Ukraine coverage reveals West’s inherent racism
Kit Knightly

We don’t talk about racism much at OffG, except in meta-analyses of its political weaponisation.
A lot of the time “racism” is used by the establishment to attack people who pose a threat to the status quo (see: Jeremy Corbyn). Other times it is used to simplify complex political matters into good guys and bad guys.
The marketplace of ideas has become saturated with contorted attempts to turn everything into a simple question of race, to the point it has almost robbed the word “racism” of any meaning at all.
It’s always been pretty clear that beneath this ersatz outrage there lurks – ironically – some of the most ignorant and most unreconstructed racism currently being manifested anywhere.
The indignation, for example, among the woke, that Tolkien’s orcs are ‘obviously’ intended to represent black people (because orcs are stupid and violent), or that this mural must show Jewish bankers (because of the “hooked Jewish noses”) – only shows that the wokest middle class whites have an image of blackness and Jewishness as dumbly bigoted as any white supremacist.
So, it probably shouldn’t shock you – though it will – to realize one very potent reason the war in Ukraine is particularly upsetting is because it’s happening to white people.
Don’t believe me? Then take a look. From page to screen to social media the message has been loud and clear that this war is especially bad because it’s being waged in Europe on a population with “blond hair and blue eyes”:
[Thread] The most racist Ukraine coverage on TV News.
1. The BBC – “It’s very emotional for me because I see European people with blue eyes and blonde hair being killed” – Ukraine’s Deputy Chief Prosecutor, David Sakvarelidze
— Alan MacLeod (@AlanRMacLeod) February 27, 2022
A reporter on ITV News talked about the “unthinkable” happening: War “in Europe”, not “some developing third world nation”.
'Now the unthinkable has happened to them, and this is not a developing, third world nation, this is Europe.'
— black lives matter (@jrc1921) February 27, 2022
A CBS reporter talked about Ukraine being “civilised” and “European”, “not a place like Iraq or Afghanistan that has seen conflict for decades” and provoked this response –
“Civilized”— Imraan Siddiqi (@imraansiddiqi) February 26, 2022
Writing in the Telegraph, Daniel Hannan headlines Putin has “declared war on civilisation itself”, and mournfully intones…
They seem so like us. That is what makes it so shocking. Ukraine is a European country. Its people watch Netflix and have Instagram accounts…War is no longer something visited upon impoverished and remote populations. It could happen to anyone.
Parochial ignorance can’t get much coarser can it?
It’s not just the Anglosphere either, here is a pundit in French television…
"We are in the 21st century, we are in a European city and we have cruise missile fire as though we were in Iraq or Afghanistan, can you imagine!”
We are being told (in many European languages) who deserves war, missiles; who is a good refugee—human.
(BFM TV, France)
— Sana Saeed (@SanaSaeed) February 26, 2022
Another pundit from the same channel pointed out “We’re not talking here about Syrians fleeing…We’re talking about Europeans.”
This isn’t just stark racism. There is a disgusting amount of revisionism going on as well. They all mention the wars in Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq and “the third world” in general, without once saying how those wars started, or who started them.
Combine that with the references to “civilisation” and being “European”, and the message is clear that our wars are OK, because bombing brown people far away is not as bad as bombing blond people close to home.
This is real racism. Not the fake outrage-fuel kind, the literal deep-seated kind based on fundamental unquestioned assumptions that people of another race simply don’t matter as much as your own.
In fairness, it has been called out by a few mainstream outlets, including the Independent and the Guardian – here, and here….although neither of them mention the culpability of the west in starting these wars.
But there are other forms of racism happening in the Ukraine narrative that get even less acknowledgment
There’s the racism inherent in Ukrainian politics and the attempts by western commentators to deny or normalize it for political ends.
The region has a history of Nazism going back to at least World War II, when Ukrainian nationalist and Nazi collaborator Stepan Bandera allegedly took part in pogroms against Jews, Poles and Slavs.
Bandera is held up as a hero by some Ukrainians, and Banderite teachings are behind many neo-Nazi groups in Ukraine, including Svoboda, Right Sector, Tryzub and C14.
These groups took a leading role during the Maidan coup, and in the ensuing civil war they formed into private militia groups to carry out military engagements with separatists in the east.
Petro Poroshenko would later formally incorporate these militias into the Ukrainian armed forces, including the infamous Aidar and Azov battalions.

Since the 2014 coup, neo-Nazi groups have carried out regular attacks on Roma people, who Reuters reported in 2018 face a “rise in mob justice”. The Ukrainian media literally described one such attack as a “gypsy pogrom”.
Since the Russians entered the war we’ve seen videos of Azov battalion soldiers dipping their bullets in pork fat to shoot at Chechen Muslims, or claiming they would execute POWs. They openly wear Nazi insignia.

In 2018, Israeli human right campaigners sent a petition to the Israeli government demanding they “stop arming neo-Nazis in Ukraine”, and in 2021 the Ottawa Citizen reported the Canadian government had been arming and training neo-Nazis in the Ukrainian military.
Since the Russian invasion, black and south Asian immigrants have been barred from fleeing the country, blocked from getting on trains, or even held at gun point.
In short, Ukraine has genuine neo-Nazi racists involved in both its government and military, operating with the full support of Western governments.
