JFK Revisited: Through the Looking Glass by Oliver Stone
A film review
Edward Curtin

Two of the greatest speeches ever delivered by an American president bookend this extraordinary documentary film. It opens with President John F. Kennedy giving the commencement speech at American University on June 10, 1963 and it closes with his civil rights speech to the American people the following day.
It is a deft artistic touch that suggests the brevity of JFK’s heroic efforts for world peace and domestic racial equality and justice before he was assassinated in a public execution in Dallas, Texas on November 22, 1963.
In the former anti-war speech, he called for the end to the Cold War with the Soviet Union, the halt to the arms race, and the abolishment of war and its weapons, especially nuclear. He said:
What kind of peace do I mean? What kind of peace do we seek? Not a Pax Americana enforced on the world by American weapons of war. Not the peace of the grave or the security of the slave. I am talking about genuine peace, the kind of peace that makes life on earth worth living, the kind that enables men and nations to grow and to hope and to build a better life for their children – not merely peace for Americans but peace for all men and women – not merely peace in our time but peace for all time.
In the latter address to the American people, having just sent National Guard troops to the University of Alabama to make sure two black students were admitted despite the racist objections of Governor George Wallace, his words transcended the immediate issue at the university and called for the end to the immoral and illegal discrimination against African Americans in every area of the nation’s life.
He said:
One hundred years of delay have passed since President Lincoln freed the slaves, yet their heirs, their grandsons, are not fully free. They are not yet freed from the bonds of injustice. They are not yet freed from social and economic oppression. And this Nation, for all its hopes and all its boasts, will not be fully free until all its citizens are free.
Having framed the documentary thus, Oliver Stone and the screenwriter James DiEugenio do a masterful job of explaining what really happened in the years of Kennedy’s short presidency, why he was such a great threat to the CIA and the military-industrial complex, what really happened when they killed him, and how the Warren Commission, the CIA, and the corporate media have worked hand-in-hand to this day to cover up the truth.
The current two-hour version of JFK Revisited: Through the Looking Glass will be followed in a month or so by a more detailed four-hour version.
The importance of this film is twofold: It establishes an updated historical record since the Assassination Records Review Board (AARB) was established as a result of Stone’s 1991 breakthrough film, JFK, which forced the release of previously hidden documents, and, more importantly, it emphatically shows why JFK’s assassination is crucial for understanding the United States today.
For without a clear and unambiguous accounting of why he was killed and by whom (I do not mean the actual shooters), and who in the government and media has covered it up, we are doomed to repeat the past as this country has been doing ever since.
Because JFK Revisited assiduously documents the essential claims of Stone’s 1991 film and adds to it with the latest factual material released since the ARRB required the release of the previously secret documents, the film, like the JFK film before it, will be denounced by the same media/intelligence forces that slammed the earlier movie.
Back then the bogus critiques claimed Stone’s imagination had gone wild and he distorted history, so now the best way for those critics to rip this evidence-filled documentary is to omit mentioning its contents and to continue calling him a conspiracy-obsessed guy still intent on promoting his fantasies.
Once it was his “fictions” that were ridiculous; now it is his facts, despite his research colleague and screenwriter James DiEugenio’s exhaustive confirmation of the facts that will be released later this year when the annotated script is published.
JFK Revisited proves with facts that Stone was right in 1991. Even then, but little known, is that JFK was also accompanied by a book of the film that included copious research notes. But facts don’t seem to matter to Stone’s critics, then or now. They are too damning.
So let’s examine the documentary.
It opens with Kennedy speaking at American University and quickly switches to a montage of condensed news reports of the shooting in Dallas.
Kennedy’s death, people’s reactions, Oswald’s arrest, his claim that he’s a “patsy,” Ruby’s killing of Oswald, JFK’s funeral, reports that Kennedy was shot from the front and the rear, the formation of the Warren Commission and the naming of its members, including most significantly the former Director of the CIA Allen Dulles whom Kennedy had fired, the Commission’s finding that Oswald alone killed the president, that there was no conspiracy, the Zapruder film, and NBC’s Chet Huntley saying that the assassination is thoroughly documented (in the Warren Commission Report) and it’s all there for anyone who would like to pursue it.
Huntley’s ironically false statement is followed by a jump cut to Oliver Stone in Dealey Plaza telling how it wasn’t all there at all, that The Warren Report was a sham, and how in the intervening years plenty of new information and evidence has been revealed by the Church Commission Hearings in 1975 that uncovered the CIA and FBI’s machinations in assassination plots at home and abroad; followed a decade later by the public showing of the Zapruder film and the subsequent House Select Committee on Assassinations’ (HSCA) finding that there was probably a conspiracy in Kennedy’s murder.
Although the Warren Report came under questioning during these years, the HSCA sealed half a million “dangerous records” until 2029. But as a result of Stone’s JFK film in 1991, the government was pressured to pass The John F. Kennedy Records Collection Act with its Assassination Records Review Board (ARRB).
The ARRB ordered the release of the secret documents within four years. Over two million pages were released and they are housed at the National Archives, although certain documents are still being withheld.
One could argue that the truth about the assassination was obvious from the start and that only elements within the U.S. government could have carried out this crime and covered it up.
That only simple logic was needed to solve the crime because from the start the Warren Commission made no sense with its magic bullet explanation, and that only national security operatives could have withdrawn the president’s security protection, etc. That new documents are not needed. That arguing any of this is just a pseudo-debate and a waste of time.
There is cogency to that argument, but Stone prefers to take a different route and use the released records to bolster his argument and establish a cinematic record for future generations. He is making accessible in a two-hour movie a powerful historical lesson that should be seen by everyone; it is one absent from the history books students read in school.
That his enemies will try to dissuade the public from viewing the film is not surprising, for doing so with the supporting testimonies of so many experts and the presentation of the suppressed official documents make these critics look like fools, or simply the tools they are.
For while this film relies on many documents forced out of the government’s own vaults and therefore hoists the critics with their own petard, it is also a reminder that the media is deeply infiltrated with CIA plants and assets, as has been shown by the revelations of Operation Mockingbird, a program that surely never ended but has only intensified today’s propaganda.
