7 FAKE NEWS stories coming out of Ukraine
Kit Knightly

We’re only three days into Russia’s military operation in Ukraine, and yet the propaganda cogs are whirring fast as lightning, churning out “news”, opinion and content grist for the media mill.
In just the last 48 hours dozens of stories, images, narratives and videos have circulated as being taken from the fighting in Ukraine, a huge percentage of which are fake.
Now, some of it could be attributed to misunderstandings, mistaken identity, misattribution…but many and most are likely deliberate deceptions designed to provoke a response. Let’s dive right in.
1. “The Ghost of Kiev”
Early Friday morning it was reported that a single Ukrainian plane, a MiG-29, was patrolling the skies above Kiev. The English speaking press called the unnamed pilot “The Ghost of Kiev”, and claimed he had downed 6 Russian jets in air-to-air combat in less than 2 days, making him an official Fighter Ace, and probably one of the fastest to ever earn that title.
The trouble is there is almost no evidence this happened at all. To quote Newsweek:
There is zero evidence the “Ghost of Kyiv” exists”.
Neither side can confirm Russia has lost six planes in total, let alone to one man inside a single day. And a video alleged to be “the Ghost” in combat – shared by the Ukrainian Armed Forces – is confirmed to actually be footage taken from a video game.
Nevertheless, he already has his own Wikipedia page. A testament to how fast a lie can move while the truth is putting its boots on.
2. “Russian planes flying over Kiev”
A lot of people have been sharing a short video of Russian planes allegedly flying low over the city of Kiev. The Times used it a still from it in their story “Will sanctions stop a Russian shell?”:

The problem with that is it’s not Kiev, it’s Moscow. And it’s not today, it’s two years ago. It’s footage of what is likely a rehearsal for the 2020 Victory Day Parade flyover.
3. “Zelenskiy visiting the troops”
Possibly no politician in history has had a PR makeover quite as fast as Vlodomyr Zelenskiy. Last week he was just some guy, this week he’s a war hero, there’s talk of building statues of the man. A (not at all staged) “leaked” phone call had him turning down the US offer of an airlift to safety.
Twitter is dotted with people sharing photos of him in combat fatigues, comparing him favourably to Trump and Trudeau and asking “what other leaders would fight alongside their troops?”
This is President Zelensky. He is a brave man fighting shoulder to shoulder with his people. This man was blackmailed and extorted by Trump, who is a corrupt criminal and a coward. So yes, if I have to pay more for a gallon of gas, democracy is worth it. #UkraineStrong pic.twitter.com/4J8x8FnTZH
— Danielle Candela (@DanielleCandela) February 25, 2022
But the problem with that is the photos are all almost a year old, taken when he visited the troops last April:
4. “Luhansk power station explosion”
Early on in the confrontation, this video started doing the rounds on social media:
Luhansk power plant in Ukraine pic.twitter.com/4LaI1uRxCe
— Oak Redhammer (@OakRedhammer) February 24, 2022
The video went viral, receiving 100,000s of views. Hundreds of accounts shared it, even major news networks used it, all claiming it shows a power station in Luhansk exploding after being hit with Russian missiles.
It does not, it’s a chemical plant exploding in Tianjin, China in 2015.
5. Video games. again.
This footage, claiming to show Ukrainian ground forces downing Russian aircraft, also went viral recently, even appearing on Spanish television news:

…It’s from the video game ARMA 3.
6. “Russian warship go fuck yourself”
This was the first major propaganda narrative following Russia’s advance onto Ukrainian territory. Allegedly leaked audio showed Ukrainian border guards on tiny Snake Island in the black sea communicating with a Russian warship. Upon being told to surrender, the guards say “Russian warship go fuck yourself”.
The Western press reported that all 13 of the men were killed, and the Ukrainian government released a statement saying they would all be awarded posthumous honors.
However, while the supposedly fallen heroes were being canonised all over the western world, Russia was reporting that they had not been killed at all, but taken alive and unharmed back to the mainland.
A story both the press and the Ukrainian government have since reluctantly admitted is likely true.
7. Syrian drone strikes footage
Another video doing the rounds, and again shared by official Ukrainian accounts, was drone footage supposedly showing the destruction of a column of Russian vehicles.

It’s actually footage of a Turkish drone strike in Syria from 2020.
Meanwhile, other accounts were sharing footage of combat from Libya or Israeli bombardments of Gaza under the hashtag #StandWithUkraine. Middle East Eye has compiled a list.
It’s somewhat beautiful irony that so many of the clips prompting outrage in Western liberals actually come from wars their governments started.
There we have it, seven stories about the war in Ukraine that are demonstrably fake, and that’s just the tip of the iceberg.
There’s tons of other fakes out there, not to mention fakes of fakes designed to discredit doubters or just spread chaos.
Ultimately, it’s all a timely reminder that propaganda is at its most potent at times where the news is moving fast and people are feeling emotional.
That is WHY the media whips up fear, anxiety and hatred, because people in that emotional state are less likely to think critically.
It should go without saying that this is equally true for both sides. We shouldn’t blindly accept claims from the Russian side, simply because we know NATO lies. Both sides propagandize, and one-eyed scepticism is only a different kind of bias.
In short, if you see something designed to provoke an emotional reaction, don’t let it. Never get swept along in the narrative, always hold yourself back, keep calm and ask rational questions.
Withhold belief, demand facts. It’s the only way to keep your mind free.
Or, to quote HL Mencken:
Never believe anything you hear, and only half of what you see.”
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Some real news from Ukraine: 500,000 soldiers dead. The same number that NATZO armed to fight Russia.
