Deep Sea Fishing
Todd Hayen

Every good fisherman knows that reeling in a big fish takes skill and conscious intention. One of the first things they learn is that you can’t just crank in the big guy with one effortless winding up of the line.
It takes finesse, a dance of sorts. While always keeping a steady line, you bring them in slowly, with the primary focus on wearing them out, almost hypnotizing them into compliance.
A popular fishing website HUK says this about the process:
Remember that too much tension can snap the line and when large fish decide to make a run for it, the worst thing you can do is try to keep them in place. By fighting their runs, all you are doing is increasing the chances that your line will break and your prize will get away. Instead, set the drag so the fish can take out line while still tiring itself. This will wear down the fish; eventually their runs will get shorter, less violent, and less frequent.”
Hmmm. Sounds a bit too close for comfort, eh?
I am afraid I am not all that excited about the current hoopla regarding our apparent victory over the mainstream narrative. I simply don’t believe it entirely.
We’ve made a run, so to speak, maybe have gotten too rowdy, too powerful, and we are being given a bit of slack so we don’t break the line.
This run is not being executed only by the folks on our side of the fence, but by the sheep as well. We are ALL tired, we are all ready to get out of this mess and call it a day.
It seems like a sensible tactic on their part—to let out a little line, but still keeping us hooked and apparently still in their control.
All this euphoria about us finally winning the battle and that the narrative is finally crumbling indicates to me that we may be getting lost in the weeds of apparent success and the hook and line is still, in reality, firmly embedded in our flesh, only to suddenly reel us in again, after a dizzying and disorienting taste of freedom. I don’t like it.
Most everyone is familiar with the 1950’s Harvard experiment conducted by a rather soulless Curt Richter. Rats were placed in a tank where they had to frantically tread water to survive. Typically they lasted only 15 minutes or so before giving up, sinking, and subsequently drowning.
A second set of experiments showed that if the rats were saved right before their demise, dried off and given a little respite, and then again returned to the tank of water, they could tread, and stay alive, for up to 60 hours.
They called this the “hope experiment,” which is relevant to the current happenings.
To maintain the narrative, people must maintain some sort of hope. When we are about to throw in the towel we are given a little slack in the line, and when the pressure hits again—with a new variant, a new virus, or, in a radical right turn, a nuclear war threat — we can sustain our loyalty, and ultimate compliance, believing we will not drown but will be saved at the last minute by our surrogate parents and archetypal “protectors.”
These tactics work in different ways with the masses on opposing sides of the fence. The sheep need the slack when they are about to throw in the towel of compliance. The rest of us are not about to throw in the towel, but are about to gain greater potential of harm to the narrative—they respond to both situations with the same tactic, but with different results depending on where you sit in this whole mess.
This “hope experiment” reminds me of BF Skinner’s work (also a psychology research scientist of Harvard fame — many also believed Skinner has very little soul). His work with pigeons pressing levers to get food led him to conclude that a type of “uncertainty principle” affected animals, and thus people. If the food was dispensed at variable intervals, the pigeons went nuts, pecking the lever incessantly.
There was no rhyme or reason when the reward would come, therefore the pecking never stopped.
You can see how this psychology is relevant here (and yes, as much as I hate to admit this, behavioral science is indeed real, it doesn’t give answers to all questions, but humans, at times, do indeed behave like rats and pigeons).
If something is given, taken away, given again, taken away again, at what seems to be for irrational and unpredictable reasons, you create craziness: variable intervals of tension and release. Good way to mess around with people’s heads.
It seems what we are seeing now with the seeming turning of the mainstream narrative is too calculated, too fast, too easy, and simply not as deep as it needs to be to declare victory.
Where are the arrests and prosecutions of government officials or Big Pharma officials? Where is the accountability of the thousands who have been injured by the vaccines? Where is the admission that this all was a horrible attempt to create a New World Order? — A Great Reset?
The allies in World War II had to literally LEVEL Germany before those bastards gave up. I don’t think this “victory” is going to be this easy.
James Corbett, of “The Corbett Report” put it succinctly recently on his program “New World Next Week”. Corbett said:
This isn’t the kill shot, literally or metaphorically, this is the first salvo in a years long, decades long, process of re-engineering the governing principle of society into the biosecurity state, and this is just about re-laying the infrastructure.”
Corbett goes on to say there is likely much more to come, another virus even more deadly and scary, for example, and that everything is now all geared up and ready for the next horrifying event.
So maybe Covid IS finished. It has possibly been tapped out. Maybe it didn’t make the full mark that was expected, maybe it wasn’t deadly enough, or maybe the variants didn’t propel the boosters forward as expected. Maybe the vaccine wasn’t intended to be such a dud.
Or, maybe it all worked out exactly as planned.
Regardless, they did make a rather substantial move. At the very least they have been successful in normalizing nearly every major goal they had set.
The goals such as digital passports, social credit scoring, digital currency, and blind, stupefying, sheep-like compliance, to name just a few, maybe are not as deeply ensconced in the day to day operation of society as they had expected, but these concepts certainly are normalized now as active probabilities in the minds of the masses (and some of them, such as “blind stupefying sheep-like compliance”, are well established).
It will take much less future effort to drop them into place, fully functioning.
Hannah Arendt, one of the past century’s most incredible heroes of truth, said in her seminal work The Origins of Totalitarianism:
A mixture of gullibility and cynicism had been an outstanding characteristic of mob mentality before it became an everyday phenomenon of masses. In an ever-changing, incomprehensible world the masses had reached the point where they would, at the same time, believe everything and nothing, think that everything was possible and that nothing was true.
The mixture in itself was remarkable enough, because it spelled the end of the illusion that gullibility was a weakness of unsuspecting primitive souls and cynicism the vice of superior and refined minds. Mass propaganda discovered that its audience was ready at all times to believe the worst, no matter how absurd, and did not particularly object to being deceived because it held every statement to be a lie anyhow.
The totalitarian mass leaders based their propaganda on the correct psychological assumption that, under such conditions, one could make people believe the most fantastic statements one day, and trust that if the next day they were given irrefutable proof of their falsehood, they would take refuge in cynicism; instead of deserting the leaders who had lied to them, they would protest that they had known all along that the statement was a lie and would admire the leaders for their superior tactical cleverness.
Although I do not believe that the masses see everything as a lie, I do believe if it were proven to be a lie, it would have nearly no impact. I have not heard yet from the sheep side any sort of eating of humble pie.
All this that is happening is seen as “business as usual” from the sheep…maybe some things have come to light that were just not known before (according to them), but they see this as a victory of their own — they have beat Covid by wearing masks, locking down, vilifying the nasty unvaccinated.
The “I told you sos” from our side of the fence are falling on deaf years. “The crazies on the Right have beaten up the hero-god Fauci, but he is still the hero-god to most.”
As Arendt so deftly points out, the sheep continue to “admire their leaders for their superior tactical cleverness” as a result of any “backing down and changing the narrative” as we believe Fauci has exhibited in our own interpretation.
Yes, some have “flipped” so to speak. Maybe many have. But this is where the fishing analogy comes to light.
The powers that be see the sheep taking a run, albeit maybe a small one, but a run nonetheless, they are hearing the masses grumbling about the efficacy of the vaccines, the pointlessness of taking the booster — the weariness of lockdowns, masks, and social restrictions.
They say, “maybe it is time to give them a little slack…to let them have a bit of a rest…before we reel them in for the final scoop into the net, the flop into the bucket… and the trip to the taxidermist”. So some of them started to flip (run) and the narrative shifts to give them slack.
All that being said, I don’t think much has changed in sheep-ville.
Certainly, most normies have never bought into what is to be found in the depths of the rabbit hole that imply a greater horror above the levels of government, viruses, and vaccines (as James Corbett points out). Few see a problem with digital currency, loss of constitutional freedoms, social credit, vaccine passports or the like.
The agenda in this overarching echelon of control can, as it stands now, continue unfettered, Covid or no Covid.
From this perspective, we’ve really won nothing at all. Can we call anything a victory as long as Fauci and his NIAID, NIH, HHS, FDA and CDC compatriots and minions remain standing?
As long as the smear campaign to eliminate effective and inexpensive treatments continues? As long as vaccines are mandated or even just recommended without informed consent?
Can we declare any sort of victory as long as people continue to suffer from vaccine injury and are not even accounted for?