One glance at the headlines of reviews of this film since its release two months ago reveals the vituperative personal nature of the attacks on Stone, showing that the film’s evidentiary content is of no interest to the reviewers. Ad hominem attacks will suffice.
Even the one review I read previous to writing this – sent to me by someone who considered it to be positive – was a sly piece of disinformation disguised as praise. The enemies of truth are not just vulgar morons but very sophisticated tricksters.
Let me break down the evidence presented in the film in order of appearance:
- First, the so-called three bullets and the magic bullet.
- Second, the alleged rifle and new evidence confirming that Lee Oswald was not on the 6th floor of the Texas School Book Depository.
- Third, the autopsy, its faked photographs, and the pressure placed on the Parkland Hospital doctors to change what they saw with their own eyes.
- Fourth, Oswald’s history working with the CIA and FBI, his fake defection to the Soviet Union, the coverup of the intelligence agencies’ use of Oswald from start to finish, and the other plots to assassinate Kennedy in Chicago and Tampa that follow the same template as Oswald in Dallas.
- Fifth, why Kennedy was murdered.
None of these issues are analyzed in some half-assed theoretical way, but are supported by documentary facts – evidence, in other words. As Stone says, “Conspiracy theories are now conspiracy facts.”
Nevertheless, those writers whose review headlines I mentioned prefer to call Stone “looney,” a “conspiracy quack,” etc. as they ignore the facts, new and old.
The Magic Bullet
The Warren Report claimed that since three empty shells were found on the floor of the sixth floor of The Texas Book Depository that only three bullets were fired, and from that spot. The FBI claimed that all three bullets hit inside the car, two hitting Kennedy and one Gov. Connolly. But evidence showed that one bullet missed the car, striking the curb near the underpass, and causing a minor injury to on-looker James Tague.
This forced the Commission into a dilemma, and so Arlen Specter, the future long-standing senator, conjured up the so-called Magic Bullet Theory, claiming that one bullet hit and passed through Kennedy only to hit Connolly, zigzagging absurdly and causing seven wounds.
It was ridiculous but conveniently avoided admitting that there had to be more shots and therefore a conspiracy. The Magic bullet – CE 399 – was said to have been found in pristine condition on a stretcher in Parkland Hospital. This bullet was foundational to the Warren Commission’s case, but Stone shows with released documents that there was no chain of custody for this bullet and that lies were told about it. He further shows how this magically found pristine bullet could not have passed through two men and emerge like new.
The film immediately demolishes the Warren Commission’s basic premise.
The “Rifle” with No Oswald on the Sixth Floor
And then this: the film shows that the rifle Oswald is alleged to have used and ordered through the mail with its paper trail (he could have walked into a store and bought one without leaving evidence) does not look like the famous highly questionable photos of Oswald posing with a rifle in the back yard.
But more importantly than various other anomalies concerning the rifle(s-?), such as the absence of Oswald’s hand prints, is the new evidence the film documents about Oswald’s non-presence on the sixth floor.
Researcher Barry Ernest went to the National Archives to find the original testimony of Victoria Adams who worked on the fourth floor and knew Oswald. He discovered that it was missing and that the Warren Commission had destroyed the tapes. So he went and found Adams, and what she told him contradicted the Commission’s findings.
It was claimed that after shooting Kennedy, Oswald quickly went down the back stairs to the second floor lunch room. Adams told Ernest that immediately after the assassination she went down the back stairs from the fourth floor and saw no one. Ernest found corroborating evidence from two other women, Sandra Styles who accompanied Vicki Adams down the stairs and Vicki’s supervisor Dorothy Garner who saw them descend, to back Adams’ testimony, about which the Warren Commission lied.
Further proof that Oswald could not have shot Kennedy from the sixth floor window since he wasn’t there.
The Head Wound and the Autopsy Coverup
With video testimonies from Doctors Perry, Clark, and Crenshaw from Parkland Hospital, Stone shows how the original testimonies placed the neck and head wounds to Kennedy coming from the front, but that pressure was applied to Perry to recant, which he did, only to later to admit his recantation was a lie and that the wound in Kennedy’s neck was an entrance wound.
Then with the autopsy, we learn how it was controlled not by forensic pathologists experienced in doing autopsies on gunshot victims, but by shadowy military and intelligence figures.
We learn of another magic bullet that allegedly was found in Parkland Hospital where it was claimed it fell out of a back wound of the president. But this bullet later turns out to be The Magic Bullet after further legerdemain by Warren Commission member Gerald Ford.
This stuff is highly comical if it weren’t so sinister, and it is surely “unbelievable” as the eminent forensic pathologist Dr. Cyril Wecht tells the viewer. That one of the autopsy doctors burned his notes and another had his disappear might not be new knowledge, but to learn that two honest FBI agents who witnessed the autopsy and were not called as witnesses by the Warren Commission – James Sibert and Francis X. O’Neill, Jr. – were shown the autopsy photos in depositions taken by the Assassinations Record Review Board in 1997 and claimed that Kennedy’s head had been doctored to conceal his gaping rear head wound is startlingly new evidence.
As is the important diagram Sibert drew of a large head wound in the back of the head supporting a shot from the front.
As is the ARRB’s declassification of forty witnesses’ testimony that they saw a gaping hole in the back of the President’s head consistent with a shot from the front.
As is the White House photographer Robert Knudsen’s admission thirty-years later that the photos he took were after the head had been doctored to conceal the wound.
As is the evidence that the autopsy photos of JFK’s brain in the National archives are fakes.
Thus, the film emphatically shows that the new forensic evidence proves that there were multiple shooters and that Oswald, who was not on the sixth floor, was not one of them.
Oswald, because he was killed by the F.B.I. affiliated Jack Ruby two days later, never had a trial, but if he did, in light of all we know now, he would never be convicted, yet the media, led by The New York Times, Washington Post, CBS, etc., have spent decades covering up the truth and claiming Oswald killed Kennedy, just as they have with their equally bogus claim that Sirhan Sirhan killed RFK.
They can not be so ignorant not to know they are spouting absurdities, so one can only conclude they are lying to protect the killers. That they are accomplices after the fact.
