Acceptance of and Commitment to Freedom

Iain Davis

There are many things we can do to liberate ourselves, and each other, from the tyranny of government. Unfortunately, for generations, we have been educated to believe we are powerless.

Supposedly our voice can only be heard through the ballot box, our extremely limited ability to lobby and whatever protests we are allowed.

This is a deception. We have all the power, government has none and we can change the world whenever we choose.

All we need to do is realise our collective agency and strength. The good news is that, if we consistently work toward freedom, achieving it is a nailed on certainty. The bad news is that very few of us are even aware of the need to change our behaviour and fewer still know how to do it.

Our broad lack of awareness leaves us at the mercy of those who do understand how to misuse behaviour change techniques and applied psychology for nefarious purposes. This mistreatment has led a sizeable minority to rail against applied behavioural psychology. Yet, should we decide to use these strategies ourselves, the potential for positive social change is immense.

This article is written in the hope that we can all learn how use behaviour change techniques for our benefit. Behaviour change is a skill that can be learned and, with practice, become a powerful tool for personal development. We can use it to defeat the plans of those who would use it against us and construct a free society.

The Misuse Problem

Over the last two years we have experienced, and are continuing to endure, a global behavioural change programme designed to force us into compliance. Psychological operations (psyops) have been used to adapt our behaviour to a so-called “new normal.” One of the objectives is to condition us to respond automatically to an announced crisis, whatever it may be, and to obey government commands.

This isn’t a contentious point. Applied behavioural change techniques are common practice at both the world governance and national government level. The World Health Organisation outline how they interpret their use:

A health campaign follows a specific sequence that moves the target audience from awareness of an issue towards a behaviour resulting in a specific health outcome […] Presenting a consistent message from multiple sources increases the likelihood of action […] Trusted messengers and high-profile personalities can add their voices to the campaign.

In February 2020, one month before they declared a global pandemic, the WHO announced the creation of its Technical Advisory Group on Behavioural Insights and Sciences for Health (TAG). The group is chaired by Prof. Cass Sunstein and its members include behavioural change experts from the World Bank, the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Prof. Susan Michie, from the UK, is also a TAG participant.

Cass Sunstein co-authored a 2008 paper titled Conspiracy Theories in which he and Prof. Adrian Vermeule advocated a series of psychological methods to counter the arguments of people who doubt official narratives. Sunstein & Vermeule ruled out engaging in logical, evidence based debate. Instead, they proposed a concerted psyop campaign to discredit anyone who questioned the government.

TAG soon published Principles and Steps for Applying a Behavioural Perspective to Public Health in which they identified six principles they would utilise.

Deciding that knowledge was “often not enough to change behaviours,” TAG implemented a different methodology. Noting that the behavioural choices we make are “influenced by the environment in which an individual resides and makes decisions,” TAG concluded:

Approaching public health from a behavioural perspective requires focusing on people and their behaviours in the context in which those behaviours occur […] Behaviours can be defined so that the influences on those behaviours in terms of barriers and drivers can be diagnosed. The strategies and interventions that can change those behaviours can then be designed.

There was no mention of consent anywhere in the document. TAG advocate manipulation of the context in which behaviour occur. This enables them to design the behavioural response. We are the subjects of their efforts and TAG don’t consider either our knowledge or consent to be relevant.

Susan Michie is also a member of the UK government’s Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE). They have provided much of the “evidence” which the UK government used to justify its anti-scientific response to the pseudopandemic. Michie is also a leading member of the SAGE behavioural change subgroup, Spi-B.

Like her fellow TAG and Spi-B behavioural change experts, Michie favours psyops over logical discourse. In an advisory report, dated 22nd March 2020, SPi-B recommended that the UK government engage in a media led terror campaign to coerce the public into pseudopandemic compliance:

A substantial number of people still do not feel sufficiently personally threatened […] The perceived level of personal threat needs to be increased among those who are complacent, using hard-hitting emotional messaging […] Some people will be more persuaded by appeals to play by the rules, some by duty to the community, and some to personal risk. All these different approaches are needed […] Use media to increase sense of personal threat […] Consider use of social disapproval for failure to comply.

Government in the UK, and elsewhere, deployed precisely this methodology with the assistance of their mainstream media partners. This was a continuation of the manipulation proposed in the UK government’s 2010 document called MINDSPACE. The report outlined how government could misuse behaviour change for propaganda and compliance purposes.

It stressed the importance of avoiding any discussion of the evidence and focused upon overcoming peoples’ rational minds using psychological manipulation. Notably, this could be achieved without the subjects (us) even being aware that we were effectively being programmed:

People’s behaviour may be altered if they are first exposed to certain sights, words or sensations […] people behave differently if they have been ‘primed’ by certain cues beforehand.. Emotional responses to words, images and events can be rapid and automatic.. people can experience a behavioural reaction before they realise what they are reacting to […] This shifts the focus of attention away from facts and information, and towards altering the context within which people act […] Behavioural approaches embody a line of thinking that moves from the idea of an autonomous individual, making rational decisions, to a ‘situated’ decision-maker, much of whose behaviour is automatic and influenced by their choice environment […] citizens may not fully realise that their behaviour is being changed – or, at least, how it is being changed.

This approach utilises the covert psychological strategies suggested by Sunstein two years earlier. Spi-B and TAG were among those who exploited them throughout the pseudopandemic. Combined with wide reaching censorship and a concerted media propaganda campaign, the objective was to hide or otherwise obfuscate evidence and move people away from rationality towards becoming “situated decision makers.”

Programmed to accept a tightly defined set of limited discussion points, people were coerced into believing in a predetermined “choice environment.” The context and extent of their decision making was thus controlled, leaving many subjects psychologically disabled.

Once the choice environment had been established, behavioural responses could then be designed without any resistance from the situated decision makers.

This form of brainwashing primarily targets the subconscious. It is highly effective because it leaves the subject imagining they have free choice or free will. This deception renders us far more likely to behave as instructed. However, in reality, our behavioural options are restricted to the desired outcomes only. The behavioural commitment of the subject is engineered by their situated position within the choice environment.

The misuse of behavioural change techniques, and the applied psychology that underpins them, is totally unethical. It is a form of psychological abuse that was and is still inflicted upon the global population to push an agenda.

In the UK, this prompted a concerned group of psychologists and therapists to write to the British Psychological Society (BPS), urging them to investigate the abuse and issue a statement. Eventually the BPS replied with what many considered to be an evasive, disingenuous and wholly unconvincing reponse.

Given the activities of TAG, Spi-B and others, strong opposition to this psychological manipulation by government is understandable. It is essential that we draw a distinction between their covert, unethical misuse of behavioural change and the appropriate employment of these strategies.

Utilised as part of talking therapy, behaviour change (or modification) it is perhaps the most powerful technique for the treatment of many unwanted, self-destructive behaviours. It has helped millions of people around the world overcome addiction and provides us with tools we can use in our daily lives to achieve a wide range of goals and objectives.

For example, if freedom is our aim, we can use the skills we learn from Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) to live as free, sovereign human beings. If enough of us do so it is inevitable that we will create the free society most of us want. We do not have to live under the tyrannical oppression of any government that seeks to control us through brainwashing and fear.

Acceptance And Commitment Therapy (ACT)

Acceptance And Commitment Therapy (ACT) helps us to notice the thoughts and experiences that lead us to adopt potentially destructive behaviours. Once we have acknowledged and accepted the reality of our current condition we can identify the associated behaviours, develop better coping strategies and commit to behavioural change.

We can use the ACT matrix as a mental map to guide us away from damaging or life-limiting behaviours and instead actively choose behaviour that moves us closer to our goal. This is depicted below and the the diagram can be carried on the person as an aide-mémoire. However, once people are familiar with applying ACT in their daily lives, the simplicity of the model allows most to visualise it when needed.

Each of us perceive the world through our senses. This enables us to build a mental picture of reality. However, thoughts, emotions and physical sensations can impact upon our perception.

Take, for example, a forest walk. The sights, sounds, smells, textures and even tastes form our appreciation of nature and the experience. However, if we start to feel the uncomfortable sensation of substance withdrawal then, despite the evidence of our senses, we can perceive the forest as little more than a dark prison, stopping us from getting to the substance we desire.

Our mental experience does not necessarily reflect reality. Other “unwanted stuff,” such as cravings or fear, often get in the way. When they do we can easily become “situated decision makers.”

Unable to cope with our internal conflicts, we often resort to behaviours that are driven by these unwanted thoughts, emotions, physical sensations or beliefs. We respond to them instead of the present reality of our environment or condition.

These behaviours, such as problematic substance use, can be fatal. The behaviours themselves can compound the unwanted thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations. We may enter the cycle of addiction where physical changes and altered brain function can occur, further compelling the destructive behaviour.