Some real news from the Philippines: Uncle $cam is arming the Philippines to fight China. Promises to give them all sorts of wonder weapons. Promises to stand with them to the end.
Question: Does the Philippines have half a million suckers like Ukraine had?
Note: All 7 Fake news items come from the NATZO ie from the EU$A ie from the Anglo Zionazi Capitalist side.
“They’re all in it together” — OffG
yep it’s all fake… I’d really love you to go over there and bring back first hand info.
i think that explosion was in Toronto (2008), not China
I’m pretty sure it is footage from a explosion in Toronto in 2008.
Does anyone know if it can be determined if this footage is real? If its not from Kiev? Could it be a computer rendered image or from another year? There was a video of the same buildings being compared with drone footage of the same block of apartments from 2021, which I found to be convenient. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=mOpJU5kdM18&t=23s
Gerry – If you click on the photo image it will show where it came from, and other similar images. Many of them are from Iraq, Syria, and even US flood and earthquake sites. And they have even used COMPUTER GAME IMAGES. Jmmy Dore exposed this early on in the war. The Vampire Parasites and their attack Dogs NATO will stop at nothing, until they have assuaged their blood lust.. Becasue this can’t be about money? Can it?
The image of grass roots Ukrainian resistance to Russia’s massive industrial military should be a red flag when one considers that NATO, led by the US, is armed to the teeth near the border of Russia’ in Eastern Europe. When NATO gets involved it will be a real war
They already are.. who do you think are hold up in the underground city?
The media would never lie about the Ukraine like they did with COVID!
RUSSIAsteria: Best Putin Invades the Ukraine as COVID Goes Missing Memeshttps://covidsteria.substack.com/p/russiasteria-covid-goes-missing-memes
Remember that HUGE fake news story from Jan. 5, 2021, when the MSM was reporting on a supposed violent & deadly “insurrection” at Camp KikiWaka?
The Ghost of Kyiv did exist. He was a retired Colonel who came back to active duty to defend his country. Sadly, he was killed earlier this week with 7 kills to his credit. The photos purporting to show him in a French flying rig, and video purporting to show him killing another craft, were bogus.
The supposed killing of the men on Snake Island was not corroborated. When contact was lost they were presumed dead. The only word we have that they are alive came through the Russians who have been liars on every subject about Ukraine since they stole Crimea in 2014. I do not know if they have been allowed to contact home or not.
While Combat is going on, nothing should be believed until corroborated. I am pro-Ukraine, and that is the stance I take, and have always taken no matter who is involved in Combat.
Yeah, like the Skripal affair and Russiagate (acceptable conspiracy theories) and the fact Putin is literally Hitler 🙄
Perhaps we should resist believing our media/government because they are proven liars themselves?
How do you feel about the EU/US-instigated coup staged in 2014, which erected a puppet anti-Russian government n Ukraine, or about the Odessa massacre? Or the fact that honest-to-goodness pro-Nazi paramilitaries with SS insignia openly exist in Ukraine, whose leaders have high positions in government, whose groups pose for photos with Swastika flags and conduct burning torch marches through Kiev streets? How do feel that Ukrainian National heroes are Nazi war criminals? How do you feel about Pro Ukraine forces shelling civilians in Donbas, killing thousands?
Are you aware of the comparatively flimsy/fabricated justification used by US/NATO to invade Middle Eastern countries, and the terrible ‘shock and awe’ campaigns it conducted, indiscriminately levelling ancient cities and civilians alike?
Are you aware of any background or nuance to the Ukraine incursion/invasion right now, or are you simply flag waving, like this is a sports game? A2
Absolutely spot on Admin. Sadly they walk amongst us, the FUNCTIONALLY ILLITERATE SHEEP. Baa baaing their way into the Vampire Parasites net to dispatch them to the abattoir.
Only idiots believed this propaganda anyways. But Russian disinformation is way worse. You’re a Russian bot 100%. Why does the author support Putin??
The BBC (as with the rest of the corporate media) is a propaganda organisation. BBC News anchor, Annita McVeigh, made this perfectly clear when she rebuked Admiral West for casting doubt on the claim that Assad had used chemical weapons. She said, “We’re in an information war with Russia.” https://viewsandstories.blogspot.com/2018/04/bbc-asserts-it-is-propaganda.html
Don’t know if this has been said yet, but # 4 “Luhansk Water Station Explosion” is actually 2008 Toronto propane factory explosion:
Similar video here:
Are You aware that there is a war going on? Then, why are You surprised about desinformation and propaganda? Those things are important parts of any war effort. And yes, people can be that mean 🙂
As Thomas Wolfe described one character in “Look Homeward, Angel”: “He was the bearer of the torch at noon”.
But he was thinking in advance of you!
PHIL OCHS: “The Ballad of William Worthy”: (1964)
“Well, it’s of a bold reporter whose story I will tell.
He went down to the Cuban land, the nearest place to hell.
He’d been there many times before but
Now the law does say
The only way to Cuba is with the C.I.A.
William Worthy isn’t Worthy to enter our door
Went down to Cuba, he’s not American anymore
But somehow it is strange to hear the
State Department say
You are living in the free world, in the
free world you must stay.
Five thousand dollars or a five year
sentence may well be
For a man who had the nerve to think
that traveling is free
Oh, why’d he waste his time to see a
dictator’s reign
When he could have seen democracy
by traveling on to Spain?
So, come all you good travelers and
fellow travelers too
Yes, and travel all around the world, see
every country through
I’d surely like to come along and see
what may be new
But my passport’s disappearing as I
sing these words to you.”
