This Week in the New Normal #23

Our successor to This Week in the Guardian, This Week in the New Normal is our weekly chart of the progress of autocracy, authoritarianism and economic restructuring around the world.
1. The Munich Security Conference 2022 and the future global government
Bill Gates is still really unsettling Not exactly news, but with his Covid grand plan fragmenting in his hands, it might be time to check in on Bill and see what’s going on with him.
Here he is, for example, on a panel at this years Munich Security Conference:
Now, I’m not sadistic enough to suggest you spend your Sunday evening subjecting yourself to the whole hour-plus of shills spouting nonsense, so I’ve taken the liberty of pointing out a choice quote.
Starting at 6:47 [emphasis added]:
With vaccines it took us two years to be at oversupply. Today there are more vaccines than there is demand for vaccines […] Next time, instead of two years, we should make it six months.“
I find this interesting, not just because of his uncontested assumption that there will be a “next time”, but because willingly or unwillingly he has identified one problem with the Covid narrative: It was too slow.
By the time the “vaccines” were ready the initial waves of fear were dying down and enough people were waking up to form a solid band of resistance. “Next time” they will move faster.
He is joined on the panel by Canadian Foreign Affairs Minister Melanie Joly who talks up the multi-lateral efforts to beat the virus, and repeats Bill in stating that new developments in technology means that “next time” we’ll be able to get a vaccine produces in six months rather than two years. (She also spends several minutes talking up the “foreign interference” and “overseas funding” of the Freedom Convoy).
It’s interesting that both Bill and Joly mention the improved technology making vaccine production faster because, in an odd coincidence, The Guardian’s got a long article about just that which was published today.
Clearly laying the groundwork for explaining even faster vaccine production “next time”.
To go along with this, Anne Linde – a third member of the panel and Sweden’s Foreign Minister – discusses how Covid was solved by multi-lateralism eventually, that the organizations like the EU, UN and WHO were not empowered enough to act swiftly to solve the situation, and that Covid has “exposed holes” in the international system.
To translate all of this: This “pandemic” might be waning, but “next time” the vaccines will be faster, and the international governmental organisations will be more empowered.
Like I said, still very unsettling.
2. The doses just keep on coming
This week it was reported that vaccine regulators in Australia may soon be recommending four, or even five doses of Covid “vaccines” in order to be considered “fully vaccinated”. This, and then the theorised “yearly boosters” of course.
Meanwhile, the Scottish government has decided they will not be publishing their covid statistics anymore. Public Health Scotland announced on Thursday that they would cease publishing case numbers and deaths by vaccination status amid fears the “misleading” data is being “misused” by “anti-vaxxers”.
Meaning that the vast majority of “Covid deaths” in Scotland since the new year were “fully vaccinated”, and it makes them look bad.
3. Queensland’s WellCamp
Before Canada put in a burst of speed Australia was very much winning the fascism race.
It’s easy to forget that as Trudeau’s government seizes funds of dissidents and tramples old ladies with their police horses, but this week they reminded us, by opening up a new quarantine centre near Wellcamp in Queensland.
Wellcamp – or Orwellcamp according to sharp commenters on twitter – is a facility to house upwards of a thousand people built in a public-private partnership between the Queensland government and the Wagner Corporation.
The big question here is: What is the point?
Australia’s Covid cases are low and getting lower, and the camp is still unfinished. The similar “Centre for National Resilience” in Melbourne is set to open next week, and that 1000-bed camp will house just 7 people for its first week.
It’s hard to see either of them ever being full of “covid cases” that need to isolate.
According to ABC news, nobody knows how much Wellcamp cost to build, or how much it will cost to operate. The Melbourne camp cost over 580 million dollars to build.
So, maybe it’s all just a case of good old-fashioned embezzlement and public theft.
Or maybe these are for “next time” too.
BONUS: Depressing poster of the week
Someone forwarded us this on social media this week…
It’s a poster promoting the current events program Re: on Arte TV, and it poses the question:
The Future or Climate Killer?
Over the image of a woman with two young children.
For those who don’t know, Arte is a European television channel co-funded by the governments of both France and Germany and dedicated to “social, political and cultural” programming.
And they want to discuss whether having children is a bad idea.
It’s not all bad…
Iceland has joined the steady stream of countries removing their Covid quarantine rules.
And while the protests in Canada would don’t need any more press, this march from Calgary is good to see…
Calgary, Canada.. this is absolutely epic.. this is a revolution
— Pelham (@Resist_05) February 19, 2022
…as is the Haka, being done by dozens of protesting New Zealanders outside the parliament building in Wellington:
New Zealand, natives Maori perform the sacred Haka dance to Parliament House in Wellington to end vaccine mandates.
— RadioGenova (@RadioGenova) February 13, 2022
Oh, and here is Neil Oliver’s monologue for the week. Not always uplifting, but always eloquent:
“And yet while Trudeau does what he likes, the leaders of the West remain silent…Canada has metamorphosed into something between a banana republic & a totalitarian regime on our leaders’ watch & none has raised so much as an eyebrow”
— Nat (🇨🇦Truckers Rule!) (@Arwenstar) February 19, 2022
All told a pretty hectic week for the new normal crowd, and we didn’t even mention Queenie getting the ‘rona, Wales trialling a “basic income” or how bitcoin is teaming up with coal mines to ruin the planet.
There’s a lot of change in the air, a lot of agendas in the works, if you see a headline, article, post or interview you think is a sign of the times, post it in the comments, email us or share it on social media and we will add it to the next edition.
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I do not agree with the photographs: when the liars and traitors to the Citizens appear, they should be caricatured with, for example: donkey ears, pig nose, snake tongue, disfigured because the natural image is disgusting because of the evil they
That’s how it goes if you don’t obey and take your vaccines … or maybe it’s the other way around?
GB news appeared in June of 21 just in time for the 2 stage of the CV ritual.
It hired the usual shills. Nigel Fraud. Edmund homes (David icke friend) few other Oliver twist Neil.
It spoke 20 months out of date bollocks and spent roughly 3 million in advertising – every U.K city town had huge billboard campaign.
What a lot of people dont no is, they also did facebook twitter and you tube issta ad campaigns.
Your are aware??? you tubers and blogs etc etc will except paid ad revenue (they will plug people channels for money and promise of possible bookings) they also do called contra deals!
Wouldn’t want to mislead anyone thinking this SHILLB news appearing everywhere is organic because it is not.
It is the void filler for the blurred eyes brain dead lot – a pure charlatan wearing Bell Buckles.
IT’S WAR. PUTIN’S RECOGNIZED INDEPENDENCE OF DONETSK & LUGANSK; Instructed Army to safeguard the peace within them.
