As COVID crumbles they’re already prepping the next “pandemic”
The coronavirus may go but, from cancer to AIDS, the mRNA vaccines are here to stay.
Kit Knightly

Sample blood collection tube with HIV test label on HIV infection screening test form.
The Covid19 narrative is broken, that battle is over. Yes, there are still pockets of token resistance, little embattled squares who aren’t ready to give up the ghost just yet, but for the most part the establishment are letting it go.
Country after country after country are “relaxing” their Covid restrictions, abandoning vaccine passport plans and attempting to “get back to normal”.
It seems every week some new “expert” who spent the last two years predicting we’re all gonna die turns up on the news claiming we should “treat Covid like the flu”.
But just because they’re giving slack on Covid does not mean the agenda behind Covid is gone. Far from it.
In fact, even as they seek to dump this pandemic in a shallow grave, they are already prepping the public for the next health scare – AIDs.
In December Joe Biden claimed it was the aim of his administration to “end the HIV/AIDS epidemic by 2030”. A similar campaign, launched in the UK at the same, uses the same exact phrase, word for word.
Then, just last week it was suddenly reported there was a “new variant” of HIV circulating in Europe, this new strain is allegedly “more virulent”, “more transmissable”, and “progresses to AIDS faster”.
At the same time, papers are reporting that for the first time in years heterosexuals are more likely to contract HIV than homosexuals, and they are “more at risk of AIDS” because they’re “diagnosed late”.
On the back of this “news”, a Guardian opinion piece claims we need a “new strategy” for dealing with AIDS.
Following hot on the heels of this fresh wave of fear is a push for everyone to get AIDS tested as soon as possible, from politicians and celebrities and everyone in between.
Prince Harry is leading the charge, in a video that caused the press invoke the spirit of his mother Princess Diana, Harry insisted we all have a “duty” to get HIV tested “to keep other people safe”, comparing it to the COVID outbreak.
“Know your status“, the video says. Which will probably be a hashtag in the near future. (I just checked, and it actually is already.)
They’re really cranking through the gears on this one.
Even while the problem and reaction are still barely out of the research and development stage, they’re already talking about the solution.
Guess what it is?
If you said “another mRNA vaccine”, well done for paying attention
Yes, Moderna has apparently learned so much from making their rushed Covid vaccine which doesn’t work that they’re already making an HIV vaccine they hope will be just as “safe and effective”.
In a truly startling coincidence, Moderna’s HIV vaccine began clinical trials the exact same day the “new variant” of HIV hit the headlines, and the same week as the NHS’s annual “HIV Testing Week”. Funny old world, isn’t it?
Anyway, everyone get ready to line up for the AIDS shot.
Oh, and the cancer one as well.
The covid battle might be slowly winding down, but the mRNA “vaccine” war has potentially only just begun.
We published a follow up to this piece, speculating about a possible agenda behind the “new AIDS variant” here.
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I didn’t have any expectations concerning that title, but the more I was astonished. The author did a great job. I spent a few minutes reading and checking the facts. Everything is very clear and understandable. I like posts that fill in your knowledge gaps. This one is of the sort.
I imagine the new AIDS will be transmitted by coughing/breathing or how else will they justify banning people from going about daily life if they don’t have the AIDS vaccine?
Please watch this video …(to understand why the HIV scare is back)
The video language is German but the referenced studies are all in English. The main points are: (seen in the results of blood analysis of cytokine levels in people with 3 mRNA COVID-19 “shots”):
· Blocking of INTERFERON I signalling (INF I is the immediate / first line of viral defense via the innate IMS; disrupts communication with adaptive IMS> proliferation / maturation of B-Cells, T-Cells);
· Reduction/ inactivation of Natural Killer Cells (NKC);
· “Exhaustion” of T-Cells (helper cells: Th1 & Th2),
· Syncytia: formation of giant cells with multiple nuclei (pathogenic result of the fusogenic properties of Spike and HIV- (env) genes; these monster-cells “gobble-up” T-Lymphocytes and kill them;
· IMS-dysregulation leads to unspecific/destructive inflammation (> destruction of tissue; cancer risk)
· Downregulation of DNA-repair genes and Tumor-Suppression genes (p 53, BRCA); >> increased cáncer risk (see also Dr. Ryan Cole videos)
· Dysregulation (-/+) of hundreds of other genes involved in metabolism (i.e. blood glucose levels > pre-diabetic state after vaccination; this study from China concerns a “classic”, non mRNA COVID-19 vaccine)
To sum up: Here we see a
All of this happens WITHOUT the presence of a whole virus; it is the result of the toxic, biologically active – artificially constructed spike protein (with contains genetic sequences of HIV and SIV – as Dr.Luc Montagnier, Dr. Fleming and others told us all along) not to forget genes from plasmodium yoelli (which causes malaria in “mouse-models”> lab mice used for testing malaria vaccines)
So these insane gene-injections ARE GOING TO CAUSE a form of “V-AIDS” (vaccine acquired immune deficiency) in millions of people … this is a perfect “eugenics”-weapon (the people who are already chronically ill, will die first) all cause-mortality is rising in most countries in Europe and the US …now they stop reporting the raw data telling us “we might misinterprete” their meaning
P.S. I live in Austria … here “the battle” is far from over … thanks to a combination of ignorance, brainwashing and massive corruption our politicians, media, medical establishment and (most of all) our “ethics- and vaccine-commissions” are still determined to implement forced “vaccination” and punish 2 million Austrians for exercising their human rights … (they live in a pseudo-reality like members of a cult).
NOT TO FORGET … the latest finding (the sequence which contains the famous PRRA-insert (which enables the furin-cleavage not found in other CoVs of the same class) is part of a longer (mirror) sequence PATENTED BY MODERNA in 2017. It encodes a protein which is 100% homologous to the human protein MSH-3 (crucial for DNA-mismatch repair) .
A condon-optimized mRNA (like this one) .. could induce DNA mismatch REPAIR DEFICIENCY and (thereby increase the severity of viral disease …
Prof. Montagnier always said nature would try to get rid of these artifical constructs (which increased the virulence) and apparently it has done so now: the result is Omicron …
Covid-19 has disrupted the psychology of people. Some products in the world have become more expensive. Developing countries were more affected. I hope the danger is over.
may I suggest that it might be a very bad move lending any momentum to the idea that the vaccines are causing the big A. That is the single most horrifying thing I have read on the internet… ever. the reason I feel this way comes as a question, what motivates that kind of reporting or sharing… to even be able to report that as a story is to lend a hand to setting the world on fire. secondly. a world on fire is exactly what we would have in any event if this were to come out as true could you imagine?????. could you Imagine worse still if it’s not the case and the world acted if it was and everyone who was vaccinated voluntarily or not carried out their own revenge on their own authorities? I think that news story or opinion piece is it’s own form of feverish nihilism and doesn’t serve the species or reduce any suffering whatsoever.
I am unvaccinated. I am concerned for us all. I am horrible at grammar
We need to know the truth, we can’t ascertain the truth unless we discuss all the information openly.
The idea all along was to get them mRNA dogies rollin’. From the idea of a universal, global flu vaccine as “the new normal” – yes, that is where the term originated in 2004 – to the idea of “blowin’ up the system” in 2019 to get them mRNA vaxxes rollin’, rawhide !
A manufactured illusion. Dr David Martin with Reiner Fuellmich 9/7/21
“Peter Daszak Feb. 12, 2016: ‘We need to alert the public to the need for a pan corona virus vaccine. A key driver is the media and the economics will follow the hype. We need to use that hype to our advantage…INVESTORS WILL RESPOND IF THEY SEE PROFIT at the end of the process.”
“Why don’t we blow the system up?” Universal flu vaccine – Milken Institute, C-SPAN Oct 2019
“Why don’t we just blow the system up ?” – Science journalist [They’ve done that – to scientific research and academia, to the world “health” system]
“We’ve got to go through all the clinical trials – phase ones, phase twos, phase threes [lists them tendentiously as unnecessary delays]…and then show [of all things!] that this particular product is going to be good over a number of years…if it works perfectly it’s gonna take a decade! [Such dilatory nonsense]” – Anthony Fauxi, NIAID Director
“There might be a need or even an urgent call for an entity of excitement that’s completely disruptive.” [Darth Vader could not have said it better. Yeah, disruptive entities always a good idea in designing a health system] – Rick Bright, HHS-BARDA Director
Gratuitous links:
Fauxi Theme Song – Rawhide – Get them vax dogies rollin’ – YouTube
[In an endless stream of lucrative vaxxiz]
SCTV – Farm Film Report: Brooke Shields – YouTube
[Nothing against Brooke. Watch this fantasizing Fauxi was the guest celebrity]
I’ve been predicting a combination flu,covid,hiv shot for a few months now, they don’t even need to change the mrna, just spruce up the packaging and it’s good to go!
And these bastard Royals led by Prince Karl Battenberg are the true head of this Serpent
They won’t be happy until billions of people are wiped off the face of the earth; For Gods sake people wakeup and see these devils for whom they really are eugenicists.
zero% carbon
Devils, minions of Satan is right. The good news is that they will spend eternity paying for their crimes.
They won’t be happy until billions of people are wiped off the face of the earth; For Gods sake people wakeup and see these devils for whom they really are eugenicists.
Yes thats their plan. Wake up people!!
Globalists are trying to inoculate as many people as possible so that their great reset aka depopulation 2030 plan work.
What if:
mRNA vaccines for Covid were suppressing immune systems and allowing other viruses to achieve “escape velocity,” like Covid Omicron did?
Covid vaccinnees have been shown to have AIDS-like immune system problems.
The new “cure worse than the disease” has been cooked up just in time for the disease (AIDS) worse than the cure (for Covid).
It also seems like “Deja Vu all over again” when you consider that to get funding and attention for AIDS/HIV research and “cures” Fauci and co amped up the possibility that HIV could be transmitted heterosexually. That little episode of crying wolf was disproved in a hurry.
The same suspects keep showing up and trying to fan the flames of panic over every newly discovered bug, and surely, if the big one should happen on their watch, nobody would believe them.
I have heard of work being carried out to find a vaccine for malaria courtesy of Bill Gates at Liverpool STM. Interestingly, malaria is carried by a parasite not a virus…..some parallels with covid ……..hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin and drink made in madagascar with sweet wormwood all used to ‘treat malaria’ and were all pulled from shelves when it was discovered they were helping to get rid of covid-19. It is interesting when you think how malaria is transmited…the sharp probiscus of the malarial mosquito goes into the blood stream and the parasite moves down the hypodermic needle like probiscus into the blood stream……just what have those ‘vaccines’ contained ???
Spanish and New Zealand scientists have studied contents of these vaccines and have said there are components they have never seen before and they do not belong in our bodies. Dr Robert Young found parasites in the covid vaccines.
Hello Rachel thanks for your reply. There are lots of little creatures that you can cut up and they grow back to make a new whole…it is called totipotency. In humans one fertilised cell is totipotent, it has the blue print of how to build a human being. It has always been an area of much interest to me, how do eyes ‘know’ to be eyes and not nails. The ability to be totipotent ends at about 12 weeks into a pregnancy…..why? we don’t know. The nearest humans come to regaining totipotency is via stem cells and research hopes to attain the ability to be able to grow organs eg kidney, heart to tailor fit the human who needs a transplant. If an organ can be grown from your own stem cells then there is no need to use anti-rejection drugs. The immune system sees the organ as, ‘that’s me’ Moving ahead, I was given a withdrawn science paper to read around a year ago, possibly longer. It seemed fine to me, everything written up as it should be. There was a picture and I thought that looks like a HIV virus crossed with something else……..and now I know why it was withdrawn; it was too hot to release. I don’t know what the end game to all of this is, we can’t call it eugenics since it doesn’t care how much money you have or to which social class drawer (a system I hate) you belong. Genocide is possible, genocide of the unvaxxed. Propoganda is growing louder and nastier against people who are not vaccinated….I know people are from many different groups, but Nazi Germany and genocide can be applied to unvaccinated people. Those who won’t do as they are told…..only thing I can think of.
Fauci and friends will never be held accountable for what they have done. Here’s why:
The little boy Ant Tony Faucteeth has done more to destroy countries and the medical system than this little twisted sister of girl.
I know longer trust the medical community and he has driven the final nail in the coffin for it. I, admit, I was half-way there when I seen how they treated several family members.
I have seen the monster and it STINKS and is UGHLEE. Be carefool who you put in charge because they can RUIN your reputation.
