Letter to Ron DeSantis

Veto HB 7021 to Protect Floridians from Incentivized Medical Malpractice & Hospicide

Margaret Anna Alice

“‘Emergencies’ have always been the pretext on which the safeguards of individual liberty have been eroded—and once they are suspended it is not difficult for anyone who has assumed such emergency powers to see to it that the emergency will persist.”
FA Hayek, Law, Legislation, and Liberty

Dear Governor DeSantis,

I’m not a big fan of politicians. I probably only need one hand to count the ones who appear to possess a whit of integrity, rationality, and moral courage—off the top of my head, Tulsi Gabbard, Ron Johnson, Ron Paul, Brian Peckford, and you.

Gideon van Meijeren’s pretty kickass, too:

But back to you, Governor. Throughout the manufactured COVID crisis, you have displayed sanity, respected individual liberties, followed the actual science, and resisted the worldwide mudslide into tyranny.

You did lock down (a disappointing concession to authoritarianism, but, to your credit, one you later expressed regret over and vowed not to repeat), but only for a month.

Unlike most of your peers, you kept your word and lifted the stay-at-home order after thirty days.

You stated at a November 2020 press conference that there would be “no lockdowns, no fines, no school closures. No one’s losing their job because of a government dictate. Nobody’s losing their livelihood or their business.”

You signed legislation to protect Floridians from coercive mandates. You support the rights of workers to decide whether to wear masks.

You set up monoclonal antibody treatment sites around the state—until the FDA suddenly revised the emergency use authorizations to prohibit providers from administering these highly effective treatments in the United States.

You support proposed legislation to protect the rights of loved ones to visit patients in hospitals and long-term care facilities, noting, “COVID cannot be used as an excuse to deny patients basic rights.”

You advocated for the rights of physicians to prescribe drugs they believe will work without fear of penalties such as loss of license, preserving the sacred doctor-patient relationship from interference by politics.

You even honored Firecracker Fiona Lashells, a second-grader I proudly featured as an example of brave noncompliance with unhealthy mask mandates.

You haven’t gotten deliriously drunk on COVID emergency powers like so many tyrants and colluders across the nation and around the world.

All in all, you’ve done a dang good job defending the liberties and rights of your constituents against the contagion of tyranny—a far graver threat than an illness with a 99.8% survival rate.

People who live in and visit Florida tell me it’s like BC (Before COVID) times—a mighty feat given how hard the WEF’s global spiderweb of puppet dictators have been working to Ctrl-Alt-Delete the world.

Now you have a compelling opportunity to demonstrate you aren’t owned by the pharmaceutical-medical complex—as distinguished from your colleagues; mainstream media; Big Tech; compromised scientists and medical professionals; and captured agencies.

You can prove you can’t be bought, bullied, or blackmailed.

How, you ask?

Veto HB 7021, Covid-19–Related Claims Against Health Care Providers, which “extends duration of liability protections from COVID-19–related claims against health care providers.”

You can strip the health-scare system of financial immunity from the harm it inflicts on its victims and their families.

You can bring comfort to those who have been irreparably injured and bereaved by corporate fraud, criminal negligence, and medical liquidation.

You can choose to protect human rights and lives rather than caving in to political and corporate pressures.

While discussing the 2010 BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, law professor Richard Epstein explained the value liability provides:

The best way to deter future spills is to expose drillers to the full costs of any mistake and not let any company without proper insurance near an oil derrick […] A tough liability system does more than provide compensation for serious harms after the fact. It also sorts out the wheat from the chaff—so that in this case companies with weak safety profiles don’t get within a mile of an oil derrick. Solid insurance underwriting is likely to do a better job in pricing risk than any program of direct government oversight. Only strong players, highly incentivized and fully bonded, need apply for a permit to operate.”

Let’s take a moment to reflect on how broken the current zero-liability system is.

Something is malodorously wrong when hospitals are rewarded for negative health outcomes.

Why on earth would a government incentivize illness and death; prohibit the administration of potentially life-saving treatments; and disincentivize safety mechanisms such as reporting adverse events?

COVID has been a grotesquely lucrative racket, accomplishing the greatest wealth transfer from the middle class to the ruling elites in history.

For hospitals, that swindle has been especially profitable, yielding hundreds of thousands of dollars per COVID patient in some states, including $471,000 in West Virginia (Florida only gets a measly $132,000 by comparison).

Everyone paying attention understands that hospitals have become contemporary death camps. Hospicide kills more people than COVID according to this analysis.

Heinously, nearly all deaths attributed to COVID could have been avoided by administering early treatment protocols and eschewing Dr. Mengelfauci’s abysmal COVID treatment guidelines, which earned the United States the top spot in the world for number of COVID deaths per million (2,107/million through September 30, 2021, per The Real Anthony Fauci). We’re number one!

To receive COVID bribes, hospitals are required to follow the very guidelines that have proven so lethal.

Once you check into a hospital, you become a prisoner of medical tyranny, subsequently losing your autonomy, right to receive visitors, and ability to make decisions about your own health. You become a money-laundering vehicle for funneling taxpayer dollars into hospital and pharmaceutical coffers.

Today’s hospital stays look like a scene out of Coma.

Hospitalization is now such a treacherous act, Florida attorney Jeff Childers has prepared a guide to help patients survive it.

