Grave New World: The Soft Tyranny of Tomorrow
Julien Charles

The Frankfurt School predecessor and Marxist author Walter Benjamin was fascinated by the curious transformations of capitalism from the mid-to-late 1800s, when Marx wrote, to the early 20th century of Benjamin’s day.
In the industrial era Marx observed, commodities were primarily viewed as raw materials and basic goods. Marx focused on production. By Benjamin’s time commodities had been transformed into “objects of consumption.” Objects of desire, in other words.
Benjamin had discovered something: consumerism had been born as a primary driver of capitalist production. Commodity fetishism had fundamentally changed, coming to resemble the consumption-driven manias we see today.
Benjamin’s biographer called the evolving commodity fetishism, “a delusional expression of collective utopian fantasies and longings.”
With the advent of advertising, consumer packaged goods lifted capitalism to new heights. Benjamin witnessed a sea-change. And yet what has happened since Benjamin’s death in 1940 has been nearly as convulsive as that which the German philosopher saw.
The pandemic has illustrated the value of two very basic functions of modern consumer capitalism that evolved after Benjamin: one is planned obsolescence and the other is artificial need. The former is most evident in the cycle of vaccinations that have descended on the population.
First, it was two doses of a single vaccine. Once it was shown that protection waned quickly, and the vaccine neither prevented infection nor provided enduring immunity–both promised by authorities in the run-up to the rollout–a further booster shot was introduced.
In some cases, Israel for example, two boosters were recommended, the final one belatedly shown to be barely effective.
Big Pharma likely knew this was going to happen. The other vaccine targeting a respiratory virus, the flu shot, provides only modest protection. Non-sterilizing vaccines are said to wane rapidly in their efficacy for a variety of reasons.
Some would also argue that these vaccines have created an artificial need as well, for healthy people. The overall Infection Fatality Rate (IFR) is less than one percent, raising the question of why there has been such a push to immunize the world against such a mild respiratory virus.
Big Pharma was well aware of this, too, but happily sponsored mainstream media stories that ratcheted up popular fears to the level of hysteria and mass hypochondria.
It is no surprise that a rolling calendar of immunizations is being introduced for the global population. Pfizer has noted profits of $18 billion in 2021 and projects $34 billion in 2022. Moderna and Johnson & Johnson are likewise in the pink.
Some 37 vaccinations are already on the books for healthy children. Endless upgrades and novel technologies are introduced that obsolete previous versions. Payments to biddable media outlets ensure artificial needs are generated to provide a large consumer market.
The Birth of Necessity
This is the ideal situation for monopoly capitalism (which Lenin said was the pinnacle of imperialism). Given the internal contradictions of capitalism, namely the tendency of supply to outrun demand, profits inevitably fall and market panic ensues.
Booms and busts continue to plague the economies of the West. Hence the need for the two aforementioned features: planned obsolescence and the creation of artificial needs.
The latter is primary: one must generate a ceaseless number of unnecessary wants that consumers subconsciously see as needs, as must-haves. Advertising is required to sell what isn’t strictly required by consumers.
But even the perpetual production of new and unnecessary wants by the “best minds of my generation,” as Allen Ginsberg put it, isn’t enough. The needs one has already created and sold into the population must be re-monetized.
This is done by the former feature, the obsoleting of products through the introduction of the “upgrade,” the “update,” and the production of accessories.
It likewise becomes a symbol of status whether or not you have the latest edition of a product. The older version quickly becomes slow, bulky, and indecorous.
What self-respecting youth would be seen with one?
It is interesting to look at the emergence of these two staples of late capitalism. Marcus de Brun writes in Cassandra Voices that the idea of planned obsolescence emerged in the post-war era:
One researcher writes: There were disturbing indicators: for instance, between 1940 and 1950, the proportion of American families with mechanical refrigerators increased from 44 to 80 percent. Indeed, such ravenous consumption of homes, cars, and other goods meant that by the mid-1950s, marketers and businessmen feared, the saturation point was at hand. This fear led to two important marketing innovations. Planned obsolescence, the intentional design of goods to be short-lived, provided consumers with a reason to buy replacement items and created trends that promoted “keeping up with the Joneses.”
He also notes the concomitant birth of artificial need, a consequence of planned obsolescence:
In The Affluent Society (1958), economist John Kenneth Galbraith condemned advertising for creating ‘wants that previously did not exist,’ but recognized its importance in stimulating the consumption that had generated post-war prosperity. Thus, between 1946 and 1955, the amount of money spent annually on advertising in the United States nearly tripled, from $3.4 billion to $9 billion.”
Runup to Reset
Despite these innovations, capitalism had been failing. The saturation of the market with consumer goods combined with the destruction of disposable incomes by capital in search of profit led to the inevitable contradiction: supply outstripping demand.
Capital offshored millions of jobs to save on labor costs, and also introduced ceaseless user fees as it inflated base prices, all of which left the average consumer incapable of driving economic growth. At first this reality was averted by sending the woman of the home into the workforce, creating double-income families.
This worked for a while, but inflation and stagnant wages undermined this solution. Capital then staved off the inevitable by introducing credit cards and other forms of lending (at compound interest).
But this simply saddled consumers with massive debt, generating debt deflation by reducing their disposable incomes.
Unable to borrow more, middle-class consumers then turned to the equity in their homes–money meant for retirement–and drained that, leaving them even more indebted with even less collateral to show for it.
The mortgage meltdown of 2008 was partly a result of these developments, as was a much quieter crisis in the repo markets in 2019. Both crises saw the Fed print trillions of dollars in an effort to avoid complete economic meltdown. Some 36 million since 2008.
While capital was bailing itself out via the printing press, the middle class was feeling the results, particularly Millennials and Generation X: Gen X household income went from 63k to 39k in three years; a third of Millennials work a second job to make ends meet (the proverbial side hustle); 17 percent are working in the destructive treadmill of the gig economy.
Young Millennials are about 25k below the national average income while Boomers were about 10k below the average at the same age. Millennials are a quarter of the population but hold three percent of the wealth; Boomers when that age held 21 percent.
Education has become massively more expensive, while job markets for graduates have shrunk. Half as many Millennials own their homes than Boomers did at the same time. Better educated, more indebted. More likely to be impoverished. Poverty is rife.
This is no real surprise. David Harvey has long noted the tendency of capitalism to cannibalize the sources of its own wealth. Still, the growing restlessness of the working class further complicated attempts by capital to save itself.
The Reset
By 2019, the need for a reset of capitalism, outlined in dozens of vision decks created by global institutions and think tanks, felt more urgent than ever.
