Ukraine War! What Is It Good For? The Nationalist Agenda
Iain Davis

Russia’s “special military operation” in Ukraine has been reported by the Western establishment and its mainstream media (MSM) as an unprovoked act of naked aggression.
Writing in The New York Times the UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson said:
Never in my life have I seen an international crisis where the dividing line between right and wrong has been so stark.
This story has been presented to us in order to maintain our trust in the institutions of our government. The Russian people have been given a different story, but for the same reason.
As discussed in Part 1, what we are told about the social, political and ethnic tensions in Ukraine by the Western hegemony isn’t accurate. This article will explore the wider geopolitical context within which Russia’s military action military action can be at least understood, even if we regard then as illegitimate.
Some of the terms used in this article, such as “Euromaidan coup,” directly contradict the Western MSM narrative. Please read Part 1 to familiarise yourself with some of the historical background and the named individuals and organisations.
Only Fools Rush In
In the West, the public is expected to accept the given narrativ without question. Anyone who challenges it is accused of being a Putin apologist or a far-right conspiracy theorist. Most Brits appear to have gone along with Johnson’s proffered fairy tale. This is unfortunate, because the reality is far more complex than he would have us believe.
To see celebrities and social media influencers uniformly demonstrating their compassion for the Ukrainian people is touching. But when reports of these virtue-signalling displays are used as propaganda to convince the public that they, too, should jump on the West-approved bandwagon, swaths of the population are at risk of forming a potentially dangerous opinion based upon nothing but pretension.
Currently the UK government, with celebrity assistance, is encouraging us to welcome Ukrainian refugees with open arms via its Homes For Ukraine scheme. The government has said that the Ukrainian applicants “will be vetted and will undergo security checks.”
Celebrities launch 'with open arms' to accept refugees from across the world!
— Wittgenstein (@backtolife_2022) March 13, 2022
Most of the people applying for refugee status will be in desperate need, and we certainly should do everything we can to assist them. However, there is also good reason for very careful vetting and security checks.
Ukraine does have a Nazi problem, and it is the Nazis who have most to fear from the Russian forces.
In 2013, five days after his arrival in the UK, Ukrainian Nazi Pavlo Lapshyn murdered by an 82-year-old man before embarking upon a bombing campaign of British mosques. It was only thanks to sheer luck that he didn’t murder many more British people.
Lapshyn is only one man out of approximately 44 million people living in Ukraine. Unfortunately, he is also one among hundreds of thousands who share his extremist views. Then there’s the small minority of Ukrainians—which can nonetheless be measured in the millions—who have a degree of sympathy with those views.
For reasons we will discuss in Part 4, the UK government’s commitment to security checks is highly questionable. We are being asked to trust the UK government, but doing so is unwise, given its record. Of course we should act compassionately and help suffering people, but only fools rush in.
For those who believe the propaganda of the Western establishment, Russian president Vladimir Putin is a comic book villain whose evil intentions will stop at nothing short of creating a new Russian empire. The West’s propagandists depict Ukraine as the victim of Putin’s allegedly insane bloodlust and portray Russian military actions as unjustified and unlawful.
Swallowing their story leads us to believe that the US-led NATO alliance and the Kyiv government are the defenders of democracy. Russian actions, perceived as an attack on Ukrainian democracy, are therefore an assault upon the principle of democracy. This view is essentially the single version of the truth being peddled in the West.
The alternative view of Putin as some sort of bogatyr (heroic warrior) is equally callow. It wrongly assumes that Putin embodies Russia, thus ignoring a nation of 146 million people and the globalist forces that maintain Putin’s power for their benefit.
Initially, currently, and most acutely, it is the people in Ukraine who suffer as a result of this conflict. Ultimately however, we all will.
NATO Expansionism
When the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, listed Russia’s claimed reasons for the invasion of Ukraine, he stressed NATO expansionism. Russia has repeatedly warned that Ukrainian membership in NATO, which would almost certainly see US troops and offensive weapons deployed on Russia’s southwestern border, was a redline that Russia would not allow NATO to cross. Putin said:
I spoke about our biggest concerns and worries, and about the fundamental threats which irresponsible Western politicians created for Russia consistently, rudely and unceremoniously from year to year. I am referring to the eastward expansion of NATO, which is moving its military infrastructure ever closer to the Russian border. [. . .] [T]he North Atlantic alliance continued to expand despite our protests and concerns. Its military machine is moving and, as I said, is approaching our very border.
Russia has warned repeatedly that it would “react” if Ukraine joined NATO. As yet, Ukraine has not done so. Russia’s attack is preemptive, and, despite Putin’s claimed “compassion” for the Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics (DPR & LPR), Russia’s primary concern is for its own security and that of its ruling class. Even prior to Russian recognition, the DPR and LPR were de jure Russian satellite states and pawns in a greater game seemingly played out between Russia and NATO.
Equally, there has been a genuine humanitarian crisis in the DPR and LPR for eight years. Russia’s military operation has come as a relief to the people of the Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts. Regrettably, Russia has also escalated the conflict beyond Donbas borders, killing more innocent people.
In February 1990, during the “perestroika” reformation of the USSR, then-US Secretary of State James Baker met with the last Soviet leader, Mikhail Gorbachev. He famously gave Russia assurances that NATO would not expand “one inch eastward.” At the time, that meant no eastward expansion—except for by Turkey—in mainland Europe beyond Germany’s border.

Baker’s words weren’t the only reassurances the Russians received. In 1990, then-West German Foreign Minister Hans-Dietrich Genscher gave a keynote speech with regard to German reunification, during which he said:
[T]he changes in Eastern Europe and the German unification process must not lead to an ‘impairment of Soviet security interests.’ Therefore, NATO should rule out an ‘expansion of its territory towards the east, i.e. moving it closer to the Soviet borders.’
Prior to signing the Two-Plus-Four Treaty reunifying Germany, the Russians sought and were given explicit commitments regarding NATO expansionism.
In the rounds of diplomacy leading up to the agreement, Russia was offered assurances by political leaders from the US, France, the UK, Germany and other NATO aligned states. Russia agreed to German reunification only after German Chancellor Helmut Kohl convinced Gorbachev that NATO would not expand toward Russian borders.
This was an opportunity for the US, Europe and Russia to capitalise on the new, relatively open and transparent (glasnost) USSR as it transitioned to become the Russian Federation. In retrospect, it is now clear that the US-led NATO alliance took a triumphalist view. It embraced its own unipolar world order as the bipolar Cold War order evaporated.

From 1991 onwards NATO completely ignored both the assurances it had given and Russia’s security concerns. It systematically rolled eastward, and by 2005 Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Slovakia, Poland, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovenia, Romania and Bulgaria had become members of NATO.
In 2007, in response to NATO’s obvious expansionism, Vladimir Putin delivered a cutting speech at the Munich Security Conference:
[W]hat is a unipolar world? However one might embellish this term, at the end of the day it refers to one type of situation, namely one centre of authority, one centre of force, one centre of decision-making. It is world in which there is one master, one sovereign. [. . .] And this certainly has nothing in common with democracy.
I consider that the unipolar model is not only unacceptable but also impossible in today’s world. […] [T]he model itself is flawed because at its basis there is and can be no moral foundations for modern civilisation.
We are seeing a greater and greater disdain for the basic principles of international law. […] [F]irst and foremost the United States has overstepped its national borders in every way.
[O]f course this is extremely dangerous. It results in the fact that no one feels safe. I want to emphasise this – no one feels safe!
I understood that the use of force can only be legitimate when the decision is taken by NATO, the EU, or the UN. […] [W]e have different points of view. […] The use of force can only be considered legitimate if the decision is sanctioned by the UN. And we do not need to substitute NATO or the EU for the UN.
I think it is obvious that NATO expansion does not have any relation with the modernisation of the Alliance itself or with ensuring security in Europe.
[W]e have the right to ask: against whom is this expansion intended? And what happened to the assurances our western partners made after the dissolution of the Warsaw Pact? Where are those declarations today?
