Ukraine “Crisis”: Views from Russia

War canceled? War inevitable? A sample of hot takes from across Russian media

Riley Waggaman

Choose your fighter

According to various British tabloids, the invasion of Ukraine is expected to begin any minute now.

It was actually officially due to start yesterday, but Russia missed their deadline. Krasnaya Vesna was sarcastically live-blogging the blitzkrieg.

Some very interesting developments:

But what is actually happening?

Let’s survey the latest punditry and reports from across Russian media.

Russia to recognize DPR/LPR independence?

  • In case you missed it: the State Duma has asked Putin to recognize the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics (DPR and LPR). [TASS]
  • Putin to “postpone” recognition until after “international negotiations” are complete? [Free Press]
  • “Unilateral” recognition of Donbass republics is unlikely? [Tsargrad]
  • Mixed signals and chaos? “When many were already convinced of de-escalation, the State Duma decided to turn to Vladimir Putin on the issue of recognizing the people’s republics of Donbass… The appeal was supported without prior consultations with the Foreign Ministry.” [Nakanune]
  • Duma deputy says Russians are prepared to suffer economic hardship if the recognition of Lugansk and Donetsk results in sanctions. [Lenta]
  • Deputy head of the Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Russia says Duma deputies should volunteer their own salaries, instead. [Gazeta]

(Some) Russian troops return to their bases

Moscow has announced that at least some troops and military hardware hanging out near Ukraine will be leaving the area soon.

Yesterday, Belarusian Foreign Minister Vladimir Makei announced “not a single Russian serviceman and not a single piece of Russian military equipment will remain in Belarus” after joint military exercises finish.

Tanks and other military equipment that were sent to Crimea are reportedly returning to their bases.

Typically we ignore everything Russia-related published by RT.com, but its photographic portrayal of soldiers “withdrawing to their bases in Russia” was genuinely depressing. Thanks, RT.

Ukraine hit with curiously timed cyberattack

On Tuesday, Ukrainian government websites and banking systems were crippled by a purported cyberattack. Interesting timing.

Apparently it was pretty serious. Ukrainians reported they were unable to deposit or withdraw money from bank cards or transfer funds via online apps.

Ukraine immediately suggested Russia might be behind the “large-scale DDoS attack.” Surprise.

  • “The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine called a cyber attack on banks and government sites one of the largest.” [Lenta]
  • Ukraine has also accused Belarus of hacking shenanigans. [Izvestia]

War still happening?

  • Kremlin says there is a “high” probability Kiev will try to launch a military operation in Donbass. [Life News]
  • “There will be no invasion, but Kiev, together with London, is intensively preparing the ground for [war].” [Tsargrad]
  • Estonia’s Foreign Intelligence Service says Russia will likely invade Ukraine in the second half of February. [Lenta]
  • Dugin says war is coming. [Katheon]
  • “There is a good chance that the coming week will either see the culmination of the biggest and most expensive military bluff in world history, or a speed run towards Russian Empire 2.0.” [Karlin]
  • “A hypothetical seizure of the whole of Ukraine would have no benefit for us.” [Publizist]

Stay tuned…

Riley Waggaman is your humble Moscow correspondent. He worked for RT, Press TV, Russia Insider, yadda yadda. In his youth, he attended a White House lawn party where he asked Barack Obama if imprisoned whistleblower Bradley Manning (Chelsea was still a boy back then) “had a good Easter.” Good times good times. You can subscribe to his Substack here, or follow him on twitter.


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Categories: latest, Russia, Ukraine
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Emily Durron
Emily Durron
Feb 20, 2022 7:11 PM

It is well known, has been for a long time, that any country that makes it clear that it is not interested in subjugation and subservience in the US Empire will be attacked. Here is an old but comprehensive list Somebody else can give us a more up-to-date one. Libya and Iraq were the best recent examples for those that have not been paying attention. Iran in 1953 shows how long it has been going on.

So now we have a senile old fool in the White House, who is less compos mentis than any of his predecessors and way more out-of-it than anyone would believe. Perfect fertile ground, free rein for the real psycho extremists, those that would rather see the end of human civilisation than a world that does not entirely dance to the CIA’s tune.

What remains to be seen is whether they are aware of what Scott Ritter is writing about so eloquently, namely that the US armed forces will get their clocks cleaned in a straight fight with either Russia or China.

I don’t want to tread on anyone’s toes here, but the US armed forces have notably failed to win a single war since they played a side role helping out the Soviets in WWII, and the ever-louder insistence on diversity hires in the US military is unlikely to improve matters.

David Macilwain
David Macilwain
Feb 20, 2022 8:41 AM

Riley Waggaman’s credentials on Russia are suspect, given strongly antagonistic views he has expressed on VVP. There are many media in Russia with varying biases – far more so than in the West, along with many dissenting but deluded “pro-Western” voices. It’s important to realise at this critical time that what is happening is a coordinated false flag attack on Russian interests by the whole Western hemisphere, with few exceptions. The arming and training of neo-Nazi groups by UK, Canadian and US forces, who are now massed on the borders of the DNR/LNR and Crimea, is the spark that will set the whole bomb off – and already is, as these psychos cannot restrain themselves. Washington has set the agenda and playbook which Russia is obliged to follow, but the consequences for the West will be disastrous. I think they need this because the Virus plague is almost over. Disaster economics is the only way forward.

David Macilwain
David Macilwain
Feb 20, 2022 8:45 AM

I wrote not a few articles about this conflict for Russia Insider back in 2016-17. Nothing much has changed: https://russia-insider.com/en/david-macilwain

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Feb 20, 2022 9:31 AM

Doesn’t that view require an update post-COVID?

Feb 19, 2022 5:05 PM

Saker reports that the latest information from Donbass is that the Ukrainians are using UR-77 mine clearing vehicles to clear mines from the Donbass border.  This is the operation that is conducted just prior to a ground attack.  
It would seem that if any invasion is planned, it is a Ukrainian invasion of Donbass calculated to bring the Russians in.  The report of an invasion of Donbass would be labeled a Russian false flag attack, and the Russian intervention would become the predicted invasion.