A global pandemic provided the rationale for the reset. Interestingly enough, the pandemic had been predicted and war-gamed regularly for two decades, raising the question of whether it was deliberate or not.
After all, the virus was said by a number of scientists to bear the hallmarks of modified virus, the very kind of work being done by gain-of-function programs in Wuhan, China, where the virus allegedly broke out.
In any case, the “Great Reset” was intended to transition to a new form of capitalism: surveillance capitalism. In other words, a kind of capitalism whose driving force was the monetization of data collected by surveilling the behavior of citizens, who would receive nothing in return for supplying capital with all this valuable information.
Surveillance capitalism is built on a digital foundation. After all, the more digitized the world becomes, the more data is produced by people, the more opportunities arise to monetize the data.
The holy grail of data collection has long been a universal digital ID that could be identified across different channels, from websites to mobile phones to apps, etc. Your data consolidated into a singular profile.
It became obvious to elites that a health passport provided an excellent opportunity to fast-track the introduction of a global identification system, something the UN had previously hoped to implement by 2030. As Paul Kingsnorth notes:
The WHO is currently negotiating with nation states, regional blocs and corporations to agree on the standards for global harmonization of digital passports: New tools developed as part of WHO efforts are almost ready. By the end of 2021, the DDCC Gateway (PKI) beta reference software is expected and a Universal Status Checking app beta, using Google Android FHIR SDK and based on the EU DCC … It is intended to be able to recognize all the health pass QR code formats being used worldwide.”
Indeed, the WHO has just hired Deutsche Telecom to set up a global health passport system. In time, these singular IDs will incorporate your health, banking, and other consumer records, accessible to the state, and which will serve as your key that unlocks social privileges for you, with the large caveat that you are thoroughly compliant with state dictates, whatever they may be.
Don’t Worry, Be Happy
To the uncritical eye this all seems very benign. What’s wrong with a digital wallet? So convenient. Everything contained in one’s mobile. No more physical wallets stuffed with discount cards, multiple IDs, credit cards, dirty cash, and so on.
True enough, but what is so alarming for so many is the realization that in a digital world the government will have de facto totalitarian control over our individual lives. And not just our government—a global government.
They will possess the details of every dollar we spend. They will know our whereabouts at all times. They will have access to every message we send. They will know our travel plans. Nothing will be alien to them.
As such, they will be able to suspend our lives on a whim or based on some perceived form of non-compliance. Such as not having received your latest vaccination. Or not having paid your taxes (which will be scrupulously tracked).
The ability of individuals to challenge and change their governments will be greatly reduced by the shackles of digital life.
This is not unlike the Chinese social credit system, subject of much debate in the West. Is it a people-first platform, or is it Big Brother incarnate?
It is my opinion that the West recognized the efficacy of Chinese authoritarianism and social system and decided to follow it filtered through the harsh lens of exploitative western capital.
As World Economic Forum grand wizard Klaus Schwab said to China’s President Xi:
You have shown us the principles that should guide us on our common path.”
This, too, is not particularly surprising to anti-capitalists. Capitalism ultimately insists on a kind of fascist authoritarianism, perhaps disguised as “Friendly Fascism,” as author Bertram Gross argued.
As noted, more than competition, the challenge of profitability is chiefly oversupply and waning demand as capital cannibalizes its consumer base. Consumption and profit must ultimately be coerced, the former forced on the populace, the latter guaranteed by the state.
There is, as Herbert Marcuse noted, a need for the “total mobilization” of the state in service to its totalitarian ends.
But what of it, says the average citizen-consumer? They’re even discussing a UBI and free municipal healthcare. I’d sacrifice a little privacy and privilege for those benefits.
A common response to the threat of surveillance is that, “I trust the government,” or “If I’ve done nothing wrong, I have nothing to fear.” This is all well and good until you do something wrong–which will in most cases be something you think is not wrong but which the government has declared to be wrong.
…Like sitting at a lunch counter while black. Like smoking a joint. Or resisting when your tax rate is doubled. Or questioning vaccine efficacy. Or spreading misinformation (defined by the anonymous state). Or providing material support to domestic terrorists (such as truckers against mandates, labeled as such by the state).
Then you will have serious problems.
The only way to avoid this scenario is if you agree with and abide by everything your government tells you. And that is slavery. The abdication of autonomy. The end of independent thought and the institutionalization of groupthink. Conformity on demand. Which is fascism.
And although fascism is not democratic, it is capitalist. It is how capitalism resolves the contradiction of supply outstripping demand. Forced consumption. The merger of capital and the state, as Mussolini said.
As this pandemic has shown, there’s something to be said for the human craving for authoritarianism. So many millions of people have sided with the paternalist government as it has force fed us dubious solutions to a dubious pandemic, all of it coincidentally enriching the ruling class that owns the government doing the force feeding.
Yet submission to the hive mind and the foreclosure of independent thought comes at a cost, one we may not have calculated. Within the ambit of authoritarianism may also be the inversion of the presumption of innocence.
In a recent post, the author John Steppling quoted Geoff Manaugh and Nicola Twilley from their book Until Proven Safe, about the history of quarantine and a 2021 NPR Best Book of the Year, normally a discrediting label, though perhaps the authors did not damn quarantine outright, thus avoiding the trigger mechanism of lockdown liberals.
The authors do say at one point, however:
Quarantine is our most powerful response to uncertainty: it means waiting to see if something hidden inside us will be revealed. It is also one of our most dangerous, operating through an assumption of guilt. In quarantine, we are considered infectious until proven safe.”
Throughout the pandemic, one heard, almost as an unconscious refrain voiced by sleepwalkers, the phrase, “There’s so much we don’t know.” Implication being we must take all possible precautionary measures until we know more.
This was tantamount to a sanction for quarantines of the most draconian kind. On the heels of this rationalization of lockdowns and the capsizing of revered principles of legal standing, came the vaccine rollout. This, too, pivoted on the presumption of infectiousness.
In a curious irony, it made quite literal the Latin meaning of habeas corpus: “You shall have the body.”
In the eyes of millions, our bodies were forcibly handed over to pharmaceutical concerns, backed by governments, for the injection of novel therapies that would ostensibly fend off a seasonal respiratory virus with, again, an Infection Fatality Rate of less than one percent and principally threatening the elderly and ill.
As I understand it, habeas corpus was designed to determine whether the detention of suspected criminals had merit. It was not an arbiter of their guilt or innocence.
Yet here were billions of citizens worldwide being forcibly detained by ‘shelter in place’ dictates (quarantine or isolation) that had yet to be demonstrably justified not on the evidence but on the absence of evidence, a sickly comic paradox.
