WATCH: States of Emergency

As we enter the Age of Biosecurity, we find ourselves living in a state of emergency.

But what does this actually mean? And what does it imply about our way forward?

Find out more about this vital topic on this week’s edition of The Corbett Report podcast.

Sources, links and shownotes – as well as download options and a full transcript – are available here.


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Categories: latest, The "New Normal", video
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Feb 18, 2022 2:56 PM

When the state is deemed rogue, anti-humanity, oppressive, corrupt, totalitarian, ‘necessity’, as labeled by said state, becomes null & void due to the government’s illigetimacey. And,when government becomes totalitarian, it is the moral-impeative to be totally and violently eradicated; since the only effective way to deal with totalitarianism is it’s violent and total eradication.

Feb 17, 2022 3:05 PM

This article provides an entree for me to promote a very important new book titled, strangely enough:

States of Emergency: Keeping the Global Population in Check

by a Dutchman, Kees van der Piil

An excerpt from a review provides a good summation:

” …the ruling oligarchy has seized on the virus outbreak, having manufactured it essentially, to declare a state of emergency in order to put the brakes on the IT revolution from ushering in democratic transformation, like the printing press did in the Middle Ages. They form an internationalized global state dominated by international capital which has been preparing for economic collapse and 1848-style revolutions. The oligarchy is formed by an Intelligence-IT-Media bloc.

The IT Revolution has given them the ability to evade a physical war against the population via the alternative of permanent surveillance and information warfare. This panopticon is the model for our form of late capitalism, the surveillance society organized and operated by the IT industry.”

It is a book I was hoping that someone with a Marxist structural orientation would write and, thankfully, he has. Especially since “The Left” has generally failed so spectacularly to analyze the deeper politics behind the Plandemic…which is an understatement.

It is available in hard copy and electronic form from the usual sources.

Feb 15, 2022 8:46 PM

No virus, you don’t have to know more, and the political criminals and whores will learn it.

Concerned Citizen
Concerned Citizen
Feb 16, 2022 4:58 AM

Concur. However, they don’t seem to accept any scientific arguments (ie no evidence for a virus). They reject everything and keep moving forward with the tyranny. So, what do we do? How do we fight this?


Junious Ricardo Stanton
Junious Ricardo Stanton
Feb 15, 2022 8:15 PM

The global overlords’ puppets and lapdogs job is to facilitate the establishment of an authoritarian fascist social order under the guise of protecting the Zombified masses from an existential threat. This neo-feudal technocracy will be established whether the “threats” are real or fictitious, whether the “threat” is from a designated foreign state, non-existent terrorists or invisible microbes.
The elites will use deception, fraud, coercion, imitation and violence to accomplish their goals. We are seeing this in Australia, Austria, Italy, Canada and the US to name a few nations doing this all in lockstep with each other!
In Africa leaders who mocked or rejected the overlord’s global COVID psy-op all died, what a coincidence! The bogus, immoral and illegitimate decrees and emergency powers are being deployed by the oligarchs and their minions to enforce their Brave New World Order creation. The question is, what are we going to do to stop it?!

Feb 16, 2022 7:45 AM

The President of Madagascar is hanging on. The cyclone there must be a coincidence.

Feb 15, 2022 5:29 PM
Feb 15, 2022 4:33 PM

Big pharma and NIH push Remdesivir as treatment while killing patients with this drug. Dr Harvy Risch stated HCQ and Ivermectin have similar results and government and corporate corruption illegitimately cut it off from treament protocols. Dr Richard Urso also stated that even if HCQ and Ivermectin are blocked from doctors to use these medicines as treatment for Covid.
Get your Ivermectin today while you still can! ivmpharmacy.com

Feb 15, 2022 3:31 PM

Anyone with a ear of the Canadian truckers out there?

May I suggest they fill in one of these for J.Treadeau and C.Freeland.