The MSM simply refuse to discuss this and barely even acknowledge it. They try to spin nazism into ‘nationalism’, they elide or rewrite the record of atrocities into mere ‘fog of war’ mutual brutality.
But it doesn’t stop there, because there’s a third type of racism involved in the whole Ukraine narrative, and it’s potentially the most shocking and dangerous of all.
The smug ignorance that permits our white wokeists and media class to be some of the greatest racial bigots of our time finds its apogee in Russia.
There’s a strain of deep unthinking Russophobia that taints all coverage of Eastern Europe and beyond, and has done for decades, if not centuries.
How about this…
“The Black Hole Where Russia’s Ethics Should Be”,
or this…
“The Abnormality of Russian Values”.
And this isn’t Svoboda talking. This is supposedly educated, sophisticated and nuanced western opinion.
NATO politicians will readily claim that Russia and China “don’t share our values”, or that “Russians don’t value human life.”
You can routinely see prominent mainstream voices talking about the “stain of Russian ancestry” or publishing articles in the Wall Street Journal, which claim:
Russians can be reached if basic moral principles are made clear to them. Russians do not share the ethical heritage of the West, but moral intuition exists everywhere, and is able to be inspired.”
The idea that Russia – or Russian people – are de facto “thugs” with no “ethical heritage” who don’t “value human life” as we do is not just acceptable amongst our informed intelligentsia, it’s mainstream – a given.
The same, to a certain extent, extends to China, all variations of Edward Said’s “orientalism”. So you see headlines like this in the Washington Post:
Civilized nations’ efforts to deter Russia and China are starting to add up
Our media and political class are as ignorantly racist as any small time bigot who refuses to buy from the corner shop run by an Asian family, as patronisingly parochial as Victorian colonials talking about ‘civilizing’ the natives.
They can become Brown Shirts too with frightening speed.
Remember after the Skripal poisoning, when prominent journalists were calling for Russian kids to be kicked out of British schools, or attacking people for having a Russian wife?
Back then British journalists working for Russian TV stations were openly called “traitors” on the BBC, and some Guardian journalists joined a Labour MP to hire a bus and drive all around London pointing out which buildings are owned by Russians.
If you’re so inured to Russophobia that doesn’t sound racist to you, imagine they drove around London pointing at apartment blocks and businesses and saying “that one is owned by a Jew! And so is that one!”
Not pretty, is it?
It was bad back then, and it’s already worse now.
Sir Keir Starmer, leader of the UK’s Labour party who seems to think wearing a cheap blue ‘working class’ suit is an adequate substitute for any real concern for social injustice, has said any MP who sympathises with Russia will be suspended.
Both the UK and US governments are mulling seizing private property from Russian billionaires. France and Germany have already started.
Yes, they are probably corrupt oligarchs, but seizing private property from individuals based on nothing but their nationality is a very, very slippery slope.
Apparently, the Czech government is actually considering making it a crime to support Russia’s actions.
Jeremy Vine suggested on UK TV that anyone who “puts on a Russian uniform”, actually deserves to die:
WTAF is this?— James Melville (@JamesMelville) March 1, 2022
Would he have said that about British troops in Iraq? Or Israeli troops in Gaza? Or US troops…well, everywhere? Of course not.
But Russians…well, they’re not like us are they. They don’t have real emotions. Kill a Russian soldier and you’re doing the world a service.
This is not to say that Russia (or China) are just the hapless victims of fascist Imperial violence. Putin’s government went along with the Great Reset agenda, after all. We can speculate all we want about why, but they definitely did it. But that’s another debate for another time and another article.
My point is that under the thin veil of wokeness our society is becoming the most racist, fanatical and intolerant it has been for decades. Dangerously so.
The Lockdown Left beat down freedom fighters and hide from their hypocrisy by calling them “white supremacists”. Projecting what they are onto those they hate.
In the past two years we have seen the maskless and unvaxxed mocked, abused, denied basic human rights and dehumanised in the press.
In an image of dreadful symmetry, some shops in Germany are putting up signs in their windows claiming “supporters of Putin will not be served here”, right alongside their “no mask, no service” warnings.
Unpersoning is now the norm. Racism is sanctified by twisting it into patronizing ‘inclusiveness’.
This is incredibly dangerous. When you have trained a society to be intolerant, bigoted and ignorant, mobilizing them to hate your chosen target is not hard to do.
That hate will be as violent as it is undiscriminating and, as Orwell wrote, can “be switched from one object to another like the flame of a blowlamp.”
We should all be concerned, because in every sense that matters WE in the Woke Western lands are the Nazis now.
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White privilege — I never really signed up to the concept until I witnessed the slavish, united, group think on Ukraine.
The problem with observing the Russia-Ukraine-U.S. conflict is that it is inherently partisan.
Many readers (though not here, I hope) reactively demand to know, “which side are you on.”
This defeats analysis of where president Vladimir Putin stands on the globalist spectrum, or pointing out the corruption of Ukraine’s economy that exceeds anything to be found on most continents, any of which is taken as evidence of bias.
If you have lived for five years — not a pampered diplomatic or military tour of three — but as a commercial operative exposed to the life that the locals live in a country of the former Soviet Union you will have an unparalleled advantage.
You can, from experience, recognize the clash between what politicians say and do. Cow patties do not Frisbee. Destruction of East European life does not justify R2P or other ebonics of the Beltway.
