Canada invokes Emergencies Act to seize convoy funding
Kit Knightly

Last night Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland held a joint press conference where they announced their decision to invoke the Emergencies Act in response to the Freedom Convoy protests.
But what is the Emergencies Act? And what new powers does is Trudeau government claiming?
The Act
The Emergencies Act 1988 is exactly what it sounds like – a piece of legislation designed to grant the government special powers in the event of an emergency.
By officially declaring the Freedom Convoy an emergency under part 2 of the act, “Public Order Emergencies”, they claim the convoy comprises…
an emergency that arises from threats to the security of Canada and that is so serious as to be a national emergency”
So, formally and legally, the government says these people represent threats to the security of Canada”…
The violent protests continue…
— Rupa Subramanya (@rupasubramanya) February 12, 2022
The protesters in Ottawa are locked in arms and singing/dancing in the streets with smiles on their faces 🇨🇦
These are the people that Trudeau stigmatizes, name-calls from a distance, and refuses to engage.
— The Vigilant Fox 🦊 (@VigilantFox) February 11, 2022
The distinct lack of an real “emergency” is probably why the CBC had talking heads reporting that the convoy wanted to “overthrow the government” and that they are being directed by “Russian agents”.
These ideas were repeated in parliament last week, by the leader of the NDP Jagmett Singh, who claimed the convoy wanted to overthrow the government and was being funded by the US.
Three days ago the Guardian ran one article headlined “Freedom convoys: legitimate Covid protest or vehicle for darker beliefs?”, suggesting the convoy was a cover for white supremacy as well as “conspiratorial thinking” and the usual.
Then yesterday, just hours before Trudeau invoked the act, it was reported that “hackers” from “Anonymous” had identified 92,000 donors to the convoy, taken down the GiveSendGo site, and published that most of the donations had come from US accounts. Feeding the idea that the convoy isn’t an organic movement, but one created by the US agitators.
The campaign was clear: Paint the convoy as “dangerous” and funded from abroad so they have an excuse to invoke the Act.
The Powers
The Emergencies Act gives the government the power to take “special temporary measures that may not be appropriate in normal times”, which is delightfully vague, but what form are these “measures” taking?
Seeing as the act has literally never been used before, it’s hard to predict how it will be used. For now, at least, it seems to be entirely financial.
Clearly the government think the easiest way to break the blockades and protests is to go after their money.
That started with behind-the-scenes moves against crowd-funding platforms. There was obvious covert pressure on GoFundMe to shut down the donor page, and then the aforementioned “anonymous hackers” took down GiveSendGo site.
With the “emergency” declared, the campaign to control crowdfunding income switches from covert to overt.
In the announcement, Freeland detailed how the government will attempt to monitor and control crowd-funding sites and payment platforms moving forward:
From today, all crowd-funding platforms must register with the Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada (FINTRAC), which requires them to report any “large or suspicious” payments to the financial authorities. This specifically includes cryptocurrency too.
But it’s not just about digital platforms or crowdfunding, the new measures extend to banks as well.
Under these rules, Canadian banks are now empowered to freeze or suspend any account without a court order, and are protected from any legal action taken against them as a result.
To be clear: If a bank freezes your account because they believe you donated to the convoy, and you lose business or miss a rent payment as a result, you cannot sue them.
Further, Freeland suggests banks “review their relationships” with anyone found to be taking part in the protests, or financially supporting them.
Meaning, closing down your accounts completely and refusing your business.
This is, arguably, the most consequential 80 seconds of any speech delivered by a government official in as long as I can remember.
This is the panopticon and the new digital gulag. This is the start of The De-personing. This will expand to every country and every "offense."
— Cyprian (@cyprianous) February 15, 2022
The above tweet does not exaggerate. This is some of the most extreme draconian financial control imaginable.
It could also have serious knock-on effects for businesses – large and small – as well as tax revenues. Not to mention landlords who suddenly are not getting their monthly payments.
But none of that matters alongside the flagrant lack of ethics: Freezing protestors’ bank accounts is in violation of the constitution, and simply morally wrong.
Frozen funds could mean people can’t pay their rent or mortgage and end up homeless. It could mean not being able to heat their homes during the coldest month of the year. It could mean not being able to buy food for themselves or their families.
The protesters have not committed any acts of violence, or even threatened any. They have done nothing but exercise their right to peacefully assemble, as detailed in the Canadian constitution.
To hold this financial threat over them is unforgivable.
And it won’t stop here.
Now the precedent has been set, in future other acts vaguely defined as “domestic terrorism” could incur the same penalty. Refusing a vaccine, for example.
The specific rules don’t even matter, they will likely change based on what the establishment narrative demands, but the punishment will stay the same: Play along, or we’ll take your money.
This amount of control is exactly why they have been pressing so hard for a cashless society the last few years, and why that needs to be resisted at all cost.
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This sociopathic freak is going to crack under the pressure.
Body Language – Justin Trudeau And Chrystia Freeland
Bombard’s Body Language
Feb 17 2022
Chrystia Freeland: The rise of the new global super-rich
Sep 5, 2013
Technology is advancing in leaps and bounds — and so is economic inequality, says writer Chrystia Freeland. In an impassioned talk, she charts the rise of a new class of plutocrats (those who are extremely powerful because they are extremely wealthy), and suggests that globalization and new technology are actually fueling, rather than closing, the global income gap. Freeland lays out three problems with plutocracy … and one glimmer of hope.
I’m Invoking “Triple Bullsh*t Repellent Act”- It’s about as Real as a geek board game.
The reality is “You guys gave up your guns willingly like a bunch of morons, and even if you had guns you would do nothing with them, so we’re gonna do whatever the hell we want to you.”
There, simplified it.
We live in a waking dream of illusion, where the dreamers somehow insist they are powerless.
Justin Trudeau and Chrystia Freeland are loyal members of the Davos “Young Global Leaders” cabal. Davos WEF chairman Klaus Schwab has boasted about the globalist capture of the Canadian government, and their odious model of “liberal fascism” is now on display for all to see.
Legislation about so-called money-laundering is the excuse for governments to control the bank accounts. This kind of legislation should be cancelled when a democratic government will take the power.
Everyone of them in
fakecharge is owned.Covid showed this clearly what many have been saying for aeon’s.
Switzerland have dropped all rules, as of today.
Newsweek and NYPost are criticizing Trudeau for naked power grab?! I don’t get it. Those two are part of US controlled media. Are they trying to recoup a little credibility or what?
Forgot the link:
The goal is to disgust people of politics… (and democracy)… to implement a one world gov…. How would you go about that? You’d make your puppets do stupid things, and expose them of course. Trump, Biden, and the whole lot actually… it’s comming.
