NATO White Helmets follow al-Qaeda to Ukraine

Vanessa Beeley

Four-hundred and fifty extremists from Idlib, north-west Syria have arrived in Ukraine according to Al Mayadeen.

Hailing from Idlib – the “largest Al Qaeda haven since 9/11”-  these fanatics from various countries have been despatched to Ukraine to fight against the Russian forces that alongside the Syrian Arab Amy signified the end of their Caliphatist dreams in Syria. 

These extremists passed through Turkey, a NATO member state, to arrive at their destination in western Ukraine. According to Al Mayadeen:

senior fighters from the terrorist group Hayat Tahrir-Al-Sham (rebranded version of Jabhat Al Nusra aka Al Qaeda) have held a number of meetings with senior leaders in the Turkistan Islamic Party group and Ansar Al Tawhid and Hurras Al Din groups, and agreed on allowing a number of their fighters to enter Ukraine through Turkey”.

According to the Counter Extremist Project

Hurras al-Din and its leaders are U.S. Specially Designated Global Terrorists. The U.S. presently offers a $5 million reward for information on three of its leaders” 

Yet here they are fighting for NATO member states, led by the US, in Ukraine, alongside the NATO fascist and Neo-Nazi contras.

Sources in Idlib added that these foreign fighters are veterans of the war against Syria led by the US and UK, bankrolled by Qatar, Turkey and Saudi Arabia.

The fighters had been causing issues in Idlib and “were given this opportunity to fight against Russia as a compromise by which they would receive a new start and with an acceptable income”.

Does that mean they were receiving a more-than-acceptable income in Syria? It is well known that Al Qaeda and affiliates are benefiting financially from the dirty war against Syria. 

The fighters were apparently given assurances that their families would be allowed to follow on and settle in Ukraine. It must be noted that the Zionist influence in western Ukraine and particularly Kiev consists of a vast web of military, intelligence and ideological projects.

The inclusion of these Islamist extremist mercenaries in the war against Russia in Ukraine demonstrates the collusion between Israel and these terrorist gangs, already documented multiple times in Syria. 

Around 300 of the terrorists are Syrian nationals from Idlib and Aleppo countryside, 150 are Belgian, French, Chinese (Uighurs), Moroccan, Tunisian, Chechen and British nationals.

The Syrian nationals will receive around $1200 – $1500 but there is no figure given for the foreign nationals. Bear in mind an average Syrian Arab Army soldier receives 70,000 Syrian Pounds per month, around $ 20. 

Ukrainian President, Volodymyr Zelensky has claimed that 16000 foreign mercenaries will fight for Ukraine.

So, NATO member states are yet again turning a sovereign nation into a battlefield  using mercenaries and fanatics to defend their agenda – to blockade and besiege Russia on the western flank and to ensure NATO expansion east despite the Minsk agreements. 

Russian President, Vladimir Putin had warned German Chancellor, Olaf Scholz of the growing number of foreign mercenaries operating in Ukraine during a telephone conversation on the 4th March. 

This is not the first evidence of Syrian extremist armed groups heading to Ukraine. Militant Wire Telegram channel had previously reported that a Syrian businessman, Tariq Al Jasem from the southern Aleppo countryside had formed a faction to fight against Russia in Ukraine.

Al Jasem’s links to extremists in Syria was later confirmed by Syrian researcher, Ibrahim Mohammed Wahdi.

One thing is for sure, confronting Russian forces on the ground in Ukraine will be a very different experience for these Islamist terrorists who benefitted from extensive rat runs in the areas they occupied in Syria, spending most of their time underground while Syrian civilians were used as human shields above ground.

There are no tunnels for them to escape to in Ukraine, they will be exposed to the full force of a Russian military already experienced in dealing with these terrorist groups after six years battling them successfully  in Syria. 

The White Helmet tag team 

The pseudo humanitarian organisation embedded with Al Qaeda and affiliates in Syria, the White Helmets, are now offering to “help Ukrainians organise their first responders” according to an opinion piece by Josh Rogin for Washington Post

Rogin doubles down on the US/UK legacy media narratives on Russian involvement in the Syrian war against terrorist forces sponsored, promoted and armed by the Western US-led coalition.

The whole Russia “is bombing hospitals, schools, civilian infrastructure” canard is rolled out, as always lacking the important context that Al Qaeda inc. occupy schools and hospitals. These buildings are converted into military headquarters, ammunition factories and storage, Sharia courts, prisons, torture chambers and detention centers as I have personally witnessed in Aleppo, Eastern Ghouta, southern Idlib – please subscribe to my YouTube channel or Odysee for multiple recorded civilian testimonies.

I interviewed Ahmad Aldayh in May 2017, in his shop in East Aleppo. He had been held prisoner by Jabhat al Shamiya brigade [affiliated with Nusra Front aka Al Qaeda] in the Eye Hospital in East Aleppo for 7 weeks just prior to its liberation by the SAA on 4/12/2016 when the wardens fled the advancing Syrian Army.

Here is his testimony: 

According to Rogin, the International Criminal Court (ICC) has said it would “immediately proceed” with an investigation into the alleged Russian war crimes in Ukraine. 

Has the ICC started proceedings against the UK/US allied destruction of Syrian civilian infrastructure and US occupation of Syrian oil fields or the torching of Syrian wheat and barley fields, the deprivation of water from millions of civilians in the north west of Syria, the crippling unilateral economic sanctions?

Has the ICC started proceedings against the far right Ukrainian brigades that have massacred 14,000 Russian speaking Ukrainians in the Donbass region for the last 8 years? 

On the contrary, Ukraine is being supported by NATO member states  to take Russia to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) for “having launched an invasion on the pretext of false claims of genocide perpetrated against the country’s Russian speakers” according to a report in The Guardian. 

Unsurprisingly the NATO-linked “evidence” provider, Bellingcat, is involved in “preserving” evidence against Russia that is admissible in court. 

Karim Khan who was elected as ICC prosecutor in 2021 is a British barrister and Queen’s Counsel. According to the Guardian, Khan’s “predecessor as ICC prosecutor Fatou Bensouda announced in 2020 that there was enough evidence from the conflict in Eastern Ukraine and Crimea to launch an investigation but the ICC judges did not give their approval”. Khan reviewed the case and concluded that: 

I am satisfied that there is a reasonable basis to believe that both alleged war crimes and crimes against humanity have been committed in Ukraine.”

Effectively Khan imposed false equivalence onto what has clearly been the attempted ethnic cleansing of the opposition to the NATO influence in Ukraine and the NATO support for far right, Neo-Nazi elements in the Ukrainian security forces and political institutions. 

The very real genocide that has been ongoing for eight years in Donbass was “disappeared” just as the agencies of Western hegemony and aligned media have disappeared the atrocities committed against the Syrian people by the terrorist groups in Syria and the ethnic cleansing pogroms carried out by these so called “moderate rebels”. 

Enter the White Helmets 

Rogin repeats the taglines that have been the mainstay of PR for the UK-incubated White Helmet organisation – “giving emergency care to civilians since 2014”.

The “all volunteer force” where each “volunteer” is paid $150 per month for the most junior members (remember the salary of a Syrian Arab Army soldier is $20) claims to have saved more than 100,000 civilians, a claim rendered ridiculous by their own lack of supporting documentation. Interesting that Rogin uses the term “force” which more accurately represents the armed members of White Helmet groups with  close links to Al Qaeda.

Raed Saleh, now known as the “Chairman” of the White Helmets and with terrorist ties himself made the following statement in an interview with Rogin: 

We are here to help our Ukrainian brothers and sisters in any way we can,” Raed Al Saleh, the leader of the White Helmets, told me in an interview. Putin’s goal is to break the will of the civilian population, he said, and there are no limits to the savagery of his troops. “The Russian military has no principles. They respect no human rights. They have no standards or ethics,” Saleh said. “The Ukrainians are facing the most ferocious, unethical, criminal killing machine that exists in the world today, which we have been facing for the last seven years.”

