REVIEW: JFK – Destiny Betrayed

Oliver Stone Documents the Past to Illuminate the Present

Edward Curtin

The timing of the early March 2022 release of this digital streaming documentary could not be more auspicious.  For anyone wanting to understand how we arrived at a new Cold War with the second Irish-Catholic Democratic president in US history, Joseph Biden, spewing belligerent absurdities about Ukraine, Russia, and Vladimir Putin, and leading a charge toward a World War III that could easily turn nuclear, the aggregated factual details in this series of why President John F. Kennedy was assassinated by the CIA and its minions is essential history that illuminates current events.

While Kennedy was the last US president to genuinely seek peace at the cost of his life, his successors have all been lackeys in love with war and in full awareness  that the promotion of war and the military-industrial complex were at the top of their job description.  They have gladly served the god of war and ravaged countries around the world with the glee of sadists and madmen.  Pusillanimous in the extreme, they have sought the presidency knowing they would never oppose the gunmen in the shadows who demanded their obedience.  They heard the message from the streets of Dallas loud and clear and followed orders as required.

Their long history of provocations against Russia in Eastern Europe and Ukraine that has resulted in the current Russian attack on Ukraine is a most frightening case in point.  While Kennedy embraced dialogue and negotiations that recognized the humanity and validity of other countries leaders’ viewpoints – e.g. Nikita Khrushchev, Fidel Castro, et al. – and was cognizant, as he said, that genuine peace had to exclude a Pax Americana, his replacements have demanded US dominance and the growth of empire.

It is therefore essential to understand why JFK was assassinated by the US national security state; it is a fundamental requisite for piercing the miasma of lies that have been used over the decades to conceal the true nature of US foreign policy and the intense anti-Russia hatred.

JFK: Destiny Betrayeda four-hour, four-part follow-up to Oliver Stone’s two hour feature film JFK Revisited: Through the Looking Glass (11/22/21), does precisely that.  While JFK Revisited is by the nature of its shorter and undivided length a better film as film, JFK: Destiny Betrayed is the deeper history lesson because of its more extensive documentation.

It is largely based on the scriptwriter, James DiEugenio’s masterful book, Destiny Betrayed: JFK, Cuba, and the Garrison Casewhich draws on hundreds of thousands of documents released by the Assassination Records Review Board, which was formed as a result of Oliver Stone’s 1991 film, JFK.  As such, the book, and the new film, hoist the US government by its own petard, and thus the film’s powerful indictment can only be dismissed by ignoramuses, propagandists, or sensibilities too tender to accept factual truth.

At an Orwellian time when “fictionalized documentaries” are being promoted, and the difference between fact and fiction is being scrambled to scramble brains, that, regrettably, may be many people.  But for anyone who takes history and facts seriously, this is a dazzling and deeply disturbing film whose implications are enormous.

It is divided into four parts, each approximately an hour.  This allows the viewer to space out their viewing to allow each section to sink in.  I think this is a good idea, for there is much to comprehend, especially for one not well-versed in this history.

Chapter One opens with an emphatic point: Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. tells how his father immediately suspected that the CIA was involved in the murder of President Kennedy and that when the Warren Commission Report (WC) was released he didn’t believe it.

The WC had been pushed by people such as Eugene Rostow, Joseph Alsop, et al., no friends to Kennedy; was controlled by Allen Dulles, the CIA Director whom Kennedy had fired following the Bay of Pigs treachery; and was promoted by The New York Times upon its release with the claim that the commission’s conclusion that Lee Harvey Oswald killed the president was supported by all its documents when in fact those documents were not released for many months following.  Thus the N.Y. Times lied to serve the coverup as it has done ever since. This was typical of mainstream media then and now.

The first part of the documentary informs the viewer of many such lies of commission and omission:

  • That the CIA lied to Kennedy about the Bay of Pigs.
  • That Allen Dulles never told the Warren Commission that the CIA had tried repeatedly to kill Fidel Castro.
  • That the CIA lied to JFK about its attempts to assassinate French President Charles De Gaulle.
  • That the CIA lied to him about the assassination of the Congolese Prime Minister Patrice Lumumba, another Kennedy ally.
  • That the CIA lied to Robert Kennedy when he learned of its attempts to assassinate Castro by telling him they had stopped when they had not.

Lies piled upon lies on every side.

Sandwiched between, in a deft placement that says “try to lie about this,” is the Zapruder film that graphically refutes the lie that the president was not shot from the front; it confirms witness testimony that the kill shot came from the right front and a large back portion of the back of his head was blown out by a gunman who wasn’t Oswald.  Presto: a conspiracy.

And then the viewer learns how years later the Church Committee Hearings uncovered many more lies.  How Jack Ruby, who killed Oswald, was a confidential FBI informer; how, contrary to press lies, JFK never authorized the plots to assassinate Castro, etc.

And when the lies became more known, The House Select Committee on Assassinations (1979) sealed half-a-million records until 2029, many of which were only released due to Oliver Stone’s 1991 film.  Still, in 2022 records are still being held back against the law.

Chapter Two opens with the absurd deceptions involving Kennedy’s autopsy.  Brief but powerful and a preliminary introduction to an extensive analysis in Chapter 3, this section presents evidence that doctors were pressured to lie about the frontal wounds, that Captain James Humes, the doctor in charge of the autopsy, had never done a gunshot autopsy and was part of the coverup – literally with JFK’s head, that the president’s personal doctor, George Burkley, disappeared crucial evidence, etc.

Then, in a creative switch used throughout the four parts, we learn some more of why Kennedy was killed.

How as a young US Representatives in 1951 he went to Vietnam with his brother Robert and became convinced that the French war there was wrong and also unwinnable, and that Vietnam should be free of colonial domination.

How years later as a Senator he spoke out against Secretary of State John Foster Dulles’ advice to use nuclear weapons at Diên Bên Phù to help the beleaguered French (one of many times he opposed the use of nuclear weapons).

