Ottawa Freedom Convoy Tears Down Illusion of Democracy in North America

Matthew Ehret

No, there is a limit to the tyrant’s power!
When the oppressed man finds no justice,
When the burden grows unbearable, he appeals
With fearless heart to Heaven,
And thence brings down his everlasting rights,
Which there abide, inalienably his,
And indestructible as stars themselves.
Friedrich Schiller, Wilhelm Tell’s Rutli Oath

Who would have thought that Canada would ever be a spark plug for a freedom movement against tyranny?

As the editor of a Canadian geopolitical magazine for over 10 years and author of four books on Canadian History, I am a bit embarrassed to say that I certainly didn’t think that Canadians had this in them.

The “monarchy of the north” certainly isn’t something that exudes revolutionary sentiment- having been founded on such non-revolutionary principles as “Peace, Order and Good Governance” which have stood in stark contrast to the significantly more inspiring “Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness” enshrined in the founding documents of our southern cousins.

Even our founding 1867 document (drafted over a champagne fueled month of hedonism in 1864) explicitly calls out the purpose of confederation not as a means of “supporting the general welfare” as was the case of the USA’s constitution in 1787, but rather “to promote the interests of the British Empire”.

But here it is.

Countless thousands of patriots have driven across the country to bunker down in Ottawa in peace and high festive spirits which I had to see with my own eyes to believe demanding something so simple and un-tainted by ideology: freedom to work, provide for families and a respect for basic rights as laid out in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms (a 1982 upgrade to the embarrassingly oligarchical British North America Act of 1867).

Mainstream media and political hacks have been working overtime to paint the Freedom convoy that converged on Ottawa on January 29 as an “insurrectionist movement” full of “white supremacists”, “Russian stooges”, and “Nazis” out to “overthrow the government”.

Even the Bank of England’s former governor (and World Economic Forum Trustee) Mark Carney chimed in on February 7 stating that “this is sedition” and that “those who are still helping to extend this occupation must be identified and punished to the full force of the law”.

Carney, the perennial financial darling of Goldman Sachs and the City of London (and Prime Ministerial hopeful) called for a targeting of all those who donated money to this domestic terror operation.

Faced with an organic civil rights movement of blue-collar truckers, farmers and tens of thousands of supporters who have convened on Canada’s capital to demand a restoration of their basic freedoms, the current Liberal government has failed to show even an ounce of humanity or capacity to negotiate.

This shouldn’t be a surprise for those who have seen the hypocrisy of neo-liberal “rules-based” order ideologues in action over the past few years who are quick to celebrate the “liberty” of citizens of Ukraine, Hong Kong, or Xinjiang when the outcome benefits the geopolitical aims of detached technocrats hungry for global hegemony.

The moment genuine self-organized labor movements arise demanding basic rights be recognized, then the masks comes off and the rage of tyrants show their true faces.

So instead of negotiation and discussion around principled constitutional issues as the protestors have requested, we have instead seen only threats, slander and more threats ranging from cutting off $10 million of funding raised on GoFundMe on February 4, and then another $8 million raised on GiveSendGo on February 10.

We have seen the government impose a state of emergency first in the city of Ottawa followed by a full province wide state of emergency on February 11 justifying cutting off vital supplies of fuel to those truckers and their families who have been camped out in -22 degree Celsius temperatures.

Edicts making it illegal to provide supplies to the protestors under threat of fines ranging up to $100 thousand dollars and one year in prison have been drafted and the patriotic citizens who have organized for their right to not live under a dictatorship have been stigmatized by the media relentlessly as “insurgents”.

Emergency Measures Act invoked

Then on February 14, Justin Trudeau, followed by Deputy Prime Minister and WEF-Trustee Chrystia Freeland took turns announcing the invocation of the Emergency Measures Act which itself had formerly been known as “The War Measures Act” last invoked nearly 50 years earlier by Justin’s father Pierre Elliot Trudeau as a “solution” to the RCMP-directed terror cells deployed across Quebec and culminating in the month-long ‘October Crisis’ of 1970.

The name was changed in 1988 although it is in function entirely identical.

Under the Emergency Measures Act, the Deep State of Canada managing Trudeau has adopted the Mark Carney program outlined on February 7 of targeting bank accounts of all Canadians either involved with the convoy directly or having supported the convoy via online donations or cryptocurrencies.

What might those individuals suffer for the crime of having offered support or participation in the protests?

Those ‘deplorable insurgents’ are facing the threat of seeing their bank accounts indefinitely frozen, and if they own businesses, having their insurance policies cancelled. The ‘big 5’ banks of Canada have thus been “deputized” and given full legal protections from being sued by those whose lives will be damaged by the shutdown of bank accounts.

One thing has become apparent thus far: the threats are not working with truckers and other protestors renewing their commitments to remain in place and even four Provincial Premiers (from Alberta, Saskatchewan, Quebec and Manitoba) denouncing the emergency measures.

The Canadian Civil Liberties Association has also loudly denounced the Act saying:

the federal government has not met the threshold necessary to invoke the emergencies act. This law creates a high and clear standard for good reason: The act allows government to bypass ordinary democratic processes… Emergencies Act can only be invoked when a situation ‘seriously threatens the ability of the government of Canada to preserve the sovereignty, security and territorial integrity of Canada’ and when the situation ‘cannot be effectively dealt with under any other law of Canada”.

Fissures Across the Establishment

Due to the inflexible Borg-like inability to negotiate with an organic civil rights movement suffered by all technocratic Davos-creatures, major fissures have begun to break throughout the political establishment of Canada.

Already two members of the Liberal Party have gone renegade breaking with Canada’s holy system of whips and loyalty to party above conscience demanding that Trudeau repeal the immensely unpopular and useless covid measures.

On February 8, Liberal MP Joel Lightbound commented that Trudeau’s vile generalizations of the protestors have only served to “wedge divide and stigmatize” Canadians making the point that he has only seen a wide diversity of races attend the freedom convoy in Ottawa and across the provinces.

One day later, a second Liberal MP Yves Robillard broke party ranks re-emphasizing his support for Lightbound’s statements and warned that many others within the party share these dissenting views and will soon speak out if changes are not effected soon.

