This Week in the New Normal #24
Our successor to This Week in the Guardian, This Week in the New Normal is our weekly chart of the progress of autocracy, authoritarianism and economic restructuring around the world.
1. Justin Trudeau’s complete lack of self-awareness
On Friday Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau appeared at a meeting of Toronto’s Ukrainian community – sans mask, but bearing Ukraine ribbon – to deliver a stern warning: we need to be aware of “slippage” in our democracies.
Justin says – “leaders are becoming more authoritarian”.
And he’s right – Less than three weeks ago he invoked the Emergencies Act to criminalise peaceful protest and then seize and/or freeze the private property of people who had done nothing but donate money to peaceful protesters.
Justin says – “countries are allowing too much misinformation and disinformation”
And he’s right – The Canadian establishment reported that the Freedom Convoy was full of white supremacists who were stealing food from homeless shelters and being funded by “foreign agents”. None of that was ever proven true.
Justin says – “our current political climate emboldened Putin, and made him think he could get away with starting a war”
And he’s right – America has started three wars and bombed at least eight countries since the year 2000 and dropped 26,000 bombs in 2016 alone. Canadian forces took an active part in two of those wars. No American or Canadian politician has ever been censured, let alone punished. No wonder Putin thought he could get away with it.
But, of course, Justin wasn’t really talking about himself, which is a bit sad.
Probably the first time Justin “I support Current Thing” Trudeau has told the truth since the new year, and he did it by accident.
2. West embraces censorship
The West’s decision, this week, to outright ban Russian news outlets Sputnik and RT shouldn’t surprise anyone, in some ways it’s only surprising it didn’t happen years ago.
Regardless of your position on the war, you cannot support this kind of censorship. Even if those channels did literally nothing but spout propaganda, even if literally everything they said was factually wrong, their right to exist needs to be protected by everyone, because none of us are safe once the government claims a monopoly on “truth”.
On top of that, Reddit is blocking all visitors from Russia, and all links to any Russia-registered domains.
More troubling are the instances of censorship at the individual level. For example, a Virginia teacher was suspended indefinitely for telling the kids in a Spanish class to “read media from both sides” and trying to understand the Russian perspective.
Of course, the climate of censorship predate Russia’s military entering Ukraine, it started with Covid and that’s still going on. Last week a regular Forbes contributor was let go after writing about how Dr Fauci makes his money. Google is also shutting down climate scientists who reach the “wrong” conclusion.
3. An insight into television as political theatre
Another instance of censorship, along with something even more interesting.
During a televised Q&A program on Australian television, a young audience member was kicked out of the studio for asking why the media weren’t upset about the civilian casualties in the Donbass for the last eight years:
Q and A on Australian TV about the Russia/Ukraine situation
— Wittgenstein (@backtolife_2022) March 4, 2022
Several minutes after the question is asked Stan Grant, the host, breaks off the conversation to ask the questioner to leave, claiming he was “condoning violence”. Grant claims it was “bothering him”, but the fairly obvious truth is the producer is in his earpiece telling him what to do.
By way of explanation, Grant told the audience it was a “rogue” “unvetted” question. (Of course all questions to political panels are vetted – but it is nice to hear them admit it.)
But what’s interesting is that the young man claims his question was vetted, and asks “if my question was not appropriate for the show after being vetted and edited, I wonder why I was invited at all.”
Well, one possible explanation is that it was a piece of theatre pour encourager les autres.
Invite the young man on TV, have him ask a pro-Russia question on air, and then have him kicked out. Using the earnest young man as a tool, they have established his views are totally unacceptable and will result in removal from society.
That’s the message.
As a little postscript, the host who is so “bothered” by “advocating violence” is a senior fellow of the Australian Strategic Policy Institute, an “independent, non partisan think-tank” funded by the Australian government, the US government and private firms including Boeing and Lockheed Martin.
BONUS: Cringe of the week
A double helping of painful-to-watch celebrity videos here.
Firstly, there’s Anna Lynn McCord, actress (and “human rights campaigner, apparently) reciting a poem to Vladimir Putin, about how if his mother had loved him this war wouldn’t be happening…
Dear Mister President Vladimir Putin…
— AnnaLynne McCord (@IAMannalynnemcc) February 24, 2022
Secondly, there’s Sean Penn giving a (drunk?) interview about Ukraine, and talking about Zalensky as if he were literally Jesus…
Actor Sean Penn on meeting with Zelensky: "I don't know if he knew that he was born for this, but it was clear I was in the presence of something. […] This is such an extraordinary moment and I was endlessly impressed and moved by him."
— Wittgenstein (@backtolife_2022) March 6, 2022
Hollywood is a hell of a drug.
It’s not all bad…
As it becomes clear that the narrative is shifting from “pandemic” to war, it becomes harder to report the lifting of Covid restrictions as “good news”, as opposed to just being a scene shift.
Nevertheless, the New Zealand High Court’s ruling that vaccine mandates for the police force were “not justified” is still very much a good thing.
According to Justice Francis Cooke:
The order limits the right to be free to refuse medical treatment recognised by the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act (including because of its limitation on people’s right to remain employed), and it limits the right to manifest religious beliefs for those who decline to be vaccinated because the vaccine has been tested on cells derived from a human foetus which is contrary to their religious beliefs,’
This is good news – even if just a footnote as everyone shifts focus to Ukraine – because, whatever the motivation behind it, there is now a legal precedent on the books that says vaccine mandates are unconstitutional. Could be very important down the line.