So disgusted didn’t even proofread it.
no, it’s because your MK-ULTRA mind control is malfunctioning.
It has little to do with reputation. This is another industry for maximum profit.
So Luc Montagnier, just deceased, won the Nobel Prize for “discovering” the HIV. His microscopist of longstanding is on record stating that he NEVER isolated/identified HIV. When Kerry Mullis was writing a paper and needed a citation for his opening line that HIV caused AIDS, he asked Montagnier which paper he could cite, because he couldn’t find one. Montagnier referred him to a paper he had already read which did not do so. Mullis called bullshit on the virus and on AIDS. It’s the same bullshit for Covid and all viruses, as SARS CoV 2 has never been isolated/ identified and the PCR test (which Mullis, of course, invented) does not and cannot test for infectious disease (as Mullis contended often). So we have no viruses and no tests for one. How does that work? Virology is a hoax. Which does mean, however, they can just roll out new vaccines to anytime they want for fake diseases as they kill and maim us and turn us into graphene zombies.
Fascinating –especially when Mullis was “just deceased” shortly before Covid hit.
When Kerry Mullis was writing a paper and needed a citation for his opening line that HIV caused AIDS, he asked Montagnier which paper he could cite, because he couldn’t find one.
Yep the reason for the existence of virology is to create vaccines.
It’s one of the biggest lies and hoaxes perpetrated by the medical industrial complex. Only “recognised qualified experts” have the power to see the phantom.
Vaccines as they call them all have adjuvants (poisons). Then when the receiver is injected the body reacts to fight the poison, then the virologists make the claim “see they work”.
Every vaccine ever produced is introduced during the falling part of bell curve when the disease is waning or dying off. Again they proclaim it is because of the vaccine.
Fully agree. Vaccines are toxins which trigger an “immune response” which is just the body’s attempt to clear the poisons contained in the vaccines. The claim is the antibodies produced are specific to the “virus” present. but there is no virus and the antibodies are NOT specific; they are generic garbage disposal mechanisms. As Tom Cowan points out (he wrote a book on cancer), when the toxins are not eliminated (and most drugs kill off bacteria, which are there to clean up the toxins as ENDOGENOUSLY produced for the purpose, but leave the toxins the bacteria are there to clear out), you end up with fungi which are actually the indicia of cancer. For which we have more toxic drugs. Quite the racket.
It’s funny isn’t it….Virology is a theory!
so is evolution !
It is inevitable. The researcher show us what will happen. Then we will see those vaccine lowers with face of surprised pikachu.jpg
AIDS 2.0 – deadly compassion – The role of Anthony Fauci and the ACT UP activists in the compassionate release of AZT, a deadly drug, in 1987
I compiled some reference into a document on the role Anthony Fauci and the ACT UP activists played in the “compassionate” release of AZT in 1986/87.
Link to document:
For example, ACT UP demanded the release of highly toxic drugs without proper testing. Placebo trials were considered unethical and unacceptable,
• ACT-UP, “FDA Action Handbook – Drug Trials are Health Care Too”, Dec 12, 1988,
“Based on these two unethical situations the following demands have been drawn up:
2) Subjects in a drug trial must not be forced to discontinue concurrent prophylaxis as a condition of participation; death or progression of opportunistic infections is an unacceptable corollary of the “science fore treatment” bias of many current trial.
5) Placebo trials which have as an endpoint the death of members of the control group, or their progression to opportunistic infection, are unethical and unacceptable.”
This was a human nightmare, created out of compassion. A complete catastrophe. Which, however, was highly appreciated and welcomed by the pharmaceutical industry and its advocate Anthony Fauci.
Any chance of my pending rant escaping?
“The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.”
– H.L. Mencken (1880-1956)
The article by Ian Green, CEO of the Terrence Higgins Trust, a so called charity organisation, in The Guardian underlines the terrible role activist organisations played and play in the promotion of the HIV=AIDS fraud. In the 80ies it was ACT UP. Today charity is a business. That is sad for many different reasons.
Here is summary on the state of science of HIV and AIDS.
This version contains references to John Lauritsen and Celia Farber as well as to the FDA documents on this terrible Burroughs & Wellcome trail on AZT in 1986/87.
The trial, as unscientific as the conduction was, was soon officially unblinded, and AZT was given out of compassion also officially to the placebo group. Before that many participants had already identified to which group they had been assigned and they pooled the pills. The compassionate use program was mainly initiated because of the intervention of Anthony Fauci and the ACT-UP activists.
Probably the cleanest, most complete data we have on medical effects of the covid vaxx is the Defense Medical Epidemiology Database (DMED) which tracks every illness of military members.
Whistleblowers have come forward because their superiors didn’t: The following are the % increase over the preceding 5-year average:
Miscarriage 300% in first 10 months of 2021
Cancer 290% in first 11 months 2021
Neurological disorders 1000%
Hypertension 2000%
Look at the amount of drugs they will prescribe/sell forever to each patient with one of the vaccine induced afflictions.
I have often called it COVAIDS.
HIV, H1N1,SARS-COV2, all the same scam. The difference now is they have the internet borg, and they have completed the regulatory capture.
yes a few people get very sick, but it never becomes a threat to humanity and the causes are not any “virus”. If this was possible it would have happened long before the lizards, sorry I mean “scientists”, came up with virus theories and vaccines.
Anybody who claims to know what really happened in 1918 (right at the end of the party known as WW1) is full of it.
That Unherd article about how the Left betrayed the truckers ( was gratifying to read and yet it too did a body swerve on the real issues. See here:
“As the protests enter another week, Ottawa’s mayor has declared a state of emergency. Jim Watson described the truckers — ostensibly protesting against Canada’s harsh Covid mandates — as “out of control”. Watson sees anarchy; the truckers fulminate against Covid authoritarianism. But this battle is really about working-class discontent.”
Thus those matters that the media dare not mention e.g. the exaggeration – or indeed fabrication – of covid, the fatality rate of the vaccines etc. are neatly sidestepped.
And look here:
“Truckers began demonstrating in western Canada on 9 January over new COVID legislation that requires people crossing the US-Canada border to be fully vaccinated. Although up to 90% of the 120,000 Canadian truckers who work on cross border routes are thought to be fully-vaccinated, fears of supply chain issues and that the remainder could be pushed out of their jobs sparked fury.”
And there is mentioned a concern that “any unvaccinated truckers would have to quarantine on their return home to Canada, which would risk driver shortages, supply chain issues and a loss of income for employees”.
But not a jot about why some would not want to be vaccinated. Although this is hinted at with an inevitable mention of QAnon. But all that leads to is a mention of those who “believe compulsory vaccines are against the country’s constitution”. So just a constitutional matter then?
After which we are on a roll:
“…a far-right fringe organisation …. QAnon supporter …has publicly condemned the “growing Islamisation of Canada”…neo-Nazi, QAnon and far-right symbols …US Confederate flag….” etc.
We then get a title “What can be done to stop them” – the bias of which hardly needs emphasising. And of course Trudeau gets a platform.
So again and again and again – no mention of the true oppositional position.
Official UK Government data on Covid-19 has suggested for months that most of the fully vaccinated are developing full blown Covid-19 vaccine induced acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), now the latest data suggests a high number of fully vaccinated Brits may have already hit the point of no return and are now suffering with the autoimmune disease.
(Text w charts plus podcast)
Nice giggle:
All the vaccine policy jab needed only Fauci and his subscriber , friends and family members.
HIV does not cause Aids Aids is harmless, its the drugs that “treat” them that kill.
On top of that HIV has never been properly proven to exist, just like corona SARS 2 or whatever they call their new fantasy version.
> The Covid19 narrative is broken, that battle is over.
Hope you’re right man, hope you’re right …
A mere intermission old son! Note the global pivot to Narrative 2.0
There will be another wave, and then…..SPARS 2025-2028 That outta take us right up to agenda 2030
the war on drsgs isreal
the war on terror 2
germs are deadly
germ theory isreal
aids is was and now never been more active
the goyim are disease vector distemper for cull moloch
the host meaning you must be destroyed to protect 2
protect you
tc fry on aids
My introduction to AIDS was T.C.Fry’s book, “The Great AIDS HOAX. After reading it, I phoned him up to discuss the book with him. He said that he enjoyed the conversation. I went on to contact Peter Duesberg by email and he phoned me up and then sent me a large body of evidence to support his scientific opinion that HIV did not cause AIDS, including his published scientific article, “AIDS Epidemiology:Inconsistencies with Human Immunodeficiency Virus and with Infectious Disease”. In that article, I learned about Farr’s Law. Somewhat later I went to a talk on AIDS by Kary Mullis. I learned that Mullis was an honest scientist. Later I learned how his PCR test was being misused on HIV.
As soon as I learned that the test for the Covid virus was the PCR test I knew what to expect and here we go again…
Part 9/9 – HIV and AIDS – what was (again) not said on last year’s World AIDS day
And until today, HIV/AIDS in industrialized countries is limited to so-called risk groups (mostly MSM, men-having-sex-with-men). A heterosexual epidemic does not take place to this day. Why should it be any different in Africa? In Africa there is hunger, misery, contaminated water, heavy metals and many other things. None of this matters any more once a person’s is measured HIV+. Former South African President Thabo Mbeki once put it this way,
• Thabo Mbeki, Mail & Guardian, “Mbeki addresses ‘Aids denialism’ criticism”, 07 Mar 2016,
“The question that arises from this is – why! Why does the same Virus behave differently in the US and Western Europe from the way it behaves in Southern Africa!”
“Why did it come about that so much noise was made internationally about the 9th leading cause of death in our country, with not even so much as a whimper about the 1st leading cause of death, tuberculosis?
Why would the South African Government, knowing the health condition of its own population very well, have been expected so to focus on the 9th leading cause of death as virtually to treat as less urgent and important the first eight (8) leading causes of death, even taken together? Did this have to do with the fact that South Africa could be a lucrative market for the sale of ARVs, as it now is?”
“Poverty is the main reason why babies are not vaccinated, why clean water and sanitation are not provided, why curative drugs and other treatments are unavailable and why mothers die in childbirth. It is the underlying cause of reduced life expectancy, handicap, disability and starvation.
Poverty is a major contributor to mental illness, stress, suicide, family disintegration and substance abuse. Every year in the developing world 12.2 million children under 5 years die, most of them from causes which could be prevented for just a few US cents per child. They die largely because of world indifference, but most of all they die because they are poor.”
Mr. Mbeki and many others have been severely attacked for this position. It goes as far as the absurd accusation that they failed to save human lives because they did not introduce the antiretroviral therapy based on the virus hypothesis of AIDS quickly enough.
We have seen the results of this alleged therapy above. It was only after the doses were greatly reduced that people lived longer.
One has tried to underpin the attacks against the critics with crude model calculations. Cf. for example,
• Chigwedere et al., “Estimating the lost benefits of antiretroviral drug use in South Africa.”, J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2008 Dec 1;49(4):410-5,
“To estimate the lost benefits of ARV drug use in South Africa, we compared the actual number of persons who received ARVs for treatment or PMTCT between 2000 and 2005 with what was reasonably feasible in the country during that period. The difference, multiplied by the average efficacy of ARV treatment or PMTCT prophylaxis gives us the lost benefits of ARV use.“
The problem is that there is no evidence for the presumed effectiveness of HAART as a lifelong(!) therapy, on the contrary. I.e. the multiplicative factor of the mean AVR efficacy (… average efficacy of ARV treatment …) is equal to zero. These drugs do not save lives. The lower the doses, the more slowly they kill.
Thousands of times this model nonsense has been adopted and spread in the media. And the journalists stood there with their breast swollen with pride and patted themselves on the shoulders, what good people they are. Once again the planet was saved.
We could only touch on a few topics here. We did not talk about the still missing animal model of AIDS (apes don’t get AIDS), the immunosuppressive effects of drugs, malnutrition or heavy metals, the lack of any evidence for the slow virus theory, the multiple forms of alleged therapeutic failure (including so-called PCR blips) with which one would like to conceal the ineffectiveness of the therapy, the connection between ART and non-AIDS-defining cancer, the complexity that arises from endogenous retroviruses in the human genome (HERV) for detection, the nonsense of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) where healthy people are treated with toxic agents and get sick, the billions in profits thanks to the virus hypothesis of AIDS, or the statistical tricks with which one has inflated the number of cases, for example by expanding the list of AIDS-defining diseases several times, or asking why the population in Africa continues to grow rapidly despite a deadly virus. Nor have we talked about the disastrous consequences of the therapy in pregnant women in Africa, for both mother and fetus.