Can we really believe the narrative is crumbling when the perpetrators of these heinous crimes against constitution and humanity are not brought to justice?
Can we sleep easy under the false euphoria of victory as long as tens of thousands of medical doctors and researchers and scientists go on being persecuted through the loss of careers and reputation and free speech?
I could go on and on.
No, we are not even beginning to see this narrative “crumble” until quite a bit more evidence is brought to light that this just isn’t another tactic in this ongoing agenda.
But…maybe I am wrong. Maybe it just takes a little time to kill all of the hydra’s heads. Just killing one won’t do it, they will just grow back, but maybe we have just killed one or two heads and it will take time to go all the way through them, killing them all.
Maybe the Trucker’s Convoy, the Boris Johnson announcements in the UK, the US Supreme Court ruling are indeed signs of the agenda crumbling, a few of the many hydra heads being lopped off by the swords of justice and sane thinking.
I don’t want to give up hope, but I do think at the very least we must continue to be wary, with swords continually drawn and always at the ready.
Todd Hayen is a registered psychotherapist practicing in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He holds a PhD in depth psychotherapy and an MA in Consciousness Studies. He specializes in Jungian, archetypal, psychology.
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ignorance is a demonic force that leads to many great tragedies. Unless we think as an individual, the masses will be ignorant. The TRUTH is not our friend. We cannot walk it through the neighborhood on a leash like a pet… allowing our friends and family to gush and marvel at it. The TRUTH must be kept in a hole so we can toss it bits and pieces of bloody raw meat and flesh, so we can feel we have bought ourselves more time.
The Germans and Japanese used this tactic in WWll as do psychopaths and deranged oligarchs.
This is how Buddha discovered the middle way, watching a father teaching his son to fish – never hold the line to tight or to lose. Chess is another analogy, while you opponent is busy taking your pawns, and other pieces, the trap is set for check mate.
It is my sincere belief that the best approach to a maniacal adversary you have fort to the ground is don’t turn your back, finish the bastard off.
A very thoughtful article, which brings home a simmering concern. One that I have long had for the apparent wind down of tactics employed by governments around the world. The fish analogy is particularly apropos. In order to turn the table on our metaphorical fisherman, perhaps we should simply choose not to be a fish.
There are very limited options to win a battle as a fish if the fisherman is expert in his craft. As you noted, the fisherman intends to tire the quarry through repeated battles until exhaustion sets in. If we are the fish we can do nothing but fight, but if we present as the immovable object another path may be available. In keeping with the fishing metaphor, a boat anchor would exemplify. Through lack of compliant reaction, the fisherman would be forced to either tire themselves (reversal of fortune) or relent by cutting the line (surrender).
Undoubtedly, refusing to comply may prove difficult, and individual life circumstances may prevent such methods. That said, there have and will continue to be ways to refusal. Non-participation and rule non-compliance may prove useful tools in the months and years ahead.
I agree! I’ve been saying that this apparent slack is just breathing time, before the next one comes in (be it another imaginary virus, a real bioweapon, or a “climate crisis”).
The bets were made by the oligarchs and the war on people went out in the open – no way they are going to let go of it, when they have assured almost complete control of the population. The injections have placed more than half the population in the blockchain (one of the goals) and the coming engineered economic collapse will launch the digital currency, thus tying all remaining humans that use money, to the same blockchain. From then on, every single person’s life and livelihood is but one click away from being written off.
So yes, this is just the calm before the big storm.
To what extent experiments on animals are applicable to human beings, if at all?
We are rational and moral beings, aren’t we?
For me a very revealing thing is the most important ritual of democrazy, Elections.
People are voting for whom???
For notorious liars, for scumbags, for thieves, for creatures that don’t respect an institute of keeping promises, for trash that just think about their ass, for sub-humans that need a dictionary to get the meaning of honour…I bet a real public opinion survey would give just these results.
On the other hand, I believe people would never befriend such a low-life. Scumbags are not good enough to be friends, but they are good enough to represent you……Donkey goes on ice just ones, people say, ….are voters worse than donkeys?
We have a problem, things don’t add up. My experience is people are mostly rational and moral.
Irrationality is as important as rationality, sometimes, in case of damn elections, even more important. Damn, morality is non existent in democrazy. Therefore, I would say, it is justified to believe experiments on animals are applicable to humans.
Research about Attachment is also very relevant here.
Why Do We Kiss?
Don’t get confused because of the title. Second half of video is important.
Brilliant 🙏
I cannot help but remain in the camp of ‘this is just getting started’. Two years of a multi-decade campaign is merely a fart in time.
The biggest takeaway I noted from this piece was/is the fact that zero movement toward accountability has taken root. The example used with regard to post-WWII Germany is telling. In this instance, there was a demand by the victors to administer accountability. If this isn’t implemented here, there is no learned lesson as the crimes and travesties are allowed to continue whether privately or publicly. Two perfect examples of this are post-US Civil War with regard to racism and post-Iraq “Mission Accomplished” with regard to the claimed necessary dismissal of Constitutional rights. The Civil War wasn’t about making amends for slavery and amounts to systemic racism any more than the 2nd invasion of Iraq was about weapons of mass destruction and what amounted to crimes against humanity. The blow-back of keeping in place a practice of ‘we do what we want’ keeps in place future practices of ‘we do what we want’ until the lesson is learned of what crimes were committed and who were/was accountable.
So long as no accountability remains, I agree with the assessment this is nothing more than the fisherman allowing the fish to drag itself out and thus tire itself for eventual reel in. They’ve already succeeded in thieving trillions and implementing the groundwork for future lock downs and further undermining of more civil liberties, which in its own right is a massive victory that is presently showing no sign of ending.
Until or unless the judicial system gets brought into this, taking to task the highest players involved, the fish appears already fried.
How many claimed covid deaths and hospital admissions are actually vax adverse reactions? That’s the real question. People who are rushed to hospital and relatives say “he or she just had the vax and now look at them. They are shaking uncomfortably, bleeding from the eyes, having a stroke and a heart attack and their skin is peeling off. All this started even before the needle was fully withdrawn.” Is there a category for such admissions to be listed as an adverse reaction to the vax or are all hospital staff threatened with execution if any link is written down other than declaring that absolutely all admissions are a direct result of covid? Maybe is is better to say the vax is failing because of the OmniConJob variant so as to ussher in Pfizers new mandatory 3 dose OmniConJob jab. As opposed to saying the vax is a shocking failure causing horrible adverse effects and deaths to avoid liability that is now resting on the government. People are sick and dying of covid, the OmniConJob variant. So move along.
That is the whole purpose of the OmniConJob scam being played out. Keeping everyone hooked.
So, here is a quote from the Director of the Center for Vaccination Development, Dr. Peter Hotez:
“I think we’re right now we are in a set-up for another variant to emerge this summer. I don’t know if this will be from the African continent or Southeast Asia or Latin America. We have to assume it will do this again, and just like in 2021 and 2020, it will hit the southern United States and here in Texas and create another massive wave and knock off a lot of unvaccinated people once again.”
Can you find a more blatant example of baiting the masses, with a basic description of what is to come, further psychosis bullshit to propagate their narrative, to keep the vaccine makers happy, to continuing with their genocidal killing with poison, and to do so blatantly and demanding enforcement from Department of Homeland Security and Department of Justice!!! It is so fucking sickening!!!
Just as Abe Lincoln said “You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.”
Good article, apart from -“As long as the smear campaign to eliminate effective and inexpensive treatments continues?”.
What was that?
Do you not consider the smear campaign to discredit ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine as an early effective treatment for Covid 19 to be a problem? I was listing all the things that are still in place, and if they continue to be in place, we cannot declare any sort of victory.
Yes that is a huge problem. The ONLY reason they could warp speed poison into so many veins is because “there is no effective treatment” aka Emergency. I was at the protest in DC 2 Sundays ago and ALL the doctors main point was the Crime of Murder is being committed by denying effective treatment. Hang em High !!
Great post! But here I had to grin:
“The allies in World War II had to literally LEVEL Germany before those bastards gave up. I don’t think this “victory” is going to be this easy.”
As long as you do not understand that at that time only the Germans were humiliated to enable that the real masterminds can continue to work undisturbed on the eugenic project, you have not understood that it was NEVER over.
