“Stealth Omicron” reminds us the pandemic narrative isn’t dead…it’s just sleeping
Kit Knightly

Look how different these computer-generated images are. Different colours and everything. That's science.
This week has seen several timely reminders that the Covid narrative is not done. It may have lost its number 1 spot at the top of the “news” charts, but it’s not dead. It’s just resting.
While the big red numbers at the top of every front page are now casualties instead of “cases”, the pandemic is simmering on the backburner and can be brought back to boil at a moment’s notice.
In China they are reporting huge spikes in “cases”, numbers not seen since the halcyon days of March 2020. Millions of Chinese citizens are already back on lockdowns, many now need police permission to travel from one province to another.
Giant multinationals are halting production for the near future at least, with the BBC warning that:
The lockdowns have raised concerns that crucial supply chains may be disrupted.
Yes, more supply chain disruption. Just like the war.
Funny how that works out.
It’s not just China either, according to Bloomberg Europe is seeing a “Covid Resurgence” after a “rushed exit” from restrictions, with Germany, Switzerland and the Netherlands all reporting spikes in cases.
Germany’s “Covid resurgence” comes just days before the government’s emergency powers are due to expire, and just as they are planning to ease all restrictions.
Funny how that works out.
The alleged “resurgence” is the work of a not one but two “new” variants.
Firstly, Deltacron is back. They’re calling it a “new variant”, but the truth is the recombinant virus was first “discovered” back in early January.
At the time, mainstream articles questioned whether it even existed or was just a lab error.
They’ve decided it definitely does exist now.
The Huffington Post covers this story with the headline:
Why Everyone’s Talking About The Deltacron Variant Again
Why indeed. It’s a real puzzler.
Perhaps aware that “Deltacron” sounds like a villain from Transformers, they’re also pushing another new variant: “Omicron BA.2”.
Now, while that name definitely isn’t silly, it also isn’t very catchy – so they’ve got a cool scary sounding name for it too: “Stealth Omicron”.
It’s called “stealth omicron”, because it’s lacks markers that can be picked up on by PCR tests, meaning testing positive for this strain of the virus will look just like testing positive for the other strains.
Oh, and this variant isn’t actually new either, it was first discovered back in December, to very little fanfare.
But that was then, and this is now, and now experts are “worried”, apparently.
The press are already reporting that it might be the “most infectious disease on Earth”
Meanwhile, Pfizer’s CEO has said that the new variants mean people will need a 4th shot of their vaccine.
Funny how that works out.
All this just serves as a reminder that the Covid story is still there, and they can (and probably will) bring it back whenever they want. Maybe the very moment Ukraine and Russia agree on a peace deal.
Game of Thrones famously used to alternate their season finales, in an odd-numbered season the show would end with a shocking plot twist, and in even numbered seasons it would be an epic battle.
Maybe this will be our new reality, lurching from pandemic to war to pandemic to war, and around and around.
A perpetual cycle of different grand narratives, linked only in their shared consequences: More power for them, less freedom for us.
Funny how that works out.
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There are more deadly variants that have since emerged. They have abandoned the Greek alphabet and are now using twin capital Latin characters (with following hyphens and a thirs Latin character). Which means they are allowing for large numbers of future variants. This thing is long term. Abandon hope all ye who have entered here.
What this scheme, and a plethora of prior ones, SHOULD “remind us” — but does NOT — is what has been in front of our noses for centuries: that the manipulative deceptive criminal class of “authorities” — whom most people vote for, admire, worship, listen to, pay attention to, follow, obey, etc — who have been perpetually waging an endless DESTRUCTIVE exploitative war against the non-ruling non-authorities herd of people are PSYCHOPATHS … The 2 Married Pink Elephants In The Historical Room
2022 is an election year so of course ALL crises will be in play until after November 8th.
Professional career politicians have only one strategy which is: make the gullible, the naive and the uninformed afraid of a “big bad wolf” that they (the politicians) created.
RNA is unstable, compared to DNA & viruses are simple organisms that lack the verifying & checking mechanisms that complex lifeforms need, to avoid genetic drift. If you’re infected with a Coronavirus, the version you cough out is unlikely to be identical to the one that infected you. All RNA viruses are like this. The mutations are entirely random & natural selection decides which predominate. Fatal viruses or variants get fewer chances to transmit than mild ones, so over time, mild versions predominate.