Of course, like the antibody tests, the HIV PCR tests are a disaster. For HIV, too, PCR is its own gold standard. Only representativly here,
• Jenn Morson, „How I Tested HIV Positive — Nine Times — While Pregnant“, May 25 2016,
Molecular biology. The science of life. And has one made of it? A profit center – above a morgue.
Everyone should have understood by now why virology in the corona (lockdown) crisis persists in its positions against all evidence. Several million people who have been treated to death prevent any deviation from the zoonosis nonsense and the belief in the “blessed therapy”.
Unfortunately you seem to have multi posted in the mistaken belief you were being censored when actually your comments were just in pending!
I don’t mean to tell you what to do… this situation has been going on for a while now and is wasting your time and causing many commenters (incl myself) a lot of grief, since there are hardly any places where we can share our thoughts and information.
How about a big bold notice that shows up at top of the Comments Policy page that shows up for first time commenters, warning them that their comment will not appear until it has been checked?
Nonsense excuses by them peoples posts/comments goes into this vault of pending spam filter
censorunderground chamber and never gets released.why is that.?
Really bizarre tek and does the admin even no this is happening or is it the gremlins at WP?
Lately it has got worse.
The most silliest comment goes into pending sometimes.
I dont get it.
As a native South African who is interested in AIDs prevention, I thank you for these paragraphs:
“Why did it come about that so much noise was made internationally about the 9th leading cause of death in our country, [AIDS] with not even so much as a whimper about the 1st leading cause of death, Tuberculosis?
“Why would the South African Government, knowing the health condition of its own population very well, have been expected so to focus on the 9th leading cause of death as virtually to treat as less urgent and important the first eight (8) leading causes of death? Did this have to do with the fact that South Africa could be a lucrative market for the sale of ARVs, as it now is?”
“Poverty is the main reason why babies are not vaccinated, why clean water and sanitation are not provided, why curative drugs and other treatments are unavailable and why mothers die in childbirth. It is the underlying cause of reduced life expectancy, handicap, disability and starvation.
“Poverty is a major contributor to mental illness, stress, suicide, family disintegration and substance abuse. Every year in the developing world 12.2 million children under 5 years die, most of them from causes which could be prevented for just a few US cents per child. They die largely because of world indifference, but most of all they die because they are poor.”
“Mr. Mbeki and many others have been severely attacked for this position. It goes as far as the absurd accusation that they failed to save human lives because they did not introduce AntiRetroViral Therapy based on the virus hypothesis of AIDS quickly enough.
We have seen the results of this alleged therapy above. It was only after the doses were greatly reduced that people lived longer.”
Poverty is dependance on state handouts and leftovers. The more state and corporate intervention and interference the poorer a society becomes.
corporation get multiples of handouts more than the poor
the money never stops moving
Corporations don’t get ‘hand outs’, they are the government now. And the corporate government is all too happy to have a population dependant on state benefits (universal basic income), pacified by drugs and addicted to technology. No challenge for the elites at all.
We know something about that here in Argentina. As a matter of fact, a large chunk of the apparatus of the State is maintained and finds its existence justified thanks to a permanent general state of structural, generational poverty and others issues.
A general state of social povery and other issues in need to be fixed is functional to the existence of the State. Many employees of the State earn a living precisely because there are issues to be temporarily fixed, and that’s why the State is never interested in definitely solving these issues and if they do get rid of them, they have to make sure they do so by generating new issues.
Without issues to be fixed, the State shrinks as a large piece of it becomes unnecessary, driving many people to unemployment.
This same need for – creating – problems to be “solved”, even by turning – through perception management – something that is not problematic at all into something perceived as “problematic” to be dealt with, is the motor that drives “progress” and justifies the status quo which includes not only the existence of the State but also the never-ending creation of new commodities the fetishism of which is at the core of Capital as a mode of production.
most of all they die because they are poor
They are not left alone to get by without such dependence on money. Their livelihoods are destroyed, their conditions deteriorate and their constraints grow steadily. This is all for profit: modern human sacrifice.
Part 8/9 – HIV and AIDS – what was (again) not said on last year’s World AIDS day
Nobody questions the hypothesis of the currently assumed 13 different zoonoses from at least 3 species of monkeys, gorillas (SIVgor), chimpanzees (SIVchz) and Shooty Mangabeys (SIVsm) to humans, around 1930 in Africa, which is supposed to have led to the development of the HI virus, cf.
• Hahn et al. “AIDS as a zoonosis: scientific and public health implications.”, Science. 2000 Jan 28; 287(5453):607-14,
“Evidence of simian immunodefciency virus (SIV) infection has been reported for 26 different species of African nonhuman primates. Two of these viruses, SIVcpz from chimpanzees and SIVsm from sooty mangabeys, are the cause of acquired immunodefciency syndrome (AIDS) in humans. Together, they have been transmitted to humans on at least seven occasions.”
“How the AIDS epidemic actually began, what the contributing factors were, and why it appeared in the mid- to late 20th century (and not before) are not known. Whatever the final answers are, they must account for
(i) at least seven separate introductions of SIVcpz and SIVsm viruses into humans;
(ii) the fact that the HIV-1 group M, N, and O viruses are significantly more closely related to SIVcpz viruses from P. t. troglodytes than to the single SIVcpz isolate from P. t. schweinfurthii; and
(iii) the estimation of 1930 (range 1910 to 1950) as the timing of the last common ancestor of the HIV-1 group M viruses.”
Earlier than 1910 is not possible, otherwise there should have been an epidemic earlier. Later than 1950 does not work due to the >10 year latency of the alleged slow virus and the first cases in 1981 in the USA. More recent publications now speak of at least 13x transitions between the species, cf.
• Peeters et al., „Origin and diversity of human retroviruses.”, AIDS Rev. 2014 Jan-Mar;16(1):23-34,
“More in detailed studies showed that SIVs from chimpanzees and gorillas have crossed the species barrier on at least four occasions leading to HIV-1 group M, N, O and P in humans [6,23]. The different HIV-2 groups are the result from at least nine independant transmissions of SIVs from sooty mangabeys in west Africa [6,23,24].”
And the number of zoonoses will probably grow, cf. ibid,
“Already 13 transmissions involving 3 different NHP species to humans have been documented, 4 for HIV-1 and 9 for HIV-2. Most likely other cross-species occurred in the past but remained undetected, because the virus could not adapt to his new host or was not introduced into an environment where conditions for efficient and rapid spread were present. Today humans are still exposed to a wide diversity of SIVs through hunting and butchering NHPs for bushmeat.”
Nobody asks why these alleged zoonoses did not happen much earlier when humans and their ancestors lived under much worse hygienic conditions than today.
According to theory, 2 different putatively pathogenic HI virus groups arose at the same time, HIV-1 and HIV-2, which differ in their genome by > 45%, cf.
• Motomura et al., “Genetic Recombination between Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 (HIV-1) and HIV-2, Two Distinct Human Lentiviruses”, J Virol. 2008 Feb; 82(4): 1923–1933,
“HIV-1 and HIV-2 have similar genetic structures; however, they exhibit significant sequence variation. For example, the two virus strains used in this study contain only 55% nucleotide sequence identity in the viral genome and 54%, 55%, and 35% amino acid sequence identity in gag, pol, and env, respectively.”
This is a very bizarre coincidence. And there would be 2 remarkably different human immunodeficiency viruses.
What is the point of phylogenetic analysis of the family tree of the HI virus if no two HIV+ people on this planet carry the same virus? On this point, we can refer to none other than the co-discoverer of the HI Virus and Nobel Prize winner Françoise Barré-Sinoussi, cf.
• Barré-Sinoussi et al., “Expert consensus statement on the science of HIV in the context of criminal law.”, J Int AIDS Soc. 2018 Jul;21(7):e25161,
“Mutations of the virus occur repeatedly so that every person living with HIV has more than one virus variant [154]. During transmission, a limited number of virus variants (one to a few) are transmitted, but these will also mutate to form new variants so that no two persons’ HIV is identical [155].”
The alleged evidence of a (or at least 13) zoonosis (zoonoses) in Africa around 1930 is simply nonsense. The molecular clock analysis method leads to the conclusion that SI viruses originated in monkeys about 500 years ago. Cf.
• Wertheim, Worobey, “Dating the age of the SIV lineages that gave rise to HIV-1 and HIV-2.”, PLoS Comput Biol. 2009 May;5(5):e1000377,
“Here, we use relaxed molecular clock dating techniques to estimate the time of most recent common ancestor for the SIVs infecting chimpanzees and sooty mangabeys, the reservoirs of HIV-1 and HIV-2, respectively. The date of the most recent common ancestor of SIV in chimpanzees is estimated to be 1492 (1266-1685), and the date in sooty mangabeys is estimated to be 1809 (1729-1875).”
“Comparisons between the SIV most recent common ancestor dates and those of the HIV lineages suggest a difference on the order of only hundreds of years. Our results suggest either that SIV is a surprisingly young lentiviral lineage or that SIV and, perhaps, HIV dating estimates are seriously compromised by unaccounted-for biases.”
This method makes obviously no sense. Given the prevalence of lentiviruses in the animal kingdom, that’s not even close to plausible. On the contrary, it can be assumed that SIV, like HIV, is several million years old.
• Compton and Emerman, “Convergence and Divergence in the Evolution of the APOBEC3G-Vif Interaction Reveal Ancient Origins of Simian Immunodeficiency Viruses”, PLoS Pathog 9(1): e1003135, Jan 24, 2013,
“The pattern of adaptive mutation suggests that SIV has been infecting OWM on timescale of millions of years.”
But AIDS has only existed since the early 1980s. The first 5 cases were reported in 1981, cf.
• Gottlieb et al., “Pneumocystis Pneumonia – Los Angeles“, Morbidity and mortality weekly report, Vol. 30, no. 21, June 5, 1981,
Part 7/9 – HIV and AIDS – what was (again) not said on last year’s World AIDS day
The fatal consequences of antiretroviral therapy are most evident in misdiagnosed HIV-negative people, cf.
• Julian Guthrie, SF Chronicle, “HAYWARD / False diagnosis of HIV discovered after 8 years / Veteran’s life severely affected after VA doctor made mistake” ,August 28, 2004,
“Earlier this month, Malone, 59, was summoned to his doctor’s office. He listened as the doctor delivered the stunning news: He is HIV negative.”
“’An HIV-positive person can have good T-cell counts and undetectable viral loads over a long period of time,” Pridmore said. “And in this case, the patient exhibited symptoms that could be consistent with an HIV diagnosis.’”
„In a September 2003 letter from Karp, Malone was classified as “permanently disabled and unable to work or participate in any stressful situation whatsoever.” His medical prognosis was deemed “very poor.” The letter said Malone was being treated for 20 medical conditions, the first condition being HIV. The sixth item on the list, nausea and vomiting, was said to be “related to condition 1”.”
„Malone, who is thin and voluble and walks with a cane, said that he attributed his frequent nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and weight loss to being HIV-positive.“
The assumptions to which Dr. Rockstroh refers in the interview with the Frankfurt Rundschau are deadly nonsense. Just like the immune reconstitution syndrome, also adhoc assumed by medicine, which can hardly be surpassed in terms of patient contempt. The treated people die precisely because the therapy is so successful. Cf.
• Colomba und Rubino, “The Downside of an Effective cART: The Immune Restoration Disease”, Current Perspectives in HIV Infection, Ed. Shailendra K. Saxena, April 10, 2013,
“This phenomenon is known as a multitude of names including “immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome (IRIS)”, “immune reconstitution or restoration disease” (IRD) or immune reconstitution syndrome” and includes various forms of a clinical deterioration as a consequence of a rapid and dysregulated restoration of antigen specific immune responses causing an exuberant inflammatory reaction and a cytokines storm. This was first noted following the introduction of zidovudine monotherapy in the early 1990s, […].”
The patients’ health becomes worse or they die because the immune response, which, thanks to the therapy, is supposed to overshoot, according to this very convenient theory. Given the many and severe side effects of the medication and the fact that it is not even clear how the HI virus is supposed to lead to a deterioration in the immune system, see above, this is remarkably thin.
But if you question that, you don’t risk your scientific career, it will then be over. There is a reason for that. The science of HIV and AIDS consists of little more than guesswork.
Very few HIV+ measured people in therapy die from the diseases from the AIDS catalog, cf.