This is not said by me, but by an American, descendant of Holocaust survivors, who has investigated.
The names are Rockefeller Foundation, Carnegie Institute and IBM. It was the concept of the first two, and without the IBM-technology holocaust in this dimensions would never having been possible. Hitler and his Nazis were the willing assholes, but not the inventors of the mess.
THAT is the reason, we all experience it again and worldwide: because nobody, nor German nor American nor UK has ever understood, that the socalled “levelling” was to remove traces.
High time to realize it now!
I do not disagree with you…but if I added all you said in your response to clarify my statement the focus of the article would be lost. It was meant as an analogy, a metaphor…a comparison. The details of the conclusions of WWII were not meant to be part of my consideration in the article, that would have gone off target. I’m sorry it was a problem!
If you use an analogy that is demonstrably false, it makes your contribution untrustworthy – and it does not deserve that. For eugenicists it doesn’t matter whether they exterminate plants or humans and “improve” the rest in their sense – the mindset is the same: the hubris that everything that doesn’t fit into their concept must disappear. What did not disappear is this mindset. The reason: it was not subjected to discussion and criticism after WW II! This is what I pointed out.
Wars and war crimes themselves are another topic, and this is what neither my comment nor your article is about.
Unfortunately similar to the Era of Mcarthyism and the cold War the end result of this will be a significant move in the direction of totalitarianism. While the red scare of the 50s was eventually abated – the end result was that the political climate of the country moved farther right. Likewise over the past 2 years things that would have been considered insane are commonplace. If the PTB are allowed to continue unfettered I shudder to think what the political climate will look like in 50 years. Definitely brings to mind that Paul Casey quote about everything the public believing is wrong.
The main purpose of McCarthyism (which started much earlier than Sen. McCarthy) was to purge unions of their best organizers – the communists. It was very successful (turning the labor unions into dutiful appendages of the “2nd-most-enthusiastic-capitalist-party”, the Democrats). Prior to WWII, the US had a militant, organized and powerful working class – nearly revolutionary. Then the political terms “left” meant generally, the interests of the working class; “right” meant the interests of the capitalist class. By that standard, the country’s politics have definitely moved to the right and profoundly so. The contemporary “left” while wearing the rhetorical “left” facade of political correctness, identity politics and Woke SJW’s has become the burning spear of capitalist totalitarianism, the most right wing of all. As most people know almost nothing about their own labor history, left and right have become so emptied of their former meaning that they have become meaningless terms.
Sadly so – how do you win a class war when one side doesn’t even know there’s a fight on? Apparently the SJW types believe that fascism will be defeated and the field of battle will be beauty standards and gender identity. I’m not holding out hope. But yea no one even considers class politics and the people that do don’t have a grip on the PTBs playbook.
In the 1930’s, Senator Huey Long was asked if fascism could come to the US, he responded: “Sure fascism can come to the United States, but it will be called an anti-fascism movement.”
Besides always being amazed by the prescience of that statement, I think Long had to have been politically savvy enough to understand the process by which fascism (or a manipulation of the public that something very like it) could happen. Therefore these processes are not the least bit new.
Some more traits of fishermen, you can use as analogies/metaphors with today’s global psychosis, genocide and whatever else they are trying to accomplish:
1. Fishermen are patient. They are just as content when they catch nothing, as when they catch their limit.
2. There is a daily limit to how many fish can be caught.
3. Fishermen use a wide variety of bait, depending on the type of fish they are trying to catch.
4. There are many different techniques fishermen employ, depending on the type of fish they are trying to catch, such as fish that are bottom feeder’s, or fish that swim near the surface.
5. Fishermen do not care about the conditions they are in while fishing; it doesn’t matter to them.
6. Opening day is very popular among fishermen. It is viewed as a celebratory day.
7. There are as many different types of waters to fish in as there are fishermen; such as fishing in rivers, ponds, lakes and oceans.
8. Some fishermen utilize catch and release methods and some fishermen keep everything they catch, gut the fish and eat the fish.
9. Some fishermen fish from shore and some fishermen troll along a slow moving river and some fishermen fish in large boats at sea. Some fishermen fish off of bridges, some fishermen fish from docks on a lake.
I’m fairly certain we are being bated. That after relaxing the COVID tyranny, a new and improved variant, or another virus will appear, and its rapid spread detected by deeply flawed testing will be blamed on a tiny resumption of liberty. Whereupon liberty will disappear, never to return.
the english and yanks didn’t “have to” level germany at all… they did though… killing hundreds of thousands and left the ‘russians’ to kill hundreds of thousands more… do a little work on your ‘history’ fella
Russia took over a million casualties taking Berlin. More than twice as many as the US in both theaters combined. They indeed needed “leveling” in that they had purported so much evil against their opponents, especially Russia, they dare not surrender for fear of equitable retribution.
I’m reading ‘Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea’ and in it the narrator asks Nemo “but how could you construct this wonderful ‘Nautilus’ in secret?” to which the explanation is “each separate portion, Mr Aronnax, was brought from different parts of the globe” followed by a long list of which part was built where and how Nemo used different names for each order before assembled the parts in his own controlled workshop.
In other words, the concept of compartmentalisation was understood in 1870 when the novel was published and didn’t start with the Manhattan Project as is often presented as the case. Nemo is a stateless oligarch so again these pre-date their oft-stated origins in Ian Fleming. There’s the usual cover story that Nemo was going to be Polish but that was changed for fear of offending the Russians – coincidentally the same cover story of why Fleming switched from SMERSH to SPECTRE. Funny how “offending the Russians” doesn’t seem much of a worry otherwise.
Jules Verne was an iantecedent to H.G. Wells in popularising “science” to those who needed it wrapped in a ripping yarn. The globalism is there if more subtly than in Wells. Verne was a Rosicrucian and a boy (his nephew I think) took a shot at Verne and was promptly locked away in an asylum. Was he a lunatic who could’ve taken a pot shot at anyone and Verne just happened to be unlucky – or did he have a very particular reason for wanting to kill Verne?…
They haven’t given up. This is an eternal struggle. Though it seems these powerful entities play the role of behavioral scientists, inflicting torturous manipulations on the populace, in fact they are as susceptible to these manipulations as their intended subjects are. What the torturer does to his victim he does to himself. Like Polyphemos, their “singular vision” leads them at last to inflict their dominance over an Odysseus, who leaves them blinded and wailing. Let us not gloat at their eventual downfall, lest we be doomed to wander the seas.
would anyone expect it ?
Eternal struggle indeed. I always wondered why generations and generations of people have been pushing this World Order thing. This includes today’s geriatrics who won’t live long enough to see it through to fruition. But then I realized the one constant through time – Satan whispering in their itchy ears.
A timely and valuable warning Todd, thank you for the reminder. I must be ever-vigiliant because these bastards are satanically clever, especially the behavioural scientists, and I have their names and know where they are.
Odd how the Covid scamdemic was so well coordinated across the world? It was engineered by a whole range of actors headed by Schwab, Gates, Fauci et al, Big Pharma, GloboCap (Blackrock’s Larry Fink) and thousands others through the WEF, WHO, UN, IMF et al. Here’s is just a taste of this Big Club which we ain’t in:§or=®ion=#results
We will not be secure in our future until these maniacs are brought under control and mass murderers like Fauci brought to account. The international legal processes have to be pursued to the very end and the thousands of suspects tried and punished for their evil acts against humanity.
I know that the ‘Bond’ villain, Klaus Schwab, and his WEF is only the front man of many. The real evil and power behind the curtain are the Banksters who own and run the world as we know it. CBDCs are the next big thing as they move towards a social credit system along the lines of the CCP in process today: As you say, the majority of the sheeple will comply for their bread & circuses. Here’s a short video to give an idea of what’s ahead:
The important and key thing to remember as we proceed down the path of the Great Reset, 4th Industrial Revolution and New World Order is that they all have a major weakness: they require compliance and this is in our own hands – we have the power as the Canadian truckers are proving.
AP all true: Action speaks volumes.
Justin Trudeau:
“Last night, I learned that I have been exposed to COVID-19. My rapid test result was negative. I am following @OttawaHealth rules and isolating for five days. I feel fine and will be working from home. Stay safe, everyone – and please get vaccinated.”