How he gave a famous Senate speech in 1957 opposing colonialism and was attacked by both parties for it.  How he supported the non-aligned nations movement, including Sukarno in Indonesia and many leaders throughout Africa.

Then we are returned to Dallas and the assassination where we learn about the conflicting number of shots, the “magic bullet that allegedly and comically was claimed to have created seven wounds in Kennedy and Gov. John Connally, the failure of the chain of custody for the bullets, and the various anomalies associated with Oswald’s alleged rifle that are revealed with multiple photos.

A viewer’s ears would no doubt particularly perk up when learning that the rifle the government says Oswald used that he ordered through mail order under the alias A. Hidell and was sent to his post office box registered under the name Lee Oswald, could not be picked up by Oswald since it was sent to the name Hidell.  And so… ?

Before moving on to the third section, I would like to note the book-like quality of this streaming film documentary.  The sections are called chapters and its title and much of its contents are taken from DiEugenio’s book.

So you could say it is similar to a novel that is converted into a screenplay, but in this case it is a carefully sourced and researched non-fiction (I prefer the word “fact”) book with fifty-four pages of notes.  Watching it is like reading a book in that the viewer needs to slowly evaluate not only the narrative drive of the presentation but also the quality of the filmed notes that buttress the telling from beginning to end.

As one who has read the book very carefully two times, always noting sources, and as one who has researched, written about, and taught university courses on the JFK and other political assassinations, I can attest to the solidity of the film’s sources.  I can think of none that are not accurate.

Like the earlier JFK Revisited: Through the Looking Glass, the collaboration between Stone, a filmmaker of genius, and DiEugenio, a supremely talented researcher, has produced two remarkable films, slightly different in style and substance, but achieving the same clarification of purpose: Factual truth about who killed President Kennedy and why, and why it matters today.

Chapter Three is perhaps the most devastating of the four.  Much of it is spent on showing the evil treachery involved in the autopsy of the president at Bethesda Naval Hospital that is central to the coverup of the truth. This coverup was carried out within the higher reaches of the government, and its only purpose could be to protect the killers within that government.  It is very hard to stomach such truth, but it is necessary.

Only one person was present both at Parkland Hospital in Dallas and at the autopsy: Dr. George Burkley, JFK’s White House physician.  Deeply involved in the coverup, Burkley changed his statements from inadvertent truth to falsehoods like a jumping bean, finally firmly supporting the lies of Dr. Humes, who performed the autopsy under the direction of military/intelligence higher-ups and then incredibly destroyed his notes.

Burkley also backed the lies of those others involved in replacing Kennedy’s brain with another, and then patching up the back of his head to conceal his large wound in order to deny the fatal head shot came from the front.  He supported Robert Knudsen, the White House photographer who took photos of JFK’s fraudulently repaired head. All these men conspired to cover up the truth by literally covering up of the hole in the back of the president’s head.

This was betrayal of the highest order.  Treachery close to home.

Yet to learn in detail that Kennedy’s brain was replaced and that his badly damaged brain is missing is matched in depravity with learning that JFK’s arch-enemy, General Curtis LeMay, made sure to quickly return from Canada to attend the autopsy where he sat with others in bleachers, puffing a cigar as Kennedy was cut up and patched like a showpiece.  As Kennedy’s most belligerent foe and the real-life Dr. Strangelove, one who hated the president and who advocated dropping nuclear weapons on Cuba, Vietnam, the Soviet Union, and using terrorism against the American people to blame on Cuba (Operation Northwoods) – all emphatically repudiated by JFK who thought such suggestions insane and evil – the image of the sadistic LeMay in the autopsy room is haunting.

This chapter also tells us of a National Security Meeting on July 20, 1961 when Allen Dulles and the military urged Kennedy to do a first-strike nuclear attack on the Soviet Union, one of many such attempts that the president rebuffed without hesitation.  Watching this, one cannot help thinking of what is taking place with President Biden, unlike Kennedy, a lifetime war hawk and clearly not in his right mind.  We have been warned.

Additionally, we learn of JFK’s strong opposition to Israel’s development of nuclear weapons and his clash with its Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion, his support for Egypt’s President Gamal Abdel Nasser and Palestinian rights, Syria, etc., and his great concern for the Middle East in general.

The concluding chapter is “Fingerprints of Intelligence” and confirms what the first three parts make obvious: that the CIA and its minions killed their own president to prevent him from seeking peace and reconciliation in a world on the edge of nuclear destruction.

We learn all about the CIA’s running of Oswald as a false defector to the Soviet Union and a patsy in JFK’s murder.

We learn how the agency lied repeatedly about its connections to him.  We learn about parallel plots to assassinate Kennedy in Chicago and Tampa with fall guys similar to Oswald waiting in the wings.

We learn how Lyndon Johnson changed Kennedy’s policies in Vietnam, Indonesia, the Congo, etc. immediately after his death and how the military industrial complex won the day.

Oliver Stone tells us this.  And he tells us JFK’s ghost won’t rest.

This documentary makes that clear, but ghosts only have a way of sometimes disturbing consciences when they also know the facts.  JFK: Destiny Betrayed has all the facts one needs to rile one’s conscience, if one watches it, and if one can see through today’s repetition of history as the old Cold War has become the new old Cold War and betrayal rules the day as the CIA has been rehabilitated through insidious propaganda, as if nothing happened in 1963, or it doesn’t matter.

Yet nothing could be more untrue.

Ukraine is no anomaly; it fits the propaganda neatly. President Biden’s 813 billion dollar military budget request does likewise.  As the film makes clear, President John F. Kennedy was killed by the national security state for seeking peace, while our leaders are seeking war.  It’s still the same old story.  The warfare state rules.  That has not changed from the day John Kennedy died.

The only thing that can possibly change is people’s knowledge of the truth and how that can change their consciences to oppose the war promoters.  This film can do the former.  As for the latter, only time will tell.