Oswald the Patsy and his Connections to the CIA and FBI
This section contains much evidentiary information about Oswald that is in the 1991 film. That he was associated with David Ferrie, Guy Bannister, and Clay Shaw (alias Betrand), all of whom were FBI and CIA affiliated. That he was a provocateur playing multiple roles, one day an anti-Castro protester and the next day a Castro supporter.
That he was trained as a Marine at a top-secret military base in Japan that ran U-2 spy flights run by the CIA over the Soviet Union. That his defection to the Soviet Union was likely a part of a CIA defector program. That after marrying a Russian wife, he was welcomed back into the U.S. by the government he “betrayed” and greeted upon his arrival by an intelligence asset who got him to Dallas to hook up with another CIA operative, George de Mohrenschildt.
Everything we learn about Oswald makes it clear he was working for the CIA and FBI while simultaneously being on their watch list for years. The CIA denials that this was true were lies.
We learn that the ARRB had a hard time getting the CIA to hand over documents on Oswald, that both the FBI and CIA lifted flashes on Oswald in early October 1963 which allowed him access to the Dallas parade route without attention. We learn that the Secret Service destroyed their threat sheets for 1963, those being reports of JFK’s prior trips and threats associated with them.
Essentially, we learn again with documentation what was in the earlier film, JFK, and more; all of which proves that Oswald was being run by the CIA and that he was used as a patsy after the assassination. We see the similarities to the earlier plots on the President’s life in Chicago (see JFK and the Unspeakable by James W. Douglass re the Chicago plot) and Tampa that are eerily alike to that in Dallas.
We learn everything essential, and yet this is just the two-hour version of the film.
Why Was Kennedy Killed, Who Benefited, and Who Had the Power to Cover it Up?
In the conclusion of the film, we are told all the things that Kennedy did that made him an arch-enemy of the CIA and the military. Kennedy, who was hated by the CIA even before the Bay of Pigs disaster, afterwards fired the CIA Director Allen Dulles and his subordinates and promised to splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds after he realized that they tricked him with the Bay of Pigs.
In 1961, they also killed those Kennedy greatly admired and was working with on issues of decolonialization: Patrice Lumumba of the Congo and the Secretary General of the United Nations, Dag Hammarskjöld.
Less than eleven months into office, JFK was faced with a savage enemy from within that he didn’t control. He told the French ambassador that he was in no way involved in the CIA’s attempts to assassinate French President Charles de Gaulle, his ally, and that he had no control over the CIA.
After JFK’s assassination, Allen Dulles told journalist Willie Morris that Kennedy “thought he was a god.” This from the man who had his henchmen kill with impunity and loved the Nazis with whom he worked and brought into the U.S. government (see David Talbot’s The Devil’s Chessboard).
In a document uncovered by the ARRB called the Northwoods Document, the Joint Chiefs of Staff recommended to Kennedy that he approve a false flag operation to start a war with Cuba by blowing up an empty plane over Cuba and blaming it on Castro and setting off bombs in American cities killing Americans for the same purpose.
Of course, Kennedy refused, only intensifying their hatred of him.
Then when he wouldn’t bomb Cuba during the missile crisis in October 1962, gave his American University speech the following June, sought reconciliation with the Soviet Union, and decided to withdraw from Vietnam, the die was cast: He had to die.
Who has benefited from his death?
The war manufacturers first and foremost, for they have been reaping their bloody profits ever since. The war against Vietnam was just the start, for the wars and alarms of war have never stopped.
And the CIA, working as the leading edge for the military around the world, continuing the Pax Americana for Wall St. and the power hungry millionaires and billionaires who hate democracy.
And of course, the media companies that are stenographers for the CIA, the politicians who pimp for them, and the vast interconnected power elites who cash in while playing innocent.
Finally, without having to explicitly say it, JFK Revisited makes it emphatically clear by presenting evidence that the criminals who committed this terrible crime, together with their media accomplices, were the only ones able to cover it up.
Of course, there is more to this powerful and important film than I have mentioned here, all carefully laid out and documented. Those who criticized Stone’s earlier movie and continue to hurl insults at him rather than consider the evidence he and DiEugenio present are the worst kind of anti-intellectual sycophants.
If they were forced to dispute the content of this film step-by-step, that would simply expose their agendas, something they must keep hidden to safeguard their establishment credentials.
JFK Revisited ends with an important reminder from David Talbot that the truth of this film about an event that took place long ago is so essential to understand because of its contemporary relevance. It is not dead history. The “horror show” we are now experiencing has its roots in JFK’s public execution on the streets of Dallas, when the killers sent the most obvious message:
Obey or you will suffer the same fate.
The United States is still controlled by the forces that killed President Kennedy – the CIA and those who comprise the national security state that wage war at home and abroad in contradistinction to everything JFK was trying to accomplish. Their cowardly allies in the media are everywhere.
There is a reason why, as Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. tells the viewer near the film’s end, that all across the world there are streets named and statues erected to honor President Kennedy: for people know that he was a brave man of peace and human reconciliation and that he died at the hands of scoundrels intent on stopping his work.
With JFK Revisited, Oliver Stone has truly honored this fallen hero. Like Jim Garrison in JFK, he offers this film as his closing statement to the jury, which is all of us. Here is the evidence. Consider it closely. Render your verdict.
By doing so, we may yet take back the country from the forces of evil.
Bravo to Stone and DiEugenio! They have created a tour de force.
Edward Curtin is an independent writer whose work has appeared widely over many years. His website is edwardcurtin.com and his new book is Seeking Truth in a Country of Lies.
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A note about Prouty – Both he and Richard Bissell were diehard railroad buffs. This suggests to me they may have been close friends. Would Prouty really have betrayed Bissell? Perhaps not, and if Prouty’s claims are just another limited hangout what does that do to his credibility?
It’s always remembering Col Fletchy Prouty.
I think all of you need to get a copy of the book Disinformation by Ion Pacepa- ex head of Romanian Intelligence during the mid 50’s up until 1978. See link. https://spectator.org/ion-mihai-pacepa-rip/
Much resides on the Magic Bullet CE399.
1. The Warren Commission reports details the tests and the damage to similar bullets, against what damage is seen in (or more importantly not seen) CE399. This alone destroys the Magic Bullet Theory.
