WATCH: Presearch Search Engine

Now that DuckDuckGo has officially DuckDuckGone in the direction of censorship, what’s a free speech-loving, liberty-minded conspiracy realist to do? Never fear, #SolutionsWatch is here.

In the first of a series of explorations of Alt Tech, James talks to Colin Pape of Presearch, a decentralized search engine that is seeking to offer an alternative to the Big Tech monopolization of search.

Sources, shownotes and links – as well as audio versions and download options – can be found here. Previous episodes of #SolutionsWatch can be found here and here.
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Categories: Covid Positive, latest, video
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John K
John K
Apr 20, 2022 2:18 AM

“Stakeholders,” “tokens,” “ecosystems,” etc.—all tech gobblygook. Dude, I just want to search unfiltered information anonymously. I have no idea what you’re talking about. Speak English.

Voz 0db
Voz 0db
Mar 27, 2022 3:22 PM

The DDGone lasted just two days… Probably a world record for couch activism!

comment image

Mar 25, 2022 2:29 AM

It does not work since weeks ago when I tried to read RT (yeah I do read RT especially cause is interesting, professional, different and lots of times have opposite views from MSM garbage)
Surely I will miss Max Keiser & Stacy Herbert a lot and it is a pity they no longer there.
And even SputnikNews does not figure in the first few results when i keystroked but RT and Sputnik none of both did not show not even in the 8th page of searches.
Maybe just maybe is this made in chiNADA search engine woke and pathetic like JT and his lover Jmeet.

Mar 23, 2022 12:17 PM

As long as the NSA et al can look over your shoulder and take note of every single keystroke, doesn’t the hullaballoo over search engines become rather a moot point? or a strawman argument?

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Mar 23, 2022 1:57 PM
Reply to  Howard

Yup. Moot point indeed.

K. Cavan
K. Cavan
Mar 24, 2022 3:42 AM
Reply to  Howard

It’s not to do with spying, it’s the censorship of what comes up in your searches.

Mar 24, 2022 7:26 PM
Reply to  K. Cavan

Yes, exactly.

The predatory surveillance/tracking component of search engines is reprehensible, but the Orwellian “rewriting history” technique of censoring officially-taboo sources containing officially-inconvenient truths is as bad or worse.

Mar 23, 2022 11:04 AM

Prevention of Censorship the best cure and solution to any problem from
Pandemic to Pharmaceutical propaganda to Psycho-sociological intentions,
With malice aforethought: will the British Medical Journal now
Also be Censored for highlighting immorality,?
Compromising Doctor’s Ethics for CBDC interests ?
Not Medical reasoning. 75 years indeed… as prison term, maybe
World gone insane. But not Brand.


George Mc
George Mc
Mar 22, 2022 10:07 PM

Slimy inversions in the Graud:

“Progressives are resisting rightwing book banning campaigns – and are winning”

The groovy motherfucker Left (you know, the same ones that forced lockdowns through wildcat strikes) are really sticking it to the designated Old Fossils resisting the charge into that superintelligent right-on rebel poseur theatre.

Just look at this!

“The Indiana legislation mirrored rightwing efforts in other states to drive honest discussion of race and sexuality from classrooms.”

“Honest” discussion of massive steaming turds to divert everyone from the actual stuff that grown ups need to give a shit about!

Let’s hear it for groovy masturbation in trendy corners!

Mar 23, 2022 10:43 AM
Reply to  George Mc

Aha GeorgeMc, forget the original Steve Winwood and Valerie times, of call on me…
what you need to dose the Mrs. with, is a more contemporary sense of idle Eric’s Prydzzz.
Spice it up. First some physical fitness to stimulate oxygen supply to key organs…


Then you can fire her up with the British Medical Journal,
According their & R.Brand’s demands, truly common sense…
That should at least tire the brains and bodily resistance,
Of many folk. Quality Rant Russ… talk about immoral.


Feel you & Russ,
Equally. Morally.

