Endless Wars Are the Enemy of Freedom
John Whitehead at the Rutherford Institute

“Of all the enemies to public liberty war is, perhaps, the most to be dreaded because it comprises and develops the germ of every other. War is the parent of armies; from these proceed debts and taxes…known instruments for bringing the many under the domination of the few…No nation could preserve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare.”James Madison
War is the enemy of freedom.
As long as America’s politicians continue to involve us in wars that bankrupt the nation, jeopardize our servicemen and women, increase the chances of terrorism and blowback domestically, and push the nation that much closer to eventual collapse, “we the people” will find ourselves in a perpetual state of tyranny.
It’s time for the US government to stop policing the globe.
This latest crisis—America’s part in the showdown between Russia and the Ukraine—has conveniently followed on the heels of a long line of other crises, manufactured or otherwise, which have occurred like clockwork in order to keep Americans distracted, deluded, amused, and insulated from the government’s steady encroachments on our freedoms.
And so it continues in its Orwellian fashion.
Two years after COVID-19 shifted the world into a state of global authoritarianism, just as the people’s tolerance for heavy-handed mandates seems to have finally worn thin, we are being prepped for the next distraction and the next drain on our economy.
Yet policing the globe and waging endless wars abroad isn’t making America—or the rest of the world—any safer, it’s certainly not making America great again, and it’s undeniably digging the U.S. deeper into debt.
Indeed, even if we were to put an end to all of the government’s military meddling and bring all of the troops home today, it would take decades to pay down the price of these wars and get the government’s creditors off our backs.
War has become a huge money-making venture, and the U.S. government, with its vast military empire, is one of its best buyers and sellers.
What most Americans—brainwashed into believing that patriotism means supporting the war machine—fail to recognize is that these ongoing wars have little to do with keeping the country safe and everything to do with propping up a military industrial complex that continues to dominate, dictate and shape almost every aspect of our lives.
Consider: We are a military culture engaged in continuous warfare. We have been a nation at war for most of our existence. We are a nation that makes a living from killing through defense contracts, weapons manufacturing and endless wars.
We are also being fed a steady diet of violence through our entertainment, news and politics.
All of the military equipment featured in blockbuster movies is provided—at taxpayer expense—in exchange for carefully placed promotional spots.
Back when I was a boy growing up in the 1950s, almost every classic sci fi movie ended with the heroic American military saving the day, whether it was battle tanks in Invaders from Mars (1953) or military roadblocks in Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956).
What I didn’t know then as a schoolboy was the extent to which the Pentagon was paying to be cast as America’s savior. By the time my own kids were growing up, it was Jerry Bruckheimer’s blockbuster film Top Gun—created with Pentagon assistance and equipment—that boosted civic pride in the military.
Now it’s my grandkids’ turn to be awed and overwhelmed by child-focused military propaganda.
Don’t even get me started on the war propaganda churned out by the toymakers.
Even reality TV shows have gotten in on the gig, with the Pentagon’s entertainment office helping to sell war to the American public.
It’s estimated that U.S. military intelligence agencies (including the NSA) have influenced over 1,800 movies and TV shows.
And then there are the growing number of video games, a number of which are engineered by or created for the military, which have accustomed players to interactive war play through military simulations and first-person shooter scenarios.
This is how you acclimate a population to war.
This is how you cultivate loyalty to a war machine.
This is how, to borrow from the subtitle to the 1964 film Dr. Strangelove, you teach a nation to “stop worrying and love the bomb.”
As journalist David Sirota writes for Salon:
“[C]ollusion between the military and Hollywood – including allowing Pentagon officials to line edit scripts—is once again on the rise, with new television programs and movies slated to celebrate the Navy SEALs….major Hollywood directors remain more than happy to ideologically slant their films in precisely the pro-war, pro-militarist direction that the Pentagon demands in exchange for taxpayer-subsidized access to military hardware.”
Why is the Pentagon (and the CIA and the government at large) so focused on using Hollywood as a propaganda machine?
To those who profit from war, it is—as Sirota recognizes:
a ‘product’ to be sold via pop culture products that sanitize war and, in the process, boost recruitment numbers….At a time when more and more Americans are questioning the fundamental tenets of militarism (i.e., budget-busting defense expenditures, never-ending wars/occupations, etc.), military officials are desperate to turn the public opinion tide back in a pro-militarist direction — and they know pop culture is the most effective tool to achieve that goal.”
The media, eager to score higher ratings, has been equally complicit in making (real) war more palatable to the public by packaging it as TV friendly.
This is what professor Roger Stahl refers to as the representation of a “clean war”, a war “without victims, without bodies, and without suffering”:
“‘Dehumanize destruction’ by extracting all human imagery from target areas … The language used to describe the clean war is as antiseptic as the pictures. Bombings are ‘air strikes.’ A future bombsite is a ‘target of opportunity.’ Unarmed areas are ‘soft targets.’ Civilians are ‘collateral damage.’ Destruction is always ‘surgical.’ By and large, the clean war wiped the humanity of civilians from the screen … Create conditions by which war appears short, abstract, sanitized and even aesthetically beautiful. Minimize any sense of death: of soldiers or civilians.”
This is how you sell war to a populace that may have grown weary of endless wars: sanitize the war coverage of anything graphic or discomfiting (present a clean war), gloss over the actual numbers of soldiers and civilians killed (human cost), cast the business of killing humans in a more abstract, palatable fashion (such as a hunt), demonize one’s opponents, and make the weapons of war a source of wonder and delight.
“This obsession with weapons of war has a name: technofetishism,” explains Stahl. “Weapons appear to take on a magical aura. They become centerpieces in a cult of worship.”
“Apart from gazing at the majesty of these bombs, we were also invited to step inside these high-tech machines and take them for a spin,” said Stahl.
“Or if we have the means, we can purchase one of the military vehicles on the consumer market. Not only are we invited to fantasize about being in the driver’s seat, we are routinely invited to peer through the crosshairs too. These repeated modes of imaging war cultivate new modes of perception, new relationships to the tools of state violence. In other words, we become accustomed to ‘seeing’ through the machines of war.”
