The Agriculture Cartel: Cotton, Concentration Camps and Conspiracies

Ryan Matters
In part 1 of this 3-part series (“The True Cost of Rockefeller Agriculture and the New Food Agenda“), we examined a recent Rockefeller report calling for “transformative change” in food production.
In part 2, we will examine the history of modern agribusiness, Bill Gates’ plan to centralize control of the world’s seed supply and the depopulation threat posed by gene drive technology.

Every day we consume food grown in the toxic chemicals produced by the global agriculture conglomerates, who, like their pharmaceutical compatriots, may be described as profit-hungry monstrosities, well versed in the art of killing.

As explained by Dr Vandana Shiva in her book Oneness vs the 1%, the agrichemical industry we know today is nothing more than a continuation of the toxic tools and poisons from the post World World 2 labs of IG Farben.

A century ago, the money and oil of the Robber Barons came together with the finances and toxic technologies from the labs of IG Farben to form the Toxic Cartel that evolved the tools of killing. This is how a century of ecocide and genocide through poisons and toxic chemicals began. Chemicals developed to kill people in Hitler’s concentration camps during WWII became the agrichemicals for industrial agriculture when the war ended. This industrial agriculture was then forced on people everywhere.”[1]

Interessengemeinschaft Farbenindustrie AG, more commonly knows as IG Farben was a German chemical and pharmaceutical giant formed in 1925. IG Farben was formed from a merger of 6 separate chemical companies – BASF, Bayer, Hoechst, Agfa, Chemische Fabrik Griesheim-Elektron, and Chemische Fabrik vorm.

Two years later in 1927, IG Farben partnered with Standard Oil (one of the largest oil refiners in the world, founded by John D. Rockefeller) to exchange patents and dominate economies on both sides of the Atlantic.

Standard Oil sent IG Farben their patents regarding the coal hydrogenation process and IG Farben reciprocated by offering up their own patents on the process of manufacturing synthetic rubber.

Some years after partnering with Standard Oil, IG Farben helped found the Auschwitz concentration camp, where they used Jewish prisoners as slave labour to produce synthetic rubber and liquid fuels.

At the end of the war, the Nuremberg War Criminal Tribunal convicted 24 IG Farben executives for crimes against humanity including mass murder and slavery. However, most of them were released within 2-6 years and immediately began consulting for American agritech companies.

IG Farben and its partner corporations, which included Bayer, were Hitler’s suppliers of Zyklon-B, a cyanide-based pesticide that was used to murder Jews in the extermination camps.

In 1948, IG Farben bigwig and Nazi party member, Fritz ter Meer, was convicted of “mass murder and enslavement” and sentenced to 7 years in prison. After his early release in 1950, he became chairman of the board of directors for Bayer, a position he held until 1964. What is today called the “Bayer Science & Education Foundation”, an initiative that awards scholarships to chemistry students, was originally set up to honour ter Meer.

After merging with Monsanto in a $62 billion dollar deal, Bayer became the largest agrichemical company in the world (The takeover was financed by European taxpayers without them even knowing about it).

Monsanto, an American agrichemical giant and mass-producer of genetically modified crops, was founded in 1901 by John Francis Queeny.

The company’s first product was the artificial sweetener, saccharin, which it sold to Coco-Cola. In 1977, the FDA proposed restricting the use of Saccharin on account of research suggesting its consumption was associated with an increased risk of cancer, primarily of the urinary bladder.

Not only is saccharin associated with an increased risk of cancer, but artificial sweeteners of all kinds have been linked with increased rates of diabetes, obesity, intestinal dysbiosis as well as an acceleration of atherosclerosis and ageing.

During World War 2, Monsanto contributed to research for the Manhattan project, which would eventually lead to the creation of the atomic bombs that were used to murder thousands of innocent people in Japan.

Around the same time, Monsanto became one of the leading manufacturers of polystyrene – a synthetic, non-biodegradable plastic whose production generates massive amounts of hazardous waste.

Moreover, styrene has been linked to adverse health effects in humans, including cancer. The styrene molecule is metabolized to styrene oxide, a highly reactive (and toxic) epoxide that can interact with DNA, causing harmful mutations.

Monsanto was also known for producing DDT, a highly toxic insecticide that played a serious role in the 20th-century polio epidemics.

Despite years of Monsanto propaganda, insisting that DDT was perfectly safe, by 1972 the research indicating its toxicity had mounted to the point that it was banned throughout the US. But this did not dissuade Monsanto from its goal of poisoning the world, for, in the 1960s, they became one of the principal producers of Agent Orange, a herbicide used for chemical warfare during the Vietnam war.

During the 10-year aerial bombardment that saw gallons of Age Orange rain from the Vietnamese skies, millions of innocent people were seriously poisoned, resulting in deaths, disabilities, birth defects, and widespread, irreversible environmental destruction.

Spina bifida, cerebral palsy, missing or deformed limbs and intellectual disabilities were some of the serious birth defects caused by Agent Orange that are still affecting Vietnamese children today. Agent Orange is also responsible for killing an estimated 300,000 US veterans.

These days, most people know Monsanto as the producer of glyphosate (the active ingredient in “Roundup”, a highly toxic herbicide promoted heavily around the world). Glyphosate has been implicated in the rise of food allergies, including “celiac disease”, a severe intolerance to gluten causing skin rashes, gut dysbiosis, nausea, diarrhoea, and depression.

Unsurprisingly, there have been virtually no studies conducted in the US, the largest consumer of GMO frankenfoods (Americans eat their bodyweight in GMOs each year), to assess glyphosate levels in human blood or urine.

However, a large study in Europe found quantifiable levels of glyphosate in the urine of nearly half of the participants, all of which were city dwellers who could only have been exposed to glyphosate through food consumption.

The merger of Bayer and Monsanto came alongside the merger of Dow Chemical and Dupont, as well as Syngenta and ChemChina. These mergers placed the vast majority of the global agriculture industry in the hands of just three corporations.

Through these various mergers and acquisitions, the biotech industry has become a modern-day IG Farben – functioning as a singular global chemical-military-industrial complex, the real owners of which are the investment firms like Vanguard and Blackrock.

The mergers are more like musical chairs, organised by the real owners, investment funds like Vanguard, Blackrock, Capital Group, Fidelity, State Street Global Advisors, Norges Bank Investment Management (NBIM), and others. This game of musical chairs has two objectives—to expand markets and shrink liability.”[1]

Three-fourths of the world’s GMO seeds come from Monsanto labs. Monsanto extracts royalties for its seeds and the high cost of the seed and chemicals push farmers into a debt trap.

