Hunter’s laptop & Nuland’s bio-lab…a propaganda trap?
A few days ago the Daily Mail busted out an “exclusive” story, claiming that Russian “disinformation” on NATO-funded biolabs in Ukraine might be accurate after all:
Hunter Biden DID help secure millions in funding for US contractor in Ukraine specializing in deadly pathogen research, laptop emails reveal, raising more questions about the disgraced son of then vice president
The same story was picked up by the New York Post, who broke the original “Hunter’s laptop” story back in 2020.
This is one of those validating headlines we in alt media tend to rush in and grab without pausing to think about context. We KNEW we were right, and look – the Daily Mail is admitting it so it must be true.
But, let’s not do that. Let’s be smart and take stock before we snatch up this morsel, and consider what we have here.
One major point to note: This is the DAILY MAIL. The fat, corrupt heart of the MSM.
They don’t feel obliged to publish leaked stuff just because it’s undeniably true. They deny the undeniable every single day at the same time they tell massive indefensible lies.
No. If a ‘leak’ appears here it is with the express approval or requirement of at least some part of the UK/US establishment.
So, right there, we know we are reading this story from this source at this time because someone in the Establishment wants us to.
Which begs the question – why does the UK/US establishment want us to read a ton of files in the DM that SUPPORT the Russian claims of US-run biological warfare research in Ukraine?
It’s curious, isn’t it?
Almost as curious as Victoria Nuland “admitting” the labs were there in the first place:
Please do not try to earnestly counter this by saying there’s independent evidence the labs exist. Yes, there is. But why do you think that’s a factor for Nuland?
Nuland cares about evidence even less than the Daily Mail does. To her veridical truth is a minor inconvenience she encounters now and again and instantly brushes aside. She ‘admits’ what she admits for one reason. It suits her agenda to do so.
Another point to consider: Hunter Biden’s laptop used to be censored on social media
“Hunter Biden’s laptop” has been a leaky treasure trove of variously planted narratives for some time. We KNOW it’s a handy tool being wielded by – again – at least some actors in the UK/UK nexus. You want a story of sleaze or villainy out there – good place to source it is somewhere on Hunter Biden’s HDD. Because he is, unquestionably, a gross little crown prince of sleaze.
And interestingly, when the sleaze being uncovered is not politically convenient, it is subject to immediate and sweeping removal on social media. When the laptop story was first broken in the run-up to the 2020 election, both Twitter and Facebook banned all mention of the story from their platforms. Twitter even went so far as to suspend the account of the official White House Spokesperson for tweeting about it.
Nothing like that is happening on this round of laptop stories.
In fact articles in both Vox and the New York Times have quasi-admitted the laptop is genuine after labelling it misinformation for the last 18 months. Curious.
Essentially, there are three points to remember here:
- The Daily Mail is not honor-bound to print “leaks” just because they’re true. They lie and repress the truth all the time.
- Victoria Nuland had no reason at all to admit those labs exist, she lies all the time and could have lied about that if she wanted.
- Previous “Hunter’s laptop” stories were blocked on social media for being “misinformation”, this one was not.
Whether the laptop story is true, partly true or totally false, the fact we are seeing it is clearly an establishment contrivance.
Yet another strong indicator that those “bio labs” are a narrative that it very much suits both the West and Russia to promote.
As to possible reasons why – well it’s quite obvious how this story can be made to tie into the currently semi-dormant, but not dead, “pandemic” narrative. Particularly when we note that Russia was at pains to make it clear at least one of these labs was allegedly working on – of course – coronaviruses.
Let’s remember that from the outset the most essential thrust of the pandemic fear story was to force us to accept a) the virus was NEW and UNIQUE and b) PEOPLE NEEDED TO BE PROTECTED FROM IT.
The agenda-managers clearly did not mind about details as long as this central myth was accepted. They did not mind whether people thought it was a natural mutation or something bio-engineered. Just as long as people were afraid of it and believed ‘something must be done’ the agenda was being served.
And the pandemic narrative began to collapse when enough people saw the lie of it and refused to be afraid.
So, reinventing or reissuing the story as being about a pathogen from a terrifying Ukrainian bio-lab might be a good way to scythe through that growing awakening, no?
Another possible reason, of course, is future horror stories of mutant pathogens being released ‘by accident’ or ‘by the Russians/Ukrainians’ (you will be able to pick a side in that delicious binary and debate it forever in the ensuing lockdown/cull, which will, of course, be global and require a ton of even tighter legislation).
Such stories can also be a great ‘justification’ for widening a war or reviving a flagging war narrative, for dropping peace negotiations, cranking up sanctions or any other chaos-inducing stuff you want to introduce.
So, given the source and the huge potential this story has for promoting the ‘forever pandemic’, ‘bio-warfare’ and probably other agendas too, let’s approach with caution so we don’t end up doing the propagandists’ work for them.
Caveat emptor is the order of the day.
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As an excuse for the USA/NATO gang to invade Ukraine (militarily) – “we HAD to send in the troops to protect the world from bio weapons”.
the leaks are tossing a few players under the bus, but shit never sticks to the big players.
DM Thursday, Apr 7th 2022 reg. Jack Maxey
Weird how the western press now can’t shut up about the laptop they don’t want anyone to know about 🤔
Good point presented in this article because the Ukraine / Russia war serves both NWO block’s agenda. It moves the Globalist plan ahead further. Who comes out on top matters little to the coomon folk because each NWO regime (Russo-Chinese or US-Euro) are essentially the same horrific dystopia.
It never ceases to amaze me just how sleazy and degenerate our ruling elite are.
Savile, Cyril Smith, Janner, all fireproof sicko paedos protected all their lives by the media, police, and Deep State.
Biden Junior will probably be found dead shortly from an overdose.
Being suicided/ hanged in a cell is becoming a bit too common – Epstein, Jean Luc Brunel.
I don’t believe the myth of an “elite” class. Civilian scumbags always rise to the top…
Yes, full agree with Catte’s views. It is reminiscent of the whole discussion of the cerveza bug being of natural origin, no, wait, it was a lab generated monster. Both sides give full credence to the reality of the clearly fake virus–as in mythical. The alternative fools fell for it, as they are falling for this propaganda. The pros know very well how to twist your mind.
You might be interested in the recent discussion here:
Here the heroes of the anti-vaxx contingent, McCullough, Cole and Malone, fully profess their belief in the corona virus with the clear rebuttal within the video. So are these three disinfo agents or just ignoramuses? I am coming around to thinking that it is the latter, i.e., that, as Lanka maintains, they believe their own bullshit. Virology is a fake science from the outset, and the perps at the top do know that, just not the rank and file science community because in the end they are as stupid as anybody else. Or there is just too much money to be made by believing in the germ theory joke? Or too much political control? Or both? The world is largely one big psy op.
