WATCH: How to eat a pine tree…
Michael Hoffman of Food Forest Montana joins us today to introduce us to the concept of food forests by teaching us….how to eat a pine tree?
Learn about the abundance growing right under your nose in this edition of #SolutionsWatch.
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You can make a sort of tea from pine needles.
Check out East Devon Forest Garden
4 acres in 10 yrs has 700 plus different varieties of edible trees ( their various products)
Way more impressive and inspiring example of total abundance with v little human effort once planting bin achieved.
Sagara is the Gardener – like a Druid of old – the knowledge to feed humanity and the earth and help heal the climate. He grows lemons, avacado s , kiwi s etc etc etc out doors in England by creating micro climates , raising local temperature so your growing Mediterranean fruits in more hostile more northeen climes!
Please research and get inspired- can put you intouch …..
Alison McDowell: Techno-Tyranny on Behalf of Concentrated Global Capital is Attempting to Turn Life into a Machine (YouTube)
Eat a Pine Tree? Unfortunately here in BC the Pine trees have already been eaten by Pine Beetles.
They have eaten half of our pines all the way down here in southern New Mexico too. 🙁 We removed ten dead ones on our property last year and are in the process of heating our house this winter with the logs we split from them, and now our HOUSE is getting 5-6 beetles hitching a ride with the firewood we bring in to the house every night, they are crawling out of the holes they bored into the logs before we can get them into the stove! 🙁 It has been a gross enough nightmare that I don’t think I would ever consider taking a taste even in a survival situation lol
♪ In the pines, in the pines
Where the sun never shines… ♪
I’m shamefully ignorant when it comes to identifying tree and plant species, but there are only a few pine trees remaining in my suburban neighborhood just outside of Philadelphia (PA); a decaying stump in the rear corner of my little back yard is the only vestige of the tall pine that once stood there when the previous owners– my parents– bought the house in 1990 or so.
It’s just as well; I hardly even ever use toothpicks, so I’m not tempted to eat trees.
However, all of this is a digressive preface. I just wanted to counter your delicacy about eating pine beetles (or their living quarters) with the standard reproof the elders in my family always used when we fussy kids were repelled by some foodstuff, or component of a dish: “It’s the best part!”
“Hi, I’m Euell Gibbons, ever eat a rock? Many parts of the rock are edible.”
Anyone old enough will remember Euell on TV in the 50’s and 60’s telling people they could survive on pine trees.
If we get down to having to eat pine trees, we’ve lost.
Thought the same. Saw Gibbons’ commercials on his Eating Wild Edibles books as a kid.
In my 30 plus years working for the Forest Preserve District of Cook County (70,000 acres surrounding the city of Chicago), people were the bane of the woods. Poaching everything and anything from edibles to endangered species. I went to court plenty of times seeing to it that people were fined. Wildlife over populations (especially deer and raccoons) were very problematic but those problems paled in comparison to what people do to natural areas.
If you watch the video you will find that it’s not much different than what Michelle Obama was doing as First Lady. Her focus was using vacant city lots as community gardens. And in her neck of the woods, the south side of Chicago, there are plenty of vacant lots to go around. Hundreds of burned out vacant houses have been razed by the City of Chicago and are covered by weeds and trash while providing habitat for rats, mice, snakes, house cats and coyotes. Most are owned by tax delinquents.
I am not quite sure who the audience of this video is directed toward. If I had to guess, I would say they are speaking to young urban people. This is nothing special. Interesting that not much was said about sunlight. Maybe there should have been a message about planting a garden instead of solar panels. And then, of course, a message about water conservation and irrigation. Maybe they will talk about that when they do your design.
It irks me to no end to see solar panels anywhere. We are fools to think we are solving any problems with solar panels. Maybe on a pitched roof top. But what happens when you need a new roof? What happens to the roof top garden movement. All that not-for-profit cash wasted. Anyone one who reaped those benefits should have to pay them back for converting gardens into panels. Do not get me started on wind.