[Ed.: Passport? Phil Ochs died not very long after this song as an (apparent) suicide. A very young one.]
Yes, we know there’s a war going on, thank you. But it’s fun to know what the extant of the fakery.
As Houdini said: “what the eyes see and the ears hear the mind believes”.
I recall my baptism in debunking began at the start of Desert Storm: our pastor came to the pulpit for his daily sermon (at the time he was Chaplain for both LAPD and LAFD) and, pretty palely, and skipping all the day’s scriptures as subject matter, he recounted how Saddam Hussein had launched an all out attack on Israel (which turned out, per USA “news”, to be a scud which landed in a US mess hall tent causing few injuries, if memory serves). He went on how Saddam had the 4th most weaponized armed forces in the world. He cautioned us to be very brave. To brace ourselves for the onslaught.
Well, it would have been a test of faith for us all, if we hadn’t been hearing the likes forever. So the choice became that you could either run with that, or laugh. Most ran. But I was beginning to get the Big Picture, so I just smiled.
In addition, many of the photos and filming from Inside The Ukraine are lying about what we see. For instance some days ago, Russia was advancing towards Kiev only from the north. Several footages showed buildings having been bombed or fired at from the south. (Hint: See the directions of the shadows on those pictures taken while the Sun is up and shining!)
All this advice yet none taken with the articles you published.
It is midterms and your ALL really subversively pushing the left bad but right is kind of ok psyop[## you all did this also last year.
Take your own advice.
Stay on the reservation, you plebs!
“trust the professionals. Legitimate mainstream news organizations are built to vet these things for you.”
Their desperation is palpable.
Call it the American BBC (Billionaire Boys Club) of mass media.
What’s not to love or trust in that as a source? So says L’il Orphan Annie of her kindly guardian Daddy Warbucks. We’ve been raised on that here as Mother’s Milk. What small fraction is weaned? Not enough, by far.
DOROTHY GAYLE: “You’re a very bad man!” (After the Wizard had four hapless innocents fight his mission for him: capture the Wicked Witch of the West’s broom.)
WIZARD OF OZ: “No! I’m a very good man. I’m just a very bad Wizard.”
Yeah, right. Today’s tech wizards take note of the irony.
February 28, China opposed unilateral sanctions against Russia. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin noted during the briefing that, according to Beijing, such restrictive measures will not contribute to a peaceful resolution of the Ukrainian crisis.
Sergey Sanakoev, president of the ANO Asia-Pacific Research Center:
“In fact, now it becomes clear that the West, among other things, provoked this for a major reset of the global financial system. And in this scenario, it is China that opposes the West, not Russia.
“Therefore, of course, Beijing will help as much as possible not so much to ensure that Russia is not isolated, but to ensure that this entire policy ends with the self-isolation of the West itself. And there is every reason for this. It seems to us that the whole world is now against Russia. But this is only Europe and the USA.
“And there are also countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America. And who will join what, we will see in the near future. It is unequivocally clear that China and the rest of the SCO countries, the Eurasian Economic Union are all countries that are quite capable, having abandoned the Bretton Woods system, in fact, create some kind of their own system. And then there will be competition between these systems. And time will tell which of these is more stable. And it seems to me that the eastern one.”
“The main advantage of such cooperation may be the transition to payment in national currencies and the rejection of dollars.”
-more at link, including joint digital currency.
…- And there you have it, folks… – *Tic-Tac-Toe*…
The last time I saw that many molotov cocktails was Maidan Square in 2013.
Azov Brigade / Pravyy Sektor naughty boyz were chucking them at policemen , civilians, and their own democratically elected government.
Acting swiftly the new ( elected by armed coup) government punished the miscreants by incorporating them into the National Guard and providing Howitzers and ammo for them to play with .
Cuddly Wuddly Zelensky thought it best to just leave them alone in case they get angry.
Power to the People ….. God bless Democracy.
Hilarious that the woke and guilty about everything virtue signallers have no idea they are supporting groups of ACTUAL neo Nazis. I mean…it’s almost poetic.
Sanctions .. especially swift is an orgasmic turn on for the woke & guilty. But only when white people are invaded.
1.2 million dead Iraqis didn’t justify a single sanction against any of the 35 country coalition who did all the invading and killing.
It’s not because they were brown skinned muslims you understand …..
You do understand don’t you ?
It’s because err …..err …. errr … errr
Nailed it Blind Gill
Viva frei with the Duran has great content with background. Sorry, my skills at posting link are primitive.
Do you mean Gonzalo Lira with the Duran ?
I think this is what you were referring to
Sidebar with The Duran – Ukraine, Russia & MORE! Viva & Barnes LIVE!
February 28, 12:17
NATO deploys elements of the Response Force due to the situation in Ukraine
statement of the Military Committee of the North Atlantic Alliance was published on February 28 after an emergency meeting in Brussels.
“NATO’s defense plans have been put into action and as a result, elements of the NATO Response Force are being deployed in the context of collective defense for the first time ,” the document says.
It is reported that the alliance quickly and timely took steps in this direction. Therefore, now “the defense shield is ready to protect the allies,” as well as NATO itself, “from aggression.”
The statement recalled that many countries of the North Atlantic Alliance offered Ukraine military and humanitarian assistance. They did this in connection with Russia’s “military operation” in that state.
“Many NATO allies have offered to provide military support and humanitarian assistance to Ukraine. Coordination is key,” the statement reads.