Those who have lived daily with corrupt police and mafia, know what it costs in stolen income, years, and lost opportunity.
The comfortable would-be radicals of London and New York live in their own, truly privileged world.
Where’s the Russian white privilege then?
STRATFOR, 2015, George Friedman
You mean that veil made out of the amazing fabric from “the emperor’s clothes”?
Wokeness has never been about tolerance, it has always been about denouncing people, about spreading hate and disdain. And now we finally understand, why it has been encouraged all those years: To be weaponized.
Although I share most views presented by the author, I have also some doubts regarding critics of the supposition that Russia as well China do not share Western values. The crucial question for me is: is some consensus regarding the values indispensable to ensure cooperation of states in the modern world? I think the answer is positive. One of such values should be independence, sovereinty and territorial integrity of the state. Therefore Russian troops invading Ukraine infringe this value and should be condemned for it (independently on the fact that USA also should be- for their numerous military interventions in the other countries).
There also appear question- is there a wide support for the policy of military invasion to Ukraine among Russian society? Should we blame the whole society for decisions and actions of its leader?
To conclude: it’s very, very difficult to discuss this topic avoiding simple, nations-linked stereotypes or projecting sins to political leaders to the whole society.
I also firmly believe in territorial integrity but the problem is that we don’t adhere to it in the west. We have adopted various forms of low level conflict to undermine states that we target, anything from subsidizing civic protest, encouraging and arming resistance or independence movements & economic warfare using programs of sanctions all underpinned by a continual drumbeat of propaganda for the home populations’ consumption.
We’ve been ramping up economic warfare against Russia for some years now, using any and every pretext to pile on more and more sanctions. (They claim they’re the ‘second most sanctioned country after Iran’.) Essentially, we have adopted the attitude that they’re allowed to exist and trade by our grace and favor, and anything that might incur our displeasure is reason to turn the screw tighter. This kind of strategy might work for a country that’s not a major military power but its eventually going to cause trouble. Russia, unlike China, is inherently unsubtle and it doesn’t have same set of tools to fight back so eventually we’re going to discover that the bear bites. I think all they want to do now is secure their borders and go back to being a primarily Asian nation — dealing with Europe is just too much trouble.
We were always the Nazis.
I have warned people for years about the whole pc scam. Tying it to totalitarianism and mob rule and then explaining why it is all connected has fallen on deaf ears. Labour “centrists, libs, greens etc” are oblivious to the obvious. Control language and thought follow. It might be too late, everything is scrutinised, boxes ticked and passed by the gauleiters of language. It’s a dark, dangerous road.
And then the US and friends in low places does this:
I have a source in Kiev who reports Russian troops who control the north of Kiev region are starting to check whether young males have certain tattoos, swastikas, the Bandera symbol, “Glory to Ukraine” and so on. If they do they are detained.
Russian journalist says no proof of actual Russian troops in Ukraine…. that they are hitting Ukrainian military installations from within Russia.
So the same media screaming that everything is racists, turn out to be racist. Not really all that enlightening or shocking. They were right after all.
Vladimir Putin addresses Russian people on invasion of Ukraine
Fascinating conversion between Richard Gage (9/11 Truth) and Paul Craig Robert about what is happening in Ukraine:
“WE in the Woke Western lands are the Nazis now.”
Just like the original nazis, expressing a revamping of german imperialism after world war 1, supported partially through financing and diplomacy by the elites of the west (including the democratic lands) as in the horizon laid the prospect of smashing the workers movements inside the West once and for all, including the tearing down of the ussr (a declared or undeclared desire by the big bosses of industry). And, a reminder, Germany did not begin with concentration camps; it culminated with them. And by the time the second world war started, Europe was already under not one, but multiple fascist regimes.
Thank you. I thought it was just me, isolated and despondent in a Britain gripped by ignorance and yes, pure, real racism. We’ve been dropping bombs daily on other people for 30 years and that’s okay. As you say, a family in Yemen, a wedding in Afghanistan, they’re just brown people far away – could be Call of Duty. No one cared. The absolute, coordinated avalanche of lies from our media has had me feel physically ill with horror. And RT banned. But we were the ‘free’ country? A guy in my local butchers this morning was nearly shouting to the butcher about hoping someone would ‘take that guy out’. I could only infer it was V V Putin. The butcher was in agreement. I feigned confusion and left. Two can play at boycotts. It’s all I can do. 1984? It’s my waking nightmare.
Bravo Kit! Well done. Isn’t this just another attempt at establishing the Russians as “other” so all of us can hate them enough that we then will yell “Rah rah! Kill Putin!” when the US, or anywhere else in the West, takes up retaliation against Russia? Dehumanizing and establishing “these people are not one of us (Russians are not moral, nor heartfelt? Anyone read Pushkin or listen to Tchaikovski?)” is the oldest wartime tactic in the book. And to think civilized, evolved, humans still fall for such infantile crap is astonishing.
“Western values will have been tested to the breaking point.” (Klaus Schwab)
Ukraine is an opportune crisis for the ten-year plan of our masters, setting in motion more disaster capitalism (e.g., supply chain breakdowns, crippling inflation and austerity, looming cyberattacks) to keep us moving along past the covid coup, still in effect and morphing into multiple means of biosecurity fascism like mRNA injection campaigns for any range of human disease (i.e., the disease of being human). All aboard the Agenda 2030 killing trains, on route to regions of permanent states of exception beyond liberal democracy. Please be sure to have your health-of-the-state pass ready to be authorized by your algorithmic conductor.