But these principles of legal standing are hastily being interred beneath the sediment of pandemic precedent: a widely embraced erring on the side of hypochondria. The alternative to ‘an overabundance of caution’ would be a reasonable assessment of risk tolerance based on sickness and fatality odds.
But the capitalist, ratings-hungry media opted to sensationalize every piece of data emerging from the hallowed walls of the CDC and WHO, which for their part also needed to hype the threat in order to flog the vaccines.
Recall Mussolini’s injunction of the merger of corporate capital and the state; in this century this has arguably been nowhere more apparent than in precincts of public health.
Coda to a Catastrophe
One of the reasons this pandemic has felt so novel, to use a word that has been unjustly sullied in the past two years, is because for most of our lives the state has used the pretext of national security to enact its larger programs of profiteering.
But this program has been launched on the pretext of health security, a slight twist on the old standby. But the bedrock principle is the same: fear.
There are half a dozen quotes from high-ranking Nazi officials which enthusiastically confirm the use value of terror. It just so happens that we’ve discovered that biological terror trumps military terror as a tool of population control.
Fear of an invisible virus is far more easily universalized than fear of a ragtag Islamist emerging from a Mesopotamian cave to blow up your town square. The virus can kill with a sneeze.
It is true that there is much we don’t know. But this should not be mistaken for the not knowing advocated by Socrates, who prescribed a humble confession of uncertainty only after flogging the extant evidence for truth.
In that sense, there is much we do know, particularly regarding generalized risk and its use as a rationale for the abdication of democratic norms.
As writer Wesley Smith said, the field of biotech and its misuse of health security, “opens the door to the soft tyranny of Gattaca and ultimately the dystopian nightmare of Brave New World.”
Of course, the thrust of that novel is the story of the happy conquest of society by eugenics. People are divided into class hierarchies. State breeding eliminates the monstrous family unit.
All classes are wonderfully indoctrinated and are eminently suggestible, having been so well conditioned by the state. They are also massively medicated. Most are blandly content with the banality of their lives, which are—above all—safe.
Julien Charles is a concerned citizen hoping to call attention to the authoritarian drift of states across the Western world, and the disingenuous narratives promoted to gain consensus for such measures.
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Another brilliant piece. Thank you!
Congrats, the best sinopse of our society that I’ve been presented to date.
Where can I follow your work Charles, Julien, if you have one digital platform.
I’m so alone here in Lisbon Portugal, sometimes desperate without no one, except mine narcissistic mother who let me live in her house but in compliance and locked in a room.
three years without touching another human being, im going crazy.
I wonder if I could have my Internet issues now please?
It’s about time the sheep, fearmongered at Trump, Brexit, them pesky terroists, Trump, Russia, China, Trump, Covid and some more Trump are denied their daily virtue signalling ont tinterweb, just to send them over the hill.
In the attack:
What will go missing?
Who will be allowed back on?
What new rules will there be in place for all good facist citizen types?
And will the interwebs virus’s be signed by none other than the man of the moment, Vlad the Lad?
Remember ?
Ukraine Crisis – What you’re Not being Told (
I started my Long-Playing (LP) record collection with the arrival of Dylan, The Stones, and Them – early 1960s. Over the following decade i collected around 200…
I put the LPs into storage when 1990 i moved to The Big City. By then CDs were replacing vinyl LPs. I’d no desire to buy CDs, or abandon old reliable technology but then, one day, in a large department store saw prominently promoted CDs by my favourite Chicago Bluesmen… Over the next decade i managed to curb the “Must Have” impulse, limiting my CD buying to only those CD reproductions of LPs that had gone out of print before i had the money to buy them…
My “Must Have” impulses have kept me poor. Before CDs, i collected LPs, books, and before them stamps, and other things. (Collecting Friends somehow has never made the list)…
One Day in another department store i came across hundreds of very, very cheap CDs. The “Must Have” impulse gripped me. I wasnt being rational. I selected about a dozen to buy. Then, strangely, i decided to leave the store, walk round the city block and, if by then still in the grip, buy the things. As it turned out, about three-four minutes away from temptation i decided to buy the CDs some other day – which never arrived…
Guy Debord (‘Society of the Spectacle’) is a great writer. But he wrote about what people do, not the emotional dynamics that ‘compel’ their behaviours…
Consumer capitalism doesnt really invent ‘false needs’. It feeds off, is driven by our dis-satisfactions. We take our dis-satisfactions with us to The Market….
Two songs from the 1960s that encapsulate Consumerism: “(I Cant Get No) Satisfaction.”
(The Rolling Stones), “(I Want) Security”,(Thane Russal)….. (sometimes i think The Stones ‘Mothers Little Helper’, and Lennon’s “HELP !”, could be added)…
Dis-satisfaction, and learned helplessness have their beginnings in early childhood…
The State Knows That. It’s the reason the Victorian government (Aust) recently decided to invest billions into the schooling of three year olds over the next few years, and why the Queensland government (Aust) has more recently decided to invest millions into kindergartens..
“Never pass up a manufactured crisis” is The State’s motto…
“twisted out of shape by society’s pliers.” (1960s folksinger).
Thanks Les.
Ah CDs. Perfect audio reproduction that will never wear out, ever.
Don’t know if you’re being facetious here. I had read a couple decades ago that CDs have a life span of about a couple decades; tape even less – but vinyl goes on forever.
“what people do, not the emotional dynamics that ‘compel’ their behaviours…”
What’s the difference?
“Consumer capitalism doesnt really invent ‘false needs’. It feeds off, is driven by our dis-satisfactions. We take our dis-satisfactions with us to The Market….”
And where do our dissatisfaction come from?
“Dis-satisfaction, and learned helplessness have their beginnings in early childhood”
Well there’s a clue. And “I Can’t Get No Satisfaction” has the singer tormented by TV and radio. So … does all this dissatisfaction come from nowhere? Why is there an incalculably funded advertising industry constantly driving everyone into psychotic levels of disenchantment? Why go to all that trouble if dissatisfaction is “natural”?
Capitalism creates false needs all the time. I recall an American visitor who told me that you can actually buy blue corn flakes. So how did that happen? Were all these brown corn flake eaters staring at their breakfasts and thinking, “Oh my life is so empty! What’s missing? Hey maybe it’s something to do with the colour of these corn flakes?”
I think not.
Another element that feeds into the consumer catch-all is – believe it or not – practicality. For years I was perfectly happy with making cassette recordings of songs I like (I’ve never cared for entire albums). Then, over time, one after another cassette player gave out; until finally the cassettes themselves gave out. Then – and only then – I switched to CDs: I had no choice.
I still retain my vinyl albums and 45s – from which I could easily make cassette recordings; but absent an expensive CD recording system, I must download MP3s of the songs I like and make CDs on the computer.
