Is Russia the REAL target of Western sanctions?
Soaring oil prices, energy and food crises on the it possible the REAL target of this economic war is <em>us</em>?
Kit Knightly

The first tweet I saw when I checked my timeline this morning was from foreign policy analyst Clint Ehlirch, pointing out that the Russian ruble has already started recovering from the dip created by Western sanctions, and is almost at pre-war levels:
The Russian Ruble is nearing its pre-invasion value.
Sanctions were designed to collapse its value. They failed.
— Clint Ehrlich (@ClintEhrlich) March 29, 2022
Ehrlich states, “sanctions were designed to collapse the value of the Ruble, they have failed”.
…to which I can only respond, well “were they?”
…and perhaps more importantly, “have they?”
Because it doesn’t really look like it, does it?
If anything, the sanctions seem to be at best rather impotent, and at worst amazingly counterproductive.
It’s not like the US/EU/NATO don’t know how to cripple economies. They have had years of practice starving the people of Cuba, Iraq, Venezuela and too many others to list.
Now, you could argue that Russia is a larger, more developed economy than those countries, and that’s true, but the US and its allies have previously managed to hurt the Russian economy quite drastically.
As recently as 2014, following the “annexation” of Crimea, Western sanctions were tame compared to the recent unprecedented measures, but crucially the US massively increased its own oil production, then later that year (following a visit by US Secretary of State John Kerry) Saudi Arabia did the same.
Despite objections from other members of OPEC – Venezuela and Iran chiefly – the Saudis flooded the market with oil.
The result of these moves was the biggest fall in oil prices for decades – collapsing from $109 a barrel, in June 2014, to $44 by January 2015.
This kicked Russia into a full recession and saw Russia’s GDP shrink for the first time under Putin’s leadership.
Again, just two years ago, allegedly as part of competing with Russia for a share of the oil market, Saudi Arabia once more flooded the market with cheap oil.
So, the West does know how to hurt Russia if it really wants to – by increasing oil production, flooding the market and tanking the price.
But has the US increased its oil production this time round? Have they leant on their Gulf allies to do the same?
Not at all.
In fact, in a point of beautiful narrative synchronicity, the US claims it’s “unable” to increase its oil production due to “staff shortages” caused by that gift that keeps on giving – Covid.
Similarly, Saudi Arabia is not tanking the oil market, but deliberately increasing prices.
Yes, right now, with the Western allies locked in an alleged economic war with Russia the price of oil is soaring, and may continue to do so.
This is good news for the Russian economy, to the point it may even make up for the damage done by the brutal sanctions.
The high price of oil and need “not to rely on Putin’s gas” or “de-Russify” our energy supply will doubtless result in millions being poured into “green” technology.
Those Western sanctions are targeting other Russian exports too, including grains and food in general.
Russia is a net exporter of food, meaning they export more food than they import. Conversely, many countries in Western Europe rely on imported food, including the UK which imports over 48% of its food supply.
If Europe refuses to buy Russian food, the net effect is that Russia has food…and the West doesn’t.
And, just as with oil, increasing food prices will help rather than hinder the Russian economy.
Take wheat for example, of which Russia is the biggest exporter in the world. The vast majority of this wheat is not even sold to Western countries – but instead to China, Kazakhstan, Egypt, Nigeria and Pakistan – and so is not even subject to sanctions.
Nevertheless, the sanctions, and the war, have actually driven the price of wheat up almost 30%.
This is good for the Russian economy.
Meanwhile, according to CNN, the US is likely to enter a full-blown recession by 2023, France is considering food vouchers and countries all over the world are expected to begin rationing fuel.
So, the sweeping sanctions imposed against Russia by the West, allegedly in response to the invasion of Ukraine, are not having their stated aim – tanking the Russian economy – but they are driving up the price of oil, creating potential energy and food shortages in the West and exacerbating the “cost of living” crisis created by the “pandemic”.
You should always be wary of anybody – individual or institution – whose actions accidentally achieve the exact opposite of their stated aim. That’s a simple rule to live by.
Remember how Orwell described the evolution of the concept of war in 1984:
War, it will be seen, is now a purely internal affair. In the past, the ruling groups of all countries, although they might recognize their common interest and therefore limit the destructiveness of war, did fight against one another, and the victor always plundered the vanquished. In our own day they are not fighting against one another at all. The war is waged by each ruling group against its own subjects, and the object of the war is not to make or prevent conquests of territory, but to keep the structure of society intact.
Recall that “the worst food shortages for fifty years” were predicted as a result of Covid. But they never materialised.
Likewise, we were due to experience Covid-related energy disruptions and power cuts. Short of the UK’s damp squib of a “petrol crisis”, they never really arrived.
But now they are heading our way after all – because war and sanctions
Increased food prices, decreased use of fossil fuels, lowering standards of living, public money poured into “renewables”. This is all part of a very familiar agenda, isn’t it?
Regardless of what you feel about Putin, Zelensky, the war in general or Ukrainian Nazis, it’s time to confront the elephant in room.
We need to be asking: What exactly is the real aim of these sanctions? And how come they align so perfectly with the great reset?
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Thank you for very useful information..
Increase oil and gas output like 2014 to collapse the price.
West has not done it thjs time as its all part of the great reset.
Russia is not affected but the West is…
Kit, bravo!!!
Most of the people I’ve discussed the topic are totally oblivious that sanctions are in fact spitting to our own bowl.
But Russia is just too big to be sanctioned without blowback.
Zoltan Pozsar from CreditSuisse explains well.
” if you believe that the West can craft sanctions that maximize pain for Russia while minimizing financial stability risks and price stability risks in the West, you could also believe in unicorns.”
” This crisis is not like anything we have seen since President Nixon took the U.S. dollar off gold in 1971 – the end of the era of commodity-based money. When this crisis (and war) is over, the U.S. dollar should be much weaker and, on the flipside, the renminbi much stronger, backed by a basket of commodities.
From the Bretton Woods era backed by gold bullion, to Bretton Woods II backed by inside money (Treasuries with un-hedgeable confiscation risks), to Bretton Woods III backed by outside money (gold bullion and other commodities).
After this war is over, “money” will never be the same again…”
The last article from Zoltan.
“… reminds us of J.P. Morgan lending its last penny in the o/n repo market in September 2019 and then nothing. The Fed had to top up the banking system with reserves, but that was easy. As we said in our last dispatch, it’s easy to print money, but impossible to print gas and oil to fuel industry, transport goods, or heat homes, or to print wheat to eat.”
And some more from him.
Money, Commodities, and Bretton Woods III
What Zoltan predicted already happened on small nickel market. Still it was unprecedented, LME cancelled one day of trading!! Nietzsche said god is dead, LME said market is dead.
It’s 2030. You own nothing. And you ARE happy… that you somehow survived through 2022-2029.
As Henry Makow and brother Nathaneal Kapner see it….
But as Maurice Samuel said….
Today I just listened to a very interesting interview with one of our very good analysts – Ivo Hristov as record on the national radio.
He’s a Bulgarian, born in Kiev, Ukraine in the 60-ties.
Although the interview was very good, here I can offer just a summary – may be interesting to some, although there are hardly things that people do not know. Although he sounds grim (he always does, but that’s the reality), he is almost always correct.
Sorry for the translation, but that’s all I can do:
We are in the midst of a process of destruction of the old world order – the one that was in fact the domination of the US and their close allies after the collapse of the Soviet Union. This domination, which bears the political correct name “globalization”, i.e. the concentration of all economical, political, financial and other streams through a single core – the north-Atlantic core. This world is ending. The problem is, that the new one has not yet come. This is dramatic, multilayered, conflict-prone process. As the history has shown us, it always goes through wars.
Some people were fast to celebrate the end of the old order and the arrival of the new one. It’s a long, complicated and controversial process, which can be reversed.
We have transformation of the capitalism itself in the western core – which was prepared for us with the covid hysteria and it was the active phase of this operation. This is about the annihilation of the capitalism in the form we know. It’s about strictly rigid, totally controlled society via electronic networks. All these technologies for stopping immense masses of people, for destruction of the so-called “middle-class” – all that happened in front of our eyes. The problem is in the acceleration of history – processes, thought to last several decades, are happening in matter of years.
The alliance between China and Russia is the only one that can bring balance with the USA.
“I would not say that there is some kind of union. But there is well-understood mutual interest. They obviously want the status-quo gone. That does not mean a new Warsaw pact, but there will be very serious collaboration as their interests are aligned.”
“In the moment in the Russia the elites are purged and restructured. The “fifth column” is literally physically going away. Look at Chubais.”
Russia has charted a course for sovereignty and its transformation to a independent pole of force. As for ousting Putin, as some western leaders want – it’s more than dumb to think that one single person can define the course of a country and when he’s gone the course could be changed.
It’s not Russian-Ukrainian conflict – it’s USA-Russian, Ukraine is just a proxy.
It was long ago when people talked of the macro-blocs that would be formed in the place of the globalization. While these blocs are being formed, the world would go through many “calibrations”, including military conflicts and this one in Ukraine would not be the last.
“In the moment Europe commits ritual suicide, as it has no own geopolitical will. In the moment the European elites are working against their economical interests. This is wrapped in the ideological tales of “emancipation from the totalitarian dependence on Russia”. The result is that the Europe will be very hardly bonded wheel to the chariot of the US.
Time will pass to reveal the chasms of the new economic course, which will result it energy, food, demographic, refugee crises, collapse of the “sovereign state” and that of the all-round prosperity model.
[some about our country, I think not very interesting for anyone outside]
Then on sending weaponry to Ukraine:
Bulgaria has no interest whatsoever into entering the Ukraine conflict. Poland may have emotional and political interest, like bringing back the five western Ukraine provinces, Hungary also can have interest, even Romania has its interest, but for Bulgaria there is nothing there.
[there is more about our country and Republic of north Macedonia EU application]
Since Russia went bankrupt in 1998 and unable to repay its loans, what caused it to recover so soon?
Thank you!
Lise from Maine
Russia mostly repaid its foreign loans and stopped borrowing from foreigners. Used cheap domestic credit and own central bank money instead. High energy and commodities export prices helped.
Russia’s strategy is shifting. Not what either US/NATO/Ukraine zealots or Russia zealots wanna hear.
“I am in awe of the sheer ruthlessness of Russia’s withdrawals.” Russia has abandoned its failed, non-military Plan A for a by-the-books Plan B, Edward Slavsquat,
The Russian “strategy” never made military sense despite eager endorsement from all the armchair warriors in indy media doing thrice daily sitreps based on third hand rumours. 🤣.
Russia could have destroyed Ukraine’s ground forces in days if they really wanted, and the cover story for why they didn’t makes only limited sense. Claims of Russian incompetence actually are not unfounded, unless the intention is to keep a mostly phony “war” rolling on long enough to complete the crash of the dollar.
I question whether the real Russian army is even there in any but “adviser” capacity. I think this whole war is mostly optics.