In order to sell war, you have to feed the public’s appetite for entertainment.
Not satisfied with peddling its war propaganda through Hollywood, reality TV shows and embedded journalists whose reports came across as glorified promotional ads for the military, the Pentagon has also turned to sports to further advance its agenda, “tying the symbols of sports with the symbols of war.”
The military has been firmly entrenched in the nation’s sports spectacles ever since, having co-opted football, basketball, even NASCAR.
This is how you sustain the nation’s appetite for war.
No wonder entertainment violence is the hottest selling ticket at the box office. As professor Henry Giroux points out:
“Popular culture not only trades in violence as entertainment, but also it delivers violence to a society addicted to a pleasure principle steeped in graphic and extreme images of human suffering, mayhem and torture.”
No wonder the government continues to whet the nation’s appetite for violence and war through paid propaganda programs (seeded throughout sports entertainment, Hollywood blockbusters and video games)—what Stahl refers to as “militainment“—that glorify the military and serve as recruiting tools for America’s expanding military empire.
No wonder Americans from a very young age are being groomed to enlist as foot soldiers—even virtual ones—in America’s Army (coincidentally, that’s also the name of a first person shooter video game produced by the military). Explorer Scouts, for example, are one of the most popular recruiting tools for the military and its civilian counterparts (law enforcement, Border Patrol, and the FBI).
No wonder the United States is the number one consumer, exporter and perpetrator of violence and violent weapons in the world. Seriously, America spends more money on war than the combined military budgets of China, Russia, the United Kingdom, Japan, France, Saudi Arabia, India, Germany, Italy and Brazil.
America polices the globe, with 800 military bases and troops stationed in 160 countries. Moreover, the war hawks have turned the American homeland into a quasi-battlefield with military gear, weapons and tactics. In turn, domestic police forces have become roving extensions of the military — a standing army.
We are dealing with a sophisticated, far-reaching war machine that has woven itself into the very fabric of this nation.
Clearly, our national priorities are in desperate need of an overhaul.
Eventually, all military empires fall and fail by spreading themselves too thin and spending themselves to death.
It happened in Rome: at the height of its power, even the mighty Roman Empire could not stare down a collapsing economy and a burgeoning military. Prolonged periods of war and false economic prosperity largely led to its demise.
It’s happening again.
The American Empire—with its endless wars waged by U.S. military servicepeople who have been reduced to little more than guns for hire: outsourced, stretched too thin, and deployed to far-flung places to police the globe—is approaching a breaking point.
The government is destabilizing the economy, destroying the national infrastructure through neglect and a lack of resources, and turning taxpayer dollars into blood money with its endless wars, drone strikes and mounting death tolls.
This is exactly the scenario President Dwight D. Eisenhower warned against when he cautioned the citizenry not to let the profit-driven war machine endanger our liberties or democratic processes. Eisenhower, who served as Supreme Commander of the Allied forces in Europe during World War II, was alarmed by the rise of the profit-driven war machine that, in order to perpetuate itself, would have to keep waging war.
Yet as Eisenhower recognized, the consequences of allowing the military-industrial complex to wage war, exhaust our resources and dictate our national priorities are beyond grave:
Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. This world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children. The cost of one modern heavy bomber is this: a modern brick school in more than 30 cities. It is two electric power plants, each serving a town of 60,000 population. It is two fine, fully equipped hospitals. It is some 50 miles of concrete highway. We pay for a single fighter with a half million bushels of wheat. We pay for a single destroyer with new homes that could have housed more than 8,000 people. This, I repeat, is the best way of life to be found on the road the world has been taking. This is not a way of life at all, in any true sense. Under the cloud of threatening war, it is humanity hanging from a cross of iron.
We failed to heed Eisenhower’s warning.
The illicit merger of the armaments industry and the government that Eisenhower warned against has come to represent perhaps the greatest threat to the nation today.
What we have is a confluence of factors and influences that go beyond mere comparisons to Rome. It is a union of Orwell’s 1984 with its shadowy, totalitarian government—i.e., fascism, the union of government and corporate powers—and a total surveillance state with a military empire extended throughout the world.
As I make clear in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People and in its fictional counterpart The Erik Blair Diaries, this is how tyranny rises and freedom falls.
The growth of and reliance on militarism as the solution for our problems both domestically and abroad bodes ill for the constitutional principles which form the basis of the American experiment in freedom.
As author Aldous Huxley warned:
“Liberty cannot flourish in a country that is permanently on a war footing, or even a near-war footing. Permanent crisis justifies permanent control of everybody and everything by the agencies of the central government.”
Constitutional attorney and author John W. Whitehead is founder and president of The Rutherford Institute. His book Battlefield America: The War on the American People (SelectBooks, 2015) is available online at www.amazon.com. Whitehead can be contacted at [email protected]
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Let’s be perfectly honest here. More money can be made during a war than any other business venture. Investing in a war has the potential to generate billions. There is a satanic tribe who has been making these billions for centuries. Until this central banking cartel, who practices the hideously vile strategies of Usury, is exposed to the same masses who are finally waking up to the scamdemic and human culling jab, we will continue to be good slaves to the toxic system.
This same tribe despises Putin. Why? Because he refuses to submit to their destructive life damaging methods.
Putin deserves the Nobel Peace Prize. He’s a genius.
America policing the globe with 800 plus military bases is just what you see.
The wars are about enforcing privatisations.There will be no peace until the last ambulance, bus, water hole and educational service is privatised so the guys in the Carlyle group can make money from utilities, i.e. the expenditure which we cannot avoid.
“All things come from strife” — Heraclitus
God said, Let there be Light! and there was LIGHT! A BIG BANG of pure radiation. But no sooner had this cosmic radiation began to cool than the environment began to favour particle formation. All sorts of particles struggled to be formed, compete with each other to increase and multiply. As the temperature dropped to the mere millions of degrees Kelvin, the ever changing thermodynamic environment allowed ever new sorts of fundamental particle to come into being and form ever new chemical combinations and physical alliances in the competition for existence. Which is where we are today.