ACT teaches us that the first thing we need to do is pay attention to the here and now. Our reality is formed through both physical and psychological influences and we need to be “mindful” of both. The ability to root ourselves in awareness of the ‘here and now’ can be improved by practising mindfulness exercises.

The objective is not to sit in mindful contemplation but to develop self-awareness skills. Our capacity to focus upon what is happening to us in any given moment will afford us self-control.

For example, we might improve our awareness of the conflict between the tranquillity of a forest walk and our craving for a drug. Both can be perceived simultaneously and the difference noted. The craving is an uncomfortable sensation but that does not need to alter our comprehension of the forest.

We are able to identify the difference between external reality and internal distress. In this awareness we can start to address the resultant behaviour that is driven by our personal experience, not the forest. We can no longer blame the forest (our environment or other people) for actions that are our own responsibility.

The next step in ACT is acceptance. It is pointless pretending that we are not experiencing cravings, emotional distress or physical pain when, in reality, we are. Trying to deny these experiences, whether psychosomatic or caused directly by physical stimuli, simply increases our anxiety, often heightening our discomfort.

If we accept what is happening to us we can confront it. If we deny it we never will.

When we don’t pay attention to the – here and now – it is very easy for us to automatically adopt learned behaviours based upon misconceptions. Especially if we use them as coping strategies whenever we encounter a trigger. Noticing is the key to unlocking behavioural control.

Let’s say we cope with stress by drinking alcohol. Every time we are in a stressful situation we increase the chance of drinking more because we wrongly believe that is our only option or that the behaviour carries no risk. For most people this isn’t a problem but for many it can become life threatening. If stress is a trigger, ACT teaches problematic drinkers to notice what causes them stress and the signs of being stressed as they emerge.

Once able to recognise the risk, as it occurs, the problematic drinker has an awareness of behavioural choice. They can rely upon a behaviour which they know to be harmful or they can use a different coping strategy that is less harmful or hopefully causes no harm at all.

ACT is about awareness of reality. If drinking chills you out, in the moment, then whatever behaviour you choose to use as a coping strategy also has to work. Otherwise it isn’t a real choice. Someone who is alcohol dependent, having completed their detox and achieved recovery, may choose to listen to music, exercise, read, pray or cook instead of drinking. Whatever behaviour they use, all that matters is that it works and moves them towards their chosen goal.

ACT empowers people to gain control over behaviour that can either move them away or toward what is important to them. They do this through commitment to behavioural control. However, just as ACT demands that behavioural choice is real, so it requires a genuine appraisal of what matters to us.

Perhaps substance misuse has broken relationships, led to health problems or endangered the individual by repeatedly placing them in high risk situations. It is pointless pretending that relationships, health or safety matter more than using or drinking if that is not true. There is little chance of you moving away from harmful behaviour if you have nothing better to move toward.

For many people who use ACT this is perhaps the most challenging aspect. The moment they accept that their self-destructive or damaging behaviour matters more to them than anything else in the world can be an extremely painful realisation. It may be the first time they have truly confronted the stark reality of their addictive behaviour.

This is a very high risk moment in the recovery journey. Relapse into self-destructive behaviour is a strong possibility.

ACT requires hard work and commitment. Hopefully, with the support of a decent therapist or psychologist, the individual can be afforded the safest possible opportunity to revaluate their life. This is no easy thing to do, as anyone who has been through it will attest. The majority of us are able to be honest with others most of the time, yet we struggle to be honest with ourselves.

Once this work is complete the recovery journey can continue. Many ACT users realise that their problematic behaviour is harming them and choose to readjust their priorities. They accept that their behaviour is self-harm and find new meaning based upon what is truly important to them.

They can set a goal that motivates them to change their behaviour. It doesn’t really matter what the objective is. It could be rebuilding family relationships, health, safety, career, pets or, especially for those whose behaviour has led them into the judicial system, a commitment to freedom.

Every moment is filled with behaviour. Behaviour can lead us either away or toward what is important to us. ACT empowers individuals to recognise the risks inherent to the instance of behavioural choice. Rather than automatically responding as situated decision makers they can use the tools they have acquired to regain their autonomy and make rational behavioural decisions based upon their knowledge, values and objectives.

How to Use ACT To Free The World

In light of the activities of TAG and Spi-B and other institutions, we must confront the reality that we have governments that do not serve us. They merely play a policy enforcement role in a worldwide network we can call the Global Public-Private Partnership (G3P).

Government serves the G3P, not us. They use covert brainwashing techniques to control us. Our behaviour is “designed” and we are not free.

[click to enlarge]

The obvious deceit and disinformation that characterises the G3P’s pseudopandemic has led an increasing number of people to recognise the tyranny of our governments. They can now see that government seeks to control every aspect of our lives on behalf of their G3P partners.

While governments around the world are busy back-pedalling on their outlandish claims, it won’t be long before they roll-out the next fear inducing psyop. This problem will permanently remain unless we do something about it.

From censoring the Internet to attempting to ban all protest, forcing people to take drugs they don’t want, surreptitiously deceiving us into accepting digital identities, that we have consistently rejected in the past, and removing our so-called human rights whenever convenient, it is pretty clear that alleged representative democracy is being replaced by dictatorship.

We imagine that the only way to change government is to elect, lobby or protest. But the problem is not the political parties who form government, although the party political system is an obstacle in and of itself, it is that whoever forms government serves the G3P regardless. Voting for a new office manager won’t change the direction of the company. No one elects the people who lead the G3P’s compartmentalised, authoritarian structure.

Faced with a global network of multinational corporations, think tanks, governments, NGO’s, philanthropic foundations and a mainstream media industrial complex propaganda machine, which is also part of the G3P, it can feel like we are powerless to resist. However, this is itself an illusion.

The truth is that the whole apparatus of state has been created to oppress us precisely because those who benefit from it realise that they are ultimately powerless. If we collectively decide to act, while the G3P partners will fight to retain their authority, they cannot win.

All we need to do is take action as individuals. When enough of us do we will change the world. It is inevitable.

Protest, legal challenges, lobbying, sharing information and campaigning on issues we care about are all valuable if we want to be free but, in order to change the world, what we really need to do is change our own behaviour. Instead of doing the things that move us away from freedom we need to consistently do the things that move us toward it.

Though often misquoted, Mahatma Gandhi explained this process eloquently:

We but mirror the world. All the tendencies present in the outer world are to be found in the world of our body. If we could change ourselves, the tendencies in the world would also change. As a man changes his own nature, so does the attitude of the world change towards him.

We can make this change by using ACT. If freedom is what matters to us then we must persistently behave in a way that moves us toward it. Equally, we must stop behaving in a way that moves us away from freedom.

This requires that we notice what is happening in the here and now. Is there a difference between our thoughts, feelings and emotions and reality?

We may notice that everyone around us is wearing a mask, reinforcing the visual cues suggesting danger. Fear could be the emotion that is driving our behaviour. We must accept both the physical reality of our environment and the psychological state of fear we may be in.

Understanding the “here and now” and armed with ACT principles, we can overcome our fear and commit to what is important to us in that moment. We must ask ourselves which direction our behaviour will, not might, lead us. We have a behavioural choice and, if we want to reach our goal, we must act accordingly.

If we choose to behave in a way that moves us away from freedom then we will eventually lose our freedoms and move closer to tyranny. If we choose to behave in a way that moves us towards freedom then we will be one step closer to it. The cumulative effect of all these behavioural choices will either be freedom or tyranny.

We have previously discussed the kind of solutions we might pursue. With these in mind, we can use ACT to steadily move towards freedom.

We know that the G3P intend to introduce Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC). It is no coincidence that the pseudopandemic has been very helpful in further reducing our use of cash. CBDC is planned to be a liability of the central banks. As their liability it is their responsibility to pay and their money. When CBDC is introduced we won’t have any money of our own. We won’t be able to own anything.

It is also programmable money, meaning that individual transaction can be monitored and controlled by the central bank. You will no longer be free to choose what you buy or who you transact with. A CBDC world represents nothing less than total, global monetary slavery.

The disappearance of cash will more easily facilitate the introduction of CBDC. Therefore, if freedom is important to us, we must not let cash disappear. In fact, we need to make cash indispensable to businesses across the world.

Using ACT, whenever we make a purchase or transaction we must ask ourselves if our behaviour moves us towards or away from freedom. While it is not always possible to use cash but, wherever and whenever it is, if we want to move towards freedom, we must use cash. If a store refuses to accept cash then don’t frequent it, choose one that does. Doing so will move us towards freedom.

We have been subjected to an unprecedented mainstream media propaganda campaign. Paying your TV license or buying mainstream media rags moves us away from freedom. So, using ACT, consider what other behavioural options would better suit your objective. If you need to be updated with current affairs, choose alternative media or free online sources.

