This Week in the New Normal #25

Our successor to This Week in the Guardian, This Week in the New Normal is our weekly chart of the progress of autocracy, authoritarianism and economic restructuring around the world.
1. Epstein Barr – the next big vaccine push?
Epstein-Barr is the virus which causes glandular fever (mono, for our American readers). It is one of the most common viruses in the world, almost never fatal, and the vast majority of infections are asymptomatic.
Nevertheless, they want to vaccinate against it.
A Guardian article from just this morning asks “Can we vaccinate against Epstein-Barr, the virus you didn’t know you had?”
They don’t stop and ask why you would need to vaccinated against a virus you don’t even know you had.
They’ve been working on EBV vaccines for decades, but now – the article claims – the new mRNA technology developed for Covid vaccines will finally make it possible. There are already three in early stages of production.
So, returning to my earlier question, why do they need to vaccinate against a virus most people never even realise they have?
Well, not because it’s a dangerous disease – it specifically isn’t – but because it is “associated” with deadly diseases.
Apparently, over 200,000 types of cancer have been “associated” with EBV infection, as have multiple sclerosis and chronic fatigue syndrome. It’s these “associations” which make the virus “scary”, and that means we need the vaccine.
Now, what they don’t tell you is just how common this virus is. A paper from a couple of years ago claims up to 90% of all humans on the planet have been infected with EBV at some point in their lives.
Which, naturally, means 90% of cancer patients, and MS sufferers and people who die of literally anything have been exposed o EBV.
Statistical manipulation and wordplay to push a vaccine? We’ve seen this movie before.
2. Russell Branded “Mad Hatter” of Conspiracy Theories
At least three articles across two different publications this week took sudden aim at Russell Brand, the comedian-cum-youtuber.
The Independent ran two articles on the same day. One accusing him “peddling youtube conspiracy theories”. The other calling him the “new Joe Rogan” who is selling “pseudo-skepticism” and “weaponising the language of nuance”.
Two days later The Telegraph called him the “Mad Hatter of conspiracy theories” and claimed he had followed Joe Rogan down the “rabbit hole of misinformation”.
Now, I have watched Brand’s videos before. He seems like a decent person who is – to quote Joe Rogan – just asking questions. There’s literally nothing wrong with that.
No crimes against humanity have ever been committed because the public was too skeptical of their leaders, or had too much information, or remained too open-minded. It’s the closing down of avenues of expression and areas of discourse that leads to atrocities.
Brand’s “pseudo” skepticism, and willingness to go down the rabbit hole if that’s where the evidence leads, should be applauded.
I wonder what he could have said to suddenly draw so much ire…
…it’s unaccountable.
3. Culture is a waste of time
A new study has found that school trips to museums, theatres and art galleries have no effect on average exams results. The paper goes on to say that pupils benefit just as much from reading exercises in a classroom as they do from “experiencing cultural capital”.
Now, some might say that the primary aim of education is to help children realise their potential, and that can’t be measured through a simple quantitative metric such as exam results.
Some might say that if a trip to an art gallery inspires just one child out of every hundred to become an artist, or awakens just one teenager’s love of painting, it was worth it regardless of the apparently negligible impact on test scores.
But hey, why worry about that? Let’s just reduce schooling down to learning approved facts by rote, then regurgitating them onto a piece of paper once every few years.
It’s not like that will reduce the population down to a collection of small-minded drones with no conception of art, beauty or independent thought.
It’s not all bad…
Florida’s health authority has broken with CDC guidelines and is refusing to recommend Covid “vaccines” for healthy children. It’s not much, but its a start.
And then there’s this…
This is tremendous.
Tucker Carlson doing a public service by explaining the current economic situation in understandable terms.— TF Metals Report (@TFMetals) March 12, 2022
I don’t completely understand Tucker Carlson as a phenomenon. He has been, previously, one of the biggest sleazeballs on TV. For example, his refusal to show the collapse of WTC building 7 on his show was somehow simultaneously shameful and shameless.
…and yet, sometime in the last couple of years he started (occasionally) telling at least some of the truth.
I certainly don’t agree with even 30% of what he says, but he talks some very genuine good sense in the first two minutes of this clip, most especially referencing the seamless flow from Covid to Ukraine and the fact the economy was destroyed before the Ukraine war began.
You wonder how it was allowed be broadcast. And indeed why.
Also this made us laugh this week…

All told a pretty hectic week for the new normal crowd, and we didn’t even mention the mayor of chicago putting unvaccinated police officers on unpaid leave or the Daily Mail admitting we were right the whole time.
There’s a lot of change in the air, a lot of agendas in the works, if you see a headline, article, post or interview you think is a sign of the times, post it in the comments, email us or share it on social media and we will add it to the next edition.
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Russell Brand calling for a one-world government:
Forbidden ?
It is apparently forbidden to connect the plight of a certain tennis player to the injection of a certain substance. Ironic in a thread attached to an article with an Orwell cartoon in it.
I can read your post on that subject a little further down.
It was an admin error. They happen. Try not to read too much into it, it betrays a sort of malevolence towards this platform which is confusing, as it has provided you and many with a hub and home for your views in very trying times. It’s a strange kind of contradiction that’s hard to make sense of if you are an authentic Honest John commenter like you portray yourself to be…. Oh, you see, now I’m reading too much into things. I understand, it’s easily done. We should probably all avoid unproductive paranoia and self-aggrandising micro conspiracies. Bigger picture and all that. 😂 A2
‘A new study has found that school trips to museums, theatres and art galleries have no effect on average exams results.
Can you really, seriously state that the only thing that matters in school is ‘exam results’.
Trust me, exams are value-add for practical people, for narcissists and psychopaths, who find brutal behaviour in a cut-throat world to be to their taste.
They are an absolute waste of time to kind and gentle people.
My greatest value add in education was a gap year abroad at an Austrian school where I took zero exams, I studied the violin at the Mozarteum in Salzburg (taking no exams) and became entirely fluent in German at the age of 18.
