Slow Boil

Todd Hayen

Everyone knows by now the analogy often tossed about these days describing a frog in a pot of water on a stove.

The heat is turned up so slowly that the frog has no idea that if he (or she) doesn’t jump out he will be boiled alive.

Seems that most sheep, the normies, are like the frog. The rest of us (for the sake of simplicity I will call the rest of us “shrews”—more on that later!) are doing most of the jumping — or at least trying to.

I don’t know if TPTB (“the powers that be” — need I clarify?) really care about a few jumping frogs, although our shrew numbers are increasing every day and may soon outnumber the sheep! What does seem to be clear is that some of the sheep are waking up and are attempting to jump out of the pot themselves.

It seems quite imperative that the majority of frogs stay in the pot, because if most of them jump out, there will be no dinner for whoever is cooking them.

The shrew frogs are very much aware of the heat being turned up leading to their demise, the sheep frogs still are not quite sure what the hell is happening.

In order to fully know the degree of seriousness regarding the pot and water situation you have to believe that the point of being in the pot to begin with is to be boiled—dead.

Maybe we can still stick with a metaphor here, but possibly not — the intention of the boiling pot could literally be to kill the sleeping frogs contained therein. Or, at the very least, have them completely under the control of TPTB.

Do they need to remain asleep forever?

I can’t actually answer that question, maybe not, but maybe so.

I would think it would be best that they are close to being asleep most of the time. If they wake up too much, they will possibly make too much ruckus. Look at all the totalitarian regimes throughout history, real ones, as well as made-up ones (as in Orwell’s “1984”). Being partially asleep, if not totally asleep, seemed to be a rather important criterion in these regimes.

Most people, historically, living under totalitarian rule are not that aware of the freedoms they have lost, or the dehumanizing power they live under. This control on a large populace was obviously achieved through government lies, confusions, departures from reality executed by the predominant media, censorship and the silencing of opposing voices—on and on.

Us shrews are very familiar with these tactics. The sheep don’t believe they exist, even when their little noses are rubbed in it. These tactics have worked brilliantly for centuries in various contexts. Yes, there have always been thinking, awake, shrews, but they are typically silenced, or eliminated, very quickly.

Sheep do whatever they can to avoid seeing the truth. Obviously they think they see it, and make a lot of noise about what they believe is true and why it is true. In this Covid situation typically the noise they make is about how “unscientific” the shrews are, yet in an argument, you seldom hear sheep talk about actual science.

They just like to rant on about how so and so is stupid, an anti vaxxer, or a science denier, or is publically discredited in various ways, or was kicked off of YouTube so they MUST be an idiot. I have never heard a sheep talk about actual science. Maybe they do, and maybe I’ve heard it, but certainly not often.

So the sheep continue to get cooked. Of course the shrews are cooking too. So far, the jumping shrews are getting just as cooked as the sheep, but they are awake, and feel the pain of the boiling water. And, of course, as much as they jump, they can’t get out of the water. Neither can the sheep, but they don’t seem to care—not yet at least.

TPTB are a bit concerned that there is so much jumping going on in the pot. It is possible that all of the shrews and some sheep might jump around so much the lid pops off and a lot of the frogs get out, which could slow things down—not stop things mind you, but slow them down.

If most of the sheep and shrews got out of the pot because they were all awake, then that could cause a real disruption in the mainstream agenda. But most of the sheep that are hopping are not really awake. They must want to get back to what, in their previous asleep state, seemed normal.

They are tired of Covid — tired of being afraid of it, tired of lockdowns, of restrictions, of inconvenience. They are not awake to the bigger picture like shrews are. In order to be fully awake, a sheep or a shrew has to believe in some rather radical things.

  1. The Government of whatever country you live in is corrupt, and they really don’t care all that much about you, if anything at all.
  2. Big Pharma is corrupt, and although, if profitable, may come up with some stuff that actually helps people, for the most part they will kill you if they can make some dough doing it and keep most everyone asleep so they can keep doing it (turning up the heat).
  3. Most doctors are like privates in a huge powerful army. They follow orders from their generals and “commanders in chief” and they typically do not question them. They get all of their information from specific sources that could, for the above reasons 1 and 2, be wrong. They are NOT, usually, scientists or researchers (although some, on the shrew side, most definitely ARE, but we don’t hear much from them because they are typically silenced (see above.)
  4. Institutions such as hospitals and universities depend so much on funding from the corrupt government and corrupt pharmaceutical companies that they are completely unreliable, if not criminal.
  5. The mainstream media is also for the most part “fake.” The media is mostly owned and otherwise funded by the corrupt pharmaceutical companies, the corrupt government, and whoever else is supporting the power and money agenda.

This is a big pill for sheep to swallow…for anyone to swallow for that matter, but for some mysterious reason shrews, and wanna-be shrews, swallow that pill without even thinking about it.

Why? I don’t know, and this article isn’t going to attempt to figure that out. We just do, and bless us for that.

There are even bigger pills to swallow than the five listed above—the Great Reset, which includes centralization of government and economy, possible eugenics/population reduction, etc.

I won’t go into all that. Most shrews are on board, some are not quite there yet, but some form of “bigger agenda” is at play here beyond just power-hungry rich people.

So where does this leave the pot of boiling frogs? Many say the heat is being turned down. Why? Some say because TPTB believe all the frogs are going to get out and shut the whole shebang down. Some say TPTB are afraid for their own safety, that they could be held accountable, tried by a court, and punished—possibly by hanging from an end of a rope.

Granted, TPTB have great incentive to keep most of the frogs asleep so they can continue to boil them. But, in my humble opinion, they are far from any immediate concern that there are too many rambunctious jumping frogs. They may turn the heat down, but only in effective ways that assure calming the frogs down a bit, while turning it up in other ways that the frogs don’t notice.

We need to continue hopping, and knock that lid off.

Todd Hayen is a registered psychotherapist practicing in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He holds a PhD in depth psychotherapy and an MA in Consciousness Studies. He specializes in Jungian, archetypal, psychology.


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Smokey Dymny
Smokey Dymny
Jan 3, 2023 8:29 AM

While the above may explain some of the reasons TPTB may want to mind-f**k the proles, the science of melting arctic ice has exposed a ticking time bomb. Extinction is rapidly approaching. What is all this effort of TPTB be in aid of? Accumulating more wealth at this time is self-defeating. They have experts who can explain global warming science to them. The Great Reset won’t save any rich folks. It’s time to shake off the propaganda and have fun in the little time that remains.

Feb 27, 2022 3:46 AM

Thank you – great article!

Feb 17, 2022 1:54 PM

The author should be aware that social control is turned up in steps. The populace gets to relaxes a little before the next higher wave of fear is unleashed
It’s all explained here – https://youtu.be/doXCxzi0Lxo

Feb 15, 2022 11:12 PM

Hi Todd, good article. Lays everything out in simple understandable terms.
Agreed we need to continue removing that lid, acknowledging, it’s already partially removed! Which is good, very good.

Feb 15, 2022 4:16 AM

Thanks, the first time i see an article dedicated to the slow boil model. Details are revealing which is obviously better than concealing.

Perhaps some musicians, like Pink Floyd co-founder Roger Waters, could put some music to this model.

We need a symphony too!!

Feb 14, 2022 5:48 PM


Why movements fail. No strategy, wrong tactics and objectives, not able to deal with infiltration.

