WATCH: James Corbett on The Delingpod
Corbett and Delingpole discuss the globalist aspect of the “special operation” (don’t mention the war) in Ukraine, which is being given too little (read almost zero) attention in most of the alt media.
We need to remember that while the “pandemic” narrative is on the back burner, the agenda it served is still very much with us. And right now it’s very clear the war – and subsequent unprecedented sanctions – are serving that agenda even better than COVID did.
It’s probably naive in the extreme to think, as some of our colleagues are suggesting, this is irrelevant, merely a coincidence, or, even worse, “conspiracy thinking”.
Let’s hope the near universal war fever abates soon and some deeper analysis takes over.
Meanwhile kudos to James and James for going where way too few ‘indy media’ are currently venturing.
Links and shownotes for this episode are available here. You can watch more of James Corbett’s work here, and listen to previous episodes of the Delingpod here.
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Delingpole’s statement that it doesn’t matter who wrote Shakespeare I find very strange.
Firstly, there is simply the question of natural justice – that the person(s) who actually wrote the works gets the credit. Secondly, it would further exemplify that massive psyops can be carried out that last centuries. Thirdly, how one interprets the works will vary somewhat depending on perceived authorship.
I am leaning towards an ‘invisible college’ idea with many hands involved in the production of the plays. Marlowe looks a strong candidate – his death looks faked and he could have submitted works under a new identity. Works like ‘Titus Andronicus’ and ‘Taming of the Shrew’ look closer to Marlowe’s style than “Shakespeare”. Even if he did die, some works now attributed to Shakespeare were probably incomplete Marlowe plays finished off by other hands. De Vere is also a good candidate – certainly for ‘Hamlet’ and the sonnets. Bacon’s involvement in some oversight role seems likely, especially later on.
Alternatively, William Shakespeare of Stratford wrote them. That’s the Shakespeare who had no proven education, left no letters or diaries, left no manuscripts in his writing and didn’t mention them in his will, who died without any national recognition, who wrote over a dozen plays set in Italy despite never going there (he got his info from Italian sailors in the pub!), who wrote nothing in Midlands’ dialect, who never mentions Stratford (but St Albans, Bacon’s home town is mentioned 16 times) etc etc.
It is a known fact that John Florio was responsible for editing the plays that appeared in the First Folio. When comparing versions prior to the First Folio, there are many apparent improvements to be found. No matter who got the credit, the plays were certainly the product of many hands.
To what degree does the ‘agent’ determine and act to produce outcomes, and to what degree does the terrain or context dictate or frame probabilities of thought and action?
Insofar as we are narratively identifying, we are constructing or accepting a future in terms of a past made by such narratives – that are hardly each an island to itself but mutually reinforcing in ways that become a driver of collective assumptions rather than collectively held, embodied and shared values?
I have no doubt that dark op and psy-op run in each mind at different levels of ‘private’ agenda – such as to become actively ignorant of underlying defences running as if autonomous, for such are habits.
But ascribing agency and power to ‘Them’ or to enemy image, sets our own life hostage to powerlessness – even if holding a righteous sense of judgement to bring to fruit in a future by which to vindicate self and avenge grievance. For vengeance becomes a usurper and saboteur of our life, where hates never really leave us to reside in the hated, but canker and harden the heart against love of simple joys of being – that hold true depth of life in our day.
I did not resonate with the video.
I’m interested in a reintegrative movement of heart and mind, such as to restore the world we live to the world we give. The collective compulsions to ‘progress’ reveal progressive destruction. Idea cannot change unless revisited from a perspective that embraces and expands. Mere reaction persists them under new variants.
Nicely said.
People that believe in nothing are willing to believe in anything.
Real pandemic is narcissism fueled by social media.
Loved your post.
The problem are not the individual “asocials / criminal / predators” but our capitalist economy which corrupts democracy and encourages and makes this amassing of money power possible.
A very marxist comment, so what would you suggest our ‘capitalist economy’ is replaced by? I am against corpocracy (big corporates) but believe in the capitalism practiced by small business operators who put risk on the table and hope for a return on that risk.
How avant-garde … what exactly are you Curious about?
Perhaps not the entire problem, but those people are certainly part of the problem.
It’s a question of human trust.
Some people can be trusted to keep their word. Others can not.
The capitalist economy might theoretically work, if the ones who couldn’t be trusted were automatically excluded from positions of responsibility.
The point is that good people would like to be able to trust their fellow human beings. That’s why they come up with good laws, good constitutions and good ideas for government.
Then they fail to install and enforce effective measures which would keep the criminals out.
My view is that capitalism corrupts nothing.
