Timeline: Euromaidan, the original “Ukraine Crisis”
Genuine grassroots revolution or NATO backed coup? Here are the facts to help you decide.
Kit Knightly

As Russia actually do launch an invasion or “special operation” in Ukraine, we thought now was a good time to recap on how we got here.
The historical, political and ethnic divisions in Ukraine go back decades, if not centuries, but we don’t have the space for that kind of deep-dive. For now, we’ll be keeping it to three simple parts: The fall of Viktor Yanukovych, the Crimean referendum, and the ensuing civil war which puts the region in a direct path to the events of today.
Much like our 30 Facts on Covid, this piece is intended as a quick reference guide to help get friends and family up to speed on the recent history of Ukraine, a handy index of contemporary sources, or a refresher course for those who’ve forgotten the details.
Anyway, let’s get to it.
Following the fall of the Berlin Wall and the reunification of Germany, multiple Western leaders give both written and spoken assurances to then-Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev, that NATO does not plan to increase its territory eastwards.
To quote US Secretary of State James Baker:
not only for the Soviet Union but for other European countries as well it is important to have guarantees that if the United States keeps its presence in Germany within the framework of NATO, not an inch of NATO’s present military jurisdiction will spread in an eastern direction.”
The Charter on a Distinctive Partnership is signed by representatives of both NATO and Ukraine. This document is a long-term agreement that Ukraine will move gradually into cooperation with NATO and eventually become a member. This is in direct violation of the assurances given above.
NATO publishes their NATO-Ukraine Action Plan, re-affirming their commitment to “closer ties” with Ukraine, and outlining a long term plan for “reforms” in Ukraine that will make it suitable for “full Euro-Atlantic integration”.
US Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice and Ukrainian Foreign Minister Volodymyr Ohryzko sign the US-Ukraine Charter on Strategic Partnership,the charter “emphasizes the continued commitment of the United States to support enhanced engagement between NATO and Ukraine”.
Viktor Yanukovych, leader of Ukraine’s Party of Regions, wins the presidential election and is named Ukraine’s fourth President. Yanukovych is the former governor of Donetsk, the region of his birth, and wins office with a huge percentage of the vote from ethnically Russian east Ukraine.
As one of his first acts as President, Yanukovych signs an agreement with Russia, extending their lease on the Black Sea naval base in Crimea until at least 2042. This extension is met with consternation and rebuke in the Western press, with one paper asking:
The End of Ukraine’s EU Integration?”
Writing in the Guardian, Luke Harding called it:
the most concrete sign yet that Ukraine is now back under Russia’s influence following Yanukovych’s victory in February’s presidential elections.
Also noting that “the lease extension is likely to increase opposition to Yanukovych in Ukraine’s western provinces”
A PEW poll finds the majority of Ukrainians opposed to joining NATO.
Ukraine’s parliament votes through a new bill barring the country from joining any military bloc. This, as the BBC noted at the time, effectively ends any prospect of Ukraine joining NATO, killing a plan that the West had worked on for 13 years.
Yanukovych’s Party of the Regions secures victory in the parliamentary elections, increasing its number of seats and seeing its biggest rival, Arseniy Yatsenyuk‘s Batkivshchyna (Fatherland) party lose 55 seats.
However, the elections also mark the first time Ukraine elected a far-right MP to its parliament, with Oleh Tyahnybok’s Svoboda party winning 37 seats and over 10% of the vote (entirely from the ethnically Ukrainian west of the country).
Contemporary press reports, as well as think-tanks such as OpenDemocracy, note the “concerning” rise of “far-right politics” in Ukraine.
The Ukrainian cabinet unanimously approves the draft of the long-awaited Ukraine-EU Association Agreement. Yanokuych is expected to officially sign the agreement at the EU’s “Eastern Partnership Summit” in Vilnius on November 28th and 29th.
Russia – Ukraine’s major creditor and biggest trade partner – warns that this treaty would “cause chaos”, break the terms of an existing treaty between Ukraine and Russia, and lead to Ukraine’s economy collapsing. As a counteroffer, they suggest Ukraine sign a new deal with the Eurasian Economic Union.
The Ukrainian government issues a decree suspending preparations for the association agreement (AA). Deputy Prime Minister Yuriy Boyko warns the current terms of the agreement would “seriously damage the economy”.
“Pro European” demonstrations begin in Maidan square within days of the decree being issued. A poll run by the Kyiv Post finds an even split on joining the EU vs the Eurasian customs union: 39% for, 37% against.
Yanukovych attends the Eastern Partnership Summit on the 28th, but does not sign the Association Agreement, instead suggesting a new tri-lateral agreement between Ukraine, Russia and the EU. Russia is open to negotiating such a deal, but EU rejects this offer completely.
Despite not signing the AA, Yanukovych tells the press that Ukraine still intends to work for closer ties with the EU: “an alternative for reforms in Ukraine and an alternative for European integration do not exist…We are walking along this path and are not changing direction”.
Prime Minister Mykola Azarov echoed this: “I affirm with full authority that the negotiating process over the Association Agreement is continuing, and the work on moving our country closer to European standards is not stopping for a single day”.
Nevertheless, this is ubiquitously covered in the Western media as Yanukovych “refusing to sign the association agreement in favour of closer ties with Russia”.
Thousands more gather in Maidan Square and others begin occupying Kiev City Hall. Protests intensify as opposition politicians speak of Yanukovych “committing treason”, they call for a re-run of the Presidential election, despite new elections being only 18 months away.
On November 29th the protesters make their first “official” demands, including the immediate resignation of Viktor Yanukovych.
1/12/2013 – Thousands of protesters chanting “revolution” storm the metal barriers erected by riot police. Protesters throw Molotov cocktails:
PHOTO: A molotov cocktail explodes in front of police during clashes with pro-European demonstrators in Kiev, Ukraine pic.twitter.com/2XnCIPE9ai
— AFP News Agency (@AFP) December 1, 2013
The police withdraw from the square. Over 200 people are injured, including over 100 police officers.
2/12/2013 – Protesters erect barricades around the Maidan, block access to government buildings and attempt to storm the Presidential administration. Even the Guardian notes that the police withdrew.
In a press conference, far-right MP Oleh Tyanybohk officially calls it a “revolution”, and asks that police and members of the military defect to their side.