To add to this, we have enterprising individuals who have sought to solidify the Magic Bullet theory by the use of computer animation in the Court Of Public Opinion (COPO).
1. Dale Myers, from Wikipedia
Dale K. Myers (born 1955) is a computer animator, author, and John F. Kennedy assassination researcher. He was honored in 2004 with an Emmy Award[1] from the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences for his computer animated recreation of the Kennedy assassination featured in ABC News’ 40th anniversary television special, Peter Jennings Reporting: The Kennedy Assassination — Beyond Conspiracy (2003)
Here’s Pat Speers take on Dale Mysers animation
2. Doucmentary on PBS
Forensic scientists Michael Haag and Luke Haag have re-examined the idea that one bullet hit both President Kennedy and Texas Gov. John Connally. They join the “CBS This Morning” co-hosts to explain the research that went into “Cold Case JFK,” a documentary featured in the PBS series
They both exist as animations and NOT evidence in the COPO, contrary to what Dale Myers think or those that support the Magic Bullet Theory.
If we were to take them into the realms of a proper court, then they would i presume be submitted for the prosecution against Lee Harvey Oswald, as forensic animation……..or would they?
I would presume that the defense on seeing the animation presented as fact, would challenge the prosecution to release details of the software used and a copy of the animation data. So in applying the possible use in court and bringing the issue back into the COPO, one must ask what barriers would the owners put up in not disclosing the data in particular?
The animations nowhere reach the level of forensic animation and must be only considered as cartoons. And if you’ve looked at the animations, you know some of the problems. In fact you could argue that rather than make the Magic Bullet Theory, the animations in question undermine the credibility of such grandoise statment as null and void.
I haven’t seen the movie yet, although I did see the 1991 movie, and thought it was incredibly powerful. I have also read all the important books published on the JFK assassination, and believe me, the volume of research is so great that it can break your mind. When you do the research it only confirms what you always knew, that it couldn’t have been anything but a government conspiracy. But what studying the research also does is that it shows you how blatant, how open, how bold the conspiracy was: it was all right out in the open, and there was and is so much evidence supporting the only possible conclusion that it changes how you view the U.S. government and its operations. I will add a qualification to this essay, however. Both JFK and RFK (whose careers I have also studied in great detail) were Cold Warriors par excellence. I’m not sure if the CIA was scared of either of them. I also don’t buy into the argument that JFK was about to pull out of Vietnam. Nothing in either Kennedy’s career suggests that this was where their heads were (sorry, this slipped out). What the mythology of JFK and RFK as heroes does–and in this sense Oliver Stone remains part of the American narrative that ultimately we are a good people and can be saved–is to offer some hope, some belief in why it had to have happened, why it should not have happened, and why an expose like Stone’s own can throw light on the truth that ultimately there is something good about America that can be salvaged, JFK and RFK are being positioned on the right side of things. That’s not how it was, if you remember your Cold War and your domestic oppression of the time. And so Stone participates in the lie about America, when all is said and done. I will watch the new movie, but the points highlighted in this essay suggest that this is all very familiar and basic territory to those who have studied the scholarship on the assassination.
There is plenty of evidence within this movie but it also existed previously that Kennedy was not prepared to sacrifice American lives in a this venture.
He had already stated that he was prepared to accept defeat in this war if they S. Vietnamese did not have the strength and will to win this fight. His whole raison was that S. Vietnam had to win this fight ‘alone’.
The movie states that on the very same day that Kennedy was confined to his coffin Johnson resinded NSAM 273 providing the pretext for involvement with the Vietnam war.
On top of that – if the intention was not to involve the US in the Vietnam war why stage the Gulf of Tonkin incident?
That really should be starting point for any objective analysis of why American became involved in South Asia …
I’ve long been suspicious of the My Lai massacre, not because I don’t accept US troops could and did commit atrocities but because of the saturation lamestream media coverage. Real atrocities are denied, obfuscated and covered up.
Who was overseer of the atrocity? Lieutenant Calley… phonetically identical with Kali the goddess of death of destruction. Well, isn’t that a coincidence? How to explain it? Perhaps the US Army had a Calley lying about waiting to be used – but it seems more probable the identity must be a legend, a constructed fake.
Maybe it could be put down to coincidence if it was the only example. However in ‘Pizzagate’ James Alefantis was a phonetic adaptation of ‘Je aime les enfants’. These things function both as markers and as mockery.
Does the film have a 33, especially a rather redundant one? Well, around 48 minutes how many people does the film state were in the Bethesda autopsy? It’s not 32 and it’s not 34….
Kennedy’s speech at the start sounds all lovey-dovey in summary – but it also happens to be the Freemasonic plan to end war as laid out in the Pike letter to Mazzini. As Wells makes clear in ‘The Open Conspiracy’, this doesn’t mean no violence – it just won’t be a “war” because it won’t be between nations but it’ll be globalists wiping out the last nationalists.
Making people disgusted at their own nation would be a good way to soften them up for globalism.
What is the fear of having a happy planet? Why is this such a threat to a small faction of people? It baffles me why they go to such lengths to impose unnecessary policies and unhealthy patents on the world. The late Thich Nhat Hanh said “Suffering people overflow their own suffering upon others. They don’t need punishment, they need help.” Their own existence IS their punishment, but it needn’t be so.
I believe there is a 4 hour version of this documentary around so I think that will need to be seen to provide any sort of value judgement on this. Mainly because the current version spends too much time setting up the background going over the newsreels of the time things we have all seen before.
However it features alot of respected researchers including Cyril Wecht, Doug Horne, Lisa Pease among others so gave a flavour of expectation.
The problem is that the whole Kennedy assassination is a rabbit hole which just gets deeper the more you get into it. 58 years later and its still questionable about what was going on. There are so many facets that even a 4 hour documentary will skirt so many issues. Some researchers wisely have found niches where they have researched in detail small anomalies like the 2 Oswalds or the Tippit killing and that is probably a good move, but can’t give the overall picture.
I think its important not to be distracted by the minutiae. There are similarities to the covid case where distractors will happily argue of the efficacy of vaccines, case numbers, death certificates etc. to keep people from asking the bigger questions. The why? Mr X mentions that in the movie – the how and the who are just ‘window dressing for the masses’ the big question is the why? ‘Who benefits, what did they gain and who has the power to cover it up?‘
That it is still being covered up nearly 60 years later tells you probably all you need to know. The only people powerful enough to do that and in whose interest it is to cover this up are the US govt.