Learning occurs when children have curiosity, interest in particular subjects. It doesn’t happen being taught to the test.
Trips to museums, theatres and art galleries may stimulate the curiosity of some children in ways which are not tested by examinations.
I wouldn’t waste any time listening to anyone setting forth about education who says that examinations are all that matter.
What matters is learning to recognise psychopaths and sociopaths, learning how to scheme like a Machiavellian, deriving sadistic pleasure in making others fail and learning to lie and bullshit interminably, whilst claiming that you are the height of superiority and morality.
In recent decades, the political class ostensibly “reformed” US education system by imposing draconian mandatory standardized tests. As with the Megadeath Virus of Doom, the Elected Misrepresentatives imposed carrot-and-stick funding incentives that rewarded reported increases in test scores.
Consequently and inevitably, test scores became the be-all and end-all criterion used to assess and evaluate not only students (the actual test-takers), but the pedagogical chain of command.
Thus, teachers, administrators, and school districts as a whole became captive to an obsession with maximizing or optimizing those test scores.
This technobarbaric trap, in turn, led to considerable finger-wagging by pedagogical authorities deploring the evils of “teaching to the test”. The system impaled itself on the horns of this dilemma.
Intentionally or not, the referenced study denigrates any curricular activity– paradoxically including nominally “extra-curricular” activity– that supposedly fails to increase exam scores. Ironically, it’s a backhanded endorsement for “teaching to the test”.
Hear, hear. Much truth and practical pith in those observations. Two governor’s in California pretty much have eliminated serious arts and music exposure the last 50 years in California, Ron RayGun and George Deukmejian. The latter priced them beyond many residents in 1984 by listing them as “non-essential” courses and subject to stiff tuition increases. Only hoy paloy need apply!
The Philistines! Now the cultural landscape in LA has become what H. L. Mencken called Arkansas a century ago, “The Sahara of the Bozarts”.
Thanks be upward that Northern California is a different story. They have a noble tradition of looking out a whole lot more for the arts, even artists, many of which even survived the nuclear assaults of Timothy Leary s LSD black ops, though savagely pockmarked by all that Intelapalioza, ongoing for decades. Aassaults meant to trash the Art Spirit in SF, “Paris of the West”. The spirit of that great place still reels in many corners there.
I just read how Raymond Chandler (The Big Sleep) mystery writer passed on his available Uni education in England to spend (as I also did in those days) the Grand Tour in Paris and Munich, learning other languages.
That gives most Yanks allergies even thinking about that. Even when a small fraction live overseas, they socialize only with each other, in a hermetically sealed cultus. By and large. You’re a true hippie if you don’t.
Hence, our cultural dysfunctions, also spreading globally like a, uh, pandemic. A NAT0-cebtric virus.
~~~~~~ To wit:
“The function of poetry, as is so with all the arts, is to make us more aware of ourselves and the world around us. I do not know if such increased awareness makes us more moral or more efficient. I hope not. I think it makes us more human. And I am quite certain it makes us more difficult to deceive.” ~W. H. Auden
Aaron Copland: “The artist’s immemorial right to be wrong.’
And there is the rub, philanthropists are funding the Arts to death, because they know they are often our only immune system against ill-placed credulity.
Another front of “regulatory capture” as RFK Jr. calls it in his Fauci book, or explosée.
Anastasia Somoza, deposed Nicaraguan playboy despot, “I don’t want educated citizens, I want oxen.”
[Deep sorrows with a number of typos above, but a bit of transliteration and guessing will set it right. Thanks for patience: I did the text on a new smartphone and it seems it went dumb.]
This article went down like a lead balloon.
Libertarian heroine turns out to have been pro-state censorship shock:
She was played on film by Helen Mirren, recently seen doing some strange hand signals with the Satanic witch Lady Gaga.
It appears tennis player Nadal has fallen to the clot shot.
Rafael Nadal “It feels like Needle inside” FINAL Press Conference Indian Wells 2022 BNP Paribas Open – YouTube
UK’s Online Safety Bill:
This Is the End of Free Speech Online
Sites like Vaccine Impact News and the Covid Blog have stopped reporting on vaccine injuries and deaths, sportsmen collapsing in the field and so on. They probably have been threatened and have become aware of repressive legislation.
So our glorious Free West is about to become what the old Soviet Union was portrayed as.
This is why for some decades I have not read much historical coverage on this side of The Pond about two “attractive targets”; the Kennedy brothers and Soviet Union leaders,of all stripes.
Both are so contaminated by tabloid sources posing as Gospel, it’s just worthless to read them. And then if you dig you will be in the .15% that discover how much is factually so deeply corrupted from the getgo. (And the slavers are happy to keep those numbers.)
suggests that the ‘New World Order’ is the ‘Same Old, Same Old bombing, murderous cabal’.
No ‘new’ world order can involve the USA being anywhere near its leadership. It has totally dominated the discredited current World Order and as a result ‘Out with the old’ is a prelude to ‘In with the New’.
Of course, the USA in its delusional state of murderous genocidal psychosis cannot engage as a sane entity. Only a national in delusional denial could have accepted the electoral fix of 2020 and the totally senile Commander-in-Chief they are still tolerating….
It will have to be brought to its knees to ensure that it is maimed before the New is ushered in.
What the world would like to see is the sort of surgical military strikes the Russians have carried out in Ukraine on key US installations.
You know: all the military manufacturing sites; the Pentagon; plenty of US naval bases, air force bases and army barracks; the CIA substations at Berkeley and all the other Ivy League schools; Andrews Air Force Base; Air Force One in its hangar; JFK, Newark and 50 other hub airports in the USA etc etc.
No need to hit the major dams of the West and SW unless the USA refuses to surrender.
Would make a great non-Hollywood movie, wouldn’t it??
Can we start the ball rolling with Referenda in Texas and Florida about secession from the Union??
“if thats where the evidence leads,”
“some might say hat the primary aim of education”
“or awakens just one teenagers love of painting,”
They don’t stop.