3/12/2013 – Writing in the New Republic, Julia Ioffe praises the Maidan protesters, citing specifically the throwing of Molotovs at police:
When the police came, unlike the Muscovites, they didn’t leave. They swung chains and threw Molotov cocktails and built barricades in the streets. They took over municipal buildings. They nearly toppled the city’s main statue of Lenin. They sang the national anthem and chanted “Revolution!”
8/12/2013 – Protesters topple a statue of Lenin. Grafitti reading “Yanukovych you’re next” is scrawled on walls. An effigy of Gadaffi’s severed head is carried around the square to chants of “Yanukovych the game is over!”. Kyiv Post reports preparation of Molotov cocktails.
10/12/2013 – Berkut riot police attempt to break down the barricades and clear the square. Tear gas is deployed. They are beaten back.
11/12/2013 – US Deputy Secretary of State Victoria Nuland and US Ambassador Geoffrey Pyatt visit the protests and talk to opposition leaders. They are photographed shaking hands and distributing food:

That same day Foreign Affairs, the official publication of the Council on Foreign Relations, runs an article headlined: “Yanukovych Must Go”
Also that same day, former President Leonid Kravchuk hosts a “roundtable” political discussion with members of all parties and all of Ukraine’s past presidents, the aim is to diffuse the crisis. The talks have Yanukovych’s blessing, the opposition refuses to attend.
13/12/2013 – US Senator John McCain visits Kiev where he gives a speech telling the crowd “We are here to support your just cause”.
Later he is photographed shaking hands with Oleh Tyahnybok, leader of the far-right Svoboda party:
The UK’s Channel 4 news reported [emphasis added]: “Far-right group at heart of Ukraine protests meet US senator”.
14/1/2014 – Protest activity resurges after a lull over the Christmas/New Year period.
15/1/2014 – At a meeting of the US Senate’s Foreign Affairs Committee, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Thomas Melia admits that the US State Department has spent 5 billion dollars “assisting Ukraine”.
This includes 180 million dollars on “development programs” for “judges, members of parliament [and] political parties”.
16/1/2014 – After weeks of stalemate, the Ukrainian parliament passes ten new bills into law. Known collectively as the “Anti Protest Laws”, these laws allow a strict crackdown on protest activity, including removal of parliamentary immunity from MPs promoting violence and stripping of drivers license from those that used vehicles to obstruct public roads.
19/1/2014 – Clashes between riot police and protesters on Hrushevskoho Street, many of the protesters are from far-right groups such as Svoboda and Right Sector, and are seen wearing neo-nazi symbols and slogans.
25/1/2014 – President Yanukovych reaches out to opposition leaders, offering them a power-sharing agreement that would install Yatseniyuk as Prime Minister and Vitaliy Klitschko as his deputy. The opposition refuses the offer.
28/1/2014 – In a gesture of compromise, the parliament repeals 9 of the ten protest laws, passing a new law granting amnesty to all those involved in the protests, providing they cease occupying government buildings. The oppostion refuses these terms.
7/2/2014 – A recorded phone call between Nuland and Pyatt is leaked to the press, famously dubbed the “fuck the EU” call.
In the conversation, dated January 28th, Nuland and Pyatt discuss at length the structure of the Ukrainian cabinet once Yanukovych is gone. This is still 25 days before Yanukovych was removed from power
A poll published that same day by the Kyiv Post found more Ukrainians opposed the Maidan protests than supported them.
16/2/2014 – In yet another attempt at compromise, the government releases all prisoners arrested during the protests, this time the opposition responds, lifting their 3-month long occupation of Kiev City Hall.
19/2/2014 – President Yanukovych declares a “truce” in a joint statement signed by the three main opposition leaders. The statement committed to negotiation for a lasting peace.
20/2/2014 – Snipers open fire on the crowd in Maidan Square, resulting in at least sixty deaths. Both protesters and police officers are killed in the gunfire. EuroNews reports that the “truce is shattered” mere hours after it was signed.
21/2/2014 – Despite the bloodshed, negotiations continue, resulting in the “Agreement on settlement of political crisis in Ukraine”, signed by all parties plus the foreign minsiters of Germany and Poland.
The agreement required the creation of a temporary “National Unity Government”, to be replaced following new Presidential Elections by the end of 2014. It also called for a full investigation into the shootings on the Maidan the previous day.
Yanukovych pledged that the government would not declare a state of emergency or call in the military, and would pull all police back from the site of the protests, in return for protesters surrendering all public buildings and illegal weapons.
Leaders of the militant protesters – including Dmitryo Yarosh of the neo-Nazi Right Sector – rejected the agreement, and threatened to storm the Parliament and Presidental Residence if Yanukoyvch did not resign immediately.
22/2/2014 – Rather than abiding by the terms of the agreement, once the police pulled back the protesters stormed government buildings and seized control of Kiev. Yanukovych flees to the city of Kharkiv in eastern Ukraine.
A contemporary Time article reported:
Ukraine’s beleaguered President Viktor Yanukovych fled Kiev Saturday as protestors took full control of Ukraine’s capital, signaling a dramatic turn in the three-month crisis just hours after the signing of an European Union-sponsored peace deal […] As police abandoned their posts across the capital, the opposition established control over key intersections and captured the presidential palace, setting up a perimeter around Yanukovych’s former residence
Within hours of the storming of the city, the Ukrainian parliament votes to strip Yanukovych of his office by 328 votes to 0, with over 120 MPs absent from the vote. This vote was unconstitional and not a legally binding form of impeachment, in any way.
From the eastern city of Kharkiv, Yanukovych gives a televised speech, declaring he was still the “legitimate elected President of Ukraine“, and that he had no intention of fleeing the country.
24/2/2014 – Parliament removes 1/3 of Ukraines Constitutional Court from office, issues an arrest warrant for President Yanukovych.
25/2/2014 – Yanukovych’s own Party of the Regions disavows him in parliament, and he flies to Russia, claiming his life is in danger.
27/2/2014 – Arseniy Yatsenyuk is sworn in as Ukraine’s interim Prime Minister, a post he would hold onto following elections in May 2014.
Vitaly Klitschko is relegated to the somewhat lower office of Mayor of Kiev, and Oleh Tyahnybok resumed his office as a simple MP.
Ukraine’s new government takes shape exactly as predicted by Nuland in her phone call of January 28th.
The same day Anders Fogh Rasmussen, Secretary General of NATO, tells the press that “the door is still open” for Ukraine to join the military bloc.
