Biden’s “booming economy” is just another front in the media’s war on reality
Kit Knightly

Did you know the economy was booming? This may come as a shock to anyone out there who a) is alive or
b) has to buy things, but it’s definitely true.
MSNBC and the New York Times said so.
Mehdi Hasan did a segment on his show:
NBC report “President Biden’s approval rating has fallen to lowest level of his presidency despite booming economy”, and Hasan just doesn’t understand why people would be “unhappy with the way Biden is handling the economy” when wages are growing and they’ve added a “record 6.4 million job” in 2021.
Now, OK, that reported 4.5% wage growth is lagging way behind inflation, meaning in real terms people are being paid less.
Yes, alright, the “new jobs” were really just (some) of the people who lost their jobs during lockdown being rehired.
And fine, the reason spending is increasing could be that everything costs more.
But seriously, we’re fine, it’s booming.
Now, some booming economy deniers, Russian bots or anti-vaxxers will doubtless point to all the “evidence” that the US economy is not booming.
They’ll probably point out that inflation is at a 40 year high, and likely to keep on rising.
That the current price of gas is the highest ever in US history.
That the US is expected to enter a recession by the end of the year.
That house prices are increasing so fast that experts are predicting a “housing bubble”.
That “homeless camps” and “tent cities” with populations in the thousands are popping up in dozens of cities.
That the “crippling sanctions” placed on Russia seem to have “accidentally backfired” and hurt the US economy badly.
And, most of all, that moves are afoot which could see major oil trades being done in Yuan, not dollars. A change that could potentially cause the death of the petrodollar, the end of the USD as the global reserve currency, and send the US economy into a death spiral somewhere between Black Monday and Weimar Germany.
Clearly, this is all just conspiracy theories and nonsense. The economy really is booming. Oh, and in more good news the chocolate ration has increased from 30 grams a week to 20.
…that’s enough sarcasm for now. It’s time to circle back to reality, because that is what’s missing here.
I originally started writing this piece as a brief illustration of the language of propaganda – an entry in the “New normal newspeak” series, but in the writing it changed.
It made me think – the story is more insidious than just a lie, or even re-inventing the meaning of words. It’s an illustration of how far removed from the world of the real our “reality” can become.
In the 50s and 60s, a single full-time job could feed, clothe and house a family of four. Now every family needs at least two incomes just to get by. Millions of people work multiple jobs and struggle to make ends meet.
The UK has food banks readily discussed in the news every day. For most of my life the UK did not have foodbanks, I had never heard of them before I was thirty.
A relative of mine once told me a story about travelling to South America in the 1980s and seeing the first homeless person she had ever seen. Now, millions of unfortunate people are forced to live on the streets all across the Western world.
People cannot afford gas or heat or food or rent. The price of everything is increasing even as wages lag behind inflation. Everywhere you shop you buy less and spend more.
If all of that can be translated into “booming”, then “the economy” itself becomes a nonsense concept so abstract and removed from real-life experience that it is either entirely fictional or completely irrelevant.
We just lived through a fake pandemic. We know we have rigged elections. “The economy” is apparently meaningless.
How much of what we see and hear in the mass media has any grounding in reality at all? We know it’s not 100%, and it could easily be as little as none.
Maybe we’re not headed toward an Orwellian dystopia, we’re already living in one. A world where reality is not refuted, it is simply not acknowledged to exist.
The only “truth” is the headlines, which report nothing but covert advertising for the status quo or pump out outrage porn designed to divide society along carefully constructed fault lines, and distract from the simple truth – everything is getting worse and they’re doing it on purpose.
No matter how they employ contrived statistics to convince the mass of people that everything is fine (even as they’re fired for not being vaccinated and have to choose between getting warm or getting fed) the truth is that almost everyone works more and has less. Worries more, enjoys less. Fears more, thinks less.
Economically, educationally, spiritually…we’re going backwards. And behind this decline is intent.
It’s not accidental, it’s not a by-product of “the system”, it’s not the inevitable fallout of capitalism – it is directed, deliberate and malign. They are trying to make you poor, they said so.
Fly less. Drive less. Shower less. No meat. No sugar. No alcohol. Rent don’t buy. Own nothing. Be happy.