“There are no limits to the savagery of [Russian] troops” Saleh tells Rogin. For a more reserved and accurate account of the Russian military campaign in Syria, I recommend ‘Operation Aleppo’ by Sunday Times contributor and defence journalist Tim Ripley. 

Despite allegedly being tasked with the documentation of war crimes in Syria, the White Helmets have not one record of atrocities and crimes committed by the terrorist armed groups, including ISIS and Nusra Front (Al Qaeda). They are embedded with these terrorist groups yet have not witnessed a single war crime? 

Those atrocities include the regular targeting of children, schools, hospitals and civilian infrastructure in the Syrian Christian town of Al Sqeilbiyyeh, northern Hama.

During these attacks, the White Helmets shared underground headquarters with Al Qaeda in Qalaat Al Madiq less than one kilometer away from the Christian town that was threatened with extinction for seven years prior to liberation of the surrounding areas by the Syrian Arab Army and Russian forces in early 2019.

The White Helmets are allegedly preparing a series of videos to instruct Ukrainian civilians in the handling of unexploded rockets, how to evacuate a building under attack.

I guess it will be a slick compilation of their finest operations, perhaps taken from the Oscar winning promo that was produced in Turkey, not Syria? The White Helmets are even “ready to send in staff”.

Perhaps they would base themselves in the Zionist funded field hospitals that are springing up in Ukraine. 

Odd how this announcement follows on from the arrival of Idlibistan terrorists in Urkaine? Not really, the White Helmets go where the terrorists go. 

In Syria the White Helmets did not stay behind to help the civilians. Once an area was liberated from the terrorist groups by the Syrian Arab Army and allies,  they departed on the green buses that evacuated extremist fighters to Idlib. 

In July 2018 they were evacuated from southern Syria via Israel to Jordan in a special operation masterminded by Israel and Canada, a very Zionist intervention to rescue the US Coalition funded, terrorist-linked organisation.  

Saleh mentions the use of walkie-talkies and the deployment of teams to monitor skies for planes as a more effective early warning system. Rogin fails to mention that the White Helmets in Syria have been supplied with the US State Department developed Hala System that enables the grotesque militarisation of humanitarianism in Syria”. 

Saleh regurgitates the Russian “double tap” claims – “Russian planes attack civilians, wait for first responders to arrive and then attack the first responders”

Saleh never refers to the evidenced double tap strikes carried out by the terrorist groups embedded in urban areas in Aleppo and in all the cities they occupied – targeting civilians, waiting for the REAL Syria Civil Defence (RSCD established in Syria 1953) to arrive before targeting them as they attempted to rescue Syrian civilans. 

I interviewed the Commander of the RSCD (not the White Helmet imposters) in Aleppo in March 2018. He told me: 

They (terrorists) targeted us deliberately in order to destroy our equipment & structures. They wanted to prevent us being able to work for our people. They would target our crew with sniper fire and explosive bullets. Their main mission was to kill the crew and destroy our base so we couldn’t care for the people of Aleppo”

According to the Commanding Officer of this RSCD centre, the main terrorist objective was to paralyse the essential infrastructure for the 1.5 million Syrian civilians sheltering in the Syrian Government controlled West Aleppo. This included the destruction of water trucks, water pipes, electricity stations and the RSCD crews, vehicles and equipment.

One of the many REAL Syria Civil Defence vehicles that had been targeted by Nusra Front & associated extremist groups in control of Layramoun and areas surrounding the RSCD centre in East Aleppo, prior to final liberation by the SAA and allies in December 2016. January 2018 (Photo: Vanessa Beeley)

I was told that the terrorist groups systematically carried out double-tap attacks on the RSCD crew. Nusra Front or one of their affiliates would fire mortars into a densely populated civilian area of West Aleppo. 

For example in June 2016, terrorist groups intensified their attacks on West Aleppo.

The district of Midan was pounded by mortar fire and during one attack, a huge number of civilians were injured and trapped in destroyed buildings. The RSCD sent teams to evacuate the wounded and to dig out those trapped inside the buildings.

The terrorists waited for us to arrive and begin work, before they targeted the same area again – with mortars and hell cannon missiles” 

Predictably, Rogin reinforces the concept that the White Helmets are a “victim” of a “Russian disinformation campaign” ignoring the fact that the majority of accusations against the White Helmets come from the Syrian civilians who survived occupation by the armed groups and the White Helmets. 

Accusations of organ trafficking, child abduction and trafficking, staging of “chemical weapon” events, murder, theft, corruption and being weapon-carrying members of extremist armed groups – a claim even made by former White Helmets and an operational White Helmet leader I interviewed in Daraa in July 2018. 

AbdulAziz Maghrabi seated centre, with Ahrar Al Sham & Abu Amara fighters, was also head of the White Helmets in Eastern Aleppo. (Photo: Maghrabi’s Facebook page)

Of course Rogin sweeps all the considerable prima facie evidence against the White Helmets to one side, that is his job.

The fact remains, there are many questions hanging over the credibility of the White Helmets that are yet unanswered by an independent public enquiry into the war crimes they are accused of committing by the Syrian people disenfranchised by mainstream media and UN agencies.

Saleh claims “there is no greater honour than doing this work”. One must ask what kind of honour is gained by supporting violent ideologues and fanatics globally. When Saleh suggests it is a “duty and privilege” to “save people who represent the future of their country”, is he referring to the NATO-backed far right, Neo-Nazi brigades who would take absolute power in Ukraine? 

It would make sense that an organisation tasked with being an auxiliary to some of the most brutal and sectarian armed militant gangs in Syria would now be providing PR for their fascist equivalent in Ukraine. As Syrian President, Bashar Al Assad stated shortly after the Russian military campaign began: 

The enemy facing the Syrian and Russian armies is one. In Syria, it is (Islamist) extremism and in Ukraine it is Nazism. The Russian Federation will give a lesson to the world that great countries are not only great with their military strength, but also their respect for the law, high morals and humanitarian principles”
Translated from Arabic by Syriana Analysis/a>

In 2018 during an interview with the Corbett Report I alluded to the potential for a  White Helmet global franchise. It appears that my prediction is coming true in Ukraine.

Effectively, the war against the Syrian alliance has been switched to Ukraine and Ukraine and its people are being weaponised by NATO member states to carry out their dirty work against Russia.

Ukrainians must resist the call to arms, secure negotiation with Russia and maintain neutrality before their country becomes a battleground strewn with the corpses of another US UK EU allied proxy war against the most powerful enemy they have confronted so far.

Vanessa Beeley is an independent journalist and photographer who has worked extensively in the Middle East – on the ground in Syria, Egypt, Iraq and Palestine, while also covering the conflict in Yemen since 2015. Follow her on Twitter @VanessaBeeley, or read her blog at The Wall Will Fall.


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Categories: latest, Syria, Ukraine
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Oct 6, 2022 1:17 PM

Ukraine is such a beautiful country

Mar 20, 2022 1:46 PM

Eerily reminiscent of the “Salvador option” in Syria:

Alleged Ukrainian human traffickers, in prison in the Netherlands, swear to let go of their lucrative (organ/sex slave/??)-trade and fight evil Russians in the Ukraine instead if they were to be released.
Dutch Justice ruled. Result: Ukrainian human traffickers had to be released last Friday (3.18.2022 11:00) 


Mar 12, 2022 10:32 AM

Good to see Vanessa still reporting the truth.

Mar 12, 2022 7:05 AM

Ruptly video that YouTube tried censoring — showing the Syrian people rallying in support of Russia:


Justin Thyme
Justin Thyme
Mar 11, 2022 6:34 PM


Mar 11, 2022 6:13 PM

CIA/MI6 own and operate the jihadis.

Wherever the jihadis are despatched, US military occupation is sure to follow.

Is Taiwan to have a jihadi problem at some point?

Mar 12, 2022 5:46 AM
Reply to  Igor

The Empire or its allies brought tattooed Ukranian thugs to HK, to add to the violence. So, we cannot discount more insanity.