It’s actual individuals who corrupt democracy, but we’re all so afraid of hurting their feelings that we remain silent and hesitate to stop them.
You might as well say that the original hand-written manuscript of Beethoven’s 9th Symphony corrupts society, because somebody might roll it up and hit somebody else over the head with it.
The problem lies with the criminals, and not with the rest of society.
most of society are order followers with an extremely deluded idea of right and wrong
We do exist/live in different social/economic structures, under different umbrellas, each having different framework.
The question is what do we want to achieve under one particular framework.
What rights, freedoms, opportunities, responsibilities, benefits, hierarchy form and status … you want for each individual.
Can the structure you prefer deliver?
No matter which framework you address, individuals in the position with power are the one who will make it work or who will sabotage it, wether it is monarchy, capitalism, communism, socialism….. tribalism.
Individual (animal) has its own programming. Anything can happen when it is in position with power.
You go from capitalism to democracy in one bold leap! Compliments …
Could a marxist economy “theoretically” work?
Why not both? There’s no capitalist economy without capitalists, and the organized minority of capitalists who actively work to reproduce the system are sociopaths.
“Not… but…” is fine for debate, but “yes, and…” invites people to think new thoughts and make new alliances, which is much needed at present.
The problems of humanity go far beyond capitalism vs socialism, democracy vs autocracy, but it’s something that materialists and nihilists were trained and then choose not to aknowledge; so unfortunately we will continue in this predicament of chasing our own tails.
Societies Health isn’t on the back burner, just tone down the word “science”. Cultural nationalistic qualies to over-reaction is the main issue here, before social interference, leading to targetting and canvassing for support.
The level of interference in daily lives, laid down by rules, agreed on or not is irrelevant when The Rule damage is selfrightously inflicted.
That’s blatantly obvious reviewing, stepping back and observing while doing so, over the last 50 years, perhaps around 1985 depending on the Country.
Indy media arent going there probably because the MSM arent going there.
MSM thrives on bombs, devastation, slaughter, and graphic pictures. The most effective propaganda is emotional…
MSM arent going there because Putin isnt conducting his War the way they expect, he’s not providing them with Human Drama & Mass Casualties, all the gory fodder propaganda
requires as medium for its message…
Indy media dont set the agenda, they react. Quite often they only establish their independence vis-a-vis the MSM; rarely are they anything more than criticism or rejection of the MSM narrative…
Being suspicious stands in for critique…
Being suspicious is not enough…
“He who desires or attempts to reform the government of a state and wishes to have it accepted, must at least retain the semblance of the old forms; so that it may seem to the people that there has been no change in the institutions, even though in fact they are entirely different from the old ones. For the great majority of mankind are satisfied with appearances, as though they were realities.”
Machiavelli, The Prince.
It seems that the letter Z has now been banned, along with Russian cats and Russian dogs and Russian mustard.
I’m still waiting to see what President elensky does.
I just hope they can do something about those Ukrainian Na is.
I’m taking the kids to the oo tomorrow to see all the animals.
They really like the lions and the bears and the ebras.
does the oo have the white ebras with black stripes or the black ebras with white stripes?
Yes indeed shows his true colours, a communist-marxist, talks to a psychopath who rejected his establishment tribe because they don’t like him killing harmless wildlife for fun (it’s not good PR).
I paraphrase Corbett, “those who don’t contribute to society should be excluded” – James Corbett, scratch the surface of his anarchistic persona you find a classic Marxist. To which Delingblob throws his toys out of the pram because he’s not allowed to enjoy his bloodlust anymore.
Instead of “paraphrasing” why not provide the actual quote.
Good point …
Why are you defending J.C.?
An admirable success of the corporate propaganda media is how they rendered useful critical concepts useless. Everyday someone chants the mantra “politically, the terms left and right are no longer useful” or “no longer have any meaning.” Nearly everyday someone will claim so-and-so is/isnt an anarchist, or marxist, or communist, or feminist – and it’s evident they unthinkingly learned the meanings assigned to the terms by the corporate propaganda media.
But the MSM is not solely to blame. Historically the use of. for example, ‘the left’ as a political term in the UK, Australia, and the USA had shaded differences; and ready access to “news” and political sites from these countries via the internet, has had a corrosive impact on their specific usages, But….
We always have the choice between using terms in exact defined ways that enable our understanding of vital issues, or we lazily regurgitate the duckspeak that has colonised our thinking. “Quack. Quack !”
Ukraine-Russia: A Proxy-War, Advancing the Agenda of the Great Reset?
Scotland continues with the mask fraud…..
“Dr Christine Tait-Burkard, a leading infections expert at University of Edinburgh, told BBC Radio’s Good Morning Scotland that cotton masks offered “much less protection” from the BA.2 subvariant because far fewer virus particles needed to be inhaled to catch it.