They want you to suffer. They want you to be cold and hungry and not to mind, or even know.
They want you sitting in your rented one-room flat, shivering under fifty layers of rented clothes, sipping your rented cup of GMO-cabbage water, and nodding in approval because the rented television says the economy is doing well.
They want you arguing vociferously with your neighbours about things that never happened to people who do not exist.
They want you to live like a pauper and smile because you’re doing it for a good cause they made up.
They want you to “reject the evidence of your ears and eyes”, because making people believe a lie – especially an obvious, irrational, impossible lie – is the purest form of power and the ultimate form of control.
Orwell was right about that, as he was about so much else.
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Furthermore, I can say that Biden is doing a perfect job from an economic side and I really like because I started reading a lot of different articles on a financial theme from websites like Forbes or Fit My Money where I read article about debts and I realize that everything is okay with our economic system if people can borrow some amount of money easily, and they can live their life like on a really high level without spending too much time on different papers.
Seems coordinated.
That is what it looks like to me.
Evidential Material Reality is where Russia and China live and thrive. Thus, anyone who refers to this plane of existence in a way that suggests it is significant is a Russia/China sympathiser and a traitor to the Empire of Illusion.
The article didn’t imply the innate fakery only applies to the West.
Die westlichen und östlichen Führer sind intensiv damit beschäftigt, die Geschichte umzuschreiben, um das Desaster der Bombardierung des Balkans zu rechtfertigen. Der Wandel in der Informationspolitik, in der Rhetorik und in den Begründungen lähmt buchstäblich die Sinne. Eine Möglichkeit, das Versagen als Erfolg darzustellen, ist die Konstruktion einer mächtigen Medienrealität und die Dekonstruktion der realen Realität. Das ist die Essenz des Medienkrieges, und das ist, was gerade mit der Ukraine geschieht!
In Wirklichkeit wollen die USA die Russen und die Chinesen mit dem Krieg in der Ukraine treffen. Sie sind die größte Bedrohung der globalen amerikanischen Interessen. Nur: An sie trauen die Amerikaner sich nicht mehr ran.
You forgot one thing Kit?
Who is they?????????????????
Because THEY do exist.
Khazaria, Rothschild Dynasty, New World Order, Ukraine and Implementation of the Nephilim Agenda
(As Piers Robinson said on OffG itself we need to stop pussy footing around and to do that we need a fuller understanding of the creatures we are dealing with)
It’s difficult because the comments are censored out.
The Matrix is a virtual reality prison within Reality that makes one blind to anything outside the Cage…
Withdrawal is possible once enough people see the bars of the Cage. It’s coming!
Everything comes down to confusing money with value. In a stable economy the two should be equivalent. In our fiat currency based economy we get the advantage of flexibility, being able to smooth out the bumps in demand that is inevitable in a pure market economy, but if we don’t manage that currency with iron discipline then the temptation to keep printing is just too great. There are always vehicles to absorb the surplus money — humans are very ingenious — but few, if any, add to the real economy, you just get an illusion of economic activity. The ultimate result is inflation — there’s really only so many ‘hard’ assets, tangible things that create value by being productive — so more and more money chases those assets and so their prices rise. If you own those assets then you’re golden. If you don’t then you are effectively screwed — assets are valued by their potential return in our society so they have to earn more to justify their inflated prices so everything suddenly gets more expensive. (Which in turn causes the assets to revalue — I don’t know if there’s an official term for this but I just call it an asset price spiral.)
For ordinary people who’s role in life is to keep ‘making those payments’ all we offer are helpful pieces like the one in today’s newspaper (US) which explains how paying $5.85 a gallon for gasoline (about 1.20 a liter in UK terms) is really very cheap compared to ‘X’. This, of course, being small comfort to those who have to drive to work and who have few, if any alternaties. (..but driving to work is ‘not green’ so its really their fault….)
I’ll stop this with a thought that’s just come to mind — “If a journalist truly believes the BS that they’re writing are they really lying?”.