Mar 11, 2022 3:40 PM

The principal detterant force in Ukraine against outside aggression are the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The president presides over these military and security forces. Why is there a singular focus on the armed citizenry? Also, if there are 100,000 Russian troops they can’t all be inside tanks. Where are they? I don’t see them in any videos

Mar 11, 2022 2:38 PM

This is comedy gold


Peak Britain.

Brave Sir Robin ran away,
bravely ran away away.
When danger rears it’s ugly head,
he bravely turned his tail and fled!

Mar 12, 2022 6:57 PM
Reply to  EarlofSuave

+10 so funny.

Pete Wagn
Pete Wagn
Mar 11, 2022 2:07 PM

Ukraine will become just another deep state terror op. Or will Russia knock the deep state’s teeth out?

Mar 11, 2022 6:52 AM

“The United States government proudly proclaims itself the land of the free and the home of the brave and points to its constitutional protections of fundamental rights.” Do you still believe in this exceptional fairy tale? To believe simply means you don’t know the truth, that you still believe in the blood soaked lie. A blind man believing in light – what can that belief do? When all around is the stench of death. America is not what it pretends to be. Ask Julian Assange? America is hypocritical. A democracy just in name, yet in reality, it does not function. Violence alone is the religion of America – with oil as your jealous god. Your government is utterly violent. The whole structure of society is violent. The existence of the dollar as the world reserve currency is violence. Your whole society is interwoven with violence. America is the most condemned country in the whole world. America has no friends anywhere, for the simple reason that it is the most destructive power today. America is despised and condemned all over the world, even those countries receiving American help are not sympathetic towards America. When your whole government and the energy of the people and the intelligence of your scientists are moving in only one direction, violence and destruction. Who are you to decide for the whole world? It is none of your business. Yet you want to poke your nose in everywhere? Every dissenting nation is prepared, and made to stand in opposition to all the other nations. As a result violence grows and the fire of war continuously burns. Where there is American interference, there is only war and violence. How can you avoid violence? If your so-called great leaders, political, religious and others, are bent upon having a third… Read more »

Mar 11, 2022 8:13 AM
Reply to  @lienChrist


Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Mar 11, 2022 3:05 PM
Reply to  Jojo

Make people more conscious of what is happening to their life.”

Erm… ?

Mar 12, 2022 2:12 PM

Ahem, tiny observation: comments 120 ÷ 15 from FT fanboy’Tokyo’ [email protected] alone@work? Surely not. Sadly…

Mar 13, 2022 5:16 PM
Reply to  Jojo

Stop being a Gloomy Gus pessimist. America is good and America is great. It is a beacon of freedom.

Sunface Jack
Sunface Jack
Mar 13, 2022 9:34 AM
Reply to  @lienChrist

Every nation that has joined the UN… all 173 members are part of the gang. You maybe won’t like it but Trump was extracting the US out of the UN. The Deep State of Corporations aligned to the Democrats and Other Aligned politicians (RINO) did like it and turned on him. It’s the monster’s behind the UN. i.e. Council of Foreign Relations who report into the Royal Institute for International Affairs- (Chatham House). That is where your hate should be directed.

les online
les online
Mar 11, 2022 5:27 AM

What to make of it ? Russian politicians pass a law about publishing “fake news”.(c)
Western “news” outfits pull most of their staff out of Russia, fearing the new laws wide
ambit. Why does the Western media’s action seem to endorse they publish “fake news” ?

Thomas L Frey
Thomas L Frey
Mar 11, 2022 2:05 AM

Read the book “War is a Racket”, by USMC General Smedley Butler. Free PDF on internet, free audio on YouTube.

War only benefits Banker Bosses and the Military Weapons and Ordinance complex.

We are not obligated to pick a side, any more than we are obligated to allow tyrants in white coats inject us with untested chemical cocktails of poison.

Want to make a difference? Then don’t give consent to the political parasites.

Sunface Jack
Sunface Jack
Mar 13, 2022 9:37 AM
Reply to  Thomas L Frey

You forgot the media who profit from this, and the “Elite” that fund the WEF who own the banker.

Mar 11, 2022 12:54 AM

Salafist trash will make good fertilzer on the chernozem fields..

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Mar 11, 2022 12:45 AM

Well… The usual denials that an actual conflict is taking place.

Same flavors of denial regarding collapsing office buildings and bombed subways… Same flavors of denial that hurricanes (such as Katrina) were not steered by electromagnetic systems. Same level of denial as the poisoning of the entire Pacific Ocean via the Fukushima “incident”.

Well. >
Is Ukraine Destroying Evidence of US-Funded Bioweapons Programme?
By Rhoda Wilson on March 7, 2022


There are readily available maps detailing the locations of these biolabs. What a coincidence…

Sunface Jack
Sunface Jack
Mar 13, 2022 9:40 AM

Watcha smokin…? da geogreen stuff with haarp flavor?

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Mar 13, 2022 3:12 PM
Reply to  Sunface Jack

I enjoy a bit o’ bat guano followed by a whiff of Amyl nitrate…

Mar 10, 2022 11:57 PM

Again Vanessa hit a jackpot by drawing straight parallels between UkroNazi and Salafists as both advocate and fight for Fascism and hence cooperate. Or at least it is what they claim.

For example ISIS turned shrewd entrepreneurs and businessmen trading stolen goods generating $100 millions a month, claimed total Islamic State political and economic independence from east and west while taking their money and weapons as mercenaries. They also claimed that they are religious fighters of salafism or Wahhabism while in fact they all were condemned by all major Islamic authorities including Saudis, Qatar and UAE as blasphemers and in fact atheists.

Similarity dishonesty permeates Ukrainian Nazis. For example UkroNazi are extreme nationalists supposedly. want total independence from east and west and to ethnically and racially cleanse Ukraine (insane notion as historically there was no nationality or ethnicity of Ukrainian as it was invented by Austrian-Hungarian security apparatus that controlled Ukrainian nationalism and commissioned Doncov to invent Ukrainian Racial theory a version of German Arian nation myth). In the same time they have no problem with joining EU or NATO with all western Woke, LGBTQ agenda they hate and invite western investments that bring foreigners of all races and creeds to Ukraine to live there.

in fact none of them are genuine. None of them represent society genuine aspirations and genuine sociopolitical agendas. They are all paid mercenaries in service of global oligarchy with one aim. Controlling populations via means of intimidation and terror.

Mar 11, 2022 7:40 AM
Reply to  Kalen

trading stolen goods
ISIS had 40-50 tonnes of gold bullion at Mosul, Syria [Fabio Carisio 2019]. This may have come from robberies across Iraq and Syria. It may have exchanged it for safe passage after defeat [SANA 2019].

condemned by all major Islamic authorities including Saudis, Qatar and UAE
Saudi, Qatar, UAE and Turkey are major financeers of terror and war – even in their own region.

Mar 11, 2022 10:03 PM
Reply to  mgeo

I meant Islamic religious authorities condemned ISIS religious credentials.

John Goss
John Goss
Mar 10, 2022 11:55 PM

Vanessa Beeley you are one of the few honest and most outstanding journalists writing today. This is another superb example. Thank you so much.

And I think I saw a tweet of yours with video about the dummy-run with dummy-babies without dummies carried by real live dummies pretending to be emergency services. It wasn’t the Boston Marathon but I’m almost sure they were crisis actors. Especially now we know the so-called aerial bombing of a hospital in Mariupol never happened and was on a day when Russia informed Ukraine that it would be a “silent” day to provide for evacuation corridors.

Veri Tas
Veri Tas
Mar 10, 2022 11:51 PM

The newly dubbed Zionists are really the Khazarian mafia which said much the same about the Germans during WWII as they are now claiming about the Russians, all the while they are the ones with no moral principles, as can be seen by their merciless murdering or maiming of the Jewish population in Israel with the experimental Pfizer injections.

Mar 10, 2022 11:16 PM

Not many know that in 2014-2015 in Donbass there were few hundreds of Chechen terrorist commanders earlier and later commanding ISIS in Syria and Iraq. Because of that Kadyrov “allowed” detachment of Chechen anti terrorist fighters to “volunteer” and engage in heavy fighting especially in battle for Donetsk International Airport “Prokofiev”. At that time Putin insisted that above 1500 of RF citizen Volunteer fighters engagement in civil war in Donbass is illegal but later understandably refused to prosecute them.