Oh, and there’s this…
Oh no they got Uncle Joe!!!
— Jack McGuire (@JackMacCFB) March 1, 2022
Sometimes life just gives you a little treat.
All told a pretty hectic week for the new normal crowd, and we didn’t even mention folding feminism into “building back better” or how the far-right is “weaponising physical fitness”.
There’s a lot of change in the air, a lot of agendas in the works, if you see a headline, article, post or interview you think is a sign of the times, post it in the comments, email us or share it on social media and we will add it to the next edition.
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In WWII, in UK, no one was arrested for listening to Lord HawHaw from ‘Germany Calling’.
He was not jammed. Because we believed in the fight.
Obviously, TPTB are sh**ting themselves that no one believes them any more.
Re-assemble the gallows at Tyburn, London. And hang the lot of ’em…
I watch RT, and make up my mind. They tend to censor by omission.
Much more subtle!!
Frankly the Aussie tv presenter who acted like a Soviet era tv presenter needs to encounter one of the Russian cage fighters in a dark alley who recognizes him and beats some sense into him.
I think the use Mr.Penn when they need to find out where the criminals are. He tends to find then rather easily and then tells them how to find them.
Good work Mr.Penn.
There appears to be a lot of theatre lately. Its even found its way on Ukrainian TV with the same BBC narrative used in Aleppo. It may well be the same actors and film crew.
In any event the People of Ukraine are the pawns in all this and I personally do not think that many in the West or East have the stomach to last much further as they are subjected to all this theatre.
Eventually this will back fire if it has not already started.
Governments with weak feeble leaders are not up to this task and the corporate West is doing damage as they see this their once in a lifetime ( keep in mind these degenerates are rather old ) chance to either put down Russia and the parallel economy or give it a first class ticket to stardom because Ukraine is quickly evolving into perhaps what to was always meant to be.
The real issue is what’s going to be the collateral economic damage left behind, how long is the depression going to last and where are we going to find proper political leaders once again?
If this ultimate theatre was scripted well, then fill me in because it seems many either di not get the final cut and/or they had trouble understanding the consequences of going off script.
I am not liking what I am seeing at the moment. Both sides are blinking and its looking like China may just pull the plug on the lot of them.
This is a fun read.
Search in page for BBC. Might explain more than a little of what you talk about here.
Also second on the list of helping the Ukrainian people is intellectual property law?! Eh wit?
holly-weird isn’t one ‘hell of a drug’… but it is an arm of the CIA and a tool of the Zionist/financialist blob, the purveyor of regime sanctioned predictive ‘programming’, staffed by miscreants, socio-paths and social planners, it always was…
perhaps you can still remember?…. at the beginning of the ‘covid’ psy-op.. they wheeled out ‘forest gump hanks’ as a an early victim of the imaginary pathogen…
he even had a ‘corona’ typewriter ‘artfully’ placed in ‘shot’….
his finest performance..
Yes that was a good one. Didn’t they get stuck in Australia too of all places?
Wholesale gas prices:
Who could possibly have foreseen?…
it is not much to ask the leaders of the country to submit to a yearly mental health checkup, is it?
hugotalks on those colours today.
The ‘soft power’ jab to go with the ‘hard power’ haymakers:
It’s the gameified version of what Ukraine, convid and the rest point towards. I’m critical of Corbett sometimes so credit to him that he identified years ago that this would be part of their method. The goal is all the same: less travel, restircted diet, self-impoverishment to virtue-signal while the elite laugh all the way to the yacht. It reeks of WEF astro-turfing. The man behind it designed Labour’s decarbonisation programme at the last election for those still clinging to some vague nothing that Corbyn was genuine. And those who know their numerology will enjoy the Charity registration number…
“What, you support consumerism?” No – that sort of dialectic is exactly how this works. The sort of consumerism that started in the 1950s and was turbo-charged in the 1980s was the deliberate groundwork for where we are now. A period of excess in one direction paves the way for insanity in the opposite. The model for this was how the buttoned-down stifling prudery of the 1950s was engineered to prepare the way for the counterculture reaction of the 1960s. The same hand was behind both.
Fancy a new injection? From only £150!
Yummy this sounds delicious…
don’t need it, the heartbreak diet works for me.
Another fine referendum…?
Mr London cit
y wanker didnt get you out of anything he got you in deeper trouble and debt leave E<U everything wil be cheaper LOL.look how well the brexxit laws fitted nicely iinto the cv act and agenda 30.
I am surprise his referendum idea wasn’t for mandatory vaccine.
what was his suggestion again.? make tony Blair a vaccine tzar.
Well said! I always thought the main reason for Brexit was that “they” didn’t want the Euro (obligatory from 2020)
Still clinging to the merchant banker are we? Fucking hell
Q: What’s the difference between Putin’s bombing of Ukraine and NATO’s bombing of Belgrade?
A: Currently about 66 days.
Today’s nonsense at the Fraud:
So Putin gave an audience to WEF Young Global Leader Leonardo Di Caprio? Nothing to see here….