And of course sanctions of Russia wd include failure to certify the completed Nordstream2 — thus continuing to economically damage both Germany & Russia. And keep European “allies” as vassals. I think Nordstream2 has been waiting since Sept 2021 for certification.

johnny conspiranoid
johnny conspiranoid
Feb 20, 2022 11:27 AM
Reply to  Penelope

“I think Nordstream2 has been waiting since Sept 2021 for certification.”

How long does it take to commission a pipeline of this size?

Feb 20, 2022 8:28 PM

According to this Jan 21 article, the certification process has been suspended indefinitely:

‘No new status’ in Nord Stream 2 certification process: German regulator

I heard somewhere– a Duran video, I think– that the process was expected to be completed around June of this year. 

But it’s fairly obvious that this is such a political football that the certification status will depend on the geopolitical climate rather than the normal technical and bureaucratic process.

Feb 19, 2022 3:21 AM

Russia expects 700,000 refugees from Donetsk alone, to be sheltered in Rostov & in Crimea.

On February 15, Vladimir Chizov, permanent representative to EU said, ” We will not invade Ukraine unless provoked to do so, adding that if the Ukrainians “launch an attack against Russia” or “start brazenly killing Russian citizens anywhere”, Moscow could “fight back”. 

Feb 19, 2022 1:40 AM

Donetsk & Luhansk call for EVACUATION OF CIVILIANS
2-18-22 3AM PST amid spike in shelling by Kiev.

Russia offers food, medical care $130 to anyone crossing the border.
Russia anounces drills of its nuclear forces for Saturday 2-19.

Story & MAP here:


Russia accuses Kiev, Kiev accuses Russia. CNN, etc have the story now.

Feb 18, 2022 10:39 PM

FWIW, once again I mention switching on the local newsradio station, KYW, to get the 5pm (EST) “Top of the Hour” headlines. 

The headlines were preempted; instead, The Ghost of Joe Biden (Barely) Present was giving a speech about the steps the US is taking in anticipation of the Russian invasion of Ukraine! I couldn’t listen to more than a few seconds of his chuntering about a moral crisis, and imposing devastating sanctions on Russia, etc. before turning it off.

Of course, Biden may be under the impression that the “invasion” is actually happening in reality. After all, he’s evidently surrounded all day by people who can talk of nothing else. 

Naturally, in his second-childlike state he would believe that it’s all true.

M. Fony
M. Fony
Feb 19, 2022 1:51 AM
Reply to  Ort

You mean, he never had older sisters?

Bull Gatah
Bull Gatah
Feb 18, 2022 10:09 PM

Russia is being forced to attack Ukraine. Likely will flatten a good part of Western Europe for good measure as well as some countries in the Middle East that have been problematic. The Russian Leadership has already said this but no one listens.

Feb 18, 2022 10:03 PM

US Fomenting Tensions w Russia to Prevent Certification of Nordstream 2.

Nordstream2 gas pipeline completed in Sept 2021 bypasses Ukraine by traversing under the Baltic to Germany– like Nordstream1.  German regulatory approval to begin pumping is delayed; they are looking for some way to guarantee that gas supplies can’t be used as a political weapon. So Russia has diminished gas delivery to EU, saying that it’s refilling its own domestic supplies. 

Two other lines carry Russian gas to Europe: The Brotherhood goes thru Ukraine & the Yamal-Europe goes thru Belarus & Poland. EU domestic production is falling.

Germany’s green actions have increased its need for gas, especially in the coming winter.

Sgt Oddball
Sgt Oddball
Feb 19, 2022 3:43 AM
Reply to  Penelope

…- In related news, I see that Gerhard Schröder was just nominated to the board of Gazprom, the beginning of the month… – NS2’s regs are, to a virtual certainty, a slam dunk at this point:…

Berlin Beerman
Berlin Beerman
Feb 22, 2022 7:34 PM
Reply to  Penelope

Lets no mistake the issue of gas supply to the EU from Russia.

Russia has contracts with EU member states to supply a specific minimum of gas no matter what, this means silly little sanctions and the breast beating of unless opticians in Germany and elsewhere, but primarily Germany, who could care less if they oppress their citizens more.

These contracts are in business terms and not subject to the political theatre going on at the moment which includes NS2. That pipe line can stay dormant a little bit longer and Russia is fine with that. The real damage would be the EU and it appears they are fine with it too.

All this while we all pretend to give a fucking fig about Ukraine and its disturbed state of existence. Well Russia cares enough to send in peace keepers to defend break away republics that have been shelled by Ukrainian alcoholics , sorry militia. The same militia that shot down an airliner a few years back.

And all this while the MSM spread misinformation to the misinformed. Make no mistake this whole thing has been played so far, brilliantly by Mr. Putin while he plays chess the west plays checkers and for some reason they can’t seem to realize they are playing a different game.

Feb 18, 2022 8:13 PM

I recommend everyone to read Real Anthony Fauci by Bobby Kennedy Jr. On chapther 3 he explains how Ivermectin could have saved 80 percent of deaths Worldwide. This book have opened my eyes. I now know that, 90% of all medicine is not for anything else than profit for them. Low profit and effective medicines are bashed and marketed as ineffective because they go against their narrative and profit plans. One of them is wonder drug Ivermectin. I see that everyday people search for it but can’t find a place to obtain.
You can get yours by visiting ivmpharmacy.com

Feb 19, 2022 11:26 AM
Reply to  honkhonk17

You are waaay off topic BUT I agree, Kennedy’s book is a triumph of truth over lies and obfuscation, including the story of Ivermectin. I used to be vaccine-hesitant but, after reading The Real Anthony Fauci I am certain that the pharmaceutical industry is, essentially, organised crime against humanity.

Feb 18, 2022 5:50 PM

Red alerts for the weather across the UK today (Storm Eunice). And rightly so, with some major damage done.

At the same time, a ‘reds alert’ for Ukraine-Russia-Putin.

The weather reflecting or portending world events.

Eunice. EU nice. Nice EU. Nice for the EU? Or you be nice.  🙂 

Sgt Oddball
Sgt Oddball
Feb 18, 2022 5:15 PM

…Welp, *That’s It*, I guess… – Looks like the balloon’s *Definitely* about to go up:… 😉

“There’s something about the way these people move that tells you they are a nation at *WAR*:… – Look into their eyes and you can read the words, “I have a reservation at the restaurant of *DEATH*… – It’s a *Messy* bistro, with a *Bad Name* for *Soiling It’s Customers’ Clothes*… – We’ve seen *Only One* napkin in *Four Days*…

…- The people here are *Confused*, spending most of their time running about like *Idiots*…”

Feb 18, 2022 1:01 PM

comment image

Feb 18, 2022 6:40 PM
Reply to  yossam

Handbags at Dawn- Zakharova V Truss- I’m offering odds of 100 to 1 on Truss, any takers?