She said: “The surgical and cotton masks just allow for a little more of the virus to get through. They are still very good for people who are lower risk – they stop them shedding a lot of virus into the environment.
“For people who are more vulnerable it is probably the moment to increase to an FFP2 mask just until the pressure in the environment from so many people infected actually decreases.”
Bye bye 👋
It’s a pity that no one warned the doctor that the Grim Reaper’s latest subterfuge is abandoning the traditional hooded black robe and scythe garb and instead appearing as a Tinker Bell-like Pfizer Fairy.
Delingpole seems all over the alt-media. Is one supposed to think that because he’s a toff, because he went to Oxbridge, the alt-media has “arrived” because someone like him takes it seriously?
I don’t need my media “approved” by James Delingpoles. If I wanted to hear or read the opinions of Oxbridge types I’d watch the BBC or read the Guardian.
“Mining shares”? Good grief.
Exactly. Spot on
He’s like all the rest of that lot…they can smell money.
Dell boy’s a nice lad, but what with rising prices and all, where can I find a few extra quid to extend (or even begin) my investment portfolio, living on a state pension?
My great grand father’s my grand father’s thought in these wars died in the wars for our freedoms.I feel so sorry for all those that died for nothing now.
Close your eyes and say there’s no place like home because all we have now is each other.Our governments are at war with us.They pushed us away from each other through convid,They in their simplest minds thought devide us but they didn’t and now they are using a non war but an intervention to further distract us .It is so obvious what they are doing it’s written on the chalk board of life.
I just caught another attack on the NHS on the TV news and at the end there was the familiar announcement: “And if you’ve been afftected by any of the matters reported here please contact ….” and it struck me that these announcements are another form of propaganda: to get the viewer to identify with whoever the designated victims are and, failing that, to get the viewer to think there must be vast swathes of these victims.
That’s what I think nobody in their right mind would call a bbc helpline surely?
Yeah you’d think so but ppl haven’t been in their right mind for a long time.
Neoliberalism impoverishes. [It] is a financial class war against labor, against industry, against governments. It’s the financial class against the whole rest of society seeking to use debt leverage to control companies, countries, families and individuals by debt.
~ Michael Hudson
The IMF and World Bank are the chosen instruments to enforce neoliberalism worldwide. Its goal is to break down the nation-state paradigm and erase the whole Democracy experiment from the history books. It has impoverished Ukraine, just like it did the US and everywhere it touches. How many lives have ended due to slow financial squeezing?
Part of the IMF’s war on governments doing their job is disallowing them to use fiscal policy for public purpose, lying about “reducing deficits”, which MMT revealed is a huge myth.
“The support for Ukraine that fills Western media now is not out of real solidarity with the people of Ukraine. If that were the case, the US wouldn’t have overthrown our gov’t twice in a decade or supported policies that made us the poorest country in Europe..”
Italian Airport Workers Refuse to Load Arms for Ukraine
Read James latest article it is the only way out of this war on us.
Depressing to know how manipulated we are and even knowing this makes not a jot of difference to what is coming- no matter which way you vote.
I don’t think it’s panic mode at all.
It’s just the family’s usual greed mode.
Virtue signaling
Vaxxed by machines, tracked by machines..
“Nasty Nazi Pelosi and the rest of the slimy corrupt corporate fascist political parasite toady hacks are not only mooching off the public dole…

… but they are taking the food out of our mouths and kicking us to the curb while doing it. Not to mention all they have murdered, poisoned and lab ratted with their Billy Eugenics Cull Juice.)

It is one big racket/scam/grift and you and I not in it.”
Yeh but doesn’t Nancy realise that sea levels are rising catastrophically and her bijou sea front villa will be underwater in a couple of years? Doh,Greta should swim over and fill her in on the facts.
Lest we forget mr cooper.We know all these politicians are in bed with the rich to do their bidding it’s sick.Yet we let it happen 😬
Reddit has banned 2 subs related to stillbirths:
To quiet all the grieving masses who took the depopju juice.
The vaccines have to shut down the macrophages in order to get their nanoparticles to areas in the body, such as the testes, ovaries, or placenta.
This is because macrophages are highly efficient at filtering nanoparticles.
Macrophage dysregulation occurs, resulting in immune deficiency and pregnancy/fetal growth problems, which can result in spontaneous abortions and stillbirths.
The dysregulation is being performed using chimeric antibodies made from long tail macaques.
If you want to look up different genes in the patents, there is a spreadsheet for the moderna one that has the peptides and their associated diseases listed:
Do you have an original source? Other than that link?