In the Conservative Party, a coup of sorts took place on February 3 when opposition leader Erin O’Toole was ousted by his own caucus for sounding too much like a World Economic Forum ghoul and for the first time in over two years, an actual counter-voice of opposition can be heard in the halls of parliament with demands by every single Conservative member of parliament to end the lockdown mandates and support the nation-wide protest movement.

On provincial levels, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Quebec and PEI have announced a repeal of their covid mandates including vaccination passports, while Quebec has stepped back from the anti-vaccination tax which was threatened by Premier Legault until only a week ago.

Even NDP head Jagmeet Singh who had labelled all protestors white supremacists just a few days ago reversed his tune- perhaps due to the overwhelming presence of Sikhs in the federal and provincial convoys.

Freedom Convoy Nightmares for Technocrats in USA and Europe

Meanwhile the Biden Administration has given its full support to Justin Trudeau to use the full force of federal power to shut down the protests (conflagrating the blockade of US-Canada trade in Windsor and Manitoba as being tied directly to the Ottawa protests… which it isn’t).

Perhaps Biden is concerned that the example of the convoy has spread not only across nations of the Trans Atlantic Community and Five Eyes cage, but also to the USA itself where a parallel American freedom convoy will leave Southern California for Washington D.C. on March 5 involving tens of thousands of American truckers.

Former Obama Asst. Sec. of Homeland Security and frequent CNN commentator Juliette Kayyem delivered her disturbing comments to this festering problem which must be stopped at all costs saying:

Trust me, I will not run out of ways to make this hurt: cancel their insurance; suspend their drivers licenses’ prohibit any future regulatory certification for truckers etc. Have we learned nothing? These things fester when there are no consequences”

How this process will unfold in the coming days and weeks is impossible to determine. The illusion of liberal democracy which fueled self-aggrandizing virtue signalling technocrats lecturing “bad” authoritarian states of Eurasia how freedom should work has collapsed.

One thing is certain.

Those tyrants living in their ivory tower echo chambers demanding the world to conform to their ideal post-nation state utopias are panicking as they have no idea how to interact with actual human beings organizing themselves around such non-mathematical principles as “freedom”, “justice” and “rights” which are inalienable to all citizens- even if they live under a monarchy.

Originally published on theStrategic Culture
Matthew Ehret is the Editor-in-Chief of the Canadian Patriot Review, and Senior Fellow at the American University in Moscow. He is author of the ‘Untold History of Canada’ book series and Clash of the Two Americas. In 2019 he co-founded the Montreal-based Rising Tide Foundation. He can be reached at matthewehret.substack.com


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Feb 19, 2022 9:59 PM

Robillard may have “broken ranks” with the Libs but he still voted NAY to lifting the mandate. Walking his talk? I think not.

joe racano
joe racano
Feb 21, 2022 2:37 AM
Reply to  Canucker

libs dont wear masks or get needles we dont need from big pharma

dr death
dr death
Feb 19, 2022 3:28 PM

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.” (of course violent revolution is always inevitable because the state monopoly on goon squads and the omnipresent threat of state sanctioned violence is the basis of ‘their ‘ ‘system’ ..dd)..
and now of course the hired goons are killing people and brutalizing little old ladies..
and it seems that their true ‘vocation’ is becoming apparent..

the ‘regime’ in canada is crumbling fast..so it wont be long now….

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Feb 19, 2022 3:17 PM

Just to beat a dead horse: Canada’s people, as well as their “economic” system, is owned and operated by the City of London (a corporation). The control of civil freedoms and social “benefits” are pretty well described in the following documents. >

SOCIAL SECURITY – Supplement No. 99 [June 2012] 10.8221
Complete document: Evi-Doc_13_Supplement_99_Volume_10

Yes, it’s a long read, but you may find specific explanation of City of London financial controls over your Nation or State within the above pages… Here’s another fine example of who alleges authority over your every breath. >

Excerpted from: Cestui que trust (constructive trust)
[At birth] “That ward/vessel is a now a Vessel of the United States, documented by registration under the laws of the United States and subject to its laws and jurisdiction, and the Title goes to the Alien Property Custodian in Washington, D.C. In a maritime in rem action, jurisdiction over the person of the “defendant”, the vessel, is premised upon the presence of the vessel within the district in which the court sits.

The only vessel they have jurisdiction over is the trust, that is evidenced by the CERTIFICATE OF LIVE BIRTH, establishing the three points of jurisdiction NAME, SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER and DATE OF BIRTH, the Federal Reserve account under the supervision of the Secretary of the Treasury who is also the managing trustee for the Social Security Administration and governor for the IMF.”
Complete text: http://stopthepirates.blogspot.com/2010/09/cestui-qui-trust-strawman.html

There are other documents such as the Unam sanctam which define your “salvation” rights (see salvage) in a world that truckers have no clue about.

dr death
dr death
Feb 19, 2022 4:37 PM

quite true but as you note, it is the ‘system’ that is ‘owned’ by them … this is the method by which they ‘legislate’ ‘their’ rights over you… which is the same one exacted in Babylon millennia ago….

it all comes down to power and its application and the capital to ensure the liberal use of violence to protect that power… and at which they are past masters… of course these methods used by the usurers, as always, rely upon the ignorance of the peons and the veiled and overt threats and coercion that police the ‘system’ and ensure compliance.. the odd treat thrown in for shits and giggles……

and like any system of ‘commerce’ it only exists because of the product, unfortunately in this instance you are the ‘product’… (and also the consumer.. although that function is being repurposed)…

Feb 19, 2022 1:57 PM

since the start of the Ottawa Freedom Convoy i kept looking for news of call for discussion and negotiations, to listen to the workers (truck drivers) demands. no luck. i only saw stonewalling by the Police, the mayor and the authorities. the media in unison labelling the people as criminals and worse.

ONE KEY WORD is missing from observers and commentators is: Legitimacy or Illegitimacy to be precise.