Feb 18, 2022 9:25 PM
Reply to  NixonScraypes

Sometimes odds like that can be worth a gamble! Not in this case…Truss would be a definite to fall at the first hurdle, if she even started.  😆 

Feb 18, 2022 12:30 PM

This is a joint, coordinated psyop and military operation between Russia Inc, Ukraine Inc and America Inc.

Bob the Hod
Bob the Hod
Feb 18, 2022 1:35 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Don’t forget UK Inc.

Feb 18, 2022 3:54 PM
Reply to  Bob the Hod

City of London Corp. One tentacle of the same, centrally controlled banking/merchant cartel.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Feb 18, 2022 4:20 PM
Reply to  Researcher

+ 1

Feb 18, 2022 1:42 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Unless Russia really attacks or there is an actual war somehow started, I don’t see how Russia is part of the same psy-op. If there’s no war, only the western leaders have something to lose. Or are they playing 5D chess on this one? Overthinking and seeing infiltration and psyops everywhere might not be very productive.

Feb 18, 2022 1:56 PM
Reply to  Julian

False. Believing that there’s no central control of all corporate entities, posing as nation states, is beyond ignorant. They are incorporated municipalities, not the land mass.

Feb 18, 2022 7:33 PM
Reply to  Julian

5D chess  💩 

M. Fony
M. Fony
Feb 19, 2022 2:07 AM
Reply to  Julian

Also, look at precedents; there are graves for English, French, Germans and to cut it short, if you go back far enough, Vikings, before them Romans, before them Greeks right around Kiev, and also Sebastapol. (Saint Sebastion is the guy who was tied up and shot full of arrows- just sayin’).
I think the contention, to whit, the control of land routes for East – West trade, is quite real and quite bloody. Precedent seems strongly to favour the encumbents.

Blind Gill
Blind Gill
Feb 19, 2022 10:28 AM
Reply to  Julian

Part of the problem through it all is we will rarely see any of it coming.

Feb 18, 2022 2:56 PM
Reply to  Researcher

The driver behind this “information “ war is the City of London has it has been for so many of the major events in the 19th and 20th centuries .


Mr Y
Mr Y
Feb 18, 2022 3:22 PM
Reply to  Researcher

“This is a joint, coordinated psyop and military operation between Russia Inc, Ukraine Inc and America Inc.”

No it isn’t! The US seeks a divide between Russia and EU, among other things they would be more than happy to ship more gas across the Atlantic.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Feb 18, 2022 4:24 PM
Reply to  Mr Y

Correction: NATO (see United Nations cartel) would be more than happy to make buffoons out of everyone concerned. It’s great for playing arbitrage games and corporate profits.

Feb 18, 2022 4:44 PM
Reply to  Mr Y

No. It’s all the same cartel. The world is centrally controlled and has been for many centuries.

Gazprom for instance has two major shareholders; the Russian Federation (incorporated entity with hidden ownership) and the Bank of New York.

The controllers use subsidiary corporations, thousands of them, (including so-called governments) to disguise the real ownership and the central control mechanisms.

Feb 18, 2022 12:14 PM

“UK neocons poison UK-Russia Defence meeting”

Feb 18, 2022 12:16 PM
Reply to  Joerg

Sorry, sorry!
Here it is:
“UK neocons poison UK-Russia Defence meeting”

Feb 18, 2022 1:00 PM
Reply to  Joerg

that was funny

Donald Duck
Donald Duck
Feb 18, 2022 10:58 AM

Well it looks like the US neo-cons have got their little war. The Ukies have opened up a front all along the contact line and are shelling the unfortunate villages which are sitting ducks. And what is the response of Mr Putin? Firstly to withdraw the Russian military, and secondly to invoke the Minsk Agreements established in 2014. I’m sure the Ukies and their US backers are terrified of the ‘patience’ of the Kremlin.

It really beggars belief that the Russian people who are overwhelmingly in favour of defending their Donbass brethren, as is the Russian Parliament, and very likely the Russian military, but Putin is apparently resolved to stick to the letter of the Minsk. What resolve, what fortitude, what patience. Yeah right!

The problem is the elements in the Kremlin – the Atlantic integrationists – who are in favour of integration into the capitalist world system.

The Ukies will not let up, but what is likely to happen – as it happened in 2014 – is Russian volunteers and Russian arms crossed the border who beefed up the local militias and the Ukies were comprehensively routed in cauldron battles of Ivolaisk and Debaltsevo.

So it looks like Donbass War 2.

Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Feb 18, 2022 10:54 AM

Why not put up a sample list of the pathological lying being spewed out by the Daily Telegraph?

There are two dozen journalists who would be imprisoned for perjury if they said that in a court of law under oath.

It’s about time the code of conduct for journalists made lying in print a 5 year prison sentence.

This Hideous Replica
This Hideous Replica
Feb 18, 2022 4:27 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

Indeed, in the same way that a doctor can be struck off if he causes, say, the death of a patient, or an electrician jailed if his faulty wiring electrocutes someone, any journalist who provably lies should be, at the very least, tried in a court of law.
Having said that, my faith in the courts has disappeared completely, so I’d be in favour of expropriation and long sentences of hard labour passed down by a jury comprised of random members of the public.
And they wouldn’t be allowed a quickie divorce either, like the odious Neil Hampton (or whatever his name was) a few years ago, who saved his expensive house from being seized by transferring all of his property to his wife and divorcing her within days of being accused of malfeasance.

Derek Williams
Derek Williams
Feb 18, 2022 4:56 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

Agree fully with your sentiment Rhys – it’s time that these journalists are called to account for the incredible damage they are wreaking – they cannot be allowed to slip off the hook by claiming that they didn’t really know, or only following orders, or that was the prevailing belief…….
We need to make them pay.

Feb 19, 2022 2:06 AM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

You said it, Rhys. And media companies who mislead or lie to the public should lose their licenses.