Although this experience described by John O’Looney occurred in the United Kingdom, it is indicative of stories from patients around the world.

Ben Gordon recently shared a similar hospital horror story. After a car accident, he woke up in an Arizona hospital as a COVID patient hooked up to a ventilator.

These men barely escaped with their lives. Other patients weren’t so lucky.

Legendary public meeting troll Alex Stein recently broke character to share the heartbreaking story of slowly watching his mother, Kelly Stein Fahey, being medically murdered by Baylor Hospital.

Despite Kelly’s and Alex’s instructions not to administer remdesivir, the hospital forged ahead with its prosperous protocol.

When a medication is known to be so fatal that casually killing nurses nickname it run-death-is-near and remdeathivir, something is wickedly off.

At $3,120 a pop, remdesivir is so hazardous and its EUA approval process so unscrupulous, it merited its own lengthy section in The Real Anthony Fauci, where Robert F. Kennedy Jr. writes:

Remdesivir has no clinical efficacy against COVID, according to every legitimate study. Worse, it is deadly poisonous, and expensive poison at $3,000 for treatment
[S]ix months into the Ebola study, the trial’s Safety Review Board suddenly pulled both remdesivir and ZMapp from the trial. Remdesivir, it turned out, was hideously dangerous. Within 28 days, subjects taking remdesivir had lethal side effects including multiple organ failure, acute kidney failure, septic shock, and hypotension, and 54 percent of the remdesivir group died—the highest mortality rate among the four experimental drugs.
Doctors began seeing acute kidney failure on day three, four, and five after admission. Hospitals short on ventilators also ran out of dialysis machines.

Strongly tied to acute renal failure and “a disproportionately high number of reports of liver and kidney problems,” remdesivir is aided and abetted by perilous treatments like intubation and ventilation, yielding yet more medical murders such as the double homicide described in this video.

Forty-seven-year-old Sam Shirley was another hospital casualty, his lungs having been blown out by the ventilator after it was turned up to 100.

Hospital victims like Burt Kroon also die of malnutrition and neglect.

There are thousands of such stories, from Jerry Bishop to Sandy Dickens to Scott Quiner to nineteen-year-old Grace Schara.

Despite testing negative for COVID twice, thirty-three-year-old paramedic Charles Hughes was classified as a COVID patient, administered remdesivir, and ventilated. He had been held hostage at St. Mary’s Hospital in West Virginia for fifty-two days at the time of his mother’s interview.

Author Donald Jeffries writes eloquently about the hospicide of his brother, Ricky.

Even as hospitals administer deadly protocols, they simultaneously deny extraordinarily safe therapeutics like ivermectin, whose high efficacy against COVID has been scientifically proven in seventy-eight clinical studies and counting.

When doctors have to take hospitals to court to let them administer a Nobel Prize–winning medication with a forty-year safety record, something is fiendishly flawed.

Fortunately, for Sun Ng, the judge ruled in his favor, saving his life.

Tragically, a similar ruling came too late for Kathleen Davies.

Governor DeSantis, you can help prevent future hospicides and assuage the grief of bereaved family members by vetoing HB 7021.

And after you do that, as I trust you will—if you are guided by ethics, compassion, and wisdom—you can take it a step further by acknowledging the mortiferous failure of COVID policies and advocating for policy changes that incentivize positive outcomes instead of deleterious ones that only serve BigPharma, Big Medicine, Big Government, Big Media, and all of those complicit in fabricating and sustaining the Ministry of Truth’s narrative.

You can push for legislation demanding greater transparency and precision in data reporting; repealing totalitarian censorship against so-called “misinformation” (i.e., facts that contradict state propaganda); ending the unsafe and ineffective injectionsmasking requirements, and all COVID mandates and measures; preventing politics from interfering with the doctor-patient relationship; amplifying the voices of courageous truth-tellers and smeared scientists; eliminating tyrant heroin such as emergency powers; strengthening protections for our freedoms and constitutional rights; and focusing on preventative and early treatment protocols instead of the treadmill of sickness and death that profits megacorporations and the state.

Perhaps most importantly, we must end the regulatory capture that financially rewards agencies such as the CDCFDA, and assorted entities for serving the pharmaceutical drug cartel rather than the people.

Simultaneously, we need to outlaw the deceptive practices used to obfuscate conflicts of interest and the mafioso-style corruption that defines “the Science.”

If you really want to save America from toxic and tyrannical COVID policies, Steve Kirsch was kind enough to write up a manual on how to handle the pandemic.

I’d be more than happy to hook you up with Steve to discuss the details. Seriously. Steve is dying to talk to a politician—any politician—who’s willing to listen to the scientific evidence and formulate policies to end this Covidian nightmare.

I know this is a lot to digest. Go ahead and veto HB 7021 right now, and then you can get to work on the rest—and prepare to dominate the 2024 presidential run (don’t worry about Trump; he self-immolated when he called the COVID vaccine “one of the greatest achievements of mankind”).

Thank you for taking the time to read this, Governor DeSantis. I look forward to seeing you make history by fearlessly standing up to the pharmaceutical-medical complex.