Have we seen any evidence of the use of Russia’s much vaunted T90 or Amata tanks yet? Iskander missiles? It looks as if we are seeing equipment that would have been in reserve not in frontline operation. Odd, don’t you think? 9,500 Soviet personnel died in the 10 years of the Afghan War, 4,000 later from injuries. So, either the Russian military leadership is grossly incompetent and their forces are unfit for purpose, or Ukraine has weapons that nobody has dreamed of and Bruce Willis-cloned fighters or we are being led up the proverbial garden path with magical thinking or a combination of all three.
Another increase of 15 % on a loaf of bread at my local store. That happened on top of a high price it has been since the pandemic. Couldn’t believe it… Boom!, 4$ for a loaf of cheap sliced bread
You are better off not eating bread. Carbohydrates [i.e. bread] deposit fat in the body/abdomen which is almost impossible to get rid of. Plus not much nutrition in “cheap sliced bread”.
Sorry I had to post this… just when I nulled my subscription over the biassed coverage of the Ukraine war… Here is a semi mainstream going full McCoy on the, wait for it, “Permanent Pandemic Treaty” Corbet couldn’t have done better… It’s like an ex girlfriend for which you had made a strong decision, luring you into yet another fuck:
Epoch times is Falun Gong propaganda
The actual cost of “oil, energy and food” and everything else, hasn’t changed. It has never changed and it never will. What has changed is the value of the currency and the associated sociopolitical structure needed to keep “the system” in place. This will only increase because the system is run by psychopaths. Psychopaths only consume, and are only interested in gratifying their senses, without any regard for any other living thing.
“The system” is almost foolproof, but it has one critical flaw. It requires your consent, and your participation. Getting your consent is easier than you may think. The local government puts a notice up that it’s going to build a nuclear power station. No body opposes it so it gets built. You didn’t say no, so you said yes. No body can be bothered to do anything about it so it remains. Slowly killing you, your children, and destroying your environment.
Constitutional rights are inalienable. They can not be taken away from you. You have the right to live and be safe from harm, but if you don’t exercise your right then you waive it.
Anything which causes you harm is liable for it. Every nuclear power station can be shut down. Every 5G mast removed, and every pesticide prevented, every vaccination stopped.
All you need to do is hold the people responsible to account. This is very easy to do, both as a preventative measure and retroactive removal.
You have a choice, utilize it.
Lumping nuclear power in with 5G, pesticides & vaccines shows an almost total lack of knowledge about energy issues. The bad guys, the Davos Psychopath Parasites all HATE nuclear power and are pushing the renewable fantasy plan because they want economic collapse to facilitate their Great Reset. Rent Seekers love scarcity. Renewable energy = scarce energy. Nuclear = plentiful energy.
Nuclear power is a menace. I worked in the industry.
Give me a break. Nuclear is by far the safest energy source. Fukushima, 3 meltdowns, worst case scenario for a commercial reactor killed zero people. And trivially easy to avoid. Combustion fuels kill 12 million/yr. A hydro failure killed 200,000 people. Chernobyl possibly killed up to as much as 1000 over a full lifetime, but was a Military plutonium production reactor with no containment, and a positive void coefficient of reactivity (all illegal) nothing whatsoever to do with commercial nuclear power.
Deaths per TWh:
Coal: 161
Oil: 36
Biomass: 12
NG: 4
Hydro: 1.4
Wind: 0.15
Nuclear: 0.04
I can’t believe these guys. “Climate change is the end of civilization”. “We need to drastically cull the human population to prevent an energy shortage catastrophe”. But use nuclear to prevent all that, to save us all, “oh, we can’t do that, there might be a Fukushima (zero deaths)“.
Too many ideologues in power and brain washed on social media…
Climate change has nothing to do with man made energy production.
Zero deaths from Fukushima? Sure, and no one died from the covid vaccine either.
Trivially easy to avoid? Like Tsunami easy?
If you’re going to quote statistics cite your sources.
Energy isn’t an issue, greed and waste is an issue. There is plenty of coal and the capacity to burn it cleanly for energy. Nuclear energy comes at a cost, and that cost is your suffering. You wanna pay it? Then carry on as you are.
As George said many years ago … “it’s now up to you” (meaning that is up to every one of us to do something about the depravity, rather than whinge incessantly.) Some wag put it another way, it was said that; it is not what you know, but what you do with what you know.
“Increased food prices, decreased use of fossil fuels, lowering standards of living, public money poured into “renewables”. This is all part of a very familiar agenda, isn’t it?”
Yes, it’s very familiar indeed. It’s all the things that those in “peak oil” circles warned that would happen once peak oil arrived. When oil-producing countries in the world can no longer increase global production.
Strangely enough, the peak oil forum site is practically deserted these days. And at least half of the few people still commenting there look like trolls to me. I wonder what happened to all the rest? I haven’t visited for many years, so I have no idea.
So, what happened to peak oil? Why does it keep being talked as if it was “a theory”, when there’s never been any question that the total amount of oil under the ground is limited, and at some point it should no longer be possible to increase production? The only question to debate is when does peak oil happen, not whether it’s a theory.
Oil is only 31% of World Energy & can be substituted by gas, coal, biomass & nuclear. If anyone really cared about Peak Oil they would have moved on that a decade ago, instead they deliberately and maliciously block alternatives to Oil.
They have moved on that, they’re killing us
Peak oil? There’s another theory (and I’m not saying I believe it, only that is seems feasible) which posits that oil is made deep in the earth’s crust by a constant process of carbon based life forms dying, decaying and gradually being transformed into the hydro – carbon rich sludge we call oil.
I’d have to drill down deep into some huge web forums to find the articles I read some years ago, (and it’s too late in the evening to do that,) in orderr provide more detail, but the cases argued for how oil is created made as much sense as the one we were all told for years about squiilions of zillions of microscopic sea creatures in the primordial oceans all getting together and dying in places that were destined eventually to be ruled by brutal, autocratic tyrants.
Arthur, I think most other countries are now teaching the abiotic origin of hydrocarbons, rather than the “dead dinosaurs” bit.
If you search Engdahl Peak Oil you’ll find about 5 articles by Engdahl showing that in 2007 he believed Peak Oil was real, but has since documented otherwise.
Fact is, anywhere we dig we run into more oil, esp in the ocean bottoms:
A few of the many examples in my file: Maps & facts. Engdahl. The discovery in late 2010 of the huge natural gas bonanza off Israel’s Mediterranean shores triggered other neighboring countries to look more closely at their own waters. The results revealed that the entire eastern Mediterranean is swimming in huge untapped oil and gas reserves. Preliminary exploration has confirmed similarly impressive reserves of gas and oil in the waters off Greece, Turkey, Cyprus and potentially, Syria. Greece: Major geological surveys were made. Preliminary estimates now are that total offshore oil in Greek waters exceeds 22 billion barrels in the Ionian Sea off western Greece and some 4 billion barrels in the northern Aegean Sea. [1] Greek analyst, Aristotle Vassilakis, “surveys already done that have measured the amount of natural gas estimate it to reach some nine trillion dollars.”Southern Aegean Sea and Cretan Sea are yet to be explored, so the numbers could be significantly higher. Map of conflicting claims, esp Turkey.
Cyprus: Aegean Sea: December 2011 Noble announced a successful well offshore Cyprus in a field estimated to hold at least 7 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. Cyprus and Israel governments have mutually agreed on delimitation of their respective economic zones, leaving Turkey in the cold.
2/20/12 Engdahl. Mediterranean Sea between Greece, Turkey, Cyprus, Israel, Syria and Lebanon suggest that the region could become literally a “new Persian Gulf”
Israel: Leviathan field 16 trillion cubic feet of gas—making it the world’s biggest deep-water gas find in a decade. Tamar field 8.3 trillion. map.
USGS total Eastern Mediterranian alone 345 trillion cu ft gas & 3.4 B barrels oil.
N. Africa Rub Al Khali Basin 426 trillion cu ft gas
Russia West Siberian Basin alone: 643 tcf of gas
2/3/10 Engdahl. Haiti & Cuba. Cuba deepwater: 10/2008 Western oil consortium finds Supergiant 20 B barrels– the 12th Supergiant field since 1996.
TPTB have agreed not to develop most finds. A limitation on energy is a limitation on population.
Who Creates Identity Politics And All The Divisions At The Heart Of Humanity?
The Globalists, UN, WEF – Klaus Barbie Schwab are so unconscious that they can do anything to keep their power, their respectability, even if it means destroying the whole world.
No creative, intelligent person seeks power.
No intelligent person is interested in dominating others.
Their first interest is to know themselves.
So the people with the highest quality of intelligence go towards mysticism, and the most mediocre go after power.
That power can be worldly, political, it can be of money, it can be of holding spiritual domination over millions of people, but the basic urge is to dominate more and more people.
This urge arises because you don’t know yourself, and you don’t want to know that you don’t know yourself.
You are so afraid of becoming aware of the ignorance that prevails in the very center of your being.
You escape from this darkness through these methods, lust for money, lust for power, lust for respectability, honor.
And the psychopath person who has darkness within is willing to do anything destructive, anything evil.
Such people are running the world.
Such people are completely asleep.
In their sleep they make plans for global domination, using nuclear weapons, biological weapons, chemical weapons not knowing what destruction they are willing to cause.
Only one thing keeps them moving, and that is: more power, more power.
And whoever comes in their way has to be destroyed.
They don’t know anything else.
They are barbarians who have not evolved into human beings.
Yes, they can destroy the whole world, they are already preparing to do so.
Good old America is in a hurry, it wants any excuse.
America wants it done quickly.
Before China and Co can destroy them!
I can see clearly that there is more possibility of the world being vaporized than being saved, because nothing is being done to save it and everything is being done to destroy it.
Because the whole world is going to suffer, the whole world should unite against all of these nuclear nations, against all of these globalists and their political minions, who are all mentally ill.
We have to force all of these criminals to stop this mad race of nuclear weapons, of warmongering, of the endless illegitimate power grabs.
But there seems to be no real protest, there seems to be no worry.
The world goes on in a routine rut.
It seems people don’t have any alertness, they don’t have any clarity about the problem.
Yet this problem is one of the most fundamental problems in the world at this moment.
Therefore the burning existential question everyone needs to ask is ‘Who am I?’
Who are you?
Can you say anything about your soul?
You can identify with something about your body, you can identify with something about your mind, but that is not of any true value.
There is no way to see from the outside who you are.
There is only one way, and that is to become alert inside, to awaken inside, to make great effort inside, so that you are not asleep there.
Then only will you have the first glimpse of the real you.
What is people’s grief?
People suffer because they have forgotten their innermost self.
Because they have forgotten their innermost presence, they have forgotten that they are one with the whole.
It is a natural rhythm.
How have they forgotten it?
They have created a false self.
They had to create it, because they don’t know their authentic self, and one cannot truly live without knowing oneself.
They don’t know who they are, and one cannot live, cannot exist, without knowing who one is.
The ideas that we gather from others give us a personality, and the knowledge that we come to know from within gives us individuality.
Personality is false, individuality is real.
Personality is a borrowed, reality – individuality is your authenticity, it can never be borrowed.
Nobody can tell you who you are.
So what to do?
In a better world, where people are more intelligent, more aware, we would learn from childhood that the idea of personality is false:
The idea of identifying with the false personality is divisive, destructive and toxic.
What is people’s misery?
Their misery is, they have created a false ego.