Victor G.
Victor G.
Mar 12, 2022 4:39 PM
Reply to  Kalen

Sorry, K. … the info is worthless without sources and references.

Mar 10, 2022 10:58 PM

Ukraine family shelled by Ukraine government in massive propaganda war led by ABC
by Editor, cairnsnews

This Ukrainian family explain how their own troops were shelling them in their apartment block trying to shift the blame onto the Russian army. In Australia the ABC, Sky News and commercial networks are running their normal Covid-styled disinformation campaign placing the blame on Russian soldiers and Putin for killing civilians when it is the Ukrainian mafia troops killing their own people.


Propganda made legal

NDAA 2013: Congress approves domestic deceptive propaganda…………….


ISIS (now called IS) was trained by the Americans and Israelis and is led by Israelis.
ISIS Leader Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi Trained by Israel

Mar 11, 2022 7:43 AM
Reply to  Caltrop


Mar 10, 2022 10:51 PM

Another blow to Putin’s propaganda machine. This policy change is going to annoy some people here. What are you going to search out Putin’s propaganda with now?
DuckDuckGo ends neutrality, will down-rank sites “associated with Russian disinformation”
March 10, 2022

The founder of DuckDuckGo, a Google-alternative search engine that has touted its “unbiased” search results for years, has announced that it has started down-ranking sites based on whether they’re deemed to be associated with Russian disinformation.

“Like so many others I am sickened by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the gigantic humanitarian crisis it continues to create,” DuckDuckGo CEO and founder Gabriel Weinberg tweeted. “At DuckDuckGo, we’ve been rolling out search updates that down-rank sites associated with Russian disinformation.”


Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Mar 11, 2022 12:17 AM
Reply to  Jojo

DuckDuckGo hasn’t been neutral on a lot of subjects for ages. It’s almost impossible not to get UK MSM title weblinks to the top two pages of almost any search, even when I would never ever ever want a link to the UK MSM about anything, knowing how they lie for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

They may not track you search-wise, but I am rapidly thinking I need a different search engine to give me search results that are actually useful.

After all, a library that only stocks the MSM is no library at all.

Sunface Jack
Sunface Jack
Mar 13, 2022 9:50 AM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

I agree. I am trying Brave.

Mr Reynard
Mr Reynard
Mar 10, 2022 10:36 PM

NATO White Helmets follow al-Qaeda to Ukraine ??
I just wish them all “Mazel Tov”, because IMHO they will need all the “Tovs” that they ca get ??

George Mc
George Mc
Mar 10, 2022 9:24 PM

The Right squads behind Zelensky certainly seems to have a PR problem in the West. Dmytro Kotsyubaylo’s comment about his fighters feeding the bones of Russian-speaking children to his pet wolf was a bit of a gaff. Still …


“Pro-Russian media in Ukraine also intimidate their audiences with stories of Ukrainian volunteer battalions’ “cruelty”. On December 1, Volodymyr Zelensky awarded Dmytro Kotsyubaylo, a Right Sector volunteer with the nom de guerre Da Vinci, with the title of Hero of Ukraine. In his interview for NYT in the spring of this year, Kotsyubaylo joked he had fed a wolf with “bones of Russian-speaking children” to make fun of Russian propaganda’s fake news about Ukrainian nationalists (The commander, Dmytro Kotsyubaylo — his nom de guerre is Da Vinci — jokes that the fighters feed it the bones of Russian-speaking children, a reference to Russian state media tropes about the evils of Ukrainian nationalists, NYT). The phrase was taken out of context, and it was not suggested anywhere in the manipulative headlines that it was a joke.”

Well it seems that “volunteer” Kotsyubaylo is, like Zelensky himself, a bit of a comic. (And don’t you just love the way they turn his appalling remark around and blame “Russian propaganda’s fake news” for it?)

I also note a bit here which helpfully assures the reader with an explanation of “Our Methodology” after which a load of question begging bumf. The only rule I would tentatively mention is that the moment anyone warbles on about “Fake News” and their own “methodology”, you can rest assured that they are AT IT!

Mar 10, 2022 9:12 PM

This applies to about 3/4 of the posts here. So sad…
Putin proves my point. Whatever it is
While Ukrainians fight for their lives, battalions of keyboard warriors are explaining how this validates their other opinions
Robert Shrimsley
March 4, 2022

The most important thing to understand about the invasion of Ukraine is that it proves my point. Yes, yes, it may be pulling Europe to the brink of outright war, causing the deaths of innocent civilians and plunging the global economy into turmoil but the essential issue is that Putin has shown I was right. Right about what, you may ask. About everything. Whatever my personal and political prejudices, they have been triumphantly (ahem, better make that tragically) vindicated.


Mar 12, 2022 3:11 PM
Reply to  Jojo

Ok nato troll

Mar 10, 2022 8:07 PM

The orchestrated faux war isn’t any more believable than the chemical weapons hoaxes, the Novotony hoax, the Kashoggi hoax, the Russiagate hoax, the hacking hoaxes, the Skripal hoax, the Litvinenko hoax, the nuclear weapons hoax or any other hoax. I don’t buy the East vs West or BRICS vs NATO psyop. It’s not more believable than the virus hoax Russia and Ukraine participated in. Russia is a WEF partner. This is part of Agenda 21, The Great Reset.

Since this absurd hoax began, they’ve raised energy prices, created supply chain shortages, and manufactured a pretext to create an IMF – CBDC vs the CIPS banking scam. They are preparing people for a faux cyber pandemic, and/or a controlled demolition of the banking system and stock markets to push through blockchain and digital SMART IDs.

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Mar 10, 2022 8:15 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Do you mean there is literally no war? No Russian troops in UKraine? No fighting?

Mar 10, 2022 8:29 PM

I haven’t seen any believable footage so far. Although I don’t watch tv or read msm. If there is fighting, it’s undoubtedly orchestrated and coordinated.

Mar 10, 2022 8:41 PM
Reply to  Researcher

theres “footage” of lines of tanks firing at each other at point blank range.

Presumably meant to be the 40km “convoy”. I spoke to an ex-tank man from the British Army and his first take was “how would they carry enough fuel for all those vehicles?” tanks use a lot of fuel, and are bad for the planet maaaaan 😉 – i guess they must have planned on stopping at the petrol stations on the way.
then theres lots of footage of people carrying dogs across a broken bridge.

blown up buildings that needed demolition anyway (have you been to eastern europe, outside of the main cities where at least some “wealth” exists?)

of course, they bombed a hospital, school and probably an abandoned dogs home.


Mar 10, 2022 8:47 PM
Reply to  NameWithheld

Yeah. I mean, in these kind of operations I try to analyze all the reasons why they have interests in staging a war. Aside from the usual … create refugees, scare everyone silly, move people off land they want to mine for oil, gas, or rare earth minerals, or grow drugs on, there’s usually multiple financial objectives, besides the racketeering and theft that goes along with war. Like this…

Mar 10, 2022 9:07 PM
Reply to  Researcher

yeah the proposed plan from now I think is:
1) Keep “covid passports” (EU already looking extending theirs til 2023, current end date is 30/6/2022)
2) Crash the Internet, Financial and food systems (mostly under the guise of “WAR”)
3) Migrate “covid passports” to digital IDs, required for EVERYTHING, accessing the “new secure, NO ANONYMOUS TROLLS!” internet, money – CBDC (programmable of course, so you can’t buy anything that isn’t approved for you)
4) Implement one world global governance “so this doesn’t happen again, its for the greater good”
5) Implement UBI (payable by CBDC) to enslave population further

During this, millions (billions?) will die, from vaccine side effects firstly and closely followed by the upcoming famine.