Feb 14, 2022 3:54 PM

related but slightly off topic- Trudeau is looking to invoke the rebranded war measures act
Trudeau Declares War Against Canadians

Feb 14, 2022 3:56 PM
Reply to  Penny
Technocracy Unsustainable
Technocracy Unsustainable
Feb 14, 2022 12:10 PM

Herd instinct – stay inside the herd for safety. That primal animal instinct is still hardwired in some people… or it’s because so many paychecks are dependent on staying inside the lines. The technocrats, who are programmed to micromanage every minuscule movement of the masses in order to remain relevant, are facing the Management Dilemma and actually have discussions like this about it:

“You are saying terrible things,” he chided the panelists. “You are proposing to transfer power into the hands of the population… If each person can participate directly in management, then what are we managing?”

Citing the teachings of Confucius and Kabbalah mysticism, he reminded everyone of the millennia-old tradition of shielding the truth from the untrustworthy masses.

“People don’t want to be manipulated when they have knowledge. What does it mean to remove the veil from the eyes of millions of people and make them self-sufficient? How do you manage them? Any mass control implies an element of manipulation,” Gref observed.

So, to them, the “dilemma” is that humanity is collectively becoming too smart and that’s a problem from their perspective. But is it? Of course not! Keep researching, keep writing and sharing, keep debating, because we are forging our own path toward a world where everyone can live a healthy life, free of having to contort oneself to fit into the present scam culture. The answer doesn’t lie in surveilling everyone to stop the scams, it’s changing the system that requires people to lose their souls working in corrupt institutions, remain quiet and grift away. The elite stay inside their herd as well to get away with it.


Feb 14, 2022 8:10 AM

“Jumping from the pot”

Don’t you think there is an awful AI algorithm for that?!

Algorithms are new options added to a long list of treatments for ‘jumping from the pot. Existing treatment options include:

– cancellation their digital existence
– character assassination
– real assassination
– jail
– engineered social isolation
– inflict physical harm and deprivation of healthcare
– genocide
– carpet bombing
– soaking in pesticides and herbicides (Great Public Relations for Democracy Spreading)
– napalm
– nukes

There must be many more punishments for not toeing the line!

Feb 14, 2022 6:59 AM

While the digital encirclement is being tightened, they audaciously enforced a bio-encirclement.

Feb 14, 2022 1:57 AM

I thought it was TPTSB the Powers-That-Shouldn’t-Be.

Feb 14, 2022 1:05 PM
Reply to  Fupi


Feb 14, 2022 1:11 AM

Forcing employees and students and families (in most of the world) to communicate online during lockdowns meant that data about every sheep and shrew became directly accessible by the Pentagon.

.. and the biggest lie is when politicians tell us, their job is to protect the data of all citizens, and protect the nation sovereignty.

As an example, the kids’s homework and class interaction, including voice and video samples, were made accessible to the Pentagon’s analysts.

Feb 14, 2022 12:40 AM

“TPTB (“the powers that be” — need I clarify?)”

– YES, please!
it is recommended by G. Orwell to use the words that are conductive to better (and quicker) understanding.

It helps also to add that TPTB is the Deep State, that is the collective of unelected bodies who decided to run our life and impose their MONSTROSITY on everyone of us.

The politicians we elected have allowed the monsters (THE PIGS) to take over.

Feb 13, 2022 9:43 PM

i thought it said slow ball

Feb 13, 2022 4:29 PM

This is brilliant. You’ve just summed up what I’ve been trying for months to articulate, on the futility of reasoning with sheep. Bless you, Todd Hayen!

Sgt Oddball
Sgt Oddball
Feb 13, 2022 3:27 PM

…Todd Hayden:…

“*Everyone Knows By Now* the analogy often tossed about these days describing a frog in a pot of water on a stove.”

(…*Emphasis*, mine…)

…> Proceeds on rambling, ‘metaphorgotten’ article explaining the analogy anyways…


…For what it’s worth, the last sentence was the one truly relevant bit, and it was trip-9 *Solid Gold*…

…- Takeaway: – “*Carry On*”…

Feb 13, 2022 7:31 PM
Reply to  Sgt Oddball

The name is Hayen, and anyway does not have an “s” at the end of the word. I’m on your side buddy, you should learn not to bash people in your tribe. Carry on.

Sgt Oddball
Sgt Oddball
Feb 13, 2022 11:07 PM
Reply to  Todd

…- Thanks for your reply, Todd… – The last time I checked, this forum was an avowed and unabashed champion of free speech and I assume that is still very much the case… Therefore, if you’re going to publish articles here, inviting comment by providing a thread for such, BTL, you should probably expect criticism as well as praise… – My critique still stands: – Between your first sentence and your last (which I did give you props for, btw) what was your point?… – What did you have to say that we here have not already heard a thousand times before, as you tacitly acknowledge in the very first sentence?… – Furthermore, and as to the body of your article, I *Emphatically* do not agree with your characterization of the innocent victims of the single greatest and most sophisticated psyop so far waged in all of human history as ‘sheep’, nor I hope, and God-willing, will I ever (See my comment in reply to Howard, down thread, for further elaboration on this point)…

…Additionally, the very fact that you deploy the divisive and dehumanizing term ‘sheep’ so liberally in an otherwise lorem-ipsum, pabulum article, which otherwise says nothing very much, and in any case is mostly rendered moot by its very first sentence, amply indicates to me that you and I are most certainly *Not* on ‘the same side’, in the same ‘tribe’, nor even *Anywhere Near* ‘tribe-adjacent’… – Nor am I, most assuredly, your ‘buddy’, regardless of what you otherwise presume…

…As you elected not to speak to a legit’ critique of a poor article, I’ll not bother, in kind, speaking to your petulant and laughable attempt at grammar-nazism and simply allow Cambridge and Merriam-Webster to speak for me instead:…




…- Since you seem incabable of taking honest criticism without resorting to petty and passive aggressive retorts (‘Carry On’ was my own takeaway from the last line of your article btw, but thanks for playing *Anyways*…), perhaps you might find the other snowflakes in the ‘Woke’ brigade are more ‘your tribe’?…

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Feb 14, 2022 12:34 AM
Reply to  Sgt Oddball

When did I say anything about free speech? You have absolutely the right to “criticize” anything I write. In my opinion you did that in a rude and ugly way, and I have the right to be rude and ugly in return, so get off your high horse. You can say whatever you want, but the right of free speech doesn’t mean I have to like what you say. If you are rude in saying, I will be rude in my response.

You are, in my opinion, undoubtedly an “intellectual” bully. So there is no point in conversing…say whatever you wish. And BTW, the comment you wrote I am replying too made a lot more sense than the first one and I appreciate your opinion on my article, although I do not agree, of course.

I am sorry you took offence to the term “sheep” in my article. I think it is a common enough term and can be taken in whatever way you wish to take it. To be honest, I am tired of being continually abused by the people who blindly follow this “sophisticated psyop”, thanks to these people, who I am calling “sheep”, my right to live a reasonably ‘normal” life in Canada has been taken away. I do have sympathy for those who are “innocent”…yes, I do believe some are, but the article is relatively “tongue in cheek” and is not meant to be “ugly” and is also not meant to be “pleasant”. I certainly could write an uglier one.

And I now agree, yours is a tribe clearly I would not want to belong to. And I withdraw any assumption that we could be friendly (buddies). I don’t care much for bullies. Nearly all of the people I have met, and work with, on “this side of the fence” have been caring loving people…and not harsh and hate filled as it seems you are. So yes, we are not in the same tribe, nor ever will be buddies.

Do you write articles for Off Guardian? You are a good writer (despite your use of the common “pop” vernacular “anyways”) , I would like to read your work and see actually where you stand with all of this… if you do anything other than make comments under a fake name.

And yes, carry on. I am sure you have something to contribute.

Sgt Oddball
Sgt Oddball
Feb 14, 2022 9:23 AM
Reply to  Todd Hayen

“And BTW, the comment you wrote I am replying too made a lot more sense than the first one and I appreciate your opinion on my article, although I do not agree, of course.”