I have known, for 30+ years that Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) was a process used to replicate cell fragments. I have known, for about 20+ years, that PCR’s inventor, Kary Mullis, was adamantly opposed to its use as a diagnostic tool, and had stated that if done well, PCR could find almost anything in anybody, because there aren’t too many molecules in the human body that everyone doesn’t have.
Setting aside the issue of whether virology is real, when Peter Daszak proclaimed his PCR “test” for Covid19, I knew it was a scam. When it was proclaimed SARS II, I remembered “mainstream virologist” Frank Plummer going off script and telling anyone who would listen that he wasn’t convinced SARS was a virus, because they hadn’t been able to replicate it, they couldn’t find it in “new” patients, and the worst effects were coming after the viral load had dropped – the opposite of what is expected. That only confirmed my conclusion that something very sinister was happening.
The scam has been obvious from the beginning.
This also applies to DNA testing in criminal cases. A Grand Jury can indict a ham sandwhich and a PCR test can convict an innocent person of rape or murder.
Also the ‘war’ is getting slow, and covid is passe. I wonder if Osama Bin Laden, (who actually is said to have died of kidney failure prior to 9-11), could be discovered to have survived the SEALs hit? Or did he have a son? Osama II.
Or are we stuck with the laptop?
Great article. The QAnoners are falling for the Putin v NWO story and gullibly believing the biolab nonsense. Putin proved – yet again – he’s on the same team as Biden, Schwab, Trump, Zelenskyy and all the other actors when he pushed the “biolabs in Ukraine are developing Coronaviruses” psyop. Brace for another scamdemic. They’re all in this together…..against us!
A simple explanation could be, that a chemical/biological attack is being prepared by Ukraine. And since Russia doesn’t have those kind of weapons, this could be the excuse
Oh please.
Why are the corporate media now reporting on the laptop?
It looks like damage limitations. They know the story is about to blow up anyway, so they want to get their narrative in early. They’ll probably try to protect The Big Guy, but they’ll dump him if necessary.
CNN reporter reveals new details in Hunter Biden investigation
Mar 30, 2022
Evan Perez and Brianna Keilar discuss the federal investigation looking into President Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, and his business dealings with Burisma.
What nonsense. Why would the story “blow up anyway”? You talk as if there were some independent body who reveals big truths the media want to ignore, but you know that’s rubbish. Things only get “blown up” when the PTB want them to and tell their paid scribblers to do it.
Well said mls. Yeah the NYTs would be forced to disclose because the facts were coming out; just as they were forced to cover the story about Kennedy’s “missing” brain, when it started to blow up. Lol.
“Senators Release Bank Records Showing Payments to Hunter Biden From China”
Caveat: Epoch Times has a few excellent researchers like Hans Mahncke but its founders are quite anti PRC.
More meaningless drivel. The pantomime struggles of nation states are just distraction theatre for mental juveniles these days. Meanwhile the globalist agenda rolls out – globally.
Epoch is a far right anti-china propaganda publication posing as a credible news source. Their trick is the usual one which involves publishing articles that cater to one’s prejudice so as their outlandish propaganda can gain traction. To the level headed, the propaganda never matches reality.
Furthermore, it is produced by the Falun Gong cult which is headed by a Chinese dissident billionaire who lives on an estate in Upstate NY – where he is seen as a Messiah by the cult. He is protected and operationally helped by his host nation (goes without saying). They also run “China Uncensored” YouTube and TV and have their own US cable channel called NTD (New Tang Dynasty). They also produce the Shen Yun dances that are so popular in the US. They label it now as “China before communism”… Huge psyops operation.
I subscribe to their weekly print edition and I have to disagree. You are buying the hate propaganda against them. They have had pretty good news sources throughout all of this pandemic. They won me over with a documentary called The ‘Origins of the Wuhan Virus’ which came out in March of 2020. It later won an award. Besides Dr. Mercola is featured in their paper on a regular basis. You are wrong about them.
You are believing the hate against this paper. I used to believe it too, but I subscribe now and they have some great content and a lot of different people who get published by them. “The origins of the Wuhan Virus” documentary came out in March of 2020 and was way ahead of everyone else on this issue. Besides, Dr. Mercola writes great health articles for them that have been really helpful these part two years. You should give them a chance, they are a legitimate paper.
Epoch was/ is very counter the Covid / lockdown psych-op, so that is a plus in my book. They also don’t trust Biden, another feather.
I am not a fan of any blind religion, but can understand their beef with the CPC which tried to wipe them out physically. That is the more authoritarian ideology, and using much worse power presently.
Challenging the persecution of the Falun Gong is not a prejudice. What makes Shen Yun a psyop?
Gotta say, with all the stuff comming out now about Hunter Bidens laptop, I would expect a resignation from Joe Biden?
Putler’s in his bunker!
Coming soon ‘Downfall 2: Downfall Harder’ with its famous rant scene. I’d rather watch ‘The Lives of Others 2’ about Jeremy Fleming – but fortunately surveillance is only something those nasty East Germans do and no NATO country would dream of such a thing.
Those “biolabs” probably were/are money laundering facilities.
Supposedly, the current “deadly pandemic” arose from a “biolab”.
The best that the Wuhan “biolab” could come up with is as deadly as normal seasonal flu, which is not very deadly, unless one is already near death.
Perhaps it was not meant to be deadly, just trackable and scary? A dry run?
It isn’t trackable, though, is it? There are no tests specific to a thing called “covid19”.
It might be. The PCR tests are quite useless as a diagnostic tool for individuals but the number of cycles required to find a positive is a reasonable indication of the viral load in a subset of the population.
Say you release some in City A then tests run in City B will give a good indication of how it has spread, although without saying how many actually got sick. If you test in City C, just down the road, and find none you also know the limits of the geographic spread and you have more info about a potential bio-weapon.
And the lack of test? I’m not so sure. The cheapo, scare the populous tests are pretty rubbish but they seem fairly certain they can test for antibodies in an individual — too expensive for mass testing though.
The PCR just picks up junk and bits of random ‘viruses’. You might as well try to trace a virus using the contents of an infected person’s hoover bag
Well, that does it!
As soon as I finish posting this, I’m going to mask up my vacuum cleaner– which, BTW, actually is an ancient Hoover™.
And just to be on the safe side, I’ll probably run out and buy one of those extra-long “selfie sticks” and see if I can attach it to the handle so I can be two meters away from the machine when it’s running.