Very Basic: a government that doesn’t protect all citizens, and doesn’t protect all sections of the society, is an ILLEGITIMATE REGIME.

this is a turning point that has been in the making for a while. it applies to all neoliberal regimes.
it is sign indicating it is crucial to be DECISIVE in the actions that everyone makes!

election booths that have become redundant need to be disassembled and sorted in the approriate recycling bins.

dr death
dr death
Feb 19, 2022 3:38 PM
Reply to  GR-Watch

ALL current regimes in the so called ‘west’ are illegitimate, the ‘social contracts’ were broken decades ago (one could say they have always been illegitimate because how else could one describe a bunch of criminals rigging a game of mass murder and ponzi schemes)…

thankfully the common imbecile is finally coming to his senses and hatching from his cocoon of imbecilility… he is discovering there is a metamorphosis awaiting him..

into a beautiful butterfly……

Feb 19, 2022 8:39 PM
Reply to  dr death

that’s a nice idea…

Feb 20, 2022 2:15 AM
Reply to  dr death


The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Feb 19, 2022 5:39 PM
Reply to  GR-Watch

“it is crucial to be DECISIVE in the actions that everyone makes!”

Yes, in particular on the part of those who defend the status quo, or to be exact, those who want to continue in the direction imposed by the logic of Capital.

Let us keep in mind that the system (capitalist mode of production) is fragile; always has been, and if it is has been kept alive for so long, it was at the incredibly high cost of blood and guts on the one hand and of mass perception management on the other hand (couldn’t help itself). The kind of wars (hot and cold) and the level of mind control applied today are of a sophistication never seen before; but at the same time and also unavoidably, the target of these operations – the general public, – in response, beside their intended effects have also ,dialectically speaking, unintended effects: these operations have become transparent to one fraction of the public who wised up to them and our adversary knows that.

That opposing fraction can’t decrease in size (once you awake it’s impossible to go back to sleep); it must increase in time. Also that opposing fraction must slowly shift its objectives towards a radical position (to question the foundations of government) rather than a reformist one (to modify the government’s response, judged disproportionate, to an alleged crisis). This shift takes time (think of the fact that the protests throughout Europe are still in their reformist phase) and will only occur when an alternative to the actual way of social organisation is sighted or needed (for example, if the truckers are denied funds for too long they may start using alternative ways to get food, fuel and everything else that are radical – without money for instance – and that would make the idea of a radical change in the social organisation itself not unreasonable or unthought of.)

This is what Mark Carney (referenced in the article) is trying to anticipate by calling the movement of the truckers “sedition”: he wants the breaking off of the movement even if it still is in its reformist phase (perhaps having inside information that the movement is gathering strength and its resolve is firm). What these people are afraid of is domino effect: a popular movement breaking off its psychological shakles and succeeding in bending the “authorities” will spread inevitably.

That’s why they must be decisive in their actions. To them, the truckers are (should be in good time) defying a world system, not just a government’s policy.

Feb 20, 2022 2:14 AM


S Cooper
S Cooper
Feb 19, 2022 1:33 PM

“The swastika band on the arm has now become the diaper across the face.”
comment image


Feb 19, 2022 12:47 PM

” .. founded on … “Peace, Order and Good Governance” ”

.. as well as on Christianity Led Genocides.

Geo Martin
Geo Martin
Feb 19, 2022 3:07 PM
Reply to  GR-Watch

‘Christianity Led Genocides’ such as Holodomor, the Bolshevik revolution, the Chinese culture revolution, the Indonesian genocide, the Irish potato famine, the Rwandan genocide, Vietnam napalm bombings, the French revolution murder of catholics, the Sinyu persecution, and many more.
But of course those christian fundamentalist bankers that run Hollywood, the media and much of academia don’t want us to remember any of these….right?

Feb 20, 2022 3:45 AM
Reply to  Geo Martin

Christianity, Islam and Marxism are bankster creations to control and divide and mislead the masses.

Feb 19, 2022 10:42 AM
Feb 19, 2022 10:52 AM
Reply to  covidiot

“To increase awareness of the criticality of wearing masks to stop the spread of COVID-19, Jeremy Howard and a volunteer team of data scientists started the advocacy campaign #masks4all. Countless YGLs from around the world supported the campaign by talking to policy-makers and raising awareness through their local media markets.”

Any questions?

Feb 19, 2022 12:25 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Masks……the badge of stupidity and conformity.

Feb 20, 2022 3:48 AM
Reply to  covidiot

It never ceases to amuse me that Butt takes it up the tailpipe.

Feb 19, 2022 10:48 AM
Reply to  covidiot

special Identity Politics bonus, in case you wondered what that was all about:


Feb 19, 2022 10:25 AM

I appreciate the (a) simple pointed writing (b) cogent information. There was no attempt to appear scholarly.

Feb 19, 2022 7:40 AM

Video of the woman with the walker and the mounted police trampling.

Feb 19, 2022 7:47 AM
Reply to  fame

Another video. Here you can see the woman who got trampled in the middle of the horses. Watch the police appear to jump on the old lady and the lady who was trampled to death (was she beaten too?) and surround the injured as they aggressively pushed the rest of the protesters back trying to help the injured.

Where is the rest of the drone footage?

Feb 19, 2022 8:20 AM
Reply to  fame
Captain Spock
Captain Spock
Feb 19, 2022 11:44 AM
Reply to  fame

Horrendous situation.

Feb 19, 2022 5:59 PM
Reply to  fame

Protecting and Serving the crap of them.

Feb 19, 2022 6:17 AM

Faced with an organic civil rights movement of blue-collar truckers, farmers and tens of thousands of supporters who have convened on Canada’s capital to demand a restoration of their basic freedoms, the current Liberal government has failed to show even an ounce of humanity or capacity to negotiate.

This shouldn’t be a surprise for those who have seen the hypocrisy of neo-liberal “rules-based” order ideologues in action over the past few years who are quick to celebrate the “liberty” of citizens of Ukraine, Hong Kong, or Xinjiang when the outcome benefits the geopolitical aims of detached technocrats hungry for global hegemony.

Hypocrisy, indeed!

Feb 19, 2022 10:28 AM
Reply to  Hsuan
jubal hershaw
jubal hershaw
Feb 19, 2022 5:09 AM

Having mounted police push their way through truckers supporters is a provocation.
Trudeau is hoping to turn his problem into a Law & Order issue. He seems to believe he’ll get wider passive support for any police rough stuff if Law & Order is the prism (spin)
through which most will view any heavy handed actions against Trucker supporters.

Reset the Diaboligarchy
Reset the Diaboligarchy
Feb 19, 2022 3:59 AM

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Irresponsible and proud
Irresponsible and proud
Feb 19, 2022 3:56 AM

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S Cooper
S Cooper
Feb 19, 2022 4:06 AM

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Feb 19, 2022 11:32 AM
Reply to  S Cooper

The feeling is mutual!