• Lifson et al, “Determination of the underlying cause of death in three multicenter international HIV clinical trials.”, HIV Clin Trials. 2008 May-Jun;9(3):177-85,
“Of 453 deaths reported through January 14, 2008, underlying causes were as follows: 10% AIDS-defining diseases, 21% non-AIDS malignancies, 9% cardiac diseases, 9% liver disease, 8% non-AIDS-defining infections, 5% suicides, 5% other traumatic events/accidents, 4% drug overdoses/acute intoxications, 11% other causes, and 18% unknown.”
That too has been known for years. But nobody looks at the consequences of the alleged therapy.
In spite of all this nobody questions the hypothesis of the lentivirus, which is said to lead to a breakdown of the immune system after 10-15 years, cf.
• Fauci et al. “Immunopathogenic Mechanisms of HIV Infection”, Ann Intern Med. 1996; 124(7), p. 654-663,
“The duration of clinical latency varies, but progression to the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome typically occurs after a mean of approximately 10 years.“
Unless you are a Long-Term-Non-Progressor (LTNP). Then it can take as long as you like. This has long been known, cf.
• Hoover et al., “Long-term survival without clinical AIDS after CD4+ cell counts fall below 200 x 10(6)/l.”, AIDS. 1995 Feb;9(2):145-52,
“Although antiretroviral therapy and Pneumocystis carinii prophylaxis extend AIDS-free survival, 45% of the group who were AIDS-free > or = 3 years after CD4+ cells fell below 200 x 10(6)/l had not used these treatments.”
Significant numbers of individuals remain free of illnesses and AIDS symptoms > or = 3 years after CD4+ cell counts drop below 200 x 10(6)/l. This occurs even in the absence of treatment. The associations seen here suggest that host and viral factors play important roles.”
This result from 1995 would no longer be valid today. As stated above, the CD4 cell count, unusable as it is, has replaced the AIDS diagnosis according to the catalog diseases. By today’s definition, due to their CD4 cell count these people would not be have been counted as AIDS-free, though they showed no symptoms. In therapy they will develop symptoms.
Depending on the publication, the prevalence of LTNP (Long Term Non Progressors), i.e. HIV+ people who show no signs of AIDS, amount to up to 22%. The values fluctuate depending on the study, cf.
• Sabin, Lundgren, “The natural history of HIV infection”, Current Opinion in HIV and AIDS: July 2013, Vol 8(4), p. 311–317,
[Table 1]
But, the criteria for LTNP are partly designed in such a way that even the healthiest person cannot meet them: the slope of the CD4 curve (“stable CD4 slope”) must never be negative (always ≥ 0). I.e. a flu-like infection on the examination, which leads to a temporary drop in the CD4 number, and no LTNP anymore.
The number of LTNPs is calculated in a way to be artificially small. This is important because HIV+ without AIDS in 22% and more of those affected means a blatant violation of Koch’s postulates.
Part 6/9 – HIV and AIDS – what was (again) not said on last year’s World AIDS day
And 6 years later,
• Seligmann et al ”Concorde: MRC/ANRS randomised double-blind controlled trial of immediate and deferred zidovudine in symptom-free HIV infection” Lancet 1994; 343: 871-81,
“The results of Concorde do not encourage the early use of zidovudine in symptom-free HIV-infected adults. They also call into question the uncritical use of CD4 cell counts as a surrogate endpoint for assessment of benefit from long-term antiretroviral therapy.”
“In all, 99 Imm and 38 Def participants stopped trial capsules because of adverse events. In only 16 Imm and 2 Def was haematological toxicity the main reason; in the rest it was predominantly gastrointestinal or neurological symptoms (headache) or malaise (table 6). One or more blood transfusions were received by 18 Imm and 11 Def while they were taking trial capsules.”
Some participants of the trial survived only through blood transfusions, as AZT attacks the blood-forming cells in the bone marrow. Compared to the CONCORD trial with a daily dose of 1000 mg AZT, the doses of the alleged therapy have now been reduced dramatically and one has often switched to less toxic substances than AZT. Lo and behold, people treated in this way live longer. Nevertheless, AZT is still used, e.g. in treating children.
For a while, the diseases caused by the drugs were euphemistically referred to as HIV-associated or HIV-related. But they do not correspond to the so-called opportunistic infections, i.e. the AIDS-defining diseases. That is why they are now being referred to as non-HIV co-morbidities. These are numerous.
• Maggi et al., “Clusterization of co-morbidities and multi-morbidities among persons living with HIV: a cross-sectional study.”, BMC Infect Dis. 2019 Jun 25;19(1):555,
“Non-HIV co-morbidities included: cardiovascular disease, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, oncologic diseases, osteoporosis, probable case of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection, psychiatric illness, kidney disease.”
“Table 1 – Characteristics of 1087 patients enrolled in the Cluster Project: Years since ART initiation 9.0 (4.0–16.0)”
“The most frequent co-morbidity was dyslipidemia (55.3%), followed by hypertension (31.4%), COPD (29.4%), hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection (25.4, 5.5% with detectable HCVRNA), psychiatric illness (10.3%), diagnosis of osteopenia/osteoporosis (10.1%), diabetes (6.1%), and renal impairment (4.8%); 95 (8.7%) subjects had history of non-AIDS-defining cancer. Forty-nine patients (4.5%) had pCVD events.“
“Our data evidence that, in spite of mean age lower than 50, co-morbidity was the rule among our PLWH (82%), and that more than 50% of our patients were multi-morbid. Moreover, about 30% of them had three or more chronic non-HIV related conditions, thus confirming recent data provided by other studies in the field.”
• Hernández et al., “Increased incidences of noninfectious comorbidities among aging populations living with human immunodeficiency virus in Ecuador: a multicenter retrospective analysis.”, HIV AIDS (Auckl). 2019 Apr 1;11:55-59,
“The average age at HIV diagnosis was 34.1 years old and cART in average was started 15.9 months after HIV-diagnosis. Recruited patients were receiving cART for an average of 59.2±40.2 months. Only 9.9% (n=50) of the patients did not show any NICMs [noninfectious comorbidities]. Diabetes and pre-diabetes was found in 6% (n=30) and 16.3% (n=82) patients, respectively; however, dyslipidemia and overweight/obesity was frequent, as they affected 41.4% (n=208) and 36.4% (n=183) patients, respectively.”
“Conclusion: Prevalence of NICMs among subjects under cART was greater than that reported among the Ecuadorian general population, therefore specific public health actions are required to make patients aware of and prevent NICMs among PLHIV in Ecuador.”
The non-HIV co-morbidities correspond 1:1 to the side effects of the alleged therapy.
In the press the virologists speculate on these serious and ultimately fatal comorbidities. As a virologist you are not accountable to anyone.
• Pamela Dörhöfer, „HIV und Aids: Kampf gegen die Stigmatisierung – Interview mit Jürgen Rockstroh, Präsident der Europäischen HIV/Aids-Gesellschaft“, Frankfurter Rundschau, 19 Nov 2019,
„Liegen bereits Erkenntnisse vor, ob eine langjährige Infektion und Einnahme der Tabletten verstärkt zu bestimmten Begleiterkrankungen führen?
Es gibt verschiedene Forschungsprojekte, die sich mit dieser Frage beschäftigen. Wir wissen, dass Bluthochdruck, Diabetes Mellitus und Osteoporose häufiger und bereits in jüngerem Lebensalter auftreten. Das hängt vermutlich damit zusammen, dass bei Infizierten – auch wenn sie mit Medikamenten die Viruslast gering halten – das Immunsystem ständig stimuliert wird. Das löst eine Entzündungsreaktion aus, die all diese Erkrankungen begünstigt.“
[Translation: HIV and AIDS: Fighting stigmatization – Interview with Jürgen Rockstroh, President of the European HIV/AIDS Society]
“Are there any findings as to whether a long-term infection and taking the tablets lead additionally to certain concomitant diseases?
There are various research projects dealing with this question. We know that high blood pressure, diabetes mellitus and osteoporosis occur more frequently and at a younger age. This is presumably due to the fact that in infected people – even if they keep the viral load low with medication – the immune system is constantly stimulated. It triggers an inflammatory reaction that favors all these diseases.”
The drugs supposedly work, but an adhoc assumed increased level of inflammation leads to diseases that correspond 1:1 to the side effects of the alleged drugs? This is the case in the interviews with the Frankfurter Rundschau.
Part 5/9 – HIV and AIDS – what was (again) not said on last year’s World AIDS day
What happens is that the presumed therapy damages the human cells. In particular, the nucleoside and nucleotide analogs (so called nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors, NRTIs) also contained in the combination therapies damage the mitochondria, i.e. the energy suppliers of cells. This leads to a variety of different tissue damages.
• Gardner, “HIV treatment and associated mitochondrial pathology: review of 25 years of in vitro, animal, and human studies.”, Toxicol Pathol. 2014 Jul;42(5):811-22,
“In 1988, the suggestion that the first antiretroviral drug, zidovudine, was the potential cause of muscle pathology in HIV-infected persons resulted in structural and biochemical patient studies demonstrating acquired mitochondrial dysfunction. Assessment of subsequent nucleoside analog reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NRTI) antiretroviral drugs has indicated that mitochondria are a common target of NRTI toxicity in multiple tissues, leading to a wide variety of pathology ranging from lipodystrophy to neuropathy. Overwhelmingly, these complications have emerged during post-licensing human studies.”
“Millions of patients have been treated with mitochondrially toxic NRTIs and these drugs remain the backbone of antiretroviral rollout in much of sub-Saharan Africa.”
• Hart et al. “Inflammation-Related Morbidity and Mortality Among HIV-Positive Adults: How Extensive Is It?”, J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2018 Jan 1;77(1):1-7,
“A shift from AIDS-related causes of morbidity and mortality to non-AIDS causes such as non-AIDS malignancy, liver cirrhosis, end stage renal disease and serious cardiovascular events occurred in HIV patients nearly one decade ago due to use of potent antiretroviral therapy.”
“Consistent with two other reports which included participants with lower CD4+ counts, we show that grade 4 events are a major source of morbidity among participants with HIV [26, 27]. Among the participants in our cohort, all of whom had CD4+ counts ≥ 300 cells/mm3 at study entry, the rate of grade 4 events was 3 to 6 times higher than AIDS, CVD (expanded to include less serious events and CVD events that did not meet ERC criteria) or non-AIDS cancer considered separately and was higher than the rate for these three outcomes considered as a single composite outcome.”
“Everyone in our investigation was taking suppressive ART. Thus, we can only speculate whether the grade 4 events are due to underlying HIV disease or to ART.”
As of 2018. But there is nothing new about these findings. Also the early attempts of a therapy with AZT [zidovudine] were a complete catastrophe.
• Richman et al., “The toxicity of azidothymidine (AZT) in the treatment of patients with AIDS and AIDS-related complex. A double-blind, placebo-controlled trial”, N Engl J Med, 1987 Jul 23;317(4):192-7,
“Twenty-one percent of AZT recipients and 4 percent of placebo recipients required multiple red-cell transfusions (P less than 0.001). Neutropenia (less than 500 cells per cubic millimeter) occurred in 16 percent of AZT recipients, as compared with 2 percent of placebo recipients (P less than 0.001).”
“Although a subset of patients tolerated AZT for an extended period with few toxic effects, the drug should be administered with caution because of its toxicity and the limited experience with it to date.”
The trial by Richman and Fischl was performed under ridiculously unscientific circumstances. Many placebo participants actually received AZT.
• John Lauritsen, “AZT On Trial”, New York Native (published by Charles Ortleb), 19 October 1987,
• Celia Farber, “AIDS and the AZT Scandal: SPIN’s 1989 Feature, ‘Sins of Omission’ – The story of AZT, one of the most toxic, expensive, and controversial drugs in the history of medicine”, Nov 1989, republished Oct 5, 2015,
• Patricia Spitzig, “NDA 19-655 – Site inspection report Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston Mass.”, 1987,
• Patricia Spitzig, “NDA 19-655 – Inspectional observations – Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston Mass.”, 1987,
If after 44 weeks of therapy 27% of those treated have died, is that no reason to question the therapy, but simply proof of how dangerous the virus is?
• Creagh-Kirk et al., “Survival experience among patients with AIDS receiving zidovudine. Follow-up of patients in a compassionate plea program”, JAMA 1988 Nov 25;260(20):3009-15,
“Through a compassionate plea program (Treatment Investigational New Drug), 4805 patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome who previously had experienced Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (PCP) received zidovudine (Retrovir, formerly azidothymidine). Overall survival at 44 weeks after initiation of therapy was 73% (+/- 2.1%).“
Part 4/9 – HIV and AIDS – what was (again) not said on last year’s World AIDS day
These results are important because, on the one hand, the CD4 cell count is now used as a surrogate for an AIDS diagnosis and, on the other hand, this number is used to define so-called Long Term Non Progressors (LTNP). These are people who have been measured HIV+, but show no signs of an AIDS-defining disease or a low CD4 cell count even after years.