You are closer to the truth. The democratic system has been a facade for decades now since Bush sr announced ‘we were entering a new world order’. Covid demonstrated and consolidated that.
Now we’ll move to digital currencies as the legacy banking system slowly shuts down, and the irony is that the truckers have contributed to the digitalisation by creating disruption in the distribution chain and possible bank runs.
The only solution to this was a population which largely rejected the covid rules, the use of digital means of payment and a total corporate monopoly in every aspect of the economy. It didn’t happen so we are now in the next stage.
Many in the ‘resistance’ will see it like a triumph that covid rules are lifted everywhere in lockstep just like they came in 2020, when the truth is it was exactly the plan, they were not going much further than 2022, spokesman Bill Gates said it in 2021.
Conflict among the rulers might be expressed in their media.
Good news Canadian Patriots. You share a border with the highest individual ownership of guns per human individual on the planet. If you need any just ask, Eh!
Why waste your time attempting to get redress through the system that they control?
I’ve said this before: this starts to end when senior tax-grifters – y compris politicians, bureaucrats, and BlackRobes – hold their breath every time they leave their house or start their car.
Non-violence is NOT the answer; that’s why THEY don’t use non-violence.
You first.
Show us the way oh master of the keyboard!
Thousands of politicians around the world have committed atrocities on their subjects for two years and not one had had a hair on his or her head disturbed. Those that have said the emperor had no clothes like Magafuli have paid the ultimate price and JFK and innumerable others. Those at the top of the pyramid rule by non stop continuous violence.
That last paragraph is the crux. The mask is slipping prematurely, perhaps.
Canadian Premiers/US Governors Say Drop the Mandate
People shouldn’t be mislabelling anti-authoritarians as anti-vaxxers.
Your alternative update on #COVID19 for 2022-02-16. Canadian trucker protest, with bouncy castles for the children, is not seriously endangering anything (blog, gab, tweet).
I am anti vax as vaccines cause harm and don’t do what they described to do, it a belief I don’t believe in.
On the other topic of authoritarianism it’s not what most think. If a rule by the state is nonsensical and if the population at large had common sense, no one will comply with it and it would go away, it couldn’t be enforced. But when nearly every complies with it, it is easy to enforce on a small minority. For example, you enter a building without a mask when abolutely everyone else is wearing one, you are told by an employee to put on a mask or else exit the building, every bystander either consents with the employee or is indifferent; you’re on your own. Is that authoritarianism by the state or stupidity and/or cowardice from the population?
My point is there is no authoritarianism without a majority consenting to it, so in fact is not ‘authoritarianism’ but the will of the majority. The truth is without authorities most people would not know what to do.
I am allowed to say this as i am angry
IN Europe and the British islands we have had our guns taken of us.
It baffles us how gun carrying country’s waving flags and co have acted like pussy’s been beaten about like wimps when they have guns.
what you waiting for ??
This Q fake poplulas leader/ trump country first shit made gun carrying nations pussy’s
Its abdication of your personal power to a saviour so you never have to stand up for yourself. The people propagating that crap are cowards
The line was crossed a long time back gun carrying nations.
Stop talking utter rubbish. Showing hostility is exactly what they want everyone to do
Well, I mean come on, surely those here in the US who are armed could hold off the tanks with an AR-15, right? I just love the ones who think it’s only a matter of picking up a gun and not being wimps. I would suggest switchedON find a way to get a weapon and show us the way, but that never happens with a keyboard warrior, does it?
There has never been widespread gun ownership in Europe and Britain.
Admin – pending at Feb 16, 2022 8:13 PM. I wouldn’t normally bother you but my last pending sank without trace, God rest her soul!
February ritual full moon 16,
Britain’s vaccine officials advise 5- to 11-year-olds to get COVID shots
All the Fraud can say… too slow, hasn’t gone far enough etc:
It’s been their position on all of this for two years.
Well exactly. The “oppositional” position complains that ruling ruthlessness isn’t ruthless enough!
The media monolith continues its blase mindless trundle impervious to any counter evidence. Did I say “evidence”? How quaint!
Is Trudeau the number on slimeball on the planet at this time? I know he’s got a lot of competition, but relative to pure slime, he’s got to be at the top.
He’s at the top in my opinion- But then I live in Canada, right?
Please use his correct title: WEF Stooge Trudeau.
Ditto WEF Stooge Macron; WEF Stooge Johnson; WEF Stooge Ardern; WEF Stooge Hunt (Oz Health Minister).
Everything becomes less puzzling when you Name The Stooge.
Don’t forget WEF Stooge & Board Trustee Chrystia Freeland
henceforth to be known as “untruedeau”
Castreau is bad but anal schwab has a back up in the ironically named Chrysta Freeland.
This is bad, but this is really about the expropriation of wealth by the state, or put another way, the expropriation of funds of those with limited means by the wealthy. Opposing vaccine mandates or any government policy now clearly gives you the same status as a terrorist organisation or a drugs cartel. The truckers and their supporters are now hostages in their own country. The problem is that this could lead to violence of the type that was seen in places like Northern Ireland during the “troubles”. We are rapidly coming to the end of road on this one.
A drug cartel such as Pfizer.
This was released this morning and now translated into English.
Austria will lift almost all Covid restrictions by March 5, Minister of Health and Social Affairs Mückstein announced.
Reddit rumors circulating , RE: Austria decision on compulsory vaccination is expected by March 15, which may result in a “temporary suspension.??
Trudeau, Ardern, Andrews, Macron, Johnson, Go Brandon and to all wannabe dictators.
What is your virtue?
You have never had anything to give really.
You have neither intelligence, nor integrity, nor truthfulness.
What can you give?
Your hypocrisy?
It is not virtue.
All your virtue signaling is just to cover-up all your unvirtuous acts, all your inhumane behavior towards other human beings?
Your meanness is tremendous.
Your governments are a condemnation of every one of us.
The very existence of the government, the police and the army shows that we are still not civilized.
The first principle, the foundational principle of democracy is that it gives every individual the freedom to live, to work, to earn, to produce, to own, use and amass their own production, their own property.
It is one of the peoples’ basic rights.
The next fundamental principle of democracy ordains that there should be no injustice to anyone.
That the majority cannot subject the minority to any injustices.
Injustices will not become justice, and a lie will not become truth, just because criminal politicians and their so called governments support it.
Freedom is perhaps the greatest value in an individual’s life.
Freedom of thought is the very life of democracy, it is its very soul.
There is no greater value than this, because freedom is foundational to the whole development of humanity.
