WATCH: How to Research Online
The latest edition of #SolutionsWatch
James Corbett delivers a live presentation on How to Research Online to the Greater Reset Activation III conference on January 30, 2022. In this demonstration, James shares his screen while he answers some research questions from his listeners.
Sources, shownotes and links – as well as audio versions and download options – can be found here. Previous episodes of #SolutionsWatch can be found here and here.
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Although I do like Corbett’s work and subscribe to his site, does OffG really need to repost every video he makes?
. I am not sure that the utube address for the astrology conversation copied right….this may be better..
Anyone interested in astrology…this is a chat about a doco soon to be available on how the great movements have made our history….an interesting comment …it seems the tech coys are already using some astrology to market to people….if these people ever really get it, it will become a dangerous tool in their hands….
Richard Tarnas Cosmos and Psyche: Intimations of a New World View.interview was amazing he was spot on about now.
Professor Lauterbach speaking…
“… you have to exterminate the untermenschen useless eater plague rats like my poppa and momma did.”

“Heil Billy Eugenics!”
The scam continues but “vaccines” will remain…….
“The PM’s promise to bring forward the end of all Covid laws was praised this afternoon.
Ex-Cabinet Minister Lord Frost said: “The PM’s plan to end all Covid restrictions a month early is the right thing to do and is extremely welcome.
After overcoming Omicron by turbocharging the booster rollout, Britain shook off Plan B restrictions last month.
Cases are still falling – and yesterday the UK recorded a 40 per cent weekly drop in infections.
Another 66,183 infections have been logged in the past 24 hours, compared to 112,458 last Tuesday.”
When quoting such figures, keep these in mind:
:- the “tests” can be positive for many materials including water
:- the test evaluation is a private and protected market
:- some of the billionaires have not completed their acquisition plans
:- perhaps there is more public wealth (in government) for the financial industry to suck out before the scam winds down
:- those in the direct covid industries including jab makers and hospitals are also resisting a winding down.
mgeo – totally agree with you.
The Professor speaking…
books books books abstracts, papers, research, stats, reviews, libraries bigger libraries, vast libraries that you could crush a body in the rolling shelves…
rolling tomes of life and some version of it… bliss, before you even got on with your own life, that was half a life ago!
on fucking line!!!???
fuck off, that online shit is 90% of everything wrong witht he world, he ranted ; )
jesus wept.
Ha ha ha, I like that
…Cheer up, ‘heid – it’s not *All* bad!…
…- For instance, I continue to find this ‘ere website (linked below) to be a *Truly* valuable and informative resource, and one of the *Absolute Best* on the entire t’Internet:… 😉
Predictions for March 2022.
The US Federal Bank is talking about ending its QE (quantitative easing) by March 2022 and possibly beginning to increase interest rates. The latter have already been raised by the Bank of England, the Bank of Korea and the Reserve Bank of New Zealand.
Mike Yeadon, ex-Pfizer scientist revealed the planners timetable: Phase 6, beginning in March 2022:
Phase 6: Cancel the debts and dematerialize the money. (March 2022-September 2022)
Trigger the economic, financial and stock market collapse, the bankruptcy of the banks.
To rescue the losses of the banks in the accounts of their clients.
Activate the «Great Reset».
De-materialize money.
Cancel debts and loans.
Impose the digital portfolio. (Digital Wallet)
Seize properties and land.
Ban all global medicines.
Confirm the obligation to vaccinate semi-annually or annually.
Impose food rationing and a diet based on the Codex Alimentarius.
Extend the measures to emerging countries.
Result, Third stage of digital control. Extension of the New World Order to the whole planet.
And in Australia? “Under a scenario of rising interest rates where the RBA (Reserve Bank of Australia) suffers enough losses under its bond-buying program, the government would have to use taxpayers’ funds to recapitalise the bank.
You, the taxpayer, would begin paying for the fallout of the RBA’s money-printing program.
This isn’t happening yet. But 2022 is shaping up to be another difficult year globally and the RBA has a lot to juggle.”
George Gammon – 28/01/22 – How Will Higher Interest Rates Affect Housing Prices? (Must See)
I discovered this guy a couple of months ago. Although I’m ideologically opposed to the guy, he knows what he is talking about and is talented at breaking the issues in simple steps anyone, even without notions in economics or finance, can grasp.