…- Likewise myself, to your robust and honest response here Todd, and I thank you again for taking the time and trouble… – Now I feel we might actually be getting somewhere…

…As I stated in my reply to Howard further down-thread, it is my contention, based on solid ground and after careful consideration, that the ‘sheep/sheeple’ meme is one created and deliberately inserted into dissident discourse by elements of the intelligence apparatus… – This being expressly for the fairly straightforward purposes of fostering division and ‘othering’ between those who dissent from the mainstream narrative/agenda and those who do not, and of discrediting the former in the eyes of the latter, in particular…

…- Everywhere I turn these days Davostan is apparently pushing for civil war, provided that it is Joe Q Public at each others’ throats and not at theirs… This concerns me a great deal and it is something the implications of which I take *Very* seriously indeed, particularly when it comes to those of us who ought to know better inadvertantly doing their work for them… – I myself fell into this trap, before I wised up… – Hence my according the subject the utmost gravity it is due, tho’ I can likewise very well understand and appreciate your and others’ frustrations with all those who apparently still don’t ‘get it’

…My tribe, by the way, is ‘no tribe’, or else, I’d like to believe, it is the *Entire* human race… (- A pipe-dream, perhaps… – But, still…) – My ‘side’ is the one that don’t believe in *Any* sides, or else it is, at least, the side of whoever is *Not* on Team Davostan…

…After re-reading my original comment and noting it’s apparent undue brusqueness, I’ll concede I may have read your initial reply to it too harshly… – Perfunctory terseness was what I was aiming for as, without elaborating there on the whole ‘sheep’ thing, my critique of your piece otherwise conveyed all that I had intended to say on the matter and therefore I thought my point had been well enough made… – Rudeness was absolutely not my intention, initially

…Regarding your repetition of a *Seriously* hackneyed theme, already done to death both here on OffG and elsewhere in the alt media over the last two-odd years – a state of affairs to which, as I said, you appeared to allude in the very first sentence of your piece – I’ll cheerfully confess to being more than a little justifiably jaded… – Approaching your piece, I was hoping for something fresh and inspiring, but was, safe to say, already in a querulous mood, nonetheless… – Obviously the prior causes of that mood are not on you, but in a case of final straw meets camel, your article bore the brunt of my frustration and I fairly let you have it with both barrels…

…- Keep doing your thing tho’ Todd… – For what it’s worth, most everything else of yours I’ve read here over the last two years I’ve enjoyed reading well enough…

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Feb 19, 2022 12:36 AM
Reply to  Sgt Oddball

You are a gentleman, thank you. I too apologize for my “flash” of blind “ninny-ness”…you and I should not waste our energy fighting one another…

I respect your comment about “no tribe”…but I personally believe we are divided (the world) and as much as I would like to see it undivided, I am afraid I feel it is important to be aware of the division…they could pull us down with their massive weight…again, my opinion…not trying to convince you of anything…

This article was fluffy for me…I thought it was cute, certainly not profound, and really meant for people who didn’t mind hearing a repeat of what they already knew. It was fun using the terms “sheep,” “shrews,” and “frogs.” Whatever.

Take care, and yes, carry on…seriously…

Terry Silk
Terry Silk
Feb 13, 2022 3:22 PM


Feb 13, 2022 7:50 PM
Reply to  Terry Silk

Good place to shout;*)

Blind Gill
Blind Gill
Feb 13, 2022 10:32 PM
Reply to  Terry Silk

Don’t feel sorry Terry. Many of us feel the same. There are many more of us than they think.

Feb 13, 2022 2:03 PM

It’s too much work for the Lost Ones (I don’t like denigrating sheep or frogs by using them to represent those who have fallen and continue to fall hook, line and sinker for the great COVID swindle).

There are just too many things taken for granted that have to be questioned before one can begin to really understand why the madness is happening and why now.

This era, right now, is the culmination of thousands of years of humanity accepting the need for an orderly, well controlled society. Most people – all the Lost Ones (or Boilees if you’d rather) – live in a state of perpetual horror of what might happen if there should be no Authority overseeing everything. They fear a universe without a “God”; they fear a planet without a cadre of demi-gods; they fear their neighbors without a band of policemen.

COVID didn’t induce fear in the Lost Ones: the fear was already there. It merely played it for all it was worth. There can be no “going back” because they never left where they were. Fear of existence was always a part of their lives, as was desperation for protection.

It’s just that now the Lost Ones have reached a place where they can no longer assuage their fear with fairy tale thoughts of some ultimate authority looking out for them because they must – MUST – face up to the reality that it is this authority which threatens their existence and not whatever they had called upon this authority to protect them from.

All of which induces a state of abject inertia. They can’t jump out of the boiling pot because they are paralyzed with the reality that their entire world view is what has trapped them.

Sgt Oddball
Sgt Oddball
Feb 13, 2022 4:52 PM
Reply to  Howard

…+1,000,000… – *Absolutely* cock-on description, Howard…

…It ain’t gonna steam down here till it comes steam engine time: – Until we, *All Of Us*, outgrow our collective infantile dependence on/need for ‘parent’ figures to rescue/’discipline’ us we will *All*, one way or another, continue to fall for the same old con again and again and again…

…- Word to the wise, btw:… – I personally arrived at the *Ironclad* conviction nearly a decade ago that the term ‘Sheeple’ and its various derivatives was, in fact, coined by the blob itself and inserted *Widely* by its flying monkey brigades into ‘conspirisphere’ forums for reasons I’m sure the astute among you can all too plainly infer… – As such, I always attempt to do my *Level Damndest* not to do their work for them by using it…

…For the inastute, *Seriously*, ask yourself: – How, exactly, do you imagine batting this term about in discussions *Actually* comes across to the people we’re ultimately intending to reach?… – Do you even care?… – Or are you merely content to bask in the false-dawn glow of your own presumed self-righteousness, conferred on you by your supposed ‘awakening’ into the ‘chosen’ red-pilled/truther elect?… …- Well there ain’t gonna be no truther ‘rapture’ coming to whisk your po’ sorry asses away to paradise and safety…

…- We are, all of us, *Stuck Right Here*, with the task undeniably *Before Us*…

…- Also, *Be Advised*: – Even those of us who *Sincerely Believe* ourselves ‘awake’ may nevertheless *Still* find ourselves susceptible at times to being led right by the damn nose, right up the same damn primrose path. *All*. *Over*. *Again*… – I speak from *Painful*, hard-won experience, here…

…- Awakening is *Always* a journey – *For All* who partake of it… – It is *Never* a destination…

Feb 14, 2022 6:07 PM
Reply to  Sgt Oddball

I began, with the help of a protest friend, a tulip button campaign in Victoria, BC, the aim being to recognize each other as a community that can grow and to express commitment to the freedoms that have become privileges by wearing a small symbol. I pass them out at rallies – and it’s caught on.
The point of this preface is to say that quite often people ask, when I hand out the button and a small, written explanation of what it means, “Who is behind this?” They ask it blandly, not suspiciously. They can no longer conceive of an idea and its execution that is the product of one human brain. When I answer “I am,” they look surprised, smile, and thank me. The light dawns. It’s a beginning.