Thanks for the alert!
What’s the difference between a Hoover and a Harley?
Or analyse sewer waste of large cities, 50+ cycles required!
When The Beatles stopped touring they lived on in the imagination.
On the other hand, Yoko Ono was entirely imaginary,
an invention of the mass media.
RFK (@21:30): The Democrats won’t read my book
Catherine Fitts and Robert Kennedy on Fauci and vaccine fraud
March 24th, 2022
Jerm Warfare
Catherine Fitts and Robert Kennedy have, at separate times, been on my podcast. This time they joined me, together, for a conversation around Bobby’s incredible book about Fauci; Fauci’s powerful influence; vaccine fraud in America; corruption in the pharmaceutical industry; vaccine passports being a trojan horse; how to push back against the attempts at globalist control.
In Australia yesterday – this excellent speech from Senator Malcolm Roberts who has consistently spoken out about the covid fraud. The pharmaceutical industry has granted $1 million to each of the old parties who always win federal and state elections – liberal and/or labor.
Our federal election is due in May this year. If either of these parties is elected (no difference between them), the “Trusted I.D. Bill“, as it has been officially named, is likely to pass into law. Australia would then become a real battleground.
Go to 7:45. He’s speaking to an empty room !
Yes. This is usual when the truth is spoken out loud in our fed parliament. By being absent during such speeches it shows how the great majority of our “representatives” in parliament are members of the covid cult and many other corruptions.
However, the video I posted is being widely circulated.
I’ve read Robert Kennedy Jr’s book regarding “The Real Anthony Fauci”. It is quite the expose’… So what???
If either of these persons wished to describe the financial method that makes “globalist control” possible, they would mention that corporate syndication is the bottom line…
Excellent article by Micheal Hudson.
Eye opening.
Hello Ernest Judd: Yes. I read the Michael Hudson piece the first day of publication. He nails the situation down quite handsomely. I believe collapse of the Federal Reserve backed debt system is part of the great reset plan.
Why continue jumping through all the bond and debt market hoops, when you can simply move the game to a different arena? Russia and China have been buying up the world’s gold markets for years, and gold is just another cog in the gears of false commerce… Ya can’t eat the stuff… Thanks for posting.
Ukraine: And What About Those Biolabs? Stop the Narrative I Want to Get Off!
mae pointed out 1 year ago on another forum…
kit cat black night.
wakey wakey !
Sophia actually has the same style of writing as Catt and Sam has the exact same style of writing as the unnamed off g articles.
To be Perfectly honest I dont give shit as at last off g is finally started to see the revelation of the method and owe petra and co an apology.
Now for the 100th time James o keefe spook and CIA tucker carosn with the FBI fake as fuk project varaFART offices being busted RE:: laptop was to authentic absolute bullshit and sell the wutang bear flu gain of function bat juice Chinese’s year of the RAT Rapid Antigen Test. (they like to rub it in your face).
Convince you lot ,that a deadly lab made flu was released which sells the whole external virus narrative which sells the nukes narrative and needing outside protection aka vaccines and government. Which is the biggest scam going.
We don’t publish “unnamed” articles, but the idea Sam is busy pretending to be CJ Hopkins, Matt Ehret, Colin Todhunter, Ed Curtin etc and churning out every single thing we publish that isn’t written in-house is just wonderful.
Btw – I’m Sophie (not Sophia) GREEN – what do you make of that? 😱
We don’t publish “unnamed” articles,
this week in-the new normal writes it self does it?. its a unnamed article each week on OFF G. their is others also.
Why did you put the reply in pending.??
Some conspiracy theorist has broken your cover!
TWITNW is an in-house editorial usually compiled by Kit. Our editorials or site-info posts often don’t carry an author as is customary in journalism. But, as I said, we never publish “unnamed” articles.
But yeah, you broke our cover. Sam writes every This Week in the New Normal and doesn’t tell anyone🤦♀️
Yeah, but I bet he’s the life of the party. He’s always the one bringing the crack and the hookers!
”We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you’re studying that reality—judiciously, as you will—we will act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that is how things will sort out. We’re history’s actors … and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.”
— Karl Rove –
(Circa 2002)
Lei’s believe everything is a lie or a propaganda game. That’ll help…..
That “judiciously, as you will” parenthetical makes me suspect it was Cheney, not Rove.
Hello Lysias: The quote has been around for quite some time. When asked about it, Karl Rove denied that he said it. Here’s the original quote from the page where the comment first appeared.>
From the New York Times: Faith, Certainty and the Presidency of George W. Bush
By Ron Suskind
Oct. 17, 2004
“In the summer of 2002, after I had written an article in Esquire that the White House didn’t like about Bush’s former communications director, Karen Hughes, I had a meeting with a senior adviser to Bush. He expressed the White House’s displeasure, and then he told me something that at the time I didn’t fully comprehend — but which I now believe gets to the very heart of the Bush presidency.
The aide said that guys like me were “in what we call the reality-based community,” which he defined as people who “believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality.” I nodded and murmured something about enlightenment principles and empiricism. He cut me off. “That’s not the way the world really works anymore,” he continued. “We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you’re studying that reality — judiciously, as you will — we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out. We’re history’s actors . . . and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.” [End quote]
The page is a long read but yields a glimpse into the pathology of the George W Bush presidency.
Who was the senior advisor???
Faith, Certainty and the Presidency of George W. Bush – The New York Times (
What an ugly puss! I’d hate to meet that in a dark alley!
“They” really have some remarkable skills and powers, second only to God(s) it seems …
Lies released by the powerful.
RUSSIAsteria: Best COVID is Missing & the Ukraine Has Biolabs Memes
Covid? What that?
In the spirit of this articles theme – Twitter and Facebook don’t censor things because they want to keep it under wraps. They censor to draw attention to it. Sorry if you said this but just remember the liars are usually two or three steps ahead in this regard.