Given as old as this concept is, it sounded more like an infomercial to me.
I may just try some of that tea when I run out of oranges.
Rocks. That’s what most people called ’em. Euell Gibbons called ’em Grape Nuts
pine pollen is a complete food module. meaning it has everything in it to survive for a very very long time.
wonderful example of a TREE
I close my windows during the pollen season. The ten acre red pine stand behind my home makes lots and lots of pollen. Great for destroying car paint and house siding while causing sinus infections and emphysema-like breathing problems. Masking is recommended.
Living near the sea also does that. Defund the sea. 😱
But wearing masks errr no.and closing windows err no.
Maybe move.
The pollen season is short. You have to wash everything. Stay inside until it’s over. Go to the beach went the winds are off the lake……but keep the car windows closed until you get there……..Wear a mask if you must go out to work in the yard. The masks are effective on pollen and dust which is what they are designed for.
your mental.
“Now if only Nazi Boy would actually catch something that would end this and free Canada of his corrupt slimy presence.”

“Whether one thinks of him as Jim Crow Trudeau or

Nazi Boy.

That corrupt corporate fascist toady hack must go!”
Justin would look good in Cuban Castro Camo green.
It would be in contempt of his father, NOT Pierre.
I was thinking of it more like an homage to his dear old Dad., Fidel.
Which character is this. I vote John Wick.
The real problem is not necessary Trudeau, although he is clearly the worst, but the oath all these prime ministers have to take and swear in servitude exclusively to the queen and her kids rather than to the Canadian people. They take no responsibility and they are not liable for their actions vis-a-vis their people, except for the election day. No wonder Canada, New Zealand and Australia lead the way in totalitarian measures and total disrespect for their own populations.
I suspect Justin’s servitude is to someone higher up the ladder ( or lower down, as the case may be) than the queen.
Convoy for Freedom to raise awareness and touch the hearts of Canadians and Americans (including mine). 10k trucks, Guiness record of some 40km(?) long convoy… previous was below 10km (please adjust numbers if u know them, I’m terrible with trivia, names and phone numbers) American truckers to meet them at the border and having massively organized as well.
Trudeau comments: – These are a minority, who do not represent the majority of Canadians who are good people wanting to “protect their fellow citizens”.
Convoy is cheered by an impressive amount of people along the highways though… bringing sandwitches and such, freezing their asses at minus 30….
Trudeau also announced yesterday he had just contracted Covid (linked to other numerous contracts), and will be isolating for 5 days
(yes he’s gonna miss the arrival of the Convoy for Freedom, Saturday on Parliament Hill)
He is cleverly hitting two Canadian gooses w one stone, to which the two gooses commented:
WHAAAAAACKKK!…………. No we’re fine
Check out NTD news every night, from the Epoch Times (no affiliation)
I’m keeping that one as a classic. Well done.
Me too. A good laugh I am sharing with the family.
Smokey and the Bandit was on HBO a while back. Sally Field was so hot when she was young. This has inspired me to watch it again.
May check it (hum her) out this w-e… 🤪
Pretty much the final confirmation the Fraud is run out of British Intelligence:
They don’t even try to hide his military background but put it forefront as his main qualification for the job. It truly would be A Very British Coup if he’s installed. And calling him a “centrist” is Exhibit A that such terms have lost any meaning they ever had (which wasn’t much) and just mean “we want/don’t want this guy… “.
It’s surely too much even for this lot – it’s probably a move to prep for getting him into the Cabinet.
Pine pine pine 😀
I’ve always appreciated Corbett but some of these solution watches makes me think he is gaslighting us. Eating pine cambium is a solution, please, its a solution people only use when they are starving to death, and putting myself in a predicament where I may be starving to death is no solution for me. Anyone not starving to death and chopping into a tree and damaging its cambium, to eat it, is a fool. Its ironic how the permaculture sustainable guy opens his freezer to bunches of bags that look like store bought processed food with a tiny bag of doug fir that he is going to make tea with. I am certainly not going to learn food sustainability from someone like this greenhorn.