I would appear America will take in Asylees and Refugees. After calling the trucker racists and terrorists, I cannot see their future lies within the confines of Canada. They are much better suited in America.


Feb 15, 2022 11:53 AM

we must work on our individual and collective shadow. individually until we …. The Age of Aquarius: its meaning and possibilitiesby jessica davidson 15.3.21. many good essays on the psychology of this apocalypse.

Feb 15, 2022 11:50 AM

The WSWS approving of the invoking of emergency powers in Canada because it’s against the far right, supposedly, and then warning that it will be used against the working class. What morons…

S Cooper
S Cooper
Feb 15, 2022 2:51 PM
Reply to  Waldorf

“It should be obvious by this time that the CIA Party (formerly known as the SEP) is a Langley-Land misinformation/disinformation/entrapment operation, which tries to make Trotsky look like Jim Jones. Pay it no heed.”

George Mc
George Mc
Feb 15, 2022 5:55 PM
Reply to  Waldorf

There is no difference between the WSWS and the mainstream media.

“The first target of these reactionary political forces was the dismantling of all remaining COVID-19 public health measures. But they also want a government that will more aggressively implement austerity against the working class at home and pursue the predatory interests of Canadian imperialism on the world stage.”

As if the covid programme wasn’t the very mechanism for stripping the working class of everything it has gained. And the biggest irony is that the WSWS has been reporting on this very impoverishment. This rancid website has nothing left and is now only followed by the Walking Dead.

Feb 15, 2022 9:02 AM

Turdeau’s daddy (or his official one at least) presided over the October Crisis in 1970 which involved mass suspension of civil liberties and which reeks of a Gladio-style operation (one kidnapped lifetime actor and a couple of small bombs).

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Feb 15, 2022 8:19 AM

I’m fairly sure that Livy said something about how, whenever the Plebs got a bit uppity, the Patricians would arrange a war with some neighbouring region; and thereby shut down any dissent. It’s an obvious tactic, but there’s still lots of people who won’t even acknowledge the possibility. Thomas Paine described something similar in the preface to Rights of Man (French ed.) https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Rights_of_Man#Preface_to_the_French_edition Preface to the French edition THE astonishment which the French Revolution has caused throughout Europe should be considered from two different points of view: first as it affects foreign peoples, secondly as it affects their governments. The cause of the French people is that of all Europe, or rather of the whole world; but the governments of all those countries are by no means favourable to it. It is important that we should never lose sight of this distinction. We must not confuse the peoples with their governments; especially not the English people with its government. The government of England is no friend to the revolution of France. Of this we have sufficient proofs in the thanks given by that weak and witless person, the Elector of Hanover, sometimes called the King of England, to Mr. Burke for the insults heaped on it in his book, and in the malevolent comments of the English Minister, Mr. Pitt, in his speeches in Parliament. In spite of the professions of sincerest friendship found in the official correspondence of the English government with that of France, its conduct gives the lie to all its declarations, and shows us clearly that it is not a court to be trusted, but an insane court, plunging in all the quarrels and intrigues of Europe, in quest of a war to satisfy its folly and countenance its extravagance. The English nation, on the contrary, is… Read more »

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Feb 16, 2022 12:40 AM

Therefore it seeks in Russia the enemy it has lost in France . . .

Alternatively . . .

‘The plumb-pudding in danger: – or – state epicures taking un petit souper’ (William Pitt; Napoléon Bonaparte)
by James Gillray
published 26 February 1805

‘The plumb-pudding in danger’ is probably Gillray’s most famous print. It achieves its impact through the simplicity of its design and the brilliant economy with which Gillray captures the political situation. Napoleon Bonaparte and William Pitt face each other across a steaming ‘plum-pudding’ globe, both intent on carving themselves a substantial portion of the world. Pitt appears calm, meticulous and confident, spearing the pudding with a trident indicative of British naval supremacy. He lays claim to the oceans and the West Indies. In contrast Napoleon Bonaparte reaches from his chair with covetous, twitching eyes fixed on the prize of Europe and cuts away France, Holland, Spain, Switzerland, Italy and the Mediterranean.