28/2/2014 – UK current events show Newsnight runs this segment, titled “The Neo-Nazi Threat in New Ukraine”:
Evidence emerges that the snipers shooting at the crowds were not employed by the Ukrainian government, but were shooting at both sides in an effort to stoke chaos.
This evidence is presented to the EU’s Foreign Policy Chief Catherine Ashton by Estonia Foreign Minister Urmas Paet in a phone call that is later leaked to the press, and confirmed to be genuine by the Estonian government.
Neither the EU, nor the new government of Ukraine, makes any effort to investigate this evidence or bring the killers to justice.
On the 21st of March the interim government of Ukraine officialy signs the controversial European Union Association Agreement into law.
Following the 2014 parliamentary elections, the 5-party coalition government officially makes joining NATO a “national priority”.
So, there it is, a timeline of the key events leading to the fall of Viktor Yanukovych. Genuine grassroots revolution, or NATO backed coup? You decide.
We’ll catalogue Ukraine’s further collapse into chaos and civil war in parts two and three of this timeline, coming soon.
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March 3, 2014
Putin makes a statement that “two or three years ago . . . Abramovich transferred several billion dollars . . . [to] Kolomoisky”; who had subsequently been appointed Governor of Dnepropetrovsk.
Press conference on the situation in Ukraine
President Vladimir Putin of Russia takes questions from the Russian media on March 3, 2014, following Russian military action in Ukraine’s Crimean Peninsula.
Released: March 4, 2014
For example, Mr Kolomoisky was appointed Governor of Dnepropetrovsk. This is a unique crook. He even managed to cheat our oligarch Roman Abramovich two or three years ago. Scammed him, as our intellectuals like to say. They signed some deal, Abramovich transferred several billion dollars, while this guy never delivered and pocketed the money. When I asked him [Abramovich]: “Why did you do it?” he said: “I never thought this was possible.” I do not know, by the way, if he ever got his money back and if the deal was closed. But this really did happen a couple of years ago. And now this crook is appointed Governor of Dnepropetrovsk. No wonder the people are dissatisfied. They were dissatisfied and will remain so if those who refer to themselves the legitimate authorities continue in the same fashion.
I know a large percentage of my American compatriots are easily fooled by the pervasive propaganda they are exposed to about important issues, but a simple thought experiment might help us understand Russia’s current position.
Imagine that in 2014, Russia fomented a coup d’etat in Canada, thereby encouraging neonazis to infiltrate the Canadian government and military. Now imagine that neonazi agents in western Canada began a campaign of civil war and terror against eastern Canada, causing 14,000 deaths and untold numbers of injuries, leading to a mass migration of refugees across the border into the US. Keep in mind that while this was going on, Russia and its allies, in control of the world’s monetary system, imposed deep sanctions against the US, causing strife and hardship among the American people. The question to ask of this thought experiment is “What should the US do to fix the problems to the north, given that negotiations to resolve these problems always devolve in bad faith to the detriment of US internal interests?” Huh? What could/should the US do under these circumstances? I posed this question to a woke friend of mine, and his response was along the lines that such a thing could never happen, Canada is not Ukraine, Russia doesn’t have the power to do such a thing, and so on. He refused to accept this as a simple “what if?” inquiry, and cluelessly dismissed the scenario.
Wars are bad; people get killed, maimed, and displaced, infrastructure is destroyed, natural environment trashed, economic activity hobbled. But if your purpose is to use economic warfare against a nation in order to destroy it and hijack its assets for the benefit of you and your associates, don’t be surprised if your actions turn the “cold” war you started into a “hot” one.
Your timeline neglects some major points:
1) 1994 Budapest Agreement. In it, the US, UK, and Russia agree with Ukraine to guarantee Ukraine’s sovereignty if Ukraine gives up their nuclear weapons. They did (mostly to appease Russia). Ironic how that turned out.
2) Also in 1994, the Russian term blizhneye zarubezhye (the “near abroad”) is coined regarding USSR’s old satellite states, because at the time, most of the 14 those states are led by Soviet party leaders. It’s the divorce where both spouses still live in the same house and share the same bank account.
3) Ever since Putin came to power, he’s given numerous speeches, stating his intention to get the USSR “band back together.” It’s a key point.
4) Russia regularly flexes its muscle against former satellite states: the unprovoked 2007 cyber attack on Estonia, for example. In the same timeframe, Russia lined up tanks along Estonia’s border. It was all over Estonian news, yet there wasn’t a single mention of those threatening “training maneuvers” (as Moscow dubbed them) in US media.
5) You omitted a final key fact: A generation has grown to adulthood since those 14 USSR satellite states left that bad marriage. Many in the new generation don’t even speak Russian. Their preferred second language is English, German, or French.
I agree, the west is not perfect. But, if the alternative is a thuggish ex, I know what I’d choose.
Glenn Greenwald explains why the US shouldn’t act like we want Ukraine to go into NATO, which the US signed treaties with Russia saying we would not support, and then stupidly forgot in recent years. We didn’t want Russia in Cuba, they don’t want NATO in Ukraine. That’s two sentences. Maybe Congress should read this article, but it’s not reader-friendly for busy tax-paying Americans. Please get down to basics.
Two crucial events are missing from this timeline: the 2007 Munich conference on security in Europe, where Vladimir Putin gave a speech in which he made it crystal clear what the Russian concerns about further NATO expansion were. He was subsequently patently ignored.
The second crucial item that is missing is the NATO conference that was held in Bucharest in 2008, where at the behest of the USA the closing statement included the outright intention of NATO to invite Georgia and Ukraine to join..
If you really want to understand this, you need to go back to about 100 A.D! There is an ancient hatred of Russia (as well as the US colonists) involved as well as the Deep State plans for a New World Order, aka BBB (or 666). Superpowers consisting particularly of mainly white Christian people must be brought down in order to push the world into the totalitatian NWO. Part of the DS are obviously the CCP (not necessarily the same as China per se). We are already seeing the start of the destruction of America, and now Russia is ensuring they don’t go the same way. Putin needs to take out the Nazi and Deep State criminal element out of Ukraine & it appears to me that the US has been supporting the Nazi element in the country. What do the ordinary citizens of Ukraine want? THAT’S the important question. Do they have honest, fair and open elections? Or are their duly elected leaders subjected to colour revolutions sponsored by the west?