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Mar 22, 2022 6:29 PM

I don’t get the alleged research problem. I have a list of perhaps 35 “alternate” news websites I use regularly. Most articles list plenty of references, and many provide direct links to supporting information. There are also interesting links provided in the readers comments sections. I used to service and build computers. Software errors were almost always User errors… Jus’ sayin’…

Mar 23, 2022 7:50 AM

Lazy People have more ‘difficulty’ in doing research. I wonder why.

Mar 22, 2022 5:13 PM

I use http://www.startpage.com . It claims to preserve privacy, does anyone know anything against it?

Paul _too
Paul _too
Mar 22, 2022 5:31 PM
Reply to  Roger

It’s a anonymizing front for Google. It prevents Google tracking and spying on you, but it’s still using Google with its extreme pro-corporate, pro-parasite censorship

Mar 23, 2022 2:46 AM
Reply to  Roger

Try search.brave.com or presearch.com
The Brave browser has its own index created from scratch so it isn’t just repackaging google results.

Mar 23, 2022 7:12 PM
Reply to  Roger

Anyone have opinion on swisscows? I have started using it after trust in DuckduckDied and so far I like it. Very clean interface, pleasing to the eye.

Mar 25, 2022 1:58 AM
Reply to  Patricia

I have it in a drop down menu but rarely use it. Results are generally inferior to Qwant, Bing and Google. IMO, Qwant is currently the best combination of privacy and results.

Mar 25, 2022 1:54 AM
Reply to  Roger

Garbage. It used to be good, I used it for years but it went down the tubes. Results are supposed to be based off Google but they’re generally inferior to an already watered down Google compared to the naughties. I barely use it any more.

For non controversial topics, Google is still the best. For controversial topics I use Qwant, Bing and Google in that order.

Sean Veeda
Sean Veeda
Mar 22, 2022 4:51 PM

Presearch has failed my test:

Do an image search for
a) happy black woman
b) happy asian woman
c) happy white woman

If the results look pretty much the same other than skin colour, then it passes the test.

Mar 22, 2022 7:52 PM
Reply to  Sean Veeda

works perfectly

Mar 22, 2022 9:40 PM
Reply to  Sean Veeda

I agree, seems to fail c) happy white woman test- only with black men around.
I was amused by Bondage Beacon on the asian woman test … i spent many many hours searching this site for asians but no luck.

Mar 23, 2022 2:51 AM
Reply to  Sean Veeda

Good test. My search.brave.com engine passes. I just searched for the phrases above and clicked on the first link saying “images”. It was 3rd of 4th on the return lists for all 3 searches.

Mar 24, 2022 11:42 PM
Reply to  Sean Veeda

Curious, but DDG pass this test. Same with Brave Search. Presearch and Google doesn’t. Not surprised for Google. Though, even DDG and Brave doesn’t pass it perfectly, because one of the first pictures to see is white woman with black child. Yes, only one, and others were normal. But when you search for happy black or asian, the result is 100 %.

Mar 22, 2022 4:41 PM

Presearch utilizes the Blockchain for a decentralized search.

That Blockchain can do everything!

Mar 22, 2022 4:38 PM

DDG is a front end that uses Bing as the search engine. Only thing that DDG does is anonymize the search request before sending it to Microsoft’s Bing.

Sunface Jack
Sunface Jack
Mar 22, 2022 4:19 PM

Use Torr browser. Very disappointed with DDGo who has decided to allow politics to influence them.

Mar 22, 2022 1:50 PM

Noone ever creates a real find engine. I am bored of all that searching idiotism. BTW I won’t change from metager.de search engine.

Mar 22, 2022 11:28 AM

PRESEARCH is the way to go.

Mar 22, 2022 10:36 AM


Mar 22, 2022 7:52 PM
Reply to  Johnny

I liked DuckDuckGone

Peter Mohan
Peter Mohan
Mar 22, 2022 10:29 AM

I searched Presearch for: “Trump attacked by media” and “Media attack Trump.” I got the same garbage results as if I had searched on Google, links to how Trump attacked the media! This was 180 degrees from what I was searching for.

Mar 22, 2022 5:36 PM
Reply to  Peter Mohan

Trump’s a puppet. It’s the hero and villain narrative. Good cop, bad cop. A con. A scam. A psyop. A mind control mechanism. Once the cryptocracy can manipulate you to take sides they are controlling your mind, absolutely and completely.