Welcome to the future. mRNA shots everywhere causing your cells to manufacture targets for the immune system. The more they do this, the more potential for our immune systems to get mixed up and be unable to work properly. Lots of autoimmune diseases will be upcoming where the immune system attacks its own body. Stay far away from any so-called “vaccine” that uses mRNA technologies.
Moderna Expands Its mRNA Pipeline with Three New Development Programs
Friday, February 18, 2022 8:00 AM
Topic: Company Update
Moderna, Inc.
CAMBRIDGE, MA / ACCESSWIRE / February 18, 2022 / Moderna, Inc. (NASDAQ:MRNA), a biotechnology company pioneering messenger RNA (mRNA) therapeutics and vaccines, today announced that it is expanding its mRNA pipeline with three new development programs. This announcement reflects the Company’s commitment to expanding its portfolio building on Moderna’s experience with Spikevax®, its COVID-19 vaccine. The development programs announced today are mRNA vaccine candidates against herpes simplex virus (HSV), varicella-zoster virus (VSV) to reduce the rate of shingles and a new checkpoint cancer vaccine. HSV and VZV are latent viruses that remain in the body for life after infection and can lead to life-long medical conditions. Moderna now has five vaccine candidates against latent viruses in development, including against cytomegalovirus (CMV), Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), HSV and VZV.
Moderna’s mRNA platform builds on continuous advances in basic and applied mRNA scie
Murderers really needing assistance.
Moderna may have the tiger by the tail with these new mRNA concoctions. They would surely not be eligible for FDA fast track like the COVID thing. Which means they would actually have to be tested before being unleashed on the public.
Which, in turn, means all the horrors of the mRNA would become apparent. Not a good business model.
Unless the FDA manages to help Moderna hide all the data for another 75 years.
Just like Swine Flu, the Bird Flu and Zika were precursors and dry runs for the COVID scam, COVID is a prep/foundation for the next “public health crisis” Gates and Co are planning as we speak.
The climate tyrants would feel much differently about “climate killers” if the woman in the poster had two mixed babies,of course.
The ‘white’ people (should be said people of European descend) have been driving ourselves to extintion since we’ve allowed the anti christian tribe run our systems.
What’s also noticeable is that although the woman is attractive (enough so to be in a public advert), she is also plain. What this appears to say ever so subtly is that only the ‘beautiful’ people should have the right to reproduce — not the myriad common people.
I would have said they could be, that the woman herself looked asian or mixed race? Would certainly not put it past them to be racist on purpose.
Tributes are flowing for a primary teacher and mum who died two days after testing positive to COVID-19 | Bounty Parents More complete crap in Australia – double jabbed and dead, fake test, carry on like it’s black death
Double or triple poison stabbed? Either is suicide. Not a natural death, not a tragedy, just plain old ignorance and gullibility, and possibly weakness if poison was taken reluctantly, caused her death.
The jab undermines immunity to communicable and other diseases, as UK stats show. This is apart from the danger of death from the first jab up to 2 weeks after the second.
Partial list of positions of nugatory authority: >
1) Kings, Queens, and all members of royal families
2) Any operative within a Parliamentary organization
3) Ministers of Foreign Affairs
4) Diplomats
5) All current and past presidential candidates
6) All State Governers and State legislators
7) Any person belonging to the American Bar Association
8) Any persons who claim to be “experts”
9) All medical “practitioners” and associated agency operatives
10) Bank presidents, stockbrokers, and investment counselors
🙊 🙉 🙈
thanks for the list.
but it is not accurate to classify those who betray their own people, and engineer wars, genocide and devastation, as nugatory.
(nugatory = worthless, of no real value)
Desperate thrashing around for any way to repackage the “vaccine” in a way that might convince some people –
Also worth mentioning that Corbett pointed out in a recent interview that buried in Biden’s infrastructure bill is a requirement that all vehicles from 2026 onwards have a “kill switch” – so the trucker protest would be impossible.
Uh, dig a bit deeper…..
This goes beyond Biden.
Read about V2X, aka Vehicle to Everything, which is being increasingly deployed across the U.S.
And which was first implemented under the Trump Admin. (U.S. DOT Docket Comment Period Closed on February 25, 2019).
Complete transfer of information from a vehicle to moving parts of the traffic system that may affect the vehicle, and back.
It is a transportation communication system that incorporates other more specific types of communication as V2I (vehicle-to-infrastructure), V2N (vehicle-to-network), V2V (vehicle-to-vehicle), V2P (vehicle-to-pedestrian), V2D (vehicle-to-device).
V2X is being planned for deployment worldwide.
In the U.S., numerous places/states, like “liberal” Colorado, “conservative” Wyoming, and others.
Qualcomm has been a large manufacturer of the system, and has engaged in massive PR campaigns (via Consumer Electronics shows, Lobbying, DOT rule-making, Gov’t Agency influence peddling, etc.).
Guess whom exists as the largest shareholders/owners of Qualcomm?
Vanguard, BlackRock, State Street, Fidelity (FMR), T Rowe Price, Morgan Stanley, JP Morgan, et al.
The globalist CARTEL of largest Big Asset Management firms & Big Banks, the Top 60 of which control a staggering amount of OVER $100 TRILLION in assets, across the globe, in most every continent.
And as such control entire economies.
And thus maintain effective control over global politics & governance.
Of politics & governments of BOTH the “left” and “right”.
There are no longer true Politicians of either the “left” or “right”, “Conservatives” or “Liberals”, but only Corporate Shills.
And phony “partisan” politics are being used as a method of massive PROPAGANDA & MANIPULATION of the masses.
Herding followers of “opposing” Tribes towards the same end goals by & of the same neo-feudal Lords.
** In the U.S., in numerous places/states, like “liberal” Colorado, “conservative” Wyoming, and others, V2X is already being implemented along numerous interstates, like I-70, I-80 and others.
And whilst this is often being touted/spun as merely an early-warning system, technical documentation, white papers & such clearly show how V2X will incorporate vehicle control functions.
Agenda 30 doesn’t have anyone going very far…so I guess with this they can control how far anyone does go and why…
Does it never occur to these media ghouls that it’s not even a case of anyone feeling sceptical of this technology but of not even understanding what the fuck they are taking the vaccines for in the first place?
