Reality Check: A “no-fly zone” over Ukraine means WAR

Western pundits and journalists are all in a flutter over Ukraine. They think it’s terribly exciting, and want to be seen to be tough and decisive. Their internal monologues probably feature the word “Churchillian” quite a lot.
Naturally, that means a lot of them are saying some really stupid things.
This includes widespread calls for a NATO-imposed “No-Fly Zone” over Ukrainian airspace. This proposal is all over the media, even coming out of the porcine mouth of Sir Keir Starmer, the leader of the UK’s Labour party:
Labour will speak to the Government over no-fly zone, Keir Starmer says
— The Independent (@Independent) March 1, 2022
A dip through the #NoFlyZone hashtag on Twitter will introduce you to hundreds and hundreds of people, many of them probably NATO shill accounts, all ramping of the calls for a no-fly zone.
It will also demonstrate that huge numbers of these people have no idea what a “no-fly zone” actually is or how it works.
We encountered this same issue in Syria a few years ago. After the Russians entered the war at the invitation of Bashar al Assad, Western journalists got all jingoistic and started calling for no-fly zones. We had to explain how they worked back then, too.
As we recently summarised on Twitter…
This pathetic idea non-military ppl have of what a #NoFlyZone is.
As if it was a magic dome of cozy protection that just appears & makes everyone safe without a shot fired.
Think for just a second about what bullshit that is
— OffGuardian (@OffGuardian0) March 2, 2022
A no-fly zone is not a magic dome of cosy protection put in place with a snap of the fingers and enforced without a shot being fired.
A no-fly zone is a declaration of war. It does NOT save lives. That’s a lie to trick stupid people into calling for escalation.
A no-fly zone will require NATO to shoot down any Russian aircraft that enter the airspace.
It will lead to inevitable retaliation from the Russians who will shoot down NATO aircraft & attack NATO anti-aircraft batteries. Thousands more will die immediately.
And since Russia already has its nuclear weapons on high alert any imposition of a no-fly zone in Ukraine has a very high chance of immediate escalation to nuclear war.
And no, that would NOT be an exchange of tactical battlefield nukes. It would be strategic ICBMs.
Thousands of kilotons of nuclear weapons unleashed on every major city in the Northern hemisphere from San Diego to Moscow.
The war would suddenly be a mushroom cloud in YOUR backyard.
This is why even the Pentagon won’t contemplate a no-fly zone Ukraine. It’s global suicide.
No-fly zones do not save lives, they are not designed to. They are designed to escalate.
To all the people out there happily sharing the #NoFlyZoneinUkraineNow hashtag: If you really want to save lives get educated about what’s actually going on in Ukraine. Stop being a manipulated war-puppet spewing hashtags you don’t understand.
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Superb post however I was wanting to know if you could write a litte more on this topic? I’d be very grateful if you could elaborate a little bit more.
No fly zones are anti semitic
if Russia was really going to attack they would impose a No Fly Zone. These zones are for countries that want to attack a nation so NATO would not do it because they don’t want to attack Ukraine
There is an actual brain disease that people have when being jingoistic. Sometimes the brain gets stuck in a mode of pure verbal thinking. They are playing what is purely a language game.
Computer bots have this mode and this problem in being realistic. This is also a serious problem in the management class where in many roles most problems are solved by choosing the right words. For example, if the pet is sick then take it to the vet, with the vet being the right magic word.
In the managerial class it’s all just a very simple low skill game of choose the word. To these people easier said than done isn’t a concept. They don’t live in a word of doing things. They live in the world of only saying things.
In their mind if they order something they don’t want to know about the details. You ask for a steak they go into the kitchen and sort it out for you.
It might seem to make sense for people with strong managerial tendancies to go into things like politics but this can backfire if you’re not careful.
In cases like this when you call for something such as a no fly zone then you really have to understand what that entails and what it means. The first stage of Russia’s offensive in Ukraine was to secure air superiority. This is also called a no fly zone. Ukraine is already under one.
Shane Warne
Cricketer Shane Warne has apparently been killed by the clot shot.
No fly zone means war. say what!!! ?? Something out of propaganda handbook.
A Russian explains to any bleeding heart useful idiots that still don’t get the anglozionazi empire of shit’s latest twist on its Ukrop caper now that the covaid$ racket has become apparent even to the most religiously death squirted morons.
Back in the day, in 1999 the anglozionazi empire of shit destroyed Yugoslavia and sent more than 130,000 souls to their graves as well as bombing with impunity (for the last time) the Chinese Embassy. Thankfully now Putin is burning out the USSAN owned and controlled terrorist filth in the evil heart of Khazaria as the chosenite oligarch trash of that unfortunate rump entity ensconce themselves in the flesh pots of dying Urupp where their blood money is always welcome like the money of the backward oily fiefdoms of the ME. No prob, Bob as long as we know whose side you are on.