Systemic lying normally has to be well-planned, although they really don’t give a damn whether or not we believe them these days…
Yeah. So— 1) Why does Hunter Biden have photos of crack-head Hunter Biden, looking very skid-row, on his own computer? ’Snot totally implausible, just rather too implausible. Whyzee got pix of ’imself doin’ underage girls on his own computer?— with ’imself in ’em? Just— odd, to me. I mean, who took those pictures? When they were taken, H. B. would a-been— distracted: either shaky/comatose, or— kinda busy. With his hands— an’— stuff. Eyes on the prize, an’ all. An’ then, they ended up on his computer. Huh. 2) Hunter Biden dropped off his computer somewhere— a computer with THAT sort o’sh*tuff on it?— for a deep sort o’fix, no less, one which would require a rather probing look‘round th’inside? And then ’e plum forgot about it! Never missed his datebook, or emails, or— I dunno— documents? (An’— some other stuff.) Hey, m’butt feels fluffy— Shyoot, maybe I AM the Easter bunny! 3) Ukraine, Ukraine, UKRAINE! 4) OH! AND CHINA, CHINA, CHINA, TOO! (Whatever that was s’posed to be all about. (Like, I care about these things? 🙂 5) And now, all of a sudden, HE’S EVEN TIED INTO BIOWARFARE LABS! And nobody noticed this before, as they dutifully combed through the thing in search of more free porn? But, right out o’th’blue— Biowarfare labs!?— in— a country semi-surrounded by Russia like a potato bein’ swallered by a 50 lb. dough ball? A country in which is found a city that was once the very capitol of said dough ball? (Hey I even spelled capitol right.) A country busy pokin’ the Bear in the eye with a sharp stick? (And at whose insistent urging?) Nyeah, what could go wrong with THAT! Wait. How many biolabs?— 11?— 30? 30 biowarfare labs!? An’ all in a country slightly smaller than Texas? (According to… Read more »
‘And the pandemic narrative began to collapse when enough people saw the lie of it and refused to be afraid‘ – sorry I don’t buy that personally Catte.
There has been plenty of opportunities to ‘see the lie‘ but for most people the lie is still real. Round here there is a good proportion of people still wearing masks indoors and out. They are still wearing masks at work.
The collapse is interesting though and I have been trying to find a reason why because its happening everywhere at the same time although at different rates.
This year right now there is something like 63X greater incident of hospitalisation, ‘infection’ and death related to ‘covid’. And yet from the media zilch.
There is a reason for all this and the pandemic being rolled down – maybe because they finally will get their war but so far the evidence for why is thin. You may be right but it doesn’t really fit the evidence I think.
Its important not to forget the extent of the lies and disinformation they peddled at the start of all this to make the ‘pandemic’ happen so there was no real reason to deflect from that but so far in sync they have all begun to do so…
By all accounts the ultra-rich are the stingiest people on Earth. Well, perhaps that carries over to their propaganda as well.
When something has achieved its goal – COVID to get people used to arranging their lives around a fictitious disease – the rich are done with it. Why spend their good money on something that’s already done what they wanted it to do?
Excellent article – thank you. I have been sitting at home the last week after an operation reading my usual sites and thinking this laptop story is very fishy and convenient. Much thanks for putting my thoughts into words
How real are the bio labs anyway? We are familiar with narrative-setting through “leaks”. So three years ago a journalist “discovers” these labs are a thing. How exactly? Where did they get the info?
Why are these “bio labs” scary and similar places in other countries are not?
I learned about the biolabs from Kees van der Pijl’s
“States of Emergency”, published in January 2022. Van der Pijl cites as his source documents of the U.S. Defense Threat Reduction Agency once on line, then taken down, but still accessible through the Wayback Machine.
I think I’ve figured it out. A nominal democracy can only convince if it permits arguments. Two years of covid gave us a fundamentalist dogma in which the basic assertion (deadliness of the virus) could never be doubted. Thus the arguments permitted were always of a feeble nature: over government “mismanagement”, Tory rule breaking parties, vaxxes not being given in a suitably egalitarian way etc.
This sudden switch from a permitted dissent usually quite lax to a ferociously narrow channel put the Left in a vulnerable position . They were the ones always considered the opposition and therefore the bearers of disgruntlement. You could always previously rely on them to at least do a good impression of someone who actually cared.
But they had been drilled into the covid mantra either through direct intelligence guidance or long instilled Left/Right partisanship.
Thus we had two years of this obviously bogus viral pantomime whose deficiencies were slapping everyone in the face and a Left that refused to voice the objections that were screaming out to be voiced.
So just as the strain was becoming too great – Ukraine and a matter where you can allow some meaty argument- even if it proves ultimately to be a distraction.
very astute comment George.
Thanks MLS. I see I got a downvote. Oh dear! How upsetting! But covid shattered the old Left image forever and Mr Duck below is quite right i.e. that “Left and right have become meaningless in political terms”. However, and unfortunately, these terms are still meaningful as propaganda. “The Left” have always contained the inevitable – and justified – anger against the fuckery dealt out by the rulers. But since covid, the Left has played a more active role – i.e. not just containment but advancing a whole new phase: Pharma capitalism in which commodification has now swelled to include the human immune system itself.
Left and right have become meaningless in political terms. What we now have in its place is a centrist, blob, a technocracy manufactured under the auspices of George Soros, Klaus Schwab, and Bill Gates. Voting is become a rather antique preoccupation carried out by a diminishing band of the electorate brain-dead. I think the rot started with Tony Blair and Bill Clinton, both of whom don’t have a political notion in their heads. There’s is a type of post-politics, and, interestingly enough the British PM in the early 0000s David Cameron (Conservative) modelled himself on Blair. Thus the political leadership structure and ideology was a function of Blair and Clinton – very light on theory and practise.
The non-politics the late 19th and early 20th centuries have been cemented in the political structure and culture of the new order.
Those Bidens are a busy bunch of brown nose buggers aren’t they ?
It’s important to remember that the Rats Pack of Satanists pulling the strings on people like Nuland, Biden, Kazan etc are not omnipotent they make mistakes!
Yes. But any “mistake” you read about in the media is only there because someone powerful wants you to see it.
Well, on very rare occasions they do indeed make a mistake. For example, Biden admitting publicly in a speech that the sanctions against Russia will also be detrimental to the US as well. To repeat, they aren’t omnipotent they do make mistakes!
If “they” make a “mistake”, they are ever so quick to turn it into lemonade.
Was the Trump 2016 election a “mistake” or was it the basis for a coup and the installation of J. Biden was made possible? Trump was not only called a liar, but the media actually counted each inconsequential falsity and printed and announced these numbers along with the fraudulent “COVID” cases.
They have made many mistakes because they are not infallible despite all the claims to the contrary. If you watch the U.K. Columns Friday Edition you can watch Biden shake loose from his handlers for a brief moment and come out with the obvious “ the sanctions against the Russians are going to hurt the US as well. Patrick Henningsen and Mike Robinson do a fine job in dissecting his latest gaff.
Biden is barely coherent, so I’ll give you that might have been a mistake. But then again, what’s a little predictive programming, along with the divide and conquer aspect of Biden “admitting” the sanctions will hurt an already floundering US economy and ostensibly giving “the right” a reason to blame Biden’s actions for that, when we all knew that was coming anyway. So while that may have been an error, either way that kind of error works for the owners. Keep the arguments going, keep the distraction going, keep the focus on Biden’s senility, which for all we know could be as fake as the covid is?