“the Daily Mail admitting we were right the whole time.”
Paraphrasing the “Five Man Electrical Band:
We were absolutely right
We’ve been right all along
We’re absolutely right and you were wrong
“There’s literally nothing with that.”
Incredible. Is someone going to tell me that there’s nothing with that sentence?
“At least three article across two different publications this week took sudden aim at Russell Brand, the comedian-cum-youtuber.”
Yet again, unacceptably sloppy editing/proofreading.
This has been happening ALL THE TIME.
“Nevertheless, they want to vaccinated against it.”
Like I said the other day, horrendously sloppy editing/proofreading.
I again protest, and I again propose the same solution of having somewhat competent review and correct the material before it’s posted.
Seriously, why are you triggered by typos? Get a life and focus on the message.
This is not about getting triggered. The editing of this article, especially the first part, really is dreadful. If Off-Guardian wants to be taken seriously, they should pay attention to such things. How can you take someone’s message seriously if they aren’t even serious enough about their work to proof-read?
I worry about content not typos.
I’m more concerned the article doesn’t seem to see what Brand and Carlson so obviously are, nor does it see that galleries and museums are vehicles of social engineering (although trips to them are better than keeping children locked to a desk/screen all day).
There is nothing in a “society” that doesn’t reek at least a little bit of “social engineering.” Isn’t the primary function of any society to get its members to conform to norms?
Give it 2 years or so they will do a article miking out they was the first to called him out.
Can you explain more about why you think that? Galleries/museums vary such a lot. For instance, my class went to the Black Country museum, so it was focused on the history of our general area and the lives of ordinary people.
Hoping to finally soon be able to see the museum at Azincourt (wanted to go to France pre-lockdown), which should correct the propaganda we got at school. Museums/galleries in other countries can be visited as part of school exchanges so aren’t excluded as (hopefully perspective-broadening) possibilities, either.
Sniping again, I see. Why don’t you get a life?
I wouldn’t take too much notice of this grr galah, Roy. His pathetic little screen life consists of hiding behind a name that means we should think he’s angry, you know, like OMG he’s growling at everything. Very friggin’ scary, not.
It’s commenters like me who are partly to blame for the poor editing. I read and comment but I don’t put my money where my mouth is.
And whether you realize it or not, it takes considerable time to edit. Even a silly little comment like this takes several minutes – and even then I might miss a mis-spelling or two.
There’s something about looking at a screen rather than a piece of paper that tends to thwart good editing skills.
Acknowledging that many Brits no longer have a pot to piss in , let alone two that can be banged together , His Most Excellent Excellency Mayor Sadiq has launched MOVSE 2022.
This summers Mass Outdoor Virtue Signalling Events will pay homage to our new best friends in the whole world.
The Ukrainians ..
Late night torchlit marches will take place all over ze Kapital … Mayor Sadiq says “We can send a strong message to the Kremlin by voluntarily observing a
brownCoca Mocha dress code .Claim your free Team Kolomoisky fridge magnet at the event starting point.
I have seen young musos doing gigs for facist Ukraine, the same young musos who have been utterly silent about the west slaughtering millions of brown people in multiple nations.
Heaven is always one more booster away.
I always find peace of mind and inner balance when I read anything by Charles Eisenstein – a popular philosopher. This short article helps me envision the new world my friends and I, and many of you, are creating together right now.
Here’s a just taste for you:
“We no longer really believe technology’s cheerleaders when they speak of (a digital) paradise just around the corner, or even of a restoration of last year’s normal.
Please enjoy and perhaps share his full article – especially with those who are presently living in fear and/or wasting their energy on hating the current ‘villain’.
I also find Eisrnstein’s essays thoughtful and uplifting. A rare voice of sanity in a crazy world.
Thanks Mary LS
Clot Shot ?
A 737 went down in China yesterday.
usual equinox ritual;
Death appears to be the “Increased Protection”(c) more “Booster shots”(c) give ?
And in SA all our ABC can prattle about is covid, People can’t get an ambulance, they are dying in them or waiting for them, people are homeless, everyone is fed up but the ABC can’t shut Norman Swan or the journos up.
Do you think the ABC2 (TV) worth supporting or saving ? I used to always watch the weeks ‘politics’ wrap-up “Insiders” on Sundays ’til early in The Pandemic when the program opted to be a megaphone pushing the governments ‘covid’ scare campaign…It’s far from being Independent anymore…
I still watch Kung Foo Panda, and Shaun The Sheep on the ABCs other channels… They are worth saving…
I hardly watch the ABC anymore, only some dramas
Epstein Barr ? Everybody’s nervous. Everybody’s suspicious…
And They are watching us, watching our antics. Laughing…
They have got us Jumping at Shadows…
But as soon as we drop our guard, lulled into distractions…
The ‘covid’ campaign started with a bang: Shock n Awe !
Frightened, no time to think. They kept throwing fire-crackers to scare us along…
If there’s to be a Round Two will it too start with Shock n Awe ?
Do They think us so gullible the ruse will work again ?
(locally – They are still quietly implementing Round One)…
Should there be a Prize for whoever gets it right ?
How about a Free Pass to dodge the seventh “booster” ?
Sifting, analysing the “News” for clues – or would i have more luck
reading the entrails of a sacrificed sheep ?
My money is on it starting again with Shock n Awe,
for fear is Their best, most successful weapon so far,
so They’re not likely to abandon it.. Are They ?.
(There’s always Mass-starvation due to ‘breakdown of international
food supply lines.” (Australia is largely self sufficient but somehow those
‘International supply lines’ are slowly impacting the local supermarket.)
Mass starvation. A slow burner, below the Radar Line. It takes its
toll while we scan the horizons for a evidence of a spectacular
Round Two.)
“We wont be fooled again.” 1960s hit song by The WHO (No Relation).
Speaking of the WEF…
more here:
From the same people who believed joke roagn caught covid and took ivaawonder drug to cure it.