‘Vaccines’ (toxic cheap junk with high markup) are a centre-point of the new abnormal ‘george’.. this is the new hot investment option for geriatric snake eyed ghouls in bath chairs…
they are moving out of debt and junk bonds (all of them)… and getting into carbon options and jabbedy jab jabs to inject into the carbon options that walk around ….of course they are still into weapons and tek security, they have always been good business.. and most neccessary… oh yes… how can you have demockracy without them..
and that’s where the dissenters come in to play and the holding centres to put them in… it’s all good ‘value’…
in the WEF’s definition of the word…
+ 1
Bayer Exec. admits mRNA shots are gene therapy, but don’t worry, they’re safe! And effective! For some reason, I don’t believe him.
I’m taking mine for England ! (Is an exclamation mark a good hint at satirical intent?)
Reading an article years ago police were consulted about what they’d like to see on new vehicles – autonomous as well as electric and a biggy was giving them access to the vehicle.
“What kind of “left” attacks the working class as “fascist?” Excellent article by Mark Crispin Miller on the great betrayal:
“The right-center-left paradigm/construct is just one of the tools/weapons in the arsenal of the war racketeer corporate fascist eugenicist oligarch mobster psychopath Nazis to get WE THE PEOPLE (Humanity) at each others throats, so the psycho Nazis could continue with their ongoing grand theft robbery and enslavement of Humanity.”
“The Scamdemic was the signal for all the crocodile teared jackbooted corporate fascist eugenicist fabian black/brown shirt charlatan fraudster phony baloneys to come out full Third Reich to do their Nazi thing. Overlook the false boilerplate and fake facades they used or use. It was and is there to deceive.”
Divide & Conquer (aka Divide & Rule) is likely as old as the “human” species itself.
The maxim divide et impera has been attributed via known/recorded history to Philip II of Macedon. It was utilised by the Roman ruler Julius Caesar and the French emperor Napoleon (together with the maxim divide ut regnes).
“A divide and conquer strategy, also known as “divide and rule strategy” is often applied in the arenas of politics and sociology. In this strategy, one power breaks another power into smaller, more manageable pieces, and then takes control of those pieces one by one. It generally takes a very strong power to implement such a strategy. In order to successfully break up another power or government, the conqueror must have access to strong political, military, and economic machines.”
“Leaders who use a divide and conquer strategy may encourage or foster feuds between smaller powers. This kind of political maneuvering requires a great understanding of the people who are being manipulated. In order to foster feuds, for example, one must understand the political and social histories of the parties intended to take part in the feuds.”
“The strategy also includes methods with which to control the funds and resources of the small conquered parties. For example, a powerful leader may encourage a less powerful leader to make unwise financial decisions in order to drain the smaller power’s resources. This is often successful if the leaders of the smaller powers have inflated egos and delusions of grandeur. It is important to note that this form is only effective if the smaller power allows itself to be influenced by the larger power.”
(Excerpted from this source)
the problem you have there ‘scooper’ is when you deconstruct (as the left so love to do) socialism itself.. you are ahem, left. with the same dilemma… regardless of how you choose to describe the miscreants…
‘stinkweed’ shitbag chuchill said the fascists of the future will be socialists.. presumably because they already were.. politics itself being fascism…
perhaps this is one of Marx’s ‘moving contadictions’ because he was of course more an economic theorist and not so much concerned with the real ‘welfare of the little units of economy in any meaningful way..
after all wasn’t his famous tome superficially about kapital itself and not of course exploring new alternatives…. to give the peons a better life and bigger share.. but more efficient methods of exploiting its already established potential… (how very POL POT)…
he was obviously aware of the ‘game’ in his definition of ahem, fictitious capital..
Marx was a materialist, reductionist, atheist, an enemy of God. If solutions and salvation only come form man (marxist utopianism), then ‘man is his own god’; but a civilisation where everyone is a god cannot exist or function, hence some will be gods and the rest will be children.
Modern science is applied marxism, materialist, reducionist and atheist. Man like his own god is their belief and The Science rules our lives and will give us all the answers and even eternal life. Marxist utopia is science devoid of God, the rule by experts.
Left wing leaning people struggle with this because of their misplaced piety.
One of the supposed left told me last week he does not care if everyone is shot up or not. He also insisted the truckers don’t have the majority support, insisted that the CDC and WHO never really said the PCR “test” is completely ineffective, and kept trying to use the old incompetence excuse for “lockdown liberals” who are bankrupting small and medium businesses, and even with the 2008 planned financial scam, with Wall Street just not knowing any better….
It was almost kinda fun to rebut him, but one had to accept one would NEVER get through the wall of idiocy. This same moron tried repeatedly to ask me if it really was the plague, wouldn’t I feel differently about forced vaccination? My God, the dumb.
This is what represents the left today – a bunch of vaccinated assholes who do not “care” whether the rest of us take that damned shot or not, but they also firmly believe any protest against mandates is merely racist. After letting myself rant a bit, I did feel better, since I work outside in the madness and have to suck it up all day and not say much, but the sick truth is I did not get through, none of us will EVER get through, and yes, these people are solidly fascist. While they protest that “they don’t care” and are not hateful of the unvaccinated, they will not only allow their figurehead leaders to do whatever in hell they want, but these assholes will indeed cheer it on. Dumb bastards.
I really need to start reminding these idiots that anything their very own “left” implements now will most assuredly end up in the hands of those they revile – the right wing. And it will. And while the “right” pretends to be fighting this, how long will that really last? Since the whole left right paradigm is in reality theater for the rubes, I have no doubt whatsoever the “right” will play along once they’re back in power. We are truly fucked. I apologize for being a downer, but damn, we really are fucked.
Thanks MCM is so good
Norway: Record number of people in hospital with Covid-19. This after three rounds of “vaccine”. If the dumb flock don’t see the fraud now they never will.
Age groups ?
No matter the age, after two years in an imaginary pandemic and 3 fantasy vaccines against said ‘pandemic’; yet still having high numbers of people in hospital from said ‘pandemic’ after receiving said ‘vaccines’, should be more than enough for anyone to look at this and realise how insane it is.
Name Them: Honouring Jeremy St John, QC — husband, father and lawyer with an ‘extraordinary wit’ – ABC News This is the pap we get on the ABC, he was double jabbed and still they claim he died of covid rather than the damn jabs
“extraordinary wit”. Double dose of poison injected! I’d suggest the only wit is fuckwit.
Exactly, and it’s escaped the moron Australian pollies and media that so called ”cases’ across Australia were 42 on the day of the first jab with 905 ”deaths” average age 86.
“Scottish government has decided they will not be publishing their covid statistics anymore”
Such has been a recurring theme throughout. If it appears the stats don’t support the psyop narrative, don’t collect them.
we don’t have government, mere tyranny, led by psychos and perverts intent on our demise or control. and the feminized public sector world just love their power…
get me the fuck outa here!!!