…Thanks for that link, TCR…
…Finance Bros – the heterodox/contrarian ones, at least – are *Always* worth a listen, ideology regardless… – They’re the ones at the ponzi coal face day-to-day, and this is how they make their living, after all… (If they don’t have any clue, they’re generally out of that game *Pretty Damn Fast*…)
…- Quoth The Raven, who I rate pretty highly, last interviewed George Gammon for his podcast a coupla weeks ago, which is how I got to hear about him… – He was making similar points there to QTR and also tying this in with why they’re winding down the ‘Rona hoax… – His analysis appears both cogent and sound, so far’s I can tell (Via ZH, ‘coz QTR’s substack is subscriber paywalled for the most part):…
…- And incidently, to May Hem’s original point… – Here’s the Financial System/Global Economy, right around 5 minutes after the Fed starts tapering QE/hiking rates… – *Enjoy*!:… 🙂
👍Thanks for the feedback and links. I believe we all ought to have a solid economic and financial culture. I’m just beginning to learn the basics. From QTR: “The linchpin that allows the world’s nefarious central banking model to be so effective is that the commonfolk – the plumber, the electrician, the teacher, the bartender, bus driver or barber – don’t understand it.”
And didn’t Henry Ford say: “It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning”?
…+1 on both, and *Amen* to the Ford quote in particular, TCR – I’ve always liked that one, and appreciated (for whatever it’s worth) that bit of candour and self awareness from one of the chief weasels on the inside of the scam…
…- Incidently, just after I posted my reply to you with the domino video, above, the latest (January) US CPI inflation figures dropped and they *Sure Are* a doozy!! (*Waaayyyyy* worse than *Anyone* had expected)… – The markets (pretty much alla them) and the Dollar responded by spending the rest of the day going *Absolutely Apeshit* in full-on ‘taper tantrum’ mode (like fall 2018, through to the Repo spike, mid-Sep ’19, only *Worse*)…
…- I’m still digesting bits and pieces on this for now but, euhh… yeahhhh… – *Watch This Space*…
(…- To clarify: – Today’s US CPI print was going to be the final ‘Go’/’No-Go’ waypoint for the Fed embarking on the whole taper/tighten/hike thing, starting next month…)
Is this anything like Gesara Nesara?
Don’t know Maggie. Hadn’t heard of this before and am reading about it.
I couldn’t believe the headlines – that some pharmacies in Australia are refusing to vaccinate children or give out rapid antigen tests!
My joy quickly diminished when I read further – its because these pharmacies receive less money per shot from the government (ie taxpayer). Astonishing!
“People are really desperate to get their kids vaccinated but many pharmacies are not engaging in that rollout because of the level of remuneration,” she said. “Children require that little bit of extra care and attention and often the parents are also anxious … yet we are paid $10 less per vaccination.”
…Discernment, May Hem – *Discernment*… – ‘Meeja Studies’ 101:…
…- This piece is outta ABC, right?…
…This ain’t about what pharmacies are or aren’t getting paid… – This is about *Manufacturing A Consensus* that there actually *ARE*, *In Fact*, oodles and oodles of Aussie parents *Just Clamouring* to get their kids jabbed… – Were it not for for the evil, money-grubbing obstinate pharmacists *Heartlessly* standing in their way, that is… – *The Cruel, Rotten Meanies*!!… 😉
Yes – this is typical ABC propaganda. They have become even worse than the commercial TV channels.
NEW – CNN’s health pundit Leana Wen says “the science has changed” on mandatory face masks.
Rather than “science having changed” (the thing properly called Science has been, through the voice of uninterested scientists, perfectly clear as regard such a simple matter as masking); rather han that, the real change is that the FED is ending its QE (quantitative easing) by March, the same month the ECB is ending its PEPP (pandem** emergency purchase program).
Instead of trying to pin the change on Science, Leana Wen should have confessed that it was all a fraud, but now they have to back down because there will be no more money to keep it up by March.
…Leana, Wen will you stop lying?…
I don’t have anything to add to Corbett’s presentation.
FWIW, I’ve always cordially despised the “on-topic” rule and mentality, but it’s curious that the comments are using this space as an “Open Thread”. 😉
Ottawa counter protestor. Is it the jab or are they just that fucking stupid!

“Beyond help or hope.”