This isn’t just the end of Ukropland and the end of Slumville’s emasculated useful idiots in Natostan…this is the end of the IOU fiat filth Saudi Mercan toilet paper dollah and endless judaic wars of expansion on everyone else’s dime. Russia has all the “capital” that it needs, oil, gas and moral in a land not poisoned with transgendermutant retardation and soon, when the lights go out for the foreseeable future and Urupp finds itself in the 18th century, the bitch slapped Europeons will dash to abandon the no longer great Satan that has preyed on humanity for 2 centuries too many and finally look to the East as Bismarck advised the dumb Teutons more than a century and a half ago.
Contrary to the usual hubris and arrogance of Western banksters and so-called €conomist$ the future of money is being decided by those countries that actually have physical reserves and resources and the military power to control them. For Russia and China “reserves and resources” does not mean the unpayable debt that so-called Western capitalists imagine “wealth” to be as they continue to impoverish their hostage nations with their anti capitalist cant that has turned the so called Western “democracies” into impoverished welfare ruins over run by Soros’ migrant hordes to distract the masses from the real enemy among them. One gets it or one doesn’t as the case may be but the Anglozionazi centric world is already a thing of the past. That future does not include a “global reserve currency” style Fedcon slash Blipcoin owned by the money changers and globally imposed as the Pentacon Kissinger Saudi Mercan IOU petroscrip toilet paper dollah was, whatever about being imposed on USSAN and Europeon debt slaves only too happy to exist in their cashless, electronic gulags “all watched over by machines of loving grace”.
Flush the blood smeared IOU fiat filth aka Kissinger petrodollah and its gimp bastard €urodollah and the entire houses of cards will come down with a crash and the political clowns that brought us to this will be strung from no longer functioning lampposts.
In the end USSANS and their €uro peons might figure out that it ain’t the dollah in the petrodollar that mattered….duh…it is the petro proper but don’t expect these covaid$ retarded and death squirted morons to come to that conclusion any time soon. Meanwhile the Russian bear is finally doing what we all knew he had to do and should have done the day Crimea was returned to the fold of Mother Russia. Live with it already or freeze to death in the coming total co££ap$€ of worthless fiat filth and the evil regimes that feed off it.
Onward to end of the anglozionazi empire of filth and its free lunch.
Another part of the agenda coming into focus?
Firstly, of course it’s propping up the EU as is. The fact that it starts off by talking of national freedom in doing so is pure gas-lighting (never any shortage of gas for that!). When and how will Starmer make the inevitable announcement the UK is rejoining? Will they try to pull this off without another referendum?
Beyond that however is another issue – the militarisation of the EU. That agenda is hinted at here but not yet explicitly stated. They must know there is widespread disquiet at NATO and if the plan is to take down the US then they need an alternative. The military-industrial complex must be drooling at the potential ker-ching if rich Western European nations can be muscled into increased military spending which would play into the impoverishment agenda as well.
It also appears that their “immenent nuclear catastrophe” narrative wasn’t flying so they’ve come up with a variant that they think might be more credible. It’s clearly an attempt to tap into their Chernobyl story.
Leaving the E>U will save the U.k citizens money.
Take back control!!!
EU Exit Taking back control of our borders, money and laws while protecting our economy, security and Union November 2018
We need an alien invasion with their flying saucers to put an end to this BS.
The idiocy of the “no-fly” slogan is far more simple even than the piece says.
The Russians already have imposed a de facto no-fly zone from day one. They have air supremacy.
So any western war-monger calling for a NATO-imposed no-fly is saying NATO first has to use force to dislodge the Russia air force from that space. It’s not something that “could lead to escalation” but a direct call to start WWIII by attacking the Russians where they’re already in place.
So the options are let Putin overrun whatever countries he chooses to avoid WWIII?
I won’t waste pixels explaining the history of this situation to a troll like you, so for you the answer is Yes. That’s the only answer you’d take from even a book-length exposition of US-NATO anti-Russian aggression in the Ukraine, and how truly saintly Putin’s patience has been, indeed to a fault. He’s been vastly more patient and moderate than I would be in his position.
Hi! No troll here, but history challenged definitely. I would like to understand this situation. Could you send me some links? Many thanks!
This guy is remarkable. 😎
Does “Russ” stand for Russky, the Putin apologist?
You confirm the world will likely end not with a bang or whimper but with a ‘duhhhhhhhhh’.