Feb 19, 2022 5:11 AM

Where’s the bicycle? Looks like an old lady with a walker. How quickly the police mounties rushed in, not surprising the little old lady could not retreat back.

Feb 19, 2022 10:32 AM
Reply to  fame

With the propaganda machine behind you, cops brutalising an invalid can become insurgents brutalising a horse.

Feb 19, 2022 12:45 PM
Reply to  mgeo

Oh yes. Trying to damage police boots with your face.

Irresponsible and proud
Irresponsible and proud
Feb 19, 2022 8:37 PM
Reply to  fame

No bicycle was thrown at the police. It’s a lie. The picture juxtaposes the virtual un-reality/propaganda with the reality that the cops trampled over a woman with a walking-support equipment.

Feb 19, 2022 11:31 AM

Oh really? What about the police who are supposedly servants of the public, deliberately acted in a manner to injure human beings. Government Thugs!

Captain Spock
Captain Spock
Feb 19, 2022 11:47 AM

I didn’t see any bicycle in the various videos… I saw an elderly woman with a walking frame who was trampled.

Reset the Diaboligarchy
Reset the Diaboligarchy
Feb 19, 2022 3:22 AM

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susan mullen
susan mullen
Feb 19, 2022 3:22 AM

Canada’s Prime Minister is sworn in by taking 3 oaths. First, to the Queen: “I, __________, do swear (declare) that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second, Queen of Canada, Her Heirs and Successors. So help me God.” Second, to the Queen’s Privy Council: “I, __________, do solemnly and sincerely swear (declare) that I shall be a true and faithful servant to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second, as a member of Her Majesty’s Privy Council for Canada. I will in all things to be treated, debated and resolved in Privy Council, faithfully, honestly and truly declare my mind and my opinion. I shall keep secret all matters committed and revealed to me in this capacity, or that shall be secretly treated of in Council. Generally, in all things I s”hall do as a faithful and true servant ought to do for Her Majesty. So help me God.” Trudeau had claimed he’d be more of a servant to the UK monarchy: “This slow-motion presidentialization of the office is one thing that the new Prime Minister has promised to fix. It remains to be seen as to whether he will follow through and become once again first among Her Majesty’s servants or continue to think of themselves as over mighty presidential wannabes”.

Bob the bum
Bob the bum
Feb 19, 2022 10:54 AM
Reply to  susan mullen

Democracies with a reigning monarch: what’s with that?
How am I supposed to respect a system based on the divine right of kings?

Feb 19, 2022 1:34 PM
Reply to  Bob the bum

I think it was the Roundheads not the Cavaliers who were the forebears of the modern day rulers. The Crown answered to them after that and no longer to God.

Feb 19, 2022 3:13 AM

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Reset the Diaboligarchy
Reset the Diaboligarchy
Feb 19, 2022 3:28 AM
Reply to  Thinktwice

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Feb 19, 2022 11:34 AM

Both could do with having their necks stretched.

Feb 19, 2022 3:11 AM

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Feb 19, 2022 2:59 AM

Next it will be truckers, farmers, plumbers, carpenters etc. just refusing to work. The cities and it’s elites have been ruling the rural and blue collar for far too long. Once the avocado toast dries up we might see some change.

Feb 19, 2022 8:31 AM
Reply to  Conner

And if they arrest or disqualify truckers, who’s gonna drive the deliveries?!

Feb 19, 2022 2:52 AM

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Feb 19, 2022 10:35 AM
Reply to  Thinktwice


Feb 19, 2022 2:17 AM

The self-proclaimed “Leaders of the Free World” finally show their true face.
Maybe now more people will understand.

Due to the inflexible Borg-like inability…

Nice reference, totally accurate. This is what they want us all to become, isn’t it: Transhuman drones to keep things running, devoid of emotions and own thoughts, not just obedient, but under full mental control.

les online
les online
Feb 19, 2022 2:04 AM

The State uses all the forces is can command to defend Democracy.
Some say: democracy should consider arming itself to defend itself from The State.

Feb 19, 2022 8:34 AM
Reply to  les online

Yeh! And pitchforks and (in UK), reassemble Tyburn gallows for the ‘elites’…

S Cooper
S Cooper
Feb 19, 2022 1:58 AM
Captain Birdheart
Captain Birdheart
Feb 19, 2022 2:58 AM
Reply to  S Cooper
S Cooper
S Cooper
Feb 19, 2022 3:14 AM

Before his reign of terror comes to an end Nazi Boy is determined to go down as the worst mass murderer in Canadian history.”
comment image

Nazi Boy and the Reich need to Fall, NOW!”
comment image

“Nominations for Scamdemic Gestapo Nazi Pig of the Year are still being accepted, equestrian skills a plus.”

Captain Birdheart
Captain Birdheart
Feb 19, 2022 5:08 AM
Reply to  S Cooper

Right on, Sir,

Those guys required to carry i.d. badges ? Have to get personal now, no ?(Obviously, difficult/impossible in heated crowds though).

(youtuber, on audits…https://www.youtube.com/c/DJAUDITS/videos)

John Crowther
John Crowther
Feb 19, 2022 8:05 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

When did Boris Johnson pose for that One lol

Feb 19, 2022 4:47 AM
Reply to  S Cooper

I was watching this on the live feed. The mounties after leaving once having stayed away from the crowd, came back shortly and rushed in aggressively and swiftly along side the protesters so that they were forced to move back, or get trampled. I turned off the computer right after this and had no idea this had happened. The police had been very aggressive with their line for about an hour prior but had backed off just prior to the horses arriving the first time, the atmosphere more relaxed when the mounties came in the second time.

Horses don’t like doing this. I was once at a protest where someone laid down, spread eagle, in front of the mounted horses. The horses reared up jumping back and forth, trying to evade stepping on the person. The mounted police retreated and quickly left the area.

The mountie action was unneeded, merely an act of sophomoric intimidation, resulting in murder.. Unconscionable.

Feb 21, 2022 3:57 PM
Reply to  fame

Horses will avoid stepping on an obstacle on the ground whenever they can. A while ago there was a video from Rotterdam with a cop rider charging down a half naked woman. It was clearly a fake. There is, of course, police brutality. But there is also staged police brutality directed at crisis actors.