Let the man whose Common Sense sparked a revolution inspire you:

Whatever is my right as a man is also the right of another; and it becomes my duty to guarantee as well as to possess.”
Thomas Paine


Margaret Anna examines propaganda, neuropsychology, culture, linguistic programming, and mass control in her aim to awaken the sleeping before tyranny triumphs. Visit her blog to read more of her work or buy her a coffee.


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Categories: coronavirus, latest
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Feb 26, 2022 8:02 PM

Thank you for the article – you may want to revise your list, or at least ask Ms. Gabbard why she as a lengthy bio on the official WEF site.Tulsi Gabbard | World Economic Forum (weforum.org). Cheers.

Feb 25, 2022 9:50 AM

I wrote a letter to Santa when i was 4.
some of us have grown up maggie and offg.

Sunface Jack
Sunface Jack
Feb 25, 2022 1:04 PM
Reply to  Jiin

Sounds like you still believe in the Easter bunny

Feb 25, 2022 8:30 PM
Reply to  Jiin

What? This is clearly more intended for readers than the actual politician. If a bunch of Floridians choose to copy and send this to their governor, or local reps – then it’s a bonus.

You see comments like this on all the “letter to…” articles/essays, and it’s just obtuse. This a site that posts editorials, the people that contribute are writers/journalists/activists. This is what they do. This format is a common and useful way to write editorials about important topics, and help readers / fellow travellers to articulate and spread the info.

If you think it’s useless to spread info and foster dissent in this way, then do like many of us are and pursue other forms of dissent/resistance. If you’re not doing those things, or you think the problem is just the way this article was titled and would have no issue if it were more overtly aimed at the readers, then you’re just being a snotty asshole…

Feb 26, 2022 9:58 AM
Reply to  AJ_Nock

writers/journalists/activists funded shilling for the oligarchy you mean.

Maggie and the OFFG dear letter crap is aimed at the clueless.
It is a mid term U.k EU locals s/election point scorer for the sufferers of cyber psychosis usually the voting types.

The fact the article or none of them lately have ever mentioned what really happens at the sunshine state is a Indication of cyber psychosis people who dont read books, clueless about geo political history of that region.
Desantis shill is placed their for a reason.

Up until the 90’s they cant even hide the fact what was happening their until you FAKE as fuck writers/journalists/activists funded shilling for the oligarchy tried to cover it up
Sunshine state CIA- cocaine now go and do some real research and educate your self.

Feb 24, 2022 11:05 PM

Only in German, but a MUST SEE!
I wished OffG could present this video with English subtitles:
Direct Bitchute-link:

David A Howard
David A Howard
Feb 24, 2022 10:32 PM

Covid is a smoke screen for radiation sickness (5G)

Reachable Spike
Reachable Spike
Feb 24, 2022 7:47 PM

This is a killer article with its completeness and emotional punch.

As usual you’ll find in the comments section a few pathetic souls — very likely active agents for those interests that seek to maintain the status quo — who will call powerful voices for change ‘controlled opposition’ in an attempt to demoralize.

They are similar in motivation to those who discourage people from voting. They need to be called out for what they are whenever they appear.

Feb 24, 2022 7:52 PM

Voting? Are you sure you aren’t the controlled opposition? Exactly what changes when you vote, at least in the USA? The tone perhaps, but other than that, not much if anything at all. People who make big promises about voting in change need to be called out for the willfully naive and misleading individuals they are, wherever they appear….

Feb 24, 2022 10:34 PM
Reply to  Lizzyh7

Agreed. Voting got us into this mess in the first place.

Reachable Spike
Reachable Spike
Feb 24, 2022 10:57 PM
Reply to  Lizzyh7

Depending on who’s elected, there are differences in the flow of events. If the voting is repressed, then the flow of events is altered. That is why factions try very hard to repress or manipulate votes. There is a difference when a Democrat is in office as opposed to a Republican in that office.

If you are philosophical anarchist with good intentions, then I would have to say that I believe you have been led to delusion. If you are an agent out to demoralize, then you can buy a ticket to one of the subterranean places that Dante attempted to portray.

Feb 25, 2022 9:46 AM

Dont forget,

  • That is why foreign agency’s try to disrupt/interfere with our democratic voting process they is all jealous.
  • People also died so we can vote.

You spike have spoken like a true cult member.

Gabreal Jones
Gabreal Jones
Feb 25, 2022 9:05 AM

Check Out : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=383pLKCVgww
Mark (of the Beast) Rutte gets global citizen award from wef / wef/ wef/ Klaus Schwab the barker of the j.- bankers / September 2019 / NYC / Atlantic Council

Rutte’s and his handbag with the logo of the WEF while he enters the Binnenhof / the Dutch Parliament https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o3QECsQa50o (1.33)

Like all the govt. leaders of the ‘free’ world he is a WEF errand boy…

Gabreal Jones
Gabreal Jones
Feb 27, 2022 1:03 PM
Reply to  Gabreal Jones

Vlad P. / more then 2 decades Kremlin resident in ‘democratic’ Russia is like Zelensky (former comedian) a j. tribe member.
Russia invading Ukrain the latest j.-joke meant as prtext for World War WIII


Feb 25, 2022 12:15 PM

Yes, it highlights the horror of modern medicine. But it seems to be less interesting for many readers, compared to, say, Ukraine.