The article doesn’t openly advocate de-platforming but it doesn’t have to – the implication is clear enough. Will the 1990 CYRANO DE BERGERAC be re-released with empty space where Gerard Depardieu used to be – or 9 1/2 WEEKS now only available with Sean Penn’s head deepfaked on to Mickey Rourke’s body? I’d like to think the article signifies the death of celebrity culture but alas I think it means nothing but the right sort of celebrities.
The real barb comes near the end when it talks of Putin’s ‘broader disinformation strategy’ – “To throw a tantalising bone to sympathetic liberal anti-imperialists to distract them from his real endeavour during the period: radicalising the US and Europe’s nativist right wing.” QED anti-imperialism = nazism. For some reason I’m remembering Bertrand Russell’s quotation about one day under the scientific dictatorship people will believe snow is black and to hold to the opposite will be seen as a sort of perverse mule-headedness.
ha ha that gave me a chuckle, “sean penns heid deep faked ..”
what a wee shitebag he is, a few years back i thocht he was one of better ones… da fuk?
a horror
what a time. .. . nothing is real (other than Life) and everything is virtually hastening to the cliff, virtuously
: /
Also YGL at the Grauniad.
It’s the minions, the willing slaves, that need watching, not the national leaders who were quite possibly slimeballs long before they had heard of WEF.
I should have pointed out that the Scott Trust is supposed to run the Guardian. It is a limited company that replaced the original Scott Trust, which was a trust, with trustees and things. Jimmy Wales is also part of the trust.
Can we have less about Putin being a YGL, given that Wikipedia (prop. The Outlaw Jimmy Wales) is practically the WEF house journal?
MOSCOW, March 3 – RIA Novosti. The Russian Defense Ministry has summoned the Croatian military attaché amid reports of the country sending mercenaries to Ukraine, Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Major General Igor Konashenkov said on Thursday.
“Only last week, about 200 mercenaries from Croatia arrived through Poland and joined one of the nationalist battalions in the south-east of Ukraine . Today, the defense attache at the Croatian embassy in Moscow was summoned to the Russian Defense Ministry ,” he said.
Konashenkov stressed that the military attaché was pointed out to the illegal activities of Croatian citizen Denis Sheler, who participated in the hostilities in southeastern Ukraine in 2015, forming detachments of Croatian mercenaries to be sent to Ukraine.
“According to Zelensky, about 16,000 foreign mercenaries are expected to arrive in Ukraine, in addition to the existing ones, to compensate for the crushing military failures of the Ukrainian security forces. A visa-free regime is officially introduced for them,” Konashenkov added.
I saw film of that on Youtube. The Croatian official, looking embarrassed, said he had no instructions from Zagreb.
Is the war in Ukraine supposed to do to the international legal order what covid was supposed to do to our societies?
Here’s what Zelensky said at the Security Conference in Munich, just a few days before the invasion:
“The architecture of world security is fragile and needs to be updated. The rules that the world agreed on decades ago no longer work. They do not keep up with new threats. They are not effective for overcoming them. This is a cough syrup when you need a coronavirus vaccine. The security system is slow. It crashes again. […]
The UN, which is supposed to defend peace and world security, cannot defend itself. When its Charter is violated. […]
The security architecture in Europe and the world is almost destroyed. It’s too late to think about repairs, it’s time to build a new system. Mankind has done this twice, paying too high a price – two world wars. We have a chance to break this trend until it becomes a consistent pattern. And start building a new system before millions of victims.[…] ”
Replace the UN system of international security, where decisions are made by states, with a new system, new legal order, where decisions are made by appointed bureaucrats, EU style? A new international legal order?
Pretty ambitious for somebody who a few years ago was the voice of Paddington bear in the Ukrainian language version of the film.
He’s making good sense.
“…where decisions are made from appointed Bureau-crats”, like Jojo.
Master of A.i. and I.o.T programmer of the ‘Satoshi-Bar’ GeldCryptoDC. BDL Concept…
Please Troll harder. Truedough needs you on Banking matters…
Emergency Powers and Authoritarian Behaviours Committees.
Yer’ wasted here on bum-actor-joker Zelensky and US/Ukro-Bio-Weaponry Labs. has this well and truly covered, well in advance of Jojo & Putin’s
Recent responses to her independent findings.
She’s making good sense. Matters for serious discussion.
Once Putin has gathered the requisite evidence and
rounded up C14 from his border, likely eliminating them,
Like U.S. Forces needs to focus on Truedough to bake.
jojo is M.i.a on the Balkan. Superfluous to requirements.
No response required. You are out of your depth,
Even drowning in the shallow end.
The Biden-bots are up in arms.
An excellent piece on Zelensky from Mike Whitney:
He asks a number of rhetorical questions like this.
Perhaps the questions should be put to the sheeple in the West?
Zelensky is a puppet. Like Ronald Reagan he is an actor. He learns his lines and tries to give the assurance to the audience that they are his genuine opinions. Believe me, someone else is writing the script.
Agreed. Most of them aren’t bright enough to write their own scripts and can probably barely read the ones prepared for them. Some can barely write their own names I imagine, but all they are really needed for is holding a pen and making it look like they’re the real leaders. Theater for the rubes. The rubes believe it’s all real every damned time…
In this day and age, the script can come from abroad as frequently as required.