Sgt Oddball
Sgt Oddball
Feb 14, 2022 11:41 PM
Reply to  nondimenticare

…- *Ka-Chinnggg*!… – *Damn Fine* work there, nondimenticare – *Keep It Up*!, by all means…

…- It’s *Amazing* isn’t it? – I was doing an informal straw pole throughout 2020 and into ’21, just touting for random folks opinions, and my limited sample size notwithstanding, *Very Few* were buying into the BS, even back then…

…Now consider:… – They pretty much lied in the official stats about jab uptake in round one (shots 1 and 2)… – Then here in the UK, heading into this Christmas just gone they launched the booster ‘big push’ in earnest with the Omicron yarn, aiming to get everyone elligible in the UK boosted by *New Year’s Day*… – Welp, New Year’s came and went and, eventually, they *Officially* allowed that *Only Half* of the elligible boostees had actually bothered to show up… – These are your so-called ‘sheeples’, right here, and so it goes… 🙂

…- Incidently, over Christmas week, there was a story doin’ the rounds in the Brit MSM about how ‘Anti-Vax Activists’ were supposedly phoning up the booking lines and *Block-Booking* booster appointment slots, then not showing up… – Make of that ‘story’ what you will…

…- *BIG UP*!! to you and alla your Truxxers, btw!… 😉

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Feb 14, 2022 12:43 AM
Reply to  Howard

Actually, this is a more brilliant comment than the above article!

Feb 14, 2022 2:21 PM
Reply to  Howard

It used to be fear of going to hell. Now it is just fear of dying. Or, in some cases, fear of not going to hell.

Functional Testes
Functional Testes
Feb 13, 2022 1:24 PM

Important point to make. It all needs to go, and there can be no let-up for quite a while.

Having said that, I do intend to sip some of the proverbial honey when so allowed, and I intend to enjoy it in scandalous ways.

God knows it may be the last chance for a while. Even in times like these, treat yourself a bit if you practically and morally can.

Feb 13, 2022 10:16 AM

This seemed a little bit of a backtrack with at least some acknowledgement the truckers might have some legitimate grievances…


….to be followed by repeated insinuations that the proesters have foreign funding. It’s that Putin again! They do like the fuse their narratives, get two or more for the price of one.

It also maintains their 100% record that every article on the protest must mention QAnon. They also keep mentioning some woman who’s an obvious agent provocatuer and whose name happens to be an anagram of “u dildo”.

Feb 13, 2022 10:56 AM
Reply to  Edwige

A couple of weeks ago there was a photograph that the media were using of some protesters who were using a large swastika. This image was backed up by the media with suggested Nazi/far right links to the protests. But I’m pretty sure that this use of Nazi imagery was being used ironically by the protesters, who were also flying Canadian flags, and pictures of Justin Trudeau.

Anyway, since then, and since these images being dishonestly used by the MSM, the protesters seem to have wised up, and look to be far more careful with regards to giving ammunition to those who wish to lie, smear, and spin. This last week or so, the signs and flags used by the protesters that I have seen are all positive and life affirming. Things are being kept nice and wholesome.

Feb 13, 2022 11:48 AM
Reply to  ity

Remember, photo and video tech has advanced to the stage where it can show almost anyone doing or saying almost anything. Adding a flag would be simple.

Functional Testes
Functional Testes
Feb 13, 2022 1:27 PM
Reply to  mgeo

Then again, filming everything yourself is too, and would provide counterevidence.

dr death
dr death
Feb 13, 2022 4:03 PM
Reply to  ity

Well… it’s just the regime eliciting the programmed pavlovian response from it’s indentured serfs….
undoubtedly nasty nazi flag man was a neo liberal spook on assignment from his masters…
its called dropping a turd in the punch-bowl… a well used methodology up their with deep fake tek ( which facilitates real time third party puppeting of the demented criminals in government most of whom are really inmates in psychiatric institutions)…

Sgt Oddball
Sgt Oddball
Feb 13, 2022 6:12 PM
Reply to  ity

…IIRC, the 2-3 man team with the swastika flag, on day 1 in Ottawa (the *Sole* instance I’ve seen so far, btw), were by themselves in the middle of a park with the nearest other folk sitting on benches some 20+ feet away, in the one photo I saw republished everywhere…

…- Incidently, they had their Nazi banner flying on a pole beneath a Canadian flag and a *Gadsen Flag*… – Now, as we all know *Libertarians* are *Totally All About* establishing totalitarian fascist dictatorships that by definition fundamentally deny *Liberty* to their citizens, and as *Just Everbody* knows Canada was the *Staunchest* of Hitler’s allies in WWII, being, as it was, a fully-paid-up, card-carrying member of the Axis powers,… – *DERP*!…

…Also on day 1, there was *One* lone, individual Herbert, with ski-mask, shades/goggles and hood up, attempting to mingle with the crowd whilst toting a Confederate flag, right up until said crowd promptly whipped out their phones, started filming and politely (Cannucks, eh?… 😉 ) invited this one lone Herbert to take a hike…

…As to the lone *Cunt* who was filmed giggling itself silly as it danced on the grave of the unknown soldier, the only words I’ll waste on it, before I wind up getting *REALLY SWEARY* is simply to say that I am, sorry to say, *Intimately Familiar* with the type from my squatting days, and that such spook-payrollee specimens seem to have a congenital defect in *Invariably* giving themselves away, during such performances of blatant street theatre, by apparently uncontrolable displays of how inordinately pleased with themselves they always seem to be at these events where they ‘earn’ their paycheck… – Hence the giggling…

…- *Really*, the alphabet soup seriously oughta tighten up their recruitment practices or at the very least invest in sending these useless fucks for some decent remedial training/acting classes – *Stat*!… – Again, *Another* lone instance, and unless I’ve been totally blind the last fortnight and somehow not noticed, these handfull of oft-rebroadcast/republished instances are the only ones that there have been…

Feb 13, 2022 12:58 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Try this:

No. It’s because the US, projecting its national interests through Nato, and the feckless, lying windbag in Downing Street, cannot bear the thought of an empowered, strategically autonomous Europe successfully managing its own security.


Feb 13, 2022 1:16 PM
Reply to  Orthus

That was good to read. It’s always encouraging to see that voices of sanity still exist over in Guardian/Observer land.

Functional Testes
Functional Testes
Feb 13, 2022 1:25 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Trust me, if Vladi was handing out sexy dolares to do some damage, I’d be loaded by now.

Sgt Oddball
Sgt Oddball
Feb 13, 2022 6:29 PM

…- Fuck that!… – The shiny stuff or bitcoins, else Vlad can GTFO…

…- I already got enough loo-roll, thanks…

Feb 13, 2022 10:58 PM
Reply to  Sgt Oddball

+100. Go big or go home!

George Mc
George Mc
Feb 13, 2022 1:32 PM
Reply to  Edwige

I just love those pieces that have titles that already tell you everything with a phony question :

“Freedom convoys: legitimate Covid protest or vehicle for darker beliefs?”

Obviously the latter. And yes it’s all here:

“The protest has melded genuine grievances and fears about how the pandemic has upended lives with conspiracy theories and racist extremism, helped by some degree of funding from abroad. A handful of demonstrators have turned up with Trump banners and Confederate flags.”

“The seductively open-ended rallying call…”

Seductive! Like the voice of Satan!

“The protest in downtown Ottawa that thrust Canada into an unwelcome international spotlight…”

“Unwelcome” for whom?

“The protesters are a tiny minority in a country which has, on the whole, embraced the protection against Covid offered by science.”

And we’re back to the notion of that Satanic seduction. For the divinity “science” offers the pathway to salvation! After which a display of the evil evilness of the evil ones:

“The union Teamsters Canada …has … denounced “despicable displays of hate” at the protests…”

“Hate”! That all purpose jinx!

An interview with one of the protestors Rebecca proves a little too risky … so,

“That sense of a heroic mission, also fuelled for some people by conspiracies such as QAnon, may make these protests far harder to end than demonstrations on behalf of specific political demands.”

“…it’s not simply something you can negotiate with and say, ‘OK, the mandates will disappear’ or ‘this will go away, you can go home now.’”