JFK: Destiny Betrayed is a powerful corrective to the historical amnesia that has settled over the United States.  It is an incandescent example of how the marriage of film and scholarship can produce popular history at its best.  For anyone who wants to understand the new Cold War that is verging on going nuclear, this film is essential viewing.

Edward Curtin is an independent writer whose work has appeared widely over many years. His website is edwardcurtin.com and his new book is Seeking Truth in a Country of Lies.


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Rhys Jaggar
Rhys Jaggar
Apr 6, 2022 8:12 AM

And at the end of it all, 60 years on from the assassination, you think that telling the truth for the 500th time is going to change anything?

Let me tell you what MIGHT change the behaviour of the CIA: castrating its most senior officers then forcing them, as their final meal as condemned men, to eat their own genitalia before being publicly hung.

The incentive for them to eat their own genitals? A promise to blow the brains of their children and grandchildren out if they don’t.

The CIA will never change until its own officers die with the maximum of indignity, agony and total and utter humiliation.

I am sure that equally abhorrent death sentences can be formulated for women monsters high up in the CIA. There is nothing uniquely evil about men.

The real question is what you do with the child-less monsters other than put them head first through an industrial food mincer, lifting their bodies back upwards after the first little bit of mincing has started the maceration of their skull…..?

Apr 13, 2022 2:33 PM
Reply to  Rhys Jaggar

That’s disgusting

Mark R. Elsis
Mark R. Elsis
Apr 5, 2022 5:31 PM

Who had the means, motive, and opportunity to assassinate President John F. Kennedy? Only one group had this power, as they did on September 11, 2001, and still do today, by bringing the world a fake pandemic. President John F. Kennedy was assassinated by Israel for not letting them obtain nuclear weapons. That was by far the number one motive, end of story. James Jesus Angleton, chief of counterintelligence for the Central Intelligence Agency from 1954 to 1975, was the liaison between Israel and the United States that facilitated this barbaric coup d’etat. If you want to know more about the Israeli / Jewish plan, execution, and especially the smoking gun that I uncovered about their cover-up, read the first dozen pages of:

A Violent Insane Asylum (53 Pages)
by Mark R. Elsis

Or, the writing of my life, dedicated to my slain President:

John Fitzgerald Kennedy Timeline (423 Pages with 1,283 Hotlinks)
The Most Comprehensive Timeline On John Fitzgerald Kennedy
by Mark R. Elsis

Apr 7, 2022 3:11 AM
Reply to  Mark R. Elsis

JFK’s opposition to ben Gurion’s nuclear ambitions was only the proverbial last straw. The neo cons hatred of Joe sr was deep, mainly because of his stance on WW2. There is a vile column on the NY Post by neocon Podhoretz. It was published on the day John jr was liquidated. He was the last of the Kennedy’s to be eliminated. The first was Joe jr in 1944. Four killings and the Chappaquiddick psyop that ended Teddy’s presidential ambitions.

A bizarre bit of theatre shows the revenge on Joe sr hypothesis is not far fetched. The House Select Committee “investigated” the 60’s murders in the mid 70’s. One “witness” was a fellow who claimed to be the Umbrella Man. Those familiar with the minutae of the JFK assassination know the Umbrella man was in Dealey Plaza pumping his umbrella (on a clear afternoon) as the Limo passed , obviously signalling the shooters. The fake Umbrella Man clained ha was in Dealey Plaza protesting Joe Sr who was aligned with Chamberlain who habitually carried an umbrella. Like the original Umbrella Man the impostor was allowed to vanish into the depths of hidden history.

peter mcloughlin
peter mcloughlin
Apr 5, 2022 2:48 PM

The Cuban Missile Crisis demonstrated how the superpowers were able to control the scenarios that could unleash the nuclear Apocalypse. Today they are losing control, events beyond their control dragging over the abyss. There is a pattern. Without control Deterrence is defunct.

Hugh ONeill
Hugh ONeill
Apr 5, 2022 9:26 AM

All empires fall. Edward Gibbon (Decline & Fall) asked why it had taken the Roman Empire so long to collapse because it was rotten to its very core. That same corruption applies to the entire body politic, academia, press, critical thinking and the Human Condition – physical, moral and spiritual. However, as one empire collapses, another rises. I doubt we have ever been so aware of just how rotten the world is and it is that awareness which actually gives room for hope: as the man himself said, it is always better to light a candle (of hope) than to curse the darkness. A thousand thanks for those keepers of the flame like Ed curtin, Oliver Stone, James Douglass, Hime de Eugenio and of course Offguardian who understand that the JFK assassination is the Rosetta Stone to understanding both out present and our past. Lord Acton understood the connection between power and corruption; his famous dictum applied to the papacy, and it is just as true today as it was then – Pope Francis patently false doctrine that it is a moral duty to get vaccinated…

Apr 4, 2022 9:52 PM

It appears that Trump might have gotten off easy with his “no war” policy, with just a Russian Hoax and a rigged election. At least he still possesses his own brain.

George Cornell
George Cornell
Apr 4, 2022 8:18 PM

Thanks for this Ed. Clear and focussed.

Apr 4, 2022 7:13 PM

The real value of NLW & NI changes – this week and July
This week government makes employers give workers on 35 hours national living wage an increase costing an extra £1,288.48 a year. 
The employee may get as little as £101.18 of it – the rest goes to government. 
That’s as little as 7.8% of the extra that employers have to pay.
See Gareth Morgan post

comment image

Apr 4, 2022 5:45 PM

I went on TikTok for two weeks just to see ?!?I thought I was in the belly of hell never have I seen such sorrow and pain 😬

Teddy Fikre
Teddy Fikre
Apr 4, 2022 3:31 PM

An Open Letter to Americans: No More Politics of Antipathy and Bitterness, We Desperately Need Space for Grace and Empathy
Injustice begetting insults, the wounds of marginalized people and communities that have experienced deep abuses are being wielded by the ruling class to divide society. Every day, politicians, pundits and Hollywood celebrities keep tearing open the historical scars in order to profit while inducing strife in the process. Media personalities we think are speaking for us are actually perpetuating the status quo as they callously weaponize human suffering to further the very system that is producing global iniquities.