All Shamina Begum has to do is roll up at a recruiting station in Ukraine, serve in the military, and get a free pass back to the UK (either that, or she claims she is really Ukrainian and rocks up at Dover Beach. Liz and Boris both promised, she will say…
And now this:
“FIFA and UEFA suspend all Russian teams” – https://www.rt.com/sport/550881-fifa-bans-russia-world-cup/
Yes – but when USA and NATO invaded Serbia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya (brit. Commandos in Libya) and also invaded Syria (to this day the US exploits Syrian oil wells), fifa and UEFA kept totally quiet!
And this too: When the US/EU/NATO organized the criminal, violent Maidan coup, FIFA and UEFA also didn’t care (until today!)!
This is getting v silly. I thought sports were non political.
Sadly, it appears the disease of politics has infected everything.
Sports here is as relevant as it is in the news put out daily. False implication of political support, obfuscation or simply a slap in the face of the masses facing desperate circumstances.
Team building is Everything to the criminals.
Since when.
Can we add the texts Sergiy Kyslytsya has been waving around at the UN? Colin Powell all over again.
This anti Russia propaganda is now even spreading to the English football league. Over the weekend match’s were awash with anti Russia sentiment. Their is one thing to remember though, It could be false information being posted by the Russians themselves aided and abetted by the Chinese and the Israeli’s. So as Kit says, ‘Never believe anything you hear, and only half of what you see.’ and remember play both sides and all of your enemies become confused.
True dat.
Well, perhaps football fans aren’t very bright and spend much time watching sports rather than reading and understanding what’s really going on. These people are part of the problem.
I think what you are saying is something that you should be ashamed of. I can’t believe that you have thought out what you have said. If we want to wake those who are not yet awake to the reality, then insults are not the way to go. Please reconsider your conclusion.
It’s somewhat beautiful irony that so many of the clips prompting outrage in Western liberals actually come from wars their governments started.
Demonization of: Trump, Trudeau, Putin… God, people will be sooo relieved seeing a one world gvt… coming through… the protagonists will all get their brown bag for stepping down of course.
Billionaires already, I’m guessing. It’s a highly profitable acting gig!
Humiliation has a price, just like whores… you can also convince yourself it’s for a greater good… just like whores
Reminds me of that Mad Men line:
Roy: “Perpetuating the lie. How do you sleep at night?”
Don Draper: “On a bed made of money.”
In a novel I read a long time ago: Arab boy commenting on the french expression “le someille du juste” (the sleep of the righteous)… He said “The righteous doesn’t sleep well, because he’s bothered. It’s the bad man who sleeps well, because he’s not bothered.”
Out of the mouths of babes!
So well said. Even in translation. Scary true. As counterweight, or as functional stone pillow, the plutocrats, Musk especially, might want to give another glance at Jesus’ parable of “Lazarus and Dives”
Food for thoughts, which is all over the place these days, slowly replacing real food
“Nazi Assassin Terrorist Organization (NATO)”
“Making Vinnatsas Great Again”

“Liberate/Free Occupied Ukraine from NATO Nazi Banderites. End NATO and the War Racket(s) NOW! In the words of Smedley Darlington Butler, TO HELL WITH WAR!”
[Correction (Oops). Apologies to the Freedom Convoy Organizers]
“Nazi Assassin Terrorist Organization (NATO)”

“Making Vinnatsas Great Again”
“Liberate/Free Occupied Ukraine from NATO Nazi Banderites. End NATO and the War Racket(s) NOW! In the words of Smedley Darlington Butler, TO HELL WITH WAR!”
It’s just the bad sequel to Barbarossa.
Everything that the Empire touches turns to crap, but I am curious as to their long-term strategy here. As an example, in Vietnam they “lost” the war, but Vietnam was wrecked and no other nation emerged with an alternative model to US imperialism in Asia. In this instance, Europe will remain under US dominance and the integration of the Eurasian landmass into a stable economic block has been disrupted. The public is being brainwashed relentlessly with the undercurren story that NATO can’t help. As Covid slides down the trouser legs of the rulers, are we moving into a phase of militarization of the world as they continue to push the new post-work digitized welfare economic system? The Russians are ready to implement centralized digital control of significant aspects of their consumer economy. What is the outcome projected for five years from now?
See Brendon O’Connell and his take on who is actually driving everything.
The Western propaganda machine is operating in full effect. Same images over and over, fear mongering, induced animus against Putin. Sympathy and empathy for Ukraine is flooding the US networks and Putin is being demonized on all sides.
Western ruling elites are taking full advantage of this “crisis” the US created to get out from under the collapsing COVID scam, the lies the escalating post injection deaths and contradictory narrative and distract the masses from the imploding economy and systemic risk facing the whole financial edifice. Sanctions are an act of war and create hardship on innocent civilians! Don’t believe any of the hype, don’t fall for the okey-doke and the flim flam. The first causality of war is the TRUTH.
In a recent article, Glenn Greenwald presents a tweet by US Representative Adam Kinzinger (Republican from Illinois). All that matters from this insane tweet is one simple sentence:
You heard it straight from the horse’s (make that elephant’s) mouth: We, the USofA, own the skies. This was said in the context of Kinzinger’s proposal to station American troops in Ukraine so they can shoot down any Russian aircraft entering Ukrainian airspace.
If you’ve ever encountered any greater example of human hubris, let’s all hold our noses while you present it.
Hopefully most awakened people realize that Adam Kinzinger is simply another Deep State useful idiot?
Holding. Still. Holding…..
Kinzinger won’t be around that much longer anyway. He won’t be seeking re-election.
