UK “reforming” human rights law…compulsory vaccines on the horizon?
Kit Knightly

The UK government is planning to re-work its human rights law to put an increased emphasis on “personal responsibility” and “duties to the wider society”, as well as preventing people “abusing” their rights.
Sounds pretty awful, doesn’t it? But let’s go back to the beginning.
In December 2020 the UK government announced they would be looking into Human Rights reform in the near future.
These announcements became more concrete a year later on December 14th 2021, when the government began a “consultation” on restructuring the Human Rights Act.
The plan is to replace current rights legislation with a so-called “UK Bill of Rights”, a policy dating from the Cameron administration. The new “bill of rights” would update and replace the Human Rights Act.
As a brief summary of UK human rights law:
Some rights are enshrined in common law from the days of Magna Carta, but the vast majority of the time when we talk about “human rights” in the UK we’re referring to the Human Rights Act 1998.
This act was written into law as essentially a verbatim copy of the European Convention on Human Rights passed by the Council of Europe in the 1950s.
The purpose of writing the international treaty into domestic law was so British citizens could take human rights cases to domestic courts, instead of having to go to the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg.
As with most human rights laws, from the UN Declaration of Human Rights to the US Constitution, a lot of the time the Human Rights Act is flat-out ignored, or at best worked around. But it does exist, and it does offer some protection of the individual from the power of the state.
Will that continue to be the case after these “reforms”?
The UK’s current “consultation” on Human Rights “reform” is set to end next month (March 2022), & whatever its final recommendations are will likely not be published for several months after that. But, while we can’t yet be certain exactly what they will say…we can get some rough ideas from what they have released so far.
Dominic Raab, the Justice Secretary who commissioned the consultation, recently said in an interview on LBC:
Our plans for a Bill of Rights will strengthen typically British rights like freedom of speech and trial by jury, while preventing abuses of the system and adding a healthy dose of common sense.”
If you’re anything like me, the phrases “abuses of the system” and “common sense” just made your inner cynic twitch, but there’s no real detail there.
Perhaps you’re thinking, at this point, that if you read the whole briefing document there will be nothing there to justify any paranoia.
…except I have, and there is.
If you drill down through the filler, and can read through the bureaucratic language, there are some pretty concerning red flags waving around, especially in their stated aims [emphasis added]:
Our reforms will be a check on the expansion and inflation of rights without democratic oversight and consent, and will provide greater legal certainty.
[The Bill of Rights will] provide greater clarity regarding the interpretation of certain rights, such as the right to respect for private and family life, by guiding the UK courts in interpreting the rights and balancing them with the interests of our society as a whole
[The Bill of Rights will] provide more certainty for public authorities to discharge the functions Parliament has given them, without the fear that this will expose them to costly human rights litigation
The government is committed to ensuring that the biggest social media companies protect users from abuse and harm, and in doing so ensuring that everyone can enjoy their right to freedom of expression free from the fear of abuse.
Protecting authorities from legal consequences, stamping out “abuse” online, subordinating privacy to national security…these are pretty routine aims of new legislation these days. They are expected, almost cliche.
The biggest and freshest warning sign is the sheer number of mentions of “duty” or “responsibility” or “the wider society”.
For example, this sentence from the forward written by Raab himself:
our system must strike the proper balance of rights and responsibilities, individual liberty and the public interest,
And in point 6 of the Executive Summary…
The Bill of Rights will make sure a proper balance is struck between individuals’ rights, personal responsibility, and the wider public interest.
…and then point 9 too:
[The Bill of rights will] recognise that responsibilities exist alongside rights, and that these should be reflected in the approach to balancing qualified rights and the remedies available for human rights claims
The header at the top of Chapter 3, “The Case for Reforming UK Human Rights Law”, bemoans:
the growth of a ‘rights culture’ that has displaced due focus on personal responsibility and the public interest […] public protection [is] put at risk by the exponential expansion of rights
Going into greater detail further down:
The international human rights framework recognises that not all rights are absolute and that an individual’s rights may need to be balanced, either against the rights of others or against the wider public interest. Many of the rights in the Convention are ‘qualified’, recognising explicitly the need to respect the rights of others and the broader needs of society […] The idea that rights come alongside duties and responsibilities is steeped in the UK tradition of liberty
And then again, in the first paragraph from section IV “Emphasising the role of responsibilities within the human rights framework” [emphasis added]:
We all have responsibilities in our society: to society (such as to obey the law and pay taxes), to our families, and to people around us. Everyone holds human rights whether or not they undertake their responsibilities, particularly the absolute rights in the Convention such as the prohibition on torture. Nonetheless, the government believes that our new human rights framework should reflect the importance of responsibilities.