I would like to quote the speech of NATO General Secretary Mr Woerner in Brussels on 17 May 1990. He said at the time that: “the fact that we are ready not to place a NATO army outside of German territory gives the Soviet Union a firm security guarantee”. Where are these guarantees?
In response, the NATO Council, as if to validate everything Putin said, issued a statement at the 2008 NATO Bucharest Summit. Clause 23 of the statement read:
NATO welcomes Ukraine’s and Georgia’s Euro-Atlantic aspirations for membership in NATO. We agreed today that these countries will become members of NATO.
In the decade-long lead-up to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, NATO had been pushing for Ukrainian membership. Indeed, in 2018 NATO added Ukraine to its list of so-called aspiring nations.
In 2019, then-President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko signed a constitutional amendment committing Ukraine to membership in both the EU and NATO. This was swiftly followed in 2020 with the decision by NATO and Ukraine to enhance their partnership.
The current invasion of Ukraine by Russia has been presented by Western governments to their respective electorates in disingenuous and puerile terms. The West’s narrative was encapsulated by Johnson in his New York Times piece:
This is not a NATO conflict, and it will not become one. […] The truth is that Ukraine had no serious prospect of NATO membership in the near future. […] I and many other Western leaders have spoken to Mr. Putin to understand his perspective. […] It is now clear diplomacy never had a chance. […] Mr. Putin is attempting the destruction of the very foundation of international relations and the United Nations Charter: the right of nations to decide their own future, free from aggression and fear of invasion.
Contrary to Johnson’s deception, NATO and its member states have not only enticed, cajoled and encouraged Ukraine’s “aspirations” to join, they have taken firm steps to make it a reality. They did so in the certain knowledge that Russia could never countenance the move. This fact in no way excuses Russia’s actions, but it goes some way in explaining them.
From an official military perspective, NATO has seemingly abandoned Ukraine to its fate. We will discuss in Part 4 why what NATO is doing is not quite as it seems.
Thus far, NATO has ruled out any attempt to establish a no-fly zone (NFZ). As pointed out by 80 foreign policy experts who have written to advise the Biden administration, any attempt to impose an NFZ would necessitate NATO or US forces shooting down Russian military planes.
This would almost certainly trigger a global war.
It is mind-blowing that this letter was written in response to a similar endeavour from 27 foreign policy experts who advocated the physically impossible concept of a “limited” NFZ. Judging the risk to be worth it, they suggested the West should call Russia’s bluff.
This pro-NFZ lobby has close financial ties to the military-industrial complex. What these lunatics imagine they will spend their money on in the smouldering rubble of a post-nuclear holocaust is difficult to say.
Johnson’s point that the Ukraine has the right to determine its own future with regard to NATO membership is childish—and, from an international law perspective, wrong. Nation-states are not free to do whatever they like if their actions threaten the security of neighbouring states.
Article 2.3 of the United Nation’s Charter states:
All Members shall settle their international disputes by peaceful means in such a manner that international peace and security, and justice, are not endangered.
With NATO membership distinctly possible, Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, speaking at the 2022 Munich Security Conference just before the Russian invasion, said:
Ukraine has received security guarantees for abandoning the world’s third nuclear capability. We don’t have that weapon. We also have no security. [. . .] Therefore, we have something. The right to demand a shift from a policy of appeasement to ensuring security and peace guarantees. Since 2014, Ukraine has tried three times to convene consultations with the guarantor states of the Budapest Memorandum. [. . .] I am initiating consultations in the framework of the Budapest Memorandum. [. . .] If they do not happen again or their results do not guarantee security for our country, Ukraine will have every right to believe that the Budapest Memorandum is not working and all the package decisions of 1994 are in doubt.
The 1994 Budapest Memorandum was a security assurance given to the Ukraine (and others) by the existing nuclear powers, including the Russian Federation, that their integrity and sovereignty would not be threatened in exchange for them giving up their nuclear arsenals. In Ukraine’s case, theirs was potentially the third largest in the world as they were left with more than 2000 strategic nuclear warheads after the dissolution of the USSR.
Zelenskyy was claiming that Russia had already breached the Budapest Memorandum when it “annexed” Crimea and supported the separatists in the Donbas. Therefore, he was threatening Russia, not only with a nuclear armed Ukraine, but a nuclear armed NATO power on its border.
Regardless of the intricacies of the Budapest deal, this was a clear threat to Russian security and an obvious provocation. One has to ask why Zelenskyy thought this wise.
Ukraine and Russia had been in international dispute for at least eight years but realistically for more than thirty. From both the Russian and the Ukrainian side, the manner of that dispute had consistently endangered international peace and security. Zelesnkyy’s threat appeared to take that risk to a new level.
In addition, NATO member states have been in dispute with Russia since 1991. Their total disregard for Russia’s security concerns also endangered international peace. Moreover, NATO expansionism was not in keeping with the principles of the UN Charter.
The Secretary-General of the UN, Antonio Guterres, has unequivocally condemned the Russian invasion. This appears to be a reflection of the UN’s partisan bias toward the US-led NATO military alliance and the EU rather than any genuine attempt to faithfully interpret the UN Charter. Guterres said:
The use of force by one country against another is the repudiation of the principles that every country has committed to uphold. This applies to the present military offensive. It is wrong. It is against the Charter. It is unacceptable.
Yet when the US decided it had the right to launch preemptive wars in the “war on terror,” the UN did not condemn that claim of right.
For example, when the US-led coalition launched a “preemptive” invasion of Iraq in March 2003, in contravention of the UN Charter, the UN said little and did nothing.
In 2004, then-UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan acknowledged that the invasion and subsequent war in Iraq was illegal. Yet the UN has consistently ignored Article 39 of the UN Charter that would allow it to rule on the legality of the Iraq war. No one has ever imposed sanctions on the US or its allies for the war crimes they have committed.
Who Cares About International Law?
Lex iniusta non est lex is a fundamental principle of law. Translation: unjust law is not law. If we are going to suffer the violence of governments, then the concept of international law is certainly welcome. Unfortunately, that’s all it is: a concept.
The UN’s formal and public condemnation of preemptive wars is reserved for the actions of some nations but not others. Consequently, international law, partly encapsulated by the UN Charter, is practically meaningless.
Because it is applied neither equally nor reasonably, it has become little more than a big stick, currently in the hands the Western-led international rules-based order, used to beat opponents. This is what happens when juries are excluded from alleged justice. There is no “law.”
Prior to the Secretary-General’s statement, the globalist foreign policy think tank, the Council on Foreign Relations, had already ruled that Russia’s military action in Ukraine violates international law. The CFR pointed out that the action contravenes Article 2.4 of the United Nations Charter, which states:
All Members shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state, or in any other manner inconsistent with the Purposes of the United Nations.
Russia has certainly breached Article 2.4. Its war in Ukraine is therefore “illegal.”
However, Article 1.1 of the UN Charter also places an onus on the UN “to take effective collective measures for the prevention and removal of threats to the peace, and for the suppression of acts of aggression or other breaches of the peace.”
Persistent NATO expansionism and the threat of a NATO nuclear power on Russia’s border are breaches of the peace and a direct threat, from a Russian perspective. The UN has done nothing either to prevent or remove this threat.
US President Joseph Biden, upon announcing sanctions in response to Russia’s military action, said:
Who in the Lord’s name does Putin think gives him the right to declare new so-called countries on territory that belonged to his neighbours? This is a flagrant violation of international law, and it demands a firm response from the international community.
But Russia did not “declare” DPR and LPR territorial legitimacy. Biden was deceiving his international audience.
In his speech on the 21st February, Putin said that the Russian Federation had decided to “immediately recognize the independence and sovereignty of the Donetsk People’s Republic and the Luhansk People’s Republic.” Under international law, recognition is distinct from declaration.
There are two schools of legal thought on statehood. The “constitutive” approach suggests that a state can only be a state if it is recognised as such by other sovereign nations. In that case, with Russian recognition, the Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics (DPR and LPR) are now “legal” states.
However, the “declaratory” notion of a state usually takes precedence in international law. It defines a state as any autonomous territory that meets the criteria necessary for the formation of said state.