As farmers fall deeper into debt, the wealth of Monsanto grows. There have been cases of GMO seeds blowing over onto the land of unsuspecting farmers who are then sued and forced to surrender their produce. Monsanto illegally introduced its Bt cotton in India in 1995, leading to an epidemic of suicide in regions along India’s cotton belt.


The role of the Rockefellers in the rise of chemical farming and GMOs is not to be understated, for they were instrumental in the promotion of new agricultural technologies that resulted in modern “agribusiness”.

This began during the early days of World War 2 when the Rockefeller Foundation funded a secret policy group called the War and Peace Study Group of the New York Council on Foreign Relations. The purpose of this group was to shape the US post-war economy in order for it to replace the British Empire as the new global superpower[2].

It was within this context that John D. Rockefeller III was pursuing his eugenics agenda through the American Eugenics Society as well as his Population Council. At the same time, his brother Nelson was seeking new methods to increase worldwide food production.

One of the post-war goals of the War and Peace Study Group was for the US to dominate global agriculture and food production. This led to the infamous “green revolution” promoted in India and other developing countries in South America and parts of Asia.

One of the results of this increased agricultural efficiency was the mass exodus of peasants from the farmlands to the city slums where they were exploited for cheap labour by various US multinational companies[3].

This elite propensity for experimenting on more “primitive” communities represents the occult contempt for the “lower” orders of society.

Nowhere is this contempt more obvious than in the “philanthropy” of Bill Gates who, in 2019, unleashed genetically modified mosquitos in Burkina Faso under the fallacious pretext of “fighting malaria”. But more on Gates and his gene drive technology later.

Before moving on, it’s important to consider the parallels between eugenics and genetics, which, some researchers have branded the “new eugenics”. In the 1980s, researchers at the Rockefeller Foundation were determined to map the structure of the gene and, according to Philip Regal, the ultimate motivation behind this quest was “to correct social and moral problems including crime, poverty, hunger and political instability”.

As William Engdahl notes, research into genetics was carried forward by generous grants given to up and coming scientists, eager to make a name for themselves in a new and exciting field:

Many of the younger generation of biologists and scientists receiving Rockefeller research grants were blissfully unaware that eugenics and genetics were in any way related. They simply scrambled for scarce research dollars, and the dollars all too often had the name and strings of the Rockefeller Foundation attached.”[3]

Perhaps a fuller understanding of the Rockefeller pursuits in eugenics and genetics is gained by seeing the two as separate but related parts of a materialist agenda mirroring the alchemical pursuit for the transformation of man. Regal describes this alchemical pursuit as follows:

From the perspective of a theory reductionist, it was logical that social problems would reduce to simple biological problems that could be corrected through chemical manipulations of soils, brains, and genes. Thus the Rockefeller Foundation made a major commitment to using its connections and resources to promote a philosophy of eugenics.”[3]

In relation to this Rockefeller initiative, Regal goes on to mention Francis Bacon’s New Atlantis, a highly esoteric work that speaks of a hidden scientific elite with the goal of “enlarging of the bounds of human empire, to the effecting of all things possible”.

In Bacon’s work, “Atlantis” refers to America. Therefore, as noted by Dr Farrell and Dr. De Hart in their book “Transhumanism: A Grimoire of Alchemical Agendas”, according to Bacon, America “was to become the great laboratory for a grand esoteric experiment being run by a hidden and ancient elite.”[2]

Now let us return to the history of Rockefeller involvement in global agriculture…

It was in 1941 when Nelson Rockefeller and then US vice president, Henry Wallace sent a group to Mexico to meet with the Mexican government regarding the possibility of increasing food production. Noteworthy is that Henry Wallace was a high-ranking Freemason who convinced fellow Freemason, President Franklin D. Roosevelt to place the occult symbol of the uncapped pyramid and the eye of Horus on the US one-dollar bill[2].

The Rockefeller take over of global agriculture involved the promotion and spreading of genetically modified crops around the world. But in order for their GMOs to catch on, the Rockefellers needed to manipulate the perceptions of scientists engaged in genetic and environmental research.

They did this by deploying US university professors to select Asian universities to train a new generation of scientists. The best of these graduates were then sent to the US to pursue a doctorate in agricultural sciences, ensuring they were wholly indoctrinated into the Rockefeller outlook on agriculture and food production[2].

In the 1970s, the Rockefeller Foundation, with aid from the World Bank, FAO and UNDP, established a worldwide network of agricultural research centres, called CGIAR (“Consultative Group for International Agricultural Research”). The alleged goal behind the creation of CGIAR was to coordinate global agricultural research in an effort to reduce poverty and improve food security in developing countries.

Thus, the Rockefellers constructed a global network of scientists and institutions ready to play their part as ambassadors of this new agricultural paradigm. This had the result of “socially engineering” a scientific culture that promoted the use of genetically modified crops and new agriculture technologies.

The Rockefellers went on to invest hundreds of millions of dollars into genetic research that would further the development of GMO crops and increase their uptake around the world. Thanks to patent law, this transformed many a humble farmer into a captured slave, indebted to big agribusiness conglomerates.

A similar tactic has been used in Africa where the Gates-funded Cornell Alliance for Science (CAS) trained 112 African scientists to fight for GMOs and corporate involvement in farming.

The CAS is linked to the Open Forum on Agriculture Biotechnology (OFAB) which in turn is an offshoot of the African Agriculture Technology Foundation (AATF), an organization founded by the Rockefellers.

Perhaps the biggest boon for the agribusiness industry came n 1986, when US Vice President Herbert Bush hosted a “special White House strategy meeting”, inviting executives from Monsanto to discuss plans relating to the deregulation of agritechnologies.

This meeting resulted in the adoption of “substantial equivalence” – the erroneous notion that agronomy (traditional methods of animal/plant breeding) was “substantially equivalent” to genetic modification – thereby evading the increasing pressure from scientists calling for more rigorous testing of GMO crops[3].

Thanks to the Rockefellers, the US people are now the largest consumers of GMO foods. In fact, the research literature clearly indicates that large populations around the world have been forced to consume GMO toxins despite a complete lack of any reliable safety data, and overwhelming evidence to suggest that such toxins cause biological harm.

Animal studies have demonstrated that exposure to GMO toxins causes an increase in inflammatory cytokines associated with nearly all human diseases. If these changes also occur in humans then this would go some way towards explaining the massive increase in autoimmunity, autism, and other chronic and allergic diseases[4].

Both the WHO and the American Medical Association (AMA), which, ironically, claims to “promote the art and science of medicine and the betterment of public health” have been utterly complicit in allowing this global experiment to take place[4].

Though this shouldn’t come as a surprise considering the profound early influence that the Rockefeller Foundation had on the AMA and their role in the capture of American medical education.