…- Da Fuck’s that sign even *Mean*?!…
…- Here’s a counter-counter-protester’s take… – Kent Street, Ottawa resident David Maybury – and a .gov-employed data scientist (ie: a Liberal), to boot:…
(…- A *Little Bit* stale (3rd Feb), but it just crossed my radar a couple days ago… – And *Do* check out the comments/number thereof, and compare with his other Covid-related articles (Which are also worth a look, btw)… 🙂 )
Or: A person could simply pay attention to readers links on thousands of informational pages posted daily. Here’s an “informed” article written by Joseph Mercloa. >
Who Owns the World?: Blackrock and Vanguard | GreenMedInfo | Blog Entry
…- This paper’s from 2011 (A few of the names/players and other details have pro’lly changed since), but demonstrates the essential point pretty well (Which it was, apparently, the first research paper to do so):…
(…- Note the daisy-chain circle-jerk in Figure 2. (D), on page 3…)
“This is child abuse and the sickos are laughing about. They are preparing/conditioning our children to be inmates on Epstein Island.”

“Middle back row is Hochul (Governor Death’s replacement). She sees herself as the second coming of Jim Jones. She needs to go, NOW!”
Are they still taking inmates on Epstein Island? Perhaps you could ask the person you’re quoting?
I’m afraid jeffrey’s dead ‘clyde’…and they’ve close up shop… so I’m afraid you’ve missed the window on that little holiday…
(you could always contact the new york prison services)…
Medieval Life – Feudalism and the Feudal System
“The men who leased land from the King were known as Barons, they were wealthy, powerful, and had complete control of the land they leased from the King. Barons: Executors of the Feudal System Barons leased land from the King that was known as a manor. They were known as the Lord of the Manor and were in near complete control of this land (subject to oversight & ultimate rule of the King).”
“Knights were given land by a Baron in return for military service when demanded by the King. They also had to protect the Baron and his family, as well as the Manor, from attack. The Knights kept as much of the land as they wished for their own personal use and distributed the rest to villeins (serfs). Although not as rich as the Barons, Knights were quite wealthy.”
“Villeins, sometimes known as serfs, were given land by Knights. They had to provide the Knight with free labor, food, and service whenever it was demanded. Villeins had no rights. They were not allowed to leave the Manor and had to ask their Lord’s permission before they could marry. Villeins were poor.”
The Top 10 Big Asset Management firms & Big Banks now control OVER $40 TRILLION in assets.
The Top 60 Big Asset Management firms & Big Banks now control OVER $100 TRILLION in assets.
And they largely exist as the largest investors/shareholders of each other, like a HUGE CARTEL, controlled by the neo-feudal billionaire KINGS.
With the modern “Digital Revolution”, the digital landscape exists in much the same way as the physical land of the Medieval feudal period.
Amazon (NASDAQ: AMZN), via it’s AWS, is amongst the largest owner & controller of digital assets (space for platforms) & content.
Other entities, like GoDaddy (NYSE: GDDY) and Alphabet (Google) (NASDAQ: GOOGL), amongst the largest Registrars and Cloud Computing & Storage entities, not only largely rely on Amazon’s AWS, but are similarly owned by the same CARTEL of largest Big Asset Management firms & Big Banks, such as:
Vanguard, BlackRock, State Street, Fidelity (FMR), the Capital Group, et al.
In controlling the digital landscape, these mega-corporations, controlled by the neo-feudal Kings, essentially control information.
They easily promote, and effectively bury what they want via algorithms, and volume (i.e. owning & controlling massive numbers of domains, all of which link to the sources/sites they deem as “truth”).
The neo-feudal corporate hierarchy exists much like the Medieval feudal hierarchy.
Francesco Petrarca, aka Petrarch, was a scholar and poet of early Renaissance Italy, and one of the earliest humanists. Petrarch’s rediscovery of Cicero’s letters is often credited with initiating the 14th-century Italian Renaissance and the founding of Renaissance humanism.
Petrarch was a frequent critic of the massive control of information during his day.
And of the massive corruption of logic & knowledge, via the wholly-controlled & contrived “Scholastic Movement” (which was the mega-church’s theological skewing of classical logic).
Hence Petrarch’s description of the era as the Dark Ages (aka false & misled enlightenment).
Research, info, data, knowledge & such are all being heavily controlled, skewed & manipulated.
Not only does MANUFACTURED CONSENT exist on a large scale.