Well it looks like ‘Ike’ was spot on about the military-industrial complex. Herewith.
Herewith President Eisenhower in 1961. The Military-Industrial ”complex”
President Eisenhower and a vital reference at his speech in 1961. ”Among other issues he saw fit to remind the American people that,
This conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large arms industry is new in the American experience. The total influence — economic, political, even spiritual — is felt in every city, every State house, every office of the Federal government. We recognize the imperative need for this development. Yet we must not fail to comprehend its grave implications. Our toil, resources and livelihood are all involved; so is the very structure of our society.
In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.”
It’s well known that probably, my guess, 95% of the UK population do not know the first thing about the historical and political context of the Ukraine situation but are basing their bias on what the media and politicians tell them to think (as others have said, ‘pandemic’ all over again).
I have been noting rhetorical gems which I have come across on social media demonstrating the level of knowledge and understanding that anyone suggesting it is more than a binary choice with regard to ‘taking sides’ has to compete with. 😮 I thought I would share those observations to date. Other examples would be gratefully received. 😁
When I have fallen into the trap of trying to bring some perspective to the debate, I have to date been called “Russian”, “a bot” and – best of all, but admittedly in the context of ‘vaccine’ adverse reactions, a “f*cktard”. I have a tick list of ‘insults’ which I am working through but I can proudly say I regard each one proudly as worthy of a badge of honour. 😉
Just encountered another one. There’d been a mainstream article about a Sky News team coming under fire in Kiev in which it stated that they thought initially it was a mistaken attack from a Ukrainian checkpoint but “the Ukrainians told them it was a rogue Russian unit…” I had made a comment to the effect that there was no evidence pointing categorically to Russians being responsible. A, no doubt, well-intentioned young lady helpfully pointed out to me that it was the Russians because “it said so in the article”. 🤒
In what can only be described as a drunken Ukrainian degenerate, Mr.Zelensky went on television and basically threw all the west bleeding heart degenerates under the bus.
Its not his fault, no its Ikea’s fault, its all the French Michelin starred chefs ” side with Ukraine” fault, its Trudeaus’ fault, its Biden fault, …. wait a minute did he finally get it right somewhat?
It’s their fault not his that NATO will not engage to save his fucking ass. Thats right, they will not and they never were going to. Yet he still delays and drags his feet in negotiation talks, he arms his civilians to fight a non engaging force, he asks for paid for hire to come to Ukraine and not he says its the West who are killing Ukraine.
Well they are, too bad he’s finally been educated and now what? The next lesson will hurt – its the one that says your attitude is tiring and simply put your becoming more and more unpredictable which will make your martyrdom worth more to the West than having you parade around on TV.
I wonder how long it will take all the imbeciles to take down their yellow and blue bullshit instagram posts as they go back to doing what they do best, making fucking expensive dishes in their restaurants for wealthy Russians in the South of France to partake in.
You want something to protest about and raise funds for, try displacing your fascist President and the Pandemic protocols still going on.
“Ukraine-Updat #5”
I disagree with PCR. Let the militias hole up in the cities, then let Kydrov’s troops sort it out. Sooner or later the population in those cities and the regular Ukraine armed forces will take out the militias and surrender.
The most important task is not military, that’s a foregone conclusion. The biggest task now is to get the spring wheat crop planted. They already control 90% of wheat production areas. .
Thoughts, not evidence of conspiracy, but I don’t believe in coincidences.
A global pandemic from a ‘virus’ conveniently released from ‘A’ Lab, that shrinks the global economy pushing divisions between the empire & its competitors China & Russia. Priming the western peasantry for curfews (lockdowns) food shortages, limitations on travel, a global recession & war. Surprisingly, Russia invades Ukraine! The west reacts, imposing sanctions that will almost certainly cause a global depression, with a socioeconomic breakdown of Eastern Europe. Enabling an economic reset & digital currency.
Was the plandemic a prelude to another war across Europe? It certainly looks like the empire & its stooge (the UK) are going to wreck Eastern Europe just like they have the Middle East. Ukraine and the New Al Qaeda.
I don’t much care about a person’s skin pigment, or as a libertarian have much respect for the concept of borders. But you can’t have socialism & open boarders, the west is a pseudo socialist regime, which the elite manipulate to advance their own interests via centralized government, like it or not we are a social species (society) democracy is a form of socialism, it may not be the one you wish for, but it is socialism, the function of society is self-preservation.
Neoliberals are using leftist ideologues (oh the irony that those very leftists are supporting right wing nationalists in Ukraine) into destroying their own gene pool (deviant lifestyles). I realize the discussion of genetic competition is controversial, in an era of eugenics & the conflation of nationalism & racism. But it is a fact of nature your purpose of existence & biological function is to pass on your own genes. A natural desire to compete ensures a battle for genetic dominance, it’s inherent to compete for genetic survival… Individual, family, community, country! When competition is to great (population) you have increased conflict.