Do you honestly think the US and Western Europe would allow Vladimir Putin to start WWIII? That’s their job, not his. Apparently that’s what many in the US really seem to want – all that babble about the evil Putin while calling for no fly zones and threatening nuclear war. Good God. The hubris of American warmongers never ceases to amaze me. If our military really could in any way shape or form “kick Putin’s ass” then why in the fuck haven’t we done that yet? Maybe Dementia Joe needs to use some more tough lines before starting WWIII – important for that idiot to look like a tough guy when he barely knows what day it is….
We haven’t done it because there will be a lot of damage. A lot of dead people. And a lot of companies going bankrupt. But if pushed to far, we may lose our patience with Putin and have to kick his arse.
A comment, on Ukraine 3 days old, but still very actual:
Cut’n’Pasted from a thoughtful reader on Saker Vineyard: a fair minded consideration of Russia’s case and of Putin’s action:
“Col…’the farmer from NZ’ on March 03, 2022 · at 6:27 pm EST/EDT
Hi all… just a South Seas perspective on the Ukraine/Russian situation and pose a question that perhaps we all need to ask regardless of where we reside.
Is Putin on the side of humanity or is he just another Mr Global asset who engages six ways to sunday in order to help systematically genocide and entrap the masses?
I am keen to get some dialogue and discussion going in NZ because personally, I think that Putin and the RF are being totally misrepresented by the media and of course at the same time massively demonised by the Mr Global collective.
This is a monumental risk for humanity because of the fact that the situation in Ukraine could easily escalate into a nuclear confrontation and turn vast swaths of the Northern Hemisphere into a permanent wasteland. I see this dangerous situation as Mainstreet’s biggest chance at kicking Mr Global completely into touch if Russia can prevail in Ukraine.
To me, this situation is vastly more dangerous than the Cuban missile crisis of the ’60s simply because of the appalling collective idiocy and corrupt nature of today’s Western ‘leaders’.
Many Western commentators seem to assume that Putin is just another Mr Global asset… as such IMO they completely misconstrue the Global chessboard and are completely clueless that Russia is in fact the main reason why Mr global could well be facing impending doom.
I will begin with one very important premise…if Putin is part of this collective, then we all may as well all kiss our arses goodbye right now.
Personally, I have developed a very simple quick litmus test that I use to determine the likelihood of whether or not a country is a paid-up Mr Global member.
I do a roughly 30-minute analysis of their Central bank model and also tally up the percentage of the country’s banking assets that are owned by the western private banking cartel. Trust me when I use this guide the RF is NOT a Mr Global asset… indeed nothing could be further from the truth.
It is my observation that countries with predominantly state, public, and coop owned banking assets such as Russia, Iran, Khazakstan etc, are absolutely the mortal enemies of Mr Global… if you have any personal doubts about that then please reflect on the history of what happened in Libya.
Also, look what could have transpired in Iran under Trump’s idiotic moves… if the US military had not been severely put in their place and reminded that it can’t just simply, out of the blue, pick up any country on earth and throw them against the wall…and just for the hell of it.
The fact is that Russia has more than enough land resources than it knows what to do with anyway. It is not in the habit of re-absorbing the territories of the old USSR. It is however determined to preserve its security and to avoid ever having to fight a war on its own territory… Putin continually reminds the West of the fact but this message simply goes in one ear and out the other.
A tragic history of attacks from the West and carnage in the tens of millions, tells us clearly that we can hardly blame Russia for drawing this line in the sand. Also, what on earth would they want with a neo-Nazi-infested country like Ukraine anyway… it is far more trouble than it is worth.
There are two overwhelming reasons why Putin has been so utterly patient in liberating the Donbas and stopping the 24/7 terrorism and murder imposed on the Russian ethnic people there from these murderous U$ installed Banderista neo-Nazis… each of these reasons alone would have meant Russia would have had its arse severely kicked by the West if they had tried to address this tragedy prematurely…
#1 Putin would have loved to have cleaned up this Nazi cesspool in 2014 right at the time of the blatantly criminal U$ 5-billion dollar sponsored Maidan coup, but he knew that Russia was not yet economically self-sufficient enough… neither was its economy sufficiently stable at that stage to withstand the inevitably massive sanctions and the financial onslaught that the Mr Global collective of lapdog vassal Western World would have imposed.
#2 Militarily and defence wise, Russia was not ready in 2014 to challenge the combined might of the U$ and NATO and the rest of the world that suffers from such an advanced and permanent state of rabid Russiaphobia and paranoia. Sadly Putin had little choice but to endure eight long years of genocide and perpetual terrorism of his country folk in the Donbas.
Putin’s principal objectives should now be absolutely crystal clear even to the most dimwitted Western observer…
– To demilitarise Ukraine so that it is not a permanent threat to Russia’s borders and security
– To create a buffer zone between Russia and the collective crazies in the West that suffer from varying degrees
of rabid to bordering on terminal hatred of all things Russian.