We are living in a contrived, fake reality designed, built and maintained by a megalomaniacal psychopathic global elite. Their goal is to dominate the world, own and control everything by creating a dystopian neo-feudal social milieu with themselves at the top of the pyramid. Deliberate menticide (the destruction of our minds) is being deployed to further their social reengineering. We are seeing the manifestation of Arthur Blair’s (George Orwell) and Aldous Huxley’s Bizzaro World where war is peace, sickness is health, insanity is normal, corruption is righteousness, anti-life depravity are the norm and induced psychosis is rampant throughout the Western world. The misanthropes want us to believe the US economy is booming, the COVID pandemic is real, the Russians are bad and a global war would be a good thing!
Nailed it! I like to say a meme that i extrapolated from William Burroughs…
“They sell you a cure to a disease they create.”
How many times must we point out the bars of the cage, before THEY finally see them and begin exiting? Ugh!
Take Care!
NBC report “President Biden’s approval rating has fallen to lowest level of his presidency despite booming economy”
The headline meant to say: “NBC report “President Biden’s approval rating has fallen to lowest level of his presidency despite bombing economy”
Damn spell check…
“Please name one country, anywhere in the world, any time in the last 7000 years, where libertarianism has succeeded and produced general peace and prosperity?”
Forty years of the Reagan Revolution’s libertarian experiment have brought us the predictable result:
World poverty is viewed as a solution, not a problem. The World Bank and IMF think of poverty as low-priced labor, creating a competitive advantage for countries that produce labor-intensive goods. So poverty/austerity is an economic solution that’s built into their models.
~Michael Hudson
Neoliberalism impoverishes. [It] is a financial class war against labor, against industry, against governments. It’s the financial class against the whole rest of society seeking to use debt leverage to control companies, countries, families and individuals by debt.
~ Michael Hudson
The IMF/World Bank are the chosen instruments to enforce neoliberalism’s world poverty policy worldwide. Part of the IMF’s war on sovereign nation-states being able to do their job is by disallowing them to use fiscal policy for public purpose, lying about “reducing deficits”, which MMT revealed is a huge myth.
Before the 20th. century, most scholars, officials and the public in some Western countries condemned and sought to stifle income derived through privilege (unearned income) rather than production, or at least to regulate or tax it; now, instead of omitting or even deducting this parasitic overhead, officials who measure National Income and GDP have started adding it to productive income, thus concealing its growing burden on the masses. -Michael Hudson 2018
Dogma denigrates any government constraint on businesses as “inefficient”. This circular reasoning evades the fact that planning and regulation is integral within every business. -Michael Hudson 2019
Rather than being mixed, the “free” economy is monolithic, centrally planned and financialised; instead of bringing “freedom”, it brings debt peonage, serfdom and austerity. -Michael Hudson 2019. The advocates of the “free market”, the Chicago School of monetarists and libertarians all want central planning – by financial interests rather than the government. -Michael Hudson 2020
A principal aim of WB has been to undermine national food security and land reform. -Michael Hudson 2021
IMF reimburses creditors through the artifice of a loan supposedly extended to the victim country, though this violates its charter that prohibits loans to a bankrupt entity. -Michael Hudson 2016
The growth of an economy cannot keep up with usury. -Michael Hudson 2019. The repayment of usurious debt requires relentless economic growth that entails more debt elsewhere. -Michael Hudson 2011. This growth increases the prices of goods and land. -Michael Hudson 1990
Buying up the shares of their own businesses is a part of the covert trend in disinvestment by elite share-holders, who expect their long-standing depredations to trigger a terminal crash. -Michael Hudson 2019
The main activity in private finance is transferring or transforming existing assets, ~80% of which are real estate. -Michael Hudson 2016
As the supply of gold is limited, reviving the gold standard may dampen military aggression through deficits. -Michael Hudson 2019 (Was that what Putin intended?)
surely it couldn’t be more obvious that they want you dead .. gone… but to suffer first because that’s the nature of Evil… it’s always been that way but now you can see it (and perhaps DO something about it…)..maybe…perhaps..
if one needs a clear descriptor as to how the minds of these spiritual infants slowly grind have a look into noah harari the technotronic ‘guru’ of the hehe.. WeF….
and what conehead kaus and the boys really think of the ‘useless’ masses (rich peasants included)…
you see.. the economy to these people is just another money magic inversion whereby means of trade to benefit society becomes the horned god you serve…
managed by the high priests of fiat currency… who happen to be klaus and noah..
stangely enough…
“I remember listening to Hitler’s speeches on the radio. I didn’t understand the words…but I understood the mood. And it was frightening and terrifying. And when you watch one of [blank]’s rallies that can’t fail to come to mind. That’s what we’re facing.”