After they get round the table and the peace in Ukraine creates too separate states – the borders of which have yet to be established but I suspect the longer it goes on the more ground the separatists backed by the Russians will gain – it will be back to scary viruses and the much more scary vaccines.
Pfizer has been forced to release a great pile of documents which the good guys are still going through. More than 230 different adverse reactions reported under the letter “A” alone.
and does one presume the others are as bad on the side effects?
For God’s sake don’t take the risk. They are all evil experiments the full effects of which may not be known for years. I’m old enough to remember the other experiment using thalidomide.
In the good old days the US did not approve thalidomide, unlike many other unfortunate countries.
USA only tested it abroad?
Covid lockdown has been replaced by the Sanctions lockdown. Only it’s worse– growing industrial & economic chaos. TPTB think they can remain in control thru food & energy scarcity while pushing thru their damn digital currency.
They are prolonging the physical war: Earlier I posted about plans for BlackRock’s private army to join the Azov fascist battalion in Ukraine. Pepe Escobar, March 4:
“Arguably the apex of Western hysteria is the onset of a 2022 Neo-Nazi Jihad: a 20,000-strong mercenary army being assembled in Poland under CIA supervision. The bulk comes from private military companies such as Blackwater/Academi and DynCorp. Their cover: “return of Ukrainians from the French Foreign Legion.” This Afghan remix comes straight from the only playbook the CIA knows.
Is boycotting and canceling everything from Russia past or present or even only having the name Russia in it really going to solve the problem?
Here’s a Meme:
Politicians still play Russian roulette with their own economies.
Boycotting certain countries who have been known to invade other countries, or undertake “policing actions” in border territories, is illegal in about half the US states (including Texas, home of good ol’ anti-lockdown Governor Abbott) – but it seems compulsory when it comes to those darned Ruskies.
Perhaps we should instead be thanking Putin for waiting until the moment lockdown was ending in the West until launching his invasion? After all, one might have thought a mass-murdering, inhuman, trigger-happy tyrant might have sought to exploit Western lockdowns – and not be scared of a tiny virus! Chamberlain really missed a trick not telling Hitler his troops might catch a cold if they invaded Poland!
Logic and coherence of their narrative no longer matter, all that matters is that Putin=Nazi. They’ve been crowing that the invasion is going badly for Russia without realising that if Russia can’t beat Ukraine why all the fear porn? Heck, NATO wouldn’t be needed if Russia was so useless. Don’t worry about sense though – just emote. All anyone needs to know is what Kamala Harris said on the radio the other day – Russia is big and Ukraine is smaller. The “small nations” button worked briliantly in 1914 – when pushed by the nation with the world’s largest empire – so they’ll keep trying it until it doesn’t.
There is a fast up-take of BNT162b2 (Pfizer) into in-vitro human liver cells (Huh7), leading to changes in gene expression of “long interspersed nuclear element-1” (LINE-1), an endogenous reverse transcriptase. This includes increased nucleus distribution of the said LINE-1. Thus, BNT162b2 mRNA gets reverse-transcribed into DNA in as little as 6 hours. Another recent also study showed this in human cells. -Markus Alden et al., research in Current Issues in Molecular Biology 2022-02-25
What else would you expect messenger RNA to do?
*the last couple of links are missing the “/dumptheguardian” prefix
(no need to publish this comment)
Using dumptheguardian is only for virtue signallers.
Two Weeks To Flatten The World COVID-19 has magically disappeared. After more than two years of non-stop bombardment with Covid “news” there has been none at all in mainstream headlines for over a week. The media giveth and the media taketh away. Through the immaculate erasure of the ‘Covid Crisis’ those responsible for these harms are attempting to make us forget what they did to us, our families, and the permanent damage they caused to society. Think back to what life was like two years ago and imagine if someone told you that a “health emergency” would require a crackdown on all social and economic life. Remarkably, the public health orders moved quickly from “flattening the curve” and “slowing the spread” to containment, suppression, social isolation, face coverings, de facto house arrest aka “lockdowns” (a prison/slave camp term) and mandated experimental injections. In order to “keep us safe” government policies mushroomed from innocuous instructions into draconian decrees. The limitation of the right to engage in legitimate economic transactions; the limitation of the right to freedom of movement; limitations on the right to practice religion; the suspension of the right to an education; the denial of the right to a livelihood; the removal of the right to receive or refuse medical attention; suspension of juries; suppression of the right to freedom of expression; denial of the right to assembly and much else became the new operating principles of “The Covid World.” The institution of a bio-security police state was birthed allowing for health authorities and others the right to quarantine someone considered “infected” or to have been in contact with a purported “case.” To make this appear necessary and acceptable an intensive full-spectrum psychological assault on our sensibilities was implemented. Covid-19 was hyped as the ‘New Black Death’. We were told… Read more »
Good analysis, but good analyses are two a penny.
What are almost non-existent, are good suggestions as to WHY – why did the globally coordinated psyop (facilitating mass injections) occur?
And why now, the phony Russian/Ukranian conflict? One that is probably intended to escalate.
What is your ‘WHY’ ?
The why is because the Western financial systems have collapsed and Covid and the “Ukraine war” are smoke screens used as money laundering screens and cover for this collapse.