Joke rogan The CIA connected shill who had imaginary inventor of the super vac what a load of baloney DR Bob Maloney on.
Russel fabian whore is now a conspiracy theorist. 10 years late to the party david icke launched him back in 2012. the same divid icke who posts tucker carson daily..
And going by the above thinking – consuming (absorbing) 70% poison and 30% fake additive contamination GM shit is kind of healthy and worth consuming even if it is toxic and will blind you and make you dumber.
Joke roagn tucker carson and russell brand. Thats the level of what this mindset think tanks have come to.
What a appetite – no wonder you need Detoxing and a Exorcism.
Falsehoods, nonsense, or foolishness. Baloney in this sense might have originated from the word “blarney,” which means flattering or nonsensical talk; more usually it refers to bologna sausage, which is blended from different meats, therefore implying content of inferior or dubious quality. * Madanna Pujari
This was originally on Chris Spivey, what on earth has happened to Chris? Now he really did do his research and said it like it is. He was onto the covid scam from the very moment of world governments repatriating people to their countries when we did not even know what the so called virus was. It was spread deliberately from this action. What happened to all the people supposedly that landed at Brize Norton and were then unexplicably bussed to quarantine somewhere in Liverpool?
My post reference this meme has disappeared. Why is that, must of hit the spot and Off G narrative non compliant?? Free speech my arse.
Ellen Meiksins Wood once said that in this modern age we are given unprecedented political freedom … but only because power no longer lies in politics. It lies in finance and the economy. Mark Twain put it more simply: “If voting made a difference, they wouldn’t let you do it.”
The advent of what is hopefully called democracy proved to be the establishment of a whole new form of theatre. The first tactic is to take as many decisions away from the public sphere as possible. The second is that decisions that have to go to the public are phrased as choices between options that offer as little variation as possible.
If the channels of communication open up a little too far then the rulers respond by filling them up with as much fast changing crap as possible. The very openness of the internet – the fact that anyone with a computer connection can contribute an opinion – also serves as an opportunity for the rulers to set up any number of phony accounts and false “worker opinions”.
(I have just dipped my toe into the sewage that is a WSWS comment thread and found at least one commenter – who banned everyone from examining his posts collectively – who was almost certainly a troll dishing up the same spew the mainstream media dredge up. But since the whole of this Trotter’s site is almost certainly a CIA front, the troll could even be one of the administrators.)
And speaking of the W boys, they are certainly keeping the covid potato in the air – even if it has gone a bit lukewarm at present. One of their latest protests that those capitalist bastards (with their eyes on the profit margin as in days of yore) have succeeded in applying new statistical criteria to “disappear” covid figures which, we are assured, are soaring into the stratosphere like never before etc. Oh yes, that baby is just waiting to return!
As we struggle to make sense of what’s going on, we should borrow a trick from the would-be manipulators: Take their words to mean the opposite.
French philosopher Michel Foucault once said officials use obfuscation to seem important; if they didn’t bloviate we wouldn’t take them seriously. And he knew.
Canadian psychologist at Harvard Steven Pinker points out the use of qualifiers to avoid getting to the point. Politicians are not dealing in “concepts about concepts” but banal realities yet their language serves as a get-out clause to avoid accountability.
In this crisis we face something closer to military deception: Operation Mincemeat in which the British dumped a dead body with papers to mislead the Axis powers before the 1943 Allied invasion of Sicily.
The American scholar of technocracy Patrick Wood has shown by textual analysis that the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity, of 1992, is really a cover for commercial exploitation; enabling pharma and biotech to profit from genetic manipulation and the patenting of life.
(Check out the cartoon of an upgrayyedd Uncle $cam, and pass it on.)
“Epstein-Barr is the virus” that doesn’t exist either. THERE IS NO VIRUS, NO VIRUS AT ALL.
Imagine if there were no viruses… there would be no vaccines. No! We can’t have that!!
No culture, no art, no philosophy, no history, no teachers. Although public schools in the US obviously have many problems I’d be willing to bet that alot of us here had teachers who sparked an intellectual curiosity or asked profound questions. I had a sociology teacher who went as far as he could without getting fired denouncing the 9/11 wars in a US history class in 2003. He had a profound effect on my thinking. The 4th industrial revolution is going to make damn sure no public school teachers do stuff like that anymore.
The future of teaching will be online with humanoid bots doing the ‘teaching’.
This review has a rash of typos in the opening paragraphs. Confusing enough, that that is as far as we got.
Perhaps admin could repost it, corrected? Much obliged.
Why is the New York Times finally admitting that what it said about Hunter Biden’s laptop was false? Are they preparing to dump Hunter’s dad?
Could be. This remains to be seen, of course.
But this sort of mass-media undermining was predicted by skeptical critics as soon as it became obvious that The Ghost of Joe Biden (Barely) Present was going to be installed on the Oval Office Throne, or Commode.
Despite all of the TDS-driven insistence that Biden is fit as a fiddle (“sound as a dollar” is more apropos), it’s obvious that Biden’s ability to keep up appearances is living on borrowed time. It’s equally obvious that the powers and principalities keeping Biden on life support have been ready to pull the plug once Biden reached a point of de minimis usefulness.
The shadowy puppet-masters who created this horrorshow seem to have overlooked an inconvenient flaw in the scheme they executed: setting up a Potemkin Village government with degenerate and outright imbecilic Elected Misrepresentatives in the starring roles makes replacing Biden highly problematic.
If Biden is removed the same way he got in, i.e.
by hook orby crook, the immediate successors are Kamala Harris and Nancy Pelosi– an utterly shallow, posturing harpy and a decaying Gorgon.Unless the geniuses who orchestrated this farce are content to serially replace one addled figurehead with another, ad infinitum, as the wheels fall off they will have to stage another “Saturday Night Massacre” to come up with a plausible successor.
The US is currently enjoying its Pluto return. This won’t end until early 2025. (That’s a ‘Pluto’ return. Not a ‘Putin’ return, by the way.