The four endemic Coronaviruses were all novel (new) once, they are all now mild & there is no record of the arrival of any of them, all within the last millennium, causing a Pandemic.
The tendency to mutate also means vaccines are utterly useless against Coronaviruses. A Coronavirus vaccine regimen would be like the Influenza Inoculation, except you’d probably need a shot every month or so, rather than annually & after about 8 mRNA shots, you’ll be dead, anyway, because of their toxicity.
A shot that eliminated 30-40% of all Winter colds would’ve done well, as a medical product but Big Pharma never produced one.
I wonder why?
OPERATION COVIDIUS tools will remain the same way the 911 tools remained after those demo’s!
I don’t travel by airplane, but I sympathize with a fellow scamdemic-resister who occasionally points out bitterly that all of the obviously bogus “anti-terrorism” restrictions are still in place after 20+ years.
The completely fraudulent TSA check-in and screening procedures are bad enough, but although his work-related travel was virtually eliminated due to the scamdemic, what really bugs him is not being able to pack toothpaste and minor toiletry and personal grooming items.
Didn’t the FDA phase out the PCR test in December 2021? Why is the PCR test still being used?
Because people love being tested. It makes them feel important and special, like being ill as a child. We’re being trained to be helpless hypochondriacs tied to Nanny State’s plasic ppr apron strings.
The truth is, the power of collective consciousness is beyond anyone’s control. We need to be reminded of this very eloquent message:
“What I thought would be the end of the world is (instead) the end of THEIR world.”
All I can say is god help us if they ever learn astrology…
Vurus nonesense was to soft ‘m up for war…fait accompli…..there’s no turning back……the middle kingdom (zhōng gúo shan) is sadly yet to comprehend that fully..And this is not all planned and it will not go as planned it’s ww1 again…
I don’t claim to be virologist or expert in bioresearch, but these articles may be of interest to those who have asked the same questions. >
Whilst you were distracted by the Battle for Ukraine, Documents were published confirming Moderna created the Covid-19 Virus
March 14, 2022
Also, this: Pfizer /Moderna Military Funding for Vaccines, Decade of Headlines In Lead Up to Covid-19 Vaccines
Updated: December 31, 2021
“Moderna created the Covid-19 Virus”
There is no virus; claiming there is a virus is what controlled opposition agents do and just peretuates the false germ theory narrative and the endless sc-fi variants
Yada, yada, yada. I don’t care what the label says, if it causes a disease, it IS a disease… Like many others on similar sites, you refuse to see gain of function research as one of the greatest threats to humanity that the human species has ever invented. I am not “controlled opposition” by any stretch of the imagination…
a virus doesnt cause disease. What are you talking about in heavens name?
“I don’t care what the label says, if it causes a disease, it IS a disease…”
RUSSIAsteria: Best Putin Invades the Ukraine as COVID Goes Missing Meme https://covidsteria.substack.com/p/russiasteria-covid-goes-missing-memes

RUSSIAsteria: Best COVID is Missing & the Ukraine Has Biolabs Memes https://covidsteria.substack.com/p/covid-missing-ukraine-biolabs-memes

It’s like watching re-runs of Mash.
but mash at lkeast said something about what was going on. then again, nurses with long fingernails.
Never mind that without significant health impact, which there isn’t, increased cases of COVID are no more relevant than increased cases of dandruff.
Funny you should mention dandruff. Gore Vidal said of the War on Terror that it was like declaring a War on Dandruff.
And the battle rages on.
The main difference being that dandruff is real.
It’s really hard to tell, don’t be too sure. There’s nothing on my jacket collar but I tested positive for the omigod variant of dandruff and I’m wearing a goldfish bowl over my head to keep everyone else safe, I’m that kind of person.
The pandemic narrative is very much alive, even in war-torn Donbass.
do you write have ever written about food.?