Here you are you can see for yourself.
A former head of the CIA, James Jesus Angelton, was fooled by Kim Philby into believing his innocence when Philby defected and from then on lived in a World of mirrors. It’s important not to fall into that trap!
Trump, Boris and Biden have been raised to power despite being obviously crude, shallow, inarticulate and even incoherent. Is this a part of lowering expectations?
It appears to me that at least a considerable amount of people who have always bought into the general virus narrative (as being backed up by science) have now seen that it is based on monkey science.
So, granted, most people still believe in it, but at least there is now a much greater crowd of people who do not accept the germ theory anymore, a crowd which can grow in the following years.
Without this global exercise.. many people who formerly believed in the germ theory would still be credulously accepting it. So in a way the situation also confronts us with our own credulity, and it demands an exercise of serious investigation and skills of criticism, and a difficult going against the all powerful flow (which demands a training of character, a training of tactical behavior). All that is worth much in itself, and is also applicable in the future as a training of skills of intellectual freedom.
So aside of it being an exercise of controlling the world, it is also a worthwhile exercise in a different way than intended.
The very promotion of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris were big mistakes, done in a hurry to get rid of too-independent Trump. The stupidities of these two make their puppet masters look bad too. Even the sheep could start wondering how these to goats were selected.
Kazan? Elia? What did he do?
I don’t know about the laptop. To me it sounds like a complete crock of shit that Bidet’s son’s laptop containing shady details would be found in some pawnshop. I never believed that. Couldn’t care less.
What I wanted to say is this. I’ve recently seen Joe Rogan’s episode where he says that Bill Gates looks like shit, wherewith I wholeheartedly concur. He does look like shit. Always has.
But to me, if anybody looks like shit, it’s this bitch Victoria Nuland. What an ugly creature! The rot inside her really shows on the outside, doesn’t it. The other witch, Madeleine Albright, wasn’t exactly a looker either, but she was no match for Nuland as far as her pure unadulterated repulsive ugliness. Phooey, she makes me wanna puke!
Tad sexist Jacques.
It’s not the window dressing that matters, it’s the putrid pox that pervades her persona.
What do you mean sexist? My omission of the ugliness of members of the endless number of sexes that seem to exist apart from guys and girls?
Or do you think that the fact that Gates has tits makes him a half woman, if not more, which would mean that ugly males are underrepresented in my remark? And would that be biased toward men or toward women?
Older men unfortunately tend to have drooping breasts. Plus, there’s a condition called Pectus Excavatum – sunken chest syndrome.
The chest cavity has a pronounced recess in the middle. I have a mild case of it; but since I’m skinny, and work out some, I haven’t developed noticeable protrusions.
This wonderful thing we whimsically call Life loves to play little tricks on us.
Too much detail!
Hold on there, sir. The mastermind of contemporary American female evil ain’t so bad looking. I speak of course of Hillary Clinton. She seems to have aged well; and actually looks less harpie-like than when she was younger.
(But then I’ve always maintained Mrs Clinton’s a shape-shifter.)
Anyway, another less than attractive witch is Dr Leana Wen.
The New York Times admitted the truth of the laptop story days before the Daily Mail. Today’s Washington Post contains a two-part story doing the same (although they somehow still maintain the Russian disinformation story).
What hey do in biolabs with the “viruses” when probably everything about viruses and virology is more a speculation and computer modelling of genetic sequences.
Liquid Electron Microscopy
ConclusionsSince the evolution of electron microscopy, ardent endeavors have materialized to execute easy imaging of water and other solutions (Marton 1934). Gradually, liquid phase electron microscopy has thrived with key findings mitigating the field of microscopy. While conventional transmission electron microscopy intends to provide imaging of thin fixed or vitrified specimens, liquid phase electron microscopy casts an entirely different approach to understand molecules under a liquefied system. In modern times, the use of new technical adjunctions like that of microfabrication have reformed the possibility of deriving liquid phase image acquisition supplementing legitimate information (Cho et al. 2017; Radisic et al. 2006). It is expected to flourish in near future with exciting new developments coming in its way. With ever expanding application of in a broad range of fields, it is anticipated that liquid electron microscopy will pose to be a great analytical tool solving a number of molecular and biomolecular related questions.
So you can’t see viruses in colour swimming in snot. Not as yet.
That Daily Mail article was quite damaging for Joe Biden, any doubt about that?
These E-mails looked genuine. Wikileaks is between a rock and a hard place.
Why did it came out now? One has to speculate:
1) The Daily Mail ducked its overmasters to score a publicity blitz in its competition with other UK fish&chips wrappers. More money as motive.
2) Mi5/6/x let it slip purposely to remind the CIA that it is still relevant in doing pinpoint damage. National ego as motive.
3) Slipped through the nets: a genuine f*ck up.
4) Someone high up at the Daily Mail momentarily got a spark of conscience behind his heart.
5) Some nefarious Mi 5/6/x prelude to more mess making in their front garden, “The continent”. Psychopaths can live in many parallel worlds simultaneously in their warped minds.
6) x, y, z
You know that no. 4 is absurd. It’s not one person’s choice to publish. There are multiple checks on these things to insure against rogue elements. And read Ulfkotte. The self-perpetuating system works to ensure anyone with a conscience is weeded out long before they get any authority. It’s not tyrannical obedience that controls the system, it’s uniformity of thought. If you don’t think right you don’t get in.
The Daily Mail is the private property of Lord Rothermere. The editor, Dacre, is his man. There are no checks.
You massively missed the point. Which is if Dacre got a twinge of conscience and went off script he’d be out of that editor’s seat before he got anything in print
Dacre is no longer the Editor. It’s Geordie Greig.
Have you been living in a cave these past few months? Greig was sacked in November, Dacre is editor-in-chief of DMG Media. Ted Verity is editor of the Mail and the Mail on Sunday. He is to Dacre what Dacre is to Rothermere.
they don’t care about damaging Biden. He’s just one of their box of puppets they use in their theatre of the absurd.
In any case, a ‘damaged’ Biden would still be wealthy beyond the wildest dreams of most of us.
maybe this is a way of removing Biden – much better than assassination (for his wife?)
Most likely it’s part of an overall strategy to rid the Western world of the embarrassment of having Joe Biden for President of the US. And we don’t really have anyone viable to replace him.