With few exceptions my taste in music hasn’t changed in almost 70 years (quite a stick in the mud). But having my songs at my finger tips has over the years changed.
Dissatisfaction goes hand-in-hand with materialism.
If they think nothing of cancelling an entire nation (Russia), what makes anyone think they will even blink at cancelling any of us, if found guilty of bad thoughts about our masters, a misplaced twitter like a dissenting social media comment, could mean starvation!
Our enemy is the sheep locked in their slumber, blissfully ignorant of the existence of the abattoir, we are livestock just waiting to be slaughtered!
Of all the alternative media you never see anyone with a solution to the impending tyrannical technocracy, just pointless philosophizing about history, preaching to the already converted congregation.
We are doomed.
Do you have a solution? Perhaps you should share that then. If not, then why read a site that doesn’t offer solutions? Why is it that some people just cannot resist bashing on others for not coming up with THE answer while they themselves offer nothing of the kind?
a ‘worthy’ scribble…. well researched, sufficiently referenced, artfully presented from a ‘radical’ left perspective…
I’m glad to see he managed to squeeze in the nazi’s…
always a bonus..
Are you ready for Act 2? As the covid story dies (along with many jabbed), the next great global threat is ready to roll. We will all be targeted as “Domestic Terrorists”. One of the aims of the Ukraine event.
“this global network of white supremacists – allegedly with a group linked to the conflict in the Donbas region of Ukraine at its core – is to become the new Islamic State-style threat and will undoubtedly be used as the pretext to launch the still-dormant infrastructure set up last year by the US government under President Biden for an Orwellian “War on Domestic Terror.”
Poor neo-Marxist commentary.
So high have the stakes been raised in the Great Face Off between the US and Russia (with Europe and China standing in the shadows respectively) that we appear to be entering a bipolar world of Zone A: Europe, North America, Japan, Australia, NZ, Singapore versus Zone B: Russia, China, India, Pakistan, most of Latin America and Africa and Iran, Iraq, Syria. Most of the Asian countries will surely end up in Zone B, which will develop its own financial infrastructure leading to the end of the dollar as the world’s trading currency. Ouch.
A bipolar world is not good news for the Great Reset. If Zone A goes full Klaus Schwab then Zone B may well scoff at the whole thing and denounce it as madness.
The “zones” are meant to make us believe in separate nation states. All contrived. The global cabal controlling the ‘great reset’ and the leaders of these nations are working together.
The relatively small number of cabal members come from many nations, but they work together globally. Who are they? The mega wealthy families, ‘royal’ families, big banks, vatican, and other long-term criminals.
Don’t be distracted or fooled. Its all theatre.
True. The banksters rule the world. They could of course set up new blocks as they did during the fake cold war.
that’s not necessarily so…. the aim being a multi-polar world… the important aspect being the ‘stakeholders’ are the multi-polarity (international corporate finance capital run by the old money that always ran the racket)…
in effect ‘corporate zones’…. obviously the dollar has to die for that to be effective.. the future system it envisaged will be managed by the chinese with one digital currency… it’s ‘social credit system’ a creation of ‘finance capital’ (as was the modern ‘china’) who were acutely aware of the limitations of the old system and have been planning since the financialisation of the west in the eighties for this era..
these imbeciles are just getting their little ducks in a line…
they know that you wont be too happy about what they have in store for you problematic white westerners… which is why they are moving forward with your weakening and eventual extermination…
The WEF’s board of trustees includes the head of Sberbank, Russia’s largest bank and a Putin insider. Putin has gone further toward implementing the Great Reset than any of the so called Zone A leaders.
Are Russian Oligarchs Best Friends with Klaus Schwab? A Conversation with Riley Waggaman. Is my old homeland a 4IR lab? Tessa Lena, 2/25/22. Links.
The Russian Oligarchs are just figureheads so people think such and such enterprise has undergone privatization. Most only own a share, even if it is the majority share.
The government seems to insist on keeping some ownership so that the Oligarchs don’t get ahead of themselves. German politicians complain that their former colleagues get board positions in Russian state-owned companies.
They do not object to them getting board positions; that is the norm nearly everywhere, but a state-owned or partly state-owned company? My goodness, it must all be privately owned so profits can keep accumulating in Cayman Islands. The same with China, much of the critique is enterprises links to government – and yet both countries have done quite well with their mixed systems.
That’s why they are called adversaries. Russia had sanctions for about 10 or more years and considering that they have certainly done well.
Sorry if this is off subject. I find it suspicious right off the bat when a Ukrainian Mayor looks into his internet camera and says “Please help us. Please start to do somehting” Video ‘Please help us, please start to do something,’ says Ukrainian mayor – ABC News (
Ukraine has the backing of the US and NATO, The internet is not the channel to go through when a country joins with its “allies” through NATO. Officials don’t need to go onto the internet to plead for assistance. Who is he even talking to? It is clearly propaganda. I am not defending Russia to be clear
“Free Tamara Lich. Free Her NOW!”
“Nazi Boy and the Reich need to Fall, NOWI”
So many muzzled. Disapointing.
Related War Strategy:Up next: Global food crisis? – Edward Slavsquat
The scary thing is with all these scientific breakthroughs in genetic modification, how hard would it really be to introduce a disease into Russia wheat fields, wiping out their crop. There are so many ways for our fiendish elite to depopulate our planet, the only problem they have is choosing which one to use first. Old Ted was right about liberals & technology.
And there we go again.
“The overall Infection Fatality Rate (IFR) is less than one percent, raising the question of why there has been such a push to immunize the world against such a mild respiratory virus.”
A fatality rate of one percent would be very high for a respiratory virus. The actual IFR is more like 0.15%, even with the grossly exaggerated death figures which are based upon the useless PCR test. This is of course assuming there is a virus to begin with, something which has never been proven with isolation, purification and re-infection with the purified virus. But still, stating “one percent” is a ridiculous concession to the official narrative.
I hope you’ll forgive me for saying, but you seem a little behind the curve, pun unintended.
Do keep up we’re on the next phase of genocide now, WW3.
It’s more that he is behind the US.
Agree. Also, the currency and countries applicable for the income figures are unclear.
“Ukraine-Updat #5”
Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, Google News, BBC, etc. have RARELY had it BETTER.
Good “wars” make for great ratings!
Brilliant piece! Nailed it 100%. I suggest watching the Max Headroom episode 6: The Blanks…
… and lets brainstorm personal behaviors collectively manifested to unplug the control networks they are building, disabling functionality. This is doable. We are smarter than they will ever be because our intent is the success of humanity, while there’s is stupid-selfish-greed unknowingly snapping a snuff-selfie while their Artificial Ignorants takes humanity down.