As defined by the 1933 Montevideo Convention on the Rights and Duties of a State, a sovereign state must have a population, a defined territory and a government able to engage in dialogue with other states. This makes the state a “sole person” in international law, and its existence is independent of recognition by other states. Such a state has the right to defend itself, irrespective of recognition.
On 7th April 2014 the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) declared itself a state. Its territory, within the Donetsk Oblast, extends for just under 9,000 square kilometres. Its capital is Donetsk. At the time, its population was approximately 2.4 million. The Donetsk People’s Militia is the military force that defends it. In 2018 the people of the DPR elected Denis Pushilin as the DPR’s head of state and 100 delegates were elected to form a government in the People’s Council in Donetsk.
Similarly, the Luhansk (or Lugansk) People’s Republic (LPR) consists of 17 administrative regions and encompasses just under 8,400 square kilometres inside the Luhansk Oblast. Its capital is Luhansk (Lugansk), and in 2014 the population was approximately 1.6 million. Leonid Pasechnik is the head of state, and 50 delegates form the government of the People’s Council in Luhansk.
Following the LPR independence referendum, held on 11th May 2014, Pasechik and the People’s Council were subsequently elected to form a government in November 2018. The Luhansk Peoples Militia defends the LPR.
Today approximately 1 million people have fled the region to escape the war. As a result, the combined population of both oblasts is probably closer to 5 million, down from 6.2 million. The populations of the DPR and LPR combined represent a percentage of the total population of the Donbas.
Recognition of a nation-state is ostensibly a political act that clarifies the official view of the nation-state (or nation-states) that are conferring that recognition. In this case, Russia was stating to the international community that it supported the right to independence of the DPR and LPR. Both new states have met the criteria for recognition under international law. Of course, the decision to not recognise them is equally a political act.
In 1992, the United States and the European Community “recognised” the independence of Bosnia and Herzegovina without declaring Bosnia-Herzegovina an independent state. What followed was US—and later NATO—bombing as well as the training, arming and equipping of Islamist extremists—all part of a concerted effort to balkanise the entire European region previously called Yugoslavia.
Similarly, Russia acknowledges the independence of the new unitary republics of DPR and LPR but has not declared them independent states. Following recognition of their status, Russia launched a military attack on Ukraine. Truth be told, neither the Russian nor the US/NATO actions show any particular respect for international law.
Biden’s words were nothing more than propaganda. His legal interpretation was, at best, incomplete. So was Putin’s when he claimed that Russian military action was in keeping with Article 51 of the UN Charter, which states:
Nothing in the present Charter shall impair the inherent right of individual or collective self-defence if an armed attack occurs against a Member of the United Nations.
An armed attack had not been launched against Russia, and the DPR and LPR are not members of the United Nations. Putin’s citation of Article 51 doesn’t legitimise Russian military actions under international law. So what?
Claims and counterclaims concerning international law are merely attempts by global military powers to gain public support for their wars. Combined with propaganda and censorship, these claims convince some of the people some of the time.
The supposedly binding bilateral agreements between nation-states, the UN Charter, and the decisions of international courts and treaties form so-called international law. Unless this alleged “law” is applied equally and fairly, it is not law.
Nation-states like the US, UK, EU member states and Russia use international law merely as weapon of convenience to justify the killing and maiming of human beings or to berate other states when carnage doesn’t suit their objectives. This is the reality of nominal “international law.” It is no law at all.
Exactly the same can be said for the “morality” on display from most of those who now pontificate about welcoming Ukrainian refugees “with open arms.” This appears to be due either to ignorance or acceptance of the unconscionable concept of moral relativism.
While they proudly signal their moral virtue in regard to Ukraine they have said nothing about the horror that continues to unfold in Yemen, which is wholeheartedly backed by the US-led western alliance they continue to support.
Just as law applied unfairly is no law at all, so morality that chooses a cause, while ignoring suffering elsewhere, has no value at all.
Gas, Gas, Gas
When Barack Obama became the 44th US President in 2009, Russia had been using its economic influence as the world’s largest crude oil and second largest dry gas producer to push back against NATO expansionism. Ukraine was the main transit hub for Russian gas pipelines to Europe, but it was politically unstable.
The political divisions in Ukraine, broadly pro-EU and anti-Russian on one side and pro-Russian and anti-EU on the other, became the focus of a tug of war for European influence between the US and Russia. The Obama administration wanted to maintain the transatlantic alliance, affording U.S. dominance and NATO cohesion in Europe, while Putin’s clique aimed to enhance Russian control of the European energy market to strengthen Russian security and weaken NATO.
For its part, the EU hierarchy was eager to establish its bloc as an independent military superpower. The 2007 Treaty of Lisbon came into force in December 2009, effectively creating the European Union and its Common Security and Defence Policy. The EU were then able pursue military defence union, potentially undermining US control and bolstering the EU’s hold on NATO.
Russia openly declared its support for Yanukovich in the 2010 Ukrainian presidential election. Its access to the Ukrainian pipelines and retention of its Sevastopol naval base were crucial to its—and, to a large extent, the EU’s—interests.
In exchange for below- market, subsidised Russian gas, the Yanukovich government extended Russia’s Sevastopol lease until 2042, resulting in physical fights breaking out in the Verkhovna Rada.
In 2011, Russia and Germany opened the first Nord Stream gas pipeline, which runs under the Baltic Sea and supplies Russian gas to Germany. Nord Stream 1 runs from Vyborg to Greifswald. The proposed Nord Stream 2 will run from Ust-Luga. The purpose of Nord Stream pipelines was to enable Russia to sell much cheaper gas to the EU, via Germany, while eliminating both the EU’s and Russia’s 80% reliance upon the precarious Ukrainian pipelines. For obvious reasons, this aim had wide support among other EU member states.

The Nord Stream pipelines were not in the interest of the US, however. Consequently, its foreign policy objectives were to stop Nord Stream 2 (which would double the pipelines’ gas flow to Europe from Russia) and install a Ukrainian government amenable to Washington’s demands.
If the US could break the EU’s blossoming trade relationship with Russia, it would not only secure US dominance over Europe, both in economic and collective defence terms, but would also open up the EU market to the US’ pricier Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) exports—an added bonus.
Initially, the US feted the Yanukovich government in hopes of convincing Ukraine to join NATO and the EU. Then-US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was dispatched to Kyiv, where she held discussions with Yanukovich. Among her comments:
We discussed ways that Ukraine and the United States can deepen and expand our strategic partnership. […] [We hope] Ukraine will pursue close, constructive relationships with the United States and countries of the European Union. […] We discussed energy reform and its potential to transform Ukraine into an energy producer and becoming more energy efficient. […] We also discussed the importance of protecting Ukraine’s democracy. […] [W]e thank Ukraine and the Ukrainian people for your important contributions to NATO and other international security operations.
The diplomacy failed. Despite fluffy rhetoric about “protecting Ukraine’s democracy,” the US turned to distinctly undemocratic methods when it decided to back a Ukrainian coup. In order to achieve this goal, the US empowered the darkest forces in Ukrainian politics: the neo-Nazis.
Something we will explore in Part 3: Ukraine War! What is It Good For? The Ukrainian Nazi Agenda
You can read more of Iain’s work at his blog In This Together or on UK Column or follow him on Twitter. His new book Pseudopandemic, is now available, in both in kindle and paperback, from Amazon and other sellers. Or you can claim a free copy by subscribing to his newsletter.
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Finally retrieved from Hunter Biden’s laptop:
As early as April 4, 2014. US regime change coup (of which Joe Biden was viceriy) was then still in its earliest days and already Hunter was at the trough. With hazardous biolabs no less:
Connects a lot of dots regarding USK deep state’s actions the last 8 years.
Doesn’t the fact this ‘leak’ appears in the Daily Mail ring any alarm bells for you?
The Daily Mail is not exactly my go to place, but they publish anything for a few dollars more in revenue. Those e-mails look real. Would explain a lot: why Hunter’s laptop was not examined long ago, why Joe is dumping oil on the Ukraine flames and there is even a link to Wuhan.
Quite damaging for the Atlantic-Anglo establishment don’t you agree?