This began with the publishing of the “Flexner Report” in 1908 which lay the groundwork for a reformation of medical education, encouraging the acceptance of a drug-based curriculum. Universities that failed to conform to the tenets of drug-based medicine and research were deprived of their funding and eventually forced to close down[5].


Since 2003, the Gates Foundation has poured nearly $6 billion into global agriculture. In 2017, Gates became the largest funder of CGIAR, which now holds the largest and most widely used collections of seed crops in the world. Gates’ interest in world agriculture serves two purposes:

  1. To centralize control of the world’s seeds supply and,
  2. To shift global farming towards a reliance on technology and external inputs, sold to farmers by the agritech conglomerates in which he holds stock.

According to Navdanya:

By far the largest funder of the CGIAR, Gates has successfully accelerated the transfer of research and seeds from scientific research institutions to commodity-based corporations, centralizing and facilitating the pirating of intellectual property and seed monopolies through intellectual property laws and seed regulations.”

In 2019, CGIAR began a process of reformation with the aim of consolidating its 15 cooperating centres into a single, legal entity, presided over by an international board.

The impetus for this restructuring came from the organization’s largest funders, notably the Gates Foundation. CGIAR claims the change is necessary because,

“A unified and integrated CGIAR will be much better equipped to tackle threats to food, nutrition and water security posed by climate change.”

The recommendation for this dramatic restructuring came from CGIAR’s System Reference Group (SRG), at the time co-chaired by Tony Cavalieri, Senior Program Officer at the Gates Foundation, and Marco Ferroni, ex-head of the Syngenta Foundation.

In other words, the CGIAR reformation will result in greater centralization of the global agriculture industry, with a greater blurring of lines between the private and public sectors.

In direct contradiction to Gates’ claims of helping smallholder farmers, a detailed analysis of the grants given by the Gates Foundation revealed that the majority went to research institutes and not farmers.

These grants were also directed towards lobbying groups that pressure government to institute policies that favour big agribusiness such as introducing laws allowing the privatization of seeds.

One of Gates’ primary objectives is to open up the African market and institute a corporate takeover of the region. In aid of this goal, he founded AGRA (The Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa) in 2006. Through the promotion of commercial seeds and inorganic fertilizers, AGRA set out to double crop productivity, increase incomes and halve food insecurity by 2020.

In July 2020, Timothy Wise of Tufts University published an analysis of AGRA’s impact in Africa. His research found that not only did AGRA fail in reaching a significant number of smallholder farmers (a finding that is consistent with the analysis on Gates Foundation grants, the majority of which are directed towards scientists, not farmers), but that undernourishment increased by a startling 30% in AGRA countries.

Overall staple crop yields have grown only 18% over 12 years. Meanwhile, undernourishment (as measured by the FAO) has increased 30% in AGRA countries. These poor indicators of performance suggest that AGRA and its funders should change course.”

Many Africans are now beginning to question Gates’ involvement in the region, calling for the end of his industrial agriculture model. In September 2020, SAFCEI (Southern African Faith Communities’ Environment Institute) sent an open letter to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation warning that the Foundation’s current approach to food security will do more harm than good. The letter states that

The Gates Foundation promotes a model of industrial monoculture farming and food processing that is not sustaining our people”.

In June 2021, AFSA (The Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa) wrote to AGRA’s major institutional donors calling for them to shift their support away from big agribusiness and towards sustainable, agroecological approaches to farming.

Together, AFSA’s member network represents millions of African citizens across 50 countries. AFSA stated that they received very few responses to their letter and that none could provide any evidence that AGRA had achieved any of its stated aims.

In the shadow of AGRA’s failure, in 2020, the Gates Foundation launched “Gates Ag One”, a subsidiary of the Gates Foundation. The alleged aim of Gates Ag One is to “Advance innovations that improve agricultural outcomes for smallholder farmers”.

By “innovations”, they evidently mean the promotion of GMOs as Gates Ag One backs multiple research labs pursuing genetic engineering technologies aimed at increasing yields.

Gates Ag One is headed up by Joe Cornelius, a former executive at Bayer, and Al Gallegos, who has previously held positions at both DuPont and Monsanto.

Thus “Gates Ag One”, though claiming to empower small farmers will actually lead to the further enrichment of corporations. As Navdanya writes:

They are hoping to artificially accelerate the process of introducing “new technologies” to farmers through increased investment and public and private partnerships while having total freedom in their business model as a separate entity to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.”

The rhetoric expounded by Gates and his posse of corporate backers is that smallholder farmers are unproductive and unable to provide for a rapidly evolving world. Gates claims that what they really need is “new digital tools and technologies”.

However, considering the failure of the Green Revolution, the soil crisis and the widespread health effects of chemical inputs, is that really true? Or is Gates Ag One simply the latest attempt to bring world agriculture firmly under the control of Big Agribusiness?


The Gates Foundation, along with US military group DARPA, has been the driving force behind the development of gene drive technology. Gates’ funding of gene drive technology began in 2005 with an $8.5 million grant given to Austin Burt and Andrea Chrisanti, biologists working at Imperial College, London.

This line of development eventually led to the invention of CRISPR in 2015, a genetic engineering tool that allows scientists to cut, insert and replace genes in a DNA sequence. According to a report by ETC Group (Action Group on Erosion, Technology and Concentration),

Gene drive organisms are created by genetically engineering a living organism with a particular trait, and then modifying the organism’s reproductive system in order to always force the modified gene onto future generations, spreading the trait throughout the entire population.”

As mentioned earlier in this article, one of Gates’ initiatives led to the release of genetically modified mosquitos in Burkina Faso. However, this was but the first phase in a long-term project, the third phase of which is the release of GDO mosquitos (modified via gene drive technology). ETC Group explains the significance of this [emphasis added]:

…A a gene drive is designed to interfere with the fertility of the mosquito: essential genes for fertility would be removed, preventing the mosquitoes from having female offspring or from having offspring altogether. These modified mosquitoes would then pass on their genes to a high percentage of their offspring, spreading auto-extinction genes throughout the population. In time, the entire species would in effect be completely eliminated.”

Following calls in 2016 for a global moratorium on the use of gene drive technology, the Gates Foundation paid $1.6 million to Emerging Ag (a private PR firm) to coordinate the push-back against proponents of the moratorium.

Emerging Ag recruited and coordinated over 65 experts, including a Gates Foundation senior official, a DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Project Agency) official, and government and university scientists, in an attempt to flood the official UN process with their coordinated inputs.”

Another group developing gene drive technology is the Sculpting Evolution group, run out of the Gates-funded MIT Media Lab, the same institution that received donations from Jeffery Epstein, and the same institution that houses Robert Langer, co-founder of the controversial biotech company, and Covid-19 “vaccine” manufacturer, Moderna.