It won’t go away. Just like the 9/11 wave of of measures, restrictions, surveillance, along with the absurd official narrative are still with us, the plandemic part of the coup is here to stay. No awakening can be consequential without organized action. It is true also for any anti-war movement worthy of the name. But let’s face it: with the system imploding trying to overcome its structural crisis (unsolvable in its own way of reproduction), nothing short of a revolution can truly begin to deal with all the disgrace this system and its personifications will inevitably bring about. This is the real emergency that can annihilate us, not the climate chapter of the ongoing coup.We must get back to organize face to face, create true humanly rich relations, bypass the official puppets on the stage, and establish our own diplomacy. Foment the conditions that allow the people in the US, Iraq, Russia, Somalia, Palestine, Bolivia etc realize their fundamental identity as humans and not only refuse to fight each other as disposable pawns, but direct our struggle upwards, and confront the operators of the long obsolete exploitative order, and forge a real human community rooted on empathy, solidarity. We must set the tone and stop reacting. We can’t win dancing to their rhythm. Awakening without initiative can only grant us a few nights of sleep in relative peace with our conscience. Until the next alphagamadeltomicrOmega climatic variant war is thrown upon us.
Knowledge is worthless without application.
Hello Samuel: I agree with much of what you suggest, but military thugs are not going to quit slaughtering and intimidating the civilian public. They rather enjoy collecting mercenary wages and feeding from the hands of their masters..,
The only possible – and the only worthwhile – “revolution” would be a simultaneous awakening of the 99% of humanity whose refusal to “Just Say No” keeps the psychos in power and the madness afloat.
No movement is needed or possible. It is entirely the wrong approach to manipulate people into standing up for their own interests – as history has more than amply shown. They either do it on their own or else continue sleepwalking toward the abyss.
Another revolution? We’ve been from one revolution to the next for hundreds if not thousands of years, in the 20th century alone there were dozens of them, and this is where we are. So is this the ‘revolution to end all revolutions’ you are talking about? And it will be led, organised and financed by who, donations on Gofundme?
Fifty two year old Australian Labor Senator who died from a heart attack a week ago was allegedly a victim of bullying by her colleagues:
It was nothing to do with experimental vaccines !!
Well, that’s the implication anyway.
In South Australia the so called emergency orders expired on 5 March and we are in caretaker and still Marshall babbles
Marilyn it seems we are now going to go searching through blood supplies looking for nucleocopids. I hadn’t met this little critter before…seems it is the capsule that encloses the magic virus…so the emperor does have magic clothes as well…seems though they could be a range of things….my mind isn’t quite stretching to a full explanation of just how this one is different to any one of the ordinary clothes any old virus has…etc etc…muttering so about how these critters are the basis of the current tests etc…magical worlds. Any comment welcome
Propaganda and lies – fear and confusion – rinse and repeat.
but why do man believe? i’ve no friends/love left because i did not keep my mouth shut.
I had noticed in my desperate attempts to avoid the fan spraying shit that is the media, they are now resorting to heart-warming tales of various individuals who “got out” of Ukraine or otherwise managed to reunite with loved ones amidst the remorseless blitzkrieg of etc. Any number of Forrest Gump tales of inspirational triumph over tragedy.
Unceasing: the moment I log into my email account I get a pop up asking me to support the Ukraine …. etc etc
All of which really does show up the vicious regression of technology. The more it “advances”, the more the parasites at the top use it to shove their shit in your face.
For the past 2 years, every time I’d look at my weather app to check the forecast, there’d be a notice about the “covid” numbers in my state of New Jersey (e.g., “1,287 new cases, 132 new deaths”). As soon as Ukraine hit the scene, that reporting ceased. Hmmm….
Living in this “blue” region and swamped and surrounded as I am by establishment-following liberals, I know only a couple of people who don’t buy in to this obviously coordinated psyop. My wife and I have been having serious discussions about getting the F out of here and moving to a freer spot, away from the hopelessly corrupted northeastern-US megalopolis and its brainwashed denizens.
The internet belongs to the parasites and the mainstream media news belongs to CIA, MI5 and mossad.
Yes it seems that covid is back with a bang. And the phrase I keep seeing is “less cautious” repeated as a cautionary remark. You would really have thought at least some would have now realised that the method of determining the condition is frankly absurd – a positive on a test irrespective of whether the subject is actually ill.
I also note another dreary tactic: Instead of telling you there’s a new surge, they say everyone’s in denial about the new surge thus presupposing it as if it’s already beyond doubt. Also setting up the idea that to insist on the surge is to take up the glamorous oppositional position.