Hello Antonym: Yes. You might find this link interesting. >
Ms. Attkisson provides a number of links to pertinent documents.
Western commentators have always had a poor understanding of Russians and Russian state policies, probably because they project their own Western-based motives and impulses onto them. Russia is neither Europe nor Asia; Russia is just Russia. As for Putin’s alleged globalist WEF allegiance, I think that he is actually following the advice contained in the aphorism: “Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer.”
Today the Russian MOD issued a 16-point statement about its intentions going to plan.
This assertion is clearly false. Perhaps, you mean de facto rather than de jure?
Boy this place has conflicting scenarios when it comes to Putin and Globalism.
On the one hand you say Putin is part of it and that Ukraine has a nazi problem.
There’s an oxymoron if I’ve ever seen one.
The globalists and the elite are Nazi Fascists from the far left socialist US Democrats to the far left Nazi socialists in Europe and their henchmen Antifa and Azov to name a couple.
Now if Putin and Russia have been fighting and exposing Fascists to the world it seems at odds he would be part of the globalists. The last thing Fascists want is exposure. That would drop the support around the world very fast for Ukraine.
Also Putin and Trump stopped the war and Isis in Syria and Iraq.something the globalists Obama and Bush couldn’t do in 8 years.
Also if you think Biden has any support from the US military you are dreaming. He has not shown any US power anywhere in the world since cheating his way into the fake white house. Just like the military didn’t supply him a plane to the fake inauguration or give him a presidential 21 gun salute. All fake. You never let the president of the USA get his own plane to the inauguration. Never.
Anyone ever think why these wars never started when Trump was President.
Ever wonder why the Bush’s, Clintons and Obama hate Trump and Putin?
Wake up and smell the roses.
It would be great to see a Kit continuation of the timeline, post 2014….
The NSW government announced protesters who disrupt traffic on any bridge or tunnel could be slapped with fines up to $22,000 and two years’ jail. Gosh yeah Australya the total fake sicko not Democracy.
Also goin for the 4th, 5th & Moderna Combine Covid/Flu poison injection.
At the bowser $2.36/liter and climbing. That’ll teach them gig 1/hour per week fully employed Stralya Penal Prison inmates!!!!
in the open-air prison (australia), the inmates go to the doctor, but the prison guards, also known as the government, decide what the diagnosis is. they also decide what the treatment, if any allowed, should be.
within which Russia’s military action military action
such Scholarship
Western Civilisation News – US Flavour:
“America had no more committed champion of democracy and human rights than Secretary Albright.”
Biden, a stand-up comedian? do these monsters believe the shit they are spouting?
Yes. They’ve been playing the game so long they’ve fallen victim to their own propaganda.
I take your point. But the quote is one of those statements that may be true– just not in the way the unctuous shit-spouter meant it. 😎
This was a good read by Mr. Davis. And about those “Nazis” in the Ukraine. >
The following page contains a translation of a speech made by President Bashar Al-Assad, March 17, 2022:
“The West has proven that it does not have friends or enemies. It has only one enemy – anyone who stands in the way of its material interests. Communism, Islam, Nazism, China, Russia, or anyone else are not the enemies of the West. If they serve the interests [of the West] – they are friends. In other words, they have zero principles.
The ugliest truth of them all – and not many people know this – is the lie that the West and Zionism oppose Nazism. Not many people know that the leaders of the Nazis in Ukraine – Nazi organizations that closely collaborated with Hitler in terms of security, military, and ideology – were driven out [of Ukraine] at the end of WWII, some of them to Europe, and some of them to America. In the 1950’s, the CIA asked the American administration to lift the ban on these Nazi groups, because America needed them in Ukraine, which was part of the USSR.
What proves these historic facts today is that Zelensky is a Zionist Jew, yet he supports the extremist nationalist organizations that fought [alongside the Nazis] in WWII when Hitler invaded [the USSR], and some of them took parts in the massacres committed against the Jews. So how come that Zionist Jew is supporting these organizations?
The West supports these organizations, which today are called the right-winged ‘Azov organization.’ And Zionist Israel, which keeps crying about the victims of the Holocaust, supports a leader that supports the Nazis that killed the Jews. This proves that the West is lying in everything that it is saying, and it does not care about anything except ruling the world, plundering resources, and filling its coffers.“
Televised speech: Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad: The ‘Zionist Jew’ Zelensky Supports Nazi Collaborators – This Proves That The West Has No Real Values, Only Cares About World Domination, Money | MEMRI
Same with japan’s worst criminals. They are most likely the worst that humanity ever produced. Those involved in unit 731 (in the japanese army) were given pardon at the end of WWII, rewarded for their ‘hard work’ and became best buddies with the Americans.
The Devil’s Staircase: the rise of Joe Biden
from Senator advocating genocide by unleashing NATZO + Islamic terrorists in Serbia:
to committing genocide as Vice President by unleashing NATZO + ISIS in Syria
to more genocide as VP by unleashing NATZO + Nazis in Ukraine
and now he’s POTU$ and Commander in Chief.
If I hear Zelensky demand NATO to declare no flight zone everyday like this I’m gonna be sick (again this weekend and today)… That guy doesn’t panic safely
Ukraine claims to hav destroyed a huge armament carrier today. No picture no video. That’s because Putin has pulverized their one antena?
Nation of Austria goes full NATO(+Kiev fascists)! New censorship in Austria:
Today the parliament of the once neutral Austria released a law that punishes with up to 50,000 Euro …
“Any operator of a communications service subject to Austrian jurisdiction, any cable network operator, any IPTV provider and any multiplex operator who retransmits the RT – Russia Today English, RT – Russia Today UK, RT – Russia Today Germany, RT – Russia Today France, RT – Russia Today Spanish and Sputnik programmes covered by that Regulation in Annex XV or who provides access to the media services with the same name in terms of the brand on Retrieval enables.”
Here the link:
Yet they still want Russian gas and oil. The ÖMV referinery and Austrian industry will collapse.
EU slavishness is both pathetic and astounding.
Yeah Sandi Toksvig, you are being so radical in stepping up for that gracious Zelensky to use his decency to shame those UK politicians who just don’t want to know about it. Just as they tried to keep covid in the dark!
“You won’t have missed the irony that …”
Oh I think we’re well beyond irony now Sandi!
And dispensing with irony:
How on earth can anyone blow away with this moral high ground preaching to those gratifyingly hateful corrupt UK politicians with no insight at all into the fact that the whole scenario is a set up? The “brave” “conscientious” celebs are standing up with the “soul of integrity” Zelensky – and that’s another belly laugh! We are no longer talking naivite here but lobotomy.
Has Sandi Toshvig and Claire Baldin ever been seen in the same room together..?
Any more doubts what Joe Rogan really is?
They ran both sides in the Rogan vs. Young/Mitchell/whoever dialectic – it’s how these things work.
rogan was always a player.
My old neighbour worshipped him, shiny pate and all, got me aware… but he always was a passagg soothing thug… he always shut down the conversation he didn’t want to have, guiding it his way…
that was pre-19. fighter “comedian” lol, guru…… placed person
His guests can be interesting, but just more theatre for the aspiring wonderful people of the new world.
Still worth the odd gauk to be fair, but was never taken in.
Telegraph headline:
“The secret life of Alina Kabaeva – the star gymnast who became Putin’s ‘Eva Braun’”
We need a new word. “Pathetic” isn’t enough.
I remember the word, “Bathotic” from my student years, for some reason.
I’ve never used it, but I’m tempted now…
The telegraph is a vayxhall fanzine
Reminds me of when Ghandi was asked what he thought of Western Civilization he replied “I think it would be a good idea.” So would international law.
Such wise words have been with us for thousands of years, yet people still resist the idea that the spiritual-moral world is not a parallel (and similar) world to the one we all see in front of us. They judge God and Spirit as if they were supposed to be no more than an authoritarian uncle figure and a vague feeling of piety.
But the spiritual world is not like that. It really is different, and we need to get to know it, because it is actually our home. That’s why it is not beyond our grasp. But some effort is needed – as with anything worthwhile.