The leader of Sculpting Evolution is Kevin Esvelt, one of the pioneers of CRISPR and (allegedly) the first person to identify the potential for gene drive systems to alter wild populations of organisms.

Esvelt’s lab seeks to apply “robotics and machine learning to evolve new molecular tools and techniques”. Another of their aims is to “Work with the guidance of interested communities to safely and humanely edit wild populations and ecosystems”.

The Sculpting Evolution Group also advises governments on “pressing issues of biodefense”.

Our challenge is to prevent the immense power of biotechnology from being misused. Historical pandemics killed tens of millions of people, and engineered agents could be even more destructive.”

One of the ways Sculpting Evolution proposes thwarting future pandemics or bioweapon attacks is by the construction of a “Global Nucleic Acid Observatory” (NAO) to “monitor humanity and the environment for any and all biological threats”. The group claims that by continual genomic testing at sites around the world, the “NAO could detect any virus or invasive organism undergoing exponential growth”.

In support of this radical proposal, the group references a case study from Israel [emphasis added]:

In 2013, Israel’s poliovirus-specific environmental monitoring program detected a nascent outbreak in wastewater samples from the town of Rahat using plaque assays and swiftly initiated mass oral vaccination, eliminating the virus before even a single child came down with paralytic symptoms”.

The disturbing nature of such a system thus becomes immediately apparent: governments would be able to initiate vaccination programs and institute other pandemic measures without the need for, or proof of, an actual threat, only the claimed “detection” of one. This begs the all-important question: who would decide when a “threat” is detected, and on what basis?

While virologists expound on the dangers of zoonotic coronaviruses and climate scientists rage on about the evils of carbon dioxide, the real environmental crises go largely unnoticed. And perhaps that is the point. We will explore these other crises – crises that threaten our very existence as a species – in part 3.

To be continued…

You can read part one here.
Ryan Matters is a writer and free thinker from South Africa. After a life-changing period of illness, he began to question mainstream medicine, science and the true meaning of what it is to be alive. Some of his writings can be found at newbraveworld.org, you can also follow him on Twitter and Gab.



[1] Shiva, V., Shiva, K. Oneness vs the 1%. 2018.[back][back]

[2] Farrell, P., J., de Hart, D., S. Transhumanism: A Grimoire of Alchemical Agendas. 2011.[back][back][back][back]

[3] Engdahl, W. Seeds of Destruction. 2007.[back][back][back][back]

[4] Vasquez, A. Inflammation Mastery (4th ed). 2016.[back][back]

[5] Griffin, G., E. World Without Cancer, the Story of Vitamin B17. 2001.back


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Categories: agriculture, GMO, latest
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Feb 17, 2022 6:40 PM

All War is Evil
No More War

Feb 3, 2022 10:57 AM

About 1-2 years ago, there was a report that the psychatric/psychological industry was trying to classify insistence on untainted food as a mental illness.

Feb 3, 2022 3:11 PM
Reply to  niko

From your Link: As Oxfam has recently noted: ‘A new billionaire has been created every 26 hours since Con-19 was launched. The world’s 10 richest men have doubled their fortunes, while over 160 million people are projected to have been pushed into poverty.’ See ‘Inequality Kills: The unparalleled action needed to combat unprecedented inequality in the wake of COVID-19’.

Feb 3, 2022 2:52 AM

“Today, demanding to eat healthy food, for example, is in itself revolutionary, because in order for that demand to be met it would be necessary to abolish the totality of the social relationships under capitalism”.
Jaime Semprun, Dialogues sur l’achèvement des temps modernes

Ian Bell
Ian Bell
Feb 2, 2022 6:24 PM

Ryan claims that, “IG Farben and its partner corporations, which included Bayer, were Hitler’s suppliers of Zyklon-B, a cyanide-based pesticide that was used to murder Jews in the extermination camps.” This is simply false. The website CODOH (Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust) provides an extensive set of downloadable book that disprove the claim Zyklon-B was used to kill murder Jews.  Zyklon-B was an insecticide used to kill lice, even by our side, in the war.   The Germans did NOT use Zyklon-B to kill Jews and to claim otherwise is utter rubbish.
I am surprised Ryan made this false and unreferenced claim given he has researched other topics, especially the little known fact amongst the public that polio was caused by DDT.
The alleged Jewish Holocaust is a fictional account that defies the laws of physics, chemistry and science in general. It defies accounting standards, sound management practices and well establish general business processes in general. The only “German” gas that has ever been seen and that existed was built by the Soviets after the war.  
I strongly encourage Ryan to spend some time reading the extensive and comprehensive research and historical records at CODOH.

Feb 3, 2022 3:26 PM
Reply to  Ian Bell

From WikiPedia: Rudolf Höss, commandant of Auschwitz, said that the use of Zyklon-B to murder prisoners came about on the initiative of one of his subordinates, who had used it to murder some Russian POWs in late August 1941. They repeated the experiment on more Russian POWs in September, with Höss watching.[32][33] .

By the middle of 1942, the operation was moved to Auschwitz II–Birkenau, a nearby satellite camp that had been under construction since October 1941.[24] It was operational by March 1942. These structures were in use for mass-murder until early 1943.[37] At that point, the Nazis decided to greatly increase the gassing capacity of Birkenau.

A special SS bureau known as the Hygienic Institute delivered the Zyklon B to the crematoria by ambulance.[36] The victims were dead within 20 minutes.[42] Johann Kremer, an SS doctor who oversaw gassings, testified that the “shouting and screaming of the victims could be heard through the opening and it was clear that they fought for their lives”.[43]

With the Soviet Red Army approaching through Poland, the last mass gassing at Auschwitz took place on 30 October 1944.[45] In November 1944, Reichsführer-SS Heinrich Himmler, head of the SS, ordered gassing operations to cease throughout the Reich.[46]

Feb 4, 2022 10:50 AM
Reply to  NickM

@Sam, Admin2. Quite right! to close this thread as an abuse of free speech; both posts wandered off topic. I quoted actual testimony from Nazi officials but did so only to lodge a formal counterweight (from Wikipedia) to Ian’s anti-Holocaust propaganda.

As for my own opinion, WW2 was a holocaust which consumed perhaps 20-50 Million people; but two words “The Holocaust” (in upper case) have been “weaponized” as you say, which makes it difficult to esablish an objective opinion. Opinions on WW2 and its aftermath are still being revised in the light of fresh revelations — present series include such “revelations”.

Feb 4, 2022 6:05 PM
Reply to  NickM

For a while I made it a habit to say and write Holy Cause
instead of Holocaust but I am not as bothered anymore
as I once was. It’s another emotional and mental trap.