Martin Luther King Jr. once said, “darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that”. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that”. Sadly, his sage observation is being lost on many as our social and political discourse has devolved into hurling insults and pummeling one another for sport. The more we lose our connection and dissolve communities by choosing virtual surrealism over reality, the more we abandon our ethos and grab on to our egos….continued…

READ FULL ARTICLE AT: https://fikre4va.com/an-open-letter-to-americans-teddy-fikre/

Apr 4, 2022 11:40 AM

Even ed has fallen for the nukes war world 3 could happen fear porn fantasy.
Season 1 of the Ukraine objective was achieved – just like the truckers objective was achieved (banking laws)

Apr 4, 2022 10:45 AM

Can Kennedy’s dubious cabinet appointments be explained by the “keep your friends close and your enemies closer” dictum? Can any dubious appointments by alleged good guys be explained away this way? The saying is supposed to originate with Sun Tzu although Machiavelli put forward the same idea in a different phrase.

The idea might work in some contexts but not in others. It’s more plausible in the UK cabinet where ministers are bound by collective responsibility and usually have party leadership ambitions. However in the US there’s no doctrine of collective responsibilty and most appointees have no presidential ambitions (McNamara had been a GM executive – there’s no way he or for example Dean Rusk were threats to Kennedy’s presidency). I would also like to see proof that they are “enemies” in a fundamental sense i.e. that they disagree about what the agenda is rather than mere tactics or pace and method of adoption.

Another Kennedy appointment that should raise some questions was McCone. McCone was hopelessly inadequate for the task of sorting out the CIA – and he failed miserably at it as subsequent history has proven.

Rhisiart Gwilym
Rhisiart Gwilym
Apr 4, 2022 10:27 AM

Does Stone have a blind-spot about 11/9? I haven’t followed his published thoughts enough to know. But in any case, all these years after, the understanding has percolated widely around the world, and in the US, that the Oswald/magic-bullet fairy-tale is bs, and that it was really a deep-state killing of an inconvenient, non-puppet president; the key shot coming from a highly-skilled sniper (identity still unknown for sure) on the Grassy Knoll

On a similar time-frame, the realisation is now spreading steadily that 11/9 was another false-flag, with members of the US ‘elite’ behind it. A secondary realisation, which still has a way to go before it gets majority acceptance, is that the true originators and promoters – to the US ruling ‘elite’ – of the 11/9 crime were elements within the ruling ‘elite’ in zionistan-in-Palestine. 11/9 was, in its essence, a zionstani realpolitkal scam, with dual citizens and full-citizen USAmericans brought on-board for the ride; which a clique of them accepted willingly, and helped to carry out.

For me, the understanding that 11/9 could only have been an inside job became rock-solid once it was demonstrated in high-quality scientific detail, what was actually obvious on the day to anyone competent in engineering and basic energy physics who saw the videos of the collapsing buildings, that they were all controlled demolitions. Once that fact is swallowed, the inevitability of it having been a false-flag inside job was beyond reasonable doubt. There was simply no-one else in the world, besides powerful US and zionistani creeps, who could have organised the extended light-industrial process of rigging the buildings. Maybe in Hollyshite fantasies, but not in the real world. (The al Saud gang did it? LOL! Do me a favour…!)

I’ve been watching the evolution of both scams since they happened, and it seems to me that the truth about them will be accepted generally, in the fulness of time, just as the truth about earlier historical false-flags is now accepted without much demur.

Thanks to Ed Curtin for the heads-up about Olly’s new films.

Mark EL
Mark EL
Apr 4, 2022 9:16 AM

I can’t help wondering if the ‘botched cover-up’ of JFK’s ‘assassination’ was itself a major psyop.

Plenty of benefits for the PTB.

Given the last two years and counting, I’m unwilling even to believe in the debunking of the official narrative as being the ultimate ‘reality’.

Apr 4, 2022 11:24 AM
Reply to  Mark EL

Limited hangout has many benefits. The bloody public execution was a message to potential future boat rockers the penalty that awaits them. The officially accepted conspiracy theory projects the warning while not exposing damaging aspects of the plot.

Apr 4, 2022 10:04 PM
Reply to  Mark EL

In these HD Zapruder film frames you can see that there is a large flesh colored prop device attached to the right side of his face and neck. And another underneath a toupee, at the back of his head. The bulges are obvious. (JFK is definitely not Carter so you can ignore that disinfo further down the page).

Jackie pulls the string that explodes the prop effect and then retrieves part of it, which is why she climbs onto the back of the car. There’s no brains to retrieve because he’s not even hurt.

And in these alleged “autopsy” photos, which are clearly doctored, you can see there are no injuries whatsoever to the side of his face or his neck where the bulge and prop explosion was. But instead they show a fake wound at the lower front neck. Proving that the film, autopsy photos and the faux assassination was created as a psyop. To traumatize and disillusion the public. There’s no need to assassinate shills who were always puppets and actors for the global crime cartel.

“We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.”

The controllers want us to believe that voting matters and government is real. It’s not. It’s a crime syndicate, unlawfully farming and culling humanity through numerous mass deceptions, using trauma based mind control.

Apr 4, 2022 10:23 PM
Reply to  Researcher
Sophie - Admin1
Sophie - Admin1
Apr 4, 2022 11:09 PM
Reply to  Researcher

What evidence persuades you this story is more plausible than the idea he was simply shot?

Are you trying to discredit real evidence-based skepticism by associating it with ignorant fact-free nonsense, or can you not tell the difference?

Apr 5, 2022 12:27 PM

There’s no “evidence“ he was dead because the body was always missing. But there is a consistent pattern of fakery and lying in the press which is an arm of government and nothing more.

There is nothing BUT lies from the “governments”. So anything they claim (that’s repeated in the press) is suspect from the outset and people who automatically believe what’s in the press are uncritical dupes with no ability to use logic. There’s no reason for fakery if something is real. And there’s nothing BUT fakery from “government” and the press.