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George Mc
George Mc
Feb 15, 2022 8:05 AM

The difficult thing to grasp is that the vast majority of the population have no critical capacity but have always been molded by the mainstream media which was clever enough to have a “dissident” wing so that even the “subversive” aspect whose appearance is so necessary to a nominal democracy is catered for without presenting any genuine threat to the rulers. Covid revealed the truth of this charade like nothing before. The Conservative side were all for the lockdowns and the Radical side were also for the lockdowns and any discrepancy there was simply not seen. Meanwhile the truckers are simply banished to the outer darkness and that’s the whole story. So it goes for the majority. And all through this, not a single critical thought enters any of their heads. All their thoughts are supplied by the media.

Beautiful illustration of my point:


Feb 15, 2022 8:30 AM
Reply to  George Mc

It is learnt behaviour from the moment they enter education. For example, the common belief was WW2 had the good guys and the bad guys but through a very very slow drip of facts in to the mix by the MSM it’s discovered this was not the case.

Yet, authors such as Antony C Sutton had exposed this fairy tale to be false long long ago. The social engineering and the suppression of history has long been a top priority of the Rats Pack of Satanists behind most of the major wars and financial crisis in the 150 years or more .

How do they get away it. Money, corruption, blackmail amongst others and control of most of the sources of general information. The wild card is the human spirit hence why they are trying to crush it at every turn. They will fail !

Feb 15, 2022 7:47 AM

Even the BBC sounds critical of Castreau’s Canadian National Emergency:

Trudeau vows to freeze anti-mandate protesters’ bank accounts


This article might soon be redacted, deleted or vanished a la Groan.

les online
les online
Feb 15, 2022 4:35 AM

“Necessity knows no law.” Giorgio Agamben.
Necessity is a human invention, a weapon invented by the powerful to use to maintain their control. There’s natural scarcities, but the powerful also weaponised scarcity to use to maintain their control. (And as Orwell’s Big Brother story makes clear – it’s all about Control...And as we all know, our biggest fear is Fear of Losing Control.)…

The USAs founding fathers drew up a constitution that spelled out the limits of government power; restrictions on government. But politicians are devious, they know how to work around those limitations, granting themselves Emergency Powers by legislation the main one. (Under which they grant themselves total immunity, as they have granted vaccine drug makers total immunity.)…
Jon Rappoport writes about the US constitution’s intended restriction on government… https://blog.nomorefakenews.com/2022/02/14/freedom-from-the-forgotten-bombshell/

Feb 15, 2022 2:05 AM

I’m shocked at what is occurring in Canada. Hubby and I are describing it as surreal
I’d have never imagined a protest would result in the war measures act being invoked
Hold the Line: Peckford & Lich Press Conference

Feb 15, 2022 1:33 AM

One can see in each Western nation after the next that the fear narrative has shifted from the “outsider” as menace (Islamic terrorists, Al Qaeda, ISIS, etc.) towards the internal threat- the “domestic terrorist.” All happening during a historical moment when these Western nations are in total economic free fall. There’s little room for doubt at this point that the means and methods for social control are being put in place meant to restrain the “passions” of the unwashed masses who are sure to be a bit unruly as they come to discover that “owning nothing and being happy” isn’t as comfy as advertised. Take a look at the very short most recent DHS directive issued one week ago, Feb. 7th: https://www.dhs.gov/sites/default/files/ntas/alerts/22_0207_ntas-bulletin.pdf The first thing to consider is in the upper right corner of page 1 where a short note with asterisks tells us that that this diktat is a replacement for the DHS advisory of Nov. 10th 2021. Now if we go back to that DHS advisory from 2021 (I won’t link to it unless requested due to OffG issues with multiple links in a comment) what we find is that this document, while beginning the slide towards the “domestic threat”, was still primarily focused on the external threat. For example it reads: Following the 20th anniversary of the September 11th attacks and the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan, violent extremist media branches of al-Qa’ida and its affiliates, as well as the Islamic State of Iraq and as-Sham (ISIS), have celebrated perceived victories over the United States and encouraged the use of violence by their followers and supporters to further their objectives. These foreign terrorist organizations will likely continue to maintain a highly visible online presence in an attempt to inspire U.S.-based individuals to engage in violent activity. In the… Read more »