So, the baton is in the process of being handed to some other nation’s puppet. They tried Mr Trudeau; but that didn’t work out so well. Mr Macron’s still standing; but probably too clumsy to hold a baton. My guess is they’re grooming Sir Keir Starmer to be the next leader of the “Free World.”
Nothing like a Brit to stylishly crush the life out of humanity.
Rather than there being a singular, monolithic “the” establishment, there is instead, an assortment of establishment entities and interests; and sometimes they go to war against each other. For example, one establishment interest leaked the Pentagon Papers as part of a campaign to undermine Nixon; who represented a different set of establishment interests.
With regard to current events, the problem for the “deep state” establishment is that they appear to have been outplayed; and they’re moving toward a stage of desperation. As to why this stuff has been published in the DM, there’s at least one simple answer. It’s that most deep-state toadies have lived several decades in a CIA-created delusional bubble; and they haven’t got a clue about what’s actually going on in the world. So where else are they going to find out?
Is this article of much interest or relevance ? If so how or why ?
I think many people are falling victim to these fresh bio-leak narratives which, sans real-world data and based on propaganda alone, have helped drive virus fear for the past two years. Perhaps you’d be kind enough to explain why this ISN’T relevant? A2
I think we need more coverage of “vaccine” damage and the ongoing convid narrative. Also acts of resistance like the various convoys and rallies. I am not sure if this is an attempt to remove Creepy Joe. Maybe the reason he was “elected” was to get Doug Emhoff to eventually become the power behind the throne. Kushner ran things during the Drumpf era. However the removal of Creepy won’t improve the state of the world.
I thought it was to get Kamala in by the back door. Her recent gaffes show why she’d never be elected as actual president.
They need someone who can fake it, and she surely cannot do it. Just like Hillary, neither of them can even pretend on the most shallow level to give two shits. You’d think Hillary could have learned from Billy Bob, one of the masters of that kinda crap, but no, she is not capable. Neither is Kamala. Sociopaths, IMHO.
More likely the orchestrated military maneuvers in Ukraine and the lab leak narrative is to distract the public from the release of 10,000 pages of Pfizer FOI requested, clinical trial data, showing 100% of pregnant recipients lost their babies, one in every 35 died, and there are 1,291, listed adverse events of special interest.
Like they told us as new recruits in a high profile multinational….
First you know you don’t know
Then you don’t know you don’t know
Then you don’t know you know
And then, you know you know… that’s what we are waiting for
A commenter reminded me (when mentioning Biden’s dementia), that he seems a lot more articulate and coherent than during the election, and around that time… Anybody noticed that or have I just watched the wrong news. He seems fine now, what’s with that? I have my idea of why this would be but I want to confirm that this is really happening
My hunch:
His meds are strictly controlled.
About 143 variously-coloured tablets a day…
So he has extraordinarily good days, and astonishing lapses…
I mean why less controlled before? Have you seen him “demented” recently?
Exactly!! Thank you!!!
I always get the impression he’s repeating what he hears from a chip implant.
Sometimes the technology breaks down, and he has a lapse into his true, ignorant self.
Yeah, but just seems impressively well “tuned” recently… I donno
Yep. I dunno either. But I mostly suspect it isn’t really him. Just a question of how good the chip implant is…
I see a pattern. At first Trump was detestable (in your face populous, that’s what we think you deserve), a clown. Then became more “trustworthy”… gotta have this guy deliver the message after all. Then fucking adorable!… fight for Trump, fight for Trump!… (Laura Ingram and Tucker sold him the most)…. Then dragging the populous in total humiliation, all well documented, unable to deliver months of promises of victory and exposure, losing fraudulently to the hands of…. Clown Biden. In your face populous… who’s the boss hun?… Now go have a heart failure. Aaaand here we go again, Biden making sense, FDA and CDC apologizing…. Up down up down populous…
Both sides work together against the people. Always have. Always will.
The lab leak story and the fake laptop (Not Hunter Biden’s) is to sell their various psyops. Just like Russiagate was manufactured by Trump et al in cahoots with MI6, FSB and the FBI and media to sell the Left-Right con. Divide and Conquer. Trump (and Putin) play-acting hero narratives against the dark villainous Demonrats. It’s all make believe.
Trump’s an actor puppet. Biden’s a senile puppet actor.
They are’t releasing the more humiliating vids of his cognitive impairment lately because there’s no need to rub it in voter’s faces anymore that he’s a useless, barely functioning, degenerate, senile NWO front.
Pretty much what I mean but more sarcastic, just as angry of course
That is typical of Lewy body dementia. Some days everything works OK. The next day can be spent in a fog of hallucination. It also cause a strange gait when walking.
K… I guess they just learned to work those cameras and editing booth
Yes. Editing.
YES!! This•
Its possible, I suppose, 30 bio weapon labs in Ukraine is likely to get some people convicted of war crimes in the ICC or in Donbass. Cautious admission sometimes takes the smite out of the facts, and can sometimes be used to transfer guilt to well insulated untouchables, Also exposure of guilt is often used as a defense with juries (the masses) to lighten the punishment. Putin seems very angry about these labs.. i think he has threaten to expose the full extent of them.
The numbers is likely due to ‘need to know’ separation of knowledge centres. If all the scientists were drinking coffee together each day, they might put two and two together and get six….
Denial might be followed by Russia releasing explicit proof. Anyway, this will soften the blow.
Obviously, the answer is we must vote for Donald Trump in 2024. Victoria Nuland just told us to. Trump will use this like cheese on a stick with kittens and the sheeple will eat it up and we’ll have another election and things will change all righty, they will just keep getting worse. Because overall we’ll keep playing buy their rules, instead of making our own.
The author is right of course, I’m not sure why it matters. All this internet analysis used to be useful (like the last 20 years), now it’s become redundant. It’s really no different from following their narratives, discussing what they want us to discuss. That part of how the internet can help us should be altered to using the internet, or whatever alternatives, to actually trying to make change. We’re all the same people, man, it’s a small world after all. Most people don’t even know Hunter Biden has or had a laptop and don’t fucking care. I don’t care and I know more than most. Hell, I hated Bush and the neocons so much, I voted for Obama (once, not twice). Now I hate Biden and the neocons, but I ain’t doing that again. Nothing really matters except trying to figure out how to take down the establishment. It’s the sixties all over again. I mean, we have enough evidence of their crimes.
That’s right, no more voting.
I don’t think they bother to count the votes.