Many of us have read Christ’s words, “My Kingdom is not of this world”, yet most of us react to them by shrugging our shoulders and telling ourselves that we haven’t a clue what He was talking about.
But there is a lot of food for thought in them: For example, we can see how they wouldn’t go down too well with the institutionalized Church, because their meaning undermines the Church’s earth-bound authority.
The literature is out there. Why resist it? Inspired spiritual wisdom has always stood up well to unbiased critical thinking, while its ‘debunkers’ usually scoff in infantile fashion, using ‘arguments’ like, “Hah, I’m not having anything to do with people who believe you can turn water into wine!”, etc. etc., instead of exploring what genuine spiritual teachers have to say about so many things in our human experience which are mysteriously, yet truly, common to all of us.
And at some level – also at various levels – we know it.
Any serious discussion of the matter shows that.
aye, well put.
Well said – if we do not accept and embrace the eternal fact that we were created in the image of GOD who gave us life and love so he can have company with us, and we, with each other, loving relationships, then we are doomed. Doomed, because then we need to create our own gods and darkness creeps in. We get consumed by Evil and there is only one end: complete destruction – physically, but more importantly also spiritually.
Looking at the world today my conclusion is that we are seeing the final combat of Evil, using his minions – the global elites – whose only satisfaction left (after all the money and power they have) is total destruction – self-inflicted – taking with them as many as they can. But: HE is in control and will prevail in the end and blessed are those who believe in HIM and thus are saved. May all of you seek HIS kingdom, because then all the rest will be given to you.
A non-aligned, lone individual assessment:
The proxy nature of the war in Ukraine has never been so clear. The United States drags China into the penalty box and threatens India. With every passing day the sanctions on Russia become a suppurating sore for the West. The target is us.
It may look like the U.S. is blowing up the world order, while it wires itself for demolition. But those with their hands on the plunger are not citizens like you or I — they have dispensed with the nation state in which we live.
The target of this assault is not Ukraine or Russia but our world. The destruction of America, the vaporizing of Europe’s energy base and with it our manufacturing. And if they can drag China into it, the Far East, too.
This did not begin with this war or even the last. It goes back a century to the beginnings of de-industrialisation, as we’ll see.
What if bringing America down to size to fit more neatly inside the Global Bureaucracy, (or whatever we want to call it), is part of the agenda along with doing the same to Russia via the latest actions over there? Restated, what if Putin & friends are busy doing to Russia what Biden & friends are busy doing to America?
I’m just musing. I freely admit all this is way beyond my ability to comprehend.
Let me just add that the Global Covid-19 ruse serves to demonstrate the vastness of the Coalition of Governments and the depths of their commitments to their shared agendas.
“the reality is far more complex”
,, or the reality is as simple as:
(washington + pentagon + bbc) have accomplished a masterful act of regime change in Ukraine. done brazenly and overtly for everyone to see.
The other (perhaps more) stunning act is being performed right now is the complete removal of the regime change operation from Western official media.
They did create a memory hole with a false narrative that has no challenge in western countries that are now behaving like highly-obedient US colonies.
Maybe Russia is doing its final part to spur on another NATO recruitment drive before collapsing and finally joining NATO, as well, thus solidifying further the globalists’ grip on world governance.
I prefer to think of Russia – and all other countries, for that matter – as consisting of the population.
Not just Putin.
Imagine the embarrassment of being a Brit, painted with the same brush that paints an idiot like Johnson as “The UK”…
The people today are unrepresented. Those “self-evident truths” penned so long ago now require some very deep digging if they are to be rediscovered.
Point taken. I agree. But for the sake of mentioning NATO membership, it is on a country level basis. It appears as though these actions in Ukraine by all sides are attempting to gin up popular support among the people within surrounding countries for joining NATO.
I think you’re right in general, but I remember seeing late-1940s footage of riots in Reykjavik when the matter of Iceland joining NATO came to a head.
Icelanders do not riot, except on “Friday night is alcohol night”, so this was a big deal.
Politically speaking, of course the country couldn’t really give the US the third finger, so in 1949 Iceland duly joined NATO. But that does not mean that the Icelandic people wanted to do so.
They didn’t.
It was the foreign minister and the corruptible parliament which did the deed, but, on the whole, the experience of WW2 had taught Icelanders that an alliance with the US/UK was a better practical position to be in than an alliance with Germany – or the USSR – would have been during those years…
“I think you’re right in general.”
Haha, I never expect that kind of response whenever I post about politics.
But I think your post highlights the perceived need by TPTB to engage in all manner of publicity stunts, (however heinous and deadly), attempting to steer at least some public opinion in favor of their agendas. Somewhere in the global bureaucracy there is a calculated concern for the opinions of the masses, in this case, for submitting to world governance headed by them.
I guess Mr. Johnson was out getting the wrong hairdo when Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, and Syria were being bombed and invaded by his NATO allies… What a hoot…
The concepts of ‘right and wrong’ have been held at barge-pole length for the entirety of Boris Johnson’s worthless life.
Amazing that he even thought to comment on them…
Shock horror! Wave of book banning surging across the States! From the Graud:
“… this is the most Orwellian version of society I’ve ever lived in. …. a culture war that’s totally out of control.”
Except that it’s not exactly “the classics” bring targeted.
“Predominantly, the ALA reported, the challenges were targeted at “the voices of the marginalised … books and resources that mirror the lives of those who are gay, queer or transgender, or that tell the stories of persons who are Black, Indigenous or persons of colour”. Or, as Spiegelman says, of his own experience: “If I was a transgender Black great-grandchild of slaves, I’d be more likely to be banned. This feels like a drive-by shooting.””
And although we have the old plague on both their houses with that old Left/Right thing, it’s clearly the latter who are the demons here. As an old Leftie I would have been happy to join the battle but have long since realised that this “Left” are a stage prop.
So… what to expect: yet another “New Right” determined to stamp out the latest trumped up prejudices over demographics that never existed till last night. Yet another storm in a teacup.
I have to question any notion that “prejudices over demographics” is something purely fabricated. This forum alone gives the lie to that notion. Time and again gays, transgenders, even blacks are bashed herein as having been given the keys to the kingdom and a free pass to go along.
There is no group of humans in the history of humanity more discriminated against and downright persecuted than gays – notwithstanding that “closet” gays have often “cast the first stone.”
The fact that transgenders are consistently the object of ridicule – as if such persons are of so little consequence that they’re fit only as the butt of jokes – speaks volumes about the very nature of prejudice.
It shouldn’t even be necessary to waste perfectly good keystrokes to address the centuries’ long discrimination against blacks.
And now, to the list of those unfit to be considered fully human, Russians are being added.
You forget the first rule: even the Graud, like a broken clock, is entitled to get it right twice a day.
All true, Howard, but there is blame to be apportioned to the media and the PC establishment here.
I would never ridicule any minority group (except perhaps the Monster Raving Looney Party), but I would and do ridicule the ‘authorities’ today whose ‘approved’ publications always show a token Indian, African, Asian and androgynous person, in a vain attempt to prove that they have no group bias themselves.
It is simply overdone, and it consequently runs the risk of a backlash.
I remember at least 45 years ago when Jasper Carrott, a comedian from Birmingham, declared in one of his shows that he had nothing against homosexual people, but that he would start to worry when being gay became compulsory…
It seemed clear at the time that he was aware of the dangers of overstating a politically-correct case, and Jordan Peterson’s experiences with compulsory gender vocabulary in Canada point in the same direction.
Peterson reckons that this mistake, and its likely backlash, will cost society dear.
Complex articles during Event Virus & now Event Putin provide a ‘safe space’ for people to become willfully confused thereby avoiding having to confront the awful truth that we’ve been lied to for most of our lives, about everything.
The truth is simple, we have been manipulated towards Agenda2030 by all these staged Events for a very long time.
Our unity around a simple common theme is the way out, not finding fault with another’s analysis of complex false-flags which are designed to sow confusion.
A technocratic panopticon or a natural world for the children..?
War is good for anti-capitalist warmongering psychopaths who impose highly expensive market solutions on nations already supplied with cost-effective ones.
That’s the powermongers in the USA in case you hadn’t yet caught on as to how much they hate free markets, how they so LERVE being psychopathic bullies.