That is why bondage or slavery is the worst state of human existence and freedom its best and most beautiful.
The individual cannot be sacrificed for anything.
Even the greatest of nations does not have the right to ask for the sacrifice of a single individual.
Even the greatest of humanity does not have the right to sacrifice the individual for its sake, because the individual is a living consciousness, and it is dangerous to sacrifice this living consciousness at the altar of a system or an organization, however great it be, because the system is a lifeless arrangement, a dead entity, and it is not proper to sacrifice a living individual for the sake of a dead system.
But we have gotten into the habit of killing the individual, and even now we are seeking new avenues, new altars at which the individual can be sacrificed.
Unless politics becomes less and less powerful, eugenics, violence, tyranny and war cannot be avoided.
It is a natural outcome of the political game.
Unless politics loses importance, and it can lose importance,
Humanity is going to die.
The only way out of the political authoritarian trap is to make people more and more free, economically, politically, spiritually.
Decentralize power.
Spread the power to people, more and more.
Slowly, slowly all work has to be withdrawn from politics.
Only leave the essentials, and the essentials are not very many.
There is only one hope for the world: if politics becomes less powerful.
Then the world can live at peace; otherwise it is impossible.
The whole foundation of politics is controlled by the threat of violence, unbridled criminality, dishonesty and lies.
Politicians are very happy if you simply talk about freedom and truth, but if you start creating groups of people who start demanding truth, who start protesting for their freedom, then the danger immediately arises in the hearts of all politicians.
They are perfectly at ease if you remain only talking.
The worst political tyrants themselves talk most about peace and freedom.
They have to, just to create a facade around them, so that you cannot see their reality behind the smokescreen when they talk of peace and freedom.
They have to make much fuss around themselves just to hide behind it.
And the biggest lies come in the loudest voice from the politicians, you should know that lies can only be told in loud voices.
The loudness of the voice hides the lies.
Truth can be whispered, but lies can only be loudly declared.
Truth is self-evident.
The strength lies in your voice.
Just whispering it is enough.
The amount of knowledge that prevails today never before existed in this world and yet people were never as ignorant before as they are today.
This seems paradoxical.
So much knowledge and so much ignorance at the same time!
When knowledge increases, ignorance should decrease.
Our knowledge has increased in quantity.
So has our ignorance.
Yet there is no self knowing.
Never have individuals been so fearful as they are today.
They have no faith in themselves, they feel so insecure.
Life seems meaningless.
You cannot live without knowing yourself, who you are.
Then it is certain that the fundamental principles on which we have based our life have been proven wrong.
If we examine the course of human thinking in the last 300 years, we find a steep increase in doctrines of humanity and justice.
But never, in all the history of the world, has humanity indulged in such terrible warfare or committed such heinous atrocities.
On one hand we have evolved great doctrines on humanity, and on the other hand we have dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
The American government may have weapons of mass destruction, but it has a very cowardly soul.
On one side we clamor for justice and humanity and on the other side we ensnare weaker countries in endless wars.
It is those who talk loudest about humanity who wage those wars.
The more we try to protect ourselves, the more insecure we become.
The more insecure we become, the more means for security we contrive.
What is the meaning of this riddle?
It means that the more we are protected the weaker we become.
The more we increase our means of protection, the more vulnerable we become.
The more we arrange to protect ourselves, the more we expose ourselves to danger.
The world is in the grip of this insane unconscious paralysis today.
Imagine for one day that no rules, laws and regulations bind you.
You will only do that which happens spontaneously.
Then you will realize how mutilated humanity has become because of all the politicians rules, laws and regulations.
Enlightenment means liberating the mind from the past, liberating the mind from all theologies, liberating the mind from all political ideologies.
Only a truth that reaches to your heart alive, dancing, is capable of taking you beyond your present state of unconsciousness.
Life has no conclusion.
It goes on and on and on without any conclusion.
It is without any beginning and without any end, it is always in the middle, it is always in the present, it is an on-going process.
Only balance lasts, nothing else, and balance is the most difficult thing in existence, in life, because balance needs tremendous wisdom.
Unless we make life absolutely based on freedom and destroy all possibilities of domination by criminal politicians.
Death is coming very fast from the future.
Remember, life is always in the present.
No mind is always here-now.
Life itself – Existence.
Enlightenment is the highest point of intelligence.
Unless you have that intelligence you are bound to misunderstand everything in life.
That’s how a logical mind becomes by and by dead.
Any idea, howsoever beautiful, divides you from reality, cuts you away from the whole.
And that is the misery of humanity, just like if a tree has been cut from its roots, soon it will start dying, it cannot live without roots.
That’s how logic becomes its own downfall.
Take home points: >
“The very existence of the government, the police and the army shows that we are still not civilized.”
“The world is in the grip of this insane unconscious paralysis today.”
not to mention society with no art, dancing, singing, dining, theater etc.
this is not a society
Much wisdom packed in one comment. Thank you. I’d like to comment on some of it:
“The very existence of the government, the police and the army shows that we are still not civilized.”
Yes, but IMO, it is the existence of armed forces that prevent us from expressing the spontaneous, peaceful coexistence we all are aspire to. The existence of legitimised State violence is not the proof that we are not civilized, in the sense that they exist to keep us in check; it’s, on the contrary, the fact that the apparatus of the State doesn’t trust humans left to themselves, and thus its intimidating presence has to be felt everywhere, that ultimately produces the violence that the State admittedly claims to prevent. For instance, it is a known empirical fact that protests in which police are not present seldom degenerate in violence and destruction (assuming it’s a genuine, not a fake, infiltrated protest); on the contrary the chances of violence is greatly increased by their intimidating and provocative presence.
“The first principle, the foundational principle of democracy is that it gives every individual the freedom to live, to work, to earn, to produce, to own, use and amass their own production, their own property.”
But we can’t keep the monetary system without keeping the wage system and Capital as the organising principle of the economic life; money and ever-increasing, unneeded property will, in time and inevitably as history teaches, concentrate into fewer and fewer hands. I don’t need money to own a home and any other property I need for my living, grow my own food or Join a collective food production. I know, it is simpler said than done but the radical change induced by removing money and Capital (understood as unnecessary, unneeded ownership) will change our psyche as well in a way that we lose much of that me me me thing and scarcity will be shown for the lie it is. To my mind: down with the monetary and wage system.
“Freedom is perhaps the greatest value in an individual’s life.”
Yes! Freedom as absence of bonds, not freedom to do what I want, as perhaps some would interpret.
“You will only do that which happens spontaneously.”
This is deep! That’s freedom. In a context free from money, Capital and absurd accumulation, to be spontaneous can never cause harm. It’s immanent life, not concerned with a future or past that don’t exist.