If you choose to support the independent media you will be moving toward freedom. You will probably be better informed and will move away from tyranny.

Use ACT to move toward freedom by considering where you buy goods and services. If you simply give your hard earned money to multinational, corporate, G3P partners does that move you away or toward freedom? If it moves you away, don’t do it.

Instead give it to local traders and small businesses, or barter and exchange wherever possible. This maintains and increases choice and is a step toward freedom.

The G3P agenda is to centralise all authority at a global level. Centralisation of authority moves us away from freedom. Therefore, don’t simply obey the edicts of global authority. If it is possible to disobey then always disobey on principle. This moves us towards freedom and away from tyranny.

There are a never-ending list of behavioural choices that we make every day that can either move us away from or towards freedom. If freedom matters and we persistently make choices with regard to “what is important to us,” we will create a global demand for freedom. If we do it in sufficient numbers that demand will be overwhelming and it will ensure that we live in freedom.

It is not going to be easy. It will be far less convenient and require more effort than simply going with the flow. But relying on self-destructive behaviours that move us towards tyranny will assuredly lead us into tyranny. It cannot be otherwise.

It all comes down to what you believe and what is important to you. If you value freedom then you must actively choose the behaviour that leads you to freedom.

Once you are familiar with behavioural change principles, using them can quickly become second nature. While constantly checking your own behaviour can feel cumbersome or even irritating to begin with, stick with it.

In no time at all you will largely control your behaviour and will forge your path towards freedom. Not only can we build a society based upon the principles of freedom, if we each take personal responsibility for our behaviour, we will build it.

You can read more of Iain’s work at his blog In This Together or on UK Column or follow him on Twitter. His new book Pseudopandemic, is now available, in both in kindle and paperback, from Amazon and other sellers. Or you can claim a free copy by subscribing to his newsletter.


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Mind Goblin
Mind Goblin
Jul 7, 2022 6:20 PM

Imagine having brains this smooth. Enjoy your no roads and no rights lmao

Tim Drayton
Tim Drayton
Jan 31, 2022 4:43 PM

Isn’t there a circular logic going on here? Those who are already aware that they’re being lied to don’t need therapy to help them see the lies, while those who are taken in by the psychological conditioning will not see the need for therapy precisely because they are taken in. I mean, those who can see the need for the therapy don’t need it anyway.

Jan 31, 2022 4:51 AM

Liberal Rights or freedoms are nothing but temporary privileges granted by more powerful to less powerful as a temporary often tactical settlement in ongoing struggle for total domination.The powerless have no rights or freedoms. In this sense they constitute framework that in eyes on more powerful assure their dominance over less powerful. Constitutions and laws are codifications of those limited and temporary rights or while their interpretations are arbitrarily solely within realm of their control and dictated solely by contemporary politics of power struggle. Liberal freedoms are privileges money can buy and intimidation or coercion can extort.

Only equal, equitable and egalitarian classless self governed by full consensus, economically self sustained society inherently embeds what we call universal objective rights and freedoms as in such societies coercive power of government is nonexistent as centralized enforcement is nonexistent (no government can force one to do anything unless one agrees to it by doing it oneself ) and hence no liberal right are needed as there are inherently embedded in individual sovereign power to veto anything they autonomously and independently consider unjust or inappropriate in some way.

In Such societies all the power, political and economic power always reside in individual sovereign citizen and is never delegated in any shape or form to anyone.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Jan 30, 2022 11:06 PM

Excellent article!!

Jan 30, 2022 7:41 PM

Thank you. Consciousness is the pathway to freedom. Eastern metaphysics, Western metaphysics all aim at consciousness of self, society, Earth ecosystem and Universe. In essence the ACT method is a practical approach to reaching consciousness and peace of mind knowing where you are and why we are. Universe did not make us ants or bees serving Jabba de Hutt overlords and all their sick plots of domination and riches. We are sovereign minds balanced to social groups working towards spiritual and consciousness evolution. Time to stop acting as obedient children to bad parent rich and assume adulthood to collectively create an infinitely survivable future of egalitarian equality. They will never allow this. Only we can do it.

Jan 30, 2022 6:27 PM

Iain made an excellent analysis how behavioural techniques were abused by mf elites and that is a reason I bookmarked the article.

Then he proceeds by proposing the use of the very same techniques for a very very far reaching solution: ” How to Use ACT To Free The World”. I respect him for his attempt at a Grand Solution, not many people has the balls for this. We are in a dire need for something like this, big ideas might unite people.

Proposed solution might do some good, but in it’s essence is not far reaching. I’ll point out some huge mistakes he made.

Each of us perceive the world through our senses. This enables us to build a mental picture of reality. However, thoughts, emotions and physical sensations can impact upon our perception.

This is a huge epistemological mistake. Not just that thoughts, emotions and physical sensations can impact, they are integral and constitutive part of mental picture, it cannot exist without them. Author is probably concerned with occasional negative impact they have on mental picture, probably he would be content to say that they skew the picture. He is mostly concerned by those damn emotions. By giving an example of substance abuse he will convince many people.
But what about a case when our mental picture is defined by some preconceived concepts that are nevertheless taken for granted as self-evident truth by majority and they produce supposedly positive behaviour. I can put forward as an example the concept of human rights (in other comment I posted a link about the problem of human rights) or the concept of private property, that is supposedly so inevitable that it found its place in Ten commandments.

“When CBDC is introduced we won’t have any money of our own. We won’t be able to own anything.”
Premise, conclusion own nothing. False.

“Government serves the G3P(global public-private partnership), not us.”
Agree. Well, how can a normie make this huge mental leap and become aware of this fact???
ACT and mindfulness are insufficient.

“If we could change ourselves, the tendencies in the world would also change.” (quotation from Gandhi)
Yeah, peace and love…sounds beautiful, nice belief. But this is not the belief we need.

Mindfulness and ACT are techniques targeting an individual. Although well rounded individuals are to some point essential for a good society, these techniques won’t solve our societal ills, that also needs to be rectified. They are just not designed for the purpose. Something that is allegedly dead, according to some meatheads, is more suited for purpose, philosophy, the art of critical thinking.

“In no time at all you will largely control your behaviour and will forge your path towards freedom. Not only can we build a society based upon the principles of freedom, if we each take personal responsibility for our behaviour, we will build it.”
Iain has just outdone Peterson by few orders of magnitude. Freedom is essential value, but it’s not the only one. Another one is well presented here:

Anarchism: Vignettes Against Hobbes

Jan 30, 2022 11:42 PM
Reply to  mik

Good comment and if you’re looking for solutions. I’ve got ’em by the boatload. By and large they are simple and obvious. Many, to most, can be accomplished almost overnight. Some may take days to weeks or months. Don’t forget that everything can be re-set in a generation and by three gens. nobody alive would know the difference.

For starters, I was about to reply to first comment but something stopped me, so I’ll steal her conclusion: we can, and most, establish an egalitarian Society for the living where only the Living matter where everyone alive is accorded not just the four/five basics (food, clothing, shelter, medical care and transportation) but also full access to any and all resources that helps living creatures thrive in this world. By the way, if you’re wondering how we’re going to pay for it. The answer is the same way we pay for everything. Maybe it’ll help you understand if nobody will have accrued wealth, nor will goods cost more than the price to make them or market speculation, maybe no stock market at all, and no corporation shall outlive/survive the incorporators (the lives in being plus 20). That’s Day One.

dom irritant
dom irritant
Jan 30, 2022 5:28 PM

good article

Jan 30, 2022 3:40 PM

Agents provocateurs set up the story and media lackeys dutifully follow:


It’s actually a cute masonic double trick because they do have contempt for those who died in wars between nations and would like to dance on their graves – but they’ve set this up so others get the blame. Very elaborate and protracted vengeance schemes seem one of their specialities – see ‘The Count of Monte Cristo’ as an exemplar.

Meanwhile in the Australian Open, the home nation, in need of a bit of a rally behind its leaders, gets the women’s champion and the men’s champion happens to be the most-quoted critic of Djokovic. All that happened organically of course….

dr death
dr death
Jan 30, 2022 3:49 PM
Reply to  Edwige

one could also view it as the usual yella journalistic hysteria we have come to expect from our red top rags… hah we had all the usual ‘tropes’ (including nasty nazi swastika’s) in the first sentence…

I particularly chuckled at this little gem.. the usual weaselly inversion..

“Generations of Canadians have fought and died for our rights, including free speech, but not this. Those involved should hang their heads in shame.”

the welsh plutocrats don’t want their little sheep getting any ideas now ….do they?

by the way…the welsh ‘tafia’ is most certainly a masonic entity, with all the nastyness one would imagine from such miscreants..

Jan 30, 2022 7:38 PM
Reply to  dr death

They tried evoking the Anzac spirit against people in aust a while back…it didn’t get to run far…still a few too many of us alive who do remember the sacrifice made and how they valid the freedom many have so happily given away.