Mar 10, 2022 9:20 PM
Reply to  NameWithheld

100% agree.

les online
les online
Mar 10, 2022 11:33 PM
Reply to  NameWithheld

The War cant be happening unless it’s shown on TV ?
Wars are not shown on TV. Propaganda is shown on TV.

Mar 13, 2022 2:59 PM
Reply to  les online

Wars are not waged between nations but against the populace.

Sunface Jack
Sunface Jack
Mar 13, 2022 10:00 AM
Reply to  NameWithheld

Check with your tank man. He will tell you the tanks are on tank transporters in the convoy. That is how its done. The convoy will have fuel tankers in the convoy for the conflict zone. The next supply convoys will follow and then the aircraft with fuel and supplies will follow when the captured airports are cleared and made safe for incoming aircraft.

Mar 10, 2022 9:03 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Well then , if you don’t watch TV or read MSM, where exactly might you see ANY footage, let alone anything believable? [lol]

Sunface Jack
Sunface Jack
Mar 13, 2022 9:56 AM
Reply to  Researcher

?? Why then are there refugees reportedly fleeing the area fleeing the area? Try alternative media like Off-Guardian… Oh I see you are here. Of course the fighting is coordinated and orchestrated. It always is in war by vested interests.

Mar 13, 2022 1:00 PM
Reply to  Sunface Jack

Because the governments wage war against the people. They aren’t and don’t ever protect them. The governments are the enemy of the people. They have one central ownership, through the banking-merchant-military cartel. It’s not hard to understand.

I am HERE for people (readers) who are waking up, not half awake, still believing in the geopolitical myth of separate nation states.

George Mc
George Mc
Mar 10, 2022 8:49 PM

The reporting I have seen has been so ludicrously cheesy that I think the notion that it’s all a fraud is understandable. I don’t think the invasion is a fraud but I sometimes think that the infantilism of the reportage aims at more than one effect.

On the one hand, there is the “dumbass” reaction that simply weeps at it in the same way that it would weep at the death of Bambi’s mother, believing it to be real.

On the other hand, there are those who find it irresistable to either guffaw or vomit and who, since the “coverage” is so artificial, start to wonder if any of it is real at all.

The rulers benefit from both since a punch up is always to their advantage.

Mar 10, 2022 9:49 PM
Reply to  Researcher

True, Russia was parroting during the so called Covid pandemic all that the so called West dictated to the rest of the planet. They parroted with zeal and copied to the dot, complying with all instructions passed on from the US. Spitting mirror image. They are obsessed with the AI, probably more than others if this could be measured [ they even have a small midgety version of ”bill gates”, their own generic one called in Russia Herman Greff, who is more ”bill gates” than the very ”bill gates” is and who speaks exclusively memes of ”Klaus Schwab” merged with ”bill gates”, a unique cocktail indeed], and their futurism is based on complete society management through AI/gamification on exerting/imposing social obedience through AI. They are more advanced in the AI ideology than the West. Their dependence on IMF is complete. WHO is their god to which their officials pray.
Even now when the apparent war with the West/NATO is going on, their Duma is on a daily basis passing laws/decrees gripping the strategic social systems in Russia by the AI, subjugating the Russians by the throats to QRs, Data Collection and management through IT. The AI experiments they carry out on the Russians, children especially, are scary.
It all does seem bizarre, the fierce anti-Nato/West rhetoric of Zakharova, Lavror and Putin drumming in the current Ukraine invasion on one hand, and their absolute slavery to the matrix of the West in the innards of their internal policies towards their own society.

Mar 10, 2022 10:10 PM
Reply to  roula

Yes, Russia’s totally on board with the AI, digital currency, biometricID, forced vax, slave system.

They are also pushing the climate emergency fraud.

Each government destroys its own population. These “leaders” (puppets/actors) are psychopaths, involved in a global organized crime cartel.

Mar 10, 2022 10:17 PM
Reply to  roula

Also.The central bank of Russia has officially started pilot tests of its digital ruble, according to an announcement on Tuesday (Feb. 15). The bank said the first central bank digital currency (CBDC) transfers among Russian citizens had been successfully concluded.”

Nine (9) days before the fake invasion.

Mar 10, 2022 11:23 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Yes, from this point of view the war theater that we are watching now in the Ukraine highly televised in its texture, could be more theater than the real war, and serving aims incompatible with and hidden behind the fierce anti-Nato rhetoric copied from propaganda manuals. Both Zakharova and Lavrov have children studying at US universities. If Putin’s daughters study at all, I have no idea, but even if they do, certainly not at Lomonosov University. They, I mean the key politician figures wallowing these days in anti-Nato anti-West rhetoric, also wallow in properties purchased in the Nato states.
Russian compliance with the West for the last 30 years has been as shocking as their current anti-Nato rhetoric is fake. Then why is this war theater taking place, does beg a question, many indeed? Staling pulling Russia out of WHO was credible. These people are scripted actors.

Mar 10, 2022 11:26 PM
Reply to  Researcher

True, they, the Duma actors, peddle all these strategically dangerous regulations madly and unchecked, recently in a delirium thicker than ever before.

Mar 10, 2022 11:50 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Yep all on schedule for the great starvation 2024 and everything else in between….maintaining digital currency etc may prove difficult if electricity supplies falter along with supply of mobile phones ….but never mind the real objective of all this will be achieved….mass starvation/death….just read this am 47 days from stop of food supply to death for the average citizen…grim…

sorry but I did say uranus was tracking same stories as last time and will continue to do so from all I can see…we are now in stage 2…though NSW govt aust is apparently still trying to ramp up last vestiges of fear about covid…. Apparently have some boosters supplies people are too busy with flooding to go have…these people are beyond belief.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Mar 11, 2022 6:50 AM
Reply to  Edith

And a sudden spike in deaths of the double and triple jabbed in Australia, Kitching and Warne were massive drug pushers.

Mar 11, 2022 1:50 AM
Reply to  Researcher

I’m usually impressed with much of what you write, compared to most Commenters.
But this comment doesn’t live up to your normal standards though.

I had doubts early on.
But I had worked with a small business in Irpin for several years.
Run by really good people, whim have been excellent business partners.
Upon contacting them in early March they informed me that they had to flee, due to the Russian attacks.
They (used to) sell products that originated in both Russia & Ukraine.
They never relayed any hint of anti-Russian sentiment.
They seemingly had no reason to lie about the war.

They told me they were absolutely stunned by the events, and resultant destruction they were seeing.

Your handle is Researcher.
I, seemingly like you, am often questioning most everything.
But that doesn’t mean completely burying one’s head in the sand, and rejecting everything just because so much is falsified.
One should always continue to seek out, and turn to evidence, allowing quantity and quality of evidence to direct their convictions of beliefs & opinions.

I question everything, starting with my own beliefs, opinions, biases, and even questions.

And I’m never hesitant nor afraid to find the relevant info & data that may cause me to revise those beliefs, opinions, biases & such.

So I ask you, given that there are plenty of businesses in Ukraine, the contact info of which is easily obtained.
Have you personally bothered to contact anyone in Ukraine to try to get a firsthand account of events, bypassing the media accounts?

Even a rookie, amateur sleuth could do the basic work necessary to gain better & more valid insight into reality.

Mar 11, 2022 11:27 AM
Reply to  CLOUSEAU

Did you read my comment? Clearly not. They evacuate people. They move people out of the country. The authorities shell some areas. Russia and Ukraine are organizing this. The people don’t know. They think it’s real. All they’ve been subjected to is propaganda their entire lives and for the past several years. They see some smoke. Blown up buildings that are already evacuated. A line of tanks. They think it’s a real organic war. They are told to line up and get weapons. I don’t need to ring businesses. I have no doubt that certain areas of Ukraine (the ones they want to mine) will be evacuated like they did in Syria. My point was even if there’s actual fighting it’s always orchestrated. That both countries (administrations) are in on it. That war is always orchestrated and used as a pretext for multiple agendas. The organized genocide of actual civilians to deflate debt bubbles being one of them.

I’ve seen plenty of footage that was faked. The fact that there’s any fake footage means that they want the people to be alarmed.

