profit and central planning for plutocrats.

Jan 22, 2022 2:57 AM
Reply to  Frank

Hi Frank, Mark Zuckerberg has asked me to tell you to get back to facebook a.s.a.p. as they miss you terribly.

Joe doe
Joe doe
Jan 22, 2022 5:52 AM
Reply to  Frank

Agreed. As the stats in every country that properly records them show that the ones injected get infected in much higher numbers, the pubs should only allow pure bloods. Now get the **** out of here with your poor written diatribe.

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Jan 22, 2022 8:27 AM
Reply to  Frank

I can see you’re in uk as you’ve used the British “arsed”

So, please explain why 73,000 UK health workers are about to lose their jobs because they won’t take part in the experiment?

I read this morning that the UK “government” are about to relax this rule.

Logically, they must think that the unjabbed truly do not present a threat to the jabbed or are they deliberately putting themselves in the firing line for multiple compensation claims?

I don’t think so, do you?

Jan 22, 2022 11:14 AM

If he can explain that, he can also explain why flu disappreared across the world in April-May 2020 and reappeard in late 2021.

George Mc
George Mc
Jan 22, 2022 9:06 AM
Reply to  Frank

It’s time you grew up and thought of more than just yourself.

Damn straight Frank! It’s time all those whinging selfish bastards stopped thinking about themselves. Time everyone in the human race stopped being so juvenile and selfish and focused on the Great General Good That Serves … ooh some strange vacuous misty entity OUT THERE! And when the entire human race sacrifices itself in accumulating individual atoms, the empty cleansed earth will be infinitely grateful in its strange objective way.

Paul _too
Paul _too
Jan 22, 2022 9:09 AM
Reply to  Frank

Or, in other words, follow “Da Science ™”.

A.K.A. think only what you’re told to and question nothing.

No thanks, all yours mate.

If you’d actually bothered to look at any of the official statistics you’d know you were being lied to.

Jan 22, 2022 6:26 PM
Reply to  Frank

why should you be free to enter a pub if you are statistically more likely to cause infection there

If it comes down to statistics then I’m pretty sure the medical profession would tell us that people who have AIDS are ‘statistically more likely to cause infection’ than people who don’t. Should they be banned from society too Frank?

As a social species humans have accepted for millennia now that infection by transmissible viruses or whatever is an reasonable ‘risk’ in life, far outweighed by the benefits of social interaction*. Because of this, with a few ugly exceptions, societies have rarely sought to identify and blame groups or individuals who might have ‘spread’ a virus. If you feel the risks are too great then stay home Frank.

*If society did decide the risks of ‘infection’ from social interaction were too great, then the only option would be to destroy society. Over the last couple of years our leaders and ‘respected’ institutions have tried to do just this by massively exaggerating those risks.

Jan 22, 2022 6:37 PM
Reply to  Frank

so why should you be free to enter a pub if you are statistically more likely to cause infection there?

Some statistics from Scotland showing that the unjabbed are the least likely group to be infected in the first place…


comment image

Jan 22, 2022 10:05 PM
Reply to  Frank

Your name will also go on the list! What is it?

Arby (Rick Battams)
Arby (Rick Battams)
Jan 22, 2022 10:36 PM
Reply to  Frank

You’ve swallowed the harmful Kool-Aid. Or something worse. There’s no Sars CoV 2 virus. Hospitals are dangerous, evil, frightening places. I won’t be stepping foot (alive) in one again.

Jan 22, 2022 11:40 PM
Reply to  Frank

Your pregnant nurse daughter doesn’t treat contagious infectious disease as part of her job? Hepatitis? TB? MRSA? Regular influenza or pneumonia? Does she only treat car accidents and other injuries? How about people getting breakthrough infections after they’ve received all of their shots? (And regular Off-g readers, I’m just trying to speak his language.)

Bob the bum
Bob the bum
Jan 25, 2022 1:37 PM
Reply to  Frank

The unvaccinated minority are the ones at risk of infection from the vaccinated majority, not the other way around.

A tiny proportion of infections require hospitalization and most that do are double or triple jabbed.

The argument that unvaccinated people are a risk to the vaccinated is absurd.

Jan 21, 2022 10:42 PM

Pay closed attention you can change any key words of any article they write to suit a agenda.

22 People Who Found Jesus covid variants In Their Food
He may have been crucified isolated 2,013 years ago today (ish), but when you scarf PCR potato chips, he’s testing watching.