Rod Clarke
Rod Clarke
Feb 24, 2022 8:57 PM
Reply to  rechenmacher

Have been witnessing this here in New Zealand where we have a huge group of protesters camped out on the lawns and streets around Parliament. Into their third week now. Incidents like a car allegedly being driven at Police. Only video of the incident shows a car coming from behind Police to come to a stop between neatly separated groups of police where they dutifully smashed the windows and punctured the tires with shanks that protesters had photographed them holding prior to the car arriving. Then the driver, dutifully wearing an ear piece is carefully pulled from the car and taken away.
Then another video emerges after Police claim they had been sprayed with acid. Only the video shows a cop spraying pepper spray wildly and his fellow officers getting a good dose. Poetic justice.

Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Feb 19, 2022 1:55 AM

The Emergency Declaration seemed to be to be a bit OTT. I would have expected the local authority to do what every local authority does when they are inconvenienced by illegally parked vehicles — they tow them. If the protestors interfere with law enforcement’s towing then they could escalate force to force.

A truck is a significant investment and so the owner needs to keep it moving and earning for as much time as possible. Many truckers are ‘owner-drivers’ — they own the truck, or rather they owe on the truck and have to keep working to make the payments. (Its not just the purchase cost — trucks have significant recurring expenses such as license and insurance.) So it doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to get involved with this type of demonstration — the truckers have too much to lose, potentially their investment and even their livelihood. (You can bet that both vehicle and driver documentation will be subject to very close scrutiny.) Since you don’t need a lot of trucks to paralyze a city center if invites speculation whether some person or organization is indemnifying them. They, the truckers, may not know exactly who or what or even what goals are being sought.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Feb 19, 2022 1:32 AM

Then on February 14, Justin Trudeau, followed by Deputy Prime Minister and WEF-Trustee Chrystia Freeland took turns announcing the invocation of the Emergency Measures Act which itself had formerly been known as “The War Measures Act” last invoked nearly 50 years earlier by Justin’s father Pierre Elliot Trudeau as a “solution” to the RCMP-directed terror cells deployed across Quebec and culminating in the month-long ‘October Crisis’ of 1970.

Corrected link:

Feb 19, 2022 4:32 PM

Sir! What a well documented and powerful article, to me worthy of the scrutiny of the principle stating “Facts are sacred”. Is it that I’m French Canadian that it was one of the only articles that I bothered to finish? Maybe. No regrets thought. WELL WELL WELL done. Now more than ever with recent events (Pandemic, protests, arrests, joined global governments efforts), does these recollection of events actually UNIFY our world wide population, in inevitably shedding light on the systematic DIVISION where ever and however possible by organizations like “The Fabians”. Oh oh ohhhh this one is worth a read…

Feb 19, 2022 12:53 AM

There must also be a fair number of decent-minded police officers who are thinking to themselves,

“Well just look at that… Here I am actually doing the sort of things which we were all condemning the leaders of other countries for doing just a few years ago…

“Still, you have to fit in. Can’t let the boys down by being different”…

Feb 19, 2022 8:47 AM
Reply to  wardropper

there must be a fair number of decent-minded police officers

this is what is called an “assumption”. in order for it to be more than an assumption, some substantiating evidence would have to be provided.

any day now, I’m sure.

Feb 19, 2022 12:44 AM

It’s all getting too complicated.

Just look at the billions of words we are all expending on what is basically a rather simple situation:
Think back to the simple fact that the Elders and the Scribes wanted Jesus dead, and they used uncomplicated political muscle to get that accomplished.

In case anybody thinks I’m being blasphemous in likening our current situation to that Biblical event, I am referring to the whole of mankind on this earth. The same mankind that failed to recognize the best Representative it ever had.

You-Know-Who has persuaded all the world’s ‘authorities’ to parrot each other and follow the simple agenda of making slaves of us all.
We’ve had years and decades to practise recognizing the regular patterns at work here.

We are lost sheep, and we haven’t a clue where our shepherd is, but we really have to stop looking for him in Washminster, and his name is certainly not Trudeau.

Keep it simple, folks. Our verminous persecutors also have names. Remember them.

les online
les online
Feb 19, 2022 12:37 AM

Beneath the Phony Peace of the past two years seethed anger. The Canadian truckies have broken through that Phony Peace… What concessions will be made for The Peace to be restored ?
The counter-revolution never sleeps. It waits, it prays for some Social Upheaval so it can try-out all of the armour, armaments, and pain-inflicting devices its Enforcers have amassed during The Peace…
Each new recruit to the State’s Enforcers is assessed via a battery of psychological tests. Those who are least bothered by conscience are sent to camps to be extensively trained as Robocop Riot Squad members… Pussies are quickly weeded out.. Those recruits who firmly believe in Laura Norda soon move on… Others settle into being the PR face of The State – until you refuse to OBEY…

Feb 19, 2022 2:52 AM
Reply to  les online

This should be fun…
Trudeau isn’t the concession type…

Feb 19, 2022 10:44 AM
Reply to  les online

They need all sorts in enforcement including control freaks, sadists and pyromaniacs. Not all these get the chance to invade foreigners and cut/blow them up. So, some join the police.

Feb 19, 2022 12:27 AM

Parliamentary review of Emergency

Procedurally, the Cabinet must present its proclamation of an emergency to Parliament within seven sitting days (s. 58(1)). If Parliament stands adjourned – as the House of Commons and the Senate presently do – then both Houses must be summoned back into session within seven days (s. 58(2)). The House of Commons and the Senate must each debate and then vote to confirm the proclamation. If either the House of Commons or the Senate does not ratify the proclamation, then it is revoked effective that day (ss. 58(5)-(7)).

Interim Conservative Leader Candice Bergen says the party won’t be supporting a motion tabled by the federal government that would give them the powers to enforce the Emergencies Act.

Leaving a Conservative caucus meeting, Bergen said Prime Minister Justin Trudeau didn’t attempt to thoroughly rectify the protesting and blockades in Ottawa and elsewhere with the existing powers he had.

“The first act that he does when he has a chance to do something – he doesn’t go through step one, two, three – he goes straight to 100 and invokes the Emergencies Act,” she said.

Public Safety Minister Marco Mendicino tabled the motion in the House of Commons late Wednesday evening, as well as the proclamation declaring a public order emergency.