George Mc
George Mc
Feb 24, 2022 7:45 PM

I knew all that viral razzmatazz would pay off: 


“A new world-class UKHSA research facility dedicated to the development and testing of new COVID-19 vaccines has opened at the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) Porton Down site, in Salisbury. The £27 million Robinson Building was officially opened by Health Secretary Sajid Javid and UKHSA CEO, Professor Dame Jenny Harries, on 17 February. The 2-storey, 22,000sqft building is one of two facilities that make up a new £65 million Vaccine Evaluation Centre, built to help develop and license new vaccines and be a global leader in testing against future variants of the virus.”

And that sound you hear is the grinding of gears as a lovely new gravy train starts puffing lucratively into the new dawn of the Age Of Pharma-Capitalism. 

Berlin Beerman
Berlin Beerman
Feb 25, 2022 2:50 AM
Reply to  Justin

Another bitch with a non agenda.

John Ervin
John Ervin
Feb 25, 2022 2:17 PM
Reply to  Justin

Ron Paul is no icon either, if you might see big problems with his policy history, forget the hype, easy enough to find. (Both.)

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Feb 24, 2022 4:48 PM

Like many other journalistic rants, it is faaaaar tooooo looooong… Governor DeSantis will never read it, as he is much too busy collecting (stealing) taxes from the wealthy and elderly citizens of Florida…

Feb 24, 2022 2:04 PM

I agree, and have posted my Open Letter to the Medical Profession here: https://gwtguide.substack.com/

Feb 25, 2022 8:19 AM
Reply to  Ray

Good article! People should read this.

Feb 24, 2022 12:47 PM

And here you have it again. Another full barrage collection of controlled opposition bs, keeping the “covid” lie going. OffG’s controlled opposition function is now approaching criminal proportions.
To all readers, stop following OffG. They will keep pushing “viruses” and “covid” to the end, keeping you trapped in all the lies and in all the controlled and fake opposition actors, and keeping you waiting for “saviors”. Go beyond them, and do your own research.

Feb 24, 2022 2:44 PM
Reply to  Dash

Yes, I still prefer the down-to-bones honest denial of the existence of the Covid virus. It becomes a whole different ball game if one takes that stance, which to me is the ONLY sensible stance. It’s like going on to become a pro instead of staying at Little League level.

Feb 24, 2022 3:46 PM
Reply to  Dash

Suppose – just suppose – the research one does leads one to conclude either that viruses actually do exist and actually cause problems or that there is no clear cut evidence debunking the virus hypothesis. What then?

The best evidence is clinical rather than theoretical. Jon Rappoport, e.g., blows the Ebola virus hypothesis clean out of the water with a step by step analysis of what happened which led researchers to conclude that particular virus exists and causes grave harm. Here’s the article:
Ebola: shattering the lies and the fakery « Jon Rappoport’s Blog (nomorefakenews.com)

What I fear is that those who categorically dismiss the virus hypothesis only consider research which supports the Beauchamp/Terrain theory and completely ignore anything which tends to support the Pasteur/Germ theory.

To begin one’s research by ignoring one entire body of “evidence” is to skew the whole idea of “research.”

What you’re asking is that the author of the article, or its publisher, upon getting the sniffles, stuffy nose, headache, body aches etc, rather than concluding “I have a cold” must conclude “Oh my body is detoxing; I must have been exposed to DDT or something without realizing it. I’d better avoid the great outdoors for awhile.”

Mark EL
Mark EL
Feb 24, 2022 6:00 PM
Reply to  Howard

Problem is H I am unable to find ‘anything which tends to support the Pasteur/Germ theory.’

That which has been put forward as ‘proof’ for the existence of convid or indeed any transmissible viral pathogen, does not stand up to the most basic analysis. I have read many ‘research papers’. The methodologies and claims made based upon them can only be described as fraudulent.

I assume you have seen ‘evidence’ that persuades you; please give the refs/links for anything you have.

NB I have made this request to virus theory pushers and the less bombastic agnostic types – you? – for two years and have had nothing from anyone. I suggest that if you are unable to furnish anything there is an obvious conclusion to be made.

Feb 25, 2022 6:34 AM
Reply to  Mark EL

I guess the herpetic lesions I occasionally get on my penis are my body detoxing. Damn…why’d it have to detox there? 🤣

Of course the mainstream covid narrative is BS but to completely dismiss something like germ theory is simply throwing critical thinking out the window.

Mark EL
Mark EL
Feb 25, 2022 8:22 AM
Reply to  WideAwake

That’s your evidence?

I’m not dismissing anything, just applying ‘critical thinking’ to the available evidence and reaching an unavoidable conclusion.

You have any actual evidence?

Didn’t think so, just like H above.

Hard to shake the conditioning eh?

Geo Martin
Geo Martin
Feb 25, 2022 1:37 PM
Reply to  WideAwake

That doesn’t mean a virus caused herpes on your penis. It could be many other things, what products you use on it, lubes, gels, sanitary products, underwear, detergents; your sexual partner’s vagina may contain harsh sustances that affect your penis, and if you practice sodomy, do you know who many waste products recide in there? And let’s not forget emotional variables as well.
So, a virus is an easy spapegoat for masking many other possibilities that wouldn’t require a medical intervention. So if I was running the pharma/medical cartel I would certainly puch for viruses, germs and pathogens as the causes of all disease I could get away with. Luckily I don’t because I’m a God fearing man and I wouldn’t lie, steal, crawl and kneel to be in any position of power over anyone else.