That’s Noam Chomsky these days. He also confirms he’s fully onboard with the climate agenda. Remember what he said about the unvaxxed?
And the blank isn’t Putin, it’s Trump.
RUSSIAsteria: Best Biden Destroys America and the Ukraine Memes
Creepy Joe is just another bankster puppet. He has done nothing to thwart his masters’ plans.
Article nails it. War on reality. Remember that the purpose of propaganda is not to convince you – it is to tell you things that are blatantly and obviously wrong, and force you to accept and repeat it as truth – it’s the ultimate humiliation and domination of another persons mind.
You forgot the endless supply of video games. Plus, the fun won’t last too long since the mRNA vaccines will have clogged up your vascular system. All it will take is one bad argument following a bad video game loss and you will stroke out. You will still be alive but they will toss you in the “dead wagon” anyway to make room for the next taker of “free stuff”.
Something your’ll notice about new media they all seem raised on a silver spoon.
You may or may not be right about the “silver spoon”; but the term “foodbank” is something coined fairly recently.
Yes, there have always been shelters and food distribution to the “have nots.” But the cutesy-poo referral to them as “banks” is a novel, politically correct, Woke idea.
Its not a cute modern term, its an American import. In the US we expect food banks to be places which ‘bank’ surplus food against need (shortages). In practice they’re a mechanism for distributing food to people who can’t afford to buy enough of it.
You won’t have experienced them until relatively recently in the UK because post-WW2 it was politically unacceptable for poor people to go hungry. This was the implied deal made with the people for their service and sacrifice in WW2 and their reaction to the 1930s Depression (and open flirtation by many of the ‘ruling elite’ with continental fascists). Once people felt secure the clawbacks started until it becomes like the 1930s again, but this time in color.
Name was coined as america has food stamps. Rhythms with food banks.
came into effect during the conservatives PM with the fake disabled child the same conservatives MP’s/ PM who said welfare people got to much and cut the disabled allowance and brought in sanctioning the poor and some of thee worse cut backs to services ever during the bank bailout of 2008 which launched Universal Credit (agenda21) as silver spoon.fed people wont remember.
This Fake pretend to care is disgusting by new media,. Exactly like the politicians.
The Guardian comments algorithm is working so well now that my comment on Bucha this morning was taken down within 30 secs. Not even a “This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our community standards” message.
Could you let us know here?
Was it a reply to deleted message? Only the original gets the message.
(Let me guess — it wasn’t 100% “shock / horror”.)
also happens in this site.
I’m not a psychologist but to me it seems delusional for the clever Nudge people to believe they can let the FEAR genie out of it’s bottle and keep control of it…
Once FEAR is let loose upon the land it acknowledges no master…
Well said
The sobering thing is that when the elite say the economy is booming they mean it. This is a boom for them.
Bulls eye. The chosen economy (of the chosen 0.1% who own 70% and control 90%) is booming; on course to a select 0.001% owning 99% and controlling 99.9%.
It is Riba and the dust of Riba everywhere and all over that trashes all wealth and destroys mankind. And the economy generated by banks and printed money, one of growth rather than stability, constant growth dogma, all of it based on Riba, i.e. credit that constantly devours any real value.
No surprise that early Russian post-October communists studied shariat.
People in the West have very little understanding of the notion of Riba and evils that it spews out rapidly and forcibly non-stop. Most of the economist even in university set-ups are mere prancing donkeys who have never studied Riba and have no clue about it..
Again, no surprise that early Russian post-October communists studied shariat
Riba is an Arabic word for Usury. Usury is a Latin word for Interest in the Use of an investment. Interest is a Latin word, it can mean the psychological inducement to invest in a scheme well as the monetary interest on a loan. Return is another word for Interest, but Return On Investment has a much broader application than finance. The Law of Compound Interest applies to Industrial, Social and Educational investment, to Biology, Chemistry and Physics as well as finance. Riba may be bad but ROI can be good, bad or neutral.