– Keep a buffer zone to minimise nuclear threats being installed there by Western crazies
– Clean up the bio-weapon labs in Ukraine that pose serious threats to Russia
– Stop Ukraine from joining Nato
– Stop Ukraine from ever becoming nuclear-capable
In short, the timing of the birthing of the Donbas twins, which was the main catalyst for the Ukraine crisis, has absolutely nothing to do with the waning of the Covid war. On balance, I fail to see how this plays into Russia’s hand anyway, apart from the fact that the West is in more chaos than ever financially, socially, militarily and leadership wise.
If this gives Putin any advantage then I say great, but it amounts to little more than a fortunate coincidence from Russia’s perspective. Besides, why interfere prematurely anyway when your so-called and self contrived adversaries are full time shooting themselves in both feet.
What I see now is a beautifully humanitarian RF vision unfolding. We now have the two fledgling Donbas republics to add to the Crimean model which will be both RF protectorates, and independently self-governed at the same time.
They will no longer be continually victimised by Neo-Nazi lunatics and they could well quickly become thriving social and economic models that the remainder of the western Ukraine provinces would wish to aspire to… very quickly!
This could quickly escalate into most of the West of the Dnipro becoming autonomous Repulic protectorates. Then logically in turn surely this may just provide a model for the vast East of Ukraine to then contemplate.
In short Mr Putin’s plan is good for both Russia and Ukraine, good for Eurasia, good for Western Europe and an absolute godsend to the stability of the globe both militarily and economically.
And for Mr Global… well actually, not so much. Indeed this situation is a dire and immediate threat to this murderous global scourge’s ongoing survival.
Onwards and upwards”
Were the Serbs Miusllims?
James Corbett argues that all the world powers are in the same Big Club and it is a discussion we should be having. China’s social credit system and its fake videos of people dropping down dead from “Covid” as well as Russia’s capitulation to the narrative lend credence to this argument.
However, we should also note that Iran imported 140 million doses of “vaccines” (mostly the Chinese version) and various forms of lockdown and restrictions were implemented. So does this mean that Iran is also in the Big Club? Similarly, Venezuela had, by the end of 2021, administered 30 million doses (Sputnik and the China’s Sinopharm product) to just over half of the population. Can Venezuela possibly be in the Big Club when the West has already championed an alternative unelected President? I think we can safely answer no in both cases.
If Russia was in the Big Club then has it just been thrown out? Or is the intended international isolation just part of some weird convoluted game?
James Corbett says a lot of funny things. The funniest being that somehow, in a world of 7+ billion people ruled by a tiny billionaire elite, the biggest threat to us is “collectivism”. Russia attempted to be in the club, but the US owners absolutely refuse to allow a potential rival to exist, even if that rival operates the same degenerate capitalist system. The Chinese are in the system as well because the Americans have dreamed of subjugating them from the inside since 1949. It’s hard to say what happened in Iran and China with regard to Covid. There is no question that in a healthy population it is not a significant phemonenon. In my province in Canada 61% of deaths in the first fifteen months occurred out of only 29 000 people in long-term care. The sick, frail and elderly are the only ones who die.
This tripe about an unelected president is a joke. The 2000 US election was stolen, and so was the 2004 election. It’s meaningless in a system in which there is zero deviation from one party to the other when it comes to the large questions of how the economy and foreign policy are operated.
And wasn’t it our man, Mark Crispin Miller, who documented this in a couple of lengthy books?
EVERY country has a “Deep State” (i.e. traitors to a nation) and “Nationalists” (patriots who want the best for their country and culture). China, Russia, USA etc… are all battling their own versions of a Deep State. “Deep State” are Globalist, Neo-Cons and Finance Capitalists.
China’s “social credit” is a Deep State term and is essentially what we have in the West but not YET under one umbrella….until Vax passports come online. Think of all the checks you have when applying for a loan, credit card, apartment, car, job etc…the other part of this “social credit” is simply reviews from merchants, taxi service, dry cleaners etc.. There is nothing wrong with streamlining a system to protect people from being scammed and offering services and payments under one umbrella. It’s like Government, it’s only a problem when they are corrupt. If you visit China and see the country with your own eyes (instead of relying on media), you will see the CCP has done a really great job even with the Chinese Deep State constantly trying to undermine progress.
As for the fake “Covid” pictures from China when the Scam-demic started, that was being pushed by the Chinese “Deep State” who are working in collusion with the Western “Deep State”.
The same media telling you that Russia and China are evil are the same media telling you there is a killer virus and you MUST vaccinate, get boosters and a vaccine passport otherwise you can’t leave your house.
Don’t let your ignorance/racism cloud your judgement.