Russia pre-empted 2 Major False Flag Atrocities in Ukraine:
According to Nightvision on March 24, 2022 · at 1:18 am EST/EDT
Russia seized biolabs and Nuclear Reactors because it knew Ukraine [aka Globalist regime] was planning to create Nuclear & Bio-terror False Flags, and exfiltrate some of the key “evidence” of its dirty work. [FFs on the scale of Con-911 & Con-19].
And so that’s why we saw a mad dash for Chernobyl and Zaporizhzhia Nuke Plant. These are the 2 most important because Chernobyl the name itself haunts people, and Zaporizhzhia is the LARGEST nuclear plant in ALL OF EUROPE, only beaten by some plants in Asia.
So these objectives alone absolutely required Russia to enter Ukraine on multiple simultaneous axes.
I am so weary of hearing the term “humanitarian crisis.” Geez, get a grip: humanity is a crisis in slow motion.
People feel the need to organize into societies so their neighbors won’t kill them and take what they’ve managed to take from someone else.
The solution is unbelievably simple: Live and Let Live; don’t take more than you need; keep leaders where they belong: in jail – then let them out every now and again to strut their stuff.
It won’t create a perfect world; but it’ll be better than the mess we now have.
All humanity is Russian. They must be: they love nothing more than a round of Russian Roulette. Time and again they play. Who gets the loaded chamber today? Who gets to be a “humanitarian crisis” today?
Pay your money and take your choice.
One sure marker that the war is fake is that Russia haven’t had a walk over in the first stage.
Trouble with an insurgency I could believe – but not the first phase where Russia is larger, better resourced and presumably better prepared. If Russia is useless against Ukraine, what’s the need for NATO?
The fairy tale is the Ukrainians are so motivated by Zelensky/democracy/whatever they’re putting up heroic resistence. Never mind that Zelensky closes down opposition parties and media, the people love him. It is a fairy tale of course. The other side have fairy tales too – like the Sputnik vaccine is a placebo which nobody can prove or disprove because Russia has no VAERS-type system.
Another part of the fairy tale, and it’s a much repeated one, is that Putin can make all sorts of strange decisions and they can be explained away by “he’s mad”. Funny how the Anglo-American establishment’s every war has been like that.
Is anyone noticing that one narrative has disappeared – that Europe can’t rely on the USA? When it really matters, funnily enough the West is in lockstep (to coin a phrase) again. It’ll be back soon (see the current The Atlantic for example) because Europe is going to be spending a lot more on the military-industrial complex and they have to sell that somehow.
> The other side have fairy tales too – like the Sputnik vaccine is a placebo which nobody can prove or disprove because Russia has no VAERS-type system.
I think the Sputnik vaccine might very well be saline. Pretending to be in lockstep with the West, giving the people a distraction to focus on but not harming them in the process are very good reasons for this being the case.
It’s not saline. There’s plenty of people dying in Russia. There’s a global depopulation agenda. The Sputnik jab licenses the same NIH-NIAID adenovirus patent as the Astra Zeneca CLOT shot.
> The Sputnik jab licenses the same NIH-NIAID adenovirus patent as the Astra Zeneca CLOT shot.
But do we know what’s in the actual injections?
We know the listed ingredients. We don’t know if any tech or other compounds such as graphene are included and in what batches.
The nanolipids in all the shots, on their own, can kill. They include carcinogenic and highly toxic compounds. They’re responsible for blood, organ and neurological disorders. Too many to list. The adenovirus vector is a gene therapy delivery device.
Plausible, but I’ve read that Russia has suffered horrendous excess mortality, perhaps the highest in the world.
Source? Everything is there
Western Civilisation News – Great Britain Regime:
if your name is Assange then you can have 4 guests maximum for your wedding. 2 witnesses and 2 guards.
please note the Generosity of the british Regime: is there really any need for witnesses or guards since the wedding ceremony is taking place in a maximum security location that is probably full of surveillance cameras??
I think Assange is a psyop. I don’t think he’s in Belmarsh and I don’t think that woman ever had a relationship with him or married him. It’s just more storytelling
He supports the boxcutter 9/11 fairy tale. Therefore he is a fake.
Was there any fake documents, about American aggression, released by Wikileaks?
Is this invasion the start to build a split between the West and Eurasia in order to build-up the new world empire: NeoEurasia (including with the ‘Belt and Road Initiative’)? Food for thought: If the invasions of the Middle East and North Africa are for ‘Greater Israel’. Underneath the MSM’s layered lies and fakery(including fake footage), the global establishment are telling the truth at the ‘basic line’ – that Ukraine is being invaded but are hiding the main reason for it? That the invasion of Ukraine is for their ‘Heavenly Jerusalem’,’New Israel’? The global establishment do not want us to know the hidden reason? There is much info out there if people are interested.
Celebrities are the new clergy.
All this talk about a war between Ukraine and Russia is just BS.
It is simply put not a war between Russia and Ukraine, for anyone able to think clarly it is a war between the US and Russia, fought for by the US trained and equipped Ukrainian Nazi and non nazi batallions.
And how involved is the US directly, besides arms deliveries?
“The United States is providing Ukraine with intelligence that is making a difference in its fight against Russia, US Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security Ronald Moultrie said during a hearing.
“I would say that the intelligence that we are sharing and the work that we’re doing to support the Ukrainian government is making a difference,” Moultrie said to the US House Armed Services Committee on Thursday. “It’s accurate. It’s timely, and it’s actionable.”
This means the US is directly involved now with “actionable” intelligence it supplies, so they made themselves a target for “actions” by Russia.
A very interesting interview from Professor Michael Hudson who explains what the consequences of the economic sanctions against the Russian Federation are, who are pushing these sanctions and what the strategy is behind it.
Off topic but everyone I know that’s “fully jabbed” has “covid.”
Anyone else noticing this?
I don’t and I don’t. I’ve seen enough “foaming at the mouth” vaxxers for more than a year forward
Edit: “I don’t ask”
Some of them look pretty bad though… And none actually look ok. I’m fresh as a rose… (most of the time)
Yes it’s the same with the vac. people I know, they were all ill this winter and again this month.
And the unvac,included me ,we are till now just fine.
Yes. My other has it. Pureblood me doesn’t. Same household. I had various minor brushes with it over the 2 years.
I have come to the conclusion it is a binary bioweapon. The different jabs may be ‘race’ defined. I have heard of racial bioweapons for decades and I think programmed mrna jabs are the way. I suspect the different batches target different ethnics and their medical weaknesses [diabetes, melatonin levels, vasculitis, myocarditis, leukemia etc.]. Thats why it is a lottery of side effects. Various leaders have decided to reduce the world pop in balance with the various ethnic groups because it’s ‘fairer’. Maybe NZ was the control group? If the cull is drifting out of sync, they bring out a new batch and we have a new booster dance on the bbc..If you are whitey and you get the asian death jab, you are just flu ill, unless you already a wreck.
How do you know if you “have or had Covid”?
You can’t mention NATO without also mentioning the IMF/World Bank. Those two go hand in hand.
“NATO and the IMF were not seen as distinct organizations, each working in its own sphere of operation, with its own objective; but organizations with similar and overlapping objectives.”
IMF Sponsored “Democracy” in the Ukraine
“The IMF..“opens up” economies around the world for the penetration of metropolitan capital by making them “investor-friendly” through the adoption of a host of anti-working class and anti-people (“austerity”) measures..”
You can’t “spread democracy” by using IMF loans as a tool because they are distinctly anti-democratic, due to the methods by which they are enforced. IMF loans are an aggressive economic invasion of nations that no one talks about.
Insanity Rules, OK? Why was Russia insane enough to leave $300Billion cash in Anglo Zio Capitalist banks where it could be held hostage against Russia trying to rescue Ukraine from NATZO’s Nazis?
Answer from Harry on March 23, 2022 · at 1:34 pm EST/EDT :
“They did not anticipate the seizing of Russia’s foreign assets [says Lavrov]. It was such an insanely stupid move on the part of the West. They [the Kremlin] underestimated just how detached from reality Western leaders were/are. That single move by the west invoked both the end of the petrodollar and the West’s near-total control of the world’s financial system.