The sooner you find out who you are, the better.
The sooner you can drop false divisive ideas, the better, because from that very moment you will really be born afresh, and you will immediately be real, authentic.
The moment that you realize that your whole ego identity was false,
Is the moment you will become a fully conscious individual,
An awake, self knowing, beautiful and intelligent human being.
Your whole business of false identity is just a bad dream.
Your whole business of listening to, voting for, serving obediently all these criminal politicians is finished.
Remember, to remain lost in your unconscious ideas you are completely broken from seeing reality.
You are in a continuous fight with reality.
You are fighting your own roots, you are continuously fighting with your own authentic self.
Wake up!
The universe is one, it is a unity.
Nothing is divided.
Everything is connected with everything else.
It is a tremendous connected-ness.
You are connected with the earth, you are connected with the trees, you are connected with the stars, you are connected with each other.
All of humanity is connected with you, the stars are connected with you, the stars are connected with the trees, with the rivers, with the mountains.
Everything is interconnected.
What is death?
Separation is death.
So the more you think, “I am separate,” and the more you identify as transgender, gay, snowflake,, American, English, Russian, Marxist, socialist, liberal, black, brown, white, feminist, satanist, christian, atheist, the less sensitive you will be, the more dead, unconscious, NPC dull.
Your imagined separation creates divisions, hatred, violence, war.
Nothing is separate; nothing can be separate.
Life is one.
Separation is not possible.
To be in unity is to be alive, to be out of unity is to be dead.
The more you feel you are connected, the more this whole existence is part of you and you are part of this whole existence.
Once you understand that we are all unique members of one humanity, then suddenly the whole vision changes.
We are in tune.
Reality is unity.
Your real center is not only your center, it is the center of the whole.
Your real center is the center of all.
At your center, the whole existence is one.
Your real self is always Here-Now.
It is life itself.
The purpose of human life is self realization:
“So the people with the highest quality of intelligence go towards mysticism”…. Pffff!!! SOOO glad you said that early on… I had to scroll down 5 sec, to answer this. For the record my answer is pffff!
maybe you are right
but I wonder how would you explain this to joe sixpack
we don’t need every joe, still we need many
certainly, new age stuff is not my cup of tea
Erm… Sorry. The moronic “Great Reset” will fail miserably. Obviously, persons such as Klaus Schwab, George Soros, and Bill Gates are not the brightest bulbs on the midway. Even though the mechanisms of the players have been exposed, I don’t buy any of it.
The “alternative” media keeps suckering itself into a frenzy, and some readers join the fray. No movement toward direct execution or civil arrest is ever suggested. Why not? Our “militaries” have tens of thousands of trained snippers and plenty of ammunition…
I like this welcome “alternative” view. >
I am a Russian Cheerleader
I am a Russian Cheerleader, by Andrew Anglin – The Unz Review
Paul, I suppose (hope) that you don’t subscribe to Andrew’s view that an autocracy is better than an oligarchy. Rather limited alternatives. Nor do I see any reason to think that Russia is becoming “better” under Putin. His effect on the medical and educational systems seems negative. He goes along with all the enabling features of the NWO.
He has even been persistently criticized by Russia’s military.
Hello Penelope: No, I don’t subscribe to any form of authoritative control. I rather embrace pure anarchy as a model. Unfortunately, the definition of anarchy has been propagandized from its positive and functional role…
I dare say, the Russian people have seen improvement since the days of Boris Yeltsin… Here’s another interesting take on current events: >
The big point, which is even a child would have been able to predict how Putin would have responded to the West’s decision to stop Putin from transacting in US dollars. Seriously, what did they expect Putin to do??? Continue to sell Russian oil and gas in exchange for a currency Russian could no longer spend? Not even Biden and Johnson are THAT stupid. For me, this suggests that this whole thing was orchestrated. The war in Ukraine seems to be helping the World Economic Forum to advance several of its Great Reset goals – a coincidence theory, or something deliberately planned? Vladimir Putin pursues self-interest, but is his self-interest best advanced by representing the people of Russia or by representing the goals of Klaus Schwab at the World Economic Forum? What can’t be ignored is Putin’s decision to suspend US dollar payments for Russia’s oil and gas. Personally, I think it’s amazing that the MSM are not covering the likely consequences for the West, for the reasons I explain here
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The USA can only isolate Russia by forcing China to follow their sanctions, and that will not happen and they knew that before they announced the sanctions. If China refuses to follow the sanctions, then the USA has to sanction China. That will not happen as China is too strong and the USA has no way of resourcing supplies from China.
The USA also needs China to keep buying treasuries and must not do anything to damage that process. Right from the start the USA knew it could not isolate Russia and could not bring them to their knees, but they still went ahead with the sanctions.
At the same time the USA is cozying up to Iran, trying to restart the deal and at the same time pissing off Saudi Arabia and Israel.
Then Saudi Arabia comes out with a peace deal with the Houthis. The peace deal means that Saudi does not need the US weapons anymore and I am sure they are happy to do a deal with China and Russia for security, if that is even needed.
So many things changing at once that it is difficult to determine which were planned and which were consequences of bad decisions.
One theory is that the globalists had wanted to wean the majority of the west off of Russian energy before starting the Ukraine war. But the western economy was not going to survive long enough to do that, so they had to go ahead earlier than planned, with Europe still dependent on Russian energy. The problem with that theory is that the Germans are still closing down nuclear power plants, even when they have no gas, which makes no sense as a transition from gas to electricity would be easy.
Another theory is that globalists were desperate and insisted that they go ahead with the sanctions, despite being told that they wouldn’t work. Realising the sanctions would not work, the globalists accepted that they would have to start their communist “World Government” but that they will have to wait a while before the whole world is under its umbrella.
The obvious conclusion is that the globalists are using the sanctions as an excuse to force the western world into poverty so that they can disolve the member nations – under the notion that this is an emergency – and establish their “World Government”. Western populations will willingly accept poverty to fight Ukraine – yes, they are that dumb – which makes the whole process of “you will own nothing” very easy, especially when the economy collapses, we are at war and the government starts to confiscate property to help with the war.
How do we know this: the sanctions process will not really destroy the economies, they will basically just shutting them down by turning off the energy, not really destroy them. Once the “World Government” is established, relations with Russia will be restored, Saudi will become friendly again and the fuel spigot will be turned on again, so the economy starts up again. No longterm harm done, except to the now-disappeared nations and to your freedoms.
Ok, but you seem to have missed out the bit about reducing the world’s population to half a billion…
loll… it’s hard to integrate too much info sometimes, but it’s crucial if your gonna claim you can solve the equation
I think the degenerate said you will own nothing and be happy so somehow they forgot about the “happy” part.
What tends to work best in times like this is the universal notion of “being smarter then the other idiot” and by that I mean identify the false trait and bet against it.
As you point out there are so many false traits its hard to place a bet at times like this. Even Wall Street is wondering what the fuck just happened. Bitcoin please.
So here’s a few things that stand out.
The EU for the most part are having issues explaining how you ween off Russian Oil, Gas and Coal. Watch their wording carefully. Gas is not all LG. 15 billion cubic meters or was that feet and was that annual or daily? Confusing even for Mrs.Truss who knows a thing or two about …… hmmm.
“Green” , we are turning green everyone… yeah!!! its a green revolution. I thought it was blue and yellow? Well somehow weening of Russian Gas and replacing it with American LG is a green revolution. Carbon tax 3.0?
All those electric cars the EU has…. they get their electricity how exactly? Yup another green thing there too or is it brown? Where the fuck is Greta when you need a slut to yell it to your face?
Okay, sorry that comment was uncalled for.
Nevertheless trying to make sense of a bunch of degenerate fools is a tough gig these days especially of you need to pin it on something that could make sense of it all.
So I suppose we need to invent some theories to help the story line along. MrSchwab ? Ever hear this one speak? Now there’s a fucking intelligent show.
Ukraine was a staged event to some degree if not all of it. Its too odd that Russia sends in third tier infantry. The US plays dirty as usual along with the UK, they prolong the conflict and push the Ukrainian paramilitary to do some dastardly deeds that make the news and then there’s poor Mr.Trudeau, Now there’s a fucker who knows a nazi when he sees one, still looking for the nazis’.
Look harder they are there all right. Nazis that want to join the EU…. another fuck up of a script job but hell, ask any San Fran dimwit at the gas line and hell, he’ll tell you its the Russians. Job done, tick that box. We pay more so you don’t have to ….. let me buy a blue and yellow ribbon and pin it on my kids as they go to school to remember and learn why they will grow up with nothing and be happy.
Rubles for Gas but not oil or coal…. ok. But wait Obramovich’s bank will exchange the Euros for you so its okay…kind of. But don’t tell Olaf, he can’t read all that well now that he’s lost all that hair he had back in the commie days.
Italian PM and German Olaf seem confused. Can’t quite understand what that means so can you put in in writing for us Mr.Putin, please? I mean is it really that easy or did we miss something here. Wagner playing in the distance.
Do I need to go on?
So what’s it all about. The best I can make out is the EU set a trap for the UK and the US to fall into and now they will play it out, all in. Ukraine is the unfortunate soul in this one but every play needs a martyr, a villain and a prince.
US dollar loses its status, and the US an UK revert back to rebuilding their infrastructures all alone in this world, if they get the message and thats a big IF. The US republic may even fracture, who knows. Who cares.
Maybe China cares. Lets see how much they care to buy up those worthless mortgage backed securities later this year worth close to 3 trillion on the US Fed balance sheet. Now thats a lot of love or else.
Back to the play at hand….
EU dumps NATO ( finally) and it gets its independence to do its own deals. The EURO will dump for the next 3 to 4 years but it will survive and so will emerge a new EU in what form its too early to tell, but a form with close ties to the East via a bridge with Russia. Nationalism will win the day and nothing wrong with it if your hearts in the right place. A Global parallel economy next to a national one?
Soros dies suddenly ( no not like that he’s bitter old fucker these days and its time ) and Klaus gets a deal in Vegas to do a cult show. Bill stars in a new Quentin film, Kill 3.0 and there’s an accidental stunt gun …well you get the picture.
The world is happy once again. I think it always was. Did you make money off this play?
I don’t see what all the fuss is about, myself.
If there are any problems we can just tuck in to Bill Gates’s tasty Bug Burgers. Yum, yum!
And if there is a shortage of toilet paper because Putin won’t send us any wood, we’ll just have to take a crap less often and wipe our bums with our hands (or recycle a copy of the Guardian, if there’s one lying around.)
Meanwhile, President Brandon is planning to license pirates with Letters of Marque to seize Russian yachts and ships on the high seas. It’s just like the good old days! Eat your heart out, Johnny Depp! The Somali pirates have got nothing on us!! Yo-ho-ho and a bottle of rum!! Loads of loot! Just make sure you give 10% to the Big Guy!!
Shiver Me Timbers!
North Atlantic oligarchs united just tried to diminish Russian oligarchs with their confiscation of yachts etc.
Doesn’t fit James Corbett’s too smooth narrative.
Sets a bad precedent too, for oligarchs from other territories that is.
Oh don’t be silly. A few confiscated yachts are just set dressing. Besides also nicely normalizing the seizure of private property by governments.