The banksters have ruled the planet for centuries. Surely the global acceptance of convid has proven that ? Are you aware that Iran received huge amounts of military aid from Israel and the West during the Iran Iraq war ? That the Bolshevik revolution was financed by Jacob Schiff and other banksters ? As was Mao’s “revolution” ?
Just a reminder that there is already a de facto No Fly Zone for Ukrainian warplanes because the Ukrainian Air Force ceased to exist a few days ago; and there is already a de jure No Fly Zone for NATZO Air Forces under orders from POTU$ Biden as Supreme Commander of NATZO. Landwhise, there is also a de facto No Flee Zone for the bulk of the Ukrainian Army, except through De-Nazification checkout points. Which is as it should be.
Ukraine will soon return to its traditional role as the relatively prosperous and industrialized Western Border Land of Russia; or, failing that, as a relatively prosperous and industrialized neutral buffer country between Russia and NATZOstan — the role it played for 30 years, until The Woman from Uncle arrived with her jar of poisoned cookies.
The Ukraine was not prosperous in the post-1991 era. It should be the richest country in Europe based on resources and proximity to markets. The US are happy to have the place in an uproar indefinitely, and it seems that will be the case.
Literally every aspect of society in Canada is indundated with mindless, relentless anti-Russian propaganda. No context for the Russian operation in the Ukraine of any kind is provided. Zero. It is the second propaganda campaign of this nature in two years, and only the second of this scope and scale that I have seen in my lifetime.
Yep. As a Canadian I can 100% agree with your comments. We live in hugely dangerous times.
Just a reminder that there is already a de facto No Fly Zone for Ukrainian warplanes because the Ukrainian Air Force ceased to exist a few days ago; and there is already a de jure No Fly Zone for NATZO Air Forces under orders from POTU$ Biden as Supreme Commander of NATZO. Landwhise, there is also a de facto No Flee Zone for the bulk of the Ukrainian Army, except through De-Nazification checkout points. Which is as it should be.
Ukraine will soon return to its traditional role as the relatively prosperous and industrialized Western Border Land of Russia; or, failing that, as a relatively prosperous and industrialized neutral buffer country between Russia and NATZOstan.
Admin, sorry to have repeated my post while editing. Can this one be deleted?
God help Putin to achieve the purpose of this military incursion, the riddance of these evil nazis and that Ukraine remains neutral. Zelensky is an illigitimate president and was a vulgar commedian.
Right on! as we used to say.
Is there even 1 president in the west coming close to being a match to Putin?
absolutely no one.
I believe that Putin is just another puppet, very committed to World Economic Forum and a willing participant in their new world order.
This manufactured “war” will, I believe, be blamed for the coming ‘cyber polygon’ crash of the internet (already planned to be executed from Russia), then the financial crash, interest rate rise, inflation, supply shortages ….. and to the next steps in their plan – social chaos causing many to beg for the UBI (universal Basic Income). This will only be available is you are up to date with your jabs and are obeying their rules. Mr Putin will be blamed, of course, as usual.
This superb article is just might convince you:
Listened to the podcast, Iain Davis and Whitney Webb are both great investigators, interesting points. However, I find it hard to believe that Putin is an integral part of this, taking the wrath of the world on his shoulders. He might have been an attendee at the WEF in the early days to do some networking but who’s to say he was on board with their ideas? 20 years ago he reached out to the West many times but no-one was listening (apparently asked Clinton if Russia could join NATO but was rebuked). Russia’s efforts to get the West to enforce Minsk II were also ignored again and again. I think he just snapped and decided to do what was least expected
The Ides of March are quickly approaching. Beware Caesar [Putin].
People are misinformed and dangerously silly including Starmer.
You can impose a no fly zone only if your opponent has no major firepower.
Russia is not Lybia or Irak.
I really have but one question about this “war.” Is Putin a puppet of Klaus “the anal” Schwab or not? Klaus brags yes but he works for the Prince of Lies, so that does not mean a whole lot. OTOH he also bragged that Angela “big hips” Merkel, Emmanuel “MF”Macron, Jacinda “Horseface” Ardern, and Fidelito were in in his hip pocket, which is obviously true. Oceania has always been at war with Eurasia and East Asia.
Putin is very much committed to the WEF and their New World Order. Want proof? Here it is:
This was convincing a few days ago (to me), but since then I’ve read many analyses, all from different angles of vision, and each equally convincing.
Please, having met Count Schwab doesn’t mean that you’re his faithful servant.
I can not believe the absurdity of the German Government. Its taken the US/UK hook line and everything in the tackle box and then swallowed it so deep its choking on it.
Unless there really is no more Germany to speak of and just another shrill in disguise, I feel it necessary to shut of their Nord Stream 1 and let them burn coal.
At least Italy and Greece have some exposure to China to bridge their continued existence.