The New World Order is a bad thing; it is the old New World Order namely, Fascism which Mussolini defined classically as “The collusion between State Monopoly of Power and Capitalist Monopoly of Financial Power”. After Con-911 a regretful Yussie wrote to me that the Grandpa of George (Shrub) Bush was a Nazi financier, and “the fruit does not fall far from the tree”. The modern Western NWO is governed by grandchildren and grandnephews of fascist financiers who failed to set up Hit&Muss in their NWO.
“War crimes” justifies more sanctions justifies more inflation… and so it goes.
Meanwhile the green agenda rumbles on:
Some of the ghastly practices of the dairy industry make it a sitting duck. Of course none of the many drawbacks of milk alternatives need be mentioned – like the drawbacks of lockdowns it’s as if they don’t exist.
In the late John Lennon’s view ‘All you need is love” Actually what you need is Vitamin D, Quercetin and Zinc. I’m 77 and haven’t had as much as a sniffle during the whole idiotic period. Works a treat. Oh, and an hours walk round the park for one hour every day. Think of all these normies allowing themselves to be poisoned like lemmings
Covid vaccine? shove it!
Vitamin D is good, good genes are better.
Dear Donald
I’ve posted before on this site that many of the symptoms alleged to be Covid are the same as those associated with chronic Vitamin D deficiency. When tested most “Covid” patients are Vitamin D deficient, and recover quickly with enough Vitamin D. I’ve given people with “Covid” Vitamin D and they have recovered virtually overnight. I’ve also explained how “The Pandemic” coincided with the most severe solar minimum in recent history. I’ve pointed out the link between sunlight, cholesterol and Vitamin D. Add a severe solar minimum to a massive “War on Cholesterol” (30% of all people in the US on statins) and you have the scene set for Vitamin D deficiency on a large scale. Lock-downs made the situation a whole lot worse Anyway, to quote George Carlin, “No-body seems to notice and no-body seems to care”. At best, we’re told Vitamin D helps the immune system against “The Virus”. Yeah, like you, I get plenty of sun (fortunately I live in Africa) and can’t remember when I last had even a sniffle. I’m about 10 years behind you in age, but am definitely also a “high risk” individual. Don’t intend to become one of the poisoned lemmings, either! “Shove it!” – I couldn’t agree more.
Kind Regards
The fact that humans are able to make vitamin D tells us that this stuff is vital to us.
The masking, lockdown and quarantines were important in depriving some (in temperate countries) of sunlight. Fortunately, whoever extapolated from the previous (severe) temperate winters in the Northern Hemisphere was wrong; the winters of 2019/20 and 2020/21 were mild in comparison.
If the world, especially The West, imposed sanctions on Australia for invading New Zealand, sanctions like those imposed on Russia, i’d be for an invasion…
Globalisation lost Australia a lot of industry and skilled jobs. Sanctions would force Australia to rebuild its industrial base, just as Russia is having to do…
It’s called economic nationalism, and the globalists dont like it,
and no Australian politician has the balls to stand against the globalists…
The health of the Australian economy relies of hundreds of thousands of foreigners moving to Australia to live each year. Immigration drives the economy. Buying whole households of things “Made in China” keeps the economy the ‘envy of the world.’…
But that growth model took a beating the past two the country became Fortress Australia to keep out an “infection” which might have competed with government policies that destroyed jobs and businesses…
Now the Danger has passed. The “Welcome” mat has been put back out. Housing prices are taking off. With a productive industrial base Australia wouldnt need to rely on people to move to Australia to buy things “Made in China”…I think Australia should invade New Zealand…
The poster child for failed sanctions policies should be Iran. It seems to be managing OK despite ‘maximum sanctions’.
I’m all for globalism but not as its currently practiced. What we currently call globalism is really Imperialism. Empires are primarily economic entities, the usual trappings many associate with it — the pomp and mystique — being just an almost quasi-religious tool to manage the population, unnecessary in the modern era. (We just do oilgarchs instead!)