The government must table a motion in both the House and Senate within seven sitting days outlining why federal officials feel the powers are required and detailing what specific measures will be taken, to allow the two parliamentary bodies to confirm it.

Reset the Diaboligarchy
Reset the Diaboligarchy
Feb 19, 2022 12:50 AM
Reply to  Penelope

comment image

jubal hershaw
jubal hershaw
Feb 19, 2022 2:50 AM

If the photo of Trudeau et al was officially allowed to be published in Stalin’s USSR face masks would have been painted on them – so readers didnt get ideas of ‘one rule for me, one rule for them’… After the ‘pandemic’ the masks would have been airbrushed over.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Feb 19, 2022 12:27 PM

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Feb 19, 2022 10:47 AM
Reply to  Penelope

That most governments have a bicameral (Commons/Senate) legislature tells us a lot about democracy.

Reset the Diaboligarchy
Reset the Diaboligarchy
Feb 19, 2022 12:25 AM

comment image

Feb 18, 2022 11:37 PM

Ottawa 2022 will go down as the Winter of Love as opposed to the Summer of Love of the 1960s. It is equally transcendental except this time it is working class without shit communist parties.

Feb 19, 2022 4:06 AM
Reply to  Molinos

working class without shit communist parties

Yep. Every time I hear some effete pseudo-intellectual Marxist spew on about ‘dialectic materialism’, I want to retch.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Feb 19, 2022 4:26 AM
Reply to  DM:

comment imagecomment image

“They are/were not Marxists. Marxists are not behind the Scamdemic, Corporate Fascists are.”

John Crowther Lol
John Crowther Lol
Feb 19, 2022 8:07 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

A right pair of charmers

Feb 19, 2022 8:53 AM
Reply to  DM:

some effete pseudo-intellectual Marxist spew on about “dialectical materialism”

you might enjoy this website:


Feb 18, 2022 11:23 PM



My opinion: If protesters can remain peaceful, they will win politically.
There is a sonic cannon crowd control present, as I posted yesterday.

Feb 19, 2022 1:35 AM
Reply to  Penelope

I think silence can be an effective weapon in the right circumstance. but global support must follow for those using silence as their weapon [distribution of their message must find ways to circumvent media suppression of their story], else the silence does not speak louder than words or action: the Tyrannist wins and the sacrificers suffer the consequences; an outcome that strengthens the tyranny, and closes the door to the playground of resistance.

Apparently global support has failed those who cared enough to risk their life, liberty, democracy and happiness..or has it.. ?? We have not seen ..truckers and transport workers everywhere engaging in similar feats of resistance which might bring transportation everywhere to a halt; instead we have seen the real situation overwritten by authority favorable propaganda with objectives to empower the state, to arrest, convict, and punish the Canadian Truckers. What comes next, will the state then come next, for those who waited, or what? This protest over mandates offers an Interesting data set in human decision making. Sign reads; after stacking your clothes neatly in the bins provided,continue your march, soap and towel in hand, to the shower.

Really it is a matter of conscious.. live a bit longer under Oligarch tyranny enforced by the State or <b>force the decision time to here and now</b>: either live as a slave-to-tyranny or sacrifice all <=the Canadian Truckers forced the decision to now.

Sedition the state calls it, but when sacrifice is the means.. what matters the label.
Sedition is the offense of resisting attempts by the state to deny humanity its life, its liberties, its freedoms, its democracies. Sedition is the last line of defense governments have to defend and protect the Oligarchs who depend on the state for their power and wealth.

Most people are comfortable and don’t want to take their families into government controlled territory. The Government is armed, its a very large gang of well trained terrorist. Historically government has been led by barrel bottom humanoids. Government should be considered extremely dangerous. “Privilege of the few” territory is extremely well defended, by governments everywhere.

Feb 19, 2022 2:29 AM
Reply to  eman

eman, I don’t think they’re using silence; they are getting the word out via all those livestreamers, etc. People long for Justice.

I think it even antedates our species. I have seen the runt of a hatch of chicks defend her accustomed roost from the biggest chick– and win!

Even those who don’t agree w us can see the Justice of insisting on one’s freedom. The Freedom Convoy is winning in the battle of ideas. They have legitimacy.

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Feb 18, 2022 10:47 PM

Millions have died for democracy.

And it turns out to be our Nemesis.

Feb 19, 2022 10:29 AM

“Democracy may bave been the war cry, but Democracy as a Nemesis to humanity has not yet been evaluated. AFAICT democracy has never been tried in any nation state in the world. The nation state system has 256 different people and resource containers (called Nations), each has a dictatorial top down political system (what the few at the top , after secret discussions, say goe. Failure to conform as instructed at the bottom means the mass of heads at the bottom are to roll). Each nation in the system of nations serves the interest of the powerful barrel-bottom humanoids called the elite. Tell me, name for me, one nation where democracy has ever been the political system. There would be no need for the Truck-in taking place in Canada if Canada were a democracy.

Democracy is the situation where those at the bottom are each well enough informed to serve as the foreign ambassador representative; that is, to represent the nation in domestic and foreign affairs, where each such person has voted on each decision, new law, or whatever, and the government is ordered and empowered to implement only democratic voted majority rule outcomes. IOWs the source of government authority does not come from a constitution of sorts, but instead, source of authority comes only from a majority will mandate, imposed on those who govern, by those who are the governed. Democracy is truly a government of the governed, by the governed, and for the governed. No such condition in any nation in the world has yet come about.

Instead the nation state system has been used to create and enforce monopoly powers (patents, copyrights and deeds) ,which only “the barrel-bottom humanoids [the elite] can use or afford to obtain, and which monopolies, allows the elite the advantage they need to 1.make everyone else their vassal and 2. to be able to extract into elite pockets, from each vassal, a portion of vassal earnings and assets.

It is nation state rule-by-law system that has turned capitalism into monopolism and allowed its scum to pick fights with each other in what some people call international war.

George Mc
George Mc
Feb 18, 2022 10:12 PM

Full demonization here:
A powerful faction of Canada’s ruling elite, including the official opposition Conservatives, much of the corporate media and sections of big business, have incited and promoted the far-right Freedom Convoy, which has been besieging parliament and downtown Ottawa for the past 22 days.”
As always our W boys are obsessed with those increasingly bogus labels of “Left” and “Right”. And it’s interesting that they have no trouble at all with some conspiracy theories:
“A crucial element in this political conspiracy has been the promotion of the Convoy as a grassroots movement of truckers.”