France and Germany are really not the nations they pretend to be. Its something else that I for one am having some issue figuring out their position and posturing. I fear many other EU nations are also perplexed yet go on with it because the script says so.
Have they forgotten that this was a staged invasion? I mean overacting is one thing but this is going off script and staying in the fucking character a bit too long.
Am I giving these degenerates more intellect than they deserve? Am I missing something here?
NATO will fall but what about the rest of it? It appears many have forgotten what they signed up for.
In the meantime people are dying for this, after all it was part of the collateral Russia was willing to accept and inflict in order to get the damn job done, something the rest of them were willing to sign up for but it appears have lost the stomach for part way in.
I guess its too close to home. I mean after all Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan where at least further away.
The goal is not to strengthen nation-states. Nor to make the earth better able to sustain humanity, The heads of state & much of their govts want destruction– and certainly their actions ARE consistent w that, no?
Western warmongers are psychopaths, trying to reason with them is futile! Logic and morality have no impact on these psychopaths because they have no empathy they cannot accept responsibility for their abhorrent actions, they think they are better then the rest of us and they think they are the new gods; that the laws of cause and effect do not apply to them.
A No Fly Zone would escalate the situation, Europe would be the first to suffer the consequences. China doesn’t want war, it wants to be number one in commerce and technology. Russians know the horror of war on their soil, all they want is sovereignty and security.
Alas, the Anglo-American elites could care less; all they see is their global hegemony in jeopardy. The oligarchic overlords have a limited view of reality and they are disconnected from the unity and flow of life. If all you have is a hammer you tend to treat everything like it’s a nail. Hopefully the crazies don’t end up smashing the world with their hammer.
I keep waiting for them to run out of boiler plate… but they keep recycling reuters ‘narrative approved handouts’ from the gulf war and dubious social media ahem, ‘blitzkriegs’ with no provenance or context…intentionally ( standard maggot media OP)…blissfully unaware that their credibility is long gone.. their demands impotent screeching…
haha…and the old ‘nazi’ trope is so worn out, nowadays referring to little old ladies on facebook that still think women are women… and men are men (when they aren’t)..
still.. one could point out it saves the liberal cognitive dissonance when supporting real nazis (well as close as you get to one nowadays) whilst screeching vlad putin is the new Hitler..,
something I’ve noted the BBC struggling with… (sticking to more traditional formulas)..
great fun..
NATZOSTAN wants a No View Zone for Truther Sites. Long Live OffG!
The level of propaganda is off the charts. They’re at all out Kuwaiti incubator baby, Freedom Fries level, all the time. Almost never is a measured, fair, honest voice to be heard. It’s depressing.
It’s a colour revolution, taking place on a global scale. Pathetic.
It’s very depressing, I just want to sleep.
I feel that way too, about sleeping.
How a Ukrainian insurgency could be linked in to domestic terrorism:
Tectonic moves in Germany. They might be ready to build an iron curtain. They plan to double military spending, even ideas are floated to change a peaceful constitution, serious shit. You can get this from native reliable source (first ten minutes):
Buy F-35, the world’s most expensive Flying Lemon.
The bribe will be deposited into an “off-shore” account of your choice.
A disgusting video. The speaker denies that Russia was forced into this war:
1.) The Minsk Accord was agreed years ago. But the “West Block” cared that it was never followed up to.
Also Russia had to do this “R2P” (“Responsibility to Protect!) to save the
Russian speaking population of Ukraine. Unlike Nato’s war against Yugoslavia the Russian move was a real “R2P”!
2.) Russia was forced to do something to stop this besiegement on its boarders by NATO.
Germany is on a very evil way again. Please, read Bhadrakumar’s “THE EU EYES NEW HORIZONS” – .
Ukraine – The Everlasting Present | RT Documentary
is still easily available on gootube (but not on RT channel)
you will certainly see/hear something new and better understand Ukraine insanity
Nine years in Australia’s immigration detention regime, Mehdi Ali is battling suicidal thoughts – Middle East Monitor If anyone ever hears Australia lecture about human rights, here is who we really are.
This child was freed today, not to live in Australia, but to be transported to the USA>
Lavrov speaking truth against MSM propaganda.
Watch Russia Today Live TV from Russian federation – Online TV channel (
The nukes photos of yester years are today’s germs AIDS – Covid photos.
At the rate the war is going (e.g. read the campaign reports on Institute for the Study of War (, the Russians will control most of Ukraine’s south and east within weeks…
RUSSIAsteria: Best Putin Invades the Ukraine Memes
This meme sums things up:
We disapprove of this New World Order (international banking cartel) instigated Russia-NATO war but if push comes to shove we off course support Russia.
Agreed that a no-fly zone is a fast track to WW3. Who can fathom what goes on in people’s fluffy little heads?