Fuck. Tired of this bullshit. Call them out or shut up. Pussy footing around with alternate narratives without being up front and aggressive is getting tiresome. I spent my life beating down bullies of all types. Put up or shut up. It’s time we started kicking some ass.
hahaha… LMAO… Lockfen you drunk mofo? Well I always stood up for myself too, and gave bullies a ride for their money… I’m with you on that, but the bullies are out of reach this time, you know it I know it… Hey, sometimes they send a representative around and I like to send them back with a note. Sleep better, drink less. Important to identify them well though… patience my friend, patience. Take care. Love yourself, we all need that. I don’t know if we deserve it, and I don’t know who should decide that. But we need it more than the new flat screen, so let’s get it. Peaceful sleep to you my friend.
“Biolabs”; “gain of function”; “secret research on deadly viruses”; “What new horrors are they cooking up?”; “It could be Mutant Leprosy next…”; “COVID emerged naturally, but it can mutate into EVEN DEADLIER forms at any time.” — Etc., ad nauseam, i.e. until it makes you sick.
TheScience™ says: “Be very afraid, and stay very afraid forever.”
Cui bono, indeed. Not a hard question to answer.
What if we actually took a step back and dared to examine the unquestioned premise, the essential dogma (only a few decades old, by the way) — that we are surrounded by Deadly Invisible Mutating Airborne Killer Dots? What if we paused for a moment to consider how we “know” that they exist? Exactly what made us believe that we know? (Be honest now: Who told us? Which teacher? Which TV programmes?) How strong is the evidence? How weak?
How much independent thinking and research have any of us ever actually expended on this subject since school? Honestly, now. How much bullshit do we take on trust?
Please watch this film, all of it, and then tell me that Killerdotology (“virology”) is not just a multi-billion dollar business but a ridiculous and utterly fraudulent pseudoscience:
The Viral Delusion Part 1 – The Pseudoscience of SARS-CoV-2
It is a compelling and very well-made film, just released last week. It consists mainly of interviews, all of them highly instructive. It wastes nobody’s time and it makes an unanswerable case.
(If anyone wants to venture a response, please don’t just say “Pshaw! Poppycock! Everyone knows viruses exist!”, but have the guts to address the evidence adduced by the numerous admirable medics and scientists interviewed in the film.)
NB: I don’t doubt that the bastards would weaponise “viruses” if they could. (They weaponise everything.) The question is whether the Tiny Invisible Airborne Killer Dots they are trying to weaponise exist at all, and if so, whether they actually cause disease.
The mere belief that they do is already a highly effective psychological weapon. Q.E.D. For two solid years, half the world’s population have been intimidated by phantoms. The most gullible of all have been those who consider themselves educated.
TheScience™ behind The Terrifying Dots is trash science fiction. Are we really going to let these moneygrubbing careerist charlatans make us fear the air we breathe and the living beings who breathe it with us?
How the fuck did our ancestors ever survive to engender us?
They claim that certain select labs keep samples of the smallpox vaccine. What is the truth about this ?
Any proof of smallpox virus?
I have no proof. Diseases like small pox and the other poxes have well defined sets of symptoms. The word virus is a blanket term that is an admission by the medical establishment that they don’t know the cause and can only alleviate the symptoms. It was interesting to learn during the scamdemic that there is no real method to isolate viruses. But there is something that causes these diseases. An unknown.
That really is total and utter rubbish.
You want to buy vaccinia virus for an accredited laboratory, you go to ATCC and buy it.
The virus was isolated decades ago, fully sequenced and genetically analysed over a few decades.
Here’s some more high titre purified viruses for sale:
If you want accept reality, your choice. But don’t try and convince the world you know what you are talking about…
Can you prove they cause any specific disease though Rhys, or are they just associated with them?
Rubbish. This entire “science” is taken apart in a bunch of articles at this page.
The video The Viral Delusion likewise makes mincemeat out of your arguments, people such as David Rasnick PhD biochemistry and Stefano Scoglio, PhD, nominated for a Nobel in 2018. The “purified” viruses for sale are just cell cultures.
You didn’t watch the film, did you? Be honest now.
Nor can you tell us exactly what method your vaunted boffins used to “isolate” (sic) their very expensive “vaccinia virus.”.
“The experts said so.” 😀
There are other factors no doubt, but the main one, I would propose, is incorrect, insufficient, or imbalanced nutrition in one way or another.
The “germs” may be found at the scene of the crime, but they are not the criminals. They are the garbage collecteurs.
There a enough military and industrial poisons to simulate some of the diseases identified by medical “Science”. That includes covid.
I have watched the documentary.
GREAT video. Part 1 is a brain-filler by itself. I recommend the entire series. Part 1 is free till May 20th or so, all five parts can be seen for only $12. I dare anyone to refute it.
I concur.
Excellent post.
I don’t doubt they exist. What I doubt is that they are pathogens, and come from outside our body. We know we have a microbiome consisting of billions of microbes, mostly bacteria, which are said to be beneficial, and may be part of our immune system. Why would “nature” create these, but then create another family of bacteria and viruses that have potential to kill us?
Far more likely that the beneficial microbes are diverted to the task of disposing of failing or dying cells, as part of nature’s cleanup process, and it is these “germs” which are found in the body when people fall sick and are then thought to be the cause.
Think of a compost heap where billions of microbes break up dead vegetation so that it can go back into the soil for new plants to grow.
Not for the first time, medical “science” has confused effect with cause.
Excellent post.
The Hunter Biden laptop story, whatever its substance, is just something being held in reserve by the Deep State in case they need to blackmail Biden into toeing the line or just force him out of office together. They would have done this already if the alternatives, Kamala, Buttplug etc., were not even more of a liability.
The same apples to the 28 9/11 redacted pages to keep Saudi Arabia in line. Do as we say or we’ll confiscate your assets like we did with Russia/ Iran/ Venezuela/ Afghanistan etc.
Thank you so much for this article. Never having watched the News since 2008, I had no idea what Ms Nuland looked like. Now I know.
She actually does look like someone who would say “Fuck the EU!” Maybe if Jeremy Corbyn had channeled her, he’d be PM today.
I stopped watching the “news” in 2004.
Personally, and I did not watch the Oscars, it seems just one more attempt by two “stars” who really aren’t all that anymore to stay relevant. Sadly the meme is correct – people will talk and argue about this crap as if it means something while the world burns. Scary, isn’t it?
You’re talking about it right now, and so unfortunately am I…lol.
Yup, lol!
I have ignored Hollyweird for the last 35 years. There are so many more interesting things to do.
These laptop stories have been run over and over – Hunter Biden’s (1.0 – the sex ‘n’ drugs one), Anthony Weiner’s. Nancy Pelosi’s…
They get the QAnon crowd excited every time. How many people are in prison as a result of any of these stories (excluding “insurrectionists” when Pelosi’s laptop was supposedly stolen)? That’s all one needs to know.