Maybe this is straying too far from the point, but there is also the issues of Crimea. Kruschev gave Crimea (Russian) to Ukraine in 1954 when the USSR seemed rock solid. It was not returned to Russia during the breakup of the Soviet Union, but after the coup, and with all the violence against the Russian areas, Russia reclaimed it.
Of course you don’t want to go back more than 30 years because it would explain why most Ukrainians don’t want to be part of Russia.
most DO, actually.
Wonderful Russia / Ukraine / US analysis from Glen Greenwald …. An hour twenty five minutes monologue . https://youtu.be/46bzpo2fPTw
Why do the Guardian Censor comments with your link on them lol?
How did we get to where we are today? Was it a journey that was inevitable or has it been a tug of war that went wrong, or went as planned? The attraction of the Motherland versus the promise of riches in the German dominated EU, but with the twist of an ambiguous eagle clear eyed circling above and dropping dollars..http://www.https://off-guardian.org/2022/02/24/timeline-euromaidan-the-original-ukraine-crisis/
Links to OffG have never been allowed on the Guardian. They take it very personally. 😉
Amazing. Just the other day I was saying to my son that I wished I had a “simple” history of the Russian/Ukraine ordeal otherwise I really can’t speak on the matter. Thank you so much for this, Mr. Knightly.
My memory of the Maidan was Ukrainian police tended to behave with a mixture of brutality alternating with irresolution, almost as though their commanders had been wavering or been paid off. Crowds, often quite violent and skilled in making and throwing Molotovs, were far more resolute than is usually the case in protests.
nevermind underled/paid berkut, it was the professionalism of the “rioters” and their entire set up. They were not angry peasants, students or proles on the rampage. they weren’t riots, that was the urban warfare of a coup.
we’ve seen it many times since.
initially the maidan elated me, organised resistance like not seen before there is hope for the peasant/prole… but ye scratch the surface and it was a horror actually. all wrong, phase II shock and awe..
the violence was quite epic, even before the snipers, and then there was odessa. and scenes like ww2 with cousins shelling each other in a contrived, but very real civil war for the poor folks living there.
Rus are taking granny’s house back, squatters no longer welcome.
if only it were that simple.
but is not an invasion, rather an attempt at a precise liberation : )
I have been at protests a lot, some of which turn nasty, but Maidan was the protesters being more violent and organised than the riot police, hardly a normal situation. Moreover you don’t normally have senior Western dignitaries handing out cookies to protesters.
agreed : )
Violent better-organised protesters become normal with intensive training and funding – from a few (about 5) sources.
Meanwhile for some reason at the WSWS, Covid coverage has slipped far down the page…
Out of about 15 articles I’ve read this morning, this one best defines the actual situation.
Eyewitness Reports Indicate Ukrainian Army Fired First Shots in War with Russia
By Don Hank and Jeremy Kuzmarov
Global Research, February 24, 2022
Eyewitness Reports Indicate Ukrainian Army Fired First Shots in War with Russia – Global ResearchGlobal Research – Centre for Research on Globalization
Sorry, Putin has no plan of “invading” the Ukraine. NATO countries are allowed to “invade” sovereign Nations by calling it an act of “Liberation”… You know? Countries like Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya…
Cut’n’Pasted from S.Cooper to illustrate your point.
That awkward moment when NATZO governments talk about respecting the sovereignty of other countries:
..”So the rules have changed. Drastically. The Hegemon is naked. The new deal starts with turning the post-Cold War set-up in Eastern Europe completely upside down. The East Med will be next. The Bear is back, baby. Hear him roar”.
From the Black Sea to the East Med, do not poke The Russian Bear
Yep. Putin has got them all on the back foot they are scrabbling around like headless chickens! Sholtz has been played by the USA for the fool that his really is. No sooner had he said he had suspended certification of NS2 in goes Biden with sanctions on individuals and companies involved with it! From where I’m sitting, Putin is the only true international statesman in the world right now. He has tried to negotiate, negotiate, negotiate and they have poured scorn on that. His speech was truly historic and made by a true Statesman I say thank you President Putin, somebody has to stand up to the USA and UK and NATO and you’ve done it thanks to their incessant provocation. Intelligence and courage will always triumph over aggression, stupidity and bullying. I say to Zelensky you’ve played a very very stupid game with Russia thinking NATO would help you. Here’s the reality, you’ll be ‘disappeared’ very soon just as were the Skripals.
I can’t let this stand without comment. I’m often the first to point out and criticise the hypocrisies of other leaders when the conversation goes there, but putting Putin on a pedestal? Please say you’re trolling.
Mafias. That’s all we have. Each with it’s own way of dealing with its issues within the overarching system that they ultimately are beholden to. Murderers and thieves one and all. Each with their own lies, their own narrative (yet still within the overarching system).
Take no side except that of the ordinary person. You and I are less than pawns on the board and yet you fawn over one of the main pieces? Have a think.
If the EU and the NATO both take the Ukraine as a member the game is over for Russia. Unfortunately.
Not quite babies thrown from their incubators but almost certainly about as real:
Nice remote island so no corroboration; “Snake Island” for the Luciferian reference (the snake is the hero of Genesis in the Luciferian creed); 13 happens to be the Death card in Tarot….
The profanity just seems a reboot of other war heroism stories (like Bastogne). Early martyrs are always handy to stiffen up the resistance (“let their sacrifice not be in vain” etc).
It’s “I wish I’d got the vax” rebooted for war.
Hollywood gets in early.
aye, and the heroic nazi guard hold out for hours against overwhelming red odds, destroying the warship and a battalion of naval infantry, including putin’s second cousin’s son…
before succumbing to a novichok outbreak..
“Let’s roll … “
Hahaha! What the Guardian is not saying is that after the bombing/killing started, 82 soldiers on the island surrendered, according to a story on southfront.org (which is a good antidote to western propaganda BTW) – sorry, forgot which article so don’t have the link. Not quite as martyrly as the Guardian would have you believe.
Come on people, you can do better than this.
Sincere discussion of war is as bad as that of Convid. It’s all a show designed to wage economic and psychological warfare on a credulous public.
Poo tin is another puppet.
The only thing worth discussing are who are the puppet handlers and why they do what they do.
Unconfirmed snippet:
“Today the Russian soldiers were on the outskirts of Kiev around noon, and there have been only 100 or so deaths until now, facts that suggest there’s hardly any resistance.”
I can’t wait for the plebiscite that will confirm Kiev following Crimea and the Twins back into the bosom of Mother Russia.