I provided proof that the tape and the autopsy photos were both tampered with. The physical proof that the Zapruder tape was a Hollywood production is on those photos in my second comment. The explosion on the tape, showed the right hand side of his neck exploding with the dye pack. Yet the faked autopsy photos don’t show any wound there.

Also there was no motive whatsoever. JFK wasn’t actually against anything the CIA was doing since presidents are complete puppets and aren’t running a damn thing. And there’s a pattern of deceit, because all the “assassinations” are hoaxes. Lincoln’s was also another staged event. A complete joke.

No need to kill Freemason puppet politicians. That’s how the controllers create the illusion that the governments are real (and separate) instead of a global organized crime cartel. Through constant hoaxes on the public and the carnival reality show of politics. It’s also how they use trauma based mind control, subliminal messaging and hypnosis to control everything the public believes.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Apr 5, 2022 2:13 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Just wanted to give a quick reply, and raise a few questions and problems I have.

  1. In a world of such fakery, how can we ascertain this is the original, untampered Zapruder footage, or even that the original was what it claimed to be?
  2. The stills at your link are clearly extremely ‘enhanced’ which, since the original footage is so blurry, is really an impossible thing to achieve without actually artistically interpreting what you see. You simply can’t add fidelity to low quality data, it is physically impossible. Artistically interpreted enhancement can be illustrative but can’t add any hard facts.
  3. This brings into question, specifically and among other things, the ‘SFX pack’ prosthetic on JFK’s face and the ‘white trail of dust or smoke’ from the ‘SFX pack’ that the link claims to have found in the Zapruder film footage. This level of detail simply isn’t there in the original so as to definitively rule out other factors like motion blur or other film artefact etc.
  4. Isn’t such epistemological doubting of everything actually impossible to falsify and in danger of losing all connection with so called ‘reality’, and therefore just as meaningless as everything else you claim is bogus?


Apr 6, 2022 12:19 AM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

No. There’s enough evidence that it was filmed at least twice and the bits of film were spliced in and other frames were removed. That alone, is more than enough to prove fraud and fakery. There’s no need to fake things that are real.

Whether they used a dummy with a squib, on the second run through and spliced that in, or whether they used a flesh colored exploding pack on the real JFK (or a stunt double) it doesn’t even matter. It was filmed at least twice. And what matters is A) the fakery and B) the autopsy photos that show no wound to the right side of his face, head, or neck. Proving the fakery.

Mathis pictures’ in his paper prove more fraud in other ways. Anyway, Zapruder was a Freemason. More evidence of Masonic psyop fraud.

It’s just another B grade Hollywood movie.

Apr 6, 2022 12:29 AM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

One doesn’t lose any kind of connection with reality by exposing hoaxes and psyops. You simply become more adept at recognizing fraud, modus operandi and patterns.

I know from investigating numerous claims in the press including so-called wars that the press wasn’t created to ever print the truth or inform the public. It’s there to create a faux reality for the public that becomes their shared delusion. There’s enough people like me who can see right through the fakery. The psyops and hoaxes are easily decoded using Gematria and other methods.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Apr 6, 2022 12:51 AM
Reply to  Researcher

Sure, but what discipline curbs your imagination? We can all see shapes in the wallpaper, but it’s sound reasoning, surely, which makes it more than mere fancy? My point is, simply making assumptions, as you do, that certain evidence is valid and other evidence is invalid is meaningless on its own, by your own logic, unless we have a base line, a reference point. So what IS real, to compare these events to? Help me out here. A2

Apr 6, 2022 2:48 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Not imagination. Logic. If the preponderance of evidence is on the side of organized crime, fraud and fakery, and it’s a continual pattern, which enables more racketeering and more control then it’s not logical to keep believing the lies from the proven liars.

In the Boston Bombing for instance, (which was exposed as a hoax within hours) you can see frame by frame there’s no damage or injuries. Then the crisis actors rub the fake blood on themselves and the emergency services rush in. It’s a DRILL. It’s the same with all the mass shootings and staged terror events, globally. The governments have been shown and proven to be faking major events they claim are real to pass certain legislation, to racketeer and gain more control. The alphabet agencies even use casting companies for the staged events.

The people who still believe in governments as legitimate are merely saps. Dupes. Marks.

New World Order isn’t new. It’s as old as Babylon. Mind control and behavioral science isn’t new. It’s recycled, occulted knowledge. New World Order = Order Out of Chaos. They create the chaos, but the chaos on tv and in the newspapers isn’t real. It’s NLP, trauma based mind control and hypnotic suggestion.

There’s no evidence that anyone died, including “Oswald“. The controllers fake deaths and most people are just too gullible fo realize the “narratives” aren’t believable.

Camelot = Knights Templar.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Apr 6, 2022 6:39 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Sure, but what is real? I think that’s an important question to answer. A2

Apr 7, 2022 12:41 AM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

It’s the difference between truth (fact) and fiction.

Reality is neither perception or beliefs. And truth is not mass consensus or mass delusion. It’s simply what is observable and can also be proven to have factually happened or taken place. Not necessarily what is reported, scripted, announced or portrayed.

A staged event, reported on tv, scripted, filmed and distributed through mass media markets isn’t necessarily the truth just because the majority are persuaded to believe it to be so.

A mass delusion or even mass consensus can’t ever make something real, if it was originally a scripted, alchemical psychodrama based on deception and fraud.

Your version of reality (or the authors here) – if it’s in agreement with most consensus views which are only based on indoctrination and repetition of lies instead of actual physical and observable proofs – would be incongruent with reality, which is based on truth and what can be proven as that which happened.

Truth (and reality), is not relativism or solipsism.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Apr 7, 2022 12:53 AM
Reply to  Researcher

But can you give an example of an event which you think was real, and provide some basis for that? A2

Apr 7, 2022 1:52 AM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

On the 15th April 2019 the Notre-Dame de cathedral caught fire in Paris.