“After Zelensky’s inauguration most leading figures of Kvartal 95 (an entertainment production company, operating in Ukraine. The studio as well as the KVN team was created by Volodymyr Zelensky) joined Zelensky’s administration as Deputy Heads of the Presidential Administration of Ukraine and one was appointed Deputy Head of the Ukrainian Secret Service“
Well, apparently he has over $1 billion stashed in Costa Rica, several millions of dollars worth of jewellery, and a $34 million mansion in Florida. So, I’d have to say that’s not a bad haul for a couple of years as President? It’s fairly obvious he’s a well-paid puppet.who appears to be draining his people.
my favorite bit is how we’re all supposed to sympathize, feel sorry for, poor, poor Ukrainians.
It’d be hilarious if it weren’t so scary how prevalent are gullible rubes.
I take it back: it’s comic gold.
Canada’s Foreign Minister:
““We understand that people of Ukrainian descent want to support their fellow Ukrainians and also that there is a desire to defend the motherland and in that sense it is their own individual decision, Let me be clear: we are all very supportive of any form of support to Ukrainians right now.”
Apart from sounding almost exactly like Liz Truss, who is this Melanie Joly? Oh, what a surprise:
I’ve just read that article in PM. Fucking hell they are all batshit crazy.
Massive Deep State presence in Canada, including a large number of the politicians.
Truth is the first casualty in war.
COVIDsteria Break: Best Putin Invades the Ukraine Memes
What has been an ongoing enigma is Mexico’s reporting on C19 casualties at an EIGHT % rate of deaths for the infected there.
Compare that to China, 1000 deaths out of 1.4 billion citizens, a fake crisis, virtually eliminated by Ivermectin. Or Japan, 20,000 deaths. Adjust that to USA pop. size and still only 50,000. Compared to our million?
One surely gets the hunch that there is no uniform standard of accounting for deaths or anything else, not to mention an apparent reckless manipulation of data.
Perhaps you can edify as to why the left is so maskable when vaccine manufacturers have been getting increasingly negligent and easy targets of social justice activists.
It’s kind of eerie. It’s like BLM and Ukraine, so many rightwingers, militarists mostly, getting touchy-feely and available for group cumbaya choral singing, suddenly.
I get it, a little, but then you have soloists on the left, RFK Jr. and Michel Chossudovsky, head of globalresearch.ca saying the same thing, almost to the letter: that the whole vaccine scam is just a Trojan Horse and pretext for shoving a global coup d’état down our collective throats. Or “a global war on democracy and public health” as RFK Jr. subtitles his runaway #1 bestseller “The Real Anthony Fauci”.
The word in MSM from Kennedy’s 8 siblings, Bobby’s long lived orphans, is that brother Bobby Jr. is an outlier and opposed by them for his stand against the vaccines. Man, only 6 of them (and his mother Ethel) stood against him recently when he went public to share his support of Sirhan’s parole, and his strong conviction that Sirhan did not kill his father (a parole that Gavin Newsom recently vetoed, with a profoundly disingenuous oped in LA Times, that beacon of deep state truthiness).
But they may not have been studying these issues as a litigator against polluters and Pharma the way he has.
We watched RFK Jr. in his interview of John Stockton, NBA Hall of Famer, and very visible vaccine and mask resister.
I was personally intrigued to see the whole thing, as I had run into Stockton in ’95 Miami after Mass at Gesu Cathedral where he rawly dissed me, twice, in succession, as he and his Catholic contingent of teammates were hitting the exits -I only recognized Adam Keefe and John Crotty, both millionaire scrubs, as they mildly explained their warmups to the Jesuit Rector on the steps, that they were a basketball team, in town to play Pat Riley’s Miami Heat, down the street a few blocks. I caught John alone, and he blew up at me. I was a little dazed, I had just wanted to offer him kudos for surpassing my Laker man, Magic Johnson’s all-time assist record at 9,000+, back then. And I simply am way cold about the Utah Jazz, always have been, but felt it the gallant thing (plus I was uncertain if I was having a religious experience, as much as I worship the game, especially those years). Well, religious experiences aside, he was very ruffled, and said loudly, “I don’t believe in that kind of thing, coming out of here!” He treated me as though he had just been forced to face the perfect ne’er-do-well bag-lady. I was bemused, and dazed, and would have thought either he or I was maybe just having a bad day. but I was playing a lot of street ball at the time, ironically that very week with an ex-Laker, a friend who had gone south to Argentina and won a FIBA championship, but Stockton only had time to hear me say something like,”Duhhh! Well, God bless you.” Which seemed to confuse him, as he left down the Sunday street alone, the wrong way, toward the gnarly ghetto, Overtown, a sketchy place, until Keefe, a foot taller, scurried after him and grabbed him by the shoulder, saying “John, John, the hotel’s back the other way.
As grace would have it, over the next year I hung out with basketball buddies from Florida to Ohio, talking trash between games. It turned out I met several who had strong connections thru family to upper levels of the game, and all three told me that was Stockton’s program, it wasn’t a bug, but a feature, he did it to almost everybody. All the time. Or rather often.
So it was an ongoing fascination to see RFK Jr. at his CHD website, ahem, socially-distanced video give him a two minute intro before their interview, with a long list of his considerable awards and honors, which Stockton endured quite modestly. Needed –as, however legendary a player, most of those fans born after ’95 aren’t much aware of how much his sport prowess brought his name great cachet and luster and wide influence, helpful to underscore that it has cost him something real to go to his alma mater Gonzaga games near his Spokane, WA home without a mask. And our thanks and kudos to him from us all for that (if any of this real, my jury is still out!)