Mar 23, 2022 6:59 AM
Reply to  Researcher

And that has what to do with the search engine?

Mar 23, 2022 2:55 AM
Reply to  Peter Mohan

Good test. Same for search.brave.com so I’ll let them know we are getting opposite what we expect.
It is still in beta but at least they have a “Feedback” button on the search results where you can tell them easily.

Mar 22, 2022 9:35 AM
Mar 22, 2022 9:28 AM

Some comments recently have tried to restart the “there’s too much crying ‘controlled opposition'” line again – well, some of us were pointing out DuckDuckGo’s origins ages ago and guess what… that turns out to have been thoroughly vindicated yet again.

Not regarding anything on a MSM platform (remember Brand was on Newsnight and QT) or pushed by a MSM platform as controlled is failing to learn anything from the last few years. Liking them is no excuse – these people are designed to be likeable. Liking parts of their message is no excuse – ‘bait and switch’ should be a familiar tactic by now.

Mr Y
Mr Y
Mar 22, 2022 11:33 AM
Reply to  Edwige

Getting curiouser and curiouser: How do you know that someone *isn’t* controlled opposition?

Xavier Delacroix
Xavier Delacroix
Mar 22, 2022 11:57 AM
Reply to  Mr Y

Let’s say someone had thrown a load of 4,000 piece jigsaw puzzles into a sack, where most sets of pieces were incomplete. Moreover, let’s say that of all the pictures they comprised, only one picture was actually ‘the true picture’, all the rest being staged photos, abstractions, or artists’ impressions.

If you spend enough time going through the sack, eventually, a coherent true picture will coalesce in your mind’s eye, even if you haven’t got very far in figuring out which pieces go with which picture.

So, what you can do is digest, holistically, all the potentially controlled opposition, and gradually, having collected a few good pieces from each pundit, you will be able to wean yourself from each one, until eventually, you know the true picture, even if you are still searching for various missing pieces (that you are pretty confident you already know what they look like). This of course has to be in conjunction with holistic research into life, the universe, and everything.

Oh, and TPTB do want you to do this (self-enlightenment), despite appearances to the contrary.

Mar 22, 2022 1:11 PM

Sure they do. It has been proven beyond any doubt. The evidence is irrefutable…

At no time in history the ones in power gave a damn about the ones without power. There’s no reason why this time is different. But I can’t blame you for building this whole fascinating story in your head so you can clench on it when the psychos in charge are destroying everything around. Just hoping that being smarter than the average normie will save you because the psychos appreciate smartness. BS. They fear smartness. You will be a target and not someone they want to save. Unless you are ofc, controlled opposition and are just trying to distract the weak minds here that want to have some hope in these desperate times.

Mar 22, 2022 10:31 PM

The psychopaths at the top don’t care either way because they know they only need a certain percentage of people to comply, then the other 30-50 percent will follow the herd. The remaining dissenters will be split and uncoordinated, led by shills and liars.

Which is why they are desperately shoving out the disinformation left and right, the multiple fear programs and the distractions lies and dualism, with their shills in the alt-media, the performing seals in the “truth” or “freedom” movement.

They all hang in one larger network. They use Masonic symbols, sacred geometry, letters, dualism or globes in their logos. Even the few of them who tell the truth (or partial truth) about one area, are extremely careful about what they say, never implicating their superiors or brethren in actual crimes such as premeditated genocide, theft or criminal collusion and racketeering. They’re scared, cowardly, immoral, lost lambs. Not lions. That’s the irony. They probably believe they are saving themselves and their family, by participating in the farce, but by compromising their own autonomy, independence and core principles they are just as soulless and lost as any criminal, addict, degenerate or pathological liar.

Mar 29, 2022 3:01 PM
Reply to  Mr Y

Look at the consistency in their message. What their core messages are. Also who are they tied to. Who they vouch for. What they promote. And how consistent is it with their core messages.

Mr Y
Mr Y
Mar 22, 2022 2:15 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Edwige, what are you, controlled or not?