It carries on in equally concerning fashion…
when a court is considering the proportionality of an interference with a person’s qualified rights, it will consider the extent to which the person has fulfilled their own relevant responsibilities.
The overall message is clear: Human rights can be tempered with “responsibilities” & anyone who does not fulfil their “responsibilities” is less deserving of the legal protection of their rights.
This is neither new thinking nor new language. Throughout “Covid times” we have seen talk of liberty parried with talk of duty, but it predates Covid too.
For years free speech has been tempered with talk of “being offensive” or “spreading misinformation”. The right to privacy has long been secondary to “national security” and “keeping people safe”.
Human Rights law is regularly trumped by The Patriot Act or Investigatory Powers Act or a dozen equally appalling pieces of legislation from both sides of the Atlantic.
But now, rather than bypassing human rights laws, this government is going to – to quote Raab – “rebuild them”. Meaning shred the existing ones and write all new ones. Ones that use “common sense” to make sure people are “responsible” and don’t “abuse” their rights.
Within the scope of this so-called “reform” is the desire to add conditions to basic human liberties. Exchanging “self-evident” truths, “endowed upon men at their creation”, for a quid-pro-quo agreement with the state.
This is a seismic shift in the very definition of “rights”.
The entire point of human rights is that they are innate and inalienable, they exist for everyone everywhere, and are not in the gift of any authority.
But now, rather, the UK government is arguing your rights are given to you at their behest, and that they come at the cost of expected duty.
And given all the talk during the “pandemic” regarding “protecting others” and being “responsible” – with masks, lockdowns and most especially vaccines – it’s not hard to see how these new “duties” could be applied in the future.
There’s no direct talk of compulsory vaccination, yet, but if these new “human rights” laws are made a reality, the next pandemic could be much harder to navigate.
You can read the complete consultation on human rights reform here, if you feel the need. And if you spot something important we missed, post it in the comments below.
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As Julius Ruechel articulately points out fundamental rights such as free expression, bodily autonomy and due process, for examples, are spoken of as “absolute” for a reason. They are so necessary for the ethical functioning of a civil and democratic society that any infringement by the state MUST be by negotiation and persuasion rather than bureaucratic or even legislative/executive edict. Bureaucratic mandates issued by state autocracy are thus two levels of ultra vires (unlawful). Administrative/executive rules must be restricted to the specific mandates granted by the enabling legislation. And legislative acts themselves must not contravene foundational rights attained by convention or constitution. So, when the Austrian strongman (the actor, not the historical politician) says “Screw your freedoms!” he unwittingly makes a valid point.
Julius Ruechel: A Brave New World Without Rights: Ending Mandates Does Not Strip Government of the Ability to Do This Again
But now we learn we need to “balance and qualify personal rights and responsibilities.” “Protect [from fear, disinformation]”. I wonder what master acrobat/super-hero will be assigned to do this amazing balancing, qualifying and protecting ?
I believe it will be a person of Chinese ancestry, Wun Yu No Hu.
[Watch woker complaints flood in].
“All pigs have equal rights but a few pigs have a shipload and the rest just a barrow load”
I read this as >For years free speech has been tampered with…< Thank you for extracting the meaning from the interminable verbiage.
The Scottish government’s remaining Covid powers are set to be extended for several more months.
Legislation mandating face coverings and vaccine passports was due to expire on 28 February.
However, this looks set to be pushed back to 24 September,
Just watch how the Polish “wise men” in power will pick up this fiendish idea…
Of course rich people do not pay taxes, I thought that this was common knowledge. Transnational Companies – through a racket called ‘Transfer Pricing’ – also don’t pay taxes. ‘Duty and Responsibility’ – pah! Give me a break! In addition to the UK Crown Dependencies of Jersey, Guernsey and the Isle of Man where illicit monies are secreted there are also British Overseas Dependencies where the world’s dirty monies are deposited, courtesy of HM’s Government and the City of London.