And this is not Corbett’s narrative. It’s the narrative contained in documentation and in observable facts on the ground. If you still doubt the West is really targeting its own people read about Biden’s latest speech where he basically tells people to get used to permanent fuel shortages and a switch to alternatives.
Oh, I 100% agree Western (=WEF) leaders are attacking their own 99.9% citizens! Seizure of their bank accounts and vehicles was done in Canada by Trudeau as a first: what a Phyrric victory!
Is this witch hunt against Russian oligarchs fake though; didn’t see any proof?
hey, Ant, don’t touch Corbett around here … He’s da man.
I love him, but is he right on every single thing? He s/whould be the first to encourage critical “thinking”, which is catching a thought outside of the meme storm in the MSM, SM and the captured minds of the masses. James himself is good at that. A non-European environment like Japan helps.
British taxpayers will end up paying mooring fees for 500 foot floating gin palaces in billionaire playgrounds like Antigua and the Caymans. And forking out maintenance charges and poll tax for mansions in Snob Row. And running football clubs and stumping up half a million a week for players wages.
Still, I suppose it’s all worth it to stick it to Putin. Just wave your little blue and yellow flag around.
Russia’s performance during the war should be instructive for western politicians.
27 million dead, 80% of German casualties inflicted in the East.
Astronomical levels of armaments production, despite the early loss of much of its territory and resources.
The transfer of its whole industrial base eastwards on a million freight cars as if picked up by a giant hand.
The production of the best tanks in the world, 70,000 T34s and 13,000 heavy tanks, despite its supposed, and to some extent real, technological backwardness.
This is a country that you wage war on at your own peril.
Doing so rarely ends well.
Western politicians are just starting to wake up to the nightmare they have unleashed on the world.
What if that nightmare is planned? If the West can make Russia a now permanent enemy, which they seem hell bent on doing, then they can blame Russia for the coming collapse – a planned collapse. Easy, peasy – create the same fake, total, seemingly omnipotent enemy, blame that enemy for the collapse of capitalism, for the coming famine which will hit the West this time, not just some third world country most Westerners have never given one shit about. Create endless chaos, which will have people screaming for someone to fix things, and in comes full totalitarianism, courtesy of said enemy along with those who will cheer it on as their salvation. Since Russia is as connected as any Western country to the whole system, might Russia be willing to pose herself as that final existential enemy? Is Putin himself immune to the hubris of any other ruling plutocrat? Doesn’t really seem like he is, although he can play that part, and it certainly isn’t as if he hasn’t been trained in the black arts of playing a part when necessary.
They can keep “covid” going forever, what with those “captured” biolabs they admit exist, and they’ll blame Russia for that as well. They will institute a fully digital central bank currency, for our safety mind you, since the dollar and most other currencies as we know them will become worthless overnight once they pull that trigger. Of course “vaccination” will be made mandatory, they’re busy slipping that in under the radar as we sit here and discuss the latest war.
In the meantime, we have too many petro-states to count making a killing on high oil prices, which will probably continue to rise even as they tell us we all must “go green” and stop using oil. But they’ll go green alright, stripping the earth of any remaining minerals, who’ll care about the pollution from that when grids collapse? Most do not even begin to realize just how dirty mining is, how much fossil fuel it takes to dig up the necessary minerals to power their Tesla, think they’ll give one shit about the externalities of the final mining of what in reality are still FINITE resources? Think they’ll give a crap about the obsolescence inherent in “renewables” until the dumping of the waste hits their own neighborhood?
It hit me the other night, covid didn’t get them far enough, but add in another perpetual war, and this time that war will be seen as an existential threat to the West and not just some country of brown people that we bomb the shit out of in the name of democracy. Russia herself is enjoying high oil prices, obviously, so her own oil oligarchs are busy making their final financial killing from oil. Why wouldn’t they fake a war to get to that final reset? And by fake war I do not mean people aren’t being killed, just that the supposed reasons for that war are fake. What better way to galvanize people to hate a supposed enemy who is completely to blame? And that final asset stripping of every dime any of us have will be celebrated by the greenies who refuse to consider just what that will look like, for them as well as those they blame for not properly welcoming that reset. The same idiotic binary and simplistic thought processes that have morons boycotting Russian cats, for God’s sake? The dumbed down Western populations are primed and ready to embrace a reset, one they will be told will finally bring things back to normal. Hell, they believe in covid, why would they not believe in that fantasy new normal, all brought about for their own good?
This rant is not directed at you, btw. It’s been stewing a while and sometimes I just need to get it out. One dare not say these things out in the real world today, unless one is fully prepared to be labeled a moronic lunatic, so I do that here, LOL.
“What if that nightmare is planned? ”
Of cause it is planned. Have you heard of The Great Reset, Digital ID/5G/Vaxx, CBDC, Basic Income, Social score? All coming up by 2030… All will be born out of chaos caused by food/energy supply/digital disruption and hunger.
Tactical nukes across Europe to top the cake. Uber alles…
Off topic and in all topics…. We have questions, we want truth… Some say “do your RESEARCH”… I’m sorry but to do MY research I need a microscope, a degree, talent, a staff and a few thousands subjects… and time. What we do here is parrot articles from people that somewhat fit our general beliefs, and or manage to convince us… proud of our findings, we then pontificate to the gathered. All we really have are our experiences, and the tests we make on ourselves (we are labs)… anyone who believe what they’re told in a soothing voice are… well, not rational at all. They might as well be spoken for. This site states: Facts are sacred… But if only facts (verifiable by us), were perpetrated here, this entire site would have one paragraph…. The statement should say “All we have is hear say
Yep, well said. Very true. All my information comes in through tech I trust, to a degree, through sites on the www that I come to trust or believe I decifer, to a degree. Or from hear say from others who are doing the same, possibly reading and participating on different sites. Which I trust, to a degree.
Round and round it goes.
Seeking that edge, that morcel of information that keeps me hopefully one step ahead. One step ahead of a constantly changing landscape. Dammm… Am I rational??!!!
What did we do before the world wide Web caught us in its reach?
We didn’t “know” everything and were specialized… like in reality
Read “old” books is what I try to do. You know, all those boring books written by advisers to policy makers like Kissinger, Brzezinski, and others. “These people” have their own theories and themselves rely on abundant literature that informs their belief system.
For instance, just started skimming through Brzezinski’s “Between two Ages” (1970) – a fascinating book – and found that “Zbig” was aware already of the shift in paradigm from industrial to postindustrial (technocratic) that was taking place in western societies; that technology and information are on their impersonal course to become the basis of an economic system. He was responsible for resuming US relations with China, with the long-term purpose of that fresh market becoming the centre for the free expression of that new paradigm; so that, in due time, it’ll take over the economic leadership from the US and become the model to follow for other countries, just like the US took over from the British Empire.
These books are useful because, beside being well written, provide context, history, and references, and delve into a variety of related topics. The reader gets an idea of the big picture and an understanding of the primary motives for action, etc, which one might use, in combination with what one already knows, in formulating solid counter-arguments.
These books may be gotten for free in some digital libraries (e.g.; then all you need is some chairs if it’s a group of friends, table, beers and coffee, like Alan Watt (RIP) used to advise us.🙂
And time bro… and time. If only we would have a information system (media) that can be trusted to summarize these for us, like we though we were paying for building this civilization specializing in individual functions and tasks. I have to start keeping a list/reference document of meaningful readings (like these thank you), for my retirement years.
Yes, forgot that one…
BTW, I was born for a while in 1970 and I’m not very old 😩
“Between two Ages” (1970) Pasted in a list 👍
You’re welcome.
You guys keep “thinking” that these countries are fighting each other! Clearly you’ve learned NOTHING from OPERATION COVIDIUS.
The main goal of the SRF & Billionaires (no matter the flag or tag assigned to a specific bit of land!) is to reduce the size of the global herd of MMS/3i’s.
The tools at their disposal are many. From jabs to financial culling to Their favorite… “wars”. Where MMS cull each other… cause [insert some moronic stuff here]!
Still no signs that the MMS/3i’s are willing to engage in actual CHANGE. But this CHANGE, just like the one THEY are deploying, also requires culling!
As ever, you wonder if they’re stupid, or if they think we are.
They know for certain that “we” are herds of MMS/3i’s!
This reminds me of self flagellation……do these people visit brothels to get whipped as well?
The target is us since decades and even centuries.
But let’s start with deacdes:
The problem is that all govt/corps/ media/instittutions have been infiltrated by globalist agents (the WEF young global leaders for example) since decades. People didn’t fight, people didn’t tae responsability and now they are thousands in power everyhwere controlling almost everything.
The other problem are the millions of mentally challenged and psychologically sick people who comply, obey and even help the criminals destroying our world.
If in 2020, people would have refused en masse to wear muzzles and stay at home, ready even to fight violently to be heard, we wouldn’t be there today.
The cowardness, the idiocy and the apathy of millions have created this situation. And worst of all, these morons keep obeying and even are killing their own kids by having them forced muzzled or injected with bio-weapons.
Once more and more deaths will occur, (fake vaccines) and once people starve, then they will have no choice but destroy the scum in power and their puppet masters.
We will have to re create societies completely disconnected from the digital world and totally decentralized with thousands of small nations.
The suppression of the UN, the WHO, the EU, IMF and other globalist criminal organizations is part of the solution.
Very well written Tepu. I’ve been looking for fellow MMS for starting some FUN Jedb parties, unfortunately can’t find any. So the part of the solution to move into a more balanced uman civilization is still a dead duck!
You mean somewhat well written for here. My God you’re all mentally retarded.
We won’t have to destroy the digital world. We will simply have to contain it and use it rather than let it consume us. To do so we need to recover control of the monetary, educational and health systems. It really wouldn’t be that difficult. The monetary systems already exist. Decentralised, trustless privacy coins for example. The most difficult jobs are building the education and health systems from scratch. That will take at least a generation.
And get rid of federal government. Make everything local, and use technology (internet) to institute direct democracy.
What exactly is the real aim of these sanctions? And how come they align so perfectly with the great reset?
<=you did not include on your list, the use of monopoly power allowed to those who control and benefit from the nation state law making power. Monopoly power allows businesses to be moved from place to place, without losing anything but the cost of the move and allows to gain from the relocation.
Patents and copyrights <=are monopolies, and (they can be used to deny all others the right to compete) they make the factors of production portable but retain to their owners all of the profits of whatever kind from where ever the business or production facility is located. . It is this monopoly power that has allowed the oligarch to move all of the product producing operations from the west to the east.. and I have said this here several times but on one has been friendly to the idea.. Yet, if you look through the laws that the western NATO nations have, the treaties that have been negotiated, and the development of international patent and copyright courts, etc. you see clearly since 1974 there has been great and powerful exodus of the producing parts of of the multination corporations from the west to the east.
Forcing Russia into war by invading Ukraine and using it as a jump off to invading Russia was the last straw. The BRI fits right in.. the Oligarchs and their corporate leg breakers are moving to the orient and they plan to leave in the NATO West, nothing but burnt saw dust.. ASA people see this, the more likely they will be at stopping it.. Russia is responding to sanctions everyone else is arranging sanctions to accelerate the move from East to West. .