But is that govt that everyone thinks they vote for every 4 years fronted by the puppets Trump or Biden or is it the hidden govt the ones really behind it. That question will never be suitably answered and so until it is, is it not unreasonable to believe that despite 60 years nothing has really changed?
I think the evidence is clear that from his speeches Kennedy attempted to do something about – whether it was the ‘hidden power’ mentioned or the ‘secret societies’ we will never know. Certainly he threatened the MIC especially over Russia, Vietnam and Cuba and for that he paid with his life.
He was like us all a flawed individual but he offered American’s hope and a positive future (view is American Universities speech) and that couldn’t be allowed to happen in the US of the time where the cold war and the fight against communism were big business to the CIA. He threatened their hegemon and that obviously couldn’t be allowed to stand.
And so hope was snuffed out.
Sadly Jim di Eugenio and all the surviving JFK truthers have fallen for the convid hoax.
By-and-large, censorship is really counter-productive because it only serves to hide facts under a proverbial rock. Due to the invariable forces of nature, that rock is bound to move, or be moved … and could be used to crush those who hid the truth. I believe that is way passed-time to move the rock and bludgeon the bastards to death. Even the drover’s dog now has enough concrete and circumstantial evidence to use the rock to smash the perpetrators of both Kennedy murders and the 9-11 imbroglio. NOT exposing them diminishes us ALL.
The sound of dogs not barking is deafening.
Jacob Rubenstein.
Arlen Spector.
Meyer Lansky.
Key figures in the crime, rarely mentioned.
Plus 20.
My endorsement of this post didn’t make it.
And many others we have never heard of. Read MC Piper’s Final Judgement.
Sam Bloom
TSHA | Bloom, Sam R. (tshaonline.org)
And a certain man from Zaprad who knew exactly were to place his camera.
“Less than eleven months into office, JFK was faced with a savage enemy from within that he didn’t control. He told the French ambassador that he was in no way involved in the CIA’s attempts to assassinate French President Charles de Gaulle, his ally, and that he had no control over the CIA.”
No sense of irony whatsoever re JFK being an ally with such an authoritarian figure, against whom the French people rebelled in May ’68.
Charles de Gaulle gave Algeria it’s independence and was as a consequence a target of a Permindex assassination attempt which he was lucky to have survived. Israel and the OAS were strongly against Algerian independence. JFK’s first senate foreign policy speech in 1957 was for Algerian independence. Permindex was of course luckier with the JFK assassination. The organiser of the May 1968 “rebellion” was if I recall a Zionist pedophile.
I think the point is that JFK was not involved in murder of another head of state no matter their position. So you missed the point.
De Gaulle gave Algeria independence. He was lucky to survive an assassination attempt by the OAS and Permindex. JFK’s first senate foreign speech in 1957 promoted Algerian independence. Permindex and the OAS were luckier with his assassination.
Stone’s film conveniently manages not to mention the involvement of the Bush family?
Still concealing?
I haven’t seen the film yet, but if the Bush dynasty isn’t highlighted then for sure he’s still holding back some of the really important information… This is clarified in another documentary about the matter.
I think the fact that it’s narrated by Whoopi Goldberg says a lot. 😂
Oliver Stone is a great director who has done a great service to the truth, to history and to humanity with his documentaries. His “Untold History of the US” should be in the curriculum of every school in the world, in my view. I look forward to watching “JFK Revisted”.
Is it not interesting that Noam Chomsky hates JFK and presents a totally contrary image of this exceptional US president.
i like christopher bollyn he talked of arnan milchan profucer of oliver stones jfk
milchan produced brazil and jfk many very good movies
the problem he was mossad aman a spy
so jfk the movie was pollution of the well
michael collins piper his book final judgement gets to the heart of the matter
I own a copy of MCP’s Final Judgement. He was probably bumped off for writing it.
Thanks for the tip on Final Judgement – reading it now.
Yesterday in the U.K. despite relentless pressure from the entities controlling the NHS/ SAGE / government,despite a Tsunami of lies and disinformation from the MSM/ State Broadcaster and all the organs of propaganda, the courageous staff of the NHS who refused to be bullied showed true solidarity. They said no !
WE stand with them.
The site loads, but without the article.
Not even a 404.
Try again, I just loaded it !
I am pretty sure Oswald was a US intelligence asset. He was allowed back from the USSR much too easily to be anything else.
His handler Ruth Paine was also a CIA asset.
But for the KGB to let him in and then let him go again he must have had their clearance, too. The dimension of this conspiracy seems to get even bigger.
Beware Pseudo-Gang Operations !
(Redirected from Pseudo-gang)
Pseudo-operations are those in which forces of one power disguise themselves as enemy forces. For example, a state power may disguise teams of operatives as insurgents and, with the aid of defectors, infiltrate insurgent areas.[31] The aim of such pseudo-operations may be to gather short or long-term intelligence or to engage in active operations, in particular assassinations of important enemies. However, they usually involve both, as the risks of exposure rapidly increase with time and intelligence gathering eventually leads to violent confrontation. Pseudo-operations may be directed by military or police forces, or both. Police forces are usually best suited to intelligence tasks; however, military provide the structure needed to back up such pseudo-ops with military response forces. According to US military expert Lawrence Cline (2005), “the teams typically have been controlled by police services, but this largely was due to the weaknesses in the respective military intelligence systems.”[32] . . .
During the Mau Mau uprising in the 1950s, captured Mau Mau members who switched sides and specially trained British troops initiated the pseudo-gang concept to successfully counter Mau Mau. In 1960, Frank Kitson, who was later involved in the Northern Irish conflict and is now a retired British general, published Gangs and Counter-gangs, an account of his experiences with the technique in Kenya.
23 Jan, 2022 16:04
Anti-lockdown protesters smash EU diplomatic service HQ (VIDEOS)
Fierce clashes between protesters and police in Brussels saw damage dealt to the European External Action Service building
This was the real protest in Brussels
Brussel, 250.000 demonstranten vandaag voor VRIJHEID!!!