Here we do have a forest. And it does grow by itself. We have a freezers and they are full of stuff picked out of the forest or our garden. We have forest picked strawberries, blueberries, lingonberries, cloudberries, rowan berries, rose petal rhubarb jam and all sorts of pesto made from wild greens and home grown herbs. Heck my wife probably even has a bag of frozen spruce tips in there, young ones. We don’t have any bags of food we or our neighbors didn’t grow or pick in our freezers.
Species of pine are quite different in use for food. Here we have scots pine. We pick the young male and female cones. (We use the spruce cones too). The male cones turn into pollen packets as they age and the young female cones have a delicious nutty, piney, and strawberry-y flavor. I love the texture. They can be eaten straight and have many cooking uses from stir-frys to desserts. These cones are natures abundance. We actually sell them as well as picking, eating and selling the fresh young individual spruce tips.
White pine is common in the eastern US and the needles are sold for tea as a healing remedy for covid death shot damage. Pinyon pines in New Mexico produce nice pine nuts.
Here is a relatively unknown thing one can do with pines to produce food.: Boletus sp. that grow with pine can be harvested when they are rotting and full of mature spores. To this smelly mass, sugar and yeast can be mixed and left to ferment for a couple weeks. The liquid can then be mixed with water. This culture can be used, like seeds, for growing mushrooms and can be poured in the vicinity of pine where you would want the boletus mushrooms to grow.
We have some of the “food forest” fad people here. What is funny these people like to ponder the image of having their own food forest rather than just going to it, or going to pick it. There main interest seems to be designing, having workshops and not really doing much. Working on their computers all the time.
I appreciated Fact Checker’s comment on the corbett report page. it explains many of these “food forest” people. Here it is:
This week on Solutions Watch: an easy Five-Step program to independence and abundance:
1.) Have idea to go off grid
2.) Look into sustainable models
3.) Move to New Mexico
4.) ???
5.) Somehow wind up with 11 acres in Montana eating a pine tree!
Start today
Must get down to my local park and look for suitable pine trees to feast on. Corbett needs to get a grip.
Corbett documentaries with any relevance for the present psy-op will start to come out in about 10-20 years. That’s his sweet spot.
It was an infomercial.
Yea he certainly does great work but I’ve been getting the same vibes. He’s also keen on planting the seed that covid is just step 1 and they’re REALLY gonna release something that’s actually dangerous soon – which yea ok that could be the case but it’s curious none the less. I believe I even remember him saying early on that maybe the Vax will protect against this future pathogen the ptb will release.
another use for the book leaf pine…old Russian healing tip from what I can figure…I am presuming it is the leaves, but some have commercialised what is called epi italis…my dog and I have a little of the gel for aches and pains…pretty good stuff…as it is an anti inflammatory if I ever have to do battle with cold, flu virus I suspect it may work with zinc…
“Better air in lockdown may have saved hundreds of lives in Europe, study finds
London and Paris among cities with highest number of avoided deaths thanks to lower pollution in first lockdown”
Note how the tentative “may have” is dropped in the subtitle where it is automatically assumed that – first, a vast number of deaths were avoided and second, this was thanks to lower pollution in the lockdown.
And although the hint of uncertainty returns, it is juggled about with statements that are full of blasé reassurance. Such as:
“Analysis of 47 European cities found Paris, London, Barcelona and Milan were among the top six with the highest number of avoided deaths.”
“The research, published in Nature’s Scientific Reports journal, was funded by the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts on behalf of the Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service. It compared government policies from the 47 European cities from February to July 2020 and estimated the changes in pollution levels and number of deaths.”
The Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service is part of the Copernicus Programme, described as
“the most ambitious Earth observation programme to date. It provides accurate, timely and easily accessible information to improve the management of the environment, understand and mitigate the effects of climate change and ensure civil security. This initiative is headed by the European Commission (EC) in partnership with the European Space Agency (ESA). ESA coordinates the delivery of data from upwards of 30 satellites.”
Over to Rochelle Schneider, professor in “geospatial data science” at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine,:
“This, and other similar studies, can help drive the message that we definitely need to improve urban air quality for human health, and for the environment. Government policies decided during the spring and early summer of 2020 gave us a unique opportunity to study a ‘real-life’ scenario with lower air pollution levels.”
I think these policies gave “a unique opportunity” for a lot of things.
If you’re under 35, get used to being without a personal car towards the end of your life – if that turns out to be 70-ish.
I can assure you that it’s doable; been doing it for fifteen or so years: non-e-assist bike, plus bus pass. Bit of an ancient snail on the up-gradients now, but still at it.
Electric cars? Well, if you’re a one-percenter, or one of their five-percenter handy arse-kisser functionaries, sure (for a while). Otherwise, forget it. The era of mass car ownership is on its terminal ebb, even amongst the Pampered Twenty Percent of Earth’s humans. A manifestation of the Long Descent away from hitech indust-civ. The Limits To Growth are not gainsaid. The excuses made by the functionaries to pretend that the limits aren’t already on us will be many and varied, though. ‘Essential cleaner air’ will do fine as one such.
And don’t worry: we’ll be getting the cleaner air in any case. 😄
ESA is Cliff the postman.
1) What the hell happened to Pat ?
2) Who is Cliff, if not gender-neutral ?
3) Why does the ESA only have 30 Sputniks, when Elon
Wants 30-50,000… releasing loads of them at once, in recent times.
A spectacular sight, many witnessed here on the Balkans…
Just a thought regarding communications control,
And legal jurisdictions within magnetospheric limitations,
First successfully explored by the Russians.
Dear readers, I’m just another weary soul whose tired of seeing masks everywhere and being seen as evil for not playing along with the orwellian nightmare machine
So my open question to all of you is: how does this all end and how much longer must we fight?
Never, and forever. This is how humans roll, and always will. I hope I’m wrong, but it’s supposed to be better to prepare for the worst and hope for the best. That’s just the way it is.
Good questions; an oblique reply: look for high school athletics team practicing – in my blue US State, I see boys girls track teams practicing almost daily (I walk, they run) – no masks (occasionaly on coaches); lots of smiles and laughter and talk. Does me a world of good – only dark side is that they have probably been vaxed and the injured children have probably dropped out of athletics. Otherwise, yes, “Never, and forever”
I was about to launch into another argument with my friend with whom I had a massive blow up over covid when the talk went off at a tangent. I had an impulse to bring it back on course before I realised that he hadn’t been following anything with any rigour anyway. And it then struck me that his whole outlook was impressionistic and superficial.
And I recall yet again Colin Wilson’s claim that Van Gogh’s big failing was to constantly underestimate himself and overestimate others. This is what I myself have been doing. I assumed others were operating on a level of consistency which they were incapable of.
I realised quite early on that when arguing with covidians, I had read everything that they had read, and they’d read half of what I had read. It’s easy to take an argument apart when you understand exactly where the flawed assumptions and fallacious logic in the argument come from, and when you read all sides of the argument with an open mind, you can eliminate those flaws from your own position. This is one of the defining factor of the modern left: They only read their own side of the argument. They are closed minded and dogmatic. They have faith in their world view, and so they can’t debate in a none emotionally charged way.
When the source of the true believers “ information “ is the “ news” papers, State Broadcaster, Sky or the WHO plus “ fact “ checkers, can it be any wonder that they cannot follow the arguments and have to retort with ad hominem.
Moreover, this does not only apply to the latest scam but history in general. Eg try explaining to someone whose sources come from MSM plus academia about WW1, WW2, Korean, Vietnamese wars were not started by the official culprits or that the Nazis plus Bolsheviks were financed and equipped by Western Banks and corporations.