Even changing the reserve currency into Yuan or Rubles fits this theory.. No event yet, denies the possibility that the great reset is about moving growth, reserve currency and modern life from the West to the East. IMO "the oligarch are moving their home from the West to the East and they are taking with them, everything but the kitchen sink. .
You missed one point: the WEF global leaders are as much sheep as the mentally challenged and psychologically sick people who comply. Just different sheep dogs.
Watch the WEF leaders, their lack of intellect, obstinate adherence to their policy, chilling happiness at harming others and a lack of ability to explain the philosophy of their policies: shows you that they are just the equivalent of millionaire TikTok celebs.
It took a lot more than Mossad to do 9/11. Obvious it was like Covid an operation that involved all of our captured government agencies & senior politicians. CIA definitely did a lot of the work, a CIA engineer made a deathbed confession that he was part of a team that wired WTC7 for demolition.
“Is Russia the REAL target of Western sanctions?” No, the whole world is. Agenda 21/2030 Great Reset Own nothing be happy One World Order
The stupidity of the anti-Russian propaganda and the tsunami of hyperbole re: Ukraine (“The greatest, most tragic yadda yadda since World War 2″etc.) is just so overdone that it must surely be a vast attempt to stir up as much opposition as support. It’s a psy-op with a cunning double-edge – pushing in both directions with the effect of luring everyone who was becoming increasingly aware of the covid fraud back into that reassuring old Left/Right theatre.
Don’t believe anything that is passed off by the Mainstream Media, Youtube and Google. Everything they want the public to know has an agenda for mind manipulation.
The real target is the Global South!
This article from 2018 is about the EU planning an alternative to the IMF austerity system. This war is an attempt to lock Europe out of trading with Russia.
Europe working on payment system alternative to SWIFT & IMF to attain financial independence from US
Anna Netrebko in her youth. Just banned by the Met for being Russian.
Silly world, innit.
I think banning letters of the alphabet is the dumbest thing yet!
I’m hoping Russia start to use ‘M’, ‘W’ and ‘i’ as soon as possible…
No, no, you’re quite wrong, B, it’s all absolutely necessary to stick it to Putin!
Z and V have to be banned, obviously. But you can’t stop there. P for Putin, L for Lavrov, R for Russia, M for Moscow, D for Dostoyevsky, T for Tchaikovsky, B for Borscht, C for Caviar.
That still leaves 16 letters of the alphabet, and we can get by with them. You’ll just have to rename yourself Aosky. Seems to me like a small price to pay to stick it to Putin. And if there are any problems, we can all just start using Chinese pictograms instead.
But the war won’t be over till the fat lady sings.
I’ve started to wonder whether we’re at a sort of tipping point where the relative economic clout of the ‘sanctioners’ is starting to be outweighed by the clout of the ‘sanctionees’. Obviously this won’t happen in money terms but money is a purely artificial representation of productive capability, its not an actual substitute for actual production (because you can’t eat debt). We can see how this works in that our sanctions policies are focused on finance and the rather nebulous notion of “intellectual property” — intangibles — because, basically, we have nothing material to offer except aspirational goods, the illusion of wealth, and weapons.
This might be the motivation behind what people who write these articles call “The Great Reset”. We’ve got to somehow absorb that mountain of debt and the way we’ve been doing it up to now is to chip away at real living standards. This process that’s been going on for at least 50 years but only relatively recently has its effects permeated to enough people for them to notice — before it always happened to someone else and it was obviously their fault for not being worthy. (“then they came for me….”)
Absorbing the mountain of debt is easily solved. We prosecute the banksters behind the fraudulent fiat ponzi scheme for crimes against humanity. It is easy to prove a direct link from the Covaids death jabs to the banksters. How much in damages do we charge them? I think we know the answer. The entire national debt plus a lot more.
The debt can be paid off with sovereign money creation. Just pay the debt in Treasury dollars 10% per year and also requiring all banks to add 10% to their reserve requirement. By the end of ten years the debt will be paid off. After that no more private money creation.
It would be difficult to see whom sanctions benefit, in terms of ordinary citizens:
Clearly not Europeans, the US, UK with escalating fuel prices and food costs. The same in Africa
Clearly not the Russians, the immediate targets of the sanctions
Nor the Ukrainians, with their homes reduced to rubble. Living in basements for fear of shells. Without electricity. Without food. Without water. Without news of the outside world. The winners of the Donbass region as the spoils of war will have alot of reconstruction work on their hands
Maybe the Chinese or Indians come out on top of the pile in terms of least negative effects
African ineptitude has protected a majority of Africans from Covid19 vaccinations while Western efficiency has triggered the reverse.
not a April fools joke.
Dyson launches new air-purifying headphones
Targeting the airhead demographic.
More tech to make things even worse… We really are unable to learn!
I had doubts that this compagny was a rip off. I don’t anymore.
Why does Dyson equipment look like it was designed in a cartoon?
Back to front raggy dolls.
The economic, military, psychological, intellectual, technological, medical, & corporate WAR on HUMANITY is evolving. The “enemy” is not k0v1d, or Russia, or China, or Iran, or a dozen wacko “insurectionists”, or Repugs, or Dims…
“It’s THEM, stupid.” The Western Empire 1% ruling elite want MORE and can only get it with a techno-psycho LOCKDOWN control over us before we are able to take all DECISION MAKING AUTHORITY and VAST HORDED WEALTH away from them, FOREVER.
[Another cover the K0V1D-KLINGON WARS provide for is the imminent rollout of 5G apparently now at 60ghz, even on routers. Much more deadly and biologically interfering than at sub 8ghz as some planned. The IoT they plan to run with this RF + AI to achieve a remote control economy-society, is deadly dangerous magical thinking. It took 30 years to create trouble free desktop computers and virtual tools that really work. Extending this tech to AI control the world is mad hatter fantasy. They are INSANE!]
We must not allow them to follow through. General Strike all participation and bankrupt them into limit-cages.
The war in Ukraine seems to be helping the World Economic Forum to advance several of its Great Reset goals – a coincidence theory, or something deliberately planned? Vladimir Putin pursues self-interest, but is his self-interest best advanced by representing the people of Russia or by representing the goals of Klaus Schwab at the World Economic Forum? What can’t be ignored is Putin’s decision to suspend US dollar payments for Russia’s oil and gas. Personally, I think it’s amazing that the MSM are not covering the likely consequences for the West, for the reasons I explain here
When I was a child the big questions were, laike, are hermit crabs nocturnal?
I struggle to take my son back to that world.
Yes, it’s sad isn’t it? The way I look at it is that it’s never been any different in observable history; groups mad for power forcing a world order more beneficial to them at incalculable cost to the masses. The difference in modern times is that we ordinary folk have so much access to information that it drags us away from just living a life and enjoying it until Level 2, or whatever.
What does nocturnal mean? 😀
Nuance it a bit more, Kit:
Yes, the gangsters-in-charge (the gics) in what Andrei Raevsky/The Saker calls Zone A of the world, otherwise the Anglozionist empire and its vassals (Eurolemmingia, the ukstate, Australasia, Japan, SKorea), want to damage Russia, and have rushed into a sanctions war without admitting too loudly that it will be a disaster for their own vassals, including the common citizenry of the US itself: the metropolitan state of “the Empire of Lies”, as Andrei also calls it.
But also, these same gics have amongst their number at least a sprinkling of hard-faced realists who make it their business to peer ahead as well as they can into the fog-of-the-future. These creeps are as aware as anyone who keeps his/her mind clear of the Permanent Bullshit Blizzard of the Az empire that the near future is looking – well, decidedly Interesting.
They understand, for example, that the Az empire is now in the terminal endgame which eventually consumes all empires: that their empire is on the way down, whilst the immediate future belongs to the rising Russian and Chinese empires. But also, they – the hard-faced ultra-realists amongst the globalist gics mostly holed-up currently in the Az empire – understand something else:
Anyone not entranced by the conventional-wisdom canards of our time knows that the famous Limits To Growth are real, and non-negotiable, and are already starting to bite. (Btw, I get the impression that you excellent folk of the editorial crew at Off-G are yourselves a bit behind the curve in grasping these LTG realities; still somewhat hypnotised by the econonicgrowthforever-into-the-hypertechie-future fairytale myth of our time. But that’s another matter…)
Hence, just as you outline Kit, the LimitsToGrowth-realists amongst the globalist gics feel urged to do something drastic. But this isn’t just about the rivalry with Russia. It encompasses also the looming shortages. Not only shortages of the optional indulgences of the fat life for we Pampered Twenty Percent of the Earth’s humans, but also of life’s basic necessities for absolutely everyone: food, fuel, and all the basic commodities which make a productive hitech industrial economy possible. Particularly fuels, of course, without which nothing productive in the physical world can happen at all.
And let’s be clear: whatever obfuscations may be getting bandied about currently, the main and absolutely non-substitutable* sources of energy – fossil hydrocarbons – are now past their all-time aggregate global peak of production, and are headed into their irreversible and non-negotiable down-slope right now. Could it be, do you think, that the US and the al Saud gang don’t increase their oil/gas output because now, in 2022, they can’t? Not to any effective extent? (Look into the US’s absolute need to import heavy grades of oil, to cut the barrel-scraping ultra-light production which is all they have left themselves, and without which they can’t make diesel – without which their entire economy dies pronto. Guess where they have to import the heavy from: Russia right now, Venezuela if Maduro will play ball…) 😂
So, all of this duly considered, it becomes necessary from the gics’ criminal perspective to start crunching down on the fat life of the overblown middle class within their empire: less of everything for everyone (except the gics themselves, natch); and, of course, all of this belt-tightening is to be done in ways which allow the gics to maintain their grip on overall power and control of society.
Cela va sans dire, natch. That’s always their number one priority: hang on to the sacred, hyper-addictive trinity of WealthPowerStatus at all costs!
Also, naturally enough for these amoralists, anything which helps to cull the currently-overshot numbers of their human cattle will be a good thing for the immediate future too; eugenics redux, by whatever smokescreened means that will work…
The nuanced conclusion has to be that, yes indeed, the economy-crashing sanctions are deliberate, and are aimed at we plebs in the Az empire, at least as much as they’re aimed at Russia; quite possibly more so. But they’re at least as much about the apocalyptic Limits as they are about inter-imperial rivalry.
Maintaining the iron control of the gics, whilst crashing the living standards of we plebs, and crashing our brute numbers too as far as possible: this is the underlying game.
Oddly, they could just as well pass with the eugenics. The Limits will see to the task of bringing our population level back into balance within the Earth’s life-support system, even should we do nothing whatever to resolve effectively our current overshoot; which it seems we won’t,
And humankind are probably never going to be able to do selective breeding of ourselves in the same way that we do it to other species. We shan’t be deliberately breeding Homo Superior. We’re just not up to that level of long-term discipline.
With luck, though, and over a much longer time period, that should happen spontaneously, by natural evolution. There are grounds to hope for that…
*There are NO effective substitutes for fossil-hydrocarbon energy on any practical scale. Nuclear fusion as a practicable global system has been “twenty years in the future” for all of my lifetime, and will remain there permanently. Not doable. Eat your hearts out, techie-techie eegabeevas!