Jan 30, 2022 3:16 PM

A bit of news from the Freedom Convoy and massive population protest

Video: Massive Crowds Gather in Ottawa as Trucker Convoy Protests COVID-19 Mandates, Restrictions


Download our app to read more at https://ept.ms/DownloadApp

dr death
dr death
Jan 30, 2022 3:14 PM

it’s an unfortunate state of affairs, when one has to assume the majority of what passes for a society nowadays will need to be treated as recovering drug addicts and alcoholics in order to elicit any sense from them….

that in fact to accomplish anything worthwhile the entirety of western society will have to be enrolled on a ‘five step plan’.( the goal being vaccine sobriety to break shizers relentless ‘pushing’ and mental withdrawal to facilitate the easing off of noxious entertainments)….

on a similar note the WHO proffered up a ‘six step plan’ to get us off the ‘coff’…

my view (and it is not intended to impress upon the impressionable) is that useless psychological tools only work on tools that are already psychologically compromised… the so called ‘covid’ operation can only serve to reveal malignancies that already existed in society..

one can compare the current collapse with ancient Rome and find much in common..

it is unlikely michies and sunshteens psycho babbles had any hand in that, you will find however, the same kind of power-plays, intrigues, and financial shenanigans and the unhinging of moralities (a necessity to unbind that which in fact holds society together)..

perhaps the common man is simply a dope, incapable of being responsible for himself?

Jan 30, 2022 1:42 PM

Mr Davis never quite makes the leap from substance addiction to propaganda addiction – the latter being our present concern.

If OffG will permit me to post yet another link to the website geoengineering watch, Dane Wigington in his weekly Global Alert News gives a brief overview of essentially the same dynamic at the beginning which, I believe, gets to the nub of the matter much better than Mr Davis’ article.

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, January 29, 2022, #338 » Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, January 29, 2022, #338 | Geoengineering Watch

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Jan 30, 2022 3:34 PM
Reply to  Howard

Two thumbs up. Unfortunately, readers remain compromised by the mistaken belief that geoengineering is only a conspiracy theory. In other words: They prefer denying what they can plainly see with their own eyes…

Jan 30, 2022 8:31 PM

Yup. But when people see the many, many pictures on that site, if they dare to go there, that might wake a few up. It worked for me as I’d already noticed the planes and wondered what they were doing when I first came upon that site. I listen to it every week now.

jubal hershaw
jubal hershaw
Jan 30, 2022 11:44 PM
Reply to  Howard

Quantifiable urine glyphosate levels detected in 99%of the French population, with higher values in men, in younger people, and in farmers.

If ‘covid’ doesnt get you glyphosate will ?


Jan 30, 2022 12:23 PM

Investigation and Prosecution of Those Individuals Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity

The International Criminal Court
Office of the Prosecutor
Post Office Box 19519
2500 CM The Hague
The Netherlands 
Ms. Karen Mosoti, or official replacement for the office of
Liaison Office of the International Criminal Court to the United Nations
866 United Nations Plaza
Suite 476
New York, NY, 10017


Bob the Hod
Bob the Hod
Jan 30, 2022 10:34 AM

An exellent article and one that resonates with my thinking and my past as an alcoholic an awful lot. I would say that one of the most important behavioural changes that you can make in order to further your freedom is to get rid of the smartphone, the panopticon in your pocket, and to completely disengage from all social media.

dom irritant
dom irritant
Jan 30, 2022 5:33 PM
Reply to  Bob the Hod

yes absofknlutely

County Girl
County Girl
Jan 30, 2022 9:57 PM
Reply to  Bob the Hod

I agree with you about getting rid of the smartphone. I have never owned one for two reasons: I do not need to be contacted immediately by anyone, I can be contacted by phoning a land line and leaving me a message, or by sending an email which I will pick up from my home computer. AND I do not want tracking.

About 3 months ago I found a ‘freedom’ group in my home town and have been attending their weekly meetings. They communicate on Telegram by posting what will happen at the next meeting, or any protests, marches, etc. in the area. I have told them I cannot join Telegram without having a smartphone. The organisers and members are at a loss as to what to do with me. They cannot believe I won’t buy a phone. I cannot believe they can all be so stupid to not only own phones but bring them to the meetings. Everyone in that room has a phone apart from me. I turn up with a notepad and pen.

Jan 30, 2022 9:21 AM

We don’t need “therapy”, charts, mechanized processes, “recipes” and “goals”. We need the truth, perception/awareness, common sense, caring and honesty and love. And we already have our freedom – we just need to claim it and stop giving it away.
The article also wants you to be using the words and ideas of the criminals, and start thinking of yourself in terms of “behavioural change”, “phychologists” and “personal development”…
It ignores the search for the truth, it ignores creativity, it ignores imagination, and it just wants you to follow the “method”…
And then it also ignores the complex part of the problem which is that we are facing an entrenched oligarchy, that’s been constructing the “reality” they want all of this time… And instead of sinking that “reality” (and all the lies and the fraud it includes and it’s based on), and coming up with your own (and with the truth), the article wants you to “live based on “ACT”, follow the little chart you see, practice “mindfulness”, and have behavioural change principles become your second nature”…
Shame on you Iain for writing this horrible article, and shame on you Off-G for publishing it.
Wittingly or unwittingly, both of you are now being controlled opposition of the worst kind.

Jan 30, 2022 4:44 PM
Reply to  Dash

I agree with Dash fully, except for the very last two conclusions (sentences), because it is useful to hear such a view and to be able to critique it.
I would make two points:

  • it is not only unethical, but illegal for governments to apply any kind of psychological warfare against their citizens, and to use public money for such a criminal purpose.It is contrary to democratic ideals and practice to unlawfuly and immorally influence citizens’ freedom of thought, consicence and behaviour. When govenments resort to such unllawful actions, and with criminal intentions, as in the case of the scamdemic, they are stripped of their legitimacy and should be removed. The right of recall is a very important instrument and should be utilised, as well as reformed in the future to make it truly effective.
  • I would like to quote Robert Kennedy JR’s three rules never to forget:

1) every power that government takes from us it will never relinquish voluntarily; and even when they close the lockdowns they are not relinquinshing the power to do it to you again and again and again; they will never let it go until we make them let it go.
2) every power they take from us they will abuse to the maximum
3) nobody in history of the planet has ever complied their way out of totalitarian control; every capitulation is signal to the oppressors to impose new forms of torment, torture or compliance or obedience; every time you comply you get weaker. (At the the Defeat the Mandates rally)

Jan 30, 2022 9:18 AM

It gets worse about Neil Young – there turn out to be about two degrees of separation between him and a former Pfizer CEO through the issue of ownership of Young’s back catalogue and a company with the suggestive name of Hipgnosis.

Also worth mentioning that today is the last day of lockdown restrictions in Denmark and Norway (joining other European countries like the UK, Eire and the Czech Republic in lifting them).

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Jan 30, 2022 9:30 AM
Reply to  Edwige

Funnily enough Spotify is run by two very establishment multi billionaires and the business collapsed by $2 billion AFTER THE YOUNG DECISION. Why do you have to demonise the man.

Jan 30, 2022 3:53 PM

They haven’t “lost” anything.
Just numbers on a spreadsheet.

Neil Young is clearly a senile idiot

Jan 30, 2022 3:56 PM

“demonise the man”
What, for denying free speech?

He is already a demon, no need of our help.

(Nostalgic memories of listening to his music aside)

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Jan 30, 2022 7:35 PM
Reply to  YourPointBeing

But why are you happy to deny him the right to free speech, what is wrong with you, free speech is not just for those we agree with. You don’t get to have it both ways. And incidentally Joe Rogan is a loud mouthed bigot so what is the big deal?

Bob the Hod
Bob the Hod
Jan 30, 2022 10:54 PM

Nobody has denied Neil Young free speech. He demanded his own way (denying others free speech), didn’t get it, so took his ball home like a big baby. How, exactly, is Joe Rogan a bigot?

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Jan 30, 2022 8:22 AM

One of the things Mr Davis might like to cogitate on is the relationship between animal drives and mental clarity.

He might like to ask whether it might be more effective for the species to breed and then subsequently develop mental clarity, since there is a hypothesis to be refuted that the sort of clarity of mind which he extols may very well be associated with a dehumanisation sufficient to remove the desire to breed.

After all, it is pretty obvious to most men that they do not get a tape measure out to determine whether they find a woman physically attractive or not. Nor would it be a particularly successful strategy to say to a woman: ‘Excuse me, do you mind if I measure your proportions, since I think I might be attracted to you?’