For those who read intelligent astrology.
“Are they preparing to dump Hunter’s dad?”
My guess is if that if they are they’ll give him the “real” booster – the killer shot. So not looking too good with family investments in Ukraine somewhat unsafe.
It’s going – what’s the phrase? – tits up. So Kamala Harris will be the first woman president. Eat your heart out: Hillary Clinton. And they never even had to vote for her.
Meanwhile, this is from today’s Russian newspaper, RIA Novosti, and not very complimentary to western news manufacturers.
Actually saw an MSM newspaper questioning Sleepy Joe’s ability to be prez. Only read a bit as it disappeared behind a pay wall, but interesting just to see the headline. Might have been the Torygraph but can’t be sure.
It is so easy to get riled over the assaut on the masses if you misunderstand what is happening by taking the expressions “Left” and “Right” seriously. These words are tools in the hands of manipulators whose cynicism is beyond belief. These hacks care nothing for humanity or culture or history or science. They have no logic beyond an instinctive ad-hoc push towards whatever is most disintegrative. Their aim is indeed to lower all of the masses to pod people, to moronic clones who will simply parrot whatever they hear and perform rudimentary tasks like ants in a colony.
People in political or economic power, regardless of country, ideology, etc, share one strong belief as a guiding principle:
Unpredictable = ⚠️
Fully predictable = ✅
And the condition of full predictability for humans is to be ⚰️. If they can’t kill us physically, they’ll try their best to make us mimic that condition.
Consider this:
Then consider this:
What we have here is the deliberate destruction of community and culture, the tearing apart of the population, the erasure of history, the attempt to turn humanity into a hive of unremembering therefore mindless drones.
Add to that the deformation of sexuality thought spurious invention of meaningless new genders and the ensuing decline in numbers. The tiny number of ruling parasites are well on their way to securing a kind of “vegetable” mass below.
These are media campaigns prepared well in advance with the intention of destroying nothing less than society itself in preparation for remoulding it all into this vegetative condition. And one of the most brilliant preparatory manoeuvres was to give a foretaste of this in the form of “Right Wing whinging” – a tactic which was operational for decades before. Because of that preparatory exercise, the now active destruction of our society can be slighted as “Right Wing paranoia” and even mocked as regressive reactionary blather. Once again the ostensible Left take the helm in the ruling class coup – the biggest irony of all.
Media has turned out to be the most significant threat to human survival yet to surface. Bias in Media has become a world wide threat to human existence and that threat needs to be contained somehow?
Humanity is entitled to know the truth and media is the only means by which the truth can be distributed in timely fashion to the population of the world.
Both sides in the Russian clash in Ukraine have turned off access to the media of the other side.
Humanity needs to develop a set of laws to make content providers, politicians, high profile entities, and media distributors liable for any and all untruths either by omission or commission; if that omission or commission supports chaos, tangible or intangible war, sanctions, or regime change any in the world.
Somehow humanity needs a court capable to indite, arrest, try, convict and punish media distributors and content providers, when their contents promote or sponsor war or unrest around the globe.. and we know from experience humanity can not leave such work to the courts that serve the nation states.
malicious and biased media distributions and content providers can be more powerful weapons of mas shuman destruction than any physical weapon yet developed.
How can humanity impose its will on the nation state system? I think this is biggest question humanity should come together to solve. f?
“Bias in media”?? How about the unrestrained and uncontained digitization of propaganda by Western BBC (Billionaire Boys Club) U.S. plutocratic club “media” interests. The public has become less and less protected from those barefaced corporate-friendly media interests, with each passing year, it’s been decades since a war-era Auden penned the catchy line, “The sound of printing presses turning forests into lies.”
Printing presses? There has been an nuclear explosion since then of media publication capabilities and tech.
It was that kind of thing that permitted the Vichy government in Nazi-occupied France, and it’s been pretty much a “chain reaction” ever since.
The West has been the serial offender in counterfeiting all kinds of things –“Media”- and technology has merely fed that beast to such a deadly strength now.
I will fight to the death to keep my Vladimir Horowitz albums
And my Dostoevsky books.
And quite a load of stuff. Should get to the Bolshoi before it’s “forbidden!”…. For Bidden… see what I’ve done here?
This is really just a Variation on a Theme of Red Scares, the practicable and oligarch-friendly reincarnation of those ghouls of HUAC past.
Given the fact of Naziphobia deep in the Slav DNA, a 1000 years of fighting the Aryan usurpers and Goths, it’s no surprise that they would be repackaged in a more marketable way.
An old memory: early 1970s and formative was hearing Pacifica re-broadcast those McCarthy inquisitions in their entirety, before and even during Watergate.
Bertolt Brecht was called, sat before the Congressional mic’s briefly. An acquaintance bumped into him on a Boulevard in Paris a few days later.
“Bertie, I thought you’d be in Washington.”
Brecht: The senators were very kind, they let me smoke. The Nazis would have never let me do that.”
Forgotten was the huge clout of tobacco companies in the U.S. Back in the day we were too naive, mostly, to understand the value to them of “product placement.” Those hearings were televised (no doubt with philanthropy from Big Tobacco).
You go back now and look at films and footage from those years, you can’t get through more than a few frames without seeing all the stars lighting each other’s cigarettes incessantly.
The stars, mind you. Rarely the background actors. They wanted the public to think it was a starry thing to do, and rush to the lobby or corner and buy the starry brand.
And everyone did. Maybe even Bertie Brecht?
Excellent observations.
I can barely watch a Russel Brand presentation, and think large doses of Quaaludes would improve his delivery… I’m not into someone shouting and waving their arms around, even if or when they have a good point.
I had a friend who contracted a very nasty case of Epstein-Barr virus from a vaccination waaay back in 1978. By the time he figured out the connection, he was unemployable and out of money. He eventually located a pro bono attorney who saved him from a life of total destitution. Unknown to most persons, Epstein-Barr syndrome can be extremely debilitating.