The extent of the fire was visible to all residents in Paris. There is enough film and photographic evidence to know that a fire occurred AND the extent of the damage to the cathedral. Those parts are fact. They can be verified through multiple sources.

The cause however, whether accidental or otherwise is unknown, since the authorities’ statements surrounding events of this nature are always questionable.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Apr 7, 2022 9:39 AM
Reply to  Researcher

Ok. Thanks. What do you make of war footage coming out of Ukraine from both sides right now? A2

Apr 7, 2022 7:05 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Did you see my comments on the Ukraine threads?

Have you read the Hack Attack phase of the Rockefeller Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development?

What could hacking have to do with the WEF’s Cyber Polygon, a banking freeze, CBDC’s and the coming global, blockchain panopticon, global Bio-ID, slave society?

How could a hacking incident and an artificially fabricated cyber pandemic lead to a global financial crisis?

Did you know that Russia’s central bank announced a long planned digital Ruble trial nine (9) days before the alleged “invasion”?

Are you aware of the untapped oil and gas reserves in Ukraine?

How are the millions who were force evacuated from Ukraine ever going to return if all their homes and cities are destroyed? Won’t that land be up for grabs by the oil and gas companies owned by the global banking-merchant-military cartel?

Did you notice the outrageous spikes in food and fuel prices all over the world even though Ukraine is irrelevant?

How could artificially created hyper inflation, after two years of unnecessary lockdowns, lead to famine, economic instability, a global financial crisis and mass depopulation?

Use logic Sam, and discard everything you have ever read in any mainstream media on Ukraine and Russia. Because NATO vs BRICS is as real as unicorns and invisible molecules.

The only way to ever understand this Masonic world and to discern truth from lies is to ignore the geopolitical clown show, and follow the money.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Apr 7, 2022 7:27 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Use logic Sam


Be a good chap and refrain from tutoring me. XD I agree we’re right to doubt what’s coming out of Ukraine, and I suspect it’s a continuation of the Great Reset agenda and Russia is complicit.

However I think it’s important to establish a base line for veridical reality, not merely pull at threads eternally, doubting everything endlessly. Hence why I requested your Notre-Dame example (which is worth bearing in mind considering I’ve seen it claimed that the twin towers/WTC7 collapse was a hologram lol).

May I say, I think some of your points would be far better received if you could read the link above and apply it.

When our stronger points get lost in a haze of poor presentation, kettle logic, magical thinking and Appeals to Illuminati we waste our time. It’s really that simple.


Apr 7, 2022 10:29 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

I’m a woman, not a “chap”. Your comments come across as patronizing, rude and condescending. Only Intel shills attempt to dissuade the public of conspiracies, collusion and criminality. Your links and weak attempts at insults are puerile projections.

I don’t use the word “Illuminati” to explain anything. Ever. This is the second time you’ve dishonestly used this strawman-slur tactic.

“Masonic world” which was the term I used, refers to a system that’s thousands of years old. This system encompasses all organized religions, monarchies, governments, corporations, courts, militaries, foundations, charities, NGOs, secret societies, professional associations, academia, economic systems, currency and trade; using multiple methods including economic warfare, debt slavery, behavioral psychology, psychological warfare, subliminal mind control, suggestive programming, frequency warfare, indoctrination, occulted knowledge, Gnosticism, Duality, The Hegelian Dialectic, Gematria, numerology, astrotheology, signs and symbols (flags, logos, imagery), scientism and mass disinfo dissemination through the cartel owned mass media and alt-media, for the express purpose of the continued exploitation, culling, poisoning and farming of populations, for profit and control.

Everything I’ve ever written, including the above description of “Masonic World” is verifiable with the least bit of research.

Sam - Admin2
Sam - Admin2
Apr 8, 2022 2:05 AM
Reply to  Researcher

If you’re going to accuse others of being patronising try not being patronising yourself. XD

If you’re going to imply I’m a shill please bear in mind that saturating discussion with unfalsifiable grand conspiracy buzz words is a very common shill tactic used to discredit legitimate discussion.

I have no intention of falling out with you but I do find your position frustrating. You don’t really engage, you merely make endless pronouncements. You make some really good points but you don’t see how undermining it is to your argument when you reach for a single killer plot.

I feel you are reductionist and simplistic.

I often enjoy your posts. We will continue to cross paths I’m sure.


Victor G.
Victor G.
Apr 8, 2022 1:19 PM
Reply to  Sam - Admin2

Easy, Sam (but thanks for engaging this fool).
She’s making a living being paid either by the post or by word count. That explains the “last wordist” approach
I can’t recall enjoying her posts … too much self-righteous hubris for my delicate stomach.
That said, what relief to know none of these awful things ever happened. I can finally stop hating the US of As and catch up on dozens of films I once boycotted thinking they were propaganda. If Researcher is not Petra they ought to compare notes.

Mark EL
Mark EL
Apr 5, 2022 8:30 AM
Reply to  Researcher

At the level I’m addressing here, I’m not sure it matters whether he was killed or not.

The official story, refutations and various counter-narratives all achieve significant benefits for the PTB.

Perhaps even connecting to the position of RFK Jnr today?

Apr 5, 2022 12:47 PM
Reply to  Mark EL

Yes, the faux narrative and the faux counter narrative are both fake.

It’s the pushing of “government” as a legitimate operation (instead of a centrally controlled global crime cartel) that the controllers want, so creating a hero-villain narrative is how they get the public to vote and believe in the concept of government.

What I’ve found is that the controllers present two opposing points of view that are both always false. It’s a reliable pattern. It’s the hoax aspect they don’t want the public discussing.

RFK’s assassination was a hoax. As was Lincoln’s. And RFK jnr is part of the controlled opposition propping up the virus myth, the climate change myth and the myth of dangerous nuclear power leaks. If one peel’s back the facade of government there’s nothing but Freemasonic psychological warfare.