Then lets design a truly adult future of equals working together for ourselves and one another. This is doable.
We should organize thousands and thousands of the biggest, baddest patriots we have, get in some big rig trucks, form a convoy to the national capital, storm the thing and take the criminals prisoner. They can’t stop us, we’re too strong.
Rosanne Rosannadanna
What could go wrong?
Smoke and mirrors.That’s all it is the people in power think they are on a stage play on play on.
An object of desire is not an object of consumption.
Would I be able to eat or consume a Chanel bag? Perhaps some Australians have tried it as they hunker down for more of the same that was given or should I say driven up the anterior of the former Libyan leader. Tit for tat seems to be the flavour of the decade.
Christmas. This pagan ritual invented by the ones who do nothing for the ones that they control. A gift if you will but to whom really? Artificial need in deed. Its beyond euphoria, its down right absurdity.
An educated consumer is our best customer was the mantra at one time, now its an uneducated consumer is the best. Whether it be consumer goods like iPhones, or food products like hyped up “organic” which is nothing but hybridized shit sold to the “uneducated” not to mention sustainable fish and the ‘humanely” treated and slaughtered proteins.
The opposite side of the coin is no better with veganism and the movement to stop supporting a proper farmer. By this I mean someone that grows sustainable products within your sphere of travel for the most part on a scale that permits the land to support the crop or livestock.
If its in your supermarket, odds are its shit. Problem here lyes not on just dead gone consumers but also the so called specialty shop sand restaurants that prey on the pretend educated class of consumer that truly only has ( or not) money to waste on fake crap sold as this and that.
I mean, I think you can count the number of restaurants in your area on one hand that actually serve ingredients they source from a proper farm program. The rest wear their masks and check your passport in the name of optics which translate to nothing. Eat shit and feel safe is their motto. Pretending all the while to care about what they do to an even dumber consumer.
Its’ a loss cause for the most part is it not?
The so called affluent consumer needs to step up and make themselves heard. Otherwise we will be swept up by the hoard of degenerates as they file into Walmart, place their immune systems to sleep and drink the cool aide like good little fools.
Own nothing and be happy indeed.
If only it were that simple… But they are not equally stupid, or equally ga-ga…
Putin, like Biden, has a country to run and to defend.
But Washington’s halfwits want much more than that. They want everybody else’s country too, and it’s very rare that they meet resistance – because they live at a relatively safe distance from most conflict zones.
Those pictures ought to show the school yard bully meeting resistance for a change.
This is not a dick contest. It’s a psychopathic mind against an understandable need to draw a line in the sand.
It’s not so much that Ukraine is that line in the sand, but that US infestation has poisoned Ukraine’s ability to think for itself.
Which means, as usual, that the general population have to do the suffering, while ‘the authorities’ talk, talk, talk, about ‘no-fly zones’, ‘cease-fires’ and ‘freedom’…
“It’s a psychopathic mind against an understandable need to draw a line in the sand.”
It’s psychopathic mind against psychopathic mind.
But, weak minds need strong leaders.
Thus the TRIBALISTIC debates & wars will never end.
Neither your “hero” nor the “hero” of the opposing side mean squat to me.
I am capable of living a peaceful, reasonable, logical, compassionate, considerate and civil-minded life, on my own accord.
Truly, in an almost literal sense, capitalism – indeed, mercantilism, commerce, banking, industrialization – is a walking zombie.
Virtually all humanity for all its history has been based upon the plunder of the natural world. Why is it so difficult for humans to apply to themselves what they encounter with every other species which exceeds the carrying capacity of its environment? That’s precisely what humanity has done. And like these other species, humanity will die out because of it.
Money has one – and only one – value: as a kind of abacus with which to calculate how much goes into any particular activity. We pretty much know that trillions – perhaps hundreds of trillions over time – have gone into military preparation and use. That means trillions of dollar pounds of natural resources have been depleted to provide humans with the most destructive use of resources possible.
And that will not let up so long as systems of hierarchy prevail. Pandemics come and go; but war goes on forever. That is, until there are no resources left to feed it.
Australian Aboriginal peoples lived in this land for many thousands of years. They knew a thing or two about real sustainability and independence.
And the beauty part is that visitors to the “Wartime Propaganda” table get a free “COVID” booster!
Plus 100.
“An example of mental conditioning. Sometime also known as indoctrination or brainwashing.”
“Kireev wasn’t murdered. His head just backed into several speeding bullets.”
“Murder Inc International (Langley-Land) whacks again.”
Reminded me a bit of the film “Che” where some besieged Batista policemen are holed up in a police station. One says that he is fed up and is leaving and as he walks to the door the police chief shoots him dead. He then asks if anyone else wants to go. Maybe Kireyev actually wanted to negotiate and was killed for it. It does suggest fractures developing among Ukrainians.
it was nice of putin to wait until restrictions were being relaxed and people had been offered a free jab or 4, would not want people catching a virus while being shot at by machine guns.
And with a bit of luck this ‘war’ will be over before we enter autumn and the whole Covid bonanza can start again as if Ukraine never happened.
Since the author here quoted a line, perhaps we can take license to slightly revise and update Ginsberg’s classic poem – “Howl.”
“I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness, starving hysterical naked,
dragging themselves through the Covid streets at dawn looking for an angry experimental vaccine fix . . . ”
To keep up with today’s zeitgeist we could change the name of the poem from “Howl” to something more appropriate to the times like – “Whimper.”
“It is no surprise that a rolling calendar of immunizations is being introduced for the global population. Pfizer has noted profits of $18 billion in 2021 and projects $34 billion in 2022. Moderna and Johnson & Johnson are likewise in the pink.”
If Moderna is rolling in the cash, then why has its stock lost 75% of its value since last August?
Wall Street insider, Edward Dowd, who has been very active making the alternative circuit, claims he has the answer, which is quite simple based on two premises. The death from all causes of the working age population has increased in 2021 after the rollout of the clotshots and insurances companies do not wish to be the bag(of shit)holders. He states that easily proven fraud will eliminate any immunity to suit that any of the 3 USA “vaccine” cv-1984 companies were granted and that the sharks of Wall Street have become hip to this. The ones that hold Moderna stock are dumping it and the ones who aren’t are shorting it. He claims that the value of MRNA will go to zero and Pfizer to under $10 from its current price of $49. Hopefully, there will still be beer and popcorn available when the class action suits enter their discovery phase.
I have seen this news elsewhere of life insurance companies planning to press criminal fraud charges against Pfizer and Moderna over the MRNA shots, based on information that these corporations (esp Pfizer) did not carry out their initial trials of the shots properly. Senior mgt employees in these companies are dumping their company stocks as fast as they can and bailing out as well which helps account for the fall in Pfizer and Moderna’s share prices.