With a CD4 cell count of 500 cells/μL, the German-Austrian guidelines for antiretroviral therapy of HIV-1 infection recommend starting therapy, even in completely symptom-free people.
• DAIG, „Deutsch-Österreichische Leitlinien zur antiretroviralen Therapie der HIV-1-Infektion“, Version 8 auf der Basis der Konsensuskonferenz vom 10.4.2019,
„Asymptomatische Fälle mit CD4+T-Zellen <500/μl: Bei allen Patienten mit weniger als 500 CD4-Zellen/μL soll eine Therapie erfolgen. Die Dringlichkeit des Therapiebeginns (binnen Tagen, Wochen oder Monaten) erhöht sich in Abhängigkeit von der CD4+-Zellzahl: Je niedriger die CD4+-Zellzahl, desto dringlicher die Therapie. Bei weniger als 200 CD4+-Zellen steigt das Risiko opportunistischer Folgeerkrankungen erheblich, und Morbidität und Mortalität bleiben trotz erfolgreicher Therapie erhöht (22), der Behandlungsbeginn ist daher dringlich. Bei Vorliegen bestimmter opportunistischer Infektionen sollte die ART wegen des Risikos eines Immunrekonstitutionssyndroms verzögert begonnen werden. Diesbezüglich wird auf die DAIG-Leitlinie Opportunistische Infektionen verwiesen.“
[Translation: German-Austrian guidelines for antiretroviral therapy of HIV-1 infection, Version 8 based on the consensus conference of April 10, 2019]
“Asymptomatic cases with CD4 + T cells <500 / μl: Therapy should be given to all patients with fewer than 500 CD4 cells/μL. The urgency to start therapy (within days, weeks or months) increases depending on the CD4+ cell count: the lower the CD4+ cell count, the more urgent the therapy. With fewer than 200 CD4+ cells, the risk of opportunistic secondary diseases increases significantly, and morbidity and mortality remain higher despite successful therapy (22), so the start of treatment is urgent. In the presence of certain opportunistic infections, ART should be started with a delay because of the risk of immune reconstitution syndrome. In this regard, reference is made to the DAIG Guideline Opportunistic Infections. "
Before “modern medicine” started to use the biomarker “CD4 cell count” to “diagnose” the AID Syndrome, one used a catalog of approx. 30 classic diseases to define the AID syndrome. It should be noted that this catalog was expanded several times to inflate the statistics. Cf.
• CDC, HIV/AIDS Surveillance Report, “U.S. HIV and AIDS cases reported through December 1993”, 1993, Year-end Edition, Vol. 5, No. 4,
[Figure 6]
In this document refer to Figure 6 on the AID syndrome case numbers (not HIV!). In 1993 the CDC for the last time differentiated the number of cases according to the different definitions of the AID syndrome. After that, the AID syndrome case numbers were only shown as a uniform, rising (!) curve.
Meanwhile, AIDS-defining diseases are no longer used to diagnose AIDS, but one relies solely on the CD4 cell count. Below about 200 cells/μL one has AIDS, regardless of any symptom. That also works better in the statistics. Any infection can lower the CD4 cell count.
And one sees no connection between the CD4 cell count and the so-called viral load, which is to be determined by quantitative PCR and with which one drives HIV+ measured people into test madness.
• Rodriguez et al. „Predictive Value of Plasma HIV RNA Level on Rate of CD4 T-Cell Decline in Untreated HIV Infection”, JAMA, Sep 27, 2006, Vol 296 (12),
„Despite this trend across broad categories of HIV RNA levels, only a small proportion of CD4 cell loss variability (4%-6%) could be explained by presenting plasma HIV RNA level.”
And what are the consequences of this therapy, which physicians often name "blessed" and which is supposed to save people from a slow death? The list is long, cf.
•, “Adverse Effects of Antiretroviral Agents”, Dec. 18, 2019,
Bleeding Events
Bone Density Effects
Bone Marrow Suppression
Cardiac Conduction Effects
Cardiovascular Disease
Diabetes Mellitus and Insulin Resistance
Gastrointestinal Effects
Hepatic Effects
Hypersensitivity Reaction
Excluding rash alone or Stevens-Johnson syndrome
Lactic Acidosis
Myopathy/Elevated Creatine Phosphokinase
Nervous System/Psychiatric Effects
Renal Effects/Urolithiasis
Stevens-Johnson Syndrome/Toxic Epidermal Necrosis
These are serious and life threatening side effects and that in a lifelong(!) therapy.
This list tends to be too short rather than too long as it does not include some overly toxic substances such as didanosine (ddI), stavudine (d4T), fosamprenavir (FPV), indinavir (IDV), nelfinavir (NFV), saquinavir (SQV) and tipranavir (TPV) which are no longer used. Before that, they had been in use for years, with catastrophic consequences for those treated with them.
Part 3/9 – HIV and AIDS – what was (again) not said on last year’s World AIDS day
• Garg, Joshi, „Host and Viral Factors in HIV-Mediated Bystander Apoptosis.”, Viruses. 2017 Aug 22;9(8),
“With a limited number of infected cells and vastly disproportionate apoptosis in HIV infected patients, it is believed that apoptosis of uninfected bystander cells plays a significant role in this process.”
“The number of HIV infected cells in patients is relatively low and cannot solely account for the loss of CD4 cells in vivo. Hence, it is believed that the loss of CD4 cells during HIV infection is due to the process of bystander apoptosis induction.”
“Apoptosis mediated by HIV infections is more complex than previously thought. A role of both host and viral factors in this phenomenon is becoming increasingly evident.”
One has no idea how the HIV virus is supposed to lead to AIDS. Of course, this opens up space for plenty of research and numerous conjectures. Virologists love to speculate and they are not accountable to anyone. Only one thing is strictly forbidden for them, to question the HIV=AIDS dogma.
Hardly anyone knows today that already in 1984 70% of adults with Kaposi’s sarcoma, an AIDS-defining cancer, showed no positive test for HIV, cf.
• Gallo et al., “Frequent detection and isolation of cytopathic retroviruses (HTLV-III) from patients with AIDS and at risk for AIDS.”, Science. 1984 May 4;224(4648):500-3,
[Table 1. Detection and isolation of HTLV-III from patients with AIDS and pre-AIDS]
These were the same people whose bodies had been destroyed by years of abuse of nitrites (poppers).
Nobody knows what influences the CD4 cell count. Even sunburn, said to be common in Africa, lowers this biomarker. Also classic infections, such as AIDS-defining tuberculosis have this effect.
• Hersey et al. “Immunological effects of solarium exposure.”, Lancet. 1983 Mar 1 2;1(8324):545-8,
“OKT4+ helper T cells were reduced and there was a significant decrease in the OKT4/OKT8 ratio.”
[OKT4+ is an old name for CD4+]
• Skogmar et al., “CD4 Cell Levels during Treatment for Tuberculosis (TB) in Ethiopian Adults and Clinical Markers Associated with CD4 Lymphocytopenia”, PLoS One. 2013; 8(12): e83270,
“In total, 1116 TB patients were included (307 HIV-infected). Among 809 HIV-negative patients, 200 (25%) had subnormal CD4 cell counts (<500 cells/mm(3)), with <350 cells/mm(3) in 82 (10%) individuals. CD4 cell levels increased significantly during the course of ATT in both HIV+ and HIV- TB-patients, but did not reach the levels in healthy subjects.”
The recovery of the CD4 cell count after anti-tuberculosis treatment in HIV-negative people also shows that tuberculosis influences this bio-marker.
• Luo et al., “Immunological recovery in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis after intensive phase treatment”, J Int Med Res. 2018 Sep; 46(9): 3539–3551,
“Inclusion criteria were as follows: …
(4) seronegative for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)”
“After 2 months of intensive phase anti-TB treatment, a reduction in the percentage of CD4+ T cells showed a significant restoration similar to that of controls.”
These facts have long been known, cf.
• Jones et al., “CD4 cell counts in human immunodeficiency virus-negative patients with tuberculosis.”, Clin Infect Dis. 1997 May;24(5):988-91,
“We evaluated 85 human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-negative patients with tuberculosis for clinical features and CD4 cell counts. Thirty-seven patients had low CD4 cell counts (mean +/- SD, 341 +/- 116 cells/microL), and 48 patients had normal CD4 cell counts (mean +/- SD, 830 +/- 254 cells/microL).”
“The CD4 cell counts returned to normal levels in most patients after 1 month of therapy.”
“We confirmed previous studies demonstrating that CD4 cell counts are depressed in HIV-negative patients with tuberculosis”
A biomarker “CD4 cell count” makes no sense obviously, especially not in Africa where tuberculosis is death factor number 1. Nobody knows what the normal CD4 cell count in an HIV-negative person is.
• Crampin, „Normal Range of CD4 Cell Counts and Temporal Changes in Two HIV Negative Malawian Populations“, The Open AIDS Journal, 2011, 5, 74-79,
“1.5% and 6% respectively had baseline counts below 350 cells/μl and 1.5% and 2.5% below 250 cells per μl. Transient dips to below 250 cells/μl were observed in seven individuals, with two individuals having persistently low CD4 counts over more than one year.”
„In common with neighbouring countries, HIV-negative populations in Malawi have CD4 counts considerably lower than European reference ranges, and healthy individuals may have persistently or transiently low counts. Within Malawi, ranges differ according to the selected population.“
The CD4 cell count also varies with the season, cf.
• Gomo et al., “Predictors and reference values of CD4 and CD8 T lymphocyte counts in pregnancy: a cross sectional study among HIV negative women in Zimbabwe.”, Cent Afr J Med. 2004 Jan-Feb;50(1-2):10-9,
“The late rainy season was associated with higher CD4 counts…”
“Gestational age, gravidity, micronutrient status and season influence T lymphocyte subset levels and need to be considered when designing clinical management and intervention strategies for pregnant women. The data underscores the need for local reference values.“
Part 2/9 – HIV and AIDS – what was (again) not said on last year’s World AIDS day
However, the toxicity of the alleged antiretroviral therapy (ART, sometimes also referred to as HAART for highly active antiretroviral therapy) has been sufficiently proven. Their side effects are indistinguishable from the presumed effects of a virus, as can be read explicitly in the publications.
In the meantime, a positive test for HIV defines the disease. AIDS itself is hardly mentioned any more. HIV is the only disease that knows no spontaneous healing and becomes chronic in all (100%) of the treated cases. In addition, antibodies for this virus only serve to define the disease. According to the current theory, they are otherwise useless. Therefore, lifelong therapy is required, according to the, obviously very profitable, theory.
It starts with the fact that nobody knows how the HI virus is supposed to lead to a reduction in CD4 cells and thus, by definition, to AIDS. Cf.
• Coffin, Swanstrom, “HIV Pathogenesis: Dynamics and Genetics of Viral Populations and Infected Cells”, Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med. 2013 Jan; 3(1),
“HOW DOES HIV-1 CAUSE AIDS? As is apparent from this article and the rest of the collection, in the 25+ years since its discovery, we have learned an enormous amount about HIV, but we still cannot answer the one big question: How does HIV-1 cause AIDS?”
“Even if we knew the mechanism of HIV-mediated cell killing, we would not know how HIV-1 causes CD4+ T-cell decline and AIDS in humans. The observation that virus and cell turnover rates in various SIVs in their natural hosts (such as SIVsm in sooty mangabeys), which do not progress to AIDS, are essentially identical to those in humans, who do progress, implies that cell killing alone cannot account for AIDS pathogenesis. Indeed, this result is consistent with the high natural turnover rate of activated effector memory helper T cells, the primary target for HIV-1 infection, on the order of 1010 cells per day, of which only a small fraction are infected after the initial primary infection phase.”
There are far too few cells infected to explain a decrease in CD4 cell counts. Then there is the bystander cell problem, especially the non-infected cells die. What sense does that make? Both facts are known to science for more than 25 years.
• Finkel et al. „Apoptosis occurs predominantly in bystander cells and not in productively infected cells of HIV- and SIV-infected lymph nodes.“, Nat Med. 1995 Feb;1(2):129-34,
“We show here, using in situ labelling of lymph nodes from HIV-infected children and SIV-infected macaques, that apoptosis occurs predominantly in bystander cells and not in the productively infected cells themselves.”