Mar 11, 2022 11:51 AM
Reply to  CLOUSEAU

Here’s some fake footage for your pleasure. This is recycled footage from 5 years ago being shown on tv as current.

And in Kiev real footage of nothing happening.

Mar 11, 2022 12:06 PM
Reply to  CLOUSEAU

Be aware of the multiple agendas. Agenda 21, the Great Reset seeks to remake the world into a place where energy consumption is severely restricted, carbon taxed, and prices hiked to the consumer. A fake ORCHESTRATED war, with Russia faux “invading” Ukraine, and then sanctions by the NATO bloc against Russia and Russian energy, trade and banking enables the “climate emergency energy scam policies, with racketeering, price gouging and restrictions to civilians and small businesses, to be enacted.

It also allows paves the way for the digital dollar, CBDC SMART card and the new multi-polar world psyop.

Mar 12, 2022 3:18 PM
Reply to  Researcher

It’s almost like you’ve started your own websites and keep trying to send us to it

George Mc
George Mc
Mar 10, 2022 7:48 PM

Behind the snappy media savvy and, above all, Jewish Zelensky stands the new updated “cool” Hitler, Yevhen Karas:


Mar 10, 2022 7:30 PM

Good to see Ukraine bringing in professional fighters! Hope they bring their experience with C4, IUD’s and suicide vests. Russian soldiers are suffering morale problems. More sniping at them from the buildings they have destroyed can only help.
Ukraine war mystery: What’s wrong with the Russian military?
Losses, desertions and a convoy that doesn’t move: Questions are mounting about one of the world’s largest armies.
Joshua Keating
March 8, 2022

Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Mar 10, 2022 8:18 PM
Reply to  Jojo

I think you might mean IEDs? 🤷‍♀️

Mar 10, 2022 8:59 PM

[lol] Yes indeed. Can you correct this?

John Goss
John Goss
Mar 10, 2022 11:34 PM
Reply to  Jojo

As to the convoy that does not move it’s purpose, I suspect, is to step in if Zelensky steps out of line. He’s been told what path he cannot cross if he wants to keep Kiev.

Mar 11, 2022 4:27 AM
Reply to  Jojo

The important thing is that the Ukrainian army has been smashed, despite the Ukrainian government grabbing their ankles and presenting to NATO for the last eight years. NATO has already moved past any notion of assisting the puppet government in a way that could affect conventional fighting. The whole point of turning the Ukraine into a Nazi weapon for the US to use against Russia is to destabilize the region long-term. Now that the Ukrainian armed forces has been reduced to the last few heavy weapons hiding in civilian residential areas, and groups of Nazi kooks with man-portable weapons, the US planned insurgency can begin. The Ukrainian state is finished. How’d that “territorial integrity” stuff work out in Crimea and during the ethnic cleansing of Donbas?

Mar 11, 2022 8:03 AM
Reply to  Clyde

Ukraine Signs New Law Allowing Citizens To Kill Russian Soldiers Without Punishment
Published 3:28, 10 March 2022 GMT

Ukraine has reportedly just passed a new law that allows civilians to kill invading Russian soldiers without suffering any punishment.

According to a reporter from The Kyiv Independent, who posted a screenshot of the legislation, the decree was signed by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

It states: “Civilians shall not be criminally liable for the use of firearms against persons who carry out armed aggression against Ukraine, if such weapons are used in accordance with the requirements of the Law of Ukraine.”

The new bill will also allow civilians to have access to firearms, but the bill stated weapons must be turned over to the authorities once the war is over.

Mar 11, 2022 6:02 PM
Reply to  Jojo

So the BBC would have us believe with their tales of Snake Island, the Ghost of Kiev., and Ukrainian women bringing down Russian jets by throwing jars of gherkins at them.

Supposedly the operation failed because Russian forces forgot to bring any fuel or food with them. All standard BBC fare. All we need now is the last hospital in Kiev, some incubator babies, with a few dodgy dossiers thrown in.

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Mar 10, 2022 6:53 PM

This is good but limited, it totally falls into the WEF trap of passing this (not) war as a conflict between the “West” and the “East,” with people choosing sides, when in fact it’s part of the Great Reset plan, a shift from a uni-polar world order to a multi-polar one which they favor. Some of the views expressed by Alex Newman here are definitely not ones i share, but he makes a good central argument.

Winter Oak’s new piece on The Great Reset Phase 2: War has perspectives more aligned with mine, makes the same basic argument.

Mar 10, 2022 7:28 PM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

Whenever I see the words deep state I instantly know I am looking at disinformation. Because they are attempting to sell the infiltration theory.

Also WO’s piece is only telling you half the story. Firstly, there’s no war. So that’s an outright lie. Secondly, think carefully about why the controllers; UN, WEF, IMF, BIS, World Bank, governments and industry want to force everyone onto the blockchain and transition to biometric wearables, disrupt the status quo, get rid of workers and the workforce as we’ve known it for the last century, even making toddlers and children train AI and robots to replace them. There’s an actual reason underlying The Great Reset and all the agendas they are pushing.

Mar 10, 2022 9:07 PM
Reply to  Researcher

The only people stating there is no war are Russian agents and they do so in the name of spreading Pootins propaganda.

les online
les online
Mar 10, 2022 11:56 PM
Reply to  Jojo

People’s experiences have become so mediated that they cant believe there’s a war going on because it’s not being shown on TV or their other communications gadgets. Or what is shown does not conform to their ideas about War*…

People seems to have a defined notion of what War is (images of WW1 & WW2 are the references). That the Russians are not following the script = no war. I might ‘phone Mr Putin, suggest he call His War a “Police Action.”
That’s what the US government called its Not War against the Vietnamese…

** Lack of graphic images of fighting and destruction must really be pissing off the TV “news” producers. Having to explain things in words, what a piss-off…

Mar 11, 2022 4:29 AM
Reply to  Jojo

I find it amusing that Ukrobots babble endlessly about Putin. You folks are certainly obsessed with the man. Sorry to see that you gave your country to the Americans, who have turned into their arena for destabilizing Russia. Best of luck in your new life in Winnipeg.

Mar 11, 2022 8:06 AM
Reply to  Clyde

Your country is not doing very well, “Clyde”!
Russia, Where All the News Is Fake
The country has become a dystopian paragon of corrupted information.
March 10, 2022, 12:00 p.m. ET
By Frank Bruni

Mar 12, 2022 3:26 PM
Reply to  Jojo

New York Times? MSM? That’s your source? How much are you paid?

Mar 12, 2022 3:25 PM
Reply to  Jojo

Yawn Jo-Jo.

Mar 12, 2022 3:25 PM
Reply to  Researcher

There is no deep state just a bourgeoisie

George Mc
George Mc
Mar 10, 2022 6:39 PM

The much prophesied – but now strangely forgotten – economic crash is accelerating towards us … BUT

It’s the fault of covid!

It’s the fault of the Russians!

It’s the fault of ….


Mar 10, 2022 6:33 PM

Russian forces are of course equipped with the Mark 1 Anti Hospital Bomb, which automatically seeks out children’s hospitals full of suitably photogenic kids, with full camera crews in attendance.

US and UK forces, by comparison, deploy bombs which detonate on impact to spread freedumb, democracy, love and universal brotherhood.

White Helmet style videos are already being produced showing rows of “dead bodies” covered by plastic sheets. The “dead bodies”/ crisis actors find it difficult to keep still and start fidgeting around, dislodging the plastic sheeting. One of the film team hurriedly replaces the plastic sheeting to cover them up again. Hilarious. They are also showing “mass graves” full of similar “dead bodies” covered by plastic sheeting.

Russian forces claim to have discovered the plans for the ethnic cleansing of the Donbas, together with biowarfare labs and highly enriched uranium. It may be the Russian operation only pre empted this by a day or two.

NATO are like the villain Hedley Lamarr in Mel Brooks’s Blazing Saddles, recruiting a motley army of villains composed of rustlers, Mexican bandits, Nazis, KKK, gunslingers, Redskins and others for his attack on Rock Ridge. When NATO needs some expendable cannon fodder, any old human garbage will do, Al Qaida, ISIS, Ukrainian Nazis funded by Jewish oligarchs, whatever.