Why not?
 “That insurrection in Washington DC was a reminder of how internet conspiracy theories, harnessed to a political cause, can erupt into mainstream political reality and permanently alter it.”

Oh Jesus! OK we’re now on the inevitable demonization roll:

“… advocates of the extremist QAnon conspiracy theory…. QAnon’s self-proclaimed “Queen of Canada”, … called for the extermination of parents who vaccinate their children….dark fringe views …anti-vaxxers, conspiracy theorists, antisemites, Islamophobes and other extremists. … white nationalist and racist activism. ..racist tropes, …Islamophobic smears….Trump signs …Confederate flags …”

And so on and on, spinning into a gibbering incarnation of exorcism!

Sgt Oddball
Sgt Oddball
Feb 13, 2022 6:38 PM
Reply to  George Mc

…- Nice Gish-gallop to the finish line at the end, there… – They forgot ‘misogynists’, ‘transphobes’, ‘First Nations genocidists’ and, of course, ‘Russian agents’, tho’…

George Mc
George Mc
Feb 13, 2022 9:27 AM

Voodoo has won! From my own experience of the people around me (admittedly confined to Darkest Covid Clampdown Caledonia), the measure of “the situation” is confined to the figures which are determined now by positive test results and not by illness! And covid deaths are purely those dying within a designated time frame after a positive test no matter how they died.

We now live in a virtual world. The Matrix is already here!

Feb 13, 2022 9:12 AM

Highly Likely’s back in town, for those who missed her.

It’s ‘highly likely’ that Russia will attack Ukraine (as per Ben Wallace, UK Defence Secretary).

Highly likely sometime next week. Highly likely Tuesday or Wednesday. 

We know. We’ve seen the war plans. We wrote them

Sgt Oddball
Sgt Oddball
Feb 13, 2022 6:46 PM
Reply to  Vagabard

…’Highly likely’: – Meaning it only appears likely to you if you’re high

Feb 13, 2022 8:54 PM
Reply to  Sgt Oddball

“If the doors of perception were cleansed every thing would appear to man as it is, infinite.

For man has closed himself up, til he sees all things thro’ narrow chinks of his cavern…”

William Blake (long before Huxley)


George Mc
George Mc
Feb 13, 2022 8:57 AM

I am grateful to Bob the Bum for supplying me with this link:


Perhaps it was inevitable that the first decent Marxist critique of covid was to come from Australia – the country that has imposed the most extreme “anti-covid” policies. This item is so rich in desprerately needed observation that it’s difficult to provide excerpts. Nevertheless:

“Whatever crimes Mussolini and Hitler committed, they did not imprison people in their homes, prevent some workers from earning a wage, nor ban physical and social contact with friends and family. …

…if the Orwellian named Public Health and Wellbeing Amendment (Pandemic Management) Bill 2021 passes the Victorian parliament, “pandemics” can be imaginary by law. Dictator Dan could declare a “pandemic” even if there is none existing elsewhere – he only has to think there is one. The Premier could declare a “pandemic” with no outer limit on its duration.

…Any form of fascism, no matter what type, can only triumph if the working-class has not yet been able to forge a genuine left-wing political force… During 2020 and 2021, the vast majority of those identifying as politically Left did not seek to combat the rise of totalitarian terror – but instead joined forces with it. Decades of declarations that they stood for progressive humanitarianism, for human rights and pluralism, were trashed almost overnight. Trade Union officials heading some Unions which are over 100 years old wasted not one minute in lining up behind the government and corporate onslaught against their own members, and workers generally. This epic betrayal had millions across the globe scratching their heads. If this lot switches sides now, is there any point to Unions, working class struggle or indeed socialism?

…the Union officials AND the so-called left parties (with a handful of exceptions) willingly and openly deputised themselves as agents of capitalist and imperialist oppression. With a straight face, they expected workers to believe that they were doing so “for public health”. …
The lockdown left summarily dismissed concerns for the most basic of democratic and civil rights, denouncing plaintive cries for such as “selfish individualism”. These “left” forces reserved their most pronounced scorn for those who opposed lockdowns, the humiliation of forced face masking and the use of state coercion for vaccine mandates – by raising a cry for freedom. Somehow, the lockdown left equated the call for freedom into something which only the extreme right could possibly entertain. Needless to say, at this point many workers concluded that this “left” was in a state of deep collusion with the very forces behind lockdowns.
Socialist Alternative (SAlt) … scold Dictator Dan for NOT extending lockdowns further, for NOT shutting down more “non-essential” businesses and for NOT aiming for “Zero Covid”.”

And it’s good to see the WSWS get a sober reckoning:

“Socialist Equality Party (SEP): Until lockdown mania began in early 2020, the SEP arguably had the largest online presence (via their World Socialist Web Site – WSWS) of any left party internationally. Since then, however, the SEP has virtually become indistinguishable from the capitalist governments they used to critique.”

Though sadly this next bit is arguable:

“Even though they have not (yet) physically opposed anti-lockdown protests, the SEP display a religious adherence to Covid ideology that would be the envy of the most devout evangelicals.”

Granted, they may not have physically opposed the protests but they have certainly spoken against them.

Feb 13, 2022 9:58 AM
Reply to  George Mc

It’s a clear case of trying to salvage some of a valued op after the event. Don’t fall for it – Marxism showed what it is when the chips were down.

There’s a lot of this going on at the mement.

Bob the Hod
Bob the Hod
Feb 13, 2022 10:44 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Authoritan/totalitarian regimes can be left wing, right wing, or completely in the centre. It doesn’t matter, the upshot is the same for ordinary people like us. This current totalitarian bullshit comes from the current political centre, fusing the worst aspects of communism with the worst aspects of fascism. Branding anybody who dares to question the orthodoxy and speak up for liberty as right wing is simply dog whistle politics for self identified but hopelessly politically illiterate “left wingers” who had years of conditioning in seeing everything in terms of the myopic, dehumanising, monochrome “left wing good/right wing bad” paradigm.

I know, because I fell for it once. Never again. Authoritarianism is bad for ordinary people but unfortunately, a fair chunk of ordinary people love being told what to do, and how to think and act, and love telling others that they should be the same. Whether they are “left wing” or “right wing” matters not a jot. Try having a conversation about economics with a modern “radical leftist” and see how far you get. A lot of them are completely clueless and only think in terms of identity politics. That’s the hallmark of any authoritarian.

Functional Testes
Functional Testes
Feb 13, 2022 1:38 PM
Reply to  Bob the Hod

I was there too once. First read to ever open my eyes to that fact was Kaczynski’s manifesto.

The funny thing about people and their emotions, is that weakness often feels like strength and vice versa. There is a mixup of dynamics on the individual vs the collective level that leads people to act strongly on a weak basis.

They never win, but the damage is all too real.

Sgt Oddball
Sgt Oddball
Feb 13, 2022 7:24 PM
Reply to  Bob the Hod

+1,000,000 Bob…

…Left vs Right *IS*, *And Will Forever Remain* a Punch and Judy show, with Davostani Man’s hands crammed up *Both* their arseholes, staged, as puppet shows *Necessarily Are*, for an intended audience of sociopolitical toddlers…

…Make your peace with it… – Bid your farewells to the departed… – *Grieve*, *By All Means*… – But for your own sake and the sake of those still in the land of the living and who could use you throwin’ your own shoulder behind the wheel right now – *Get Off Of* that whole fake head-trip… – Else it’ll eat your mind eventually…

…- It *Always* goes *NOWHERE*… – *Precisely By Design*…

Feb 13, 2022 1:23 PM
Reply to  George Mc

I don’t think the SEP have the numbers to physically oppose anything.