But so does MANUFACTURED DISSENT similarly exist on a large scale.
Too much “dissent”, “alternative news”, “divergence” & such exists as mere REVERSE PROPAGANDA (i.e. herein defined as an even more covert form of propaganda, designed to make skeptics either be led on irrational conspiracy theories, and appear as lunatics, and/or herd them back towards the mainstream, as people like Bernie Sanders & Trump, et al have proven).
I agree, a Digital Dictatorship – but with a very vulnerable weak spot. The whole show is dependent on a constant supply of electricity.
…- *Even Better, Yet*… – A *Constantly Accelerating, Constantly Expanding*, constant supply of electricity…
(…- For all the *Ever-Expanding* blockchain hashing requirements for alla your *Ever-Expanding* instances of ‘Ihre Papiern, Bitte’… 😉 )
On the reality of the Dark Ages:
“Why that is something one does not usually see, until now. Face diapered undercover Scamdemic Gestapo Nazis asking passing motorists for honks of support. Usually they look for bribes. Will wonders never cease.”
“Meanwhile back out West, it is the usual.”
I can’t see much here that Corbett hasn’t plugged before (although I suppose a reminder of is useful). The search examples he’s chosen have all done the difficult part of having exact titles, dates and/or sources; it’s more amorphous searches that are the difficult ones. The other topics that he says he should make a podcast on would indeed be more useful.
How to find Daniel Hopsicker’s ‘Barry and the Boys’ and/or ‘Welcome to Terrorland’ at a halfway reasonable price would be helpful. TrineDay, those fearless truth-tellers, seem to have buried them in a very deep and dark hole which only megabacks will unlock.
Corbett still pushes this “the library of Alexandria is on fire” meme. Yes, that six-month fire in a relatively small building is utterly believable and those books weren’t disappeared into private collections.
Yeah it gets tiresome. The pictures on the cave wall bollocks.
Why doesn’t off G do a similar thing to the above How to Research Online and show people how they research and construct their articles.
This would help new blogger s.
Too few people are capable of finding, comprehending & considering larger data-sets & conflicting data.
Constant worry, stress, turmoil, insecurity & such results in mass cognitive dissonance.
Too many people are too heavily constricted by cognitive constraints, like biases & fallacies.
The current trend is for assumption, presumption, inclination, intolerance, prejudice (i.e. pre-formed conclusions) & such.
Greater conceptualization & consideration is out of style & out of mind.
The art of Critical Thinking is largely dead.
Especially by most of those whom believe they are engaging in critical thinking.
The Dunning Kruger effect:
The ignorant are too ignorant to realize their own ignorance.
“Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge“.
-Charles Darwin-
“A habit of basing convictions upon evidence, and of giving to them only that degree or certainty which the evidence warrants, would, if it became general, cure most of the ills from which the world suffers“
–Bertrand Russell–
People mistake strong belief and conviction for true knowledge.
In a increasingly insecure world, most people can only find senses of relevance & security in fallacious confidence & conviction.
Rather than seeking short narratives & quick and easy “how-to’s”, more people need to read more, truly educate themselves, especially on the use of and discernment of different types of evidence (not all forms of evidence are weighted equally nor as trustworthy as others).
And learn to engage in greater logic, and reasoning, and learn to consider and incorporate elements of deduction, induction and abduction towards greater truth.
Yup. Yup. Yup. You’re all ex journos aren’t you?
James o Keefe is shilling his book on it at the minute.
Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla hides a centuries-old family heritage interlocked with British Zionism and the Pilgrims Society new world order scheme
His real name is Israel-Abraham Burla, according to The Times of Israel
One big interconnected family / bloodline.
israel oded yinon kill lergi healthprotocull of zion
is a big idea
sacrifice offerings need fools of the day
slaves and schmucks for a lifetime
Provide source for this statement.
OffGuardian wont permit a direct link. Search ” Americans For Innovation”.
isn’t ‘provide source for this statement‘ now relegated to the status of NPC parody?
because I’m sure it is…
Watch: How to Research Online. James kindly offers ideas on how you can
‘Do your own Research.’ James is very helpful like that.
I see what you did there! 😉
More to the point he is a vet. So when Pfizer’s COVID restorative, Pfivermectin, is released it really will be horse medicine, if not horse-shit medicine.
More info on Wiki, he really is a grade one shit.