• Legitimo et al. [in Italian], “Brief analytical review of additional possible mechanisms in the pathogenesis of AIDS”, Pathologica. 1994 Apr;86(2):119-27,
“Nonetheless, a number of important issues concerning the pathogenesis of HIV infection remain unresolved. For example, it remains unclear how CD4+ T cells are lost after HIV infection. The low frequency of infected cells seen even in advanced infection implies that a direct cythopathic effect of HIV on infected CD4+ T cells cannot explain their disappearance.”
• Muro-Cacho et al. „Analysis of apoptosis in lymph nodes of HIV-infected persons. Intensity of apoptosis correlates with the general state of activation of the lymphoid tissue and not with stage of disease or viral burden.“, J Immunol May 15, 1995, 154 (10) 5555-5566;
“Taken together, these results indicate that the increased intensity of the apoptotic phenomenon in HIV infection is caused by the general state of immune activation, and is independent of the progression of HIV disease and of the levels of viral load”
• Whitaker, “Re-assessing the virological approach to HIV pathogenesis: can it explain AIDS as an immunological disease?”, J Theor Biol. 1997 Jul 7;187(1):45-56,
“However, these attributes – singly and in combination – are shown here to be inadequate to explain the latency, immunological damage, and clinical dynamics of the disease of AIDS. The virological paradigm cannot explain the disease-free period (clinical latency); the mechanism and dynamics of CD4 T cell loss; the reason for the onset of disease at a given time-point; the relationship of CD4 T cell loss to AIDS-type disease; nor the idiosyncratic constellation of immunological and clinical phenomena that comprise AIDS as a unique syndrome.”
• Cloyd et al. “How does HIV cause AIDS? The homing theory.”, Mol Med Today. 2000 Mar;6(3):108-11,
“The mechanism by which HIV causes depletion of CD4+ T cells in infected individuals remains unknown. Numerous theories have been proposed, but none can fully explain all of the events observed to occur in patients”
Highlight – Part 2/9. First paragraph, ‘…the toxicity of the alleged antiretroviral therapy (ART)….‘Their side-effects are indistinguishable from the presumed effects of the virus, and can be read explicitly in the publications.’
Today: people are dying from the ‘covid’ experimental medical injections, and hospital treatments, not ‘covid’, not SARS-COV-2 infection. ‘Covid is a cover story.
We could even say that the plan was to inject populations with stuff, and they needed an excuse to do so as well as a cover story for the casualties.
There is also no reason to believe that all the vials of any brand contain the same junk. They could be testing a bioweapon as Michael Yeadon said.
It goes from zero to extreme reactions in all types of demographics, so it’s clearly obvious there are vials with different contents including within the same brand. There may be different dosages of the same ingredients as another possibility, but I presume there are no ‘safe’ vials as in containing only saline water apart from ones given certain individuals in key positions.
Out members of Congress call on CDC to make new HIV prevention drug free of cost
“In a letter exclusively shared with LGBTQ Nation, out gay Congressional Reps. Mondaire Jones (D-NY) and Ritchie Torres (D-NY) are calling on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to make a revolutionary new HIV prevention drug free of cost.
Signed by 56 additional members of Congress, the letter praises a “potentially transformative” new kind of injectable HIV prevention drug called Apretude that was recently approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).”
“Apertude currently costs $3,700 per dose, and unlike the daily pills, insurers are not required to cover the costs.”
Super-AIDS: The wealth going to the super-rich has nil to do w capitalism– it occurred under communism and feudalism, too. Private ownership of property & much means of production is the sine qua non of rights & freedom.
Harryshould definitely have an aids test.
Fucking DNA test more like. Now wouldnt him being a bastard wipe the smile off old miserable Meg’s face?
He has the looks of an Epstein to me.
I’d be more convinced that convid is all over if I was seeing UK shops removing the infrastructure of signs, plastic barriers and the like – but all I’m seeing is it remaining resolutely in place.
Where I am in the south of England there’s a sizeable number going about maskless but most are still wearing them inside. Most don’t wear them outside but then they never have.
BTW is anyone noticing how tolerant Johnson seems of MPs who’ve called publicly for his removal while Starmer goes to the press calling Corbyn supporters commie-loving traitors?
…said The Python!
they’ve moved one step forward.
BJ will be replaced with sunak (wank) to implement britcoin.
brits are mostly ego inflated, gut distended morons. Just like their leaders.
europe, however, the “green pass” is here to stay.
This is something PJW would post.
Not to worry you ED come April when the independent LOL alt media does a synchronized news black out again, You can run to the voting booth and vote bojo replacement.
Off g like last year will take the 5/6 day off
that is how shitbag trudeau got ‘elected’. few voted at all
Oh boy, here we go again with the revival of the HIV fraud. Just in time for the death of one of the perpetrators of the fraud, Luc Montagnier
Think of it as a memorial of sorts…
Ron Unz, over at the UNZ Review, recently wrote a long article about his shock on reading RFKs book about Fauci. He was especially shocked to read the story about AIDS-Fauci-Duesberg, UNZ reads a lot, writes and posts a lot, yet had known only the corporate propaganda media-big pharma Story of HIV-AIDS same as the vast majority who get their ‘information’ from the corporate propaganda media…
There’s always a need for the retelling of the HIV fraud…
My guess is that while many now know of Luc’s HIV-AIDS past, few, very few know of his recent research craze about the Memory of Water, and energetics of contagion experiment….
Part 1/9 – HIV and AIDS – what was (again) not said on last year’s World AIDS day
For World AIDS Day 2021 we would like to point out some publications that do not fit the picture of the all-round success story drawn of HIV and AIDS by the media and representatives of the pharmaceutical lobby.
The publications cited here are well known to virologists and molecular biologists. Many aspects are undisputed, but are not included in the reporting.
A note on the context:
HIV is a virus of the lentivirus genus from the retrovirus family. These are viruses whose genetic information is stored as RNA and not, e.g. in humans, as DNA. HIV is said to be transmitted through blood or semen and counts as a sexually transmitted disease (STD). An infection with this virus is said to lead to a weakening of the immune system after 10-15 years, so that those affected begin to suffer from what are known as opportunistic infections and diseases. This is then called AIDS, Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome. The list of these approx. 30 classic diseases, also known as AIDS-defining diseases, has been expanded several times over the years and includes not only tuberculosis but also weight loss, prolonged fever and diarrhea. According to the current theory, the HI virus jumped over to humans as a new host around 1930 through multiple zoonoses (currently 13 times) in Central Africa from 3 species of monkeys (it is called SI virus there). According to the same theory, it first showed up around 1980 in the USA in a population of heavily drug-dependent, multiple classically infected homosexual men. This is important, because before that there was no AIDS, only from 1980 on. The around 30 AIDS-defining classic diseases have been around for a long time, but now they are summed up under a new label (AIDS) and are said to be caused by HIV. The CD4 cell count is used as a biomarker for the strength of the immune system in the diagnosis. These are cells of the human immune system that are counted and the decreasing number of which is supposed to show the progression of the disease. HIV itself is detected by PCR or antibodies against the HI virus.
So what’s the problem?
The problem is that apart from the very sick, severely drug-addicted homosexuals in the United States who really existed, and the diagnostic methods that actually exist, there is no evidence for any of the statements about the origin and effects of HIV.
Most of these people in the US in the 1980s were seriously ill even without a new virus. On the one hand the drugs, in addition to heroin and cocaine in the gay community mainly nitrites (poppers), and on the other hand multiple infections such as syphilis, gonorrhea, hepatitis A and B, herpes, CMV, etc. through frequent unprotected anal intercourse.
• John Lauritsen, Hank Wilson, “Death Rush: Poppers and AIDS“, 1986
„96-100% of the gay men with AIDS used poppers, usually quite heavily.”
Cf. on the circumstances at that time,
• Pifer et al., “Borderline immunodeficiency in male homosexuals: is life-style contributory?”, South Med J. 1987 Jun;80(6):687-91, 697,
“Results of our study suggest that white Southern male homosexuals without clinical evidence of AIDS who patronize “gay bars” may have significant zinc deficiency and moderately depressed T-helper/T-suppressor cell ratios. No single causative factor could be identified to explain the significantly low zinc and elevated copper levels measured in whole blood, as well as the depressed OKT4/OKT8 cell ratios. Seventy-four percent of the homosexual male subjects were “recreational” drug abusers, 81% used inhalant nitrites routinely, and 41% routinely treated themselves with antibiotics. Eighty-one percent practiced active and/or passive penile-oral insertion, and 55.5% practiced both active and passive anal intercourse. Of the latter, 19% reported anal bleeding. Clinically inapparent, though statistically significant, borderline immunodeficiency and aberrant zinc and copper levels may be a consequence of multiple factors comprising the gay bar life-style.”
It’s been known in the nutritional community for decades that the prostate is one of the primary recipients of zinc in the body. And that multiple ejaculations rapidly deplete the prostate of its zinc – which is perhaps the greatest problem with having multiple sex partners.
(No, I have no link. But any good nutritional book should provide a source.)s
And maybe you are a premature ejaculator, since you are judging my comment after part 1 of 9?
Until now Off-Guardian is censoring part 2 to part 9, which makes me wonder what the difference between Guardian and Off-Guardian may be? Different motives but same censorship.
Firstly – how rude.
Post a link to your article and we’ll read it. Jesus highly strung much?
After waiting 30 years and after 37 Mio. people allegedly dying of AIDS, “rude” is not a category.
I posted the whole document with graphics (I don’t know how to post a picture here) on
The file is currently being processed. After that the document can be found under,
Don’t worry Johannes. I will help you to get the message through.
Part 2/9 – HIV and AIDS – what was (again) not said on last year’s World AIDS day
However, the toxicity of the alleged antiretroviral therapy (ART, sometimes also referred to as HAART for highly active antiretroviral therapy) has been sufficiently proven. Their side effects are indistinguishable from the presumed effects of a virus, as can be read explicitly in the publications.
In the meantime, a positive test for HIV defines the disease. AIDS itself is hardly mentioned any more. HIV is the only disease that knows no spontaneous healing and becomes chronic in all (100%) of the treated cases. In addition, antibodies for this virus only serve to define the disease. According to the current theory, they are otherwise useless. Therefore, lifelong therapy is required, according to the, obviously very profitable, theory.
It starts with the fact that nobody knows how the HI virus is supposed to lead to a reduction in CD4 cells and thus, by definition, to AIDS. Cf.
· Coffin, Swanstrom, “HIV Pathogenesis: Dynamics and Genetics of Viral Populations and Infected Cells”, Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med. 2013 Jan; 3(1),
“HOW DOES HIV-1 CAUSE AIDS? As is apparent from this article and the rest of the collection, in the 25+ years since its discovery, we have learned an enormous amount about HIV, but we still cannot answer the one big question: How does HIV-1 cause AIDS?”
“Even if we knew the mechanism of HIV-mediated cell killing, we would not know how HIV-1 causes CD4+ T-cell decline and AIDS in humans. The observation that virus and cell turnover rates in various SIVs in their natural hosts (such as SIVsm in sooty mangabeys), which do not progress to AIDS, are essentially identical to those in humans, who do progress, implies that cell killing alone cannot account for AIDS pathogenesis. Indeed, this result is consistent with the high natural turnover rate of activated effector memory helper T cells, the primary target for HIV-1 infection, on the order of 1010 cells per day, of which only a small fraction are infected after the initial primary infection phase.”
There are far too few cells infected to explain a decrease in CD4 cell counts. Then there is the bystander cell problem, especially the non-infected cells die. What sense does that make? Both facts are known to science for more than 25 years.
· Finkel et al. „Apoptosis occurs predominantly in bystander cells and not in productively infected cells of HIV- and SIV-infected lymph nodes.“, Nat Med. 1995 Feb;1(2):129-34,
“We show here, using in situ labelling of lymph nodes from HIV-infected children and SIV-infected macaques, that apoptosis occurs predominantly in bystander cells and not in the productively infected cells themselves.”
· Legitimo et al. [in Italian], “Brief analytical review of additional possible mechanisms in the pathogenesis of AIDS”, Pathologica. 1994 Apr;86(2):119-27,
“Nonetheless, a number of important issues concerning the pathogenesis of HIV infection remain unresolved. For example, it remains unclear how CD4+ T cells are lost after HIV infection. The low frequency of infected cells seen even in advanced infection implies that a direct cythopathic effect of HIV on infected CD4+ T cells cannot explain their disappearance.”