George Mc
George Mc
Feb 13, 2022 2:21 PM
Reply to  Waldorf

But that’s not their function. They exist to mold minds on the net with their virtual presence as a “majority Left wing movement” – which they aren’t.

Feb 13, 2022 8:03 PM
Reply to  George Mc

They have little presence except on the Net, and if there are representatives of a “laptop class”, perfectly content working from home and not at all eager to go back to the office, it’s them.

Bob the Hod
Bob the Hod
Feb 14, 2022 9:19 AM
Reply to  Waldorf

And usually with no clue whatsoever what it is like to get your hands dirty for a living, to actually be working class, and yet they always seem to assume that they know what’s best for us.

Feb 13, 2022 8:49 AM

I guess we(shrews) find it easy to believe, because we recognise it’s just ‘Criminality’, but bigger. And it’s gone on since the start of time…
They’ll (TPTB) never stop trying… There’s one (cnut) born every minute….

We’ll need to be on guard forever.

Feb 13, 2022 7:55 AM

I’ve been reading an Observer article on the ongoing Canada situation, and things are looking really exciting over there. A high five for Canada! The MSM are really struggling in their efforts to paint these demonstrators as fringe extremists.

“Demonstrators exhibited aggressive behaviour towards law enforcement, including refusing to follow directions, overwhelming officers and otherwise subverting enforcement efforts,” police said in a statement.

Love it. So by the sounds of it, this ‘exhibited aggression’ which is “subverting enforcement” involves nothing but lots of people saying ‘NO’, and repeatedly. Brilliant.

“Do this!”


So simple. This is how it works.

Frogs are leaping from the pan.

Feb 13, 2022 10:01 AM
Reply to  ity

Elsewhere in the Obersver/Guardian they’re supporting the ‘Kill the Bill’ protesters and they’ve run story after story about how sexist and racist the police are.

Their faux outrage at the truckers “subverting” the police is hilarious.

Feb 13, 2022 12:32 PM
Reply to  ity

I’ve been reading an Observer article on the ongoing Canada situation, and things are looking really exciting over there.

Where, Canada or The Observer?

Feb 13, 2022 1:01 PM
Reply to  Orthus

Ha, and fair enough. I could have been clearer.

So, just to clarify. Things never look really exciting over at the Observer.

Feb 15, 2022 8:45 AM
Reply to  ity

Feb 15, 2022 8:46 AM
Reply to  covidiot

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Feb 13, 2022 7:41 AM

The problem I have with the screeching lock down mob of sheep is that when they rant about anti vaxxers NOT ONE PERSON IN THE MEDIA OR POLITY challenges them to explain why they think suffocation and poison could ever be a cure for a ”virus”.

Feb 13, 2022 8:17 AM

The patient died, but the cure was a complete success. The corpse is now virus free.

jubal hershaw
jubal hershaw
Feb 13, 2022 6:52 AM

When the USA carries out its false flag event in The Ukraine – that should bring the ‘Ukraine Crisis’ to the boil. American frogs are already abandoning the pot, urging other nationals to do likewise.

Feb 13, 2022 7:57 AM
Reply to  jubal hershaw

It’ll be the pot calling the kettle black. A watched frog never boils

Feb 13, 2022 4:32 AM

You know, ThinkTwice posted the results of the official police investigation into the vaxx contents. You might want to at least scroll thru & look at the photos of what they found.


Feb 13, 2022 8:41 AM
Reply to  Penelope

Hi Penelope. Is the link broken? It doesn’t seem to work for me…

Paul _too
Paul _too
Feb 13, 2022 10:04 AM
Reply to  Penelope

That’s a link to a local copy of the file on your computer’s C drive. There’s a copy of the document at this page:


Reset the Diaboligarchy
Reset the Diaboligarchy
Feb 13, 2022 3:39 AM

comment image

Big Silly
Big Silly
Feb 13, 2022 4:31 PM

If things are getting sticky, Better Call Schwab.

Feb 13, 2022 3:15 AM

Shrew Power! Hooray!

Feb 13, 2022 2:59 AM

In the early days of the plandemic I said to several of the sheep I know, “Draw your line in the sand now because they’ll move very slowly as they take away your rights and it will all seem quite normal at the time, like the proverbial boiled frog.” It’s remained the perfect metaphor for everything that followed. And as you finished, as they’re turning it down on one stove element, they’re turning it up on another. The inflation driven, interest rate spike, bond market/housing crash, that causes currencies around the world to crumble, is my guess for the next burner to be turned up. As usual, the sheep will blame it on whomever they’re told to. Probably the working class.

les online
les online
Feb 13, 2022 2:55 AM

‘Social distancing’ wasnt just physical, it also took place emotionally…
Emotional ostracism and ex-communication has been the fate for some brainwashed dissenting unbelieving family members and friends

S Cooper
S Cooper
Feb 13, 2022 3:44 AM
Reply to  les online

“Sadly Jonestowns happen. Poor sots.”
comment image

comment image

“Does not mean I am going to join their ritual suicide cult.”

Feb 13, 2022 5:33 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

You sure post a lot of propaganda memes.

Bob the Hod
Bob the Hod
Feb 13, 2022 10:50 AM
Reply to  les online

Aye, I’m not friends with my oldest and best mate any more, over my stance on vaccines. We went all the way through school together, from age 4. Fuck him, the gullible cunt. He always was spineless.

Technocracy Unsustainable
Technocracy Unsustainable
Feb 14, 2022 12:31 PM
Reply to  Bob the Hod

I can relate. My best friend from age 4 also has the same herd mentality when it comes to vaccines, when it came to Hillary and the “weapons of mass destruction”. Bought it all, hook, line and sinker. And he graduated with highest honors! It just baffles me, so I just let him talk and change the subject.

Feb 14, 2022 11:25 PM

I also no longer speak to my ex-best and oldest friend. Met at four too.
Although not a covidiot, he is a dumb sheep in many respects, he caved last year to keep his job, even though he was planning to retire in a year, and even though he had enough in assets to retire last year so as to escape the poison stab.
But I don’t speak to him anymore because he is a weak person, or places money before his health, it is because on New Years Day at my house both he and his “girlfriend” attempted to censor and silence me when the “covid” subject arose – in my own house!

So fuck him.

Feb 14, 2022 2:39 PM
Reply to  Bob the Hod

Same here. A retired judge, no less. I am in the process of sending decades old letters back to him. I kicked my son and his family out of the house last week. My late wife would not have approved. Nor would she have approved of him vaccinating his kids.

Feb 13, 2022 6:02 PM
Reply to  les online

So true. Feel very distanced from many that I used to think of as friends. Any communication now feels pointless.

Reset the Diaboligarchy
Reset the Diaboligarchy
Feb 13, 2022 2:40 AM

comment image

Reset the Diaboligarchy
Reset the Diaboligarchy
Feb 13, 2022 4:34 AM

Well, that’s a first! (postimage 404). Someone doesn’t want this graphic circulating?

Here’s it is again. Feel free to share (I do not have a telegram account, so if you wish to post it there, by all means do so).

comment image

Technocracy Unsustainable
Technocracy Unsustainable
Feb 14, 2022 12:34 PM

Here’s a more thorough article on his history: https://stateofthenation.co/?p=54065

les online
les online
Feb 13, 2022 2:01 AM

Some heavy thinking going on over at James Corbett land in Episode 411. States of emergency… (James quotes that Italian Giorgio Agamben at length in places.)…
A trigger warning for any Sensitives, James mentions “dialectics” a couple of times, so be warned…


Blind Gill
Blind Gill
Feb 13, 2022 10:47 PM
Reply to  les online

Yeah it was a bit heavy.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Feb 13, 2022 1:56 AM

What have the truckers ever done for us?