Guy Tweets:
“Healthy, vaccinated, booster and negative for Covid …PM barricades himself into his own house. For his own safety “
Brussels under pressure with Ursula’s Mandates.
Conflict of interests are clearly visible…
Meanwhile, one of the most reliable independent reporters, has not given up,
Despite NATO and the CIA getting her fired for evidencing Bulgarian munitions in the hands of terrorists destroying Aleppo, via Azerbaijan and Silk(cia)Way Airline’s 747s…
Can’t see the mainstream discussing this shitstorm, either…
Many thanks TDJ – some very valuable info and links there, which I can use. I wrote my dissertation in the form of a book on the Global Financial System – a free PDF is available on request. It is published here and may be of use to you:
First class article and comments.
The virus is becoming endemic. They will have planned for that.
Next stage may be carbon net zero. Digital IDs and a social credit system will be essential to monitor and regulate energy consumption.
The end game will come when ‘everyone’ has a digital ID, even the unvaccinated.
Hey…you made me think of something…maybe soon the unvaccinated will be required to have the same “vaccine passport” but with “unvaccinated” status…and without it you can’t go ANYWHERE…the unvaxxed would still be barred from all the things they are currently barred from, but would be required to carry the passport to even leave the house (like everyone else). Why not??
The thing about liars is, they always come unstuck. Always.
That’s not to say they can’t do a lot of damage on their way, but even then, the grim reaper is still gonna tap on their shoulders and they will have to face their fate. Forever.
Cosmic justice prevails.
I don’t know whether anyone discussed this question before but: How much money does it cost to set up a World Theater of this complexity for such a long time (close to two years now)? That’s a good question because let’s be clear there is NO health emergency. It must be astronomical the figure you need to set up a global fiction and make it look as if it was real.
Just think of the coordination between the countries, the incentives that must be granted to so many in the medical field and hospitals to deny the evidence of their reason and accept to go along with this charade, and promote the “treatment”. Also think of the theatricals of people “dropping dead” (putting forward their hands first of course😉) and the”body bags” popping up everywhere to scare the he** out of entire populations. And what about the incentives that must go to the international media so that they keep mindlessly reading from the same script which amounts to nothing more than:”Buh! Be afraid”? And also, all the money that must go to workers put on furlough, all the new equipment and infrastructures that must be built for the occasion, worldwide! And what about the politicians that must be “encouraged” for the “greater good”, and on and on? I don’t think most countries were faring well enough to afford all those “unexpected” expenses.
I mean, we all know pretty much every detail of this nightmare, but how about the obscure money side of it? Must be a packet!
Take a look at this:
We get paid to do this mate – I’m just over this f****** protests as your are – I’ve got to do what I’ve got to do – I’m not skilled to do anything else mate
That’s an illustration of what Marx called the mute compulsion of Capital, or the impersonal power of Capital. We all are the cogs through which the power of Capital materializes. I don’t think, like the author of the article above suggests, that it is enough to tell the cops that the protesters, anti-whatever, are evil to justify the insane police brutality we all saw; that must also be handsomely rewarded financially.
So what, or more accurately how much does it take to incentive police to put aside their humanity and pepperspray defensless, frail, seventy year old women? To traumatise kids by harshly harassing their mother? To hit little girls as if they were adult males? To be 3 or 4 policemen hitting someone on the ground? To brutalise disabled people out of their wheelchair? I don’t need to go on; we’ve all seen the videos. But what’s the money for that?
This is how IMO:
1. The Hazard Circular (1862):
“Slavery is likely to be abolished by the [American Civil] war power, and chattel slavery destroyed. This I and my European friends are in favor of, for slavery is but the owning of labor and carries with it the care of the laborer, while the European plan, led on by England, is capital control of labor by controlling wages. THIS CAN BE DONE BY CONTROLLING THE MONEY [emphasis added]. The great debt that capitalists will see to it is made out of the war must be used as a measure to control the volume of money; to accomplish this the bonds must be used as a banking basis. We are now waiting to get the Secretary of the Treasury to make this recommendation to Congress. It will not do to allow the [debt-free] “greenback,” as it is called, to circulate as money any length of time, for we cannot control them, but we can control the bonds, and through them the bank issue.” – Chas. Hazzard. [The likely authenticity of this circular is discussed here.]
2. “I care not what puppet is placed upon the throne of England to rule the Empire on which the sun never sets. The man who controls Britain’s money supply controls the British Empire, and I control the British money supply.” – Nathan Rothschild
3. “It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.” – Henry Ford
What about today? Same game.
I came across the question of the money side of this nightmare when I tried to answer the question: Why is there a general movement of de-escalation, of relaxing of the fake “emergency measures” throughout Europe? Well, we may have answer in the ECB website. The following is an extract of an interview given to Christine Lagarde by David Barwick in Frankfurt, October 28, 2021:
“Time flies at the European Central Bank, where president Christine Lagarde on Thursday unexpectedly deemed it the moment to debate, decide and announce the future of the ECB’s pandem** emergency purchase program (PEPP).
“Unexpectedly because following the September 9 meeting of the Governor Council, Lagarde was still sticking to the spirit if not the words of her ‘totally premature’ mantra, employed at various times to dismiss questioners interested in the PEPP’s fate.”
“Fast-forward to today [October 28th, 2021], and all that and more appears to have been accomplished with surprising speed, given her announcement at the post-Council-meting press conference that she had ‘every reason to believe that [the PEPP] will come to its end’ next March [2022].”
Translation: No more money for governments to keep this thing on its legs by March 2022.
“But there was no apparent need to make such a determination today, unless of course Lagarde felt it necessary to appease a certain faction of the Council that has been agitating for the PEPP as a emergency measure to disappear along with the crisis phase of the pandem**.”
Got it? “Factions” of the Council are so experts in all manner of medical and biological sciences that they know the “crisis phase” will be soon over.
“And while Lagarde did not say the crisis phase was over, she hinted at it in her introductory statement by asserting that ‘[t]he grip of the pandem** on the economy was visibly weakened’. A formal declaration of crisis phase’s expiry may never come, so such comments offer the clearest indication of where things stand in that regard.”
Clearest indication? I don’t think so. How is the whole edifice be maintained if the “crisis phase” is not over by this March, unless there is no such a thing as a “crisis phase”? And if the PEPP will be replaced by another program why just keep the current one?
“To be sure, Lagarde was careful enough to note that her prediction of the PEPP’s on-schedule conclusion next March was ‘her view’. As she would however look quite foolish if it now did not end, one can pretty much rule out any other outcome.”
Full article here.
So did I miss something or the people at the ECB have decided 3 months ago that the end of “the crisis phase of the pandem**” will end by March 2022? How could they know, then? Oh, Lagarde did say say that ‘[t]he grip of the pandem** on the economy was visibly weakened’, but that’s a contradiction because if “the crisis phase” is not over by this March, you would still need all the incentives and low interest rate to keep the theater going.
Is this clear enough? Just like the crisis of 1929 was created artificially, the ECB people got word from the global Capital owners, who used their power to artificially create in the minds of billions of people a “crisis phase of a pandem**” that it is time for it to end by this March to leave place to something else.
Dr Astrid Stuckleburger explained, with documents, how the World Bank is financing this CV shitshow.
Thanks, I’ll look it up.
I honestly believe I will become suicidal if this is going to continue like this and get even more totalitarian than it already is for years and years again. Some days I litterally only get out of bed for my children.
I know how you feel, but keep chipping away and don’t let the bastards bring you down. Never! NEVER! 🙂 A2
They want you to feel this way. Part of the resistance is developing your “spiritual” side so that you have the strength. I post this quite a while ago.
I like your post. It gives us hope and power. I tend to feel what the world is going through is necessary for humanity to move into a higher form of spiritual consciousness. We cannot move into this new higher consciousness without first exposing the massive corruption and evil that has been hidden in darkness for centuries.
Finally, the evil, corrupt global elites have come out of the darkness and exposed themselves for all to see in order to implement their ‘Great Reset’ agenda.
I pray humanity will awaken and destroy the evil globalists once and for all so we can move into a new spiritual awakening.
It seem that a big part of this whole op is to assess not only how much the herd can be lead around by the nose but also how much can the dissenters be made to go crazy. It’s like having cognitive dissonance about everyone else’s cognitive dissonance.