Dit kunnen de regeringen niet meer negeren!
Brussels, 250,000 protesters today for FREEDOM!!! Governments can no longer ignore this!
That Bolsano thunderclap! Shows solidarity, wonderful, synchronised delivery shows they mean it. Like one of them Nurnberg rallies of yore.
Been looking forward to this but it seems unless you want to give money to the borg in the form of amazon or google then there is no way to watch it.
It is advertised on Showtime but when I have tried to register things never progress beyond accepting the cookie stage.
Most JFK researchers suggest this is a valuable addition to the dialogue so its doubly frustrating I can’t yet get to see it.
You can get a free 7day trial with Now TV and watch it there. Then cancel membership 🙂
And funny thing, Whoopi Goldberg is one of the narrators? Sorry but that shill has no business being anywhere near something that purports to tell the truth about anything, IMHO. I’m sure the film is probably worth a watch at least, but I’m with you on not giving the borg any of my money. And as a commenter mentioned above, if Stone is not discussing the Bush family and its part in the assassination then yes, he’s still pulling his punches. No wonder Whoopi agreed to narrate….
Totally agree. Quite disappointing to see her associated with this.
It is still worth watching and recommending to others that believe the one gun-man theory.
Whoopi? How disgusting. Her show, The View, is such a vile piece of misinformation and propaganda. Can’t believe she’s in this movie.
Of course he is pulling his punches, he doesn’t want to be assassinated but that does not mean he’s doing the world a service by bringing to light this event again and the new facts around it and to push the point on the normie masses that the world is not what it seems, that intelligence agencies are the terrorists and governments don’t care about the masses at all.
That’s what I thought!! Saw that she narrated it and went pfffttttt 😂
Try Bitchute.
Make that Brighteon!
Try downloading Kodi and watch it for free amongst nearly any other TV series or films.
BitTorrent works for me: watched it two months ago.
The only criticism I have of the doco is that at times the background music tended to make the talking heads difficult to hear properly.
Thanks all below for the tips.
It’s interesting that the bad guys are always CIA, FBI, and military personnel. Yet no one has a relationship with them. No one is married to them. They produce no children. And no one knows them as a neighbor or friend…
Gee! Where do they come from? They must be invisible…
Didn’t I read another review of the movie here by Ed Curtin a few weeks ago, or at least a mention? Anyway, on what I assumed was his advice back then I streamed it, and it was enthralling. I think even assassination cognoscenti could learn volumes from it and have their understanding sharpened greatly.
I was a little disappointed with the film, finding it to be a reworking of the original JFK movie and taking in few of the ARRB findings. Hopefully the longer version will correct that. Also, I think the case has moved on considerably since Sean Murphy’s stunning research on “prayerman” – sadly much of this work has been deleted from the web and Murphy himself has mysteriously disappeared.
One aspect of the investigation never really covered is specific phones used on that day, whether it be the Police, Ruby, Tippit.
Officer Tippit made a phone call of noted call on that day. Officer Tippit entered a shop (Top Ten Records store) , made a hurried call and then speed off. Phone records from that shop and from other people of interest like Jack Ruby would have been nice.
It somewhat reminds me of 9/11 and the alledged phone calls made by some of the passengers to loved ones at the time of the hijacking. This is an undeniable fact in the official conspiracy theory. Ask propoenents of the official conspiract howerver for the cell phone tower logs and receipient call logs from their providers and you reach a vacuous look….I wonder why?
Weren’t phone calls from the planes a physical impossibility at the time? I certainly remember a statement to that effect in at least one of David Ray Griffin’s books.
Correct. And actually demonstrated at the time to be impossible by – amongst others – Professor A. Keewatin Dewdney. The techie-tech to enable mobile calls from planes only became available some time afterwards.
True but there were no planes hijacked on 9/11.
So you believe in hijackings on 9/11 ? 19 cave dwellers controlled by a guy on dialysis in a cave in Afghanistan ?
Gotta love the way you equate laughing at your “no planes” religion with believing every single ludicrous part of the official 9/11 conspiracy theory.
Life is not always as black and white as dogmatic fools like you would like it to be.
Yes it seems Tippit’s role may have been to intercept Oswald and take him out. The reason for the call and the noted frustration was because Oswald being somewhat astute as to what was going down had got off the bus and taken a taxi. It also got out of the taxi a couple of blocks further on and doubled back.
Just to add to the mystery there is of course the ‘second’ Oswald looming in the vicinity who may have been the person who actually shot Tippit.
Both Oswalds then headed for the rendezvous at the Texas theatre. One in the balcony and the ‘real’ in the stalls below …
And so it continues: (Bloomberg) — U.S. military aid to help Ukraine defend against a possible invasion by Russia began arriving on Friday night, according to the American Embassy in Kyiv. The embassy, in a Twitter post, said the material “includes close to 200,000 pounds of lethal aid, including ammunition for front line defenders of Ukraine.
Not sure exactly what to make of the Ukraine saga. Russiagate 2.0 (or is it 3.0?)
It might sound cynical, but it may be just one big ‘Wag the Dog’ distraction to deflect from Partygate or to boost a President’s waning popularity.
For those familiar with the film (based on the novel ‘American Hero’), a fake war with Albania is drummed up after the President (seeking reelection) is found in a compromising position.
If it all blows over as quickly as it came, then that may be the case 😎
A Ukrainian immigrant friend of mine doesn’t believe much will come of this, but he says in his eyes the country is so divided between east and west, ethnically, by language, culture, and religion it could easily be split up. Just one man’s opinion. He does believe Obama and Biden raped Ukraine of its wealth.
Agree on wag the dog possibility. A dangerous distraction.
I have a Ukrainian friend also who is mad as hell as to what has become of his homeland. The US, UK and EU have turned it into the ‘Whorehouse of Europe‘ where those who are under the age 30 are bought and sold with impunity.
N@zi’s propping up N@zi’s
It has been for a while. In his last interview with Jimmy Savile, Dan Davies noted that Savile “jokingly” said he would like an 18-year-old Ukrainian girl. He slightly later repeated it but the age dropped to 16. Chances are he knew people who could supply him with girls even younger than that.