Macrophages don’t filter. They engulf, then use ROS to destroy bacteria. NLPs evade macrophages.
“In abnormal pregnancy, more classically activated (M1) macrophages have been observed at the maternal-fetal interface. The balance of polarization between M1 and M2 macrophages is important for various processes of normal pregnancy, such as trophoblast invasion, spiral artery remodeling, and apoptotic cell phagocytosis. Conversely, the dysregulated polarization of macrophages was associated with inadequate remodeling of the uterine vessels and defective trophoblast invasion and finally led to spontaneous abortion, preeclampsia and preterm birth.”
“Macrophages and especially the liver-resident Kupffer cells are in the focus of nanomedicine due to their highly efficient and unspecific uptake of most nanomaterials as well as due to their critical pathogenic functions during inflammation and fibrogenesis. The mannose receptor enables targeting macrophages in liver disease, but macrophages can also become activated by certain nanomaterials.”
You completely misunderstood my comment and question.
Where’s the original MODERNA DOC? With the disease list? And peptide structures?
During WWII the BIS in Switzerland didn’t block German financial transactions, some which facilitated their looting of gold from conquered Central Banks in Europe.
Other BIS claim: “In July 1944, a United Nations conference met at Bretton Woods in the United States to discuss the postwar international monetary system. The Bretton Woods Conference adopted a resolution calling for the abolition of the BIS “at the earliest possible moment”, because it considered that the BIS would have no useful role to play once the newly created World Bank and International Monetary Fund were operational. European central bankers held a different opinion, and successfully lobbied for maintaining the BIS. By early 1948, the BIS liquidation resolution had been put aside. It was understood that henceforth the BIS would focus foremost on European monetary and financial matters.”
James Corbett and the staff of OffG are some of the most remarkable people on the planet. The fact that you’re still plugging away despite the obvious flak from TPTB is a testament to your resolve and resilience.
So I visit a lot of Indy media sites. Right now they are all in lock step cheering Russia and sharing some pretty questionable propaganda. The only places with any scepticism seem to be OffG and Corbett. What gives? Is it reflexive antagonism? The establishment is pro-Ukraine therefore we all need to wave a Russian flag? And why are none of them talking about the Great Reset any more? also skeptical
Consent factory too
Intercept with former friend of Pierre Omidiyar Glenn greenwald
And a few others I’ve forgotten. And when it comes to the right wing in Europe it’s mainly the heavily pro trump people who are anti intervention and anti ukraine
idk, it’s baffling.
Not that Russia is some kind of innocent, angelic force for everything good and honorable, but the “West” are and have for a very long time been demonstrably top-flight demons in purposely screwing over the planet’s working class people. So yeah, in this case, go Russia!
Reflexive antagonism. It is the rare person who can refuse themselves the momentary pleasure of correcting a 1/2 oz difference in the scales by dropping a fully loaded dump truck onto the opposite side.
I just hope that when we do rise up we don’t spend time looting shops and burning some poor fuckers car and being easily manipulated by agent provocateurs and go straight for the jugular viscously at the real culprits – governments and there corporate backers. Sadly we more than likely won’t.
If EU refuses to pay in rubles then this follows the Great Reset agenda of BBB from scratch, meaning setting the clock back to the 19th century since there is no viable replacement for Russian gas. The gas deals with the US will only cover 24% max, and will not be delivered until the end of the year. Problem is that to replenish dwindling stocks which are at a 20% low, deliveries must commence by mid April (2 weeks from now) to cover EU member states’ needs for the period up to and including the next winter season to avoid an economic melt-down and (planned?) unprecedented hardships for its citizenry. And that scenario doesn’t include what’s coming next when Russian oil has to be paid in rubles as well, and it’s wheat and other essential export commodities the EU can’t do without.
Reuters trying – and not particularly succeeding – not to sound delighted about the prospect of gas rationing in Germany:
Funny how energy rationing and less use of gas are both big parts of ‘The Great Reset’. What a covidcidence!
We should all start banging our pots and pans in gratitude to NATO for standing up for the rights of less powerful nations. Obviously the Germans didn’t want Nordstream 2 and are delighted to wreck themselves to uphold “our values”.
what gets me is that petrol prises rose weeks ago and ”news”paper headlines have been full of electricity price rises for months. people have no memories ?!
I don’t know about having no memories.
It seems just as likely to me to be poison-induced ADHD…
Nobody concentrates any more. Everything is a ‘quick fix’…
could be it.
The US’s pentagon position is and has always been: Keep Russia out and Germany down.
Will this wake the 90% of the Indy media from their torpor to question wtf is really going on?
90% of the Indy media are in bed with the shadows of Bill and Melinda.
They have no interest in wtf is really going on.