The lies of the last two years were a test to see how far they could push us.
Unfortunately, the majority fell for it giving them free rein to accelerate the process.
Mention this to a media believer and you will be met with the same eye roll that they’ve used throughout the “pandemic””.
It’s so sad.
Excellent Kit.
And in other news, “The Scientists” have discovered 9 new symptoms of covid. The World Hype Organisation has listed them:
You’ll note that most of these are consistent with the common cold. (And I thought some of them looked familiar from previous penetrating medical investigations.)
I wouldn’t be surprised if the next list – probably due on Friday – includes having a pulse.
I could not have said that better myself.
“Financially, educationally, spiritually we are going backwards. And behind this decline is the intention.”
I have the same opinion, this new technological middle age is intentional and is carried out by the ruling elites because they have the”tools” that allow them to do so.
Sad thing is we’ve all become tools that can be used or discarded under the will and needs of “the system”.
They also have the acquiescence of the mask wearing sheep with putty for brains.
Our leaders are either omnipotent sadists or they are greedy, asked for too much (and with that sank the economy) and are now doing everything to protect themselves from getting the lid on the nose.
If the latter is true, they sure want to make us believe that they are omnipotent sadists.
A world cannot function solely on lies. It’s what we find out everyday and that is the reason why the economy imploded. Lies, lies, lies.
Looks like what Kit says is moving on at pace.
Watch Tucker Carlson explain the current sit rep in the White House.
We see the whole Biden house of cards starting to collapse and it leads all the way back to the unnecessary war in Ukraine. One which so clearly could have been avoided. Except for Biden’s corruption and links there.
No wonder Hunter is cry at being indited looks like he won’t be getting pardoned by his dad when he is convicted.
Have you tried living in the Donbass area for the past 8 years ? The fascist disease in Ukraine needs to be eliminated.
Seeing as the fascists were installed by the US, do you think Biden has any intention of eliminating them? I am probably misinterpreting your comment, but it almost sounds like you think Biden et al are actually fighting the fascists? Those same Ukrainian fascists who’ve been doing that 8 years of bombing in the Donbass? And really, seeing as the owners of the globe are indeed fascists, why would another war eliminate fascism? If anything this latest war is going to help entrench fascism worldwide, not eliminate it.
“Biden et al are actually fighting the fascists?”
Wrong .
I think Mr Biden has entered the realm of Newspeak. Perhaps he looks around, sees prices everywhere soaring, and thereupon concludes the economy is booming: how could it not be booming when everything costs so much more?
For a long time it’s seemed to me that 90% of the American economy is perception. We can now get ourselves in debt not just for 10 or 20 years but for our entire lives. Just imagine how much more you can buy with a lifetime of debt!
Is America great or what?
I don’t understand the wisdom behind blaming an incoherent geriatric for the problems being experienced in America and by extension, the other countries in the US orbit. It is more than obvious that we’re witnessing a very badly scripted puppet-show. Why not shine the light on the ventriloquist (puppeteer/s) to make sense of what’s happening? Biden is an obvious ‘dribbler’ … a spit-dribbling spastic, and might not even be in full control of what he is saying 99.9% of the time. Jen Psaki often looks rather testy lately because it must be quite difficult to be thinking for Joe, remotely.
Blackrock and Obama fully in control…many advisors with prev are lurking in the shadows pulling the strings., is fiet money collapse time…the show must be orchestrated to perhaps prevent civil way…at some point the population may wake up but if gently glided into lockdown, restriction etc most may just go along with the starvation planned..
Vanguard are even more sinister than Blackrock – but probably get mentioned once for every ten times someone mentions Blackrock.
“Oil being sold in Yuan”
Where is Yuan, let’s go?!
Brandon .
Fools blame hair sniffer for inflation when $4T were spent for PPP / warp speed MAGA jabs by orange jesus.
Creepy Joe and Drumpf both report to a common master. They are puppet entertainers though Creepy is hardly enertaining except when he trips and falls.
Does anyone remember when liberty and free speech were inviolate. I do. Absent inciting crime, everything goes. Once upon a time in America. No more. Gone.
Today? We are waiting for the fall because people we thought we could trust did not honor liberty and free speech.