Mar 22, 2022 5:02 PM
Reply to  Edwige

Yep. Brand is one of the worst Masonic shills out there. Have you seen the video where they show him touching the little girl inappropriately and that awful children’s book he published? He models the character in the book (and himself) as a Clockwork Orange (33) Pied Piper. He literally makes my skin crawl. And Tucker Carlson? 🤣

Terry Silk
Terry Silk
Mar 22, 2022 7:21 AM

See Brendon O’ Connell on Youtube Bitchute

les online
les online
Mar 22, 2022 6:33 AM

The UN Pandemic Treaty will be a gift by the signatory states to Big Pharma.
The UN will be able to declare the existence of “Pandemics”.
The UN will be able to mandate compulsory “vaccination” of entire populations’
The UN will be able to use International Coalition Troops to impose its mandates on reluctant countries.
The World’s entire human population will become lab rats, selectively experimented
on to discover the means to transition to being transhuman.

Nigel Watson
Nigel Watson
Mar 22, 2022 7:26 AM
Reply to  les online

The government can pass whatever laws they want. I won’t be taking any of their poison. Now, quit the fear porn! What happened in Austria and Germany with their plans for compulsory ‘vaccination? Answer: the people stuck two fingers up to them

Mar 22, 2022 8:25 AM
Reply to  Nigel Watson

Yeah, neither the UN nor the national puppet regime have any authority over me.

Mar 22, 2022 4:45 AM

Brave another app for seeing RT.
I’m in Thailand. Cable TV took RT off, and DDG did too. C***ts.
I just want all sides of a story.

Mar 22, 2022 5:21 AM
Reply to  Dmass


dom irritant
dom irritant
Mar 22, 2022 8:17 AM
Reply to  Dmass

aye pisses me off too, its been gone from blitey a few weeks now

Mar 22, 2022 6:57 PM
Reply to  dom irritant

Strange, Firefox gives me RT.com no problem..

Or is it?

Mar 22, 2022 4:50 PM
Reply to  Dmass

You aren’t getting all sides with RT, nor anything in the mainstream or alt media. You are getting the other half of the dualistic, Dialectic, fear programming and hypnosis through trigger words, subliminal messages, and alpha brain waves from the beta state. There is almost nothing on tv that’s real. I’m not exaggerating. Only the weather is real. The sports results are rigged. Politics is 100% fake. Local news is fear mongering garbage. Geopolitics is a laughable puppet show. You can’t learn anything real, true or valuable on tv. RT is the controlled opposition. It’s complete disinfo on both sides. It’s coded Gematria, repetitive messaging and mind control. It’s not news.

Mar 22, 2022 9:45 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Love reading your posts, Researcher. But can I ask, where do you get your info if it’s all fake?

Mar 23, 2022 4:02 PM
Reply to  lozzer

Mind control works through repetition of lies, using emotive trigger words or phrases, and/or trauma which inhibits use of the pre-frontal cortex, or rational thought, making readers or viewers more subconsciously susceptible to suggestion. Humans are highly suggestible. The best thing is not to consume the news at all. Generally, they are just trying to elicit a negative emotion: Fear, anxiety, sorrow, hopelessness, depression. It’s the same concept with film and tv programs. Your subconscious can’t determine the difference between reality and faux reality. So your subconscious mind and body, reacts the same way as if an event is real. Jason Christoff explains some of the process in this podcast. I read between the lines to ascertain what the authorities are trying to push. Once you’ve seen enough fake news, investigated the actual hoaxes for yourself, you gain an idea (through pattern recognition) of how they run fear narratives, the various types of trauma programs they’re running, and how each agency manifests graft and corruption, then it’s easier to ascertain what’s real (not much, *if* anything) and what’s not real, within each story. For instance, if I know that there’s central control of all so-called governments then I know there’s obviously not much real fighting in the faux Ukraine war. The top generals are coordinating operations between the countries. So what’s the main objective? I’ll analyze why they’d want to force evacuate millions, make them abandon their houses, bank accounts, jobs, businesses, flatten the areas they used to live, bomb their buildings and impoverish them. Then I’ll look at Think Tank papers, Planning Scenarios, White papers and past patterns to ascertain the larger global agendas and the money flow. Seizing of land and assets is usually always the #1 motive in war; racketeering through fraud. Governments are unlawful, illegitimate gangs… Read more »

Mar 23, 2022 12:12 PM
Reply to  Researcher

“Only the weather is real”… I hope that you are not talking about forecasts because I have never seen anything failing so much as them  😂 

Now being serious, I agree with what you said. Although by reading their news we can learn a lot about reality: how they manipulate the masses, their hidden messages (although I have 0 knowledge on this topic), and so on.