Feb 25, 2022 3:01 PM
Reply to  WideAwake

Did you ever even consider it’s a result of the vaccines you were given as a child? Do you want to know how vaccines really work? They contain aluminum, other heavy metal contaminants, recombinant proteins, some other toxic adjuvants and ingredients and cancer cells or foreign cellular matter. After you are injected with those cancer cells, bioaccumulates, nano-aggregates and foreign proteins, they travel through your bloodstream all over the body to various organ parts. Sometimes your organs will go through a period of excess cell production and those reproducing cells may include one or more (Tumor cluster) of the cancerous cells. So a tumor forms. Presto, cancer. Some of the nano aggregates and bioaccumulates end up on and around people’s genitals. Macrophages engulf these foreign materials and every time one’s health suffers, or stress levels rise, or hormones are put into overdrive in a new relationship, one’s body attempts to excrete the toxins, through the skin lesions. But the macrophages have trapped the aluminum and other nano particulates and an inflammation occurs in response, with an open sore. How many experiments have been done where the excretions are taken from so-called herpes lesions and given to other people or animals on their broken skin to see if that surface eruption can be passed to another? Do you know? I can’t find ANY. Can you? That would prove they are actually contagious and not just a mind control device, not to procreate. In order to prove there is a Herpes virus, and that’s specifically what causes the lesions, one must first find the alleged molecule, then infect an animal or human with that purified molecule/s to see if it produces the exact same lesion and re-isolated molecule. That has never been done for Herpes or any virus. Not the first or… Read more »

Feb 24, 2022 6:49 PM
Reply to  Howard

There is no evidence supporting Pasteur. He was a fraud who has been exposed when his lab books were finally seen.

Virology has been debunked, even by Enders when he used a control group, showing the same death of cells when there’s no patient sample, therefore no possible “virus” or invisible particle.

Rappaport has debunked COVID, over and over. Using the CDC’s own statements, their virology paper, and their fake RT-PCR scam.

It’s not about who believes WHAT it’s about exposing fraud. If I can show you or a judge, or jury that every genetic sequence used in the RT-PCR technique is already in our genome, how are they “testing” anyone for anything? It’s racketeering, to produce false stats and sell unnecessary poisonous shots.

If you or hundreds of scientists and virologists can’t find these molecules, it’s because they don’t exist. They can’t pretend viruses exist by using convoluted means, such as poisoning or starving, cancerous monkey kidney cells.

“The monkey kidney cells we poisoned died, then after we added trypsin, they broke into pieces, so the virus must be there and those tiny pieces of cell debris must be the virus!” Virologist logic.

It’s not science. It’s fraud.

Feb 24, 2022 7:14 PM
Reply to  Howard

DDT was the cause of polio. Not the sniffles. Nobody needs to avoid the outdoors.

The poisons are in our water, food chain, packaged foods. Anything not organic, could be laced with pesticides or contain GMO. The toxins are in the air, being sprayed from the skies. In personal care products. Alcohol and RX DRUGS. Even in the plastics we buy, the coating on saucepans. We are swimming in EMF and dirty electricity. SMART meters. Cordless phones. Wifi. Telephone masts. Antennas in street lights.

Detoxing is normal. It’s a 24-7 process: Urinating, breathing, sweating and defecating.

Changes in the weather, or seasons trigger annual or bi-annual detox events, that are falsely called colds or flus. The word influenza is Italian for influence, meaning the influence of the stars, ie; the changing SEASONS.

Mark EL
Mark EL
Feb 25, 2022 8:36 AM
Reply to  Researcher

‘Detoxing is normal. It’s a 24-7 process: Urinating, breathing, sweating and defecating.’

That’s a good point R, I’d not thought of it that way.

A friend similarly made the point recently that we don’t have an immune system, we have an excretion system.

These ideas seem to better capture the reality than the war analogies used by V theorists, where we ‘fight off’ invaders.

Feb 25, 2022 8:20 AM
Reply to  Dash

I have done my research and it showed that you are an idiot.

Feb 24, 2022 10:09 AM

Straight out of the Global Public-Private Partnership playbook:


It’s just Blairism repeated, they really don’t have any other ideas. It really is dog returning to its vomit time. Reassembling the Blairite coalition (‘woke’ true-believers propped up by holding-their-nose lefties and alienated moderate conservatives) is their dream and they think that if just enough time passes people will forget how it turned out last time.

Talking up “business” is a transparent trick of course – as if the corner shop or independent trader is the same as RBS, Accenture or Unilever.

Feb 24, 2022 2:42 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Do you remember 1994-1997 Britpop ,London energy of jungle/DNB the mood of the country.
I do.
Sir kier is more like john major as Blair PR team captured the mood of the country they got noel g oasis / goldie etc and they spoke to the lesser lot.
Trump’s pr team managed to do this after he got in.
I have not seen one musician or artist back Sir Keir even the disabled lot seem lost with him.
Will a new party appear? or new Labour leader.?
Voting is rigged but they need ones consent is crucial in the ritual hence they need voting types.
He doesn’t fit the go out and vote for type.
But what do i no. i dont vote.