Blame you neighbor, blame your pastor, blame your priest, blame your brother, blame your council; we have all been betrayed by the common.
Bill the Cat
The environment of lack is intended. I read that the US is paying farmers not to sow crops.
Ask that I may be blessed with comments.
The current price of gas is always “the highest ever in history”** Simple Math !
Does Klaus Schwab say anywhere that the transition period establishing The New World Order will be smooth and seamless ?
That ‘covid’ was used as cover under which a battery of new laws and restrictions to crush protest and dissent over being dispossessed (of one’s ‘high standard of living’, or aspirations of such) indicates They expect a lot of resistance, not a smooth ride…
“There will be some pain for the gains.”…
“There will be Winners and Losers.”…
“It’s The Economy, Stupid !”
Recessions & depressions cause widespread dispossessions..
But you’ll “Be Happy !” Like it or lump it…
(**Except if the price increase comes after a reduction in price and is still cheaper than the previous higher price. But has that ever happened ?)…
Ya, it’s here, clearly. I forget, what happens in 1985?
How many fucking people remembered the housing and healthcare costs skyrocketing?
Oh boy it’s gas and food… Good thing more than half my money goes to things that nobody seems to remember as inflation, oh wait they called it investment. Morons
the system has you under surveillance .. your statements run contrary to their promotions..
remember you are to keep you place, only the oligarch and their leg breaker corporations can steal money.
of course msnbc is hiring Psaki. shes perfect for them
A wonderful article by Kit Knightly, which contains the fighting spirit of the following book, which I am going to shamelessly plug:
Spot on, Kit, you nail it. “Eat $*it and be happy” is the new national motto. Everywhere.
I prefer the old motto: eat shit and die.
Curious what people think about the culture war stuff in relation to the increasing unreality of mainstream narratives that Kit is talking about. On the one hand I can’t see how the PTB would really care one way or another about trans athletes or gender identity – but when these movements blatantly ignore science and biology it contributes to this insane state. Saying the economy is booming is about as factually incorrect as saying that a 500lb person is healthy.
VAERS Update:
As of March 25, there have been 26,396 deaths, 29,750 life-threatening adverse events, 48,852 cases of permanent disability, and over 271,000 hospitalizations and ER visits following COVID-19 vaccination reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System.
A must see. Scott Ritter and his strategical thoughts about Ukraine, Europe and – at the end of the video – about China-Taiwan:
“Nominations for Scamdemic Gestapo Nazi Pig of the Year are still being accepted.”

“Nominate early and nominate often. Oink. Oink.“
“One might add One is also not Culled. Nasty stuff the Billy Eugenics Cull Juice.
Really, Really Nasty.”
“They want you to suffer”
During a recent panel, Kit asked aptly why “they” would want to depopulate the world. At least I think that it’s how the question was worded.
So, why exactly would “they” want you to suffer?
The easiest answer to that, because when you suffer you will easily hate other people who seem not to be. IMHO it is another part of divide and conquer. If people weren’t worried about survival, would it be necessary to hate anyone else? That might be pretty simplistic, but I do believe that as long as people have to compete with each other for resources, hate can be nurtured very quickly. And they do want us to hate, obviously. That hate can also help them with depopulation, they can get us to kill each other so they don’t have to do it. Why should they have to dirty their proverbial hands with the blood of the plebes, when they can get the plebes to get messy and think by doing that they’re winning something.
Propaganda keeps people fearful or hateful. Exploitation and and anti-people laws keep the majority struggling on the treadmill, with no time even for essential chores, let alone reflection or aspirations.
Alternatively, propaganda makes some reckless.
Hence, they do not consider protest against the said laws, exploitation, usury, cheating, poisoning, brutality, selective enforcement and prosecution, and genocide.
If you make someone suffer enough, they’ll do anything you say if you promise to make the suffering stop.
“Exactly. By making him suffer. Obedience is not enough. Unless he is suffering, how can you be sure that he is obeying your will and not his own? Power is in inflicting pain and humiliation. Power is in tearing human minds to pieces and putting them together again in new shapes of your own choosing. Do you begin to see, then, what kind of world we are creating? It is the exact opposite of the stupid hedonistic Utopias that the old reformers imagined.”