“The individual cannot be sacrificed for anything.”
I think if we free ourselves from the grip of Capital and the prodigious growth of property/commodity and the fetishism it produces the dichotomy individual/collective will vanish.
“Even the greatest of humanity does not have the right to sacrifice the individual for its sake, because the individual is a living consciousness, and it is dangerous to sacrifice this living consciousness at the altar of a system or an organization, however great it be, because the system is a lifeless arrangement, a dead entity, and it is not proper to sacrifice a living individual for the sake of a dead system.”
Exactly! Life, spontaneous existence is being offered in sacrifice on the altar of death or Thanatos.
“You cannot live without knowing yourself, who you are.”
Yes! Was it Socrates who said “the unexamined life is not worth living”?
“The world is in the grip of this insane unconscious paralysis today.”
A machine of which we are cogs is running. It has no on/off switch and isn’t plugged anywhere. It runs on its own inertia. A shift in consciousness is the only thing that can stop this infernal machine and bring about a radical change.
Do you hear the people sing…
“COVID patients are refused basic drugs like antibiotics and steroids. They’re even denied basic nutrition and fluids, which amounts to a war crime. Instead, COVID patients are over-treated with remdesivir, narcotics and mechanical ventilation, a combination that more often than not results in death.
“Hospitals are paid by the government for COVID tests, COVID diagnoses, admission of COVID patients, use of remdesivir and ventilation, and COVID deaths. This payment scheme has created a kind of institutionalized killing machine, where hospital revenue is tied to patients dying in-hospital with a COVID label, be it true or false.
“Collectively, patient neglect, mistreatment, overtreatment and the COVID jabs have resulted in massive disability and death. Deaths among working age Americans (18 to 64) as of the third quarter of 2021 were 40% higher than prepandemic rates.
“The medical kidnapping and mistreatment of patients against their will has become so widespread, human rights attorney Thomas Renz asked the Truth for Health Foundation to set up a medical advisory team, called the COVID Care Strategy Team, to help families physically liberate their loved ones from hospitals where they’re kept captive.”
Includes Video re “medical kidnapping” of car crash survivor who awakens on covid death row.
dough boy is fidel castrato’s daughter
Yes. He is. Don’t tell anybody… They need to bow down and kiss his ring.
I think so. He looks identical.
I just saw a video of Justin Trudeau from 1990, when he was participating in a debate about Quebec sovereignty. If someone had shown me this video but didn’t tell me who it was, I’d have never guessed it was JT. People’s looks can change a great deal over the course of a lifetime.
JT today looks a lot like Fidel, especially when you see pictures of the two side-by-side. It’s uncanny. There is actually plenty of circumstantial evidence showing how Castro could potentially have been the biological father, with the Trudeau’s making a big trip to the Carribean roughly a year before JT was born. The PM and his wife were huge admirers of Castro, and they were also close personal friends.
In the aforementioned video (link below), JT is younger and much thinner. He actually does resemble the father Pierre, especially the mouth and lower jaw. He has the same thin chin and sunken cheeks. I always thought the elder Trudeau looked a bit like a rodent when he smiled, and JT here has that same mouth, with Pierre’s same facial expressions.
I think it’s a coincidence JT looks like Castro. He has a lot of his mother’s looks, and she happens to have similar facial features to Castro. It’s rumored Margaret had an affair with FC. Whether this actually happened — or they were just good family or ‘spiritual’ friends — people are often attracted to those who look like themselves. Notwithsanding, Castro is in many ways JT’s metaphorical father…
An 18 Year-Old Justin Trudeau on Quebec Sovereignty – YouTube
“The answer to that, no contest, by far… NAZI BOY!”

“Nazi Boy and the Reich need to Fall, NOW!”

“The answer to that, no contest, by far… NAZI BOY!”

“Nazi Boy and the Reich need to Fall, NOW!”
Love ya Cooper. May you never stop, you glorious, stubborn big-hearted dude!
Weak. Your boy is using propaganda techniques, pitching the slogans on this website, post after post. No different than a Covidian using thought-terminating clichés.
+800 indian farmers died in the protest there.
Actually the BJP drove millions of migrant workers out of the cities as an early measure against Covid and quite a few of them died. It also whipped things up against the Muslims of India. Farmers were beaten with lathi sticks and on the Internet I have seen film of police forcibly giving an old man a “vaccine”. Indian “democracy” can be quite brutal.
God that Hugo Boss number really suits him…
Times have changed. The last time the we had justified turmoil in our country our government fired rifles on a college campus student protest. Neil Young wrote a song about it. Before that there were 300,000 protestors shouting FUCK in unison in the State of New York. Joni Mitchel and Neil Young were there, oddly. Those people are now the grandparents of our country. The memories of those events are seared deeply into their souls. At least most of them. Now they have grown old and their final wish is to live long enough to see their grandchildren get married. They will do anything to protect those grandchildren. Anything. So will I.
There’s a dark side to everything (and, of course, leave it to me to find it).
The rush to become grandparents, then (if lucky) great-grandparents (some even make it to great-great-grandparent) is a view of life which places less value on the individual than on what the individual can produce for society.
This is a view as old as humanity itself. And while it speaks well of individuals to not focus entirely on themselves alone; it also plays right into the hands of the psychopaths who crave wealth and power in that it inclines people to put up with scarcity and exploitation now so that life will be better for their descendants.
It’s a con game as old as time. “I’ll suffer now so my grandchildren have a better life.” And all the while the ruling elites are counting their money – and planning to maybe extract even greater wealth from your grandchildren.
Irony ?
What’s not ironical about it?
old neil young is pro experiment.
self inflicted irrelevance.
Times have changed. The last time the we had justified turmoil in our country our government fired rifles on a college campus student protest. Neil Young wrote a song about it. Before that there were 300,000 protestors shouting FUCK in unison in the State of New York. Joni Mitchel and Neil Young were there, oddly. Those people are now the grandparents of our country. The memories of those events are seared deeply into their souls. At least, most of them. Now they have grown old and their final wish is to live long enough to see their grandchildren get married. They will do anything to protect those grandchildren. Anything. So will I.
Sorry, this is my old moniker. I forgot to sign in with my new one. For a while this moniker was being blocked. Surprise surprise.
You’re now posting the same tropes multiple times in the same article. What’s up with that?
Why do you care? Some of us enjoy them, if you don’t then skip over them and leave the rest of us to it. Your snarky comments do nothing to add to the experience, and quite frankly they’re just a pain in the ass.
I second your emotion.