During the world biggest pandemic they tried to steal our vaccine secrets.
who remembers this just before this 97%safe and effective 1st vaccine roll out.
Russian and North Korean hackers tried to steal secrets of 7 Covid jab makers
The real battlefront every bit as much as Ukraine:
Luckily they think people are so stupid they have to spell it out – throw out gas and embrace those renewables (outside the Anglosphere that is – it’s one of those revolutions for everyone else but not for themselves).
Maybe those who’ve fallen for the renewable delusion will now have a bit of a rethink that the same people who are advocating this are the same people who pushed the vax, said Gaddafi had rape camps fuelled by viagra, said Iraq had weapons of mass destruction.
To restate: wind power supplies about 1% of UK energy and can’t be made more efficient; we’re about to enter the Great Solar Minimum – according to NASA among others – so solar power isn’t the miracle cure either. Renewables are inherently limited and unreliable which is why our ancestors who weren’t idiots largely abandonned them.
Can Germany survive without cheap and reliable gas?
Yes. After WW2 a German lady told me how they did it: put on all your clothes including overcoat, gloves and balaclava, jump into bed and pull all the blankets over your head.
That sound like home office. What about those who cannot work from home?
They found this out last winter when the wind farms froze and swathes of the USA Germany and other countries had to buy fossil fuels just to get energy going!
You might want to do your homework on the Texas freeze — it had nothing to do with wind energy and everything to do with “free market” energy companies not spending money on upkeep of their fossil fuel energy infrastructure.
Absolutely, and try getting solar power (or vitamin D, for that matter) when the skies are constantly full of chemtrails!
So that pivoted quickly from hate on the rona to hate on russia. I’m done, I can’t even be arsed to figure out what the motivation is or not for the russian invasion, all I know is that it is all a massive distraction from what our elites in the west have been doing to us and intend to do to us. It really has become 1984/Matrix. Caught up in this hyper reality.
I’m getting to the point were i think we need to just start building these parallel societies and ignore all media now, even the doom scrolling of twitter/telegram.
Its OK Sofia, it can be difficult at first, but hang in there and keep on strummin’. Remember there are three ways of doing things; the right way, the wrong way, and the way you are told, and you’re being paid by the hour, so do not bite the hand that feeds and you can not fight city hall, and most importantly; It Is All Entertainment.
“I’m getting to the point were i think we need to just start building these parallel societies”
People have already started just that. It’s called Greater Reset.. Join your Stand In The Park local groups, organize your food growing, shop locally, study and practice Common Law, organize your home education group, study and practice natural medicine healing, select your independent political representatives and vote for them etc.etc. The current system is beyond corrupt and ripe for dismantling. Start locally.
“Be the change that you wish to see in the world.” ― Mahatma Gandhi.
You are right there McMurphy, really right. Let’s reinstate local communities – I’m going to give it some thought.
McMurphy. “study and practice Common Law”. interested to learn more about the study and practice of Common Law but don’t know where to begin re: resources. Any suggestions?
And the ancient historical roots.
The Russian heartland, two Vladimirs and a different perspective.
I do wish the Western Establishment luck! For it maybe them who find themselves up a against a wall.
Czar Nic springs to mind….
creepy joe must have never been to see a pantomime (aaah!), if he had he might know better than to keep going forward and “look behind you!”.
We pray that the truckers bring their own judgment to this “timeline”
What a fkn mess :0/
Pepe Escobar joins the discussion (clip):
“Timed to the end of Putin’s speech [Link by NickM, below], the Russians decapitated with [Persian style] precision missiles everything that mattered in terms of the Ukrainian military in just one hour: Air Force, Navy, airfields, bridges, command and control centers, the whole Turkish Bayraktar drone fleet. And the artillery of “Baby Twin” DPR hit the HQ of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which actually housed the entire Ukrainian military command [centre].
Shock and Awe in reverse: not for conquest of an oil rich little country [as in Iraq, Libya, Sudan and Yemen], not as a prelude for invasion and occupation [as in Serbia]. The political-military leadership in Kiev [abandonded by Uncle $cam and NATZO] froze. Demoralized troops started deserting. Total defeat – in one hour.
The water supply to Crimea was instantly re-established. Humanitarian corridors were set up for the “Remnants”: the mostly surviving deserters [from] the Azov Nazi batallion, the mercenaries trained by U$ Blackwater/Academi, and a bunch of Salafi-jihadis [courtesy of CIA/MI6].
Predictably, Western corporate media has already gone totally berserk. In stark contrast to their usual behaviour: there is never any peep in NATOstan media [when NATZO forces routinely bomb, dismember and take over little countries].”
I’ll be looking forward to the Ukrainians bringing in Kurds and Taliban mercenaries to help them mount an insurgency against Russia. These guys know how to fight and prevail against larger, better equipped forces.
if you make a mess over your key board then the little buttons tend to stick together, remember what mummy said last time
You’re behind the news. Been there, done that, got the beating and retreating. Read the clip from Pepe Escobar (below).
“I’ll be looking forward to the Ukrainians bringing in Kurds and Taliban mercenaries…”
How? They can’t come by plane or ship. Nor can they walk or drive in from Poland. If you can think of it now, the Russians thought of it – and planned for it – years ago.
Uighurs travel from Xinjiang to Turkey for training. They go to Iraq and Syria for “hardening”. Some have now started work in Afghanistan, close to their intended target China. Borders hardly hinder their masters.
Anti-war Protests in Russia
ALAN TAYLOR | 24 Feb 2022
On Thursday, Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered an invasion of Ukraine, launching missiles and sending thousands of troops across its borders. Following the attack, protests erupted in countries around the world—including Russia. Hundreds of people gathered in Moscow, Saint Petersburg, and other Russian cities to demonstrate against their government’s actions, and calling for an end to the war. Most of these protests were disrupted by police, and many of the demonstrators were detained.
HINTS: View this page full screen.
Who am I looking for? Ray Epps? White helmets? Looks like lots of normal people in a place that looks better than the UK. #20 looks photoshopped??
Looks like a Pussy Riot all right.
From utter crap about a cold virus to utter crap about Ukraina – MSM of the West, to hell with you all!