Don’t give up now. This is a spiritual battle. For centuries the evil, globalist-elites have been hiding in the dark behind committees, organizations, councils etc. without the vast majority of the public knowing such evil agendas were existing.
Now, they have exposed themselves and have come out into the open. We are now in the labour pains of giving birth to a new spiritual cycle for humanity.
We cannot move forward without exposing the hidden evil. A cleansing effect is being carried out. When you sweep dust and dirt hidden under the bed, you first make more dirt before it is swept cleaned.
This is what we are witnessing today. All the dirt has to be brought out into the open. We are feeling the intensity of the evil agendas being played out now in many nations. It has to be exposed. Now light is shining on their evil agendas. More and more people are waking up.
Stay strong. Hold on. There is darkness before the Dawn.
‘We’re not going to take it… anymore!’
Nice article Todd. I like Meredith Miller’s take that the populace is in an abusive relationship with their narcissistic governments. Abuse. Relief from the abuse. Abuse. Relief. Etc. . It only ends when we leave the relationships with these psychotic criminal governments.
Chris Martenson, on his YT Peak Prosperity videos, has a recent one discussing being in an abusive relationship with your govt.
In case you missed it. Here is Miller’s discussion on the subject with Füllmich, Fischer and committee.
Martenson himself was more abusive than anyone in early 2020, specifically targeting narrative skeptics.
I believe it is over (or winding down if you prefer).
‘Big Government’ (perpetuated solely by continual crises and ever-increasing draconian measures) is/was never going to sit eternally with Western individualism. Maybe in Asian, more communal, cultures (most notably China), but not long-term in the West.
Too many people’s lives and interests have been damaged by responses to the ‘Covid crisis’. And not just those of us little people, but those of whole industry sectors (travel, hospitality etc). Those with the clout to fight back.
So the pendulum (market forces <–> government) will now, I suspect, swing back in the direction of unbridled market forces and away from Big Government.
So yes, enjoy the victory gin, those nations that have already cast of the shackles of Covid measures. We wait patiently to be joined by others.
Here’s to a better year 🍹
i like that thought,
but i believe you are too optimistic: this shit show has only just earnestly begun, everything to date has been a gaugeing,
sharpen up dem blades amigo.
long road ahead.
Great article Todd.
I have been thinking the same things over the last few weeks.
I have also been reading many different viewpoints on many media outlets, both MSM and alt.
We are the minority.
Probably 20% to 30% (being generous)
It does not mean that we are wrong but that we have to constantly check to make sure that our compass is still set true.
Why are we the minority?
Because of the largest and most expensive advertising campaign in history.
Not surprisng.
People see Big Macs advertised on TV and go and buy them in their millions, not even baulking when they scoff the soggy mess that it really is.
Then they go and buy another the next day.
And the next.
Above all, we must not allow ourselves to fall into the traps laid, Straw man arguments, false sensationalism, misleading data, manipulated charts etc.
That’s for them to do so that we can destroy their propaganda with facts and logic.
This has been the most successful part of our resistance. Using real data to deny the propagation of their lies.
It may be that the Canadian truckers are the catalyst to turn the whole thing around.
It may be that we are moving to the next phase, whatever that may be.
It may be that the scary thing has run it’s course and the governments, pharma, etc were only looking after our best interests.
(Oh, how I wish this was true)
But, then again, it may be that David Icke was correct all along.
One thing is certain, as Thomas Jefferson wisely observed:
The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.
Treasury ministers all around the world are there for the taking. ….. it’s like shooting fish in a barrel .
The predator will return.
I’ll give ya 3/1 on a September Surprise .
If any of you non believers in astrology would like to know ….the eclipse of sept 24 will bring with it plenty to do with neptune…it is in Pisces and will be holding hands with neptune before it leaves Pisces…uranus will be sitting on the point of death and mayhem…so will they need a super bug or will the damage done by the vax wipe out large numbers? I will leave it to you non believers to tell me how it was by Xmas 2024…
Edith, Michel Gauquelin and his Swiss wife Marie-Francoise Schneider demonstrated pretty conclusively last century the statistically-unavoidable truth of the basic premise of astrology: that the disposition of the heavens at the time of a person’s birth have some causal connection with their subsequent life-history; or if not directly causal, then certainly synchronistical. In any case, to the point where genuinely-real and practically-useful prognoses for a person’s life may be made on the basis of his/her birth chart.
Anyone still resisting that objectively-demonstrated fact is simply honouring the ancient human tradition of refusing to believe conclusive evidence, if you don’t happen to like it. 😂 Being dawkinsoid, in other words. Rather in the same way that some folk here at Off-G, both above and btl, refuse to face the reality that this planet is currently experiencing – for a shortish while longer – a human population-overshoot episode…
God, how the Vulcans must laugh at our lame Earthling attempts at strict rationality! “Illogical!” as Spock used to say.
PS: Commiserate with me: I was delivered arbitrarily, by caesarian section instead of being allowed to go to my mother’s natural term, which would have taken me well off the cusp, and securely into Leo. Not much help from astrology for such as me.
Anti-vaxxer’s are responsible for human sacrifice! [roflol]
The Anti-vaccine Right Brought Human Sacrifice to America
Since last summer, the conservative campaign against vaccination has claimed thousands of lives for no ethically justifiable purpose.
By Kurt Andersen
January 25, 2022
If those lives are not from the PTB, they are not claimed by anti-vaxxers
Anti EX vaxxers might be a better handle Jo Jo.
And when the Sheep ask “What do you mean?”
Tell them: “I reckon chemical experiments should be confined to laboratories”
Very insightful article.
The below is how I have tried to do my part in finding the truth, holding people accountable and trying to get this out to people. It seems that it really doesn’t matter, since I am a nobody. I am not a talking head, I am not a scientist, I am not a statistician, I am not a mathematician. I am just an ordinary 62 year old man, whose complete trust has been eroded to the point of no return. I have read/save thousands of articles over the past couple of years, and I have compiled much data, in order to formulate my thoughts/opinions. It seems that once trust is gone, nothing else matters. Until trust has been reestablished, there will be no defining or defending the truth, because the truth is in the eye of the beholder, whosever eye that may be at any given time in history.
I have tried sending the below to numerous sources, only to be met with complete silence. This wasn’t the first time trying to share important and fact based information, yet always met with complete silence.
I have come to the conclusion that however you define what has happened in the past two years, whomever is overseeing what has happened in the past two years, whatever the strategic and tactical goals those overseers have, as well as whatever obstacles they may have to overcome to reach their goals, will all be achieved, in the timeframe that they have chosen. Based on these past couple of years, that is the closest thing to the truth that this simple mind can acknowledge.
Good Day,
I am corresponding with you in order to demonstrate the possibility that the three Covid-19 vaccine (jab) manufacturers, along with our government, have deliberately used batch/lots of vaccines with various levels of toxicity, in order to gain information needed to have vaccines at higher or lower levels of toxicity. For what purpose, you can only imagine.
All data I have used for this analysis is valid and fully available to the public. The reason I did my own data analysis, is because I saw a couple of videos, suggesting that they (authors of videos) now have proof that the vaccine batches/lots sent out to various places had different levels of toxicity, and that they can show, beyond a doubt, “intent.” Furthermore, one video I watched, suggested that they (government) even targeted Republican/Red states, which is how I compared my data. I can say, without a doubt, that my data analysis validates disturbing anomalies, and perhaps, incredibly evil/criminal activities and intent. I will leave any judgments to the reader of these summaries.
Here is just one example:
In New York State, there is 1 death for every 145,888.08 vaccines given.
In Kentucky, there is 1 death for every 13,771.27 vaccines given.
How do you explain this tremendous gap?
Every state Congressman/Congresswoman, every state Senator, needs to ask why???
What is going on???
What is the intent???
If these manufacturers have used the public in order to gain reliable data that proves toxic levels of vaccines, do you not think it is possible to use these for a weapon, in order to reduce the population??? I do not believe, for one second, that the coronavirus/covid-19 pandemic is the enemy. I do believe the vaccine is the enemy, now and moving forward. My analysis has proven to me, beyond any reasonable doubt, that this is what is happening.