Mar 11, 2022 7:55 AM
Reply to  paul

White Helmets also traded in body parts, most of it routed to a “democratic” country in the region.

George Mc
George Mc
Mar 10, 2022 6:15 PM

My wife is talking about whether we should take in Ukrainian refugees. The TV shows a Ukrainian woman being carried on a stretcher whilst she recites a poem she wrote about Russian weaponry ….

I mean …. what can you say? They can show anything at all now and the public just lap it up.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Mar 10, 2022 5:43 PM

comment image
comment image

Corporate Fascist Propaganda BullshitHyperinflation and Financial Collapse. Tough tasks but someone has to do them if WE are ever going to get the Big Cull, the Great Ripoff and the Grand Enslavement.”

S Cooper
S Cooper
Mar 10, 2022 5:47 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

comment image

$1000 per gallon or bust.”
comment image

Mar 10, 2022 7:24 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

A journalist worthy of the title – RIP; I remember around the time Michael Hastings also died in a car crash – no other vehicle was involved – witnesses said his car hurtled “full speed into a tree” no attempt at braking was made by the driver suggesting the car was “hacked”. His body burnt to a crisp. Although his book on McChrystal was published I’m sure it was said he was working on something else that would have exposed a lot – hence an example was made of him… maybe someone here can recall the details of his other work? Did it get published?

Anyways RIP both – how the world could do with their courageous voices right now.

John Goss
John Goss
Mar 10, 2022 11:41 PM
Reply to  Trewpol

I remember it but like you I am not sure if I ever read about what he was working on at the time – though reports at the time said it would have been explosive.

Wasn’t this also about the time Seth Rich was “murdered”.

Mar 11, 2022 12:12 AM
Reply to  John Goss

Not sure – I think Seth Rich was in the following cycle of murders circa 2016.

I will try to find that Michael Hastings investigative report and post here.

However the young genius and hacktivist Aaron Swartz was suicided within the same cycle as Ms Shim and Mr Hastings – 2013/14. Coincidentally Swartz’ Guerrilla Access Manifesto stated:

“The world’s entire scientific … heritage … is increasingly being digitized and locked up by a handful of private corporations….

The Open Access Movement has fought valiantly to ensure that scientists do not sign their copyrights away but instead ensure their work is published on the Internet, under terms that allow anyone to access it.“

He may have had the means and drive to make this happen and although his cause was picked up by congress and some kind of law passed it was most likely some watered down version. Maybe Aaron’s efforts were too much of a threat to The Science……..

Mar 11, 2022 3:23 PM
Reply to  Trewpol

And Jackie Sutton’s ‘suicide’ in the toilets of Ataturk international Airport.
Insanely, inane reporting at that time: especially as her boss had just been
Blown up, murdered . . . Too. If I recall correctly, Shim filmed UN marked
Trucks with Arms for Terrorist factions and Sutton knew the various regional languages for translation, especially the Kurd’s, situated just over the border crossing , from where Shim had filmed. Sutton was supposed to be moving ahead of the terrorists to Erbil, but felt the urge to end everything in a Turkish toilet,
As one does… have you ever?
Thought about doing ‘it’, your final Act in
A Turkish Toilet. . . Such is life!?

Mar 11, 2022 7:57 AM
Reply to  S Cooper


Mar 11, 2022 7:56 AM
Reply to  S Cooper


Mar 10, 2022 5:38 PM

The Syrian extremists head to Ukraine video looked fake as fuck!
the AbdulAziz Maghrabi seated centre, with Ahrar Al Sham & Abu Amara fighters, was also head of the White Helmets in Eastern Aleppo. (Photo: Maghrabi’s Facebook page)
looked suspect,
This white hats ( helmets) nonsense also goes into the Q psyop.
as someone else pointed put Anagrams, Sexual Innuendos. Slang talk.

George Mc
George Mc
Mar 10, 2022 5:15 PM

The babies and incubators are coming back.


“Ukraine president decries Mariupol hospital bombing ‘genocide’ as US $13bn aid bill passes first hurdle
Zelenskiy shares footage showing destruction of 600-bed complex with children’s and maternity wards in south-eastern city as US House passes huge aid package”

The more enterprising theatres are casting “pregnant women” on the run. But all may not be as it seems:


Which jiggery pokery causes a stern moralistic slapping:


“One of the victims was named online as Marianna Podgurskaya, who has since been subjected to a torrent of hateful messages.”

“Hateful” is always a giveaway! “Hate” being the ultimate horror in the Western press.

Mar 10, 2022 9:06 PM
Reply to  George Mc

WWI: Babies on Bayonets. Hard to top that.

Mar 11, 2022 1:01 AM
Reply to  Undecided

La royaume de Belgique©

Mar 10, 2022 4:50 PM

not in the least bit surprising but its amazing how many people believe what they are constantly being told without any thought or question by the media regarding the Ukraine Russia events. I believe there is certainly a conflict between the two countries, but it amazes me how the media basically says, “look at this video, or view this pic and 100% believe it all” Just because the media say look at this, does not necessarily mean its always correct, as history has shown, WMD and iraq etc etc.

Mar 10, 2022 7:32 PM
Reply to  citizen

You should go to the front and send us first person updates.

Mar 11, 2022 4:32 AM
Reply to  Jojo

How did you dodge the Kalibers that hit the PSO centre? Lucky!

Mar 10, 2022 4:50 PM

it really is all mental. WTF happened to the world i once knew, or thought i knew, ..

i believe nothing these days, and believed scantily for two decades prior. What a fucking joke world, what a preconstructed pile of shite full of absolute fuknuggets.

when does this end?

pine planting on Mars seems attractive again, but i know Elon is just going to fire 1000s of people against the firmament just to see if he can,… : /

Mar 11, 2022 12:02 AM
Reply to  rubberheid

Never mind, we’ll soon own nothing and fucking love it.

Mar 10, 2022 4:21 PM

More Russian evil!


Foreign Policy (not exactly Putin lovers) wrote a year ago that they don’t actually exist – but never mind that for the Independent and all the many others reporting on them.

What an amazing coincidence they have a name that will have the average normie thinking “Hitler… “.

Mar 10, 2022 4:50 PM
Reply to  Edwige

…or “Apocalypse Now”

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Mar 10, 2022 3:27 PM

According to Rogin, the International Criminal Court (ICC) has said it would “immediately proceed” with an investigation into the alleged Russian war crimes in Ukraine.”

The “International Criminal Court” What an appropriate title. Completely owned and controlled by criminal investors and alleged investigators…

Malcontent mercenaries will be no match against the full force of the Russian military. Sleep well, you dolts…

Mar 10, 2022 2:11 PM

So in the first ten lines of the writ the key terms for the rest of it have been firmly established: the fighters are from the start labelled ”terrorists”, ”fanatics” and ”extremists”. And then smoothly and nicely flows all the rest of it, founded on the key terms [ and as it should be in a properly composed undergraduate essay].
The legend, perhaps true, has it that Saddam’s last words to the Shia henchmen shouting invectives towards him when he climbed the gallows, so his last words apparently were ”My whole life’s strife was about just one thing: defending Sunni Muslims in Iraq from the Shia constrictor. ”

So just perhaps rhetorically it is worth asking:

And this Syrian president now, so what is his religion?

Mar 11, 2022 12:48 PM
Reply to  roula

Still more on the nationality note and with reference to the point made here: all three judges presiding over the ”trial” of Saddam Hussein were Kurds.

Mar 10, 2022 1:59 PM

Someone on Russian TV described the arrival of mercenaries and volunteers in Ukraine as an opportunity for Russian soldiers to go on ‘safari’.

They will also need to brush up on their pronunciation of the Ukrainian word ‘Паляниця’ (‘palianytsia’, a type of bread) to avoid being disposed by the Ukrainian side.