Methinks there has been massive over reach by the MSM now – they’ve lost all credibility as has the UK Government now. The thing with having absolute power (like the MSM in this country has been handed by Johnson) they get arrogant with it and now they have overstepped the mark. The same has happened to the USA, NATO and the UK Governments. The beginning of the end. Yes, I hope a new world order will be put in place by Russia and China that being an end to this endless warmongering and peace and stability, a more even distribution of wealth and living in harmony with the hate, vitriol and malice hysterically pumped out day in day out (about everyone or anything as long as it sells papers) which creates division, hatred and instability. Let’s all stand together against them
Mother Russia’s brood are returning home. The holy bells of Kiev are calling her:
“VARYA. My darling’s come back, my pretty one’s come back! … then to Kiev… from one holy place to another. I’d tramp and tramp. That would be splendid!” — The Cherry Orchard, Act 1
That’s it. Sod these beginner’s guides to Russian history — get everyone reading Chekhov.
“Poets are the unacknowledged legislators of the nation” — Shelley.
Germany is the one with the real dilemma. Seems this once great nation, by the way the only nation in modern European history to actually evoke ethnic cleansing, (hypocrites that they are) has the pencil dick chancellor to try to spew shit to Mr.Putin. Fucking embarrassing to say the least.
Volodymyr Zelensky (not to be confused with Lord Voldemort for you British) has been acting a bit odd lately. I think he was told what was to occur in Munich and he found it all too much to fathom.
Boris J was given a gift … lets see what he does with it , probably messes up but what the heck, at least he’s a better option than Heir Kier, an even bigger fool. And all this while the true EU nazis’ … the paramilitary factions of Ukraine shell and kill innocent people for the fun of it all. At least someone cares to put an end to it all once and for all.
When European ‘states’ can stomach electing a real leader like Mr.Putin, then, just perhaps then, can the EU finally break away from the degenerates that are currently beating their chests with sanctions what will amount to punishing their own constituents over that of whom they blame for their short comings.
Lets see how they get out of this one.
Fuck “Mr.” Putin. He might seem better than our psychopaths, but he’s still a psychopath. Until we get that, we ain’t getting nothing. We have to look at humans as we really are and decide what we really want to be. Or at least have a fucking vote, because that’s not what I want.
Eh? A vote, like in Canada or in Congress? R.U. Psycho Al ? Would you like to reformulate your comment to frame any kind of sense in any direction?
or is that you Hillary…?
* Or machine learning? *
What do you want Al, seriously?
Hunter Biden’s job ?
How do you suppose things are decided TDj? Osmosis? Did I say anything at all about voting for the cretins or with the systems we have in place? Come on TDj.
Well there’s democracy for you. Live by the sword and die by it.
Its important to know what you want, whether you get it is another thing.
The fact remains and I assume its frustrating you somewhat, is that Mr.Putin plays the game very well while the others can only wish they could.
It takes a lot of balls to stand up and say that’s it, I am done. I think there is a relationship there with what we have all been exposed to over the past two years, never mind what the ethnic regions of Ukraine have had to deal with over the past 7 plus years.
If anything its time you actually see what is really happening once and for all rather than hide behind psychopath this and that.
Thinking is achieved through discussions like this. Its not good enough to simply dismiss the players as this and that.
our media does a fine job with the latter.
I don’t play the ruler game. I’m as anti-authoritarian as it gets so when others praise some of these assholes over the other assholes, it kind of irks me. Can’t help it.
Economist Michael Hudson gives insight into what has happened in the Ukraine …..
“The only way left for U.S. diplomats to block European purchases is to goad Russia into a military response and then claim that avenging this response outweighs any purely national economic interest. As hawkish Under-Secretary of State for Political Affairs, Victoria Nuland, explained in a State Department press briefing on January 27: “If Russia invades Ukraine one way or another Nord Stream 2 will not move forward.” The problem is to create a suitably offensive incident and depict Russia as the aggressor.”
Michael Hudson
This assumes Mr.Putin is as dense as they are. its not so simple.
This event has been staged with or without the “help” of the US. Specific EU partners were on board and the US had to follow although reluctantly hence the rhetoric from Washington over the past few weeks.
It explains Zel’s strange attitude in Munich when he finally came to terms that he was politically finished.
Russia needed to make a stance, once and for all and to eliminate the stench of Ukrainian politics that even the West has had enough of.
So what’s the plan? Go in and go in surgical and quick. Get the job done and move on. Take the bullshit sanctions that mean nothing and lets all get back to normal.
Place NATO on the chopping block.
The future actually looks rather promising for the EU and Russian interests , it even looks good for Ukraine.
The fact remains that until Ukraine is neutralized as a thorn, the EU will be played over and over again by factions in the West that have not yet realized they lost the play back when Obama was running the office.
Even Mr.Biden is on board , wow I never thought I would say that.
In the short term Mr.Putin has given specific weak degenerate politicians to use his move as an excuse and misdirection for their economic short comings and in the ling he has solved their problems with Ukraine once and for all, what ever the problem truly was.
Since the Russian government is not out to enrich cronies, it get tends to exit fast. We saw this for its bombers in Syria, and recently its tanks in Kazakhstan. Compare that to the ponderous logistics of the imperial “humantiarian” mission to Haiti a decade ago.
Keep in mind that Russia has the conventional missiles to pulverise any target in Europe – from the safety of its domestic bases or even ships – though that would not go over too well.
“the only nation in modern European history to actually evoke ethnic cleansing.”
Firstly, even a cursory knowledge of European history shows that not to be true.
Secondly, and more profoundly, when you’re faced by an external elite whose modus operandi is to find wedge points in a society and plant $5b worth of dynamite in them, isn’t a desire for ethnic homogeneity an essential prerequisite for survival? The lesson’s been clear from at least the C19th onwards in how a handful of Brits ruled a subcontinent of millions.
I stand corrected, there were more so called nations that stood by and allowed Nazi minded degenerates to ethnically cleanse their neighbours.
Someone wrote the playbook on that, and perhaps it was that handful of Brits you allude to however many have taken it and run with it as the puppeteers took pride in their work to say the least.
Time to cut those strings, no? Would you not agree its a positive move?
You should be even more corrected and learn about Russia’s ethnic cleansing of the Circassians in the nineteenth century (nearly completely) and of the Crim Tatars in the twentieth century (incompletely, as some were allowed back later), and the driving out of the Germans in many countries after 1945. Oh, and Turks were deported from Greece in the “exchange of minorities” (not as many as the Greeks deported from Turkey, but you were talking about Europe). Yes, there were good reasons – but arguing justification is admitting that it happened.