Truckers Go Home!

Ottawa Counter Protest

S Cooper
S Cooper
Feb 13, 2022 2:32 AM

“The diaper across the face replaces the swatiska band on the arm.”
comment image

“The Scamdemic ‘Big Lie’ was the signal for all crocodile teared jackbooted corporate fascist eugenicist fabian brown/black shirt charlatan fraudster phony baloneys to come out full Nazi and do their Third Reich thing.”

“We will not be culled, labratted, mutated, sterilized, Jim Crowed, Enslaved or Owned. The Nuremberg Code, Human Rights, Civil Liberties shall be respected. My Body, My Choice. The Scamdemic ‘Big Lie’ is a crime against WE THE PEOPLE (Humanity). Those behind it need to be brought to account.”

Honest Socialism now in the spirit of Eugene Victor Debs.”


Feb 13, 2022 12:43 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

yes it is.

Feb 13, 2022 5:35 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

So you’re a Marxist posting right-wing memes? Your act gets more curious by the day.

Feb 13, 2022 11:28 PM
Reply to  Clyde

‘Honest Socialism’ is an oxymoron. Debs is a moron who couldn’t do maths
Paraphrasing something said by someone famous who shall remain anonymous, popular Marxism is ‘the systematic creation of the human failure’.

Feb 15, 2022 9:15 AM
Reply to  Clyde

which right-wing memes were those?

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Feb 13, 2022 11:45 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

The People’s Front of Ottawa have a different salute!

comment image

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Feb 13, 2022 1:51 AM

The “frogs in slowly boiling water” story is a myth. But a good story to use.

Todd Hayen
Todd Hayen
Feb 13, 2022 2:22 AM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

yeah, I figured that…but you certainly can slowly kill creatures without them knowing it if you are clever…

Feb 13, 2022 7:34 AM
Reply to  Todd Hayen

Nothing clever about that. To be truly smart you’ve got to enlist their support.

Reset the Diaboligarchy
Reset the Diaboligarchy
Feb 13, 2022 1:28 AM

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Reset the Diaboligarchy
Reset the Diaboligarchy
Feb 13, 2022 1:26 AM

comment image

Feb 13, 2022 1:23 AM

CA convoy to leave Southern CA March 5. March 5!! Good grief.

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) said he hopes truckers would come to the United States as soon as this weekend to clog up streets in Los Angeles during the Super Bowl or next month to Washington.

I’ve searched, but can find no evidence of an imminent DC convoy.

Feb 13, 2022 11:48 PM
Reply to  Penelope

Del Bigtree mentioned it on last Thursday’s HighWire.

Cynicon Implant
Cynicon Implant
Feb 13, 2022 12:47 AM

I know many sheep who, while highly educated, refuse to listen to any information outside the narrative approved by their social circle. This is a blockade on open thinking enforced by social pressure. They get very nasty when you point out why their position makes no sense.

Example: vaccine mandates. The reason for the mandate is to stop the spread, but the science says the vaccines don’t stop infection or spread. So the mandate can’t possibly achieve its goal.

They couldn’t bear to be made a pariah and cast out of their inner circle so they keep the blinders on and get extremely agitated with anyone who tries to help them open their eyes. These are people with very high IQs, mind you.

Bob the bum
Bob the bum
Feb 13, 2022 5:34 AM

Yes, smart people are also stupid, and in some areas even more so on account of the arrogance that goes with feeling clever. People who have a demonstrably high IQ tend to focus their thinking towards advancing knowledge in a narrow field and are often politically naive.

Feb 13, 2022 1:00 PM
Reply to  Bob the bum


Mark EL
Mark EL
Feb 13, 2022 1:54 PM
Reply to  Bob the bum

They also get their status and validation from the current system. To acknowledge the big lies of that system would likely precipitate the sort of existential crisis their psyches couldn’t take.

Feb 13, 2022 11:58 AM

Not necessarily smart. Apart from narrow focus (as Bob the bum mentioned), some got to where they are through political cunning or patronage. Thereafter, they depend on smart flunkies.

Feb 13, 2022 12:59 PM

or they are members of the church of scientism.
other han that: vaccines were always a bad idea, hubris at best, and most went along/wanted to believe the mythology/even think we’d be extinct without them, and derided anti vaxxers. this is just the end of that road.

Functional Testes
Functional Testes
Feb 13, 2022 1:46 PM

Thing about being a smartass is it also makes you quite apt at defending your own position with all the smart BS you can throw at it.

Technocracy Unsustainable
Technocracy Unsustainable
Feb 14, 2022 12:46 PM

If the academic world wants to carve out a lifestyle, they MUST conform to the dogma and accept their bribery, gag-ordered salary. So they read scripted “news” to the cameras, publish articles in the “right” journals (which are corrupt af, like the Lancet). Here, the editor admits it: https://www.drugawareness.org/editor-of-lancet-medical-research-is-unreliable-at-best-or-completely-fraudulent/

Feb 13, 2022 12:11 AM

OTTAWA Freedom Convoy given deadline to clear US/Canada bridges by Midnight.
Ottawa Convoy says blocking these bridges not part of their action– tho not necessarily disagreeing.

“Army has already said they’re not coming in,” says trucker spokesman

Fox points out that nobody cares about the SOUTHERN border, or vaxxing of these illegal immigrants.


OTTAWA Police slow-down, sickleave, stress leave, etc STORY 2-10

PARIS: About 5 hours ago cops did some teargassing of protesters, pushing & shoving– not very determined. Looked like a token.

Paul Prichard
Paul Prichard
Feb 12, 2022 11:58 PM

People shouldn’t be mislabelling anti-authoritarians as anti-vaxxers.
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2022-02-11. Children’s risk of Death 5100%. 130+ UK Doctors: Massive Harm. Answer is not to silence, do better (blog, gab, tweet).

Feb 12, 2022 11:55 PM

Then there is the Lamb of God. Who is a Ram. And his flock. Those sheep who follow him. Many of them are rams, too. They may be meek, but any wolf who f*s with them will ultimately regret it.

les online
les online
Feb 12, 2022 11:29 PM

Marxists would agree with you, though they’d clarify with,
“The frogs are not asleep. They just lack Class Consciousness !”

“Freedom” is an abstraction. You cant eat an abstraction.” MITS (man in the street)

Liberal democracy allows everyone to have opinions (RTTP > right to their opinion) – but not the right to act on their opinion,- just as no authoritarian government or dictatorship would tolerate anyone acting on their opinion…

So long as The Frogs can dream of The Future…

Feb 12, 2022 11:25 PM

The pot-boiling pigs will never hang unless their own “dogs” turn on them.
This they are acutely aware of – note that both French gendarmes & Canadian mounties are exempt from the mandates.

I remember reading Dune back in the day, there is a nasty faction known as Harkonnen, which rules by an overt iron fist (Herbert stated he loosely based them on the Nazis).
Each individual Harkonnen subject has a “heart plug” which allows TPTB to instantly snuff them.
I thought at the time that this was a bit of a stretch even for sci-fi, not only in terms of getting everyone to comply, but also seemed an overly elaborate mechanism of control.

Now, if it were rewritten in terms of our current situation, with every subject dependent on the state+big Pharma, because their enlarged hearts could too easily stop..
Well now I no longer wonder..

Feb 13, 2022 2:31 AM
Reply to  antitermite

The Harkonnens were grotesque redheads.
Herbert needed to be published. ‘Loosely based’…
Go figure…

Feb 13, 2022 12:03 PM
Reply to  antitermite

Except that the goal here is much more crude: not to manage the enforcers but to cull the herd.