World Economic Forum’s “Young Global Leaders” and Agent Trudeau Revealed
A Global Covid Criminal Network Revealed
This is interesting (although based on a small sample size):
So nephrologists have found that many kidney patients have coronavirus? Well, of course they spin this that coronavirus is so lethal that it causes kidney failure! Of course it does – doesn’t everyone know respiratory diseases make your kidneys fail? Whose kidneys haven’t seized up when they had flu?… or isn’t it more plausible that “coronavirus” is a phantom made up of genetic debris (perhaps emitted by distressed cells) and this is what the nephrologists are detecting?
BTW I was in a certain well-known UK store buying some seeds (in an aisle full of “New imroved – no without glyphosate!” Round-Up). When seeds come to life, we say they germinate. ‘Germ Theory’ looks like another Satanic inversion, where the meaning of a word was taken and transformed into its opposite. What was life became death.
New information raises questions regarding what the ‘vacines’ are doing?
lgbt is antifa is blm is insulate britain is global warming cooling climte changing
barbera lerner spector rita katz klaus schwabb kill gates
net zero carbon plant based soylent green foods
covid germ theory operation gladio cull daddio
and granny plato cave flicker show
the lie machine
moloch needs feeding oded yinon is a big idea that grows
satans crew captured a bounty in the billions of souls
It’s always been about human sacrifice. And now is no different.
“Kurdish transgender women killed by brother”
This brother is a Champion for ‘Conservative Values’; an ideal candidate to become an Education Minister in Canberra (the colony of australia)
… can also be highly qualified to be an immigration minister, defense minister or prime minister in the colony.
a pig is A PIG.
Kurdish man killed by brother. Just because a man puts on a dress doen’t chnge his sex. It is nor right he was killed, but he is no woman.
it is not for genocidal psychopaths to fix what is not a problem!
Ministry of Truth
Public Health Scotland will stop publishing data on covid deaths and hospitalisations by vaccination status – over concerns it is misrepresented by anti-vaxx campaigners.
Instead, officials will focus on publishing more robust and complex vaccine effectiveness data.
PHS officials said significant concerns about the data being misused deliberately by anti-vaccination campaigners is behind the move.
One PHS official said focusing on vaccine effectiveness rather than the existing ‘very simple statistics’ would result in ‘much more robust’ data for the public.
“The case rates, hospitalisation rates, the death rates are very simple statistics, whereas for the vaccine effectiveness studies we use modelling,”
“What we are going to do is do a lot more on the vaccine effectiveness side and try and make people understand how effective the vaccine is.”
“The case rates…….. modelling” I keep reading it,over and over. Tell me you made it up….please!
Another young healthy person drops dead in the New Normal
Jamal Edwards (31) founder of SB:TV (UK Music Scene) has passed away from a sudden illness!!
This truckers deflection has it uses.
Does this sound familiar.??
Essential travel only Cancellation of events, Big cooperate business’s closing
Colleges schools closing. Independent business’s told to close
Government council staff told to work from home.
Dont expect your independent alternative media funded by the intelligence services to report on this, it all pro conservative at the moment and the truckers deflections..
Thursday Friday and Saturday(17/18/19 February)
The U.k mainly conservatives hotspots
towns like Bournemouth (Tobias Elwood) had it first climate Lockdown under the guise of Storm Eunice.
Bus’s and trains where cancelled to Minimum the spread of the storm. Helicopters heard from 22pm to midnight and police sirens starting from 6am – 9am sounding familiar./??
We have never heard of shops business’s and council offices and events being cancelled due to a storm.
On Saturday bloggers visited Bournemouth and spoke to business’s who were all told to close but stay open if they was essential.!?
Purposely confusing but many took the threat seriously on the Thursday.
Even on Saturday (19th February) events where postponed as venue staff were
told it was to dangerous to go to work (virtually the same wording as stopping the spread) even rhythms like it. I recall walking to school in gale force winds 35 years back.
Promoters where bullied in to postponing events which where held in government cooperate funded buildings . Cliché terminology’s like
risking lives was mentioned in the emails and scripts templates the
venue/business management repeated to it confused staff who have been traumatized and borderline indoctrinated by covid.
Was nice to see many INDEPENDENT business’s opened on Saturday day and night.
Build back better bojo and the freedumb loving conservatives and just like that,… under the covid emergency dictatorship become the climate emergency dictatorship
which was ending a month earlier according to the usual rhythm and repeaters media funded by the oligarchy
This truckers scapegoat deflection has it uses.
Collective punishment has a long history. They resort to it when the dissidents are popular.
“The Melbourne camp cost over 580 million dollars to build”
why so expensive? surveillance cameras prices are coming down. is the price of movement sensors going up? are microphones and remote controlled locks expensive?
When one looks these types of buildings are always a reward for someone contract….cost times more than any normal builder would have done within a private contract…same price gouging went on with the school hall building and batts in ceilings lab did years ago…
Actually the BER was under budget
Oh, easy. Backhanders for mates of them in charge
I bet the Chinese could have done the job for 1/2 the cost.
If we are sto stop having children, why would we care about the climate?
Haven’t you heard? Jeff Bezos and crew plan on living forever. Don’t be selfish and think about them for a change.
So do I.
Greater Good. Collectivism. Invisible Deadly molecules. Gain of Function. Build Back Better. Wear a condom. Wear a mask. Take your poison shots. Stay home. Obey. Don’t congregate. Vaccines save lives. Stand six feet away. Ride a bike. Show your papers. Stay home, save lives. Get tested. LGBTQ. GMO. BLM. Green Energy. Obey. Eat Insects. Lab Grown Meat. Plant based meat. Downsize. Buy electric. Pay your bills. Don’t question the AUTHORITIES. Watch the news. Await instructions. Obey. Carry a SMART device. Wear a watch/bio-monitor. Don’t do your own research. Don’t spread misinformation. Track and Trace. Get a booster. Obey. Pay your taxes. Trust the science. VOTE. Arctic Ice. Carbon taxes. Carbon Credits. Net Zero Carbon. Rent, don’t buy. Circular economy. Own nothing and be happy.
excellent, indeed R, choose “life” ?
well i choose not to choose life, as i intend to live.
: )
😉 Exactly. Choose life (living) truth, freedom, autonomy, courage and love.
+ 100
you need to turn that into a poster!
“Trudeau Recently Sold the mRNA Patents to China for $500M USD – Trudeau may have won the lottery”
Latest Poll: 38% of Canada has gone full-on fascist !
Why not try it on your friends and family?
Feb 21, 2022
Conservatives up 10 points in new poll amid Trudeau’s anti-freedom fiasco
Amid the Trudeau government’s crackdown on the freedom protests, the federal Conservative party has shot up in the polls since Candice Bergen took over as interim leader, according to new data from Mainstreet Research.