And, speaking of “What’s up with that?”, this very question always comes to mind when I see recurring passive-aggressive “stalking” replies with different screen names and avatars, but virtually identical content and style.
I’m not a fan of the admin-vaunted spam filter, but experience suggests that multiple-ID contrarians typically defend their duplicity on the grounds that the mean ol’ spam filter forces them to keep changing their handles.
However, since I feel the way you do I’m not interested in pursuing the question.
I found this site recently and found it’s content very intriguing…take a look if you want!
Thank you for posting the link. It is indeed intriguing.
Thank you !
Latest essay posted on Feb-11 Season of Sacrifice apart from writings, it has 100+ news screenshots, and going through those itself should make you think. If that does not than I am not sure – I do not have linguistic skills to put it.
Upon first read seems good.
At least they see the picture unlike this crap this lot sell.
But you just can’t stop yourself from reading it?
Force yourself my man, force yourself. And nothing shows the con like these figures, particularly the ”deaths pre jab” and deaths post jabs, and that 8.6% had only so called covid on their death certificates.
What does “laboratory confirmed” mean I wonder?
I thought Freeland approved of revolutions, especially those led by people sporting the wolfsangle?
Like the Maiden in Ukraine, have I got this wrong? In other places but NIMBY I guess, such as Hong Kong for example? Yes, oh that one was a fight for freedom supressed by the Chinese.
And the failed one in Belarusian, that one was a good cause brutally put down by Lukashenko with the help of Freedland’s nemesis Putin.
So what might this one be called in Canada? The diesel revolution. the Truckers revolt? Or maybe just the peoples uprising. It will go down in history as the blackening of Trudeau and in folklore no doubt as Blackface’s demise…
A double standard is a terrible thing to waste….
Well whatever happened to politicians being the elected representatives of the people? This is going to end very very badly for Trudeau (good) and other world political leaders. The citizen’s of the world now need to get United around the globe and overthrow these tyrants.
It’s even worse, as data from donations has been “leaked” or “hacked” (by whom?? CIA?) and donors are having their funds frozen or receiving death threats and forced to close their business. We are no longer free even to protest or to donate to any cause we want. With digital cash, you will be a slave:
In the article they made the “death threats” appear like they are coming from the truckers, which makes no sense. Indeed, intelligence agencies would have the resources and wherewithal to make this happen.
Now that “imminent WW3” is being quietly put on the back-burner (they even published something critical of Western leaders’ role in it yesterday – albeit very limited), it’s back to patching the holes in convid.
Here’s one:
“Scientists have a number of explanations… ” – I’m sure they do, it’s what they’re there for.
And another:
Monbiot stats by linking the truckers to paramilitaries, finds them guilty of being men and goes downhill from there. His bile when presented by a real grassroots’ protest (although I’m sure there are controlled elements within it), is hilarious. BTW he’s still not got around to having any objections to the spread of GMOs in the UK.
Elsewhere, the Fraud has two articles up to mock Djokovic. Their banner of convid stats (yes, they’re still doing that) has the UK triple-boosted rate, what Sheep Farm Studios call the three-dart finish, at 56%. Not only is that a particularly Occulted number, I’m sure they were claiming until recently it was 59%. Anyway, whatever happens, it’s a safe bet it won’t dip below 50%.
Doesn’t the boost wear off?
“Wearing off” may mean falling level of antibodies. Never mind that this is normal for any infection, and that T-cells and on-demand production of antibodies will ensure future defence.
What is in fact deteriorating in immunity in the jabbed.
A literate man like you would decode this? surely than rather read it literally which is what the monkey’s are trained to do.
If you want a good laugh check out this article from the World Socialist Web Site about the truckers, who are deemed to be “far right thugs.” It is so all over the place that it’s not worth discussing. If you take the T off thugs you are nearer to the spirit.
Why do people in the OffG comments keep mentioning this site? Is it of such significant influence to some people?
I finally got around to looking at it. Skimmed an article complaining about how millions of people were going to die because countries were winding back their coof measures. It claimed that China was the only country to have successfully beaten Covid with it’s aggressive zero Covid policies, with now apparently zero cases across their vast country and population of billions…
So I guess it’s aimed at just dyed in the wool, true, full blown commies?
it is slightly silly and at times naive but not that fucking stupid, you ChairmanDrew is absolutely bullshitting.
It’s aimed at just dyed in the wool, true, full blown duped commies. And I should know. I was one!
I’ve never read marx but am a communist sympathiser gobsmacked at how easily covid cult propaganda spread through all these supposedly socialist organisations, almost like a virus.
Yes there was clearly a co-ordinated attack going on there. Especially obvious when it was the same bogus “arguments” simultaneously rising in all “Leftist” quarters.
+1. We also see many daily comments that the Left is not what it used to be.
It ok Hun we read your posts if we require a laugh.
build back better boris is anti davos LOL
your hilarious.
i cried reading the truckers convey in Israel.(what part of ridicule do you not get when the media puts stuff like this out)
S Cooper is right. The WSWS are CIA. This was inarguable from the dawn of covid. Up until spring 2020, our Trotter boys did a creditable impression of an oppositional site – and indeed perhaps “the last one you could trust”. Old Chomsky had disgraced himself over both JFK and 9/11 but the Trotters had maintained at least the appearance of a critical distance with those matters. Covid blew all that away. The Left have crooned for covid from the start and the W site has led the charge. No hesitation. All suspicion of media fabrication vapourised. Drop the last S and then invert WSW and arrive at the truth: the MSM – with a prince nez!
So how does it work then? Well you have your Langley boys in crucial positions after which you can recruit as many genuine Marxists as you want and even give them a bit of leeway. How else to build up that convincing veneer of subversion unless you employ genuine subversives? As long as you ensure these sops never know they are being used.
But then when The Big One lands – the doomsday weapon, the final frontier – then your undercover commanders switch into action and, so to speak, reverse the switches and … we’re off!
But surely there will be those genuine scribblers who will realise what’s happening? So? By this time they will know they only stay on the staff if they roll along with the “general pattern” as decided by the Big Boys upstairs. If they don’t they get ejected and can join the “lunatic fringe” – and worse! The “far right”. And the basic self-flattering image of prole rebel as crafted by the very organisation they have been working for will be too attractive for them to leave.
In the Netherlands the security services were actually running fake far left outfits, albeit small ones. One, supposedly Maoist, was given some recognition by China, which meant that it was useful for espionage directed at that country. When its true identity was revealed, a member not in the know said he had been deceived, and the leader of the “group” called him a moron.
An article about one of the groups said that the leaders were sometimes given training sessions in England, which makes we wonder how much of this kind of phoniness there is in the British left.