Neoliberals hate Slavic nations because their values are those things that are the opposite of globalism, family, community, country! The woke crowd, the LGBT+++ zealots, are a Trojan horse of the elite to destroy traditional Christian values. The LGBQT ‘community’ is an academic construct indoctrinated in schools & universities, fundamentally terrorist training grounds. The woke are in all essence, domestic terrorists the ruling class are using to kill off the competition (their own countrymen) it is essentially self-inflicted genocide. Again, the irony is that the deep state are building a terrorist narrative across Europe to destroy Europeans, Christians, nature & even their own woke army!
However, I do see a contradiction in that separation of east & west, this can only weaken the globalist agenda, of course no one said neoliberals were smart. But then their goal is to destroy Russia, Russians would have been dust long ago if it weren’t for nuclear ICBM’s. Exactly why neoliberals are desperate to prevent other nations being able to defend themselves. Nuclear war is mutual destruction & inevitable at some point, the industrial civilization is running out of time, it’s only a matter of when.
It’s suicide!
It seems the Winter Paralympics has turned into a hymn of praise to plucky Ukraine – a nation under seige!
It’s unbelievable. Every single prick who appears on TV from “philosopher” to politician to groovy Rock Star just mouths EXACTLY THE SAME BULLSHIT PROPAGANDA PLATITUDES. Why fucking bother? Just put on a mechanical voice tape loop drone.
Yuval Noah Harari on Channel 4 telling us Putin is the Spawn of Satan. And…. yup he just mentioned Hitler!
Of course!
It seems to that just as “The Holocaust” is, by definition of the label, the ONLY Holocaust, so the invasion of Ukraine is now touted as “The Invasion”, the only one. Similarly we have “The Refugee Crisis”, “The Humanitarian Catastrophe”, etc.
Africans, Asians and Europeans are different hominid species. Race is a journalist contruct and racism was Trotsky’s (real name Bronstein) creation.
We can interbreed freely so I don’t think we’re separate species, by definition. A2
well.. various species of fox and bear are quite capable of interbreeding, the big cats too (have a gander ligers and tigrons, one of them grows freakishly large like a prehistoric cat ..)then of course there is the good auld fashioned mules etc etc so that isn’t strictly true…
it’s more a case of useless systems of classification (could we call it ‘taxonomism‘) on the whole… as always..
Of course, but these offspring are usually sterile. As in mules for example.
Ligresses are fertile but their offspring are not generally healthy, and ligers are sterile. This is one of the principles determining differing species, I believe. A2
yes that is correct… I’m not saying it’s recommended… merely that it is possible…
somewhat like the problems you will have finding organ donors if you are mixed european/ african…
Except their offspring can not reproduce. That THE difference. A human mixed race child will grow up and be able to reproduce.
Different Spp can interbreed, as a general rule anything genius & above can not.
There are few exceptions in the plant world where species from different Genus have successfully cross-bred.
They can’t freely interbreed, by which I mean their offspring are usually sterile. A2
As a rule yes, but not always.
The term ‘race’ comes from geographical race, in evolutionary theory a single species adapts to different environments which creates evolutionary division i.e. sub.species in biological nomenclature, that doesn’t imply one race is inferior to another it just means different because of adaptations to survive different environmental conditions (e.g. pale skin to absorb vitamin D from the sun). If we applied the same principles of biology as we do other species (e.g. birds) we would classify Homo sapiens into subspecies, not unique species. You could debate whether our differences are enough to classify a subdivision, but it’s fuck all to do with politics
We don’t subdivide our own kind because we are “civilised” LOL. Socialism = Selfish. People are racist as a survival mechanism, our societies don’t like people that are different, because different could be a threat to our survival. That reaction is human nature, immigration is often a threat to our own interests, especially for those lower down the social hierarchy, basically due to competition for resources, that’s why middle class liberals advocate mass immigration, it has no negative effect on their lifestyle it’s often advantageous for them, pushing up income from competition between tenants & pushing down costs for services due to competition between working class for jobs, thats why negative sometimes nasty aspects of racism flourish in impoverished communities a.k.a nationalism… The origin of these behaviours are more often than not simply poorly suppressed laws of nature, we live in complex societies but still maintain primitive emotions.
FCK the TV
It’s becoming ever clearer how this sham democracy works. All the formal official organisations have to be funded and the more funds they receive, the higher their profile and the more prominent the opinion they have. Thus the loudest voices are those of the rich.
Nevertheless they all invariably present themselves as “the voice of the people”. But the actual ground level people employed by these organisations generally don’t get to voice their opinion. To offer one of them a chance to speak is too risky.
But occasionally these basic employees are “invited” to contribute to some “great cause” which is naturally crafted by the owners. These employees are “encouraged” to give generously or to take part in some jealously guarded programme.
Right now, these programmes revolve around raising help for the “beleaguered” Ukrainians whose predicament is entirely blamed on the Evil Putin, whose blandly assumed malevolence is taken without nuance. Should any of the coerced employees voice the slightest critique, it would be truncated and misrepresented and the bold employee will find himself immediately isolated and possibly even without a job.
Everyone knows this. But it is an affront to everyone’s dignity to admit it – even to themselves. Thus they internalise the values of the system.
I think you just defined[sham democracy] the difference between America, and its people, and the Oligarch owned USA. The USA is dictatorial and becoming more so everyday. The irony is that the USA becomes more dictatorial as it tries to defend the monopoly powers it has given to the Oligarch. Nothing about economics in USA governed America is capitalism, the system of economics in USA governed America is monopolism.