I tried to find a link to a Georgian Journalist.. who documented the ships leaving the port of Odessa loaded with children and young teenagers bound for brothels of the UAE, Dubai, Turkey, Italy and another ‘Near’ Eastern country (with an appalling human trafficking and forced sex slavery ‘problem’ – favored by the Maxwell family).
One of Mikheil Saakashvili‘s many crimes. Governor of Odessa at the time and recipient of bribes from the traffickers.
Heartbreaking stuff… If I find the link I’ll post it… probably been memory-holed by the Google machine.
Try DuckDuckGo.
You can say Israel here.
Not seen the film yet although will be watching it shortly.
“That after marrying a Russian wife”
Who just happened to be the wife of a senior KGB officer…. whose previous boyfriend had also been an American ‘defector’… who knew Oswald about ten days before marrying and their whirlwind romance where he swept her off her feet consisted of meeting him twice in hospital… who is the only source for the claim Oswald shot at General Walker when eyewitnesses saw two men running from the scene neither of whom matched Oswald’s description…
(TBC, this isn’t to suggest it’s the Russians wot done it – although that angle is an important part o the story and it’s how Dulles stampeded the Warren Commission, not that all bar one or two of them needed much stampeding).
“another CIA operative, George de Mohrenschildt.”
Who just happened to be a long-term friend of the Bouvier family. Jackie had worked for the CIA as a secretary and her use of the term ‘Camelot’ just happened to turn the assassination into a killing of the king ritual (see Downard’s ‘King Kill 33′). Then a second 1960s’ assassination was even more literally a killing of the King…
“having just sent National Guard troops to the University of Alabama to make sure two black students were admitted”
Sending the National Guard onto university campuses ended up well, didn’t it? It’s now well-known the US far right is full of Feds, informants and spooks. We also know the same was true of the IRA and about Gladio. Isn’t it probable the same was true of the Klan back in the day? It’s come out that one of the church bombers was an asset and that’s the probable tip of the iceberg. Of course civil rights became the spear-tip for a massive increase in federal government power in the US and the destruction of local and state autonomy.
If I remeber correctly, Stone started the original JFK with Eisenhower’s military-industrial complex warning. It now looks as if Eisenhower’s forgotten other warning, about the scientific-technical establishment, was more important. Eisenhower remains one of the most mysterious and under-researched figures of the C20th – who exactly was that guy? Eisenhower was referring to the RAND Corporation. The book to read about RAND is Abella’s ‘Soldiers of Reason’ (even if it is a limited hangout) and they are satirised in ‘Dr Stranglelove’ as “the Bland Corporation”. They’ve spent half a century cooking up “imminent global disaster” narratives from nuclear annihilation to convid. The Doomsday Clock is one of theirs. The solution is always fewer civil liberties and more centralised power culminating in world government/governance.
Nah, I Don’t buy Stone’s version of events. I mean look who financed JFK the movie.
Ryan Dawson and Cory Hughes have nailed it.
It’s wasn’t Col Mustard with lead pipe in the Drawing Room but Bagin in the butchers apron in Dealey Plaza.
You really should watch this
If Israel and Jews in the U.S. media were involved in the assassination conspiracy, that does not mean that those Stone’s JFK movie blamed were not also involved, indeed central.
Are you conflating the Zionist’s and the Jews? Just a question.
Like I say look who financed the film? and who did he work for? and what was he involved in? the Dawson/Hughes version makes a lot more sense. There is documentary proof that Bagin and Kennedy had indeed had a ‘fallin out’ and that Israeli nuclear program had been stealing technology from the US. Not discounting the CIA angle nor the Lansky angle either… Who did Jack Rubinstein work for? Then to pin it on the Italian Mafia…. right yeah
I think you mean ben Gurion.
You are absolutely correct… I was going off my ever diminishing powers of recall.
Bagin was the self-proclaimed father of modern-day terrorism
Just for the record I’m not a great fan of Ryan Dawson as he seems to be a bit too focused on blaming a certain group of people for all of the worlds ills. But his research on JFK and Epstein is truly amazing and Cory Hughes has expanded it and gone into such detail especially his work on Jack Valenti and David Ferrie.
Begin sorry
GPF’d again……..
This video underlines strikingly something that’s absolutely central to the scamdemic: the astonishing things that people can be persuaded to do when they happen to be more than averagely suggestible – which is about thirty percent of any random populace.
Admittedly Sirhan is exceptionally suggestible, and was selected as a Manchurian-Candidate patsy for that reason. But he was to be set up in an unusually-challenging hypnotic situation. Many other people, though less extremely suggestible than Sirhan, are sitting ducks for modern psychological techniques to draw them en masse into a terror-powered scam, in stampede mode.
Note too how, even decades later, Sirhan is still confused about many of the details of what happened. When we of the resistance have finally killed the covid scam, many of those who were sucked into it by the pure happenstance of their suggestibility-quotient will still be less than clear about what happened to them.
Plus 10.
Spot on!
Some are more susceptible to narrative than others and this has been factored in from the beginning.
Why would a pandemic need a PR company?
Plus 100. Interesting.
Look forward to watching it
It does seem plausible that JFK was killed for resisting the warmongers that surrounded him – especially following that American University speech. And that other high profile peace campaigners of the same era – Martin Luther King, John Lennon etc were killed for the same reason.
Oswald is a fascinating character in the mix.
Yes, he was a CIA asset who was sent to Russia with a phony defection and an agent provocateur. But he apparently realized soon on his Russian experience, that the Russians were on to him from the beginning. So he had an anger at the CIA or at whoever had leaked it to them. He was on the CIA watchlist for suspect agents with dubious loyalties.
So both a CIA asset and someone the CIA was suspicious of ie someone that they would be willing to ‘burn’ (via Jack Ruby)
I’m looking forward to watching this now… JFK was an “aha…!! eye opener” moment for me when I was a youngster..
It’ll be interesting to see how the contents of the film, the narrative and conclusions join the dots with the other excellent investigative exploration “Everything’s A Rich Man’s Trick.”