Any priest has the answer.
Reread your history lessons, do.
We are currently facing a situation where close to eight billion souls are being herded into a technocratic panopticon.
Our differences are tiny compared to what we share in common, at some point we’re going to have to learn this lesson and choose to work together in mutual support.
You cannot dominate eight billion souls who, despite their superficial differences, have united around a common theme.
There is a time & place for studying ‘their’ systems of domination, but we need to move towards a solution.
Just like the drug addict normally needs to hit ‘rock bottom’ before making their own decision to turn things around, there has to be an absolute commitment to the path back to health by a critical mass of the world’s population which currently stands around 8 billion people.
Some researchers say that a critical mass for social change is around 20% of the total, some say less, this means we need 1.6 billion people to stand in peaceful solidarity & stop using (as much as they can) the system/s that dominates them.
For the sake of this example let’s say we only have, at this moment, 1% of the population working towards our goal, this would be 80 million people. If each one of those people could just get one more of their friends or family to join this peaceful movement back to sanity, we would be at 160 million, repeat the process of doubling another four iterations and you easily surpass the required critical mass to effect a real change, it becomes exponential and all the forces in the world are not so powerful as an idea whose time has come.
The path back will not be easy, we are not yet at rock bottom, but I honestly feel that by 2030 their UN Agenda will have been replaced by our vision if we can stay committed to co-creating a path back to sanity. Speak your truth & invite others to join for the sake of the children.
If we can’t believe a lot of what we’re being told, why should we believe there are 8 billion of us? Along with the many lies about our history, the number of people on the earth plane has clearly been easy to falsify. At this point I’m mentally fact checking every so-called fact I’m presented with.
There is no solution the middling may effect until the Surveillance State collapses. Then Hell hath no fury the like that shall be showered upon those so deserving. Anybody making a list?
checking it twice
not long ago, it was the biggest employment / economy since world war 2!
they sure regurgitate the same headlines.
You can trace it all back to the fall of the Soviet Union.
When the USSR existed we had a society that provided a decent life for the average family.
The moment the USSR disappeared all those benefits just became too expensive in the unipolar world.
Shortly after the German reunification a former west -german said to me “Now we are all screwed because capitalists do not have to pretend anymore”.
I didn’t understand the meaning back then as I was just a teenager.
The Bolshevik revolution was funded and driven by the forces of capital in London and New York and possibly Paris. Are you a gulag denier ? A Cheka fan ? The gold mined by gulag slaves was shipped to London. There is a u Tube documentary on the efforts to raise one of the ships in question which went down somewhere along the route.
Can’t you see that’s a smear?
Can’t you see that’s exactly what “they” want you to believe?
Can’t you see it’s possible to take their dirty money and still not have done their bidding when push came to shove?
Don’t you believe it’s possible some to lots of people deserved to be in the gulag, if not outright executed?
Me thinks you can’t.
The whole idea that Lenin and his ilk were agents of capital is so far-fetched and farcical…..hmmm, perhaps that’s precisely why dumb people believe it? They believe the big lie every time, not the little ones.
Oh yeah, if memory serves, you mean Geneva or Zurich, more so than Paris.
You are either a propagandist or ill informed. Jacob Schiff openly admitted in a NY Slimes column (ca 1919)that he had funded the “revolution”. I have actually seen a reproduction of the page in question. You probably subscribe to the Slimes and should be able to locate the column.
The slimes also covered up the famines in Ukraine. Will Durant was the crooked journalist in question.
The Bolsheviks including Djugashvili (“Stalin”) had one of their pre “revolution” conferences in London. Most major Western corporations played a major role in Djugashvili’s five year plans.Du Pont, GM, GE, Ford and many others.
The issue I was pointing out is that for the common man of Western Europe and the USA the existence of the USSR heralded an age of unparalleled prosperity with low unemployment, good social and health care and free or subsidized education which has all started to disappear since the bogey man that threatened the elites has gone. Income since the fall of the USSR has been deliberately redistributed to the elites.
Whether the USSR was good for its citizens and those of its satellites is a whole different ball game.
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