Feb 24, 2022 10:53 PM
Reply to  script

Its the return of Tony Blair.

Feb 24, 2022 9:33 AM

DeSantis Showing his masonic allegiance nice.

comment image

Feb 24, 2022 9:45 AM
Reply to  Phantasm

Governor. Throughout the manufactured COVID crisis, you have displayed sanity, respected individual liberties, followed the actual science, and resisted the worldwide mudslide into tyranny.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis Signs Bill Banning Anti-Semitism in Schools, Universities Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis officially signed into law on Friday legislation prohibiting anti-Semitism in public schools and universities, two days after a ceremonial signing in Israel.


Feb 24, 2022 9:24 AM

DeSantis is fighting the deep state LOL

Florida Introduces Digital Driver’s Licenses With Smart ID App straight out of agenda 30 play book

Feb 24, 2022 9:21 AM

“off the top of my head, Tulsi Gabbard”.

What? The CFR’s very own?

“People who live in and visit Florida tell me it’s like BC (Before COVID) times”.

It’s been better than most other places – but that’s not saying much. It’s not been some lockdown-free paradise – especially in the schools. The children are always the most important ones in their psyops and Florida children didn’t escape.

“While discussing the 2010 BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico”

Deepwater Horizon? The Occult fire ritual held during their season of sacrifice? The word ‘Horizon’ is derived from Horus. They rushed a film out to re-inforce the official version of how “the accident” happened. Some outsider was choppered in, ignored everyone’s advice…. and whoops! The crew on the rig weren’t allowed back on land until they’d signed NDAs – a sure feature of any genuine rescue operation.

And it’s always nice to finish with a quotation from a freemason….

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Feb 24, 2022 4:40 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Edwige: There you go again – criticizing Tulsi Gabbard with no clue and no actual research. Ms. Gabbard’s clearly stated goal in multiple interviews, was her membership in the Counsel on Foreign Relations was to have an inside track to how the organization functions within the systems of finance and government. The media drummed her out of the presidential race, and Joe Bidden became the magical savior of the Democratic party… What a laugh.

Your constant associations between former Pagan beliefs and “possible” usage in modern vocabulary, are amusing, yet unproductive…

James M Nunn
James M Nunn
Feb 24, 2022 7:34 PM

She’s a graduate of the Klaus Schwab Young Global Leaders. She’s not to be trusted.

Feb 24, 2022 8:01 PM
Reply to  James M Nunn

Who isnt that isn’t politics.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Feb 24, 2022 7:17 AM

In jUne 2021 Australias so called drug regulator run by drug companies approved remdisivir, people started dropping like flies. And after nearly 2 years without a single ”covid” patient on vents there have been hundreds.

Feb 24, 2022 5:41 AM

I don’t see that the letter to DeSantis has much to do with DeSantis:
It asks him to veto HB7021. Perhaps the author has mistaken the number of the bill? The one I found with that number is an ordinary “housekeeping” bill:

We all know how murderously the hospitals are behaving, but what exactly does the writer want DeSantis to do about it? Does he have it within his power to outlaw Remdesivir?

He is asked to advocate for several areas of federal law. OK, fine, but I don’t know how effective that will be.

He is asked to meet w Steve Kirsch. At the beginning of the covid op, he DID meet with responsible medical people & that’s why Florida didn’t enact covid restrictions. He has been VERY aggressive in not permitting prosecution of people for not masking & very aggressive against school boards who tried to mask children, has banned vaxx passports, etc.

DeSantis met April 11, 2021: Tallahassee, Fla. – Today, Governor Ron DeSantis held a roundtable with renowned doctors and epidemiologists to discuss Big Tech censorship and the COVID-19 pandemic. Today’s meeting follows the recent decision by Google to remove video footage of a previous roundtable the Governor held with these experts from its video-sharing platform, YouTube.

You can listen to the roundtable at the link.

Feb 24, 2022 5:26 AM

You can like a politician from afar. That’s not a problem. But to trust a politician with literally anything is just insane. They all let you down whether they want to or not. A single politician can’t do shit no matter how much integrity they have. The political system won’t allow for it.

Feb 24, 2022 9:54 AM
Reply to  JoeC

Does seem the article is used as they been funded to help paint a positive picture for incoming midterms. OFFG cant be serious over wise.

Geo Martin
Geo Martin
Feb 25, 2022 2:07 PM
Reply to  JoeC

A politician cannot have integrity. They are driven by the ambition of climing the greasy pole of government structures, with all that implies like becoming members of certain clubs; all in the hope of never having to do real work in their lives but live very lavishly off the tit of the state papered by public money. And then lie through their teeth making promises they know full well beforehand will not be delivered, and say without blushing they do it all from their vocation to serve the people of their country…Pass me the tissues.

les online
les online
Feb 24, 2022 5:05 AM

Any country doing a u-turn on vax passports most likely has developed it’s digital ID infrastructure ready to implement – and is just waiting for the expected planned cyber attack ? They dont want to jump the gun like Comrade Trudeau…

Feb 24, 2022 4:25 AM

As Russian military enters Donbas UK defense minister says his country ‘kicked Tsar Nicholas I’s ass’ in 1853 and ‘can always’ do it again, and Moscow fires back
spokesman Igor Konashenkov called Wallace’s remarks “no more than mythology” and recalled the Battle of Balaclava, one of the biggest clashes of the Crimean War, which took place on October 25, 1854.