The male human mind starts by experiencing, absorbing external information like a sponge. It then proceeds to experiencing actions, which lead on to emotions signifying pleasure, pain, enjoyment, boredom, joy, despair, frustration etc etc. Only once those experiences have been processed by the body does clarity of thought emerge in a particular arena. In my personal experience, that experiential learning phase takes 6-7 years and then child-like emotions like fear, worry, inferiority complexes etc tend to melt away and disappear.

Unfortunately for Mr Davis, the reality is that mental maturity does not tend to emerge in the majority until they have children approaching adulthood.

That means that solutions to the manipulation problem may require different solutions for different age groups, different educational development pathways etc etc.

Jan 30, 2022 2:06 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

I never quite got this idea of “the desire to breed”…
It seems to me that what most men actually have is a desire for sex, the result of which is sometimes offspring – and not always the intended result either.
To be precise, and a bit pedantic, I think it is Nature which has a desire to breed, and our instincts simply tend to get swept along with that. But it’s not inevitable.

jubal hershaw
jubal hershaw
Jan 30, 2022 11:52 PM
Reply to  wardropper

There is no “desire to breed”, neither in humans, nor in Nature. Humans love their metaphors. They impose them on Nature, ants and ‘wild’ animals, So that what they see is what they think they see…

Jan 30, 2022 4:43 AM

Blokes and Wimmin on wheels, makin it real.

Jan 30, 2022 2:18 PM
Reply to  Johnny

The warning about infiltrators is crucial, however. As the article says, the Occupy Wall Street protests a decade ago were scuppered from day one by the whatsit and others.

Jan 30, 2022 4:21 AM

There are two basic ways of acquiring a healthy skepticism about the pronouncements coming from those in authority: 1) an intuition derived from dealing with dishonest people and bullshit artists 2) a rigorous education founded on critical thinking skills. I benefitted from both sources, having grown up in an immigrant working class family with a Mom who prioritized education above everything else temporal. It is interesting to me that, in terms of numbers, most of the effective opposition to the COVID scam comes from people who are not in the supposed “educated elite” but can smell bullshit and are not overwhelmed by fearfulness. It seems that the education most of the “educated elite” obtained was just in order to be employable, and had little to do with critical thinking. Furthermore, that education was clearly deficient in terms of developing positive character traits like honesty and courage.

Blind Gill
Blind Gill
Jan 30, 2022 1:25 PM
Reply to  Platov

Great post my friend. I always had number 1 in abundance but number 2 has certainly been sharpened these last few years.

Honesty and courage don’t matter to you when all that is sought is more money and things. They are pretty far from educated and again education does not in any way equal intelligence.

Jan 30, 2022 2:22 PM
Reply to  Platov

Indeed, education was deliberately undermined over decades, with the aim of removing those positive character traits.

Jan 30, 2022 3:49 AM

Cartoon of Uncle $am consulting Dr.Freud regarding his insecurities:
Spot on 😀

les online
les online
Jan 30, 2022 2:04 AM

Better late than never ? UK psychologists are calling on MPs to investigate UK government nudge units use of scare mongering.
But, if ‘covid’ is accepted as REAL, such hyped-up fear mongering can be justified by The Emergency…
(Aside. Seems the Behavioural Insights Team the shrinks want investigated was ‘previously successful helping the Job Centre get more people off benefits.’ One Wonders ‘How ?’)…
From: Biosecurity and Politics, by Giorgio Agamben:
‘In Tempetes microbiennes (2013) Patrick Zylberman described a process by which … health security was becoming part of governmental and international political strategies.
… the measures that were suggested (1) the construction – on the basis of possible risk – of a fictitious scenario in which the data is presented in a manner that favours behaviours that allow governing in extreme situations. (2) the adoption of the logic of the worst as the regime of political rationality. (3) The complete organisation of the citizenry as a body in a way that reinforces the maximum adherence to the institutions of government, by producing a kind of superlative civic-mindedness in which the imposed obligations are presented as proofs of altruism and the citizen (as an individual) no longer has the right to health (health safety) but must become legally obligated to health (biosecurity)… etc’…

Full Text: Not secure:
Posted: 18 May 2020

Blind Gill
Blind Gill
Jan 30, 2022 1:25 PM
Reply to  les online

Where were these psychologists though?

Jan 30, 2022 1:30 PM
Reply to  les online

Have seen (3) in action today – at shops where ‘masks are now a personal choice’ signs are displayed and the majority are still wearing them.

The constructors and administrators of the biosecurity state in the UK must be toasting themselves and their brilliance with the very best champagne.

And what better way to test it than to make the muzzle a ‘personal choice’. They now have a visible sign of just how far the obligation, submission to authority, and ‘social virtue’ has sunk in – as well as the two years of constant fear-bombardment.

Jan 30, 2022 2:24 PM
Reply to  AMR


Jan 30, 2022 2:49 PM
Reply to  AMR

The psycho-spooks must be recording and studying even the voluntary compliance – by region, appearance of person, etc. – for future use.

les online
les online
Jan 30, 2022 11:13 PM
Reply to  AMR

+ 100

Jan 30, 2022 1:46 AM

Quicker than I thought…

Schools in England reinstate mask wearing rules as Covid cases soar
(The Observer)

Jan 30, 2022 12:15 PM
Reply to  Thinktwice

comment image

Jan 30, 2022 2:26 PM
Reply to  Thinktwice


Jan 30, 2022 1:36 AM

Finally the solution:
Buy your food now – pay later!

comment image


Jan 30, 2022 4:46 AM
Reply to  Thinktwice

The Para$ite$ pounce.
The beans might be okay, the rest is legal poison. Sugar, salt and fat.

Jan 30, 2022 9:10 AM
Reply to  Johnny

And you think beans are okay? You are, I assume, sceptical about vaccines, but quite accepting of the health benefits of beans in sugar? Humankind has been eating fat since forever, but now it is bad? Salt is bad despite being essential for life?

If you accept the dodgy nutritional science you may as well accept the medical science.

Jan 30, 2022 2:52 PM
Reply to  Orthus

Agree, except that some of us are extra-sensitive to salt.

jubal hershaw
jubal hershaw
Jan 30, 2022 11:58 PM
Reply to  mgeo

I use that Himalaya pink salt. 99 minerals and trace elements etc.
Use too much and it has a sweetish taste. Though not recommended to
sweeten your coffee.

Jan 31, 2022 3:07 AM
Reply to  jubal hershaw

Yes, the best & cleanest salt available.

Jan 30, 2022 10:07 AM
Reply to  Johnny

Pasteurised (denatured) glyphosate beans?

Jan 30, 2022 1:25 AM

If you are interested in the story about the most lethal vaxx lots being confined to just 5 or them– and those 5 alone being the ones distributed to 13 or more US States, the story is exhaustively covered here.


Jan 30, 2022 3:58 AM
Reply to  Penelope

“It’s not the same stuff in each glass bottle … It cannot be accidental … It’s not possible that this is [due to] small variation in product …I’m absolutely sure profit alone is not the motivation … This is calibration of a killing weapon,” Dr. Yeadon said.

video of part of his presentation for Corona Investigation Cmte

Jan 30, 2022 2:28 PM
Reply to  Penelope


Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Jan 29, 2022 11:23 PM

The vast majority of doctors in UK hospital medicine are trained in psychological coercion. Not overtly, but by promoting those who are very good at it.

People really need to start realising that ‘doctors’ are not selected according to their desire to promote human health, they are selected for their suitability to be senior members of a coercive psychological environment and many of them work for the security services, which is completely incompatible with any principles of being a health professional.

The discussions need to move quickly onto how medical schools select students, why psychopaths are not immediately screened out and why they allow the Security Services to have a single contact with anyone in the caring professions.

It must become a criminal offence for any health professional to have been recruited by the Security Services, it must be A DEATH SENTENCE for any member of the security services to attempt to recruit a health professional and it must be illegal for any Oxbridge Colleges, nor London Medical Schools, to admit medical students if they have security service operatives in their faculty.

Of course, in a world where coercion, violence and thieving are the priorities, none of that will be acceptable.

That’s why the priorities of our nation must change…..

Jan 30, 2022 2:57 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

Here, “selected” is used in the evolutionary sense. Once a person doing an honest job hits the top of his pay scale, he may consider other options, especially if he develops expensive habits.

les online
les online
Jan 29, 2022 10:32 PM

The more complex the technological system becomes the more vulnerabilities. (Too many unknown unknowables.)(or is that unknowable unknowns ?). Built-in Unforeseen Consequences…
Look at China, layer upon layer of State security – driven by the fear that gave rise to The State. An entire politico-economic system based on Dis-trust… One’s every action spied on and judged. The ruling elite quaking in fear that someone fed-up with being passively bullied to comply will douse herself with petrol and a lit match will ignite widespread refusal…The sensed vulnerabilities are the driver of the enchainment of the dis-trusted in total surveillance (even of thoughts) technological panopticons…
Put a Spanner in The Works’ is not a limited liability company…

Jan 29, 2022 9:58 PM

Giordano Bruno wrote about some of these techniques. Back then, De vinculis in genere, his 1591 treatise on emotional bonding agents for behaviorial control was the domain of black magic. It is still being taught today at the London School of Economics, I’m guessing in the field of public relations.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Jan 29, 2022 8:44 PM

How some international students have received five COVID-19 vaccine doses to meet Australia’s TGA requirements (msn.com) And this is the madness we now have. None of the TGA approved jabs are actually licenced anywhere on the planet but we do this to healthy young people regardless of the consequences to their health.