It took money to run the groups, and their leaders deciding to come clean and wind them up happened when it was decided by their handlers that the usefulness of the groups was no longer enough to justify the expense of running them.
All governments are drunk on power and routinely resort to brute force in these kinds of situations, often with popular support. You can practically hear their tiny minds ticking over trying to figure out how to resolve the crisis but without considering for even a fraction of a second that the protesters might actually be right.The protesters are being treated like terrorists or hostage takers, with the authoritarians vowing never to negotiate or pay a ransom. These elected tyrants and their minions see themselves as valiant heroes determined to prevail over chaos, but actually they are just delinquents.
Trudeau has to go!
aka truck fudeau!!!
Let’s go Brandeau
If governments can gain extra powers in emergencies, isn’t it manifestly obvious that some governments would seek to engineer said emergencies to gain said powers?
The fact the corporate-state media can never acknowledge this simple fact, and that they bury docmented instances when it’s proven to have happened like Gladio and Northwoods, says it all. The closest they’ll get is to project it on to the enemy of the day.
Yep. The corporate-state media is effectively part of the government, a tool.
packaged by the professionals;
In Australia they were finally forced to reveal the ”victims” of covid, 92% had 3 pre existing conditions with heart attacks being the main actual cause of death. The average age of men is 81.6%, and for women 86 and the fucking ALP are whining because they think pointing out the facts is terrible.
From early in the “pandemic” CBC was removing posts in the comment sections that consisted solely of links to the Alberta Government Covid data. From the outset, it demonstrated that 74% of Covid “deaths” had a minimum of three comorbidities, an average of 3.6. Until May, 61% of all Covid deaths in th province of 4.38 million had occurred in the 29 000 people trapped in long-term care. 4% of Covid deaths had no pre-existing condition, which makes such deaths a glaring anomaly demanding further investigation as the survival rate for people with no conditions is well in excess of 99.99%. There has been an increase in mortality among people <44 years of age of between 20 and 50% since the measures were introduced in Alberta; over 1000 excess deaths in the age group against 161 Covid deaths. No explanation from any official as to the cause of this massive die-off among people who are basically immune to severe Covid disease.
Trudeau looks like a scared deer in the headlights. A Canadian article here:
Robert E. Wright
– February 14, 2022
“Trudeau looks like a scared deer in the headlights”.
That’s because the Devil’s Comin’!
Starmer tends to look that way a lot of the time. Probably somebody has something on the pair of them – uneasy lies the head etc…
The word “fumble”, to attempt to act with intent, yet somehow, slightly fall short of the mark and of course various sexual inferences.
Are tptb “fumbling” ?
Have we not “fumbled” with quasi-meaningfull ad nauseum repeats of the “same old”?
Sadly i feel many of see that protests will be used against us, prompting emergency “powers” and dividing us yet more permanently.
As someone here recently said all this current attention (france, canada, ukraine) is but a book filler, a place marker while the analysts draw up the next stage.
So every time we become reactive they have a strategy to volley “backhand”.
I was reading how apparently a pfizer “ceo” admits that this “virus” was made in a lab, albeit skirting around the issues of virtuality…..
For some time i have felt that there is a high element of techno voodoo going on here and have witnessed many friends who having been openly or priavtely “on the fence” and have succumbed to something they then call “covid”.
As most of us are aware there is something of a watershed between those who engage in tv, smartphones, social media etc and those of that dont.
Most of us are aware that something akin to digital programming has taken place, when faced with the “faith” of the covidians we often encounter “blind abbeyance”.
As 5 and 6 “g” are rolled out on land, air and under the sea are we perhaps guilty of missing a degree of this madness in that, the degree of technoligical intervention of disruption of the core energies/ frequencies by which our physical, mental, emotional beings co-exist with is being attacked virally.
In off grid installations connected to grid, LOM (loss of mains) is often employed by attempting to shift the frequency (hz) and thus determine if the “mains” is still “alive”.
In normal circumstances the mains is of course immune to such puny attempts..
When LOM encounters a back up generator however the effects can be pretty horrific, the “natural” waveform produced by the genset is corrupted and the smooth sinewave is corrupted. The system “breaks down”.
My poor attempt at articulating this comes down to one belief:
This is about Critical Mass, once the rogue signal reaches enough Mass the natural patterns of frequency that run at the core of the world we love…. will break down.
Whilst we hold our ground we add our strength to our world that i believe wishes us to prevail. In effect our world is the “grid” and we are a raggle taggle collection of kubotas`, yanmars, briggs strattons and lister petters, all fighting to keep the waveform true.
A view no doubt also held by those we oppose?
Ok, better go and do something usefull
right on.. what you have described is the awful truth, hidden deep in the realization of the great reset.. The digital platform has trapped us all. At the click of a mouse the so called authorities can take from you everything you own, and make you out to be a bad guy just for opposing them and if that is not bad enough, the MSM can ruin your day, for life. Like I said earlier. it will be some future generations that will rebel and waste the authorities into the bin, until then, we, and the political parts of our governments, are prisoners of those who own the digital platform ( and believe me it is fully copyrighted and fully patented) so they own it lock stock and barrel, and you pay for to keep the Internet maintained and running , which Internet, is the underlying infra structure they run their digital platform on.
You nailed it right here: >
“As 5 and 6 “g” are rolled out on land, air and under the sea are we perhaps guilty of missing a degree of this madness in that, the degree of technoligical intervention of disruption of the core energies/ frequencies by which our physical, mental, emotional beings co-exist with is being attacked virally.”
The plebs don’t know because they’ve been backed into a psychic corner by the use of electromagnetic weaponry. They’ll never wake up because their Natural intuitions and executive functions have been nebulized to death…
Presentations by Alex Thomson and Matthew Ehret
Grand Jury Proceeding, Day 2, Feb 12, 2022—Alex-Thomson:4
Alex Thomson (English)
Testimony by Alex Thomson, former officer of Britain’s Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) and former member of GCHQ’s Disciplinary Team for Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Threats (CBRN).
An overview of the historical and geopolitical background leading up to the Second World War period.
The crucial role of the City of London in the dominance over and ownership of the population. Mindspace. Control of the minds of people.
Matthew Ehret (English)
Historical and geopolitical overview by Matthew Ehret, journalist, author, and historian from Canada.
British influence in global affairs today. The God complex of the oligarchy. Three failed New World Orders.
Barmy lot. Think of how silly this is. You got THE Military intelligence complex getting its Military intelligence complex you tubers to run Fake court cases -Fake Tribunals, Fake mass arrests – Fake sealed indictments. , Fake notice’s served etc to fake as fuck Grand Jury Proceeding, It is so ridiculous .!!!