Mao said that Justice comes from the barrel of a gun. So does Freedom. Without winning its war against the Japanese, the Paper Tiger and the Paper Tiger’s proxy army, China today would be as miserable as Ukraine is today after 8 years of Anglo Zionazi Capitalist looting. If Syria, Iran and Afghanistan had not fought NATZO and won, they would have been as miserable as Libya. If Soviet Russia had not smashed the Nazi war machine the people of Europe would have been genocided as thoroughly as the aboriginals of Australia and America.
More power to the freedom fighters in Yemen. More power to more freedom loving Ukrainians fighting to break free from NATZO’s dual-citizen Oligarchs and NATZO’s Nazis!
If you read the older books after every major vaccination campaign for some strange reason their seems to be a war.
Like the Carnegie and Rockefeller organizations, the Rutherford Institute isn’t what many people think it is…
The IRS Non-Profit Tax Form 990 for the Rutherford Institute is worth a glance:
$923,839 total revenue for 2020
$629,344 in total salaries (for five employees)
John Whitehead is paid $229,781
Beyond salaries & office equipment, the Rutherford Institute doesn’t seem to spend money on any actual worthwhile causes.
But I don’t on their returns where they actually engage in that activity.
Please elaborate.
Every time I looked into seeing what an NGO was about I found it was an organisation funded by a rich person who felt passionate about something.
Sometimes they work with unpaid staff (volunteers), sometimes they pay someone. These NGOs are only accountable to their money man.
If you want to be active in politics, seek a mandate, but they pay people to do their bidding.
The real joke are NGOs like the German Marshall Fund for the United States, masquerading as an NGO when in effect they are an international espionage network funded by the German government.
“Military intelligence” has always been the ultimate oxymoron.
Intelligence has nothing to do with it.
“Military profit” is the phrase they are looking for here.
Got it!
We have reached peak hyperreality
Not “we”, but they.
My reality still works.
Attributing all militarism to the US military industrial complex is wrong, in the extreme. War is the continuation of capitalist market competition by other means, it is the logical conclusion of capitalism’s global crises, the first of which led to …. WWI, the second of which led to …. WWII. Both these happened well before the US has a military industrial complex per se. The third, which sort of started around 1970, breaking all out in 2008. It would have gone ballistic in 2019 if not for the Fed Reserve and other central banks flooding world markets with money, and then Operation “Pandemic” driving the global economy into an induced coma, preventing runaway inflation, as per the analyses of Fabio Vighi and John Titus. This is wearing out now. You are seeing the inevitable outcome of this crisis starting to break out, and while the Military Industrial Complex is an exacerbating factor, it is not the cause.
And if you think Putin/Russia is the good side, read this.
Russia Joins Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution Network, 10/13/21.
• The Russian Federation and the World Economic Forum announced the Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution Russia
• The Centre is an autonomous non-for-profit organisation hosted by ANO Digital Economy and will be a platform for public-private cooperation
• Artificial Intelligence and IoT are key areas of focus for the new Centre
• Policies and frameworks will be shared and scaled through the global Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution Network.
Moscow, Russia, 13 October 2021 – Russia will take a leading role in shaping the trajectory of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Today, leaders from the Russian Federation and the World Economic Forum announced the Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution Russia.
If anyone is having issue with the link in the post above, it loaded for me only when I removed the odd bit at the very end:
(The ‘very odd bit’ at the end is a way of coding the ‘backspace’ character. It would wipe out the slash after ‘network’.)
The authors feign ignorance of the global governance that has existed since the Roman Empire, to keep the psyop of sovereign nation states alive.
War isn’t related to capitalism, it’s a cycle that follows every induced debt bubble and currency crisis by the central banks. War is an eons long strategy by the Masonic owners of the world against the slaves who believe in whatever Hegelian Dialectic the controllers arrange. Eg: Catholics vs Protestants, East vs West or Capitalism vs Communism.
Economic warfare, where slaves are starved, poisoned and worked to death, is more profitable than a hot war. Communism in the form of full spectrum dominance and cartel ownership (air, sea, land, resources, flora, fauna, humans, cyberspace, thoughts) is coming to the world. and it’s not the dream, the left wing, social justice warriors anticipated. It’s a depopulation program, first and foremost.
The authors? The article is from the WEF, did you not notice? Or are you referring to my comments? It is not a depopulation agenda, it is the implementation of total control and social impact investing, turning every facet of human life into an investment opportunity. No, not the products we consume, but our actions, which will become investment instruments.
Neither. I was referring to the authors ATL. The main reason they want total control is to depopulate. They can’t do it any other way except through the vaccines. They are a sterilizing device and they also cause cancer, blood disorders and heart disease. They also contain nano so they can map the brain. The vaccine agenda isn’t going anywhere.
*Then* what happens, genius?
According to Alison McDowell who investigates the attempts and tendencies toward the digitalisation of human life in relation to digital child labor, artificial intelligence, and so on, the new field Capital found it can get its paws on, after it has exhausted the physical markets, is the mental field, the metaverse, for which all-digital is a prerequisite.
In her channel you’ll find an interesting discussion with the guys of What’s left, in which the work of Fabio Vighi is brought about.
This new market that Capital is trying to set up to keep reproducing itself, discovers the core of Capital: a negation of Life, an attempt to circumvent and reduce the immanent spontaneous movement of Life which is by essence unpredictable, into a predictible, organised, quantified, regimented dead entity. Or what does turning one’s life into a digital one other than strip off what makes them human beings.
Capital (as the current basis of human production) and wars/force were always, are, very old acquaintances. There is an immanent drive in Capital to expand and absorb the surrounding space, and one can’t do that without resorting to force. And once it establishes itself in a certain space, it uses more sophisticated means (seduction) to keep that space.