Now the identikit bit:

“… intimidating workers, and waving Confederate flags and swastikas…comprised of notorious right-wing extremists and outright fascists…drawn from a cesspool of far-right, anti-Muslim, Christian fundamentalist …. libertarian groups. … far-right truckers’ group …”

Bogus logic:

“The claims that the Convoy is a movement of and for truckers are no less a fraud. Some 90 percent of Canadian truckers are fully vaccinated.”

So what? You would have thought that any real Marxist movement would be familiar with the common phenomenon of the downtrodden just going along with coercion but still hating it and wanting to take a stand against it. Indeed perhaps hating it even more because they went along with it.

But even if the convoy does involve truckers, our Trotters are concerned to draw a wedge between them and The Real Regular Proletariat:

“In so far as the Convoy does involve truckers they are largely “independent,” owner-operator truckers, a generally better-off and distinct petty bourgeois social layer.”

Blah blah “QAnon” blah blah “he decried the “stench” of “political Islam””
I’m getting a definite hint of a stench here.
In another article we have an example of both Orwellian reversal and Jungian projection when the WSWS described the anti-vax movement as “this tiny and popularly despised movement”. Mirror mirror!

S Cooper
S Cooper
Feb 19, 2022 5:01 AM
Reply to  George Mc

“By this time it is fairly apparent that the CIA Party (formerly known as the SEP) is a Langley-Land misinformation/disinformation/entrapment operation. Sadly one of several set up by the corporate fascist oligarchy. The above attack screed looks like a cross between something that Mykhailo Khomiak could have penned to impress Joseph Goebbels or Jim Jones could have scrawled right before he drank the Koolaid. It is pitiful. Pay them no heed.”

George Mc
George Mc
Feb 19, 2022 8:52 AM
Reply to  S Cooper

Thanks SC. I am aware that I am constantly being drawn back to this verminous pseudo-Left and should perhaps join some equivalent of a political “alcoholics anonymous” to wash them out of my system.

George Mc
George Mc
Feb 19, 2022 9:17 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Having said that:


A hall of mirrors:

The events of the past three weeks reveal that Canadian democracy is breaking down. The ruling class, fearful of social opposition to its reactionary policies, is turning to authoritarianism and the mobilization of the far right.

The ruling class are organising opposition to … the covid lockdown strategy? i.e. the very strategy they themselves have been relentlessly pushing? And the “social opposition” are … those who are hiding under their beds to “keep safe”?

Feb 19, 2022 12:56 PM
Reply to  George Mc

When they do not like someone (often rival Trotskyists) they often try to pillory them as some privileged layer of society. Even though the people who write for WSWS clearly work from home and are themselves some kind of laptop-wielding elite.
Also, “petty bourgeois” is telling. On the whole it has been small businesses driven to the wall by lockdowns, but as far as the WSWS is concerned they are petty bourgeois, so screw them.

Bull Gatah
Bull Gatah
Feb 18, 2022 10:05 PM

I think that it will never get to a Trial. Vanquish the slime and feed them to rodents and swine. Make certain there is no trace of them left on God’s Earth.

Feb 18, 2022 9:57 PM

Another article not even thinking that the convoy could be a organized situation set up to usher in faster laws that they wouldn’t of been able to bring in without this con very. (convoy)
How is this not even worth looking at.??
and how is it? all of the cooperate alt media is talking the same script.

Irresponsible and proud
Irresponsible and proud
Feb 18, 2022 11:14 PM
Reply to  script

You have to be looking at history. Western media take the same approach for example when it came to uprisings in poor countries that chose to not align with western interests. If it was a staged protest, it would have devolved into violent confrontation sooner rather than later and with extreme forms of violence, not simply skirmishes between protesters and police.

Feb 18, 2022 11:27 PM
Reply to  script

it has wheels, Mechanized and oil based,

but whatever – the Trucks were a focal point to rally the people, who it seems, were happy to dance and chow down on the free food, but when it came to Commitment, so-far, went miising in action, as without large numbers devoted to the cause, on the ground, and not giving any ground, the writing was on the wall.

Lost in a dark wood
Lost in a dark wood
Feb 19, 2022 12:43 AM
Reply to  script

the convoy could be a organized situation set up to usher in faster laws that they wouldn’t of been able to bring in without this con very.

Or alternatively, the “organized situation” was the original intent of the deep state, but the operation has been hacked and has exploded in their faces. If parts of it seem a bit contrived, then maybe that’s because it is. We are witnessing a series of plays within plays.

The letters contain a request from King Claudius to the King of England to have Prince Hamlet killed, but Hamlet manages to modify them during the journey so that they instead request the deaths of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern. Hamlet is thus able to return to Denmark in secret to seek his revenge.

Feb 19, 2022 1:02 PM

Sometimes the deep-laid plots get tangled. For example, Father Gapon, who led the workers’ march to see the Tsar in 1905, was a police agent, seeking to influence the working class, a rather clever initiative organised by a police official named Zubatov. But troops fired on the marchers, killing many. Gapon denounced the shootings and the 1905 revolution began. Gapon was later killed in Finland by revolutionaries who suspected that he was a police agent.

Feb 18, 2022 9:51 PM

Here’s a live twitter feed from Ottawa. The feeder of the feed was just pulled out of the advancing police grasp.

about a half hour till sunset

Feb 18, 2022 10:07 PM
Reply to  fame

love it. peace. freedom.

Feb 18, 2022 10:07 PM
Reply to  fame

It appears the police have backed off with their aggression and intimidation. It was getting intense for about an hour. Several arrests. They brought in horses for just a few minutes before leaving. Then back with the horses aggressively riding into and alongside the line of protesters.