Having said that, I can’t read news at all. I get very nervous with their fear mongering garbage, using your words.

Mar 23, 2022 2:56 PM
Reply to  Phaeton

No, what I mean is, the weather app in my area, correlates with the thermometer on my back deck. Same with rainfall, after the fact. I can look at the Doppler radar and see whether there is a thunderstorm headed my way. I don’t watch tv so I don’t see any “forecasts”.

Whereas news “stories” I’ve found nearly all to be baseless narratives, using repetition of certain words and themes, with coded Gematria. The narratives fit in with their racketeering, fear agendas and theft. They mostly use scripted, inversion techniques on the populace.

Mar 23, 2022 2:24 PM
Reply to  Researcher

You do know, don’t you, that the weather is the least real of anything reported by the MSM?

Virtually all weather is engineered – especially the ubiquitous “winter weather whiplashes” (in the USA East) and “ridiculously resilient high pressure ridges” (in the USA West) which have become stock and trade of weather forecasts. All weather is “on demand” nowadays.

(Hint: they wouldn’t patent something if they didn’t plan on using it.)

Mar 23, 2022 2:45 PM
Reply to  Howard

Yes. I’m aware of geoengineering and the ionization of the atmosphere, deliberately lit forest fires etc. What I mean is when they report the temperature or rainfall it’s a verifiable event locally. Whereas their other stories aren’t verifiable at all. They are statements and pronouncements from various government agencies or academia that are nearly all fictional. For instance, the war narratives, the terror, the crime, the politics, geopolitics, the “science“ stories, economics, the so-called archeological finds, the fake entertainment news etc. That’s all fictionalized nonsensical narratives that fit in with their agendas to distract, program, traumatize and racketeer. And sports results are rigged.

Mar 22, 2022 3:11 AM

Works fast enough from India. I like it.

PS. We don’t have any blocks of RT, Sputnik, X, Y, Z yet.

Freest place on Earth presently?

Mar 22, 2022 3:28 AM
Reply to  Antonym

Corbett covers that.

How do you know what RT, Sputnik, etc have been authorized to let you see…?
How long do people survive who stick their heads up above the parapet, despite being bribed with fabulous wealth, or threatened with explicit warnings…?

Just sayin’…

Best we can do is read a heck of a lot, and develop an instinct for the patterns.

As I said, I like the Presearch guy, but being disappointed in him later is not going to come as a surprise.

Mar 23, 2022 2:28 PM
Reply to  wardropper

Plus, the tempest in a teacup over search engines obscures the number one factor of the internet: if there were any way around the roadblocks, “they” would never have allowed the internet to get off the ground in the first place.

Mar 22, 2022 9:03 AM
Reply to  Antonym

Brilliantly questioning and very helpful comment, Antonym.
Worthy to remember, what flies where, during mass dis-Orientation…

Do you have any extra news regarding the Missile fired ‘accidentally’ into Pakistan?
Destroying property, but no loss of life luckily: and moreover, given the missile was
Capable of carrying a Nuclear Warhead, was this a genuine mistake or a test of
Imran Khan’s character ?

Very testing times, where we really need to know more here @OffG about India:
The Nation that could overload the camel’s back of Western international finance,
I.e. the Petro-Dollar followed by a colourful corporate swamping to grab control now?,
I ask myself, who will prevail in HinduTimes’ opinions ?
Can you recommend some balanced opinion or a good source
formulated in English, French or German?
Or an Indian alternative media site?