Dennis Rodman, bad boy Hall of Famer, himself, whom I’ve seen at my gym here and lives locally in Newport, SoCal, or for years,calls Stockton out in one of his rollicking books as simply a product of the “NBA star system” [lest we forget, it was the NBA Billionaire brass that kicked off the lockdowns March 11, 2020, with an abrupt cancellation of their season, the thugs] and he describes Stockton, specifically, “was the dirtiest player in the NBA”. Howsoever that may be, I include that “character witness” only because it contrasts so starkly with the awesomely super-clean image that is the standard boilerplate promo that you see in the RFK Jr. interview, and almost everywhere in MSM, or most anywhere. Whatever Rodman’s foibles, historical and legend, he’s always struck me as very sincere and straightforward and with “points to make” — well, more for social justice than as a sheer scorer.
At the same time I had my brief socially-distanced collision Stockton, my Laker bro’ Don Baker, whom I had met on the blazing streets of Little Havana, where we shaked and baked nights at José Marti Park, at the photogenic, film-friendly courts under the overpasses, told me, “Remind me to tell you about the times I guarded Oscar Schmidt when our team traveled to Brazil.” Didn’t ring a bell. “What you know that much and you don’t know who HE is?” I drew a blank. Actually, I’d seen him singlehandedly beat the US team at the PanAmerican games 7 years before, only time they’d lost in modern days.
Oscar Schmidt! The only player in the history of the NBA who was inducted into the Naismith Hall of Fame, 2014. Without ever having played a game here. I won’t burden my point here, for length, but for those historians who know the deep state ramifications and the subversive corporate aspects of the sport, here in the USA, and globally, it can well be argued that “Oscar”, known in Brazil as “Holy Hand”, did more to spread the sport and impact it, than Michael, Magic, and Larry Bird combined (least of that influence, globally, he is the highest scorer in history, just shy of 50,000 points).
I would have missed a lot of that story, if not for the element of being in Cleveland the following year, ’96, and the Dream Team was in town, with aforesaid Magic, Michael, and Larry Legend gracing the starting roster. A bro’ from across the street at the arena, the house LeBron “built”, waiting for a bus, when a bus not at all from Cleveland pulled up, and out stepped a gaggle of tall athletes in jumpsuit warmups, led by one, the only fair-haired, who I thought must be a coach or trainer, so I asked my bro’: “Do you know who they are?” He said, “I think that’s the Brazil team”. I learned my lesson from Stockton, now well-trained, I didn’t glance but a moment at them.
They passed a good twenty yards ahead, and took the escalator down inside massive Public Square, ground Zero in Cleveland. As they came into clear view, at an angle, the “coach” I’d imagined turned around and looked straight up at us, smiling broadly. I asked my friend, “Who’s that?!” He shook his head in some surprise, “I don’t know.”
But I found out the next day, turning on my tiny b&w tv in my East Cleveland Garret: as the cameras zoomed in on his mug to cover their game against the Dream Team: Oscar Schmidt.
What a difference an attitude makes. I contrasted his brotherly smile with Stockton’s stiff diss the year before. The “Hand” and his global stature
looms large over Stockton’s, however large is the latter.
Maybe it’s just me, but I meditate deeply on these things, the differences in spirit between standout phenoms, and the details, when they seem this interesting.
What I believe relevant in a “cost/benefits analysis” between Oscar and Stockton is the contrast in largeness of heart, if you see where I’m going here. So many of those on the right who oppose the mandates, at least from a celebrity standpoint, don’t come across as the biggest hearts in this resistance business. Like the armies of well-drilled white BLM protesters, waving pom poms if needs be, they seem to approach it just like that, as a business. (Not that they aren’t upset! Who isn’t?)
But it all seems off. Just as the Capitol Riot of January 6 seemed as off and incredible as did the Brooks Brothers Riot to protest the Bush/Gore Recount in Miami 22 years ago seemed weirdly off (one of the placard waving well-heeled protesters then was John Roberts, soon to be Supreme Court Chief “Justice”).
All of these seem weirdly off, and I’m getting weird visuals around town even now from people I run into, hoping the anti-Trudeau protesters will grow here into anti-Biden protests.
Can you say “C – I – A” ??!
Well, don’t feel like the Lone Ranger!
Stockton finished his video chat and testimony to RFK Jr with the bouquet, “I’m a big admirer”.
Would he have said that before? In his support, he did say his father had been badly injured by flu shots 3 successive seasons after receiving them. So he already had a dog in this fight.
It’s just that so much of the tone sounds pre-fabricated, which is always my first clue to a psyop.
It seems like one of several objects in all this is, in addition to hijacking democracies, and whole countries and economies, to go fullbore in hijacking as much moral high ground as can be had, and social causes, and, well, they can figure out what to do about all that later after the smoke clears and we have an iron grip on everything.
Always seemed like Trump and his backup singers the Trumpistas were just singin’ their tune from a shared vocal score.
It’s enough to give the Muse a bad name, when that score reads “The end justifies the means”.
But that’s almost all you get in today’s USA.
When such a front is hard-pressed to add any strength to its real moral stance, such a high level of control through full spectrum mind control is about the only way to REALLY keep the ball rolling. And they get to use our taxes to do it, those giants.
“Et les braves gens n’aiment pas que
L’on suive une autre route qu’eux.
Tout le monde viendra me voir pendu.
Sauf les aveugles, bien entendu.”
~Georges Brassens
“Nous vivons un siècle pourri.
Tous les plus grands assassins vont aux plus grands messes et sont les favoris des plus grands rois.”