Here’s another wonderful vaccine injury story. >
HPV Vaccine Gardasil Kills: Confirmed by Court Ruling
APRIL 2, 2018
Let’s jab our babies and children before they have a chance to be normal…
I’m not sure which vaccine was used on my friend. It could have been a typical Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis jab…
There are numerus reports of Epstein Barr virus, herpes, childhood autism, and autoimmune disorders caused by vaccine schedules over the years. That’s why the vaccine manufactures pushed for indemnity clauses in 1986.
It was the shirts for me. I kept thinking that if he stood up in full view he’d be wearing a pencil skirt and stilettoes.
The blurb about Epstein-Barr comes closer than anything I’ve ever encountered to convincing me the virus thing really is one great big hoax.
A “virus” which infects 90% of humanity would have long ago been all but eradicated by natural immunity. Yet they say we need a vaccine for it?
Here’s my prediction: in a few days Epstein-Barr will be off the media’s radar – it’s just too obvious what’s going on.
Even those who automatically gravitate toward media propaganda will see through this one. Proving that TPTB are not the smartest guys in the room.
Not the smartest guys in the room, yet still I feel they are getting away with it.
‘Smart’ doesn’t seem to be a desirable human characteristic in the mainstream any more.
A bit like people who swindle their way into respected universities, and bribe or fornicate their way through the exams.
That’s the mentality I reckon we’re dealing with here: The superficial appearance of success is, for them, far more important than actual success, achievement or excellence.
The last few years have led me to reappraise what I always called ‘friends’, ‘colleagues’ and ‘acquaintances’, and, without wishing to appear unreasonably judgemental, I have had to come to the conclusion that a few of them are really ‘not people you want to know’…
The thing is, Howard – at least as I see it – in order to ‘see through this one’, something has to click inside the brains of the masses who have just spent years and decades never getting used to seeing through anything. It just isn’t going to happen.
I fear the “Use it, or lose it” idea applies to sheep brains too.
You may be right. Heaven knows I never give people undue credit; but when something is almost laughably obvious – such as saying we need a vaccine for a virus which has already infected 90% of the people – then I’m willing to trust their “animal instinct” to override their “critical faculties” and make them skeptical.
FWIW, I have a very negative view of “success” – one might say “Don’t knock it till you’ve tried it!” But I believe the striving for it has caused more mischief than just about anything else.
(Had I tried really, really hard – instead of not at all – to get my works published; and had I “succeeded,” I wouldn’t be where I am now. And I happen to like where I am now. It’s infinitely better than becoming a “literary lion” who imagines the sun rises and falls on him. And who, instead of struggling to create something worthwhile, must constantly struggle to make another bestseller.)
“Don’t knock it till you’ve tried it” is an attempt at marketing after other attempts have failed.
Everything is relative.
The ratings for the MSM (including Fox) has tanked. The only difference is that Fox has tanked a little less than the others.
I tape Tucker and watch bits and pieces. Most of his show is the same junk as the rest.
Dan Bongino is a better source. As unprofessional and unpolished as he his, he is often a delight (even in the face of doom and gloom) to watch as he is much more trustworthy.
However, none of them have taken the dare to meeting the PCR testing lies head on. None. To suggest that the entire scamdemic is based on the biggest lie of all would certainly put them on the defensive and likely off the air.
Until the testing scam is put at the forefront of all discussions, there is no hope.
For fun, I ordered the “free” home Covid test kid provided by our government. Just a stupid antigen test. No amplification. No nothing. Same test my daughter and my son use weekly for not having taken the Covid clot shot.
I see this test as nothing but a tool to create calm before the storm when genuine PCR tests with a ct value of 45 are made mandatory again.
Fauci is predicting a new outbreak that is going require new lock downs.
What better way is there to prove the need for full compliance?
Test Test Test……..
This is Neurodiversity Celebration Week aka we’ll make your children autistic and expect you to thank us for it.
Keep repeating: there’s always been autism, people were just to stupid to diagnose it correctly…. the discredited Andrew Wakefield… Greta Thunberg says it’s a superpower…….
Hi Edwige, I assume you’re understanding that the rise of autism & ADHD (amongst others) has risen in line with the administration of numerous baby/child vaccinations.
Am I correct ?
The notion that examinations are a test of education is the Scientific Management (aka Taylorism) of schooling.
It’s up to us parents to instil cultural appreciation for things like art, music and food in our children, to show them why Disney films are a load of horseshit, to read betweeen the lines of anything Hollywood, to appreciate well written, properly constructed music that isn’t just mindless rubbish contructed for a pretty face to sell negative ideals to children, to see fast food for the junk that it is and to appreciate the simple things in life and the amazing, free experiences that you can have if you avoid popular “attractions”, shopping centres, cinemas etc and find beauty in nature and in the moment.
If you leave it up to schools to teach your children about culture then you are not doing your job as a parent. My experience with my son tells me that school attempts to inculcate him into everything that I tell him to beware of, popular culture, wokeism, conformity, religion, bandwagon jumping, virtue signalling. Literally, the best thing about being a parent, to me, is the time that I spend with my son talking with him about the World that we live in, discussing music and art and how to critically appraise things that you see, hear and read, explaining how things are made and what goes into making the World is like it is, and showing him why a lot of what they are telling him at school is bollocks, even down to the way they try to teach maths through langauge rather than teaching arithmatic. I love to find out what he thinks about everything. That, to me, is job number one in my life right now, to arm him with the mental faculties and backbone to cut through the all pervasive psyop of consumerism and to live life his own way.
“its up to the parent to undo 18 years of schooling, and if you don’t its your fault and you are doing it wrong”
Sounds like you are starting from the wrong premise, to me.
what 18 year olds watch disney?
They don’t start school until 5 years old, so that makes them 22 or 23-ish.
How? If you’re relying on school to teach your kids about the world then don’t be surprised when they end up as normies who don’t know very much about anything and easily fall for whatever psyop is being pushed at the time.
I looked at that clip.