Monopolism exist when the state invents monopoly powers and transfers those monopoly powers (copyrights, patents and deeds) to its feudal lords (oligarch and their corporate, global powerhouses). Rule of law, generates from hot, thin air<=monopoly power.
To explain, the nation state is an invention of the Oligarch.There are 256 different nation states, and each member of the population on earth is contained within the borders of one of the nation states. This system has proven itself, it is a set of crucibles which allows the Oligarch to craft the thinking, morality, culture and being of each person caught within each nation state. Basically the system is controlled by menus. A different menu is given to each nation state government, and they government is expected to conform its population to the menu. When the oligarch want something, they pit one menu against the other until the unbalanced forces eject what it is they Oligarch want.
What must happen to fix things, is to recognize the we are all equivalent value humans. We need to toss off the nation state prisons, and work together to bring about a peaceful solution to solving and satisfying the needs of our global humanity. Everyone is entitled to the very best life possible, but no one is entitled to a better life than everyone else. We are all in this together.
That work together will work explains why in the NATO nation offensive seeking to prevent success in Russia’s effort to cleanse the world of those who do not respect human rights. The nations Nations are controlling what people are allowed to see and hear [cutting off web access, shutting down communications between humans trapped in different nation states and 24/7 broadcasting nation state tailored propaganda].
I control the media because I can switch them off. When I want!
I can stop the lies because I can refuse to listen to them.
but you cannot conduct your life and business without the digital platform, which runs on top of the Internet, and the media has ownership and control over everything that happens on that platform; so the media will impose its propaganda and lies on you, without or without you consent.
I just caught another bit of the politico showbiz blitz about Zelensky from The Telegraph, not that the specific source matters. This time he was giving us the “Aw shucks!” response to the inevitable Churchill comparison.
But what caught my eye was the words, “From his undisclosed bunker …” What a hoot! Dishing up the obligatory melodramatic setting.
Zelensky’s white: he has a Bunker.
Sadaam Hussein was (vaguely) brown: he had a “Spider Hole.”
Based on recent Zelensky videos, there is indeed a valid basis for comparison with Winston Churchill.
Zelensky seems to have realized that Churchillian statesmanship is wholly incompatible with sobriety.
What we have today is liberals who’ve called anyone who said “I don’t like prawn cocktail flavoured walkers crisps as much as there salt and vinegar crisps” as Nazis.
We have Brexiteers calling for Ukraine to be granted IMMEDIATE membership of the European Union.
We have pacifists asking for no fly zones.
And “Socialists” asking for NATO to step in.
All theses big talkers. Go back 4 years on their twitter account and see how they fell hook line and sinker for every immaculate passport
state sponsoredterrorists attacks on numerology astro aligned dates.But now their experts during covid and this.
The more the anglozionazi empire of shit defends their useful idiot thugs in Ukropland the more they show their desperation. The Bear is pissed and the last time the Bear was this pissed he marched all the way to Berlin and gobbled every NAZI that got in his way. Instead of insulting the Russian blood and sacrifice being wasted to defang the neocohen khazar abomination aka Ukropland, Europeons should be begging their Russian friends to march all the way to Natostan sinkhole in Brussels, seat of the evil Pedovore Politburo running the globalist oligarch scam called the EUSSR for their masters in Washing town and the Wall St sewer.
Anyone that still imagines that the denazification of the neocohen abomination that Nudelman Nuland spawned with her Maidan slaughter and that Putin is somehow Klaws Slob’s boy (Ze jung gloval lieder…blah blah blah…) still hasn’t figured out the big picture where these Mel Brooks central casting Hollyweird cardboard cutout clowns are cobbled together by banksters, presstitutes and the Red Shield demons behind every political hoe in both Urupp and USSA.
The Natostanners should have listened to Mr. Putin in Munich in 2007; they didn’t and now they and their masters in the Washing town sewer will pay a very very heavy price for their hubris as the IOU fiat filth Saudi Mercan petroscrip dollah and its bastard gimp €urodollah finally implode taking out the sickening EUSSR and indeed Natostan itself and with it their ability to “finance” global terror on everyone else’s dime. What Kissinger should have explained to his Pentacon zombies is that their vaunted petroscrip aka petrodollah is “money” only as long as they and their oily Muslim fiefdoms had the energy monopoly as in global petro control; no petro then no global “reserve” petro dollah That is now in the hands of Mother Russia and “energy” is the new money and it is Russia and China that will dictate the new game with the Basel bean counters and IMF gangster banksters. All is changed and worthless hyper printed fiat filth with nothing but hubris and lost wars to “back” it is no longer enough to bring home the bacon to the dying anglozionazi empire of shit.
A Russian explains to any bleeding heart useful idiots that still don’t get the anglozionazi empire of shit’s latest twist on its Ukrop caper now that the covaid$ racket has become apparent even to the most religiously death squirted morons.
The silver lining is that I have discovered how many people I somewhat respected and even trusted are either hideously prejudiced or hideously ignorant. Daniel Hannan and Nigel Farage are every bit as bad as Boris Johnson and Kier Starmer. Our entire political class, and most of our “intellectuals”, are stupid, ignorant, prejudiced rednecks.
Oh well… it’s better to know that than not to know. In future I can completely ignore everything they say.
It’s okay to pick and choose who to ignore. But it’s better still to take anything anyone says with a grain of salt.