Mar 23, 2022 7:31 AM
Reply to  TDj

India has no political or economic reason to start any conflict with Pakistan at the moment, so I do believe that missile was an accident. Imran Khan has big trouble at home so he doesn’t need any test of character.
Modi had a good contact with Trump, less so with Biden I guess. Modi did buy-into Fauci’s Covid scare campaign, same as Trump.
Apart from Russian military hardware, India also needs more civil hardware from Russia to complete the last 4 nuclear reactors Rosatom is building in Kudankulam close to the southern tip of the sub continent, plus the existing cooperation in Sakalin oilfields.
Ukrainian and Polish racists have made some impact here against dark colored Indian students (totally 30,000 mostly medical students): “Racism Amid War: Asian And African Students Face Discrimination While Fleeing Ukraine”

India has to balance between world bully uncle Sam and regional bully uncle Chan, tough.

Mar 23, 2022 10:00 AM
Reply to  Antonym

Many thanks for your insight on Indian impressions, created…

Your link led me to another regional example of collectively engineered
Financial Chaos, resisting the IMF WBO quasi-stasi economic strategies,
Sri-Lanka. But, at least the Chinese will not be bullying, the local Singhalese
Buddhist majority, physically, moreover I suspect, Energy Markets Wise
To trade E-Yuan ?! Via Chinese regulated , Lankan port authorities…
We can both see and Modi, that electronic futures for Bitcoin styled
Block chain distributed ledgers can reduce energy costs if Russia and Saudi
Arabia are supporting the supply, proactively,
Time has come to cease with GloboCop US$ funny money,
Converted into colourful corporate computer sovereignty.
Let us hope… India’s choices matter 😉
Thanks again,

Mar 22, 2022 2:15 AM

Oh, and I really resent this “Pending” header here of all places, and at this stage of the proceedings.

jubal hershaw
jubal hershaw
Mar 22, 2022 2:14 AM

The UN is warning that we are heading into the Worst Global Food Crisis since World War 2.
The Four Horsemen of The Apocalypse were given authority by GOD to go about the planet and
Kill with sword (The Jab),
Kill with famine (engineered food supply chain disruptions),
Kill with plague (‘Covid-19 treatment protocols),
Kill with Wild Beasts ( The beasts are clearly covid cult members, who can be easily aroused against the non-vaxxed)

Mar 22, 2022 4:56 AM
Reply to  jubal hershaw

Well each time uranus goes between 26 and 28 degrees Taurus millions die of starvation one way or another…often war induced…so what is different this time? Sad…humans just are basically too bloody stupid to collectively get their shit together. Welcome to the next 2-3 yrs worth.

jubal hershaw
jubal hershaw
Mar 22, 2022 5:58 AM
Reply to  Edith

“Nothing vast enters the life of mortals without a Curse.” Sophocles. (497 -406 BC.)

Mar 22, 2022 2:14 AM

I like him.
But Big Tech isn’t just going to sit there twiddling its thumbs while he subverts their intentions.
If they intend to gather all the available information about any of us, they won’t let him stop them.

“Covid” came because Big Tech was involved in the propaganda running right through it.
“The Great Reset” has already announced how it will use Big Tech to achieve its aims.
And Orwell’s “Perpetual War” depends utterly upon Big Tech. Big Brother would be “Little Brother” otherwise.

I value all attempts to get the truth out about the world to the ears of decent human beings, but idealism, wishful thinking and naivete are deadly quicksands – potential minefields – some of which are carefully laid by people we really don’t want anything to do with…

les online
les online
Mar 22, 2022 1:31 AM

One man’s Vision of a Technological Future inspires in another man DREAD.
“You can check-out any time you like, but you can never leave” (from an Old Song)…

James’ enthusiasm is so infectious – and he’s “not selling anything.”. He almost makes me want to live to see the shiny alternative technological communications future…
(I still cant figure how i lived 70 years without instant access to masses of data, or figure out what data addicts do with all the data they’ve access to.)…

To a comment on a recent post Andreas Oelher provided a link to a pdf of Ted Kaczynski’s “Industrial Society and It’s Future” – recovering it from The Memory Hole, and from Historical Amnesia… .
Gawd, i miss those days when periodicals such as the ‘anti-Tech’, ‘anti-Civilisation’ Fifth Estate (Detroit) had debates about Technology Civilization, and all that stuff !!!
“Those were the days, My Friend.” (from an Old Song)…

Tech Won !!! A technology driven & shaped by the need to Control, packaged and sold as essential to Communicating…

Andreas Oehler. https://live2fightanotherday.substack.com

Ted’s rave. http://editions-hache.com/essais/pdf/kaczynski2.pdf

Mar 22, 2022 5:43 AM
Reply to  les online

Livin in a Dangerous time-another old song by a musician who collects guns.