As a part of that the financial parasites who are running the show (into the ground) are using these manufactured crises as rationale to install the bio-security systems and new financial system (digital ID/biometrics/CBDC/ etc.) that they think will allow them to control the social unrest that will arise from this collapse.
Superb but devastating analysis as always. Cuts to the quick:
“We won’t have truly won until it is universally established that Medical Freedom is not a negotiable commodity controlled by state bureaucrats, political opportunists or the medical cartel.
“Nothing has been won until the ideology that the state can have control over bodily autonomy has been thoroughly repudiated.”
Simple and grave. And non-negotiable.
Those who created the financial systems knew at the outset that they would inevitably collapse. They were never intended to be fair, merely to have the semblance thereof. They have achieved their peculative purpose. However, they weren’t intended to enrich their creators.
Greater, finer, more pervasive monitoring and control of individuals is just a bogey man, a plausible explanation (Schwab’s dystopia too).
Chaos, unrest, war, famine, disease (Covid), power outages, cyberattacks, will increase, because it is useful to keep the masses confused and ignorant (and largely subjugated).
Primarily, because if they knew the big WHY, we’d have World War Z.
Not by a long shot……
“If Putin’s mother had loved him this war wouldnt be happening.” Anne Lynn McCord…
How true sister, how true !
Or as the song goes “What the world needs now is love, more mother’s love, it’s the only thing there’s just too little of” (?)…
A lot can be explained by the changes that took place within families post WW2. The 1960s Youth Revolt didnt come out of nowhere (though there was always the old handy standby “the commies are behind it !”)…
If Putin was young and attended school in New Zealand, and it was one of those at which daily the kids gave each other back massages, he might be less aggressive…
The NZ Journal of Natural Medicine, November 2013, contained the article “Promoting Children’s Health and Development Through Nurturing Touch.” During the school-day the kids gave time to back massaging each other – the theory being that it reduced classroom stress and aggressions…
Such touching sessions would have been one of the first casualties of the War Against ‘Covid” – given that ‘social distancing’ was imposed on schools. Lack of physical touching can have a devastating impact on children’s emotional development – as Ashley Montagu wrote about in ‘Touching. The Human Significance of the Skin.’ More on the NZ idea is at
Of course getting kids to being used to not physically touching each other is training them for a cyborg transhumanist future…The latest Arena magazine contains an article about online schooling’s damaging effects on kids – developments that might also influence kids into a transhumanist future
Naw, it’s missile ten minutes from Moscow.
Putin is also supposed to be a religious man. His god speaks to him in strange ways.
God speaks… in strange ways ? You mean ? Through god’s arse ? Hanging upside down from a tree ? Via the New York Times ?
I suppose Gods strange ways dont matter, only matters that Vlad the Impaler #2 listens & obeys ?
But otherwise – dont blame Vlad’s mom, blame God.
It is because some people don’t listen to God, they commit so many stupid acts such as believing they are omnipotent, as the Rats pack of Satanists behind the impetus to create the situation in the Ukraine, or mans inhumanity to each other.
Putin is a Nationalist. The Russian Orthodox Church is associated with nationalism.
Precisely, the notion forwarded by some that the conflict in the Ukraine is all Kabuki and Putin plus Shoigu, Lavarov are all actors in a production, misses the point they are all nationalists to the very core !
Good News for US, bad for Pfizer, but it MUST trigger TPTB to do something acute: Ukraine isn’t enough.
Pfizer preparing its investors for the bad news in its Q4 report.
Best you read the ZeroHedge article yourself:
This was a February 9 article and probably the whole “Russians are coming” op was a response to it. After reading the article, don’t you think they will do something more?—part-i/article_ad38e212-98e9-11ec-9f81-6382277afd20.html
Desert Review is carrying everything aloud, as a podcast, in addition to in writing. More people will listen than would ever have read it. It really makes one feel that action is imminent.
If so, TPTB MUST respond w a cyber attack/attack on the power grid. Fill the tank and buy nonperishables, batteries and candles. Fill any necessary Rx’s.
If Pfizer crashes on the stockmarket, could that alone collapse the market? If they WANT to collapse the dollar that is something they are able to do, is that correct?
Am I over-reacting?
The message is: be sure to virtue signal in the approved manner. Saying Putin and Russia is evil is Safe and Effective! If you don’t put your mask on service will be denied.
Stan Grant and Sean Penn are both demonstrably useful-idiots par excellence.
Grant is a particularly ‘sickening-case’ because he hides behind the mask of having suffered discrimination while simultaneously discriminating against others without compunction, in a classic display of one who has ‘drunk the kool-aid’ in his services to his handlers. I would not be the least bit surprised if it was discovered that his puppet-string were controlled by Uncle Rupert. When connecting the dots … one needn’t wonder how he landed a gig at Fox … the bloody Judas was being groomed all along. It now appears quite obvious that Murdoch has achieved his goal and is in control of the tax-payer funded ABC. The Libtards are merely the gofers – the go-betweens.
These days the entire ABC cabal of nutter journos are more right wing than anyone reporting from Fox.
Tsk, tsk, Marilyn, you obviously haven’t been listening to all the conservative voices that for decades have been claiming that the ABC is rife with left wing bias.
They are setting examples by being doers. They just have no idea what they are doing.
Just outraged by the blatant censorship in Australia. But, then, the US news items about an old man fumbling a child with old Joe’s pic moving onto the screen made it all better.
