UPDATED: The Canadian Trucker Convoy

Massive protest of goods drivers is an interesting barometer for the state of the Covid narrative.

UPDATED 29/1/22 – skip
UPDATED 06/2/22 – skip

A massive convoy of trucks and heavy goods vehicles is crossing Canada, coming together from all parts of the nation and converging on Ottawa for a huge protest on Saturday.

Already claimed to exceed 50,000 individual vehicles, the convoy is a protest against the Trudeau government’s requiring vaccine passports be shown at the US/Canadian border. Drivers without a vaccine passport are required to self-isolate for 14 days.

Initially, truck drivers were exempt from these rules, but that exemption expired on January 15th. Clearly potentially disastrous for freelance long-haul drivers who must keep to tight deadlines if they want to make a living.

The “50,000 trucks” estimate is likely an exaggeration, but there are certainly hundreds and hundreds of them coming from every part of Canada, along with hundreds and hundreds more private cars showing solidarity. The nationwide and dispersed nature of the “convoy” makes it almost impossible to get a certain number before the protest on Saturday.

Justin Trudeau has handled the situation with his usual political deftness, blasting the convoy as a “fringe minority” holding “unacceptable views”. The Canadian Trucking Alliance is doing a bang-up job of supporting its members by refusing to sanction or support the protest in any way.

But convoy has massive popular support, garnering over 240,000 followers on Facebook and raising over 5 million Canadian dollars on their GoFundMe page, before the account was limited.

The funding platform put a stop on anyone receiving that money until they can confirm a plan on how the money will be spent.

If you follow alternate media you likely knew this already, but if you read nothing but the mainstream you likely just found out about it today.

Yes, in yet another example of the curious synchronisation of supposedly independent media outlets, the entirety of the Western press finally decided to acknowledge the convoy’s existence earlier this morning, after ignoring them all week.

The Canadian Broadcasting Company (CBC) wants everyone to know that only a “very small minority” of Canada’s truckers are taking part, and that “experts” maintain the protest is “illogical”.

The Guardian is reporting the convoy’s organisers are planning to “overthrow the federal government”, quotes “intelligence experts” who imply the GoFundMe donations are from foreign governments, and compares the convoy to the January 6th 2021 “riot” at Capitol Hill.

The Independent takes a similar line, quoting Ottawa police officials who claim they are on “high alert” after being made “aware of inappropriate and threatening language on social media related to this event”.

They also suggest the protest will be “around 2,000 demonstrators”, a definite understatement, somewhat belied by all the traffic congestion warnings being issued by the local authorities.

Global News is reporting that “far-right groups how freedom convoy will be Canada’s January 6th”, which is very revealing considering what a contrived piece of political theatre that “insurrection” was.

The press certainly appears to be laying the groundwork for some kind of violence tomorrow.

Whether staged entirely as a false flag or provoked by the police we can’t know yet, but history would suggest it will definitely be one or the other.

However, the convoy is not without any mainstream allies. In past days Elon Musk and Donald Trump jr have tweeted support for their cause, as well as politician Maxime Bernier.

Copycat convoys are already emerging, with an EU wide freedom convoy in the works to descend on Belgium in February. The plan involves convoys from a dozen or more EU nations driving to their own capital, before converging at the seat of the EU parliament. The telegram group set up to organize it already has 15,000 members.

What began as a protest against border quarantines has swollen into a march for freedom in general, and a potential flagship event for the anti-lockdown, anti-vaccine mandate movement worldwide.

Whatever happens on Saturday, the way it is covered in the media and the messaging in the following weeks will likely tell us a lot about the future of the pandemic narrative.


UPDATE: Thie first trucks arrived in Ottawa yesterday evening, and parked up in front of the Parliament building…

The Nova Scotian government has banned gatherings on bridges or beside roads showing solidarity with the truckers.

Huge crowds are gathering in the square outside the parliament buildings.

Justin Trudeau will not be appearing in public while the protest is in the capital.

This was initially said to be due to having to self-isolate after a Covid exposure, however clearly some PR consultant has since pointed out that makes Justin look like a kid faking a stomach ache to get out of gym, so the story has been adjusted.

The new headline, breaking just 40 minutes ago in an “unconfirmed report” is that Trudeau and his family have taken refuge in a “secret location” due to security fears.

More ammo for the “Canada’s January 6th” storyline.

Michael De Adder, the cartoonist for the Washington Post has weighed in in his usual even-handed non-inflammatory fashion…

If you don’t get the cartoon, well…neither do I.

The ratio of replies to likes is pleasing though, and it does the soul good to see a well-deserved roasting from time to time.

A reporter on CBC actually suggested that the Russians could be organising the protest…




After halting all donations to the Freedom Conboy last week, GoFundMe is now shutting the account down and (allegedly) returning all the money to the individual donors. At last count they raised around 10 million Canadian dollars.

GoFundMe claims they closed the account down because law enforcement agencies “convinced them” the large-scale protest had become “violent and unlawful”.

The funding platform originally claimed any donors should apply for a refund, and any unclaimed funds would be “donated to a charity”, but when the state of Florida threatened to sue them for fraud, they reversed that decision and decided to issue automatic refunds instead.

In even more oppressive news, the Ottawa police have announced that as of Monday, anyone bringing the encamped protesters supplies – especially fuel – may be subject to arrest for “assisting illegal activity”. A quite obvious attempt to try and freeze the protesters into going home.

We’ll keep this updated with any breaking news.



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Categories: Covid Positive, latest