Current standard nuclear fission, moreover, is subject to the same depleting-fuel syndrome as are fossil-hydrocarbon-driven power systems. There’s only a finite amount of actually-getatable pitchblende in the Earth’s crust.
And as for ‘renewables’ – hah!. Besides being absolutely dependent on permanent fossil-hydrocarbon energy subsidies to build, run and maintain them, they suffer from two further intractable difficulties:
They could never, even theoretically, offer the vast flood of high-energy-density fuel that we splurge currently; certainly not in the ultra-convenient high-density liquid form that fossil hydrocarbons provide. But beyond that there’s a further killer difficulty:
The main ‘renewables’ – solar and wind – are irretrievably ragged; they don’t come in a reliably-steady flow; nor is there any practical way at all to store their energy flows, nor is any such realistic storage system visible anywhere on the techie-techie horizon.
These non-dodgeable reaities mean that, to maintain steady electrical power availability on the grid 24/7, back-up generating stations equivalent to the entire output capability of the ‘renewables’ simply have to be on permanent stand-by tickover.
This is such an expensive essential adjunct to ‘renewables’ that it’s been shown – in Germany, for example – that adding ‘renewables’ to your national generating system makes electricity unavoidably more costly to produce. What’s even more of a no-no: the tickover sets have to be of a kind which can be ramped up rapidly to cover ‘renewable’ shortfalls as they occur. And – literally – the only available systems which can do this rapid manoeuvring safely and quickly enough are – ta-daaa! – gas-fired generating sets. 😱
And as for hydrogen… Oh please! Do look up the technics!
WTF! isnt this considered spam
Yeah but with the usual extensive use of the Webster
If it is Spam then its well thought out Spam.
I don’t agree with everything he says, of course, but that’s the nature of the game. For example, renewables are definitely a viable energy source, it just depends on what is used and where and how its used. (Solar is viable in California, for example.) I do agree that hydrogen is a myth; its not only difficult to manage but it also has a relatively low energy density compared to methane and unlike methane its not produced naturally. I also believe that the only long term viable carbon capture mechanism are trees or their equivalent. (If nothing else I want the oxygen back.)
There’s lots more…..
Solar is ‘viable’ in California, Martin? Really? Are you facing up to the intractable back-up generator problem that is currently check-mating Germany’s commitment to maximising ‘renewable’ inputs to their grid? How is California dodging this glitch…? Do explain. I’m not insisting you’re wrong; just interested to hear how they’ve cracked it; if they have…
Gail Tverberg explains this apparently insurmountable Catch 22 in more detail on her ‘Our Finite World’ blog. Gail is always a good source of seriously-numerate good sense on the subject of energy, and on the ‘growthforever’ delusion generally. Dmitry Orlov – also fully numerate and technically-competent on the subject – points out on his (paywalled, but well worth it) blog ‘Club Orlov’ the same Catch 22.
With all their serious handicaps, renewable (that is, Sun-powered) energy flows are never going to be anything but a minor, niche-technology contributor to our energy supplies – except as forest-growers, of course.
That’s far-and-away their best use; also for prairie/steppe biomass generators; and for powering the fully pemacultural agriculture which is our best hope of staying fed/fuelled/plant-medicated as The Limits To Growth have their way with us. For those forest/grassland permacultural uses, solar energy harvesting really makes sense. As a driver of transient, exotic-rare-minerals-demanding techie-toys such as solar panels, not so much. A tree is much more technically sophisticated. And self-maintaining and self-reproducing, to boot! 🙂
About 3 years ago, Dmitry Orlov wrote (in a free article) that Russia had resolved the nuclear issues of (a) medium scale (b) waste fuel. All you need to do is sign a long-term agreement to return all used fuel to it, where it gets converted to more fuel.
How much fuel does it take to convert old fuel into new fuel (not wanting to fuel a polemic here)
Google Tom Blees.
Ok didn’t realize this was about nuclear fuel, the word fuel…. Ok so that’s one that’s one thing. Still, you gotta be pretty freakin’ SURE it’s safe… The reasons I think they wanna kill us to keep petrol was not necessarily transportation or power to homes. More fertilizers, medical, plastics… our way of life…. That they want to keep for themselves.
Fast Breeder reactors. Argonne NL was doing it in the 80s – 90s until Clinton cancelled it.
He did indeed, m. I found that a VERY interesting assertion from a technically-competent, long-proven accurate and reliable commentator. I maintain a watching brief on the idea, on the understanding that if it’s true, and if it can be scaled up to full economic usability, it will be quite a game-changer for the so far unsolved question of: what do we do with the ultra-long-life dangerous radioactive wastes? At the moment we have literally zero adequate response to that vexed question.
But nonetheless, even if true and scalable to full economy size, it does literally nothing to address the overall Limits problem. Safe, clean nuclear generating power would be a big plus; but it has no useful effect at all on the basic reality of too many humans chasing too few, and still steadily depleting, essential commodities of the hitech industrial style of human societies – which we of the Pampered Twenty Percent find so addictively comfy that we just can’t bring ourselves to contemplate soberly the calamitous idea that these comfy times – for us – are now on the way out. 😫
Btw, it’s probably appropriate here to say a bit more about ‘free energy’, I’ve been fascinated for years by the drastic claims of the tinkerers far out beyond the Pale of current physics orthodoxy, and I maintain a watching brief there too.
To my considerable interest, there do indeed seem to be a small handful of maverick-created devices which seem to demonstrate genuine over-unity energy transactions. There are a lot of delusional duds, but there are also a few real, actually-replicable approaches that seem to work. 😮
From the viewpoint of current orthodoxies in physics, this is simply astonishing news – if it turns out to be true. If it is, we will have literally zero theoretical idea of how to explain it according to current doctrines on the Laws of Thermodynamics; the entropic ‘heat-death of the Universe’, and all that. There will have to be some new adjustments to our basic physics theories on how reality actually works. That is literally paradigm-shifting revolutionary!
Even if true, none of these fascinating devices ever produce more than a tiny extra sliver of surplus energy over the amount that’s put into them; mostly it’s only palpable statistically, it’s so marginal. The idea of being able to power an entire human society with such minimal net energy gains is simply a non-starter. Basic numeracy will tell you why…
And even if we really could extract a significant portion of the gigantic yin-yang energy transactions which are theorised to go on constantly in any cubic centimetre of empty space (the famous ‘quantum foam’) – which so far we can’t – what would we do with it?
If “past performance indicates future probabilities”, what would happen is that we meddlesome and undisciplined naked apes would go berserk with it, as we have with all our technical discoveries these past few millennia, and cook and devastate our one and only planetary home in short order; as we’re already doing even with the MUCH smaller energy flows that we – sort of – control at the moment.
Our current disastrous population-overshoot is entirely dependent on our learning how to tap into the fossil-hydrocarbon-sequestered ancient solar energy in the Earth’s crust. Think of the hyper-disaster that we’d create if we could get at the enormously-larger quantum-foam energy…! 😱
Fuck Rhishiart… Although I seem to agree with you, I’d like to do it faster. Never had to sell anything in your life have you.
Mehran T Keshe’s (Keshe Foundation) device supposedly works on a small (household) scale, based on turn-of the century (19th/20th) century physics, according to individual reports, but the expected revolution has not surfaced after about 5 years or more. Keshe fell for the covid scam and even set up sanitisation booths in Iran, to no avail.
Arthur Clarke warned of the potential disaster from tapping free energy.
The politically inconvenient issue is the right to reproduce, tied to religion.
There are many reactors that consume nuclear waste, both depleted uranium and spent nuclear fuel. India is on track with a program to run its reactors on thorium of which it has huge reserves (virtually unlimited). See: Elysium Industries MCSFR (Molten Chloride Salt Fast Reactor):
India has been “on track” from the 1990s at least. China may now be ahead.
I do love that phrase so popular with cornucopian pie-in-the-sky optimists: “virtually unlimited”. Translated into realism-speak, it means: ‘just as finite and limited as anything else; it’s just that we haven’t crashed ourselves up against those real limits – not yet…” Love the comedy of it! 😄
Virtually unlimited in realism-speak means unlimited at least until the Earth is finished due to the expansion of the Sun. Maybe you could theorize a 100Myrs if humans went into some super energy, extreme population frenzy for so long. Be realistic, be sensible. Virtually unlimited is for all intents and purposes unlimited. Kapish?
Read Limits to Growth Debunked
Thanks for the giggle, s. Gale’s a (delusional) hoot! 😄
You saying he is delusional is worth as much as the paper I just used to wipe my butt. Gale uses actual hard facts and analysis, you use jumping up and down and flaying your arms about wildly while screaming loudly.
The Rats Pack of Satanists had already a strategy in place to emasculate both the Western world and the third world’s industrial capacity by the 1973 Bildeberg meeting in Saltsjobaden in Sweden. The machinations of the Rockefeller’s point man ensured the Yom Kippur war and the inevitable reaction from the OPEC group of countries followed. This of course was running in tandem with Kissinger paving the way for Nixon’s meeting with Mao in 1972. Before this the Rothschilds point man in the US , David Rockefeller, had convened a meeting with the heads of most of the largest corporations in NY also in attendance were senior Chinese politburo members in order to shift industrial production plus development from the US to China.
Now, we see the fruits of their labour !
Do some AI have punctuation functions
As Denis Healey said, ” you are being a silly billy “.
So I am, reading w/o punctuation will do that to you. Sorry.
Oh dear, try focusing on the main argument rather than trivia or is it your raison d‘ etre ?
I think you’re an idiot
“ I think..” Alas, I have seen scant evidence for it.
Not yours …
Are you still using different names after last time? OMG you’re writing from a hospital aren’t you?
Well you’ve sold me The Great Reset!
Be charitable and assume he hasn’t figured that out yet
Thus the constantly recurring refrain: spook or dupe?
(And does it matter? Probably not!)
The old ‘limits to growth’ canard. Utter nonsense of course. The ponzi fiat system was set up to enable the elites to take control of the entire world’s assets. On top of that the high cabal have, over the last 100 years, deliberately suppressed many technologies that would effectively provide us with free energy.
Real non-ignorable limits to growth, on a finite planet, from which we have zero chance of travelling outwards en masse, startrekky-style… That’s a canard, is it Kevin? A canard! And all those ‘free-energy’ daydreams are the real deal are they? They’re not canards! 😂 😂 😂
Thanks for the belly laugh!
Do keep trying to growforever, K. The effort will teach you the sharp contrast between what happens in mathematics, where an exponential-function curve just keeps shooting up almost vertically alongside its asymptote, without ever meeting it, this side of infinity… And the real physical world, where such growth curves eventually run out of their growth factor, and then crash precipitately down to well below the original steady-state level, to which they then have to climb painfully back up over another extended recovery period.
That’s the real world. Ecologists have been watching this overshoot-and-crash process, in many species, for a long time, and mapping the curves of what really happens. In – er – actual reality, that is, which takes zero account of the self-deluding maunderings of we little human farty fools.
I’m with the ecologists. You, Kevin, are with the delusionals! Have a happy crash-time!
As Albert Bartlett famously said: “The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function.”