”At the last count the Cayman Islands shadow banking sector held assets worth $5.8 trillion, equivalent to 170,000 % of Cayman’s GDP, and over twice as big as the UK’s own GDP. Moreover, anyone in the Cayman’s who challenges the dirty money machine – an important feeder for the securitisation racket – comes up against terrifying mechanisms of administrative control in this financially captured state … arms dealers, international terrorists, Cayman based hedge-funds, mutual funds and SPV’ (Special Purpose Vehicles) are riddled with crime and dirty money.” (The Finance Curse – Nicholas Shaxson)
Put succinctly, our rulers are the scum of the earth.
“Put succinctly, our rulers are the scum of the earth.”
Of course. The scum always rises to the top…
Hi Donald Duck, For the benefit of those viewing your comment and those seeking an wonderfully-sourced exploration of the topic you’ve raised, Michael Oswald had produced a fine documentary in 2017 concerning exclusive/privileged “tax havens” and “special jurisdictions” outside the bounds of government oversight and legislation (See Independent POV (Youtube Channel) | “The Spider’s Web: Britain’s Second Empire | Documentary Film” | by Michael Oswald | 01h:18m [ %5D).
P.S.: As a young man, my very first trip to an “underground” video and book store led me past a number of “Ilsa She-Devil of the SS” VHS tapes, much anime (before anime became popular in the West), to ultimately purchase a short treatise titled “How to Read Donald Duck” by Ariel Dorfman & Armand Mattelart. I’m reminded of this as I saw your ‘handle’. That said, prior to the advent of the popular “Internet” as we know it, I crawled the dial-up world of bulletin boards as ‘Bugs Bunny’.
Cheers mate.
As waffle goes this publication is in a league of its own. Everything is vague and non-specific and can be interpreted in any way the PTB define them. Sure we are duty bound to pay our taxes, if we are in a position to do so. And of course paying taxes is mandatory on all, except of course those who like the Guardian rag are registered in the Cayman Islands in the usual tax avoidance scheme like the rest of the British transnational elite.
Corruption is the bedrock of ruling elites just about everywhere and it goes down to the bone. So no lectures about ‘responsibility’ and ‘duty’ please, it tends to stick in the craw.
You can read them like a book. (We should shut them – like a book.)
I’m sure that when our “rights” are taken away, or “reformed” and “updated”, it will all be for the Greater Good, and we must all tug our collective forelocks accordingly.
These “rights” have never been more than pious wishes on a piece of paper. They didn’t stop this country invading one moslem country after another and bombing them to smithereens based on a pack of lies as Uncle Sam’s yapping poodle. 30 million demonstrating against it were just so many plebs shouting into the wind. It didn’t stop our glorious leaders running Guatemala style death squads in Northern Ireland for 30 years. Or overthrowing foreign elected governments. Or eagerly participating in Uncle Sam’s global gulag of concentration camps and torture chambers, with zero accountability of course, except for whistleblowers like Assange. Or enabling genocide in Yemen and Palestine.
Marx (Groucho) said that an unwritten agreement wasn’t worth the paper it wasn’t printed on. We have all seen how much written agreements like the JCPOA are worth. Any such pieces of paper are worth as much as an equivalent amount of toilet paper.
Good luck and best wishes to the Canadian Convoy, but what will this likely achieve. Zilch. Like Occupy Wall Street. Like the antiwar 30 million. Sorry.
So what is the answer? Is there one? What Is To Be Done? Maybe nothing. Nothing is the answer. Just withdraw any support from their system. Don’t believe their lies. Assume they are lying whenever they speak. Don’t watch their media. Don’t hate who they tell you to hate. Don’t give them any support or encouragement. Don’t vote. The system cannot work without a legion of minions making it work at a lower level. Revolutionary Indifference.
These co-opted governments are simply attempting to grant themselves inhuman rights through the back door.
In reality, no government can give or take inalienable rights away from anyone. They simply abuse those rights by means of the illusion of force.
When the people are afraid of the government – that is tyranny.
When the government is afraid of the people – that is democracy.
That last para is a good quote. Any author?
As you might already know, these phrases– and variations– have been apocryphally attributed to Thomas Jefferson.
This article refutes the Jefferson attribution: When government fears the people, there is liberty… (Spurious Quotation).
If you’d rather not check out the article (from, here’s the best attribution it provides:
To date, however, the most likely source of this quotation appears to be a series of debates on socialism published in 1914, in which John Basil Barnhill said, “Where the people fear the government you have tyranny. Where the government fears the people you have liberty.”