John Milton
John Milton
Feb 18, 2022 10:07 AM

Hey Off-G. What do you make of Scotland stopping publishing of covid stats?

Herald Scotland

They claim the unvaccinated rates are inaccurate. So why don’t they just publish accurate figures then!

Feb 18, 2022 7:21 PM
Reply to  John Milton

I’ve been waiting for the Provincial Government in Alberta, Canada to pull their stats down for over a year. From the outset, their “severe illness” cases rates demonstrated near identical numbers in comparison to seasonal influenza. The big difference was testing millions rather than a few thousands, and testing the frail, sick elderly whose deaths with influenza-like illness would never result in testing in the pre-Covid era. The Vaccine Outcome data requires serious double-talk to explain, as it has shown a steady climb in the rates of new cases, active cases, hospitalized cases, ICU admissions and deaths among the vaccinated. There is basically no difference in active case rates now between vaccinated and unvaccinated compared to the rates in the general population. The data for ICU admissions and deaths is not presented in the same manner, so harder to assess, but the rates among the vaccinated climb every day and are substantial. Although the vaccines were never indicated for the reduction of severe disease, people still give the call and answer routine, “the vaccines are intended to reduce the burden on the health care system by keeping people out of the ICU”. Given that the grifters Pfizer and Moderna do not even make the claim that their vaccines are indicated for the prevention of severe disease, from where has this dogma about reducing deaths and hospitalizations come? https://www.alberta.ca/stats/covid-19-alberta-statistics.htm#vaccine-outcomes The funny claim from the Scots is that comorbidities are not taken into account by the hoi poloi, so they don’t get to have the data anymore. What the comorbidity data shows in Alberta is that the deaths occur, overwhelmingly, among those over 80, with three or more comorbidities, and that is who continues to make up the deaths among the vaccinated. A tiny portion of cases under age 70 continues to… Read more »

Feb 19, 2022 8:27 AM
Reply to  Clyde

What the comorbidity data shows..
These factors have been the same in every country since early 2020. The jabs just made things worse.

Feb 18, 2022 9:24 AM

Donetsk News Agency February 17, 2022 Kiev forces shell nine Donbass settlement areas Ukrainian armed formations delivered strikes at the areas of nine settlements in the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics within two hours on Thursday morning, expending some 160 rounds of ammunition of calibre over 12.7mm, the DPR Office at the Joint Centre for Control and Coordination (JCCC) said. — Donetsk News Agency February 17, 2022 DPR militia returns fire following massive strikes at Republic The Donetsk People’s Republic militia has opened return fire at Ukrainian army positions, the DPR People Militia reported on Thursday. “Tensions on the contact line have increased dramatically,” the report said. “The enemy is making attempts to start hostilities. To protect civilian population our defenders had to open return fire for suppressing enemy firepower.” — Donetsk News Agency February 17, 2022 Ukrainian army plans to deploy Tochka-U missile systems to Donbass – DPR militia The Ukrainian army command is preparing to move Tochka-U missile systems deployed in Khmelnitsky in western Ukraine to Donbass for combat missions, the Donetsk People’s Republic People’s Militia said on Thursday citing intelligence reports. “The Ukrainian army’s 19th Missile Brigade is running technical maintenance on Tochka-U short-range ballistic missile systems and preparing them for combat use,” the militia said. “According to our information, the Ukrainain army command is planning to deploy this formation to Donbass shortly,” it said adding that the Brigade depots had stored 9m79k cluster warhead missiles. — Donetsk News Agency February 17, 2022 Ukraine preparing seaborne assault to capture DPR positions on Sea of Azov shore – DPR intelligence The Ukrainian army is training a tactical amphibious landing party to seize Donetsk People’s Republic militia positions on the Sea of Azov shore, the DPR militia said. “DPR militia intelligence agents have obtained new information on the Ukrainian army’s planned… Read more »

Feb 18, 2022 11:36 AM
Reply to  Penelope

Anything to provoke Russian intervntion.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Feb 18, 2022 4:28 PM
Reply to  Penelope

The functional problem is we don’t know who is calling the shots. Literally…

Feb 18, 2022 8:39 PM

US created the original coup against Kiev govt, still controls the new Kiev govt. How cd it be otherwise when US is supplying the arms?

An alternate interpretation is that the US/Russian standoff is theater meant to distract from covid & NWO. Also to convince populace of both countries that govt is our protector– a bit of a hard sell just now.

Feb 18, 2022 9:15 AM

Cyber-warfare is clearly one direction they could steer this. Here’s a good read on Cyber Polygon:


Feb 18, 2022 12:43 PM
Reply to  Edwige

There’s several other, potential bonuses in this orchestrated scam:

  1. Disruption of energy delivery to Europe, causing shortages, a spike in energy prices worldwide.
  2. Mining and energy resources under Ukraine soil, can be utilized and seized for extraction by arms length corporate subsidiaries, once enough people are shelled from their villages.
  3. Potential immigration and refugee crises, resulting in more human trafficking, economic hardship and organized crime.
  4. Cause for a market crash, as a cover for the planned destruction of world markets, shares and commodities, which propels us toward the UN-WEF STAKEHOLDER CAPITALISM, and “you will own nothing and be happy”.
Feb 18, 2022 9:07 AM

When will the pre-election story of Biden’s previous Ukraine interference re-emerge as part of the current warmongering? https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2019/may/07/viral-image/fact-checking-joe-biden-hunter-biden-and-ukraine/

Feb 18, 2022 8:34 AM

 2,000 firearms stolen from a shipping lot in Peterborough, Ontario.

Head of security for the Freedom Convoy :
“Today, on February 14, we received information from multiple believed, reliable sources that firearms may be planted in Ottawa,” Bulford explains, “specifically around the Freedom Convoy to discredit the protest and to use as a pretext to forcibly remove peaceful protesters.”


Meanwhile certain suspicious individuals have stepped into leadership roles, have authored the GoFundMe bit, and are not even truckers! It’s turned into a money-donating campaign for four people at the top and two of them are political operatives of the current sitting government.


Ilya G Poimandres
Ilya G Poimandres
Feb 18, 2022 7:51 AM

War is happening because NATO (USUK) want a war on the continent. It is a-la-mode, and has been for centuries for the Anglos.