So if you’re loaded with big pharma shares and have had all the shots – you’re toast!
Here’s how ukrainian neo nazis took power, something you won’t be able to read about in the near future as outlined above
God bless Marxism!
The Utopia Divine!
Definition(s) of -ism:
: adherence to a thing, system or a class of principles
: state : condition : property
: doctrine : theory : religion
Like alcohol-ism is an adherence to alcohol, “capital-ism” can be regarded as an adherence to capital.
But there’s a huge problem trying to frame “capitalism” vs “socialism”, or “communism”, or “Marxism” as dichotomously opposing ideologies/systems.
Most of the “socialist” and “communist” countries around the world not only have quite distinctive classes, but even wealthy Elite groups.
• “Communist” China has the second largest number of billionaires. Chinese billionaires now account for nearly a fifth of the total wealth of the Forbes wealthiest list. The 626 Chinese billionaires’ collective net worth of $2.5 trillion is more than double last year’s total.
Income & wealth inequality are significant in “communist” China.
• “Communist” North Korea has an Elite class(the Donju, the word, donju, is translated as masters of money, and it refers to a new wealthy class in North Korea), and even has billionaires.
• “Communist”/”Socialist” Vietnam has a billionaire class.
In fact, “Marxist” Vietnam has one of the widest wealth gaps in the world (see chart below).
• “Communist” LaoPDR (Laos) is another country with a significant wealth gap between the top 1% and bottom 50%.
And though LaoPDR may not have known billionaires, their wealthiest are far above & beyond the $2,670 per-capita GDP.
So yes, there ARE billionaires in “socialist” and “communist” countries.
It interests me that most of those I know and/or read whom are advocating “socialism” or “communism” or “Marxism” are themselves relatively well-to-do.
But often don’t even realize it, as they remain ignorantly distracted comparing themselves to those with more, rather than those with less.
Most “socialist” and/or “communist” Revolutions have been advanced by relatively privileged people.
Ask a millionaire or multimillionaire (technically in the 1% group, dependent on metric & demographic used) if they are rich, and most will give an resounding “no“.
The 1% have their own 1% problem, the .01%.
So, sorry “Marxists” but your “leaders” and ideologies have become amongst the most hypocritical on the planet.
Most are over-privileged, spoiled, whiny brats.
Whom often can’t even make good & productive use of what they already have, and therefore only want more & more of what others have.
It’s been said that “Necessity is the mother of invention”, but when more people are simply handed more relative luxuries & mindless consumer crap, there is little need nor motivation for true “invention” (i.e. innovation).
The modern welfare state (in both “capitalist” and “Marxist” countries) continues to dole out mere crumbs to the truly poor (but at handsome profits for the wealthy Administrators managing those welfare systems), keeping the truly poor constantly & hopelessly reliant on that wholly-corrupt welfare system.
Whilst making billionaires of a few well-connected Elite.
I consider myself a true Humanist.
I regularly visit with, spend time with & talk to the homeless (I myself don’t have a permanent home, but at least can frequently get out of the extreme cold, and eat, which sadly is more than many others can say).
And I have no problem sharing what little I have (though still much more than those with literally nothing) with those with less.
But Humanism is largely dead, often especially amongst those whom consider themselves “Marxists”, “communists” and/or “socialists”.
A “socialist” is often those whom advocate the state’s responsibilities & rights to take away from those with more, to redistribute to them.
But simultaneously feel that same state doesn’t have the responsibility nor right to take away from them to give to those with less.
A “capitalist” is often those whom feel the state has no authority to stifle them from exploiting others in their pursuit of ever-greater & unfettered wealth.
But simultaneously advocate for special-interest & protectionist legislation & public-policies that prevent others from achieving their same protections, wealth & stature.
Many thanks for this post and for the time it must have taken to put it together. And indeed, anything bearing the imprimatur “ism” should be avoided like the plague. Look out when anything that looks good on paper begins to infect reality.
“Lesson #1. Claiming to be something one is not is WRONG!”
“He was not a socialist.”

He was.
“Marxism” is an analysis of capitalism. And capitalism is what is in the driving seat now. So let’s concentrate on that then.
This kind of discussion would get us nowhere because we probably use the same words but give them different meanings.
Go beyond words and labels its what is try to always remind myself; check what people do, not what they say or call themselves; dig into reality to get insight and understanding of how things occur and evolve and why; understanding is key; learn about history to try and get the big picture; and if I want to know the thought of some philosopher, read their books, if they wrote any, not their followers’ or commentators’.
I found that reality and its evolution is much more complex than what labelling or superficial descriptions can render.
I’ll mention one point though: ” A ‘capitalist’ is often those whom feel the state has no authority to stifle them from exploiting others in their pursuit of ever-greater & unfettered wealth.”
Didn’t you know that without the State and its concessions there would be no big capitalists? All the big railway and maritime and industrial capitalists made their fortune thanks to the State. But once they get on their feet they want to be left alone; but then, like it happened in the GFC 2008, when they are in dire straits they all run moaning to the state to be bailed out with taxpayers money. The truth is that the relationship between Capital and the State is much more complex and fluid than what the above quote can deliver.
Add to that that the primitive accumulation of Capital that served to launch the Industrial Revolution, have come mainly through State force (colonialism, public debts, taxation, and protectionist policies). Capitalists can’t go off to conquer a land on a boot without a country’s flag; same today: a country goes to war against some supposed enemy country, flattens it to the ground, then sends in Capital for “reconstruction”.
“authority to stifle them from exploiting others in their pursuit of ever-greater & unfettered wealth.
But simultaneously advocate for special-interest & protectionist legislation & public-policies that prevent others from achieving their same protections, wealth & stature.”
Correct. I retract my observation. My mistake.
All fine: whether by Weaponry, Money or Data (WMDs) wise, but you neglected
One Philosophical element…
“Can’t we do it C H E A P E R ” rrrrrr……
Regardless of all, ‘isms’, most feel that they have reinvented the wheel and then immediately conform to Old Dog-matic notions of Pavlovian conceptual reward,
With much saliva… at all levels. Kennel Club, Handlers of Rare Breeds
Are kept fed, who in turn keep feeding the barbarous wanton ‘pitties’.
Pity the ‘Pitty’ of old mining times, comparing today.
Miners were once considered courageous heroes. Even portrayed so…
Surely in Donetsk when Welshman Hughes first developed the village,
Re-Investing his own wealth back into schools,hospitals & sports facilities.
How times changed. The 4th I.U.R – industrial ubiquitous revolution in full ‘Spin’.