les online
les online
Feb 15, 2022 12:55 AM

“This touches all the bases”, as James is wont to say… ‘The (assigned) role of the proletariat has been to destroy the capitalist mode of production in order to liberate the productive forces imprisoned within it: communism was to begin only after this action was accomplished. But far from imprisoning the productive forces, capitalism raises them to new heights, because they exist for the benefit of capital, not humanity. The proletariat, therefore, is superfluous. The reversal referred to just now, whereby the productive forces are liberated by capital, rather than by the proletariat, which has been made possible thanks to the development of science, is a development in parallel with the domestication of human beings. Their domestication is their acceptance of the development of capital as theorized by marxism, which is itself the arch-defender of the growth of the productive forces. In the course of this development, the proletariat as producer of surplus-value has been denied even this function by the generalization of wage labor and the destruction of any possible distinction between productive and unproductive work. The once-revered proletariat has now become the strongest upholder of the capitalist mode of production**. What does the proletariat want ? And those who speak in the name of the proletariat and happily venerate its name – what do they want ? If it is full employment and self-management, this would only ensure the permanent continuity of the capitalist mode of production since it has now become humanized. The left all believe that the process of production, being rationality in action, only needs to be made to function for human needs. But this rationality is capital itself.‘ This World We Must Leave, and Other Essays.(1976)….Jacques Camatte… Dr billy gates et al have come up with a plan to get rid of the superfluous… Read more »

les online
les online
Feb 14, 2022 11:31 PM

It was never about a ‘virus’.

Feb 14, 2022 11:31 PM

Great post here, their first in 9 months. They’ve been on to the inner workings from many different angles since the jump. I think many will appreciate it. Check it out.

Feb 14, 2022 11:31 PM
Reply to  Thiekbalj
S Cooper
S Cooper
Feb 14, 2022 11:09 PM

Nazi Boy is determined to become the worst mass murderer in Canadian history.”
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“Oh yes he is.”
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“When all else fails, shoot down the untermenschen useless eaters, in large numbers.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Feb 15, 2022 1:35 AM
Reply to  S Cooper

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Welcome to the digital currency experience. Where if one does anything that the war racketeer corporate fascist eugenicist oligarch mobster psychopath Nazis do not like, your accounts disappear. Not to overlook, as well, your property, you and your loved ones.


This begs the question how much of those stolen/looted funds are going to find their way into the accounts of Nazi Boy’s and Mistress Chrystia’s Banderite Peeps in Kiev?

S Cooper
S Cooper
Feb 15, 2022 3:29 AM
Reply to  S Cooper

“They own us.”
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“When the dream becomes a nightmare.”

“Coming to a planet near us. But wait! It is already here, PLANET NAZI WORLD. Is it not about time WE THE PEOPLE (Humanity) take off the face diapers and the blinders and fight like our lives depended on it? Because they do.”

Feb 14, 2022 11:25 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

Those truckers can’t hem people into and out of the cities – that’s been Turdeau’s job for the last two years!

Feb 15, 2022 12:29 AM
Reply to  S Cooper

Typically, he looks like a sack of shit, tied in the middle.
Hugo Boss would smash his head in with a sewing machine.