Fully vaccinated guests are no longer required to wear facial coverings when outdoors at Monticello. All guests age 5 and up must continue to wear a face covering when indoors and when on shuttle buses. Learn more »
I think the tree of liberty is in dire need of refreshment!
Thanks. Wikiquote also flags the false quotes.
If at least people could admit they’re afraid of their governments, but they can’t because of the wide spread Stockholm syndrome.
This is Amatai Etzioni’s (Werner Falk) vision of world Communitarian governance. It’s been incrementally institutionalized since the late 1980’s. It’s the basis for Agenda 21.
Niki Raapana has written about it since the late 1990’s. Whenever you read or hear the terms, “sustainable development”; “inclusive”; “resilient”; “diverse” and “common good”, you’re dealing with communitarian policy.
Build back better Boris Alexander de Pfeffel and The Communistatives
Gift that keeps on giving
Hot news today.
Government launches consultation on the second state pension age review
You Brits are fuckd.
Pension will be a privilege in the near future.
agenda 30 ,,,,
Human Rights as we know them are a Cold War era invention, a propaganda ploy to allow us to denounce them because we’re free and they aren’t. I first noticed this in the 1980s when there was a pivot from coexistence with the east to direct confrontation. (The pivot to coexistence arose during the 1960s — you can track the trends back and forth in the media.) Unfortunately, like other ‘seems like a good idea at the time’ strategies it wasn’t entirely thought through, its proponents never thought that the ideology they were imprinting on society would be applied against them. Now they’ve got a bit of a problem; having infected millions with a variation of “Do what thou wilt should be the whole of the Law” they’ve found that populations are not so much ungovernable as easily swayed by any demagogue who promises to free them to do exactly what they want to do regardless of the consequences to their neighbors, society or the environment. We’ve also trained generations of people who as journalists, lawyers or just commenters have found ways to articulate and extend this anarchy (at least as far as it benefits them) and, thanks to the Internet, given them a platform to promulgate it.
This is not just about covid. Many of the campaigns being waged to subvert our cultures and society have been stymied by the fact that their particular bugbears have never been explicitly supported and the current rights laws support their victims and not themselves. They have been twisting the language of such rights for years, but now the courts and public are catching on, they want to make it incontrovertible.
laws are only functional as long as they are enforceable… all this nonsense was drafted years ago by the usual suspects and is being deployed according to the WEF’s secret plans (which aren’t so secret anymore)..
the automatons in ‘governance’ are rolling out the long planned ‘communitarian’ tyranny of stakeholders and self policing digitised peons, with scant regard for reality… which is catching them up at a fine pace…
I mean let’s be real ourselves, the human rights courts are long captured… so meaningless legalese will have to be enforced at the working end of a truncheon…
govern-ment is a charade …. the real push comes from the ‘organ-grinders’, whose mask of sanity has surely slipped… not the chimps at the tea party..
fun times ahead.. best go kinetic..
+ 10
All these govern-mental twats need to be jettisoned from our social strata, period.
A representative minion has no valid function once the simple rules of commerce have been established. They become overwhelmed by their own boredom and uselessness, so begin the process of making everyone else as hopeless and meaningless as themselves. They do this by manipulating their definitions of human rights. As in: The rights they’ve given up in order to secure their alleged positions of “power”.
Governments have become crowded hallways of meaningless mirror-twats – reflecting tiny personas who have become useless functionaries in the throes of capital commerce…
Essentially, they are playing on words to have the human rights of the individual cancelled.
The Medieval Guards in canberra, australia, are not stupid. they didn’t believe setting human rights was a good idea,
Now the australians don’t need to cancel the bill of rights because they didn’t create one in the first place.
Common sense?;
Human rights apply equally to the most irresponsible humans as they do to the most responsible.
Governments or courts have no remit to “qualify” in any relative terms such a basic tenant.
Mr. Dominic Raab, Oh, how you are waffling (that which our government does best).
Why? And for what aim?
You can have rights, or you can have government: pay your money and take your pick.
Anyone who relies on an entity organized in such a way as to ensure the ability of some to dictate to others is delusional.
Show me a government that scrupulously guards the rights of all its citizens…and I’ll show you a fairy tale world.
Anyone who thinks their rights are safer in the hands of government…I have a school of piranha I can let you have for just a few dollar pounds.