Primitive accumulation of the capital that served to launch the Industrial Revolution was, according to Marx who studied its history, achieved mainly through colonialism (wars for raw materials including gold and silver, human capital: cheap labour/slave system, and new markets), public debts (capitals created through loans to the State and subsequent taxation), and the protectionist system (tariffs on imports). According to Marx (Capital, vol. I, chap. XXXI):
“The different momenta of primitive accumulation distribute themselves now, more or less in chronological order, particularly over Spain, Portugal, Holland, France, and England. In England at the end of the 17th century, they arrive at a systematical combination, embracing the colonies, the national debt, the modern mode of taxation, and the protectionist system. These methods depend in part on brute force, e.g., the colonial system. But, they all employ the power of the State, the concentrated and organised force of society, to hasten, hot-house fashion, the process of transformation of the feudal mode of production into the capitalist mode, and to shorten the transition. Force is the midwife of every old society pregnant with a new one. It is itself an economic power.”
After going in detail on each of the methods of this accumulatione, he concludes thus:
“If money, according to Augier, ‘comes into the world with a congenital blood-stain on one cheek,’ capital comes dripping from head to foot, from every pore, with blood and dirt.”
John Whitehead
interesting to see old names back at offg, 2 years after Covid which event those old names completely missed as THE EVENT that made crystal clear that there are no countries when it concerns foreign policy.
And yet, these old names are still making all sorts of claims about ‘the evil empire’ (USA) who threathens other states in submission yet are blind for the fact that all countries were on the same line against Covid.
Time to wake up John Whitehead et al. It’s all theater. There is no good vs evil. It’s all evil.
Whitehead’s piece is infinitely more intelligible than your sore-head response.
That has more to do with Off-G than John Whitehead; you should ask them.
This after a quick search, see this Whitehead piece from September of 2020:
End the Mandates/End the Wars! We demand the end to all vaccine mandates and all wars. Make the democrats and corresponding war parties in England oppose that.
Enemies of Freedom… like, Central Banking !
R.i.P. Alexander Zakharchenko.
Мир и Правда
100 years of Wars
100 years Chemical Weapons
100 years Central Banking
An historic collision of coincidence? Never…
All funded by the same culprits.
Private Central Bankers…
Woodrow Wilson’s ‘Gift’ !
Talk about Gifted with the Gab.
Roll up, roll up, sign up with your life
* and forget Freedom *
‘Gift’ being poison in
German, significantly.
That awkward moment when the US/U.K governments talk about respecting the sovereignty of other countries.
That is a highly inadequate list. The assault on Italy was one of the earliest and costliest. CIA fostered the 1963 coup in Iraq. Most of these things dated to the sixties or later began in earnest by 1953. Special Forces are active in any given year in as many as 100 countries.
You’re also missing Ukraine from the late 40s to the early 50s. Although the knowledge that the CIA was actively involved in fostering guerrila groups there to fight against the Soviets this its well publicized, possibly because it was a flop that got rapidly rolled up by the Russians.
Also — he US got involved in Vietnam well before 1961 but, as usual, it was an ‘advisory’ role.
“The Ukrainian crisis has nothing to do with Ukraine. It’s about Germany and, in particular, a pipeline that connects Germany to Russia called Nord Stream 2. Washington sees the pipeline as a threat to its primacy in Europe and has tried to sabotage the project at every turn. Even so, Nord Stream has pushed ahead and is now fully-operational and ready-to-go. Once German regulators provide the final certification, the gas deliveries will begin. German homeowners and businesses will have a reliable source of clean and inexpensive energy while Russia will see a significant boost to their gas revenues. It’s a win-win situation for both parties.
The US Foreign Policy establishment is not happy about these developments. They don’t want Germany to become more dependent on Russian gas because commerce builds trust and trust leads to the expansion of trade. As relations grow warmer, more trade barriers are lifted, regulations are eased, travel and tourism increase, and a new security architecture evolves. In a world where Germany and Russia are friends and trading partners, there is no need for US military bases, no need for expensive US-made weapons and missile systems, and no need for NATO. There’s also no need to transact energy deals in US Dollars or to stockpile US Treasuries to balance accounts”.
Yet another short-sighted policy decision from Team Winning. It is Interesting to note it was Germany who proposed Nord Stream 2 not Putin...
Besides that Nord Stream 2 is Sooo last week….
Who needs Nord Stream when you’ve got all that lovely pipe in Ukraine….
This DEBACLE can be laid fair and square at the feet of Obama, Biden and the Neocon clowns in the US/UK…
They should pay the price
Can’t help but think that the Op in Ukraine is also serving as dry-run for Taiwan.
The Chinese will be observing Russian tactics… Now that they are allied
It is glaringly unfortunate that the ‘Neocon clowns’ are in control of most Western-Democracies. Our governments are captive to their diktats whether U/ME/WE like it or not. All they want from us is our tax-dollars and labor, they really couldn’t give a rats-arse about consent or legality as the smoke-screen for their deeds.
Got it in one…
Understanding militarism or war propaganda in its myriad guises goes a long way in explaining how the ruling class knew that they could pull off the Covid con (two years running now).
On February 15, 2003 somewhere between 10 and 15 million people protested a war that did not affect them directly. Today, in the US, we’re lucky to get 150 people to protest another war on people that goes by the cover story of a “pandemic” that has harmed, has killed and will shorten the lives of billions directly.
That’s why the authorities arranged 9-11 straight after they crashed the tech stock bubble. And then they created the anthrax psyop.
But the public don’t care. They never did. Not even in 2003. Did they stop paying their taxes? Did they stop going out to the movies, restaurants and stop watching tv? Did they stop buying violent video games for their kids? Did the wives and girlfriends of the soldiers stop them deploying? Did the protestors call for a dissolution of Congress? Did they castigate the members who voted for the war and the military funding?
No to all of the above. They watched shock and awe on their tv while guzzling beer on their sofa.
Protests are the most ridiculous, pointless acts. I know “people” here disagree, but without action and initiatives run congruently with protests, the unlawful, illegal administrations don’t care how many slaves gather and wave flags, or signs. The protestors go home, after letting out their stress and anger, and apparently forget they were completely ignored. It’s pointless theatrics.
The authorities (behavioral psychologists in intel agencies) know this, which is why they encourage protests and even help organize them using infiltrated, controlled opposition groups.
Now the slaves are so brainwashed, so systemically and continually propagandized, duped, coerced and traumatized they self euthanize with poison injections.