“It went down in history not because of the stubbornness of the 93rd Scottish Regiment, which Wallace spoke so enthusiastically about. The only feat of this unit was that it simply did not run away, like the rest, from the Russian cavalry attack,” Konashenkov noted.
“Much more brilliantly did the legendary destruction of an entire aristocratic English light cavalry brigade under Lord Cardigan by Russian artillery in just 20 minutes enter the history of the Battle of Balaclava. It was this ‘feat’ of the British in the Crimean War that enriched all the world’s languages ​​and military textbooks with the concept of ‘cannon fodder,'” the spokesman said.

“We recommend that British military personnel study well not only geography, but also Russian history, so as not to enrich our common military history with their lives for the sake of poorly educated British politicians.”


Gentlemen,gentlemen– Is this diplomatic language?

Meanwhile, Biden says under no circumstances will US send any troops to Ukraine.

susan mullen
susan mullen
Feb 24, 2022 4:23 AM

Thank you for this informative and important article. In Dec. 2020, Gov. De Santis was the first to draw attention to the Cycle Threshold issue with PCR tests. It was the false positive “cases” from PCR tests which made scary headlines, closed schools, etc. NY City Teachers Union had their own “experts,” made their own decisions on schools opening or closing. Parents never knew from day to day if they’d have to stay home from work to care for a child. The PCR test should never have been allowed in the US. At minimum the CT issue should’ve been emphasized on day one. I don’t see Fauci as the problem, I see the person who hired him as the problem, which is Trump. Trump also established the bonus payments to hospitals. He wrote regulations allowing liability exemptions through 2024. Trump’s purpose from day one has been to confer global stardom on Jared and Ivanka both of whom are the opposite of 2016 Trump voters. (I can’t speak for 2020 voters since by then Trump was the opposite of what I voted for in 2016). Jared runs every aspect of Trump’s new political empire and staffs it with fellow open borders globalists. When DeSantis opened the beaches, Trump called and asked him to close them. Ron said no.

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Feb 24, 2022 3:00 PM
Reply to  susan mullen

Oh, “sickle” Fauci’s definitely a problem.

Feb 24, 2022 4:04 AM

DeSantis did sign Senate Bill 2006 into state law in 2021. In this law it states…
“b. If the individual poses a danger to the public health, the State Health Officer may subject the individual to isolation or quarantine. If there is no practical method to isolate or quarantine the individual, the State Health Officer may use any means necessary to vaccinate or treat the individual.” (emphasis added)
https://www.flsenate.gov/Session/Bill/2021/2006/BillText/er/PDF (lines 1107 through 1111)
https://www.flsenate.gov/Session/Bill/2021/2006/ (Bill history)
http://laws.flrules.org/2021/8 (Page 22)
Is DeSantis just ignorant of this section? I doubt it.

Feb 24, 2022 3:56 AM

DeSatanis is a fake hero.

He passed anti riot bills that were later ruled unconstitutional.

He pushed monoclonal bullshit which is pharma crap and has it’s own issues while ignoring ivermectin etc which is very safe.


Feb 24, 2022 4:52 AM
Reply to  Rob

Rob, all the good-guy doctors say monoclonal antibodies are quite effective against covid. Since DeSantis is not a doctor I don’t know what you wanted him to do about Ivermectin.

DeSantis tried to head off the George Floyd violent riots in Florida with legislation. The judge found the term “riot” vague and overbroad. YOU, sir, ought to look at the law before criticizing it.

DeSantis is a man of great moral stature.

BTW I personally believe that the George Floyd “killing” was a hoax perpetrated by TPTB as a much-needed distraction when the covid restrictions were first being rolled out.

George Floyd and his “killer” were good friends, had worked together at a second job doing nightclub security (acting as “bouncers). The nightclub owner said this on-camera but of course was never heard from again.

–Police do not allow passersby to approach while subduing a suspect, yet two or three of them made no attempt to restrain passersby.
–Nor do they usually permit video. I can’t recall if it was better video than you can get from a smart phone; perhaps one of you can recall.
–A person who can’t breathe does not shout,”I can’t breathe.”

IMHO TPTB wanted a change of subject, that’s all.

Feb 24, 2022 6:22 AM
Reply to  Penelope

“DeSantis is a man of great moral stature.”

So he got into politics by mistake?

Pilgrim Shadow
Pilgrim Shadow
Feb 24, 2022 3:02 PM
Reply to  Theodore

If he is indeed a man of “great moral stature”, he’s not likely to be in politics for very long.

Feb 24, 2022 9:07 AM
Reply to  Penelope

Kali is portrayed standing on her opponents’ necks so there’s the Occult angle in the psyop.

One of the BLM leaders was a WEF Young Global Leader.

They deliberately picked someone as debased as Floyd (drug addict, porn actor, criminal who’d held a gun to a pregnant woman’s belly) for maximum mockery and division.

Floyd had been away for some time and come back again. Funny how often that happens in such ops e.g. Oswald, Guy Fawkes. What happened? Mind control? A switch? There is testimony that “George Floyd” died while in Texas.