Even if all they’re telling you is “It’s raining.” Well, maybe it is; or maybe the sky’s spewing all the muck that’s sprayed day and night along with a few drops of moisture – and it just looks like rain.
Your comment is the perfect setup for this USSR-era joke:
A tourist couple was being shown around Moscow one day by their communist guide, Rudolf, when the man felt a drop hit his nose.
“I think it’s starting to rain,” he said to his wife.
“No, that felt more like snow to me,” she replied.
“No, I’m sure it was just rain,” he said.
Well, as these things go, they were about to have a major argument about whether it was raining or snowing.
“Let’s not fight about it!” the man said. “Let’s ask our guide whether it’s raining or snowing.”
As their tour guide approached, the man said, “Tell us, Comrade Rudolf, is it raining or snowing?“
“It’s raining, of course,” Rudolph replied officiously.
Still, the woman insisted, “I know that it felt like snow!”
Her husband quietly replied, “Rudolph the Red knows rain, dear!“ 😫
I have received an email from ASDA:
“Helping those affected by the Ukrainian crisis
Like many of our customers and colleagues, we have been shocked by the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
The supermarket is providing immediate support for families forced to leave their homes in the aftermath ….”
After which a detailed list of various donations for various “humanitarian” activities. ASDA is not alone in this.
Senator Lindsey Graham calls on Russians to assassinate Putin.
Euronews tells us Russian and Ukrainian opera singers “hug in solidarity” on stage in Naples.
Conductor Valehug Gergiev was forced to resign after refusing to join in the game.
It’s impossible to turn on the TV without being assaulted by “the Ukraine situation”.
On Question Time one of the guests spoke about how it won’t matter what “we” say, the Russian people will never hear it, being assaulted by non-stop Russian state propaganda – a statement not only colossally ironic but a sneaky case of “reverse psychology”.
And although I haven’t yet seen any anti-Russian sentiment on children’s TV yet, I reckon it’s only a matter of time.
from the same caring walmart company who staff screamed at disabled people to wear masks.
Control of the media seems absolute. It’s total news management. And by psychological masterminds who know exactly when to switch topics when one gets a little too fragile. The Ukraine meme now feels like 2 years of covid crammed into 2 days.
And speaking of psychological manipulation, Saint Bill has just decided covid can be treated like seasonal flu. “Like”?
Remarkable, isn’t it, how much love of Ukraine and hatred of Russia has become – almost overnight – every bit as compulsory as belief in Covid and the “vaccines”, belief in “global warming”, love of LGBTQ+…
But of course one of our “core values” is diversity, along with freedom of opinion!
I listened in to a bit of BBC radio this morning. There was only one story, even in the sports segment. That was devoted to telling us how many medals Ukraine had won in the paralympics followed by an interview with a Ukrainian player for a leading English football team about the situation in his home country.
Yes it’s total news management. More – total information organisation. And this is where you realise what the public are “for”. We are here to serve as ideological troops for whatever deception serves ruling interests. And that’s why every area of entertainment and education must be covered. Expect anti-Russian “edification” on children’s TV.
They’ll start the kiddies out small. Like with a psyop on Sesame Street about a rogue bear that stormed a peaceful campsite and stole all the food the campers had picked.
“Now remember kiddies: Winnie the Pooh has a mean tempered cousin up North!”
The BBC is a cancer in our society.
the media is pro_Ukraine because Ukraine is pro NWO and wants into the EU and NATO.
The fake dialectic exemplified:
Views must be fitted into a “hate Putin or love Putin” paradigm.
Meanwhile, ‘nuclear disaster’ has been “narrowly averted”. Phew! Never mind, there’ll be something else to fear along shortly.
It also seems that the current head of the CIA made trenchent warnings against NATO expansion eastwards when he was US ambassador to Moscow (interesting career path, BTW!). Amazing how the CIA always seem able to create space between themselves and a foreign policy disaster. Vietnam wasn’t them – it was LBJ and the DOD, Iraq wasn’t them – it was Bush and Blair, now this isn’t them.
Is it true that US politicians have vowed to fight to the death of the last Ukrainian to oust Russia from The Ukraine ?
Is it true that in the next reprint of Orwell’s 1984 Big Brothers arch enemy’s name is to be changed from Goldstein to Putin ?
Not a rumour – Zelensky has said the West wants Ukrainians to be killed. A Russian pro-government propagandist (yes, they do exist) retorted, “He has woken up.”
A Great article which hopefully many will disseminate widely, many thanks Kit Knightly!!
Interesting that RT is available in Australia where the propaganda barrage is so intense and hideous .. i dont watch TV but apparently a Russian Australian was ejected unceremoniously from Australia’s premiere national talk back panel discussion show on the ABC, for going off script and asking if the ABC’s coverage was not a tad biased!
Here’s an interesting look in by Tessa Lena talking about how Russian Oligarchs and the political class are in bed with the WEF,Her substack is a treasure trove..
cheers, peace to OG and its readers
Ejected by Stan Grant no less, an indigenous Australian.
He should know better.
An empathotomy victim or just another one of $atan’$ $oldier$ ?
Caught a bus to the shopping centre this morning (Saturday – Sydney time). Some passengers were unmasked. As i’m not plugged into the “news” media didnt know if U-Must-Wear-Mask threat had been called off. Stuck to all seats were those green “sit here” stickers – new ones. They hadnt been seen on buses for some time. On every seat’s window a small sticker with QR thingy, inviting passengers to voluntarily let the Authorities know where they sat on board. (Busfare passes already record you being on the bus).