Jan 21, 2022 10:03 PM

Covid-19 is a trojan horse for mass genocide and the language needs to reflect this reality

This isn’t just about medical choice

These are NOT medicines. They are poisons. There is no risk/benefit to poison as the goal is harm

If you look at the mechanisms of ALL the drugs/vaccines, the ingredients and properties of design are INTENDED to cause harm

This is a crime against humanity and a holocaust. This is not a debate over medical autonomy

Would one debate not getting shot in the head as a medical choice?

The virus has never been isolated and the real fight against this crime against humanity and those who planned this massacre for decades is being neutered by the those coaching it as a mandate fight

The mandates are important but they are one component of a much LARGER and broader fight

The virus has not been isolated, no one is dying of Covid, the treatments and vaccines are inducing harm and killing people

Saying a 99% survival rate is no more accurate than say a 50% survival rate, since no one survives what doesn’t exist – it just reinforces the center of the core lie

The Lions are regrouping in Washington tomorrow to lead people to support early treatment with poison as an alternative to vaccines

Most are shying away from the real issue, and if this is the choice we make, MANY more will die than if we find the courage to fact it

The virus does NOT exist:


Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Jan 21, 2022 10:09 PM
Reply to  Rose

Overall agree with you. But i don’t think the immediate aim is mass genocide. Rather, it’s mass digital Enclosure, forcing us all onto a blockchain-based digital data bank, where we will be constantly surveilled and used as subjects for social impact investing as well as for training AI. Eventually, transhumanism is the goal.

Jan 21, 2022 10:24 PM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

Not to mention all the side effects from their damned shot. When pharma investors TELL US OPENLY there is no revenue stream in curing disease, then we really should damned well believe that curing anyone is NOT their intent and probably never really was even before the jabs. The long term effects are still completely unknown, but some of them are starting to show themselves – upticks in cancers, upticks in heart disease, upticks in “unexpected deaths,” the ludicrous idea that childhood heart disease is “normal” and defibrillators should be just part of the “normal” equipment in schools for God’s sake, athletes dropping on the field while playing sports, on and on the idiocy goes. And yet people think this is all just fine and dandy. Hell, even the idiocy of those who think losing taste and smell when sick is a new thing and not the normal old common cold or flu symptoms we all used to take for granted! The stupidity is off the charts, and it is so damned hard to listen to this shit every single day while the incredulous BELIEVE in it!

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Jan 22, 2022 12:21 AM
Reply to  Lizzyh7

Well said.

Jan 22, 2022 11:22 AM
Reply to  Lizzyh7

no revenue stream in curing disease
And plenty of revenue from damaging patients in a manner that cannot be linked to the previous treatment. E.g., after about 7 months of jabbing the under-50s, still no admission that all the heart problems are anything but rare and unrelated.

Arby (Rick Battams)
Arby (Rick Battams)
Jan 22, 2022 10:47 PM
Reply to  Lizzyh7

“Investment Report Reveals Medical Cures not Profitable for Big Pharma – Sick People Needed to Sustain Drug Sales” by Brian Shilhavy (Vaccine Impact)


Jan 24, 2022 2:55 PM
Reply to  Lizzyh7

I think you meant credulous. Pardon me for picking nits.
I believe I’m a walking real-life example of vaccination harm. I’ve had a debilitating chronic illness for 45 years of my life. And nothing else makes as much sense as that it is a result of vaccine immune-system damage from all those childhood vaccinations. While I still function mostly normally, I must avoid stress like a plague or face the consequences. It has greatly affected my job performance and just looking for a job. There have been many times when I just wished to be dead. So my heart goes out to those people who have suffered permanent adverse effects. I know what they are going through.

Jan 21, 2022 10:37 PM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

Hundreds of millions of people have STARVED


They killed people in nursing homes with midazolam/morphine cocktails

They continue to kill people with protocols of Remdesivir and monoclonal antibodies case CANCER per the mechanism of the treatment


True number of vaccine deaths likely in millions globally going by the numbers we are getting out of medicaid/life insurance companies and leaked documents

Its really bizarre to watch people talk about young adults and kids dropping dead under the ‘died unexpectedly’ euphemism

This has already far surpassed holocaust numbers and the majority of ALL citizens (mandate opposition/vaccine advocates alike) are still talking about this mass murder as a medical fight

Sure, they have their long term goals (which will not come true, they overreached) but the initial move was a mass culling (still going after the vulnerable/elderly with injections hard – and the next wave Fauci push this plan–I feel somewhat sickened by anyone who claims to be against the vaccines but will follow people who are champion targeting our most vulnerable with the poisons

Hundreds of millions of people have died due to Covid protocols (didn’t even mention the suicides and deaths due to lack of access to any medical care)

The sickest thing of this whole thing is the pretend. Mommy and daddy have mass case of munchausen syndrome by proxy and we pretend…and pretend…the question is how many of us have to die before we stop. I am stunned it has held until now….and I am not exactly a pollyana.