Feb 24, 2022 10:36 AM
Reply to  Edwige

The Floyd episode was a false flag designed to ignite the Soros funded Antifa riots that derailed the anti lockdown movement.

Feb 25, 2022 1:07 AM

exactly, Placental, exactly. Except “hoax”, not “false flag” & it distracted people from the covid restrictions long enough for them to get used to them & their resistance to become a bit blunted, the propaganda to take fuller effect, etc.

Robert Rob
Robert Rob
Feb 24, 2022 3:50 AM

This poliTICian won’t do whats right.

he promoted monoclonal bullshit for EVER while ignoring ivm

And he is a fucking authoritarian cnt


Buck Shot
Buck Shot
Feb 24, 2022 3:03 AM

Ahhh, Florida. Melaleuca is a highly invasive tree choking the Everglades and other areas of South Florida. Due to this invasive nature, one of the most prescribe methods of attempted eradication of this Melaleuca is burning. Melaleuca is the source of Tea Tree oil. Tea Tree oil is recognized as a powerful antibiotic and antiviral. “Tea tree oil (TTO) comprises of variousmonoterpenes and sesquiterpenes as well as other aromaticcompounds (Patne et al., 2020). The monoterpenes terpinen-4-ol, α–terpinene, α-terpinene, 1, 8-cineole, p-cymene, α–terpineol, α-pinene, terpinolenes, limo-nene, and sabineneaccount for 80-90% of the Tea tree oil (TTO) (Patne et al.,2020; Carson et al., 2006; Garozzo et al., 2009, 2011; Capettiet al., 2020; Brun et al., 2019; Li et al., 2013). Tea tree oil(TTO) can help to get rid of the herpes simplex virus, whichcauses cold sores, as well as viruses that cause the commoncold and the flu. Monoterpenes combination in Tea tree oil(TTO) shows synergetic anti-viral actions. Active componentsof tea tree oil (TTO) showed strong anti-viral activity (Patneet al., 2020; Carson et al., 2006; Garozzo et al., 2009, 2011;Capetti et al., 2020; Brun et al., 2019; Li et al., 2013). Allthese properties suggested the probability of the effectivenessof tea tree oil (TTO) against Covid-19 (Patne et al., 2020).”“This study highlights the essential oils derived from medicinal andaromatic plants with in vitro and in vivo antiviral effects. Essential oils havingknown pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties can be repurposedas a strategy against deadly SARS-CoV-2 infection.Owing to their identical genetic makeup,the chemicals that can block the reproduction of SARS-CoV-1might be useful against Covid-19. Volatile oil componentsof eucalyptus oil, rosemary oil, tea tree oil, lavender oil,bergamot oil, lemon oil, etc. have antiviral effects on thebasis of their chemistry (Table 1). As these essential oilsare lipophilic, they may disrupt the SARS-CoV-2 membranelimiting viral replication by acting individually or… Read more »

Feb 24, 2022 1:44 AM

Florida is plan B.

New Name
New Name
Feb 24, 2022 1:06 AM


That fraud Drumpf hasn’t condemned that bastard Castreau.

Tom Larsen
Tom Larsen
Feb 24, 2022 12:40 AM

Excellent piece!

Feb 24, 2022 4:52 AM
Reply to  Johnny

Its still another bloody unnecessary injection.

Feb 23, 2022 11:09 PM

From my scant research on De Santis seems like a good bloke.
My questions are:
How did he slip through the web/net of deceit?
Why hasn’t he been told to pull his head in?
Does he have any future in politics?

James II
James II
Feb 24, 2022 2:40 AM
Reply to  Johnny

Chabad keeps its aces up their sleeve to be played when necessary

Feb 24, 2022 8:55 AM
Reply to  Johnny

“How did he slip through the web/net of deceit?”

Because Florida is small and insignificant?
1) It’s one of the largest states.
2) It has been strategically vital in elections (see 2000).
3) It’s Airstrip One in the deepstate’s narco-black empire.
4) Soros-backed politicians can be found down-ballot in the middle of nowhere – so they idea the Governor of Florida was somehow missed is wildly implausible.

I don’t claim to know what’s going on with him – but it isn’t that he’s genuine. Different factions among the oligarchs? Possibly to some extent. I suspect it’ll become clear in the fullness of time – he’s been inserted as someone genuine to be used later on for some new evil (much like Trump was).

Feb 24, 2022 9:31 AM
Reply to  Edwige

Interesting perspective Edwige.
The first commandment of politics:
Thou shalt be expedient.

susan mullen
susan mullen
Feb 24, 2022 3:02 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Right now for 2024 your choice is Jared Kushner (de facto) or DeSantis for GOP nomination. DeSantis came from a working class family in Florida, worked his way through Yale, was captain of the Yale baseball team, and graduated magna cum laude. He later graduated from Harvard Law cum laude. Trump is merely Jared’s front man. He’ll be Jared’s front man as long as Ivanka is his daughter.

Feb 23, 2022 10:17 PM

Please read about monoclonal antibodies, humanized mice, the use of fetal organs, and how this process centers around slaughtering babies at https://www.fetalindustry.com/

Feb 24, 2022 10:55 AM
Reply to  Justin


Feb 25, 2022 3:34 PM
Reply to  Justin

You cannot be pro-life and pro-monoclonal antibodies