The analysis in this report is based on results of a survey conducted from February 16th-17th, 2022 among a sample of 1323 adults, 18 years of age or older, living in Canada.
Page 9: Do you support or oppose the federal government invoking the Emergencies Act on Monday to give Ottawa extra powers to deal with protestors in Ottawa and along the border?
Strongly Support . . .. . 38.2%
Somewhat Support . . . 13.3%
Somewhat Oppose . . . . 5.4%
Strongly Oppose .. . . . . 38.9%
Not Sure . .. . . . . . . . . . . 4.2%
polls..????? at your age.
They use polls to gauge how well the propaganda is working.
No, no, no. Polls are a device for convincing the people of others opinions. They don’t publish polls for themselves or to gauge a psyops success.
They PUBLISH THEM for you. For the consumers. The citizens. The slaves. The dumb dupes who vote and believe legal fictions have authority over them.
IE, published polls are NOT reliable, accurate, believable or verifiable. It’s propaganda.
+ 10
I love some all-seeing eye imagery in the morning:
The statement that proudly ‘woke’ progressives would be “hallucinating” is outright mockery.
QE11 + 3 jabs = QE11.GMO, yes ?
I like that HAKA thing– very masculine.
The hour long Gates’ presentation is far overshadowed by the Doctors for Covid Ethics’ Symposium the same day.
Agreed, I watched the whole thing and was just disappointed that the issue of graphene oxide nanoparticles and eggs that hatch into microscopic parasites was not broached, despite plenty of evidence that these things are in the injections.
“and eggs that hatch into microscopic parasites” [roflol]
Please examine some of the evidence and then see if you are still laughing:
Bitcoin is an opern-source project.
Who uses it for good or bad, is not Bitcoin’s fault!
100 dollar bills are used for drug deals, (and coal mines!) as is Bitcoin.
That’s life!
US KYC (Know Your Customer) legislation says otherwise. It was one of the legacies of 9/11.
Mr. Oliver is Scottish no? One day he’s nice and on point but lets nit cut him too much credit, the man is ignorant of the world stage when it comes to Russia, China and climate fiascos. So yes for now he’s okay but at the end of the day , well he’s Scottish.
As for the degenerate Mr.Bill, well he’s disappointed that the Omicron variant beat them to it. its almost as if someone did us all a favour with this last polypeptide.
Pharma has moved past vaccines anyway. its Oral antivirals next time so that perhaps explains Mr.Bills’ odd speech at the Security Conference in Munich. He knows its over.
Climate and babies. Look if your stupid enough to believe the climate fiasco is real then perhaps its a good idea not to propagate your gene line. Sure having children is bad, what the fuck is this all about. Do these people travel the world ? Man, look around at its beauty and abundance.
We have the ability to empower the world with clean energy that is cheap. Its called a hydrogen fuel cell and until all these degenerates stop pretending with solar and wind we may just get there. Actually certain solar is not bad but its not sunny all the time is it?
Never mind that the world is dimming at an alarming rate. No we are all about CO2 in the atmosphere …sure lets just tax us all as a solution. Where is Greta dimwit when we need a bitch.
misinformation is that it? What is rubbish ? Speak. Say something,
Not everyone from Scotland belongs to the Scottish Rite – although anyone on TV probably is.
My point however the people of Scotland had an option a few years ago to do the right thing and what happened?
They are being played over and over. My hope is they wake up.
that is a cheap xeno opening, on an otherwise tolerable post. yeah Oliver kens SFA about Russia or Donbass but it is not because he is Scots.
More importantly, Neil Oliver, is Dr N O? that’s more interesting that his britophile patter surely?
what has his national or ethnic origin have to do with it? i am as un-pc as they come but fuck your inane prejudice
e.g. – yeah the English are all stoopit racist fukheids who cannot even talk their own articulated language as well as their colonial victims, and willing gimps to their nobility, fek, the Irish can’t get as drunk as the Scots and they are all subversive papists, pussies, and frenchiefrogs eat legs with garlands of ingins wrapped around their necks whilst their wives mount their north African lover… them Bosch, don’t even start me……. hahahah… see those fucking rag-head hadjis….lol etc etc etc
on ye go, indulge us with yer boakdrookit bile. then, bile yer heid
i am sure you’ll expose more along the way, or is that a scotch mistconception.
berliners have micro-penises, their ye are beerman, you finch cloacca-ed xenophobe, a Prague prostitute told me so, it musy be true.
avoid gross and offensive generalisations, most here try at least to.
Proved a point somewhat…..
How do we make hydrogen?
you fucking extract it from water using an extractor that is powered by whatever the hell you want.
or if you like the other option – use your natural gas that seems to be somehow finding it hard to make its way down.
Feeling trapped by The ‘Covid’ Narrative for nearly two years, now that’s it’s ‘collapsing’ i’m getting Withdrawal Symptoms.
The BBC (and presumably the Graun) are pushing the narrative that Boorish is going alone and taking a big risk: no acknowledgement that the rest of the world is doing the same.
Plus 100.
“Oink, Oink.”
“Heil Nazi Boy!”
Always a pleasure!
Yes arrogant authoritarian cretin listening to him made me feel nauseous
She has sniffles, a runny nose, ie, a slight cold. Vaxx her, for God’s sake.
You know all’s well in the world when the major “News” concern is ‘The Queen and Her Sniffles’, and not the resistance to Trudeau’s Dictatorship.
Have the truckers not gone home?
I recall that at a time of mass public cynicism over the media inspired by Iraq “WMDs”, the news tackled this lack of public trust … with a reference to some misinfo about the Queen!
Or even the alleged invasion-to-be of Ukraine. What next? “Cat rescued from tree”?
This week the big story was rodents at family dollar. yep!
I don’t know why this story got so much attention.
After all, Dollar Store aficionados insist that the $1 rodents they sell at the Dollar Store are exactly the same as the overpriced rodents sold at pet shops, just without the famous brand name and flashy packaging!
3 times already done.
Has she had her boosters?
Out with the old…..

In with the “new”…..

Just in case people got the wrong impression, yes, on that day in NZ there were dozens doing a haka. But they were dozens among the thousands of people there who have occupied parliament grounds and the surrounding streets, setting up a self sufficient village.
The other day someone counted 752 tents pitched. Everyday it has been growing, with more cars and people turning up from all corners of the country..
Hopefully it’s less retarded than Chaz. If it isn’t, cool.
That’s a low bar. Absolute anything’s less retarded than CHAZ,
Chairman Drew, where would I find more alternate media info on the NZ “Occupation”?