The word “palianytsia” is used as a shibboleth in the Ukrainian language, to identify people for whom the Ukrainian language is not native. Russians tend to pronounce “palianytsia” with a soft sound “i” rather than “и”, and “ц” sometimes replaces “тс”.[8] During the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine, the word became one of those proposed to use to identify subversive enemy reconnaissance groups.[9]


Martin Usher
Martin Usher
Mar 10, 2022 5:04 PM
Reply to  Vagabard

If the examples of the English and Spanish languages are anything to go by you won’t be able to reliably identify people from different countries who speak the same language by how they pronounce individual words. You might be able to accurately figure it out from a combination of accent and word usage but even so you’d be amazed at the number of Americans (for example) who can’t tell the difference between London English and Australian.

I really dislike this trend in some of the smaller countries of sowing division by mandating that only the local language can be used. By all means promote your language as part fo the cultural heritage but it is important to know global languages, especially ones relevant to science, technology and business. So, fact of life Ukrainans — you’ve got a lot of Russian speakers and, furthermore, to the outside observer the two tongues sound the same.

jubal hershaw
jubal hershaw
Mar 11, 2022 12:22 AM
Reply to  Martin Usher

I read somewhere that London English, called Estuary, sounds Australian. Maybe they watch all that TV soap opera stuff, unconsciously pick-up the Aussie TV lingo. Americans who speak American TV lingo think of Australia as a second home as many Australians speak with accents they unconsciously adopted from US TV soap operas etc. Soft Imperialism, or cultural imperialism > you dont even know your country has been taken over. (Australia = an American protectorate (colony).
One Australian PM declared “All the way with LBJ”, so Australia invited itself to join The USAs War in Vietnam. These days it’s simply “All the way with the USA”.

Mr Y
Mr Y
Mar 10, 2022 1:15 PM

Informed and thinking sounds so nice but I wish I could go back …

Mar 10, 2022 1:04 PM

Opinion of a Russian soldier on our NATZO mercenaries:

“An even sadder fate awaits the numerous mercenaries of the EuroReich, from which they form not military units (no time), but sabotage and tactical groups. Our General Staff has already stated that it does not consider them combatants with all the ensuing consequences, no conventions on prisoners of war apply here. I am sure that a special, cruel and purposeful hunt will be conducted for these “soldiers of fortune”. Poor devils…”


Mar 10, 2022 7:35 PM
Reply to  NickM

The Saker is a Russian plant/sympathizer.

Mar 12, 2022 3:36 PM
Reply to  Jojo

And you’re a msm repeater. I know which one I despise more.

Mar 10, 2022 12:41 PM

““The Russian military has no principles. They respect no human rights. They have no standards or ethics, The Ukrainians are facing the most ferocious, unethical, criminal killing machine that exists in the world today.”

And Abu Ghraib was what?… ancient history?… a few bad eggs?… Putinbot disinfo?… a false memory?…

Mar 10, 2022 2:39 PM
Reply to  Edwige

You really would think this was 1958…
And I actually remember 1958.

Hasn’t that Pentagon script writer even died yet…?

Mar 10, 2022 12:27 PM

A bit off topic but what I find curious is that this request to NATO and the EU from Ukraine for assistance occurred on Feb 15, 2022. In fact Italy’s new #2 year long state of emergency” until Dec 31, 2022 to help Ukraine” explicitly cites this Feb 15 request that I actually had never heard of until now.

When taken together with the claims from the Russian Ministry of Defence that they have found evidence that Ukraine had intended a blitz on the Donbass sometime in March, I am inclined to believe that this whole thing is very carefully planned. I don’t know if Russia surprised them by acting first and getting the title of “invader” or if they seriously had counted on Russia reacting to some sort of blitz by the nazis in the Donbass.

On 15 February and following a request for assistance by the Government of Ukraine, the Commission started coordinating the delivery of essential supplies via the EU Civil Protection Mechanism


Mar 10, 2022 7:39 PM
Reply to  rraa

If Ukraine wanted assistance in case of a Russian invasion, they should have joined NATO years ago.

The application for NATO membership should be a closely held secret.

Wouldn’t it have been great if Zelenski could have announced on say Jan1, 2022 that Ukraine was now part of NATO? Would Russia have risked an invasion then?

Jeff Carmack
Jeff Carmack
Mar 10, 2022 11:07 AM

Can we just see how this NATO-Russia ball game is a superb set up for a big group hug coming together moment in oh about two years or so to defeat a bigger threat? What could that bigger threat be?

Mar 10, 2022 10:47 AM

Sorry, off topic:
Australian female politician dies of heart attack.
Only fifty two, the same age as
Shane Warne.
The plot sickens.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Mar 10, 2022 11:38 AM
Reply to  Johnny

Both of them triple jabbed Victorians who drank endless kool aid. Warne advertised the jabs.

Sean Veeda
Sean Veeda
Mar 10, 2022 4:52 PM
Reply to  Johnny

Shane Warne died of “natural causes” according to Sky a day or two ago. Not even a heart attack any more. And definitely nothing to do with any vaccines.

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Mar 10, 2022 5:48 PM
Reply to  Sean Veeda

Congenital disorder, one of tens of thousands that have suddenly happened around the world as younger people drop dead.

Mar 10, 2022 6:41 PM
Reply to  Sean Veeda

He died of Pure Coincidence.

Mar 11, 2022 11:32 AM
Reply to  paul

Or climate change

Mar 10, 2022 7:42 PM
Reply to  Sean Veeda

We will need to wait until excess deaths from heart attacks show a sharp increase. Then they won’t be able to run & hide from the numbers.

Mar 10, 2022 10:25 AM

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Mar 10, 2022 10:55 AM
Reply to  entitled2

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Mar 10, 2022 10:00 AM

Thankyou Vanessa for this insight which reveals, yet again, the depths of Western complicity in their USA inspired irrational and toxic hatred of Russia. Crazed and greedy psychos ignore history and factual evidence which interferes with their criminal agenda and it will surely end with, once again, a price being paid in innocent civilian lives. The fascist threat in Ukraine is now being confronted by a country with first hand experience of destroying this cancer. The West’s behaviour is shameful.

Mar 10, 2022 9:43 AM

Below is from Wikipedia. Why is the “resistance” in Ukraine being portrayed as a grassroots battle when one considers following facts about Ukraine’s military? I think they want to draw Russian troops in, it’s the total opposite of what we are being told.

“Altogether the Armed Forces of Ukraine included about 780,000 personnel, 6,500 tanks, about 7,000 combat armored vehicles, 1,500 combat aircraft, and more than 350 ships. Along with their equipment and personnel, Ukraine’s armed forces inherited the battle honors and lineage of the Soviet forces stationed in Ukraine.”

Mar 10, 2022 4:29 PM
Reply to  Mary

Wow. Ok I think those numbers might be a little high…

Mar 10, 2022 11:32 PM
Reply to  Chevrus

yes i agree

Marilyn Shepherd
Marilyn Shepherd
Mar 10, 2022 9:35 AM

The very excellent Ilan Pappe has also written about the nazi groups who flourish in Ukraine but forgotten by the west is the well known, up to two weeks ago, human trade of young kids as sex slaves in places like the UK, France, Germany and other EU states. Now the moron media is calling this human trade of children as ”saving them”,

Meanwhile they carry on here in Australia as if bombing nations has never been done or hospitals bombed yet they cheer when Israel does it, when the USA does it, when we do it and the UK do it. The total destruction of Fallujah was led by a now Australian war criminal/senator called Jim Molan, who also wrote the policy to turn refugees out to sea to drown or to traffic them to other nations to jail them for years.

Ironically on the same day Australia said they would instantly take in Ukrainian refugees who had faced 4 days of ”bombing”, 2 young men aged 24 and 25 were trafficked to the USA after we held them in foreign nations and Australian concentration camps for 9 years and a few days later two Australian born children ”celebrated” the 4 th anniversary of being kidnapped by dozens of guards and jailed for 4 years because we want to send them to Sri Lanka.

Mar 10, 2022 9:35 AM

It’s the white psychopaths in suits that do most of the damage.