It doesnt get much lower than the British State and government. These people simply CANNOT be trusted, on any level, with anything. They certainly cannot be trusted to meddle with something as fundamental as Human Rights, when they have just spent the past two years raping the human rights of every man woman and child in the land in the most egregious sinister and offensive way. These people are preceded by the scum rendition of the British State which waged illegal wars across the Middle East on the back of lies and deception – lying all the way to the bank (which they own) about what they were doing and why they were doing it. They are a bunch of lying scamming void of morals and void of soul good for nothings. They have just genetically modified most of the inhabitants of this island in the most dishonest and brazenly criminal acts ever perpetrated on UK soil. These people are nothing but scum. If the British people allow these scumbags to get away with this and change these laws, it is a truly sad reflection of what a pathetic shithole this place now is.
Attorney Todd Callender – The Vaccinated No Longer Human (2001 Plan To Change Humanity Forever)
Definitely a negative consequence of leaving the EU.
frankfurt school followers of zvi and jacob frank
bolshevik satanists
call them what you will
the new old world order the oded yinon barbera lerner spector
is a big idea
moloch needs sacrifice of the goyim
why fight it
the borg collective hive mind
will be your tit
come suck on it
DNR: Do Not Resuscitate People We Don’t Like.
with the absurd way things are going, the elite PSYCHOS will be happy to show their compassion by stamping the “RSPCA APPROVED” seal on DNR notices.
Get it right! it is protecting
profiteering the elderly and venerable.This (termination in hospitals) was one of the acts the UK government had in mind when it got the 2021 law through, that protects itself (and civil servants) for illegal acts.
And don’t forget: “10) We want to protect our armed forces from human rights claims for actions taking place overseas, and avoid the uncertainty of applying different rules in an area already covered by the law of armed conflict”
Rights are not derivative. They do not emanate from governments. They are God given. Those who would have us believe otherwise must watch too much BDSM porn. Free people stand up for their rights. Slaves submit.
if you do not reserve your rights at all times in all places you do not have any
man stands under god
everything else is consent contract policy statute and act
policy is for masked club members
with eyes wide shut
I surprised myself by commenting on this consultation and before long found myself being rather sweary. To use the most relevant topic in hand this rendering of rights results in the right to bodily autonomy until ‘we’ say otherwise, for instance. I’ve found to date that there is only one elegant solution to the whole rights quadmire, I’m happy to be corrected by brighter minds. It’s simply that we all have the right to do anything save that which causes harm. It’s the only law I need, I’d quite happily bin all the others.
Reminds me of the Hippocratic oath for aspiring medical professionals:
“I swear to do no harm, to comfort always and to cure sometimes”.
21st Century Human Rights British Reforms:
.. and then they came for every human, but the silent majority said they don’t feel thay are humans anymore, so they think the ‘reforms’ shouldn’t be of concern to them …
i have an old law book it states clearly that human
it defines human as monster
you are either
monster human person
living man or woman
officer or policy agent
a lot of people are saying you should identify yourself with a name to avoid, at least, being detained…
as i do not understand, i thought one reserves ones’ right to silence… and not be overly detained…. those who gave a name were released within 7 odd hours….???
clarify if you can…
; )
On one of the recent London Freedom Rallies I attended someone was holding a placard that said: FEAR WESTMONSTER, NOT THE VIRUS.
Educate yourself on Common Law, you’ll need it more than ever before.
John Harris at the Lawful Rebellion Conference 2009 – It’s an illusion. – YouTube
This common law, free man on the land stuff is a fantasy.
The law that prevails is the one upheld by the people with the guns.
You might be able to argue your way out of a parking fine or similar charge but if you’re a real enemy of the state your knowledge of “common law” will not help you- you will probably not even make it to court if they get their hands on you.
OT perhaps but this appeared late yesterday.
Not just the article criticising Big Pharma but the comments that were permitted to remain. They also kept comments closed on the Politics Live blog, allegedly for preventing sub judice comments on the ‘near riot’ around Starmer. The Graun may lack journalists but I can’t say I have noticed them short of moderators for the last couple of years.
The article shows this is fundamentally about ‘The Great Reset’ and not about Big Pharma profits as a few still believe.
“in thrall to shareholders” – does anyone have an alternative model of capitalism to hand? Oh, how about ‘stakeholder capitalism’?