Trucker Convoy Update (USA)-
DC Beltway Encirclement
History is ugly.
Particularly when written by the Empire of War, Greed and Hypocrisy:
Brilliant video from JP Sears; especially worth watching for exposing “dr” Yuval Harari. The contempt with which this creature (Harari) who is one of Schwabs top advisors views humans is beyond eye opening:
Plus 100.
One can at least appreciate how absolutely necessary it is to have no self-awareness at all, if you want to mess with normal people in the way Trudeau does…
Some people go to assertiveness training courses; others go to awareness courses.
Trudeau goes to courses which teach you how to switch off all your human faculties.
And he’s not by any means alone.
Oh,Castreau has awareness. It’s simply that what might apply to you and I as lesser sorts of beings, doesn’t apply to him.
Always enjoy your memes S Cooper, but singling out us vegans is a tad discriminatory.
Most of the vegans I know made that choice for ethical, not environmental reasons.
The herding, capture and slaughter of more than eighty billion living, sentient creatures every year is immoral and unsustainable.
“Think the creator of the meme does not take issue with veganism per se; just forcing veganism upon those who do not wish to embrace such a life style or such a diet. Personally agree with you concerning the consumption of meat.”
Thanks S.
I don’t like vegan Nazis either.
Keep those memes coming. They’re brilliant !
If vegans could force veganism, everyone would be vegan already: vegans trying to raise awareness about it isn’t that. Laws against animal cruelty, say, puppy-kicking, are a lot more ‘forceful’, and most people seem to agree that kicking puppies shouldn’t be accepted and is not something people have a valid right to choose to do, because they understand the animal in that situation is the victim, that dogs are living beings with their own rights to be protected from harm that come first. And the horrors of animal agriculture are far greater than this example. Veganism is just the logically consistent moral decision.
And, as a vegan, I can also confirm I only ever say ‘Let’s nuke America lol’.
I might not agree entirely with the ethical bit but what annoys me is the multi-targeted approach. Knowing that many, like me will not be converted to the cause by ethics, they introduce largely false arguments about the environment and personal health.
A few months ago I read a piece in the Graun about the health benefits of living off lettuce, looked up the lead researcher and was not surprised to find a plant based activist who spent her free time shouting “meat is murder” at bemused Glaswegians.
One health positive of veganism has been, until now, the scarcity of processed food. Conversely, there is a good argument that the dangers of red meat stem not from the flesh but from the pies that they are served in. The kind of meta study that these “scientists” employ will not provide an answer.
In 2016 alone, Obama dropped 3 bombs/hour 24 hours a day, 26,171+ bombs. In two late additions on his way out the door, Nobel Peace laureate Obama dropped bombs in Yemen on Dec. 29, 2016 and Jan. 8, 2017. Obama approved times more drone strikes than George W Bush.
Pretty much.
And if they vetted that question, they managed to pick the guy who not only actively supported Putin and all his actions in Ukraine (rather than one of the millions of ordinary people simply bored of obvious anglosphere warmongering and war-as-distraction tactics), but was naive/daft enough to actually say so on air, despite how badly that was sure to go. Perfect opportunity to both feign reasonableness (that it was totes Ok to ask the question itself) and still tar by association. Only wholesale supporters of the invasion could possibly see any problem with the media narrative! They’re probably all Russian (despite Aussie accent), too! And once again, the media defines what counts as violence. The young man only mirrored their own selectiveness but that isn’t tolerated.
It’s been a gradual, but inevitable process.
Any person with scruples, an open mind, erudite, or with half a heart, is ejected or banished from the political or mainstream media landscape.
Can you smell them ?
This is a good depiction of modern slavery: debt, financialisation, alienation from community and the commons, and the loss of options.
Yes. All of it is theater. Especially the castigating and removal of dissenters or questioners. Censorship now. Quarantine camps in the near future.
If we have camps then Nanskiy Zelenskiy must be in charge.
SERCO is in charge. A British Corp that’s global in scope. They run prisons. Detainment Camps. FEMA. Weapons. IoT. Healthcare. Air traffic control. Parking Meters. Public Transport. USAID (CIA) shipments. Data centers. Money laundering. Patent Offices. Department of Defense. Etc.
The bulldog is chasing the eagle to peck at the bear.😬
It’s what the corporate-state media aren’t mentioning at all that’s most important.
Wholesale LNG prices are through the roof. Russia can sell its Nordstream 2 LNG to China and India. They won’t be paying in dollars. A collapse in the petrodollar system would be a fundamental paradigm-shift in world power relations towards China. As if that’s not enough, Russia is the source of over half the world’s ammonia-based fertilisers.
This is all part of the WEF agenda.
No mention of the People’s Convoy? Interesting… Maybe next week.
Or the events in Wellington.
In South Australia now there are no codes in most places, no tracing, no nothing because nothing ever fucking happened. Apart from ”cases” over the period January 2020 to December 2021 being 1,000 with 4 deaths and since the jabs 160,000 ”cases” and 186 deaths of old and jabbed up people and the police will no longer mandate jabs for cops. Of course there is a trial next week that will be won by the defendents because any form of medical mandate is illegal in Australia.
They say truth is the first casualty in war. It remains a casualty throughout and, considering that history is written by the victors, persists as a casualty ever after.