A ‘self-sufficient village’ in the middle of a city? Let’s see, they will need to grow enough vegetables and fruits and raise some animals as well who need to be fed. Then they’ll need a sustainable way to generate power, they will have to build a a waste removal system, for general waste and human/animal waste, ceptic tanks won’t do long term, so build a sewerage system perhaps. They will need to provide their own security and social organisation system.
I’m not sure they will be able to successfully achieve any of those points. So they will be gone in a matter of a few weeks leaving behind a whole mess that will cost a lot of resources and money, at best; and at worse you’ll have a shanty town favela style in a middle of a city, creating all kinds of problems and will have to be cleaned up on a regular basis at very high cost as well.
The people living in neighbouring areas will be delighted.
There is an ivermectin panic on the big tech and MSM right now. Massive articles from MSM on Ivermectin trying to push a danger narrative and also negative press on Americans Frontline Dr’s, again, to keep the Covid narrative alive. Just go to the Goog and type ivermectin then look at all the panic news articles. We are over the target. Big-Pharma is panicking. This medicine has been widely used by humans without any problems for 40 years. It’s inventor won a Nobel Prize after 20 years of successful use and after 100 million people were cured of a broad spectrum of problems without any side effects. If you want to get Ivermectin you can visit
pureblood, what 3 idiots downvoted this comment?
He gets downvoted because this is a regular spam posting trying to push people to the website he mentions at the bottom of his post.
Admin SHOULD do something about posts like this or the whole enterprise will be overrun by similar others as so many web properties are.
Absolutely, people selling stuff should take their adverts elsewhere.
jojo, so what? It’s a product relevant to what we’re opposing & it’s difficult to obtain. Kudos to him.
But thanks for explaining the downvote.
I was one of these people who got Covid in the hospital. After 24 months of remaining unvaxxed and uninfected, I went into Stanford hospital in Palo Alto, CA on 2/1 for elective outpatient surgery. I apparently left with a Covid infection, which began to manifest itself on 2/4. I used some “horse paste” Ivermectin for a couple of days and otherwise, just slept a lot. It was like a mild flu with a max temp increase of about 2°F, sore muscles, headache, runny nose and some mild coughing. Pretty much all cleared now. Did a 7 mile jog/hike yesterday.
Thanks Stanford, for giving me the opportunity to gain full natural immunity from Covid!
Nowhere is safe: Record number of patients contracted Covid in the hospital in January
More hospital patients contracted Covid-19 last month than at any point of the pandemic, a POLITICO analysis of federal health data shows.
By Rachael Levy and Allan James Vestal
02/19/2022 07:00 AM EST
More than 3,000 hospitalized patients each week in January had caught Covid sometime during their stay, more than any point of the pandemic, according to U.S. government data analyzed by POLITICO.
The record surge demonstrates the virulence of the Omicron variant and how even hospitals, where infection control is paramount, provided little refuge.
I got extremely sick a few weeks ago.
It was about the sickest I’ve been in recent memory.
Terribly sore throat, severe muscular aches, massive migraine, constant nagging cough, high fever, etc.
I was bed-ridden for two days due to being completely exhausted.
But I learned about a decade ago to beat my former chronic pneumonia by using steam inhalation of essential oils, like Eucalyptus, Tea Tree, Thyme, Peppermint and White Willow bark (natural Salicin).
So I started those steam inhalation treatments.
I did that 2-3 times per day, for those two days.
I was back to 100 percent by the third day.
All symptoms completely gone.
Even went on a 50 mi bicycle ride.
Total cost of that treatments = about $2.
I have no idea if I had “covid” nor not, I didn’t bother to get “tested” (those “tests” are diagnostic kits, actually, not real tests).
And I refuse to submit to the wholly corrupted medical industry.
There is no such thing as one-size-fits-all medicine.
Different bodies react in different ways to different things.
Penicillin for example is live saving for some, but deadly to others.
But the global medical industry is mostly about quick, easy, convenient & profits more than anything else.
I think it’s important to share information and personal experiences, so that others may potentially gain knowledge from that shared info & experience.
Freedom & equality depend upon the free exchange of ideas, opinions, etc., and the consideration of other’s ideas, opinions, etc.
Where you have systems of growing dependence, you increasingly have an absence of independence.
There are massive power& profit motives behind systems of growing dependence.
If people don’t work harder to regain more personal independence, they will suffer the consequences of systems of growing dependence, at the hands of others.
“If we should find ourselves beholden to some other, imagined authority, this can only mean that we have constructed the systems of our own servitude.”
The young lass who runs our local pool got all those symptoms as an adverse reaction to the 2 jab…along with some very nasty looking sores on her face which i.saw….3 weeks of being quite Ill and now struggling to swim a few hundred mtrs in the pool…heavens knows what long term damage..
You are quite correct in what you say. Amazing how the virtue signalers make the claim “I got Covid” Absolute BS. PCR was never diagnostic. People believe everything they a told by someone in a white coat or someone on a telly screen. Its a digital Xerox DNA copier.
People that have been terrified into taking a jab based on some digitally created sequence need their heads read, sorry to say. They have succumbed to fear.
People must wake up refuse to use their personal property, i.e. their cell phones to accommodate the demands of the nutters who push or better said, Foist these QR codes and other application on you. Blimey, how can people just acquiesce to the BS? I struggle to understand the stupidity.
The correct essential oils can actually save lives, far safer, faster and better than penicillin. So can other phytomedicine that’s available over the counter and in the health food store.
So don’t be fooled by the medical myths the Rockefeller allopathic cartel have spread about all the lives saved from antibiotics.
No viral kits, tests or manufacturing techniques such as PCR are diagnostic. They don’t detect anything other than gene fragments we already have, or after about 16 cycles or more, noise. In the case of other types of tests such as antibody tests, they are all non specific, unrelated to viruses and are simply proteins your body may or may not contain after a bout of illness, toxic RX, or exposure to poison injections, aka vaccines.
I’m honestly no fan of Donald Trump, and while he faced much ridicule for his query on whether people could inhale disinfectants to stop “covid”, there is a practical way of doing just that.
Thymol, a phytochemical, has been recognized by entities like the FDA and others for being as effective at killing over 99.99% of all bacteria & virus as is the synthetic ingredients in disinfectants like Lysol.
Beyond that, a better diet richer in more natural herbs & spices has the same general effect.
People have the abilities to grow their own natural apothecaries.
Imagine if more people grew more of their own medicines.
And beyond a merely vegan approach, if more farm animals were raised eating better diets containing more beneficial & healthy phytochemicals, they would also provide better diets for meat eaters.