Here are some of my summaries taken from my data:
Top Ten Highest Ratio of Deaths to Adverse Reactions: Correlates to Possible Higher Toxic Batches/Lots Given Out(MORE DANGEROUS)
1. Kentucky (Republican/Red State)
2. South Dakota (Republican/Red State)
3. Montana (Republican/Red State)
4. Tennessee (Republican/Red State)
5. Minnesota (Democrat/Blue State)
6. Wyoming (Republican/Red State)
7. Puerto Rico
8. North Dakota (Republican/Red State)
9. Wisconsin (Republican/Red State)
10. Arkansas (Republican/Red State)
8 of 10 Republican/Red States, 1 of 10 Puerto Rico and 1 of 10 Democrat/Blue States
Top Ten Lowest Ratio of Deaths to Adverse Reactions: Correlates to Possible Lower Toxic Batches/Lots Given Out(SAFER)
1. Arizona (Republican/Red State)
2. Indiana (Republican/Red State)
3. Connecticut (Democrat/Blue State)
4. Utah (Republican/Red State)
5. Idaho (Republican/Red State)
6. Rhode Island (Democrat/Blue State)
7. Vermont (Democrat/Blue State)
8. California (Democrat/Blue State)
9. New York (Democrat/Blue State)
10. Virginia (Democrat/Blue State)
6 of 10 Democrat/Blue States, 4 of 10 Republican/Red States
Top Ten Highest Ratio of Vaccines Given to Adverse Reactions: Correlates to Possible Lower Toxic Batches/Lots Given Out(SAFER)
1. Mississippi (Republican/Red State)
2. Louisiana (Democrat/Blue State)
3. Texas (Republican/Red State)
4. California (Democrat/Blue State)
5. South Carolina (Republican/Red State)
6. Nevada (Democrat/Blue State)
7. Hawaii (Democrat/Blue State)
8. Utah (Republican/Red State)
9. Arkansas (Republican/Red State)
10. West Virginia (Republican/Red State)
6 of 10 Republican/Red States, 4 of 10 Democrat/Blue States
Top Ten Lowest Ratio of Vaccines Given to Adverse Reactions: Correlates to Possible Higher Toxic Batches/Lots Given Out(MORE DANGEROUS)
1. Indiana (Republican/Red State)
2. Alaska (Republican/Red State)
3. Montana (Republican/Red State)
4. Kentucky (Republican/Red State)
5. Michigan (Democrat/Blue State)
6. Minnesota (Democrat/Blue State)
7. Vermont (Democrat/Blue State)
8. North Dakota (Republican/Red State)
9. Idaho (Republican/Red State)
10. District of Columbia (Democrat/Blue)
6 of 10 Republican/Red States, 4 of 10 Democrat/Blue States
Top Ten Highest Ratio of Vaccines Given to Deaths: Correlates to Possible Lower Toxic Batches/Lots Given Out(SAFER)
1. Utah (Republican/Red State)
2. Rhode Island (Democrat/Blue State)
3. California (Democrat/Blue State)
4. Virginia (Democrat/Blue State)
5. Nevada (Democrat/Blue State)
6. New York (Democrat/Blue State)
7. Connecticut (Democrat/Blue State)
8. Vermont (Democrat/Blue State)
9. North Carolina (Democrat/Blue State)
10. Arizona (Republican/Red State)
8 of 10 Democrat/Blue States, 2 of 10 Republican/Red States
Top Ten Lowest Ratio of Vaccines Given to Deaths: Correlates to Possible Higher Toxic Batches/Lots Given Out(MORE DANGEROUS)
1. Kentucky (Republican/Red State)
2. Montana (Republican/Red State)
3. South Dakota (Republican/Red State)
4. Minnesota (Democrat/Blue State)
5. Tennessee (Republican/Red State)
6. North Dakota (Republican/Red State)
7. Wyoming (Republican/Red State)
8. Alaska (Republican/Red State)
9. Michigan (Democrat/Blue State)
10. Wisconsin (Republican/Red State)
8 of 10 Republican/Red States, 2 of 10 Democrat/Blue States
I urge you to publish this, and to disseminate this information as you are allowed. If you need further verification of my data, please let me know, and I will share it.
Thank you for your thoughtful post, yes please share your data sources. Once verified, this would indeed be information in need of sharing! A2
I retrieved all data from VAERS and
I at first was ready to give this a 5, but all this repetition of the “virus” not being deadly enough, when its very existence has not been proven, or this making of Fauci to be something more than a figurehead, a flack catcher, as if his removal would be a key step, was too much. Why do so many in the “resistance” fall for the false narrative?
It makes me a little uneasy to see the trucker movement focusing on the mandates while emphasizing they’re not against the vaccine. Certainly, winning that part of the war, i.e., no mandates, free choice, etc., is important, but it doesn’t stop the train and it lets the psycho criminals off scot-free. It looks like it does get more people on our side and against the globalists, but it seems more like a “politically correct” posture, or not wanting to sound like “conspiracy theorists”, or something like that. Kind of a chickenshit approach to the whole thing instead of facing up to the full facts of the matter.
I think that’s the beauty of it, everybody can climb on board. Everybody knows you are not going to drive your truck across Canada if you are for the injections.
Jeffrey, are you a writer? I would be curious to know, if you are, how you keep your articles “on point” without finding yourself in the weeds trying to explain in full detail eery little nuance. The point of this article is clear, and is only clear as long as I keep it clear of the sort of detail you present here…in my humble opinion. I am not criticizing your comment, as I truly am curious how you would go about writing an article that stuck to its central point without clouding it up with minutia–and also adding hundreds of words. For clarity regarding my own personal views, I agree that Fauci is merely a figurehead, and taking him down would not solve much of anything, but my article is not about Fauci, it is about people who think the battle is won as it is now, not only with Fauci not taken down, but with Fauci not even shaken up.
Too bad I didn’t get a five from you, that would have been nice. I do appreciate the thought…keep up the fight brother…
Todd, here’s how,
“So maybe Covid IS finished. It has possibly been tapped out. Maybe it didn’t make the full mark that was expected, maybe it wasn’t deadly enough, or maybe the variants didn’t propel the boosters forward as expected. Maybe the vaccine wasn’t intended to be such a dud.”
Take out everything except the first two sentences, in which “Covid” would have quotes around it, or use “the “Covid” narrative.” That would not require any detailed explanation. Likewise elsewhere in the article. Just saying.
And i did give you a 4. 😀 I am not an automatic 5 or even 4. Thanks for writing.
Fauci is meaningless to me. Donald Trump created Fauci. All the focus belongs on Trump. The US president was the single person needed to enable global lockdown. As soon as Trump agreed everything sounded “scary,” the UK, Ferguson and others, were able to sell the rest of the world by saying, “see, even the US president agrees.”
Donald Trump created Fauci? Trump is a neophyte. It could be argued that Fauci has more real power than a US president (Trump’s presidency showed us how limited presidential power really is). Fauci is very like J. Edgar Hoover, has had 50 years to mold a corrupt health regulatory system that he manages for his and Big Pharma’s benefit by controlling what research gets funded. (And it has little to do with actual science.) He can make or break careers. Indeed, there are many forces pushing this agenda, but Fauci is not a bit player.
RFK Jr has an entire book on him and his corruption, you should check it out.
They’ve got to show them polaroids of the virus or we won’t believe it exists.
Could it be that the ‘covid’ stage of the Great Reset is winding down. So how do They maintain The State of Emergency necessary to continue implementing the global make-over ? ‘Covid’ worked so well it’s easy to believe another, more deadly Superbug is about to make its debut. Or what about destructive comets rushing towards the planet ? Earth had two near misses in recent months, neither made front page news.(Last night, Sunday, Sydney TV viewers were feted with the first two Maze Runner movies, back to back, to reinforce belief in Germ Theory – Propaganda as Entertainment (I still cant figure why people like scary movies)… Always let the prisoners think they’re about to reach freedom – if you want to crush their hopes.
School kids in NSW and Victoria are to be subjected to RATS – tests, tests, tests…It’s not page one news, but it keeps fear of ‘covid’ alive in their everyday lives. And a sure sign the ‘covid’ narrative isnt being wound down where they’re concerned. (pity the kids who test ‘positive’. A stigma akin to being a Leper).