Omercron is apparently sweeping through the local schools here…very much like the general flu, colds do adnausium ….my vax immediate neighbour is quite Ill with it…2 kids fairing far better…so far it is ignoring me…
Omercron is like the 10th Plague of Egypt, whereby blood over the door kept the Angel of Death away. Only this time it’s invisible ink declaring the residence “Covid Skeptic.” So the Virus of Death moves on.
“Yes it seems that covid is back with a bang.”
Right. We’ll get a plague and a global war, concurrently, just like WWI
Anyone who didn’t realize what was going on a year ago is never going to realize it now.
They’ll sit there, optimistically waiting for ‘a scientist’ to prove that all the conspiracy realists have Alzheimer’s.
Then they’ll smile, condescendingly, and say, “You should get that Alzheimer’s seen to”…
They’ll ignore their prize-winning scientist spouses and best friends, and they’ll ignore the science established in text books for fifty years, because it isn’t the ‘received media science’…
“Because the media wouldn’t lie to us about something as important as this – even if they have lied to us about everything else”…
It’s hopeless.
Regarding propagandized family, friends and acquaintances, probably the best thing anybody can do is to get a bad dose of influenza, survive it as usual, then just tell everybody for the rest of your life that your immune system killed covid and you’re not going to let it waste another second of your life.
Agenda 2030 is the real “virus”.
You should never listen to a salesman about the need for further product purchases. They will always tell you you need to buy again. Decisions on future vaccination should be entirely outwith the purview of big pharma/any doctors/scientists who have taken the Gates/Soros/Big Pharma shilling.
Supply Chain disruption was part of the Grand Design – the whole point of it is to drive inflation, to decimate people’s cash savings and to enrich the hyper-rich.
People need to wake up and stop pussy footing about what is going on. This is war alright, but it’s not war against Putin, its the war of the WEF and the oligarchs against global humanity.
And the “war of the WEF and the oligarchs against global humanity” boils down to a fight to the death between the people and themselves. So it’s not about finding a way to stop the oligarchs: it’s about finding a way to jumpstart the people.
Unfortunately, they must do that themselves.
There’s reports that 3 million Ukranian ‘refugees’ have fled across the border into Poland… crowding into Polish cities…
Is a “Refugee Crisis’ being invented that might be used to provide justification for US/NATO intervention ? (Under the guise of ‘Responsibility To Protect’ ?)
The sickening thing is the racist response. Poland and other EU nations built walls, fences, prisons, set the dogs and guns, pepper spray and other atrocities against Syrians even while NATO was bombing Syria.
Two good videos appeared in the last few days. One is from Dr John, regarding superior natural immunity. The other is DrBeen Medical lectures, Spike Protein Gets In The Blood of Vaccinated Individuals (Firm Data From A Stanford Study). It is in the blood stream of 96% of vaccinees. From the blood it goes to the heart, brain, you know the rest.
That is what real experts warned of since the start of the mass ‘vaccinations’.
If we are to believe the government’s vaccination data, we have a billion of injured people.
I know so many who seem to think he is a medical doctor, he isn’t, like Tedros he is a doctor of philosophy but as a clinical nurse trainer he is a disgrace.
His PhD is in a nursing related subject. He didn’t just study Plato and Descartes, you know?
Yes, Nursing, and philosophy, much of what he babbles about is utter nonsense
I’m sure if he had a medical degree we’d all be alright then. Doctors have acted so bravely and brilliantly in the past two years. Yeah right! Doctors’ degrees are not worth the paper they are printed on, I’d buy one as a mat for my dog so it may be of some use.
I think the point Marilyn is making is that he uses his “Dr.” title disingenuously. Since everything he talks about is medical related, calling himself “Dr. John” instills trust with his misinformed normie followers, when really he was just another influencer pushing product for big pharma. I mean, how difficult was it to add PhD to the end of his name? Seeing as he is such a fan of honorific titles and all.
Perhaps he’s shamelessly piggybacking on the legacy of music legend Malcolm John Rebennack, Jr., professionally known as “Dr. John” (the Night Tripper)– who, at least ever since this charlatan impostor popped up, I’ve come to think of as “the real ‘Dr. John'”. 👹
Good to see Dr John deviating from the official narrative to any extent at all, given his star status among the true believers.
John Campbell (YouTuber) – Wikipedia look at the job wiki have done of him.