I have tried with a number of people including a friend with a Doctorate in Russian history result same as the Scamdemic!
Their mental trapdoors have slammed shut George.
Never to open again?
Jesus, I hope not.
Justin Trudeau:
“Last night, I learned that I have been exposed to COVID-19. My rapid test result was negative. I am following @OttawaHealth rules and isolating for five days. I feel fine and will be working from home. Stay safe, everyone – and please get vaccinated.”
Bernie’s Tweets:
“Healthy, vaccinated, booster and negative for Covid …PM barricades himself into his own house. For his own safety “
England,, France, Ireland etc coming out of lock down and low and behold a PM MP. congresswomen etc tests positive!
what are the chances?
Every time this happens.
Every reason then for the protest to continue and wait till he comes out of hiding. Anyone thinking Trudeau got the death shots and that the tests mean anything is a fool.
The Canadian PM sounds like a f****** p*ssy.
So he won’t be assassinated.
I would have preferred an update on the Freedom Convoy.
Just read this on the WSW:
“The claim of an imminent Russian invasion of Ukraine is repeated endlessly by the White House and echoed unquestioningly by the mass media.”
So when will they say this?:
“The claim of a devastating pandemic is repeated endlessly by the mainstream media and echoed unquestioningly by the WSW.”
They’re a gutless bunch of pseudo Lefties George.
‘We must defer to the scientists and the doctors, because they know best’
Do they realise they are deferring to some of the most ruthless criminals on the planet? Big Pharma and their underlings. Just look at their track record you dumb bastards. Why the worldwide indemnity ? Why the backpedaling on the PCR test?
Socialists my arse.
It’s really confusing how inconsistent the left is: they distrust the corporations (rightly so) but when it comes to the big pharma industrial complex, they’re all for it in every way possible (vaccines + all covid restrictions)
The (sensible) left used to be about liberty and civil rights but now they’re communists in everything but name
“Your rights end when my feeling of safety begins”
From cnn:
“Evangeline Lilly says she attended the anti-vaccine mandate rally where Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Spoke”
She “said she attended the rally to “support bodily sovereignty” and that she believes “nobody should ever be forced to inject their body with anything, against their will, under the threat of …” and listed several phrases, including loss of employment and violent attack.”
I.e. the old libertarian argument which completely bypasses all of the arguments that covid is a con and the vaxxes both unnecessary and potentially lethal.
So this next bit is no surprise:
“Lilly said at the time that “despite [her] intense trepidation over the socioeconomic and political repercussions of this course of action, PLEASE KNOW I AM DOING MY PART TO FLATTEN THE CURVE, PRACTICING SOCIAL DISTANCING AND STAYING HOME WITH MY FAMILY.””
And your problem is? Are you suggesting that people have no right to oppose compulsory ‘medication’ because to do so might undermine your own particular faith?
What the fuck has “faith” to do with this? I am saying that to oppose compulsory “medication” on grounds that automatically accept the bullshit used to justify the compulsion is worse than useless.
PTB now blaming (via the BBC) the unvaxxed for variants. Until every last person in the whole wide world has been jabbed, none of us will be safe, ever.
“Until every last person in the whole wide world has been jabbed”
Not once but repeatedly — and expensively. The Microsoft model of anti-virus protection.
Recently i pivoted towards eating pine trees, or, as a starter, drinking pine-needle tea. I’d read about how the tea contains an acid that (see if i get the science right), that can prevent the injected industrially manufactured spike protein from getting into cells. Seemed a good idea to start sipping…
I’m hoping James will continue his pivot, give us a vid on fungi as food, and their health benefits, and also a vid on nutritional hemp seeds, and the many planet friendly products the hemp plant provides…
The acid is ascorbic, les: Vitamin C. Pine needles are rife with it. Oddly enough, though, it’s the older needles, rather than the bright green spring growth which is most loaded; so, at any rate, says an experienced woodsman of my acquaintance. Plenty of other terpenes and such in the tea as well. As with green tea, let your water go off the rolling boil for a minute before suffusing. Too much heat can degrade some of the less-stable phyto-chemicals. And synergy is greater than the sum of its parts.