Feb 4, 2022 5:57 PM
Reply to  NickM

Wikipedia is mainly a social engineering mindfuck operation
and should be used sparingly. If at all.
(Best practice is not to use it because of it’s convenience)

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Feb 3, 2022 5:05 PM
Reply to  Ian Bell

I acknowledge your opinion. I will leave your comment here but I shall close this thread. I do this because while I acknowledge all opinions should be subject to freedom of speech, in reality these topics are weaponised against alt. media, and used to dismiss us as ‘Far Right Extremists’, such as Trudeau is currently attempting with Canadian Truckers.

Please, if you pride yourself on being a realist, accept this reality and this decision, let’s pick our battles and move on. It’s quite off topic in terms of the thrust of the piece anyway. Thank you, A2

Feb 2, 2022 5:15 PM

We are in a copy and paste “reality.”

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Feb 2, 2022 2:10 PM

I don’t think we need to discuss whether Bill Gates has any capabilities as a farmer. We all know his complete lack of capabilities where vaccines are concerned – he has demanded that governments buy wholly useless products that fail to prevent disease transmission and he has done so for personal enrichment.

He will do exactly the same with farming and no-one should have any illusions that this is not a battle that should be fought through lawyers and the courts, as he has far too much money not to be bribing witnesses, judges and Presidents of countries to ensure the result is bent in his favour.

Gates is an old man, one man out of 7 billion humans.

He is not going to be able to resist direct action…..

Feb 2, 2022 5:14 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

Gates is a GHOUL.

Feb 4, 2022 6:07 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

He personifies the stakeholder grift.

Feb 2, 2022 8:13 AM

As we are all aware, the environment for humans is becoming less benign, our inability or futility in seeing this coming and doing anything about it is staring us in the face..
And yet we still question WHY this is being done against us.
Like the Layer cake grasping fundamental issues that were once hidden from us is at times a slow show tell arrangement.
Perhaps some rapid expansion of the gate posts is required?

If the world is becoming toxic to humans by dint of change made by humans, then who is this world being changed for….?

there are better examples and written evidence of the subject i copy and paste here, off grid living and at times a wayward dongle signal do not give me the power to search as hard as some of you do.


When did you last see babies walking at 2 months of age???

Feb 4, 2022 6:08 PM
Reply to  Duckman

With those big black shiny eyes.

Feb 2, 2022 4:38 AM

When you mess with nature it will mess back.
Evolution is hundreds of millions of years of trial and error. When something didn’t fit in through cooperation and harmony with others, it became extinct.
Humans next?

Feb 2, 2022 10:44 AM
Reply to  Johnny

hence my calling everything related to the vaccine mythology ”human hubris vs complex systems”.
i like to imagine ian malcolm saying it.

Feb 4, 2022 6:17 PM
Reply to  sabelmouse

The vaccines are not our path to supersoldier, Captain America,
but to limited mental ability within frail weakened physiques.
A road to ruin.

Feb 5, 2022 10:18 AM
Reply to  Mishko_

yup! all vaccines, ever.

Feb 4, 2022 6:13 PM
Reply to  Johnny

It is my personal belief that our current predicament is connected
to a process of devolution.
Not to say we were giants in the past, but definately more capable and strong
as a species. Kali Yuga, the 5th column, the traitors within the gates.
Interesting times indeed.

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Feb 2, 2022 1:53 AM

RE: “Historical pandemics killed tens of millions of people…”

People just accept that this is true. But it has actually never happened. That’s right, there has never been any pandemics (due to some pathogen). People often refer to the “Spanish Flu” which had multiple causes (mostly political and none of which were the flu) and most of which were man made (poisoning by vaccines, poison gas, unsanitary conditions of trench warfare etc)..

Feb 2, 2022 9:37 AM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

Also, like the Wuhan Flu, Spanish Flu started in the US.

Bob the bum
Bob the bum
Feb 2, 2022 1:11 AM

The root cause is the profit motive.

Chemical companies will of course continue to make more and more hazardous chemicals every year whilst funding research to convince people that they need them to survive.

Big Pharma will continue to make more and more drugs and treatments and target research to convince everybody that they need to take increasing amounts of medicines and vaccines to survive.

Weapons manufacturers will continue to make weapons in the name of peace while each new war will require even more bombs and guns than past wars.

The media corporations will continue to sensationalize and promote fake news for as long as it is more profitable than responsible journalism.

The list just goes on and on.

There is a fundamental conflict of interest between the profit motive and humankind’s welfare. The “freedom” to own and trade without limitation is the root cause of most of our problems.

Feb 2, 2022 9:38 AM
Reply to  Bob the bum

Oh I don’t know. Big Pharma is making guns obsolete. Perhaps we should inform the arms manufacturers?

Feb 2, 2022 10:47 AM
Reply to  Bob the bum

the root cause is the control motive, the playing god motive, the hubris motive, see above.

Feb 2, 2022 1:50 PM
Reply to  sabelmouse

In fact the very motives possessed by satan.
We can’t say we weren’t warned… satan is, after all, very old.

We’re not talking about ‘naughty boys’ here…
This is serious, ancient, global resistance to all that is good, and belonging to the correct political party isn’t going to fix it.

To hell with Schwab and his “Great Reset”, but on the other hand I do recommend that we all do a “Great Rethink” of our world view.

Feb 3, 2022 11:24 AM
Reply to  wardropper

personally i don’t believe in satan. it’s a cop out to me.
there’s narcissists, and psychopaths, and then there’s the many who comply, or even want this. drive it in fact, which does not excuse the rich and powerful but let’s take mason as an example.
who is more responsible: the killers or the guy who told them to?
jung’s shadow applies.

Feb 4, 2022 6:23 PM
Reply to  sabelmouse

Worst case scenario: Jung’s shadow can turn into an eggregore
and thus have purpose and motion.

Feb 4, 2022 6:19 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Anne Bancroft in The Graduate:”Would you like me to seduce you?”

Feb 2, 2022 4:26 PM
Reply to  Bob the bum


May Hem
May Hem
Feb 1, 2022 11:12 PM

This part really horrified me ….. “Gene drive organisms are created by genetically engineering a living organism with a particular trait, and then modifying the organism’s reproductive system in order to always force the modified gene onto future generations, spreading the trait throughout the entire population.”

Feb 2, 2022 10:48 AM
Reply to  May Hem

it should!

Feb 2, 2022 4:28 PM
Reply to  May Hem

The potential genes that could get eliminated include (a) reproduction (b) putrefation, an essential part of recyling organic material.