I do think there needs to be that “soda pop”-like moment from Taken, where continental Europe gets a face slap to smack it out of its hysteria though.. are there times when histrionics become so excessive that no other measure works?!

Feb 18, 2022 7:51 AM

I don’t know; the controlled media is sure focussing on Biden’s inadequacies. Cd they be planning replacement?

Surely the Russians-are-coming bit isn’t just a distraction from Ottawa– cuz now they’re giving us MORE coverage of Ottawa than before.

I can’t bring their intention into focus: Are they unable to accomplish whatever the intention is in Ukraine, or to scapegoat the Russkies for a powergrid attack in the US? Is there perhaps disarray at the top about the risky thing they’re planning next?

Feb 18, 2022 8:25 AM
Reply to  Penelope

Catastrophic mid-terms are just nine moths away… and the cut-off point for the VP having a second term.

Only problem with that scenario is Harris is even more unpopular than Biden. Do they think they can turn that around if they deploy all their weapons – or perhaps just not care?

Feb 18, 2022 8:41 AM
Reply to  Edwige

Edwige, Dunno. I’m uneasy. Elections are perhaps not as catastrophic as we imagine:
-Both parties are controlled.
-Ballot-counting is as corrupt as they need it to be
-Who gets to be a candidate is generally controlled too.

Looks like major action coming in Ottawa.

Feb 18, 2022 7:37 AM

“According to various British tabloids, the invasion of Ukraine is expected to begin any minute now.

It was actually officially due to start yesterday, but Russia missed their deadline.”

We need to impose sanctions on Russia for missing the scheduled war start!

Feb 18, 2022 7:18 AM

Turdeau Has Flown In Sonic Weapons. He wants Violence To Break Trucker Legitimacy
Crowd-control Soundwaves can create permanent hearing damage or brain damage.


Feb 18, 2022 7:11 AM

Russia and China represent Eastern imperialism. Russia is not the red army of Lenin and Stalin who defeated Hilerties. Russia, China, EU and the US are all Hitlerites. China, the new imperialist, capitalist superpower is poised for uncontested domination of the world. It has taken the number one position from the US around 2019.

Feb 18, 2022 8:31 AM
Reply to  Gerry

They are all globalist puppets.

However that doesn’t mean they don’t need to maintain some plausibility of the geo-political narrative for the functionaries who think it’s real. Russia can’t be destroyed completely as a credible enemy or it becomes as threatening as the Netherlands or Sweden in the C19th.

Feb 18, 2022 9:21 AM
Reply to  Gerry

The Bolshevik revolution was financed by the banksters.

Feb 18, 2022 7:03 AM

War cancelled? You’re not serious are you? The entire fake pandemic was about transferring wealth to transnational weapons manufacturers as WW3 is near execution stage. Off Guardian completely overlooked it for 24 months

Feb 18, 2022 7:02 AM

I prefer RT to BBC or any other western media.
Natural scepticsm in order, but not blind acceptance as with BBC.
Why no satellite images from the Yanks re troop movements in Russia?
Doesn’t fit narrative.
Skripals 2.0

Feb 18, 2022 8:45 AM
Reply to  Davemass

Davemass, Russian troop movements are real, undenied, but routine & announced months in advance. US does war games too.

Feb 18, 2022 6:16 AM

From Alex Mercouris. Law of Unintended Consequences: UKU$A pleads for Russian invasion while Russia plays coy “gas station masquerading as a country”.


Feb 18, 2022 5:22 AM

Nothing is happening, because Russia doesn’t want to commit suicide in a nuclear conflagration all over the Eurasian Continent, while the Americans watch, giggling, from a safe distance.

The media have become too appalling to mention any more.
I’m going to refer to them only as “they” from now on.

The rest of us need to get our act together.
We are faced with arch-demons here, and memes about one’s torturers and persecutors are never funny until the torturing and persecuting are over.

Feb 18, 2022 6:02 AM
Reply to  wardropper

“watch, giggling, from a safe distance.”

Them days is gone. Real War, coming to a Walmart near you.

Feb 18, 2022 10:12 PM
Reply to  NickM

Of course.
But over there it’s the apparent safety that counts – for the Americans…

As you say, them days, where apparent safety was enough, is gone…

Feb 18, 2022 7:05 AM
Reply to  wardropper

Yes, maybe Russia should star manufacturing nukes themselves

Feb 18, 2022 7:23 AM
Reply to  Gerry

And missiles that could deliver them nooks to the Yoossay at hypersonic speed. Yes, maybe Russia should start….

Mr Y
Mr Y
Feb 18, 2022 11:08 AM
Reply to  wardropper

“(…) while the Americans watch, giggling, from a safe distance.”

How are the Americans safe, as far as I know Russia have plenty of nuclear weapons and rockets to deliver them …

Feb 18, 2022 10:11 PM
Reply to  Mr Y

They think they’re safe because of the thousands of miles between.
That gives them a few minutes of apparent security, and apparent security is all today’s Americans want.
America is entirely built upon the idea that if things look okay, then they must be okay.
But you’re right; I should have typed, “from a safe distance”…

Feb 18, 2022 5:21 AM

So Kiev (under US pressure) may invade Donetsk & Lugansk. Russia is threatening to recognise and protect Donetsk & Lugansk if they do. Is that it?

US real concern is, as always, to keep its European allies as vassals. If Syria becomes the site of a plentiful Iranian pipeline to Europe– or if Ukraine serves as the site of another Russian pipeline– Europe could become energy-independent.

Feb 18, 2022 8:37 AM
Reply to  Penelope

Preventing a German-Russian alliance has always been the main goal going back to Mackinder. They don’t have to worry about the UK and internal subversion has always been enough to keep France and Italy on board. No other European countries are powerful enough to pursue an independent line of any significance.

Feb 18, 2022 8:44 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Edwige, you’re probably right but I wonder sometimes if there’s not more resentment of US than is apparent.

el Gallinazo
el Gallinazo
Feb 18, 2022 5:08 AM

One of the best take-offs on the original Hitler rank in quite some time. Clever subtitles and thoroughly enjoyable.


Feb 20, 2022 7:59 AM
Reply to  el Gallinazo

Lol, thanks!