Feb 14, 2022 10:51 PM

For goodness sake, we’re not dealing with the common cold here, it’s a Corona Virus and we all know that’s….we all know….. it’s covid and that’s an emergency, so stop being naughty and do what you’re told…NOW

Feb 14, 2022 10:43 PM

Seeing as they just declared one in my humble abode (Soviet Kanuckistan) to deal with the truck revolt here is your “Instant Karma” of the day video

Idiot steals a Canada flag from a 13 year old girl and her father followed and filmed it. The douchebag assaults the father an slips BREAKING his ankle then gets BUSTED for assault.


Quick before they take it down. Bwa ha ha ha.

Feb 15, 2022 4:54 PM
Reply to  TRM

There are battles to fight; and, then, some not worth the effort or trouble. And this, my friend, would definitely fit into the latter. God Bless; and, please, grow up! RGB-Y2 out!!!

Feb 14, 2022 10:20 PM

Hysteria around Ukraine, chasing phantom of Russian invasion, war like propaganda words and especially propaganda deeds spewed by the west like recalling diplomats shutting down embassies including US embassy temporary relocation to Lviv, Eastern Galicia region , known center of UkroNazi ideology of Doncov and Bandera, is aimed at covering up a year of preparations to doomed to fail conquest of free Donbas Kiev Nazi regime could not accomplish in 2014 and 2015 despite of unleashing reign of terror on civilian population who took up arms to defend themselves from Kiev Nazis and their racial ideology.

This propaganda spectacle weaken Zelensky so much politically as he is perceived as losing American support and hence to appease neutral or pro Russia factions calls for calm and repudiates western hysteria as actually playing in hands of Putin as panic weakens Ukrainian resolve to defend country.


in the end someone will have to take fall and it seems Zelensky presidency is about to end as casualty of any Russia West compromise. There will be no WWIII as globalists already conquered the earth and they are all United in extermination of human sup.us as Covid psychological warfare operation against regular working people proved.

Feb 14, 2022 11:19 PM
Reply to  Kalen

Interesting. I’d heard that Zelensky was asking for actual proof of an imminent invasion from the West. Maybe it is just gamesmanship. Either way, he’s playing a dangerous game. Not least for himself.

Feb 15, 2022 3:27 AM
Reply to  Vagabard

Zelensky ran for office by promising normalization relations with RF by obtaining security guarantees from both RF and NATO without alliance with any of them, adhere to what he called modified Minsk II agreement and full integration of Donbas with Ukraine along lines of sort of federalization, ending corruption of Poroshenko regime as US dumped Poroshenko accused of stealing US money from Ukrainian military, reexporting NATO military hardware for third parties and continued buying coal from Donbas from fellow Ukrainian oligarch Firtash as only such coal could be burned in Ukrainian power plants (ironically for that alone now he is accused of treason) , won with support of some ethnic Russians for promises to reopen Russian language media and stop discrimination against ethnic Russians. Soon after he learned that by those electoral promises alone he created powerful political enemies, despite some American support for his administration, threatening his presidency as much as his life, hence he backtracked from all his electoral agenda and embraced Ukrainian Nationalist/fascist inherently and militantly anti Russian agenda that culminated with he decree from early 2021 of taking Donbas and Crimea back by .. whatever means available, diplomatic or military which sparked this fabricated pseudo crisis we are witnessing now. While Crimea is permanently out of any potential Russia talks as non starter (it is like asking US to abandon Alaska or else) and everybody in Ukraine knows that quietly floating ideas of perhaps some Russian reparations, Donbas can still be a bargaining chip as long as new post Zelensky rational even pro western Ukrainian government aiming at any meaningful representation of 22 millions of Ethnic Russian Ukrainian citizen and their interests emerges.

Feb 15, 2022 7:14 AM
Reply to  Vagabard

It is just multiple messaging to confuse. Why did he speak up so late?