The review for the book of the same name:
JFK to 911 is already a global phenomenon, having began as a Youtube video which achieved over a billion hits by becoming the first documentary in human history to untangle all the establishment lies and reveal the entire truth about the Kennedy Assassination and 911. These disclosures so frightened the powers-that-be that President Trump and the Queen of England took the joint decision to ban it altogether, so that if you read this book, you will be learning the most cardinal secrets which your government would much rather you did not know. Nearly all intelligent people these days are wary of what we are being told by the mainstream media, but fewer are aware that the very notion of ‘fake news’ began with the words on these pages, and that all government policy in recent times has been an ongoing effort to hold back the increasing enlightenment these words have inspired. Legions of people have taken the trouble to go online so that they could tell the world about how learning that absolutely everything is a rich man’s trick–the justice system, the education system, the economic system, and most importantly, the media. Francis Richard Conolly is extremely hopeful that the people who have made a movie which he originally gave them for free such a central part of their existence will now buy this book in order to build the revenues which he needs to make the sequel which everyone wants to see.
We have an edit of that film in 4 parts on our video channel. Awesome documentary. Stone’s film conveniently leaves out some key players. But then again, Snowden got a feature film (complete with cameo), while Assange was completely ignored by this “great man” so yeah….
“President Trump and the Queen of England took the joint decision to ban it“. Of course they did!
Now, about this hugely profitable bridge deal: might you be interested…?
Off topic I know but….
Please don’t shoot the messengers… Listen to the message.
Nigel sold the lock down and the safe and effective vaccine, BUT now he cares LOL
But like I implied try to look past the messengers… The message is getting out
“Hey Nazi Boy [Trudeau] your rubber room awaits.”
Bethesda, the scene of the Presidents autopsy is interesting.
At the AARB, and under oath and I can only assume the panel nearly died on this one. The panel asked the official photographer about the autopsy photos. It must have come as a suprise when he responded that the evidence in the archives was not his. He knew what photos he took, on what camera and on what film. Those in the archives were someone else’s handywork.
The national archives hold a stereo copy of the back of the head. I do wish we could get hi-res scans of these. Some investigations had mentioned that the area of the bullet wound has been painted over. Scanned and into 3d googles would be nice.
Having a copy of the Warren report, one of many things strikes you. The standard and breadth of the images within the report and held by the national archives from the multitude of cameras on that day is a national disgrace. 50yrs fixation on Zupruders film has meant other film has recieved and still the Zupruders film, even now exists in public in low level detail.
I’ve been asked who killed JFK. I say it wasn’t Oswald. When pressed on who did I say look at the layout of Dealy Plaza and the route of the car and the layout of the civilians nr the kill zone, then you have a link to the killers. To route that car in that manner against what I would suggest would be against protection protocols, in a city very much hostile to Kennedy is beyond Kennedy the pay grade of Oswald and Colonel Prouty has his own axe to grind on the military protection detail perposefully absent on that day.
Dale Myers won a Emmy award in 2004 for his animation depicting the Kennedy assasination. Many others have commented on it. To me, it exists as a cartoon and will stay that way until he releases all the files.
Whatever your angle is on the JFK, one thing is certain. It’s a subject area so large and so all encompassing that I think the subject should be taught throughout a childs school life. It covers forensic pathology (or not in this case), anatomy, biology, bullets physics, acoustics, witness perception, phsycology, Polititcs, Conspiracy theories, and all manner of other subjects, which taught over the whole school life of an individual. We want less sheep regugiting what the media tells them what to think.
Of course, now I find that that particular request for a curriculum change is supassed by a whole load of material to be taught in schools about the last two years in relation to covid, like vaccines, gene therapies, stats, oversight, natural immunity, herd immunity, relative vs actual risks, ADE, Mareks chickens experiment, masks, social distancing…………………..
And in relation to the Dale Myers animation, there is a project, although slowly placed, with the task of placing a copy of a similar animation in the public domain. Animation and files will be accesable to anyone with an open source copy of Blender. The project has a copy of a 3d scan of Dealey plaza which was a interesting starting point.
Bethesda was also the location of James Forrestal’s highly dubious suicide (or suicidng).
Same naval hospital, same building.
Plus 100.
My question has always been, and will always remain: where was JFK? I don’t mean to suggest the man in the car may not have been President Kennedy. I simply wonder how it was he failed to notice all the separate pieces being set in place right before his eyes.
Was JFK – are Presidents in general – so trusting of those around them that they never question what their protectors and handlers are doing when they make public appearances? He cannot have been so naive as not to suspect the CIA had marked him for possible assassination.
Was he perhaps drugged; and, if so, the toxicology portion of the autopsy would have been every bit as incriminating as the bullet wound itself.
Analysing what really happened is like traversing a minefield laid in a swamp. I doubt if the truth will ever come to light; but at any rate the primary objective has been achieved: all the parties responsible are safely dead. The same thing happened with Pearl Harbor, the truth about which could not be suppressed forever, but was hidden until the 1990s – by which time everyone involved was dead.
To my mind, having read RFK Jr’s book “American Values”, the kennedys offended all sorts of powerful vested interests because of their support for fairness and decency. It is in a way the greatest tribute to them that so many evil factions vie for the distinction of having killed them. The CIA, the mob, Cuban emigres, the Israelis… and many more.
By telling the truth, standing up for human decency and kindness, and supporting the underdog, the Kennedys virtually signed their own death sentences. And that is the worst indictment of the USA that anyone could ever imagine.
The USA has been beyond the pale for decades now.
What its own presidents have said about it for a hundred years or more hardly whitewashes it either.
Just look at ‘NATO’ today (North American Treaty Overruler) …
Russia is the bad guy for sabre-rattling within its own borders near Ukraine, which, for the record, is not an American state.
And the USA is the good guy for having large numbers of permanent military bases splattered all over Europe – actually in other sovereign countries, some of them right next door to Russia…?
Puhleeze… How can even the mainstream media listen to, and repeat, the current warmongering crap without pissing themselves with laughter…?
I’ll tell you how: They haven’t a functioning brain cell between them.
Only their knees jerk.
Yes, practically everyday I have to hear the NATO or US fighter jets doing exercises within minutes of the Russian border. We hate it here. The hypocrisy. When we take down the covid cabal we need to take down the war machine cabal. This is a great music video mentioning most of the nwo bullshit we need to take down.
“To Hell with War!”