You’re right, ‘covid’ is just taking a nap…
But it will flare-up whenever the politicians need it…
The New South wales politician-in-charge, parroting other politicians, said
‘COVID-19 was not going away and “there will be waves from time to time.”‘
No Crystal Ball needed to know that. All you need to base predictions on is
knowing The Annual ‘flu has been relabeled ‘Covid’…
Twice intended strike action was called off because a couple of workers in two large workforces “tested positive” – so the entire workforce had to go into self-detention at home…
Lock-downs and home-detentions = too good a weapon to give up…
They are Weapons, and they will be used…
Recently: a NSW government bureaucrat shut down Sydney’s suburban trains. The snap decision, which affected thousands, was made to avert the inconvenience a strike by workers would cause to commuters. A pre-emptive strike against a strike ! The New Normal ? … And the workers were blamed for the shut-down… The New Normal…
Do not attempt to adjust your screens. You are in the Outer Limits;
Intro here:
The intentional process of radical social change demands continual tension or crisis. These may be spontaneous or manufactured. This book helped lay the foundation for the psycho-social strategies that have transformed education and culture around the world. Based on the research begun at Tavistock (England), continued at the Frankfurt Institute (Germany) then moved to MIT, Columbia University, Stanford and various tax-funded “Educational Laboratories” after World War II, it established the strategies for brainwashing that now permeate our schools, media and organizations. See Brainwashing in America
It seems as if this radical social change ideas follows in the trail of the chosen people. Wherever they go, there it follows. It must be coincidence.
Oceania is always at war with Eas Asia (or a new covid variant).
But we already HAVE digital money in a sense: When you borrow from the bank, the “money” just shows up as a numerical entry in your account. So it’s not digital dollars that’s the problem, but the fact that it will be EXCLUSIVELY digital dollars– and of course the way we know they will be illegally manipulated, stolen, used as coercion, etc.
All the focus on digitizing currency obscures the single most ominous change in banking: deposits/savings/etc are now listed by banks as assets rather than liabilities. (Talk about opening a can of worms!)
In an Executive Order issued on March 9, 2022, President Biden called for the federal government to consider establishing a “U.S. Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC).”
He ain’t no Colonel now.
He’ll be cleaning latrines in some distant outpost. Or ‘retired’. Forever.
He also appeared on the Grayzone. You know, as seemingly damning as his statements were, they achieve another goal as well: they add credence to the Russia-Ukraine thing-a-ma-jig. Wonder if that was the real purpose of the mis-statements?
At the end of the day, someone (we) need to make a concerted effort to ram home the point that the imaginary virus does not exist. Need to expose the WHO and the medical cartel. It’s the only way forward. Otherwise we’d be moving in circles.
Yep the sad part is even the ones who come out talking about the damage of the needle still get caught on the spike protein being related to some virus and not just some horror shit in a bottle…very few ever point out that pfyser itself said the needle content didn’t really do anything towards stopping anything…anyone sane should have asked some obvious questions at that point…I..e. So why are people being told something different and why do govt want it stuck endlessly in arms…for whatever we think of the pharma coys it is govt mandating the shit…
Sorry to be so crass, but this is all just the biggest crock of shit that I’ve ever seen in the history of mankind. What a comp!eye and utter fucking joke. What the actual fuck do they think they’re doing? Resistance, at this point is NOT futile. Following the “orders” (narratives) is literally the dumbest idea put forth in this p.o.s. generation that could actually happen right now. People are SO stupid that it hurts everyone around them. Do they NOT know about the “fairness” doctrine???
Julian Assange
I love all the cartoon art they present us with!
“lurching from pandemic to war to pandemic to war, and around and around”
the Medieval Crusaders -the Pentagon stooges- in canberra, australia, offer you a CHAPLAIN to guide you in your spiritual journey …
do they have this Chaplaincy thing (Government sponsored Chaplaincy programs) in Canada or UK, or australia is ahead of everybody else (bar the Taliban)?
We can thank little Johnny Bush, I mean Blair, I mean Howard, for that.
What a bucket of Turds he is.
Originally posted 1/6/2022. Take it with a grain of salt. I don’t know the original source.
“I know most want to believe that enough people have woken up to the Covid scam, and that the people behind the curtains are being forced to retreat and let the scam become a footnote in history. Unfortunately this is exactly what they want you to believe.