Jan 30, 2022 10:08 AM

And none of them work. Let’s not forget …so why on earth are we requiring this nonsense.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Jan 30, 2022 7:38 PM
Reply to  Edith

I fear for the health of these poor kids, if I was them I would avoid Australia like the plague and spend their money in anywhere but here

Jan 29, 2022 8:44 PM

Who’s taking all that freedom away? It’s those populists!


The examples they happen to cite are purely random of course….

(P.S. I’m not unaware that, like any good lie, there is some truth in this. Fake populists like Trump and Johnson have indeed eroded some civil liberties – but not nearly as much as ‘official’ conservatives or liberal-left oppositions have wanted them to).

Jan 29, 2022 11:09 PM
Reply to  Edwige

As we all know, the large majority of Guardian opinion pieces are globalists spouting their usual wishful thinking with scant connection to reality.

Jan 29, 2022 11:33 PM
Reply to  Edwige

If Johnson and trump is the Fake populist leaders then please tell us which other REAL populist leaders didnt sell out the quickest.? Or opposed the lock downs, masks, ovid pass etc
Without any lies needed your find out the populist leaders deceivers where the first to lockdown and sell out. 

susan mullen
susan mullen
Jan 30, 2022 12:00 AM
Reply to  switchedON


Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Jan 29, 2022 8:01 PM

Looked at from a historical perspective the situation we’re in today is not exceptional, its just the way things evolve. With some exceptions societies have always evolved so that a small group dominates the all resources. This is embedded in our culture as normal — look at how many children’s stories feature royalty of some sort or another, reinforcing age old notions of privlege, heredity and class. Over time, and especially in the last 150 years, the mass of people have pushed back, gaining concessions about their quality of life often at great cost to themselves and their leaders. This reached a peak post-WW2 where a combination of popular sentiment against fascism and its tacit supporters aligned with a need to push back against communism. Once memories faded and communism ceased to be a threat then those concessions were gradually withdrawn which has led to a generation or people who were conscious of them as children but unable to achieve them. Things that were once considered a right are now a privilege — a situation which was graphically illustrated by the Simpsons cartoon series whose somewhat dysfunctional family went from ‘normal’ to ‘aspirational’ in a quarter century. (Now its unthinkable that a family of five could live in a house on a single blue collar income, back then it was normal.)

Unfortunately in the interim the persuasion merchants have become ever more sophisticated, matching the vastly more powerful tools that the Internet has provided them with. Now the cause of liberty is sold as individualism, individual freedom to do what you will regardless with the essentials taken care of by the invocation of vague concepts such as human rights. The historical truth is that humans have no rights except those they’ve won and that expecting the court system that’s the embodiment of the status quo to come through for you at anything other than an individual level is just pie in the sky.

Geoff P
Geoff P
Jan 29, 2022 8:40 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher

Well said…

Geoff S
Geoff S
Jan 30, 2022 12:35 AM
Reply to  Martin Usher

Looked at from a historical perspective the situation we’re in today is not exceptional, its just the way things evolve. With some exceptions societies have always evolved so that a small group dominates the all resources.

I disagree, this is exceptional. The reason is given by yourself – ‘societies evolve so a small group dominates’ Quite so, this has been the case, but we are not talking any longer about a group of societies jostling with each other. We now have a co-ordinated global agenda. There is no more outside force for it to bump up against once it becomes universal. What would have become of any historical event had there been no external forces to constrain it, to temper it, to blow it out?

I am not qualified to make any predictions as to where it will end up and further, I don’t think there is any precedent to work from. But we have never been here before. These are exceptional times.

Geoff P
Geoff P
Jan 30, 2022 9:12 AM
Reply to  Geoff S

Good point actually

Jan 30, 2022 2:43 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher

Just as Adolf, Benito and Joseph “evolved”…?
I don’t think so.
I’m not letting those who are deliberately manipulating us off the hook so easily.

Our failure adequately to resist so far has not ‘evolved’ either.
We all have to do our bit to turn this abomination around, and you are absolutely correct about us having no rights except those we have fought for.

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Jan 30, 2022 10:42 PM
Reply to  wardropper

There’s been a neat bit of bait and switch done over the years characterized by the lumping together of Adolf, Benito and Joe. One thing that’s not mentioned much today but was well recognized at the time is that our moderate rulers tended to be sympathetic towards Adolf and Benito. They were anti-communist, anti union and so on and indeed one of the sales points that Adolf had for his policies was that it was targeted against Joe and Co. (Adolf also described Russia as a Jewish conspiracy since a lot of the communist thinkers and revolutionary leaders were Jewish.)

If you look closely you’ll find that we’ve always turned a blind eye to fascism and even the occasional bit of mass murder and genocide provided its done by ‘our’ guys. Communism has always been Public Enemy #1 because it challenged the status quo, in particular the primacy of the people over ‘the money’, and its been to our advantage that people Stalin exist (because if he hadn’t we would have had to create him).

Jan 30, 2022 3:12 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher

“….. invocation of vague concepts such as human rights.”
“…. humans have no rights except those they’ve won…”

There is some internal tension here in your statements.

The main problem with the concept of human rights is that people perceive it as being real and not just abstraction (misplaced concreteness fallacy). Statements like: “we have been born with inalienable rights” and “Creator gave as inalienable rights” show this. Human rights are supposedly something we possess, they are our private property.

To better understand the concept of human rights and its shortcomings one might watch this:

The Problem With Human Rights

Geoff P
Geoff P
Jan 30, 2022 5:26 PM
Reply to  mik

Very good video, thanks for sharing.
Explains a lot and offers a solution of sorts. We still would require the property taken from us returned. Then we could start to live as a community as many are trying to move towards now. Free from everything property is key.

Jan 29, 2022 7:53 PM

A good post on tyranny:
Authoritarian Madness: The Slippery Slope from Lockdowns to Concentration Camps
By John W. Whitehead & Nisha Whitehead
January 26, 2022

   “All the Dachaus must remain standing. The Dachaus, the Belsens, the Buchenwald, the Auschwitzes—all of them. They must remain standing because they are a monument to a moment in time when some men decided to turn the Earth into a graveyard. Into it they shoveled all of their reason, their logic, their knowledge, but worst of all, their conscience. And the moment we forget this, the moment we cease to be haunted by its remembrance, then we become the gravediggers.”— Rod Serling, Deaths-Head Revisited

In the politically charged, polarizing tug-of-war that is the debate over COVID-19, we find ourselves buffeted by fear over a viral pandemic that continues to wreak havoc with lives and the economy, threats of vaccine mandates and financial penalties for noncompliance, and discord over how to legislate the public good without sacrificing individual liberty.

The discord is getting more discordant by the day.

Just recently, for instance, the Salt Lake Tribune Editorial Board suggested that government officials should mandate mass vaccinations and deploy the National Guard “to ensure that people without proof of vaccination would not be allowed, well, anywhere.”

In other words, lock up the unvaccinated and use the military to determine who gets to be “free.”

These tactics have been used before.

This is why significant numbers of people are worried: because this is the slippery slope that starts with well-meaning intentions for the greater good and ends with tyrannical abuses no one should tolerate.


Geoff P
Geoff P
Jan 29, 2022 7:10 PM

We were indeed born with inalienable rights, we then gave them away, unknowningly. Since then we have been willing partakers in the biggest swindle going. Just by being a UK citizen we have agreed to the rules and dictates within.If you get a speeding fine, it is because you agreed persons are fined when caught speeding. Driving is a crime, unless you have a licence which is readily supplied at a fee and is then a licence to commit a crime in a twisted way… Passports, licences of any kind, rules, statutes, legal stuff. All part of being a member of a country.
Who owns the country?
The Crown
Who owns you?
The Crown
We are all the property of the Crown. We joined at birth. Want child benefit for your child, passport, school. Please fill out this form.

Own nothing and be happy
Already happened.
We are fiduciary trustees of all we own. We all own nothing as it was all bought with in the swindle.
The biggest swindle and we have been involved.
The sole cause of all our problems is we do not own any property.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Jan 29, 2022 7:45 PM
Reply to  Geoff P

comment image

“Lizzie making Fascism Great Again.”
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S Cooper
S Cooper
Jan 29, 2022 7:52 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

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Jan 30, 2022 1:46 AM
Reply to  S Cooper

I hope you are right.