Jan 22, 2022 3:06 AM
Reply to  Rose

Great posts here Rose.

Jan 22, 2022 4:34 AM
Reply to  Rose

“mass case of munchausen syndrome by proxy” … bingo!

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Jan 22, 2022 9:26 AM
Reply to  Rose

Echo all that Rose.

Particularly sad about Munchausen by proxy.

Me to son “Did you get your (teenage) son get jabbed?

Son “Luckily, just before they paused the program”

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Jan 21, 2022 10:52 PM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl


And what they call “transhumanism” is just the publicised name that tries to hide the fact that Capital in his historical development has always needed an increasingly apathetic, predictable population; a population which is as much as possible the receiving end of permanent suggestions, nudging, mandates and so on.

Symbolically, Capital needs a population that is as good as dead.

Capital is Thanatos; the negation of LIFE.

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Jan 22, 2022 12:48 AM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

Here’s a question then: Why not have all the shots be saline solution? If you had no adverse effects then you wouldn’t have to censor reports of adverse events. You’d have a lot easier time getting everybody in the new digital surveillance/biosecurity system.

Jan 22, 2022 3:36 AM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

My guess is the depopulation agenda of the planners. The saline jabs were to give false confidence to the jabees. Subsequent jabs may be toxic and contain nano-thingies.

All the jabs may contain nano-thingies, waiting to be activated when 5G infrastructure turned on.

Is this true? At this stage we don’t know.

Arby (Rick Battams)
Arby (Rick Battams)
Jan 22, 2022 10:40 PM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

There’s culling happening, for sure. But they are going to wipe everyone out. They need slaves afterall.

Jan 22, 2022 2:58 AM
Reply to  Rose

Well done, Rose.

Arby (Rick Battams)
Arby (Rick Battams)
Jan 22, 2022 10:42 PM
Reply to  Rose

Agreed. No Sars CoV 2 etc.. They are culling the population but culling doesn’t mean eliminating ‘everyone’.

Jan 24, 2022 12:56 AM
Reply to  Rose

But there is a virus out there that is very different. If the GOF research story is true [ and I believe nothing ] then it would explain some peoples experience. Unite4Truth doesn’t know everything either and I have found errors in their reporting.

Voz 0db
Voz 0db
Jan 21, 2022 9:39 PM

It’s funny how They (SRF & Billionaires & jesters) keep on doing whatever They want – including culling – and the herds of MMS/3i’s just keep on grazing and blablabla.

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Jan 21, 2022 9:24 PM

Its a bit like witchcraft. It really doesn’t matter what you believe, its what society around you believes. You really have a choice — live within the parameters of the society around you or live outside them accept the consequences. Its like a modern day version of being an outlaw — literally someone who lives outside the law.

What today’s outlaws are trying to do is to force society to accept them using a variety of quite inventive legal and scientific arguments. Many of these sorts of arguments were crafted in the Cold War era where notions like Human Rights were used to bash ‘the other side’. Like all propaganda its best not to take it at face value; even back then the concept of human rights was applied selectively, with some quite nasty regimes being given a pass because they were on ‘our’ side. The reality then was that even as we were advocating rights in target countries we were systematically denying them to groups of our own citizens. Be thankful that the only inconvenience you’ve suffered is being denied service in a pub.

(BTW — anyone who thinks their individual rights are absolute has never lived through a war.)

Jan 21, 2022 10:59 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher

anyone who thinks their individual rights are absolute has never lived through a war

Drop the “through a war” and you’ve stated the actual human condition vis-a-vis nature. Nature could give a rat’s ass what happens to any of us. We’re here to propagate, like every other species – even though eventually the whole thing will come to a screeching halt.

This is precisely why is has to matter how societies regard and treat their members. Society should be a buffer against nature. Not to fight nature, as humans seem to have chosen as their preferred method of operation; but simply to protect people as much as possible against the inevitable onslaught.