The plan for worldwide depop has been in the works for decades. The plandemic was simply the first phase. They scared billions into injecting a slow kill weapon into their own bodies using the common cold. The actual percentage vaccinated is not as high as they are telling you, obviously. Around 2/3 of the world population has committed slow suicide via the shots.
The reason they were so blatant in their censoring and blacklisting? They knew a percentage would see the hoax clearly, and that over a year or two, those who saw it would awaken others. I can tell you it happened more quickly than they believed it would. They were expecting compliance for 4 boosters. This is not going to happen.
That said, this is what will happen in the next year. A war between Russia and NATO. Power outages and food shortages in the US, blamed on cyber terrorists. Multiple false flags blaming patriotic Americans in the hopes of scaring the large majority of patriots to stay quiet.
The mass die off that has already begun will accelerate this Spring. They will blame this on new variants, but as the public is seeing the hoax plainly, many of the deaths will be called unexplainable, while alluding to the fact that the MRNA vaxx could have played a role.
By the end of 2022, there will be over 20 million dead in the USA alone. Another few hundred million around the globe. The economy will be mostly fried and in 2023, or possibly late 2022, the dollar will fall. Global monetary reset will begin.
The goal is to have a world digital currency in place by 2025. By that time the MRNA deaths will be over a billion worldwide, a hundred million in the US… so large that no longer will the vaxx be mentioned, but at that point they will pull out the “we are all in this together” line and the world will fall in line. They will admit they rushed the MRNA tech and it was a mistake, but in the face of the “pandemic”, it was warranted.
By 2028, 2/3 of world population is gone. Global climate change lockdowns are the norm. New vaccines have been introduced that will stop the massive human die off. These are more kill shots, but will he embraced by a desperate humanity.
By 2030, totalitarian world govt is in place. Only 2 billion left on earth, and that is dropping fast. Elite have built built domed cities where they say it is safe. Entrance requires total compliance, chipped and Neuralinked. No freedom.”
Will this ” domed city ” have a love shop…?
They can save their money.
I design my own monsters in Photoshop when I feel the urge to be entertained, and my overall health improves every time.
Strange that…
This week we’re at war with Eurasia. Last week we were at war with Eastasia. No, wait, Oceania has always been at war with Eurasia. I think. I’ll let you know for sure after the upcoming Two Minutes of Hate (6 o’clock news).
“We’re gonna need a bigger convoy.”
what happened to the convoy
“We’re gonna need a bigger Divine Intervention.”
This is just getting plain silly now but the sad reality is most of the Zombies will fall for the okey-doke and roll up their sleeves for booster number 4,5,6…. The masses have been conditioned to become hysterical at the mere mention of COVID. Now the Davos crowd can jinn up the fear porn anytime they want, sorta like Pavlov’s dog and the bell only with the sheeple it’s the sound of the word COVID.
Around here, the narrative seems to be (among the vast majority) is that the vaccine worked; we’re back to normal; and that Pfizer has redeemed its sins.
On this side I have noticed an overall fatigue, as the lifting of some restrictions is certainly not having an emancipating effect. I significant portion of the population is noticing the backpedaling, and large upticks in people getting sick and dying in expectedly. I surmise that some of the fence sitters are putting 2 & 2 together, although its hard to come to terms with having been lied to and taken an experimental drug. The informed groups are staying right on target and refusing to be distracted by war porn. The guilty parties are beginning to look very nervous indeed.
I know a couple of people who did not want the booster (3rd shot) but were forced to get it. It was either that or lose their jobs. Not all those taking these poisons are morons.
True, but they are resentful and angry – who wouldn’t be? How many boosters will they continue to take to keep a job which has no future anyway.
How resentful and angry will they be six months or a year – if still alive?
Are they using the Covid passport or whatever local variant it goes under?
Just got out of an office party. Everyone here other than my self is completely committed to the narrative. Current “outbreak” in Chy-na is much cause for concern. There was much empasis on Chinese testing everyone, even though our employer sent out an emal earlier this week announcing that it was doing away with mandatory tests because “they have no effect on the spread of ‘Covid 19′”.
The sheep remain blissful.