Congratulations, Kevin: you’re one of the short-comers. (Make sure you have some sort of parachute ready, for when the realworld crash comes to get you and yours, sucker! If you can ever muster even a scraping of sober good sense, take John Michael Greer’s sage advice: “Collapse early, and avoid the rush!” (But don’t leave it too long: not much time left now, to get ahead of the deluge of crashing delusionals…) 😂
PS: Imagine that your zero-point energy daydreams were true, Kevin: What would happen if we really could harvest vast, limitless flows of energy from the quantum foam, and just void it to the atmosphere as waste heat once we’d used it. How long do you imagine it would take to cook the planet, if we really could do that? Even if the free-energy – er – canard were true, it would be of zero use to us, in our current predicament, of coming hard up against the – real – limits to growth, which right now have us by the balls: too many people chasing ever-depleting commodities on our one and only, finite planet. What could possibly go wrong! 😂 😂 😂
Don’t you get it yet? Your generation were fed ‘radical’ talking points like this in order to prep you for what is now coming – forced economic collapse, de-population, neo-feudalism. You don’t need to beat that drum any more. The PTB agree with you and are about to make your dreams of owning nothing and being happy come true.
Sophie, I vote you up a thousand!
Too much sharp-left political theorising, George. Not enough STEM… 🙂
What I do get, dear Sophie, is that my generation were given – free – basic STEM education (actually basic STEAM education; I went on to be a professional actor/writer/director, but numerate and technologically- and scientifically-literate with it 😀 ). This was in the 1950s. Such an education was vastly more substantial and informative than modern substanceless ‘talking points’. You just make me guffaw with such a daft, shallow comeback!
Seems to me that some of you good folk on the editorial team at Off-G have bought a long way too deep into the wilder, less likely realms of conspiracy theory; you know, the regions where the alleged conspiracies really are ridiculous hyperventilations.
I have no difficulty at all with the – perfectly sound – conspiracy reasoning which says that the globalist gics are trying a criminal scam to take over the world and make serfs of us all; those of their cattle whom they don’t just cull as surplus to requirements. Sure, that sort of conspiracy seems like self-evident fact to me; always has. The perennial villainy of the psychopaths is always with us.
But the idea that basic realities of physics, ecology and simple exponential mathematics are nothing more than ‘talking points’ is a joke. Did you ever get enough STEM, Sophie? Apparently not, if you can make your laughable assertion above in all seriousness. Humanities graduate, are you…? Me too – but with all that STEM under my belt as well.
BTW, I own very little, though not nothing, because it makes life so much more serene than engaging in the futile techie-trinkets rat-race. It’s by choice. And sure, it makes for happiness. But with the criminal gics who are indeed trying to force neo-feudalism on us all as the Long Descent rolls unstoppably on, it’s war to the knife; on principle. Those bastards must never be allowed to prevail. Scarcity-socialism rools, OK!
Fortunately, as the huge global revolution that’s happening right now proceeds to dismantle the Anglozionist empire’s brief unipolar moment, I get the distinct impression that the globalist WEFoid gics are seeing their noxious dreams of world domination turn to ashes whilst they watch. No wonder they’re screeching so much hysterical joke-propaganda against Russia. Their NATO ‘war’ machine is too ballsless to do anything about the fearsome Russian military, and all their ridiculous own-footer sanctions are simply crippling their European vassal states, and blowing back very nicely onto the Az-empire’s metropolitan state itself as well, as it accelerates into it’s very own Orlovian collapse, thirty-odd years after the USSR.
Somehow, I don’t see VVPutin, Xi Jinping and their respective ruling establishments going along as full co-conspirators with ‘the Illuminati’. That seems to me to be simply one of the clearly non-viable conspiracy theories. Vlad and Jin are, first and foremost, before all else, patriots. I don’t sense that they’re in some conspiracy to sell their peoples to the footloose hyper-oligarchical globalist scum.
Notwithstanding my piss-taking above, Sophie, I count the work you guys do here at Off-G as vitally important, and a good deal better than a Curate’s Egg; almost the Full Monty, in fact. Friendly respect to you, chuck! 🙂 (Oh christ! Ageist male-chauvinist patronising of a young woman! I must go aside and cancel myself… 😂 )
It’s just logic, it is finite. That’s all… There’s no point in denying it. I wasn’t prepped about this, just realized it recently. Way after I started to be aware that they wanted us dead… The only difference now is that I know their excuse, their motivation… There is a part of sadism, even sometimes a few masochists in the population, sure, but that’s not enough to gather so much support amongst the “elite” and put on so much effort… They want to keep something for themselves, for a few… they think that there’s not enough for everybody. They made calculations and chronologically unfold the plan to optimize earliest results. What they want for themselves is irrelevant. Petrol, gold, puppies… that’s not the point, but it sure helps to identify which, if you want to get what’s happening to us. Apart from that, I think a good idea is to be as happy as possible until we hit the wall, individually… I think they destroyed the family… If I was younger I would try to find somebody with whom that could work… that certainly is happiness for humans… but if it is as impossible has it has been, I’d get a plan B pronto
You are promoting nonsense. Certainly you don’t want infinite growth, fortunately the World population will peak @ 12B by 2050. We can EASILY maintain that at a high standard of living for all intents and purposes forever. For one good example refer to: Limits of Growth debunked.
WAIT! What? The first article on top of your link states “Food loves more CO2” ?!?!? WE KNOW!!! All life forms feed on CO2… CO2 is life, with the sun it makes photosynthesis and turns everything green… That’s the gas from which we are fed on oxygen for heaven’s sake. They though they were referring to CO, which is the CO2 garbage after use. The mainstream is so stupid, they’ve been carrying that mistake for at least a decade. Any serious group of scientists would have corrected it though before “informing” you on how things are going to be. You’re gonna tell me that those guys are qualified to make calculations on the top sustainable world population and that they “know” it’s going to stabilize there. That’s high school level science BTW, Carbon Dioxide vs Carbon Monoxide
I don’t know what you are talking about. It has nothing to do with carbon monoxide. What the author stated correctly is that increased CO2 concentration does increase growth rate of most biomass. That’s one small point of thousands of others that say the Club of Rome Malthusian Banksters Limits of Growth rhetoric is utter nonsense. Limits of Growth = more wealth and power for the Rent Seeker Aristocracy, that’s why they promote it so much.
And how do they claim this increase of CO2 occurs?… There’s no increase of CO2 there’s an increase of CO… From people and animals breathing and cars burning fuel, exploding CO2 to release CO… Where do they come up with an increase in CO2, they’re confusing CO2 and CO. I just read the title to understand that
As I said already, s, thanks for the link to Gale: she’s a torrent of laffs. Do dream on with your ideas of ‘sustaining’ the unsustainable. Twelve billion indeed! LOL!
But – against the day when reality finally hits you over the head with its club – do do a bit of prepping for the real collapses just ahead. You’ll thank me for this advice, in retrospect…
This year, I’m carrying on with my old exploits in growing potatoes in undug clover-rich turf. One of the many – highly effective – ways to do no-till food-growing. Guerrilla gardening too: I don’t own the plot; I haven’t rented it either; but the multinational cement company which notionally ‘owns’ the land doesn’t know about my activities, either with the taters or when I glean firewood from ‘their’ local-folk-mollifying amenity woods all around their vast clay pit. They don’t notice me because I live below their radar: just one old git’s efforts to embrace voluntary ‘poverty’, aka collapsing early to avoid the rush. It makes for a very serene way of life… 😉
If our energy supply collapses due to nutcase ideas like you expound, you won’t be guerrilla gardening, you will be hiding from roving gangs of starving people, forced to vacate the cities and fend for themselves.
Gale uses actual hard facts and analysis, you use jumping up and down and flaying your arms about wildly while screaming loudly.
Fast-breeder fission reactors solve the problem of finite nuclear fuel.
The Argonne NL IFR (Integrated Fast Reactor) showed the way from 1984 to 1993 or so until Clinton cancelled it.
The Chinese and Russians will almost certainly be doing something like it.
Really, Mike? You expect to be able to go on getting masses of energy out of the same chunk of mineral for ever, do you? By magic? I don’t think fast breeders can do that. You certain you’re up to speed with the physics of it…?
Again nonsensical talk from someone who is obviously innumerate. Ordinary dirt has 26X the energy density of coal in MJ/kg just from the uranium & thorium in that dirt. Easy to rationally analyze the easily accessible energy in that will push our current energy consumption into the 100Myrs range. And much larger sources of deuterium will push that easily until our wonderful sun burns the Earth.
Limits of growth are nonsense. And we can easily substitute fossil with nuclear, and without the emissions. That’s why the blockade and $billion/yr disinformation campaign against nuclear. Rent Seekers love Scarcity. Plentiful energy is their archenemy.
Just the current supply of depleted uranium and spent nuclear fuel is worth $2600 trillion at the energy price of $100/bbl petroleum. In fact that supply of nuclear fuel waste has as much energy as 800 years of current world petroleum production which is 31% of world energy supply. It is 14x total world oil reserves. That is without any mining whatsoever.
The energy density of ordinary dirt is 26X that of coal in MJ/kg just from the uranium & thorium contained in that dirt. One rare earth mine that makes materials for wind & solar power will produce enough waste thorium & uranium annually to supply all the energy needs of the entire planet every year burnt in Molten Salt Reactors. They will pay you to take the thorium and uranium away. We will long run out of regular construction materials before we will run out of fission fuel. And then there is fusion. And asteroids. And the Moon.
And if you have plentiful energy, you really don’t need anything else. You can recycle everything. All you would ever need is uranium/thorium/deuterium/tritium/helium3.
All possibly true. None of it related to our reality. None. Yes “they” could feed on scarcity… but feed what need? Money? They print it. Reduce population? there you go, For what? Apart from turning their environment into a big golf course. If they figured out that the “universe is abundant”, they also figured out that we don’t live in it for long. They also have their numbers which they won’t share with you. You think they can’t afford the brains?
And it’s not the amount of energy contained in “stuff” it’s the technology to extract it without blowing everything up! And BTW this ain’t a movie.
“Blowing everything up” like how do you figure that? More likely scarcity –> war –> blowing things up. All Wars are Banker Wars.
getting energy out of matter is not obvious… that’s what I mean. Just take a gravel and fuck with it until you light up a light bulb, we’ll talk tomorrow. Carbons are not only easy to ignite, they are the only things that are abundant (not infinite) and possible to ignite… the other sources are isotopes that are already unstable and can be separated releasing energy. They are rare, expensive, and require a team of scientists and rigorous maintenance to operate. The petrol is to be preserved for it’s capacity to grow food and make plastics and microprocessors… They don’t care how fast you’re moving and how warm you are kept at this point. Economics and moral judgements are just distracting from these facts… They are accessory. You can shout names at them all day, they’ll still kill you. This ain’t a movie.
No for Rent Seekers scarcity = high prices, high profits and more power, more control, less competition. They love scarcity. Reduce population is a fascist concept that came out of Nazism which after the war morphed into ecofascism. It supplies those Psychopaths with a moral justification for their elitist lust for power and their monstrous destructive actions against human civilization. “You will own nothing” translates into “We will own everything, and you will rent what we allow you to use from us”. And “own everything” includes water, agricultural and parkland, as well as all mineral resources. I won’t be the least bit surprised if they claim the air we breath as their property for which we must rent every breath we take.