I’ve always found this notion of “natural rights” a bit absurd. Watch any good documentary about nature and you see how much weight “rights” carry in the wild. “Rights” are strictly a human invention – probably our highest achievement. But totally dependent on the mental stability of human populations – which seems to tank at the least provocation.

Jan 22, 2022 3:11 AM
Reply to  Howard

If we, as the owners of our body, don’t have the natural right to control them, Howard, then by what stretch of logic do you, or anybody else, claim that power?

Jan 22, 2022 3:37 AM

If we are harmed, we alone suffer. We therefore don’t need a “right” not to be harmed. It is anyone wishing to harm us who must demonstrate a “right” to do so – and that’s an impossibility as nothing in existence grants anyone a “right” to harm another.

As useful as the concept of “rights” is, there remains the much more basic existential imperative to live. That is the one and only demand placed upon us by the fact of our existence: we’re here to live. We cannot do that if another presumes some sort of “right” to interfere with our efforts to live.

Jan 24, 2022 3:06 PM
Reply to  Howard

Sorry, but I fail to see how your comment addressed my question.

Jan 21, 2022 11:17 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher

Most people are happy to live in the fantasy that they actually have ‘individual rights’ and are happy to revise that if they can convince themselves that the conditions exist such as a war or covid.

The reality is somewhat different but they prefer the illusion to the reality if it means they don’t actually have to do anything and they are able to convince themselves its a short term thing.

The only country on earth that actually enshrines the individual rights of man in its constitution is America – that the last bastion of freedom and those who cling to this idea and believe in the common law and the rights of the individual.

All these believers of freedom and the rights of man should get themselves to Florida or Texas and prepare for the final showdown.

Here while the spirit may flicker expect the dark to sniff out that out shortly.

Jan 22, 2022 1:22 AM
Reply to  Martin Usher

The claim to an a priori ‘right’ meant in the sense of God and Law may seem futile and baseless but the mystery of life remains. Do you have no sense of right and wrong? The relativist says yes I do but it is only social conditioning. Of course it is true we have to fight for the society we want. But there is an arrow of good and bad.

I would say that we are all on the same page and the top drawer when they lie and and manipulate beliefs are on it too.

Jan 22, 2022 3:07 AM
Reply to  Martin Usher

People have a natural right to control their own bodies and property, absent the coercion of others. If you violate that right, make no mistake, you are the aggressor.

Jan 22, 2022 12:34 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher

Oh I am thankful, Martin Usher. I am soooo thankful.

I don’t drink alcohol so I don’t suffer the inconvenience of being denied service in a pub.

Sigh. I just go about my wonderful day avoiding conversations about c-vid because as one friend warned “You’re not vaccinated? You know you’re going to die”.

Watching little kids in masks sitting six feet apart on the lawn. Or better yet, running on the field while masked. Really fun when they are practicing on the track. (I’m a runner so I know the joy of running out of breath)

I’m thrilled at the sight of folks wearing coffee filters on their face. How inventive! How stylish!

And truth be told, so glad I don’t have to make time to visit friends and relatives – some dying – alone – in hospital or nursing facilities. Well, I can’t, can I! I was with both parents when they passed years ago and know how much that meant to them somewhere in their souls, and how much it has meant to me. But, hey, things change!

Oh dear I could go on and on. “Inconvenienced”. I’ll have to mull that over with all the time I have to just sit and think now. Trying to drum up interest in the nieces to go for a nice walk. But they’d rather go skating, swimming, shopping, movies, dining. All the things we used to do, but that I can’t as of Jan 15.

Boston Massachusetts. Home of the Tea Party that started it all.

The Tea Party – now that was an inconvenience.

Jan 22, 2022 11:59 PM
Reply to  Judith

I used to subscribe to the Boston Globe 7 days a week. In 2018 they started really playing up Moderna. I wondered what that was all about, but it’s not unusual for them to wave the flag for local companies. They love the biotech and military sectors. Fast forward… & I reduced my subscription to Sundays only & read the headlines online the rest of the week. It’s just horrid what that paper’s become. I’m over the border in RI and my parents are on the North Shore. So sad for you in Boston and I hope the measures don’t extend to the rest of the state.