Mar 22, 2022 11:50 AM
Reply to  les online

Most people are addicted to social media, trivia or (if they can afford it) shopping or a specific substance, rather than data. The undermining of thought and reading in schools helped.

Mar 22, 2022 12:50 AM

I don’t get it. Really I don’t.

Today’s self-styled ‘authorities’ spit and fart on their constitutions and the threads of common decency which run through all our ancient laws, and yet we quietly obey these oafs, male and female, as if we recognized their right to spit and fart in our faces.

They have no such right.
They just act as if they did.

They assume the right to ignore all sorts of international laws, agreements and precedents while pronouncing that Julian Assange has no legal basis for appealing his outrageous extradition.
They assume the right to ignore long-tried and tested protocols for making sure that drugs and vaccines are really safe for human consumption, leading to Mengelian experiments and outright murder.
And they assume the right to provoke war in distant lands in our name, purely for their own profit.

Yet we ignore the one thing which is staring us in the face:
By the same token whereby they spit and fart on the law’s attempts to enshrine coherent concepts of right and wrong in our society, we actually have the right – and the duty – to spit and fart upon their “New Normal”, their “Great Reset” and their constant, irrational and illegal attempts to install “Perpetual War” in human society.

Wiser men than they established decent law in the past, and wiser men than they must now stop them from perverting it.
They are idiots, and we have to stop treating them as if they really were ‘authorities’.

Mar 22, 2022 4:04 AM
Reply to  wardropper

They’ve all had wisdom lobotomies and/or Love bypasses wardropper.
A sad, sick and sorry bunch they are.

Mar 22, 2022 1:43 PM
Reply to  Johnny


Mar 22, 2022 5:54 AM
Reply to  wardropper

a work acquaintance called Putin “Hitler”-right on schedule
I lifted my head up in a restaurant and the CBC was banging on about “disruptive truckers” “hurting our economy “ and a deeming them a ‘security risk”-unbelievable.
A place where I buy business supplies are selling ready-made signs that show an X beside an image ‘germ-ridden” cash and a big check-mark beside a card payment.

Mar 22, 2022 1:43 PM
Reply to  Hele

Yep. It’s a constant onslaught, coming from everywhere.

S Cooper
S Cooper
Mar 21, 2022 11:42 PM

comment image
comment image

Blind Gill
Blind Gill
Mar 22, 2022 4:34 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

Well it’s always been Gotham city to be fair

Paul Vonharnish
Paul Vonharnish
Mar 22, 2022 6:18 PM
Reply to  S Cooper

+10 One point for each commandment.

Frederik Grøn Schack
Frederik Grøn Schack
Mar 21, 2022 11:32 PM

Please note that PreSearch is depending a lot on Amazon Web Services. They use Skrill which is clearly a fraudulent company. They block you if you try to use a privacy browser (Privacy browser, Lightning and FOSS browser), then you only see ads at best and no search results.

Mojeek.com is not a good alternative, but it might be the only one.

The Coming Revolution
The Coming Revolution
Mar 22, 2022 3:11 AM

…and powered by blockchain technology.

Blockchain: Life on The Ledger, by Alison McDowell, 2018

James Robertson
James Robertson
Mar 21, 2022 11:27 PM

The search engine is excellent.

Mar 21, 2022 11:36 PM

Brave is Chromium based???

Hardly, not Google.

Mar 22, 2022 9:20 AM
Reply to  Sebastian

I am going to watch the following 3 hour podcast, Again:
To analyse key moments of intent: which I found in this interview, where
Lex Friedman extracts a valuable insight into the
Culture of Brave
Roots n’ All.


Worth watching,