Geoff P
Geoff P
Jan 29, 2022 8:41 PM
Reply to  S Cooper


Geoff S
Geoff S
Jan 30, 2022 12:45 AM
Reply to  Geoff P

Nobody is born with inalienable rights. This is not how nature works. If the rights were truly inalienable, then we could not, by definition, have given them away, knowingly or otherwise.

We have such rights as our forefathers worked out between themselves, whether by conference or brute force. Mostly according to the size of our parents bank accounts.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Jan 30, 2022 2:37 AM
Reply to  Geoff S

“Inalienable” does not mean they literally can’t be removed by force or physically surrendered. 🤦‍♀️ It means they can’t be morally divorced from the human condition.

Geoff S
Geoff S
Jan 30, 2022 9:46 AM

moral rights are not rights, they are merely aspirations unless you have the power to back them up.

Xavier Delacroix
Xavier Delacroix
Jan 30, 2022 8:14 PM

Inalienable/unalienable as a consequence of being innate/intrinsic/inherent.

The problem with natural rights is that despite being fairly straightforward to deduce, the masses are incapable of deducing them, even if they can understand them. Thus, if ethics/jurisprudence is not part of the educational curriculum, the masses are effectively at the mercy of their governments, which we can observe today, viz ‘liberty’ is that which is determined by state appointed experts, and contingent upon the possession of a vaccine passport.

You can also recognise where the rot set in here, because ‘government’ is the problem. Governments are not instituted among men in order to secure their rights. ‘Securing rights’ is the pretext used to institute governments. Governments are actually instituted among men in order to govern and harness them (for an ulterior purpose).
I understand my natural rights. I understand that they are innate and inalienable. I also understand that the government to which I am subject has long ceased pretending that it has been instituted to secure them – to whatever extent it has ever recognised them. I also, now, understand the ulterior purpose guiding the government’s actions.

Geoff P
Geoff P
Jan 30, 2022 9:28 AM
Reply to  Geoff S

Definition of inalienable

: incapable of being alienated, surrendered, or transferred

Whislt the definition of inalienable states as above the reality is that we have unknowingly and willingly at times, contracted them to our new God the Crown.
That’s how the swindle works so well and it is hidden in plain sight as every day occurances.
You are right nobody is born with inalienable rights under the current legal system, the custom is to register the birth immediately. Even if the registration is not done the swindle is so well in grained it is difficult to avoid it through life.
How to claim one’s god given rights back, break the contract and live in peace outside of the system? A tall order!! When you think of how intwined we are. Would the crown ever acknowledge your immunity if one tried. Worth a try.

Geoff S
Geoff S
Jan 30, 2022 9:58 AM
Reply to  Geoff P

Yes, it is a swindle, but this sounds like it’s edging towards freeman of the land territory. A nice idea but it’s never going to be allowed to work, nobody is going to be allowed to secede from their status as chattel easily, and you will never get to the critical mass needed unless the mass sees some success stories.

A more viable option, rather than going down this individualistic route, is grouping with like minded anarchists. This is, and always has been, a bigger danger to TPTB as witnessed in the very very long history of trying to discredit it and disarm it. Even if you can’t overcome the system, you can enjoy some victories, by moving transactions and co-operation out of the corporate merry-go-round. The freeman route will, I am confident, never achieve anything but a moral victory, and nobody above us cares a fig about morals.

Geoff P
Geoff P
Jan 30, 2022 3:36 PM
Reply to  Geoff S

Similar to Freeman but ultimately the land has always been ours by birth right it has been stolen in the swindle, but it is difficult for most to see to this. I do not talk of freeman, i talk of your own property, what ever that maybe, with no ties to the system. Your method of earning a living would be backed by what your create on your property or from your labor with the backing of that property.

I agree it will be difficult to to secede from the current status of poor/persons. It would take time and would be a laborious process. This is the reason we discuss and write on forms to gather like minded people who have the same idea, share experience, new contacts.
Yet again when push comes to shove we all would like our own property , our own space and to earn a living in that space. So that is where the individual comes in, yet collectively i agree grouping together.

Geoff S
Geoff S
Jan 30, 2022 4:32 PM
Reply to  Geoff P

OK, so it’s not exactly freeman stuff, I see that, but when you talk of everyone’s own property, which I assume to mean land, you are talking about having physical ownership of a particular parcel of land, and this is our birthright?

I haven’t heard of this before so I ask the following in genuine spirit of enquiry, not trying to puncture a hole, but is there a proposed model for how this would work? I can’t envisage how such a mechanism could be maintained. Even were some catalysing big bang event to happen and it all was put in place, wouldn’t this system of ownership go askew within a generation at the absolute most? It also sounds like it would require some centralised source of administration which would assuredly contain the germ of systemic rot

Geoff P
Geoff P
Jan 30, 2022 8:13 PM
Reply to  Geoff S

I appreciate the question, makes me think.
There is a video above posted by mik which is along the lines talked about here and would be good to view. Its about 20mins.

I am with you it spins my head thinking how would this work as we are so indoctrinated with what we have now and we have abundance and comfort (aside what is happening) to much really, if thought about. To go back to possibly bartering with a bag of apples or the skills from your hands sounds painful or back tracking, but not to different from what we do now. Yet what we currently have is completely corrupt and deceptive and tilted not in our interests. I think local communities, individuals with their own, owned outright land, which could mean houses, flats, land, what we have around us. Communities would sort their own areas out, we still communicate, we still talk, meet, discuss. What is around us now wont go away it would just be given back to the people who owned it from the past. It would take time and would be a process. I believe given the opportunity men and women will work it out. Yes there will be difficulties and problems and discrepancies. We could have a central admin to guide the communities, each community could decide for itself if it follows the advice or not. We have a lot of history from the past. Sure there will be extremes at either end of the spectrum. People would have to take responsibility for this and not rely on a government to do it for them, as we do now. The central admin could be funded (not sure how) from the communities who wish to fund it. If it become corrupt cut its funds.. Again these are ideas, as with any group of people ideas change and are interrupted differently. Each community could be autonomous, if they start to affect other communities then they act accordingly. Some many skills out there, good people, honest, reliable people who can tolerate others and of course many who can not. Each brings something different to the table. The fear of leaving the current comfortable system is a big deal… Ironic really when you read the UN agenda for 2030 –



These sound nice yet with their current record one thinks not.

The real law was given to us along time ago , it is not written by man, it is not common (not a good word) . but i like many shy away from it as it is hard to swallow. even now..!

red lester
red lester
Jan 31, 2022 9:38 AM
Reply to  Geoff S

You could make the law favour smallholders over large. Free polytunnels, not red diesel etc. AFAIK it never works today, since Napoleon, as the old/dark money clubs together to stop it. The civil war that caused the Russians then the US to invade Afghanistan was sparked by attempted land reform in the 70s that the rich opposed

Jan 30, 2022 2:53 PM
Reply to  Geoff P

Crowns come and go.
The last of them will soon be gone.

Ultimately we don’t really even need ‘property’, just so long as we have the tools of our trade and a roof over our heads.
Where things get complicated is when we start to consider the young, the aged and the handicapped.
That’s where the need for a society worthy of the name becomes apparent.

Geoff P
Geoff P
Jan 30, 2022 3:50 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Agreed, the Queen only assumes the crown. There have been many before her and when she goes someone may assume the crown after her. It is not about the person it is about the collective crown. The crown is a collective, just as many say we should be. The collective of the crown evolves. We do not seem to. Most people do not like other people and don’t want to be around them,or as little as possible, this is by design.
I disagree. To have property free from everything and I mean everything, would solve a lot of our problems. Our tools of our trade is also our property and we sell it to the Crown again. We want limited liability with our business, we want grants and help ups. Our business belong to the crown. We account for every penny so they can see how their business is doing under our trust. Our labor is our asset. We are swindled into selling that asset for their gain, yet we think it is primarily for our welfare , neat trick!! We agreed to this deception.

Given the chance I believe all could be looked after. There are enough signs that that would be so in the current system. It just might be a way we don’t know yet.

I don’t have the answers to get out fully, there is no red pill. I am looking and trying and moving and I know I am not alone. I would of course like it to be quickly as time has passed and keeps moving.

We already own nothing – are you happy about that?

Jan 30, 2022 4:40 PM
Reply to  Geoff P

Well said.
Although I am happy with being able to work and function as if I owned the tools of my trade and the small flat I live in, of course I am not happy with the knowledge that this is only a superficial illusion.
The law has been perverted to the extent that, as you say, it would probably be a hard battle in court to prove that I own anything at all.