Jan 23, 2022 12:22 AM
Reply to  martha

Oh boy, Martha, I was a daily Globe subscriber starting in 1999. Read it faithfully until 2016. By then I was reading it online. I did not vote in the 2016 election. By then I knew it was all a big show, and the two candidates revolted me equally. After the election it became a daily Trump insult-a-palooza at the Globe. Not only the Globe, of course, but all msm. I just couldn’t stand it. I couldn’t believe the level to which the country was sinking with the constant villification and hypocracy. So, like you, I only scanned headlines and read the obits. Until c-vid. And then I just had to stop even reading headlines. My tolerance level is so low that I just cannot read the mainstream lies and newspeak. And the Boston Globe is bad takes the cake. Gov Baker has been so solidly behind this nightmare. I think the former Mayor of Boston got rewarded for his c-vid support with a cabinet position in DC. And now we have the first female, minority mayor in the history of old time political city hall – and she enacted the V-Proof in order to live in Boston as of Jan. 15. It’s sickening. The very woke town where I reside right outside Boston stopped enforcing masks back in the summer, but now the signs are up everywhere again. I still don’t and won’t wear one. No V mandates yet As regards the obits, I am not one to jump on the “death by injection” bus as I want to remain as open minded as possible about this dystopia and not get as hysterical as the folk in the “But people are dying!!” movement – but my hand to God, it is amazing how many “unexpected” and “sudden” deaths have… Read more »

Jan 23, 2022 2:03 AM
Reply to  Judith

Yes, I’ll be watching the coverage tomorrow at CHD also. I thought you might be interested in my break-up letter to the Globe, which I sent after way too many months of being insulted by them. (You can see from the VAERS data how long ago I sent it.) Honestly — the reporters must be given bonuses for saying crap like “now that we’ve all gotten our shots, we can…”. And frankly, I keep the Sunday subscription just out of curiosity in case the tide turns and they have to tap dance back towards the truth like they had to during Watergate or Iran contra or scandal at the Vatican, or, or. I’m so sorry, but it’s time to cancel my subscription. I’ve been reading the Globe since I learned to read in the 60’s. I’ve subscribed since I had an address to deliver or mail the paper to. But count me as one of the growing number of people who believes what you’re calling vaccine disinformation, that’s usually anything that contradicts the industry narrative.  The experimental shots have killed 12,000 people and injured over a half million according to the CDC’s own data.  I didn’t read that in the Globe. I read the VAERS report every week in the Defender. So, I’m going to send my 80 bucks a month to Bobby Kennedy’s Children’s Health Defense. They’re honest.  They care about public health.  They believe in informed medical consent and provide truthful information.    Maybe if this global scam gets exposed and the orchestrators are brought to justice you’ll cover it. But if the Technocrats and Great Resetters win, there isn’t a person in your organization who will benefit. You’re on the wrong side of history. You’ve had every opportunity to tell the truth but have not. You’ve insulted anyone who questions the official story, choosing instead to print government and industry propaganda,… Read more »

Jan 23, 2022 3:50 AM
Reply to  martha

That is brilliant, Martha! Bravo.

I haven’t written to any “public servants” but at the beginning of this thing I left vicious messages at the State House, the Senate, City Hall.

I think I will take pen to paper though and let “my representatives” know how I feel. At least for the record.

Thanks for sharing your letter. I think it was eloquent.

Ironic, isn’t it, that the Globe was held up as such a bastion of investigative journalism over the Vatican scandal in the early 2000’s.

I guess they won’t get the rights to the movie if the truth about this ever comes out.

Well, the truth has come out – The Real Anthony Fauci by Robert Kennedy – but I don’t suppose anyone over in Dorchester has read it.

Jan 23, 2022 3:49 PM
Reply to  Judith

I WONDER who’s read it over there. They act dumb, but I’ll bet more than a few have read it. He is a Kennedy, after all. Unless they really have a need to keep themselves ignorant. Like their eyes would burn if they read the truth. And they might have to quit or, you know, report the truth and maybe admit that they story they’ve been telling is a lie.

Jan 23, 2022 8:29 PM
Reply to  martha

He is a Kennedy, after all.

I learned and adopted a few idiomatic expressions from a manager many years ago; I still remember her affectionately for that reason. Now I’m violating her advice: “Don’t ‘C’ your way into a conversation between ‘A’ and ‘B’.”

As far as you and Judith are concerned, I live in the Deep South– a suburb outside of Philadelphia, PA.   😉  But your mention of the Kennedys intrigued me.

Over the years, it’s obvious that Clan Kennedy has devolved into a core group that I (sarcastically) call “The Respectable Kennedys”, and a “renegade” sub-group of Black Sheep Kennedys. I’m just making up these terms as I go along for the sake of this comment.