I recall a TV film called “Conspiracy” which starred Kenneth Branagh and which was based around the initial announcement of the Final Solution at the Wansee Conference. As I remember, there is a frightening line delivered by one of the less enthusiastic participants to the effect, “Shall we ever see the sun rise again?” These are the words that go through my mind now.
Anyone else noticing a pattern here?
The more wealth concentrates into fewer hands, across the globe, the more nationalistic Oligarchs employ TRIBALISM to distract and deflect to point blame at others…..
And the more puppet “Leaders” send more soldiers to kill more civilians.
The New normal, the omitted section:
War is Peace.
The “friendly” “peacekeeping” nation of Russia showing how little threat is poses……
Which is very similar to the nations it hypocritically labels as “warmongers”.
Any theories on the ‘V’ and ‘Z’ insignia daubed in white paint on Russian tanks? I’ve not heard anything definitive. The Ukraine operation has been dubbed ‘Operation Z’, as a consequence.
‘V Z’ could, I suppose, could represent Volodomyr Zalensky.
Or it could represent the Russian words for East and West (Vostok and Zapad respectively), possibly indicating it as relating to part of a military strategy (eg East and West flanks). Or East and West with different connotations eg East & West Slavs.
Another theory I heard was that ‘V’ was for victory, which would seem unlikely, given that that’s an English word. As also would ‘V for Vendetta’ 🤔
no Z in the Russian languages
No ‘V’ neither. They would both have to be Latinisations of phonetically similar Russian letters
V is the 22nd letter of the alphabet and 22 is a freemasonic master number. The V sign made with the fingers also symbolises 33 because each finger has three joints – and 33 is another freemasonic master number.
Creative. ‘z’ would also have 3 lines composing it. Like the ‘mark of Zorro’ on the chest
The 26th (Z) letter of the alphabet is significant. In Kabbala and Hebrew, the number 26 represents the four letter name of god, in Hebrew, the Tetragrammaton from Genesis, in the Torah.
So God in Hebrew represents the number 26, which is also represented by the letter Z in English, and is the real reason why we have a 26 letter alphabet.
Also… God = 26
G = 7
O = 15
D = 4
7 + 15 + 4 = 26
Also V represents the compass in Freemasonry. And Z can represent Zion, a hill in Palestine and the Z sound/symbol is Semitic. The Semitic symbol was the seventh letter, named zayin, which meant “weapon” or “sword”.
So there’s multiple meanings.
Interesting. The Torah was apparently also given in the 26th generation following Creation, according to the Jewish chronology
Yes. I just looked up another reference besides Wiki and that’s correct.
Tho I wouldn’t trust it for anything controversial, Wikipedia thinks the Russian alphabet has a Z and a V.
It does have 2 letters which are pronounced the same. ‘в’ (as English ‘v’) and ‘з’ (as ‘z’) as in the word ‘виза’ (visa), which is pronounced similarly
Maybe that’s what they were referring to.
The curious thing here though, is that the markings on the sides of the tanks are in Latin script
Neither appears in Russian.
Which may suggest a reference more to the Western world. From Russia with ZV
Zapad & Vostok seems most likely.
Esp since the Ukraine is to Russia’s west (“Z”).
Dear China: Whose Side Are You on in Ukraine?
March 6, 2022, 1:00 a.m. ET
By Thomas L. Friedman
With every passing day, the war in Ukraine becomes a bigger tragedy for the Ukrainian people but also a bigger threat to the future of Europe and the world at large. There is only one country that might have the power to stop it now, and it’s not the United States. It’s China.
If China announced that, rather than staying neutral, it was joining the economic boycott of Russia — or even just strongly condemning its unprovoked invasion of Ukraine and demanding that it withdraw — it might shake Vladimir Putin enough to stop this vicious war. At a minimum, it would give him pause, because he has no other significant ally aside from India in the world now.
Why would President Xi Jinping of China take such a stand, which would seemingly undermine his dream of seizing Taiwan the same way Putin is attempting to seize Ukraine? The short answer is that the past eight decades of relative peace among the great powers led to a rapidly globalizing world that has been the key to China’s rapid economic rise and the elevation out of poverty for some 800 million Chinese people since 1980. Peace has been very good for China. Its continued growth depends on China’s ability to export to and learn from that world of steadily integrating and modernizing free markets.
The whole Faustian bargain between the Chinese Communist Party and the Chinese citizenry — the C.C.P. gets to rule while the people get to be steadily better off economically — depends to a significant degree on the stability of the global economy and trading system.
China does not want the Ukraine to be part of the NATO (=US), therefore China is hoping the Russians are going to win.
Why is that, random internet poster?
It’s always interesting to see how people who have zero understanding of China make assumptions about what is China’s plan and make suggestions on what China is supposed to do. They assume that China is acting with the same neo-imperialistic and exploitative manners their own governments employ, but it doesn’t.
So these people think that China should join the sanctions against Russia. That would be convenient for the West, wouldn’t it? Maybe China should also just scrap their Belt and Road Project and quietly put itself under Western influence’s heel again? That is what these people are trying to achieve. And by luring Russia into their trap, they have scored a major victory.
Sanctions are just another kind of warfare. I hope China will stay committed to peace and the spirit of cooperation rather than confrontation and will try to be a positive force instead.