Viruses evolve, just like everything else. There’s no actual plan to it, its the equivalent of throwing a whole bunch of mud at a wall and seeing what sticks.
The only trick we have up our collective sleeves is whether we can evolve faster than the virus can. This has been at the center of a lot of human history. We get these periodic epidemics that wipe out a whole bunch of people but then they fizzle out because we’re just not as susceptible to that infection as we once were. The difference between today and back then is that we’re able to spread contagion a lot faster and wider than during history and that we have a really good idea about what’s going on.
This does not preclude the idea that people may seek advantage from a disease or a cure. That’s people for you. Someone’s always looking for an angle.
There is no virus. I suggest you do some research. Germ theory isn’t even wrong.
Research? Do you mean visit a website run by a nutter like Icke?
The “best case scenario” you depicted really would be nice. Nothing too malicious or nefarious, just good old fashioned human greed and opportunism. Those pesky dynastic plutocrats, always looking for an angle. Out-evolve the virus in a speedy way, that’s all we gotta do. Of course there is no actual plan, how could there be? For a minute there I was worried that there might be something more to it than that.
Twenty eight months and counting no-one has shown, explained in simple teams to anyone what SARS Cov2 is. Americans say “virus” but most call everything viruses.
What happened with the Him/Her numbsckulls on TV and morning Radio., both SARS and Covid-19 apparently were The Virus….Then they went shopping lol!
Dumb Twats covered their faces, Morons (after converting metres to feet) avoiding each other by dot whatever…
Is IT any wonder some People may say….The Worlds gone Bonkers!
Please, carry on…Interlettuals.
It’s always a trap to assume that the Rats Pack of Satanists, otherwise known as the New World Order, are omnipotent and everything in their long term strategy is going to plan. It is not. Neither the renaissance of Russia nor the resistance to their strategy was anticipated. This is not the first time it has happened!
Stealthy, very difficult to detect and yet known to spread more rapidly than other variants. Hmm… 🤔
Covid propaganda may be sleeping, but its opposition is just napping. Hard coded responses on 5-minutes-to-launch status 😎
Is Russia’s Central Bank Chief a “Hostile Foreign Agent” deliberately sabotaging the Russian economy ? Mike Whitney (Unz Review)…
For “The Atlanticist 5th Column” read ‘The Comprador Class.’ For 30 pieces of silver they will sell their country claiming it will benefit their country. (Remember that saying about Patriotism and scoundrels ?)…
There’s more than one agenda at work. It appears that the Ukraine Conflict overlaps with The Great Reset’s ‘Covid’ campaign. It does, but it doesnt…
Russia is conducting a pre-emptive defensive war. Putin is a Patriot. He probably views the ‘4th Industrial Revolution” as a good thing for Russia…
If politicians really could think they wouldnt need Advisers…
Right, it’s the fault of the Russian central bank that Putin has been pushing the “pandemic” hoax for 2 years, forcing Russians, even children, to get jabbed with a genetically modified poison. And now, the Russian enterprise which is responsible for the poison, aka Sputnik, is openly teaming up with Astra Zeneca, licensing AZ’s brand of poison.
Amid so much hate, a clot-shot brings Russia & the West together
A Kremlin-backed pharma firm is registering AstraZeneca’s clot-shot in Russia, Edward Slavsquat, 3/15/22.
There are smart, rational, even intelligent people who strongly believe The Germ Theory, believe in the efficacy of injections. Some even believe it’s Bad Luck to step on a crack in the pavement…
I dont believe the ‘covid’ virus exists, but i’m not immune to massive media scare campaigns, or immune to social pressures. Just because i wont vote for politicians doesnt mean i’m intelligent. I’m avid for slavsquats posts…
Central banks dont serve their national governments. They look after the interests of the monied classes… Every Australian state had a State Bank once. It wasnt ’til i read of the role of the (South Dakota) state bank in helping that state weather the 2008 Great Financial Crisis that i understood how essential they were .But i’m not economically minded, still i think the Left’s over-attention to Economics is why it is so easily subverted.
No doubt about central banks. But the pushing of the “pandemic” scam in Russia, the pushing of the genetically engineered poison,….and now the pushing of implantable devices to monitor health for charging health insurance premiums are not the work of the Central Bank, that’s being done by Putin and his minions.