Mark EL
Mark EL
Apr 5, 2022 6:02 PM
Reply to  Researcher

I am rapidly coming to the same conclusions R.

I’ve managed to look at some of the stuff on the nuclear weapons hoax and am aware of some anomalies re Chernobyl, but haven’t come across anything else regarding ‘the myth of dangerous nuclear power leaks’; you?

Apr 6, 2022 12:50 AM
Reply to  Mark EL

The myth is that the leaks are so dangerous and cause radiation exposure and cancer deaths, but there’s no epidemiological evidence whatsoever to back up the claims. Not near Fukushima or Three Mile Island. Plenty of people still living near Chernobyl that never suffered any illness.

Mark EL
Mark EL
Apr 6, 2022 8:11 AM
Reply to  Researcher

Cheers R.

Apr 5, 2022 1:03 PM
Reply to  Mark EL

If you look at the Mathis paper, he shows through the many published images that glaringly contradict each other, that it was a staged hoax. I don’t agree with the reasons or conclusions of Mathis as to why the controllers carry out these psyops. But the evidence of fakery and fraud is overwhelming.

Victor G.
Victor G.
Apr 7, 2022 8:51 PM
Reply to  Researcher

Thank you, dood! I was thinking about going on benzos for my anxiety. Now that you illuminated I can go back to having fun.
Could you please pass the crack pipe when you’re done and drop in a rock of CIA coca-cola while you’re at it?

Apr 4, 2022 8:19 AM

Sorry, off topic.
Australia’s contribution to the ‘war’ effort:
French amoured vehicles built in Oz.
Boy, are we proud.
We’ll show those nasty Nazis a thing or two _ _ _ _ err, which side are the Nazis on again?

Cyndee J
Cyndee J
Apr 4, 2022 3:26 PM
Reply to  Johnny

My home state of Alabama proudly sent missiles to Ukraine, some purportedly bearing Putin’s name as the target. And so it goes…

Apr 4, 2022 7:56 AM

Great article, everything said matches previous information I’ve seen and confirms that the CIA & US military are the most dangerous organisations on the planet from their links to the WW2 NAZIS such as Genral Rinehard Gehlen to the NAZIS of Ukraine. They got away with murdering the most popular president in US history, faking the Gulf of Tonkin (non)-event, carrying out atrocities throughout the Vietnam war slaughtering villagers, using napalm on civilians and bombing Laos, Cambodia, etc dropping approximately 1 trillion Tons of bombs during the “Vietnam war” compared to 270 million tons during WW2 or 300 Million tons of bombs dropped on North Korea. The US and it’s allies spent untold sums of money on war destruction and military occupation since WW2 rather than working to link the world for better trade and Prosperity as China and Russia have focused on for the last short 16 years under the banner of BRICS. The US has been a corrupted, psychopathic, wasted promise of hope and freedom, The US has been a Military dictatorship doing the Bidding of the Bankster and international corporate cartels, using the Military for short term economic gain without a cohesive long term strategy, whereas Russia and China began with a long term strategy which the US coalition has thrown everything against to hinder and undermine for far longer than BRICS was a formal organisation. The broad US coalition/ which began as the Anglo American empire had destabilized China in the Opium wars and Russia by bringing down the Soviet Union with the Afgahanistan/US financed Taliban and Mujahedin/Al Qaeda etc Operation hammer run by GHW Bush, Putin put all that aside and attempted friendship with the US and NATO countries only to be belittled, undermined and destabilized until Russia’s military technology matched, or bettered that of the US coalition. with technological break throughs such as Aerial nuclear powered drones & submarine nuclear powered drones that can not be stopped with unlimited range and loitering capabilities, or the two types of hypersonic missiles or the best Air defense and Area denial systems in the world or the ability to take out all of the US satelites at will, despite, Elon Musk coming up with an attack satelite recently. China and Russia have been planning for the inevitable confrontation brought by the US, with the US proving just how psychopathic it is by developing the covid vaccine scamdemic, which is a US military attck on the entire human race. Despite setting up & implicating China in the last few years of a 40+ year US program, of both developing Gain of function technology which is nothing compared to the DARPA described: “Population manipulation and Species exytinction technology, of mRNA vaccines!

Apr 4, 2022 11:10 AM
Reply to  Stuart

The US, the USSR mChina and the rest of the world all report(ed) to the same forces. Karl M and Lord R were cousins.

Apr 5, 2022 10:23 AM
Reply to  Stuart

The bulk of the imperial military is just an enormous money-sucking polluting squid. The dangerous parts include Special Forces, DARPA, DTRA, CIA.

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Apr 4, 2022 5:55 AM

“That Allen Dulles never told the Warren Commission that the CIA had tried repeatedly to kill Fidel Castro.”
Robert Kennedy Sr was in charge of weekly meetings to discuss doing away with Castro. This is typical Edward Curtin whitewashing of JFK’s record and that of the entire family. Robert Kennedy during his run for the White House in ’68 was outspoken in his support for Israel. JFK’s detente with Khrushchev was not reversed by LBJ. Khrushchev was ousted by the Soviet CP central committee in October ’64. But the detente was maintained, it remained up to Richard Nixon, of all people, the person JFK beat for the White House, to take detente much further, in 1972, for Ronald Reagan to openly befriend Gorby in 1988.

And maybe Edward Curtin can tell us why Robert Roosa, Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, board member of several major corporations, head of NY Fed Reserve, was kept as assistant sec of treasury by JFK, why Roosa subsequently joined the campaigns of Robert in ’68 and brother Ted in ’80.

Apr 4, 2022 6:35 AM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

JFK kept in position the very people that had him killed… Presidents don’t go around and keep switching staff at will. If he discussed the assassination of Castro, it does not mean he commissioned it… That being said, I was not “in the lab”… nor was anybody here… I won’t jump to read the book either or watch the movies… We’re all filled up on sensationalism with current events… Politics, covert operations, “lies” ( oh no not lies), economics… all seem like a Hollywood b movie compared to injected nanotech, and the systematic poisoning of the world population… concepts in-front of which we still have to keep a cool head.