Someone had posted this, or something like it, in an earlier thread, but it had been “fact-checked” by the time I got around to viewing it.

Feb 20, 2022 8:21 PM
Reply to  el Gallinazo

FWIW, this movie– “Downfall”, a dark drama based on a book by one of Hitler’s staff– and this very scene has been used for parodies before. Years ago, there was a hilarious version involving Hitler encountering obstacles to buying the latest iPhone at an Apple Store.

At the time, I shared the iPhone version with an expatriate relative living in Europe. He enjoyed it, but informed me that almost all of his European friends had watched “Downfall”, and were appalled that this movie and especially this grim scene was used for satirical comedy. 

They were not amused! I can understand this reaction, but at least this parody is closer to the truth.

Big al
Big al
Feb 18, 2022 4:21 AM

Look! It’s Haley’s Comet!
Those old enough might get it.

Feb 18, 2022 3:19 AM

IIt is worth to see the situation in perspective. Here three is documented one of many thousands of war crimes committed by UkroNazis in Donetsk by shelling of residential buildings new center of Donetsk (still on YT) in July 2014.


Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Feb 18, 2022 2:36 AM

Although we in the west would deny this the unfortunate fact of life is that Ukraine and Russia are linked in the same way that Canada is linked to the US. They share a long land border that’s not defined by natural features like a mountain range and many of their people share a common culture, history and language. These countries have no alternative but to coexist peacefully so the west’s attempt at driving a wedge between them is bound to fail in the long term, especially as the only rationale for doing this is to militarize Ukraine to serve the interests of NATO. The Russians will draw the line there, just as we would draw the line if some hostile power was determined to militarize Canada against us. (There’s also the 1961 Cuban missile crisis experience to draw on.) We’re told daily about Russia’s invasion of Crimea but the reality is that there was no invasion. The forces were already there on bases that were not part of Ukraine (they were Federal reservations). Those bases have been there for 300 years in one form or another and so it wasn’t surprising that Russia didn’t turn them over to NATO after Maidan. We, “the West”, have been in there before, back in the 1850s. Then, as now, it was a Clash of Empires — France, England and Turkey versus Russia. This wasn’t a memorable or popular war despite Russia losing, all it gave to England, for example, was a poem about “The Charge of the Light Brigade” that celebrated a British tactical SNAFU. (An early example of ‘spin’, perhaps?) Its important to remember that despite Russia losing they never actually lost, they quickly regained their territory and learned more than a few lessons from the experience. (Such as “serfs do… Read more »

Braveman Coward
Braveman Coward
Feb 18, 2022 3:11 AM
Reply to  Martin Usher

I’ve always found it interesting how human-made “borders” can separate otherwise similar peoples.
I often work with people in both Ukraine and Russia, whom feel no sense of animosity towards each other.
But so many national “leaders”, those whom don’t risk personal life & limb, keep pushing the division narrative.
As they send others to do their fighting for them.
Bravery by proxy?

Irresponsible and proud
Irresponsible and proud
Feb 18, 2022 3:31 AM
Reply to  Martin Usher

There is nothing more refreshing than an american with a solid footing on historical time, to me.

Feb 18, 2022 4:36 AM
Reply to  Martin Usher

Good summary Martin. I think the above reporting by Riley is pretty accurate too.

My take is that the target of US foreign policy hysteria is Germany, with the people of Ukraine being primed, yet again, as the patsy. Internally in the US it’s more of a smoke screen directed at the mid-term elections and Biden’s collapsed polling numbers, with the hope of breathing some new life into them. Jingoism and war is always good for that.

Maybe this time people in America will see through this scam, but history shows largely otherwise, but we are living in hyper-strange times at the moment.

All deckchairs are frantically being rearranged to keep the Democratic party afloat…

As Riley says, “Stay tuned…”

George Byrne
George Byrne
Feb 18, 2022 2:14 AM

Excuse my ignorance, but what exactly is happening in Russia and Ukraine? (In summary)

Does Russia want or not want to invade? If not why all the media drama?

Talking Head
Talking Head
Feb 18, 2022 3:22 AM
Reply to  George Byrne

You nailed the big questions.
And despite those that claim to know, only the few true Power Brokers really know

Drama sells advertising.
And the media live on advertising.
And truly know less than most the rest of us (their massive ignorance is the biggest asset for those Power Brokers).

As someone that had worked in the media & “journalism” for decades, and has engaged in numerous massive PR campaigns, what I can tell you for certain is that there is almost ALWAYS a different truth story behind/ lbesides the headline “news”.

You’re much better off finding a truly productive hobby than wasting time with “news”.

el Gallinazo
el Gallinazo
Feb 18, 2022 4:38 AM
Reply to  George Byrne

My understanding is that Ukraine is a totally failed state since Victoria Noodleman distributed her poison cookies, and Russia really wants no part of it other than keeping her only warm water naval base in Crimea. However, Russia will not tolerate NATO moving in there and establishing nuclear missile bases that could hit important Russian targets in a matter of seconds if not minutes. The psychopathic oligarchs would start a nuclear war immediately upon having a vaguely reasonable chance of “winning” it, and the 99.9% have nothing to say about it. Putin, arguably a psychopath himself, understands full well the psychopathy of the Western controllers. Russia also supports the Lugansk and Donbas breakaway regions because they protect its borders from irritating NATO hostilities as well as that they are Russian speaking and ethnically Russian. I think the main reason for all this bullshit is as a diversion to the breakdown of the scamdemic narrative as well as the exponentially accelerating economic collapse taking place in the west with the deliberate coming hyperinflation of the dollar and Euro. As Gerald Celente has said for years, “When all else fails, they take you to war.” However, tactically, though I am no military expert, the idea that NATO could win a conventional land war in Russia’s backyard is a no brainer and would end in them being physically pushed out of Ukraine with substantial loses, which would leave Russia in the unpleasant position of occupying and defending this loser country with all its amazingly negative attributes. Russia needs Ukraine like I need my yard filled with thousands of worn out tires. Kind of like accidentally breaking a hideous but expensive antique in a shop for which one is then responsible. However, the upside to all this is that the real government of the… Read more »

El Zafio
El Zafio
Feb 18, 2022 7:45 AM
Reply to  el Gallinazo

I think the main reason for all this bullshit is as a diversion to the breakdown of the scamdemic narrative

Agree. It’s like erasing an eeprom with some rapid voltage pulses.