“instead invest in a new network of research institutes and medical factories around the world” – not at all the Global Public-Private Partnership by another name!
And using the terminology of “war profiteering” is another example of the fake military equivalence they’s used throughout this “crisis”.
Unsurprisingly then, the Fraud has not suddenly turned over a new leaf – it’s just another sign they are embedded somewhere near Klaus Schwab’s colon.
And the comments. At the start of the Panicdemic a comment was deleted merely for claiming that a side effect of the AZ jab (administered by a chimp adenovirus) would be a lifetime’s enthusiasm for bananas — a joke.
But I do believe that the Graun, like others, is pulling back from its earlier position.
I don’t see any comments on that article now..
Just a few days into the “relaxed restrictions” and the tsunami of enquiry that was happening in the uk has washed out into a puddle of piss. The enquirers once enthralled now have new “distractions”.
No doubt tptb have felt the movement, but like catching an eel they will make you wish you hadnt and ruin all your tackle.
Change is in the air, but the above article examples how they will manipulate and use it to their own ends.
Hmm its almost as if they knew the outcome before it happened? Why play the game when the game is rigged? Surely at this point we just walk away? But how can you when your body is laced to the mast with a thousand yards of good hemp?
Now off with you, dont you know there are new memes to see?
No one is born with any rights, as rights are a made up human concept.
Try and apply the concept of “rights” to the natural world and see how far it gets you.
But TPTB have weaponised these non-existent rights, such that they can give and take away them, so it’s simply a power play.
They’ve made you think you have some rights they can take away!
Do not comply to their system is the only way out
That is a very stupid opinion
I share that very stupid opinion: Human Rights are not something written in the sky and self-evident. They are local laws made by local agreement between the government and the governed.
What is really self evident:
“Praise be to God who wrote this Law in His sky,
That humankind must learn by suffering” — Aeschyles
If we will learn no other way.
You are confusing rights and privileges. Privileges can be conferred and withheld. Rights by their nature are inalienable. This enshrined assumption is the only defence we have against tyranny. Because if you accept human beings innately have no rights other than those conferred by the legislature then how do you oppose unjust laws?
What was wrong with apartheid? I mean it was a “local law” on the statute books and very popular amongst some white people.
How about slavery? I guess since they have no inalienable rights humans can be owned by other humans, if the “local laws” say so?
Pedophilia? Cannibalism? Human vivisection? Just push through the requisite “local laws” and they’re just dandy, right?
I put it to you that this opinion is the “crushingly pompous idiocy of the true fool without the imagination to see the obvious consequences of his folly.”
Trace the quote and you get an OffG mug. 🙂
I’m too lazy to trace the quote, but how can I get an OffG mug?
I am not confusing anything.
You are conflating laws and rights, social contract, all that made up bull that is essentially the same as religion.
Written by white men in dresses.
The whole point of the state is that NO ONE has any “rights” and if they do, it’s a token gesture to keep the populace quiet.
As someone pointed out the only thing you are actually protected against in the ECHR is torture, but enhanced interrogation is ok.
Stop trying to fight the system, using the system
Boy do I feel stupid. I was so well positioned to become a Young Globe Leader but I fell into the trap of “rights”. I started thinking that one could resist evil, that a better world was possible. After that, it was all downhill.
Can you believe it? Think of all the wonderful things I could have acquired by accepting that “rights” are BS?
I hope it’s not too late to get on board with you, Being?
PS no problem with wearing dresses.
Wow, what a pile on!
These people will beg the government to take away their(and our) inalienable rights.
😀 The quote is from the Chorus in Agammemnon.
The Oresteia of Aeschyles is a dramatization of humankind’s attempt to replace the Law of Nature (where might is right) by a Civil Contract argued out in a Court of Justice; the first Drama of Ideas in Western literature. Of course Aeschyles was aware that Nature is not always bad, and Civilization not always good; the main guide for humankind is to learn from our (often self inflicted) suffering.
“The King to Oxford sent a troop of horse,
For Tories know no argument but force;
To Cambridge though a sheaf of books he sent,
For Whigs admit no force but argument”.
There is no crime either in the natural world – the strong prey on the weak. Taking the natural world as our guide would be a very poor choice.
Yeah that rampant exploitation in the natural world!
That is a very stupid opinion?
You’re kidding,right?