Feb 1, 2022 11:01 PM

Apologies for off topic but gotta share this
Trudeau Denounces Hateful Signs…He saw hate.. I saw the logo of one of the tackiest bands on the planet

Feb 1, 2022 11:40 PM
Reply to  Penny

blackface sez does he?

Feb 2, 2022 1:05 AM
Reply to  steadydirt

He does. He sees that which doesn’t exist. He speaks that which does not exist.
He hears that which is never said. He’s special that way :))

Feb 4, 2022 6:27 PM
Reply to  Penny

Dangerous confederate flags and swastikas.
Hard to get novelty item: swastika flag.

May Hem
May Hem
Feb 1, 2022 10:41 PM

This is a superb piece of research by Ryan Matters. I congratulate him and look forward to part 3.

All the fancy words used by these men do not disguise the truth – they are poisoners profiting from their poisons.

les online
les online
Feb 1, 2022 9:27 PM

Mosquitos have been around since Adam & Eve (though they dont rate a mention in The Bible). Pesky little blighters. Genetically programed to launch a screaming kamikaze attack just as i’m about to fall asleep at night…
They probably have rights, but who cares ? They’re on Dr billy gates hit list, he who gives our health top concern. He’s eradicating them to make us feel safe…
Have read only bad things about the little buggers…
If they may have a useful, ecological function, hopefully such research wont be published. Great philanthropist that he is, dr billy gates might decide they’re worth saving and begin a cull of humans to protect them…
He might even squash all humans into a dozen mega-cities, declare everything else a protected Nature Reserve, declare “mosquitos Have Rights !”

Feb 1, 2022 9:39 PM
Reply to  les online

I heard one theory that the reason mosquitoes now go for human veins is because they no longer get enough haemoglobin from plant ‘veins’. Once upon a time they lived quite happily off of plants and left us humans alone

les online
les online
Feb 1, 2022 9:54 PM
Reply to  Vagabard

Humans are genetically programed Home Invaders. Doesnt matter where the mosquitos live, swamps or dank African jungles, humans invade, wreck the joint. Mosquitos flee, become refugees. I wont say they then inflict Nature’s Revenge, but i reckon if you’ve been around as long as they have, you must have some ecological function within the Great Web of Life…

Feb 1, 2022 10:09 PM
Reply to  les online

They feed bats?

Feb 1, 2022 10:53 PM
Reply to  NickM

Yes and many birds, and other beings. They’re part of the food chain. Get rid of mosquitos and you have a problem all the way up the chain.

Feb 2, 2022 4:33 PM
Reply to  Lorie

The maniacs learn a little and decide to go big. They develop CRISPR and decide that they understand genetics. If you only have a hammer..

Feb 1, 2022 11:42 PM
Reply to  NickM

thank you for that

Feb 2, 2022 3:27 AM
Reply to  les online

Mosquito larvae is one of the primary foods of dragon flies. But you don’t see too many dragon flies anymore – just like so many insects we’ve almost poisoned out of existence.

Feb 2, 2022 4:34 PM
Reply to  Howard

Less profit from biological control.

Feb 3, 2022 3:33 PM
Reply to  les online

Mosquitos have been around since Adam & Eve (though they dont rate a mention in The Bible)”.

However, those pesky little blighters do rate a mention in Herodotus’ “Researches”. He mentions that Egyptians prefer to dwell on high because mosquitoes prefer to fly low.

Feb 1, 2022 9:15 PM

Additionally to this good article listen to:
“INTERVIEW: F. William Engdahl – Rockefeller’s Big Pharma & GMO Agenda”

Feb 1, 2022 8:10 PM

I studied international agriculture in the seventies in Germany, at an Institution that was originally established for the training for agricultural leadership positions in german colonies and later ex-colonies, but also from tropical and semi-tropical countries many Germans had emigrated to, from Chile to Argentina o Namibia, etc.

In our courses, it was stressed that we should avoid wholesale change, but used the agricultural products – plants and animals already in use – but by crossbreeding breed species that would keep the beneficial features, like resistance to environmental stresses, diseases, and parasites but improve yield.

Our professors were very critical at the time of the emergence of those species, especially lants, that promised high yields, but would replace indigenous species and demand high input in fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, and for animals, veterinary care.
In my thesis for graduation, I explored this situation and simulated for a specific area in Kenya three models of input: the original native one, crossbreeding, and wholesale replacement with high yielding species.
The result showed that crossbreeding would produce, both for plant and animal products, the optimal result, outperforming as to input/output radio the two other aproaches.

Feb 1, 2022 8:04 PM

Slightly OT.

Lockdowns had ‘little to no’ impact on COVID deaths but caused ‘devastating effects’, a John Hopkins University study finds:

An analysis [of each of these three groups] support the conclusion that lockdowns have had little to no effect on COVID-19 mortality.


The use of lockdowns is a unique feature of the COVID-19 pandemic. Lockdowns have not been used to such a large extent during any of the pandemics of the past century. However, lockdowns during the initial phase of the COVID-19 pandemic have had devastating effects. They have contributed to reducing economic activity, raising unemployment, reducing schooling, causing political unrest, contributing to domestic violence, and undermining liberal democracy. These costs to society must be compared to the benefits of lockdowns, which our meta-analysis has shown are marginal at best. Such a standard benefit-cost calculation leads to a strong conclusion: lockdowns should be rejected out of hand as a pandemic policy instrument.

It only took 2 years to work out

Feb 1, 2022 7:48 PM

which would eventually lead to the creation of the atomic bombs that were used to murder thousands of innocent people in Japan.

Just a minor point in this discussion. I abhor the use of atomic bombs in a case where it was absolutely not justified. I, however, cannot feel much sorrow for the victims when compared to the millions of dead that Japan is responsible for from Korea to the Philippines to China etc:

From the invasion of China in 1937 to the end of World War II, the Japanese military regime murdered near 3,000,000 to over 10,000,000 people, most probably almost 6,000,000 Chinese, Indonesians, Koreans, Filipinos, and Indochinese, among others, including Western prisoners of war.


Feb 1, 2022 7:55 PM
Reply to  Peter


Let’s distinguish between what governments do and what civilians do. The people vaporized in Hiroshima and Nagasaki were civilians.

Feb 4, 2022 6:35 PM
Reply to  Dosamuno

Or what soldiers do (killing) as opposed to civilians.
Atomic weapons: doubtful narrative, the destruction was most likely
due to massive and multiple firebombing campaigns.

Big al
Big al
Feb 1, 2022 9:23 PM
Reply to  Peter

“atomic” bombs are never justified, get a grip. And with that reasoning, you obviously wouldn’t be against (or feel much sorrow about) the atomic wiping out of every US and British citizen on the planet.