Glad you could get that out of your chest. They still want to kill us. And they really enjoy our little fights and display of ignorance, so I don’t know about you but I’m gonna find something else to do, for balance…
“Limits of growth are nonsense.” Dear god, you’re a wonderful source of belly laughs, s! Do go on. You’re making my day! The rest of your fantasy rant about limitless energy in a spadeful of ‘dirt’ is just hilarious. I suppose you’ve never thought of getting psychiatric help for entrenched magical thinking, have you…? 😂
Well for amusement, you are correct, there are limits of growth, namely the size of the visible universe, which is getting sparser every year due to its expansion and the rising entropy of the universe which further limits available resources. All silly talk for science fiction addicts.
For real world purposes, there is no limit to growth. Instead there is limits to the Rate of Growth, which is largely determined by the available tech & economics. It can be anywhere from highly negative to highly positive depending on current circumstance. A major pandemic kills 50% of the world population, yes, rate of growth will be negative for awhile and then go positive. Right now the limit on rate of growth with current tech is probably about +2-5%/yr worldwide. So you certainly want to keep population growth well below that. That’s rational.
In their hope of ousting Vladimir Putin, the Western bankers appear to have prepared their own team of oligarchs. Bloomberg news agency reports that about half Russia’s oligarchs have escaped sanctions.
While he retains the support of the forces, as well as the people, the Western bankers have little chance of replacing Putin. And as the “keep out of politics” deal still stands, there’s scarcely a chance that the oligarchs would try.
These men largely constitute the 1990s oligarchs — those who got rich under president Boris Yeltsin, some of them during the voucher fraud, when state enterprises were supposedly distributed among the population, or during the subsequent state default, when creditors (oligarchs) were able to call in collateral.
Russia/Ukraine produce 25% of global wheat exports.
But that only represents 0.9% of wheat consumed as most wheat is grown and consumed in the same country.
The countries that are most reliant on Russian/Ukrainian wheat, anticipating conflict, planted enough extra to cover the shortfall months ago.
Much like with oil and gas (production/supply uninterrupted), there has been little to no real world impact on supply/demand and sanctions are simply an excuse to hike up prices.
None of this would be possible if the most important markets in the world weren’t straight up criminal cartels.
last month is was just Ukraine now they added russia after a while you see this is bollocks..
During the brexit 4 years mega ritual they said the same about the E>U.
Conclusion: Our own governments (the cartels’ lackeys) are using the age-old war tactic of siege and starvation to turn us into compliant beggars.
The book “States of Emergency” is best analysis I’ve seen yet of what we’re facing and why. Ed Curtain’s review is linked below:
The war in Ukraine seems to be helping the World Economic Forum to advance several of its Great Reset goals – a coincidence theory, or something deliberately planned? Vladimir Putin pursues self-interest, but is his self-interest best advanced by representing the people of Russia or by representing the goals of Klaus Schwab at the World Economic Forum? What can’t be ignored is Putin’s decision to suspend US dollar payments for Russia’s oil and gas. Personally, I think it’s amazing that the MSM are not covering the likely consequences for the West, for the reasons I explain here
“Is Russia the REAL target of Western sanctions?” Um? Duh? Was this ever in doubt?
To clarify: of course Russia is the target. We are merely “collateral damage”. NATOstan is all about pretending that collateral damage is irrelevant whether in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya or within NATOstan itself. Moreover, I do believe the NATOstan/EU/WEF bubble is so far up its own backside that they actually do not know what is going on in the real world, that’s how insulated they are from it.
You spectacularly missed the point and obviously didn’t read the article
The proxy nature of the war in Ukraine has never been so clear. The United States drags China into the penalty box and threatens India. With every passing day the sanctions on Russia become a suppurating sore for the West. The target is us.
It may look like the U.S. is blowing up the world order, while it wires itself for demolition. But those with their hands on the plunger are not citizens like you or I — they have dispensed with the nation state in which we live.
The target of this assault is not Ukraine or Russia but our world. There are signs of the dismantling of America, borders and all, the starving of Europe’s energy base and with it manufacturing. And if China is dragged into it, the Far East, too.
This did not begin with this war or even the last. It seems to be part of a much broader strategy, going back a century or more.
Excellent analysis MC & KK. The Internationalists control all of the 193 UN member nation states. They want to dominate an ever increasing world population that, especially in some Western countries, were becoming too independent of the current control system & thus a threat. We are in the midst of their attempt to modernize the social, economic & governance systems necessary to tightly control & subjugate eight billion souls in a state of dependence.
The solution is to peacefully unite in solidarity with a message that ‘we do not consent’ & ‘we do not wish to contract with your Unidroit system’. A Natural world needs to be preserved for the children. Checkout Alison McDowell’s research into the Panopticon:
Painful Lesson: Very dangerous to believe your own BuII$h1t.
Current events are producing a whole new industry in the Anglo west; many experts spouting variations of Anglo world domination in some form. Current opinion is that the Anglos are winning even though the Ruskis are dismantling their world domination of 3/400 yrs. Will help reading up the tribal history of the ruling families in the west and the Rus ruling families going back at least apprx 8/900yrs We are seeing symptoms of empires on the decline.
If there is a choice between the US-led imeperialist and fascist NWO and the Russia and China-led anti-imperialist and anti-fascist “NWO”, then I choose the latter. You English or Americans (and fools Europeans) can support fascism and imperialism as always, while fucking excuses that Russia is behind the Great Reset and the New World Order.
Weird that you didn’t use the same measure when there was a talk about Mossange and his endorsement of the official 911 version. How did you explain it then? Although from the beginning everything indicated that he was an intelligence and psyop resource. And what is to think of you in that connection? According to your “logic”, you are such a resource too.
London is the capital of evil, so don’t hide yourself from Russia.
And another elephant in the room in the form of the zionists I have never seen in any Corbett or Off Guardian publications and both have been following from their inception. Haven’t you ever noticed him? Never!
“So, the American war in Ukraine is really a war against Germany. Russia is not the enemy. Germany and Europe are the enemy and the United States made it very clear. This is a war to lock in our allies so they cannot trade with Russia.
This is to say to the rest of the world, you know, we’ve got you completely, I don’t know how to put it, what phrase to use, but you don’t have any choice, your money or your life. We’ve got you trapped. And [Biden]’s crowing over the fact that this resulting inflation is exactly what was intended by the war in Ukraine that has led to the isolation of Russia and other countries following a non-US [neoliberal/austerity/war on labor] policy.”
There’s more than a grain of truth in that. NATO’s purpose: “To keep Russia out, America in and Germany down.”
Fully agree with the article. As the hysteria about covid was not about covid but about getting people injected, the hysteria about the war seems to be about getting people to fully support the sanctions.
Here’s an interesting piece, which adds another dimension:
“Why should America’s regional allies help Washington contain Russia in Europe when Washington is strengthening Russia and Iran in the Middle East?
OK, so say we do that, confront the elephant. What does that mean? What does that get us? Proof of something, like, proof that there really is a Great Reset and this war is part of it and, then what? We take that to the court and tell the judge, “hey judge, stop these assholes will ya!”
Well, now it just seems like we’re all on a ride and we can’t get off and we’re just going to go wherever it takes us. And all you can do is hang on. Maybe when it gets really bad, enough people will start fighting back. Or maybe we’ll just fight each other. Get out of the cities if you can.
‘It’s time to confront the elephant in the room’
Well, two elephants really…
Viruses don’t exist. (Hope everyone has seen and passed on ‘The Virus Delusion pt 1’ posted by Patrick L a few articles ago…)
And the Daddy elephant in the room, earth is level, not a globe.
^^That post is a fine example of “shitjacketing”, a tried-and-trusted CIA technique. “To challenge virology is to claim the earth is flat.”
Er, okay.
Just thought I’d mention the two leading elephants in the room, in my opinion.
One is way bigger than any of the other elephants mind.
The claim is that earth is a globe, not the other way round.
And did you just ‘shitjacket’ me ?
Guess I’ll have to go back to CIA school now !
More like the classic CIA technique called “Poisoning the Well”.
There are questions that need answering BEFORE a conclusion can be drawn regarding viruses and Germ Theory in general. Here are some of them:
1) When did the manufacture and use of chemicals (i.e., toxins) actually begin?
2) How reliable is ancient history? We’re told there were “plagues” going back to antiquity – but were there really?
3) Do the building blocks of construction – mining, forging metals, making bricks and mortar and so on – contain enough toxic materials to account for “disease” in antiquity?
Frankly, I don’t know where to look for the answers. Does anyone?
Well, one (good) aspect of the convid has been that it has woken many more people up to questioning, previously generally accepted, historical events.
‘If they lied about this, what else did they lie about’.
I have looked into previous alleged ‘resets’, but admit that I don’t know what to make of them.
This forum seems quite good, some good researchers, and generally polite !
I’d say that the controllers have been lying about pretty much everything.
I’ve recently looked into the theory of previous ‘resets,’ too, but find the evidence less than convincing, the mud flood theory as ‘evidence’ being slightly more believable than the orphan trains theory. The orphans, it seems were generated due our prudish past where unmarried women had to give up their newborn children.
Also, the “books” available on the ‘reset’ subject are just rubbish – no more than a collection of copy/pastes from around the web. I’d need more than that to warm me to this theory.
Eric Dubai’s flat earth theory, however, has some good reasoning as to why the earth may not be a spinning globe.
You may find many of the answers in
Dissolving Illusions by Suzanne Humphries et al;
Fear of the Invisible by Janine Roberts
and the latest edition of Virus Mania by Engelbrecht, Kohnlein, Bailey
Howard, I cannot recommend more highly the 6-hour-plus series The Viral Delusion. The first episode is 2 hours 20 minutes long and is free until May and the five part series costs $12.
Interesting interview with the filmmakers by Dr Sam Bailey.
Try these:
Roman Empire antiquity
Roman Church antiquity
Ukrainian / Russia season 1 is coming to a end.
The weather machine has been put on, then bad news about cases during the week its already started). (people went out to the beach and mixed will be the under line blame)
The masks wearing have come back big time expect the health minuter which is a joke of a name more death minster cant rule out another lockodwn but get the summer boooster to maybe stop the possible lock down as R reading tier system is above 6 tillion cases a day.
Ukrainian /Russia season 1 achieved it goals. Normalizing up to a 25+% increase in cost of living. It will also go up again in April/May.
Someone please show me Russian troops in Ukraine. we were told there are 10’s of thousands. Who is really damaging apartment and office buildings. Were these images from the last 8 years of war in eastern Ukraine? There is a lot of file footage from around the world as well that could be used. How many were doctored by computer editing software? I STILL WANT TO SEE THESE RUSSIAN TROOPS!
The majority of video “News” exuding from the media is unverifiable footage of events that may not be local or current. We don’t have proof of what contingents (Russian or Ukrainian) are launching rockets into civilian targets…
That’s the magic of television. It’s all bullcrap designed to entertain the plebs.
More than entertaining, they want to mislead and exploit, i.e., extract taxes and support (work, donations).