The principal battlefield of this war is financial, and [on the financial front] Russia is not waging this war on it’s own. China, Saudi Arabia, Iran, India, [Africa] and many more are playing their part.”
Putin was a WEF Young Global Leader. If there is a conflict in Ukraine, it will be a Punch and Judy show fight – i.e. pure theatre. The war in Ukraine is being used to advance various aspects of the NWO / Great Reset. This is what I think they’re up to
One thing I missed was that the importation of refugees could be used to requisition private property to house refugees
And so was Doctor Who, helped with the Tardis.
> Putin was a WEF Young Global Leader.
Wasn’t he a bit old for that “class”?
Russian President Vladimir Putin, that notorious WEF attendee and protegee of crafty financial schwabs, has shown his true colours: pulled a Bretton Woods in reverse. Russia demands EU$A must pay for Russian gas in Russian currency.
“It is more important to out-think your enemy than to outfight him.”
“The opportunity of defeating the enemy is provided by the enemy himself.”
“The height of strategy is to attack your opponent’s strategy.”
Basics from Sun Tzu.
How does this militate against the fact Russia and China are openly promoting the globalist agenda?
It does not militate against OffG’s thesis, quite the contrary; it catches the Russian dictator strong arming a Bretton Woods act: forcing his customers to buy energy in his currency.
How does “openly promoting the globalist agenda” contradict the Sun Tzu (or Father Amiot) philosophy? Appearing to go along with your enemy is just about as good a strategy as any.
If that supposition holds water, then maybe Ukraine is the denouement – the moment when Russia reveals its true intention.
Nobody could stand up to the globalists a few years ago; but now that they’ve revealed their hand and spread themselves paper thin in order to bring the entire world under their complete control, they’ve made themselves vulnerable.
Would such promotion be for internal or external consumption?
Sun Tzu? You mean the Jesuit priest, Father Amiot. Lol.
In an interview, US military trainer and analyst Larry C Johnson, contradicts the MSM bull on the situation, prospects and repurcussions. Unfortunately for humanity, the Insane Empire does not do reality.
“Western governments are now setting up biosecurity infrastructure whose aim is to manage the unavoidable disorders resulting from the economy’s breakdown, with financial reset and hyper-inflation “included in the deal”. The latter is likely to trigger a severe devaluation of most peoples assets, followed by elites mopping up the mess by laying claim to pretty much everything that can be borrowed and controlled. This is why we are not just facing a temporary health emergency that will dissolve as soon as the danger is declared extinct. Rather we are dealing with an instrumentum regni of global magnitudes that will be replicated with every given opportunity.” Fabio Vighi.
( Re: McKnight’s third last paragraph: McKnight sees ‘climate change’ as the major danger. Gene Sharpe sees the gene technologies, genetic experiments as more dangerous. Gene was often the more perceptive.).
“As noted by Giorgio Agamben, the figure (that) best embodies the condition of ‘bare life…in pandemic times is the “asymptomatic patient’, whose potentially pathogenic status makes permanent vaccination and testing essential to retain access to society.” Fabio Vighi.
Time for some sanity – try Leunig.
false dichotomy after false dichotomy
the proles need their bread and circus
all countries are simply
the names of human farms
your owners are human farmers
tv keeps your fluoridated head full
slavery 2.0
money is pretend
Yeah. This nonsense about countries being separate (borders are fictional) and going to war is such bullshit from beginning to end. It’s laughable that anybody still believes this crap. Wars are so obviously organized and coordinated by the non-separate, wholly owned, unlawful, illegitimate, lying, thieving, racketeering, criminal, genocidal administrations colluding with each other, against their own citizen slaves to take their land, property, businesses and bank accounts.
Here’s what I believe: geography. (Please don’t tell me Amerigo Vespucci was a Fransiscan Monk!)
A piece of ground housing a people lends itself much more naturally to a nation state than to a piece of a global blob. Especially when the people residing in that piece of ground consider themselves members of a particular nation.
Granted, it was the bankers and their stooges that carved up empires after WWI into nations – but, because of unintended consequences, that could have become the equivalent of having a tiger by the tail.
A land mass isn’t a country. It’s just land. It lends itself to a community based paradigm – Local communities or tribes. Not a nation state, or states. A Nation state only exists on paper as a legal fiction. It doesn’t represent the people who live on any land mass, but benefits the private shareholders who are real owners of all the administrations. The public don’t own the incorporated administrations they are just obeying on autopilot due to mind control. The administrations are an arms length, corporate tool for the controllers who own EVERYTHING. US was never at any stage, independent from the UK. And the UK (and Russia) was never at any time independent from the Roman Empire. It’s central control. Whether you believe it or not, doesn’t matter.
And in my supposed state of Queensland we now find that various shades of govt over the years have been acting in unison to take away any power the people thought they had and made it the power of various levels of beaucrats…
one can live in all sorts of shams and not know it until the critical moment when the jack boots come out and the petty dictators declare pseudo borders and crazy rules and enforce them with hefty fines etc…and even then the disbelief is so high few are prepare to do much and the rest go along hoping seeing isn’t believing…
so much of life appears an illusion.
That’s exactly right. Because the controllers go to great lengths to erect an illusory world view at the macro and micro level. That’s how they have maintained complete control, farmed and culled humanity for centuries.
Funny, after 9pm, I go straight to “pending”… I don’t blame them 🙁
In more modern times – The single worst error (discounting the sale of Alaska) that the Russians have ever made; was allowing Germany to be ‘re-unified’. Their leadership knew that the US never left Europe after WW11 therefore, any mug should have known that there was going to be colonial-creep by stealth, from 1945 on-wards. If peace was paramount, ALL allied interests should have disbanded, as a gesture of goodwill. NATO proves beyond doubt that there was NEVER any intention of a lasting peace settlement. Operation GLADIO alone is the epitome of evil intent. Moreover, ‘we’ in the so called ‘West’ should recognise the evil intent of our pretentious leaders who couldn’t give a rat’s-arse about ‘We-the-people’ … it’s always been about greed and power.
Yeah. We the people can’t even vote for our clown president, and are imposed their clown president…. As long as we feel hopeless, depressed and angry leading to coronarian diseases and cancers… We were handed more booster shots of that poison than we’ve seen in recent months
Sorry, off topic.
Devastating record floods in the second driest continent on Earth, Australia, with more heavy rain predicted.
Meanwhile, Antarctica (just South of Australia) is having record high temperatures:
All that evaporated water has to fall somewhere.
Just a coincidence, I’m sure.
After all, climate change is a hoax.
Some things like “climate change is a hoax” are hard to prove and certainly contribute to make conspiracy theorists look like a bunch of idiots… meanwhile, let’s not let a good crisis go to waste, and convince the “other side, the real idiots” that if they died in mass, it would kinda save the planet.
i am told that melting water falls into the ocean and the surface level of the ocean seeks higher levels as the water falls? 10 years ago I placed a stake at the edge of a piece of property i purchased across the street from the water.. The rise from water surface to the surface of my property was 3 inches.. thus far the water level is below where it started 10 years ago, the current rise from water surface to the surface of my property is 4 inches. My investment has not turned into the water front property I expected. Can you please turn on the water from the ice melts so my investment property will become waterfront.
Tell that to those Folks in Italy and Belgium whose 400 year old homes were washed away a couple of years ago.
That’s geomgineering. Weather warfare. All weather is controlled by the military. There is limited rainfall. We are in a closed bio system. The weather was much warmer thousands of years ago.
If the militaries decide to target certain areas, to intentionally cause flooding, fires or droughts it’s because the cryptocracy – that same cartel who own all the banks, countries, major corporations and militaries, want the land. And they want it cheap. They move people off the land the same way they evacuated Ukrainians into Poland for absolutely no reason. Order out of chaos. Research it.
I don’t need to research anything further here,especially regarding HAARP, because I was there as paid researcher and analyst also, of the media, for the CEO that purchased ARCO and Bernard Eastlund’s Design PATENTS and I listened to Eastlund’s Warnings, back then. Before it became a
Officially, where every Action and functional application was to be reported to the D.o.D. as primary condition of contract with B.P.’s Alaskan Harmonisation
Of market forces…. like the weather, from 1997 onwards.