I’m interested in the history & “evolution” (devolution, really) of the Big Pharma industry.
It was born of Nature (originally based on phytochemucs), but continually & progressively subjected to greater reductionism, refinement, processing, isolation & such as to be rendered increasingly useless, even often dangerous (focusing on a small fraction of individual constituents, failing to account for the functions of the whole).
We’ve “progressed” to absolute stupidity & mass ignorance.
“Imagine if more people grew more of their own medicines.”
That’s what I’m hoping for. People can be responsible for their own health, rather than blaming microbes or bad genes. They can step out of the Rockefeller medical cartel mind prison, and learn to take care of themselves. It’s entirely possible to find natural, safe and inexpensive fixes for all dis-ease.
jojo, I’m glad your surgery cum covid is behind you.
Convid ? I have seen no evidence it exists.
Except they are jab injured
There’s no such thing as covid. The PCR process, manufactures genetic fragments OF YOUR OWN GENOME. You can’t get immunity for something that doesn’t even exist in the physical realm, only on paper. People are so unbelievably stupid and gullible.
Sigh. Look in the mirror for “unbelievably stupid and gullible”
And you are dogmatic, Researcher. The last step in the scientific method is “Maintain an open mind.”
That’s false. This is the scientific method. Design of experiments is of paramount importance.
In the medical and biology field, controls are required and used. Then a “killer experiment“ is run to try and disprove one’s theory or hypothesis, in order to validate the results.
Without those protocols in place, all researchers (particularly in medical research) are perpetuating is scientific fraud in return for $$$$.
I’m not open to easily provable, scientific fraud. Lies that can be easily disproven with controls. And I am not open to imaginary, invisible, never found molecules, allegedly causing disease when tox studies and blood work prove other, far more likely and measurable causes such as pesticides, synthetic chemicals, environmental pollution, radiation exposure, nutritional deficiencies, poisoned water, poor diets and negative thoughts as the cause of all illness and disease.
Epidemiological studies back up those measurable toxic and environmental exposures.
Nor I am I open to pictures of dead artifacts being claimed as viral when the exact same structures that have been claimed to be viral are seen without any patient sample (alleged viral matter not physically being present) within a control group.
Nor am I open to claims of contagion, or germs being the cause of disease or illness when those claims have repeatedly been disproven with experiments and studies, century after century, decade after decade, year after year.
Your weak attempts to denigrate anyone who doesn’t accept absurd, unprovable, unscientific claims don’t amount to anything except desperation, to keep the virus superstition lie alive, using appeals to authority, based on military funded, eugenics programs that originated under the Rockefeller medical cartel.
“And I am not open to imaginary, invisible, never found molecules, allegedly causing disease when tox studies and blood work prove other, far more likely and measurable causes such as pesticides, synthetic chemicals, environmental pollution, radiation exposure, nutritional deficiencies, poisoned water, poor diets and negative thoughts as the cause of all illness and disease.”
I don’t dispute that much of this does help cause disease, but if you don’t believe that germs create illness, how exactly do you explain the process of that “tox” in those studies?
How do you explain the sudden shift in the processes from “well-being” to “sick” back to “well-being”?
If germs don’t infect cells then eventually dissipate (i.e. eventual defeat by immunity suppression), and since those other factors (such as pesticides, synthetic chemicals, environmental pollution, radiation exposure, nutritional deficiencies, poisoned water, poor diets and negative thoughts) are always present, why aren’t people chronically & constantly sick with the same ailments/symptoms?
I’d be interested in hearing more about your knowledge, background, experience, research, observations in microbiology.
“Tox” is short for toxicity. Toxicity studies, performed on thousands of chemicals, over decades. The mechanism of action may be different for each compound.
People ARE chronically ill from environmental toxins, RX, vaccines, poor diet, lifestyle, radiation and negative thoughts. There’s a global epidemic of cancer, heart disease, asthma, allergies, diabetes, respiratory diseases, neurological disorders etc., etc.
Germs don’t infect cells. They aren’t fought off by our immune system. We have a detoxification system; lymphatic drainage, metabolizing, filtering, and an adaptive (epigenetic) and protein and cell recycling system, rather than an immune system fighting germs.
The germ theory model – of our body as a battlefield – is false.
The cells in our body, produce all the bacteria, fungi and yeast as a response to toxaemia and to eliminate and recycle, dead and damaged tissue. Germs are plaeomorphic and endogenous.
Seasonally, we go through a detox phase, (cold or flu symptoms) when our organs aren’t able to fully metabolize and eliminate all the toxins and waste by-products built up over the course of a year or more.
This seasonal detox usually occurs when our Vitamin D levels are low (less sunshine) or after large temperature drops. Once the detox phase is over, the cold and flu symptoms disappear and we return to homeostasis.
Watch this video to understand why germs aren’t the cause of illness.
If you still don’t understand, then come back, and I’ll post some articles and books for you to read.
Dr. John P A Ioannidis wrote a whole book on fraud, incompetence, corruption, etc. in medical research. Try to look it up.
Summarizing……I kicked my son and his wife out of my house. Along the lines of “Get the fuck out. You are no longer welcome”……I basically said, “If you vaccinate your kids, you are out of the will”. I am not rich. My estate will be worth about 3/4 of a million. It will all go to my daughter if he chooses wrong. Period. What’s the purpose of life? To perpetuate your genes. Latest research indicates that the vaccines sterilize children. My daughter has vowed not to sterilize. My son is leaning in that direction. If he does he is out, and he knows it. I made it clear. His wife is driving it. She and her coffee clutch of teachers are afraid of Covid. Too bad. I don’t give a fuck what her teacher’s lounge group of friends think. They are fucking out. I am so angry at her. Fucking selfish batch of cookies.
One of the most sickening things these covidiots do is demand their own kids take that shot to protect their own asses, not those of their kids. Because they don’t feel “safe” they demand CHILDREN make potentially the ultimate sacrifice – early and possibly life long heart disease, auto-immune disease, perhaps early death – all because “adults” and I use that term extremely loosely, don’t feel safe. For fuck’s sake. Yes, selfish as all hell, aren’t they? And yet they use that little term for those of us who refuse to partake in their madness. Idiot is too damned nice a word, isn’t it?
It is a series of small propaganda steps: “the most vulnerable first” to “frontliners next” to “other adults next” to teens and children (who are the safest) – because the last group may kill granny.
What you do with your own will, and with your own money and possesions after you are dead has absolutely fuck all to do with fascism or tyranny. You may agree or disagree with what somebody does but quite frankly, it’s not really any of your business.
No. However loudly you shout, it’s known as having integrity.