My assumption – that a fear / scare campaign is needed to implement all facets of The Great Reset, is questionable.. The ready embrace of using credit cards instead of (possible germ-spreading) cash; of smartphones use, even though told everything is being recorded, that users are being profiled, their privacy has been whittled away, suggest there’ll be little or no opposition to digitalised cash. Claims that they’ll lose control over what they buy etc brushed aside as Conspiracy Theories…
So was the ‘covid’ fear campaign phase merely about putting the end to democracy-as-we-know-it ? Getting us used to having all our activities regulated, controlled ? And those immune-system undermining injections, was that just a drug company’s brilliant strategy to generate more customers for their products ?(If one goes by Sydney TV adverts, shingles – due to the injections – is epidemic. And there appears to be a market for AIDS drugs developing (Will Fauci push AZT again ?)
And yet another evil, in your face message sent to us by the nazis…”Health-care organizations from across the country will come together Jan. 27 for the inaugural National Kids and Vaccination Day, which aims to provide the public with information about children’s vaccinations for COVID-19.”
It just happens to be the same date as the United Nations General Assembly designated January 27—the anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau—as International Holocaust Remembrance Day.
Can’t say this often enough. Until we truly hold them accountable, nothing will change. Anyone pushing for these vaccine mandates is willingly and wantingly killing and maiming tens of millions of innocent healthy people with vaccines that were never needed. Incredulously heinous crimes against humanity. People need to start wrapping their minds around the concept that these people making these decisions are evil. The government, the media, our medical community, higher education and big pharma are all complicit and culpable. They are doing it to protect themselves and their credibility while making billions and billions of dollars. These facts cannot be disputed. Arrest them. Try them. Sentence them to death. Execute them. This craziness will not stop until we hold them accountable. Start with Fauci. Develop an Amnesty program for those who reverse their positions and admit to their lies. Execute those that don’t.
I do feel you, but… accountable to what? A system of enforced control? Laws and regulations? Courts and magistrates? These are the components of the prison that you are in, sister. Let the Matrix GO. It will never act on your behalf. Let go of revenge fantasies. They will only bind you to that which you desire to escape. Fauci et all don’t need you to bring them to justice. The “sheep” don’t need to be “awoken.” They have chosen their path. It is their right to choose. It is yours as well. Choose LIFE. Start living your best life NOW. That is how you will liberate yourself and help your loved ones. Fighting/fixating on darkness merely grows it. You have to grow the LIGHT.
Don’t forget that the light is what you ARE. Let the beauty that is you shine forth.
Believe me, I’ve struggled with the same sentiments so definitely NOT coming from a “holier than thou” place.:) Much love.
You really think, duke, that people living in mass societies are ever going to opt for no-government, no-law, no-enforcement living arrangements; like when we all lived as little sub-Dunbar-sized bands of gatherer-hunters in the global wilderness; when such instinctually-prescribed arrangements actually worked? LOL! Dream on.
Mass societies WILL have the one or other of the social arrangements that we have evolved since the advent of the Agrarian Revolution. The only actually-practical approach is to make such societies as free, equal and ‘fraternal’ (or ‘sororal’, to be strictly PC) as possible. Some sort of democracy seems to be the best of a bad bunch of choices that we actually have. In the real world, that is. Anarchism is the greatest; but only workable in sub-Dunbar communities.
Willingly and wantingly killing and maiming. As plain as the nose on one’s face. Just pointing out the obvious.
Arrest them. Try them. Sentence them to long periods of community service, with expropriation of all their excess wealth. Enforce it. (No need to descend to the same level of idiot barbarism as the perps. Not why we’re here…)
The word is justice and instilling the fear of justice in those who are lying. There can be varying degrees of justice. But those on top calling the shots. Not a doubt in my mind. Put them to death. Make an example of them so that this never happens again. Idiot barbarism involving capital punishment has been the foundation of civilization. People have not changed. Capital punishment has it’s place. And this is one of those places. They need to know it. Think about when Fauci comes forth with the plan to vaccinate babies. It’s coming. I watched my baby die in my wife’s arms as it gasped for it’s last breath. There is no doubt in anyone’s mind this scenario will play out over and over again with unwary young people who have been blinded by the politics. I am biased, I admit. There is data out there that is being suppressed about birth control pills causing the very birth defect my child died from. We were part of that 1%. At least that’s the number they profess.
Arrest them. Try them. Sentence them to death. Execute them. All of them.
It’s hard to read an article like this (and that is no criticism) while the situation in Ottawa is at such a critical stage. It’s like being in Berlin in 1989 chatting over coffee about the future of communism while across the city the wall was being torn down.
We still don’t really know if the Berlin Wall coming down was a door opening or a door closing. This is always the danger of purely symbolic gestures. Remember, it was Ronald Reagan who said “Tear this Wall down!” I don’t think he had a clue what might go up in its place.
Well, people on this side of the fence have been waiting for something for a long time, so it’s pretty natural that many would get a little too exuberant about the meaning of the happenings. I know one thing, come November in the U.S., we’ll have another election between the democratic and republican parties. And come November 2024, we might have another one between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, if not, verifiable clones. And the same media will be in charge of the propaganda. If we can’t change that, we can’t change a damn thing.
We need to, at least, destroy those voting machines. The manufacturer is on a lawsuit terror right now. Anyone that speaks out against them is targeted.
Certainly one action we need. But our political systems have been shown to be completely controlled and subservient to the rich and powerful and the globalist agenda. And the political parties have too much power. As many have said for a long time, we aren’t going to vote our way out of this. Maybe that’s not entirely accurate, but we sure do need to find a way to take control of not just our political systems, but our media. I think the one glaring thing that’s come out of this is how blatantly one sided the media has become and how much in lockstep almost all national governments are to the globalists.
Just went out and about for a few errants. Main boulevards are deserted… Now it’s Sunday noon in Montreal and This is usually a very shopping busy time. Are ALL these people on overpasses cheering truckers? (Quite a lot were there on my back from work on Friday)… Just saying’…
looks like a “FRINGE” of the population is busy shopping in Montreal today. Bus was empty, major grocery store was empty, whole shopping centre was practically empty. (????)… anyone else experienced of this?
mixed bag here in my country area of aust…we are back having diarrhoea apparently as toilet paper cannot be kept on shelves regardless of how much is brought in…along with the various headache pills…sad….
all the coffee shops, restaurants have been deserted…a number of smaller shops who were hanging on, closing doors…not much left of the retail physical retail sector….sadly they may be staying at home and on line shopping.
Thanks Edith. I was referring to the reaction to truckers protests here in Canada. Nothing else has changed this week. Coming to a theatre near you I heard? Can’t wait to see… End of Feb is it?
theobalt, where did the truckers begin the journey? And where will it end?
Whatever the outcome I think it’s wonderful.
The farthest started on the West Coast (think Vancouver) That’s 4000km from Ottawa, a 45hrs journey… they stationed in Ottawa, and claimed they won’t leave unless all mandates are lifted…
Thanks, theobalt. So powerful. Wish they’d do it here in the US.
I’d get my trucker’s license for that!
I always preferred and went for lobsters myself (although I have done plenty of fishing and still do)… drop your pot and away you go and if you don’t get any lobsters, next time you visit (or you have to put them back because they are tiddlers) you will always have plenty of lovely tasty….
So… although I agree with much that was written here, one must always be willing to accept a lesser catch whilst still having ones eye on the lobster..
some people prefer crabs eggs to caviar.. some people use crabs as fish bait…
Having grown up on the Lobster Coast I find it hilarious that not so long ago lobsters were considered peasant food. Then again denim was workwear, and diamond engagement rings are a complete fabrication of marketting….
Have people SEEN it yet?
Q (May 2, 2020):
Sometimes you can’t TELL the public the truth.
Tucker Carlson: Totalitarianism doesn’t shock us any more
May 1, 2020
Not the politicians but their handlers… other puppets are coming next
It’s about Liberty versus Tyranny; and people needed to see these opposing ideas in stark contrast. When people truly SEE the difference, it doesn’t matter who “they” have got lined up!
I agree though. Just sayin’… bracing myself for disappointment, that sort of thing. They like to do that, false hope to wear us down. Got cough up in it myself.
tucker Carson LOL
nice comment on yourself …
Shoot the messenger much?
It’s time for the American people to declare independence from every last covid mandate. We have to tell this band of hypocrites, tyrants and racists that we’re done with having them control our lives; mess with our children and close our businesses. We’re moving on from COVID. Whether they like it or not, we’re moving on.