Bankrupted Heritage legacy farm culture & seed harvested by GMO strategy
For drought resistant seed take up and Land Grab, as you say.
SEC investigation into same, in WTC7.
Say no more.
Q: given your apparent awareness of much, riddle me why NOT even here,
In this thread, the matter of Jet Stream Currents arise, as major factoring ?
I see many who understand how easy it is to move anything, with a vector &
With a 📳 vibe, especially the Weather in real time?
What no HAARP Data release in Real Time. Why?
And Tsunami Buoys? And Earthquake Waves ?
Need I continue… I repeat, I listened to Eastlund.
He made more scientific sense to me, at that time,
Than anyone else. Open source reality,
Face Down Potential Corporate Strategic Abuse
manipulating commodity markets.
Gotta’ luv neoRealism and share knowledge.
Keyword: Jet Streams.
(‘Scuse the caps. But US declared military force
And corporate war against all, using the Weather,
As legitimate right, back in 1997,
Officially and publicly: that means War,
In my book, war on weathermongerers,
And their equipment, becomes our Heritage,
For better or for worse, faecal matter collided with
The rotating oscillator.)
Are you Johnny? I was replying to Johnny.
Nope. And you are, it appears, dodging the question…
Proving an old point of reference, from serious scientists,
Who question AIM’s and human benefit?
Artificial ionospheric mirrors,
Lol, there again,
Carry on primary school researching, with Johnny and Edith…
Believe it or not, in China we can discuss such science openly,
In public, with far higher average intellect and acceptance
Of historic REALISM.
Back to school.
Good luck,
Circles °• ÷
You didn’t ask a question. You made a series of non sequitur statements. All technology is recycled. There’s nothing new under the sun.
Scroll up and you will see a whole paragraph beginning Q:
Stood for Question, stating the obvious:- a little rhetorical, maybe
But, Whilst yer’ here, I was hoping to move discussion from
Theory to practice.
Study more what is always avoided as subject matter.
Be that A.I.M.s for HAARP Rostock or other devices.
Riddle me why not even here@offG, Western Weather gamers have any inclination to discuss why, how and what modifications
Military Forces Multiply, in their name, with state funding?
Surely you are not here to quell such debate…
Because, in other arenas online, I can see both omission,
On a wide scale, (giving me also the impression of suppression), along with outright denial of science that was developed.
Whilst Bill Gates has now become heavily interested in
Artificial ionospheric mirrors and more smoke.
Tune your focus towards Jet Streams, was my hint,
And Real Time monitoring of same.
Whilst any A.i.m. is not new under the sun,
Human installations of Artificial mirroring, are
Relatively Fresh New ‘fruit’ for discussion,
With Chinese willing a little more,
Purposeful Integrity all-round.
I don’t understand the way you phrase your questions since you make a series of statements. It’s obvious the jet streams have been purposefully manipulated. The climate change crisis is being used to push a much larger, long planned agenda. But the magnetic poles are flipping, so the psychopaths are intentionally ramping up the man made weather events to hide the fact that CO2 emissions have nothing to do with surface temperatures. The crux of agenda 21; the Great Reset is a DEPOPULATION AGENDA.
The man made manipulation of the weather is the least of my concerns. Unless the militaries can create liquefaction of the earth’s crust, which I don’t believe they can.
Sorry when I and others can forecast and explain weather/climate efforts with planetary movements you are still wanting to be human centric..,.humans control bugger all…military or otherwise….
I can know far better than weather mob where these events will occur from said planetary movements…
There’s a macro level (astronomical) and a micro level (geoengineering). And as the end of the Yuga cycle or Great Year approaches, the astronomical-astrological (predictable) events will be blamed on the CO2 climate change hoax.
“All weather is controlled by the military”?
Why do you say that? I don’t think humanity understands enough about how weather works to do that or even get close to it.
We, the public don’t understand but the military does, absolutely. Read up on weather warfare, weather patents and HAARP. They’ve been manipulating the weather since the early twentieth century.
That comment was in relation to the micro weather events, such as precipitation, fires, droughts, earthquakes, tsunamis etc.
Solar cycles, planetary events and solar flares aren’t controllable but they can still be used to the controllers’ advantage.
If you are worried about “climate change” you should do something against this “CO2-superstition” and demand that we deal with the real factors that influence climate.
CO2 has no influence an climate. And isn’t it alarming that this “CO2-superstition” I spread by the same governments, greenish parties and BigMedia, which hammer this covid-hoax down on us?
The deforestation of our planet, and especially the deforestation of the so called “green lung” of our planet of course influences our climate. But did you ever hear from these CO2-hoaxers that we must save the FORREST OF THE CONGO BASIN? The forest of the Congo basin will no more exist in about 15 years. And this forest is the most important ‘cracker’ of CO2 back into carbon and oxygen. And also these deforestations sets free more CO2 than any other factor. But although this is a fact these CO2-hoaxer will never mention the Congo basin.
CO2 can’t influence climate, because there is only 0,039 % of CO2 in the atmosphere. One(!) CO2 molecule in every 2500 molecules of atmosphere! And all the CO2 is on the ground as CO2 molecules are heavier than the other molecules of the atmosphere.
See: Engdahl’s “The Great Zero Carbon Criminal Conspiracy”:
And also watch James Corbett’s “Coronavirus and Climate Change”:
See: Engdahl’s “The Great Zero Carbon Criminal Conspiracy”:
“the deforestation of the so called “green lung” of our planet of course influences our climate.”
It certainly doesn’t mean more CO2 – no less than the head of the IPCC said that rainforests are essentilly carbon neutral in their overall impact.
“rainforests are essentially carbon neutral in their overall impact”
No, they are not. They crack CO2, fix the carbon (“C”) in their wood and give the oxygen free. With chopping off the trees, the remaining giant roots and the tree stump decay and set free enormous amounts of CO2.
Here some Links:
CO2 is good, even necessary. CO is the toxic waste (carbon monoxide?)
It is the Western nations that have deforested the most. North America has lost most of it’s forest cover. Northern Queensland las lost 95% of it’s tropical rainforests to sugar plantations.
Rather than going through step by step, let me just say that geoengineering has played havoc with forests. The constant spraying of toxins – aluminum especially – has, besides directly affecting trees, all but depleted the ozone layer. This permits UVC rays to further damage trees – to an extent that many forests have become carbon releasers rather than carbon sinks.
Added to this is the methane being released en masse from melting permafrost and from ocean beds.
Yes, CO2 is a “hoax” – but not the way you indicate. Rather, it’s part of a giant shell game: “Watch the CO2 over there while we unleash tons of far more dangerous elements into the atmosphere over here.”
The change of terminology from global warming to climate change was pure genius. The phrase covers everything. Excessive heat and bushfires, heavy rain and floods, tropical storms, freezing winters, snowstorms, whatever. Deforestation has nothing to do with it. All you need to do is switch to electric cars that use vast quantites of resources, clear some forests to set up solar panel arrays, set up windmills that kill the few birds that have survived.
I think you may find that crazy weather patterns happened last time uranus was in Taurus…mid 1930’ for a few years…until you understand the role of the planetary forces in how the earth climate happens you will be caught in the illusion that man is somehow responsible…we seem to have trouble leaving the concept of man being the Center of the universe theory…
Russia continues to order Google to hide VPN sites.
Who are they?
In the West, the public is expected to accept the given narrativ
inappropriate line ending following “social media influencers”
Ukrainian Nazi Pavlo Lapshyn murdered by an 82-year-old man
yeah I had to clic the link to read the story… not cool Ian… I was all, you go poppy!
Ukrainian Nazi (that narrows it down a bit 😃) murdered an 82 year old man.
Putin arrested the Rothschilds point man in the Russian Federation Mikhail Khordokovsky, Russian oil tycoon and at one time the richest man in Russia, who was imprisoned in 2003 on charges of fraud and tax evasion.
HARRY’S yer man…..