Like Scotland:
The C.D.C. Isn’t Publishing Large Portions of the Covid Data It Collects
The agency has withheld critical data on boosters, hospitalizations and, until recently, wastewater analyses.
Apoorva Mandavilli
Feb. 20, 2022
The Slimes demands I pay to read their foul falsehoods. No thanks.
Who knew?
“Everyone is at Risk for Blood Clots!” – CDC and Pfizer Issue Urgent Warnings on Blood Clots Even in “The Healthiest Athletes”
February 19, 2022
Both CDC and Pfizer have recently issued a public warning about “blood clots.”
I’ll bet there’s a new Pfizer rat poison that just happens to reduce the risk of blood clots.
All they’d have to do would be to re-package Warfarin, (which is a rat poison), colour it blue or pink, and everybody would want some.
Another wave of unbelievable profits would ensue for Pfizer, of course.
People today will buy anything that’s coloured blue or pink, and is pronounced ‘safe’ by fatheads like Trudeau and the rest.
The clotting arises from the blood clotting factors, antibodies, etc. responding to the spikes sticking out from adjacent cells into blood vessels. Will anti-clotting substances work?
When the clotting capability is exhausted, severe bleeding follows. Apart from some early reports in 2020, you do not see any more reports of bleeding at all, but anyone will hit that wall after pervasive clotting.
I saw a similar story. They simply said there has been an increase in clotting and Covid may be the cause. You just know that will be the story. They are all scrambling to create the new narrative that exonerates them all from wrong doing. As long as the story tellers are young medical doctors speaking in a clear and friendly voice while saying everything is going to be OK. Old “kooks” like Dr. Robert Malone are being portrayed as “off their rocker”. My favorite alternative news source (Daily Wire) was doing that just this morning while I was drinking my first sips of coffee. A young doctor was taking statistics out of context and ignoring the big picture. It is clear “they” are ready to move forward and act as though no mistakes were made. Meanwhile vaccinated people are going to continue to drop like flies and the medical community is going deny the vaccines were the cause. Simply dropping the mandates is not going to be enough for me. But so many others I know don’t care. They just want to get back to normal and have no desire to hold anyone accountable for killing and maiming all of the those healthy innocent people. First ban the vaccines. Then, go after them. Hold them accountable for heinous crimes against humanity.
The longer they can drag on the era of “the jab is scientific”, the more people become culpable. Perhaps they expect that to reduce the likelihood of a backlash when the deaths and injuries become too obvious.
Do they have the power to make this decision on their own????
Practically everything today’s politicians do is something they do not actually have the power to do.
But they do it anyway.
We really need to do the same.
It’s the only language they understand.
What we have to do in this particular case is to show up at the headquarters of whatever department this is, and insist that those statistics be published.
Like any other government, the Scottish government is supposed to represent its citizens.
If the government declines to give its citizens any scientific information reasonably requested, they are failing in their job and need to be replaced.
It isn’t really any more complicated than that.
Even the American Declaration of Independence calls it a citizen’s duty to replace an out-of-control government.
✌ ✌
Who is going to discipline them ? Anal Schwab ? The banksters ?
From Sky News:
“The Queen has tested positive for coronavirus, Buckingham Palace has said.”
“The monarch, 95, is experiencing mild cold-like symptoms and expects to continue light duties at Windsor this week, the palace said.”
“She is understood to be triple vaccinated.”
“So clearly, those around her have had COVID, she’s now contracted it.”
“In recent weeks, Prince Charles also tested positive for COVID for a second time, and his wife, the Duchess of Cornwall, was diagnosed with the virus.”
Perhaps most interesting, this all reads like an ANTI-VACCINE CAMPAIGN.
The “vaccinated” are still getting sick, sometimes multiple times.
And those “vaccinated” people are spreading it to other “vaccinated” people.
Glad I never got Big Pharma’s little prick.
But after reading this I do sincerely wish that “covid” were more lethal.
People strutting around this world thinking they are “royalty” need a taste of common mortality.
Let’s face it, most people are pathetic!
It is fine-tuning of the propaganda for the holdouts: “Look, we told you that you can get sick, but (a) it’s covid, not the jab (b) you probably won’t get too ill”.
The rich and privileged get away with it again
Of course, you have to let him have sex with your nubile daughter before you get the money…
One Aubrey Cottle – a Canadian hacker and self-proclaimed ‘cyberterrorist’ boasted about hacking fundraising platform GiveSendGo and releasing the details of those who donated to the protesting truckers in Ottawa. Here is the charming Mr Cottle:
Now where have I heard that tone before? Ah yes:
Yes Keith, they’re afraid! But who are “they”? Who is really afraid? Sounds to me like it’s you and Mr Cottle! But what it is that you are afraid of? It sure as hell ain’t covid!
With vaccines it took us two years to be at oversupply.
WHAT?! TWO YEARS? I DON’T THINK SO — it has only been 14 months. Unless, just perhaps, the “vaccines” were being manufactured months (if not years) in advance for this psy-op? Are they inadvertently letting the kitty out of the bag with this statement?
“…mass vaccinations began on December 14, 2020” according to Wikipedia (and my memory).
[Interesting date for beginning the “shots” since December 14, 2012 was the day 20 children and 6 adults were allegedly shot at the Sandy Hook Elementary School.
Elementary, my dear Watson.]
I believe they have been in development for some time, since that last SARS panic: Sars Original. This inconveniently disappeared before the “vaccines” could be tested. All that was required was for Fauci to release the chemicals to his servants in Oxford and Germany who were required to build a delivery mechanism — mRNA for the sophisticated and monkey snot for Oxford.
DARPA funded Moderna and Phizer in 2013 with tens of millions to develop mrna shit. Was a 5 year contract. I’m too lazy to find a link but the proof is out there….
Put ‘Moderna’ or Pfizer’ into any search engine and you will be swamped by ‘saviours of mankind’ type rubbish. Probably just a coincidence.
Excellent overview of the WEF’s Young Global Leaders’ programme by F. William Engdahl:
Gordon Brown graduated from the class of 1993: how exceedingly fortunate he happened to be PM when the banks crashed and was there to oversee their rescue without getting an iota in return. Those who can still bear to look at the Fraud must be noticing how Brown’s every fart seems to get a story from them, usually about how no African must remain unjabbed.
Brown is only a little WEF level 6 (second from bottom) where as Tony Blair is a level 1. That must hurt :).
Leaked davos guest list
I participated in making an even more extensive list at Wikispooks of Young Global Leaders from 1993 to 2021 and their connection to Covid. It is well worth a browse through the years.
The WEF turns them out like production-line Robo-Leaders…
or Klaus Schwab ‘Manchurian Candidates’.