Jan 29, 2022 7:10 PM

Two articles on freedom and what neither confronts is this – TPTB fundamentally do not believe in freedom and are in the process of moving us into a paradigm where freedom is seen at best as a quaint obsession of the past and at worst as the lunatic source of the destruction of the Earth and multiple other offenses. A left that believes that freedom was something Reaganites and Thatcherites believed in are their principal allies with some backing from conservative authoritarians. Remember that US anti-terrorism legislation specifically mentions spreading “anti-authority” arguments as an identifier of “domestic terrorism”.

A good example is the transhumanism document of the British and German governments. They want to mandate human augmentation by 2050 (mandates are not just about vaccines). The document calls humans “platforms” which suggests they view us as nothing more than computers designed to receive their inputs. They justify all this on ‘stakeholder’ grounds. The community has a stake in us and therefore we don’t have the right to hold the community back with our outdated ideas. This sort of thinking leads eventually to ‘death panels’ so beloved by the likes of George Bernard Shaw.

Jan 30, 2022 3:02 PM
Reply to  Edwige

The manipulators want to have a stake in you too – the wooden kind.

Jan 29, 2022 6:59 PM

I suppose the addiction in this case is ‘news’, rather than dregs or alcohol.

We all want news of the world. What is happening. Where? How should we interpret it? Tell me what it all means.

Indeed. Things would be pretty boring without any news of the outside world. And without inputs from the outside, the second law of thermodynamics would also take hold. Entropy (degree of disorder) increasing in a closed system. A descent into chaos of thought.

The problem with getting news of course is, as the article highlights, that within ‘news’ (especially nowadays) are embedded psychological techniques, designed to manipulate behaviour eg via the use of language.

So my tip FWIW, would be striving for personal consistency of thought. If you have an internal calmness from having little-to-no conflict of ideas then it’s far easier to be that odd one out that behaves differently in the crowd. The sole unmasked person in the supermarket. The only unvaccinated one amid peers. The one who behaves differently but since they look so relaxed about it they surely must have a good reason. They must be exempt

Jan 29, 2022 7:38 PM
Reply to  Vagabard

I have alway thought the biggest addiction is adrenal …it is a sneaky addiction and one that can be gotten in endless ways…watching news, fighting with friends, neighbours, partners and children, work situations, etc, often accompanied by declarations of how stressed they are, along with the usual suspects of named drugs etc …a high % of the worlds population is on this drug either permanently or from time to time,…most have no idea about their addiction or how to stop it, or to learn to live without high adrenal levels..

Seems we now have teams of people who have recognised this human behaviour and are using it full speed against the mainly western society…yes about time we did start question why, and what they hope to achieve….well other than more thrills and a good shot of personal adrenal.

Jan 29, 2022 7:53 PM
Reply to  Edith

Good point. We all want excitement. A thrill. And that can just as easily be manipulated by those in the know

S Cooper
S Cooper
Jan 29, 2022 6:52 PM

“Dystopia Productions presents a clip from
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The Last Days of Nazi Boy.


‘Hunkering Down in the Bunker.'”

John Crowther
John Crowther
Jan 29, 2022 11:42 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

The truckers, don’t like him because he is black 😂

Jan 29, 2022 6:41 PM

The first time i saw this tek used was on the decentralized anti establishment crypt 0 platform.

Treasury reconsiders IRS’ use of facial recognition company ID.me

S Cooper
S Cooper
Jan 29, 2022 6:11 PM

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S Cooper
S Cooper
Jan 29, 2022 6:27 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

Northern Quebec (morning January 29, 2022)
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S Cooper
S Cooper
Jan 29, 2022 11:28 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

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“Nazi Boy has fled the city”
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“Probably holed up at Wolf’s Lair. Time for Nazi Boy to go.”

John Crowther
John Crowther
Jan 29, 2022 11:44 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

He looks like a camp yosser Hughes Lol how can you take that total and utter prat seriously

May Hem
May Hem
Jan 30, 2022 5:01 AM
Reply to  John Crowther

Aussies are joining Canada too – starting tomorrow, 31st Jan.
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Jan 30, 2022 12:26 PM
Reply to  S Cooper


Sgt Oddball
Sgt Oddball
Jan 31, 2022 11:12 AM
Reply to  S Cooper

…*Mercy Sakes, Alive*!!… – The #FreedomConvoy2022 is now *Officially* longer than God’s schlong!…

Sean Veeda
Sean Veeda
Jan 29, 2022 4:53 PM

Probably won’t come to anything, but it seems the nudge unit’s tactics are under investigation

Government nudge unit ‘used grossly unethical tactics to scare public into Covid compliance’ (telegraph.co.uk)

Jan 29, 2022 5:32 PM
Reply to  Sean Veeda

heads up
The nudge unit’ is another name for the government.
They was in this together

dom irritant
dom irritant
Jan 30, 2022 8:18 PM
Reply to  Phantasm

wonk unit

Feb 1, 2022 3:07 AM
Reply to  Sean Veeda

if the politicians had any back bone they would have scrutinized these tactics from 2020, we all saw what was happening and yet it continued at pace.

Jan 29, 2022 4:45 PM

Some conclusions:

*the movement indicated in the following comment from the article started well back in 1953 (with Iran) and was given special impetus by the collapse of the Soviet Union and rise of the neoliberals:

“Over the last two years we have experienced, and are continuing to endure, a global behavioural change programme designed to force us into compliance. Psychological operations (psyops) have been used to adapt our behaviour to a so-called “new normal.” One of the objectives is to condition us to respond automatically to an announced crisis, whatever it may be, and to obey government commands.”

*the neoliberal movement (with its PNAC etc) has compromised what used to be called “liberal” so that most so-called liberals today in the Democratic party and media have evolved more accurately to “fascist.” The terms “liberal” and “conservative” are just about hopelessly muddled and unclear, being subject to instant demonizing.

*the neoliberal global take-over program has become increasingly more brazen at challenging ordinary people conditioned into thinking “freedom” is automatic and doesn’t need their attention. Bush’s WMD followed by Obama’s failure to control the banks followed by Russia-gate followed by a phony pandemic testing out how far it’s possible to go in frightening and controling people.

*the vaccines were very likely under construction in 2019 well before the pandemic broke loose, following experiment in the Wuhan lab to develop a suitable virus syndrome for the pandemic thrust toward the “behavioural change programme.”

*most people are uneasy and unclear about what is happening, but not sufficiently motivated to do anything threatening their materialistic and comfortable life, so that obedience to government is followed and skepticism treated with boredom.

*massive resistance may develop, inspired for example by the current truckers’ movement, but is probably far off. Voting in Trump will not make much difference.

Jan 29, 2022 11:54 PM
Reply to  IJScambling

I was totally surprised when I learned that nazi meant national socialist. But they were fascists and that’s the opposite. No, it’s all bullshit. We call ourselves the good party and the others are the bad party. Because we call ourselves socialist they must be fascist. Both labels are a fiction created by the labellers in order to divide us, nothing more.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Jan 29, 2022 4:29 PM

“Politically what exists today in many parts of the world is a large criminal gang of war racketeering corporate fascist psychopaths passing themselves off as “government,” preying upon (and victimizing) the rest of hapless humanity. If only there was honest government of the people,by the people, for the people, based on the principles of equality (political/economic/social), civil liberty, respect and peace.”

“Perhaps that may not come to be but still should not preclude us from attempting it.”

susan mullen
susan mullen
Jan 30, 2022 12:21 AM
Reply to  S Cooper

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Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Jan 29, 2022 4:13 PM

So many people believe the governments of their countries took away their rights, this is a lie. Stupid brainwashed ignorant people put their rights in brown paper bags and begged governments to keep them.

Jan 29, 2022 4:27 PM

Beware the constraints of merely “either/or” (i.e. dichotomous) thinking.
It can be both.
Situations within the world are not limited to merely one condition or another.

I have worked in government & politics, and have personally seen people that seek office or position to seek power over others.
And those people seeking power often thrive on those “Stupid brainwashed ignorant people put their rights in brown paper bags and begged governments to keep them.

The human mind & psyche is not a computer.
It is not limited to mere binary functions.

One of the best methods towards amassing Authoritarian power is getting more people reliant on your assumed authority, by keeping them stupid & brainwashed.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Jan 29, 2022 8:41 PM
Reply to  BioBot

Well I guess that having been kicked out of Sunday school at age 6 for saying it was all fairy tales I am impossible to brain wash now I am 69.

Jan 30, 2022 3:41 AM

I think the biggest problem may be that most people have no idea what “rights” are, let alone what “rights” they may or may not have.

I suspect if you asked most people what their rights are, they would shrug and say they weren’t all that familiar with the Constitution – as if rights come from a piece of paper.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Jan 30, 2022 6:44 AM
Reply to  Howard

What they don’t know is Australia has few actual rights but perversely one human rights treaty is law, the biosecurity and health act, the very one they are repeatedly breaking.

Jan 29, 2022 3:59 PM