Alex Thomson’s intelligence and knowledge of history is off the scale. Likewise Brian Gerrish – such gravitas.
We are all lucky to have such people schooling us in the reality of the world.
Military intelligence complex you tubers. Control operative – shills.
Most “commenters“ here promote controlled opposition Masons, limited hangouts or military psyops. I see it again and again, day after day, year after year.
Do you think that has anything to do with the ongoing nature of military psychological operations like the ones conducted by the Canadian and UK militaries?
Yes. It’s definitely coordinated and multi-platform. It’s global (not just 5eyes) and encompasses multiple types of controlled opposition groups using mass disinfo: From QAnon to Proudboys, Oathkeepers, BLM, Anonymous, Antifa, Wikileaks, Unions, Militia, Greens, Churches, Patriot Groups, Leftist Groups, Libertarians, Anarcho-Capitalists, Academia to Youtube or Bitchute Intel Operatives.
Militaries everywhere and countless contractors are managing all sides of this operation including “freedom” groups, opposition groups, crisis actors, alt media sources and also comment teams. It’s Counter-intel. Divide and conquer. Drown everyone with disinfo and propaganda.
The West pivoted away from the anti-Islam rhetoric, which was created when the military ran terrorism ops, hoaxes and psyops so they could pass certain “security“ laws and racketeer by creating wars in countries where they needed to move millions off land for corporate resource exploitation. Such as Yemen, Somalia, Syria, Libya, Afghanistan and Iraq.
With the covid-operation, all the infrastructure, control, technology, media and the “terrorism” laws have been redirected at the “citizenry” or slaves.
The intent is to criminalize speech or behavior that’s anti-authoritarian, anti-globalist, anti-medical cartel, anti-vaccine, anti-collective, anti-climate-fraud, anti-racketeering, or anti-government by labeling anything that exposes the criminality, genocide and racketeering, as misinformation, extremism, conspiracy theories and domestic terrorism.
Humanity itself, is the original enemy of the state.
The intent is also to spin serious exposures as ridiculous, and to sow doubt in readers.
Yes. Like radiation from millimeter waves as harmless. Or depleted soil and nutrient deficient food. Or GMOs. Or poisoned tap water, personal care products, phthalates, pesticides, endocrine disrupters, industrial pollution, geoengineering, petrochemicals, toxic medication, chemotherapy, the masking and highly poisonous, carcinogenic and mutagenic vaccines.
Then there’s the increased poverty from the lockdowns. And the fear programming that’s being pumped on the airwaves and internet 24-7 causing anxiety, hate and division.
It’s escalating suicides, drug abuse, broken families and addictions. Yet it’s barely acknowledged because that’s an outcome the corrupt, eugenicist, racketeering governments, obviously desire.
Matthew Ehret is no shill (but you likely are) and on the offchance he is, he is anyway exposing the entire plan going back to C17th.
I note the reverse endorsement by the Tag-Team Collective.
John Helmer over at ‘Dances with Bears’ has a particular interest in Chrystia Freeland.
Djokovic says he rejects the vax … just ’cause? I wonder why he doesn’t care to expand on that?
Cause he says he is an “elite” athlete. It’s a pretty lame defense. I have no idea how much IQ Djokovic has but he is not impressing in this matter.
He’s a multi-millionaire. Surely he could hire someone to write a few bullet points as to why he is against CoVax shots for him to read. I mean, hey, I’ll do it for $5k.
Piss off, it’s no one’s damn business what he puts in his body and he doesn’t have to give an explanation at all. Who are you idiots
Maybe he has put forward something cogent and they are just not reporting it. The late Tony Benn (not someone I particularly admired) learned to tape-record interviews he gave to journalists after cases of them not reporting what he said or attributing to him statements he never made. Benn was presented as paranoid but in this case at least he was not.
Have YOU seen anything? If so post it for the rest of us to see. If you haven’t, then my comment stands.
‘The whole purpose of the (US) Constitution was to undermine trust in government institutions.’ …That’s Jon Rappoport’s understanding…
More likely it was created to reassure the less perspicacious among its government distrusting audience that a paper tiger could constrain a US government.
The important thing was to institute it – by any means necessary, with whatever platitude or pretext (securing rights).
Taxation, printing money (Federal Reserve), boondoggles (Apollo, MIC, etc.), and the American people are well exploited.
When it’s time to end the charade, hardly anyone knows what the Constitution means or was supposed to do, nor WTF ‘rights’ are.
The problem with a cryptocracy cum idiocracy is that the perspicacious had better hope the cryptocrats are looking out for them, because, as Mark Dice tries to make clear, the idiots certainly aren’t:
Mark Dice scripted as fuck videos is such a example of how people is. i would consider you must be a cryptocracy cum idiocracy retard to watch Mark Dice’s scripted as fuck videos.
I am aware that Dice’s videos should be taken with a pinch of salt, but it was illustrative. Your proof of widespread covidiocy is just how many jabbed there are.
Thumbs up to the people who refused to sign the petition, but the video is pretty grim watching all the same. Populations have been cheerfully voting away their rights and virtuously accepting mandate policies in many countries you would have thought impervious to dictatorial tendencies. Fear rules, it seems.
I don’t agree with SO-SO’s comment below.
quote Mark Dice scripted as fuck videos unquote
what part of that did you not understand?
realpeter doesn’t see reality from fiction.
It is a fake organized video to appeal to very naive people.
hilarious. i have no crypto.
50% of the population has above average IQ., and there is another 50%.
The prime motivation was that so the state could never be strong enough to take down their secret society – like the combination of king and pope had taken down the Knights Templar.
Jon Rappoport rather understates the historical background of the Constitution. The United States was originally designed as a Confederate Republic.
Not the bogus unconstitutional nightmare that the treasonous bastard Abraham Lincoln bequeathed upon those he enslaved with his “Emancipation Proclamation”.
See: The missing Original Thirteenth Amendment. The rest of US history is an ACT…
The import of Rappoport’s article seems to remind people that (written) constitutions spell out the restrictions on governments, on those who seek to rule us. Or, restraints on power. Or, what they cant do if they dont want to be guillotined. A line in the sand….Maybe the notion is implicit that the people are sovereign. That a ruler’s powers are lent. (Except in a dictatorship).
Australia’s constitution was agreed to by the British parliament (Crown) 1901.
The debates that preceded it , other than those about State’s Rights (Ie how much power the local-state fiefdoms were going to cede to a central/national body), were predominantly between “Free Traders”, and “Protectionists”, which were the main economic blocs… The chief concern seemed to be to ensure the Rights of Property (rights of property owners): restrictions on government from removing etc those rights.