Anyway, my sense is that the Respectable Kennedys buy into the official Megadeath Virus(es) of Doom scamdemic narrative, and are definitely knee-jerk pro-vaccine. Long before the MVD scamdemic, the Respectable Kennedy nucleus repudiated RFK Jr.’s enlightened advocacy of environmental and especially vaccine-injury causes.

Another litmus test recently illustrated the split: the Respectable Kennedys vigorously opposed granting patsy, victim, and political prisoner Sirhan Sirhan’s long-overdue release from incarceration. RFK Jr. and his brother Douglas– presumably another black sheep– vainly urged California Gauleiter Newsom to free the aged prisoner.

I’m curious whether the Massachusetts public’s adulation for the Kennedys reflects this split. If so, I assume that one faction is sympathetic to the Respectable Kennedys, which I ought to have dubbed the “Useful Idiot” Kennedys in the first place. 

If so, it would follow that RFK Jr.’s “Kennedy” cachet has been “canceled”– he’s no longer a Kennedy in “good standing”, and like other black sheep, he and his work is either ignored or scorned. 

Is local public opinion split as I speculate, or is there still a monolithic loyalty to any member of Clan Kennedy?

Jan 23, 2022 10:54 PM
Reply to  Ort

Hello C and welcome to the conversation. As far as I understand, you are correct. There are 2 factions of Kennedys, divided as you describe. I don’t know why the Respectable Kennedys didn’t look at the Sirhan evidence and conclude what’s true and obvious, or why they’re not reading CHD for their health news. RFK Jr has been both vilified and ignored in the Boston Globe, even by his own relatives on the editorial page, and I doubt he cares. I assume, but do not know, that public opinion splits along the lines of what do they believe to be true and what do they allow themselves to know. It wouldn’t surprise me if some of the Respectables have read the Fauci book, if only out of curiosity.

Jan 26, 2022 12:51 AM
Reply to  martha

A and C please forgive!! So busy watching the March in Washington DC followed next day by the Sen Johnson 5 hour panel that I did not go back to reply to Martha’s reply until last night.

THEN after writing this long reply about – yes, the Kennedy’s and what they meant to us back then – my computer screen went black. Wiped out the email and took a while to even come back on.

It was too late to write the reply again. And now I’m having a flare up of inflamed nerve in neck so I am going to sign off but will revisit our Kenned-ism anon.

Just came from a high school basketball game. Masks required. I wore my scarf. But the cheerleaders had to wear masks while cheering. Ugh ugh ugh.

OK, let’s soldier on. We’re made of stronger stuff!

Jan 26, 2022 12:52 AM
Reply to  Ort

Ort, please go to the page this reply comes from. I replied to Martha but it is for both “A and C”

Irresponsible and proud
Irresponsible and proud
Jan 21, 2022 9:17 PM

“It seems to me that a person’s worth, measured in 2021 by one’s immunisation status, is now determined solely by one’s willingness to comply with the arbitrary and ever changing demands made by the State.”
And it will be according to that worth, among other variables of measuring one’s worth, upon which “efficient reallocation of medical resources” will be evaluated in the case of people getting hospitalised/treated. The full meaning of privatisation is privatising duties in the form of self-discipline under the guise of responsibility. A rebranding of “Lebensraum”. Only instead of colonising lands, they colonise internally, our time, our space, our bodies.

Arby (Rick Battams)
Arby (Rick Battams)
Jan 22, 2022 10:50 PM

I’m perfectly fine with being left out by the dangerous Rockefeller medical establishment.

Joe Van Steenbergen
Joe Van Steenbergen
Jan 21, 2022 9:10 PM

Now we know what happens when a few ultra-wealthy bankers decide that vaccines are the new oil, in terms of their personal investment plans, and they have the power over media and government to coerce those thinking people who do not want to participate in their investment schemes by inviting the poisonous injections into their lives and bodies. None of this is about public health, never has been. It’s all about the money; it’s always all about the money.

Jan 21, 2022 10:05 PM

Too much focus on the vaccines, they have a whole range of poisons to target us and most people will not speak of them as weapons

Jan 21, 2022 9:08 PM

anyone one in black with a wig like that is babylon magus

on oath a temple bar pirate

like privy council types queer starmer tory blair all captured souls

the law is maritime admiralty all contract legal fiction dealing with bankrupt nations
that is the point of wars
also covid scam
debt for 80 years or more