Why won’t Tucker play Dr. Steven Jones video of World Trade Center 7 Collapsing @Free Fall?
It seems to be on MSNBC. We don’t know the distribution of power between the anchor and the station and who has the final say on showing the video. I disagree with Tucker on many, many things but he seems to be the only one on US lamestream that provides something of an alternative perspective. And crazies in the US government are already calling for him to be charged with sedition.
The US is an ideological state. In 2005, you could not say on TV that Muslims were not responsible or show stuff that contradicted it because Iraq and Afghanistan…..
Right now Tucker tries to keep saying Russia-Ukraine is a complex issue but he has to add that Putin man very bad otherwise he will not even be able to say: it’s a complex issue….
One thing I have to say in Tucker’s favour: he is respectful to his guests relative to your average TV anchor. I also think he’s woken and matured a bit over the years. At least he engages in debate in a more civil way.
controlled opposition?
That’s my guess – he’s a great straw man for especially the left to attack. If he’s one of the only ones kinda allowed to talk about the vax stuff in the corporate media then the entire left in the US can safely write off any and all vax skepticism and does.
I don’t know. However, at this point I listen to what people are saying and go exclusively on the content rather than who is saying what. My main objective is simply to clarify my own thoughts and occasionally pick up a new nugget of information. In one of his recent rants there was a clip of HUGE lines for food banks. That shocked me.
With Tucker lately I find myself agreeing with well over 80% of what he says on the few issues that interest me. That’s higher than most other pundits. He tends to stick to points that are pretty logical and he’s pretty funny sometimes. I am guessing he has a team to write up his sit down comedy rants but his style is unique insofar as American TV is usually devoid of irony.
Tucker Carlson’s father was a director of Radio Free Europe, USA’s propaganda outlet during the Cold War. In plain English, Dad was CIA.
Like father, like son?
After RFE, his father, without any experience in Banking, went on to be a high level executive at a Savings and Loan institution. Just happened to coincide with the onset of the S & L crisis, which destroyed S & L’s as an alternative to the commercial banksters.
Interesting – he certainly fits the intelligence bill. They let him talk a little sense on covid like they used to let whoever on MSNBC talk a little sense about the 9/11 wars.
Tucker Carlson?!? That buffoon has been spouting standard reich-wing fare for Fox and its ilk since we first saw his sorry wannabe mug during the Bush/Gore “Recount” over twenty years ago.
He’s just a cutout cardboard stalking horse for Fox.
So what if like a broken clock he’s right twice every day? Alt has thousands better than him, on their worst days.
no prove that hpv causes c cancer either but plenty that the vaccine damages , especially sporty young people.
people took a fauxvacine for a fauxdemic, why would they question this?
polio is another inocous virus, the bad things created by pesticides, in combo with the virus or maybe not even.
one thing led to another since jenner, or even before.
male medicine in fact.
Ponzi scheme is right. The ‘policy’ consists of injecting more debt to amortize existing debt. So the debt bubble gets out of control and finally blows up.
Paul Volcker Head of the Fed in 1981 raised US interest rates to an eye-watering 22%, that got rid of inflation okay, but it also pushed the US economy into a sharp recession.
It’s question whether or not that policy could be applied today given the absolute and growing magnitude of the Fed bubble. The Fed can’t raise interest rates since this would tank the economy, or, it can just add more debt – which is what’s happening but the bubble just gets bigger.
Scylla or Charybdis!?
Watch max keiser and guests. It’s too late…
Twenty years ago, the chattering Tuck-Tuck* accused the distinguished professor of comparative religion, David Ray Griffin of “blasphemy”, in an interview, because David dared to suggest that the official fairytale about the 11/9 atrocities was provably false, and that in fact, they must have been committed by elements within the US/ziostani ‘elites’. Such an idea is blasphemously unthinkable, according to the orthodox USAmerican self-image. 😂
And notice that Tuck-Tuck’s ‘explanation’ of inflation focuses on the US right-wing’s obsession against public spending, and in favour of their revered – and actually quite unicornian – ‘free market’.
I wonder if Tucker has even heard of ‘structural inflation’; the real cause of what’s happening with fiat-money’s steady, irreversible devaluation; the long-term driver actually underlying the present transient up-spike caused by the current tit-for-tat sanctions spat over the Ukrainian operation. This underlying, in-built-to-economicgrowthforever inflation hasn’t a hope in hell of disappearing, even after the Russians have achieved their Ukrainian-reform war-aims, and withdrawn.
To get a better, real-world-oriented grasp of what structural inflation really is, see Dmitry Orlov’s (paywalled) exegesis at ‘Club Orlov’. (Hint: It’s about the non-negotiable, non-gainsayable Limits To Growth…)
Carlson is essentially a truth-lite, token permitted-opposition figure, useful to the US right-wing deep-state faction.
*A popular Indian slang term for those little sputtering three-wheeler motor-scooters which ply as taxis all over the sub-continent.
In my world I would think the US ruling class have done their best to rule via using borrowed money to go fight wars to either prove they are top of the dung heap or secure access to only them of various world resources….
there never seems a limit on growth when it comes to the affording of a standing army and the gross waste that goes into its maintenance,,.,I suspect a good many of the starving population of the world could have been fed and provided with better stands of living with what was wasted in Iraq ending up in the bank accounts of the already very rich.
I have often wondered why creating so much money has not created runaway inflation. The answer must be that the money does not go to the general population. With corporate government private holdings are the equivalent of government funds. And coporate government only wants to do violence to extract rent and not be deposed.
The various sanctions and tariffs directed at China have had a noticeable effect on inflation in the US.
A dollar hegemony gives you a lot of power but only if you use it carefully and judiciously. (Same with fiat currency.) Unfortuantely, relying on politicians to be careful and measured is one of the weak spots in a democracy.
Er, that’s Thailand.
In India different design called a ‘bajaj’? Dajaj? But well noted, very noisy, not much result!
originally a thai slang term not indian, though they may call them tuk tuks in india now
You mean tuk-tuk. That term belongs to Thailand.