Makes sense to me… and they make sure they include in there a few horrific gestures to infect the public’s psyche. Discourage further action…
Interesting you mention those time lines….occurred to me that this may also divert the public from the potential death from injection …there is a note elsewhere that German health officials are beginning to bother about all the vax damage.,,so we obviously need some sort of crisis to cover that story making it far….somehow it will be the Russians fault people are getting sick….not being able to get warm or have food to eat springs to mind….
we are in the between the eclipse time when US went into Iraq and caused a deal of death and mayhem so just following your time lines of before…along with a few extra thrown in this time….and looks like we are working on that cyber attack …interesting that it is the US threatening one….hopefully we get to say goodbye before the net goes down.
Maybe the Russia hacking narrative became too obvious. The major psyop they don’t want exposed is the nation versus nation scam and East vs West con. Otherwise the banking-merchant-military cartel are 100% exposed if people realize these faux governments are all subsidiaries of the cryptocracy.
Well, at least the sufficiently perspicacious don’t drink the Koolaid.
They might not be able to gain access to a hospital from April 2022 in the US. The SMART cards are coming. They are vax-passports rebranded. Being coordinated by the Vaccination Credential Initiative (VCI™).
Indeed, life is going to get ever harder for the wheat vs the chaff. Perspicacity, health, means, preparedness, etc.
Part of the agenda snaps into focus?
Of course the membership of the Security Council is preposterous. Let’s start by kicking off the UK – funny how the UK is pathetically weak, in terminal decline and unable to go it alone when it comes to Brexit but the same people who paint that picture suddenly change their tune when it comes to the Security Council (nuclear weapons! global reach as legacy of empire! big economy!).
James Madison is the author of the Second Amendment.
He clearly stated that it is for fighting tyrannical government.
James Madison was a Federalist. He wanted a strong, central government and no Bill of Rights.
George Mason wrote the master draft of the Bill of Rights, which Madison watered down making them nearly ineffective.
The Second Amendment originally read, “17. That the People have a Right to keep and to bear Arms; that a well regulated Militia, composed of the Body of the People, trained to arms, is the proper, natural, and safe Defence of a free State; that Standing Armies in Time of Peace are dangerous to Liberty, and therefore ought to be avoided as far as the Circumstances and Protection of the Community will admit; and that in all Cases, the military should be under strict Subordination to, and governed by the Civil Power.”
Ah, so Madison was ahead of his time!
It sounds like his general reaction to Mason’s master draft was “TL;DR“.
As an anarchist, I’m no fan of anything that smacks of authoritarianism. However, when you think through the Second Amendment as proposed by George Mason, you cannot help but be a little concerned that a “Body of the People, trained to arms” might run roughshod over a given community – since not everyone would be inclined to get a gun and join a militia.
So without an outside force to counter local militias, there’s a good chance America could have ended up like, say, Afghanistan: a nation of Warlords.
This concern tends to put James Madison’s watering down of the Second Amendment in a somewhat different light.
“PS. Please note, the Scamdemic still continues. It is not over by a long shot. Ridding the Ukraine of the Langley-Land Banderite Nazis that seized control there is still a side show. The psycho Nazis have other side shows planned, to instill a state of fear, panic and hopelessness in the general population.”
I suspect it may move from fear to hate in the coming weeks as uranus is on the move again.
I don’t know why WW3 keeps on being talked about. Surely what we are talking about should be referred to as WW4?
WW3 has been the War on the People. It came to prominance when JFK was assasisanted and the Warmongers (MIC etc) won. Add in Surveillance Capatalism, WEF, and i’d say WW3 is comming along nicely.
WW4? I’m not sure those pushing WW3, want WW4 to happen.
The war against we the people started when the FED, FBI, IRS and ADL were all created in 1913.
FED is a endless inflation and theft program of monetary debt slavery.
IRS is the neverending debt slavery collection agency.
FBI is the strong arm debt collection agency.
ADL is the elite Goblin PR and protection program.
It isn’t a coincidence that the USA entered WW1 in 1914.
Seven Years War (1756-1763) is a candidate for WWI.
the famous holiday movie it’s a wonderful life was a propaganda movie. frank capra worked closely with the government to make these movies. the general theme being, poor people are good and kind and happy to be poor and the rich were evil. this was during the depression. all capra movies in the 30’s were thus. then they moved right into the ww2 propaganda films. it’s never stopped.
Can’t argue with the evil rich aspect.
I’ve never been a fan of Big Hollywood nor Big Media productions.
And I’m already tired of this recent Russia/Ukraine war movie.
There are thousands of Hi-Res military & surveillance satellites overhead 24/7.
And yet the best the “news” media can provide are questionable still shots, anecdotal hearsay, and/or dubious audio clips?
I mean I can use internet satellite imagery to view my neighbors swimming pool, for god’s sake
Seems like there would be an abundance of real audio & video.
What happens when “real life” is defined merely by props & staged scenes?
What are you looking for in your neighbour’s swimming pool mr. Weird? 😀
The excuse is that it would reveal the full imaging capability. That is why we have a kangaroo court adjudicating over MH17 plane-crash claims rather than evidence.
Maybe it’s time for once we got it right: war “Plays in Peoria” because at root humans are a cruel, violent, self-serving species. That’s the whole thing in a nutshell.
“Oh but the poor dears have been dumbed down, brainwashed and God knows what else to get them that way – by the (bankers)(media)(Military industrial complex)(fill in the blank)!” Bullshit! If that were true, why isn’t every human on earth gung ho for military conquest of others?
“But we must support our boys!” Why? They’re the killing machine aren’t they? Why support them? Why let them off the hook? Oh, I know why: because they’re just “boys.” It’s no accident soldiers are so often referred to as “Our Boys.” It implies a certain naive innocence.
Face it: with or without a Military Industrial Complex there would be endless war because, at the end of the day, far too many people base their self worth on their group’s ability to rise above and subdue other groups.
And anyone who thinks that’s going to change is delusional.
War in Russia?
Hey, at least few to no one are talking about Neil Young and the Spotify PR campaign anymore.