Feb 18, 2022 9:15 PM

My 75 year old aunt texted me last night to tell me she and my uncle tested positive for Covid. I drove to their house at 12:30 AM and dropped off Ivermectin pills, HCQ, zinc, and Quercetin. She told me today her fever came down and that I may have saved her life. Uncle is feeling great. This is considered a negative outcome by the cabal. They would prefer my family dead. Their evil is no longer a theory and very much a reality. You can get your ivm by visiting ivmcures.com

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Feb 18, 2022 10:39 PM
Reply to  pureblood17

Well done Pureblood! Get them both to take also about 30 grams per day of ascorbic acid or sodium ascorbate (both are forms of vitamin C) at the same time that they’re taking the other specifics. This has had spectacular effects in keeping me free of respiratory illnesses for over quarter of a century. In 2020, at age 79, I saw off the covid-flu trying to get a foothold, in three days: total of 90 grams of C taken in that time; I was never more than very slightly below par whilst that was playing out. I took no other medicine, saw no doctor, contacted no hospital.

See ‘Doctoryourself.com’ for details; searchable website. Also check whether your relatives have any history of haemochromatosis in the family. Search for information on how to handle that, again on ‘Doctoryourself’. Note that there is no known lethal dose for C; it’s an essential food item, not a drug. The sodium ascorbate form is slightly easier on the stomach than the acid form, and tasteless.

Put thirty grams (six heaped teaspoonsful) each day into a jug, fill with water, stir well, take a mouthful every half hour. Divided doses like this are most effective. It’s been known – to the medical underground, at least – since the middle of the 20th century to be something of a panacea, and a very potent and benign one at that. Polio cures were achieved with big-dose C before the supposed miracle of the Salk vaccines. Again, see ‘Doctoryourself’…

PS: To whomeverTF it may concern: no, I’m NOT a doctor; and yes this IS medical advice; and what are you going to do about it?  😠  It’s still true, regardless.

Feb 19, 2022 9:48 AM

you can convert the ascorbic acid solution into sodium ascorbate, by mixing in a sufficient amount of baking soda (sodium bicarbonate), until it stops fizzing and no longer tastes sour.

if you’re taking this frequently, it is advisable to do this, as the acid solution can eventually damage your teeth. at least, rinse your mouth with water afterward, and don’t brush your teeth for an hour or so after that.

Feb 19, 2022 11:00 AM

He is here to push just ivermectin.

Do look into herbal remedies: ginger, cloves, tumeric, etc.

Blind Gill
Blind Gill
Feb 18, 2022 11:24 PM
Reply to  pureblood17

Remember this. We must remember.

Feb 19, 2022 3:16 AM
Reply to  pureblood17

Wow, saved their life…from a fucking bout of influenza. A true hero.

Bob the bum
Bob the bum
Feb 19, 2022 11:21 AM
Reply to  pureblood17

I don’t believe you.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Feb 18, 2022 8:53 PM

comment image

“Sadly this comes as no shock. Since the start of the Scamdemic the psycho Nazis in the name of maximizing profit have had untold numbers of elderly undermenschen useless eaters in elder care facilities and hospitals worldwide euthanized.”
comment image

“Some Scamdemic Gestapo Nazis enforcing the ‘Big Lie’, the Big Cull, the Great Ripoff and the Grand Enslavement.”

Clutching at straws
Clutching at straws
Feb 18, 2022 9:11 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

Turdeau may well have fucked up bad with this one.

You can maybe get away with abusing people and their rights for a while but…. you fuck about with their pets and they’re gonna bite your ass.

Uncle Klaus will have told Justine that he can do this as it’s been done in China.


That’s the reason this whole shitshow will collapse.

Bad modelling.

Irresponsible and proud
Irresponsible and proud
Feb 18, 2022 11:21 PM

Yeah but they are trying to make the western societies more “chinese”. Also what the hell are you writing there, that people will not care about people but they will care about pets? Where are your priorities? This isn’t a disney movie. Yes, of course this is animal abuse aimed at coercing and terrorising the protesters, but you wrote “you can maybe get away with abusing people and their rights…”. Never. People have been protesting since forever. This is one more tactic exposing where capitalism is willing to reach and how class divisions are governing humanity.

Bull Gatah
Bull Gatah
Feb 18, 2022 10:07 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

Good that we have some photos. Wonder how these gentlemen will look in a year?

Joe Van Steenbergen
Joe Van Steenbergen
Feb 18, 2022 8:50 PM

This simply had to play out the way it did; the globalists absolutely could not surrender an inch of power they have assumed during the plandemic. There was never a question of getting the petulant child who masquerades as PM, a WEF future leaders graduate), to step down from his self-constructed pedestal to mingle with the deplorables. To do so would make the protesters’s complaints valid, and that would blow the lid off the totalitarian world the elites are building back better, for themselves.

Sadly, we built the prison that we now live in. We gave them control over our movements through cell phones, we gave them control over our money (after all, it’s the big hedge fund bankers who started this whole mess in the first place), we allowed them to vote emergency powers for themselves, with no accountability (by voting for the lawmakers who made this possible),; we built this prison for ourselves. (Catherine Austin Fitts eloquently explains how that happened, if you’re interested in that sort of thing.) Let’s hope the world is paying attention. Globalists will not stop until or unless we stop them. They are relentless, driven, well funded, well coordinated, they have the support of all sovereign governments, all the banks, all the media, all the police and military, they own or control all the money, all of our bank accounts, all of our pension funds, etc. Basically, they own almost everything , which is the globalists’s dream (You’ll own nothing and you’ll be happy). The only thing they don’t have the full support of is: We The People.

Joe Van Steenbergen
Joe Van Steenbergen
Feb 18, 2022 9:08 PM
Captain Spock
Captain Spock
Feb 18, 2022 8:40 PM

One mistake in this article relating to Justin Trudeau’s father… His biological father is apparently Fidel Castro.

Feb 18, 2022 9:35 PM
Reply to  Captain Spock

And that question shows up nicely in his astrology chart….so I have no doubt as to validity…

Captain Spock
Captain Spock
Feb 18, 2022 10:10 PM
Reply to  Edith

The timing of his mum hanging out with Fidel corresponds with the gestation period.

Bull Gatah
Bull Gatah
Feb 18, 2022 10:06 PM
Reply to  Captain Spock

Actually its Satan.

Feb 18, 2022 10:17 PM
Reply to  Captain Spock

This is confirmed? How did they narrow it down?

Ian Brown
Ian Brown
Feb 18, 2022 8:15 PM

“Ottawa Freedom Convoy Tears Down Illusion of Democracy in North America”…more like “Ottawa Freedom Convoy Tears Down Illusion of Democracy in the West”.