Right, Sister Mary Ignatious Sophie?
no it is not: “rights” are some pish concept, really, like legal justice – if you cannot actually defend any perceived rights you have, physically, you have no rights. There it is, unfortunately.
might ain’t right, but might restore right?
it’s an ugly truth, but if ye can’t fight, ye’ve nae rights.
i do believe we once lived in a world of cooperation, but that’s been washed out of the majority : /
I don’t think you understood it. The problem with “rights” in most people’s minds is that they are granted and hence can be taken away. Whether by God when he lovingly, righteously sends his bad apple subjects to Hell, or by the State when a subject is meddling in its affairs.
Many Americans who want freedom keep dreaming about the Constitution, a masonic document made to give the white slaves an illusion of freedom. Many Europeans are confident they have inviolable rights, unlike someone in, say, Saudi Arabia, and can carry on readily complying with the demands of the State in the illusion of civilised affairs. If their rights are violated they expect they can call the police or a lawyer to protect them, rather than take matters unto their own hands. They have already surrendered their power to the State in exchange for “rights”.
We have just seen how easily people will relinquish those rights.
The “do no harm” sermon is yet another slave song. Any self-defence teacher will tell you it is very hard if not impossible to defend yourself against a serious aggressor without harming them.
We don’t need “rights”, or “duties” to be written down by anyone.
We just need these two dictums to be undestood as the only way to some kind of harmonious culture:
-Nobody can have power over anybody else
-No justice, no peace.
We leave the matter of what we have as open-ended and unstated, and simply assert what we will NOT have.
“Klaus, the slaves are revolting!”
“Yes, I agree Bill _ _ _ _ Oh You mean really revolting”
“Nuke the fuckers”
“That’s in the pipeline Bill”
Not only “common sense” but “a healthy dose of common sense” — as interpreted by the Westminster regime.
Reminds me of Dominatrix Maggie Snatcher giving the public what it secretly wants: “the smack of firm government”.
She also did not believe in society, saying only the family mattered, although the impact of mass unemployment was as devastating for families as it was for society.
A Tory PM who believed in the family, singular?
I recall she said “family”, singular, probably as an abstract concept. “Family values” have often been touted by Tories, sometimes hypocritically.
Another sanctimonious sentiment from the Wicked Witch of Westminster.
If Responsibility is now so important then who in this totalitarian regime is going to take responsibility for all the deaths and life changing injuries caused by the “emergency” approval of unproven experimental drugs or for the quadrupling of NHS waiting lists or 25000 premature deaths in care homes or untold numbers of premature deaths from the cancellation of all but CV19 treatment or billions of £’s in furlough fraud or even for the absence of any evidence to support their assertions and claims about the most deadly virus and a pandemic?
For some reason that’s different as they are the establishment and such principles do not apply.
So who is going to enforce the rule?
All I see is that people are either tired or sick from all the Covid madness. And those in charge really don’t care as they see covid as a business model which brings in money and fame quite nicely.
One should say ‘stop’. And then another one, and another one, until you get millions who say: ‘stop’
It’s happening.
<a href=’’ target=’_blank’><img src=’’ border=’0′ alt=’test’/></a>…”The Science:” On Jan. 18, 2022, an outdoor Covid testing booth advertising “PCR and rapid antigen” tests. A lone person sits bundled up against the weather waiting for customers.
<a href=’’ target=’_blank’><img src=’’ border=’0′ alt=’test’/></a>…”The Science:” Jan. 18, 2022, on a sidewalk on Fifth Ave in Manhattan, the awning advertises “PCR and rapid antigen tests.” A lone person sits behind a table bundled up against the weather.
British Isles money cronies screwed us with Central banking 50 odd years ago. Who’s this Raab, never heard of him. Is he even British?
My fellow citizens are English Welsh Scottish and Irish, I could care less what this person says. The Laws of our Isles are set in Granite, our Parents and Grandparents fought Two World Wars, if you don’t like us, can’t assimilate respect our History, then hard luck, you can Piss Off, and take this Raab with you.
Fair enough?
I think people follow ‘Politik’ too much, I’ve always thought so, is there any greater example of governmental clowning than the last two years, Well?
After what’s happened why does this Clown still have a job?
They, Them Whatever Whoever have stolen Two Years and counting of Our Lives!
Wake Up! No, I won’t read the rest of it, sorry.
Of course your human rights do not extend to suing pharmaceutical companies or holding to account your corrupt Politians. It goes without saying that your god given rights as a free individual embodied in Magna Carta will be rescinded.