The ‘covid’ pandemic is over, isnt it ? So why put in tracking infrastructure now ? Are the Authorities seriously expecting another ‘pandemic’ ? Soon ?
Its so over they said a new vaccine for the summer is needed and its so over they got people still wearing masks and all the decor is up still..
Once the Putin thing season 1 finishes and all the information reports that couldn’t be let out is released during the distraction then the bio weapon coivd 2.2 injection turbo bear flu at Autumn will appear again.
All the covid laws finished ending Its so over crap will magically appear again on steroids.
Enjoy the last summer of love les.
How to access
The link below is also ideal for any technophobe dinosaurs like me! Just click on the play arrow in the RT box and it takes you to the live broadcast, with many of the faces who are familiar to us in the UK.
As of now, TPTB seem to have found a way to block access to the live TV channel.
Pop quiz: Why is the West better than Russia or China? Because it allows free speech. Oh, wait ….
Yes, I’d noticed that a couple of days ago. It was down, I would guess, for maybe 48 hours. But I’ve just tried again and it seems to be broadcasting live again, at least for the time being. 😏
Chabad Lubavitch
Chabad has lots of centres in both Ukraine and Russia.
we get a confirmation that the so-called Ethical Heritage (Eh?) in the West is now a veritable cesspit of maggot when australian PIGS in canberra say that Djokovic (the tennis champion) is ‘an icon of free choice’ and must be deported!
In the land of the fee and the home of the knave, the politically correct masses are up in arms against Indian CEOs.
This demonstrates that Putin went along w the digital identity (QR Code).
In the past he identified anthropomorphic global warming as a hoax, but for several years now, he has gone along with it.
And off-G, one of your commenters (I’m sorry; I’ve forgotten who) posted:
“I don’t know if Putin was a “Young Leader,” but he was certainly very much involved with the WEF since 1992, right after the dissolution of the Soviet Union.
In a speech he gave to the WEF in 2021, Putin stated, “I have been to Davos many times, attending the events organized by Mr. Schwab, even back in the 1990s. Klaus just recalled that we met in 1992. Indeed, during my time in St Petersburg, I visited this important forum many times.”
I don’t know all the goals of this intell game, or if Putin is entirely “in on it,” but there is no evidence that he opposes the NWO, WEF, population redux, digital id, the global financial system, etc.
Here’s a major Russian government figure who’s playing a key role in the WEF.
W.E.F./Russia. The bio of a member of the World Economic Forum’s Board of Trustees.
Herman Gref.
1990, diploma in Jurisprudence, Faculty of Law, Omsk State Univ. 1997-98, Vice-Governor and Chairman, City Property Committee, Mayor’s Office, St Petersburg. 1998-2000, First Deputy Minister, Ministry of State Property of Russia. 2000-07, Minister for Economic Development and Trade of Russia. Since 2007, Chief Executive Officer, Chairman of the Executive Board, Sberbank. Member, boards and supervisory boards of joint stock corporations and companies. Member of the Board of Trustees, World Economic Forum. Awards and honours: Citation and Certificate of Honour from the Russian President; Order for Distinguished Service, Grade IV; Stolypin Medal; Officer of the Legion of Honour.
Russia has no system for collecting vaccine-injury data at all, nothing like VAERS (for all its flaws). This enables some people to fantasise that Sputnik is some placebo – despite, for example, Russia being partnered up with AstraZeneca.
Excellent – Thank you Kit.
Watching the FA Cup Football Thursday was pretty hilarious as in it showed the loonyism that is taking over and all encompassing:
Silence for Ukraine
Players from both teams lining up behind a Ukrainian flag emblazoned “Stand with Ukraine”
Swapping of some kind of wreath between the captains for Ukraine
Taking the knee for BLM or whatever the purpose of that meaningless virtue signal is nowadays
(I mean luckily it wasn’t LGBTQ week or an ex player hadn’t died otherwise we’d still be waiting for kick off!!!)
PS there was the customary medical emergency in the crowd mid game – but nothing to see there
Jokes aside – this meaningless shit these people do (wearing a mask/kneeling for BLM/rainbow flagging their profile) these days thinking it’s some kind of ablution washing them clean of their true intentions thus giving them a free pass to unperson those of us who are genuine and don’t rely on overt empty gestures to show our humanity. It’s like humans have become memes or emojis.
On the other hand, if an ex-player had died of a heart attack whilst still young the kick off might have been rushed.
Big Sport is a control tool like corporate religion, the medis, Big Entertainment, Hollyweird, trade unions and so much more.
Yep, quite sickening to watch and extremely depressing to realise that our fellow human beings can be manipulated like this to be turned into unquestioning morons.
Apparently, an effort is under way to diplomatically isolate Moscow and even challenge Russia’s right to a permanent seat on the UN Security Council, alleging that Russia took the seat of the former Soviet Union in 1991 without proper authorization – which in fact is nothing more than a public “justification” to promote such an illegal maneuver.
As i understand it, China got it’s “Security ” Council seat as it was part of an earlier “allied” United Nations group during WW2. If it had been foreseen that the commies were going to take over China, China would not have been part of the subsequent “Security Council.”