The information about this and about everything that is going on is now so widely spread with the internet that ignorance has become a choice. all we have to do is WAKING UP !!!! This is a war against humanity we MUST wake up to counter this. And everyone has to contribute in his or her own way to be able to get this done. Talk to people (outside of those who are still walking around with face masks when al of these stopt, they are too brainwashed, don’t put your time in them) and try to convince others that it’s all a big scam. People please help each other understand this before this gets too far out of hand and we can’t do ANYTHING about it anymore. ALL kingdoms and politics ARE CRIMINALS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LET THEM ALL GO TO HELL, AND NEVER RETURN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We have to accept that there may be a portion of humanity that simply won’t wake up also – likely to be around 4 to 8%.
For the last 8 years the people in the Donbass in the Ukraine have been shelled by Ukrainian Nazis. The Regime In Kiev treated the their Russian speaking citizens as persona non grata. They have become a de facto member of NATO, contrary to the verbal and written promises given to Gorbachev that NATO would not include former Warsaw Pact countries.
Moreover, the Western Intelligence services plus the military have been supplying these Nazis with weapons and training. They have refused to abide by the Minsk accords egged on no doubt by the international bankers puppets in the US , EU, UK and the 5 eyes countries.
Let’s, not forget that record of the West in invading Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, Yugoslavia and instigating coups around the world especially in the Ukraine.
In addition, the Ukraine, following in the U.K./ US tradition of having idiotic figureheads of government, elected a comedian as President who just to rub salt in the wounds of the Russians, openly stated, again no doubt proposed by his handlers in the West, to develop nuclear weapons contrary to the 1994, Ukraine agreement with the US, UK and Russia not to have nuclear weapons.
It beggars belief what the Ukrainian Nazis would do if they got their hands of them.
Did the international bankers puppets in the West try to thwart them. Not a jot.
No wonder Putin invaded!
+ 1
May have got this from here, but whatever, worth a read.
“Never believe anything you hear, and only half of what you see.”
I had no idea this was attributed to Mencken. My late father told me the same thing 50 years ago, when I was a teenager. Perhaps he was even smarter than I thought he was. Another quote from my father during an argument we had near the same time, “you should go out and earn a couple of million, while you still know everything”. Another, “if you live beneath your means, you always have money, if you live above them, you never do”.
Always reman skeptical,, until your skepticism is PROVEN misapplied.
No, this is a quote from Edgar Allen Poe, not Mencken. From https://poemuseum.org/did-poe-really-say-that/ > Found in his short story “The System of Dr. Tarr and Prof. Fether,” in the November 1845 issue of Graham’s Magazine, the statement is, “Believe nothing you hear, and only one half that you see.” It is surprising the quote needed to be simplified to the form it is in today, when it was already quite simple to begin with. One definitely should pay attention to what Poe is saying. And it is probably best when reading supposed “Poe” quotes, to believe only half of what you see.
It all seems nonsense to me. All the world is a stage. Putin is a former WEF Young Global Leader. I expect Ukraine to be used to push the following aspects of the Globalist agenda
> Putin is a former WEF Young Global Leader.
How do you know? Because Count Schwab said so?
You don’t know. But why exclude the possibility? What is the current war going to achieve for Putin? Unless he wins a quick victory? Which doesn’t seem to happen. But a prolonged cold war will be the perfect background context for the WEF advertised cyber attack.
the “cyber attack…” began with the military invention of the internet.
> What is the current war going to achieve for Putin? Unless he wins a quick victory? Which doesn’t seem to happen.
Are you a war specialist?
It’s not a war; it’s an operation to destroy Deep State infrastructure and Nazis in Ukraine, who are there to ensure it remains unstabilized and as a pawn for the NWO.
Yessir. A feather in anyone’s cap.
We tried it here, with Operation Paperclip and putative “denazification”. I remember first hearing that word in 1959, about von Braun. Just another Trojan horse, and how.
Well, Americans didn’t have a millennium of fighting these guys at close range, mano a mano,as did Putin’s ancestors.
Here, all they have to do is offer us chocolates. Sweet! (Have ’em tested for LSD.)
And that’s also true.
Higher oil prices would not be a bad thing for Russia. I’m sure they have their own “defense” contractors as well drooling over the possibility of their very own endless wars. Distraction from any negative fallout over Covid. There are simply too many ways these people can play it for us to not question their intentions at the very least. Whether or not Putin is a Young Global Leader, he sure seems more than willing to play ball with the masters of the universe regarding the Great Reset. And yes, as you mention a nice crippling cyber attack could be part of this as well.
He’s taking out all the biolabs that have been planted on his doorstep, and is also freeing the Ukrainian people from the Nazis and criminals that have taken over Ukraine. He knows there will never be peace if the situation in Ukraine is allowed to stand.
Mr. Putin was there at the wef to inspect the corruption from the inside.
Try to imagine he does not care about Russians and Russia.
I find it very hard to believe that Mr Puting doesn’t care about Russia.
Putin loves Russia in the same way Trump loves America. This is why they are painted as the enemy. One cannot have strong superpower countries when one wants to create a New World Order. Simple. Their favourite thing would therefore be for Russia and the US to go to war with each other, so they can ‘kill two birds with one stone’, so to speak.
He hasn’t denied it.
I think what Corbett says about Putin:is on the spot:
I’m quite suspicious of this claim. Putin is not a globalist and has been outspoken over much of the WEF bs. It seems odd to me that he should be mentioned just before this shit show. Also wasn’t he too old?
Of course it could all be 5d chess.
And that’s Sir Klaus to you.
It surely is 5D chess, Dave Emory called it 7 dimensional chess. Very complex in the smoke and mirrors, very simple if you happen upon the bottom line. If you really examine the economic interests it’s rather clear and very simple.