Feb 1, 2022 10:43 PM
Reply to  Big al

I could not agree more strongly.

Feb 1, 2022 11:45 PM
Reply to  Peter

Vengeance belongeth unto me; I will recompense, saith the Lord.

Feb 2, 2022 3:36 AM
Reply to  Peter

It’s true more civilians were killed in the fire bombing of Tokyo than in the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Neither event was justified: war never justifies anything – it may necessitate certain actions, but justification is a step above necessity.

However, the atomic bombs, by all credible accounts, had absolutely nothing to do with the war effort. The war was over; the Japanese lost and were set to surrender. The bombs were dropped for two reasons: 1) to test their effect; and 2) to send a warning to Russia.

That makes dropping those two bombs utterly evil by any conceivable standard.

New Name
New Name
Feb 2, 2022 10:08 PM
Reply to  Peter

A truly miserable propaganda post.

Feb 1, 2022 7:46 PM

which would eventually lead to the creation of the atomic bombs that were used to murder thousands of innocent people in Japan.

Just a minor point in this discussion. I abhor the use of atomic bombs in a case where it was absolutely not justified. I, however, cannot feel much sorrow for the victims when compared to the millions of dead that Jaan is responsible for from Korea to the Philippines to China etc:

From the invasion of China in 1937 to the end of World War II, the Japanese military regime murdered near 3,000,000 to over 10,000,000 people, most probably almost 6,000,000 Chinese, Indonesians, Koreans, Filipinos, and Indochinese, among others, including Western prisoners of war.


Feb 1, 2022 7:27 PM

Just saw local news they will give homeless accommodation if they take the jab first??Im not making this up.

Feb 1, 2022 9:31 PM
Reply to  Annie

Thought it was shocking too. Preying on the desperate (as opposed to praying for the desperate). A recent article on the subject


jubal hershaw
jubal hershaw
Feb 2, 2022 12:56 AM
Reply to  Annie

Accommodation in The Camps might be their future if they refuse the offer.

Feb 2, 2022 4:34 AM
Reply to  jubal hershaw

I’ve been wondering about all the folks in council housing in Australia. Will they be evicted if not vaxed? Many (not all) of these tenants are older, often ill, often mentally disturbed and often with drug/alcohol dependencies. If allowed to stay in their homes, how will they be treated by the other jabbed residents?

Feb 1, 2022 7:04 PM

The future looks bright, the future looks agent orange

Feb 1, 2022 6:55 PM

2/2/22 tomorrow…..

S Cooper
S Cooper
Feb 1, 2022 6:19 PM


comment image

“Responds also to the name of Nazi Boy.”
comment image

Has gone off his Meds.”

Feb 1, 2022 6:32 PM
Reply to  S Cooper


S Cooper
S Cooper
Feb 1, 2022 7:17 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

Nazi Boy on his way to join his Banderite peeps in Kiev?
comment image

“Your body and your life belong to the Reich, which can do whatever it wants with it. Be owned… or else!”
comment image

Corporate Fascism and Eugenics forever!”

Feb 1, 2022 7:37 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

Trudeau called the truckers and supporters nazi and evil misogynistic and the minority and anti vaxxers.Really I have no words,Now he’s in hiding because of 3 vaccines he’s got covid??who remembers pinky and the brain cartoon two rats?What do you plan to to do today?I plan to take over the world.😂

Feb 1, 2022 9:25 PM
Reply to  Annie
Feb 4, 2022 6:43 PM
Reply to  Annie

Ukrainian nazis good nazis, trucker nazis bad nazis.
Trucker nazis have feelings too, Mr. Truedeaux! How dare U!

Feb 1, 2022 11:51 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

WEF grad.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Feb 2, 2022 6:00 AM
Reply to  steadydirt

comment image
comment image

Feb 4, 2022 6:41 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

Janet Jackson:”Nazi! NAZI boy, don’t mean a thang, all U Nazi boys!”
Nostalgia here I come: https://youtu.be/KDVgeHh52xU

Feb 1, 2022 6:16 PM

Fascinating article, thanks very much. It’s so depressing what’s going on- leave incredible nature alone you psychopaths!!

Feb 1, 2022 5:46 PM

There is evil all around us.We don’t like to admit it because being human we look for the good in people.I was indoctrinated in school even though I never listened to them but my biggest shame is sending my children to these work factories.Nobody in my school said I could be someone or something,I went against them and did my own thing I was a dreamer they told me?Not a free thinker not somebody but anybody nothing special follow the crowd they said no I said,I was classed as special disturbed?!?.

Feb 1, 2022 7:17 PM
Reply to  Annie

I was neither special quiet.I was me,I was a conspiracy realist before it had a name and I reckon millions are on the same wavelength as I was,So I want to say to all the children now that’s going through this you are not alone and you are not wrong.👍

Feb 2, 2022 12:08 AM
Reply to  Annie

wow, lucky you in hindsight

S Cooper
S Cooper
Feb 1, 2022 4:32 PM

“Buy My Seeds? Wednesdays are Buy-One-Get-One-Free Day.”
comment image

Corporate Fascism and Eugenics Forever!”


S Cooper
S Cooper
Feb 1, 2022 4:47 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

“PS. They are patented so I own the full rights to them. So if they blow on to your land and contaminate your crop(s), I now own your crop(s) and land.”
comment image

“Now here’s Farmer Billy”
comment image

Feb 1, 2022 6:34 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

That face is haunting 😬

Worm Rancher
Worm Rancher
Feb 1, 2022 4:28 PM

“Every day we consume food grown in the toxic chemicals produced by the global agriculture conglomerates, who, like their pharmaceutical compatriots, may be described as profit-hungry monstrosities, well versed in the art of killing.” I grow much of my own produce, using my own harvested seed or seed from small collectives, those dedicated to organic & non-gmo, grown in vermicast made from food & organic “waste” that I collect & feed to worms. All a person needs are a couple of small bins, and some appropriate worms, and readily available organic “waste” (which most people & businesses are happy to get rid of). And once you start growing more of your own produce in your own high-quality vermicast, you get tons more produce, hence tons more seed to harvest & reuse. This self-sustaining system is super easy. Grow you own food, harvest your own seeds, process the remaining plants waste through worms to get more soil to grow more of your own food from your own seeds. Repeat. “While virologists expound on the dangers of zoonotic coronaviruses and climate scientists rage on about the evils of carbon dioxide, the real environmental crises go largely unnoticed.” What often goes largely unnoticed is that these devastating practices of Big Ag & Big Chem are largely & closely linked to health dangers and environmental crises. Most all natural antibiotics and antivirals known to humans are created by microorganisms. And where much contemporary misconception holds that “antibiotics” are effective only against bacteria, truth is that many natural compounds (like polyphenols and other phytochemicals) act effectively as both antibiotics & antivirals & antifungals. Many natural vitamins are produced by interactions involving microorganisms as they interact with other constituents, like enzymes, secondary metabolites, etc. In fact, one of the fastest growing fields of research is the efficacy of… Read more »

May Hem
May Hem
Feb 1, 2022 11:25 PM
Reply to  Worm Rancher

Thanks for this info Worm Rancher. I’ve been thinking about starting my own worm-farm and will definitely do so. In my rural area we have a small market where no cash/barter is used. You bring your surplus and take what you like. Works really well. We are also starting a seed-bank of fertile, locally-grown seeds. This is our treasure – worth so much more than money!