I dont know of such restriction being spelled out and written down prior to the Magna Carta – restrictions on the then king, restrictions pertaining to property (which i presume included the baron’s serfs-as-property)
Rappoport seems to be reminding folks that there’s no Divine Right of Governments, there are restrictions on them.. And there’s no such thing as government overreach if the ignorant dont know of those restrictions…
Two books of interest are,
Society Against the State – Pierre Clastres,
In Search of the Primitive. A critique of civilization – Stanly Diamond.
That’s quite hypocritical from his mouth; during more than 365 days long (Sikh) farmer protests on the New Delhi roads he was extremely critical of India’s BJP run government, they should let them keep on going as part of freedom of/and expression: (minute 8)
PM Clouseau was only capable of 24 days of trucker protests in his capital city. His fan boy Jagmett Singh wanted to nip it in the bud earlier. The farmer protests in New Delhi stopped when their PM gave in to their demand.
Another 101 day road block protest in New Delhi was ended without any National state of Emergency:
Singh is another turd from the wef sphincter
ANYONE who agrees with that “order”, whether it be politician or ordinary citizen, is my enemy. THAT is as clear as it gets. I will tell them to their face, anyone. THAT is how it has to be from here on out. And that is how significant that fascist farce was. THAT cannot be accepted in any way, shape or form. Oh, my fucking god. I log in to Off Guardian after a few days and see that, shit. I’m going back to my wine.
There is a major difference in opinion among humans as to how we should exist. Much based on the propaganda our wannabe controllers have over the media and other systems. Same as it ever was, I suppose, but we seem to be at point zero, put up or shut up. It’s clear there are a lot of us that will never shut up. So, fuck them.
How did your job situation developed? If I am not prying, of course…
Not at all and thanks for asking. I think I mentioned on here I submitted a religious exemption request because of my devotion to the Church of Liberty and Freedom. Never heard a word back and I’m still working. I think they waited to see what was happening then quietly backed off when they saw the mandates weren’t going to stick.
Have a good day (or evening I guess, depending where you are :))
I am glad! I remember you telling us that you were going to submit a religious exemption request. You acted upon your knowledge and it paid off.
Whenever I see images like the one leading this story, with the “great” leader, unmasked, but surrounded by his masked minions, I always think of images of ancient armies, with unarmed & pampered Kings, surrounded with armed fighters.
I see this scenario more & more.
The “great” unmasked but protected “king” surrounded by his/her dutifully masked (armed) bootlickers.
We always knew that many Canadians tended to be wimps, eh?
That characteristic is far from limited to Canadians.
I don’t know a single country that isn’t full of them these days.
Cheerfully listening to their mainstream news telling them that they’re sick and dangerous, while they actually feel perfectly fine…
…- At least Xerxes’ Immortals’ masks, for example, had a certain decorative aesthetic appeal… – Technocrat flunkies in surgical masks and riot-cop goon squads in ski masks, not so much…
Is The World out to get me ? I’m starting to think so…
In my mailbox today were two posts alerting me to actual or impending crises..
One, about the unseen environmental crises destroying humanity informs about how soil nutrient deficiencies is setting me up for serious health problems. Without sufficient nutrient levels i’m a target for all type of diseases. And there’s endocrine disrupters getting into the food chain that threaten to turn Martha into Arthur (Another Plot by The Elite to reduce human population numbers ?).
The other post ? Well it might soon be that if i have a headache or am feeling overwrought, just drink a glass of water because painkilling drugs and tranquilisers are polluting the world’s waterways…
It’s getting so that eating and drinking will kill me. (Maybe a starvation diet might protect ?)…
The environmental crises destroying humanity:
World’s rivers awash in pharmaceuticals:
The latter informs, ‘…antimicrobial resistance is the single greatest threat to humanity – it’s the next pandemic.’… Can that be the next Emergency ? Is there a ‘vaccine’ in the pipeline ?
I bet anything the post advising you of soil nutrient deficiencies failed to mention the climate engineering (i.e., spraying of toxic elements) which tends to kill soil microbes.
That little tidbit seems to always elude those climate and environmental activists who depend on the largesse of the ruling elites for their bread and butter.
Don’t worry, Les.
It’s only death.
It waits, without exception, for all of us.
The crucial thing is to live a good life first.
A life that means something.
Every little thing that we create means something, while our soulless persecutors know only mechanized destruction for short-term profit.
We must become artistic people.
Technological advancement has taken us a long way, but we mustn’t become its slaves.
Our physicists must take up pottery or harpsichord building.
And our biologists must take singing lessons and look after abandoned cats.
Vibrant life must replace the pointless death chants of a thousand Trudeaux.
Honestly, the way things look right now, you’d think the entire French nobility from the late 18th Century had reincarnated all over the world in just a couple of years…
Do they really want a rematch…?
Be careful what you ask for. The science-y types have already taken up art – taken it up, chewed it to pieces, reshaped it, and spit it back out as computer generated schlock.
Recently I’ve watched a number of old movies (allowing that movies are more fringe than real art) – “High Noon,” “Lost Horizon,” “A Tale of Two Cities” – and the absolutely stunning part came at the end, when only a few names were listed. As opposed to five minutes worth of CGI workers for any big budget movie nowadays.
I’m quite sure the same thing can be said for music, literature, painting. We have reached the nadir of art, where science has completely taken it over. Heaven help us.
yesyes, everybody going to be getting tested for the new improved Aids soon , vaxx ready now. thanks moderna
Looking forward to this one’s demise.
I like to imagine him as King Canute…
What’s the matter with King Canute?
I thought Canute was the good guy.
You have to admit, smart looking dude but I prefer him in Black Face
…- *Breaking*:… – *Live Footage* of Justin Ceaușesdeau’s political career:…
Canada has always been a puppet state of the U.K. or U.S. The economy has always been bound to them, we’ve always been their proxy army fighting and dying in wars which we had no business fighting, and all the PMs ‘elected’ over the years have only used the job as a stepping stone for their ultimate patronage appointment. Actually working for real Canadians has never been their concern.
OMG, reasonable analysis of the evidence! What the hell is wrong with you?
so true. bankrupt country, illegitimate .gov., free trade ‘deal’ took everything of value; water oil minerals etc., and talent,” make it big down south”
I’m sure Chrystia Freeland’s grandpa Mihaylo Chomiak (former editor of “Krakivs’ki Visti”) is yukking it up with his Nazi German superiors in their special little corner of Hell as they observe the Canadian Deputy PM / Finance Minister getting her grubby little mitts on taxpayers’ money to fight World War II all over again in Ukraine and try to get the Operation Barbarossa invasion right this time.