I think you mean North Dakota state bank, not “South.” And a big part of “weathering the crisis” was investment in oil/gas fracking and brown coal mining, the state’s ecosystem’s have been devastated by the actions of the state bank.
I love the sarcasm in your article Kit. Can hardly wait for the next pandemic/war. Exciting, isn’t it.
Indeed, Kit is approaching satire!
Is the jab merry-go-round about to increase in Australia – with another mild virus with no symptoms? This is getting boring.
“For most people, the Japanese Encephalitis virus will be mild. About 99 per cent of people who get infected will have very mild or no symptoms.
But now that cases have been detected in southern parts of Australia for the first time, the federal government is expanding its vaccination program.
But for the small number who do develop severe encephalitis — an inflammation of the brain — it can be deadly.”
Encephalitis – caused by ‘a virus’ !!!
Spread by mozzies !!!
Has the ‘virus’ been isolated, separated ?
Did the mozzie escape from A Lab ?
Can it be detected by PCR ‘tests’ ?
Does being spread by mozzies mean it’s not contagious,
but they’ll lock the country down anyway ?
And conduct two minute Hate Japan sessions ?
Not that I can or wish to answer the questions above, however, when I think back to the Labs. Focused on the Diet of Bovines and their conclusions regarding powder form trace elements of sheep, it all begs us to bring into question, even interrogate & isolate for
Further scientific analysis & conclusions drawn from real, live specimens, like maybe
A Rachel Maddcow (‘scuse my spelling) 😉
At least NZ admit that the jabs cause encephalitis, they list 9 recent cases
Fed to the Wolves: Hiking Interest Rates Harms Workers and Small Businesses While Enriching the Banking Oligarchy
In the past, increasing wages among workers played a significant part in the rise of inflation. As workers make more money, they tend to spend more money which leads to a surge in the Consumer Price Index (a formula that captures the price of goods and services) which ultimately leads to higher inflation. In this way, inflation was, in a way, a sign of a somewhat healthy, though overheating, economy. Nominal gains by workers meant reinvestment in America by way of heightened consumer demand.
Fourteen years of pillaging employees and small businesses to benefit multinational corporations and their billionaire owners turned that reality on its head. Inflation is now driven solely by “publicly owned” corporations engaging in price gouging and has nothing to do with growth in salaries. The incontrovertible truth is that the vast majority of workers have seen their wages either flatline or decline over the past two decades while the neo-aristocracy have seen their fortunes skyrocket ever since the “Great Recession”….continued…
READ FULL ARTICLE AT: https://fikre4va.com/fed-wolves-hiking-interest-rates-harms-workers-small-businesses/
It’s not resting
It’s pining for the fjords
All I see is a dead parrot
A dead parrot, sir Willem of Orange & Tulips ?
Surely you mean… Suspended illusionary Animation 😀
Nice one, Willem
Counting Covid Deaths
Below I have listed 42 examples of what are listed in the CDC Provisional Mortailty database as “Covid deaths.” Not one of these has anything to do with a viral event being the actual cause of death.
Now these are not exceptions. I could literally do this all through the evening and scarcely begin to get through the listing of these 900,000+ deaths. There were for example over 14,000 accidental deaths as of Nov. 2020 that were listed as “Covid deaths.” Not the largest category of fraud just illustrative.
The entire database looks like this- this is a random selection:
30 years -X70 (Intentional self-harm by hanging, strangulation and suffocation).
75 years-F54 (Psychological and behavioural factors associated with disorders or diseases classified elsewhere).
75 years-F10.1 (Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of alcohol, harmful use).
34 years -F19.1 (Mental and behavioural disorders due to multiple drug use and use of other psychoactive substances, harmful use).- there are 3 of these in the 34 year old age group.
33 years -X44 (Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances)- there are 9 of these in the 33 year old age
33 years -X42 (Accidental poisoning by and exposure to narcotics and psychodysleptics [hallucinogens], not elsewhere classified)- there are 5 of these in the 33 year old age group.
33 years O96.1 (Death from indirect obstetric cause occurring more than 42 days but less than one year after delivery)- there are 10 of these in the 33 year old age group.
31 years X44 (Accidental poisoning by and exposure to other and unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances)- there are 12 of these in the 31 year old age group.
The point is, if you believe diseases have genetic causes, how can you not accept the need for The Cull ?