May Hem
May Hem
Feb 18, 2022 10:48 AM
Reply to  El Zafio

Yes. I also agree. Distraction.

Feb 18, 2022 5:31 AM
Reply to  George Byrne

America wants war.
That is a given.
America always wants war, and always has done.

It has been childishly provoking Russia for decades, but this time Russia decided to play its little game – out of sheer sportsmanship – by demonstrating, with a smile, that it actually exists as a force to be reckoned with.

Basically, Russia has just said, “Boo!” to the US and NATO, and the media are clearly under constant pressure to interpret that as a formal, considered declaration of war.
“Nobody says boo to us and gets away with it” – sort of thing …

We humans have but one real enemy: The media and their owners.
The rest are small fry.

Feb 18, 2022 1:28 AM

A false flag operation Bris, yeah, like the USS Liberty….

Feb 18, 2022 12:45 AM

The Ides of February passed without incident.

But what if Putin did actually attack the Ukraine. Would that not catch the West by complete surprise. Where was that in the script?

Yeah, we cried wolf, sure, but never expected any actual bear wolf to attack.

Liz Truss would no longer be called upon to fail to memorize half a page of A4. Where would high level politics stand?

A complete twist in the tail tale for sure.

les online
les online
Feb 18, 2022 1:36 AM
Reply to  Vagabard

The Ides of March 13-15 March 1945 – the fire-bombing of Dresden
passed without fanfare this year. Historical Amnesia Rules !

The Elite are capable of anything if they feel they’re losing Control.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Feb 18, 2022 12:16 AM

Same difference !

comment image

Graduate students protest repeal of university’s mask mandate
Feb 15, 2022
Thisis Reno
Dozens of students walked out of classes midday Monday at the University of Nevada, Reno and marched to the campus’s quad to protest the repeal of the Nevada System of Higher Education’s (NSHE) mask mandate.
The protest was organized by members of the Nevada Graduate Student Workers, a UNR-based collective of graduate assistants who work and attend classes on campus.
“I feel incredibly unsafe,” said Emily Bird, a graduate student instructor at UNR. “There are all these people on campus now who are not wearing masks who could possibly be spreading COVID and that is additionally compounded by the fact that we took away our vaccination requirement.”
UNR President Brian Sandoval said his hands were tied after Nevada Gov. Steve Sisolak lifted the mandate last week.

les online
les online
Feb 18, 2022 1:15 AM

It’s rare to see any protesting teens in the many posted photos of the protests occurring around the world. One reason for their non-participation is that the young these days begin obedience training (aka – schooling) at much younger ages than previous generations…

The Silence of Youth… https://http://www.rubikon.news/artikel/das-schweigen-der-jugend
(German. You’ll need a google translator.)

Recently the politician-in-charge of the Victorian Penal Colony announced a plan to spend $5 billion over 5 years on the ‘schooling’ of all 3 year olds in the Colony.
As the Jesuits, and Robespierre said ‘when you start on them young they’ll develop loyalties to The Church or The State that’ll bind them to such all their lives’…

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Feb 18, 2022 1:46 AM
Reply to  les online

They’ll no doubt blame the boomers, but students could have ended this crap in March 2020. Here they are still wearing masks in November 2020:

New lockdown: Manchester University students pull down campus fences
6 November 2020

Some US school kids have been staging protests recently, but they appear to have support of their parents. See:

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Feb 18, 2022 7:32 AM

Students protest mask mandate in El Dorado Hills; school district changes enforcement policy
Feb 16, 2022
Several protests were held Tuesday across Northern California, with students and parents speaking up against mask mandates in schools. At Oak Ridge High School in El Dorado Hills, students in attendance of that protest said they were tired of wearing masks in the classroom. See more in the video above.

el Gallinazo
el Gallinazo
Feb 18, 2022 4:47 AM
Reply to  les online

I have a simpler explanation. They need these stupid, ugly masks to hide their stupid, ugly faces.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Feb 18, 2022 1:45 PM
Reply to  el Gallinazo

Masks make everyone equal. As in so many dystopian stories, everyone wears uniforms or jumpsuits to maintain illusion of equality.

I’d also suggest that the masks are used to hide something deep inside and or lacking in those who push the wearing of those infernal things. We all know there’s no legitimate medical reason to do so.

Feb 18, 2022 5:37 AM
Reply to  les online

The Jesuits and Robespierre both ignored the human capacity for sheer laziness.
Being loyal to the Church or the State these days is simply too much work for the young.
Since “Fuck off!” entered the English language, would-be tyrants have had a much tougher time having their way…

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Feb 18, 2022 2:24 AM

Despite the largest political movement in modern history consistently mobilising against government repression which is a clear move to replace liberal democracy with fascism, the Covid left (formerly the lockdown left) have instead decided to double and triple down on their abject betrayal of the working class. As we have previously argued, the treachery of the ostensible left parties on Covid surpasses that of August 4, 1914. At that time, virtually all “socialist” parties the world over backed “their own” ruling class and marched into the slaughter of the first World War.[6] Today the Covid left, from the very start of the civil war launched by big finance capital, have aggressively sided with “their own” imperialism while having the temerity to lambaste millions of working and oppressed people as “far-right” or “fascist” for mobilising against Covid fascism.

Feb 18, 2022 7:02 AM
Reply to  Tom Larsen

+10. Hence one of the banners read “Solidarity”. Solidarity with Soros NGO “Attack on the Left from the Left”.

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Feb 18, 2022 3:19 PM
Reply to  NickM

I’d never heard of red fire, this quote was taken from Mark Crispin Miller’s blog. As someone who has taught a course on propaganda for 20 years he would understand better than most the importance of the propaganda campaign of WWI. If you’ve studied worker history (i.e. radical history) you’ll know that this was a dark moment for the left. What’s fascinated me about reading the quote above (and the whole article) was that the last 2 years have felt unprecedented as a propaganda coup, yet this capitulation of the (almost) entire left to the devastating machinations of the ruling class has happened before!

Feb 18, 2022 9:26 AM

The students protesting the repeal of the mask mandates are fucking imbeciles.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Feb 18, 2022 1:39 PM

“I feel incredibly unsafe,” said Emily Bird, a graduate student instructor at UNR. “There are all these people on campus now who are not wearing masks who could possibly be spreading COVID and that is additionally compounded by the fact that we took away our vaccination requirement.”