On the news front, RT disappeared from French TV screens around lunchtime yesterday (March 2). It was actually pretty useless and a lot more balanced than French MSM currently in full Putin-Monster mode, with mandatory blue and yellow flags being waved and virtuous ‘we stand by free and democratic Ukraine’ postures being struck. The NATO Ministry of Truth mouthpieces are the only permissible sources of
propagandainformation, as the RT sites are also inaccessible online. Meanwhile, the MoT is outraged this morning by the closure of the Echo of Moscow radio station by the Putin-Monster dictatorship.It seems a new subject for mass-media hysteria has come along just in time to take over from the old one, which was running out of steam. Now I’m no conspiracy theorist, but…
You can view RT in English live online here !
It seems to work, Brian, thanks.
Yes, I have been looking at what the ” news” in the West prefers you not to see.
Works for me.
looks like they are blackholing the DNS (much like they do for thepiratebay, IMO)
If you use a VPN or proper DNS server you can still get to, no problem.
Thanks for the advice, Name, but what do you mean by a proper DNS server? I’m a bit useless at this. had lasted a couple of days longer with Firefox than Safari, but apparently the Ministry of Truth (CEOs Ms von der Liar, Mr Doltenberg) is really determined to protect us from all those Russian lies and disinformation.
I can read Russian and a good source of the war from that side is
I completely hate how hard it has become to express one’s view and (dis)approve other comments at this website. I got an effing ‘database connection errror’ when trying to login at this WordPress managed website as well.
An anti-war position is no guarantee that someone is a good guy – but a pro-war position is a sure sign someone is hopelessly lost or, if they get media coverage, probably an asset.
Who knew, for example that the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi spoke in favour of the Vietnam War? He didn’t just try to sidetrack opposition into useless directions like meditation but he argued in favour of the war. It’s why he tanked in the counterculture despite all that free publicity from The Beatles. Questions were asked at the time by Indian MPs and newspapers if he was a CIA asset.
Real seekers after spirituality probably don’t bring camera crews along or Hollywood mind-controlled totty like Mia Farrow. Farrow had just been in ‘Rosemary’s Baby’, filmed in the Dakota Building in NYC where John Lennon would take up residence. If you really want to creep yourself out, look at Kate Middleton’s maternity dress and compare it with the one Farrow wears at the end of the film – they are highly distinctive and look identical.
“Maharishi Mahesh Yogi spoke in favour of the Vietnam War?”
Source? A perfunctory Google search did not bring up the answer.
John Mearsheimer gave a lecture 6 years ago about what was happening in the Donbas. Well worth watching !
Australia’s PM (Scotty from marketing) is off hiding _ _ _ I mean with ‘Covid’.
Perfect timing, that.
Massive floods down the East coast, nasty Russians left, right and centre and the start of an election period.
You’ve got to hand it to Scotty. His god is on his side.
When he emerges perhaps he’ll have a new pamphlet: ‘How to dodge the hard questions’
Perhaps this is the first piece of evidence to show that Keir Starmer is not someone people should consider as Prime Minister?
Membership of the Trilateral Commission is another good piece of such evidence.
An abject fool is perfect for the job…
Don’t forget the non-negotiable instant willingness to kiss the DC Swampies collective arse at all times; as well as being a woodentop.
Starmer is excellent fodder for being the little attack-chihuahua PM of the ukstate provincette of the Anglozionist empire.
A good half of the British electorate is now disenfranchised, since they have no party in Paedominster which represents their interests authentically, the only realistic choices on offer being Official Tory and Ever-so-slightly-pinkoe Tory Lite. A bit like the two wings of the one deep-state party in the US oligopoly. (Both parts of USuk maskerading as a democracies, of course…)
The US and UK no fly zones over Iraq managed to kill possibly hundreds of thousands and starve half a million little kids to death when combined with Clinton’s murderous sanctions.
It was a high price, but thought to be worth it.
Where’s GORT?
Nearly 2 hours long – but really worth to watch:
“UKRAINIAN AGONY. THE CONCEALED WAR” – full English version by Mark Bartalmai
Thanks joerg, great film.
I remember the Maidan; we all knew that the demonstrators were being paid out of the US embassy.
If you’re unable to reach rt, try either of these workarounds; both offer a translation:
Also there are other Russian sites, which usually have stories that imm’y link to rt.
A couple more options
‘Jaw jaw better than War war’?
lets make the whole earth a no fly zone
Convid has already done that. For civilians at least.
I know. Putin has gravitas. And it wd be so nice to believe that Russia or China is a bulwark against the continued success of the gangsters. The fiction of confrontation between the West and Russia is kept alive to convince us that we need govts to protect us, and of course as a distraction.