Feb 14, 2022 10:18 PM

Historians have pointed out that after the “Weimar Republic” (Germany from 1918 to 1933) had become such an “emergency-decree-state” it was only consequential that the country turned into a dictatorship . And not necessarily into a Nazi dictatorship. It could also have ended in a Stalin dictatorship. Or in a Robespierre dictatorship. Or – at that time it was probably too early for that – in an Orwellian dictatorship. In our times the direction to the latter (Orwell) seems obvious to me. .   And, yes, an excellent piece of James Corbett again. But in respect of ‘solution’ or ‘what should be done’ I don’t agree with his suggestion. Starting at 32:50 James Corbett he mocks attorneys (e. g. Brian Peckford) that bring their matter before court. Instead, Corbett suggests, we should bring the tyrants down by “not complying” to the Covid-rules. But I believe that by simply “not complying” things will not change at all. Not only that to this day a lot(!) of our co-citizens are overly happy to ‘follow orders’ and they will never join in. But also for the other citizens our governments will just raise the measure of coercion and force (hefty fines in Austria and Australia for the vaxx-free, and more to come).   Lawsuits, on the contrary, will work. first of all: We will have hundred thousands and hundred thousands of lawsuits. This not only because of the lockdown measures (e.g. little businesses have gone bankrupt) but also because of the many victims of these poisonous jabs. And while the German supreme court (with its president pushed in by Merkel on he last days) had bent in (like the US Supreme Court in the matter of election fraud during the last election) a lot of lower and higher courts stood by their duty… Read more »

Feb 14, 2022 10:35 PM
Reply to  Joerg

The legal system has been cactus for years now….only noticed by those caught in it…nothing has changed other than more waking up to the fact.

Feb 14, 2022 10:38 PM
Reply to  Joerg

The trouble with hundreds of thousands of lawsuits is the sheer time they take…
We don’t have hundreds of thousands of prominent judges with time on their hands to go through that lot.

Have you read at least the beginning of Charles Dickens’s “Bleak House”?
It was decades ago that I read it, and it rang true then too.

Fuck Authority
Fuck Authority
Feb 14, 2022 10:16 PM

So many “Conservatives” spent much of the last few decades convincing us we need greater protection (via police, military, intelligence, national security, etc.) to protect us from supposed threats.
With so many “Liberals” often decrying the oft-imposed draconian measures enacted to that effect.

But now the tables have largely been turned.
Many of those same “Liberals” are now the ones calling for oft-imposed draconian measures, with “Conservatives” now decrying those measures.

And despite mostly empty-rhetoric, both sides are still supporting & profiting off the permanent war economy (wars against both human and microscopic “invaders”).

But this tweet below from Bill Gates is so incredibly ironic.
As he is now engaging largely in the exact same, just using a different approach & narrative.
I often wonder if the neo-feudal billionaire Lords just seek to test the limits.
Continuing to push the borders of oppression, just for kicks in seeing how much they can get away with.

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And one of the biggest problems & challenges I see is that way too many people have just become lazy, obedient, complacent & compliant.
Sure, they gripe a lot, but often only after their sense of total obedience has already kicked in.
It seems that most people griping are griping because they don’t possess the courage nor independence to stand up & resist in the first place.

Feb 14, 2022 10:11 PM

Talking of States, emergencies ‘n all that:

World War III starts tomorrow. Nuclear war. Armageddon. Maybe Wednesday/Thursday dependent on who you listen to.

Bloomberg favouring Tuesday. Biden opting for the Wednesday. Other journalists going for the Thursday option. The bookies divided. Daniel’s prophecies not fully interpreted. And we have our personal preferences too, do we not? My preferred date for the end of the world may not be the same as yours. There are surely no hard-and-fast absolute rules in a postmodernist world. Whichever date feels right, is right for you.

So yes, the worldwide obliteration of life. The triggering of the underground ‘Doomsday Device’, as per Dr Strangelove. Or update of ‘Fail Safe (1964)‘ for the 2020s. Head for the bunker. Duck and cover. Whichever you prefer.