Well said, truly well said. Ain’t that the truth.
The media houses in Australia have quite obviously decided to dispense with any modicum of truth or even ‘fairness’ in reporting – the Murdoch and Nine (Sydney Morning Herald) have gone full rogue. The blatant LIES for today’s headlines … pure vomit.
Telegraph: IT’S WAR on the whole front page.
SMH: Putin Declares War – the whole front page.
One can’t even be temperate about this vomit inducing LIES because it is pure hate speech, quite deliberately designed to incite outpourings of mindless hatred.
Fair go hotrod, they’ve got bills to pay, multiple mortgages, private school fees, luxury cars to service and an insatiable corporate bloodlust to appease.
“Nasty Nazi Pelosi emerging from her ‘human’ host.”
The ‘Russia man bad’ is brilliant SC.
Both Sides
The banksters control both combatants, the West, China and everyone else. Why have they lit this fuse ? How does it go with convid ? Do the infantry on both sides wear muzzles besides helmets ? Do they worry as much about the phantom virus as about bullets and shrapnel ?
Because the earth is not a globe.
The markets in the USA were all green on Thursday. Wall Street likes invasions!
Medvedev said imagine a world where gas prices have doubled –
Remind me what the World Economic Forum thinks about gas as an energy source again….
I think Covid will be de-emphasized. Many shops in London no longer have posters demanding masks be worn.
Covid killed ISIS, ‘War’ Killed Covid, what kills ‘War’ ? Climate?
US bioweapons labs in Ukraine and Central Asia near Russia as a motivating factor in Putin’s moves
Does anyone have any more information on this or even if it’s true?
Interesting, Trewpol. Don’t know if it’s true. Found this easily:
In 2019, BTRP established two laboratories for the Consumer Protection Service of Ukraine with Biosafety Level 2 in Kyiv and Odesa. Both regions are under Russia’s attack. The US not only provides support for laboratory establishment but has also been funding research projects in Ukraine where the Ukrainian and American scientists work together.
On several occasions, Russia has accused the US and Ukraine of developing bio-weapons close to its borders. In 2021, while talking about the inability of the World Health Organisation to establish the origin of the Covid-19 virus, Russian Security Council Secretary Nikolai Patrushev told Kommersant reporter that Russia believed the US was developing bio-weapons near its borders.
Sec’y Russian Security Council Patrushev: “you pay attention to the fact that in the world, more and more new biological laboratories under the control of the United States are growing by leaps and bounds. Moreover, by a strange coincidence – mainly at the Russian and Chinese borders.”
Let’s face it, Novichock was developed in a Ukranian Lab which, incidentally, the USA kindly agreed to help them dismantle. Now, where did that Novichock come from again?
“Does anyone have any more information”
make it up, they will.
Rats thought to have been present at the bombed bioweapon labs in the ukraine are the likey cause of the new virus that is sweeping across the planet, scientists say. but are at a loss as
to why those vaccinated from covid and omicron, are growing snouts and grunting.
They are all over the world. There are about 1,300 labs rated at safety level BSL-3, besides 12 vastly more expensive ones rated BSL-4. This is a limited map I found:

The one in Tblisi,Georgia was very active: look up journalist Dilyana Gaytandzhieva. ASF now sweeping across Asia and the “nerve gas” Syria is accused of may have come from there. Those in West Africa are close to the Ebola outbreak sites.
It’s a good timeline. I would have liked to have seen Oleg Tsarov being shouted down in November 2013 when he told exactly what had happened with US ambassador, Geoffrey Pyatt’s Techcamp established in Kiev to bring down the government. If you haven’t seen it you should.
Legally, how can US sanction a pipeline between Germany & Russia? Does US need NATO or EU or German agreement?
The US government feels it can do anything it wants. Whether it is legal or not is immaterial.
On the contrary, NATZO needs U$ agreement before it can demonstrate “our irresistible armed might” by destroying a small country. NATZO was a postwar U$ construct, designed “to keep Russia out, the Yanks in and Europe down”. It is no coincidence that NATZO chose Nazi Azov as the core battalion on which to rebuild Ukraine’s army.
As for Germany, it is still officially under WW2 occupation by the U$ Army, hence the Man from Uncle needs no permission from the Chancellor of Germany; the reverse is the case.
As for the EU since 1980, “Si monumentum quaeret, perspice!” (If you wish to see Uncle $cam’s monument, look around).
We need to destroy Bring Putin to trial for crimes against humanity and then divide up Russia once and for all so it can never be reassembled by any future petty dictator.
Henry Morganthau lives!
Perhaps they should all be sterilised just to be on the safe side…
In the olden days, didn’t the invaders kill the male children also?
Nothing happens without Moscow approval.
Lets articulate a few facts.
Germany has a pipeline and its been running very well for some time now from Russia. Its called NS1. NS2 was a political play. Its needed but it can wait. Other things like Ukraine require some “fixing” first., not to mention some not so bright political figures in Germany and elsewhere.
Russia can sell its resources to China who is more than willing to take all of the NS2 capacity in the short term.
Germany needs to make a decision and make it quick in terms of how it deals with the US and the economic death blow about to hit it.
Thanks for the reply, Berlin. I think Germany was already hit w its economic death blow in her energy policies– but what can you expect with Merkel and her successor both being WEF proteges?
Personally, I think the “confrontation” we’re seeing between US and Russia is theater agreed upon by TPTB and Russia. It’s great distraction from Western dictatorial restrictions towards the NWO. Also may help to disguise continued ruinous monetary, trade & economic policy.
I gather you think the NS2 delay not especially economically bad for Germany, but she’s already committed to further nongreen energy cutbacks over the near-term future. Rotten media has made so many believe the AGW hoax. Pretty good scholarship indicates it’s actually growing COLDER.
Interesting perspective:
Tike, thanks, interesting. At the least the military action will be a pretext for anything TPTB wants to do monetarily– as if covid wasn’t pretext enough.
Ben Wallace wants to “kick the butt of the Russians like we did in 1853.”
Some of our intrepid MPs like Tugendhat/ Ellwood/ Stewart/ Duncan Smith want to set up a No Fly Zone over Ukraine.
Good luck with that.
I worked in media, journal & “news” for a couple of decades.
I’ve seen & how “news” usually works (not so much facts as much as PR propaganda).
I’m always more interested in what isn’t being said in the “news”.
Oligarchs are never uninvolved in global politics & events.