Texas; Jan 29, 2022
He says the right things, gotta give him that. Then…. (Sigh)
The difficulty for most people is that they tend to see the Trump presidency in terms of politics; whereas it should be seen as the culminating phase of the “secret war” described by JFK. Trump is a “wartime president” fighting an “existential” war against an “invisible enemy”; and it is necessary to look at the totality in that context for it to make sense.
After the first four paragraphs or so… I hope everyone realizes that we are the top of the crop of evolution. (whatever you want to call a species that dominates the animal kingdom). The apologetic start of my comment certainly relates to the narrative that humans are scums, that animals are better (all of them apparently) and, well, that we should all quietly walk to the gaz chamber thinking we all got what we deserve. Sorry to disappoint but WE have beaten all other animals to the race to get out of the food chain, and to achieve a few Nobel prizes. Now the humans who want to control the masses are in for hell of a fight, especially if they keep recruiting in the in-bread and heavy personality disorders gene pools. Humans turn on a dime, they come back with a vengeance, and they are not a finished product like other mammals or (what fish?!?!?). They are in constant evolution and adaptation and you can slow down the process with mass media and machiavellic little cons all you want, these are temporary. Heads high fellow brothers and sisters. (That’s my take)
That being said, I will carry on with this looong article, because I know it’s coming from a good place. I just thought I would filter the fear mongering aspect off of it… a bit
Yes, indeed, we humans are super duper deluxe Numero Uno in the animal kingdom!
Show me one other animal that has the wherewithal to end all life on the planet and I’ll eat my words – every last one of them.
Ok, all the best to you and the little misses… what, what are we talking about here… misses hyena? Flamingo? Always liked u Howard
“Man the Master of ALL THINGS!!!”, theo? You quaint old delusional, you! 😂
That’s not what I said and you probably know that if you stop for a second. Still prone to exageration?
Excuse me for challenging the woke narrative and regain a bit of self respect for humanity. As for you, you keep going with your unnecessary guilt. Unless you made decisions that impacted the well being of life itself, in which case, your guilt is justified I suppose… that’s between u and God
Domesticated Primates peaked a while ago…While I dont go in for the whole “species self-loathing” that has become so popular, I think our failure to transcend our rather pugnascious nature is reprehensible.
Ha ha ha… (two angels)
2 Long Island Nurses Allegedly Made $1.5 Million by Selling Fake Vaccine Cards: Officials
Definitely angels.
Greedy angels.
Earned every penny
It’s interesting to note when comparing the numbers of people in many countries around the world who have Clot shot 1, 2 and 3 ( even the official numbers which are seldom correct as most of us know). For example in the U.K. approximately 77% had the 1st one compared to 71% for the 2nd one and finally ( up to this point ) 55% for the 3rd one.
Therefore, with each passing clot shot there is a significant reduction to the previous one. Despite the most intense propaganda/ fear, censorship campaign I have ever witnessed and I have lived through the Cold War ( the original one), Reds under the bed, enemy within etc,
Of course the argument can be pushed that the rats pack of Satanists behind this Scamdemic have reached as far as they can this time around with their agenda, however, I see no sign of that in France, Australia, Austria, Germany etc.
So why are people refusing to be bullied, brainwashed, badgered into taking the witches brew ?
My view, and it’s one I have held from the beginning of this Scam, is the divine spirit is manifesting in more and more people . Not enough but a tipping point is being reached witness what is happening in Canada and elsewhere around the globe.
Of course it’s not over: hundreds of thousands of gullible men, women and helpless, innocent babies and children are still being maimed and murdered by their own governments. Like George Bush said, we can’t possibly negotiate with terrorists.
as long as Ivermectin is banned, Remdemsivir is the standard treatment protocol, how far have we come?
The nurses call it ‘Run! Death is near!’, apparently.
I totally agree with the writer. This is a time not for high-fives and victory laps, but wider protests, greater mass mobilizations, demands for justice, and an end to all vax and mask mandates. We must remain vigilant at this pivotal moment, and not become complacent. This is nowhere near “over.”
Just a lull in the storm.
Cue the Winston Wolf quote….
An idea for push back. Take out a small life insurance policy and ask the provider if they will pay out should you die from Covid. Say you want it in writing before you sign up, or their reasons for declining you.
Also ask what proof they need that you died of Covid… this should be fun… and a long process… “Let me circle back to you”
I agree with the author.
What I think they try to do is give us a win through the truckers. Then they’ll say that Covid has become endemic due to their fantastic efforts with vaccines and all. Then they slowly take away the measures, which will return next autumn when a new flu season starts. Ad infinitum.
What the population needs to do is reject the narrative completely. There was no covid. It was all fabricated. There was nothing more than seasonal flu. Those who got us into this are either incompetent or criminals and should be dealt with as such.
A pretty bad seasonal flu, Willem, possibly because the pathogen-whatever-it-really-is was tampered with – er – somewhere… But no, nothing more than a flu, really. An exercise in mass-manipulation through comprehensive fakery.
I don’t know anybody who believes this is over…
Those who are still young can look forward to a lifetime’s battle to restore sanity to this asylum, while those yet unborn will accept lunacy as normal.
It’s between us, as individuals, and God – whatever one understands by that word.
Those who understand nothing but what they can hold in their hand will suffer just as much as those who do understand, and the only difference between us will be knowing, or not knowing.
However, that is a far greater difference than most people think.
Just a little example: Imagine never having had the experience of looking at the sky and seeing ‘blue’, or listening to the beginning of Mozart’s 40th Symphony and hearing only low noises, high noises and differences in volume…
That difference is sight and blindness, hearing and deafness, or life and death.
true ‘mr wardropper’… but … your last paragraph could be describing old Beethoven himself with his best yet to come…
obviously the best thing to do is never give up and of course live on to fight the bastards..
irregardless of what God throws at you, because of course that is why he throws it at you..
it is unlikely we all have a 9th symphony inside of us, waiting to manifest…. but surely we can mass a decent audience.. and provide the applause for the final encore…
I hope you won’t mind if I rank w u on that one. Wouldn’t be also an audiophile would you? Like it.
The only people I know who say ‘yes, it’s over, sanity returns!’ are those who have been totally compliant yet not fully invested. They know the media and politicians have been lying to them. ‘What’s new about that?’ they say. They’ve managed to keep their jobs by ‘going along to get along’ and are now dreaming of international holidays.
Full members of the Cult are saying ‘we beat it, our sacrifices were worth it!’ Though they continue to wear muzzles – terrified eyes without a face (of course; what would a cult be without its vestments?)
ALL the people I know who have questioned, resisted, educated themselves, refused to comply and began creating sane, parallel societies within this one don’t believe anything has been ‘won’. I don’t know a single person like this who thinks it’s over. Rather, that it’s:
I believe the Canadian trucker’s convoy is an example of being given some “slack.” The opposition is getting more and more frustrated, so a major protest is organized and people can vent. Once the people vent, they can be kept in the bucket treading water for a while longer.
Made a promise to my political representatives that war would break out when they came after infants with this poison clot shot. Fauci should be announcing the availability of that shot this week. If ever there was a time, it is now. My wife and I were holding our first baby when it took it’s last breath at ten days old. It was congenital thing (probably caused by a big pharma birth control pill failure). To force this clot shot on unsuspecting and trusting parents is as evil as it gets. It is mind boggling that we have let this go as far as it has. We all should be incensed and clamoring at the doors of our elected officials. Every citizen. Not just truckers.
Sorry for your loss and 100% with you…. Vaccination has been murder since the 80’s BTW. I saw children loose their abilities in front of my eyes. Never again.
Amen to theobalt! Commiserations for you anguish, H.
R u drunk?
This is one of the most insightful articles I’ve seen on here in a long time, the dual tactic of making the obedient rats swim, while slowly reeling in the dissident fish is a very astute observation.
I don’t really know that it answers the question of ‘what to do’ but it’s important to identify the situation we’re in before a solution can be achieved and this is a strong stone in that foundation. Thanks Todd, for this article.
Even this slight easing didn’t happen by chance. It’s been provoked by a combination of protest, vaccine hesitancy and likely some dissent in the ranks of the scum who foisted this upon us.
The criminal investigation in the UK may also have influenced our local orchestraters.
Let us at least keep doing what we’re doing and preferably ramp up the pressure. Do not comply.
“insightful article’s…in a long time”. I thought the same as I read it.