I hear that Neil Young threatened to leave (again) Spotify if Putin doesn’t withdraw from Ukraine.
Almost guaranteed that upwards of 90% of people reading & commenting on this are beneficiaries of that Permanent War Economy.
Though likely ignorant of that fact.
Much like the “me” Hippie generation prior.
Much of the “wealth” that the U.S. and much of Europe see is simply extracted from other, often under-developed countries.
And/or those war-torn.
Most Americans & Europeans simply could not deal with the true economic & personal sacrifices that would accompany cessation of reliance on the Permanent War Economy.
Nor the drastic reductions in the excesses & luxuries that most have come to rely on, and take for granted.
I wonder how many people here have actually lived in, or even personally visited impoverished, under-developed and/or war-torn countries.
And looking at pictures of such on your computers and/or smartphones and/or playing war games on your Game Consoles doesn’t count.
Virtual is not reality.
Our massive & continued conspicuous & mindless consumer cultures is a primary cause of the Permanent War Economy & mindset.
Out of sight = out of mind.
It’s easy to gripe about something when you don’t have to personally witness nor more thoughtfully consider how your own actions contribute to those massive ongoing problems.
Okay, Rip Van Winkel. You must have slept through the last hundred years during which the assets of the state throughout the world were brought to bear on people on behalf of a ruling financial elite. Agency was replaced by consumerism, and it wasn’t because the people asked for it. Only the elites benefit from the War Economy. The rest of us are kept numbed and distracted so as not to interfere with it.
This book taught me a lot.
You’re pretty much stating the obvious here. Yes, even those of us in the bottom tier of our society are immensely wealthy in comparison to those others throughout the world whose well-being is reduced almost to nil in order to acquire natural resources.
And yes, very few among First World nations are willing to see that. “I worked hard for everything I have!” is their mantra. Of course, they forget those in other societies who work even harder and have almost nothing to show for it. “That’s their fault!” is the corollary of their mantra, followed by “It’s not our fault they allow corrupt leaders to run everything!” (which is the inevitable irony following mantra and corollary).
Not to worry though: the jab rate among First Worlders is around 60% while the rate among Poor Nations is around 5% (per James Corbett’s video on The Great Narrative). So, as they say, He who laughs last laughs best.
I’m not jabbed, but I don’t think I’m gonna feel like laughing.
As one who lived half a lifetime in a third world country, I can attest to the casual corruption in a poor nation. Not only among the politicians whose pockets are bulging with cash, but among ordinary people who forgot the meaning of a simple contract: showing up when you promised, do the work you promised and ask only for the payment you agreed on. At each step in this process you can expect to be shafted.
In Canada, where I live now, it’s significantly different in everyday relations. As for the political class, they are as corrupt, but way more subtle in hiding it. Although in the last couple of years the mask fell completely and I can count on the fingers of one hand those who don’t deserve to get serious jail time.
For those who want to delve deeper into how the international bankers work and try to control countries and fail in some cases such as Nazi Germany plus Imperial Russia
Hello Brianborou: Excellent find! Very well researched and presented. Bravo to the author.
Here is a very clinical incisive documentary on how the central bankers destroyed one of the most worlds successful economies plunging it into a mire of debt !
After being puzzled about the bankers getting bailed out and given billions by the taxpayers and awarding themselves massive bonuses, I started reading everything I could find about money. It wasn’t until i found Richard Werner on No Free Lunch videos explaining the rock bottom basics that it all started making sense. The Masters fo the Yen was too complicated as a start. The Spider’s Web is good but doesn’t get into how money is just credit created out of nothing by banks. That’s the crux of the whole mystery. Another strange thing is that Werner was one of the WEF’s Young Global Leaders! He’s certainly not towing their line is he? Alexander Del Mar’s very old book Teresa Villiers and Monetary Crimes pdf is very interesting, showing how the coining of money was inveigled out of the state’s hands by unscrupulous private individuals in 1666.
It is interesting how the central bankers actually gain control of a country and by the same token how they have through their hubris lost control of it. Bribery, corruption, blackmail, ego, jealousy are the usual stock in trade weapons they employ to gain control of a country.
However, both Lincoln, Kennedy and also Putin to a certain degree have realised just how important it is to control a nations money an anathema to the International bankers.
The Princes of the Yen was a very good example of how they achieved their aims by concentrating on parasitical parts of an economy such as rentier areas rather than production. The spiders web illustrates how the British ( Crown ) empire has never really disappeared.
There are a number of people who were in the WEF orbit but saw the light just as some of the 32nd degree masonists saw the light before they entered a point of no return.
The more we can pool resources about these diabolical despicable dregs the better our understanding of their strategies.
Yes, they gain control by the methods you describe and prepare the ground elsewhere for when it implodes. New York today, Peking tomorrow. With international communication as it is they don’t really need a centre any more.
If you haven’t already seen this, it is well worth looking at the insidious nature of the true power in Britain and in many parts of the world.
Putin is the bankers best buddy
You must tell that to the Rothschilds former point man in Russia!
Once Russia’s richest man who made his fortune during the lawless early years of post-Soviet Russia, Khodorkovsky dared to challenge the power of President Putin and paid a terrible price. He was arrested in 2003 and served 10 years in prison on charges of fraud, embezzlement, and money laundering. When he was released, he left the country. He currently resides in London where he pursues …
Here you can read how chummy Khordorkovsky and the Rothschilds are !
Trump is just another banker boss puppet POS playing his role.
He is the one who authorized and funded the death jab with Operation Warp Speed.
Trump is the one that gave the podium and ear of the people to fake Dr Fauci.
Trump is the one that issued emergency order providing legal provocation and monetary incentives for governor’s to issue Lock downs and mask mandates.
“Yes Orange Hair Bozo is just as insider as all the rest of them. He is almost as detestable as Groper Joe. Just passing along the information on the meme not the views of those who may have composed it. Thank you for your forbearance.”
Not much information in a meme. It’s propaganda, devised to simplify complex phenomena in order to generate an emotional response. Good job.
These “phenomena” are really not so complex.
A good meme can explain many of them perfectly.