Feb 1, 2022 4:18 PM

In lieu of my preference – the complete banning of science – how about something akin to Seed Banks? How about Science Banks, where science is safely stored until such time as humans can handle it (i.e., without using it to further enslave humanity to the whims of a few psychopaths)?

Feb 1, 2022 4:59 PM
Reply to  Howard

“… the complete banning of science”
The Catholic Church would love that too.
How about getting rid of corporations and limited liability?

Feb 1, 2022 5:02 PM
Reply to  Dosamuno

Long, comprehensive, well written article by Mr. Matters. 5 stars.
I knew most of this history already, but reading about it has taken the air out of me. It’s sad that science has led to advanced technology, much of it toxic, but has not improved the still reptilian human brain.

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Feb 1, 2022 10:06 PM
Reply to  Dosamuno

The context is everything: All the scientific discoveries and technological applications occur within an economic mode of production thas is inherently revolutionary – can’t afford to stagnate. The ideology of Progress (a word most ambiguous for it just means a step ahead, never mind in what direction) is the justifying philosophy (what is new is better, and what is new is better precisely because it is new).

The Ideology of Progress is a self-destroying philosophy just like the capitalist mode of production in the economic sphere; their both limitlessness will inevitably kill them. In the case of the Ideology of Progress, we can see some symptoms such as words losing their meaning. When the ideologues of indefinite Progress say we have always to do better, faster and more efficiently, just don’t ask them what “better” means and why is it better to do better, faster and more efficiently.

Feb 1, 2022 10:57 PM

Excellent points.
Can one be pro-science and not necessarily pro-progress?
I think that I am. I want to expand our knowledge of our world and our universe. I’m not interested in getting a new I-phone.

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Feb 2, 2022 12:01 AM
Reply to  Dosamuno

It’s a very difficult question to answer I think; it can lead to questions that are apparently not related to science, such as division of labor (which then gives division of sciences), the idea of evolution from savagery, to barbarism, then to civilisation (which also tries to justify the “inevitability of Progress”, etc, the extraodinary development of private property beyond immediate needs (the more sophisticated the forms of property the more advanced, complex the way to manage it, organize it, …)

I had imagined that we could have a human community in which some of us give informed consent to live outside of it and be not affected by the changes the community may (inevitably? Ah what a question!) go through. Periodically we consult this “assembly of wise” about any new change in our way of living that we want to implement. Something in line with the questions Neil Postman suggests we consider before approving any new invention.

On a side note, I too don’t like new gadget smartphones, but I have one because otherwise I can’t work😠.

Feb 2, 2022 12:34 AM

“It’s a very difficult question to answer I think; it can lead to questions that are apparently not related to science, such as division of labor…”

Not only the division of labor but the division of science and capitalism. So much of the science that is done today is sponsored by corporations whose goals are technological innovation and improvement.

It would be nice to return to an era where independent geniuses like Galileo, Newton, Edison, and Tessler thrived. But I don’t see that in the immediate future.
I’m retired and therefore can survive without a smart phone. However, everyone I know who is still working needs one. You’re not alone.

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Feb 2, 2022 12:57 AM
Reply to  Dosamuno


The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Feb 2, 2022 1:17 AM
Feb 2, 2022 1:48 AM

This is outstanding.
Thank you.
As a teacher in NYC, I lived with a lot of these issues.
(Jonathan Kozol is a friend who frequently visited my classes.)

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Feb 2, 2022 3:33 PM
Reply to  Dosamuno

👍 A shame educators like Kozol, Postman, Gatto and many others don’t receive from policy makers the attention they deserve.

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Feb 2, 2022 2:54 AM
Reply to  Dosamuno

RE: So much of the science that is done today is sponsored by corporations whose goals are technological innovation and improvement.

That is what most people would say, but I would argue that that notion is false.

The direction of scientific research that gets done is decided by who is doing the funding and it is not to abstractly “innovate” or “improve”, but rather to increase profits and market share. And in the case of research funded by the military it is done to more efficiently control or kill people.

Feb 2, 2022 12:30 AM
Reply to  Dosamuno

trust in the reptilian survival instinct= the ice age was likely worse than gates/rokafella, their godless contributions will come to pass

Feb 1, 2022 6:47 PM
Reply to  Dosamuno

Ignorant statement by someone who clearly prefers propaganda to evidence (and I’m no Catholic). Look up which institution has the most Nobel Science Prizes – it’s the Jesuits!

Feb 1, 2022 7:31 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Look up which organization has condemned and burned the most scientists.
(And witches. And “heretics”.)

Feb 1, 2022 9:35 PM
Reply to  Dosamuno

So you are doubling down? In fact witch burning really took off with the Reformation and was rare in Spain but far more common in heathen Scotland.

How many scientists were burned? And a heretic was usually someone who tries to pass off his teachings as those of the Church. Worshippers of the Flying Spaghetti Monster were generally left alone.

Feb 1, 2022 9:51 PM
Reply to  Orthus

It’s impossible to know how many scientists were burned or forced to recant; how many women were stoned or burned as witches; how many heretics were tortured. The Catholic Church had a monopoly on all knowledge and all documents. Thus, many documents and books are nothing more than forgeries because they were copied by Catholic scribes.

The Catholic Church is the enemy of progress and knowledge. Religious education is an oxymoron. For many years, the Church even forbade the reading of the Bible. The era when the Church controlled everything is rightly known as the Dark Ages.

The Church backed Mussolini, Hitler, and Franco—who once said that his goal was to rip out every page of the Encyclopedia. Science and knowledge erode the Bronze Age Mythology of Catholicism and thus are the enemies of the Church.

Feb 1, 2022 9:54 PM
Reply to  Dosamuno

To be fair, Islam and Judaism suck too.

red lester
red lester
Feb 1, 2022 6:51 PM
Reply to  Dosamuno

And secret trusts, LLPs and LLCs…

Feb 1, 2022 7:31 PM
Reply to  red lester