PS: And yes, vit-C is already looking like a front-runner in the search for help to repair the bodily damages done by the poison-stabs.
Rhisiart, you’re right about the high levels of Vit C. But another acid was mentioned though its name escapes me. The Latest issue of The New Zealand Journal of Natural Medicine, #43, reprints an article by Makia Freeman about Pine Needle Tea (he agrees about not using boiling hot water). He mentions the needles contain ‘suramin’ as the ‘magic’ ingredient. But whatever the ingredient, pine needle tea is being recommended…
In China, some have had great success using high dose intravenous Vit C. The more research that’s published about the role vitamin deficiencies play in the so-called ‘covid’ pandemic, the easier to recognise ‘covid’ is a vitamin deficiency pandemic. And, as glyphosate is everywhere, in everything, and as it blocks plant’s uptake of minerals, it’s definitely implicated in the vitamin deficiency pandemic…
There is also resveritrol, a powerful (so claimed) anti-oxident.
The convoy was vastly better received then I’d hoped for. Watched live coverage of it on two networks that were actually covering it- the people out on the highway, on the overpasses, along the highway, everywhere was amazing.
Top Doc here in Ontario is singing a different tune now -we have to learn to live with Covid.. ‘no shit sherlock’
Justin, Doug and Others Drop the Mandates. Drop the Vaxx Passport
Ended with..
Seeing all the people out today gave me some much needed encouragement after nearly two difficult years of living in and covering what’s been going on in this country and globally. I’m not on the fringe. I’m just one person whose been trying to keep my head above water in a sea of lies. It’s not been easy. But I’ve swam on. As have many others.
I should be clear it was live feeds provided by two networks. Some of it was done overhead by copter. Some was done with the highway cams.
What has stunned the truckers is the massive support they have received from the Canadian people. This movement will not be stopped and Trudeau is toast. It has been stunningly orchestrated from press releases emphasizing peace and unity to logistics to even the choice of the name: Freedom Convoy. They have used the globalists favourite word for launching invasions and turned it back on them.
There is even an albeit small political party, the PPC, waiting in the wings, led my Maxime Bernier, the only parliamentarian to stand against the lockdowns from day one.
We are not there yet but and least there is some hope.
The massive support from ordinary Canadians blew me away. It was awesome. The unity among Canadians- Young. Old. Men. Women. People had their kids playing in the snow.
Bringing food and water for the truckers. Making sandwiches. Donations. Music. Flags. Horns blaring. (And all of it done outdoors in frigid temps)
After all the division that has been sewn here, this was a sight for sore eyes. It really was!
Maxime Bernier leader of the PPC, is a classic example of controlled opposition, with past globalist & banking ties. He effectively neutralized the resistance so movements like this one could never organize because people were always looking to him and other “heros” to do the work. And as we know, he and others accomplished sweet piss all. I pray the truckers are smart enough to keep his hands off the controls. They should trust NO leaders of any group. Then this has a real chance of success.
All political parties in Canada refused to confront the issue of the Coronadoom and never had anything in any of their platforms that spoke out against.
That was the absolute death of democ(k)racy in Canada.
Cowardly children they all are.
I’ve harvested fresh pine needles for tea- very tasty.
citrusy and super good for you- I’ve also got a penchant for rose hips. after they’ve froze. Their flavour is more intense (think of the ice wine from here in Canada?)
Fascinating and educational.
In Australia we call it ‘Bush Tucker’ .
The indigenous peoples survived on it for more than 50,000 years.
Permaculture is a great way of turning your yard into a food forest.
(These two blokes could be father and son).