Our only problem is what to do about it.
These memes you post are just propaganda.
The 1st one is a beauty … so true. It really illustrates that the LAW in most countries operates as only an illusion and managed by sophisticated criminals in suits.
“For those who do not already know the weenies at Langley-Land have been blocking (taking down) RT in many places for the past day or so. Here is some info that may help one get it.
FreedomAndHypocrisyWatch •
37 48 108 112 is the IP address of RT com, in case your service provider is trying to block you.
Just put that into the web address and you’ll be ok.”
“To Hell With War!”
Watch the pivot!
BBC coronavirus page newest main article is from 15/2/2022
Keep your head above the bullshit, folks
“The media, eager to score higher ratings, has been equally complicit in making (real) war more palatable to the public by packaging it as TV friendly.”
“cautioned the citizenry not to let the profit-driven war machine endanger our liberties or democratic processes. ”
Whitehead is always quick to identify & highlight the complicity of state-corroborators, like the media, Big Tech, corporate powers, et t al. in failures of democracy, promotion of endless wars, etc.
And yet Whitehead continues to pimp his books, which are sold primarily though Amazon.
Thereby enabling that corporate-centric profit-driven war machine.
All whilst he realizes personal profit for himself.
Mr. Whitehead!
Amazon is the world’s leading provider of cloud computing to the government, and the military & defense industries; its Amazon Web Services (AWS) division generated more than $25 billion in revenue in 2018.
John Whitehead is case-in-point for demonstrating one of the biggest problems with America today.
Too many people griping about problems that they are wholly complicity with.
Everyone wants their cake & wants to eat it too.
Whitehead wants to personally profit from those corporate-led profit-driven war makers, but simultaneously bitch & moan about them too.
Manufactured Dissent?
Or perhaps Reverse Propaganda?
Far too many Americans & Europeans have become way too lazy, spoiled, complacent, entitlement-minded, etc.
Too many people want most everything simply handed to them as easily & conveniently as possible, putting in as little effort as they can, but want all that custom served to them as per their desires.
By selling through Amazon, Whitehead is actively helping drive more profits to the CARTEL of largest Big Asset Management firms & Big Banks that similarly own & control a very essence of the MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX.
I used to enjoy reading Whitehead’s essays, until I realized he was perfect example of one of the biggest problems.
Now I just see him as a complete hypocrite & fool.
One question please: apart from Amazon’s Kindle service, do authors actively solicit Amazon to carry their book(s)? If yes, then what you say of Mr Whitehead is spot on. But if not – i.e., if Amazon arranges with the publisher rather than the author directly, then what you say about Mr Whitehead is a bit skewed.
What I said, verbatim was “And yet Whitehead continues to pimp his books, which are sold primarily though Amazon.”
And, if you look at the Whitehead’s tagline it states, verbatim:
Thus, what I said was spot on.
No doubt SelectBooks has initiated the distribution/sales agreement with Amazon, but Whitehead chose SelectBooks, and is actively pimping sales of his book via Amazon.
And is therefore complicit in sending greater profits to Amazon, and the largest Big Asset Management firms & Big Banks that exist as the largest owners of Amazon.
There are other Publishers that don’t sell through Amazon.
Thus there is a choice for Authors.
Therefore what I say about Mr Whitehead is NOT a bit skewed.
It is accurate & matter of fact.
If you are going to try to engage in debate, learn to debate correctly & logically.
Hello Blame Game: Right on. All these pundits are colluding and/or aiding and abetting terrorism. These “enlightened” and much too talkative assets, buy stocks and play the commodities markets. Their contributions to the corporate financial structures that enslave the social order, are never mentioned. Hypocrisy is alive and well – in some places…
Anyone else in the UK noting that RT is now blocked?
War is just the means, the problem is organized crime.
Organized crime is widely distributed within and throughout the corporate empires. The corporate empires own and control most of the western governments. No more do the people have any say in their own governments; in fact the corporate empires are able to impose tyranny by crime lord use of the elected governments.
The Iraq war, 911, the 2008 crooked housing bond collapse, and subsequent gift of public money to failed private banks, the Covid project all stand to evidence that presence of criminal activity.
The real issue, is not wars; its the monopoly powers that governments give to the warlords.
The corporate empire controlled governments enact into law a gift to the warlord package or move though some bureaucratic process to grant approval for this or that. The war lords are using government to enrich their own corporate empires. If something isdone to deny the war lords, the government problem will fix itself, because the people, when they find out, will not stand for it
The benefit of copyrights, patents, and pieces of government rolled into privatized wealth making packages almost always end up as an asset in one or more of the corporate empire corporations. Criminal elements are well distributed thoughout the corporate empires and the bureaucracies that makes up the working government; collectively they control the foreign activities of domestic governments.
Former Mobster Whitey Bulger once commented that the Mob seeks to control any industry and/or entity that controls vast sums of money & profit.
Not just “illicit” industries like drugs, guns, alcohol, etc.
But most industry (including politics & government)
We have extensive volumes of historical evidence outlining how the Mob uses numerous other industries to cover their activities, launder money, and appear legitimate.
“Organized crime is widely distributed within and throughout the corporate empires.”
The U.S. wars against Mexican Cartels are likely less a war on Organized Crime and likely more an attempt to oust the competition.
eman: Right on target. The corporate empire is where the rubber meets the road. Ban the “lawful” existence of all forms of corporate financial structures, and the warlord condition withers and dies.
Copyrights and technological patents are designed to enslave serfs who are not in on the game. Privatized wealth created the corporate plantation…
See: Letters patent > Letters patent – Wikipedia
Wars as threats to freedoms.
Emergencies as corroders of freedoms…
Between Wars there’s always one Emergency after another
being used to restrict to reduce freedoms…
War is a fight over who’s going to be The Boss.
War is a fight over who’s going to be Your Boss.
War is inherent in the system that enslaves us and have our freedoms for breakfast each day.
Them’s fighting words, Pardner, and the NJP is on your side.