But we’ll meet again some sunny day

Feb 14, 2022 10:27 PM
Reply to  Vagabard

Don’t be silly – all those peace-brokering Western leaders are going to save us.

Funny how we’re getting an object lesson in how wonderful and necessary politicians are just when many people have discovered how vile and redundant they actually are. It almost seems like it’s been designed that way – so it probably has been. One sign is that the most vulnerable of their number in a major country, Macron, was leading the charge.

As usual, they’re solving a problem they’ve created. As usual, the double standards show it’s all a farce (globalists suddenly discovering the sanctity of national borders! Biden doesn’t care about his own so why’s he so concerned about Ukraine’s? He isn’t).

Feb 14, 2022 10:36 PM
Reply to  Edwige

You may well be right with the ‘wag the dog’ theory. Russia not invading the Ukraine in the end because we saved the day. And not because they never had any intention of doing so. Like the moon not falling because we intervened

S Cooper
S Cooper
Feb 14, 2022 10:07 PM

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…. or we will have the Scamdemic Gestapo Thought Nazis stomp you to a bloody pulp.”

S Cooper
S Cooper
Feb 14, 2022 10:11 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

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“Repeating the same ‘Big Lie’ over and over and over and over. They would make Josef Goebbels envious.” 
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” Proud white supremacist racist misogynistic homophobic Klu Kluxers. The South Will Rise Again!”

Feb 14, 2022 9:04 PM

Shit got real and guess who? has joined the truckers convey ..
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Feb 14, 2022 10:54 PM
Reply to  Phantasm


Feb 14, 2022 8:51 PM

I don’t listen to podcasts. I hate people talking at me with no opportunity to reply in kind.

Feb 14, 2022 9:14 PM
Reply to  Jojo

the three hour monologue…

Feb 14, 2022 10:18 PM
Reply to  ToyAussie

One reason the truckers are in the vanguard of the resistence is their work enables them to listen to lots of podcasts, a point made by Catherine Austin Fitts recently.

Nice try steering people away from them.

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Feb 14, 2022 8:40 PM

I live near a small liberal arts college that has, among other things, quite decent athletics facilities that include a significant amount of spare field space. Some of this space was leased to the Los Angeles Rams football team for a practice field when they moved to Los Angeles, an arrangement that’s worked out quite well for both college and team. The Rams made it to the Superbowl this year so in the run up to the game there’s been various events including the ‘meet the press’ morning at the university. I’m not a football fan so most of this washes over me. However — this is a big deal from the National Security perspective, with the facilities and surrounding open areas heavily policed, snipers and all. Since this area is normally quiet and on the whole crime free you really notice the change when it happens.

A heavy security presence has been part of our lives since 2001, in fact many claim that the change and the event are connected (my bet is on opportunism). This means that a good half of the population of the US (and ‘allied’) countries has grown up knowing nothing other than heightened security, its the sea that they as fishes swim in. Biosecurity is like us noticing even a moderately heavy police presence; its not that it never existed or is somehow novel but its just a small perturbation in the prevailing regime.

You’d be amazed at the number of things people used to be able to do “and get away with”. Now it seems that the only limit is the attention span of law enforcement — they have to be selective because they literally can’t police everything.

Feb 14, 2022 10:01 PM
Reply to  Martin Usher

They can police everything right now at any given time. I don’t underestimate how much power and surveillance the authorities have at the moment aided by the technology available and our consent. A person inadvertently breaks the law at least 2 times a day eg speeding, drug use, language, not wearing a mask, jaywalking etc. If they want to arrest you they can find something you did once upon a time very easily if they can be bothered. The trick is not to bother them or else.

Feb 14, 2022 10:44 PM
Reply to  JoeC

Yep last weekend an old friend found out how easy it is to find you…just need your phone number in her case the police were warranted but it demonstrated how easy it is for them to find one…no doubt could also track and trace her phone moving about….so why did they need all the QR code nonsense other than make one live under compliance rules.