· Muro-Cacho et al. „Analysis of apoptosis in lymph nodes of HIV-infected persons. Intensity of apoptosis correlates with the general state of activation of the lymphoid tissue and not with stage of disease or viral burden.“, J Immunol May 15, 1995, 154 (10) 5555-5566;
“Taken together, these results indicate that the increased intensity of the apoptotic phenomenon in HIV infection is caused by the general state of immune activation, and is independent of the progression of HIV disease and of the levels of viral load”
· Whitaker, “Re-assessing the virological approach to HIV pathogenesis: can it explain AIDS as an immunological disease?”, J Theor Biol. 1997 Jul 7;187(1):45-56,
“However, these attributes – singly and in combination – are shown here to be inadequate to explain the latency, immunological damage, and clinical dynamics of the disease of AIDS. The virological paradigm cannot explain the disease-free period (clinical latency); the mechanism and dynamics of CD4 T cell loss; the reason for the onset of disease at a given time-point; the relationship of CD4 T cell loss to AIDS-type disease; nor the idiosyncratic constellation of immunological and clinical phenomena that comprise AIDS as a unique syndrome.”
· Cloyd et al. “How does HIV cause AIDS? The homing theory.”, Mol Med Today. 2000 Mar;6(3):108-11,
“The mechanism by which HIV causes depletion of CD4+ T cells in infected individuals remains unknown. Numerous theories have been proposed, but none can fully explain all of the events observed to occur in patients”
We are not ‘censoring’ it. You have posted 9 VERY long comments which Akismet flagged as possible spam.
There are numerous studies linking the recreational use of “poppers” to incidence of AIDS/HIV. Pretty much, end of story…
No one wishes to relate autoimmune declines to our massive increases in electromagnetic pollution. Just buy another “smart” device and watch your immune system download into nonexistence…
Don’t worry Johannes. I will help you to get the message through. Here’s the 2nd part.
Part 2/9 – HIV and AIDS – what was (again) not said on last year’s World AIDS day
However, the toxicity of the alleged antiretroviral therapy (ART, sometimes also referred to as HAART for highly active antiretroviral therapy) has been sufficiently proven. Their side effects are indistinguishable from the presumed effects of a virus, as can be read explicitly in the publications.
In the meantime, a positive test for HIV defines the disease. AIDS itself is hardly mentioned any more. HIV is the only disease that knows no spontaneous healing and becomes chronic in all (100%) of the treated cases. In addition, antibodies for this virus only serve to define the disease. According to the current theory, they are otherwise useless. Therefore, lifelong therapy is required, according to the, obviously very profitable, theory.
It starts with the fact that nobody knows how the HI virus is supposed to lead to a reduction in CD4 cells and thus, by definition, to AIDS. Cf.
· Coffin, Swanstrom, “HIV Pathogenesis: Dynamics and Genetics of Viral Populations and Infected Cells”, Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med. 2013 Jan; 3(1),
“HOW DOES HIV-1 CAUSE AIDS? As is apparent from this article and the rest of the collection, in the 25+ years since its discovery, we have learned an enormous amount about HIV, but we still cannot answer the one big question: How does HIV-1 cause AIDS?”
“Even if we knew the mechanism of HIV-mediated cell killing, we would not know how HIV-1 causes CD4+ T-cell decline and AIDS in humans. The observation that virus and cell turnover rates in various SIVs in their natural hosts (such as SIVsm in sooty mangabeys), which do not progress to AIDS, are essentially identical to those in humans, who do progress, implies that cell killing alone cannot account for AIDS pathogenesis. Indeed, this result is consistent with the high natural turnover rate of activated effector memory helper T cells, the primary target for HIV-1 infection, on the order of 1010 cells per day, of which only a small fraction are infected after the initial primary infection phase.”
There are far too few cells infected to explain a decrease in CD4 cell counts. Then there is the bystander cell problem, especially the non-infected cells die. What sense does that make? Both facts are known to science for more than 25 years.
· Finkel et al. „Apoptosis occurs predominantly in bystander cells and not in productively infected cells of HIV- and SIV-infected lymph nodes.“, Nat Med. 1995 Feb;1(2):129-34,
“We show here, using in situ labelling of lymph nodes from HIV-infected children and SIV-infected macaques, that apoptosis occurs predominantly in bystander cells and not in the productively infected cells themselves.”
· Legitimo et al. [in Italian], “Brief analytical review of additional possible mechanisms in the pathogenesis of AIDS”, Pathologica. 1994 Apr;86(2):119-27,
“Nonetheless, a number of important issues concerning the pathogenesis of HIV infection remain unresolved. For example, it remains unclear how CD4+ T cells are lost after HIV infection. The low frequency of infected cells seen even in advanced infection implies that a direct cythopathic effect of HIV on infected CD4+ T cells cannot explain their disappearance.”
· Muro-Cacho et al. „Analysis of apoptosis in lymph nodes of HIV-infected persons. Intensity of apoptosis correlates with the general state of activation of the lymphoid tissue and not with stage of disease or viral burden.“, J Immunol May 15, 1995, 154 (10) 5555-5566;
“Taken together, these results indicate that the increased intensity of the apoptotic phenomenon in HIV infection is caused by the general state of immune activation, and is independent of the progression of HIV disease and of the levels of viral load”
· Whitaker, “Re-assessing the virological approach to HIV pathogenesis: can it explain AIDS as an immunological disease?”, J Theor Biol. 1997 Jul 7;187(1):45-56,
“However, these attributes – singly and in combination – are shown here to be inadequate to explain the latency, immunological damage, and clinical dynamics of the disease of AIDS. The virological paradigm cannot explain the disease-free period (clinical latency); the mechanism and dynamics of CD4 T cell loss; the reason for the onset of disease at a given time-point; the relationship of CD4 T cell loss to AIDS-type disease; nor the idiosyncratic constellation of immunological and clinical phenomena that comprise AIDS as a unique syndrome.”
· Cloyd et al. “How does HIV cause AIDS? The homing theory.”, Mol Med Today. 2000 Mar;6(3):108-11,
“The mechanism by which HIV causes depletion of CD4+ T cells in infected individuals remains unknown. Numerous theories have been proposed, but none can fully explain all of the events observed to occur in patients”
This is an excellent book by Peter Duesberg on the aids epidemic:
Part 2/9 – HIV and AIDS – what was (again) not said on last year’s World AIDS day
However, the toxicity of the alleged antiretroviral therapy (ART, sometimes also referred to as HAART for highly active antiretroviral therapy) has been sufficiently proven. Their side effects are indistinguishable from the presumed effects of a virus, as can be read explicitly in the publications.
In the meantime, a positive test for HIV defines the disease. AIDS itself is hardly mentioned any more. HIV is the only disease that knows no spontaneous healing and becomes chronic in all (100%) of the treated cases. In addition, antibodies for this virus only serve to define the disease. According to the current theory, they are otherwise useless. Therefore, lifelong therapy is required, according to the, obviously very profitable, theory.
It starts with the fact that nobody knows how the HI virus is supposed to lead to a reduction in CD4 cells and thus, by definition, to AIDS. Cf.
• Coffin, Swanstrom, “HIV Pathogenesis: Dynamics and Genetics of Viral Populations and Infected Cells”, Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med. 2013 Jan; 3(1),
“HOW DOES HIV-1 CAUSE AIDS? As is apparent from this article and the rest of the collection, in the 25+ years since its discovery, we have learned an enormous amount about HIV, but we still cannot answer the one big question: How does HIV-1 cause AIDS?”
“Even if we knew the mechanism of HIV-mediated cell killing, we would not know how HIV-1 causes CD4+ T-cell decline and AIDS in humans. The observation that virus and cell turnover rates in various SIVs in their natural hosts (such as SIVsm in sooty mangabeys), which do not progress to AIDS, are essentially identical to those in humans, who do progress, implies that cell killing alone cannot account for AIDS pathogenesis. Indeed, this result is consistent with the high natural turnover rate of activated effector memory helper T cells, the primary target for HIV-1 infection, on the order of 1010 cells per day, of which only a small fraction are infected after the initial primary infection phase.”
There are far too few cells infected to explain a decrease in CD4 cell counts. Then there is the bystander cell problem, especially the non-infected cells die. What sense does that make? Both facts are known to science for more than 25 years.
• Finkel et al. „Apoptosis occurs predominantly in bystander cells and not in productively infected cells of HIV- and SIV-infected lymph nodes.“, Nat Med. 1995 Feb;1(2):129-34,
“We show here, using in situ labelling of lymph nodes from HIV-infected children and SIV-infected macaques, that apoptosis occurs predominantly in bystander cells and not in the productively infected cells themselves.”
• Legitimo et al. [in Italian], “Brief analytical review of additional possible mechanisms in the pathogenesis of AIDS”, Pathologica. 1994 Apr;86(2):119-27,
“Nonetheless, a number of important issues concerning the pathogenesis of HIV infection remain unresolved. For example, it remains unclear how CD4+ T cells are lost after HIV infection. The low frequency of infected cells seen even in advanced infection implies that a direct cythopathic effect of HIV on infected CD4+ T cells cannot explain their disappearance.”
• Muro-Cacho et al. „Analysis of apoptosis in lymph nodes of HIV-infected persons. Intensity of apoptosis correlates with the general state of activation of the lymphoid tissue and not with stage of disease or viral burden.“, J Immunol May 15, 1995, 154 (10) 5555-5566;
“Taken together, these results indicate that the increased intensity of the apoptotic phenomenon in HIV infection is caused by the general state of immune activation, and is independent of the progression of HIV disease and of the levels of viral load”
• Whitaker, “Re-assessing the virological approach to HIV pathogenesis: can it explain AIDS as an immunological disease?”, J Theor Biol. 1997 Jul 7;187(1):45-56,
“However, these attributes – singly and in combination – are shown here to be inadequate to explain the latency, immunological damage, and clinical dynamics of the disease of AIDS. The virological paradigm cannot explain the disease-free period (clinical latency); the mechanism and dynamics of CD4 T cell loss; the reason for the onset of disease at a given time-point; the relationship of CD4 T cell loss to AIDS-type disease; nor the idiosyncratic constellation of immunological and clinical phenomena that comprise AIDS as a unique syndrome.”
• Cloyd et al. “How does HIV cause AIDS? The homing theory.”, Mol Med Today. 2000 Mar;6(3):108-11,
“The mechanism by which HIV causes depletion of CD4+ T cells in infected individuals remains unknown. Numerous theories have been proposed, but none can fully explain all of the events observed to occur in patients”
Part 3/9 – HIV and AIDS – what was (again) not said on last year’s World AIDS day
• Garg, Joshi, „Host and Viral Factors in HIV-Mediated Bystander Apoptosis.”, Viruses. 2017 Aug 22;9(8),
“With a limited number of infected cells and vastly disproportionate apoptosis in HIV infected patients, it is believed that apoptosis of uninfected bystander cells plays a significant role in this process.”
“The number of HIV infected cells in patients is relatively low and cannot solely account for the loss of CD4 cells in vivo. Hence, it is believed that the loss of CD4 cells during HIV infection is due to the process of bystander apoptosis induction.”
“Apoptosis mediated by HIV infections is more complex than previously thought. A role of both host and viral factors in this phenomenon is becoming increasingly evident.”
One has no idea how the HIV virus is supposed to lead to AIDS. Of course, this opens up space for plenty of research and numerous conjectures. Virologists love to speculate and they are not accountable to anyone. Only one thing is strictly forbidden for them, to question the HIV=AIDS dogma.
Hardly anyone knows today that already in 1984 70% of adults with Kaposi’s sarcoma, an AIDS-defining cancer, showed no positive test for HIV, cf.
• Gallo et al., “Frequent detection and isolation of cytopathic retroviruses (HTLV-III) from patients with AIDS and at risk for AIDS.”, Science. 1984 May 4;224(4648):500-3,
[Table 1. Detection and isolation of HTLV-III from patients with AIDS and pre-AIDS]
These were the same people whose bodies had been destroyed by years of abuse of nitrites (poppers).
Nobody knows what influences the CD4 cell count. Even sunburn, said to be common in Africa, lowers this biomarker. Also classic infections, such as AIDS-defining tuberculosis have this effect.
• Hersey et al. “Immunological effects of solarium exposure.”, Lancet. 1983 Mar 1 2;1(8324):545-8,
“OKT4+ helper T cells were reduced and there was a significant decrease in the OKT4/OKT8 ratio.”