It is the constant confrontational stance of Western countries which has brought the world to the brink of catastrophe and a new world war. Please China, do not follow their example.
Too funny. Friedman is a three-time Pulitzer Prize winner and has had 7 of his books become NYT best sellers among other bonafides. And you red_squirrel? Surely this posting name shows that you represent the CCP or are trying to get accepted into it.
I don’t always agree with what Friedman writes but in this case, it will prove to be in China’s best interest to align with the the rest of the world against Putin as he commits war crimes against humanity that he will be prosecuted for, eventually.
China may “appear” to be economically strong but their numbers don’t match the reality of their economy. They build cities that remain empty as their birth rate does not increase, despite hefty payments to encourage an increase. There is an excess of men and a shortage of brides for these men due to pervasive abortion and.or infanticide against female babies.. I read that many people continue to be unemployed and hungry there. Human trafficking is a real problem. Most people agree that their Covid numbers are fantasy. I could go on….
This isn’t about Ukraine per se. Ukraine is a US colony which has made everything worse than ever. US has been embedded there since 1991 and in 2014 violently overthrew Ukraine’s elected government, put their own guy in as PM, Yats, who gave everything to the oligarchs again. Billions upon billions of US tax dollars are shipped there and nobody knows what happens to them. This is the US war for regime change in Moscow, to be followed by Russia’s total submission to the US. As a US taxpayer I identify very much with the Russian Federation. The entire US political class has treated both of us like garbage for several decades.
I think the vast majority of people in the USA and in Russia would be happy should this occur.
This link should be helpful then. Don’t the door hit you in the arse on the way out.
Relinquishment of United States nationality
Wow, why are you here if you believe everything you read in the MSM? And Thomas Friedman? A “7 time Pulitzer prize winner” whose never met a US war he didn’t cheerlead for? I’m sure he has “won” that vaunted prize 7 times, which is what one wins if one goes along with plutocrats and war mongers. As for Putin being the evil one who will soon be prosecuted – in what court would that be? Public opinion in the dumbed down USA? Hurry up now and dump that Russian vodka, that’ll teach Putin to mess with the USA….
If you’re so hot on fighting a war with Russia, then get your ass in the military, pick up a weapon and take point. And by all means, please head back on over to the NYT. Most of us here have already seen through that hot mess of blatant lies, but you apparently have yet to accomplish that.
Ha ha. Lizzyh7, another Pootin loving Russian sympathizer.
Pootin will eventually be tried in the world court if he remains alive. The Ides of March approach. Pootin best be aware.
You’re as ignorant as I thought you were. Sure, I’m a putin supporter. A Trumper too since I don’t believe in the plague. The ides of March? Wanna lob some nukes putins way do ya? Maybe you should take the mask off your face and wake the hell up. It’s probably too late though…..
I know some of them find their way into the Bidens’ bank accounts.
I wish they could find their way into my bank account. How do I arrange that?
Friedman is a jackass.
Yup. I see you got a little minus 1 thingy for saying that Marilyn. Any bets on who gave that to you? Wear it like the badge of honor it is from an idiot who spews the NYT and Thomas Friedman!
In China, plutocrats do not determine policy. Even internal policy goes through trials, review and approvals. Both Russia and China are ready for the thrashing monster.
The Slimes ?
The current situation can very well be described as the “CUBAN MISSILE CRISIS 2.0”. Only with the difference that Khrushchev gave in at that time – while Biden & NATO turned a deaf ear and now the Russ. Invasion.
If the Soviets had not given up their missile installation in Cuba at that time, John F. Kennedy< – to the applause of the politicians of all NATO states at the time – was even ready to start a WORLD WAR! In any case, he would(!) have(!) invaded Cuba, just as Putin is forced to do today.
And at the time, no one called John F. Kennedy an ‘aggressor’ and a ‘warmonger’. On the contrary, Kennedy, who was ready to start even a world war, was celebrated everywhere as an ‘indomitable hero’.
And Ukraine is, so to speak, the “Cuba” of today’s Russia.
Bhadrakumar wrote: ( ):
“Second, the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (Nato) has made deep inroads into Ukraine’s political and defence system. “The Ukrainian troop control system has already been integrated into NATO. This means “that NATO headquarters can issue direct commands to the Ukrainian armed forces, even to their separate units and squads”
Third, NATO is about to grant membership to Ukraine. That will increase the level of military threats to Russia dramatically, considering that American strategic planning documents allow preemptive strike at enemy missile systems. Putin said, “ballistic missiles from Kharkov will take seven to eight minutes; and hypersonic assault weapons, four to five minutes. It is like a knife to the throat.” “
The last argument, that rockets at the border are too dangerous to be allowed, because of the only very few minutes they need to hit the target was EXACTLY(!) Kennedy’s argument during the Cuba-Crisis!
The Cuban missile crisis ended with a compromise when the USA agreed to withdraw their Jupiter missiles from Turkey.
Russia does not have weapons on the US border the situations are not the same. There is no counterweight to NATO closing in on their borders and therefore no opportunity for mutual acts of de-escalation.
This is not the Cuban missile crisis, this is a “defensive alliance”, made up of countries that wage expeditionary wars outside the bounds of their alliance, advancing inexorably towards Russia’s borders.