And the consequences are very clear for informed thought. I You. Are. I.U.R. the sum total of any apparent vectored goal towards Technocracy. Something I still have on a whiteboard of mine, trying to plot and see vectoring in motion, after they kicked the FIAT can down the road in 2008 and opened
‘The Satoshi-Bar’ GoldenGeld derivative option, as ‘bait change’,
Whilst still manipulating Gold Markets, daily.
Meanwhile, the Mayor of Hainan, China 🇨🇳
Was burying thirteen and a half tonnes of Gold,
In his garden… From Hughesovka to Donetsk, via Hainan with love
Roll up roll up for your crypto-kick-fix for all models of FIAT,
As you Cryptoe through the Tulips of apolotical Amsterdam.
Sorry for abstraction… to highlight ‘Purpose’.
what’s your point?
There is nothing “soft” about a military boot on the back of your neck. Civilians keep manufacturing police and military goons and creating public “careers”. They allow private banks and monopolistic systems to invade every stratum of governance. They endlessly manufacture lethal products that end up in vast landfills. Who will clean up the mess?
Is this economic pigsty the “fault” of clever propaganda, or is it the fault of plain human stupidity?
It’s no wonder the following generations are fixated on death. They’re tired of hearing us blather on and on, whilst waxing up the shine on our Armageddon machines…
“Tamara Lich is Canada’s Julian Assange”
“Free Her Now. Jail Nazi Boy!”
“Tamara Lich is Canada’s Julian Assange”
LOL so funny
That doesn’t bode well for her, then, Just tell her to steer clear of the Ecuadorian embassy.
Very interesting article, thank you.
Infectious until proven healthy.
The Wizar DavOs.
It was soft they only used repeated Word Phrases throw in a few fake images.
from what i recall NO arm or weapon was lifted by them.
Hardly any real threats ‘you may lose your job if you dont get xyz’
My grannie used to say worse to me for coming home drunk and being late for work the next day.
So yes it was as soft as it could be.
I seen caged budgies play up more than what i saw in 2020-2022.
The best part of the SOFT tyranny is now the same tyrants are now the hero’s.
Look at the last 15 articles on this site and tell me they aint also selling this scenario now it coming up to the US midterms and U.K and E.U locals.
Where conventional Marxist analysis falls down is in thinking that the rulers are totally under the sway of these tendencies of capitalism, have no insight into these matters and have no contingency plan. But considering how focused they are on their position and how to maintain/extend it, you would have to be incredibly naive or lobotomised by conspiracy phobia to assume any unthinking helplessness here.
I reckon that all the way back at the start of neoliberalism the rulers would have been perfectly aware that that situation couldn’t last and would have alternative arrangements in mind right from the start.
Event Covid would have been one of many options laid out decades ago.
“Booms and busts continue to plague the economies of the West.”
The author seems unaware what Carroll Quigley revealed about the boom/bust cycle – it was deliberately engineered so a period of private boom would be followed by a period when that wealth was stolen by the elite. The mega-wealthy bought up smaller businesses in the Great Depression at fire sale prices (it was when the Rockefellers got into banking when they bought Chase Manhattan).
Quigley was a tenured professor at Georgetown, beloved by Bill Clinton and he had unique access to CFR records – this isn’t some “keyboard warrior” who wrote this. He wanted how the banksters operate to be more widely known because he thought it was a good thing. Those who tried to suppress his work were a bit less naive about that.
Soft Tyranny, you say?
A mandate for mRNA vaccines (1, 2, 3 and 4) without a complete research is nothing short of RAPE!!!
At least rape does not have hundreds of possible deadly side effects.
It’s nice to know that even rape has a silver lining!
It predates capitalism and modern consumerism. For millennia, organised religion has been creating “illnesses” which don’t exist; so as to then accumulate vast power and wealth by selling the “cure”. The only change is that Medicine became the dominant religion.
Speaking of religion: I’m not religious, nor am I letting Bernaysian modern advertising off the hook.
But it strikes me that in “The Temptation of Christ” Gospel episode, Satan anticipated modern marketing theory and praxis when he attempted to create “wants that did not previously exist” in his target demographic.
Satan has a seat in every boardroom.
Thanks. It’s funny because it’s true! 😎
“…with the large caveat that you are thoroughly compliant with state dictates”
IOW, don’t make a mistake. Sounds very mafioso, doesn’t it?
The global population most likely will not be keen on the idea of joining The Mafia. Is it an offer we can’t refuse? Or are fascists, who operate from a place of desperation and fear, easier to resist because of it?
“Freedom, like love, comes from places of strength. Dictatorship, like fear, come from a place of losing control. And power is like water, the more you grasp at it, the faster you lose it.”
Is the Great Reset Failing? When Great Narratives Fall Apart
“Both crises saw the Fed print trillions of dollars in an effort to avoid complete economic meltdown. Some 36 million since 2008.”
Million?? Try trillions. Ever since the financialized economy neglected the productive (real) economy, it has been in need of constant Fed injections just to keep up appearances, especially after the housing crash in 2008.
“All of the “reform” legislation coming out of the Congress of the US… are designed for the conversion from the OWO to the NWO which is why they never make anything better. Things only get worse & will continue to do so until our nation-state collapses.”
“In order to mask the fact that the conversion of government is to a fascist system of corporate control, corporations are working through Foundations and their own created and/or funded “grassroots” special interest groups.”
“The sheer speed, magnitude and scope of the weaponization of Covid-19 to prop up a police-state in Western democracies was a demoralizing psychological operation, an act of political warfare not of nation against nation, but of elites against mass populaces.”
(from the canadian patriot link)
excellent analysis!
Author is a believer in immunizing inoculations.
Important subject but stained by meeting those wanting to control us halfway:
> In some cases, Israel for example, two boosters were recommended, the final one belatedly shown to be barely effective.
Final one barley effective? None of the injections against “the killer virus” has been proved to have any effect god damn it!
> The overall Infection Fatality Rate (IFR) is less than one percent, raising the question of why there has been such a push to immunize the world against such a mild respiratory virus.
IFR of X is uninteresting information, average age of those dead from X is what matters.
Not proving something to be effective is not the same as showing it to be ineffective. My reading is that Israeli officialdom has conceded the latter, so the author makes a fair point.
the masses don’t seem to care and never have, its all about controlling the majority, the powers that be can afford to have a minority who are able to think, it all depends if the majority can realize the situation we are finding ourselves in.
Controlling the majority seems to be an absolute doddle.
it seems it both is and isn’t at the same time, the control the powers that be have has been crafted over decades with constant propaganda and narratives woven for the majority to believe, this takes lots of money, research and effort to direct people in directions on mass that they would not normally go down. Now, in 2022 it’s easy as the majority have been crafted into those positions. Also, as the older generations die off, younger people are being born into a world that is nearing total technocratic control, a person born today won’t know any different when they start noticing thing a decade or more down the line.