With NATZO’s proxy Nazi army in Ukraine surrounded and about to be dismantled, this reminder from Saker about the big picture:
“ Please remember that this is NOT about the Ukraine, this is about the entire future security architecture of Europe: no, Russia won’t invade the EU or even Poland but, the Russian war to push back NATO has only begun, it will last MANY MONTHS so be prepared for this. MONTHS.”
Pummelling the Proles with propaganda.
It works wonder$$$$$$$$$+$$$$$$$$$.
The Russophobes and Sinophobes are in seventh heaven.
I also agree with Tom Luongo that Putin’s successful incursion in Ukraine will finally serve to end all the ambitions of the Davos elite.
Do you think Russia is going to save us from the Great Reset? Globalism? A cashless economy? Authoritarianism?
A population of 7 billion people on earth is not going to exist without some form of order. The order determined by the western bankers is lethal for most of humanity. If Russia reverses the drive for global dominance by the western bankers, it is reasonable to assume that nodes in multi-polar system will have to show greater regard for the citizenry. The financiers could not afford to completely debase the populations in their countries until the foil that was the Soviet Union disappeared. While Russia’s economy is controlled by financiers, a multi-polar world reduces the power that would accrue to the financial elite in a single pole.
It’s also important that the progressives who decided that the Ukraine was some kind of bastion of ideals get to watch the fascist military of the failed state get crushed by the wicked Russians. For the lulz.
Can Europe survive without Russian energy supplies, if they were to be disrupted now due to the standoff and sanctions?
No. It simply is not possible especially with Germany shutting down perfectly good nuclear reactors this year. The big winner will actually be France in the short term who can sell excess electricity capacity to Germany for outrageous prices thanks to its massive nuclear footprint.
What’s happening now is Germany going along with the political flow, slowing the certification of Nordstream2 in the hope that something can be done to keep the worst-case situation unfolding in Ukraine.
It’s too early to tell how violent things will get in the Donbass {very, apparently}, but it’s possible Russia’s recognition of the Donbass inspires other regions to declare their independence, pushing the UAF back towards Kiev. {all it will take is Russia’s full blow invasion of the country} Politically, the Germans will eventually have to make a choice. Russia and independence themselves or continued subordination to D.C.
Gas is the tip of a much larger iceberg:
(The “Conversation” is really The Monologue – it’s an utter globalist rag).
That article does seem to be fairly factual, though, doesn’t it? You can’t argue too much with what the actual prices of wheat, nickel, palladium etc have done the past 12 months or so?
When the payment stops, so does the gas.
March 2, 2022
Chinese officials criticized former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s call to partially discard the country’s anti-nuclear principles and consider hosting US nuclear weapons to ensure security amid rising geopolitical tensions.
The mayor of the city of Kupyansk in the Kharkiv region, Gennady Matsegora, said that he had agreed with the Russian military and decided to organize joint street patrols with them.
March 2
500 Russian solldiers killid & 1600 wounded so far
Western sanctions against Russian airlines could paralyze aviation operations, since most of the aircraft fleet is leased. How to prevent this was decided at a meeting in the Ministry of Transport.
This was reported by RBC with reference to two own sources.
According to the business publication, in order to preserve the Boeing and Airbus aircraft, the possibility of nationalizing the aircraft was considered, in particular.
Recall that the European Union has banned the supply of new aircraft to our country, and ordered the cancellation of existing leasing agreements by March 28. As RBC was told by a source “in a large leasing company”, at the moment the Ministry of Transport is inclined to accept and implement the idea of nationalizing aircraft. But there is no final decision yet – they are waiting for developments.
“The nationalization of the air fleet is the most realistic scenario, there are no other options for maintaining the efficiency of the aviation industry,” the source quotes the publication as saying that the final decision will be made by the country’s authorities, since the air carriers themselves have no legal grounds to disobey the requirements of leasing companies return planes.
Another option is to buy planes.
March 3
Representatives of the Russian Embassy in Australia received envelopes with an unknown white powder. This is reported by TASS with reference to Russian diplomats.
“Now the police, fire and other emergency services are working. Employees are checking the contents of two envelopes with an unknown white powder, ”TASS quotes representatives of the diplomatic department.
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If I could be bothered I’d do a cheap graffiti on pages torn from a college note-block:
Create a no-fly zone! Everybody has to glue aluminium foil to the top of their umbrella! England has to help! Everybody has to send all their old umbrellas and boxs of aluminium foil to Ukraine!
The campaigns for scrap metal at the start of WW2 were entirely psyops to cultivate a culture of sacrifice. Modern weaponry requires specialist metals – nobody can buld a Spitfire out of scrap iron. The collected metal ended up dumped in the sea off Tilbury.
The distribution of gas masks was for fear and a ritual much like the Covid masks.