As I read it, the Mail article is primarily a hit-piece on Hunter Biden. And hence a veiled attack on Joe Biden via a ‘corrupt’ son.
The Mail could have come out and said that the US has a semi-senile, dementia-ridden grandfather for a president. That he desperately needs replacing. But that would have been far less subtle. As subtle perhaps, as someone saying “For God’s sake, this man cannot remain in power”. So call his son ‘corrupt’ instead and help bring regime change closer to home.
Also maybe a bit of Tory press supporting the Republican cause over the Democrats, with which they’d presumably have greater ideological affinity
The labs themselves, I don’t believe were that much of a secret. From what I recall, there were international opening ceremonies for at least some of them
Nuland likely figured the use of the euphemism ‘medical research’ was sufficient to hide the nature of the places
Mrs.Catte points out a staged narrative with both stories.
The laptop story is more aimed at the Biden’s, specifically to Joe as a token reminder that he needs to stay the fuck focused on the prize. I sense his handlers and the NeoCons are wanting an insurance policy out on gold old Joe just in case he forgets to keep the pressure on Mr.Putin and the Ukrainian conflict. No rest for the corrupt.
Heck even Russia Gate is making headlines that it may have all been made up, well wonder that.
On the other hand perhaps the boys down on WallStreet have woken to the fact that soon their banks may be obsolete and so will their meal tickets.
As for the bio labs, well that’s more than just another play from the Syrian play book, or was it the Iranian playbook, I get them all confused. Nevertheless they got out ahead of the story to make it a story. The real question is why were these labs being funded by the US in the first place. I suppose thats not the story.
All this still comes down to one thing and this week will prove to be a point of inflection to many who still believe in fairy-tails like Covid and like to think Claus Schwab is truly that smart to come up with everything they perceive as a fuck up.
The real fuck up is about to happen and then who will you end up pinning it on?
It’s important that the enemy knows you got nukes so they don’t use their nukes… Keeps everybody in check… same for bio-weaponery I suppose… So make sure the info is well spread
Sol Luckman and author Dawn Lester (“What Really Makes You Ill”) do a demolition job on the bio-labs narrative, which by the way depends upon the virus/germ theory delusion.
Dawn Lester & Sol Luckman on Virus Nonsense, Biolab Hokum & Gain of Function Gibberish, 3/8/22, 73 minutes.
Also see Dr Valentina Kiselev, who lives in St Petersburg, Russia.
I don’t know what happened, the URL got mangled when i posted it. Here is the correct URL;
Odd things I noticed:
Or to put it another way: With covid, it’s quiet. It’s too quiet!
Hey George Mc, have you seen this? A Hostile Takeover of the Left by Toby Rogers – a snippet: V. Current managers are hereby dismissed As of today, the following leaders are dismissed. This is not cancel culture, this is zero tolerance for actual Nazis. Noam Chomsky. I loved Manufacturing Consent. Really solid work. Reagan and the CIA must have been displeased. But in 2020 you started to manufacture consent on behalf of the pharmaceutical industry. I get it. You’re old. Scared. Probably cannot read original source documents. But you should have been able to tell that the playbook is the same. Anyway, you flushed your legacy down the drain. Pack up your stuff and get out. We don’t ever want to hear from you again. Naomi Klein. No Logo was a revelation. Your timing was perfect and you gave voice to the feelings of workers crushed by globalization. No Logo was the manifesto for the WTO protests in Seattle in 1999 and likely helped build the ‘Teamsters and Turtles’ coalition. After that you pioneered left scholarship with multinational research teams and global multilingual book launches for Shock Doctrine, This Changes Everything, and On Fire. Every book you wrote helped us to see the world more clearly. But in 2022, when Trudeau brought the shock doctrine to Canada you cheered for the fascists and against the people. Working class people got trampled by jack booted thugs on horseback and you stayed silent. You expressed contempt for the truckers and adoration for the reactionary forces. It was the most stunning betrayal of principles I’ve ever seen and erased twenty-five years of scholarship in an instant. When the game was on the line, you sided with your bougie class interests and abandoned your principles. This changes everything, indeed. Slavoj Žižek. Yeah… Read more »
That’s what the truth looks like, full-frontal.
Thank you, Tom.
The thick fog currently surrounding journalism and information sharing in the public interest is no accident.
Gross bribery, gross corruption and gross cowardice are apparently very easy to create. You’d think the devil would show more subtlety and class, but there it is…
John Pilger!
the link is brilliant, articulating things so perfectly, thanks!
That’s a worthy article although there seem to be indications that there really was some lab engineered virus to kick all the crap off. There really didn’t need to be. Weaponise a moderate flu variant and the show begins!
I would describe this covid crap as an introduction to “Pharma-capitalism” where, as usual with capitalism, no-one needs the shit they sell but everyone is made to want it (and in covid’s case to “need” it) and the ultimate aim is to push a product which not only doesn’t satisfy or cure but makes the original longing more intense.
What indications? I guess you believe in virus/germ theory. Any evidence as to the isolation and purification of this alleged virus, and a subsequent demonstration that it is a causative pathogen?
I also think the article downplays the roll of deep state control e.g. Chomsky may have produced some good stuff (if you want to gain trust you must provide at least a bit of solid material – like the salesman who lets you in on a few trade secrets to gain your trust). But his performance over 9/11 showed he was a stooge long before covid.
Chomsky was just as bad over the JFK assassination. I think he was always controlled oppositjon, like all the phony leftists that CIA official Cord Meyer secretly supported. MIT always got a lot of DOD funding. Wouldn’t surprise me if there was also secret funding from CIA. When Chomsky started his linguistics work, CIA’s MkUltra program was very interested in psychology and mind control. Linguistics is not so far distant from those subjects.
Chris hedges sadly. Although I have not watched him lately so maybe he woke up, but I doubt that.
As I understand, Hedges was recently kicked off YouTube. Maybe with less to lose, he’ll widen his view? I won’t hold my breathe…
I join the thumbs-up chorus–👍👍👍— for this article based on this excerpt.
Perhaps the unexcerpted text addresses this, but the only qualm or cavil I have is that it at least nominally echoes the exasperatingly popular egregious error of taking the pop-culture misuse (or abuse) of the term “left” at face value– e.g. the cited “left media infrastructure” was never really “left” in the first place.
But I can’t get too upset at the author’s decision to present a thoughtful and insightful analysis without getting distracted or bogged down in a “No True Scotsman” quagmire.
The whole article is very good – highly recommended! He says elsewhere in the article that we need to abandon the left/right illusion.