Calling Putin WEF is a lot like a list I saw of purported 33rd degree Masons. Now, a very convenient mechanism for the Masons is that not only are they secret but they award the 33rd degree not by their graduating program of incremental training, but by “acclamation”.
So, all the major commie names and heavy hitters all appear: Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin.
We’re they even aware of it or notified of that nifty distinction?
I know that 3 of the fifty are pretty verifiable, as they were my lawyer father’s clients: Burl Ives, Armand 🔨 Hammer and the founder of Hollywood’s PRS. All dodgy characters, if you ask me. I know that much, though there may have been others. It’s my belief that Freemasonry made the ultimate call to kill the Kennedy brothers, expressly because they were establishing strong diplomatic usefulness here for the Vatican, with Russia, and others, and that was the very last thing of things Freemasonry wants.
What else? Who else? You never hear about it, just like the sticky web catches no bugs about Kobe and Robin Williams being murdered, because they were too bold to live. But Google on down the line: deafening silence about all these things, just so obvious. Check it out. To even talk about it suggests a huge risk…
DO IT ANYWAY! What have we got to lose, as comedian Mort Sahl has said for 50 years.
What have we got to lose, but this deepening global Cesspool, umm, “quagmire”.
Mort Sahl, Robin Williams’s good friend and icon, up north near SF. Mort Sahl, deputized by Jim Garrison in the JFK 60’s murder trial. Hmmm, do I smell a plot thickening?
The “free world” supports Ukraine! Hang on a minute…
“The notion of “freedom” was historically and remains intertwined with Whiteness, as historian Tyler Stovall has argued. The belief that one is entitled to freedom is a key component of white supremacy. This explains why the Freedom Convoy members see themselves as entitled to freedom, no matter the public health consequences to those around them.”
To borrow Muhammad Ali on the Vietnam War, it ain’t no Vladimir Putin whose put me under semi-house arrest for two years.
They’re nonsense arguments are showing.
We saw this with the m*slems t*rror1st psyop completely disappearing under BS19.

Only “gone” due to US midterms coming up and judging from the events of Virginia and questionable outcome if nj, this was enviable. Come November, after midterms, if the status quo isn’t different, expect the return of mandates under another guise .
Putin was also in lockstep with the other globalists, which make me suspicious. All the world is a stage. Putin is a former WEF Young Global Leader. I expect Ukraine to be used to push the following aspects of the Globalist agenda
For sure! Those YGL are robots! Once inculcated they can never again entertain a thought that is not KS’s.
Luckily, we peons are still allowed to change our minds … a vestige of what it meant to be a human.
For example, I thought pacifism was a good idea for a long time.
Arrrgh, they’re everywhere! We’re doomed!
Crack beer and enjoy, Nigel
Not the same I know but wasn’t Viktor orban Soros’ protege and he went against the master as twer?
They’re all fecking thugs. And yes Poots was in lockstep.
As well as those killed and maimed by the vaccines………
a comparison of the haves/takes in israel and the have nots in Palestine;
This newscast of the “war” in Ukraine is not a fake. Its the best ever!
This is exactly why stock footage, video & audio are most often used in “news” stories.
In real life, blunders happen.
In staged life, scenes can be re-shot, and/or those few rare “perfect” takes can be reused & rehashed, again & again.
People that try to capture real life events (like National Geographic audio, photo & videographers trying to get those perfect Nature shots, and the like) often spend grueling amounts of time & energy trying to get those clips.
And often with numerous cameras, angles, mics & other such resources.
Which is why “reality tv” became a joke.
There’s a book I recommend entitled The Invisible Gorilla, that outlines how our intuitions often deceive us.
And about how most people prefer amusing & “feel-good” anecdotes to real life.
And about “the illusion of attention” — is that we are often unaware of these {mental & cognitive} limitations; we think that we see the world as it really is, but “our vivid visual experience belies a striking mental blindness.”
This illusion explains why we take eyewitness (and video “witness”) testimony way too seriously, particularly if the person is confident (studies show that even highly confident witnesses give incorrect identifications a surprisingly high proportion of the time), and we are often unforgiving when memories turn out to be wrong.
Just as Hollywood & Big Entertainment rely on this preference for amusing & “feel-good” anecdotes, often so too does the “news”.
Ist not Russians, but Ukraiians who shoot at each other:
A German article: *https://www.anderweltonline.com/klartext/klartext-20221/wer-schiesst-auf-wen-in-kiew/
Translation-link: https://www-anderweltonline-com.translate.goog/klartext/klartext-20221/wer-schiesst-auf-wen-in-kiew/?_x_tr_sl=de&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=de&_x_tr_pto=wapp
Being able to spot it FAKE them printing it FAKE is completely different kettle of fish.
Peak Fraud?
The trans resistence! Someone needs to tell her (or re-programme the bot) that the soldiers didn’t die on Snake Island. It’s pure gas-lighting of course – probably the only sort of that which will remain soon.
When they think they have the population disorientated is just when they fire salvoes on other fronts. Hence:
Finally, it does seem as if they’ve quietly retired the convid stats’ bar. A helpline has been created for those experiencing withdrawl.
Beat you to it and JudyJ added this:
“ That is WHY the media whips up fear, anxiety and hatred, because people in that emotional state are less likely to think critically.“ but we can think critically so what are we to do with the herd? Me? I am all for culling the morons.
“I am all for culling the morons.”
the vax is doing that, relax.
(and WW111 will take care of the rest of us. World Karma really is a bitch)