Crafted over centuries, more like, Citizen. Chains of connectivity.
100 Years of Warfare, Bankrolled
100 Years of Chemical Weaponry, Bankrolled by
100 Years of Central Bankers Ponzi
Monopoly Monetary Hegemony.
Since joining NATO, Bulgaria has been presented with two statues
From the U.S.A. ***John McCain*** in Sofia and
***《《《 Woodrow Wilson 》》》*** in Plovdiv.
Central Bank Heroes’ Design & Purpose… via mind conditioning,
In a nutshell ! On the advent of certain collapse.
Sense the Irony ?
It always was an absolute doddle.
Göring knew that… speaking most specifically.
Göring: Why, of course, the people don’t want war. Why would some poor slob on a farm want to risk his life in a war when the best that he can get out of it is to come back to his farm in one piece? Naturally, the common people don’t want war; neither in Russia nor in England nor in America, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy or a fascist dictatorship or a Parliament or a Communist dictatorship.
Gilbert: There is one difference. In a democracy, the people have some say in the matter through their elected representatives, and in the United States only Congress can declare wars.
Göring: Oh, that is all well and good, but, voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country..
Dr. G.M. Gilbert 1976 “The Memory of Justice”
The covaid$ caper is as amerikan as apple pie (rotten to the core) and the ongoing battle for the soul of humanity will be fought or lost in that evil dystopia. (Eventually it will come down to who has the guns and who is prepared to challenge the monopoly of corrupt state violence as USSA collapses and Slumville tears itself apart). Will Urupp aka Pentacon occupied Germanistan, center of the evil EUSSR and keystone of Natostan, get suckered for a third time into a hot global war with Mr. Bear and his best friend the Dragon to prolong the USSAN slash anglozionazi nightmare that has preyed on humanity for far too long? There are too many irons in the fire and the demented geriatric white man’s club of psychopaths such as Kill Bill gates of hell, Klaws Slob, Gyorgi Soros, Bezos, Rothschild and the gaggle of anglozionazis are on their last legs like the cadaver in chief “leader of the free world”, Creepy Joe Biden, unable to fine tune the nightmare that they have willfully unleashed on humanity. There is no controlled chaos outcome as such, anymore than their ape like smash and grab mRNA tinkering attack on the human genome will produce the ideal meat puppet slaves they dream of with controlled life-span and functions blended in a bottle a la Huxley, all in a world “watched over by machines of love and grace”. This insanity is about to get much worse when the real stench erupts from the pilfered pension and insurance plans, the unemployment, suicide and supply chain destruction that the covaid$ caper was unleashed to smokescreen and the sickening squirted herd begins to thin out as per plan.
The great r€$et my ass. The entire scam is falling apart as quick as you can say Pfizer macht frei and nothing on this Earth is going to save their mountains of fiat filth IOU Saudi Mercan petroscrip toilet paper dollahs and gimp bastard €urodollah, indeed the entire chosenite plantation scrip gimmick that has brought us to this ignominious end. The Wall St shitter is about to blow the Ponzi sewer to hell and all the fake covaids and DARPA mRNA death pricks won’t put Humpty Dumpty together again when the tsunami of toxic derivative crap washes over Slumville and the rest of the anglozionazi empire of shit. How long more will the vertical pigs and uniformed mutts slurping their swill for now at the elitist trough along with rancid politcal swine and craven presstitutes defending the slaughter, before the herd finally freaks and the ensuing stampede of infuriated and betrayed mutton destroys everything and everyone in its path? I think we are about to witness the main act of this horror show in the very near future when a never isolated “virus” will prove to be the least of our worries and the last weapon that the monsters can with impunity use against us. Meanwhile if you haven’t already done so kill your damn Tee Vee and smash that “smart” phone viper nesting in your pocket to bits.
NO “smart” phone, NO tracking device, NO Qr code, NO virus.
Well stated Julien.
A lot of baby boomers prospered through the good times. They now own hundreds of billions (trillions?) of dollars worth of real estate in the form of their homes and are approaching their twilight years.
Many millennials on the other hand are struggling to put a roof over their heads.
Could it be that the parasites at the top are preparing to pounce and gobble up that real estate, adding to their obnoxious wealth?
Yes. That is the plan. And sadly, many, if not most of the Millennials and Gen X will go along with it since they see that inequality as the “fault” of their boomer parents. That is trained behavior, of course, but that doesn’t make it any easier for those of us who are trying to warn the young that this is a trap. They seem to think inequality will be solved by the state, which again they have been trained to see as the solution. I have asked friends if they would really trust the people currently in power to solve this issue in any reasonable or fair manner, and of course they do see the fallacy there. But getting them to take that to heart and live with that is another hurdle and a big one at that. Who else will “solve” this if not the state? It all sounds so reasonable, if one ignores the ugly details of course.
We’re two years in to this six-year transformative process.
Phase two just starting now will take us to 2024.
The third phase will introduce the climate disaster scenario/alien invasion option ushering in the split reality extending….
Or, more of us will wake up, and the parasites will have to look elsewhere for their victims…
I suggest The Moon, or Mars.
Pluto would be best of all. I hear there’s lots of room there.
“Both crises saw the Fed print trillions of dollars in an effort to avoid complete economic meltdown. Some 36 million since 2008.”
That should read 36 trillion.
Good article but I get annoyed with this kind of thing:
“A global pandemic provided the rationale for the reset. Interestingly enough, the pandemic had been predicted and war-gamed regularly for two decades, raising the question of whether it was deliberate or not.”
I think we are WAAAAAY beyond “raising the question”. As Simon Elmer has said, it’s as insulting to adopt the tag “covid sceptic” as it is for an adult to call himself a “Santa Claus sceptic”.
Well said, George.
Raising the question my arse. It seems Julien would benefit hugely from some time spent reading more from the OffG archives if he’s still unclear on what’s gone/going down..
“Pandemic” implies a virus. Such have never been proven to exist, ever.
The mantra of “stay safe” is the giveaway of the tv obsessed, suitably frightened mindset of those who are unknowingly sleepwalking into this unfolding disaster.
Stay safe was a phrase I instantly recoiled from 2 years ago and correctly identified as the conman’s mantra. 99.99% of people on this planet took it at face value and repeated it over and over and over again. Next time you’re out in public, have a good look around and remember that.
The clot shots are quite effective, as the demise of Shane Warne has demonstrated. Their purpose was depopulation. There is no proof that that the alleged new virus exists.