“22.02.22. on February 24, 2022 · at 7:35 pm EST/EDT
Here is the statement from the newest political party in the States – the National Justice Party:
“We reject the false and childish narratives about the conflict that are being promoted in Western media and place the lion’s share of blame for the escalation on the shoulders of the US and NATO, who have instigated this crisis from the beginning and cynically lied to their own citizens.
President Biden has vowed to make Russia pay a steep price, but the only people he is capable of making pay anything are Americans and European citizens. Oil and natural gas prices are expected to spike even further as a result of the conflict, placing the burden for US/NATO geopolitical games on ordinary Americans and Europeans”
I clicked through the link and learned that the first platform plank of the NJP
is to enact policy to establish and maintain a European majority in the USA. No thanks.
We may be aligned in the limited area of critique of NATO expansion but I cannot
have ado with such butt-hurt crackers. May you be happy and well.
Many thanks for your salutary correction! I forgot that my enemy’s enemy is not always my friend.
Even more thanks for your politeness. And your good wishes for my health and happiness, which I heartily reciprocate.
First point is if the propaganda didn’t matter, they wouldn’t spend so much time and money on it. Clearly, they think it matters.
One book to read is David Robb’s ‘Operation Hollywood’. Robb shows that the U.S.military doctor scripts to make themselves look good in return for accesss to equipment and locations (they claim it’s for accuracy but accurate portrayals of the past have been changed because they made the military look bad). For example, every “suggested” change to the film ‘Wind Talkers’ was accepted including watering down that the Navejos were to be executed rather than being allowed to be captured. Another book is Alford and Secker’s ‘National Security Cinema’. A film as apparently trivial as ‘Jurassic Park 3′ was re-written so that the military didn’t shoot down a flying dinosaur without strong reason.
Not every 1950s’ film has the military riding to the rescue – what about THE DAY THE EARTH STOOD STILL. There the military are the baddies, shooting at the peaceful alien (a Christ-substitute because somewhat improbably the alien is a carpenter!). The director of the film Robert Wise also made films about childhood disassociation (CURSE OF THE CAT PEOPLE), hunting humans for fun (GAME OF DEATH), viruses from space (THE ANDROMEDA STRAIN) and other such dubious topics. Even his THE SOUND OF MUSIC is a remake of a German film made by the director who made the notorious Nazi euthanasia film (Wolfgang Liebeneiner).
The Robert De Niro character in WAG THE DOG is not a “spin doctor” as the media all said, he was the CIA liaison with Hollywood. The filmmakers say so on the DVD commentary. Among films he doctored was MEET THE PARENTS where in the original script the De Niro character had CIA torture manuals on his shelves.
The article is confused and contradictory on how Hollywood portrays war. Films like HACKSAW RIDGE are extremely graphic about war injuries but I don’t see any lessening of the war agenda as a result, do you? Films can be graphic or not – it depends on the agenda and the target audience. Gory films can play into a “thank goodness we do this so you don’t have to” message.
The central point about war destroying freedom is of course well-made. Wars are always targeted at the domestic population and the goal is always more control (whether by profit, erosion of civil liberties or other means).
Researchers post, previous thread, all you need to know.
Feb 24, 2022 5:07 PM
Moscow is the third Rome. Statements from administrations and the media, both of which continually lie, aren’t “facts” but narratives.
All administrations posing as governments are incorporated municipalities. Try to find out who the shareholders are. You can’t. You will be falsely informed the shareholders of the incorporated municipalities are the public, or held in trust for the public. Held in trust. Who are the creators, grantors, trustees or beneficiaries of the trust? Not the public.
The public can’t even audit these so-called administrations (incorporated municipalities), nor gain access to examine their bank accounts, contracts, internal memos or dealings.
Nor can the public fire, or dissolve the administrations of any incorporated municipality and insert independent agents acting on behalf of the public and beholden to the public. They supposedly have to wait for “elections”.
Here is how the scam works: Elections. Set up both political parties (and 3rd and 4th parties) insert your own corrupt, trained agents into those political parties as the main candidates. Limit access, power and control once someone gains office. Irrelevant who gets in and who doesn’t.
Works the same way at all levels from the local to the federal. Once someone is
electedappointed, they are now an agent (employee) of the incorporated administration. Not an employee of the public, but of the incorporated municipality which is owned and controlled by the banking-merchant-military cartel. The same system operates globally. In Communist countries there is only one party, so the control is far easier.Therefore, these administrations (incorporated municipalities) are not public institutions at all, but are privately owned and controlled through the same banking-merchant-military cartel who incorporated the administrations which masquerade as “governments”.
Ergo, Russia allegedly squabbling with Ukraine and the US or NATO is a total farce. As farcical as WWI and WWII. Where all sides were controlled by the same banking-merchant-military cartel. As was the Iraq war, Afghanistan, Yemen, Syria etc., etc.
Wars are part of the banking-merchant-military cartel’s strategy to convince the citizenry (slaves) there is no central control of the world and their “governments” are sovereign and protecting them. Both are lies.
Is the Ukraine-Russia psyop being orchestrated to facilitate a hacking narrative that precedes a cyber-pandemic (polygon exercise)? Or a stock market crash? Or a freezing of banking activity, leading to a CBDC? Or an interruption of the internet, claiming all citizens (slaves) need a bio-identity to access our bank accounts and the inter-web?
Or another tool to implement power shortages, price hikes, rolling blackouts and supply chain “chaos”?
This is brilliant. Thanks
Once you understand what the labour peculated from the ‘slaves’ is being spent on (not yachts, jets, & palaces), then you’ll understand the trajectory.
Articles like this have been appearing regularly in independent media since the war in Vietnam.
And what has changed ?
Absolutely nothing, except for the sanitisation of war reporting.
We are up against a many headed hydra spewing out deadly toxins, and I suspect it will eventually consume most of us.
as long as people believe that the usa is good and just ……… lol
The people are substantially good and just, just like every nation’s people.
It is the few in power that are the problem.
I dare you to find a better form of government than the USA, that recognizes inalienable rights, at least on paper.
on paper , lol
It’s Newspeak and I rather think it makes cynics, as opposed to sceptics, of us all. Instead of believing in everything you will believe in nothing.