[OKT4+ is an old name for CD4+]
• Skogmar et al., “CD4 Cell Levels during Treatment for Tuberculosis (TB) in Ethiopian Adults and Clinical Markers Associated with CD4 Lymphocytopenia”, PLoS One. 2013; 8(12): e83270,
“In total, 1116 TB patients were included (307 HIV-infected). Among 809 HIV-negative patients, 200 (25%) had subnormal CD4 cell counts (<500 cells/mm(3)), with <350 cells/mm(3) in 82 (10%) individuals. CD4 cell levels increased significantly during the course of ATT in both HIV+ and HIV- TB-patients, but did not reach the levels in healthy subjects.”
The recovery of the CD4 cell count after anti-tuberculosis treatment in HIV-negative people also shows that tuberculosis influences this bio-marker.
• Luo et al., “Immunological recovery in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis after intensive phase treatment”, J Int Med Res. 2018 Sep; 46(9): 3539–3551,
“Inclusion criteria were as follows: …
(4) seronegative for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)”
“After 2 months of intensive phase anti-TB treatment, a reduction in the percentage of CD4+ T cells showed a significant restoration similar to that of controls.”
These facts have long been known, cf.
• Jones et al., “CD4 cell counts in human immunodeficiency virus-negative patients with tuberculosis.”, Clin Infect Dis. 1997 May;24(5):988-91,
“We evaluated 85 human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-negative patients with tuberculosis for clinical features and CD4 cell counts. Thirty-seven patients had low CD4 cell counts (mean +/- SD, 341 +/- 116 cells/microL), and 48 patients had normal CD4 cell counts (mean +/- SD, 830 +/- 254 cells/microL).”
“The CD4 cell counts returned to normal levels in most patients after 1 month of therapy.”
“We confirmed previous studies demonstrating that CD4 cell counts are depressed in HIV-negative patients with tuberculosis”
A biomarker “CD4 cell count” makes no sense obviously, especially not in Africa where tuberculosis is death factor number 1. Nobody knows what the normal CD4 cell count in an HIV-negative person is.
• Crampin, „Normal Range of CD4 Cell Counts and Temporal Changes in Two HIV Negative Malawian Populations“, The Open AIDS Journal, 2011, 5, 74-79,
“1.5% and 6% respectively had baseline counts below 350 cells/μl and 1.5% and 2.5% below 250 cells per μl. Transient dips to below 250 cells/μl were observed in seven individuals, with two individuals having persistently low CD4 counts over more than one year.”
„In common with neighbouring countries, HIV-negative populations in Malawi have CD4 counts considerably lower than European reference ranges, and healthy individuals may have persistently or transiently low counts. Within Malawi, ranges differ according to the selected population.“
The CD4 cell count also varies with the season, cf.
• Gomo et al., “Predictors and reference values of CD4 and CD8 T lymphocyte counts in pregnancy: a cross sectional study among HIV negative women in Zimbabwe.”, Cent Afr J Med. 2004 Jan-Feb;50(1-2):10-9,
“The late rainy season was associated with higher CD4 counts…”
“Gestational age, gravidity, micronutrient status and season influence T lymphocyte subset levels and need to be considered when designing clinical management and intervention strategies for pregnant women. The data underscores the need for local reference values.“
Part 4/9 – HIV and AIDS – what was (again) not said on last year’s World AIDS day
These results are important because, on the one hand, the CD4 cell count is now used as a surrogate for an AIDS diagnosis and, on the other hand, this number is used to define so-called Long Term Non Progressors (LTNP). These are people who have been measured HIV+, but show no signs of an AIDS-defining disease or a low CD4 cell count even after years.
With a CD4 cell count of 500 cells/μL, the German-Austrian guidelines for antiretroviral therapy of HIV-1 infection recommend starting therapy, even in completely symptom-free people.
• DAIG, „Deutsch-Österreichische Leitlinien zur antiretroviralen Therapie der HIV-1-Infektion“, Version 8 auf der Basis der Konsensuskonferenz vom 10.4.2019,
„Asymptomatische Fälle mit CD4+T-Zellen <500/μl: Bei allen Patienten mit weniger als 500 CD4-Zellen/μL soll eine Therapie erfolgen. Die Dringlichkeit des Therapiebeginns (binnen Tagen, Wochen oder Monaten) erhöht sich in Abhängigkeit von der CD4+-Zellzahl: Je niedriger die CD4+-Zellzahl, desto dringlicher die Therapie. Bei weniger als 200 CD4+-Zellen steigt das Risiko opportunistischer Folgeerkrankungen erheblich, und Morbidität und Mortalität bleiben trotz erfolgreicher Therapie erhöht (22), der Behandlungsbeginn ist daher dringlich. Bei Vorliegen bestimmter opportunistischer Infektionen sollte die ART wegen des Risikos eines Immunrekonstitutionssyndroms verzögert begonnen werden. Diesbezüglich wird auf die DAIG-Leitlinie Opportunistische Infektionen verwiesen.“
[Translation: German-Austrian guidelines for antiretroviral therapy of HIV-1 infection, Version 8 based on the consensus conference of April 10, 2019]
“Asymptomatic cases with CD4 + T cells <500 / μl: Therapy should be given to all patients with fewer than 500 CD4 cells/μL. The urgency to start therapy (within days, weeks or months) increases depending on the CD4+ cell count: the lower the CD4+ cell count, the more urgent the therapy. With fewer than 200 CD4+ cells, the risk of opportunistic secondary diseases increases significantly, and morbidity and mortality remain higher despite successful therapy (22), so the start of treatment is urgent. In the presence of certain opportunistic infections, ART should be started with a delay because of the risk of immune reconstitution syndrome. In this regard, reference is made to the DAIG Guideline Opportunistic Infections. "
Before “modern medicine” started to use the biomarker “CD4 cell count” to “diagnose” the AID Syndrome, one used a catalog of approx. 30 classic diseases to define the AID syndrome. It should be noted that this catalog was expanded several times to inflate the statistics. Cf.
• CDC, HIV/AIDS Surveillance Report, “U.S. HIV and AIDS cases reported through December 1993”, 1993, Year-end Edition, Vol. 5, No. 4,
[Figure 6]
In this document refer to Figure 6 on the AID syndrome case numbers (not HIV!). In 1993 the CDC for the last time differentiated the number of cases according to the different definitions of the AID syndrome. After that, the AID syndrome case numbers were only shown as a uniform, rising (!) curve.
Meanwhile, AIDS-defining diseases are no longer used to diagnose AIDS, but one relies solely on the CD4 cell count. Below about 200 cells/μL one has AIDS, regardless of any symptom. That also works better in the statistics. Any infection can lower the CD4 cell count.
And one sees no connection between the CD4 cell count and the so-called viral load, which is to be determined by quantitative PCR and with which one drives HIV+ measured people into test madness.
• Rodriguez et al. „Predictive Value of Plasma HIV RNA Level on Rate of CD4 T-Cell Decline in Untreated HIV Infection”, JAMA, Sep 27, 2006, Vol 296 (12),
„Despite this trend across broad categories of HIV RNA levels, only a small proportion of CD4 cell loss variability (4%-6%) could be explained by presenting plasma HIV RNA level.”
And what are the consequences of this therapy, which physicians often name "blessed" and which is supposed to save people from a slow death? The list is long, cf.
•, “Adverse Effects of Antiretroviral Agents”, Dec. 18, 2019,
Bleeding Events
Bone Density Effects
Bone Marrow Suppression
Cardiac Conduction Effects
Cardiovascular Disease
Diabetes Mellitus and Insulin Resistance
Gastrointestinal Effects
Hepatic Effects
Hypersensitivity Reaction
Excluding rash alone or Stevens-Johnson syndrome
Lactic Acidosis
Myopathy/Elevated Creatine Phosphokinase
Nervous System/Psychiatric Effects
Renal Effects/Urolithiasis
Stevens-Johnson Syndrome/Toxic Epidermal Necrosis
These are serious and life threatening side effects and that in a lifelong(!) therapy.
This list tends to be too short rather than too long as it does not include some overly toxic substances such as didanosine (ddI), stavudine (d4T), fosamprenavir (FPV), indinavir (IDV), nelfinavir (NFV), saquinavir (SQV) and tipranavir (TPV) which are no longer used. Before that, they had been in use for years, with catastrophic consequences for those treated with them.
Part 5/9 – HIV and AIDS – what was (again) not said on last year’s World AIDS day
What happens is that the presumed therapy damages the human cells. In particular, the nucleoside and nucleotide analogs (so called nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors, NRTIs) also contained in the combination therapies damage the mitochondria, i.e. the energy suppliers of cells. This leads to a variety of different tissue damages.
• Gardner, “HIV treatment and associated mitochondrial pathology: review of 25 years of in vitro, animal, and human studies.”, Toxicol Pathol. 2014 Jul;42(5):811-22,
“In 1988, the suggestion that the first antiretroviral drug, zidovudine, was the potential cause of muscle pathology in HIV-infected persons resulted in structural and biochemical patient studies demonstrating acquired mitochondrial dysfunction. Assessment of subsequent nucleoside analog reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NRTI) antiretroviral drugs has indicated that mitochondria are a common target of NRTI toxicity in multiple tissues, leading to a wide variety of pathology ranging from lipodystrophy to neuropathy. Overwhelmingly, these complications have emerged during post-licensing human studies.”
“Millions of patients have been treated with mitochondrially toxic NRTIs and these drugs remain the backbone of antiretroviral rollout in much of sub-Saharan Africa.”
• Hart et al. “Inflammation-Related Morbidity and Mortality Among HIV-Positive Adults: How Extensive Is It?”, J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2018 Jan 1;77(1):1-7,
“A shift from AIDS-related causes of morbidity and mortality to non-AIDS causes such as non-AIDS malignancy, liver cirrhosis, end stage renal disease and serious cardiovascular events occurred in HIV patients nearly one decade ago due to use of potent antiretroviral therapy.”
“Consistent with two other reports which included participants with lower CD4+ counts, we show that grade 4 events are a major source of morbidity among participants with HIV [26, 27]. Among the participants in our cohort, all of whom had CD4+ counts ≥ 300 cells/mm3 at study entry, the rate of grade 4 events was 3 to 6 times higher than AIDS, CVD (expanded to include less serious events and CVD events that did not meet ERC criteria) or non-AIDS cancer considered separately and was higher than the rate for these three outcomes considered as a single composite outcome.”
“Everyone in our investigation was taking suppressive ART. Thus, we can only speculate whether the grade 4 events are due to underlying HIV disease or to ART.”
As of 2018. But there is nothing new about these findings. Also the early attempts of a therapy with AZT [zidovudine] were a complete catastrophe.
• Richman et al., “The toxicity of azidothymidine (AZT) in the treatment of patients with AIDS and AIDS-related complex. A double-blind, placebo-controlled trial”, N Engl J Med, 1987 Jul 23;317(4):192-7,
“Twenty-one percent of AZT recipients and 4 percent of placebo recipients required multiple red-cell transfusions (P less than 0.001). Neutropenia (less than 500 cells per cubic millimeter) occurred in 16 percent of AZT recipients, as compared with 2 percent of placebo recipients (P less than 0.001).”
“Although a subset of patients tolerated AZT for an extended period with few toxic effects, the drug should be administered with caution because of its toxicity and the limited experience with it to date.”
The trial by Richman and Fischl was performed under ridiculously unscientific circumstances. Many placebo participants actually received AZT.
• John Lauritsen, “AZT On Trial”, New York Native (published by Charles Ortleb), 19 October 1987,
• Celia Farber, “AIDS and the AZT Scandal: SPIN’s 1989 Feature, ‘Sins of Omission’ – The story of AZT, one of the most toxic, expensive, and controversial drugs in the history of medicine”, Nov 1989, republished Oct 5, 2015,
• Patricia Spitzig, “NDA 19-655 – Site inspection report Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston Mass.”, 1987,
• Patricia Spitzig, “NDA 19-655 – Inspectional observations – Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston Mass.”, 1987,
If after 44 weeks of therapy 27% of those treated have died, is that no reason to question the therapy, but simply proof of how dangerous the virus is?
• Creagh-Kirk et al., “Survival experience among patients with AIDS receiving zidovudine. Follow-up of patients in a compassionate plea program”, JAMA 1988 Nov 25;260(20):3009-15,
“Through a compassionate plea program (Treatment Investigational New Drug), 4805 patients with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome who previously had experienced Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (PCP) received zidovudine (Retrovir, formerly azidothymidine). Overall survival at 44 weeks after initiation of therapy was 73% (+/- 2.1%).“