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Feb 12, 2022 11:22 PM

Its been like this for as long as I can remember and from what I’ve read a whole lot further back as well. The nearest direct analog I can think of is Germany prior to and just after WW1 but this risks going into Nazism to the exclusion of everything else so its difficult to present that period in a way that doesn’t lead to cartoonish stereotypes. However, if you can put up with it getting a copy of “Mein Kampf” and plowing through at least the first part will be illuminating. It raises a lot of the issues that you’ll see popular in these sorts of threads and more modern media like podcasts. I wouldn’t read it to the exclusion of everything else (and, to be frank, it makes Any Rand seem as readable as pulp fiction) but its useful to get a handle on the concerns, fears and hopes of everyday people. Its also a warning about what happens when people offer simple solutions to complex problems.

Il Duce (Mussolini) is also interesting to watch although his writings are less well known and so may not be accessible. He actually started out as a socialist radical but morphed into the prototypical fascist. Like all of his sort, regardless of how ‘man of the people’ they were and how many revolutionary sounding slogans they were owned body and soul by the establishment — effectively TPTB but TPTB with any pretense of democracy excised.

There’s a lot to be learned from all sorts of old written material, even old newspapers and popular literature. This is why I find the pivot away from ‘words’ to video and memes in our on-line media disturbing. The memes can be fun, they can be pointed, but they’re often very similar to propaganda posters of old. Video can be entertaining but its easily edited into a form which coveys little information for the time and bandwidth used, it runs the risk of becoming Winston Smith’s ‘memory hole’.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Feb 13, 2022 12:36 AM
Reply to  Martin Usher

He actually started out as a socialist radical but morphed into the prototypical fascist.

Mussolini was recruited by British Intelligence in 1917.

Aged 34 at the time, Hoare joined the Army soon after the outbreak of the First World War. He was commissioned into the Norfolk Yeomanry as a temporary lieutenant on 17 October 1914.[14] To his disappointment, he was initially only a recruiting officer[10] and illness prevented him from serving at the front. He was promoted to temporary captain on 24 April 1915.[15]
While acting as a recruiting officer, he learnt Russian. In 1916, he was recruited by Mansfield Cumming to be the future MI6’s liaison officer with the Russian Intelligence service in Petrograd (now Saint Petersburg). He soon became head of the British Intelligence Mission to the Russian General Staff with the temporary rank of lieutenant-colonel.[10][16] In that post, he reported to the British government the death of Rasputin and apologised, because of the sensational nature of the event, for having written it in the style of the Daily Mail.[17]
In March 1917 he was posted to Rome, where he remained until the end of the war. His duties included helping to dissuade Italy from dropping out of the war.[10] In Italy, he met and recruited the former socialist leader Benito Mussolini on behalf of the British overseas intelligence service, which was then known as MI1(c). Britain’s intelligence service helped Mussolini to finance his first forays into Italian politics as a pro-war spokesman. Hoping to keep Italy on its side in 1917, during the First World War, British intelligence gave Mussolini, a 34-year-old newspaper editor, £100 a week to keep his propaganda flowing.[18]

Recruited by MI5: the name’s Mussolini. Benito Mussolini
Documents reveal Italian dictator got start in politics in 1917 with help of £100 weekly wage from MI5

Feb 13, 2022 2:35 AM

Very good stuff also…

Feb 13, 2022 8:06 PM

His pro-war stance made him a person of interest to the British. The bulk of the Socialist Party from which he was ejected or resigned considered him a traitor.

Feb 13, 2022 2:34 AM
Reply to  Martin Usher

A better understanding you have than most….

Feb 13, 2022 8:22 AM
Reply to  Martin Usher

utter nonsense, Germany before WW1 was also before nazi-ism, and was a very prosperous country, threatening England’s dominant trade position, which is why the anglo-american bankers arranged the war to take Germany down. Before WWII, the Germans weren’t some kind of analagous ‘frogs in slowly boiling water’, they were, once again, under Nazi leadership, the strongest financial power in Europe, and one of the strongest in the world, and the Germans were very happy with their leader and country – not because they were brainwashed or frightened into servility, but because Hitler had made the country strong and proud, and the citizens all well off. To imply otherwise is just to regurgitate ‘dominant narrative’ ‘winners write the history books and control the schools in which that history is taught’ garbage. You obviously haven’t read Mein Kampf either, as Hitler talks about none of these things, once again I assume pretending some kind of scholarship by once again parroting ‘dominant narrative’ garbage – or just making shit up, which is entirely permissible when such made up shit is in line with the dominant narrative.

Feb 13, 2022 1:04 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher

hitler was a receiver/amplifier of the collective subconscious.

Feb 12, 2022 11:13 PM

This article is an example of how extensive Orwellian hijacking of words has become.

For example world corrupted correctly used means in politics that something inherently good, useful or benign to society at large is being derailed, disrupted from inside resulting in unintended “side effects” of evil consequences in a sense of serving elites alone. Such definition of corruption no longer applies to governments, or corporate medicine as a whole or any other field of social institutions including education as they all long repudiated their stated in last 150 years original purpose defined as vital part of systemic social progress meaning promoting new social system, revolutionary leftist ideas of equality, equity and egalitarianism of self governed society. Those institutions today are simply inherently conceived as instruments of anti social policies destroying fundamental social relations aimed at planed social de-cohesion as well as medically driven and fabricated economic crisis driven mass euthanasia.

Government policies are aimed at destroying social harmony and welfare wherever it still exists to undermine local life preserving economies while corporate medicine wants us sick and after exhausting our financial resource dead. Filled with totalitarian dictatorial cult of scientism educational institutions aimed at blinding youth to such reality.

We are well beyond problem of corruption as none of those institutions can be fixed, reformed or spared as millions of brainwashed people of those institutions are detached from reality of population at large and will kill to preserve them and their inherent, socially destructive objective and hence they must be smashed to pieces and that includes ending psychological warfare of media institutions and terror of corporate medicine or wither as Lenin wrote in “What must be done”. Liberal ideology (liberal leftism) again turned into fascism as both serving interests of capital and hence must be sent to dustbin of history.

Feb 12, 2022 11:12 PM

“And knock that lid off.” Yes!

A tense stand-off at the Ambassador bridge today as a big contingent of cops arrived “to arrest protesters.”. The truckers and supporters said the Lord’s Prayer and sang “Lean on me” as they linked arms. The cops seemed content to just push the protesters back now and again. Cops have brothers and sisters and uncles and friends too maybe, just like the people they are facing. Some made conversation with the people whose live streams I watched. Their bosses on the ground maybe sensed this and felt unable to give the go-ahead. Also, and at the highest level, there will be a sense that any violent action could bring out even more people. We should recall that in Ireland before the Easter Rising there was no majority for a campaign against the Brits. But after the leaders were shot everything changed.

Pat King, who has become maybe the voice of the truckers, received a letter from a Freemason telling him that if he persuaded the protesters at the Bridge to call it off he would be given help to create his own party and could even become Prime Minister (presumably with the help of the Freemasons). This is how desperate they are.

Xavier Delacroix
Xavier Delacroix
Feb 12, 2022 10:54 PM

You should consider the possibility that it is actually the frogs that jump out that TPTB are most interested in.

You should also be wary of assuming the past will instruct you as to the future.

Supply chain collapse is the current phase, achieved by a double whammy of trucker protests and police blockades (both sides puppets).

Tick list:
0) Unjabbed
1) Healthy
2) Solvent
3) Prepared (food stores)
4) Well located (outside cities)
5) etc.

Bob the bum
Bob the bum
Feb 13, 2022 5:49 AM

Cities will be a bad place to be when the economy collapses?