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Apr 4, 2022 7:56 AM
Reply to  Theobalt

Doesn’t explain Bobby and Ted taking on Roosa as a top adviser. If you believe that somehow they had no idea of his connections, that is. Not in the lab, but i lived through that era, old enough to follow the news, was in high school when JFK was assassinated.

susan mullen
susan mullen
Apr 4, 2022 9:10 AM
Reply to  Theobalt

At least one exception is that JFK fired head of the CIA, Allen Dulles who already hated JFK and ran a shadow government against him. Knowing Dulles hated JFK, LBJ called him and appointed him to Warren Commission. In 1961 Dulles had urged JFK to drop an atom bomb on Soviet Union.

Apr 4, 2022 7:28 AM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

Hurts, doesn’t it?

Jeffrey Strahl
Jeffrey Strahl
Apr 4, 2022 7:53 AM
Reply to  Orthus

After living through Camelot, seeing it being turned into fantasy for know nothings whose knowledge of it is limited to what they’ve read on the Internet, yes, it hurts.

Apr 4, 2022 8:22 AM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

The truth?

But I do accept that it would have been better if Brother Yank was more honest and we didn’t have to rely on the Internet. No nothings only exist because bwcause nobody ever tells them anything.

Apr 4, 2022 8:30 AM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

There’s nothing Kennedy said or did before he was elected that indicates he was anything other than part of the club. He was sponsored by B’nai Brith to write ‘A Nation of Immigrants’. Another cabinet appointment that needs remembering is Robert McNamara, the technocrat’s technocrat. How can the popular image of his brother be squared with his attendance at Joseph McCarthy’s funeral?

It all depends if one views Kennedy’s “conversion” post-Cuban Missile Crisis was genuine.

Apr 4, 2022 11:06 AM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

I think the stories of the CIA attempting to bump off Castro were made up. The organisation the bumped off the allegedly most powerful man on Earth would have no problem getting rid of Castro. Remember Fidel’s Illegitimate son rules Canada today on behalf of International Finance.

Apr 4, 2022 11:15 AM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

I think the election of JFK served two purposes. One was to get arch Zionist LBJ into power. The second was to get revenge on Joe Kennedy Sr for his opposition to WW2 by blowing his son’s brains into a fine pink aerosol in public.

Apr 4, 2022 11:18 AM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

There was also JFK’s opposition to ben Gurion’s nuclear ambitions.

James II
James II
Apr 5, 2022 11:39 PM


Apr 5, 2022 1:54 AM
Reply to  Jeffrey Strahl

The Dulles Bros were Rockefeller minions. Anything they did was under orders from their owners, the Rockefeller Crime Syndicate. And the CIA is just a Rockefeller front organization.

Jerry Alatalo
Jerry Alatalo
Apr 4, 2022 4:59 AM

People can find certain encouragement knowing they share this generation with good people such as Edward Curtin, Oliver Stone, Robert Kennedy Jr. and many other resolute men and women around the world who will never accept anything less than the true vital facts of Earthly history.

Apr 4, 2022 5:29 AM
Reply to  Jerry Alatalo

Yes… (sight)

Apr 4, 2022 6:00 AM
Reply to  Jerry Alatalo

On the issue of 911, Oliver Stone went missing in action.
The anomalies on 911 are near endless. I’m surprised Stone hasn’t touched upon that fact, instead sprouting the official narrative like it is fact.

Apr 4, 2022 10:58 AM
Reply to  Shin

That betrays his real loyalties and how far he is willing to go in search of the truth.

Apr 4, 2022 6:28 PM

Well, I agree he’s missing in action on 9/11, but then again, with that being far more recent in the public mind, and with 3000 or so US citizen casualties, I tend to think he does indeed need to be careful where he treads on that. While he may not be telling the whole truth, he seems to tell enough of it that one can’t help but wonder why that is allowed. Maybe he is controlled opp, who knows, we probably never will know that for certain. One thing is for sure though, most US citizens could give a rats ass about JFK at this late date, which is too bad since if they could see through that assassination, they might start to see other things which don’t add up. Can’t have that, can we? While some of us here might watch this latest film, the people we really need to reach will more than likely not even know it exists, what with all the Fuckbook crap they are focused on, and that slap at the Oscars, so much more important than history, doncha know….

Apr 5, 2022 11:32 AM
Reply to  Lizzyh7

The system – propaganda, marketing, debt, anti-democratic laws, etc. – keeps people fearful or hateful, and struggling on the treadmill, with no time even for essential chores, let alone reflection or aspirations

Victor G.
Victor G.
Apr 8, 2022 1:26 PM

Sorta like Chompsky, no?

Apr 4, 2022 11:01 AM
Reply to  Shin

Ironically the guy who financed the JFK film played a major part in the Israeli nuclear weapons program. His name escapes me for the moment.

Apr 5, 2022 12:45 AM

His name was Arnon Milchan. He treated Ariel Sharon and Shimon Peres as equals.

Apr 5, 2022 4:24 AM

Arnon Milchan also produced The Lone Gunmen TV series six months prior to 911. The pilot episode revolves around rogue members of the US Government remotely hijacking an airliner with the sole purpose of crashing it into the twin towers and blaming it on anti-American terrorists.

Sonny-Raye Hayes
Sonny-Raye Hayes
Apr 4, 2022 4:58 AM

Yes, refuse to believe, play along with, kill for, fight for, work for or pay for the warfare state. Thank you, Edward Curtain and the Off Guardian

Apr 4, 2022 4:34 AM

Good article, thanks

Apr 4, 2022 4:30 AM

The list of CIA originated disasters for Joe Sixpack is looong: it would be nice to ever see a summary of CIA operations that benefited the 99% “average” Americans. Would probably fit on a napkin, specially post 1950.

Apr 4, 2022 4:33 AM
Reply to  Antonym

Paid w their tax dollars though