Rationing and Alternatives to Cash
Are People Prepared For The Iron Curtain Life?
Jan 27, 2022
Those crazy conspiracy theorists with their wild theories about some sort of de-population agenda:
That use of child-free rather than childless is very deliberate and very calculated.
There’s a ton of evidence that later pregnancies are more risky to women’s health which one might think would concern the ‘woke’ Fraud – but it doesn’t because women’s health and well-being doesn’t genuinely concern them, it’s just a weapon to further the true agenda.
Agenda or no, the fact is that anyone sentencing innocent children to suffer this nightmare Earth nowadays is an outright child-torturer, not to mention an active accomplice (supply-side) in the hi-tech global slave-trade.
Maybe things were different once…maybe they could have been different now…but nothing changes the fact that today’s breeders are merely rendering up tender flesh to abject servitude and unimaginable exploitation at the hands of boundlessly depraved and wicked people.
“Child-free” and “child-saving” both seem like apt descriptors for those who abstain from feeding the Beast.
It’s deliberated and calculated because they are two different words meaning two different things.
Austria blinks on lockdowns for the unvaccinated, while continuing to ramp up mandatory vaccinations. Beginning March police will issue fines of $600 plus to those unable to show proof of vaxx. 75% of Austrians are vaxxed, according to article.
show me your papers
It’s so sad children act more like grownups rather than just being chiidren ???Does that look suspicious ask the parents??
Dont eat the caterpillars that nest there at this time of year winter.Killers.
Yes.Guinness world record for longest convoy.
‘Justin has “covid’ and has snivelled away.
What is a Weed?How many people have ever stopped to consider whom exactly it was that self-designated themselves as the “authority” and enforced themselves with the power to determine what is beneficial and what is not?
Some very beneficial “weeds”:Borage (Borago officinalis)Milk Thistle (Silybum marianum)Garlic Mustard (Alliaria petiolata)Dandelion (Taraxacum)Yellow Dock (Rumex crispus)Yarrow (Achillea millefolium)Valerian (Valeriana officinalis)
Bittercress (Cardamine hirsuta)Chicory (Cichorium intybus)Sorrel (Oxalis)Lady’s Thumb (Persicaria maculosa)Burdock (Arctium)Mallow (Malva)Violets (Viola sororia)Mullein (Verbascum)
Not only are most of these edible, but many are preferred by numerous pollinators, serving up numerous beneficial qualities to humans & insects alike.
Most of these plants contain very beneficial phytochemicals, like polyphenols, including flavonoids, terpenes, lignans, tannins, etc.
Most modern pharmaceuticals were originally based on phytochemicals found in many of these plants.
I find it interesting how most people limit their “knowledge” based solely on what others tell them to believe.PR & Marketing dominate the human mind.Billions upon billions are spent yearly convincing the mindless masses why they need to remain dependent on the neo-feudal Lords.Are there are way too few people willing to actively question those massive PR & Marketing campaigns.
Where you have systems of growing dependence, you increasingly have an absence of independence.There are massive power & profit motives behind systems of growing dependence.
It amazes me when I consider the sheer massive amounts of money spent yearly to eradicate supposed “weeds”, via synthetic chemical herbicides, destroying beneficial plants, and damaging the soil & beneficial microorganisms in the process, all of which serve very beneficial natural purposes.
Spent most of my adult life pushing weeds back in natural areas.
The thing about all those “beneficial” weeds that contain natural toxins is this: They provide zero benefit in a natural area by creating a break in the food chain. Period.
Great in your garden but not in a natural area.
Just because you can does not mean you should.
A weed is a plant that grows where you don’t want it to grow.
When I look at those faces I don’t know what I’m looking at… It’s sick.
Those who act as if life is to be feared by shying from Life have lost contact with their humanity, with the spirit of Life.
Let’s DECLARE them sick and no fit to take care of their health. We must begin using strong words; we need to CONSTITUTE ourselves into something.