113. Tucker Carlson, Man of the People, Truckers Win! Know Your Russian Oligarch
117. Russia Invades Ukraine – The Grand Chess Board Unfolds…
I haven’t read the study about the museums, but it seems stupid, since school trips to the museums were never really about “improving exam results” (and how could they really measure that anyway?), but about other things. I feel a lot of the “scientific studies” these days, including or perhaps more than any field, virology, are like that: either scientists come with an already predetermined conclusion (usually paid by Big Pharma), or if not they say: “A proves that B is really C”, when in fact there is no connection between A and B or C except in the mind of the researchers.
The parasitical growths at the top have obviously decided that school – previously (and marginally) the only respite from the zombie factory – must now also be made into a deadzone.
Said parasites have also seen that culture, art, etc. are no longer “affordable” since all the money now must go on weapons for Nazis and sheep’s piss for viruses you don’t know you have.
If Russell Brand is a “pseudo-sceptic” then maybe the media can give us some real scepticism like … saying covid is ten times more deadly than the media have yet made out. Oh hang on – the WSWS have already done that!
The reason Tucker Carlson started to tell the truth is so that the truth can be associated with a slimeball like him. The fact that he is on Fox News and seen as a “Right Winger” is also part of the scam. Two years into the viral voyage you should surely have realised that sucking the cock of covid is a groovy motherfucker Left thing to do.
Like Trump, Tucker is first and foremost a populist.
He probably doesn’t believe half the shit he spouts, but hey, the money keeps rolling in.
“Can we vaccinate against Epstein-Barr, the virus you didn’t know you had?”
Isn’t that just covid?
By going Full Dictator- banning opposition parties, nationalising all media – Zelensky wont get bad press in The West.
Remember what LBJ said, “He may be a dictator, but he’s our dictator.” Or was it “Better him inside our tent pissing out, than him outside our tent pissing in.” that LBJ said ?
If one’s been listening carefully, the phrase they usually trot out is to defend “our values”, not “democracy”.
Clamping down on uncontrolled opposition and media sounds very like Western values to me! As for “our”, it begs the question who this “us” is.
Yes, Hitler could have said ‘our values’…!
Wasn’t it FDR who said the first, about Batista?
I think it was:”He may be a bastard, but he’s our bastard”.
LBJ was not delicate when it came to language.
I thought it was LBJ, but you’ve caused me to look it up. I read that FDR used it in 1939 to describe dictator Somoza “He may be a son of a bitch, but he’s our son of a bitch”.. It’s also ascribed to having been said by others.
I was around in LBJs days that’s why i thought he said it, ie, it WAS used by someone during the 1960s, i remember it being reported. And i think it was LBJ who was quoted, though he may have said “bastard” or “dictator”, not “son of a bitch” .FDR or another may have originated it, it was definitely a dictator who was being referred to…
Back in 2001, Carlson was down-the-line Republican. He advocated for the Iraq invasion. It’s no surprise he was down-the-line on WTC7 as well.
Since then, he’s openly acknowledged that he was wrong on Iraq. It’s clear that was a painful and eye-opening learning experience for him.
It’s extremely rare to see a public figure cop to their errors so openly. That takes either genuine humility, or a level of duplicitous BS that is off the charts. In Tucker, I think it’s the former.
And for myself, I’ve turned 180 degrees in recent times from a lifelong Lefty to utterly opposed to almost everything the (new) left says and believes.
Carlson’s soliloquies remind me of an old-school sermon from the pulpit. And not in a priest-fiddling-the-alter-boy sense.. I mean the genuine sense of lectures on morality.
The younger me would have hated listening to it, and yet there is a yawning void where it should be. The churches, politicians, media.. none of the traditional holders of that role are fulfilling it like they should.
So bravo Tucker.. standing up and being a traditional conservative at a time that is deeply, deeply socially uncool.
He was also the first one in the USA in August 2020 to do the work and find out the PCR are a hoax.
Carlson’s father was director of CIA front Voice of America and he is given a platform on Fox News. Fox required all employees to be vaccinated and clamp down on any attempt to mention George Soros, to give merely two examples.
He’s cut from the same cloth as Peter Hitchens (for those who still have some functioning memory).
I know all that but the thing about arseholes and shills they can all do one thing right in their lives.
I appreciated his interview with RFK Jr. It was one of very few Kennedy interviews on MSM. Perhaps the only one.
II really only started paying attention to Tucker through clips on social media during the pandemic. I have to agree he’s at least authentic to his own beliefs and thinks for himself enough to have his own beliefs. He argues rationally and honestly so I could have a conversation with him even if we disagreed.
Unlike robot-boy Trudeau who would just keep repeating pre-programmed soundbites on autopilot.
I probably identified more as an “old school lefty” but now those labels don’t make sense any more. Basic human values cross the political spectrum. Even a five year old intuitively understands what is decent and what is not. It’s almost as if the political spectrum in most NATO countries is not divided between right and left or conservative / liberal but rather there is a narrative on whatever issue and you are either onboard with it or you are a villain.
Tucker Carlson, 6/1/2020, on how deeply Jared Kushner despises 2016 Trump voters: “No matter what happens, they’ll tell you, “our voters aren’t going anywhere. The trailer parks are rock solid. What choice do they have? They’ve got vote for us.” Jared Kushner, for one, has made that point out loud. No one has more contempt for Trump’s voters than Kushner does, and no one expresses it more frequently.”
Yup, but then again, Bill and Hill perfected that one for liberals – where else they gonna go? NONE OF THEM are on our side, NONE. The sooner we give up the DELUSION that any of them care one bit about what ordinary people want, the better off we will be. Sadly, that delusion isn’t going away any time soon.
get protection from epstein
This cartoon is a bit over the top. It implies doctors give money back – that’s what the bottom coin hopper suggests. No way!
nah its the reject slot for snide coins
We also would have accepted, “Nah, it’s the prescription-dispensing slot.”