And your Magna Carta rights amount to what exactly? She really did die in vain you know?
Here are a few ‘responsibilities’ that need challenging:
It is very, very important that the strongest requirements for responsibility be laid upon the the Establishment. Their punishments must be 100 times harsher because they are SO, SO superior, aren’t they??
They must take the honorable responsibility of killing themselves when they have been shown up to be corrupt criminals working not to further society but to shamelessly-, scandalously, criminally, corruptly and singlemindedly promote their own interests ad nauseam.
Yeah, right…..
Rhys– What a rant. I wd b content just to make doctors legally responsible to obey the Hippocratic oath.
Not possible. It is another for-profit industry.
Nah, they would never do something like that, man. This is definitely as bad as it’s going to get. No doubt.
I jest but hold the belief that there’s just too many of us, and we know. WE KNOW. That’s like seeing something you can’t unsee. So, the battle will continue. Like Mother Jones said back in the early 1900’s:
“You ought to be out raising hell. This is the fighting age. Put on your fighting clothes.”
That’s what we’re doing, still. We’ll see who wins. I still bet on us.
Yay big al.
gosh just go to the Graun’s ‘help centre’ and have a chat ‘-)
You guys in the West are fighting. Those in the East are not. At all. East obviously includes Australia & NZ, the isolated hellhole it has turned into. It’s much more depressing here in the East I can assure you.
The first 10 amendments to the US Constitution are known as the Bill of Rights. Per Michael Walsh, 4 of these: the 1st, 4th, 6th and 8th, were instantly repealed for Covid social distancing and lockdowns, without the inconvenience of amending the Constitution. Obama disliked the Bill of Rights, declared it was “a charter of negative liberties” which state what the fed. and state gov. can’t do to you, and what others can’t deprive you of without due process of law. “THE COLUMN: Sic Semper Tyrannis,” Michael Walsh• 07 Feb, 2022 •
“Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Amendment II
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
Amendment III
No Soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the Owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law.
Amendment IV
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
Amendment V
No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.
Amendment VI
In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence.
Amendment VII
In Suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise re-examined in any Court of the United States, than according to the rules of the common law.
Amendment VIII
Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.
Amendment IX
The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.
Amendment X
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”
Which is all so much fluffle when it concerns a country that rapes the world, mongers war and considers itself above others? I speak as british, so pot, kettle, black, that said we still own you (or our lizard queen does) so maybe you still need to blame us?
As the shitfest unfurls i often wonder if the permanent removal of the united states from the map aint perhaps a good thing.
Where the f is Sigourney when you need to her to deal with alien psycho queens eh? down the village perhaps?
Fascists gonna fascist.
18 Fundraisers Aiding Riots, Crime, Abortion, And Genital Mutilation That GoFundMe Didn’t Shut Down
Incidentally, the reason they decided to return donations instead of donating them to “charity” is that the great State of Florida threatened to sue them for fraud!
There must be an “F” list of companies to boycott/avoid related to Covid?
Fck em. When tyranny become law rebellion becomes duty. They may think they can win but they won’t. Too many people are vaxx damaged and millions know it. We won a while back in fact. The only question remains how many have to suffer before it ends.
You were were born with nothing and youll die with nothing.
It’s true.
The only thing you have is what you are, so that had better count for something.
i totally agree. i go to work teaching children and escape into their worlds and emerge five hours later refreshed.Then i come home and log on to offg and shock horror. story of the week where i live is the children are to dress up as a covid test for carnaval.
Rule by State of Emergency.
The ‘covid’ phase of the Great Reset abates…
( ‘cept for schoolkids and babies)…
The calm before the storm prevails…
We’ve all been prepped to expect food supply disruptions and shortages,
and massive cyber attacks to which Authorities have to respond –
National Security demands it…
I’m betting They’ll pull the plug on the internet, so we cant all talk to each other…
I’m not going to hold my breath…
It’s just a question of ‘When ?”
Will They wait until we think, like escaping prisoners, we’re close to freedom ?
Well the next eclipse set could get mean and ugly like that as saturn in aquarius features strongly….he took the aeroplanes out of the sky basically the day he hit aquarius….aquarius rules both aeroplanes and computers….
there is reason to believe that a good dose of hatred will be generated post May for a few months…taking the net down would do that easily…