They make most of their money by completely engaging with and interacting (interfering) with politics & governance.
With that:
Rinat Leonidovych Akhmetov is a Ukrainian billionaire businessman. He is the founder and president of System Capital Management (SCM), and ranked among the wealthiest men in Ukraine.
SCM is the largest diversified financial and industrial group in Ukraine (for example, in 2013, the share of SCM in Ukraine’s GDP was 3.9%.
According to Serhiy Holovnev and Yuriy Vinnichuk, in 2018 SCM enterprises paid UAH 90.2 billion, or 22.6% of all tax revenues to the government budget of Ukraine.
DTEK, which is a subsidiary of SCM, is the largest private investor in the energy industry in Ukraine.
But Akhmetov has reportedly seen a drastic decline in wealth of late:
2008 – $31.1 bn
2011 – $25.6 bn
2020 – $7.7 bn
“In November 2021 Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky accused Akhmetov of being enlisted to help plan a coup against him by Russia.”
Akhmetov has been noted as a financier and unofficial leader of the Party of Regions (pro-Russian) political party.
Akhmetov was pivotal in arranging a lasting relationship between his employee and close friend Paul Manafort and defeated presidential candidate Viktor Yanukovich. Also, Akhmetov ensured proper translation services for Manafort through Konstantin Kilimnik, a Russia Army trained linguist and known Russian intelligence operative that operates Manafort’s office in Kyiv. Kilimnik has been central to collecting fees owed to Manafort’s company by the Russia-friendly political party called Opposition Bloc.
U.S. diplomatic cables revealed that Akhmetov posted $2 million bail in 2007 for the release of three members of the Party of Regions, including former Sumy Governor Volodymyr Shcherban, who was accused of election rigging, extortion, tax evasion and abuse of office.
Finally, from the World Economic Forum:
As part of the Forum’s Electricity Industry Action Group, DTEK promotes incorporation of the “system value” concept in Ukraine, specifically integrating it into the national recovery strategy.
Hence, there is a strong business case for Ukraine to move quickly and consistently to ensure that these financial opportunities are duly captured.
Akhmetov was also the big benefactor of Yanukovych.
Pro-Russian oligarchs vs pro-NATZO oligarchs? How about clipping the wings of all these oligarchs? The way Putin did in Russia; or even better hang some. like the government did in China.
Nearly 45% of gas imports in Europe come from Russia. The vast majority of those are via pipelines.
So far no sanctions against Russian oil or gas.
Germany under Scholz, with Economy Minister Robert Habeck says Germany can guarantee security of supply even without Russian gas or oil. I guess that’s why they’ve already ben experiencing power outages for a few years, huh?
Isn’t Scholz one of Schwab’s little boys?
Main inflation driver for Germany is energy, which in January saw an increase of 20.5% year on year.
According the the the Federal Statistical Office, motor fuel prices jumped 24.8% and household energy prices 18.3%, year on year. The price of home heating oil rose a whopping 51.9%, natural gas up 32.2% and electricity +11.1%.
Instead of the big block of Covid scare headlines in light blue the Guardian has run for 2 years, today we had a massive Ukraine/Russia in red. It was a moment of release and I burst out laughing: instead of them having their boot on our necks, now they were squealing like the little bullies they are.
In 48 hours Trudeau had given up on his emergency laws and the Donbass was finally relieved of the hell it has lived through for the past 8 years. But the shelling still continued – even after Russia had recognized the two breakaway regions.
From about 2005, Russia has put an immense amount of money, energy and intelligence into its defensive and offensive capabilities, knowing full well what was going to happen. Maths and Physics PHDs go into weapons research in Russia as opposed to going to Wall Street and the City in the US and the UK respectively. Sooner or later the West was going to attack. And Russia had to be prepared. That vast land mass and resources would be the West’s solution to their problem.
US defence companies were being trampled all over by management consultancies – to the immense frustration of engineers – in order to increase shareholder value. So the US started producing crappy products like the F-35; previously great companies like Boeing invested the money it would have spent on a re-design of the 737 on share buybacks ie. by buying a load of shares in your own company you keep the share price high. In shareholder value the product is the share price not the product itself.
Putin is simply decommunizing the Ukraine created by Lenin.
PutinPutting atheism to rest 😀 https://bigthink.com/strange-maps/ukraine-lenin-putin/
Interesting how the U.S. and its European lackeys now are so devoted to the principle of national sovereignty when it comes to Ukraine. Where was this devotion to principle when they carved up the former Yugoslavia? They all rushed to be the first to recognize the independence of Slovenia, Croatia and Bosnia. They are just furious that Putin has turned the tables on their “divide and conquer” scheme for Ukraine. The ethnic and cultural divisions in Ukraine can be traced back to its historical evolution, especially the “Frankenstein monster” created by the Soviet government when it established the “Ukrainian S.S.R.” I have attached a historical map of the development of Ukraine as a geographical entity. N.B. The term “Ukraine” means “borderland” and was only used as a
geographical, not ethnic, term until the 20th century. This is reflected, for example, in the U.S. immigration records for the 19th century, with immigrants from present-day Western Ukraine being designated as “Ruthenians,” not “Ukrainians.”
“Lesser Poland” and “Galicia” were listed in 19th and early 20th century US Census records.
Putin’s speech “ad urbem et ad orbem” — to Russia and to the World:
Thanks. I’ve seen snippets of it, but not the whole thing. Quite a wide-ranging speech
Russia has a right to protect it self.
But not by attacking sovereign states.
So what do you suggest? The Russians tried diplomacy and were laughed at and ignored by the US. War is just diplomacy by different means. Isn’t shelling civilian populations, as the Ukrainian army was doing in Donbass, also an act of war – a war crime, in fact? And to what extent can Ukraine be considered a ‘sovereign state’ since 2014?
In some ways, the US war hawks have won – they’ve goaded Russia into attacking Ukraine, even if it took some time. It’s a tragedy for both Russia and Ukraine. Whatever the outcome, the effects will be felt for a long, long time.
Ukraine was dealing with internal insurgency with Donbass. That is their war, not Putin’s.
Your American friends invaded the oh so massive state of Granada because they saw it as a threat.
We wee fighting communism then and had the invite of 6 surrounding nations.
Here’s another perspective on the Ukraine situation. Very credible explanation:
Good reading especially for those who mistakenly see Putin as an anti-globalist saint. Remember he is feted every year when he visits Davos.
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