YOU are responsible for YOUR feelings and your health, lady, no one else is. Coddled brats don’t belong in college.

jubal hershaw
jubal hershaw
Feb 17, 2022 11:54 PM

OffGuardian – you’re being far too subtle for me !

Feb 17, 2022 11:38 PM

regardless of the wagtail warmonger, i do think Russia may well secure its western march, maybe as it should have in 2015. i wish them every success and cannot wait to see NATO POWs paraded as the war criminal merc scum they are. Imagine that parade of shame, with all the covidiods in tow…

here’s hoping.. and if a few thousand volunteer Ukropian banderista scum die along the way,


Feb 18, 2022 1:58 PM
Reply to  rubberheid

wait… you’re accusing me of being a warmonger? how does that work?

Feb 18, 2022 4:20 PM
Reply to  Riley


this carried over from a post on AE – it was not clear what you were doing, but then it is not clear what is actually happening from a 1000 miles away.
When i read it here again as snapshots across the country, it makes better sense – initially it seemed you were whipping up war hysteria and bouncing too many balls in strange directions.

I will retract my abuse Wagtale as I like anti-empire and the majority of your scribings : )

the theme on AE seems very much like Russia WILL annex parts of its western march? or a darker “the russkis are coming” paranoia ??

do tell.

Feb 18, 2022 4:38 PM
Reply to  rubberheid

I am not involved in anything AE posts, unless it has my name on it. Marko’s coverage of this crisis has been quite thought-provoking but I’ve always found him to be nuanced and I think it would be unfair to accuse him of saber-rattling. I think he’s a self-described anarchist.

I live outside of Moscow, so trust me: I really don’t want war. It’s not about what I want, though. I’m just reporting on what people are saying over here. And as I type this, things are rapidly escalating. “So it goes.”


Feb 19, 2022 5:56 PM
Reply to  Riley

actually, an outright “sorry dude”

i have conflated and confused.

yeah marko’s posting are maybe that too haha

they are seriously spinning this over here on msm, “the russkis are coming” conflict inevitable, cyber attackoid ruskibot and the worst storms ever… eh???
alec jones (sic) for once made a clanging noise there..
” they have decided to remove the last Russian enclave that would not join the NWO…” but Putin will perform it… ??
maybe that’s quite close to the mark?? saw yer jabs awaiting refugees post too… : /

aye, see how it goes.

Feb 20, 2022 6:37 PM
Reply to  rubberheid

no worries.
things are looking pretty weird. we’ll see what happens.
be well.

Feb 17, 2022 11:27 PM

is this riley waggtail, aka MM? who on his very own site (which I frequent) is getting called out as a shit stirring town hall clock fuckheid?

tell us wagtail, what do you know that we do not? i think rossiya may well annex eastern “ukraine” and maybe make a show upon the balts, but what are you playing at.. or not telling us?

otherwise you are seriously dubious in output. pick a side, as we say, stop playing.

do explain.

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Feb 17, 2022 10:49 PM

Always take anything by Riley Waggaman with a fifty-five gallon drum of salt.

Feb 17, 2022 11:32 PM

i’m inclined to agree of late.

Feb 18, 2022 6:06 AM

It’s a collection of perspectives/news stories from across Russian media…
Why the need for so much salt?

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Feb 18, 2022 9:25 AM
Reply to  Riley

Because of the collector/selector. A not-to-be-trusted hack. Don’t know what Off-G think they’re doing housing him. And no, I’m not going to spend days digging out nitty-gritty evidence for this assessment. If you want to get Waggaman’s measure, do a quick trawl through his output and record yourself. AFAIC he’s a no-no.

Feb 18, 2022 1:54 PM

uhhh, you’re speaking to him. Don’t worry, I won’t ask for any “evidence”, lol.

Feb 18, 2022 10:25 PM
Reply to  Riley

This upload is a little blurry, but I think you’ll enjoy it:

Feb 18, 2022 10:18 AM
Reply to  Riley

Believe it or not Rhisiart Gwilym is a quarter famous on another forum they used her as a example of how quickly the so called half aware mongs lot turn orwell.
Covid marshall Gestapo Gwilym is her name and was the first to thank OFF G when they brought in the segregation policy of only thoses who log in can vote,.
quote the other forum ‘Covid marshall Gestapo Gwilym and her brainwashed types attacked thoses who pointed this segregation voting policy out.’
Dont listen to it Riley.

Hopefully i dont get banned (pending) for pointing this out because others have! so the other forums – blogs say.

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Feb 18, 2022 10:30 AM
Reply to  yossam

Er – I’m a man. So much for ‘Yossam’s credibility.  😂  Not to mention grammatical comprehensibility. LOL!

Feb 18, 2022 1:41 PM

Unless Rhisiart Gwilym is one of those contemptible names in multiple use 🤔

Tough first day in the Dennison Barracks office “Yossa”?

Feb 18, 2022 1:56 PM
Reply to  yossam

no worries 🙂

Feb 17, 2022 10:45 PM

These useless lot need to be sent to the front line. Little Blinken and the crash test dummy first. The garbage-smelling sack of custard could join the Azov Battalion. Mrs Patel could play Phosgene Nightingale….

Fugazi Shoe-gazy
Fugazi Shoe-gazy
Feb 17, 2022 10:27 PM

Hopefully that old Ukranian women stays vigilant.

Feb 18, 2022 1:44 PM

Man, specsavers must have really mugged me: I could’ve sworn that old Ukrainian woman was our favourite Fabian Stanley Johnson.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Feb 17, 2022 10:24 PM

“Amazing! Despite the killer plague from Hell, the war racketeers still found time for a war.”
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S Cooper
S Cooper
Feb 17, 2022 10:26 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

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Feb 17, 2022 11:28 PM
Reply to  S Cooper


Feb 18, 2022 7:04 AM
Reply to  rubberheid


Feb 18, 2022 9:30 AM
Reply to  S Cooper

Fraudci apparently earns more than the US president.

Feb 20, 2022 8:04 AM
Reply to  S Cooper

Thanks again, S Cooper, for these & all the other memes

– I lol’d irl at this batch!